The atmosphere in the classroom appears to be a key motivator that makes the
teaching and learning process enjoyable. When appropriate facilities and instructional
materials are supplied, the caliber of teaching and learning will become visible in every
educational institution. The availability of these resources will make the students feel
more at ease, which could improve their academic performance in the class. The
students' learning and the teacher's mood in the classroom will both be impacted by a
and accomplish goals, demonstrate empathy for others, establish and uphold healthy
Aquino (2023), a good classroom has a stimulating climate-one that results not
only from desirable physical surroundings and healthful conditions but also from social
relationship and emotional attitudes. A large amount of child's time is spent sitting in a
classroom. Classroom is a place that can offer a wholesome venue for learning activities
which can be realized only in an atmosphere conducive to both teaching and learning
The process of learning how to effectively understand, manage, and express
emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and demonstrate empathy for others, build
and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions is known as social
and emotional learning .The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional
Learning, one of the most popular SEL frameworks, defines SEL as “the process
through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and
collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive
development they have pupils who attend. Students have been encouraged to place a
educational background. This has led to the degree of intelligence that pupils believe
they possess will be a significant indicator of their own scholastic success. Additionally,
a lot of pupils think that their intelligence is something that cannot be changed and is
static. This the current rise in mental health issues among students has brought attention
to the necessity to help for pupils that goes beyond intellectual growth. The goal of this
This study aims to determine the classroom environment and social emotional
of the learners
This presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher considered in
strengthening the importance of the present study. It also presents the synthesis of the
art to fully understand the research for better comprehension of the study.
Physical Environment
For efficient teaching and improved student learning, the classroom environment
relates to the use of physical, instructional facilities and upholding of discipline ( Gulzar
Ahmed 2020).
Conversely, the proposed change model here suggests that, when students feel a
positive connection to their school environment, it serves to make them less likely to
engage in acting out behavior, and teachers are, in-turn, less likely to respond harshly to
minor perceived infractions supporting a cycle of support and engagement (Valente et
al., 2019)
Beyond progress in social skills and positive mindsets, there is also an impact when
development of their students have a larger impact on student success than schools
who emphasize high test scores. Students at these schools also have a higher
graduation rate and are more likely to enrol in a four-year college (Jackson et al., 2021).
education environment, academics, and social the environment and any supporting
services classroom where learning and instruction take place.It combines a variety on
elements both internal and external, such as curriculum,teaching strategies and behavior
enables instructors to maintain pupils' focus, arranged and actively taking part classroom
to an IT lab, tablet, first aid kit, and classrooms having a storeroom, ventilation, cooling,
and heating units, a staff room, and adequate equipment A library with enough books is
essential.for delivering outstanding instruction and learning (Arshad & Tayyab 2019).
classroom layout, classroom adornment, illumination, color, ventilation, and seating ICT-
teaching abilities, and disruptive behavior among pupils leads to obstacles to greater
included social , physical and psychological components aid in aiding the process of
teaching and learning for attaining educational goals. That's the it is the duty of
Student behavioral engagement and sense of belonging to their school are seen as
a crucial trigger for their learning and success. It combines a variety of elements both
Students who love education and have a sense of belonging in the classroom are
more likely to participate in classroom activities in a positive way, have deeper learning
support students' participation. Teachers' feedback was one component we looked into
in this study because it was found to have a significant impact on students' involvement
overall and specifically for those who are thought to require more assistance with their
in the long run and self-reinforcing. Indeed, studies have shown time and time again that
people with greater levels of education had lower unemployment rates and higher
earnings than people with lower levels of education (U.S. Census Bureau, 2019).
