ECOSYS M3645dn
> Preface
Thank you for purchasing this machine.
This Operation Guide is intended to help you operate the machine correctly, perform routine maintenance, and take
simple troubleshooting measures as needed so that the machine can always be used in the optimum condition.
Please read this Operation Guide before using the machine.
To maintain quality, we recommend using genuine own brand toner containers, which must
pass numerous quality inspections.
Please use our genuine toner containers, which have passed rigorous quality control testing.
The use of non-genuine toner containers may cause failure.
We will not be liable for any damages caused by the use of third party supplies in this machine.
A label is affixed to our replacement genuine toner containers, as shown below.
You'll need the equipment's serial number when contacting your Service Representative. Please check the number
before contacting your Service Representative
Preface ..................................................................................................................................... i
Contents .................................................................................................................................. ii
Overview .............................................................................................................................. viii
Machine Features .................................................................................................................. ix
Color and Image Quality Functions ................................................................................... xiii
Basic Color Modes ...................................................................................................... xiii
Adjusting Image Quality and Color.............................................................................. xiv
Guides Provided with the Machine ..................................................................................... xv
About the Operation Guide (this Guide) .......................................................................... xvii
Structure of the guide ................................................................................................. xvii
Conventions Used in This Guide................................................................................ xviii
Menu Map .............................................................................................................................. xx
Login/Logout ................................................................................................................... 2-14
Login ....................................................................................................................... 2-14
Logout ..................................................................................................................... 2-15
Default Settings of the Machine ..................................................................................... 2-16
Setting Date and Time ............................................................................................ 2-16
Network Setup ................................................................................................................. 2-17
Configuring the Wired Network ............................................................................... 2-17
Configuring the Wireless Network ........................................................................... 2-19
Setting Wi-Fi Direct ................................................................................................. 2-23
Energy Saver function .................................................................................................... 2-25
Low Power Mode .................................................................................................... 2-25
Sleep and Auto Sleep ............................................................................................. 2-25
Installing Software .......................................................................................................... 2-28
Software on DVD (Windows) .................................................................................. 2-28
Installing Software in Windows ............................................................................... 2-29
Uninstalling the Software ........................................................................................ 2-35
Installing Software in Mac Computer ...................................................................... 2-36
Setting TWAIN Driver .............................................................................................. 2-38
Setting WIA Driver ................................................................................................... 2-40
Checking the Counter ..................................................................................................... 2-41
Additional Preparations for the Administrator ............................................................. 2-42
Sending Documents to a PC ................................................................................... 2-42
Strengthening the Security ...................................................................................... 2-42
Command Center RX ...................................................................................................... 2-44
Accessing Command Center RX ............................................................................ 2-45
Changing Security Settings ..................................................................................... 2-46
Changing Device Information .................................................................................. 2-48
E-mail Settings ........................................................................................................ 2-50
Registering Destinations ......................................................................................... 2-54
Creating a New Custom Box ................................................................................... 2-55
Printing a document stored in a Custom Box .......................................................... 2-56
Transferring Data from Our Other Products ................................................................. 2-58
Migrating the Address Book .................................................................................... 2-58
Printing by AirPrint ......................................................................................................... 4-11
Printing by Google Cloud Print ...................................................................................... 4-11
Printing by Mopria ........................................................................................................... 4-11
Printing with Wi-Fi Direct ................................................................................................ 4-11
Printing Data Saved on the Printer ................................................................................ 4-12
Specifying the Job Box from a Computer and Storing the Job ............................... 4-12
Printing Documents from Private Print Box ............................................................. 4-13
Printing Document from Stored Job Box ................................................................. 4-15
Printing Document from Quick Copy Box ................................................................ 4-17
Printing Document from Proof and Hold Box .......................................................... 4-19
Status Monitor ................................................................................................................. 4-21
Accessing the Status Monitor .................................................................................. 4-21
Exiting the Status Monitor ....................................................................................... 4-21
Status Monitor Display ............................................................................................ 4-21
Printing Documents Stored in Removable USB Memory ............................................ 5-39
Saving Documents to USB Memory (Scan to USB) ..................................................... 5-41
Check the USB Memory Information ............................................................................. 5-42
Removing USB Memory .................................................................................................. 5-43
Device/Communication ................................................................................................... 7-14
Checking the Remaining Amount of Toner and Paper (Paper/Supplies) ................... 7-16
Registering Information for a User whose ID is Unknown ....................................... 9-43
> Overview
This machine is equipped standard with copy and print functions, and a scanned image can be sent to an E-mail
recipient as an attachment or to a computer on the same network. On products with a FAX function, it is also possible to
use the fax function.
Input Data
Wi-Fi connection
Original Electronic data USB memory Fax data Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi Direct
connection is possible.
Configuring the
Wireless Network (page
Command Center RX
You can check the status and change the This function is useful for a variety of purposes,
settings of the machine from a Web browser including saving data in the machine and in a
on your computer. USB memory stick.
Command Center RX (page 2-44) Printing Data Saved on the Printer (page 4-
Command Center RX User Guide 12)
Using a Custom Box (page 5-33)
Output Data
Copy functions Printer functions Send functions USB memory Fax functions
Copying (page 5-9) Sending (page 5-12) Saving Documents to FAX Operation
Printing from PC (page 4-1) USB Memory (Scan to Guide
USB) (page 5-41)
• Before using the machine, be sure to read the following:
Legal and Safety Information (page 1-1)
• For preparations for use of the machine such as cable connections and software installation, refer to the following:
Installing and Setting up the Machine (page 2-1)
• To learn how to load paper, set up shared folders, and add addresses to the address book, refer to the following:
Preparation before Use (page 3-1)
> Machine Features
Machine Features
The machine is equipped with many useful functions.
Using Various Functions (page 6-1)
Here are some examples.
1 11 21 1
You can preset frequently used functions. It is useful when preparing conference It is useful when preparing many-page
Once you register frequently used materials. handouts.
settings as favorite, you can call up the You can set the different sized originals at When a large number of originals cannot
settings easily. Using this favorite brings one time so you don't need to reset the be placed in the document processor at
the same results even if operated by originals regardless of size. one time, the originals can be scanned in
another person. separate batches and then copied or sent
Mixed Size Orig. (Mixed Size
as one job.
Program (page 5-5) Originals) (page 6-12)
Continuous Scan (page 6-22)
You can send a same document to the You can save the frequently used You can save the paper used for sending
multiple destinations using a different document in the machine and print it a FAX with this function.
method. when needed. You can send a file to be faxed from the
You can specify multiple destinations of Using a Custom Box (page 5-33) PC without printing the file, so that you
different send methods such as E-mail, can reduce the number of pieces of paper
SMB, and Fax. and perform sending jobs efficiently.
You can reduce your workflow by sending FAX Operation Guide
a job at once.
Sending to Different Types of
Destinations (Multi Sending) (page
> Machine Features
The machine is equipped with Energy You can save toner consumption with this You can print originals on both sides of
Saver function that automatically function. the paper. You can also print multiple
switched into Sleep Mode. When you only need to check the printed originals onto one sheet.
Energy Saver function (page 2-25) content, such as a trial print run or Combine (page 6-18)
documents for internal confirmation, use Duplex (page 6-20)
this function to save toner.
Use this function when a high-quality print
is not required.
EcoPrint (page 6-13)
When there are blank pages in a scanned You can reduce the communication cost You can prevent image bleed-through
document, this function skips the blank with this function. from the reverse side when scanning thin
pages and prints only pages that are not The communication cost can be reduced originals.
blank. by setting the timer to the time period Prevent Bleed-t (Prevent Bleed-thru)
Skip Blank Page (page 6-23) during which the communication cost is (page 6-16)
FAX Operation Guide
> Machine Features
Strengthen security
Password-protect a PDF file Protect data on the SSD Prevent loss of finished documents
(PDF Encryption Functions) (Encryption / Overwrite) (Private Print)
Use the PDF format's password security You can overwrite the unnecessary data You can temporarily save a printer
options to restrict document viewing, that remains on the SSD automatically. document in the machine. By printing the
printing and editing. To prevent an external leakage, the document from the machine prevents
machine is able to encrypt data before someone takes your document.
Encrypted PDF (page 6-33)
writing it to the SSD. Printing Data Saved on the Printer
Data Security (page 8-21) (page 4-12)
OK !
You can log in simply by touching an ID Various functions are available for You can make the machine quiet by
card. You don't need to enter your user administrators to strengthen security. reducing its running noise. You can
name and password. configure this mode by job.
Strengthening the Security (page 2-
Card Authentication Kit(B) "Card 42) Quiet Mode (page 6-23)
Authentication Kit" (page 11-3)
> Machine Features
In an environment where the wireless It is useful when you need to print You can select the various file formats
LAN is used, you can install the machine document outside your office or you when sending/storing images.
without concerning the network cables. cannot print document from your PC.
File Format (page 6-26)
Setup (page 8-18) You can print the document from the USB
memory by plugging it directly into the
Original scanned at the machine can be
saved in the USB memory also.
Printing Documents Stored in
Removable USB Memory (page 5-
Saving Documents to USB Memory
(Scan to USB) (page 5-41)
> Color and Image Quality Functions
Black & White Scans a document in black & white. page 6-14
> Color and Image Quality Functions
Sample image
I want to... Function Page
Before After
Adjust the color precisely.
> Guides Provided with the Machine
Printed guides
Quick Guide
Start using the
machine quickly Explains how to use basic functions of the machine, how to use convenient features, how
to perform routine maintenance, and what to do when problems occur.
Safety Guide
Provides safety and cautionary information for installation environment and use of the
For safe use of the machine. Be sure to read this guide before using the machine.
machine Safety Guide (ECOSYS M3145dn/ECOSYS M3645dn)
Indicates the space required for machine installation, and describes the cautionary labels
and other safety information. Be sure to read this guide before using the machine.
> Guides Provided with the Machine
> About the Operation Guide (this Guide)
Chapter Contents
1 Legal and Safety Information Provides precautions regarding use of the machine and trademark information.
2 Installing and Setting up the Explains part names, cable connections, installation of the software, login, logout, and
Machine other matters related to administration of the machine.
3 Preparation before Use Explains preparations and settings that are required in order to use the machine, such
as how to use the operation panel, load paper, and create an address book.
4 Printing from PC Explains functions that are available when the machine is used as a printer.
5 Operation on the Machine Explains the basic procedures for using the machine, such as placing originals, making
copies, sending documents, and using document boxes.
6 Using Various Functions Explains convenient functions that are available on the machine.
7 Status/Job Cancel Explains how to check the status of a job and the job history, and how to cancel jobs
being printed or waiting to print. Also explains how to check paper and toner levels, how
to check the device status, and how to cancel fax transmission.
8 Setup and Registration (System Explains System Menu and how it relates to the operation of the machine.
10 Troubleshooting Explains what to do when toner runs out, an error is displayed, or a paper jam or other
problem occurs.
11 Appendix Describes convenient options that are available for the machine. Provides information
on media types and paper sizes, and gives a glossary of terms. Explains how to enter
characters, and lists the specifications of the machine.
> About the Operation Guide (this Guide)
Click an item in the Table of Click to move from the current page to the previously
Contents to jump to the displayed page. This is convenient when you want to return
corresponding page. to the page from which you jumped to the current page.
Indicates operational requirements
and restrictions to operate the
machine correctly, and avoid
damage to the machine or property.
Indicates supplemental
explanations and reference
information for operations.
Refer to
Click the underlined text to jump to
the corresponding page.
Indicates that personal injury or
mechanical damage may result
from insufficient attention to or
incorrect compliance with the
related points.
The items that appear in Adobe Reader vary depending on how it is used. If the Table of Contents or tools do not
appear, refer to Adobe Reader Help.
Certain items are indicated in this guide by the conventions described below.
Convention Description
[Bold] Indicates keys and buttons.
> About the Operation Guide (this Guide)
> Menu Map
Menu Map
This is a list of menus displayed on the message display. Depending on the settings, some menus may not be displayed.
Some menu names may differ from their reference titles.
> Menu Map
> Menu Map
> Menu Map
> Menu Map
> Menu Map
> Menu Map
> Menu Map
Common Settings Orig./Paper Set. Cassette 1 Set. Cassette 1 Size (page 8-28)
> Menu Map
> Menu Map
> Menu Map
1 Legal and Safety
Please read this information before using your machine. This chapter provides information on the following topics.
Notice ................................................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Safety Conventions in This Guide ........................................................................................................... 1-2
Environment ............................................................................................................................................. 1-3
Precautions for Use ................................................................................................................................. 1-4
Laser Safety (Europe) .............................................................................................................................. 1-5
SAFETY OF LASER BEAM (USA) .......................................................................................................... 1-6
Safety Instructions Regarding the Disconnection of Power ..................................................................... 1-7
Compliance and Conformity .................................................................................................................... 1-7
Other precautions (for users in California, the United States) .................................................................. 1-7
Warranty (the United States and Canada) ............................................................................................... 1-8
Legal Restriction on Copying/Scanning ................................................................................................... 1-9
EN ISO 7779 ............................................................................................................................................ 1-9
EK1-ITB 2000 .......................................................................................................................................... 1-9
Wireless Connection (Mexico only) ......................................................................................................... 1-9
Security Precautions when Using Wireless LAN (If equipped) ................................................................ 1-9
Limited Use of This Product (If equipped) ............................................................................................. 1-10
Legal Information .................................................................................................................................... 1-11
Energy Saving Control Function ............................................................................................................ 1-17
Automatic 2-Sided Print Function .......................................................................................................... 1-17
Resource Saving - Paper ....................................................................................................................... 1-17
Environmental benefits of "Power Management" ................................................................................... 1-17
Energy Star (ENERGY STAR®) Program .............................................................................................. 1-18
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
Safety Conventions in This Guide
The sections of this guide and parts of the machine marked with symbols are safety warnings meant to protect the user,
other individuals and surrounding objects, and ensure correct and safe usage of the machine. The symbols and their
meanings are indicated below.
WARNING: Indicates that serious injury or even death may result from insufficient
attention to or incorrect compliance with the related points.
CAUTION: Indicates that personal injury or mechanical damage may result from
insufficient attention to or incorrect compliance with the related points.
The symbol indicates that the related section includes safety warnings. Specific points of attention are indicated
inside the symbol.
The symbol indicates that the related section includes information on prohibited actions. Specifics of the prohibited
action are indicated inside the symbol.
The symbol indicates that the related section includes information on actions which must be performed. Specifics of
the required action are indicated inside the symbol.
Please contact your service representative to order a replacement if the safety warnings in this Operation Guide are
illegible or if the guide itself is missing (fee required).
An original which resembles a bank note closely may not be copied properly in some rare cases because this
machine is equipped with a counterfeiting prevention function.
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
The service environmental conditions are as follows:
Humidity 15 to 80%
Avoid the following locations when selecting a site for the machine.
• Avoid locations near a window or with exposure to direct sunlight.
• Avoid locations with vibrations.
• Avoid locations with drastic temperature fluctuations.
• Avoid locations with direct exposure to hot or cold air.
• Avoid poorly ventilated locations.
If the floor is delicate against casters, when this machine is moved after installation, the floor material may be damaged.
During copying, some ozone is released, but the amount does not cause any ill effect to one's health. If, however, the
machine is used over a long period of time in a poorly ventilated room or when making an extremely large number of
copies, the smell may become unpleasant. To maintain the appropriate environment for copy work, it is suggested that
the room be properly ventilated.
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
Do not attempt to incinerate parts which contain toner. Dangerous sparks may cause burns.
Keep parts which contain toner out of the reach of children.
If toner happens to spill from parts which contain toner, avoid inhalation and ingestion, as well as contact with your eyes
and skin.
• If you do happen to inhale toner, move to a place with fresh air and gargle thoroughly with a large amount of water. If
coughing develops, contact a physician.
• If you do happen to ingest toner, rinse your mouth with water and drink 1 or 2 cups of water to dilute the contents of
your stomach. If necessary, contact a physician.
• If you do happen to get toner in your eyes, flush them thoroughly with water. If there is any remaining tenderness,
contact a physician.
• If toner does happen to get on your skin, wash with soap and water.
Do not attempt to force open or destroy parts which contain toner.
Other precautions
Return the exhausted toner container and waste toner box to your dealer or service representative. The collected toner
container and waste toner box will be recycled or disposed in accordance with the relevant regulations.
Store the machine while avoiding exposure to direct sunlight.
Store the machine in a place where the temperature stays below 40 °C while avoiding sharp changes of temperature
and humidity.
If the machine will not be used for an extended period of time, remove the paper from the cassette and the Multi Purpose
(MP) Tray, return it to its original package and reseal it.
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
3. Maintenance
For safety of the service personnel, follow the maintenance instructions in the other section of this manual.
4. Safety switch
The power to the laser unit is cut off when the front cover is opened.
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
Module name Software Ver. Frequency band in Maximum radio-frequency power transmitted in the
which the radio frequency band in which the radio equipment
equipment operates: operates:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
• The use of a non-shielded interface cable with the referenced device is prohibited.
CAUTION — The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions; (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all
persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other transmitter.
* The above statements are valid only in the United States of America and Canada.
NOTE — Use shielded interface cables.
