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Jahangir Masud
Waves - Page-308
2.5 (a) Explain what is meant by the following quantities for a wave on the surface of water:
(i) displacement and amplitude, 9702_s14_qp_21
(ii) frequency and time period.
time period
(b) Fig. 5.1 represents waves on the surface of water in a ripple tank at one particular instant of
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................................................................................................................................................................. [1]
3.5 (a) State one property of electromagnetic waves that is not common to other transverse waves.
.................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) The seven regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are represented by blocks labelled
A to G in Fig. 5.1.
(i) Name the principal radiations and give a typical wavelength for each of the regions
B, E and F.
(c) All the waves in the spectrum shown in Fig. 5.1 can be polarised. Explain the meaning of the
term polarised.
.................................................................................................................................... [2]
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4.2 A source of radio waves sends a pulse towards a reflector. The pulse returns from the reflector and is
detected at the same point as the source. The emitted and reflected pulses are recorded on a cathode-
ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.) as shown in Fig. 2.1. 9702_w13_qp_21
(b) Determine the time-base setting required to produce the same separation of pulses on the c.r.o.
when sound waves are used instead of radio waves. The speed of sound is 300 m s–1.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
5.5 A long rope is held under tension between two points A and B. Point A is made to vibrate vertically
and a wave is sent down the rope towards B as shown in Fig. 5.1. 9702_w13_qp_21
The time for one oscillation of point A on the rope is 0.20 s. The point A moves a distance of 80 mm
during one oscillation. The wave on the rope has a wavelength of 1.5 m.
(a) (i) Explain the term displacement for the wave on the rope.
............................................................................................................................. [1]
1. the amplitude,
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2. the speed.
(b) On Fig. 5.1, draw the wave pattern on the rope at a time 0.050 s later than that shown.
(c) State and explain whether the waves on the rope are
(i) progressive or stationary,
............................................................................................................................. [1]
.............................................................................................................................. [1]
2. frequency f.
(ii) Use your definitions to deduce the relationship between λ, f and the speed v of the wave.
(b) Plane waves on the surface of water are represented by Fig. 5.1 at one particular instant of time.
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(c) The wave in (b) was produced in a ripple tank. Describe briefly, with the aid of a sketch diagram,
how the wave may be observed.
8.2 A microphone detects a musical note of frequency f. The microphone is connected to a cathode-ray
oscilloscope (c.r.o.). The signal from the microphone is observed on the c.r.o. as illustrated in Fig.
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Fig. 2.1
The time-base setting of the c.r.o. is 0.50mscm–1. The Y-plate setting is 2.5mVcm–1.
(a) Use Fig. 2.1 to determine
(i) the amplitude of the signal,
f = .................................................... Hz [3]
(iii) the actual uncertainty in f caused by reading the scale on the c.r.o.
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progressive: .......................................................................................................................
transverse: .........................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) The variation with distance x of displacement y for a transverse wave is shown in Fig. 7.1.
Fig. 7.1
On Fig. 7.1, five points are labelled. Use Fig. 7.1 to state any two points having a phase difference
(i) zero,
....................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) 270°.
....................................................................................................................................... [1]
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10.4 (a) By reference to the direction of the propagation of energy, state what is meant by a longitudinal
wave and by a transverse wave. 9702_s16_qp_22
longitudinal: ...............................................................................................................................
transverse: ................................................................................................................................
Show that both sides of the equation have the same SΙ base units.
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State the effect of the motion on the light observed from the star.
(d) A car travels at a constant speed towards a stationary observer. The horn of the car sounds ata
frequency of 510 Hz and the observer hears a frequency of 550 Hz. The speed of sound inair is 340
m s–1.
13.4 (a) State what is meant by the frequency of a progressive wave. 9702_w16_qp_21
(b) A cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.) is used to determine the frequency of the sound emitted by a
loudspeaker. The trace produced on the screen of the c.r.o. is shown in Fig. 4.1.
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(c) The loudspeaker in (b) emits the sound in all directions. A person attaches the loudspeaker to a
string and then swings the loudspeaker at a constant speed in a horizontal circle above his head.
An observer, standing a large distance away from the loudspeaker, hears sound of maximum
frequency 1640 Hz. The speed of sound in air is 330 m s–1.
(i) Determine the speed of the loudspeaker.
(ii) Describe and explain, qualitatively, the variation in the frequency of the sound heard by
the observer.
[Total: 8]
(b) A child sits on a rotating horizontal platform in a playground. The child moves with a constant
speed along a circular path, as illustrated in Fig. 4.1.
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An observer is standing a long distance away from the child. During one particular revolution,
the child, moving at a speed of 7.5ms–1, starts blowing a whistle at point P and stops blowing
it at point Q on the circular path.
The whistle emits sound of frequency 950Hz. The speed of sound in air is 330ms–1.
(i) Determine the maximum frequency of the sound heard by the distant observer.
(ii) Describe the variation in the frequency of the sound heard by the distant observer.
[Total: 6]
(b) A car travels with a constant velocity along a straight road. The car horn with a frequency of
400Hz is sounded continuously. A stationary observer on the roadside hears the sound from the horn
at a frequency of 360Hz.
The speed of sound is 340ms–1.
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Determine the magnitude v, and the direction, of the velocity of the car relative to the observer.
v = .......................................................ms–1
direction ...............................................................
[Total: 4]
(b) A sound wave travels through air. Describe the motion of the air particles relative to the
direction of travel of the sound wave.
