SPMS Track It User Guide
SPMS Track It User Guide
SPMS Track It User Guide
O ctober 2015
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2 Contents
Contents ....................................................................................................................... 3
Tables ........................................................................................................................... 5
Figures .......................................................................................................................... 6
Preface .......................................................................................................................... 8
Audience ........................................................................................................................... 8
Customer Support ............................................................................................................ 8
Revision History ............................................................................................................... 8
1. Prerequisites, Supported Systems, and Compatibility ......................................... 9
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................... 9
Supported Systems .......................................................................................................... 9
Compatibility .................................................................................................................... 9
2. System Configuration ........................................................................................... 10
2.1. Accessing the Setup Page ................................................................................. 10
2.2. Configuring the Confiscate Item Location ..................................................... 10
2.3. Setting Up the Confiscate Item Discard Method .......................................... 11
2.4. Setting Up the Confiscate Item ........................................................................ 12
2.4.1. Creating a Confiscate Item Category ................................................... 12
2.4.2. Creating a Confiscate Item for each category ..................................... 13
2.5. Setting Up a Signature Capture Device .......................................................... 14
2.6. Setting Up a Barcode Scanning Device .......................................................... 14
2.7. Setting Up the Report Printer .......................................................................... 15
2.8. Configuring the Database Sequence for Barcode Printing .......................... 16
2.9. Barcode Printing ................................................................................................ 16
2.10. Setting Up System Labels ................................................................................. 17
3. Track It .................................................................................................................. 19
3.1. Viewing the Overview Screen ......................................................................... 19
3.2. Working with Confiscate Items ....................................................................... 19
3.2.1. Adding a Confiscate Item ...................................................................... 19
3.2.2. Deleting a Confiscate Item .................................................................... 22
3.3. Managing Confiscated Items in Guest Handling screen ............................. 22
3.4. Managing Confiscated Items in Security Gangway ..................................... 23
3.4.1. Handling Check-Out at Security Gangway ........................................ 23
3.4.2. Handling Check-In at Security Gangway ........................................... 24
3.5. Accessing Stored Items ..................................................................................... 25
3.6. Checking out Confiscated Items ..................................................................... 27
3.7. Checking In Confiscated Items ........................................................................ 29
3.8. Returning Confiscated Items ........................................................................... 29
3.9. Undoing Returned Items .................................................................................. 31
3.10. Showing an Item's Activity Log ...................................................................... 32
3.11. Showing a Person’s Activity Log .................................................................... 33
3.12. Processing Confiscated Items by Batch .......................................................... 33
Contents 3
3.13. Processing Returned/Checked Out Items by Batch ..................................... 36
3.14. Discarding Confiscated Items .......................................................................... 39
3.14.1. Undoing Discarded Items ..................................................................... 41
3.15. Viewing, Printing, and Exporting Reports .................................................... 42
3.16. Purging Data ...................................................................................................... 42
Appendix A. User Security Group ...................................................................... 43
Appendix B. Parameters ...................................................................................... 45
PAR_GROUP Track It ................................................................................................... 45
4 Contents
Table A-1 – Track It Item Security Access Group ............................................................. 44
Table A-2 – Track It Functionality Access Rights ............................................................. 44
Table B-3 - PAR Group Track It .......................................................................................... 45
Tables 5
Figure 2-1 - Track It main page ........................................................................................... 10
Figure 2-2 - Track It Setup tab ............................................................................................. 10
Figure 2-3 - Configuration page of Confiscate Item Location ......................................... 11
Figure 2-4 - Configuration page of Confiscate Item Discard Method ............................ 12
Figure 2-5 - Configuration page of Confiscate Item Setup .............................................. 13
Figure 2-6 - Confiscate Item Type configuration page ..................................................... 14
Figure 2-7 - Track It General Setup page ........................................................................... 15
Figure 2-8 - Track It reports ................................................................................................. 15
Figure 2-9 - Printer configuration page in Management Hardware setup .................... 16
Figure 2-10 - Label setup in Administration module. ...................................................... 17
Figure 3-1 - Track It Overview screen ................................................................................ 19
