RSA Archer 6.2 Key Indicator Mgt Guide
RSA Archer 6.2 Key Indicator Mgt Guide
RSA Archer 6.2 Key Indicator Mgt Guide
RSA Archer Key Indicator Management Use Case Guide
RSA Archer Key Indicator Management Use Case Guide
Enhancement Description
l The Key Risk Indicator Management sub-solution has been added to the
Operational Risk Management workspace.
DDE Added and updated DDEs in many of the Metrics layouts. This allows Metrics
of any type to target a Business Unit.
l Metric Owner
l Metric Tracking
l Risk Manager
Enhancement Description
Data feeds Two new data feeds were created to support creating metrics from the Metrics
Library to associate to a Business Unit. The new data feeds are:
l Create Metrics from Metric Library for BU: creates Metric records based on
selected Metric Library records and associates them to appropriate Business
l Clear Metrics Library Linkage from Business Unit: clears the cross-
reference to the Metrics Library and resets the Create Metrics from Library
option to 'NO'.
Report The report DFM_Create Metrics For BU From Metric Library was added to the
Business Unit application in order to support the two new data feeds (Create
Metrics From Metric Library For BU and Clear Metric Library Linkage From
Business Unit).
Key Features
l Holistic key indicator management program
l Association of key indicators with business units and named individuals, and establishment of key
indicators of risk, control, corporate objectives, business processes, and products and services,
depending on your program implementation
l Consolidated list of indicators that are operating outside boundaries, and associated stakeholder
escalation and remediation plans
l Management of remediation plans action to bring indicators back within acceptable boundaries
l Visibility to key risk indicator metrics and remediation plans via predefined reports and
Key Benefits
Key Indicator Management enables:
l Visibility to areas in your organization that have not established indicators or have not collected
data associated with established indicators
l Warning of adverse trends at the earliest point possible to provide quicker remediation
l Greater accountability for monitoring indicators that provide early warning of emerging problems
Get started
l Learn more about the use case design
Architecture Diagram
The following diagram shows the relationships between the applications in the Key Indicator
Management use case.
1. Feeds that create Metrics from a metric library (either the Business Process or Risk Register) do
not also create Risk Register records from the associated Risk Library records.
2. Business Asset Catalog objects and their associated assessments are not automatically scoped
into Risk Project and must each be scoped in manually.
Ap p lic a tio n s
Application Description
Metrics The Metrics application allows you to establish periodic measurements for
objectives, including Key Risk Indicators (KRIs), Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs), and Key Control Indicators (KCIs). Metrics can be tracked against
established expectations and forecasts and warning indicators generated when
metrics exceed thresholds.
Metrics The Metric Results application allows the metric owner to report individual
Results measurements of the Metric.
Metrics The Metrics Library is a list of generic metrics that you can import, maintain, and
Library add to. These metrics library records can be used in the Business Unit application
to quickly create new Metrics. Select Metric Library records in Business Unit
record and set the ready flag in the BU. This allows the Create Metrics from
Metric Library for BU feed to process it.
Business The Business Unit application provides a detailed view of all activities related to
Unit the specific business unit.
Company The Company application stores general, financial, and compliance information at
the company level. Combined with the Division and Business Unit applications,
this application supports roll-up reporting of governance, risk, and compliance
initiatives across the enterprise.
Division The Division application represents the intermediate unit within the business
hierarchy which is a layer below the high-level company and a layer above the
individual business unit. You can use this application to further document the
relationships within their business and measure the effectiveness and compliance
of individual divisions within the enterprise.
Ac c e s s r o le s
Access Roles
The use case provides the following access roles.
RM: Admin This role serves as the administrator for the use case. (Risk Manager, Risk
Manager Specialist)
RM: Executives This role provides the appropriate access levels within the use case to the
executives team (CFO, CEO, Controller).
RM: Manager This role provides create, read, and update access to management stakeholders
within the use case.
RM: Owner This role provides create, read, and update access to business process owners
within the use case.
RM: Read Only This role provides read-only access for the use case.
Da s h b o a r d s
The use case provides the following dashboards.
