Giáo Trình Đọc PT KN Phản Biện
Giáo Trình Đọc PT KN Phản Biện
Giáo Trình Đọc PT KN Phản Biện
REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………... 86
Task 1: Read Extracts 1 and 2 and consider to what extent you agree
or disagree with the view of the authors.
Extract 1
I have been teaching full time for over thirty years. During that span of
time, one sees many, many students, and it amazes me how different they have
been over time, and the inequality continues to grow. Compared with the
students in the 1970s, today’s students are uneducated and unfit for a college
Extract 2
Students today do not write merely to obtain good grades. They write to
shake the world. Moreover, they are writing more than any previous
generation, ever, in history. Popular beliefs that Google is making us stupid
and Facebook is frying our brains are totally inaccurate. New technologies are
leading to the development of new ways of being literate.
Task 2: Write down your ideas on the following questions.
3. Do you think that technology has helped you to read and write in new
ways from earlier generations?
Task 1.1
Task 1.2
Read the statements below. Which ones do you think are ‘sweeping
Task 2.1
Read the forum entries in Text 1 and Text 2, which are responses to
Extract 1. Then answer the questions.
Text 1
Text 2
Anna: I can see some truth in this. I interview job applicants now and
then. My experience is that core skills (reading, writing, math) are in decline. I
had to explain the difference between mean and median to a college graduate
the other day. I wouldn’t generalize my experience to a whole generation, but
one certainly does see more and more articles like this one.
Question 1
How would you describe the attitude of the writer of Text 1? Choose
one of the options below and explain your choice.
Question 2
How would you describe the attitude of the writer of Text 2? Choose
one of the options below and explain your choice.
1.3 Thinking about what a text is saying and doing
When you read critically it is important to ask yourself first what the text
is saying and then what it is doing: for example, how it develops an argument.
This is called the function of a text. A part of a text can also have a function.
Understanding what a text and its parts are doing – their functions – can help
you to recognize what the writer’s purpose is. You are now going to read the
text from which Extract 1 was taken and think about what it is saying and
Task 1
Read Text 3, ‘The accounting cycle: students then and now’ (below),
reasonably closely to get an idea of what it is about. As the writer is talking
about accountancy students, there is some specialized vocabulary. Try to
decide whether unknown words are important and, if possible, use other
words in the text to try to understand the ones you are not sure about. Only
use a dictionary if that doesn’t work. You might want to record useful words.
Text 3
[1] I have been teaching full time for over thirty years. During that span of
time, one sees many, many students, and it amazes me how different they have
been over time, and the inequality continues to grow. Compared with the
students in the 1970s, today’s students are uneducated and unfit for a college
[2] Before proceeding, let me state two premises. First, I do not think there
is any significant difference between the two groups in terms of native, raw
intelligence. Instead, the distinction between yesterday’s and today’s students
when they first set foot on college campuses rests in their educational
backgrounds, analytical thinking, reading abilities, willingness to work, and
their attitudes concerning the educational process. In short, they differ in terms
of their readiness for college. Second, I am focusing on the average student
who majors in accounting. Both groups arise from a distribution of students.
The less able of yesteryear’s population had some weak students, and the more
able of the present-day population has some very strong students; however,
when one focuses on the means of these two groups, he or she finds a huge
[5] Worst of all is attitude. Yesterday’s student was willing to work; today’s
student is not. Past students thought of education as a privilege; current
students view it as an entitlement. Earlier students took responsibility for their
mistakes; contemporary students call mom and dad, who in turn call their
attorneys. Previously, it was honorable to obtain a B and at least acceptable to
receive a C, especially with the harder classes. Nowadays, students want at
least a B for signing up for class and an A with any effort expended on the
course, regardless of knowledge displayed in the classroom.
a. Students today can’t read well or read critically and have to be told what
they are meant to understand.
b. Students today don’t understand accounting as well as they did 10 years ago
and don’t care.
c. The average student today is less able for several reasons which have
nothing to do with intelligence.
d. Students today think they are entitled to education and to get good marks
without making an effort.
Task 2
Hint: A claim is a statement which can be true or false and which shows
the opinion of the author. To ‘qualify’ a claim means to be more specific about
what you mean and what you don’t mean.
Paragraph 1
I have been teaching full time for over thirty years. During that span of
time, one sees many, many students, and it amazes me how different they
have been over time, and the inequality continues to grow. Compared with
the students in the 1970s, today’s students are uneducated and unfit for a
college education.
Paragraph 2
Before proceeding, let me state two premises. First, I do not think there
is any significant difference between the two groups in terms of native, raw
intelligence. Instead, the distinction between yesterday’s and today’s students
when they first set foot on college campuses rests in their educational
backgrounds, analytical thinking, reading abilities, willingness to work, and
their attitudes concerning the educational process. In short, they differ in terms
of their readiness for college. Second, I am focusing on the average student
who majors in accounting. Both groups arise from a distribution of students.