Students who respect school and feel like they belong there are more likely to
indicated, how students perceive their teachers' "feedback" affects both their
involvement in class and their sense of school identity.However, the interaction between
the teacher and students is not the sole aspect of the teaching and learning process.
experiences, which enables them to interpret the interactive dynamics in the classroom
For more effective teaching and improved student learning, the term "class
environment" refers to the use of the physical, instructional facilities that are now
students, the learning environment, the academic and social environment, and the
support services used in the classroom for the teaching and learning process are just a
few examples of the internal and external aspects that go into this (I, Aquino,2019).
believes that some effects of the physical school environment on students' academic
success in physics in high school. physical resources, people The physical environment
of an organism is determined by its resources and their interactions. school. The findings
showed that students with proper physics lab facilities performed better. merely because
they do better than students in schools with fewer resources or without amenities The
also identified that limited space and inadequate amenities, as well as the environment
in schools, include The arrangement of chairs in the classroom, library, and lab might
impact how lessons are organized. environment. A positive school climate provides (I,
A kind, encouraging instructor can influence how much pupils identify with their
school. Students believe that the school atmosphere is good, supportive, and fosters a
sense of belonging and value for the school if they feel taken care of and permitted to
support students' participation. Teachers' feedback was one component we looked into
in this study because it was found to have a significant impact on students' involvement
them to interpret the interactive dynamics in the classroom in a very consistent manner.
Teachers can help students participate more in class by modeling constructive criticism,
With a large number of validated instruments and research in at least ten areas,
the field of classroom environment research has rapidly advanced. These areas include
differs depending on the school type (coeducational, boys' and girls'), year level, and
subject area, according to studies that have been evaluated. Researchers have
consistently shown that teachers see classrooms far more favorably than do students,
which is a major finding. In the majority of investigations on this syndrome, the teacher's
scale score was compared to the means of the student classes for each scale.Learning
outcomes vary significantly depending on how students feel about the classroom setting,
( Dorman 2021).
Classroom Behavior
Added that a factor to consider is how a teacher sets up their class, or how
they maintain control, either have favorable or unfavorable effects on their students. If a
teacher lacks enthusiasm or is pessimistic, there will have an immediate effect on the
pupils in the classroom. Likewise, if a teacher is inspired and positive, they'll probably
have a favorable effect on also include their pupils. Therefore, it is crucial for a teacher
to comprehend this relationship between cause and effect possess knowledge of how to
set up their classroom to an improved learning environment to aid students learn about
their place in the world through gaining the necessary information and abilities (R
Quarcoo · 2021).
Learning outcomes vary significantly depending on how students feel about the
classroom setting, frequently more so than would be expected given their background
. Feedback may have an impact on how children feel about school, which could
enhance or detract from their school identity and behavioral engagement, which would
then have an impact on their academic performance. However, the interaction between
the teacher and students is not the sole aspect of the teaching and learning process. In
interactions in the classroom. Teachers and students develop perceptions about the
experiences, which enables them to interpret the interactive dynamics in the classroom
in a very consistent manner. Teachers can help students participate more in class by
The term "class environment" refers to the use of physical resources, educational
resources, and keeping order in the classroom for improved student learning and
on student motivation and engagement, achievement, and learning can all be positively
support students' participation. Teachers' feedback was one component we looked into
in this study because it was found to have a significant impact on students' involvement
of students, education environment, academics, and social the environment and any
supporting services classroom where learning and instruction take place struction
(Ahmed 2020).
classrooms, teaching was more effective. public schools class pupils are taught via
accelerated learning. Using this approach led to positive outcomes because strong
motivation for studies due to their high level of expertise in solving issues related to from
the cognitive learning domain assessment level to knowledge level (Shams 2019).
unhelpful teachers attitude, inadequate teaching abilities, and disruptive behavior among
pupils leads to obstacles to greater instruction and effective teaching learning of student
teachers teaching and ensuring that pupils enjoy quality and effective education is the
techniques, including lectures and classroom discussions for creating effective and
efficient learning and teaching more fruitful. Method of discussion is discussion among
students regarding a particular topic allowed them openly communicate their thoughts on
the subject This helps them gain confidence enhances their learning habits (Ahmed
variety of techniques to many studies have been conducted to identify strengths and
Student Support Services, it is stressed how crucial it is to provide students with various
and teachers, therapy is very well-liss. It seems that educators who exhibit often
These ideas, feelings, and behaviors are daily actions ( Kirkpatrick 2019).
