Who Speaks for the Negro Robert Penn Warren download pdf
Who Speaks for the Negro Robert Penn Warren download pdf
Who Speaks for the Negro Robert Penn Warren download pdf
Cancer Control Knowledge into Action Who Guide for
Effective Programmers Who Guide for Effective Programmes
1st Edition Who
1965 edition published by Random House. 1993 copyright renewed, Eleanor Clark Warren.
Reprinted by Yale University 2014.
Introduction copyright © 2014 by David W. Blight.
All rights reserved.
This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form
(beyond that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and
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sales@yaleup.co.uk (U.K. office).
The author and publisher wish to thank the following for permission to use material quoted:
DIAL PRESS, INC. Nobody Knows My Name by James Baldwin, Copyright © 1961 by James
Baldwin; and "Down at the Cross: Letter from a Region in My Mind" from The Fire Next
Time by James Baldwin, which appeared in The New Yorker, November 17, 1962.
FIDES PUBLISHERS, INC. The New Negro, edited by M. H. Ahmann.
GROVE PRESS, INC. The Subterraneans by Jack Kerouac. Copyright © 1958 by Jack Kerouac.
OXFORD UNIVERSITYPRESS LTD. Race and Colour in the Carribean by G. R. Coulthard.
STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE The Graham letter, originally published in
the Student Voice publication.
THE CONDE NAST PUBLICATIONS INC. "Disturbers of the Peace: James Baldwin" by Eve
Auchincloss and Nancy Lynch Handy (Mademoiselle, May '63). Copyright © 1963 by The
Conde Nast Publications, Inc.
THE VILLAGE VOICE "View of the Back of the Bus" by Marlene Nadie. Copyright 1963 by
The Village Voice, Inc.
WORLD PUBLISHING COMPANY The Mark of Oppression by Abram Kardiner and Lionel Ove-
sey. A Meridian Book.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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With thanks to all those who speak here
I believe that the future will be merciful to us all. Revolutionist and
reactionary, victim and executioner, betrayer and betrayed, they shall
all be pitied together when the light breaks . . .
Chapterl THE C L E F T S T I C K 3
ChapterlII THE BIG B R A S S 132
ChapterV THE Y O U N G 355
ChapterVI C O N V E R S A T I O N PIECE 405
Index 445
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Knowing is, Maybe, a kind of being, and if you know, Can really know,
a thing in all its fullness, Then you are different, and if you are different,
Then everything is different, somehow too.
—Robert Perm Warren, Brother to Dragons, 1953
The will to power, grisly as it appears in certain lights, can mate, if uneas-
ily, with love of justice and dedicated self-interest.
—Robert Perm Warren, Who Speaks for the Negro ?, 1965
1. Suzanne Baskin to Warren, March 24, 1965, Robert Penn Warren Papers,
Beinecke Library, Yale University, box 213, folder 3720. Baskin was the as-
sistant for Albert Erskine, Warren's longtime, distinguished editor at Random
House in New York. Warren employs the word "revolution" throughout the
book, and sometimes debates its meaning with his subjects. See Robert Penn
Warren, Who Speaks for the Negro? (1965; reprint, New Haven: Yale University
Press, 2014), 151-52, 273. A fascinating, recent, and quite critical treatment of
xx ix : : Introduction
Who Speaks is in Michael Kreyling, "Robert Penn Warren: The Real Southerner
and the 'Hypothetical Negro,'" in Kreyling, The South That Wasn't There: Post-
southern Memory and History (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press,
2010), 49-75. Kreyling is especially effective at showing how much W. E. B. Du
Bois's ideas about identity hover over and lace through Who Speaks, as well as
how Warren imposes himself onto the interviews and therefore onto the analysis
in the book. Other works of similar form (oral history) that Who Speaks may
be compared to, among others, are Harold R. Isaacs, The New World of Negro
Americans (London: Phoenix House, 1964); Howell Raines, My Soul Is Rested:
Movement Days in the Deep South Remembered (New York: Putnam, 1977);
and Juan Williams, My Soul Looks Back in Wonder: Voices of the Civil Rights
Experience (New York: AARP/Sterling, 2004).