The less able of yesteryear’s population had some weak students, and the more
able of the present-day population has some very strong students; however,
when one focuses on the means of these two groups, he or she finds a huge
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Today’s students cannot read at what used to be a tenth-grade level. I
learned this dramatically when I wrote a couple of textbooks in the 1990s.
Editors at both publishing houses insisted that I rewrite my materials so
today’s students could read it. I was forbidden to employ large or ‘fancy’
words and had to simplify the grammar. Today’s students cannot read
critically. If I really want them to perceive anything, I have to tell them. Of
course, that doesn’t work in the long run because I won’t be there in the
future to help them read essays.
Paragraph 5
Fact or opinion?
Some of the texts you read at university will be factual, others will be
more opinion-based and some will be a mixture of facts and opinions. An
important aspect of critical reading is to be able to distinguish between facts
and opinions because opinions are not reliable unless supported by references
to other writers, research or evidence.
The next activity helps you to discriminate between facts and opinions in
Text 3.
ACTIVITY 4 – Part 1
Task 1
Read the following statements. Which are facts and which are opinions?
ACTIVITY 4 – Part 2
Task 2
Read just the sections of Text 3 that are in bold type (below). Decide
whether they express facts or opinions and choose Fact or Opinion for each
section. What helped you to decide? Give the reason for your choice.
The Accounting Cycle: Students Then and Now
[1] I have been teaching full time for over thirty years. During that span
of time, one sees many, many students, and it amazes me how different they
have been over time, and the inequality continues to grow. [2] Compared
with the students in the 1970s, today’s students are uneducated and unfit
for a college education.
Before proceeding, let me state two premises. [3] First, I do not think
there is any significant difference between the two groups in terms of
native, raw intelligence. Instead, the distinction between yesterday’s and
today’s students when they first set foot on college campuses rests in their
educational backgrounds, analytical thinking, reading abilities, willingness to
work, and their attitudes concerning the educational process. In short, they
differ in terms of their readiness for college. Second, I am focusing on the
average student who majors in accounting. Both groups arise from a
distribution of students. The less able of yesteryear’s population had some
weak students, and the more able of the present-day population has some very
strong students; however, when one focuses on the means of these two groups,
he or she finds a huge gap.
words and had to simplify the grammar. Today’s students cannot read
critically. If I really want them to perceive anything, I have to tell them. Of
course, that doesn’t work in the long run because I won’t be there in the future
to help them read essays.
Your answer:
1. ………………………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………………………
3. ………………………………………………………………………………
4. ………………………………………………………………………………
5. ………………………………………………………………………………
6. ………………………………………………………………………………
7. ………………………………………………………………………………
1.5 Hedging
The use of hedging helps writers to avoid expressing opinions as facts and
to speculate or express caution in the statements they make. It also signals to
the reader that the writer is expressing an opinion. When writers ‘hedge’, they
use the following kinds of words and any others which create distance between
the writer and the opinion and show that the writer knows there may be people
who have other opinions:
The next activity helps you to think about how the use of hedging might
change the meaning of sentences in Text 3.
Question 1
1.6 Supporting opinions through evidence and examples
In order to have academic credibility, opinions need to be supported by
reliable evidence in academic texts. ‘Reliable’ means the kind of evidence
that most readers would accept as valid. The aim of the next activity is to
identify how opinions are supported by evidence in the text.
Task 1
a. Inability to read
Task 2
Think about how well the author supports his claim with examples and
supporting details.
Task 3
a. Do you still agree or disagree with the author’s views to the same extent as
in Activity 1?
Task 1
A. fact B. opinion
A. fact B. opinion
A. fact B. opinion
Question 4: Claude Shannon in 1938 showed how core aspects of reasoning
could be implemented in simple electrical circuits.
A. fact B. opinion
Question 5: Brentano believed that mental states comprise mental acts and
mental contents.
A. fact B. opinion
A. fact B. opinion
Question 9: Hurst (2006) suggests that mind maps are a useful way of
representing grammatical structures visually.
A. fact B. opinion
Task 1
Read Text 3 again and say whether you agree or disagree with each of
the following statements about the text. Give examples to support your view
or make comments.
Question 1: It is personal.
A. agree B. disagree
A. agree B. disagree
Question 3: It has lots of opinions which express the views of the author.
A. agree B. disagree
A. agree B. disagree
A. agree B. disagree
1.9 Context
In the next activity you use your previous analysis of Text 3 to place
the text in context according to its author and what type of text it is.
Task 1
5. How reliable do you think the information in this text is? Why (not)?
Task 2
How would you describe the author’s attitude to his students? Choose
one answer from the list below.
A. sad B. amused C. critical
Task 3
At the end of the original text there is a statement which reads:
This essay reflects the opinion of the author and not necessarily the
opinion of The Pennsylvania State University.
Why do you think this statement was written? Write some ideas in the
box below.
In the next activity you will prepare to read two texts on the subjects of
human nature and evolution by thinking about your own views and attitudes.