Dashboard Description
Executive This persona-based dashboard is used by Controllers, CFOs, and CEOs to view
Management business unit/company risks, track risk exposure, and review loss events that
require executive sign-off.
Business This persona-based dashboard is used by Business Unit Managers and Business
Unit Unit Coordinators to create new loss events and to view active assessments,
Manager unapproved loss events, and loss events requiring executive review or sign-off.
Risk This persona-based dashboard is used by Risk Managers and Risk Specialists to
Manager view active assessments, loss events awaiting review, and open risk projects.
The following sections describe the reporting limitations for each dashboard in this use case.
Ex e c u tiv e Ma n a g e me n t
Bu s in e s s Un itMa n a g e r
Risk Inventory for Business Unit Manager All reports are invalid.
Ris k Ma n a g e r
Ad v a n c e d wo r k flo w
Advanced Workflow
Metrics can either be created from scratch or populated from the Metrics Library. When a user
creates or pulls in a metrics record, a Metric is created as inactive. It will not be activated until it is
approved by the process. When a new Metric is created, a notification is sent to the Metric Owner,
alerting them that a new record has been created. The Metric Owner can reassign the workflow to
another Metric Owner, or he can review the record and submit it to the Risk Manager. Once the
record is submitted, step 2: the Metric Review Stage begins. If you want to inactivate a metric, you
must edit an existing Active Metric. When you inactivate the existing Metric, it is re-enrolled into
the workflow, and moved to step 3: the Risk Manager Inactivation Review stage.
The Risk Manager then reviews the metrics record. If the Risk Manager does not agree with the
Metric Owner’s initial review, he can reject the record, and it is sent back to the Metric Owner to
update. If the Risk Manager agrees with the Metric Owner’s review, he can approve the record, and
is activated. At this point you can start collecting Metric Results against the Metric. Once it is
updated, the workflow is complete. The Risk Manager also has the ability to terminate the record. If
he chooses to do so, the status of the Metric is set to Terminated and the workflow is complete.
The workflow sends a notification to the Risk Manager, alerting him that a user wants to set a
metric to the inactive state. The Risk Manager then reviews the metric and either approves or
rejects that it should be set to inactive. If the Risk Manager agrees that the metric should be
inactive, the status is set to Inactive, and the workflow is finished. If the Risk Manager disagrees
that the metric should be inactive, a notification is sent to the Metric Owner, indicating the request
was denied. The Metric remains Active, and the workflow is finished.
l A user account on the Platform with access rights to the Data Feed Manager.
2. Download the use case file(s) from the Archer Customer/Partner Community on RSA Link on
the RSA Archer Solutions and Use Cases page
The following files are included in the file:
l Use case install package
3. Obtain the Data Dictionary for the use case by contacting your RSA Archer Account
Representative or calling 1-888-539-EGRC. The Data Dictionary contains the configuration
information for the use case.
4. Read and understand the Packaging Data section of the RSA Archer Online Documentation.
5. Review the Release Notes to understand any known issues before installing and configuring the
use case.
Ste p 2 :Up d a te th e lic e n s e k e y
Note: All customers who are upgrading from version 6.0 or earlier are required to get a new license
key for 6.1 or later. Ensure that you are using a valid 6.1 or later license key prior to installing
The administrator (a web or database administrator) on the server on which the Archer Control
Panel resides must update the license key in the Archer Control Panel before the application
package is imported in order for the new items to be available for use.
1. Open the RSA Archer Control Panel.
2. From the Instance Management list, click to expand the Instances list.
3. Right-click the instance that you want to update, and click Update License Key.
4. Update the applicable information: Serial Number, Contact Info, and Activation Method.
5. Click Activate.
Important: If you do not update your license key to 6.1 or later prior to installing the package, you
will not be able to access workspaces, dashboards and applications.
3. Click Add New, then locate and select the package file that you want to import.
4. Click OK.
The package file is displayed in the Available Packages section and is ready for installation.
Ste p 3 :Ma p o b je c ts in th e p a c k a g e
1. In the Available Packages section, select the package you want to map.
Note: This process can take several minutes or more, especially if the package is large, and may
time out after 60 minutes. This time-out setting temporarily overrides any IIS time-out settings
set to less than 60 minutes.
