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The ultimate goal of vocational technical education training is for the

acquisition of knowledge, attitude and practical skills for sustainable

development. The training of vocational technical education students is based

on the production of goods and services that are not only relevant to

themselves but to the society stated that the acquisition of life-long practical

skills calls for effective and efficient teaching strategies, appropriate

evaluation methods and utilization of standard teaching materials; tools,

machines, and equipment to ensure the production of desired students with

practical skills. Other requirements include training manuals and availability of

qualified teachers with experiences. However, such categories of staff are

also in high demand in the labor market, but could be suitably motivated for

part time teaching in technical colleges. Posted that one of the philosophies of

occupatiorial education is pragmatism which stresses practical skill acquisition

at vocational technical college level of education. For this to be achieved, a

more serious approach of instruction and exposure are desired to improve the

present trend in Vocational Technical Education (VTE).

The students who undergo training ‘n Electrical Installation

understanding in diverse skills in the trades as expected to posses’ skills for

design, development, production, excellence in installation of electrical

management and utilization of trending machines and equipment, maintain

nerve electrical/electronic devices and circuits.

The acquisition of skills especially in Electrical Installation and

Maintenance trades would undoubtedly leaded to job creation and self-

reliance as lack of employment is an evidence of unsaleable skills possessed

by technical college graduates. This study was conduct and determined the

Electrical Installation and Maintenance skills of the students. Learning is the

process of acquisition of knowledge (practical and theoretical) which is


The present study aimed to find an appropriate method to inform senior

high school students to correctly select their academic field of study and their


Learning is the process of acquisition of knowledge (practical and

theoretical), Which is one of the goals of education. Education is the

acquisition of appropriate skill and development of mental, physical, social

abilities, competencies and as the preparation for the individual to live and

contribute to the development of the society.

Statement of the Problem

The Electrical Installation and Maintenance is part of the Technical

Vocational Livelihood track in K-12 Curriculum. This study will focus on the

level of interest of the students who choose the Electrical Installation and

Maintenance strand. This study aim to answer the question,

1.) You choose the Electrical Installation and Maintenance because of your


Significance of the Study

This part of the study discusses interest of the students who choose

the ELM strands

To School. It is an additional research in the topic of interest of the

students and will provide good academic impression among people as it

will increase the number of researches, the school has sanctioned.

To future researchers. It is additional reference when they conduct a

study related to this topic. This research can also be reference for

information for the development of more enhanced the EIM strand.

To Parents. It is enough knowledge on deciding for themselves. Then

parents’ attention and guidance would be needed. Through this study,

parents will be more aware of the need to know the preferences of their

children and would have a clear understanding of a career guidance

program of the school

To Career Guidance. It is provides valuable insights for career counselors

and advisors to guide students toward fields that align with their interests

and aptitudes, potentially increasing their job satisfaction and success in

the long run

Scope and Delimitation

This study will conduct on Senator Ninoy Aquino National High

School on The level of interest of the Grade 11,12 students who choose

the Electrical Installation and Maintenance in 1 Semester. Moreover, the

research will be studying the respondent’s profile as will as the level of

interest of Grade 11,12 students who choose the Electrical Installation and

Maintenance strand



Related Literature

According to Kumazhege et al (2014) he conclude that there are

some factor which affect the academic and technical skills of the leamer.

According to the perception of their technical teacher’s Adamawa Nigeria.

They suggest that their government must give their students adequate

facilities, laboratories and develop the teacher-training program of technical


According to Moses (2020), The aim of this study was to assess the

effects of reflective inquiry teaching method on students’ retention ability in

domestic installation module in technical colleges of Yobe State, Nigeria. In

guiding the study, two research questions and two hypotheses were

formulated in line with the specific objectives. A pretest–posttest

nonequivalent control group quasi experimental research design was adopted

for the study. Four intact classes from 4 technical colleges were selected to

give a sample size of 88. Domestic Installation Retention Test (DIRT) was

used to generate data for the study. The instrument was validated by three

validates from the department of Electrical Technology Education, Modibbo

Adama University of Technology, Yola. To determine the reliability of the

instrument, Cronchbach Alpha reliability method was used and a reliability

coefficient of 0.84 was obtained. Mean statistic was used to answer the two

research questions of the study while the two null hypotheses of the study

were tested using t-test and ANCOVA at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of