Think about the following questions and write down your ideas about
2. What do you think causes human beings to do bad things? For example,
do you think people are naturally programmed to do bad things because
they are human or do you think that people turn bad because of their
family backgrounds or the influences of the societies in which we live?
3. Do you feel positive or negative about the future of the human race?
Why? What do you think are the biggest challenges that humans face in
the 21st century?
The two texts you are going to read contain some theories and ideas
that you might want to understand more about before you read them.
Task 1
The first text is on the subject of anthropathology. This is a new,
made-up word from two words originating from Greek: anthro, meaning ‘to
do with human beings’, and pathology, meaning ‘to do with sickness or
disease’. What do you think the word anthropathology means?
Task 2
The texts contain the following words and ideas:
survival instinct
natural selection
survival of the fittest
How many of them do you know about? Do an internet search to find
out about the unfamiliar ones. Also do an internet search to find out more
about those you already know something about.
Task 3
Below are some simple definitions of these words and ideas. Match each
definition with the correct word or idea, to check your understanding.
1. The fittest beings survive and evolve and the weakest don’t.
4. The process through which all living creatures develop over time from
earlier versions of themselves.
5. People who believe that God created human beings. They do not believe
in evolution.
6. These are part of the biology of all living creatures. They programme
human beings to inherit characteristics from their parents, grandparents
and ancestors.
a. Survival instinct
b. Evolution
c. Genes
d. Natural selection
e. Creationists
f. Survival of the fittest
Task 1
Read Text 4 twice. Use any reading strategies you think are
appropriate. In the box below, record any unknown words which you think
are important for the meaning of parts of the text or the whole text. Try to
understand their meaning from the context or use a dictionary if this doesn’t
work. Don’t forget to note down important words.
might be entropy. According to Rifkin (1985), all things, including ourselves,
our institutions and the solar system itself are subject to degeneration. Another
view held by Taylor (2005) is that there are specific reasons for the
degeneration of human nature to be found in history. Taylor (2005) suggests
that around 6000 years ago peaceful hunter gatherers were forced to evolve due
to harsh living conditions. This led to human beings being alienated from
nature and from their true selves.
Task 2
Identify the central idea and other key ideas in each paragraph of Text
4. Make notes (as a mind map or in linear form).
Paragraph 1
Anthropathology: ……………………………………………………………..
Paragraph 2
(a) …………………
(b) ‘The Fall’: evolution from hunter-gatherers (6000 years ago) – divorce
from true nature
Paragraph 3
…………………….. beliefs
Paragraph 4
Task 3
The list below shows the organisation of ideas in Text 4 but in the
wrong order. Match the function of each paragraph with the paragraph
number. Think about what each paragraph is doing.
Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the
correct letter.
Task 4
Now think about the following questions and write down some ideas.
(a) Do the ideas in the paragraphs of Text 4 link together logically? Does the
text present a solid, well-supported argument?
(b) Does the text provide convincing examples or references to other writers to
Task 5
Did you enjoy reading this text? Did you find the subject interesting?
If yes, why? If no, why not?
2.4 What is the text ‘The science of evolution’ saying and doing?
In the next activity you will analyse the second text in the same way as
you did the first text.
Task 1
History and natural selection are relevant in the sphere of the mind as
well as the body. We tend to think of ourselves as autonomous beings in full
control of our behaviour and we do, of course, have freedom of action, but how
we make choices is influenced by how our minds have evolved. For example,
why are we more scared of snakes than of fatal vehicle accidents that are so
much the greater danger for most of us?
Evolution by natural selection can also help us understand moral codes
that were once the exclusive province of religion. A philosophy of ‘survival of
the fittest’ sounds amoral or even immoral, but evolution is much more
sophisticated than this misleading phrase implies. Humans are social animals
and our individual survival depends upon successful relationships with our
Task 2
Identify the central idea and other key ideas in each paragraph. Make
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Relevance of natural …………………… to the mind: evolution
………………….. our choices
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Task 3
The list below shows the organisation of ideas in Text 5, but in the
wrong order. Match the function of each paragraph with the paragraph
1. Makes a central claim about evolution (main idea) and supports with one
3. Argues that we are still evolving but that we are sufficiently evolved to
fight against our fate (created by ourselves).
5. Makes a claim about the importance of evolution history and its possible
consequences for religion.
Task 4
Now think about the following questions and write down some ideas.
(a) Do the ideas in the paragraphs of the text link together logically? Does the
text present a solid, well-supported argument?
(b) Does the text provide convincing examples or references to other writers
to support the claims it makes?
Task 5
Make a list of the ideas in Text 5 which are similar to those in Text 4,
Task 6
In the next activity you ask questions about Texts 4 and 5 to get a critical
overview of their similarities and differences.
ACTIVITY 14 – Part 1
Task 1
Critically read Texts 4 and 5 again (using skim reading, scan reading
or close reading). Then consider the statements below. Decide if the
statement applies to the text and write down some examples to support your
Question 2: Which text uses the opinions of other writers to support ideas?