handle classroom management. These methods range from the more modern
success are all supported by creating student-centered classrooms (Gokalp & Can,
conduct, however, are rarely discussed. Despite the fact that these adaptable student-
Support the findings that indicate that when teachers behave unfairly, negatively,
management children. When evidence-based techniques are used and put into practice,
it is frequently possible the techniques, it can start on the first day of class to make the
classroom function smoothly and more effectively. school. The author of an essay
stressing social and emotional learning claims, "Classroom Management does not
involve policing students or expecting flawless conduct. rather than efficient Providing
information is necessary, but it's more a question of how people detect what they're
seeing and Understanding the implications for teaching practice (Combest 2021).
One of the most crucial and essential elements of effective classroom management
is that is often ignored and undervalued in education. The secret to succeeding in school
consistency is the fundamental goal of putting into practice extremely efficient classroom
management techniques and avoiding inappropriate actions. Given how difficult the
process is, it actually takes a lot of effort. combined with a daily effort routine and
intentionality. Being a highly effective teacher requires the must adopt a personalised
meeting the needs of individual students, coupled with the social and emotional learning
strategy. Additionally, remembering that "anyone can tell pupils steps to take.The usage
of teacher emotions and the impact they have on students is one of the emphasis
management. That Being, and in line with the trend, the field of classroom management
often entails the occurrences, including transitions, and the steps the teacher takes to
address any issues potentially impede kids' development This specific technique
concentrates on the .The way teachers show themselves, including their body language,
facial expressions, and incentive to keep kids interested in their studies.These include
planning that occurs initially and before instruction and ongoing planning throughout, and
at the end of training, assessment and reflection. The model's overall perspective is to
reward or "earn points" for suitable behavior in order to encourage the pupils by adopting
a gaming concept and conduct that complies with expectations. "The GBG is an
intervention that uses approaches that are supported by evidence. Teachers should
evaluate their own performance while implementing the GBG in order to .Intervention
techniques and self-control are used to enhance delivery and change the intervention to
One of the most crucial aspects of the teaching and learning process is
must deal with. Teachers from all generations (Abeygunawardena & Vithanapathirana,
education, little has been done to address it. carried out in EFL courses, especially in
Asian contexts. Each nation, area, and local setting or context, as well as .Since the
learning environment, culture, and traditions at school varied, a study in this area was
necessary. Bhutan's position on the problem of disruptive conduct (Rafi et al., 2020).
It is thought that the existence of the learning process and academic performance
The source of discipline issues in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom
has been when students are unable to comprehend the subject being taught in the
classroom, there is classroom with little progress in the target language; learning
professors; exhaustion brought on by tired and bored students; and the impact of
students' usage of mobile phones and other electronic devices during class activities is
particularly in language classes. Here is Not surprisingly, given that the teachers'
capacities for classroom management vary The most common intervention techniques
relationship with establishing ground rules for the classroom at the start of classes;
et al., 2020).
Social emotional
Using the increased focus on the various learning elements, particularly the
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) believed that five distinct and connected factors
interact to shape social and emotional development. skills such as self-awareness, self-
Learning outcomes vary significantly depending on how students feel about the
classroom setting, frequently more so than would be expected given their background
student motivation and engagement, achievement, and learning can all be positively
performance beyond the classroom primarily on their ability in mathematics .As was
Activities that promote social and emotional development in the classroom help
students' minds. decreasing worry, focusing attention on the work at hand, and
promoting thinking positively. regular application of SEL techniques and activities in the
In the classroom, students are encouraged to feel secure and at home. SEL education
techniques can make kids feel confident enough to participate and work together. By
making sure their peers and teachers would treat them with respect and vulnerability
with courtesy and respect. These methods promote interpersonal interactions in the
classroom, both between pupils and instructors. strong associations with the teachers,
The success of pupils is improved throughout their academic careers by peers and role
The social and emotional growth of kids who have experienced trauma or
other adverse circumstances schools and organizations that provide services must
unquestionably pay attention to types of abuse. this community. As a result, schools and
practices that are trauma-sensitive are emerging worldwide. educational environment.
