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High Voltage Engineering

35 QA New Pattern

Q.1 (a) Define EHV.

(b) Classify levels of voltages.
(c) Elaborate various Voltage Levels at consumer level.
(d) Explain disadvantages of DC transmission over AC transmission.
(e) Explain electrical power transmission at high voltages.

Q.2 (a) Give different levels of High Voltage Transmission.

(b) What do you understand by Electrical Power Transmission.
(c) Give the reason for rise in transmission voltage levels.
(d) What do you understand by the need for generating high voltages in laboratory?
(e) Give important applications of High Voltage.

Q.3 (a) Explain the formation of bubbles in cavity breakdown

(b) Give the condition of electron avalanche.
(c) Derive Paschen’s Law
(d) Explain Bubble’s Theory
(e) Explain Electro-Convection Breakdown.

Q.4 (a) Briefly explain Penning Effect.

(b) Define Corona Discharges.
(c) Briefly define Filtering and Testing of Insulating Oil under Vacuum.
(d) Explain Clump Mechanism of Vacuum Brakdown
(e) Explain the Post-breakdown phenomena with their application

Q.5 (a) Define Centrifugal Method of Oil Treatment

(b) Explain Electro-Chemical Breakdown in Solids
(c) Explain properties of pressing board as insulating material.
(d) Explain essential electrical properties of liquid dielectrics
(e) What is meant by purification of liquid dielectrics and why is it required.

Q.6 (a) Give properties and applications of vulcanized rubber.

(b) Give properties and applications of butyl & silicone rubber.
(c) Explain properties of ceramics as insulating material.
(d) Explain Suspended Particle Theory.
(e) Explain Chemical & Electrochemical Deterioration and Breakdown.

Q.7 (a) Give properties and applications of Neoprene and Styrene rubber.
(b) Explain properties of mica as insulating material
(c) Give classes of insulating materials.
(d) Explain the properties of Composite Dielectrics.
(e) Explain properties and applications of Epoxy Resins.
High Voltage Engineering
35 QA New Pattern

Q.1 (a) Give names and applications of commonly used gaseous dielectrics.
(b) Give names and applications of commonly used vacuum and liquid dielectrics.
(c) Give names of commonly used vacuum and liquid dielectrics.
(d) Give properties of important HV insulating Media
(e) Explain Properties of SF6 Gas as dielectric

Q.2 (a) Give properties of Sulphur-hexafluoride, (SF6) Gas.

(b) What is pre-breakdown electron emission in vacuum
(c) Give Physical Properties of SF6 Gas as dielectric
(d) Give Electrical Properties of Vacuum as High Voltage Insulation
(e) Explain Generation of Charge Carriers

Q.3 (a) What is pre-breakdown electron emission in vacuum

(b) What is pre-breakdown electron emission in vacuum
(c) Discuss briefly Non-Metallic Electron Emission Mechanisms
(d) Explain Impact Ionization?
(e) Explain Thermal Ionization?

Q.4 (a) Define Breakdown by Avalanche Discharge.

(b) Define positive ion effect, photon effect and meta-stable effect.
(c) Define Townsend’s Secondary Ionization coefficient.
(d) Explain Townsend’s Criterion for breakdown.
(e) Explain the use of gases / vacuum as dielectrics.

Q.5 (a) Give limitations of Townsend’s Theory

(b) Define Photo-ionization
(c) Briefly explain electron emission due to Positive Ion Impact.
(d) Explain the development of Negative Streamer Corona.
(e) Explain Avalanche Breakdown

Q.6 (a) Give the properties of a gaseous dielectric for high voltage applications.
(b) Define Vacuum System.
(c) Explain Glow Discharge.
(d) Explain Time Lags in Breakdown.
(e) Explain Intrinsic Breakdown in Solid dielectrics

Q.7 (a) Define Particle Exchange Mechanism

(b) Explain Anode Heating Mechanism
(c) Explain Cathode Heating Mechanism
(d) Explain Thermal Breakdown in Solid dielectrics.
(e) Explain Electro-Mechanical Breakdown in Solid dielectrics.
High Voltage Engineering
35 QA New Pattern

Q.1 (a) What is the necessity for generating high voltages.