Other precautions
(for users in California, the United States)
Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply. See
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc. KYOCERA Document Solutions Canada, Ltd.
225 Sand Road, P.O. Box 40008 6120 Kestrel Rd., Mississauga, ON L5T 1S8,
Fairfield, New Jersey 07004-0008, USA Canada
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
EN ISO 7779
Maschinenlärminformations-Verordnung 3. GPSGV, 06.01.2004: Der höchste Schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 dB (A) oder
weniger gemäß EN ISO 7779.
EK1-ITB 2000
Das Gerät ist nicht für die Benutzung im unmittelbaren Gesichtsfeld am Bildschirmarbeitsplatz vorgesehen. Um
störende Reflexionen am Bildschirmarbeitsplatz zu vermeiden, darf dieses Produkt nicht im unmittelbaren Gesichtsfeld
platziert werden.
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
Illegal Intrusion
A third party with malicious intent may gain unauthorized access to personal or company networks and conduct the
following illegal actions.
• Extracting personal and confidential information (information leak)
• Entering into communication while impersonating a specific person and distributing unauthorized information (spoofing)
• Modifying and retransmitting intercepted communications (falsification)
• Transmitting computer viruses and destroying data and systems (destruction)
Wireless LAN cards and wireless access points contain built-in security mechanisms to address these problems and to
reduce the possibility of these problems occurring by configuring the security settings of wireless LAN products when
the product is used.
We recommend that customers take responsibility and use their judgment when configuring the security settings and
that they ensure that they fully understand the problems that can occur when the product is used without configuring the
security settings.
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
Legal Information
Copying or other reproduction of all or part of this guide without the prior written consent of KYOCERA Document
Solutions Inc. is prohibited.
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
This product contains GPL ( and/or LGPL (
software as part of its firmware. You can get the source code, and you are permitted to copy, redistribute and modify it
under the terms of GPL/LGPL. For further information including availability of the source code, visit
OpenSSL License
Copyright (c) 1998-2006 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgment:
"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.
4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without prior written permission.
For written permission, please contact
5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without
prior written permission of the OpenSSL Project.
6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software
developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit ("
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement:
"This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ("
The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the routines from the library being used are not cryptographic related :-).
4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from the apps directory (application code) you must
include an acknowledgement: "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ("
The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e.
this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence [including the GNU Public Licence.]
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
10 You shall not sublicense, sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the Software and/or Typefaces without the prior written
consent of Monotype Imaging.
11 Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data
and Computer Software clause at FAR 252-227-7013, subdivision (b)(3)(ii) or subparagraph (c)(1)(ii), as appropriate.
Further use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions applicable to restricted rights software as set forth in
FAR 52.227-19 (c)(2).
12 You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and
conditions. Neither party shall be bound by any statement or representation not contained in this Agreement. No
change in this Agreement is effective unless written and signed by properly authorized representatives of each party.
By opening this diskette package, you agree to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Knopflerfish License
This product includes software developed by the Knopflerfish Project.
Copyright 2003-2010 The Knopflerfish Project. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
conditions are met:
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- Neither the name of the KNOPFLERFISH project nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or
promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including
but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as
indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the
Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an
original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or
additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work
by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For
the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the
Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code
control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of
discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been
received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to
You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce,
prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such
Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a
perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent
license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license
applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was
submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit)
alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent
infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date
such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with
or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions:
(a)You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b)You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and
(c)You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark,
and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d)If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute
must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices
that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text
file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the
Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices
normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the
License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an
addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be
construed as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license
terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as
a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated
in this License.
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for
inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any
additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any
separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product
names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and
reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and
each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF
ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-
for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your
exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or
otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing,
shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including
but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other
commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose
to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights
consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on
Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold
each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your
accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets
"[]" replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the
appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a file or class name and description of
purpose be included on the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier identification within third-party
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
The device automatically enters Sleep when 1 minute has passed since the device was last used. The amount of time of
no activity that must pass before Sleep is activated may be lengthened.
Sleep and Auto Sleep (page 2-25)
Legal and Safety Information > Notice
2 Installing and Setting
up the Machine
This chapter provides information for the administrator of this machine, such as part names, cable connection, and
software installation.
Part Names ................................................... 2-2 Command Center RX .................................. 2-44
Machine Exterior ................................. 2-2 Accessing Command Center RX ...... 2-45
Connectors/Interior ............................. 2-4 Changing Security Settings .............. 2-46
With Optional Equipments Attached ... 2-6 Changing Device Information ........... 2-48
Connecting the Machine and Other E-mail Settings .................................. 2-50
Devices ......................................................... 2-7 Registering Destinations ................... 2-54
Connecting Cables ........................................ 2-8 Creating a New Custom Box ............ 2-55
Connecting LAN Cable ....................... 2-8 Printing a document stored in a Custom
Connecting USB Cable ....................... 2-9 Box .................................................... 2-56
Connecting the Power Cable .............. 2-9 Transferring Data from Our Other
Power On/Off .............................................. 2-10 Products ...................................................... 2-58
Power On .......................................... 2-10 Migrating the Address Book .............. 2-58
Power Off .......................................... 2-10
Using the Operation Panel ........................... 2-11
Operation Panel Keys ........................ 2-11
Operation Method ............................. 2-12
Display for Originals and Paper ........ 2-13
Help Screen ...................................... 2-13
Login/Logout ............................................... 2-14
Login ................................................. 2-14
Logout ............................................... 2-15
Default Settings of the Machine .................. 2-16
Setting Date and Time ...................... 2-16
Network Setup ............................................ 2-17
Configuring the Wired Network ......... 2-17
Configuring the Wireless Network .... 2-19
Setting Wi-Fi Direct ........................... 2-23
Energy Saver function ................................. 2-25
Low Power Mode .............................. 2-25
Sleep and Auto Sleep ....................... 2-25
Installing Software ....................................... 2-28
Software on DVD (Windows) ............ 2-28
Installing Software in Windows ......... 2-29
Uninstalling the Software .................. 2-35
Installing Software
in Mac Computer .............................. 2-36
Setting TWAIN Driver ........................ 2-38
Setting WIA Driver ............................ 2-40
Checking the Counter ................................. 2-41
Additional Preparations for
the Administrator ......................................... 2-42
Sending Documents to a PC ............. 2-42
Strengthening the Security ................ 2-42
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Part Names
Part Names
Machine Exterior
1 2 3 4 13 14
10 15
5 16
6 11
7 12
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Part Names
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Part Names
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Part Names
16 17
18 19
15 Toner Container 18 Left Cover
16 Toner Container Lock Lever 19 Waste Toner Box
17 Registration Roller
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Part Names
1 Cassette 2 3 Cassette 4
2 Cassette 3 4 Cassette 5
Optional Equipment (page 11-2)
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Connecting the Machine and Other Devices
When Connecting the Machine to the PC or Tablet by network cable, Wi-Fi, or Wi-Fi direct
Network cable
Network Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi Direct
Tablet connection*1
*1 Only for models with the optional Wireless Network Interface Kit (IB-36).
If you are using wireless LAN, refer to the following.
Configuring the Wireless Network (page 2-19)
Connect a USB cable to the Printer/Scanner (TWAIN/WIA) USB 2.0 compatible cable (Hi-Speed USB
machine. compliant, max. 5.0 m , shielded)
Using a cable other than a USB 2.0 compatible cable may cause failure.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Connecting Cables
Connecting Cables
Connecting LAN Cable
If the power is on, turn the power switch off.
Power Off (page 2-10)
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Connecting Cables
Only use the power cable that comes with the machine.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Power On/Off
Power On/Off
Power On
When turning off the power switch, do not turn on the power switch again
immediately. Wait more than 5 seconds, and then turn on the power switch.
Power Off
If this machine will be left unused for an extended period (e.g. overnight), turn it off at the main power switch.
If the machine will not be used for an even longer period of time (e.g. vacation), remove the power plug from
the outlet as a safety precaution.
• If using the products equipped with the fax function, note that turning the machine off at the main power
switch disables fax transmission and reception.
• Remove paper from the cassettes and seal it in the paper storage bag to protect it from humidity.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Using the Operation Panel
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Using the Operation Panel
Operation Method
This section explains how to operate the setting menus on the message display.
Ready to copy.
Copies: 1
A4 A4
Quiet Paper
Select the [Back] key to return to Select the [OK] key to confirm
the screen one level higher. the selected setting.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Using the Operation Panel
Help Screen
If you have difficulty operating the machine, you can check how to operate it using the operation panel.
When [Help] is displayed on the message display, select [Help] to display the Help screen. The Help screen shows
machine operation.
Paper CorrectiveAction:
jammed in Open cassette 1 and
cassette 1. remove paper.
JAM**** Set cassette 1.
Help OK
Select the [▼] key to display the next step or select the [▲] key to display the previous step.
Select the [OK] key to exit the Help screen.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Login/Logout
If you are setting a function that requires administrator rights, or if user login administration is enabled, you must enter
your login user name and login password.
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
You will be unable to login if you forget your login user name or login password. In this event, login with administrator
privileges and change your login user name or login password.
• If [Netwk Authentic.] is selected as the user authentication method, [Menu] is
displayed. Select [Menu] and select [Login Type] and then it is possible to select the
authentication destination as [Local Authentic.] or [Netwk Authentic.].
• Select [Menu] and select [Domain] and then it is possible to select from the domains
2 Enter the login user name using the numeric keys and select the [OK] key.
If Login Operation is [Select Character], then the screen is displayed to enter details by
selecting from the characters on the message display.
Login Operation (page 8-35)
3 Select [Login].
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Login/Logout
To logout from the machine, select the [Authentication/Logout] key to return to the login user
name/login password entry screen.
Users are automatically logged out in the following circumstances:
• When the machine enters the sleep state.
• When the auto panel reset function is activated.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Default Settings of the Machine
The default settings of the machine can be changed in System Menu.
For settings that are configurable from System Menu, refer to the following:
Setup and Registration (System Menu) (page 8-1)
• If user login administration is enabled, you can only change the settings by logging in with administrator privileges.
If user login administration is disabled, the user authentication screen appears. Enter a login user name and
password, and select [Login].
• The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
• Be sure to set the time difference before setting the date and time.
• The correct time can be periodically set by obtaining the time from the network time server.
Command Center RX User Guide
Item Description
Time Zone Set the time difference from GMT. Choose the nearest listed location from
the list. If you select a region that utilizes summer time, configure settings
for summer time.
Date/Time Set the date and time for the location where you use the machine. If you
perform Send as E-mail, the date and time set here will be displayed on
the header.
Value: Year (2000 to 2037), Month (01 to 12), Day (01 to 31),
Hour (00 to 23), Min. (00 to 59), Second (00 to 59)
Date Format Select the display format of year, month, and date. The year is displayed
in Western notation.
Value: Month/Day/Year, Day/Month/Year, Year/Month/Day
Select the [▲] or [▼] key to enter a number.
Select the [◄] or [►] key to move the position being entered, which is shown highlighted.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Network Setup
Network Setup
Configuring the Wired Network
The machine is equipped with network interface, which is compatible with network protocols such as TCP/IP (IPv4),
TCP/IP (IPv6), NetBEUI, and IPSec. It enables network printing on the Windows, Macintosh, UNIX and other platforms.
Set up TCP/IP (IPv4) to connect to the Windows network.
The configuration methods are as follows
Configuration Method Description Reference Page
Configuring Connections on For the equipped network interface, the connection can be set by Command Center RX
the Web Page using Command Center RX. For the optional IB-50, the connection User Guide
can be set by using the dedicated Web page. IB-50 Operation Guide
Setting the Connection by This is the setup tool included in the CD of IB-50. You can use it on IB-50 Operation Guide
Using the Setup Utility of Windows.
If user login administration is enabled, you can only change the settings by logging in with administrator privileges.
If user login administration is disabled, the user authentication screen appears. Enter a login user name and
password, and select [Login].
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
IPv4 setting
1 [▲] [] key > [DHCP] > [OK] key > [▲] [] key > [Off] > [OK] key
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Network Setup
You can set any value between 000 and 255.
Use the numeric keys or select the [▲] or [▼] key to enter a number.
Select the [◄] or [►] key to move the position being entered, which is shown highlighted.
You can set any value between 000 and 255.
Use the numeric keys or select the [▲] or [▼] key to enter a number.
Select the [◄] or [►] key to move the position being entered, which is shown highlighted.
You can set any value between 000 and 255.
Use the numeric keys or select the [▲] or [▼] key to enter a number.
Select the [◄] or [►] key to move the position being entered, which is shown highlighted.
After changing the setting, restart the network from System Menu, or turn the
machine OFF and then ON.
Restart Network (page 8-17)
Ask your network administrator for the IP address in advance, and have it ready when you
configure this setting.
In the following cases, set the IP address of DNS server on the Command Center RX.
• When using the host name with "DHCP" setting set to "Off"
• When using the DNS server with IP address that is not assigned by DHCP automatically.
Setting the IP Address of the DNS Server, refer to the following:
Command Center RX User Guide
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Network Setup
Setting the Connection by This is the tool included in the Product Library. You can Setting the Connection by Using
Using the Wi-Fi Setup Tool configure the connection according to the instructions the Wi-Fi Setup Tool (page 2-19)
provided by the wizard.
Configuring Connections on For the IB-36, the connection can be set from the Command Center RX User
the Web Page Command Center RX. Guide
For the IB-51, the connection can be set on the dedicated IB-51 Operation Guide
Web page.
Setting the Connection by This is the setup tool included in the CD of IB-51. You can IB-51 Operation Guide
Using the Setup Utility of IB-51 use it on both Windows and Mac OS.
When you want to switch to the network interface other than Wired (default) after installing an optional Network
Interface Kit (IB-50) and a Wireless Network Interface Kit (IB-36 or IB-51), select the desired setting on "Primary
Network (Client)".
Primary Network (page 8-19)
• Before using the Wi-Fi Setup Tool, connect your computer to this machine locally with wired LAN cable or Wi-Fi
• To use Wi-Fi Direct, confirm that the Wi-Fi Direct is enabled (Wi-Fi Direct is set to [ON]) and Restart Network from
the operation panel, before your computer will be connected to this machine with Wi-Fi Direct.
• To use a wired LAN cable directly connected to the machine, the Auto-IP (Link-local) address will be assigned to the
machine and the computer. This machine applies Auto-IP as the default settings.
• Configure the settings on the operation panel if your computer supports WPS.
Wi-Fi Settings (page 8-8)
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Network Setup
• Installation on Windows must be done by a user logged on with administrator privileges.
• If the "Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard" dialog box displays, select
• If the autorun screen is displayed, click [Run setup.exe].
• If the user account management window appears, click [Yes] ([Allow]).
1 2
4 Select [Maintenance].
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Network Setup
• Only one machine can be searched using Wi-Fi Setup Tool. It may take times to search
the machine.
• If the machine is not detected, select [Advanced setup] > [Next]. Select [Express] or
[Custom] as device discovery method and specify the IP address or host name to
search the machine.
5 Select [Use the device settings.] on [Authentication mode], and enter the login user
name and password. Login user name and Password are both Admin.
• Installation on Windows must be done by a user logged on with administrator privileges.
• If the "Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard" dialog box displays, select
• If the autorun screen is displayed, click [Run setup.exe].
• If the user account management window appears, click [Yes] ([Allow]).
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Network Setup
1 2
7 Select [Maintenance].
5 Select [Use the device settings.] on [Authentication mode], and enter the login user
name and password. Login user name and Password are both Admin.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Network Setup
4 [Status/Job Cancel] Key > [▲] [▼] key > [Wi-Fi Direct] >
[OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Detail Info] > [OK] key
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Network Setup
2 Select the network name (SSID) appeared in step 5 from the list.
4 [Status/Job Cancel] Key > [▲] [▼] key > [Wi-Fi Direct] >
[OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [PushButton Setup] > [OK] key
You can connect up to three handheld devices at the same time using Wi-Fi Direct setting. When the devices
that support Wi-Fi Direct are connected, if you want to connect other device, disconnect the already-
connected devices from the network. The disconnection methods are as follows:
• Disconnect the network from the computer or handheld computer
• Disconnecting all devices from the network on the operation panel
[Status/Job Cancel] Key > [▲] [▼] key > [Wi-Fi Direct] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [ConnectionStatus] >
[OK] key > [Menu] > [▲] [▼] key > [Disconnect All] > [OK] key
• Configuring auto disconnecting time from the System menu
Wi-Fi Direct Set (page 8-7)
• Configuring auto disconnecting time from the Command Center RX
Command Center RX User Guide
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Energy Saver function
If the Low Power Timer is equal to the Sleep Timer, a Sleep mode is preceded.
If user login administration is enabled, you can only change the settings by logging in with administrator privileges.
If user login administration is disabled, the user authentication screen appears. Enter a login user name and
password, and select [Login].
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Energy Saver function
To enter Sleep, select the [Energy Saver] key. Message display and all indicators on the operation panel will go out to
save a maximum amount of power except the Energy Saver indicator. This status is referred to as Sleep.
If print data is received during Sleep, the machine automatically wakes up and starts printing.
Also when fax data arrives while the machine is in Sleep, the machine automatically wakes up and starts printing.
