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‫االسم ‪ :‬رنا هشام فهمى‬

‫الشعبة ‪ :‬كيمياء انجليزي‬

‫الفرقة ‪ :‬الرابعة‬
‫موضوع البحث ‪Nomenclature of Complexes :‬‬
‫د ‪ :‬عزيزة‬
Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds
Coordination compounds are named according to the rules suggested by International Union
of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC (1976). These rules are given blow:

1- The positive ion (cation) comes first, followed by the negative ion (anion). This is also the
common order for simple salts.
potassium hexacyanoferrate(III), K3[Fe(CN)6]

2- The inner coordination sphere is enclosed in square brackets in the formula. Within the
coordination sphere, the ligands are named before the metal, but in formulas the metal ion is
written first.

tetraamminecopper(II)sulfate, [Cu(NH3)4]SO4

hexaamminecobalt(III)chloride, [Co(NH6]Cl3

3- The number of ligands of one kind is given by the following prefixes. If the ligand name
includes these prefixes or is complicated, it is set of in parentheses and the second set of
prefixes is used.

2 di bis
3 tri tris
4 tetra tetrakis
5 penta pentakis
6 hexa hexakis
7 hepta hiptakis
8 octa octakis
9 nona nonakis
10 deca decakis

tris(bipyridine)iron(II), [Fe(NH4C5-C5NH4)3]2+
4- Ligands are named in alphabetical order (according to the name of the ligand, not the prefix).
tetraamminedichlorocobalt(III), [Co(NH3)4Cl2]+
amminebromochloromethylamineplatinum(II), [Pt(NH3)BrCl(CH3NH2)]

5- Anionic ligands are given an o suffix.

chloro, Cl- bromo,
sulfato, SO42-

Neutral ligands retain their usual name. Coordinated water is called aqua and coordinated
ammonia is called ammine (the double m distingishes NH3 from alkyl amines). Methylamine,

6- To name the central metal atom, the following two cases arise:
a- If the coordination sphere of the complex compound has negative charge, the name of
the central metal atom ends in ate and the oxidation state of the metal (whether positive,
negative or zero) is written in roman numerals (0, I, II, III…. -I, -II, -III etc) in brackets
at the end of the name of the metal atom.
Cr……chromate Pd……palladate
Co……cobaltate Re……rhenate
Cu……cuperate Pt …….platinate

Na2[CrOF4], sodium tetrafluorooxochromate(IV)

K4[Ni(CN)4], potassium tetracyanonickelate(0)
[Co(CO)4]-, tetracarbonylcobaltate(-I)

For some metals, their Latin names are used :

Fe……ferrate Pb……plumbate

Ag……argentate Au……aurate


K4[Fe(CN)6] potassium hexacyanoferrate(II)

Na3[AgF4] sodium tetrafluoroargentate(I)

b- If the coordination sphere of the complex compound has positive charge or is neutral
(non-ionic), the name of the central metal atom remains as such and the oxidation state
of the metal is written in Roman numerals in bracket at the end of the name of the metal.
[Ag(NH3)2]+ diamminesilver(I)
[Ni(CO)4]0 tetracarbonylnickel(0)

7- For complex compounds which are composed of complex cation and complex anion, the
cation is named first then followed by the anion name.
[Cr(NH3)6]3+ [CoF6]3- hexaamminechromium(III)-hexafluorocobaltate(III)

[Pd(NH3)4]2+ [PdCl4]2- tetraamminepalladium(II)-tetrachloropalladate(II)

8- There are many ligands which have two or more different donor atoms in their structure.
Such ligands can coordinate to the metal atom through any of their donor atoms and hence
are given different names corresponding to the nature of donor atoms linked to the metal
atom. Such compounds are called linkage isomers.
[Co(NH3)5(NO2)]Cl2 pentaamminenitrocobalt(III) chloride
[(Co(NH3)5(ONO)]Cl2 pentaamminenitritocobalt(III) chloride

NO2- ion coordinated to the metal atom through the lone pair of electrons on
negativelycharged N atom, while ONO- through the lone pair of electrons on negatively-
charged on O atom.
SCN- ion thiocyanato (through S)
NCS ion isothiocyanato (through N)

9- To name bridging ligands between two metal ions, the prefix µ is used before the name of
each of the ligands.
If a complex has two similar bridging ligands, µ-di is used for its name.

octaaqua-µ-di-hydroxodi-iron(III) sulphate

10- The prefixes cis- and trans- designate adjacent and opposite geometric locations in square
planar complexes type [MA2B2].
[PtCl2(NH3)2] cis-and trans-diamminedichloroplatinum(II)

cis trans
For octahedral complexes of [MA3B3] type the prefixes fac (facial) and mer (meridional) are
[Co(NH3)3Cl3] fac. And mer. triamminetrichlorocobalt(III)

(fac) isomer (mer) isomer

11- For optical isomers, octahedral complexes of [M(AA) 3] type, the prefixes d (dextro) and l
(levo) are used.
[Co(en)3]3+ d and l tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III)
mirror plane

d-form l-form
Coordination Numbers
Coordination number can be defined as the number of the lone pairs of electrons which are
bonded directly with the metal ion.