the study revealed among others that reflective inquiry teaching method

enhances retention abilities in students when used in teaching domestic

installation. It further revealed that male and female students’ retention in

domestic installation was high when taught using reflective inquiry teaching

method. The study concluded that using reflective inquiry teaching method to

teach students of electrical installation and maintenance works trade in Yobe

State enhances the students’ retention ability which is visible in the retention

test scores. The study recommended among others that teachers should

employ reflective inquiry teaching method while engaging students in more

work that will enable them develop critical thinking abilities.

According to Ohanu (2020), This paper investigates behavioural

factors as a mediator between resources and entrepreneurial intentions

among electricalinstallation and maintenance works (EIMW) students in

technical colleges in Nigeria. The study used different approaches toanalyse

the data collected and structural equation models were used in the empirical

analysis. The study found out that the moreaccess EIMW students have to

financial resources and tools and equipment, the more positive their attitude,

perceived behaviouralcontrol and perceived efficacy but not subjective norms.

Also, the more positive the students attitude towards starting a newbusiness,

the higher their entrepreneurial intentions. This study stimulates the Technical

and Vocational institutions to seekcollaboration between institutions and

industry to bridge the gap between theory and practice through industrial

training. It showsthat access to resources stimulates students’ behaviours

towards entrepreneurial intentions and it is mediated by attitudes, subjective

norms, perceived efficacy and perceived behavioural control.

According to Ohanu and Shodipe (2020),Extending the theory of

planned behaviour and the perspective of available resources, the purpose of

this study is to expatiate the influence behavioral antecedents of available

resources on electrical installation and maintenance work students’ (EIMW)

entrepreneurial intentions (EIs) in technical colleges. The study adopted a

multistage sampling technique to select samples for the study. Data collected

were analyzed using structural equation models in the empirical analysis. The

study showed that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control

and perceived efficacy are behavioural antecedents that can be manipulated

by exogenous factors to enhance EIMW students’ EIs. This study stirs the

government and other education agencies on the need to strengthen the

technical institutions through adequate funding, employment of skilled

personnel and provision of up-to-date types of machinery and equipment to

help the students to compete globally. Therefore, adequate application of

available resources will foster positive behaviors of EIMW students towards

establishing their business venture.

According to Astrid et al (2020), The research discusses the

achievement of four competencies in electrical installation for vocational

education students of electrical engineering: planning, preparing, installing,

and testing competencies in the electrical installation fields that must be

achieved by each student. The learning process is carried out with the help of

project-based practice modules for each student. Validated performance

assessment rubrics are used as data collection instruments to measure the

level of competency achievement. The research subjects are 18 students who

took part in the domestic electrical installation practice learning process. The

aim of this research is to determine the level of student achievement in four

competencies by using a project-based learning model. The results show that

the total average of the achievement values for four competencies as a whole

is 87.6, where separate scores for the competencies of planning, preparation,

implementation, and testing are 84.8, 87.1, 91.3, and 87 respectively. It can

be concluded that the implementation of project-based learning models is

effective for students to achieve all four electrical installation competencies.

According to Pereyras (2020), An electrical wiring installation trainer

provides the students’ learning experience and appreciation of the subject and

course and for the professors’ demonstrations and evaluation of students’

performance during laboratory time. This study utilized a developmental type

of research. The trainer board was 48 inches by 48 inches by ¾ inch marine

plywood. It was cost-effective, space-efficient and portable. It contained circuit

breaker, plurality of utility boxes, a plurality of junction boxes, a plurality of

single switches, plurality of three-way switches, plurality of convenience

outlets, plurality of base plates, plurality of receptacles, a plurality of Light

Emitting Diode (LED) Bulbs, plurality of flexi-hoses, and plurality of u-clamps.

All the devices were totally exposed for easy installation and familiarization. It

was equipped with a low current circuit breaker to facilitate safe operations

and eliminate damages to all the devices. Was capable of handling a

residential-like, commercial-like and industrial-like electrical wiring installation,

troubleshooting, and commissioning. The electrical wiring installation trainer

was operated at 220VAC (Volts-Alternating Current) power supply and

supported with the instructional module in electrical wiring installation.

