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The Nature of Inquiry and Research
Topic III: Ethics should be applied in all stages of research from
the planning, to gathering data, to the analysis and
interpretation, and in the evaluation (oral examination)
RESEARCH - an investigation, study, exploration or probe
of the research.
on anything by applying systematic or scientific methods
in gathering data in order to provide answers to some 1. Researchers should avoid any risk of considerably
questions or problems that are aimed to improve the harming people, the environment, or property
quality of life unnecessarily.
- Research provides you with necessary information 2. Researchers must not use deception on people
in your field of work, study or operation before you participating
begin working on it 3. Researchers must obtain informed consent from all
- Most companies do research before beginning a involved in the study
project in order to get a basic idea about the things 4. Researchers must preserve privacy and confidentiality
they will need to do for the project. whenever possible by not using or releasing data and
- To find the root cause and associated elements of a information revealed to them in confidence
process 5. Researchers must take special precautions when
- Only through research can new inventions and involving populations of animals which may not be
discoveries come into life considered to fully the purpose of the study
6. Researchers must not plagiarize the work of others,
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD RESEARCH that is, not to present portions of another’s report or
A. EMPIRICAL- research is based on direct data as their own, even if the other work or data source
experience or observation by researcher is cited occasionally, and give proper acknowledgement
B. LOGICAL-research is based on valid procedures to resource/funding sources of their research
and principles 7. Grant and limit authorship to those who made a
C. CYCLICAL-it starts with a problem and ends with significant contribution to the research endeavor
a problem 8. Ensure that research results are accessible to the
D. ANALYTICAL-research utilizes proven analytical public
procedures in gathering the data, whether 9. Researchers must not twist their conclusions based
historical, descriptive, experimental, or case on funding
study 10. Researchers must not falsify research, thus, ensure
E. CRITICAL-research exhibits careful and precise the accuracy of all data that they have gathered and/or
judgement used in their research.
F. METHODICAL-research is conducted in a 11. Researchers must ensure that only the correct data,
methodical manner without bias using information, and research results shall be reported in
systematic method and procedure; and journals, conferences, and reports to clients in case of
G. REPLICABILITY-the research design and commissioned research.
procedures are replicated or repeated to enable 12. Respect the confidentiality and propriety rights of
the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive peers, colleagues and students whose material are
result reviewed for publication, presentation, or funding by a
H. INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY -a researcher grant
undertakes a deep thinking and inquiry of the 13. Respect cultural, individual, and role differences
things and situation around him; among research participants and consumers, including
I. PRUDENCE-the researcher is careful to conduct those based on age, sex, gender, identity, sexual
his research study at the right time and at the orientation, nationality, ethnicity, disability, language or
right place wisely, efficiently, and economically; socio-economic status.
J. HEALTHY CRITICISM - the researcher is always
doubtful as to the truthfulness of the results
researcher is honest to collect or gather data or - systematic empirical investigation of
facts in order to arrive at honest results; and phenomena using tools of mathematics and
L. INTELLECTUAL CREATIVITY -a productive and statistics
resourceful investigator always creates new - involves quantification or measurement and
researches usually concerns numbers
- concerned with things or characteristics that are


- various quantitative techniques for the

collection, analysis, and interpretation of data
- the most popular data gathering technique
being the use of surveys

Where do we use it?

 Looking for numerical answers to complex

 To measure or evaluate something
 Relative standing of candidates during the
election campaign period (surveys of Pulse Asia)
 State of the economy – through indicators such
as employment (via Philippine Statistical
 Monitoring the development of poverty across
the globe

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