To take a more comprehensive approach to SEL, however, under a Support system with
several tiers (MTSS). In this MTSS architecture, not only are the requirements of those
adverse childhood experiences and traumatized children are taken into account,
however the social and All children's emotional development is addressed through
and “the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions, achieve
personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain
supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions. CASEL designates
sometimes assigned solely to students 11 with the greatest of behavioral problems and
generally not accessed in the general classroom by the general population of students
affected six differentSpanish public schools. 555 students between the ages of seven
and twelve were involved in the study. years old, and were divided between
experimental and control groups at random. The experimental group received training in
emotional intelligence and restraint. The Despite not matching the groups' levels of
hostility from the pretest, authors note that aggressiveness and emotional outbursts
were much higher in the experimental group compared to the control group, instability.
However, they discovered that the experimental group, the team that got social and
physical violence, as well as comparative emotional instability with the control group.
Zolkoski ( 2021).Stated that .The effect that these programs can have on social
skills was students in grades 4 through 12. They both used control schools that did not
have a social-emotional curriculum and schools that did. The plan was put into
online survey. a questionnaire that evaluated one's areas of strength and areas of
difficulty completed both before and after the operation. They learned that pupils who
visited the schools where social-emotional learning was taught, and had parents
student ratings in the schools not implementing such a curriculum serve as the control
The research issue is set up and given context by the first body of literature.The
development of social-emotional learning and how it has evolved are outlined in this
strand, along with a 33 analysis of the five social and emotional learning skills that are
how social-emotional learning develops and is defined lays the groundwork for this
beneficial to people while they are still in school, as well as in their adult lives . In an
Even though it may not always be possible to see the cost savings from social-
emotional learning programs for each individual, the total cumulative benefit can be quite
high for society as a whole, especially over a longer period of time (Greenberg et al.,
accessible settings, like the school system, are demonstrated by the social-emotional
learning investments yielding such significant returns. Findings that are encouraging
regarding the cost-benefit analyses of these programs can really inspire communities
and schools to spend time and money in social-emotional learning initiatives (Top et al.,
Another study by Klapp et al. (2017) focused on the potential influence of social-
emotional learning initiatives on students' future substance use. The authors stressed
the significance of finding strategies to lessen substance use and abuse by describing it
control and treatment groups at random, with the treatment group taking part in a social-
emotional learning curriculum offered by the school system. The researchers discovered
that these kids had decreased their substance use and abuse over a five-year period, in
urged more research in the future, perhaps including even more years of follow-up.
The Positive Action program, used in general education classrooms, and its potential
effect on student misconduct were examined 1,130 third through eighth graders who
attended 14 low-income schools and were randomly allocated to either the control or
Fordham ( 2021). More support exists for the idea of teaching SEL when the
teaching practice is described using words other than "Social-Emotional Learning. The
report also discovered a partisan split: Democratic parents are more likely to support
consists of friends of the same age and an instructor who gives routine,and guidance. In
order to enhance their learning when they collaborate with their peers and teacher, kids
must be able to recognize, process, and assess their feelings and interpersonal abilities.
For students, having these abilities can occasionally be challenging because they
are occasionally not explicitly taught but rather are supposed to be learned via
experience and observation. Young children, especially those with disabilities, may find
this challenging. Because they already have to deal with emotions that may cloud their
attitudes, and abilities required to comprehend and control emotions, set and achieve
constructive goals, feel and demonstrate empathy for others, create and uphold healthy
relationships, and make responsible decisions (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and
the impact of initial learning is increased through time.It's time to address the growing
complexity of issues kids encounter with schoolwork, friendships, citizenship, and health.