2. Joseph Blotner, Robert Penn Warren: A Biography (New York: Random
House, 1997), 11-15, 29-30, 40^13; John Burt, "Robert Penn Warren," in The
Cambridge History of American Literature, ed. Sacvan Bercovitch, vol. 7, Prose
Writing, 1940-1990 (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1999),
3. Robert Penn Warren, John Brawn: The Making of a Martyr (New York:
Payson and Clarke, 1929); Warren, "Briar Patch," in Twelve Southerners, /'//
Take My Stand: The South and the Agrarian Tradition (1930; reprint, New York:
Harper and Brothers, 1962), 246-64. On the influence of Ransom and Davidson
and the Agrarians, see Paul K. Conkin, The Southern Agrarians (Knoxville: Uni-
versity of Tennessee Press, 1988), 57-88.
4. See Cleanth Brooks, John Thibout Purser, and Robert Penn Warren, An
Approach to Literature: A Collection of Prose and Verse, with Analyses and
Discussions (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1939); Cleanth Brooks and
Robert Penn Warren, Understanding Poetry: An Anthology for College Students
(New York: H. Holt, 1939); Warren, All the King's Men (1946; reprint, New
York: Harcourt, 2001). On All the King's Men, much is written, but see John
Burt, Robert Penn Warren and American Idealism (New Haven: Yale Univer-
sity Press, 1988), 150-90; Burt, "Robert Penn Warren," Cambridge History of
American Literature, 329-36; and David W. Blight, American Oracle: The Civil
War in the Civil Rights Era (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2011),
5. Robert Penn Warren, Segregation: The Inner Conflict in the South (New
York: Random House, 1956), 44-52.
6. Robert Penn Warren, The Legacy of the Civil War (1961; reprint, Cam-
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983); Warren, Wilderness: A Tale of
Introduction : : xxx
the Civil War (New York: Random House, 1961). See Blight, American Oracle,
46-51, 59-78.
7. Warren, Who Speaks, Foreword, 249-67.
8. Ibid., Foreword.
9. Warren first uses the passage in Who Speaks, 19, and many times thereaf-
ter, often in much shorter versions and often just by referring to the "split psy-
che," as though he expected the term to be commonly understood.
10. Warren first uses the Clark passage in Who Speaks, 23. The quote comes
from Kenneth Clark, "The New Negro in the North," The New Negro, éd. M. H.
Ahmann (Notre Dame, Ind.: Fides Publishers, 1961).
11. See Warren's first use of the Myrdal idea in Who Speaks, 86-87, and then
many times thereafter. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., for example, called it "very
sound." Who Speaks, 168.
12. Ibid., 30, 58, 285, 423. The passage about Southern mobs is in James
Baldwin, "In Search of a Majority: An Address," in Nobody Knows My Name:
More Notes of a Native Son (1960), in James Baldwin: Collected Essays (New
York: Library of America, 1998), 215.
13. Albert Rothenberg, MD, to Warren, Jan. 16, 1964. Rothenberg was as-
sistant medical director at the Yale Psychiatric Institute, and he put Warren in
touch with Dr. Earl Biassey. Dr. Frederic Solomon, MD, Howard University, to
Warren, Nov. 18, 1963, Warren Papers, box 213, folder 3720. For note cards, see
Warren Papers, box 207. Warren, Who Speaks, 52; and see Stanley M. Elkins,
Slavery: A Problem in American Institutional and Intellectual Life (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1959).
14. Warren, Who Speaks, 52-59. Among the works of social psychology
Warren quotes or cites in his text and footnotes are Abram Kardiner and Lionel
Ovesey, The Mark of Oppression: A Psychosocial Study of the American Negro
(New York: Norton, 1951); Thomas F. Pettigrew, A Profile of the Negro Ameri-
can (Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1964); and the various works of Gordon Allport
on prejudice and bigotry. He also makes repeated references to Kenneth Clark,
Dark Ghetto: Dilemmas of Social Power (New York: Harper and Row, 1965).