When the analyzer is complete, the Advanced Package Mapping page lists the objects in the
package file and corresponding objects in the target instance. The objects are divided into tabs,
depending on whether they are found within Applications, Solutions, Access Roles, Groups, Sub-
forms, or Questionnaires.
3. On each tab of the Advanced Mapping Page, review the icons that are displayed next to each
object name to determine which objects require you to map them manually.
Awaiting Indicates that the system could not automatically match the object or
Mapping children of the object to a corresponding object in the target instance.
Review Objects marked with this symbol must be mapped manually through the
mapping process.
Important: New objects should not be mapped. This icon should remain
visible. The mapping process can proceed without mapping all the objects.
Note: You can execute the mapping process without mapping all the
Mapping Indicates that the object and all child objects are mapped to an object in
Completed the target instance. Nothing more needs to be done with these objects in
Advanced Package Mapping.
Do Not Indicates that the object does not exist in the target instance or the object
Map was not mapped through the Do Not Map option. These objects will not be
mapped through Advanced Package Mapping, and must be remedied
Undo Indicates that a mapped object can be unmapped. This icon is displayed in
the Actions column of a mapped object or object flagged as Do Not Map.
l To map each item individually, on the Target column, select the object in the target instance
to which you want to map the source object. If an object is new or if you do not want to map
an object, select Do Not Map from the drop-down list.
Important: Ensure that you map all objects to their lowest level. When objects have child or
related objects, a drill-down link is provided on the parent object. Child objects must be
mapped before parent objects are mapped. For more details, see "Mapping Parent/Child
Objects" in the RSA Archer Online Documentation.
l To map all objects in a tab automatically that have different system IDs but the same object
name as an object in the target instance, do the following:
Option Description
Ignore Select this option to match objects with similar names regardless of the case
case of the characters in the object names.
Ignore Select this option to match objects with similar names regardless of whether
spaces spaces exist in the object names.
c. Click OK.
The Confirmation dialog box opens with the total number of mappings performed. These
mappings have not been committed to the database yet and can be modified in the
Advanced Package Mapping page.
d. Click OK.
l To set all objects in the tab to Do Not Map, in the toolbar, click Do Not Map.
Note: To undo the mapping settings for any individual object, click in the Actions column.
When all objects are mapped, the icon is displayed in the tab title. The icon is displayed
next to the object to indicate that the object will not be mapped.
6. (Optional) To save your mapping settings so that you can resume working later, see "Exporting
and Importing Mapping Settings" in the RSA Archer Online Documentation.
8. Select I understand the implications of performing this operation, and then click OK.
The Advanced Package Mapping process updates the system IDs of the objects in the target
instance as defined on the Advanced Package Mapping page. When the mapping is complete, the
Import and Install Packages page is displayed.
Important: Advanced Package Mapping modifies the system IDs in the target instance. Any
Data Feeds and Web Service APIs that use these objects will need to be updated with the new
system IDs.
2. In the Available Packages section, locate the package file that you want to install, and click
3. In the Configuration section, select the components of the package that you want to install.
l To install only specific global reports in an already installed application, select the checkbox
associated with each report that you want to install.
Note: Items in the package that do not match an existing item in the target instance are selected
by default.
4. In the Configuration section, under Install Method, select an option for each selected component.
To use the same Install Method for all selected components, select a method from the top-level
drop-down list.
Note: If you have any existing components that you do not want to modify, select Create New
Only. You may have to modify those components after installing the package to use the changes
made by the package.
5. In the Configuration section, under Install Option, select an option for each selected component.
To use the same Install Option for all selected components, select an option from the top-level
drop-down list.
Note: If you have any custom fields or formatting in a component that you do not want to lose,
select Do not Override Layout. You may have to modify the layout after installing the package to
use the changes made by the package.
6. To deactivate target fields and data-driven events that are not in the package, in the Post-
Install Actions section, select the Deactivate target fields and data-driven events that are not in
the package checkbox. To rename the deactivated target fields and data-driven events with a
user-defined prefix, select the Apply a prefix to all deactivated objects checkbox, and enter a
prefix. This can help you identify any fields or data-driven events that you may want to review
for cleanup post-install.