Each school year as the kids progress, there are new having the ability to navigate the
problems and circumstances that they encounter assisting them in resolving those
problems, control their emotions, behave appropriately in class, and maintain self-control
The last ten years have seen a rise in the importance of education and mental
health as social, political, and scientific priorities that require attention. Schools are now
recognized as the main setting where equity in young people's access to high-quality
However, teachers receive little formal training in the Social and Emotional
Competence (SEC) domain during their first training, which places a greater emphasis
teacher preparation programs across the USA can be found in( Schonert-Reichl ,2017).
This lack of training is primarily in the area of intra-personal competences, such as
the ability to recognize and effectively manage one's emotions and behaviors, and to
Which appears to influence not only their own well-being but also students'
Alvarez, 2023).
Therefore, the teaching profession poses unique occupational health risks for
teachers, affecting not only their mental health and well-being but also classroom
Since they are essential for classroom management and classroom climate, two
performance, social and emotional competence promotion has emerged in the literature
as one of the main protective factors from which teachers can particularly benefit
(Jennings&Greenberg, 2019).
promote teachers' SEC have increased over the last decade. Nonetheless, these
interventions are, to date, highly distinct regarding their approach, content, format and
Furthermore, research on their efficacy is scarce and has tended to focus more on
an assessment of diverse outcome domains, thus, limiting the comparison and overview
teachers), the majority of the work on SEL interventions in educational environments has
increase the risk that teachers would change schools or quit their jobs entirely. Their
working and learning environment will determine whether they decide to quit the field
altogether or transfer to a school that offers more financial and educational advantages.
Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is to make social and emotional learning
(SEL) a mandatory component of education. A social and learning program with five
and in life. The program is intended to help students develop the abilities and knowledge
influence how we learn and what we learn. A increasing body of evidence shows that
together to learn, the classroom setting is a significant, most potent, and effective tool of
socialization. All types of educational institutions, including public and private schools,
classrooms. Different types of indoor and outdoor classrooms are utilized for lessons
that call for specific materials or a vocational approach .where students from various
institutions, including public and private schools, home schools, businesses, and
religious and humanitarian organizations, have classrooms. Different types of indoor and
outdoor classrooms are utilized for lessons that call for specific materials or a vocational
Nadine, and Black (2023) found that when desks are arranged in a circular
pattern, students are more likely to listen intently, participate in discussions, and rely
more on their own knowledge, which increases test scores. However, when scores are
compared to those when desks are arranged in clusters or rows, instances of disruptive
Zentall and Shaw (2023), contended that the acoustics of the classroom are an
important part of the success of the child but these are often overlooked. They are of the
Okura (2019) . Stated that showed that primary school pupils typically perform well
Anything can amplify sound, such as walls and floor surfaces, significantly raises
noise levels and is bad for learning. This suggests that acoustics should be taken into
consideration because it might help with distraction reduction and focus. Despite
appearing similar from a distance, classes have various methods and processes.Every
classroom has a different set of teaching and learning settings, ( Arend 2019).
Randhawa and Lewis (2021). idea of "life space," the significance of the
environment was earlier deduced. The term "life space" refers to the complete
psychological environment, including all of the elements that both attract and repel
people. It covers the behavioral and psychobiological environment with all of its
influences, including positive and negative goals and the barriers preventing progress
past as well as present influences, and has an impact on the person including the
person as self.
and external pressures can be understood as the learning environment. Personal needs
refer to an individual's desires, motivations, and objectives, whereas "press" can refer to
factors. Later, the ideas of alpha press and beta press were added to provide additional
Fraser (2023) stated that the term "classroom learning environment" was
students and occasionally the teachers in that environment. the psychological or social
environment of the classroom refers to the vibe or ambiance of a class as a social group
that may have an impact on what pupils learn the term "classroom learning environment"
has a variety of meanings, but generally refers to the overall climate, structures,
processes, and ethos within classrooms that are integral elements affecting students'
learning stated that the classroom learning environment is a dynamical social system
that includes not only teachers' behavior and teacher-student interaction but also
student-student as well.
