A. Theoretical Review
opinions about brands are restricted and they actively seek information
making process of the buyer, who may not fully understand all factors
influencing their choices. Within the black box, the customer considers
the product-market fit and the value creation process. Lastly, the black
2. Purchase Decisions
goods and services for personal consumption. All the final consumers
Kotler and Keller in Sriratnasari (2017), Dewi and Sudiksa (2019), Aaker
3. Marketing Mix
sales, to build and maintain reputation, to create brand awareness, and many
more. According to McCarthy (1960), a set of marketing tools that the firm
uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the market is called marketing mix.
Marketing mix consists of the 4Ps, those are: products, price, place, and
and wants. Price represents how much the cost for producing the product or
delivering the service and how much consumers are willing to pay for it. Place
4. Marketing Communications
government, and general public). Every contact with stakeholders that the
company makes leaves an impression that can affect stakeholders’ views of the
time and extra patience because the image persists long after the
customers, to change their mind or perception, and get them to act (i.e.,
g. Measuring Results
5. Promotional Tools
selling, and direct marketing. Each promotional tool has its own characteristics.
consumers and it is used to build product image, brand awareness, and trigger
quick sales. Depending on the medium, advertising can be costly or low cost.
sales in the short run. Some examples of sales promotion are discount coupons,
establish and maintain mutual understanding between the company and public.
It is used to maintain product image and relationship with the general public. It
is used to build a company's credibility in the eyes of the public. Some tools
can be used in public relations, such as: publication, events, news, speeches,
immediate and interactive relationship between the consumer and the company
and usually being cultivated in the long run. Some examples of personal selling
are sales presentation, sales meeting, incentive programs, and fairs and trade
and internet marketing. The difference between the fourth and fifth marketing
tools than the other three is, it is more personal and customized. Companies
6. Sales Promotion
consumers or the trade. Sales promotion can be classified into three types,
those are: consumer promotion, trade promotion, and business and sales force
given to retailers (i.e., price off, advertising and display allowances, free
done by the company directly (i.e., trade shows and conventions, contests for
incentive to buy. Both marketing tools should be used hand in hand. The use
marketing budget on the use of sales promotion than advertising. Before, the
percentage of sales promotion from the total marketing budget was around
There might be several reasons why more and more companies use sales
promotion than advertising as a marketing tool. One of the reasons is sales and
product managers are under greater pressure to increase current sales amidst
competition from other brands. If the competitors use sales promotion, the
the consumers see their products or services are similar to one another.
Furthermore, the use of advertising is at rising costs and at risk for media
Sales promotion can be used to attract new buyers, to reward loyal buyers,
categorized into three types, those are: users of another brand in the same
looking for good deals and very rarely turned into loyal buyers. In a market
where products and services are similar, sales promotion doesn’t seem to alter
market share permanently. In contrast, sales promotion will alter market share
The challenge for business is to use sales promotion to balance short term
and long term objectives. When used excessively, sales promotion might
variations of supply and demand, help companies to test how high their list
price is, and promote consumer awareness of prices, thus, it will gives
markets. Those loyal brand buyers tend to stick to their brands, that means,
they don’t react to sales promotion. In terms of building brand loyalty and
effective marketing tool because they can’t match the advertising spending of
big market players. Sales promotion often used by start-up and small shared
Sales promotion is short term and temporary, but when it is used properly,
it can act as a brand builder. To do that, companies need to make sure that the
a. Establishing Objectives
Objectives of sales promotion vary with the target markets. For
expand the market. For retailers, the objectives are to persuade them to
carry more inventory and to attract new retailers. For the sales force,
people, and process. Other than those factors, consumers might also
There are several trade promotional tools that companies can use.
There are several business and sales force promotion tools that
sales promotion program, such as: the size of the incentives, the
not, usually they can test the promotion program in a limited area or
the message and the way in which the product is packaged and
This research is based on prior research done on the same topic. Ritonga,
Astuti, and Sunarti (2019) examines the influence of perceived ease of use,
discount, and perceived usefulness on intention to use Grab application and its
impact on purchase decision of Grab services. The Authors were examining the
discount, and how it affects people’s intention to use the application and users'
Furthermore, the research also finds that perceived ease of use, discount, and
decisions. Based on the Authors’ analysis, this happens because, for students,
perceived usefulness is not a priority for students, as low prices is their priority.
study. The population of the study is people in Medan city who use TikTok
shops. From the study, it found that promotional variables used with indicators
of reach, quality, quantity, time, and target accuracy have a positive and
variables with indicators of easy to learn, easy to use, clear and understandable,
consumer buying interes. The research shows that advertising has a positive but
not significant impact on consumer purchasing decisions and sales promotions
study means an action taken by Atma Jaya Makassar students to buy food
through the Grab Food application which is carried out because several
consequences, the desire to buy that cannot be rejected and without the
intention to buy which is formed before entering the application. From the
research, it is found that the price discount promotion variable on the Grab
The research further found that the price discount variable on the Grab
in Bali. The result of the study is that sales promotion has a positive and
decision. This means that the better the sales promotion, the better the brand
Simplicity clothing brand in Plaza Surabaya store. What the research means by
promotion here is the same as advertising. Different from the result of other
studies, this study found that discount variables have a significant negative
products are not attractive both in terms of clothing models and prices. They
still consider the discounted products to be expensive even after the discount.
Furthermore, the consumers think that the discounted products do not have
good quality and are already out of season. Meanwhile, the promotion variable
the brand. This research won’t include other variables, such as: impulsive
be using variables perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, and how it
relates to users intention to use the application. This research will purely see
sales promotion from a marketing view. Furthermore, this research will have a
broader scope than previous research, not only undergraduate students but
C. Conceptual Framework
This research will examine how price discount (X1) and service quality
D. Hypothesis
Price cuts can create a sense of urgency for consumers to make a purchase
immediately, because they feel they are getting the benefit of a lower price.
This increases purchase intention, especially for products that are considered
depending on the product context and consumer loyalty to the brand. In some
cases, consumers may perceive price cuts as a sign of lower quality, which can
and Santoso (2018) revealed that price discounts have a positive and
decisions for Shopee application users in North Aceh. However, Sinaga et al.
(2023) in their research at the Irian Medan Supermarket found that price
to retain and attract new customers. Research by Wahyuni (2023) shows that