7. Click Install.
8. Click OK.
Ste p 5 :Re v ie wth e p a c k a g e in s ta la tio n lo g
3. In the Package Installation Log page, in the Object Details section, click View All Warnings.
For a list of packaging installation log messages and remediation information for common
messages, see Package Installation Log Messages.
After you have installed the use case, certain items may not appear or function as designed because
they are dependent on use cases that you have not licensed. For example, a calculated field that
references an application outside of this use case will not validate unless you have also licensed
another use case that contains that application. The following sections list the most common
dependencies and provide steps to resolve the dependencies. In each section, the Related Use Case
column lists the use case(s) that you may or may not have licensed. If you have licensed any of the
listed use cases, you can skip that row. If you have not licensed any of the listed use cases, then the
dependencies apply to your installation and you may want to resolve them.
Note: Resolving these dependencies is not required. You may opt to skip this step, but leaving these
fields as they are may cause confusion or generate calculation errors.
Review the following sections and resolve any dependencies that apply to your installation. You only
need to resolve any dependencies that apply to use cases you have not licensed.
Note: In the calculation dependency scenarios, some of the formulas do not validate because of
unlicensed fields. Some validate, but not function because they are dependent on other fields that are
not valid.
l Inherent Risk
l Residual Risk
l % of Non-Compliant Controls
l Compliance Rating
l % of Certified Divisions
Not all Enterprise applications licensed The following calculations do not Drag off
validate: layout or
Total Products & Services delete.
l Total Processes
l Total Applications
l Total Devices
l Total Facilities
Any use case that contains the Findings The Findings reference field is not No action
application available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Contacts The Management Team Contacts No action
application reference field is not available. needed.
l Inherent Risk
l Residual Risk
l Calculated Risk
l % of Non-Compliant Controls
l Compliance Rating
Not all Enterprise applications licensed The following calculations do not Drag off
validate: layout or
Total Products & Services delete.
l Total Applications
l Total Devices
l Total Processes
l Total Facilities
Any use case that contains the Products The Products and Services reference No action
and Services application field is not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Loss The Loss Events reference field is not No action
Events application available. needed.
Business Unit
l Count of Controls
l Residual Risk
l Inherent Risk
l Calculated Risk
l Risk Scorecard
l Warning Indicator
l Risk Register
l % of Non-Compliant Controls
l Compliance Rating
Not all Enterprise applications The following calculations do not Drag off
licensed validate: layout or
Total Products & Services delete.
l Total Processes
l Total Applications
l Total Devices
l Total Facilities
l Vulnerability Scans
l Assessment Campaign
Security Operations & Breach Management The Data Breach (Business Unit(s) No action
Impacted) reference field is not needed.
l Audit Engagement
l Findings
Third Party Catalog and Third Party The Engagements reference field is No action
Engagement not available. needed.
l Investigations
Any use case that contains the Business The Business Processes reference No action
Processes application field is not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Control The Control Procedures reference No action
Procedures application field is not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Applications The Applications reference field is No action
application not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Devices The Devices reference field is not No action
application available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Products and The Products and Services reference No action
Services application field is not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Corporate The Corporate Objectives reference No action
Objectives application field is not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Information The Information reference field is not No action
application available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Facilities The Facilities reference field is not No action
application available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Risk Project The Risk Project reference field is No action
application not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Corporate The Corporate Objectives reference No action
Objectives application field is not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Products The Product- Service reference field is No action
and Services application not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Business The Business Processes reference No action
Processes application field is not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Control The Control Procedures reference No action
Procedures application field is not available. needed.
Any use case that contains the Risk The Risk reference field is not No action
Register application available. needed.
Metrics Library
Any use case that contains the Risk The Risk reference field is not available. No action
Register application needed.
Ste p 2 :De le te o b s o le te o b je c ts
l Evaluate your need for certain data driven events (DDE), pre-existing rules, and actions that were
not updated through Packaging. Delete any obsolete rules and actions.
l Evaluate pre-existing notifications and reports that Packaging did not update. Delete obsolete
notifications and reports.
To ensure that all obsolete objects are deleted, compare the Data Dictionary to your environment.
For more information about objects, see "Packaging" in the RSA Archer Online Documentation.