Question 3: Which text shows whether there are other arguments which
contradict their arguments?
2.5.2 What are the similarities and differences? (2)
ACTIVITY 14 – Part 2
- Text 4: …………………………………………………………………………
- Text 5: …………………………………………………………………………
- Text 4: …………………………………………………………………………
- Text 5: …………………………………………………………………………
- Text 4: …………………………………………………………………………
- Text 5: …………………………………………………………………………
- Text 4: …………………………………………………………………………
- Text 5: …………………………………………………………………………
Task 3
Think about the following questions and write down some ideas.
Question 2
Which of the two texts is based on accepted fact and which is based on
beliefs you might challenge?
practised asking questions about the author, type and context of texts.
Function of a text
The function of a text, section of text, sentence or clause is what it
does. For example, a text, section of text or sentence in a text may
describe, explain, recount, compare, give a result, and so on.
Using language to signal that you are not absolutely certain about
what you say or write. You do not present what you are saying as a
fact. This may be because you do not know everything about the topic
so are not sure or you are aware that other people have different
views, so you are respecting their viewpoint, or because you are
speaking/writing to someone who may take offence if you are too
direct in what you say. Examples: (1) Anthropathology might be
regarded as drawing attention to the worst facing us; (2) It seems that
today’s students cannot read critically; (3) Past
students probably thought of education as a privilege; current
students undoubtedly view it as an entitlement.
3. Critical Reading Guidelines
3.1 Reiteration of Critical Reading
The most common form of the word critical is 'to criticise or find fault
with something'. This is different, however, from the meaning of the word
when used in phrases such as critical thinking, critical writing or critical
reading. In this context the word means 'exercising careful judgement and
evaluating the evidence'. Critical reading, therefore, involves questioning a
text, rather than assuming everything it contains is factual. This means that in
addition to what a text says, the reader needs to consider how it says it, who is
saying it, when it was said, where it was said (i.e. published), and why it was
said (i.e. the writer's purpose), in order to be able to evaluate the evidence and
make a careful judgement as to how trustworthy the information is. This may
be important in deciding whether and how to use this source, for example in
your own writing.
Many authors equate critical reading and active reading, though in fact
they are not the same. Active reading involves engaging with a text in order to
understand what it contains. This could mean highlighting key words and
phrases, making annotations in the margin, testing yourself as you read,
discussing with or explaining it to someone else after reading, as well as
reading critically by asking questions about the text. Critical reading is
therefore a form of active reading, but is only one of several ways to read
actively. This means that it is possible to read a text actively, for example by
highlighting it and making annotations, without reading critically.
3.3 How to read critically
In order to read critically you will need to ask certain questions about the
text. One area to consider is the author and source. Questions for this area can
be asked before you read the text, and are mostly quite straightforward.
Answers to these questions may help you decide whether the text is worth
reading at all. Another area to consider is the evidence the writer uses to
support his points. These questions are more difficult, and require careful
reading of the text and consideration of the meaning. Being able to answer
questions such as these will also improve your ability as a writer. A final area
to look at is the assumptions and bias which the writer may have. These are the
most difficult questions, and may need you to analyse the language the writer
uses in order to answer them.
Questions on each of these areas are given below. There are 20 questions
in total. These questions can be asked in any order, and you do not need to find
answers to all of them. Some are wh- questions, while others are yes/no
questions. The yes/no questions have been phrased so that the answer should
be 'Yes' if this it is a reliable source, while the answer 'No' would indicate
some potential problems. If there are too many 'No' answers it would indicate
that this is perhaps not a source you should be using in your academic writing.
10. Are citations used? If so, are the cited sources trustworthy and recent?
11. If there are any images or diagrams, are they clear? Do they relate directly
to points in the text and support the author’s argument?
12. If it is a research article, is the methodology valid (e.g. sample size, method
of sampling)? Are the limitations clear? Are the results consistent with the
The following questions relate to the assumptions the writer has, and
any potential bias.
13. What assumptions has the writer made? Are they clear to the reader? Are
they valid?
14. What is the author’s stance (i.e. position = quan điểm) on the topic? Is this
15. Does the writer present a balanced viewpoint? Are other viewpoints
considered (e.g. via counter-arguments)?
17. Are the writer's conclusions reasonable in the light of the evidence
18. Is the writer's language neutral? Does the writer use hedge words e.g. It
appears that... This may be caused by...) and avoid the use of emphatic
words/phrases (e.g. It is obvious... Clearly... Of course...)?
19. Does the writer avoid using emotional language and dramatic images?
Choose an article for your group and write a reflection (about 200
words) about it.
1. Skim the reading passage to determine the main idea and the overall
organization of ideas in the passage. You do not need to understand every
detail in each passage to answer the questions correctly. It is therefore a
waste of time to read the passage with the intent of understanding every
single detail before you try to answer the questions.