To resume, perform the following actions.
• Select any key on the operation panel.
The machine will be ready to operate within 16 seconds.
Note that ambient environmental conditions, such as ventilation, may cause the machine to respond more slowly.
Auto Sleep
Auto Sleep automatically switches the machine into Sleep if left idle for a preset time.
The default preset time is 1 minute.
To change the preset sleep time, refer to the following:
Sleep Timer (page 8-31)
Follow the steps below to set the sleep timer for the machine to go into sleep mode when not in use.
Use the numeric keys or select the [▲] or [▼] key to enter a number.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Energy Saver function
Sleep Level (Energy Saver and Quick Recovery) (models except for Europe)
For sleep level, you can toggle between the following two modes: Energy Saver mode and Quick Recovery mode. The
default setting is Energy Saver mode.
Energy Saver mode reduces power consumption even more than Quick Recovery mode, and allows Sleep Mode to be
set separately for each function. The ID card cannot be recognized.
If the optional Network Interface Kit is installed, this function will not be displayed.
To resume, select the [Energy Saver] key on the operation panel. If print data is received during Sleep, the machine
automatically wakes up and starts printing.
For more information on Sleep Level settings, refer to the following:
Sleep Level (models except for Europe) (page 8-31)
Follow the steps below to select the sleep level and use Energy Saver mode for each function.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
Installing Software
Install appropriate software on your PC from the included DVD (Product Library) if you want to use the printer function of
this machine or perform TWAIN / WIA transmission or Network FAX transmission from your PC.
Software Description
KX DRIVER This driver enables files on a computer to be printed by the machine.
Multiple page description languages (PCL XL, KPDL, etc.) are supported by
a single driver. This printer driver allows you to take full advantage of the
features of the machine.
Use this driver to create PDF files.
KX XPS DRIVER This printer driver supports the XPS (XML Paper Specification) format -
developed by Microsoft Corporation.
KPDL mini-driver/PCL mini- This is a Microsoft MiniDriver that supports PCL and KPDL. There are some -
driver restrictions on the machine features and option features that can be used
with this driver.
FAX Driver This makes it possible to send a document created in a computer software -
application as a fax via the machine.
Kyocera TWAIN Driver This driver enables scanning on the machine using a TWAIN-compliant
software application.
Kyocera WIA Driver WIA (Windows Imaging Acquisition) is a function of Windows that enables -
reciprocal communication between an imaging device such as a scanner
and an image processing software application. An image can be acquired
using a WIA-compliant software application, which is convenient when a
TWAIN-compliant software application is not installed in the computer.
KYOCERA Net Viewer This is a utility that enables monitoring of the machine on the network. -
Status Monitor This is a utility that monitors the printer status and provides an ongoing
reporting function.
KYOCERA Net Direct Print This makes it possible to print a PDF file without starting Adobe Acrobat/ -
FONTS These are display fonts that enable the machine's built-in fonts to be used in
a software application.
• Installation on Windows must be done by a user logged on with administrator privileges.
• Fax functionality can only be used on products equipped with fax capability.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
• Installation on Windows must be done by a user logged on with administrator privileges.
• If the "Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard" dialog box displays, select
• If the autorun screen is displayed, click [Run setup.exe].
• If the user account management window appears, click [Yes].
1 2
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
You can also select [Use host name for port name] and set to use the host name of the
standard TCP/IP port. (A USB connection cannot be used.)
When you click [Install], a screen asking for your cooperation with data collection will be
displayed. Select one of the answer choices and click [OK].
If Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi Direct is enabled, be sure to specify the IP address for the port name.
Installation may fail if the host name is specified.
• The machine cannot be detected unless it is on. If the computer fails to detect the
machine, verify that it is connected to the computer via a network or USB cable and that it
is turned on and click (Reload).
• If the Windows security window appears, click [Install this driver software anyway].
• To install Status Monitor on Windows versions preceding Windows 8, it is necessary to
install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 beforehand.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
When "Your software is ready to use" appears, you can use the software. To print a test
page, click the "Print a test page" checkbox and select the machine.
Click [Finish] to exit the wizard.
If a system restart message appears, restart the computer by following the screen prompts.
This completes the printer driver installation procedure.
If you are installing the TWAIN driver, continue by configuring the following:
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
Custom Install
The following procedure is an example for installing the software in Windows 8.1 using [Custom Install].
• Installation on Windows must be done by a user logged on with administrator privileges.
• If the "Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard" dialog box displays, select
• If the autorun screen is displayed, click [Run setup.exe].
• If the user account management window appears, click [Yes].
1 2
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
If Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi Direct is enabled, be sure to specify the IP address for the port
name. Installation may fail if the host name is specified.
• The machine cannot be detected unless it is on. If the computer fails to detect the
machine, verify that it is connected to the computer via a network or USB cable and
that it is turned on and click (Reload).
• If the desired device does not appear, select [Add custom device] to directly select
the device.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
4 Click [Install].
When you click [Install], a screen asking for your cooperation with data collection will be displayed.
Select one of the answer choices and click [OK].
• To install Status Monitor on Windows versions preceding Windows 8, it is necessary to
install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 beforehand.
When "Your software is ready to use" appears, you can use the software. To print a test
page, click the "Print a test page" checkbox and select the machine.
Click [Finish] to exit the wizard.
If a system restart message appears, restart the computer by following the screen prompts.
This completes the printer driver installation procedure.
If you are installing the TWAIN driver, continue by configuring the following:
Setting TWAIN Driver (page 2-38)
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
Uninstallation on Windows must be done by a user logged on with administrator privileges.
In Windows 7, click [Start] button on the Windows and then select [All Programs],
[Kyocera], and [Uninstall Kyocera Product Library] to display the Uninstall Wizard.
3 Finish uninstalling.
If a system restart message appears, restart the computer by following the screen prompts.
This completes the software uninstallation procedure.
The software can also be uninstalled using the Product Library.
In the Product Library screen, click [Uninstall], and follow the on-screen instructions to
uninstall the software.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
• Installation on MAC OS must be done by a user logged on with administrator privileges.
• When printing from a Macintosh computer, set the machine's emulation to [KPDL] or [KPDL(Auto)].
Printer (page 8-39)
• If connecting by Bonjour, enable Bonjour in the machine's network settings.
Bonjour (page 8-12)
• In the Authenticate screen, enter the name and password used to log in to the operating system.
• When printing via AirPrint, you do not have to install the software.
1 2
Install the printer driver as directed by the instructions in the installation software.
This completes the printer driver installation.
If a USB connection is used, the machine is automatically recognized and connected.
If an IP connection is used, the settings below are required.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
2 Select [Default] and click the item that appears in "Name" and then select the driver in
When using an IP connection, click the IP icon for an IP connection and then enter the
host name or IP address. The number entered in "Address" will automatically appear in
"Name". Change if needed.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
In Windows 7, select [Start] button on the Windows, [All Programs], [Kyocera] and then
[TWAIN Driver Setting]. TWAIN Driver screen appears.
2 Click [Add].
1 Enter the machine name.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
When the machine's IP address or host name is unknown, contact Administrator.
3 Finish registering.
Click [Delete] to delete the added machine. Click [Edit] to change names.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Installing Software
In Windows 7, click [Start] button on the Windows and enter [Scanner] in [Program and
File Search]. Click [View scanners and cameras] in the search list then the Scanners
and Cameras screen appears.
2 Select the same name as this machine from WIA Drivers, and click [Properties].
1 2
1 Click the [Settings] tab.
1 2 Set the Compression Level.
2 3 Set units of measurement.
4 Click [OK].
3 4
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Checking the Counter
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Additional Preparations for the Administrator
Sending Documents to a PC
To Send to a Shared Folder (Send to Folder (SMB))
To send a document that has been loaded, you need to create a shared folder to receive the document on your computer.
Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC (page 3-15)
Restrict the basic functions that can be used. Local Authorization page 9-16
Prevent another user from handling the Custom Box*2 page 5-33
documents stored in the machine.
Prevent the data stored in the machine from Data Overwrite*3 Refer to the Data
being leaked. Security Kit (E)
Encryption*3 Operation Guide.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Additional Preparations for the Administrator
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
Command Center RX
If the machine is connected to the network, you can configure various settings using Command Center RX.
This section explains how to access Command Center RX, and how to change security settings and the host name.
Command Center RX User Guide
To fully access the features of the Command Center RX pages, enter the User Name and Password and click [Login].
Entering the predefined administrator password allows the user to access all pages, including Document Box,
Address Book, and Settings on the navigation menu. The factory default setting for the default user with administrator
privileges is shown below. (Upper case and lower case letters are distinguished (case sensitive).)
Login User Name: Admin
Login Password: Admin
Settings that the administrator and general users can configure in Command Center RX are as follows.
Administ- General
Setting Description
rator User
Device The machine's structure can be checked.
Job Status Displays all device information, including print and scan jobs, storing jobs,
scheduled jobs, and job log history.
Document Box Add or delete document boxes, or delete documents within a document box.
Address Book Create, edit, or delete addresses and address groups.
*1 The logged in user may not be able to configure some settings, depending on the permissions of the user.
• FAX functions are available only on products with the fax function installed.
• Here, information on the FAX settings has been omitted.
FAX Operation Guide
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
2 In the address or location bar, enter the machine's IP address or the host name.
Click in the following order to check the machine's IP address and the host name.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report Print] >
[OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Status Page] > [OK] key > [Yes]
The web page displays basic information about the machine and Command Center RX as well
as their current status.
If the screen "There is a problem with this website's security certificate." is displayed,
configure the certificate.
Command Center RX User Guide
You can also continue the operation without configuring the certificate.
To fully access the features of the Command Center RX pages, enter the User Name and
Password and click [Login]. Entering the predefined administrator password allows the user
to access all pages, including Document Box, Address Book, and Settings on the navigation
menu. The factory default setting for the default user with administrator privileges is shown
below. (Upper case and lower case letters are distinguished (case sensitive).)
Login User Name: Admin
Login Password: Admin
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
2 In the address or location bar, enter the machine's IP address or the host name.
Click in the following order to check the machine's IP address and the host name.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report Print] >
[OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Status Page] > [OK] key > [Yes]
The factory default setting for the default user with administrator privileges is shown below. (Upper
case and lower case letters are distinguished (case sensitive).)
Login User Name: Admin
Login Password: Admin
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
For details on settings related to certificates, refer to the following:
Command Center RX User Guide
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
2 In the address or location bar, enter the machine's IP address or the host name.
Click in the following order to check the machine's IP address and the host name.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report Print] >
[OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Status Page] > [OK] key > [Yes]
The factory default setting for the default user with administrator privileges is shown below. (Upper
case and lower case letters are distinguished (case sensitive).)
Login User Name: Admin
Login Password: Admin
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
After changing the setting, restart the network or turn the machine OFF and then ON.
To restart the network interface card, click [Reset] in the [Management Settings]
menu, and then click [Restart Network] in "Restart".
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
E-mail Settings
By configuring the SMTP settings, it is possible to send the images scanned by the machine as E-mail attachments and
to send E-mail notices when jobs have been completed.
To use this function, this machine must be connected to a mail server using the SMTP protocol.
In addition, configure the following.
• SMTP settings
Item: "SMTP Protocol" and "SMTP Server Name" in "SMTP"
• The sender address when the machine sends E-mails
Item: "Sender Address" in "E-mail Send Settings"
• The setting to limit the size of E-mails
Item: "E-mail Size Limit" in "E-mail Send Settings"
The procedure for specifying the SMTP settings is explained below.
2 In the address or location bar, enter the machine's IP address or the host name.
Click in the following order to check the machine's IP address and the host name.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report Print] >
[OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Status Page] > [OK] key > [Yes]
The factory default setting for the default user with administrator privileges is shown below. (Upper
case and lower case letters are distinguished (case sensitive).)
Login User Name: Admin
Login Password: Admin
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
Setting Description
SMTP Set to send e-mail from the machine.
SMTP Protocol Displays the SMTP protocol settings. Check that "SMTP Protocol"
is set to [On]. If [Off] is set, click [Protocol] and set the SMTP
protocol to [On].
SMTP Server Name*1 Enter the host name or IP address of the SMTP server.
SMTP Port Number Specify the port number to be used for SMTP. The default port
number is 25.
SMTP Server Timeout Set the amount of time to wait before time-out in seconds.
Authentication Protocol To use SMTP authentication, enter the user information for
Connection Test Tests to confirm that the E-mail function is operating under the
settings without sending a mail.
Domain Restriction To restrict the domains, click the [Domain List] and enter the
domain names of addresses to be allowed or rejected. Restriction
can also be specified by e-mail address.
POP3 POP3 Protocol You don't need to set the following items when you only enable the
function of sending e-mail from the machine. Set the following
Check Interval items if you want to enable the function of receiving e-mail on the
Run once now
Command Center RX User Guide
Domain Restriction
E-mail E-mail Size Limit Enter the maximum size of E-mail that can be sent in kilobytes.
Send When E-mail size is greater than this value, an error message
Settings appears and E-mail sending is cancelled. Use this setting if you
have set E-mail Size Limit for SMTP server. If not, enter a value of
0 (zero) to enable E-mail sending regardless of the size limit.
Sender Address*1 Specify the sender address for when the machine sends E-mails,
such as the machine administrator, so that a reply or non-delivery
report will go to a person rather than to the machine. The sender
address must be entered correctly for SMTP authentication. The
maximum length of the sender address is 128 characters.
Signature Enter the signature. The signature is free form text that will appear
at the end of the E-mail body. It is often used for further
identification of the machine. The maximum length of the
signature is 512 characters.
5 Click [Submit].
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
Registering Destinations
2 In the address or location bar, enter the machine's IP address or the host name.
Click in the following order to check the machine's IP address and the host name.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report Print] >
[OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Status Page] > [OK] key > [Yes]
5 Click [Add].
2 Click [Submit].
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
To use Custom Box, an optional SSD must be installed in the machine.
2 In the address or location bar, enter the machine's IP address or the host name.
Click in the following order to check the machine's IP address and the host name.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report Print] >
[OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Status Page] > [OK] key > [Yes]
4 Click [Add].
2 Click [Submit].
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
2 In the address or location bar, enter the machine's IP address or the host name.
Click in the following order to check the machine's IP address and the host name.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report Print] >
[OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Status Page] > [OK] key > [Yes]
4 Click the number or name of the Custom Box in which the document is stored.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Command Center RX
2 Click [Print].
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Transferring Data from Our Other Products
2 Create a backup.
1 Right-click on the model name from which you want to back up the Address Book, and
select [Advanced] - [Set multiple devices].
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Transferring Data from Our Other Products
5 Select [Create from device] and remove the checkmark from [Overwrite settings on
target device], and then click [Next].
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Transferring Data from Our Other Products
6 Select the model you want to back up, and click [Next].
If the "Admin Login" screen appears, enter the "Admin Login" and "Login Password", and
then click [OK]. The default settings are as follows (Upper case and lower case letters
are distinguished (case sensitive)).
Login User Name: Admin
Login Password: Admin
8 Specify the location to save the file, enter the file name, and then click [Save].
For "Save as type", make sure to select "XML File".
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Transferring Data from Our Other Products
9 After saving the file, always click [Cancel] to close the screen.
Please note that selecting [Finish] will write the data to the machine's Address Book.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Transferring Data from Our Other Products
5 Select [Create from file] and remove the checkmark from [Overwrite settings on target
device], and then click [Next].
Selecting the [Overwrite settings on target device] checkbox will overwrite the machine's
Address Book from entry No.1.
Installing and Setting up the Machine > Transferring Data from Our Other Products
6 Click [Browse] and select the backup Address Book file, and then click [Next].
7 Click [Finish].
3 Preparation before Use
This chapter explains the following operations.
Loading Paper .................................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Precaution for Loading Paper .................................................................................................................. 3-3
Loading in the Cassettes ......................................................................................................................... 3-4
Loading Paper in the Multi Purpose Tray ................................................................................................. 3-8
Specifying Paper Size and Media Type ................................................................................................. 3-12
Paper Stopper .................................................................................................................................................. 3-14
Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC ................................................................... 3-15
Making a note of the computer name and full computer name .............................................................. 3-15
Making a note of the user name and domain name .............................................................................. 3-16
Creating a Shared Folder, Making a Note of a Shared Folder ............................................................... 3-17
Configuring Windows Firewall ............................................................................................................... 3-21
Registering Destinations in the Address Book ................................................................................................. 3-25
Adding a Destination (Address Book) .................................................................................................... 3-25
Adding a Destination on One Touch Key (One Touch Key) ................................................................... 3-31
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
Loading Paper
Load paper in the cassettes and multipurpose tray.
For the paper load methods for each cassette, refer to the page below.
• The number of sheets that can be held varies depending on your environment and paper type.
• You should not use inkjet printer paper or any paper with a special surface coating. (Such paper may cause paper
jams or other faults.)
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
If you copy onto used paper (paper already used for printing), do not use paper that is
stapled or clipped together. This may damage the machine or cause poor image
If you use special paper such as letterhead, paper with holes or paper with pre-prints like
logo or company name, refer to the following:
Paper (page 11-14)
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
A6 paper cannot be loaded in cassettes 2 to 5.
