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Republic of the Philippines

CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Agusan del Sur

Teacher: Ma. Rozita P. Encallado Learning Area: Afro-Asian Literature

Grade level: Grade 8 Quarter: Quarter 4

I. CONTENT Using Appropriate Grammatical Signals or Expressions

to Each Pattern of Idea Development

a. CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form
inspired and influenced by nature; relationship of visual, sensory. and verbal
signals in both literary and expository texts; strategies in listening to long
descriptive and narrative texts; value of literal and figurative language; and
appropriate grammatical signals or expression suitable to patterns of idea

b. PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative
entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate
grammatical signals or expression in topic development, and appropriate prosodic
features, stance and behavior.

c. LEARNING COMPETENCIES The learner will be use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to
each pattern of idea development: general-to-particular, claim-and-counterclaim,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect, and others.

d. SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the lesson, the students can:
a. solve a crossword puzzle to reinforce understanding of key concepts;
b. express appreciation for the importance of trees by watching and reflecting
on the video clip “What If All Trees Were Cut Down?”;
c. identify the pattern of idea development using appropriate grammatical
signals and expressions.;and
d. write an essay demonstrating the use of appropriate grammatical signals
and expressions in developing ideas.

e. VALUES INFUSION Building teamwork in group activities and fostering good relationship with peers
and family.

II. MATERIALS Cartolina, Felt tip pen, Charts, Laptop, Power Point Presentation, TV




Preliminary Activities
● Attendance (by the class monitor)

● Setting of Standards (house rules)

Reading of Objectives


Good morning everyone! Good Morning,
Today, we will be discussing another interesting topic. Ma’am Maria.

However, before we start let us have an activity first. Are you Yes, teacher.

This will be called Find Me!

You will be divided into 4 groups. Group 1 will be the team
Pattern and Group 2 will be the team Solution Group 3 will be
team Better and Group 4 will be the team Best. What are you
going to do is find the correct answers in the crossword. You
will be guided by the legend provided. The choices of answers
are in the box but before you will find the correct answer you
need to read the statement first in each given number. If you
are done, clap three times and paste your output on the board
and we will check it after. I will give you 3 minutes to this
activity. The team got the highest score will be the winner.
Are my instructions clear?

Yes, ma’am.

Let’s start!
1. Ken failed the test _______ of his bad study habits.
2. They wanted to have a picnic in the plaza but it rained the
night before _________ the picnic was cancelled. 1. Because
3. Studying hard is one way to be successful ________ it would 2. As a result
give someone a chance to find a better job in the future.
3. Since
4. We can still help others. It ________ one of our goal in life,
to helps others who are in needed. 4. Should be

5. Everyone should cooperate in our Barangay to prevent 5. for example

criminal activities. We need to practice safety protocols,
_______ staying alert in public places, locking doors and
windows at home, and reporting suspicious activities to

I’m impressed, you have answered all the crossword correctly.

Thank you for your participation, class!

How do you feel with our activity? Are you happy?

Alright, let us give ourselves a round of applause.

Yes, Ma’am.



Now, those words are connected to our next activity. This

second activity is called, Watch Me!
I have here a video clip, and please listen to the words he will
say and observe the video. After that I will ask you some
questions using duck race. Do you get me?
Yes. Ma’am.


Thank you for watching the video, class!

What is the video all about?

How do trees help reduce global warming?

The video is
about the
importance of a
tree in our lives.

By absorbing
carbon dioxide
(CO₂), providing
shade to cool
the air, and
moisture that

If trees disappeared, how would it affect animals and humans?

If trees
animals would
lose their homes
and food,
leading to
Humans would
have less
oxygen, more
pollution, and
weather. Life
would become
very difficult for

We should plant
more trees and
be responsible
for our actions.

What actions can we take to prevent deforestation?

Very good! Thank you for sharing class.

Now I have here a sentence in connection with our activity.

It has cause and
Please everybody read sentence.
effect in the
1. When too many trees are cut down, the air becomes sentence.
polluted, and animals lose their homes; to solve this, we must
plant more trees and protect forests.

It has a solution
What have you observed on the sentence?
to the problem.

Great! What else?

Yes, Ma’am.
Awesome observation!

Cause, effect and solution are part of our discussion today. Are
you ready to listen?




Today, we are going to discuss Appropriate Grammatical

Signals or Expressions to Each Pattern of Idea Development.

Idea development is essential in writing. This is done by

organizing ideas in a logical and clear manner that suits the
writer’s purpose. To achieve this, it is necessary to use
appropriate grammatical signals or expressions.

Grammatical signals are writing devices such as transitional

devices, connectors, determiners, and repetitions that are used
to maintain text coherence. Coherence establishes a logical
connection between ideas in sentences and paragraphs. These
ideas can be developed through different patterns depending
the writer’s purpose.