2. Look ahead at the questions to determine what language skills are being
tested in the questions. Questions related to different language skills are
answered in different ways.
3. Find the section of the passage that deals with each question. The
language skill tells you exactly where to look in the passage to find correct
• For main idea questions, look at the first line of each paragraph.
• For directly and indirectly answered detail questions, choose a key word
in the question, and skim for that key word (or a related idea) in order in
the passage.
• For pronoun questions, the question will tell you where the pronoun is
located in the passage.
• For transition questions, look at the beginning or the end of the passage.
• For vocabulary questions, the question will tell you where the word is
located in the passage.
• For tone, purpose, and course questions, look at the first line of each
4. Read the part of the passage that contains the answer carefully. The
answer will probably be in a very predictable place in the passage.
5. Choose the best answer to each question from the four choices listed in
your test book. You can choose the best answer according to what is given
in the appropriate section of the passage, eliminate definitely wrong
answers, and mark your best guess on the answer sheet.
Sample passage 1
In the philosophy of John Dewey, a sharp distinction is made between
intelligence and reasoning. According to Dewey, intelligence is the only
absolute way to achieve a balance between realism and idealism, between
practicality and wisdom of life. Intelligence involves "interacting with other
things and knowing them," while reasoning is merely the act of an observer,
"... a mind that beholds or grasps objects outside the world of things". With
reasoning, a level of mental certainty can be achieved, but it is through
intelligence that control is taken of events that shape one's life.
If a passage consists of more than one paragraph, you should study the
beginning of each paragraph to determine the main idea.
Sample passage 2
Nitrogen fixation is a process by which nitrogen is continuously fed into
biological circulation. In this process, certain algae and bacteria convert
nitrogen into ammonia (NH3).This newly-created ammonia is then for the
most part absorbed by plants.
Question: Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
ⒶThe Process of Nitrogen Fixation
Ⓑ Two Nitrogen Processes
Ⓒ The Return of Nitrogen to the Air
Ⓓ The Effect of Nitrogen on Plant Life
THE QUESTION 2. Look for a common theme or idea in the first
3. Pass your eyes quickly over the rest of the
passage to check that you have really found the
topic sentence(s).
4. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and
choose the best answer from the remaining
EXERCISE 1: Study each of the passages and choose the best answers to
the questions that follow. In this exercise, each passage is followed by several
main idea, topic, or title questions so that the students can practice this type
of question.
Line Fort Knox, Kentucky, is the site of a U.S. army post, but it is even
more renowned for the Fort Knox Bullion Depository, the massive
vault that contains the bulk of the U.S. government's gold deposits.
Completed in 1936, the vault is housed in a two-story building
5 constructed of granite, steel, and concrete; the vault itself is made of
steel and concrete and has a door that weighs more than twenty tons.
Naturally, the most up-to-date security devices available are in place at
Fort Knox, and the army post nearby provides further protection.
2. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. The Massive Concrete Vault
B. Fort Knox Security
C. Where the United States Keeps Its
D. A visit to Kentucky
On the paper and the computer tests, you may be asked to determine
how the ideas in one paragraph (or paragraphs) relate to the ideas in another
paragraph (or paragraphs). Look at an example that asks you to determine
how the information in the passage is organized.
Sample passage:
Doubleday was given credit for this invention early in the twentieth
century when sporting-goods manufacturer Spaulding inaugurated a
commission to research the question of who invented baseball. In 1908, a
report was published by the commission in which Abner Doubleday, a U.S.
Army officer from Cooperstown, New York, was given credit for the
invention of the game. The National Baseball Hall of Fame was established
in Cooperstown in honor of Doubleday.
1. In this passage
Ⓐ an idea is presented and then refuted
Ⓑ a concept is followed by examples
Ⓒ a cause is followed by an effect
Ⓓ a belief is supported with reasons
The following chart outlines the key information that you should
remember about questions on the organization of ideas.
HOW TO - How is the information in the passage organized?
IDENTIFY THE - How is the information in the second paragraph related
QUESTION to the information in the first paragraph?
EXERCISE 2: Study each of the passages and choose the best answers to
the questions that follow.
10 complacency among workers and causing positive changes to occur.
Managers who hold an interactionist view of conflict may actually take
steps to stimulate conflict within the organization.
Sample Passage
Williamsburg is a historic city in Virginia that was settled by English
colonists in 1633, twenty-six years after the first permanent English colony in
America was settled at Jamestown. In the beginning, the colony at
Williamsburg was named Middle Plantation because of its location in the
middle of a peninsula between two rivers, the York and the James. The site for
Williamsburg had been selected by the colonists because the soil drainage was
better there than at the Jamestown location, and there were fewer mosquitoes.
The question:
The following chart outlines the key information that you should
remember about stated detail questions.
Line Ice ages, those periods when ice covered extensive areas of the
Earth, are known to have occurred at least six times. Past ice ages can
be recognized from rock strata that show evidence of foreign materials
deposited by moving walls of ice or melting glaciers. Ice ages can also
5 be recognized from land formations that have been produced from
moving walls of ice, such as U-shaped valleys, sculptured landscapes,
and polished rock faces.