• The cassettes can hold paper with weight between 60 - 120 g/m2.
• Do not load thick paper that is heavier than 120 g/m2 in the cassettes. Use the multi purpose tray for paper
that is heavier than 120 g/m2.
When pulling the cassette out of the machine, ensure it is supported and does not fall out.
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
2 Adjust the paper length guide to the paper size required. Press the paper length adjusting
tab and slide the guides to the paper size required.
If you are going to use paper that is longer than A4, pull out the paper length guide
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
3 Turn the size dial so that the size of the paper you are going to use appears in the paper
size window.
When the size dial is set to "Other" the paper size must be set into the machine on the
operation panel.
Paper Size and Media Type for the Cassettes (page 3-12)
4 Load paper.
1 Fan the paper, then tap it on a level surface to avoid paper jams or skewed printing.
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
• Load the paper with the print side facing down.
• After removing new paper from its packaging, fan the paper before loading it in
the cassette.
Precaution for Loading Paper (page 3-3)
• Before loading the paper, be sure that it is not curled or folded. Paper that is
curled or folded may cause paper jams.
• Ensure that the loaded paper does not exceed the level indicator (see illustration
• If paper is loaded without adjusting the paper length guide and paper width
guide, the paper may skew or become jammed.
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
• If you are using a paper weight of 106 g/m2 or more, set the media type to Thick and set the weight of the
paper you are using.
• Remove each transparency from the inner tray as it is printed. Leaving transparencies in the inner tray may
cause a paper jam.
• When you load custom size paper, enter the paper size by referring to the following:
Paper Size and Media Type for the Multi Purpose Tray (MP Tray Setting) (page 3-13)
• When you use special paper such as transparencies or thick paper, select the media type by referring to the
Paper Size and Media Type for the Multi Purpose Tray (MP Tray Setting) (page 3-13)
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
4 Load paper.
Insert the paper along the paper width guides into the tray until it stops.
After removing new paper from its packaging, fan the paper before loading it in the multi
purpose tray.
Precaution for Loading Paper (page 3-3)
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
• When loading the paper, keep the print side facing up.
• Curled paper must be uncurled before use.
• When loading paper into the multi purpose tray, check that there is no paper left
over in the tray from a previous job before loading the paper. If there is just a small
amount of paper left over in the multi purpose tray and you want to add more, first
remove the left-over paper from the tray and include it with the new paper before
loading the paper back into the tray.
• If there is a gap between the paper and the paper width guides, readjust the guides
to fit the paper in order to prevent skewed feeding and paper jams.
• Ensure that the loaded paper does not exceed the level indicator (see illustration
5 Specify the type of paper loaded in the multi purpose tray using
the operation panel.
Paper Size and Media Type for the Multi Purpose Tray (MP Tray Setting) (page 3-13)
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
• Use unfolded Oufuku hagaki (Return postcard).
• How to load envelopes (orientation and facing) will differ depending on the type of envelope. Be sure to
load it in correctly, otherwise printing may be done in the wrong direction or on the wrong face.
When you load envelopes in the multi purpose tray, select the envelope type by referring to the following:
Paper Size and Media Type for the Multi Purpose Tray (MP Tray Setting) (page 3-13)
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
Item Description
Cassette 1 (to 5) Size*1 Available options are as follows:
Cassette 1: A4, A5, B5, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Legal, Statement, Executive, Oficio II, 16K,
ISO B5, Envelope C5, Custom
Cassettes 2 to 5: A4, A5, B5, B6, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Legal, Statement, Executive,
Oficio II, 16K, ISO B5, Envelope #10, Envelope #9, Envelope #6, Envelope Monarch,
Envelope DL, Envelope C5, Oufukuhagaki (Return postcard), Youkei 4, Youkei 2, Custom
*1 Only set this when the size dial on the cassette is set to "Other".
*2 To change to a media type other than Plain, refer to the following:
MP Tray Set. (MP Tray Settings) (page 8-28)
When a paper weight that cannot be loaded in the cassette is set for a media type, that media type does not appear.
*3 To print on preprinted or prepunched paper or on letterhead, refer to the following:
SpecialPaper Act. (page 8-27)
• The available media types for printing received faxes are as shown below.
Plain, Labels, Recycled, Bond, Vellum, Color, Envelope, Thick, High Quality, Rough and Custom 1 to 8
• Set the paper size of the cassette used for fax reception as follows:
Inch models: Letter, Legal, Statement
Metric models: A4, B5, A5, Folio
If the above setting is changed, it will not be possible to print faxes.
[Cassette 2] to [Cassette 4] are shown when the optional paper feeder is installed.
Preparation before Use > Loading Paper
Paper Size and Media Type for the Multi Purpose Tray (MP Tray Setting)
Specify the paper size and media type of paper to be used in the multi purpose tray.
Item Description
MP Tray Size Available options are as follows:
Value: A4, A5, A6, B5, B6, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Legal, Statement, Executive, Oficio II,
16K, ISO B5, Envelope #10, Envelope #9, Envelope #6, Envelope Monarch, Envelope DL,
Envelope C5, Hagaki (Cardstock), Oufukuhagaki (Return postcard), Youkei 4, Youkei 2,
*1 For instructions on how to specify the custom paper size, refer to the following:
Custom PaperSize (page 8-26)
*2 To change to a media type other than "Plain", refer to the following:
MP Tray Set. (MP Tray Settings) (page 8-28)
*3 To print on preprinted or prepunched paper or on letterhead, refer to the following:
SpecialPaper Act. (page 8-27)
• The available media types for printing received faxes are as shown below.
Plain, Label, Recycled, Bond, Vellum, Color, Envelope, Cardstock, Thick, High Quality, Rough and Custom 1 to 8
• Set the paper size of the multi purpose tray used for fax reception as follows:
Inch models: Letter, Legal, Statement
Metric models: A4, B5, A5, Folio
If the above setting is changed, it will not be possible to print faxes.
Preparation before Use > Paper Stopper
Paper Stopper
When using paper A4/Letter or larger, open the paper stopper shown in the figure.
Preparation before Use > Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC
Log on to Windows with administrator privileges.
In Windows 7, from [Start] button on the Windows, select [Computer] and then [System
In Windows 10, right-click [Start] button on the Windows and select [System].
Preparation before Use > Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC
Preparation before Use > Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC
If there is a workgroup in System Properties, configure the settings below to limit folder access to a specific user or group.
1 Select [Settings] in charms on Desktop, and select [Control Panel], [Appearance and
Personalization], and then [Folder Options].
In Windows 7, from [Start] button on the Windows, select [Control Panel], [Appearance
and Personalization], and then [Folder Options].
In Windows 10, open up a window in File Explorer and select [View], [Options], and then
[Folder Options].
Remove the checkmark from [Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended)] in "Advanced settings".
1 Create a folder.
1 Create a folder on your computer.
For example, create a folder with the name "scannerdata" on the desktop.
Preparation before Use > Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC
2 Right-click the "scannerdata" folder, select [Property], and click [Sharing] and
[Advanced Sharing].
Preparation before Use > Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC
1 If the computer name that you made a note of on page 3-15 is the same as the domain
If the computer name is not shown in "From this location", click the [Locations] button,
select the computer name, and click the [OK] button.
Example: PC001
If the computer name that you made a note of on page 3-15 is not the same as the
domain name:
If the text after the first dot (.) in the full computer name that you made a note of does
not appear in "From this location", click the [Locations] button, select the text after the
dot (.), and click the [OK] button.
Making a note of the user name and domain name (page 3-16)
2 Enter the user name that you made a note of on page in the text box, and click the [OK]
Also the user name can be made by clicking the [Advanced] button and selecting a
"Everyone" gives sharing permission to everyone on the network. To strengthen
security, it is recommended that you select "Everyone" and remove the "Read" [Allow]
6 Click the [OK] button in the "Advanced Sharing" screen to close the screen.
Preparation before Use > Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC
Preparation before Use > Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC
Log on to Windows with administrator privileges.
If the User Account Control dialog box appears, click the [Continue] button.
Preparation before Use > Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC
2 Add a port.
1 In charms on Desktop, click [Settings], [Control Panel], [System and Security], and
[Check firewall status].
Preparation before Use > Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC
5 Select [Port].
6 Select [TCP] as the port to apply the rule to. Then select [Specific local ports] and enter
"445" then click [Next].
Preparation before Use > Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC
8 Make sure all checkboxes are selected and click the [Next] button.
In Windows 7
1 In Windows 7, from [Start] button on the Windows, select [Control Panel], [System and
Security], and then [Allow a program through Windows Firewall].
If the User Account Control dialog box appears, click the [Continue] button.
In Windows 10
1 In Windows 10, right-click [Start] button on the Windows and select [Control Panel],
[System and Security], and then [Allow an app through Windows Firewall].
If the User Account Control dialog box appears, click the [Continue] button.
Preparation before Use > Registering Destinations in the Address Book
Registering and editing of the Address Book can also be done in Command Center RX.
Registering Destinations (page 2-54)
If user login administration is enabled, you can only edit destinations in the Address Book by logging in with
administrator privileges.
2 Enter the destination name displayed on the Address Book and select the [OK] key.
Up to 32 characters can be entered.
Refer to the following for details on entering characters.
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Up to 256 characters can be entered.
Refer to the following for details on entering characters.
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Preparation before Use > Registering Destinations in the Address Book
2 Enter the information for "Host Name (SMB)", "Path", "Login User Name" and "Login
Password" > [OK] key
For the computer name, share name, domain name, and user name, enter the
information that you noted when you created the shared folder. For details on creating
shared folders, refer to the following:
Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC (page 3-15)
Max. No. of
Item Description
Host Name (SMB)*1 Computer name Up to
256 characters
Login User Name If the computer name and domain name are the same: Up to
User Name 64 characters
For example: james.smith
If the computer name and domain name are different:
Domain name\User name
For example: abcdnet\james.smith
*1 To specify a port number different from the default (445), enter using the format
"Host name: port number" (Example: SMBhostname:140).
To enter the IPv6 address, enclose the address in brackets [ ].
(Example: [3ae3:9a0:cd05:b1d2:28a:1fc0:a1:10ae]:140)
Refer to the following for details on entering characters.
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
3 The connection confirmation screen appears. Select [Yes] to check the connection and
[No] to not check it.
"Connected." appears when connection to the destination is correctly established. If "Cannot
connect." appears, review the entry.
Preparation before Use > Registering Destinations in the Address Book
2 Enter the information for "Host Name (FTP)", "Path", "Login User Name" and "Login
Password" > [OK] key
The table below explains the items to be entered.
Max. No. of
Item Descriptions
Host Name (FTP)*1 Host name or IP address of FTP server Up to
64 characters
*1 If you specify a port number other than the default (21), use the "Host name: port number" (Example:
To enter the IPv6 address, enclose the address in brackets [ ].
(Example: [3ae3:9a0:cd05:b1d2:28a:1fc0:a1:10ae]:140)
*2 When the FTP server is based on Linux/UNIX, the path including the sub-folder is combined by the
slash "/" not using the back-slash.
Refer to the following for details on entering characters.
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
3 The connection confirmation screen appears. Select [Yes] to check the connection and
[No] to not check it.
"Connected." appears when connection to the destination is correctly established. If "Cannot
connect." appears, review the entry.
You can set any value between 1 and 250.
Use the numeric keys or select the [▲] or [▼] key to enter a number.
Address Number is an ID for a destination. You can select any available number.
If you specify an address number that is already in use, an error message appears when
you select the [OK] key and the number cannot be registered.
Preparation before Use > Registering Destinations in the Address Book
To add a group, you need individually added destinations. Register one or more individual destinations as needed
before proceeding. Up to 100 individually registered destinations and a combined total of up to 5 SMB and FTP
destination folders can be registered in a single group.
2 Enter the group name displayed on the Address Book and select the [OK] key.
Up to 32 characters can be entered.
Refer to the following for details on entering characters.
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
2 Select the member you want to add, and select the [OK] key.
Select [Menu] and select [Search(Name)] to search using a name.
3 Select the destination to be registered in the group from the destinations registered in the
contact addresses and select the [OK] key.
The selected member is added to group member.
Members can be added by repeating steps 3-1 to 3-3.
Preparation before Use > Registering Destinations in the Address Book
• You can set any value between 1 and 250.
• Use the numeric keys or select the [▲] or [▼] key to enter a number.
• Address Number is an ID for a destination. A free number can be selected.
• If you specify an address number that is already in use, an error message appears
when you select the [OK] key and the number cannot be registered.
Preparation before Use > Registering Destinations in the Address Book
1 Select the destination (contacts) to edit, and select the [OK] key.
Select [Menu] and select [Search(Name)] to search using a name.
2 Change "Contact Name", destination type and address, and "Address Number".
Contact (Up to 200) (page 3-25)
3 After you have completed the changes, [OK] key > [Yes]
Register the changed destination.
Editing a Group
4 To delete the destination from the group, select the destination > [Menu] > [▲] [] key >
[Delete] > [OK] key
Select the destination and select the [OK] key to show the detailed information of the
5 Select [Yes].
6 After you have completed the changes, [OK] key > [Yes]
Register the changed group.
Preparation before Use > Registering Destinations in the Address Book
• Numbers 1 to 11 are the One Touch Key numbers while the [Shift Lock] indicator is switched off. Numbers 12 to 22
are the One Touch Key numbers while the [Shift Lock] indicator is switched on by selecting the [Shift Lock] key.
• Refer to the following for use of One Touch Key.
Specifying Destination (page 5-14)
• You can add One Touch keys and change their settings on Command Center RX.
Registering Destinations (page 2-54)
Select [Menu] and select [Search(Name)] to search using a name.
2 Select the destination to be registered to the One touch key from the destinations
registered in the addresses and select the [OK] key.
The destination will be added to the One Touch Key.
Preparation before Use > Registering Destinations in the Address Book
Select [Detail] and select the [OK] key to show the detailed information of the
2 Select the new destination, and select the [OK] key > [Yes]
Register the changed destination.
4 Printing from PC
This chapter explains the following topics:
Printing from PC ................................................................................................................................................. 4-2
Printing on Non-standard Sized Paper .................................................................................................... 4-4
Banner printing ........................................................................................................................................ 4-5
Printer Driver Print Settings Screen ......................................................................................................... 4-9
Printer Driver Help ................................................................................................................................. 4-10
Changing the Default Printer Driver Settings (Windows 8.1) ................................................................. 4-10
Canceling Printing from a Computer ...................................................................................................... 4-10
Printing by AirPrint ............................................................................................................................................ 4-11
Printing by Google Cloud Print .......................................................................................................................... 4-11
Printing by Mopria ............................................................................................................................................. 4-11
Printing with Wi-Fi Direct ................................................................................................................................... 4-11
Printing Data Saved on the Printer ................................................................................................................... 4-12
Specifying the Job Box from a Computer and Storing the Job .............................................................. 4-12
Printing Documents from Private Print Box ............................................................................................ 4-13
Printing Document from Stored Job Box ................................................................................................ 4-15
Printing Document from Quick Copy Box .............................................................................................. 4-17
Printing Document from Proof and Hold Box ......................................................................................... 4-19
Status Monitor .................................................................................................................................................. 4-21
Accessing the Status Monitor ................................................................................................................ 4-21
Exiting the Status Monitor ...................................................................................................................... 4-21
Status Monitor Display ........................................................................................................................... 4-21
Printing from PC > Printing from PC
Printing from PC
Follow the steps below to print documents from applications.
This section provides the printing method using the KX DRIVER.
• To print the document from applications, install the printer driver on your computer from the supplied DVD
(Product Library).
• In some environments, the current settings are displayed at the bottom of the printer driver.
• When printing the cardstock or envelopes, load the cardstock or envelopes in the multi purpose tray before
performing the following procedure.
When you load envelopes or cardstock in the multi purpose tray (page 3-11)
1 2
Printing from PC > Printing from PC
3 Click "Print size" menu and select the paper size to use for printing.
To load the paper of size that is not included in print sizes of the machine such as cardstock or
envelopes, the paper size needs to be registered.
3 Start printing.
Click the [OK] button.
Printing from PC > Printing from PC
To execute printing at the machine, set the paper size and type in the following:
Paper Size and Media Type for the Multi Purpose Tray (MP Tray Setting) (page 3-13)
4 3
If you loaded a postcard or envelope, select [Cardstock] or [Envelope] in the "Media type" menu.
Printing from PC > Printing from PC
Banner printing
When a document length from 470.1 mm (18.52") to a maximum of 915.0 mm (36.03") is specified for printing, the print
job is treated as banner printing.
Follow the steps below to set banner paper in the printer driver.
2 3
Printing from PC > Printing from PC
2 1
1 Click the [New] button.
2 Enter the length (470.1 mm (18.52") or longer), and width of the custom paper size being
2 Click the [OK] button.
Printing from PC > Printing from PC
5 Load paper.
1 Open the multi purpose tray and extend the support tray section of the multi purpose tray.
2 Load paper.
Printing from PC > Printing from PC
6 Start printing.
Click the [OK] button.
When you execute printing in this case, a message appears on the machine's operation panel.
Place the paper in the Multi Purpose tray, continue to support it so that it does not fall, and
select [Continue]. To cancel printing, select [Cancel].