Pattern of idea development refers to the structure of writing

on how the ideas are being presented. Five of the commonly
used patterns of idea development are discussed in this
module. These are the general to particular, cause and effect,
claim-counterclaim, problem-solution, and persuasion. Let us
explore them and their appropriate grammatical signals.

A. General to Particular

This pattern of idea development discusses the general topic

by presenting specific details that support the topic. The writer
starts with the general idea stated in the topic sentence. Then,
it is elaborated and explained through specific details and
examples. In other words, general to particular pattern is a
deductive method of organization.


Clouds can be classified into three major groups. High clouds

are a group of clouds that are 5-13 km. away from the Earth’s
surface. Examples of these clouds are known as Cirrus,
Cirrostratus, and Cirrocumulus. Middle clouds are another
group of clouds that are 2-7 km. away from the Earth’s surface.
Examples of middle clouds are Altocumulus and Altostratus.
Low clouds are the last group of clouds. They are 2 km. away
from the Earth’s surface. Specifically, these clouds are the
Stratus, Stratocumulus, and Nimbostratus. With these being
said, these
clouds are grouped according to their distance from the Earth’s

The paragraph above uses a general to particular pattern of

idea development. The general idea is expressed in the first
sentence which is ‘Clouds are classified into three major
groups.’ Then, the succeeding sentences are the specific
details explaining the general idea. To state these specific
details, grammatical signals are used such as ‘a’, ‘another’, and
‘last’ to present the different major groups of clouds. The
expression ‘examples of these’ and the word ‘specifically,’ are
used to present the specific examples of a group of clouds.
Also, the phrase ‘middle clouds’ is repeated
to show emphasis of the idea. The expression ‘with these being
said,’ is used to wrap up the ideas in the paragraph

These are the other grammatical signals that can be used

for general to particular pattern of idea development:

also, for example, as an example, in addition, in addition to, for

instance, examples of these, first, second, third, next, on one
hand, and on the other hand.

B. Cause and Effect

This pattern of idea development explains the causes or the

effects of something. When a writer presents reasons, he or
she is explaining the causes. When a writer explains the
results, he or she is explaining the effects.

Regular exercise brings many benefits to your health. First, it

improves blood circulation and can result to a strong heart.
Because of these, it reduces the risk of heart disease, high
cholesterol, and diabetes. When you exercise, your bones and
muscles will be strengthened which can slow down the loss of
bone density that comes when you age. As a result, it can help
you maintain or increase your muscle mass and strength. Also,
regular exercise improves your mental health and mood.
During an exercise, your body releases chemicals that can
improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed. As an
effect, it can help you deal with stress and reduce your risk of
depression. These are the benefits that you get when you

The paragraph above uses the cause and effect pattern of idea
development. The effects of regular exercise are explained in
the paragraph. To present these effects, grammatical signals
are used such as ‘because of these’, ‘as a result’, and ‘as an
effect.’ Also, you will notice that the paragraph makes use of
transitional devices for enumeration such as ‘first’, and ‘also’.
These are used because the paragraph enumerates the effects
of regular exercise. Aside from that, the connector ‘and’ is used
to connect ideas within the sentence. Lastly, the phrase
‘regular exercise’ is repeated for emphasis.

These are the other grammatical signals that can be used

for cause and effect pattern of idea development:

Cause: if, for, since, due to, because, owing to, because of,
one cause, and resulting from

Effect: so, thus, hence, then, therefore, as a result, in effect, as

consequence, consequently, leads to, one of the effects is, and
that is why

C. Claim and Counterclaim

This pattern of idea development refers to the structure of

presenting a side of an issue in an argumentative manner. A
claim is the writer’s stand on a topic supported by evidences
and logical reasoning. Also, the writer presents the
counterclaim or the opposite stand of an issue to disprove it
through evidences and logical reasoning.


People believe that rock music can make teenagers rebellious

because of its lyrics but, I don’t think it is enough to make them
go against society. They say rock music concentrates mostly
on antisocial subjects which influence teenagers’ view toward
society. However, a study shows that an average teenager
would not take the music seriously, for he or she concentrates
more on the musical value of the song rather than the inner
meaning of the lyrics. Thus, even though the lyrics in rock
music show social rebellion, it does not make teenagers rebel
against society.