2. The passage covers how many different methods of recognizing past ice
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
You will sometimes be asked in the reading section of both the TOEFL
test to find an answer that is not stated or not mentioned or not true in the
passage. This type of question really means that three of the answers are
stated, mentioned, or true in the passage, while one answer is not.
You should note that there are two kinds of answers to this type of
question: (1) there are three true answers and one that is not true according to
the passage, or (2) there are three true answers and one that is not mentioned
in the passage.
Sample Passage
In English, there are many different kinds of expressions that people
use to give a name to anything whose name is unknown or momentarily
forgotten. The word gadget is one such word. It was first used by British
sailors in the 1850s and probably came from the French word gachette, which
was a small hook. In everyday use, the word has a more general meaning.
Other words are also used to give a name to something unnamed or unknown,
and these words tend to be somewhat imaginative. Some of the more
commonly used expressions are a what-d'ye-call-it, a whatsis, a thingamabob,
a thingamajig, a doodad, or a doohickey.
1. Which of the following is NOT true about the word gadget1?
A. It is used to name something when the name is not known.
B. It was used at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
C. It most likely came from a word in the French language.
D. Its first known use was by British sailors.
1. All of the following are true about blood plasma EXCEPT that
A. it is a deeply colored liquid
B. blood cells have been taken out of it
C. patients are often transfused with it
D. it is generally more important to the patient than other parts of whole
In the reading section of the TOEFL test, you will sometimes be asked
to determine to which noun a pronoun refers. In a pronoun reference
question, it is important to understand that a noun is generally used first in
a passage, and the pronoun that refers to it comes after. Whenever you are
asked which noun a pronoun refers to, you should look before the pronoun
to find the noun.
Sample Passage
The questions:
1. The pronoun They in line 4 refers to
A. humid areas
B. these plants
C. insects
D. digestive fluids
The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember
about pronoun referents.
Line The full moon that occurs nearest the equinox of the Sun has
become known as the harvest moon. It is a bright moon which allows
farmers to work late into the night for several nights; they can work
when the moon is at its brightest to bring in the fall harvest. The
5 harvest moon, of course, occurs at different times of the year in the
northern and southern hemispheres. In the northern hemisphere, the
harvest moon occurs in September at the time of the autumnal
equinox. In the southern hemisphere, the harvest moon occurs in
March at the time of the vernal equinox.
1. The pronoun "It" in line 2 refers to
A. the equinox
B. the Sun
C. the harvest moon
D. the night
what Lincoln had said, and Lincoln considered his appearance at the
ceremonies rather unsuccessful. After his speech appeared in print,
appreciation for his words began to grow, and today it is recognized as
one of the all-time greatest speeches.
5. What does the word “it” in line 11 refer to?
A. his appearance
B. his speech
C. appreciation
D. his words
Sample passage
Line The Hawaiian language is a melodious language in which all
words are derived from an alphabet of only twelve letters, the five
vowels a, e, i, o, u and the seven consonants h, k, I, m, n, p, w. Each
syllable in the language ends in a vowel, and two consonants never
5 appear together, so vowels have a much higher frequency in the
Hawaiian language than they do in English.
visitors to the islands. Most Hawaiians speak English, but it is quite
common to hear English that is liberally spiced with words and
expressions from the traditional language of the culture. A visitor may
10 be greeted with the expression aloha and may be referred to as a
malihini because he is a newcomer to the island. The visitor may attend
an outside luau where everyone eats too much and be invited
afterwards to dance the hula.
HOW TO 2. Scan the passage for the key word (or a related idea).
ANSWER THE 3. Carefully read the sentence that contains the key
4. Look for an answer that could be true, according to
that sentence.
PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-2)
Line Eskimos need efficient and adequate means to travel across water
in that the areas where they live are surrounded by oceans, bays, and
inlets and dotted with lakes and seas. Two different types of boats have
been developed by the Eskimos, each constructed to meet specific
5 needs.
You will sometimes be asked to answer a multiple-choice question
about what probably came before the reading passage (in the preceding
paragraph) or what probably comes after the reading passage. Of course, the
topic of the preceding or following paragraph is not directly stated, and you
must draw a conclusion to determine what is probably in these paragraphs.
Sample passage
According to tradition, any object that goes overboard and sinks to the
bottom of the ocean is said to have gone to Davy Jones's locker, the ocean-
sized, mythical receptacle for anything that falls into the water. Needless to say,
any sailor on the seas is not so eager to take a tour of Davy Jones's locker,
although it might be a rather interesting trip considering all the treasures located
2. The topic of the paragraph following the passage most likely is
A. valuable items located at the bottom of the ocean X
B. where Davy Jones is found today
C. Jonah and the whale
D. preventing objects from falling overboard
WHERE TO - The answer can generally be found in the first line of the
FIND passage for a preceding question.