Demonstration, interview and consultation with the faculty members of the

College of Technology, Pangasinan State University (PSU) Lingayen Campus

teaching Bachelor of Industrial Technology (BIT) major in Electrical

Technology, the said utility model can perform all the activities listed in the

module in electrical wiring installation which is parallel to the actual building

wiring installation. An electrical wiring installation trainer was granted an

Industrial Design (ID) patent by the Intellectual Property Office of the

Philippines while still waiting for subsequent formality examination report as a

pending application for a Utility Model (UM) patent by the same office.

According to Ohanu and Shodipe (2021), With a theory of planned

behaviour (TPB) framework, this study examined how the link between

resources and behavioural factors influence the entrepreneurial intentions of

electrical installation and maintenance work (EIMW) students. It showed how

available resources, which are defined as those controlled by the technical

institutions but are accessible by the students, influence their behaviour and

consequently their entrepreneurial intention. Different approaches are used in

the study to analyse the primary data collected from EIMW students and an

empirical analysis was done using structural equation model. The study

showed the robustness of TPB model in the face of available resource that

attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control are behavioural

factors that can be positively influence by several exogenous factors to

enhance EIMW students’ entrepreneurial intentions. The results of the study

enhance the institutional training of staff and instructors at all management to

give career counselling services and be vast in the career opportunities

available in the field of study. This skill will motivate EIMW students towards

establishing their business

According to Aneyo et al (2021), The need to evolve an innovative

approach that can improve the practical learning outcomes among technical

college students necessitated this study. Thus, the present study investigated

the effect of innovative pedagogy integration in electrical installation and

maintenance works in technical colleges in Enugu and Lagos states of

Nigeria. The study adopted a school-based randomised Solomon Four-Group

Design involving a treatment group versus the control group. We selected

three hundred and fifteen (315) technical college year two (TC II) electrical

installation and maintenance work students who met the study’s inclusion

criteria from the technical colleges in Enugu and Lagos state of Nigeria. The

intervention consisted of eight weeks of innovative pedagogy treatment.

Electrical installation and Maintenance Achievement Test (EMAT) were used

for data collection. We used analysis of variance, t-test for independent

samples, and Chi-Squared for data analysis. The outcome indicated that

innovative pedagogy improved students’ learning outcomes and significantly

affected students’ EMAT achievement among electrical installation and

maintenance work students in the treatment group compared to their control

group counterparts. The study showed, no significant main difference across

all the control variables. Finally, there is no interaction effect of pre-test and

treatment conditions. Thus, the current study suggests that technical college

teachers should adopt innovative teaching approaches to improve students’

learning outcomes, mainly because access to teaching and learning

resources is limited.

According to Adamu (2021), This study was conducted to examine the

Expose Strategies for Enhancing Teachers use of Instructional Materials for

Teaching Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work (EIMW) in Technical

Colleges in Niger state. This study therefore, used descriptive survey to

investigate the strategies for enhancing teacher’s use of instructional

materials. The population for the study was 28 and sample size was 28 based

on Research Question. The data was collected with the help of three research

assistance. The data collected was analyzed using mean and standard

Deviation. The study revealed that the Instructional materials save time,

Instructional materials Enhance teaching and learning Electrical Installation

and Maintenance work. This research study found that teaching without

instructional materials is ineffective and therefore teachers should try to utilize

the available instructional materials for effective teachings and learning.

Recommendations were made which include the government should put

efforts in providing school with the necessary instructional materials especially

those that are up to date and efficient such as computers. Seminars and in-

service trainings and workshops should be organized by the ministry of

education for inexperienced teachers to understand what instruction materials

are all about, their importance in teaching/learning and how to make use of

them, Curriculum planners and implementation and educational policy makers

should sensitize the school and teachers on the need to put more emphasis

on utilization and imprecision of resources materials in teaching of Integrated

Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work (EIMW). Teachers should be

encouraged to adapt positively to changes in material uses and not shy away

from it, they should be able to improvise either by substitution or construction;

any time the need arises.