The overall shape of a coordination compound is the product of several interacting factors.
Some factors involved in determining the structures of coordination complexes include the

1- The number of bonds. Because bond formation is usually considered exothermic, more
bonds should make for a more stable molecule.
2- VSEPR arguments, as used in the simpler cases of the main group elements.
3- Occupancy of d orbitals. Example of how the number of d electrons may affect the
geometry (square-planar versus tetrahedral).
4- Steric interference by large ligands crowding each other around the central metal.
5- Crystal packing effects. These include the effects resulting from the sizes of ions and the
overall shape of coordination complexes.

Coordination Number 2
Coordination number 2 is rare The best known example is [Ag(NH 3)2]+, the
diamminesilver(I) ion. The silver 1+ ion is d 10 (a filled, spherical subshell), so the only
electrons to be considered in the VSEPR treatment are those forming the bonds with the
ammonia ligands, and the structure is linear as expected for two bonding positions. Other
examples are also d10 and linear [CuCl2]- , [Hg(CN)2] and [Au(CN)2]-.

Coordination Number 3
Coordination number 3 also is more likely with d 10 ions, with a trigonal-planar
structure being the most common. Three-coordinate Au(I) and Cu(I) complexes that are
known include [Au(PPh3)3]+ and [Au(PPh3)2Cl]. Most three coordinate complexes seem
to have a low coordination number because of ligand crowding.
Coordination Number 4
Tetrahedral and square-planar structures are two common structures with four ligands.
Crowding around small ions of high positive charge prevents higher coordination numbers for
ions such as Mn(VII) and Cr(VI), and large ligands can prevent higher coordination for other

Many d0 or d10 complexes have tetrahedral structures, such as MnO 4- , CrO42-, [Ni(CO)4], and
[Cu(py)4]+ , with a few d5 , such as MnCl42- .

Square-planar geometry is also possible for four-coordinate species, with the same geometric
requirements imposed by octahedral geometry (both require 900 angles between ligands).

Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes are square-planer, as are the d 8 complexes [AgF4]- , [RhCl(PPh3)3] ,
[Ni(CN)4]2- and [NiCl2(PMe3)2].
Coordination Number 5
The structures possible for coordination number 5 are the trigonal bipyramid, and the
square pyramid. The energy difference between the trigonal bipyramid and the square
pyramid is very small, In fact, many molecules with five ligands either have structures
between these two or can switch easily from one to the other in fluxional behavior. For
example, Fe(CO)5 and PF5.
[VO(acac)2] is a square pyramid, with the doubly bonded oxygen in the apical site. There
is also evidence that [Cu(NH3)5]2+ exists as a square pyramidal structure in liquid

Coordination Number 6
Six is the most common coordination number. The most common structure is octahedral. If a
metal ion is large enough to allow six ligands to fit around it and the d electrons are ignored, an
octahedral shape results from VSEPR arguments. Such compounds exist for all the transition
metals with d0 to d10 configurations.
Examples of octahedral complexes include tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III), [Co(en) 3]3+ and
hexanitritocobaltate(III) [Co(NO2)6]3-.

For complexes that are not regular octahedral, several types of distortion are possible. The
first is elongation, leaving four short bonds in a square-planar arrangement together with two
longer bonds above and below the plane. Second is the reverse , a compression with two short
bonds at the top and bottom and four longer bonds in the plane.

Coordination Number 7
Three structures are possible for seven-coordinate complexes, the pentagonal bipyramid,
capped trigonal prism and capped octahedron.

Although seven-coordination is not common, all three shapes are found experimentally, with the
differences apparently resulting from different counterions and the steric requirements of the
ligands (especially chelating ligands).

Examples include the following:

Pentagonal bipyramids; [NiF7]2- and [NbF7]2-, in both of which the seventh fluoride caps a
rectangular face of a trigonal prism; and [W(CO)4Br3]-, a mono capped octahedron.
Coordination Number 8
Although the cube has eight-coordinated geometry, it exists only in simple ionic lattices such
as CsCl. The square antiprism and dodecahedron are common in transition metal complexes,
and there are many eight-coordinate complexes. Because the central ion must be large in order
to accommodate eight ligands, eight-coordination is rare among the first row transition metals.
Solid state examples include Na7Zr6F31, which has square antiprisms of ZrF8 units, and
[Zr(acac)4], a regular dodecahedron. [AmCl2(H2O)6]+ is a trigonal prism of water ligands with
chloride caps on the trigonal faces.


Higher Coordination Numbers

There are few structures known with coordination numbers larger than 8. Discrete
ninecoordinate structures are known for complexes such as [Ln(H 2O)9]3+ and for the hydride
complexes [MH9]2- (where M = Tc or Re). These structures (capped square-antiprism) are
formed by adding a ligand to each of the rectangular faces of a trigonal prism.

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