Cancel Continue
After pressing [Continue], support the paper with both hands so that it feeds in
After printing starts, catch the paper when it is output so that it does not fall. When
using the inner tray as the output location, do not stand up the stopper.
Set whether the confirmation screen appears before each sheet is printed when printing
multiple banner sheets.
Printing from PC > Printing from PC
No. Description
1 [Quick Print] tab
Provides icons that can be used to easily configure frequently used functions. Each time you click an icon, it
changes to an image resembling the print results and applies the settings.
[Basic] tab
This tab groups basic functions that are frequently used. You can use it to configure the paper size,
destination, and duplex printing.
[Layout] tab
This tab lets you configure settings for printing various layouts, including booklet printing, combine mode,
poster printing, and scaling.
[Imaging] tab
This tab lets you configure settings related to the quality of the print results.
[Publishing] tab
This tab lets you create covers and inserts for print jobs and put inserts between sheets of OHP film.
[Job] tab
This tab lets you configure settings for saving print data from the computer to the machine. Regularly used
documents and other data can be saved to the machine for easy printing later. Since saved documents can
be printed directly from the machine, this function is also convenient when you wish to print a document that
you don't want others to see.
[Advanced] tab
This tab lets you configure settings for adding text pages or watermarks to print data.
2 [Profiles]
Printer driver settings can be saved as a profile. Saved profiles can be recalled at any time, so it's a
convenient practice to save frequently used settings.
3 [Reset]
Click to revert settings to their initial values.
Printing from PC > Printing from PC
1 In charms on Desktop, click [Settings], [Control Panel], and then [Devices and Printers].
2 Right-click the printer driver icon of the machine, and click the [Printer properties] menu of
the printer driver.
When canceling printing from this machine, refer to the following:
Canceling Jobs (page 5-11)
1 Double-click the printer icon ( ) displayed on the taskbar at the bottom right of the
Windows desktop to display a dialog box for the printer.
2 Click the file for which you wish to cancel printing and select [Cancel] from the "Document"
Printing from PC > Printing by AirPrint
Printing by AirPrint
AirPrint is a printing function that is included standard in iOS 4.2 and later products, and Mac OS X 10.7 and later
This function enables you to connect and print to any AirPrint compatible device without installing a printer driver.
To allow the machine to be found when printing by AirPrint, you can set machine location information in Command
Center RX.
Command Center RX User Guide
A Google account is necessary to use Google Cloud Print. Obtain a Google account if you do not have one.
It is also necessary to register the machine with the Google Cloud Print service in advance. The machine can be
registered from a PC connected to the same network.
Printing by Mopria
Mopria is a standard on printing function included in Android 4.4 or later products. Mopria Print Service needs to be
installed and enabled in advance.
For details on how to use, refer to a Web site of Mopria Alliance.
Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on the Printer
Using the operation panel to specify a file within a Box and printing it.
You can print the documents from the following boxes.
Printing Documents from Private Print Box (page 4-13)
Printing Document from Stored Job Box (page 4-15)
Printing Document from Quick Copy Box (page 4-17)
Printing Document from Proof and Hold Box (page 4-19)
1 Click [File] and select [Print] in the application. The Print dialog box displays.
4 Click the [Job] tab and select the [Job storage (e-MPS)] check box to set the function.
• To use Stored Job Box and Quick Copy Box, an optional SSD must be installed in the
• For information on how to use the printer driver software, refer to the following:
Printer Driver User Guide
Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on the Printer
2 Select the creator of the document, and select the [OK] key.
Display [Private/Stored] when SD Card is mounted.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected document.
3 Specify the number of copies to print as desired, and the [OK] key > [Yes].
Printing starts.
Upon completion of printing, the Private Print job is automatically deleted.
If the document is protected by an access code, the password entry screen will be
displayed. Enter the password using the numeric keys.
Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on the Printer
2 Select the creator of the document, and select the [OK] key.
Display [Private/Stored] when SD Card is mounted.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected document.
2 [▲] [] key > [Delete] > [OK] key > [Yes]
The document is deleted.
If the document is protected by an access code, the password entry screen will be
displayed. Enter the password using the numeric keys.
Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on the Printer
2 Select the creator of the document, and select the [OK] key.
Display [Private/Stored] when SD Card is mounted.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected document.
3 Specify the number of copies to print as desired, and the [OK] key > [Yes].
Printing starts.
If the document is protected by an access code, the password entry screen will be
displayed. Enter the password using the numeric keys.
Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on the Printer
2 Select the creator of the document, and select the [OK] key.
Display [Private/Stored] when SD Card is mounted.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected document.
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Delete] > [OK] key > [Yes]
The document is deleted.
If the document is protected by an access code, the password entry screen will be
displayed. Enter the password using the numeric keys.
Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on the Printer
• When the number of jobs reaches the limit, the oldest job will be overwritten by the new one.
• To maintain free space on the box, you can set the maximum number of stored jobs.
Quick Copy Jobs (page 8-42)
2 Select the creator of the document, and select the [OK] key.
Display [Quick/Proof] when SD Card is mounted.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected document.
3 Specify the number of copies to print as desired, and the [OK] key > [Yes].
Printing starts.
Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on the Printer
2 Select the creator of the document, and select the [OK] key.
Display [Quick/Proof] when SD Card is mounted.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected document.
2 [▲] [] key > [Delete] > [OK] key > [Yes]
The document is deleted.
Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on the Printer
2 Select the creator of the document, and select the [OK] key.
Display [Quick/Proof] when SD Card is mounted.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected document.
3 Specify the number of copies to print as desired, and the [OK] key > [Yes].
Printing starts.
Printing from PC > Printing Data Saved on the Printer
Display [Quick/Proof] when SD Card is mounted.
2 Select the creator of the document, and select the [OK] key.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected document.
2 [▲] [] key > [Delete] > [OK] key > [Yes]
The document is deleted.
Printing from PC > Status Monitor
Status Monitor
The Status Monitor monitors the printer status and provides an ongoing reporting function.
When you activate Status Monitor, check the status below.
• KX DRIVER is installed.
Settings icon
Expand button
Alert Tab
Toner Status Tab
Paper Tray Status Tab
Printing Progress Tab
Printing from PC > Status Monitor
Job list
Status icon
Select a job on the job list and it can be canceled using the menu displayed with a right-click.
Printing from PC > Status Monitor
Alert Tab
If an error occurs, a notice is displayed using a 3D image and a message.
• Command Center RX
If the printer is connected to a TCP/IP network and has its own IP address, use a web browser to access the
Command Center RX to modify or confirm the network settings.This menu is not displayed when using USB
Command Center RX User Guide
• Notification…
This sets the display of the Status Monitor.
Status Monitor Notification Settings (page 4-24)
Open our website.
• Exit
Exits the Status Monitor.
Printing from PC > Status Monitor
Select whether notification is performed when an error in the event list occurs.
The available file format is WAV.
When customizing the message texts to read on the screen aloud, enter the texts in the text
5 Operation on the Machine
This chapter explains the following topics:
Loading Originals ............................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Placing Originals on the Platen ................................................................................................................ 5-2
Loading Originals in the Document Processor ........................................................................................ 5-3
Program ............................................................................................................................................................. 5-5
Registering Programs .............................................................................................................................. 5-5
Confirming the Registered Program ........................................................................................................ 5-6
Recalling Program ................................................................................................................................... 5-6
Overwriting Program ................................................................................................................................ 5-7
Deleting Program ..................................................................................................................................... 5-7
Select Key Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 5-8
Copying .............................................................................................................................................................. 5-9
Basic Operation ....................................................................................................................................... 5-9
Canceling Jobs ....................................................................................................................................... 5-11
Sending ............................................................................................................................................................ 5-12
Basic Operation ..................................................................................................................................... 5-13
Specifying Destination ........................................................................................................................... 5-14
Checking and Editing Destinations ........................................................................................................ 5-20
Confirmation Screen of Destinations ..................................................................................................... 5-21
Recall ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-22
Send to Me (E-mail) ............................................................................................................................... 5-22
Sending to Different Types of Destinations (Multi Sending) ................................................................... 5-23
Canceling Sending Jobs ........................................................................................................................ 5-24
WSD Scan ............................................................................................................................................. 5-25
Using fax server to send a fax (fax server transmission) ....................................................................... 5-27
Scanning using TWAIN or WIA .............................................................................................................. 5-29
How to use the FAX Function .......................................................................................................................... 5-30
What is Document Box? .................................................................................................................................. 5-31
Using a Custom Box ........................................................................................................................................ 5-33
Creating a New Custom Box ................................................................................................................. 5-33
Editing and Deleting Custom Box .......................................................................................................... 5-35
Storing Documents ................................................................................................................................ 5-35
Printing Documents ................................................................................................................................ 5-36
Editing Documents ................................................................................................................................. 5-37
Deleting Documents ............................................................................................................................... 5-38
Printing Documents Stored in Removable USB Memory ................................................................................. 5-39
Saving Documents to USB Memory (Scan to USB) ......................................................................................... 5-41
Check the USB Memory Information ............................................................................................................... 5-42
Removing USB Memory .................................................................................................................................. 5-43
Operation on the Machine > Loading Originals
Loading Originals
Placing Originals on the Platen
You may place books or magazines on the platen in addition to ordinary sheet originals.
For details on Original Orientation, refer to the following:
Orig. Orientation (Original Orientation) (page 6-11)
For the procedure for feeding envelopes or cardstock, refer to the following:
When you load envelopes or cardstock in the multi purpose tray (page 3-11)
Do not leave the document processor open as there is a danger of personal injury.
• Do not push the document processor forcefully when you close it. Excessive pressure may crack the platen
• When placing books or magazines on the machine, do so with the document processor in the open
Operation on the Machine > Loading Originals
Sizes Maximum 216 x 355.6 mm (Long-sized 216 x 915 mm) to Minimum 105 x 148 mm
• Before loading originals, be sure that there are no originals left on the original eject table. Originals left on
the original eject table may cause the new originals to jam.
• Do not make an impact on the document processor top cover, such as aligning the originals on the top
cover. It may cause an error in the document processor.
Operation on the Machine > Loading Originals
For details on Original Orientation, refer to the following:
Orig. Orientation (Original Orientation) (page 6-11)
Confirm that the original width guides exactly fit the originals. If there is a gap,
readjust the original width guides. The gap may cause the originals to jam.
Ensure that loaded originals do not exceed the level indicator. Exceeding the
maximum level may cause the originals to jam.
Originals with punched holes or perforated lines should be placed in such a way
that the holes or perforations will be scanned last (not first).
2 Open the original stopper to fit the size of the original set.
Operation on the Machine > Program
By registering sets of frequently used functions as a single program, you can simply select one of the [Program I] to
[Program IV] keys as needed to recall those functions.
The following functions are already registered in [Program I] key. This function allows you to copy the front and back
sides of ID card or other document that is smaller than Statement or A5 size onto a single page. Although the functions
are deleted by overwriting [Program I] key, you can register the same settings using the [Function Menu] key.
• Paper Selection: Cassette 1
• Zoom: Auto
• Combine: 2 in 1
• Original Size: Statement (Inch models)/A5 (Metric models)
• Continuous Scan: On
• It is possible to register the copy function, sending function and fax function in a program. (The fax function can be
registered or recalled only on products with the fax function installed).
• If user login administration is enabled, you can only register functions by logging in with administrator privileges.
Registering Programs
Use the procedure below to register a program.
In the case of the sending function and fax function, a destination is also registered in the
Operation on the Machine > Program
Recalling Program
Select the one of the [Program I] to [Program IV] keys where the settings you want to recall are registered. The current
settings of various functions are replaced with the registered settings.
Place the originals and press the [Start] key.
Operation on the Machine > Program
Overwriting Program
You can change program. Use the procedure below to edit the program.
In the case of the sending function and fax function, a destination is also registered in the
2 [▲] [] key > [Overwrite] > [OK] key > [Yes]
Register the changed program.
Deleting Program
You can delete program.
Operation on the Machine > Select Key Settings
Operation on the Machine > Copying
Basic Operation
Follow the steps as below for basic copying.
1 Original size
1 2 2 Paper size
A4 A4
Quiet Paper
For selecting the original size, refer to the following:
Original Size (page 6-9)
For selecting the paper source, refer to the following:
Paper Selection (page 6-10)
Operation on the Machine > Copying
This function allows you to reserve the next job during printing. Using this function, the
original will be scanned while the machine is printing. When the current print job ends, the
reserved copy job is printed. If "Reserve Priority" is set to [Off], [NextCopy] will appear.
Select [NextCopy] and configure the necessary settings for the copy job.
Reserve Priority (page 8-38)
Job No. : 9999
Page(s) : 999
Copies : 999/999
Cancel NextCopy
Operation on the Machine > Copying
Canceling Jobs
You can also cancel jobs by selecting the [Stop] key.
2 Cancel a job.
1 [▲] [] key > [Cancel Print Job] > [OK] key
Select [Detail] and the [OK] key to show the detailed information of the job.
4 Select [Yes].
The job is canceled.
During scanning, the job can be canceled by selecting the [Stop] key or [Cancel].
Operation on the Machine > Sending
This machine can send a scanned image as an attachment of an E-mail message or to a PC linked to the network. In
order to do this, it is necessary to register the sender and destination (recipient) address on the network.
A network environment which enables the machine to connect to a mail server is required in order to send E-mail. It is
recommended that a Local Area Network (LAN) be used to assist with transmission speed and security issues.
Follow the steps below for basic sending. The following four options are available.
• Send as E-mail (E-mail Addr Entry): Sends a scanned original image as an E-mail attachment. (Refer to page 5-14
and page 5-16.)
• Send to Folder (SMB): Stores a scanned original image in a shared folder of any PC. (Refer to page 5-13.)
• Send to Folder (FTP): Stores a scanned original image in a folder of an FTP server. (Refer to page 5-13.)
• Image Data Scanning with TWAIN / WIA: Scan the document using a TWAIN or WIA compatible application program.
(Refer to page 5-29.)
• Different sending options can be specified in combination.
Sending to Different Types of Destinations (Multi Sending) (page 5-23)
• The fax function can be used on products equipped with fax capability.
FAX Operation Guide
Operation on the Machine > Sending
Basic Operation
Operation on the Machine > Sending
Specifying Destination
Select the destination using either of the following methods:
Choosing from the Address Book (page 5-14)
Choosing from the External Address Book
For details on the External Address Book, refer to the following:
Command Center RX User Guide
Choosing from the One Touch Key (page 5-16)
Entering an E-mail Address (page 5-16)
Specifying a New PC Folder (page 5-17)
Choosing from the FAX
FAX Operation Guide
• You can set the machine up so that the address book screen appears when you select the [Send] key.
Default Screen (page 8-41)
• If you are using the products equipped with the fax function, you can specify the fax destination. Enter the other
party number using the numeric keypad.
1 In the basic screen for sending, select the [Address Book] key.
For details on the External Address Book, refer to the following:
Command Center RX User Guide
When checking information of the destination, select [Menu] > [Details] > [OK] key
Operation on the Machine > Sending
Destination Search
The destination can be searched by name.
1 [Menu] > [▲] [] key > [Search (Name)] > [OK] key
For details on entering characters, refer to the following:
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Operation on the Machine > Sending
This procedure assumes that One Touch Keys have already been registered.
For more information on adding One Touch keys, refer to the following:
Adding a Destination on One Touch Key (One Touch Key) (page 3-31)
When selecting One Touch Key numbers 12 to 22, the One touch Key needs to be selected after switching on the [Shift
Lock] indicator by selecting the [Shift Lock] key.
To send an E-mail, configure the environment settings necessary.
E-mail Settings (page 2-50)
1 In the basic screen for sending, select [▲] [▼] key > [E-mail] >
[OK] key
For details on entering characters, refer to the following:
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Operation on the Machine > Sending
When selecting [On] for Entry Check for New Destination, the confirmation screen appears.
Check New Dest. (page 8-41)
Enter the same E-mail address again, and select the [OK] key.
• For the method for setting a shared folder destination on a PC, refer to the following:
Preparation for Sending a Document to a Shared Folder in a PC (page 3-15)
• For details on how to share a folder, refer to the following:
Creating a Shared Folder, Making a Note of a Shared Folder (page 3-17)
• Be sure that SMB Protocol or FTP is On.
ProtocolSettings (page 8-12)
1 In the basic screen for sending, select [▲] [▼] key >
[Folder(SMB)] or [Folder(FTP)] > [OK] key
• For the computer name, share name, domain name, and user name, enter the information
that you noted when you created the shared folder. For details on creating shared folders,
refer to the following:
Making a note of the computer name and full computer name (page 3-15)
• For details on entering characters, refer to the following:
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Operation on the Machine > Sending
Login User Name If the computer name and domain name are the same: Up to
User Name 64 characters
For example: james.smith
If the computer name and domain name are different:
Domain name\User name
For example: abcdnet\james.smith
*1 To specify a port number different from the default (445), enter using the format
"Host name: port number" (Example: SMBhostname:140).
To enter the IPv6 address, enclose the address in brackets [ ].
(Example: [3ae3:9a0:cd05:b1d2:28a:1fc0:a1:10ae]:140)
*1 If you specify a port number other than the default (21), use the "Host name: port number" (Example:
To enter the IPv6 address, enclose the address in brackets [ ].