According to Pereyras (2021), The use of mock-up trainer as an

instructional material is very significant in the cycle of teaching-learning in

developing technical skills and exercises, certainly in building and residential

wiring installation and maintenance to guarantee the learners quality

education in an industrial-like scenario. This study employed a descriptive

method of research by determining the trainers’ acceptability using the

variables–functionality, usefulness, safety, and maintenance, and it is

technical feasibly using the variables–validity, reliability, and replicability by the

electrical experts from the academe and the industry. After series of

demonstrations and technology assessments of the respondents, the said

trainer was rated by both experts from the academe particularly teaching

electrical technology and engineering, and the electrical industry acceptable

and technical feasible on all the criteria in the given instrument. With this

trainer present in the shop-laboratory, learners can develop their expertise by

accomplishing such tasks because it is along-side the real market of building

and industrial wiring installation and maintenance.

Related Studies

According to Florida University (2023), A trained electrician can spot any

issues that may be present with your wiring, outlets, switches, lights and

switchboards and fix them before they become major problems. That can also

minimize any downtime that you might experience without power as those

issues are being reserved smp ng braged electrical systems can be deadly-

potensialty causingdical shook or fire. Regular inspections and maintenance

can ensure that your home of business is safe. You electrical system should

be delivering a steady supply of electricity to your appliances. Too much

electricity and you could try an essential appliance and too little hinders them

from performing at their best. When the electrical system is well-maintained,

you’ll be able to extend the lifespan of your appliances

According to Boyer (1987), “ in taking a cours, one of the life’s major decision

is being made. A lot of time, money, and effort will be involved. The shape and

excellence of the students life may rest on the result.” In choosing a junior,

senior academic track, a student shou take a risk. F Yates, Veinotle, &

Patalano (2003) define a decision as commitment to a course of action that is

intended to produce a satisfying state of affairs. A student will choose a

course which he she will be studying throughout his her college years, and

decision making should take part and should not take for granted. The

decision of which course to take is one of the farthest decisions for a student

especially those who are graduating high school students.

Conceptual Framework

Dependent Variable
Level of Interest who
Teaching methods
choose the EIM
Course materials
Career Goals

Theoretical Framework

Although this career route may be attractive to many people, there are

some electrical technician requirements that cannot taught in a classroom or

during an apprenticeship. It is important to consider whether you have the

following skills necessary to be good at the job, otherwise your safety and the

satiety of those around you may be in Jeopardy Mechanical aptitude is a skill

that can diagnose the mechanism of something like relay and magnetic

contactor. Mechanical aptitude is also important being engineer because it

can solve the mechanical problems with or without electrical equipment.

Problem-solving skills. Diagnosing and repairing electrical problems is

a large part of a technician’s job. Once the apprenticeship is over, you will be

largely on your own to respond to issues and find their solution Understanding

an overall electrical problem and investigating ways to fix it is a critical

component of this job. Learning how to identify the relative strengths and

weaknesses of alterative solutions to problems is another vital skill for a

successful career as an electrical technician.

Electrical Installation and Maintenance is one of the Vocational

Courses under the K-12. An electricity is a tradesman specializing in electrical

wiring of buildings, transmission lines, stationary machines, and related

equipment. Electricians can be employ in the installation of new electrical

components or the maintenance and repair of existing electrical infrastructure.

Electricians may also specialize in wiring ships, airplanes, and other mobile

platforms, as well as data and cable lines.

Kenya Technical Training College (KTTC) started later. It trained

teachers for technical and vocational skills to be taught in secondary schools.

Jomo Kenyatta College of Agriculture and Technology was founded. In 1988,

it was upgraded to a University college offering agriculture and engineering. A

polytechnic training youths in vocational skills was opened in Eldoret before

the end of 1987. However, these colleges were for those who passed

secondary education.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance. It is refers to the extent to which a student, teacher

or institution has achieved their short or long term educational goals,

commutative SPA and completion of educational benchmark such as

secondary schools diplomas and bachelor’s degrees represented academic

achievement. This study, this refers to the grades of the students in EIM


Electrical. It is refers to devices, materials, tools, and the things that related

to electricity. Electricity is an energy that flow into the wires and going to the

load to work. Electrical. This refers to devices, materials, tools, and the things

that related to electricity, Electricity is an energy that flow into the wires and

going to the load to work. Electricity can conduct a heat to while performing to

and need a good bind from source to load to work. This study was utilize the

electrical skills to determine the level of the students skills in EIM. Can

conduct a heat to while performing to and need a good bind from source to

load to work. This study was utilize the electrical skills to determine the level

of the students skills in EIM.