Ste p 3 :V a lid a te fo r mu la s a n d c a lc u la tio n o r d e r s
o If a field is needed, modify the formula to remove references to applications or fields that do
not exist in your instance. Fields that do not exist in your instance are identified with an
exclamation mark.
o If a field is not needed, delete the field or remove it from the layout. If the field is not deleted,
removing the formula prevents errors from being written in the log files when records are
l Verify the order of calculations for each application and sub-form in the use case. See the Data
Dictionary for calculation orders for each individual application or sub-form.
l Update the order of calculations as needed for each application and subform in the use case.
For more information about deleting objects, see "Deleting Fields" in the RSA Archer Online
Ste p 4 :V e r ify k e y fie ld s
Ste p 1 .Imp o r ta d a ta fe e d
3. Locate and select the .dfx5 file for the data feed.
4. From the General tab in the General Information section, in the Status field, select Active.
5. Click the Transport tab. Complete the fields in the Transport Configuration section as follows:
b. In the User Name and Password fields, type the username and password of a Platform user
that has API access and access to all of the records on the Platform instance (from which the
data feed is coming).
c. In the Instance field, type the name of the Platform instance from which the data feed is
coming (this is the instance name as you enter it on the Login window).
6. Verify that key field values are not missing from the data feed setup window.
7. Click Save.
Ste p 2 .S c h e d u le a d a ta fe e d
As you schedule your data feed, the Data Feed Manager validates the information. If any
information is invalid, an error message is displayed. You can save the data feed and correct the
errors later; but the data feed does not process until you make corrections.
1. Go to the Schedule tab of the data feed that you want to modify.
2. Go to the Recurrences section and complete frequency, start and stop times, and time zone.
Field Description
Frequency Specifies the interval in which the data feed runs, for example, Minutely, Hourly,
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Reference.
Hourly Runs the data feed by the interval set, for example, every hour (1),
every other hour (2) and so forth.
Daily Runs the data feed by the interval set, for example, every day (1),
every other day (2) and, so forth.
Weekly Runs the data feed based on a specified day of the week, for
example, every Monday of the first week (1), every other Monday
(2), and so forth.
Monthly Runs the data feed based on a specified week of the month, for
example, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or Last.
Reference Runs a specified data feed as runs before the current one. This
option indicates to the Data Feed Service that this data feed starts
as soon as the referenced data feed completes successfully.
For example, you can select to have a Threats data feed run
immediately after your Assets data feed finishes. From the
Reference Feed list, select after which existing data feed the
current data feed starts.
A reference data feed will not run when immediately running a data
feed. The Run Data Feed Now option only runs the current data
Every Specifies the interval of the frequency in which the data feed runs.
Field Description
Start Date Specifies the date on which the data feed schedule begins.
Time Specifies the time zone in of the server that runs the data feed.
3. (Optional) To override the data feed schedule and immediately run your data feed, in the Run
Data Feed Now section, click Start.
4. Click Save.
Message Explanation Remediation
Alias Object Name This message is an informational warning This message is only
Alias was indicating that the Alias was updated on the potentially an issue if
changed from object. There are two reasons for an alias in the change occurs on
Original Alias the Target Instance to have been updated: a field that is utilized
to New Alias. in a Mail Merge
l Update was in the Source Package.
Template or Data
l Alias has to be unique in the Target Publication Service.
Instance. If the alias already exists in In that scenario,
update the DPS or the
Target, packaging adds a unique
mail merge template
identifier to the end. with the new alias.
Field Field Name in This message is an informational warning Change the field to
the notifying you that packaging does not public manually
application change a private field in the target instance (optional).
Application to a public field.
Name cannot
be changed
from a private
field to a
public field.