(Example: [3ae3:9a0:cd05:b1d2:28a:1fc0:a1:10ae]:140)
*2 When the FTP server is based on Linux/UNIX, the path including the sub-folder is combined by the
slash "/" not using the back-slash.
Operation on the Machine > Sending
Operation on the Machine > Sending
1 Select [Add].
1 Select the destination you want to edit, and select the [OK] key.
To edit a destination registered in the address book or a One Touch Key, refer to the
Editing and Deleting Address Book Entries (page 3-30)
Editing and Deleting One Touch Key (page 3-32)
1 Select the destination you want to delete, and select the [OK] key.
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Delete] > [OK] key > [Yes]
3 Select [Exit].
When selecting [On] for Destination Check before Send, the confirmation screen appears
after pressing the [Start] key.
Check beforeSend (page 8-41)
Confirmation Screen of Destinations (page 5-21)
Operation on the Machine > Sending
2 Select [Next].
Be sure to confirm all destination by displaying them on the message display. You cannot
select [Next] unless you have confirmed all destination.
Operation on the Machine > Sending
Recall is a function allowing you to send the last entered destination once again. When you want to send the image to
the same destination, select the [Address Recall/Pause] key, and you can call the destination you sent on the
destination list.
When the last sending included FAX, computers and E-mail destinations, they are also
displayed. If necessary, add or delete the destination.
• When [On] is selected in "Check beforeSend", a destination confirmation screen is
displayed when you press the [Start] key.
Confirmation Screen of Destinations (page 5-21)
• Recall information is canceled in the following conditions.
- When you turn the power off
- When you send a next image (new recall information is registered)
- When you log out
Send to Me (E-mail)
When user login is enabled, the document is sent to the E-mail address of the logged in user.
1 In the basic screen for sending, select [▲] [▼] key >
[Me(E-mail)] > [OK] key
An E-mail address must be set in user login for the user who logs in.
Adding a User (Local User List) (page 9-6)
Operation on the Machine > Sending
If the destinations include a fax, the images sent to all destinations will be black and white.
Operation on the Machine > Sending
Selecting the [Stop] key will not temporarily stop a job that you have already started sending.
2 Cancel jobs.
1 [▲] [▼] key > [Cancel Send Job] > [OK] key
Select [Detail] and the [OK] key to show the detailed information of the job.
4 Select [Yes].
The job is canceled.
During scanning, the job can be canceled by selecting the [Stop] key or [Cancel].
Operation on the Machine > Sending
WSD Scan
WSD Scan saves images of originals scanned on this machine as files on a WSD-compatible computer.
• To use WSD Scan, confirm that the computer used for WSD scanning and the machine is network-connected, and
"WSD-SCAN" is set to [On] in the network settings.
WSD-SCAN (page 8-15)
• For information on operating the computer, refer to the computer's help or the operation guide of your software.
When [Network] does not appear in the Start menu, perform the following procedure.
2 Select the [[Start] menu] tab in the "Task bar and [Start] menu properties" screen, and
click [Customize].
3 When the "Customize [Start] menu" screen appears, select the "Network" check box
and click [OK].
If the "User Account Control" window appears, click [Continue].
If the "Found New Hardware" window appears, click [Cancel].
During the installation, double-click the icon shown on the task bar to display the "Driver
Software Installation" screen. When "Your devices are ready to use" is displayed on the
[Driver Software Installation] screen, the installation is completed.
Installing Driver Software (for Windows 8 and Microsoft Windows Server 2012)
Operation on the Machine > Sending
WSD scan
1 [▲] [▼] key > [From Oper. Panel] > [OK] key
3 Select the [Function Menu] key to set the type of original, file format, etc., as desired.
Operation on the Machine > Sending
To use this function, you must have a fax server. For information on your fax server, ask your administrator.
4 Specifying destination.
Entering the destination fax number with the numeric keys
Use the numeric keys to enter a number.
Operation on the Machine > Sending
The address book set in [AddrBookDefaults] of "FAX Server Set." is displayed.
Operation on the Machine > Sending
2 Select the machine using the application and display the dialog box.
For selecting the machine, see the Operation Guide or Help for each application
For the settings, refer to Help in the dialog box.
Operation on the Machine > How to use the FAX Function
Operation on the Machine > What is Document Box?
To use Custom Box, an optional SSD must be installed in the machine.
Job Box
This is a box to save jobs executed from a PC.
• You can set up the machine so that temporary documents in job boxes are automatically deleted.
JobRet. Deletion (page 8-42)
• For details on operating the Job Box, refer to the following:
Printing Data Saved on the Printer (page 4-12)
When you attempt to store documents in excess of the above maximum, the oldest document data will be overwritten
by the latest document data.
The Proof and Hold feature produces only a single proof print of multiple-print job and holds printing of the remaining
copies. Printing a multiple-print job in Proof and Hold using the printer driver allows only a single copy to be printed while
maintaining the document data in the Job Box. To continue to print the remaining copies, use the operation panel. You
can change the number of copies to print.
Operation on the Machine > What is Document Box?
Operation on the Machine > Using a Custom Box
The operation on Custom Box you perform from operation panel can also be made using Command Center RX.
Command Center RX User Guide
• To use Custom Box, an optional SSD must be installed in the machine.
• If user login administration is enabled, you can only change the settings by logging in with administrator privileges.
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
• If user login administration is enabled, log in with administrator privileges to perform the following operations. They
cannot be performed with user privileges.
- Creating a box
- Deleting a box of which owner is another user.
Up to 32 characters can be entered.
For details on entering characters, refer to the following:
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Operation on the Machine > Using a Custom Box
You can set any value between 0001 and 1000.
Use the [▲] or [▼] key or the numeric keys to enter a number.
If you specify a box number that is already in use, an error message appears when you
select the [OK] key and the number cannot be registered. If you enter 0000, the smallest
number available will be automatically assigned.
4 To complete the box registration, select [▲] [▼] key > [Exit] > [OK] key.
The Custom Box is created.
To register further Box information, select [▲] [▼] key > [Detail] > [OK] key.
Proceed to next step.
Operation on the Machine > Using a Custom Box
To edit
1 Select the box you want edit and select the [OK] key.
• When you have logged in as a user, you can only edit a box whose owner is set to that
• When you have logged in as administrator, you can edit all boxes.
• If a custom box is protected by a password, enter the correct password.
To delete
• When you have logged in as a user, you can only delete a box whose owner is set to
that user.
• When you have logged in as administrator, you can delete all boxes.
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Delete] > [OK] key > [Yes]
If a custom box is protected by a password, enter the correct password.
Storing Documents
Custom box stores the print data which is sent from a PC. For the operation of the printing from the PC, refer to the
Printer Driver User Guide
Operation on the Machine > Using a Custom Box
Printing Documents
The procedure for printing documents in a custom box is explained below.
2 Select the box containing the document you want to print, and select the [OK] key.
• If a custom box is protected by a password, enter the correct password.
• Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
- [Open]: Open the selected box.
- [Detail]: Display the details for the selected box.
- [Sort(No.)], [Sort(Name)]: Sort the boxes.
- [Search(No.)], [Search(Name)]: Search using the box number or the box name.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Search(Name)]: Search using a file name.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected file.
Operation on the Machine > Using a Custom Box
Editing Documents
This function allows you to move documents stored in custom boxes into other boxes. The procedure for moving
documents is explained below.
2 Select the box containing the document you want to move, and select the [OK] key.
• If a custom box is protected by a password, enter the correct password.
• Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
- [Open]: Open the selected box.
- [Detail]: Display the details for the selected box.
- [Sort(No.)], [Sort(Name)]: Sort the boxes.
- [Search(No.)], [Search(Name)]: Search using the box number or the box name.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Search(Name)]: Search using a file name.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected file.
2 [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Move] > [OK] key
If the box to which the document is to be moved is protected by a password, enter the
correct password.
Operation on the Machine > Using a Custom Box
Deleting Documents
The procedure for deleting documents in a custom box is explained below.
2 Select the box containing the document you want to delete, and select the [OK] key.
• If a custom box is protected by a password, enter the correct password.
• Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
- [Open]: Open the selected box.
- [Detail]: Display the details for the selected box.
- [Sort(No.)], [Sort(Name)]: Sort the boxes.
- [Search(No.)], [Search(Name)]: Search using the box number or the box name.
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Search(Name)]: Search using a file name.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected file.
2 [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Delete] > [OK] key > [Yes]
Operation on the Machine > Printing Documents Stored in Removable USB Memory
• 1,000 documents can be displayed.
• To return to a higher level folder, select the [Back] key.
Operation on the Machine > Printing Documents Stored in Removable USB Memory
Select [Menu] to perform the following operations.
• [Select All]: Select all files.
• [Clear All]: Cancel all the file selections.
• [Detail]: Display the details for the selected file.
• [Memory Detail]: Display the detail for the USB memory.
• [Remove Memory]: Remove the USB memory.
3 [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Print] > [OK] key
Operation on the Machine > Saving Documents to USB Memory (Scan to USB)
The maximum number of the storable files is 1,000.
Operation on the Machine > Check the USB Memory Information
Operation on the Machine > Removing USB Memory
Be sure to follow the proper procedure to avoid damaging the data or USB memory.
USB memory can also be removed after checking the status of the device.
Device/Communication (page 7-14)
6 Using Various Functions
This chapter explains the following topics:
Functions Available on the Machine .................................................................................................................. 6-2
Copy ........................................................................................................................................................ 6-3
Send ........................................................................................................................................................ 6-4
Custom Box (Printing) .............................................................................................................................. 6-6
Removable Memory (Store File, Printing Documents) ............................................................................. 6-7
Functions ........................................................................................................................................................... 6-9
ID Card Copy ........................................................................................................................................... 6-9
Original Size ............................................................................................................................................ 6-9
Paper Selection ..................................................................................................................................... 6-10
Orig. Orientation (Original Orientation) ................................................................................................... 6-11
Mixed Size Orig. (Mixed Size Originals) ................................................................................................ 6-12
Collate .................................................................................................................................................... 6-12
Density ................................................................................................................................................... 6-12
Original Image ....................................................................................................................................... 6-13
EcoPrint ................................................................................................................................................. 6-13
Color Selection ...................................................................................................................................... 6-14
Sharpness .............................................................................................................................................. 6-14
Contrast ................................................................................................................................................. 6-15
Background Density ............................................................................................................................... 6-15
Prevent Bleed-t (Prevent Bleed-thru) ..................................................................................................... 6-16
Zoom ...................................................................................................................................................... 6-16
Combine ................................................................................................................................................ 6-18
Duplex .................................................................................................................................................... 6-20
Continuous Scan ................................................................................................................................... 6-22
Job Finish Notice ................................................................................................................................... 6-22
File Name Entry ..................................................................................................................................... 6-22
Print Override ......................................................................................................................................... 6-23
Quiet Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 6-23
Skip Blank Page .................................................................................................................................... 6-23
Duplex (2-sided Original) ....................................................................................................................... 6-24
Sending Size .......................................................................................................................................... 6-25
File Format ............................................................................................................................................. 6-26
File Separation ....................................................................................................................................... 6-30
Scan Resolution ..................................................................................................................................... 6-30
Subject/Body .......................................................................................................................................... 6-30
FTP Encrypted TX ................................................................................................................................. 6-31
Del. after Print (Delete after Printed) ...................................................................................................... 6-31
Storing Size ............................................................................................................................................ 6-32
Long Original ......................................................................................................................................... 6-32
Encrypted PDF ...................................................................................................................................... 6-33
JPEG/TIFF Print .................................................................................................................................... 6-33
XPS FitTo Page ..................................................................................................................................... 6-33
Using Various Functions > Functions Available on the Machine
Using Various Functions > Functions Available on the Machine
For details on each function, see the table below.
Key Function Description
Quiet Mode Lower print and scan speed for quiet processing. page 6-23
Paper Selection Select the cassette or multi-purpose tray that contains page 6-10
the required paper size.
ID Card Copy Use this when you want to copy a driver's license or page 6-9
an insurance card. When you scan the front and back
of the card, both sides will be combined and copied
onto a single sheet.
Duplex Produces two-sided copies. You can also create page 6-20
single-sided copies from two-sided originals.
Zoom Adjust the zoom to reduce or enlarge the image. page 6-16
Orig. Orientation Select the orientation of the original document top page 6-11
edge to scan correct direction.
Mixed Size Orig. Scans all sheets in the document processor, even if page 6-12
(Mixed Size they are of different sizes.
Original Image Select original image type for best results. page 6-13
Continuous Scan Scans a large number of originals in separate batches page 6-22
and then produce as one job.
JobFinish Notice Sends E-mail notice when a job is complete. page 6-22
Print Override Suspends the current job and gives a new job top page 6-23
Contrast You can adjust the contrast between light and dark page 6-15
areas of the image.
Backgrnd Density Removes dark background from originals, such as page 6-15
Prevent Bleed-t Hides background colors and image bleed-through page 6-16
when scanning thin original.
Skip Blank Page When there are blank pages in a scanned document, page 6-23
this function skips the blank pages and prints only
pages that are not blank.
Using Various Functions > Functions Available on the Machine
For details on each function, see the table below.
Key Function Description
Quiet Mode Lower print and scan speed for quiet processing. page 6-23
Original Image Select original image type for best results. page 6-13
Zoom Adjust the zoom to reduce or enlarge the image. page 6-16
Orig. Orientation Select the orientation of the original document top page 6-11
edge to scan correct direction.
Mixed Size Orig. Scans all sheets in the document processor, even if page 6-12
(Mixed Size they are of different sizes.
File Format Specify the image file format. Image quality level page 6-26
can also be adjusted.
Subject/Body Adds subject and body when sending a document. page 6-30
JobFinish Notice Sends E-mail notice when a job is complete. page 6-22
FAX Resolution Select fineness of images when sending FAX. Refer to the
FAX Delayed TX Set a send time. Operation
FAX Direct TX Sends FAX directly without reading original data
into memory.
Duplex Select the type and orientation of the binding based page 6-24
on the original.
FTP Encrypted TX Encrypts images when sending via FTP. page 6-31
File Separation Creates several files by dividing scanned original page 6-30
data page by page, and sends the files.
Contrast You can adjust the contrast between light and dark page 6-15
areas of the image.
Backgrnd Density Removes dark background from originals, such as page 6-15
Using Various Functions > Functions Available on the Machine
Key Function Description
Prevent Bleed-t Hides background colors and image bleed-through page 6-16
when scanning thin original.
Skip Blank Page When there are blank pages in a scanned page 6-23
document, this function skips the blank pages and
prints only pages that are not blank.
Using Various Functions > Functions Available on the Machine
Key Function Description
Quiet Mode Lower print and scan speed for quiet processing. page 6-23
Paper Selection Select the cassette or multi-purpose tray that page 6-10
contains the required paper size.
JobFinish Notice Sends E-mail notice when a job is complete. page 6-22
Print Override Suspends the current job and gives a new job top page 6-23
Del. after Print Automatically deletes a document from the box page 6-31
once printing is complete.
Using Various Functions > Functions Available on the Machine
Store File
Key Function Description
Quiet Mode Lower print and scan speed for quiet processing. page 6-23
Original Image Select original image type for best results. page 6-13
Zoom Adjust the zoom to reduce or enlarge the image. page 6-16
Orig. Orientation Select the orientation of the original document top page 6-11
edge to scan correct direction.
Mixed Size Orig. Scans all sheets in the document processor, even if page 6-12
(Mixed Size they are of different sizes.
File Format Specify the image file format. Image quality level page 6-26
can also be adjusted.
File Separation Creates several files by dividing scanned original page 6-30
data page by page, and sends the files.
JobFinish Notice Sends E-mail notice when a job is complete. page 6-22
Duplex Select the type and orientation of the binding based page 6-24
on the original.
Contrast You can adjust the contrast between light and dark page 6-15
areas of the image.
Backgrnd Density Removes dark background from originals, such as page 6-15
Prevent Bleed-t Hides background colors and image bleed-through page 6-16
when scanning thin original.
Skip Blank Page When there are blank pages in a scanned page 6-23
document, this function skips the blank pages and
prints only pages that are not blank.
Using Various Functions > Functions Available on the Machine
Printing Documents
Key Function Description
Quiet Mode Lower print and scan speed for quiet processing. page 6-23
Paper Selection Select the cassette or multi-purpose tray that page 6-10
contains the required paper size.
JobFinish Notice Sends E-mail notice when a job is complete. page 6-22
Print Override Suspends the current job and gives a new job top page 6-23
Encrypted PDF Enter the preassigned password to print the PDF page 6-33
JPEG/TIFF Print Select the image size when printing JPEG or TIFF page 6-33
XPS FitTo Page Reduces or enlarges the image size to fit to the page 6-33
selected paper size when printing XPS file.
Using Various Functions > Functions
On pages that explain a convenient function, the modes in which that function can be used are indicated by icons.
Sending: Send
Scan to
Storing: USB
ID Card Copy
Use this when you want to copy a driver's license or an insurance card. When you scan the front and back of the card,
both sides will be combined and copied onto a single sheet.