Skill. This refers to the ability to do something well: expertise (difficult work,

taking great skill), a particular ability, the ability to one’s knowledge effectively

and readily in execution or performance. In this study, this refers to the

acquired competencies of the students in EIM.

Ohm’s law. states that the electric current through a conductor between two

points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points. Introducing

the constant of proportionality, the resistance,one arrives at the three

mathematical equations used to describe this relationship.

Circuit. A closed loop or path through which electric current flows.

Conductor. A material that allows electric current to pass through it easily,

such as copper or aluminum.

Insulator. A material that does not allow electric current to flow through it

easily, such as rubber or plastic.

Voltage. The electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit,

measured in volts (V).

Current. The flow of electric charge in a circuit, measured in amperes (A).

Electrical Safety. The practice of using proper procedures and precautions

to prevent electrical hazards and accidents



This chapter presents the research methodology which includes the

research design used in conducting the study. It also includes the sources of

data locale of the study, and the instrumentation and data collection

Research Design

This study used the quantitative research design. Quantitative research

design was used to collect and gather information about the level of interest of

the Grade 11 and 12 students who choose the Electrical Installation and

Maintenance. Quantitative research design was used to describe and to test

relationships between objects. It was also presented in numerical form, and

analyzed through the use of statistics. It focused on gathering numerical data

and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular

phenomenon. This research design was used by giving questionnaires to the

respondents of this study

Subject of the Study

The subject of the study aims to assess the level of interest among

students who choose for Electrical Installation and Maintenance as their field

of study, exploring factors influencing their choice and potential implications

for educational programs.

Research Locale

The locale of the study was in the Grade 11 and 12 Electrical

Installation and Maintenance students of Senator Ninoy Aquino National High

School (SNANHS). The study was conducted on the total population of Grade

11 and 12 Electrical Installation and Maintenance students 17 to 23 years old

of Senator Ninoy Aquino National High School who were enrolled in the S.Y.

2023-2024 which is equivalent to Thirty (30).

Data Gathering Procedure

The first step before going to the testing proper is to make a request

letter. Then gathering the data was a questionnaire. The questionnaire was

prepared by the researchers. Quantitative research questionnaire was used to

gather the data and information about the level of interest of the Grade 11 and

12 Senior High School students who choose the Electrical Installation and

Maintenance Strand.

Statistical Tool

Different statistical tools were used to determine the level of interest of

the Grade 11 and 12 Senior High School Electrical Installation and

Maintenance students. In learning were determined using the (N=f/n) in

interpreting the computed Nef/n point obtained, the formula is as follows,

N = Constant
F= The number of answers to each item

N=Total Respondent Respondent Reply 100 The bases and constant to obtain

a percentage


1. There is no significant relationship between their level of interest and

choosing the Electrical Installation and Maintenance

2. There are significant relationship between their level of interest and

choosing the Electrical Installation and Maintenance .



This chapter described the presentation of data followed by the

discussion of the research findings. The finding can relate to the research

questions that guided the study.

 How did you feel when you first learned about the Electrical Installation

and Maintenance strand?

Very In- Not In-

terested terested
44% 44%


Based on the results, it is evident that a majority of EIM students, 37

out of 54 (68.52%), expressed a high level of interest when they first learned

about EIM (Enterprise Information Management). This indicates a positive

response and suggests that the concept of EIM resonated well with these

students. The10 out of 54 students (18.52%) reported a somewhat interested

response, indicating a moderate level of interest. While not as enthusiastic as

the first group, these students still demonstrated some level of engagement

and curiosity about EIM. Rhen 7 out of 54 students (12.96%) expressed a lack

of interest in EIM. It is important to acknowledge that not all students may find

every subject equally captivating, and their interests may lie in different areas.

