on the production of goods and services that are not only relevant to
themselves but to the society stated that the acquisition of life-long practical
also in high demand in the labor market, but could be suitably motivated for
part time teaching in technical colleges. Posted that one of the philosophies of
more serious approach of instruction and exposure are desired to improve the
The acquisition of skills especially in Electrical Installation and
by technical college graduates. This study was conduct and determined the
high school students to correctly select their academic field of study and their
abilities, competencies and as the preparation for the individual to live and
Vocational Livelihood track in K-12 Curriculum. This study will focus on the
level of interest of the students who choose the Electrical Installation and
1.) You choose the Electrical Installation and Maintenance because of your
Significance of the Study
This part of the study discusses interest of the students who choose
study related to this topic. This research can also be reference for
parents will be more aware of the need to know the preferences of their
and advisors to guide students toward fields that align with their interests
School on The level of interest of the Grade 11,12 students who choose
interest of Grade 11,12 students who choose the Electrical Installation and
Maintenance strand
Related Literature
some factor which affect the academic and technical skills of the leamer.
They suggest that their government must give their students adequate
According to Moses (2020), The aim of this study was to assess the
guiding the study, two research questions and two hypotheses were
for the study. Four intact classes from 4 technical colleges were selected to
give a sample size of 88. Domestic Installation Retention Test (DIRT) was
used to generate data for the study. The instrument was validated by three
coefficient of 0.84 was obtained. Mean statistic was used to answer the two
research questions of the study while the two null hypotheses of the study
were tested using t-test and ANCOVA at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of
the study revealed among others that reflective inquiry teaching method
domestic installation was high when taught using reflective inquiry teaching
method. The study concluded that using reflective inquiry teaching method to
State enhances the students’ retention ability which is visible in the retention
test scores. The study recommended among others that teachers should
the data collected and structural equation models were used in the empirical
analysis. The study found out that the moreaccess EIMW students have to
financial resources and tools and equipment, the more positive their attitude,
Also, the more positive the students attitude towards starting a newbusiness,
the higher their entrepreneurial intentions. This study stimulates the Technical
industry to bridge the gap between theory and practice through industrial
towards entrepreneurial intentions and it is mediated by attitudes, subjective
multistage sampling technique to select samples for the study. Data collected
were analyzed using structural equation models in the empirical analysis. The
by exogenous factors to enhance EIMW students’ EIs. This study stirs the
achieved by each student. The learning process is carried out with the help of
level of competency achievement. The research subjects are 18 students who
took part in the domestic electrical installation practice learning process. The
the total average of the achievement values for four competencies as a whole
implementation, and testing are 84.8, 87.1, 91.3, and 87 respectively. It can
provides the students’ learning experience and appreciation of the subject and
All the devices were totally exposed for easy installation and familiarization. It
was equipped with a low current circuit breaker to facilitate safe operations
supported with the instructional module in electrical wiring installation.
Technology, the said utility model can perform all the activities listed in the
pending application for a Utility Model (UM) patent by the same office.
behaviour (TPB) framework, this study examined how the link between
institutions but are accessible by the students, influence their behaviour and
the study to analyse the primary data collected from EIMW students and an
empirical analysis was done using structural equation model. The study
showed the robustness of TPB model in the face of available resource that
available in the field of study. This skill will motivate EIMW students towards
approach that can improve the practical learning outcomes among technical
college students necessitated this study. Thus, the present study investigated
three hundred and fifteen (315) technical college year two (TC II) electrical
installation and maintenance work students who met the study’s inclusion
criteria from the technical colleges in Enugu and Lagos state of Nigeria. The
samples, and Chi-Squared for data analysis. The outcome indicated that
all the control variables. Finally, there is no interaction effect of pre-test and
treatment conditions. Thus, the current study suggests that technical college
resources is limited.
According to Adamu (2021), This study was conducted to examine the
materials. The population for the study was 28 and sample size was 28 based
on Research Question. The data was collected with the help of three research
assistance. The data collected was analyzed using mean and standard
Deviation. The study revealed that the Instructional materials save time,
and Maintenance work. This research study found that teaching without
those that are up to date and efficient such as computers. Seminars and in-
are all about, their importance in teaching/learning and how to make use of
should sensitize the school and teachers on the need to put more emphasis
encouraged to adapt positively to changes in material uses and not shy away
electrical experts from the academe and the industry. After series of
trainer was rated by both experts from the academe particularly teaching
and technical feasible on all the criteria in the given instrument. With this
Related Studies
issues that may be present with your wiring, outlets, switches, lights and
switchboards and fix them before they become major problems. That can also
minimize any downtime that you might experience without power as those
issues are being reserved smp ng braged electrical systems can be deadly-
can ensure that your home of business is safe. You electrical system should
electricity and you could try an essential appliance and too little hinders them
According to Boyer (1987), “ in taking a cours, one of the life’s major decision
is being made. A lot of time, money, and effort will be involved. The shape and
excellence of the students life may rest on the result.” In choosing a junior,
senior academic track, a student shou take a risk. F Yates, Veinotle, &
course which he she will be studying throughout his her college years, and
decision making should take part and should not take for granted. The
decision of which course to take is one of the farthest decisions for a student
Conceptual Framework
Dependent Variable
Level of Interest who
Teaching methods
choose the EIM
Course materials
Career Goals
Theoretical Framework
Although this career route may be attractive to many people, there are
following skills necessary to be good at the job, otherwise your safety and the
that can diagnose the mechanism of something like relay and magnetic
a large part of a technician’s job. Once the apprenticeship is over, you will be
largely on your own to respond to issues and find their solution Understanding
component of this job. Learning how to identify the relative strengths and
Electricians may also specialize in wiring ships, airplanes, and other mobile
secondary education.
