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Lpweek3q4m1 - Copy - Copy - Copy
Lpweek3q4m1 - Copy - Copy - Copy
CARAGA Administrative Region
Division of Agusan del Sur
a. CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form
inspired and influenced by nature; relationship of visual, sensory. and verbal
signals in both literary and expository texts; strategies in listening to long
descriptive and narrative texts; value of literal and figurative language; and
appropriate grammatical signals or expression suitable to patterns of idea
b. PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative
entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs, appropriate
grammatical signals or expression in topic development, and appropriate prosodic
features, stance and behavior.
c. LEARNING COMPETENCIES The learner will be use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to
each pattern of idea development: general-to-particular, claim-and-counterclaim,
problem-solution, cause-and-effect, and others.
d. SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the lesson, the students can:
a. solve a crossword puzzle to reinforce understanding of key concepts;
b. express appreciation for the importance of trees by watching and reflecting
on the video clip “What If All Trees Were Cut Down?”;
c. identify the pattern of idea development using appropriate grammatical
signals and expressions.;and
d. write an essay demonstrating the use of appropriate grammatical signals
and expressions in developing ideas.
e. VALUES INFUSION Building teamwork in group activities and fostering good relationship with peers
and family.
II. MATERIALS Cartolina, Felt tip pen, Charts, Laptop, Power Point Presentation, TV
Preliminary Activities
● Attendance (by the class monitor)
Reading of Objectives
However, before we start let us have an activity first. Are you Yes, teacher.
You will be divided into 4 groups. Group 1 will be the team
Pattern and Group 2 will be the team Solution Group 3 will be
team Better and Group 4 will be the team Best. What are you
going to do is find the correct answers in the crossword. You
will be guided by the legend provided. The choices of answers
are in the box but before you will find the correct answer you
need to read the statement first in each given number. If you
are done, clap three times and paste your output on the board
and we will check it after. I will give you 3 minutes to this
activity. The team got the highest score will be the winner.
Are my instructions clear?
Yes, ma’am.
Let’s start!
1. Ken failed the test _______ of his bad study habits.
2. They wanted to have a picnic in the plaza but it rained the
night before _________ the picnic was cancelled. 1. Because
3. Studying hard is one way to be successful ________ it would 2. As a result
give someone a chance to find a better job in the future.
3. Since
4. We can still help others. It ________ one of our goal in life,
to helps others who are in needed. 4. Should be
Yes, Ma’am.
By absorbing
carbon dioxide
(CO₂), providing
shade to cool
the air, and
moisture that
We should plant
more trees and
be responsible
for our actions.
It has a solution
What have you observed on the sentence?
to the problem.
Cause, effect and solution are part of our discussion today. Are
you ready to listen?
A. General to Particular
The paragraph above uses the cause and effect pattern of idea
development. The effects of regular exercise are explained in
the paragraph. To present these effects, grammatical signals
are used such as ‘because of these’, ‘as a result’, and ‘as an
effect.’ Also, you will notice that the paragraph makes use of
transitional devices for enumeration such as ‘first’, and ‘also’.
These are used because the paragraph enumerates the effects
of regular exercise. Aside from that, the connector ‘and’ is used
to connect ideas within the sentence. Lastly, the phrase
‘regular exercise’ is repeated for emphasis.
Cause: if, for, since, due to, because, owing to, because of,
one cause, and resulting from
Here are the other transitional devices that can be used for
claim- counterclaim pattern of idea development:
E. Persuasion
come, free, need, must, must not, necessary, latest, hurry, join,
help, best, better, great, proven, trusted, create, come along,
urgent, amazing experience, avail now,
I believe, I urge, don't miss, can do it, and one of a kind.
Yehey! Yehey!
Yehey! Yehey!
Choosing the
1. Why is it important to choose the appropriate pattern of
right pattern
idea development when writing?
ensures clarity,
progression, and
The wrong
pattern can
make writing
misleading, or
signals connect
ideas smoothly,
sentences, and
guide the reader
through the text,
making it easier
2. How do grammatical signals contribute to the coherence to understand
and clarity of writing? and follow.
signals can
confuse readers,
disrupt logical
flow, and lead to
None so far,
3. How would the meaning of a paragraph change if a writer
misuses grammatical signal?
This time, let us test your understanding and we will have our
next activity. This is called, Test Me! With the same team, I
would like you to have 1 device in each team. I will send you a
link and please input the code that you can see on our screen.
This website is Quiz.com. Write you team name and answer
the questions carefully. The team that got a highest score will
win the activity. Do you get me?
This session has come to its end. God bless and goodbye Goodbye,Ma’am
everyone. Maria. God
bless, thank you
for teaching us