15. Warren, Who Speaks, 317-22.
16. Ibid., 59-66, 136, 139, 336, 369-71, 378-90, 404, 414-15. On Nash, see
58, 248.
17. Ibid., 3-43. Quote about "tragic dilemma," 27. The other people inter-
viewed here are Lolis Elie, Robert Collins, Niles Douglas, and Felton Clark,
president of Southern University in Baton Rouge, La.
18. Ibid., 102-9, 89-100, 74-87.
xxx i :: Introduction
19. Ibid., 149-51.
20. Ibid., 160-70, 188-89, 196-97.
21. Ibid., 206-21.
22. Ibid., 222-32, 235^44, 245-62; Manning Marable, Malcolm X: A Life
of Reinvention (New York: Viking, 2011), 352-53. On the Malcolm X inter-
view, see Kreyling, "Robert Penn Warren," 70-72. Kreyling calls the interview
a "wrestling match." Indeed it was.
23. The other subjects in "Leadership on the Periphery" are William Hastie,
John Harvey Wheeler, Carl Rowen, and Kenneth Clark. The chapter on "The
Young" also includes an interview with Stephen A. Wright, president of Fisk
University in Nashville.
24. Warren, Who Speaks, 277-98, 326-53.
25. Warren to Albert Erskine, July 29, 1965, and Erskine to Warren, July 27,
Warren Papers, box 213, folder 3720.
26. Reinhold Niebuhr to Warren, July 10, 1965, and Mrs. A. Russell to War-
ren, n.d., Warren Papers, box 213, folder 3720.
27. Review by Maurice Dolbier, New York Herald Tribune, May 28, 1965;
Charles Poore, New York Times, June 1, 1965; Atlantic Monthly, July 1965; Fran-
cis Coughlin, Chicago Tribune, June 4, 1965; Lawrence Kubie, The Journal of
Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. 141, no. 2, 1965; Newsweek, June 7, 1965;
Warren to editor of Newsweek, June 12, 1965; Joseph Nicholson, Fort Worth
Star-Telegram, June 13, 1965; August Meier, "The Question Is Not Answered,"
Dissent, Autumn, 1965, in Warren Papers, box 213, folder 3720. It is in Nichol-
son's review that I first encountered the quotation from Brother to Dragons that
I use in the epigraph. And I thank John Burt, in his email of September 19, 2013,
for helping to enhance my understanding of the literary context of the quotation.
28. Albert Murray, New Leader, June 21, 1965, Warren Papers, box 213,
folder 3720.
29. Warren, Who Speaks, 405, 423.
30. Ibid., 423-24, 431-34.
31. Ibid., 428, 441-42.
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I have written this book because I wanted to find out something,
first hand, about the people, some of them anyway, who are making
the Negro Revolution what it is—one of the dramatic events of the
American story.
This book is not a history, a sociological analysis, an anthropo-
logical study, or a Who's Who of the Negro Revolution. It is a
record of my attempt to find out what I could find out. It is primarily
a transcript of conversations, with settings and commentaries. That
is, I want to make my reader see, hear, and feel as immediately as
possible what I saw, heard, and felt.
No doubt the reader, were he more than the silent spectator
which he must here be, would put more probing questions than
mine, and would have other, and more significant reactions. But my
questions may provide some continuity from interview to interview,
and my reactions may give the sense of an involved audience.
Along the way Dr. Anna Hedgeman said to me: "What makes
you think that Negroes will tell you the truth?"
I replied: "Even a he is a kind of truth."
But that is not the only kind that we have here.
•• JL
7 ••
That did not settle it for good and all. A school was organized,
and when all was ready, in October, twenty-three Negroes went down
to the courthouse. As they waited outside, their instructor came out.
9 :: The Cleft Stick
"Well, he come out and tole us, so I was the first man who made the
attempt to red-ish, so I tole them I was goen to be the first man to
go back."
He was.
. o•
• J*
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