The paragraph above uses the claim-counterclaim pattern of

idea development. The first sentence presents both claim and
counterclaim. The writer argues the counterclaim that ‘rock
music can make teenagers rebellious,’ by stating his or her
claim that ‘the lyrics is not enough to make them go against
society.’ The claim disproves the counterclaim by presenting
evidences and logical reasoning. To present these,
grammatical signals are used. The transitional device ‘however’
is used to present the evidence that teenager concentrates
more on the musical value of the song rather than the inner
meaning of the lyrics. Also, the transitional device ‘thus’ is used
to restate the claim. Aside from this, connectors ‘for’ is used to
present additional information about a study while ‘even
though’ is used to contrast two ideas making the other idea less

Here are the other transitional devices that can be used for
claim- counterclaim pattern of idea development:

however, nevertheless, on one hand, on the other hand,

admittedly, some people say, some may say, of course,
nevertheless, and but not only that.
D. Problem-Solution

This pattern of idea development is used when a writer

identifies a problem and addresses it by presenting one or
more solutions. A problem refers to the unsatisfactory situation
that causes troubles or difficulties. A solution on the other hand,
refers to the ways in solving or minimizing the problem.


Drug abuse is one of the leading social issues in many

countries. This problem has been the cause of many crimes
and health concerns. However, the threat of prohibited drugs
can be fought. One way to solve this is through education.
Everyone needs to be educated about the dangers of using
prohibited drugs. People need to be aware of the harmful
effects of these drugs to their health, family, career, and
society. Another solution is to increase police manpower and
create effective laws to stop dealers. If the authorities will
strictly impose these laws, this problem will be addressed.
Drug abuse is a threat, but if the community and the
government will act together, this problem will be controlled.

The paragraph above uses problem-solution pattern of idea

development. It presents the problem ‘drug abuse’ followed by
the suggested solutions to this problem. In presenting these
solutions, grammatical signals and expressions are used such
as ‘one way to solve this’, ‘another solution’, and ‘this problem.

Here are the grammatical signals to be used for problem-

solution pattern of idea development:

because, cause, since, as a result, in order to, and so that, as a

solution, and one way

E. Persuasion

This pattern of idea development intends to convince the

readers to do or believe in something. It allows the writer to
express his or her personal viewpoints about a topic to
convince the readers. This pattern of idea development is
based on opinions and emotions. Below are the grammatical
signals to be used in persuasive pattern of idea development.


A school bazaar is something you don’t want to miss! Aside

from the wonderful experience, attending it is truly a great help.
First, a school bazaar is filled with fun activities. There are
amusing games, great rides, and entertaining attractions!
Besides that, your ticket purchase will help the school. Not only
that, but it also gives you a chance to win fabulous prizes. So,
what are you waiting for? Join now and experience the fun!

The paragraph above uses the persuasion pattern of idea

development. The writer recommends that the reader joins and
be part of a school bazaar. To convince the readers, the writer
presents the benefits of attending a bazaar. In presenting these
benefits, grammatical signals and expressions are used. The
transitional devices ‘first’ and ‘also’ are used to enumerate the
benefits of attending the school bazaar. To appeal to the
reader’s emotion, expressions of persuasion are used such as
‘amusing’, ‘great’, ‘entertaining’, ‘don’t want to miss’, ‘wonderful
experience’, ‘what are you waiting for’, ‘join now’, and
‘experience the fun.’

Here are some of the other grammatical signals and

expressions of persuasion:

come, free, need, must, must not, necessary, latest, hurry, join,
help, best, better, great, proven, trusted, create, come along,
urgent, amazing experience, avail now,
I believe, I urge, don't miss, can do it, and one of a kind.

Thank you, class for your listening. Do you have any

None so far,



Since you already understand the topic, we will have another

activity. With the same team, I would like you to write an essay
compose of 3-5 paragraphs and choose one among pattern of
idea development the Cause-Effect, Problem-Solution, Claim-
Counterclaim, General to particular, and Persuasion. You can
think any topic with the use of grammatical signals and
expressions. I will give you 10 minutes to create. Choose a
representative to present your output. This activity will be
graded based on rubrics.

Content Proper use of Proper use of Teamwork Total

signals and the pattern of
expressions idea in the

30 % 30% 30 % 10% 100%

Are you done?

Alright! Let’s start presenting your output.

Yes, teacher.

(The groups will

present their
Let us all clap our hands for your presentations!
Let us now see who among the groups got the highest score. simultaneously.)

Congratulations to group two for winning!

Yehey! Yehey!
Yehey! Yehey!



Choosing the
1. Why is it important to choose the appropriate pattern of
right pattern
idea development when writing?
ensures clarity,
progression, and
The wrong
pattern can
make writing
misleading, or

signals connect
ideas smoothly,
sentences, and
guide the reader
through the text,
making it easier
2. How do grammatical signals contribute to the coherence to understand
and clarity of writing? and follow.
signals can
confuse readers,
disrupt logical
flow, and lead to

None so far,
3. How would the meaning of a paragraph change if a writer
misuses grammatical signal?

Thank you, class!

Do you have any question?



This time, let us test your understanding and we will have our
next activity. This is called, Test Me! With the same team, I
would like you to have 1 device in each team. I will send you a
link and please input the code that you can see on our screen.
This website is Quiz.com. Write you team name and answer
the questions carefully. The team that got a highest score will
win the activity. Do you get me?