way we assess or perceive people in our daily interactions. It's critical to note how the
students' prior information, expressed in the form of schemas, influences their perception
and subsequent learning. This is known as the cognitive component of perception, which
is why the researcher in this study was interested in how students perceived the learning
The learning environment in the classroom. There are now two main methods
including those employed this strategy. The other strategy involves measuring aspects
of the learning environment in the classroom based on what students believe their
terms of either physical or social aspects, as divided the learning environment into four
main categories: physical things, social interaction among its members, member
characteristics and systems, values, and cognitive structures, among others. This study
only takes into account the social aspects of the learning environment in the classroom,
which includes the teacher's and students' behavior (both verbal and nonverbal
techniques, teaching and learning styles, attitudes, personality traits, and beliefs, group
dynamics, socioeconomic status of the students, and cultural diversity in the classroom,
dynamic field. The circumstances or conditions in any part of the field are influenced by
and depend on every other part of the field. This psychological field is otherwise known
as the life space which comprises the individual and his psychological or behavioral
environment also known as facts that effect the behavior or thoughts of the individual at
his or her life space. It might consist of the locations he visits, the things that happen
around him, how he feels about those places and people, what he sees on TV or reads
in books, his imagination, ideas, and objectives. A kid's life space is influenced by forces
that the child may or may not be aware of, as well as influences that the child may
accept as true even if they may not be (Lindzey & Elliot, 2023).
academic achievement and the desire to learn are valued, respected, and rewarded,
students and instructors collaborate effectively. One of the key elements of a successful
school is a culture where kids come to love studying for learning's sake, which improves
academic performance.
Steve and Richard (2019), a student will make an assessment about the kind of
class they will be taking as soon as they enter the room. They'll have a look to see how
the desks are set up. What is hung on the walls will catch their attention. A teacher can
interact nonverbally with their students because to the manner they are seated in the
classroom. The kids will be made aware that this is a classroom that enjoys doing
centers. It also implies that they will act out whatever subject they are learning rather
school certificate exams. According to him, a major factor affecting pupils' academic
success is the location of the schools. The survey also showed that urban students
performed better academically than their rural counterparts. In other words, urban pupils
benefit greatly from a conducive learning atmosphere that reportedly improves their
academic performance.
The classroom is the most significant space in a school, and learning there calls
for a high level of listening, reading, writing, and focus . The effectiveness of the
the environmental standards for health, safety, and security. To encourage learning
Acero et al. (2019), the physical environment, intellectual climate, social climate,
and emotional climate are the four components that make up the classroom
environment. The physical environment is made up of the outside factors that affect the
students' learning, including the seating arrangement, air flow, temperature, size of the
classroom, curriculum, visual aids, lighting, cleanliness, and orderliness. Social climate
is the interaction of the elements in the classroom, such as the teacher and the students,
and emotional climate is the sense of acceptance by the students within the classroom
(Acero, et al., 2007). The intellectual climate includes the provisions for activities that
stimulate and develop the students' critical and creative thinking skills.
Maslow's (2019). of Needs, it may be inferred that the exterior, primarily physical
and social components of the learning environment can be thought of as a foundation for
meeting other learning needs. In order to apply any potential solutions in the future, it is
crucial to recognize how the student's external environment affects their ability to learn.
In this case, it's important to prioritize the classroom's physical and psychosocial state.