The mean of the results, calculated as the average level of interest, is 18. This

indicates that, on average, the EIM students’ level of interest leans towards

being very interested.

 How much enjoyment do you get from practical tasks related to

electrical installation and maintenance?

Moderate En-
joyable Not Enjoyable
7% 3%

Extremely En-

Based on the results, it is evident that a large majority of EIM students, 50

out of 54 (92.59%), find their practical tasks in the field extremely enjoyable.

This indicates a high level of satisfaction and enthusiasm among these

students when it comes to engaging in hands-on activities related to EIM. The

4 out of 54 students (7.41%) reported a moderate level of enjoyment in their

practical tasks. While not as high as the first group, these students still find

some level of enjoyment in their hands-on work. Importantly, none of the

surveyed students reported finding their practical tasks in EIM not enjoyable.

This suggests that all students, to some degree, derive enjoyment from their

practical tasks in the field. The mean of the results, calculated as the average

level of enjoyment, is 18. This indicates that, on average, the EIM students’

level of enjoyment leans towards being extremely enjoyable.

 How often do you find yourself thinking about the skills and knowledge

you gain from studying Electrical Installation and Maintenance?

sionaly Fre-
39% quently

Based on the results, all 54 out of 54 EIM students (100%) reported

that they always participate in classroom discussions and hands-on activities

related to Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM). This indicates a high

level of engagement and active involvement among all the students surveyed.

Importantly, none of the students reported rarely or sometimes participating in

these activities, suggesting a consistent and dedicated approach to classroom

discussions and hands-on work. The mean of the results, calculated as the

average level of participation, is 18. This indicates that, on average, the EIM

students’ level of participation leans towards always being actively involved.

 How important do you think the skills learned in Electrical Installation

and Maintenance are for your future career goals?

Not Con-
Some 3%

Based on the results, all 54 out of 54 EIM students (100%) reported

that they consider the skills learned in Electrical Installation and Maintenance

(EIM) to be highly important. They recognize that not learning these skills can

potentially cause hazards or safety risks. Importantly, none of the students

reported that the skills learned in EIM are not important or only moderately

important. This suggests a unanimous agreement among the students

regarding the significance of acquiring and applying these skills.The mean of

the results, calculated as the average level of importance, is 18. This indicates

that, on average, the EIM students perceive the skills learned in the field as

highly important.

 How likely are you to pursue further studies or a career in Electrical

Installation and Maintenance after high school?

Unlikely Very Likely
3% 7%


Based on the results, 50 out of 54 EIM students (92.59%) expressed a

neutral or undecided stance regarding whether they will pursue a career in

Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM). This suggests that a majority of

the students have not yet made a firm decision about their future course in

EIM. The 4 out of 54 students (7.41%) reported that they are likely to pursue

a career in EIM. These students have expressed a clear interest and

inclination towards continuing their studies and pursuing a professional path in

the field.Importantly, none of the students reported that they are unlikely to

pursue a career in EIM. This indicates that all surveyed students either have

an interest in the field or are undecided about their future course.The mean of

the results, calculated as the average level of certainty, is 18. This suggests

that, on average, the EIM students’ level of certainty regarding their career

pursuit leans towards being neutral or undecided.

 How well do you connect with and understand the concepts and

theories taught in Electrical Installation and Maintenance?

ate Poorly
ly 3%


Based on the results, 45 out of 54 EIM students (83.33%) reported that

they excellently connect with and understand the concepts and theories

taught in Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM). This indicates a high

level of comprehension and proficiency among the majority of students in

grasping the subject matter. Then 9 out of 54 students (16.67%) reported that

they adequately connect with and understand the concepts and theories in

EIM. While not as high as the first group, these students still demonstrate a

satisfactory level of understanding and connection to the material. Importantly,

none of the students reported that they connect poorly or have a low

understanding of the concepts and theories taught in EIM.The mean of the

results, calculated as the average level of connection and understanding, is

18. This suggests that, on average, the EIM students’ level of connection and

understanding leans towards being excellent.

 How valuable do you find the practical training and industry exposure

provided in the Electrical Installation and Maintenance strand?