DIRECTION: Yes, teacher.

Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the

correct answer.
1. What is the primary purpose of grammatical signals in
a) To make the sentences longer
b) To connect ideas and ensure coherence
c) To replace punctuation marks
1. b
d) To add unnecessary complexity
2. c
3. c
4. c
2.Which of the following is NOT a pattern of idea development?
5. b
a) General to particular
6. b
b) Cause and effect
7. a
c) Word-for-word copying
8. a
d) Problem-solution
9. b
10. b
3. Why is it important to use the correct pattern of idea
11. b
12. b
a) To impress readers with complex words
13. b
b) To make writing appear longer
14. a
c) To structure ideas clearly and logically
15. a
d) To confuse the audience
16. b
17. b
4. What happens if a writer misuses grammatical signal?
18. b
a) It improves the creativity of the writing
19. b
b) It enhances clarity and coherence
20. b
c) It causes confusion and misinterpretation
21. c
d) It has no effect on the text
22. a
23. b
5. Which of the following is a grammatical signal used for
contrast? 24. c
a) As a result 25. c
b) However
c) In addition
d) First

6. What is the key characteristic of the general-to-particular

a) It moves from specific details to a general statement
b) It begins with a general idea and then provides supporting
c) It focuses only on one specific example
d) It presents two opposing viewpoints

7. Which grammatical signal is commonly used in the general-

to-particular pattern?
a) First, second, third
b) If, because
c) However, nevertheless
d) As a result, therefore

8. What is another term for the general-to-particular pattern?

a) Deductive reasoning
b) Inductive reasoning
c) Persuasive technique
d) Counterargument strategy

9. Which of the following phrases is commonly used to

introduce specific examples in the general-to-particular
a) On the contrary
b) One example of this is
c) As a result
d) Consequently

10. What role do grammatical signals play in the general-to-

particular pattern?
a) They emphasize contradictions
b) They show the relationship between general statements and
c) They introduce counterarguments
d) They confuse the reader

11. The cause-and-effect pattern is used to:

a) Compare two different topics
b) Explain reasons and their consequences
c) List unrelated ideas
d) Describe a sequence of events

13. Which of the following is a grammatical signal for cause?

a) As a result
b) Due to
c) In contrast
d) Similarly

14. What is a grammatical signal used to introduce an effect?

a) Because of
b) Consequently
c) One reason is
d) In contrast

15. What happens if the cause-and-effect pattern is not

properly structured?
a) The relationships between ideas become unclear
b) The paragraph becomes more engaging
c) The writing follows a problem-solution format
d) The text remains unaffected

16. In cause-and-effect writing, which grammatical signal

introduces a reason?
a) Since
b) However
c) Furthermore
d) Not only that

17. The claim-and-counterclaim pattern is mostly used in:

a) Narrative writing
b) Argumentative writing
c) Descriptive writing
d) Fictional storytelling
18. What is a counterclaim?
a) A supporting detail for a claim
b) A contradictory argument against a claim
c) A persuasive appeal
d) A list of unrelated facts

19. Which grammatical signal is commonly used to introduce a

a) In addition
b) However
c) Because of this
d) First of all

20. Why is it important to include a counterclaim in an

a) To confuse the reader
b) To strengthen the claim by addressing opposing viewpoints
c) To make the text longer
d) To remove the need for supporting evidence

21. What grammatical signal can be used to refute a

a) On the other hand
b) This is incorrect because
c) As a result
d) Due to

22. Which of the following is an essential part of the problem-

solution pattern?
a) A sequence of events
b) A claim without evidence
c) A problem followed by at least one proposed solution
d) A list of random problems
23. What is a grammatical signal that introduces a solution?
a) One way to solve this is
b) As a result
c) However
d) On the contrary

24. What happens if a writer presents a problem but no

a) The text remains logical and complete
b) The reader may not understand how to address the issue
c) The problem automatically solves itself
d) The writing becomes more persuasive

25. Which of the following is a grammatical signal used in

problem-solution writing?
a) Since
b) Consequently
c) In order to
d) Furthermore



For your assignment, kindly read the direction.

DIRECTION: After learning the grammatical signals and

expressions used in different of development, practice writing
your own of paragraph of not less than 5 sentences. Choose
only one topic given below and make sure to use the correct
grammatical signals and expressions in your chosen pattern of
paragraph development. Write it on your activity notebook.

1. Safety protocols you need to follow when going outside.

2. It is better to have cellphone or not?
3. Things you need to pass the exam.
4. Problem encountered in school.

Pass your assignment by tomorrow.

Understood? Yes, Ma’am.

Are there any clarifications?

None, Ma’am.
Are there any questions?
None, Ma’am.

This session has come to its end. God bless and goodbye Goodbye,Ma’am
everyone. Maria. God
bless, thank you
for teaching us

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