Nine factors listed in the Productivity Model by Walberg and Amirul, et al, (2019),
students' affective, behavioral, and cognitive learning is affected by these factors. These
nine components are divided into three groups. Ability, development, and motivation are
intrinsically linked to the student, but the quantity and quality of education are aspects
that are present in the teacher. The student's learning result is influenced by the home,
initiatives on students' future substance use. The authors stressed the significance of
contributor to a range of life difficulties. Students were divided into control and treatment
groups at random, with the treatment group taking part in a social-emotional learning
curriculum offered by the school system. The researchers discovered that these kids had
decreased their substance use and abuse over a five-year period, in addition to showing
progress in the assessment of their social-emotional abilities. They urged more research
More support exists for the idea of teaching SEL when the teaching practice is
consists of friends of the same age and an instructor who gives routine,and guidance. In
order to enhance their learning when they collaborate with their peers and teacher, kids
must be able to recognize, process, and assess their feelings and interpersonal abilities
they are occasionally not explicitly taught but rather are supposed to be learned via
experience and observation. Young children, especially those with disabilities, may find
this challenging. Because they already have to deal with emotions that may cloud their
judgment and understanding, they may be at a disadvantage. In order to predict student
Students may need to be taught explicit social emotional learning in order to successfully
navigate the modern world because they may be expected to work in a future when
technology is a rising field. Social emotional education "is intended to enhance the
growth of all children, to help them develop healthy behaviors, and to prevent their
engaging in maladaptive and unhealthy behaviours (Zins & Elias, 2020, p. 235).
Since they are essential for classroom management and classroom climate, two
performance, social and emotional competence promotion has emerged in the literature
as one of the main protective factors from which teachers can particularly benefit
Difficult working conditions typically increase the risk that teachers would
change schools or quit their jobs entirely. Their working and learning environment will
determine whether they decide to quit the field altogether or transfer to a school that
systemic factors that make teaching a highly gratifying profession and serve as a
reminder to those who choose it that they are having a positive impact on students and
society are referred to as the teaching and learning environment, Making sure that
crucial support systems are in place can help teachers become more effective and raise
the likelihood that they will continue to be dedicated to the schools where they work. It is
now vital to look into ways to make it so that instructors can teach and teach well in
order to lower the teacher turnover rate. Not only would the introduction of a social and
emotional learning program improve student learning and engagement, but it will also
enthusiasm, and learning motivation while also strengthening the sense of community
Foreign and local literature and study have some similarities and differences on
how the authors’ studies view Classroom Environment and social Emotional Learning .In
line with this, subjects would greatly help the students to learn more about Classroom
emotional learning we need to have self-efficacy and self-motivation that will help the
Performance and behavior . Deepening in academic of the students will provide them a
quality performance in their development as learners also they will receive a knowledge
Theoretical Framework
Because connections and emotional processes have an impact on how and what
dedication, and ultimate school achievement. For the benefit of all students, schools and
families must properly address these parts of the educational process (Elias et al.,
the relationship between individual demands and external pressures can be understood
and objectives, whereas "press" can refer to a stimulus, a therapy, or a process variable.
When evaluating the learning environment in the classroom, it is important to consider
Later, the ideas of alpha press and beta press were added to provide additional
professors and pupils in that setting, According to Walberg (1974), the psychological or
social environment of the classroom refers to the vibe or ambiance of a class as a social
Learning Performance
Conceptual framework
classroom environment and social emotional learning .The dependent variable pertains
School administrators
This study was help them to gain more understanding and ideas Classroom
environment and social emotional learning Also, this research can be their guide or basis
in creating programs that promotes positive motivation to individual students in
To the Teachers
This study was help them to know classroom environment and social emotional
learning . Also, it can be the basis for their improvement in terms of classroom
To the Students
This study helps them to know the different classroom environment and social
emotional learners also it will help them to encourage to study and improved their
To the Parents
This study was greatly help them to be aware of the development of their classroom
environment and social emotional learning .This study was served their guide in
supporting the needs of their children. This study was help them to
encourage and motivate their classroom environment and social emotional learning.
