Laboratory Exercise No. 3 1
Laboratory Exercise No. 3 1
Laboratory Exercise No. 3 1
Crop Pests
Pests are among the biotic components of agroecosystems that effect crop production. They
consist of invertebrate animals such as insects, mites and mollusks, vertebrate animals such as rodents,
birds, pathogens, and weeds. These pests attack or infect crops in various ways and consequently reduce
yields. Some of them directly damage the leaves, stems, roots and branches of crops and impair
physiological processes such as photosynthesis, absorption of water and nutrients, translocation of
assimilates and transpiration. Some of them compete with crops for resources needed for establishment
and growth such as water, nutrients, sunlight and CO2 or thus affecting the quantity and quality of grains,
fruits or produce. Others completely kill seedlings of crops. Worldwide pre-harvest crop losses due to
pests have been estimated to be about 30%. Pests are among the constraints to higher crop yields. Unless
deliberate efforts are made to minimize these losses, optimum crop yields may not be sustained.
Capability to recognize the major pests in economic crops and their corresponding damage or
symptoms is the first requirement in effective pest management. However, some of these pests like the
pathogens are not visible to the naked eye while others including many of the insect pests, are very small.
Therefore, recognizing these pests through the damage/symptoms that they case is a more practical and
convenient way of identifying the pests attacking our crops.
Learning Content
a. Invertebrate Pests
. Insects
. Mites
. Mollusks
b. Vertebrate Pests
. Rodents
. Birds
c. Weeds
d. Pathogens
a. Insects
- belong to Class Insecta/Hexapoda (six-legged) in the Phylum Arthropoda
- have 3 body regions namely: head, thorax, abdomen
- have three pairs of legs
- have one pair of antennae (rarely no antennae)
- wings either present or absent
b. Mites
- belong to Class Arachnida (e.g. spider)
- all stages have piercing and sucking mouthparts
- scrape off the leaf surface and sucks up the fluids from the top layer of cells which causes the
leaf to turn a silvery color
c. Mollusks
- belong to Class Gastropoda
- e.g. golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata)
- direct feeding damage by attacking rice seedlings
a. Rodents
- belong to Class Mammalia
- have hairs and mammary glands
- have gnawing incisors, whiskers, poor eyesight
- nocturnal
- attack rice, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables and root crops
- genus Rattus
b. Birds
- belong to Class Aves
- diurnal, have feathers, horny beak (adapted for different modes of feeding) and uniform body
temperature (homeothermy)
- e.g. Philippine weavers or maya – most destructive pest of rice (of the genera Lonchura and
- chew rice grains in the milky stage causing whitehead or unfilled panicles
WEEDS – plants that are unwanted or undesirable at a particular place and time
Types of Weeds
a. Grass
- belongs to family Poaceae
- has round and hollow stem known as ‘culm’
- has nodes and internodes
- leaves are narrow with parallel venation arising in alternate manner along the stem
c. Broadleaf
- belongs to other plant families
- generally dicots but few species are monocot
a. Bacteria
- typically one-celled prokaryotic (lack nuclear membrane and a well-defined nucleus)
organisms possessing a unit membrane and cell wall
- reproduce through binary fission
- mostly flagellated (responsible for motility)
b. Fungi
- small, eukaryotic, usually filamentous, spore-bearing organisms that lack chlorophyll
- cell walls are composed of chitin and glucan in a matrix of polysaccharides
c. Fungal-like Oomycetes
d. Virus
- ultramicroscopic obligate parasites (replicates only in living hosts) consisting of a nucleic acid
core (DNA or RNA) and a protein coat
- virus disease symptoms range from local lesions to systemic ones such as reduction in plant
size, mosaic patterns, and ringspots
e. Viroid
f. Mycoplasmas
g. Flagellated Protozoans
h. Parasitic Plants
Disease – abnormal change in structure or function manifested in the form of symptoms
Plant Disease Diagnosis – defined as identification of diseases based on signs and symptoms
Bacterial Diseases
Fungal Diseases
Virus Diseases
1. Rice Tungro
rice tungro bacilliform virus (badnavirus) green leafhopper (Nephotettix virescens)
rice tungro spherical virus (waikavirus) - helper virus
2. Banana Bunchy Top
banana bunchy to virus (BBTV) banana aphid (Pentalonia nigronervosa)
3. Papaya Ringspot
papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) aphids (Aphis gosypii, A. craccivora, &
Myzus persicae)
1. The student should accomplish the worksheets and answer the study questions.
Agri 121
Worksheet 3.1
Crop Pests
A. Direction: Draw and describe the infected plant organ of each of the pests indicated below. Reflect
in your drawing the shape, size, and color of spots or lesions or abnormalities. Provide the following
information required for each sample worksheet.
Choose two:
1. Rice Tungro
2. Papaya Ringspot
3. Banana/Abaca Bunchy Top
4. Tomato Leaf Curl
1. _______________________ 2. _______________________
a. Approximate percent of organ affected: a. Approximate percent of organ affected:
____________________________________ ____________________________________
b. Growth stage/s of the crop usually b. Growth stage/s of the crop usually
affected/attacked: ____________________ affected/attacked: ____________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
c. Discuss the implication of the damage on c. Discuss the implication of the damage on
crop yield: ___________________________ crop yield: ___________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Choose two:
3. Sigatoka of Banana
6. Mungbean Rust
3. _______________________ 4. _______________________
a. Approximate percent of organ affected: a. Approximate percent of organ affected:
____________________________________ ____________________________________
b. Growth stage/s of the crop usually b. Growth stage/s of the crop usually
affected/attacked: ____________________ affected/attacked: ____________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
c. Discuss the implication of the damage on c. Discuss the implication of the damage on
crop yield: ___________________________ crop yield: ___________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Choose two:
5. _______________________ 6. _______________________
a. Approximate percent of organ affected: a. Approximate percent of organ affected:
____________________________________ ____________________________________
b. Growth stage/s of the crop usually b. Growth stage/s of the crop usually
affected/attacked: ____________________ affected/attacked: ____________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
c. Discuss the implication of the damage on c. Discuss the implication of the damage on
crop yield: ___________________________ crop yield: ___________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Choose four:
7. _______________________ 8. _______________________
a. Approximate percent of organ affected: a. Approximate percent of organ affected:
____________________________________ ____________________________________
b. Growth stage/s of the crop usually b. Growth stage/s of the crop usually
affected/attacked: ____________________ affected/attacked: ____________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
c. Discuss the implication of the damage on c. Discuss the implication of the damage on
crop yield: ___________________________ crop yield: ___________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
9. _______________________ 10. _______________________
a. Approximate percent of organ affected: a. Approximate percent of organ affected:
____________________________________ ____________________________________
b. Growth stage/s of the crop usually b. Growth stage/s of the crop usually
affected/attacked: ____________________ affected/attacked: ____________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
c. Discuss the implication of the damage on c. Discuss the implication of the damage on
crop yield: ___________________________ crop yield: ___________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
List down five weed species (common and scientific names) commonly found in corn and rice fields.
a. _____________________________ ______________________________
b. _____________________________ ______________________________
c. _____________________________ ______________________________
d. _____________________________ ______________________________
e. _____________________________ ______________________________
Study Questions:
2. How can an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program help in controlling pests and in
achieving a healthier environment?