- The answer can generally be found in the last line for a
following question.
1. Read the first line for a preceding question.
ANSWER THE 2. Read the last line for a following question.
3. Draw a conclusion about what comes before or offer.
4. Choose the answer that is reflected in the first or last
2. The paragraph following this passage most likely contains information on
A. The popularity of science
B. The program Cosmos
C. The astronomer Carl Sagan X
D. Topics and issues from various fields of science
The Mason-Dixon Line was established well before the Civil War,
as a result of a boundary dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland.
Two English astronomers, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, were
10 called in to survey the area and officially mark the boundary between
the two states. The survey was completed in 1767, and the boundary
was marked with stones, many of which remain to this day.
C. Americans
D. the South
3. It can be inferred from the passage that before the Civil War
A. Pennsylvania was south of the Mason-Dixon Line
B. Pennsylvania was a nonslave state X
C. the states south of the Mason-Dixon Line had the same opinion about
slavery as Pennsylvania
D. the slave states were not divided from the nonslave states
4. The passage states all of the following about Mason and Dixon EXCEPT
A. they came from England
B. they worked as astronomers
C. they caused the boundary dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland
D. they surveyed the area of the boundary between Pennsylvania and
5. The passage indicates that the Mason-Dixon Line was identified with
A. pieces of rock
B. fences
C. a stone wall
D. a border crossing
To answer a vocabulary question, it is, of course, helpful if you know the
meaning of the word that is being tested. However, it is not always necessary
for you to know the meaning of the word; often there are skills that you can
use to help you find the correct answer to the question: (1) finding definitions
from structural clues, (2) determining meanings from word parts, and (3)
using context clues to determine meanings.
Sample passage
2. The phrase “positive reinforcement” in line 5,6 might take the form of
A. a gift
B. a reward
C. a bribe
D. penalty
3. Which of the following is close in meaning to the phrase ‘negative
reinforcement’ in line 6?
A. good behavior B. praise C. punishment D. money
QUESTION carefully.
Line The teddy bear is a child's toy, a nice soft stuffed animal suitable for
cuddling. It is, however, a toy with an interesting history behind it.
2. This word “pastimes” in line 5 could best be replaced by
A. past occurrences
B. previous jobs
C. hunting trips
D. leisure activities X
When you are asked to determine the meaning of a long word that you do
not know in the reading section, it is sometimes possible to determine the
meaning of the word by studying the word parts.
Sample passage
Line Ring Lardner was born into a wealthy, educated, and cultured
family. For the bulk of his career, he worked as a reporter for
newspapers in South Bend, Boston, St. Louis, and Chicago. However,
it is for his short stories of lower middle-class Americans that Ring
5 Lardner is perhaps best known. In these stories, Lardner vividly creates
the language and the ambiance of this lower class, often using the
misspelled words, grammatical errors, and incorrect diction that
typified the language of the lower middle class.
1. The word ‘vividly’ in line 5 is closest in meaning to
A. in a cultured way
B. in a correct way
C. in a lifelike wayX
D. in a brief way
1. The word “subjugation” in line 5 C. minerals
is closest in meaning to D. prosperity
A. religion 4. The word “spectacular” in line
B. flag 17 is closest in meaning to which
C. controlX of the following?
D. agreement A. Ruggedly handsome
2. The word “decades” in line 6 is B. Visually exciting
closest in meaning to C. Completely uneven
A. months D. Unendingly boring
B. centuries 5. Which of the following could be
C. long epoch the best substitute for the word
D. ten-year periodsX “veered” in line 20?
3. In line 12, the word “terrain” is A. missed
closest in meaning to B. reached
A. landX C. turned X
B. population D. storm
Sample passage
1. An “incumbent” in line 1 is most likely
A. a special type of election
B. a political party
C. a beneficial comment
D. a current office-holder
Line The black widow is the most dangerous spider living in the
United States. It is most common in the southern parts of the country,
but it can be found throughout the country. The black widow got its
name because the female has been known to kill the male after mating
5 and, as a result, becomes a widow.
3. Which of the following has similar meaning to the word ‘deadly’ in line 11?
A. mortalX
B. occasionally
C. severe
D. certainly
Sample passage
Line Faced with serious threats to its future, the company is taking steps
to improve its outlook. The company has brought in a new crop of
trainees to staff some of its empty positions. In addition, the company
has created a new committee to research various proposals and has
5 appointed a key member of its management team to chair the committee.
HOW TO What is the meaning of ‘X’ in line Y? The word ‘X’ in
QUESTION line Y could best be replaced by...