Message Explanation Remediation
Field Field Field This message is seen when a cross- If the use case is not
Name could reference or related record field could not licensed, no action is
not be saved be created because the related application necessary.
due to does not exist in the target instance. This
inability to message usually occurs because the field is Note: If you later
identify the part of a related use case that is not license a use case
related licensed or has not been updated in the that contains that
module. target instance. application, you may
re-install the Use
Case Name package
in order to resolve this
2. Reapply the
original package
to resolve the
See the Data
Message Explanation Remediation
Message Explanation Remediation
Field Field Field This warning may be seen on Inherited 1. Install the
Name was not Record Permission fields, cross- package for the
found and reference/related record fields (record
use case
removed from lookup and grid display), or as a display
a collection. field in a report. The warning means that containing the
the field could not be found in the target related application
instance and was not included in the (to obtain the
package. This is usually because the field is missing field).
part of an application in a related core
You must have a
solution that has not been updated in the
target instance or is not licensed. license for the
2. Reapply the
original package
to resolve the
See the Data
If you do not have a
license for the related
application, you may
ignore this message,
and the field remains
omitted from the
Advanced The advanced All advanced workflows are installed as Go to the Advanced
Workflow workflow was inactive. You must review and activate the Workflow tab in the
installed, but workflow. application or
is inactive. questionnaire, review
Please review the workflow, then
and activate. click Activate.
Message Explanation Remediation
Advanced Minor failure: This failure message may appear if certain 1. Verify that the
Workflow Advanced services were not running when you Advanced
workflow installed the package.
Workflow Service
HTTP request
error: 404 not and the Job
found. Service are
2. Reapply the
Message Explanation Remediation
Event Module Name This warning usually occurs when a cross- Review the DDE and
Action DDE Name reference or related record field is on the the layout and
was updated layout in the package but is not licensed or determine if any
but has page does not exist in the target instance. Occurs modifications should
layout on Apply Conditional Layout actions. be made to the layout.
discrepancies. If you later license a
use case that contains
that application, you
may re-install the Use
Case Name package
in order to resolve this
Message Explanation Remediation
Field History Log This message usually occurs when a history None.
Field log field includes a cross-reference or If you later license a
Selection related record as a tracked field, but that use case that contains
field : Field cross-reference or related record could not that application, you
Name was not be created because the related application may re-install the Use
found in the either does not exist in the target or is not Case Name package
target licensed. in order to resolve this
instance and warning.
was removed
from history
log field :
History Log.
Message Explanation Remediation
iView The following Page Name belongs to an application in a Modify the iView to
page use case that does not exist in the target or remove the
referenced in is not licensed. unresolved link or
a link cannot delete the iView
be resolved: If you later license a
Page Name. use case that contains
that application, you
may re-install the Use
Case Name package
in order to resolve this
Message Explanation Remediation
Report Display field : Field Name belongs to an application in a If the report functions
Field Name use case that does not exist or that is not without that field,
was not found licensed. then no action is
in the target needed. Otherwise,
instance and modify the report or
was removed remove it.
from report: If you later license a
Report Name. use case that contains
that application, you
may re-install the Use
Case Name package
in order to resolve this
Report Field : Field Field Name belongs to an application in a If the report functions
Name use case that does not exist or is not without that field,
referenced by licensed. then no action is
a statistic step needed. Otherwise,
was not found modify the report or
in the target remove it.
instance and If you later license a
was removed use case that contains
from report : that application, you
Report Name. may re-install the Use
Case Name package
in order to resolve this
Message Explanation Remediation
Report Field : Field Field Name belongs to an application in a If the report functions
Name used use case that does not exist or is not without that field,
for charting licensed. then no action is
was not found needed. Otherwise,
in the target modify the report or
instance and remove it.
was removed If you later license a
from report : use case that contains
Report Name. that application, you
may re-install the Use
Case Name package
in order to resolve this
Report Field : Field Occurs when a filter condition in a report is If the report functions
Name was not referencing an application that does not without that field,
found in the exist or is not licensed. then no action is
target needed. Otherwise,
instance and modify the report or
the condition remove it.
was removed If you later license a
from the use case that contains
filter. that application, you
may re-install the Use
Case Name package
in order to resolve this
Message Explanation Remediation
Report Module Occurs with n-tier reports when the report If the report functions
Module Name includes display fields from a related without that field,
was not application that does not exist or is not then no action is
found. The licensed. needed. Otherwise,
relationship modify the report or
and remove it.
associated If you later license a
display fields use case that contains
were removed that application, you
from a search may re-install the Use
report. Case Name package
in order to resolve this