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“Revenue Expense relates to the operations of the business of an accounting period or to the
revenue earned during the period or the items of expenditure, benefits of which do not extend
beyond that period. capital Expenditure, on the other hand, generates enduring benefits and helps
in revenue generation over more than one Accounting period.”
“Capital expenditure contributes to the revenue earning capacity of a business over more than
one accounting period whereas revenue expense is incurred to generate revenue for a particular
accounting period. The revenue expenses either occur in direct relation with the revenue or in
relation with accounting periods.”
“Deferred revenue expenditure is that expenditure for which payment has been made or a
liability incurred but which is carried forward on the presumption that it will be of benefit over a
subsequent period or periods. Deferred revenue expenditure should be revenue expenditure by
nature in the first instance. But its matching with revenue may be deferred considering the
benefits to be accrued in future.”
“Receipts which are obtained in course of normal business activities are revenue receipts (e.g.
receipts from sale of goods or services, interest income etc.) Revenue and capital receipts are
recognised on accrual basis as soon as the right of receipt is established. Revenue receipts should
not be equated with the actual cash receipts. Revenue receipts are credited to the Profit and Loss
Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts
It is also necessary to make a proper distinction between capital receipts and revenue receipts
because the revenue receipts are shown on the credit side of Trading and Profit & Loss Account
whereas the capital receipts are shown in the Balance Sheet either as increase in liabilities or as
reduction in the value of the assets.
Capital Receipts:
Examples of capital receipts are:
(i) Amount received from the sale of fixed assetsor investments.
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(ii) Capital contributed by proprietors, partners or money obtained from issue ofshares and
debentures in case of company.
(iii) Amount received by way of loans.
Revenue Receipts:
(1) Money obtained from sale of goods.
(2) Commission and fees received for services rendered.
(3) Interest and dividend received on investments.
1.What is Capital Expenditure? Give six examples of Capital Expenditure.
2. Explain Revenue Expenditure with examples.
3. Give three points of distinction between Capital Receipt and Revenue Receipts.
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