Line The ‘piece of eight’ was the nickname of the Spanish ‘peso,’
which was the rough equivalent of the American dollar in early
America; the peso was accepted coin in much of the Americas,
particularly during the period when the stores of Spanish ships were
5 regularly stripped by pirates on the waters off the Americas and
‘redistributed’ throughout coastal towns. The nickname ‘piece of eight’
derived from the fact that the peso was equal to eight ‘reals’ and
therefore had the numeral 8 stamped on it. The ‘piece of eight’ was
sometimes actually cut into pieces, or bits, and one popular size was
10 one-quarter of a ‘piece of eight,’ or two bits. As a consequence, the
U.S. quarter of a dollar is sometimes referred to today as two-bits,
particularly in the western part of the country. A visitor to that area, if
told ‘It'll be two-bits,’ should take it that the price of an item is being
Line Bigfoot is a humanlike creature reportedly living in the Pacific
Northwest. Bigfoot sightings have been noted most often in the
mountainous areas of Northern California, Oregon, and Washington in
the United States. The creature has also been spotted numerous times in
5 British Columbia in Canada, where it is known as Sasquatch.
1. Which of the following best states the topic of the passage?
B. A description of Bigfoot
3. It is implied in the passage that Bigfoot would probably NOT like to live
A. in Oregon
B. in the Pacific Northwest
C. on coastal plains
D. in mountainous areas
B. creatures
C. humans
D. furry animals
Often in the reading section, the last question or two for a particular
reading passage are overall questions that ask about the passage as a whole
rather than one small detail. The most common type of overall review
questions are questions that ask where in the passage something is found,
questions about the tone of the passage, questions about the author's purpose in
writing the passage, questions about which course the passage might be a part
of, or questions about where a particular piece of information might be inserted
into the passage.
Sample passage
1. Where in the passage does the 2. Where in the passage does the
author discuss the composition of author mention the distance from
the meteor? which the crater can be seen?
A. line 1-3 A. line 1-3
B. line 4-5 B. line 4-5
C. line 5-7 C. line 5-7
D. line 7-9 D. line 7-9
The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember
when you are trying to determine where in the passage something is found.
1. Where in the passage does the 3. Where in the passage does the
author give the name of a baby author indicate why the young
beaver? beavers must leave their parents'
A. Line 1 home?
B. Line 2-3 A. Line 1
C. Line 4 B. Line 2
D. Lines 5 C. Line 3
A question about the tone is asking if the author is showing any emotion in
his or her writing. The majority of the passages on the TOEFL test are factual
passages presented without any emotion; the tone of this type of passage could
be simply informational, explanatory, or factual. Sometimes the author shows
some emotion, and you must be able to recognize that emotion to answer a
question about tone correctly. If the author is funny, then the tone might be
humorous; if the author is making fun of something, the tone might be
sarcastic; if the author feels strongly that something is right or wrong, the tone
might be impassioned.
Sample passage
Line Military awards have long been considered symbolic of royalty, and
thus when the United States was a young nation just finished with
revolution and eager to distance itself from anything tasting of
monarchy, there was strong sentiment against military decoration. For a
5 century, from the end of the Revolutionary War until the Civil War, the
United States awarded no military honors. The institution of the Medal
of Honor in 1861 was a source of great discussion and concern. From the
Civil War until World War I, the Medal of Honor was the only military
award given by the United States government, and today it is awarded
10 only in the most extreme cases of heroism. Although the United States is
still somewhat wary of granting military awards, several awards have
been instituted since World War I.
WHERE TO Look for clues throughout the passage that show
FIND THE Tone if the author is showing some emotion rather
ANSWER than just presenting facts.
PASSAGE ONE (Questions 1-3)
1. The purpose of this passage is to 2. Which of the following best
4. Which of the following best describes the author's purpose in this passage?
A. To explain the details of a specific court case
B. To demonstrate why confessions made under hypnosis are not reliable
C. To clarify the role of the Supreme Court in invalidating confessions from
hypnotized subjects
D. To explain the legal status of hypnotically induced confessions
1. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses
A. nineteenth-century music
B. one development in music in the last century X
C. the works of Aaron Copland
D. the history of folk and popular music
2. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage?
A. Traditional music flavored some American musical compositions in the
twentieth century.
B. Ives and Copland have used folk and popular music in their compositions.
C. A variety of explanations exist as to why a composer might use traditional
sources of music.
D. Traditional music is composed of various types of folk and popular music.
3. It can be inferred from this passage that the author is not sure
A. when Ives wrote his compositions
B. that Ives and Copland actually borrowed from traditional music
C. why certain composers borrowed from folk and popular music X
D. if Copland really featured new musical forms
6. Which of the following is NOT listed in the passage as a source for Ives's
A. National music
B. Religious music
C. Jazz
D. American novels
7. Which of the following words in the passage could be best replaced by
A. forms
B. gamut
C. music
D. sources
8. What sentence in the passage gives reasons composers might use traditional
melodies in their compositions?
A. sentence 1
B. sentence 2
C. sentence 3
D. sentence 4
9. Where in the passage does the author list examples of titles of Copland’s
A. line 1-2
B. line 5-6
C. line 9-10
D. line 11
10.The passage would most probably be assigned reading in which of the
following courses?
A. American History
B. The History of Jazz
C. Modern American Music
D. Composition