Figure 3-2 - Track It ribbon bar ........................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-3 - Confiscate Item Account Search ..................................................................... 20
Figure 3-4 - Item Type selection box ................................................................................... 20
Figure 3-5 - Search item using keyword ............................................................................ 21
Figure 3-6 - Confiscate item comment window ................................................................ 21
Figure 3-7 – Sample signature on check out item ............................................................. 22
Figure 3-8 - Confiscated item shown in Guest Handling ................................................ 22
Figure 3-9 - Confiscated item storage location shown in Guest Handling .................... 23
Figure 3-10 - Check-out handling at Security Gangway .................................................. 23
Figure 3-11 - Check-in Handling in Security Gangway ................................................... 24
Figure 3-12 - Reminder for collection of confiscated item for Departing passenger ... 25
Figure 3-13 - Store Item main page ..................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-14 - Search item by Item ID .................................................................................. 26
Figure 3-15 - Store Item main page ..................................................................................... 26
Figure 3-16 - Include items already stored ........................................................................ 27
Figure 3-17 - Return Item main page .................................................................................. 28
Figure 3-18 - Check Out Item main page ........................................................................... 28
Figure 3-19 - Indicator of items temporarily return date/time ....................................... 28
Figure 3-20 - Checked In item page .................................................................................... 29
Figure 3-21 - Updated information on Temporarily Returned date .............................. 29
Figure 3-22 - Return Item main page .................................................................................. 30
Figure 3-23 - Return Item comment field ........................................................................... 30
Figure 3-24 - Updated date/time field of returned item ................................................. 31
Figure 3-25 - Undo Items List with history ........................................................................ 31
Figure 3-26 - Return Item date/item reset to null ............................................................. 31
Figure 3-27 - Show Log page ............................................................................................... 32
Figure 3-28 - Sample of Show Log by items ...................................................................... 32
Figure 3-29 - Sample Show Log by person ........................................................................ 33
Figure 3-30 - Quick Confiscate dialog window ................................................................. 34
Figure 3-31 - Quick Confiscate Multiple account selection window.............................. 34
Figure 3-32 - Quick Confiscate Multiple Account selection filter ................................... 35
Figure 3-33 - Quick Confiscate Selected Accounts window ............................................ 35
Figure 3-34 - Sample Quick Confiscate selected passenger list ...................................... 36
Figure 3-35 - Quick Return Item.......................................................................................... 37
Figure 3-36 - Search Check-In Only menu ......................................................................... 37
Figure 3-37 - Quick Return filter by Debark Date/Guest Type ...................................... 37
Figure 3-38 - Return Item List selection ............................................................................. 38
6 Figures
Figure 3-39 - Barcode Scan Action selection ...................................................................... 38
Figure 3-40 - Barcode scan item return confirmation ....................................................... 39
Figure 3-41 - Discard Item window .................................................................................... 39
Figure 3-42 - Discard Item search criteria options ............................................................ 40
Figure 3-43 - Discard Item 'Only for Pax/Crew which had check-out' option ............. 40
Figure 3-44 - Discard Item 'Include Discarded Item' option ........................................... 40
Figure 3-45 - Discard Method selection box ...................................................................... 40
Figure 3-46 - Updated information on Discard Item ........................................................ 41
Figure 3-47 - Undo Discard Item option ............................................................................ 41
Figure 3-48 - Updated information on Discard Item ........................................................ 42
Figure 3-49 - Report dialog window ................................................................................... 42
Figure A-50 - User Access group assignment ................................................................... 43
Figure A-51 - User Security Reference ............................................................................... 43
Figure A-52 - User Security access prompt ........................................................................ 44
Figures 7
This document describes the setup and usage of Track It module.
TrackIt is a module that manages prohibited items such as camping gear, hazardous
items, alcohol from being taken on-board by passengers, visitors or crews. The
function includes, but not limited to Quick Collect, Quick Check-Out and Quick
Return. These functions are design to handle collection/return of restricted items,
either by batch or individually by passengers.
Audie nce
This document is intended for application specialist and end-users of Oracle
Hospitality Cruise Shipboard Property Management System.
C ustom e r S upport
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following
URL: https://support.oracle.com/
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
Product version and program/module name
Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create
Exact error message received
Screen shots of each step you take
R e vision H istory
Date Description of Change
August 7, 2015 Initial publication.
8 Preface
1. Prerequisites, Supported
Systems, and Compatibility
This section describes the minimum requirements for the Track It module in Oracle
Hospitality Cruise Shipboard Property Management System.
P re re quisite s
FC TrackIt.exe
S upporte d S yste m s
Windows 32-bit System
Windows 64-bit System
C om pa tibility
Oracle® Hospitality Cruise Shipboard Property Management System version
7.30.869 or later. For customers operating on version below 7.30.869,
database upgrade to the recommended or latest version is required.