(Value: [Off] / [On])
Original Size
Item Description
Auto(DP)*1, A4, A5, A6, B5, B6, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Select from standard sizes and custom size.
Legal, Statement, Executive, Oficio II, 16K, ISO B5,
Envelope #10, Envelope #9, Envelope #6,
Envelope Monarch, Envelope DL, Envelope C5, Hagaki
(Cardstock), Oufuku Hagaki (Return postcard), Youkei 4,
Youkei 2, Custom*2
*1 This function is displayed when [Auto Detect] in [Detect Orig.(DP)] is set to [On].
Detect Orig.(DP) (page 8-25)
*2 For instructions on how to specify the custom original size, refer to the following:
Custom Orig. Size (page 8-25)
Be sure to always specify the original size when using custom size original.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Paper Selection
Select the cassette or multi-purpose tray that contains the required paper size.
Select from [1] (Cassette 1) to [5] (Cassette 5) to use the paper contained in that cassette.
If [Auto] is selected, the paper matching the size of the original is selected automatically.
• Specify in advance the size and type of the paper loaded in the cassette.
Cassette 1 (to 5) Set. (Cassette 1 (to 5) Settings) (page 8-28)
MP Tray Set. (MP Tray Settings) (page 8-28)
• Cassettes 2 to 5 are displayed when the optional paper feeder is installed.
Before selecting [MP Tray], you need to select [MP Tray Set.] and specify the paper size and media type. The available
paper sizes and media types are shown in the table below.
Standard Size A4, A5, A6, B5, B6, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Select from the standard sizes and
Legal, Statement, Executive, Oficio II, 16K, ISO B5, custom size.
Envelope #10, Envelope #9, Envelope #6,
Envelope Monarch, Envelope DL, Envelope C5,
Hagaki (Cardstock), Oufuku Hagaki (Return postcard),
Youkei 4, Youkei 2, Custom*2
Size Entry Set the sizes of [Y] (vertical). Enter the size not included in the
Metric: 148 to 356 mm (in 1 mm increments) standard size.*3
Inch: 5.83 to 14.02" (in 0.01" increments) When you have selected [Size Entry],
use [▲]/[▼] or the numeric keys to set
Set the sizes of [X] (horizontal). the sizes of "X" (horizontal) and "Y"
Metric: 70 to 216 mm (in 1 mm increments) (vertical).
Inch: 2.76 to 8.50" (in 0.01" increments)
Media Type Plain (60 to 105 g/m2), Transparency, Rough, Vellum, Select the media type.
Labels, Recycled, Preprinted*4, Bond, Cardstock, Displayed after [Standard Size] or [Size
Color, Prepunched*4, Letterhead*4, Envelope, Entry] is set in [MP Tray Set.].
Thick (106 to 220 g/m2), High Quality, Custom 1 to 8*4
*1 Cassette 2 to Cassette 5 are displayed when the optional paper feeder is installed.
*2 For instructions on how to specify the custom paper sizes, refer to the following:
Custom PaperSize (page 8-26)
*3 The input units can be changed in System Menu.
Measurement (page 8-29)
*4 For instructions on how to specify the custom paper types 1 to 8, refer to the following:
Media Type Setting (page 8-29)
To print on preprinted or prepunched paper or on letterhead, refer to the following:
SpecialPaper Act. (page 8-27)
Using Various Functions > Functions
• You can conveniently select in advance the size and type of paper that will be used often and set them as default.
MP Tray Set. (MP Tray Settings) (page 8-28)
• If the specified size of paper is not loaded in the paper source cassette or multi purpose tray, a confirmation screen
appears. Load the required paper in the multi purpose tray and select [OK] to start copying.
Select the orientation of the original document top edge to scan correct direction.
To use any of the following functions, the document's original orientation must be set.
• Duplex
• Combine
• Duplex (2-sided Original)
Select original orientation from [Top Edge on Top] or [Top Edge on Left].
Item Image
Top Edge on Top
The default setting for Original Orientation can be changed.
Orig.Orientation (page 8-33)
Using Various Functions > Functions
Scans all sheets in the document processor, even if they are of different sizes.
(Value: [Off] / [On])
Adjust density.
Adjust density selecting [-4] (Lighter) to [+4] (Darker).
Using Various Functions > Functions
Original Image
In each setting, if you want to bring out text or lines marked with a highlighter pen, select [Hilight] and then [On]. The
color of the highlighter pen will be reproduced as much as possible.
Item Description
Text+Photo Best for mixed text and photo documents.
*1 If gray text is not printed completely using [Text + Photo], selecting [Text] may improve the result.
Item Description
Text+Photo Best for mixed text and photo documents.
Light Text/Line Clearly reproduces faint characters written in pencil, etc., and thin lines on map originals or diagrams.
*1 This function is only available when "Color Selection" is set to [Black & White]. For details, refer to the following:
Color Selection (page 6-14)
Using Various Functions > Functions
Color Selection
Send Scan to
Item Description
Auto (Color/Gray) Automatically recognizes whether the document is color or black and white, and
scan color documents in Full Color and black and white documents in Grayscale.
Auto (Color/B&W) Automatically recognizes whether the document is color or black and white, and
scan color documents in Full Color and black and white documents in Black and
Item Description
1 to 3 (Sharpen) Emphasizes the image outline.
Using Various Functions > Functions
You can adjust the contrast between light and dark areas of the image.
Lower Original Higher
Item Description
1 to 4 (Higher) Increases the sharpness of colors.
Background Density
Item Description
Off Does not adjust the ground color.
Manual Select [1] to [5] (Lighter - Darker) to adjust the background density manually.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Hides background colors and image bleed-through when scanning thin original.
(Value: [Off] / [On])
The following zoom options are available.
Adjusts the image to match the paper size.
A4: 141%
A6: 70%
Standard Zoom
Reduces or enlarges at preset magnifications.
Model Zoom Level (Original Copy) Model Zoom Level (Original Copy)
Metric Models 400% 90% FOL >> A4 Inch Models 400% 78% LGL >> LTR
200% 86% A4 >> B5 200% 64% LTR >> STMT
141% A5 >> A4 70% A4 >> A5 129% STMT >> LTR 50%
115% B5 >> A4 50% 100% 25%
100% 25%
Reduces or enlarges at magnifications other than the Standard Zoom.
Model Zoom Level (Original Copy) Model Zoom Level (Original Copy)
Metric Models 129% STMT >> LTR Inch Models 141% A5 >> A4 86% A4 >> B5
78% LGL >> LTR 115% B5 >> A4 70% A4 >> A5
64% LTR >> STMT 90% FOL >> A4
Using Various Functions > Functions
Zoom Entry
Manually reduces or enlarges the original image in 1% increments between 25% and 400%. Use the numeric keys or
select [▲] or [▼] to enter the any magnification.
Item Description
100% Reproduces the original size.
To reduce or enlarge the image, select the paper size, sending size, or storing size.
Paper Selection (page 6-10)
Sending Size (page 6-25)
Storing Size (page 6-32)
Using Various Functions > Functions
2 in 1 ― Select the [OK] key to copy the original with the default setting. For the default
settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
2 in 1 Layout L to R T to B, Select the page layout of scanned originals, and select the [OK] key.
R to L B to T
Border Line None, Select the page boundary line, and select the [OK] key.
Solid Line,
Dotted Line,
Positioning Mark
Orig. Orientation Top Edge on Top, Select the orientation of the original document top edge to scan correct direction.
Top Edge on Left Choose orientation of the originals, either [Top Edge on Top] or [Top Edge on
Left]. Then select the [OK] key.
4 in 1 ― Select the [OK] key to copy the original with the default setting. For the default
settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
4 in 1 Layout Right then Down, Select the page layout of scanned originals, and select the [OK] key.
Down then Right,
Left then Down,
Down then Left
Border Line None, Select the page boundary line, and select the [OK] key.
Solid Line,
Dotted Line,
Positioning Mark
Orig. Orientation Top Edge on Top, Select the orientation of the original document top edge to scan correct direction.
Top Edge on Left Choose orientation of the originals, either [Top Edge on Top] or [Top Edge on
Left]. Then select the [OK] key.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Layout image
Item Image
2 in 1 L to R/T to B
R to L/B to T
• The paper sizes supported in Combine mode are A4, A5, B5, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Legal, Statement,
Oficio II, and 16K.
• When placing the original on the platen, be sure to copy the originals in page order.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Produces two-sided copies. You can also create single-sided copies from two-sided originals.
The following modes are available.
One-sided to Two-sided
Produces two-sided copies from one-sided originals. In case of an odd
number of originals, the back side of the last copy will be blank.
Original Copy
def B Original Left/Right to Binding Top: Images on the second sides are
rotated 180 degrees. Copies can be bound on the top edge, facing
Original Copy the same orientation when turning the pages.
Two-sided to One-sided
Copies each side of a two-sided original onto two individual sheets.
The following binding options are available.
• Binding Left/Right: Images on the second sides are not rotated.
Original Copy
• Binding Top: Images on the second sides are rotated 180 degrees.
Two-sided to Two-sided
Produces two-sided copies from two-sided originals.
The paper sizes supported in Two-sided to Two-sided mode are A4,
B5, A5, Legal, Letter, Executive, Statement, Oficio II, 216 × 340 mm,
Original Copy
Folio, ISO B5, and 16K.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Prints 1-sided originals to 2-sided, or 2-sided originals to 1-sided. Select the binding orientation for original and finished
1-sided>>2-sided ― Select the [OK] key to copy the original with the default setting.
For the default settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
Finish. Binding Left/Right, Top Select [Detail] to display the [Finish. Binding] screen.
Select the binding orientation of copies, and select the [OK] key.
Orig. Orientation Top Edge on Top, Select the orientation of the original document top edge to scan correct direction.
Top Edge on Left Choose orientation of the originals, either [Top Edge on Top] or [Top Edge on
Left]. Then select the [OK] key.
2-sided>>1-sided ― Select the [OK] key to copy the original with the default setting.
For the default settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
Orig. Binding Left/Right, Top Select [Detail] to display the [Orig. Binding] screen.
Select the binding orientation of originals, and select the [OK] key.
Orig. Orientation Top Edge on Top, Select the orientation of the original document top edge to scan correct direction.
Top Edge on Left Choose orientation of the originals, either [Top Edge on Top] or [Top Edge on
Left]. Then select the [OK] key.
2-sided>>2-sided ― Select the [OK] key to copy the original with the default setting.
For the default settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
Orig. Binding Left/Right, Top Select [Detail] to display the [Orig. Binding] screen.
Select the binding direction of originals, and select the [OK] key.
Finish. Binding Left/Right, Top Select the binding orientation of copies, and select the [OK] key.
Orig. Orientation Top Edge on Top, Select the orientation of the original document top edge to scan correct direction.
Top Edge on Left Choose orientation of the originals, either [Top Edge on Top] or [Top Edge on
Left]. Then select the [OK] key.
When placing the original on the platen, consecutively replace each original and press the [Start] key.
After scanning all originals, select [Finish Scan] to start copying.
Print a document on both sides of the paper.
2-sided ― Select the [OK] key to print a 2-sided document with the default setting.
For the default settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
Finish. Binding Left/Right, Top Select [Detail] to display the [Finish. Binding] screen.
Select the binding orientation of copies, and select the [OK] key.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Continuous Scan
Scans a large number of originals in separate batches and then produce as one job.
Originals will be scanned continuously until you select [End Scan].
(Value: [Off] / [On])
1 11 21 1
PC should be configured in advance so that E-mail can be used.
Command Center RX (page 2-44)
E-mail can be sent to a single destination.
Item Description
Off Disables the function.
JobFinished Only Enter E-mail address directly. Enter the address (up to 128 characters) and select the [OK] key.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Print Override
Suspends the current job and gives a new job top priority.
The suspended job resumes after the other job is finished.
(Value: [Off] / [On])
• This function is not available if current job was an override.
• Print override may not be available depending on the status of the current print job and memory usage.
Quiet Mode
• The processing speed will be slower than normal when in Quiet Mode.
• This cannot be used when [Prohibit] is set for "Each Job".
Each Job (page 8-44)
When there are blank pages in a scanned document, this function skips the blank pages and prints only pages that are
not blank.
Blank pages can be set as pages that include ruled lines and a small number of characters.
The machine detects blank pages, saving unnecessary printing without the need to check for blank pages in the document.
Item Description
Off Everything, including blank pages, is scanned.
On Blank+Ruled Line Blank pages and pages that include ruled lines are judged to be blank pages.
Blank Pages Only Blank pages only are judged to be blank pages.
Blank+Some Text Blank pages and pages that include a small amount of text are judged to be blank pages.
The originals with punched holes or originals printed on a colored substrate may not be recognized as blank pages.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Send Scan to
Select the type and orientation of the binding based on the original.
2-sided ― Select the [OK] key to scan the original with the default setting.
For the default settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
Orig. Binding Left/Right, Top Select [Detail] to display the [Orig. Binding] screen.
Select the binding direction of originals, and select the [OK]
Orig. Orientation Top Edge on Top, Select the orientation of the original document top edge to
Top Edge on Left scan correct direction, and select the [OK] key.
Sample image
Value Image
2-sided Binding Left/
Binding Top
Using Various Functions > Functions
Sending Size
Item Description
Same as OrigSize Send an image the same size as the original.
A4, A5, A6, B5, B6, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Legal, Statement, Select from standard sizes.
Executive, Oficio II, 16K, ISO B5, Envelope #10, Envelope #9,
Envelope #6, Envelope Monarch, Envelope DL, Envelope C5,
Hagaki (Cardstock), Oufuku Hagaki (Return postcard), Youkei 4, Youkei 2
Sending Size Select [Same as Original Size]. Select the desired size.
When you specify the sending size that is different from the original size, and select the zoom of [100%], you can send
the image as the actual size (No Zoom).
Using Various Functions > Functions
File Format
Send Scan to
Specify the image file format. Image quality level can also be adjusted.
Select the file format from [PDF], [TIFF], [XPS], [OpenXPS], [JPEG] and [High Comp. PDF].
When the color mode in scanning has been selected for Grayscale or Full Color, set the image quality.
If you selected [PDF] or [High Comp. PDF], you can specify encryption or PDF/A settings.
Image Quality 1 Low(High Comp) to Select [Detail] to display the [Image Quality] screen.
5 High(Low Comp) Select the image quality and select the [OK] key.
PDF/A Off, PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b, Select PDF/A format type and select the [OK] key.
PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b,
Encryption Off, On Set the PDF encryption and then select the [OK] key.
If [On] is selected, refer to the following:
PDF Encryption Functions (page 6-28)
TIFF ― Select the [OK] key to save or send a TIFF file. The Image Quality
settings will be the default values.
For the default settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
Image Quality 1 Low(High Comp) to Select [Detail] to display the [Image Quality] screen.
5 High(Low Comp) Select the image quality and select the [OK] key.
XPS ― Select the [OK] key to save or send a XPS file. The Image Quality
settings will be the default values.
For the default settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
Image Quality 1 Low(High Comp) to Select [Detail] to display the [Image Quality] screen.
5 High(Low Comp) Select the image quality and select the [OK] key.
OpenXPS ― Select the [OK] key to save or send a OpenXPS file. The Image Quality
settings will be the default values.
For the default settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
Image Quality 1 Low(High Comp) to Select [Detail] to display the [Image Quality] screen.
5 High(Low Comp) Select the image quality and select the [OK] key.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Image Quality 1 Low(High Comp) to Select [Detail] to display the [Image Quality] screen.
5 High(Low Comp) Select the image quality and select the [OK] key.
High Comp. PDF ― Select the [OK] key to save or send a High Comp. PDF file. The image
quality and PDF/A settings will be the default settings.
For the default settings, refer to the following:
Function Defaults (page 8-33)
Image Quality Comp. Priority, Standard, Select [Detail] to display the [Image Quality] screen.
Quality Priority Select the image quality and select the [OK] key.
PDF/A Off, PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b, Select PDF/A format type and select the [OK] key.
PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b,
Encryption Off, On Set the PDF encryption and then select the [OK] key.
If [On] is selected, refer to to the following:
PDF Encryption Functions (page 6-28)
• You can use PDF encryption functions.
PDF Encryption Functions (page 6-28)
• If encryption is enabled, PDF/A settings cannot be specified.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Edit/Print Doc. Off, On Enter the password to edit the PDF file.
Select [On] and select the [OK] key.
Enter a password (up to 256 characters) and then select the [OK] key.
Enter the password again for confirmation, and select the [OK] key.
Printing Not Allowed, Restricts printing of the PDF file. Then select the [OK] key.
Allowed Allowed
Changes Not Allowed, Restricts editing of the PDF file. Select from the following restrictions
Allowed Commenting, then select the [OK] key.
Page Layout, Not Allowed: Disables the change to the PDF file.
Any Changes
Commenting: Can only add commenting.
Page Layout: Can change the page layout except extracting the
pages of the PDF file.
Any Changes: Can conduct all operations except extracting the pages
of the PDF file.
Copying Disable, Enable Restricts the copying of text and objects on the PDF file.
Contents Then select the [OK] key.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Edit/Print Doc. Off, On Enter the password to edit the PDF file.
Select [On] and select the [OK] key.