(b) What are the various methods available for generating High DC voltage?
(c)What is the expression for average ripple in a Cock- croft Walton voltage multiplier.
(d) Explain different schemes for cascade connection of transformers for producing very high A.C.
(e) An impulse generator has eight stages each condenser rated for 0.16 micro F and 125kV. The
load capacitor available is 1000pF. Find the resistance and the damping resistance needed to produce
1.2/50 micro S. Impulse wave what is the maximum o/p voltage of the generator, if the changing
voltage is 120kV?

Q.2 (a) What is the expression for regulation (drop in voltage) ΔV in a cock croft Walton method?
(b) Give the expression for optimum number of stages in a cock croft Walter voltage multiplier.
(c) State the principle of Van de Graff generator?
(d) A 12- stage impulse generator has 0.126µF capacitors. The wave front and wave tail resistance
connected are 800 ohms and 5000 ohms respectively. If the load capacitor is 1000pF find the front
and tail times of the impulse wave produced?
(e) Explain with the help of a diagram the working of Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier circuit.
Find the expression for ripple in output voltage.

Q.3 (a) Express lighting over voltage in exponential form.

(b) How Impulse voltages are produced in the lab?
(c) What is the principle of Marx circuit?
(d) With a neat diagram explain the principle of operation of series resonant circuit for generating
high A.C. test voltages.
(e) With a neat sketch describe the work of a Van-de-Graff electrostatic generator. What are the
factors that limit the o/p voltage?
Q.4 (a) How switching Impulse voltage can be produced in the lab.
(b) What property of SF6 gas is not favorable in electrical approach?
(c) Distinguish between the breakdown in pure liquid & commercial liquid.
(d) Draw the equivalent circuit of a four stage cascaded transformer and determine the expression for
the short circuit reactance of a transformer.
(e) Describe the principle and construction of multistage impulse generator
assuming a suitable equivalent circuit. Derive an expression for the o/p voltage.

Q.5 (a) What do you understand by cascade transformers.

(b) Draw Simple Voltage Doubler Circuit.
(c) Explain Construction Diagram of Resonant Transformer.
(d) What is the principle of operation of resonant transformer? How is it advantages over the cascade
connected transformer?
(e) What is cascaded transformer? Explain why cascading is done? Describe with net diagram three
stage cascaded transformer. Label the power rating various stages of the transformer.

Q.6 (a) Define Ripple Voltage.

(b) Write advantages of Tesla Coil.
(c) Define wavefront and wavetail time interval in impulse voltage.
(d) Derive an expression for voltage efficiency of a single stage impulse generator?
(e) An impulse current generator has total capacitance of 15μF. The charging voltage 125kV, the
circuit inductance 2mH and the dynamic resistance 1 ohm. Determine the peak current and wave
shape of the wave.

Q.7 (a) How to generate High Impulse Current.