10 System Configuration
Figure 2-3 - Configuration page of Confiscate Item Location
8. Click Save to save the record.
9. To enter additional locations, repeat steps 2 to 7.
System Configuration 11
Figure 2-4 - Configuration page of Confiscate Item Discard Method
12 System Configuration
Figure 2-5 - Configuration page of Confiscate Item Setup
8. Click Save to save the record.
9. To add a new Confiscate Item category, highlight the Item Setup in the tree view
and click Add New.
10. To enter additional item category, repeat steps 2 to 7.
5. The Item type is default to the selection from the tree view and is enabled by
6. To change the Item type, select the item from the drop down list.
7. By default, the Allow Temporarily Return is disabled. If the item is allow for
temporarily return, then enable by sliding the button to the right, setting it to Yes.
8. Under the Discard Duration section, define the maximum number of days for
items to be kept in store for each reservation categories. The default value is 0 =
never discard.
System Configuration 13
Figure 2-6 - Confiscate Item Type configuration page
14 System Configuration
Figure 2-7 - Track It General Setup page
System Configuration 15
1. In the Management module, select Options from the menu bar, then click
Hardware tab.
2. Ensure the Report Printer is setup for Labels and Receipts type.
1. Open Toad utility, then run below script to re-create the CIL sequence.
2 .9 . Ba rcode P rinting
For barcode printing, below are the prerequisite DLL’s and fonts.
16 System Configuration
1. Copy these barcode DLL files and font files to folders C:\Windows\system32
and C:\Windows\SysWOW64.
2 .1 0 . S e tting U p S yste m La be ls
System labels such as Confiscate or Confiscated are configurable according to user
requirement through the Administration module.
1. Select Administration, System Setup, Labels Setup, and then locate label codes
CONF00 and CONF01.
The label code “CONF00” refers to word “Confiscate” and is displayed on the
following screens:
Setup menu ribbon bar
General Setup: ‘Prompt Signature Capture when…’
Confiscate Item Setup
Confiscate Item Discard Method
Confiscate Item Location
System Configuration 17
Ability to show for ‘Button ‘Confiscate Item’ in menu Confiscate Item
The label code “CONF01” refers to word “Confiscated” and is displayed on the
following screens:
Overview screen: Total Item Confiscated Today
Overview screen: Top 10 most confiscated item
Confiscate Item: Confiscated Item
Management module: Loyalty/Track It tab, Confiscated Item section
18 System Configuration
3. Track It
The TrackIt module facilitates the users in recording the confiscated items, storing it
in its designated stores and returning the items at the end of the cruise.
These are the 5 statistics status that user can view from Overview screen:
a. Item confiscated today
b. Item to be returned today
c. Item discarded today
d. Item on hold, yet to return to passenger
e. Top 10 most confiscated item
Track It 19
Figure 3-2 - Track It ribbon bar
2. In the Account Search section, search for a passenger’s account using one of the
following methods:
entering the cabin number or last name
swiping board card using board card reader
scanning the barcode using barcode scanner to display the account
3. In the Item Type field, choose the item category to display from the drop down
list, and then click OK.
20 Track It
Figure 3-5 - Search item using keyword
5. Click Add to add the item to the Confiscated Item list.
6. If the same item is added to the list, a warning message will pop up.
7. Click Yes to add the same item to the list or click No to cancel.
8. Insert any comments/description for the item, and then click Confiscate Item.
Track It 21
Figure 3-7 – Sample signature on check out item
10. If the signature device is not connected, then a warning message pops up and
confiscate item is not allowed.
11. The barcode printer prints the item label, plus an item receipt for the passenger.
When a passenger has an item confiscated, the item details is displayed in the
Loyalty/Track It tab on the Guest Handling screen.
22 Track It
The storage location of the item is displayed when the items are stored.
The following section describes the record movement in the Loyalty/Track It tab on
the Guest Handling screen.
When a confiscated item is returned or checked-out temporarily to the
passenger, system removes the record from Confiscated Item section.
When a confiscated item is checked-in by the passenger, then the system
inserts a record in the Confiscated Item section.
If a passenger does not wish to checkout their item, click Close to exit.
Track It 23
3 .4 .2 . H a ndling C he ck-In a t S e curity G a ngw a y
Users are prompted to check-in the items when passengers return from shoreside.