This study was give them knowledge and understanding about the classroom
environment and social emotional learning .Also, it was help them in their development
Future Researchers. This may serve as their guide or references for their future studies
about classroom environment and how it affects the social emotional of the students
located at Purok Waling-Waling Arellano Street, Koronadal City. The research was only
focus on the Classroom environment and social emotional learning of the second year
Definition of Terms
settings and built environments in neighbourhoods and cities which provide places for
human activities. Evidence suggests that there are substantial associations between
urban physical environments and various health outcomes, e.g. people’s physical
their health behaviours; more exposure to urban physical environments may benefit
where individuals live, learn, work and play. People interact with their physical
environment through the air they breathe, the water they drink, the homes in which they
important motivating factor that makes or mar the teaching and learning process. It is
pertinent to note that the curriculum or the content of the school syllabus is being
implemented mainly within the four walls of the classroom, (usually under the formal
classroom environment, the social climate, the emotional and the physical aspects of the
classroom. It's the idea that teachers influence student growth and behavior
achievements that the learner will be able to understand after the learning is complete,
which helps learners understand the importance of the information and what they will
progress, as engaged students are self-motivated and direct their own learning, while
disengaged students are mentally (and often later physically) absent. It is a recursive
cycle, causing and being affected by student motivation, subject interest, and positive
social interaction. Engagement is also most often associated with other characteristics in
OPERATIONALLY, engagement means students directing their attention and energy ‘in
the moment’ towards a particular task or activity. In the classroom, the term
learning task.
ways, and these differences have important implications for designing instructional
stimulus-driven responses that occur specifically within the classroom or how students
are acting in the classroom in response to what is going on or present around them.
classroom. Starting with the concept of interaction, the final goal is that teachers and
students can participate widely in teaching activities and students can acquire
and learning process run smoothly and it can increase learners’ communicative. It tells
how the students have interaction among them and teacher even with the whole class.
recognise and make sense of not just your own emotions, but also those of others (Dr.
Sheri,2023). OPERATIONALLY, Emotional awareness, or the ability to understand
feelings, will help you succeed when communicating with other people.
in various ways. In this study, the issues in relation with emotion management in
organizations shall be
mentioned briefly. The actions to be taken during the situations, which may be
essential for effective behavior. Negligence of one over the other leads to behavior that
is incomplete. EI skills are higher psychological processes which balance the two minds
for the achievement of academic success, career and work effectiveness and personal
This chapter focuses on the examination of the research techniques and methods
used by the researcher to systematically respond to the issues that were given for
investigation. This chapter explains the research design, research setting, study
participants, research tools, data collection techniques, and statistical treatment of the
Research Design
based on the trends in the field or on the need to explain why something occurs. This
Creswell (2012) correlational research design, investigators use the correlation statistical
test to describe and measure the degree of association (or relationship) between two or
Research Locale
Koronadal City, Province of South Cotabato, 9506, Philippines. The school was created
in the year 2008 and known to be the “Home of the Best”. The school offer different
Based on the data gathered from the school registrar, there were a total population of
one hundred eighty (180) students in Secondyear BEED-General Science, who are officially
period in 2023-2024.
The researcher was used simple random sampling with the used of hat technique, to
determine the respondents of the researcher, Moreover, according to Hayes, (2020), that a
simple random sample is a subset of a statistical population in which each member of the
subset has an equal probability of being chosen. Also, shown as an unbiased representation of
a group.
Research Instrumentation
To determine the classroom environment and social emotional learning 2nd year BEED
students of Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges for the Academic Year 2023 – 2024, the
researcher was used a questionnaire through google forms in order to gather the information
from the respondents. The questionnaire was modified and adopted by the researcher. Within
In conducting the study, the researcher wrote a formal letter to the dean of the education
department to ask a permission about the conducting of research. In the way, the researcher
explained the objective of the study to the students and distributed the questionnaires through
google forms to be answered in their convenience. Thus, the answer of the respondents was
record and tally. In line with this, it served as a basis of the data and will interpret with utmost
The research focused on the answers of the participants from the prepared set of questions.
Statistical Tool
This is the following tool that will use in identifying the results of findings and discussions in the
To determine the Social Emotional Learning of the grade 2 nd year BEED students ,
Ethical Consideration
In accordance with weather or any kind of valid reason , the researcher used an online
platform via messenger and Google to get the solution to the problem because in that way we
can do it. For the duration of the study, ethical guidelines were implemented. The respondent
has the right to withdraw at any time. Their identity and information will be kept private, and any
information gathered from them will be acknowledged and reported appropriately. The
researcher should take his or her time in selecting a response and should always respect and