(c) The sound wave emitted from the horn of a stationary car is detected with a microphone and
displayed on a cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.), as shown in Fig. 5.1.
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(ii) The horn of the car sounds continuously. Describe the changes to the trace seen on the c.r.o. as
the car travels at constant speed
1. directly towards the stationary microphone,
[Total: 7]
17.4 (a) By reference to the direction of propagation of energy, explain what is meant by a longitudinal
wave. 9702_w17_qp_23
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(b) A car horn emits a sound wave of frequency 800Hz. A microphone and a cathode-ray
oscilloscope (c.r.o.) are used to analyse the sound wave. The waveform displayed on the c.r.o.
screen is shown in Fig. 4.1.
(c) The intensity I of the sound at a distance r from the car horn in (b) is given by the expression
where k is a constant.
Fig. 4.2 shows the car in (b) on a road.
An observer stands at point O. Initially the car is parked at point X which is 120m away from
point O. The car then moves directly towards the observer and stops at point Y, a distance of
30m away from O.
The car horn continuously emits sound when the car is moving between points X and Y.
(i) The sound wave at point O has amplitude AX when the car is at X and has amplitude AY
when the car is at Y.
Calculate the ratio 𝑨𝒚 .
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ratio = ...........................................................[3]
(ii) When the car is parked at X, the frequency of the sound from the horn that is detected by the
observer is 800Hz. As the car moves from X to Y, the maximum change in the detected frequency is
16Hz. The speed of the sound in air is 330ms–1.
Determine, to two significant figures,
1. the minimum wavelength of the sound detected by the observer,
(b) Fig. 4.1 shows the variation with time t of the displacement x of two progressive waves P
and Q passing the same point.
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Fig. 4.1
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19.4 (a) Sound waves are longitudinal waves. By reference to the direction of propagation of
energy, state what is meant by a longitudinal wave.
(b) A stationary sound wave in air has amplitude A. In an experiment, a detector is used to
determine A2. The variation of A2 with distance x along the wave is shown in Fig. 4.1.
Fig. 4.1
(i) State the phase difference between the vibrations of an air particle at x = 25 cm and the
vibrations of an air particle at x = 50 cm.
(ii) The speed of the sound in the air is 330 m s–1. Determine the frequency of the sound wave.
ratio = ...........................................................[2]
[Total: 7]
21.4 (a) For a progressive water wave, state what is meant by: 9702/22/M/J/19
(i) displacement
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.............................................................................................................................................. [2]
(d) A diffraction grating is used with different wavelengths of visible light. The angle θ of the
fourth-order maximum from the zero-order (central) maximum is measured for each
wavelength. The variation with wavelength λ of sin θ is shown in Fig. 4.1.
d = ......................................................... [2]
(ii) On Fig. 4.1, sketch a graph to show the results that would be obtained for the
second-order maxima.
[Total: 10]
23.4. (a) By reference to the direction of transfer of energy, state what is meant by a
longitudinal wave. 9702_w21_qp_21
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.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) A vehicle travels at constant speed around a wide circular track. It continuously sounds its
horn, which emits a single note of frequency 1.2 kHz. An observer is a large distance away
from the track, as shown in the view from above in Fig. 4.1.
Fig. 4.2 shows the variation with time of the frequency f of the sound of the horn that is detected by
the observer. The time taken for the vehicle to travel once around the track is T.
(i) Explain why the frequency of the sound detected by the observer is sometimes
above and sometimes below 1.2 kHz.
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................................................................................................................................. [2]
(iii) On Fig. 4.1, mark with a letter X the position of the vehicle when it emitted the
sound that is detected at time T. [1]
(iv) On Fig. 4.1, mark with a letter Y the position of the vehicle when it emitted the
sound that is detected at time 𝟒
The car’s horn continually emits sound of frequency 925 Hz between time t = 0 and time t =
6.0 s.
The speed of the sound in the air is 338 m s–1.
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(a) Describe qualitatively the variation, if any, in the frequency of the sound heard, by the child,
that was emitted from the car horn:
(i) from time t = 0 to time t = 2.0 s
.................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Determine the frequency, to three significant figures, of the sound heard, by the child, that
was emitted from the car horn at time t = 3.0 s.
................................................................................................................................. [1]
(ii) State why light waves can be plane polarised but sound waves cannot.
................................................................................................................................. [1]
(b) Two polarising filters A and B are positioned so that their planes are parallel to each other
and perpendicular to a central axis line XY, as shown in Fig. 4.1.
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The transmission axis of filter A is vertical and the transmission axis of filter B is
Unpolarised light of a single frequency is directed along the line XY from a source
positioned at X. The light emerging from filter A is vertically plane polarised and has
intensity I0.
Filter B is rotated from its starting position about the line XY, as shown in Fig. 4.1.
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................................................................................................................................. [2]
(ii) Determine, in terms of A0, the maximum amplitude of the wave formed.
Particle displacements to the right of their equilibrium positions are shown as positive on the graph
and particle displacements to the left are shown as negative on the graph.
The period of the wave is T.
(i) On Fig. 4.1, draw circles around two particles which are exactly one wavelength apart. [1]
(ii) On Fig. 4.1, sketch a line on the graph to represent the displacements of the articles for the
longitudinal wave at time t0 + [3]
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(iii) State the direction of motion of particle Z at time t0 + 4
............................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) The frequency of the wave in (a) is 16 kHz. The distance between particles X and Y is 0.19
Calculate the speed of the wave as it travels through the medium.
[Total: 13]
Jahangir Masud