(b) What are the special features of High voltage rectifier valve.
(c) How are the ripples and regulations minimized.
(d) What is the standard impulse wave as per IS recommendation. Give the tolerances recommended.
(e) Explain the operation of a multistage Marx impulse generator circuit. Give the procedure and
describe the equipments.
High Voltage Engineering
35 QA New Pattern
Q.1 (a) What is the Specialty of high voltage / current measurement?
(b) What are the different devices used for High DC voltages.
(c) What are the various methods used for measurement of power frequency AC
(d) Explain the different method of high current measurements with there
relative merits & demerits?
(e) A coaxial shunt is to be designed to measure an impulse current of 50Ka.if the
bandwidth of the shunt is to be at least 10MHz & if the voltage drop across the
shunt should not exceed 50V. Find the ohmic value of the shunt & its
Q.2 (a) What is the method available for measurement of High frequency AC
voltages or Impulse voltages or other rapidly rising voltages?
(b) What are the various methods available for measurement of High direct
(c) What are the methods available for measurement of High alternating
(d) Explain the construction of sphere gap and factors of affect.
(e) Explain the different method of the high current measurement with there
relative merits & demerits?
Q.3 (a) What are the various methods available for measurement of High Impulse
currents or High frequency AC or fast rising AC?
(b) What are the limitations of resistance potential dividers?
(c) What is the principle and advantages of generating voltmeters?
(d) Explain how a sphere gap can be used to measure the peak value of voltages.
What are the parameters and factors that influence such voltage measurement?
(e) What are the requirements for sphere gap for measurement of high voltage?
Discuss the disadvantage of sphere gap for measurement?
Q.4 (a) What is the condition for using a generator volt meter to measure power
frequency High voltage?
(b) What is the principle of electrostatic voltmeter?
(c) What is the principle of a ‘Sphere gap’ for measurement of High voltages?
(d) Why is controlled triggering required in an impulse generator? Describe a
typical trigger arrangement?
(e) What are the problems associated with measurement of very high impulse
voltages? Explain how these can be taken care of during measurements.
Q.5 (a) What are the factors influencing the spark over voltage of a sphere gap?
(b) What is the principle of Rogowski Coil?
(c) What are the limitations of generating voltmeters?
(d) Explain with neat diagram the principle of operation of an electrostatic
voltmeter. Discuss its advantages and limitations for high voltage measurement.
(e) What are the problems associated with measurement of very high impulse
voltages? Explain how these can be taken care of during measurements.
Q.6 (a) Compare the performance of a potential Divider and a generating Voltmeter
for measurement of DC Voltages.
(b) What are the advantages of capacitance voltage transformer?
(c) What are the demerits of a capacitance voltage transformer?
(d) What is Rogowski Coil? Explain with a neat diagram its principle of
operation for measurement of high impulse currents.
(e) Discuss and compare the performance of (i) resistance (ii) capacitance
potential dividers for measurement of impulse voltages.
Q.7 (a) What are the different types of shunts used for impulse voltage
(b) What is the principle of a Faraday generator in measurement of high
(c) What are the criteria required to assess the potential dividers used for High
Impulse voltages.
(d) Discuss the effect of (i) nearby earthed objects (ii) humidity and (iii) dust
particles on the measurements using sphere gaps.
(e) A Rogowski coil is required to measure impulse current of 8 kA having rate
of change of current of 1010 A/sec. The voltmeter is connected across the
integrating circuit which reads 8 volts for full scale deflection. The input to the
integrating circuit is from the Rogowski Coil. Determine the mutual inductance
of coil R and C of the integrating circuit.
High Voltage Engineering
35 QA New Pattern
Q.1 (a) What are the necessities of High voltage testing?
(b) What is the specialty of HV Testing?
(c) Name some standards for HV Testing
(d) What are the various power frequency test done on insulator? Mention the
procedure for testing?
(e) Explain the partial discharge test on high voltage cables. How is a fault in the
insulation located in this test?
Q.2 (a) What is disruptive discharge voltage?
(b) What is Flashover?
(c) What is Puncture?
(d) Explain the concept of apparent charge is partial discharge measurement.
Describe a simple experiment technique to measure partial discharge?
(e) Briefly explain how partial discharge in an insulator system or equipment can
be detected and displayed?
Q.3 (a) What are self restoring and Non self restoring insulation?
(b) What is withstand voltage
(c) What is 50% & 100% Flashover Voltage?
(d) Briefly explain insulation co-ordination? Also explain various terminologies
(e) Explain the measurement of insulation resistance of cables?
Q.4 (a) Define Creepage Distance:
(b) What do you understand by AC Test Voltage?
(c) What is Impulse Voltage?
(d) How high voltage cable is tested? Describe in detail.
(e) What is non-destructive testing of insulating materials? Give briefly the
characteristics of this method
Q.5 (a) How is the Testing of insulators classified.
(b) What are the various High Voltage Tests done on insulators
(c) What is meant by atmospheric correction with reference to High Voltage
(d) Describe various tests to be carried out on circuit breakers.
(e) Write short notes on Testing of Bushings.
Q.6 (a) What are the various HV Test done on Bushings and Circuit Breakers?
(b) What are the steps for Impulse withstand Test on Power Transformer
(c) What are the various HV Tests done on surge diverters.
(d) Explain working of High Voltage Schering Bridge for Dielectric Loss
(e) Explain the procedure for performing (i) IR test, (ii) Stability Test and (iii)
Partial Discharge Test.
Q.7 (a) What is meant by insulation co-ordination in EHV power system?
(b) What is system protection level and its selection depend on what factors?
(c) Explain what is BIL?
(d) Why are the earthing and shielding arrangements needed in the Schering
bridge measurements?
(e) Determine the specific heat generated in the test specimen due to dielectric
loss if the dielectric constant and loss angle of the specimen are 3.8 and 0.0085
respectively. The electric field is 40 kV/cm at 50Hz.

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