If a user does not wish to collect the items from the passenger, click Close to exit.
24 Track It
Figure 3-12 - Reminder for collection of confiscated item for Departing passenger
Track It 25
Item ID: Use the barcode scanner or manually enter the item ID in the
3. Choose a store location from the dropdown list for the confiscated items.
4. Click Store Item.
26 Track It
6. The Store location of the selected confiscated item is shown under Item
7. To view all previously stored items, slide the Include Already Stored Item to the
right, turning the option to Yes. Stored items are now displayed on the Item List
Track It 27
Figure 3-17 - Return Item main page
2. From the Return Item screen, search the passenger account and choose the item
to check-out. Items allowed for temporarily return have a Yes in the Allow
Temporary Return column.
28 Track It
3 .7 . C he cking In C onfisca te d Ite m s
Items that were checked-out must checked back in after passengers return from
Track It 29
Figure 3-22 - Return Item main page
3. Locate the item by entering the item ID in the Search Criterial Item ID textbox,
and then click Search.
4. Insert the return comments, if any.
30 Track It
8. Click OK when a dialog box with confirmation on the number of item returned
9. The system sends a return item receipt to the printer and time stamps the
returned date/time in the Item List.
10. If a returned item barcode is scan, a dialog box indicating the date/time item were
return pops up.
Track It 31
3 .1 0 . S how ing a n Ite m 's Activity Log
This function displays all logged activities for the highlighted item, by item or
1. From the Return Item screen, search for the passenger account.
2. Highlight the item in the Item List grid, then click Show Log.
32 Track It
3 .1 1 . S how ing a P e rson’s Activity Log
1. In the Return Item screen, search for the passenger account, and then click Show
Log Person.
2. A Track It Item Log - Person window opens, displaying all the items activities for
the passenger.
Track It 33
Figure 3-30 - Quick Confiscate dialog window
2. Select an item from the Item drop down list.
3. Click Add Guest to open the Multiple Accounts Selection window.
34 Track It
Figure 3-32 - Quick Confiscate Multiple Account selection filter
6. Click Add All to transfer the selected passenger to the Selected Accounts, then
click OK to process.
Track It 35
7. The selected passengers are now added to the Item List.
36 Track It
Figure 3-35 - Quick Return Item
2. Select an item from the Item drop down list.
3. Click Search Check-In Only to display all the confiscate items base on checked-
in status and item selected.
Track It 37
6. To highlight the Item List, check the box on the menu header.
38 Track It
Figure 3-40 - Barcode scan item return confirmation
1. Click Discard Item to open the Discard Item window. All confiscated items that
exceeds the maximum storage duration is listed in the Item List grid.
Track It 39
2.2. Store location
2.3. Guest type
Figure 3-43 - Discard Item 'Only for Pax/Crew which had check-out' option
4. To search by Item ID, enter the ID in the textbox, and then click Search.
5. To include items that were already discarded in the Item List, slide the Include
Discarded Item to Yes.
40 Track It
7. Highlight the item to discard from the ship, and then click Discard Item.
8. Click Yes to confirm discarding the selected item.
9. Click OK to confirm the number of items being discarded.
10. The Date Returned/Discarded and Discard Method column is timestamped with
actual date/time system discard the items.
1. To undo the discarded item, select a discarded item from Item List.
2. Click Undo Discard.
Track It 41
Figure 3-48 - Updated information on Discard Item
3 .1 6 . P urging D a ta
All confiscated item records stored in CIL table that no longer have account
association with RES/UXP will be purge by the ADPI interface during the daily
purging routine.
42 Track It
Appendix A. User Security Group
This section describes the user security access group, which prevents the user from
accessing or viewing confiscated items in Item Type, Item and Item List in Confiscate
Item, Store Item, Return Item, Discard Item, Quick Confiscate and Quick Return
screen. These access groups coexist with Item configuration on the Setup tab. The
security privilege is assigned in the User Security module.
For users without no access rights assigned, the system displays a warning ‘You have
not access to view this item. Please consult your System Administrator for access’ when
searching or scanning for confiscated item.
Track It 43
Figure A-52 - User Security access prompt
44 Track It
Appendix B. Parameters
This section describes the Parameters available to the Track It module. They are
accessible the Administration module under System Setup, Parameter.
P AR _ G R O U P T ra ck It
Table B-3 - PAR Group Track It
Track It 45