Definition of Terms
achievement. This study, this refers to the grades of the students in EIM
Electrical. It is refers to devices, materials, tools, and the things that related
to electricity. Electricity is an energy that flow into the wires and going to the
load to work. Electrical. This refers to devices, materials, tools, and the things
that related to electricity, Electricity is an energy that flow into the wires and
going to the load to work. Electricity can conduct a heat to while performing to
and need a good bind from source to load to work. This study was utilize the
electrical skills to determine the level of the students skills in EIM. Can
conduct a heat to while performing to and need a good bind from source to
load to work. This study was utilize the electrical skills to determine the level
Skill. This refers to the ability to do something well: expertise (difficult work,
taking great skill), a particular ability, the ability to one’s knowledge effectively
Ohm’s law. states that the electric current through a conductor between two
points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points. Introducing
Insulator. A material that does not allow electric current to flow through it
research design used in conducting the study. It also includes the sources of
data locale of the study, and the instrumentation and data collection
Research Design
design was used to collect and gather information about the level of interest of
the Grade 11 and 12 students who choose the Electrical Installation and
The subject of the study aims to assess the level of interest among
students who choose for Electrical Installation and Maintenance as their field
Research Locale
School (SNANHS). The study was conducted on the total population of Grade
of Senator Ninoy Aquino National High School who were enrolled in the S.Y.
The first step before going to the testing proper is to make a request
letter. Then gathering the data was a questionnaire. The questionnaire was
gather the data and information about the level of interest of the Grade 11 and
12 Senior High School students who choose the Electrical Installation and
Maintenance Strand.
Statistical Tool
N = Constant
F= The number of answers to each item
N=Total Respondent Respondent Reply 100 The bases and constant to obtain
a percentage
discussion of the research findings. The finding can relate to the research
How did you feel when you first learned about the Electrical Installation
out of 54 (68.52%), expressed a high level of interest when they first learned
the first group, these students still demonstrated some level of engagement
and curiosity about EIM. Rhen 7 out of 54 students (12.96%) expressed a lack
of interest in EIM. It is important to acknowledge that not all students may find
every subject equally captivating, and their interests may lie in different areas.
The mean of the results, calculated as the average level of interest, is 18. This
indicates that, on average, the EIM students’ level of interest leans towards
Moderate En-
joyable Not Enjoyable
7% 3%
Extremely En-
out of 54 (92.59%), find their practical tasks in the field extremely enjoyable.
practical tasks. While not as high as the first group, these students still find
some level of enjoyment in their hands-on work. Importantly, none of the
surveyed students reported finding their practical tasks in EIM not enjoyable.
This suggests that all students, to some degree, derive enjoyment from their
practical tasks in the field. The mean of the results, calculated as the average
level of enjoyment, is 18. This indicates that, on average, the EIM students’
How often do you find yourself thinking about the skills and knowledge
sionaly Fre-
39% quently
level of engagement and active involvement among all the students surveyed.
discussions and hands-on work. The mean of the results, calculated as the
average level of participation, is 18. This indicates that, on average, the EIM
How important do you think the skills learned in Electrical Installation
Not Con-
Some 3%
that they consider the skills learned in Electrical Installation and Maintenance
(EIM) to be highly important. They recognize that not learning these skills can
reported that the skills learned in EIM are not important or only moderately
the results, calculated as the average level of importance, is 18. This indicates
that, on average, the EIM students perceive the skills learned in the field as
highly important.
Unlikely Very Likely
3% 7%
the students have not yet made a firm decision about their future course in
EIM. The 4 out of 54 students (7.41%) reported that they are likely to pursue
the field.Importantly, none of the students reported that they are unlikely to
pursue a career in EIM. This indicates that all surveyed students either have
an interest in the field or are undecided about their future course.The mean of
the results, calculated as the average level of certainty, is 18. This suggests
that, on average, the EIM students’ level of certainty regarding their career
How well do you connect with and understand the concepts and
ate Poorly
ly 3%
they excellently connect with and understand the concepts and theories
grasping the subject matter. Then 9 out of 54 students (16.67%) reported that
they adequately connect with and understand the concepts and theories in
EIM. While not as high as the first group, these students still demonstrate a
none of the students reported that they connect poorly or have a low
18. This suggests that, on average, the EIM students’ level of connection and
How valuable do you find the practical training and industry exposure
Not Valuable
that they highly value the practical training and industry exposure provided in
Importantly, none of the students reported that the practical training is not
among the students regarding the high value they place on practical training
and industry exposure. The mean of the results, calculated as the average
level of value, is 18. This indicates that, on average, the EIM students
Overall, how interested are you in the field of Electrical Installation and
Not Interested
At All
y In-
deeply intrigued and enthusiastic about the subject. Rhe14 out of 54 students
level of interest in EIM. While not as high as the first group, these students still
Importantly, none of the students reported being not interested at all in EIM.
This suggests that all surveyed students have some degree of interest in the
subject. The mean of the results, calculated as the average level of interest, is
18. This indicates that, on average, the EIM students’ level of interest leans
The results in the survey questionnaire the overall results indicate the
majority reporting that they excellently connect with and understand the
of the skills learned in EIM, understanding that not acquiring these skills can
valued the practical training and industry exposure provided in their education,
pursuing a career in EIM, there were also students who expressed a clear
and theories taught. They highly valued the practical training and industry
understanding that not acquiring these skills can potentially lead to hazards or
career in EIM, there were also students who expressed a clear interest and
1. Enhance Practical Training: Recognize the high value that students place
3. Offer Career Guidance: Provide comprehensive career guidance and
EIM. Offer information about potential career paths, industry trends, and
practical application.
the program remains relevant and prepares students for the evolving