Not Valuable


Based on the results, all 54 out of 54 EIM students (100%) reported

that they highly value the practical training and industry exposure provided in

their education. This indicates a unanimous agreement among the students

regarding the significance and importance of hands-on training and real-world

experience in the field of Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM).

Importantly, none of the students reported that the practical training is not

valuable or only moderately valuable. This suggests a strong consensus

among the students regarding the high value they place on practical training

and industry exposure. The mean of the results, calculated as the average

level of value, is 18. This indicates that, on average, the EIM students

perceive the practical training and industry exposure as highly valuable.

 Overall, how interested are you in the field of Electrical Installation and


Not Interested
At All
y In-

Based on the results, 40 out of 54 EIM students (74.07%) expressed

an extremely high level of interest in the field of Electrical Installation and

Maintenance (EIM). This indicates a significant majority of students who are

deeply intrigued and enthusiastic about the subject. Rhe14 out of 54 students

(25.93%) reported a somewhat interested response, indicating a moderate

level of interest in EIM. While not as high as the first group, these students still

demonstrate a positive level of engagement and curiosity about the field.

Importantly, none of the students reported being not interested at all in EIM.

This suggests that all surveyed students have some degree of interest in the

subject. The mean of the results, calculated as the average level of interest, is

18. This indicates that, on average, the EIM students’ level of interest leans

towards being extremely interested.




The results in the survey questionnaire the overall results indicate the

Interest in EIM. The majority of EIM students expressed a high level of

interest in the field, with a significant percentage reporting being extremely

interested. In understanding and connection of the Students demonstrated a

strong understanding of the concepts and theories taught in EIM, with a

majority reporting that they excellently connect with and understand the


It is importance of skills to the students recognized the high importance

of the skills learned in EIM, understanding that not acquiring these skills can

potentially cause hazards or safety risks. Then the participation and

engagement to the students reported actively participating in classroom

discussions and hands-on activities related to EIM, indicating a high level of

engagement and involvement.

The practical training and industry exposure to the students highly

valued the practical training and industry exposure provided in their education,

recognizing its significance in developing their skills and knowledge. The

career pursuit is a significant number of students remained undecided about

pursuing a career in EIM, there were also students who expressed a clear

interest and likelihood of pursuing a future course in the field.


The overall results of the survey among EIM students indicate a

positive and engaged learning environment. The majority of students

expressed a high level of interest in the field of Electrical Installation and

Maintenance (EIM) and demonstrated a strong understanding of the concepts

and theories taught. They highly valued the practical training and industry

exposure provided in their education, recognizing its importance in developing

their skills and knowledge.

The students actively participated In classroom discussions and hands-

on activities, indicating their engagement and involvement in the learning

process. They recognized the significance of the skills learned in EIM,

understanding that not acquiring these skills can potentially lead to hazards or

safety risks. While some students remained undecided about pursuing a

career in EIM, there were also students who expressed a clear interest and

likelihood of pursuing a future course in the field. This indicates a positive

outlook for the potential career paths in EIM.


Based on the overall results, here are five recommendations from:

1. Enhance Practical Training: Recognize the high value that students place

on practical training and industry exposure. Invest in providing more hands-on

experiences and real-world scenarios to further develop their skills and

knowledge in Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM).

2. Foster Engagement: Continue to create an engaging learning environment

that encourages active participation in classroom discussions and hands-on

activities. Promote interactive learning methods, such as group discussions,

case studies, and practical projects, to enhance student engagement and


3. Offer Career Guidance: Provide comprehensive career guidance and

counseling to help students make informed decisions about their future in

EIM. Offer information about potential career paths, industry trends, and

opportunities for further education or specialization in the field.

4. Promote Industry Partnerships: Establish partnerships with industry

professionals and organizations to provide students with exposure to real-

world practices and industry standards. Facilitate internships, apprenticeships,

or industry collaborations to bridge the gap between academic learning and

practical application.

5. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update the curriculum to

align with industry advancements and emerging technologies in EIM.

Incorporate feedback from students and industry professionals to ensure that

the program remains relevant and prepares students for the evolving

demands of the field.


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