Enter a password (up to 256 characters) and then select the [OK] key.
Enter the password again for confirmation, and select the [OK] key.
Printing Not Allowed, Restricts printing of the PDF file. Select from the following restrictions
Allowed Allowed (Low then select the [OK] key.
Res.), Allowed Not Allowed: Disables the printing of PDF file.
Allowed (Low Res.): Can print the PDF file only in low resolution.
Allowed: Can print the PDF file in original resolution.
Changes Not Allowed, Specifically limit the operation. Select from the following restrictions
Allowed Ins./Del./Rotat., then select the [OK] key.
Commenting, Not Allowed: Disables the change to the PDF file.
Any Changes
Ins./Del./Rotat.: Can only insert, delete, and rotate the pages of the
PDF file.
Commenting: Can only add commenting.
Any Changes: Can conduct all operations except extracting the pages
of the PDF file.
Copying Disable, Enable Restricts the copying of text and objects on the PDF file. Then select
Contents the [OK] key.
Using Various Functions > Functions
File Separation
Send Scan to
Creates several files by dividing scanned original data page by page, and sends the files.
(Value: [Off] / [Each Page])
Select [Each Page] to set File Separation.
A three-digit serial number such as "abc_001.pdf, abc_002.pdf..." is attached to the end of the file name.
Scan Resolution
Send Scan to
The larger the number, the better the image resolution. However, better resolution also means larger file sizes and
longer send times.
The subject can include up to 256 characters, and the body can include up to 500 characters.
Using Various Functions > Functions
FTP Encrypted TX
Click [Security Settings], and then [Network Security] in the Command Center RX. Be sure that "SSL" of Secure
Protocol Settings is "On" and one or more effective encryption are selected in Client side settings.
Command Center RX User Guide
Using Various Functions > Functions
Storing Size
Scan to
Item Description
Same as OrigSize Store an image the same size as the original.
A4, A5, A6, B5, B6, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Legal, Statement, Select from standard sizes.
Executive, Oficio II, 16K, ISO B5, Envelope #10, Envelope #9,
Envelope #6, Envelope Monarch, Envelope DL, Envelope C5,
Hagaki (Cardstock), Oufuku Hagaki (Return postcard), Youkei 4, Youkei 2
When you select Storing Size that is different from Original Size, and select the Zoom [100%], you can store the image
as the actual size (No Zoom).
Long Original
Send Scan to
• Long originals are sent in black and white or Grayscale.
• Only a single side of a long original cannot Originals of up to 915 mm / 36-1/32" long can be scanned.
• You can select resolution 300×300 dpi or less.
Using Various Functions > Functions
Encrypted PDF
Print from
For details on entering the password, refer to the following:
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Print from
Item Description
Paper Size Fits the image size to the selected paper size.
Reduces or enlarges the image size to fit to the selected paper size when printing XPS file.
(Value: [Off] / [On])
7 Status/Job Cancel
This chapter explains the following topics:
Checking Job Status .......................................................................................................................................... 7-2
Checking Job History ......................................................................................................................................... 7-8
Sending the Log History ........................................................................................................................ 7-12
Job Operation .................................................................................................................................................. 7-13
Pause and Resumption of Jobs ............................................................................................................. 7-13
Canceling of Jobs .................................................................................................................................. 7-13
Device/Communication .................................................................................................................................... 7-14
Checking the Remaining Amount of Toner and Paper (Paper/Supplies) ......................................................... 7-16
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status
You can show the job statuses of all users, or only the statuses of your own jobs.
Disp. Status/Log (page 8-36)
This setting can also be changed from Command Center RX.
Command Center RX User Guide
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status
• If a FAX job is selected in [Send Job Status] then [PriorityOverride] is displayed.
Select [PriorityOverride] and select the [OK] key to suspend the current job and gives
the selected job top priority.
• For [Scheduled Job], [Start Now] is displayed. Select [Start Now] and select the [OK]
key to send the selected job immediately.
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status
Item Description
Status Status of job
[Processing]:The status before starting to print.
[Pause]: Pausing print job or error
[Canceling]: Canceling the job
[-----]: The job is finished.
Job Name When the job name in Job Name is displayed in a short form, select
[Detail] to see the complete job name. Select the [OK] key to return to the
previous screen.
When the sender information is displayed in a short form, select [Detail]
to see the complete sender Information. Select the [OK] key to return to
the previous screen.
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status
Item Description
Status Status of job
[Processing]:The status before starting sending such as during scanning
[Pause]: Pausing the job
[Canceling]: Canceling the job
Job Name When the job name in Job Name is displayed in a short form, select
[Detail] to see the complete job name. Select the [OK] key to return to the
previous screen.
When the destination is displayed in a short form, select [Detail] to see
the complete destination. Select the [OK] key to return to the previous
If there are multiple destinations:
[Broadcast] is displayed.
When [List] is selected, all destinations are displayed.
Select [Exit] to return to the original screen.
When the destination in a short form, select the destination and then
select the [OK] key to see the complete destination. Select the [OK] key
to return to the previous screen.
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status
Item Description
Status Status of job
[Processing]:The status before starting sending such as during scanning
[Canceling]: Canceling the job
Job Name When the job name in Job Name is displayed in a short form, select
[Detail] to see the complete job name. Select the [OK] key to return to the
previous screen.
When the sender Information is displayed in a short form, select [Detail]
to see the complete sender Information. Select the [OK] key to return to
the previous screen.
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job Status
Item Description
Status Status of job
[Waiting]: Waiting Sending
Job Name When the job name in Job Name is displayed in a short form, select
[Detail] to see the complete job name. Select the [OK] key to return to the
previous screen.
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job History
Job history is also available by Command Center RX or KYOCERA Net Viewer from the computer.
Command Center RX User Guide
KYOCERA Net Viewer User Guide
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job History
For [FAX Job Log], refer to the following:
FAX Operation Guide
You can show the job log of all users, or only your own job log.
Disp. Status/Log (page 8-36)
This setting can also be changed from Command Center RX.
Command Center RX User Guide
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job History
Item Description
Result Result of job
[OK]: The job has been completed.
[Error]: An error has occurred.
[Cancel]: The job has been canceled.
Job Name When the job name in Job Name is displayed in a short form, select
[Detail] to see the complete job name. Select the [OK] key to return to the
previous screen.
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job History
Item Description
Result Result of job
[OK]: The job has been completed.
[Error]: An error has occurred.
[Cancel]: The job has been canceled.
Job Name When the job name in Job Name is displayed in a short form, select
[Detail] to see the complete job name. select the [OK] key to return to the
previous screen.
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, log in by referring to the
Login (page 2-14)
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
Status/Job Cancel > Checking Job History
Item Description
Result Result of job
[OK]: The job has been completed.
[Error]: An error has occurred.
[Cancel]: The job has been canceled.
Job Name When the job name in Job Name is displayed in a short form, select
[Detail] to see the complete job name. Select the [OK] key to return to the
previous screen.
Status/Job Cancel > Job Operation
Job Operation
Pause and Resumption of Jobs
Pause/resume all printing jobs in printing/waiting.
2 Select [Pause].
Printing is paused.
When resuming the printing of jobs that have been paused, select [Resume].
If the [Back] key or other function key, such as the [Copy] key, is selected during Pause,
"Resume paused jobs. Are you sure?" appears. If [Yes] is selected and then the [OK] key is
selected, the job is resumed and the following screen appears. If [No] is selected and then
the [OK] key is selected, the following screen appears while the job is paused.
Canceling of Jobs
A job in printing/waiting status can be canceled.
2 Cancel a job.
Print Job Status
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Cancel Job] > [OK] key > [Yes]
When FAX reception job is selected, [Cannot cancel FAX reception jobs.] is displayed
and the job cannot be canceled.
A job can be canceled by selecting [Menu], selecting [Cancel Job] and then selecting
the [OK] key.
2 Select [Yes].
Status/Job Cancel > Device/Communication
Configure the devices/lines installed or connected to this machine or check their status.
The status of an original scanning or the error information (paper jam, opened cover, etc.) is
Error information such as paper jam, out of toner, or out of paper, and status such as waiting or
printing are displayed.
• The information such as sending/receiving and dialing is displayed.
• Select [Line Off] to cancel a fax in sending/receiving.
FAX Operation Guide
"USB Memory"
• The usage, capacity and free space of the external media connected to this machine are
• Select [Remove] to safely remove the external media.
The status of the optional SSD is displayed.
"USB Keyboard"
The status of the optional USB Keyboard is displayed.
The status of the optional Bluetooth Keyboard is displayed.
The network connection status appears.
The Wi-Fi connection status and network name (SSID) of the machine appear.
This function is displayed when the wireless network function is available on the machine.
Status/Job Cancel > Device/Communication
"Wi-Fi Direct"
This function is displayed when the wireless network function is available on the machine.
• Select [▲] [▼] key > [PushButton Setup] > [OK] key, and execute the push button of the
device you want to connect to start the connection to the machine.
• Select [▲] [▼] key > [Detail Info] > [OK] key, information on the device that is connected
by Wi-Fi Direct appears.
• Select [▲] [▼] key > [ConnectionStatus] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key >
[ConnectedDevices] > [OK] key to display the list of connected devices.
• Select [▲] [▼] key > [ConnectionStatus] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [DisconnectAll] >
[OK] key to disconnect all devices.
"Option Network"
The connection status of the optional Network Interface Kit is displayed.
Status/Job Cancel > Checking the Remaining Amount of Toner and Paper (Paper/Supplies)
"Toner Status"
The amount of toner remaining is shown in levels.
"Paper Status"
The status of the source is displayed. Select the [►] key to view the next source. Select the
[◄] key to return to the previous screen.
8 Setup and Registration
(System Menu)
This chapter explains the following topics:
System Menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 8-2
System Menu Settings ............................................................................................................................. 8-3
Report ...................................................................................................................................................... 8-5
System/Network ....................................................................................................................................... 8-7
User/Job Account .................................................................................................................................. 8-23
User Property ......................................................................................................................................... 8-23
Common Settings .................................................................................................................................. 8-24
Copy ...................................................................................................................................................... 8-38
Printer .................................................................................................................................................... 8-39
Send ...................................................................................................................................................... 8-41
FAX ........................................................................................................................................................ 8-41
Document Box ....................................................................................................................................... 8-42
Edit Destination ...................................................................................................................................... 8-43
Adjust/Maint. .......................................................................................................................................... 8-44
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
System Menu
Configure settings related to overall machine operation.
Select the [System Menu/Counter] key to show the settings on the message display. Then, select from the settings
• In order to change settings that require administer privileges, you must log in with administrator privileges.
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
• If function default settings have been changed, the [Reset] key can be selected in each function screen to
immediately change the settings.
Refer to System Menu Settings on the following page and configure as needed.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Counter This counts the number of pages printed or scanned. page 2-41
Optional Network Configure settings for the optional Network Interface Kit. page 8-17
Wireless Network Configure settings for the optional Wireless Network Interface Kit. page 8-18
Primary Network Specify the network interface card to be used for the send function, the page 8-19
network authentication and connecting to external address book.
I/F Block Set. This allows you to protect this machine by blocking the interface with page 8-20
external devices such as USB hosts or optional interfaces.
Security Level The Security Level setting is primarily a menu option used by service —
personnel for maintenance work. There is no need for customers to use
this menu.
Data Security Configure settings for data stored in the optional SSD and machine's page 8-21
Restart Restart the CPU without turning the power switch off. Use this to deal with page 8-22
any unstable operation by the machine. (Same as the computer restart.)
Op Functions You can use the optional applications installed on this machine. page 8-22
Software Version Check the machine's system and engine software versions. page 8-22
FAX Server Settings Configure settings for FAX Server. page 8-23
User Property Allows you to view information about logged in users and edit some of page 8-23
that information.
Language Select the language displayed on the message display. page 8-24
Default Screen Select the screen appearing right after start-up (default screen). page 8-24
Sound Set options for buzzer sound during the machine operations. page 8-24
Display Bright. Set the brightness of the message display. page 8-24
Cassette 1 (to 5) Set. (Cassette Select type of paper in Cassette 1 (to 5). page 8-28
1 (to 5) Settings)
MP Tray Set. (MP Tray Settings) Select type of paper in multi purpose tray. page 8-28
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Preset Limit Restrict the number of copies that can be made at one time. page 8-29
Measurement Select inch or metric for the unit for paper dimensions. page 8-29
Error Handling Select whether to cancel or continue the job when error has occurred. page 8-30
Date Setting Configure settings related to the date and time. page 8-30
Function Defaults Defaults are the values automatically set after the warm-up is completed page 8-33
or the [Reset] key is selected.
Set the defaults for available settings such as copying and sending. Setting
the frequently-used values as defaults makes subsequent jobs easier.
Login Operation Select the screen to enter the login user name and password when page 8-35
logging in.
RAM Disk Mode A RAM disk can be created and its size can be set. page 8-35
Optional Memory When optional memory is installed, select the memory allocation scheme page 8-35
based on the application in which you are using the equipment.
Disp. Status/Log Set the display method of the Status/Log. page 8-36
Keyboard Type Select the type of keyboard that you want to use. page 8-36
Low Toner Alert Set the amount of remaining toner to notify the administrator when to page 8-36
order a toner when the toner is running low.
Show PowerOffMsg Set the mode whether display a confirmation message in power supply page 8-36
EnergySaver Set. Select the method of recovery from energy saver. page 8-37
Msg Banner Print Set whether the confirmation screen appears before each sheet is printed page 8-37
when printing multiple banner sheets.
Printer Printing from computers, settings are generally made on the application page 8-39
software screen. However, the following settings are available for
configuring the defaults to customize the machine.
Document Box Configures settings related to the Custom Box, Job Box, Sub Address page 8-42
Box and Polling Box.
FAX Operation Guide
Edit Destination Configures Address Book and One Touch Key settings. page 8-43
Address Book:
Adding a Destination (Address Book) (page 3-25)
One Touch Key:
Adding a Destination on One Touch Key (One Touch Key) (page 3-
Adjust/Maint. Adjust printing quality and conduct machine maintenance. page 8-44
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Print reports to check the machine settings and status.
Default settings for printing the result reports can also be configured.
Report Print
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Report Print] > [OK] key
Item Description
Menu Map Prints Menu Map to check the settings of the machine.
Menu Map
Status Page Prints the status page, allowing you to check the information including current settings,
available memory space, and optional equipment installed.
Status Page
Font List Prints the font list, allowing you to check the font samples installed in the machine.
Opt NW Status Prints the optional network status, allowing you to check the information including optional
network interface firmware version, network address and protocol.
This function is displayed when the optional Network Interface Kit or Wireless Network
Interface Kit is installed.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Send Result Automatically print a report of transmission result when a transmission is complete.
E-mail/Folder Automatically print a report of transmission result when E-mail or SMB/FTP transmission is
Value: Off, On, Error Only
CancelBeforeSend*2 Print a send result report if the job is canceled before being sent.
Value: Off, On
Dest. Info.*2 Select the Recipient Format for the send result report.
Value: Dest. or Name, Dest. and Name
Item Description
Auto Sending This function automatically sends the log history to the specified destinations whenever a set
number of jobs has been logged.
Value: Off, On
If [On] is selected, specify the number of job histories. The setting range is 1 to 16.
Send History You can also send the log history to the specified destinations manually.
Destination Set the destination to which log histories are sent. Only E-mail address can be set.
Subject Set the subject automatically entered when sending log histories by E-mail.
Value: Up to 60 characters
SSFC Log Subject Enter the subject of the printed job history with IC card authentication.
Value: Up to 60 characters
Personal Info. Select whether to include personal information in the job log.
Value: Include, Exclude
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Configures machine system settings.
Network Setting
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Network Setting] > [OK] key
Configures network settings.
Host Name
Item Description
Host Name Check the host name of the machine. Host name can be changed from Command Center RX.
Changing Device Information (page 2-48)
This function is displayed when the wireless network function is available on the machine.
Item Description
Wi-Fi Direct Select whether to use Wi-Fi Direct.
Value: Off, On
• Up to 32 characters can be entered.
• This function is displayed when [Wi-Fi Direct] is set to [On].
This function is displayed when [Wi-Fi Direct] is set to [On].
Disconnect Timer If you select [On] to Auto Disconnect, set the waiting time for automatic disconnection.
Value: Day (00 to 99), Hour (00 to 23), Minute (00 to 59)
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Wi-Fi Settings
Set Wi-Fi.
This function is displayed when the wireless network function is available on the machine.
Item Description
Wi-Fi Select whether to use Wi-Fi.
Value: Off, On
Setup -
Quick Setup If the machine will connect to an access point that supports the automatic wireless network
setup, connection settings can be configured by Quick Setup.
If you are connecting to an access point that has WEP enabled, select [Menu] and set [WEP
Key Index].
• When [Reload] is selected, the list is reloaded.
• If the access point's security setting uses WEP, select [Menu] and set [WEP Key Index].
WEP Key Index Select the key index of the access point.
Value: 0 to 3
Push Button If the access point supports the push button method, wireless settings can be configured using
the push button. This setting executes push button, and the connection is started by pressing
the push button on the access point.
The push button method supports only the WPS.
PIN (Device) Starts connection using the machine's PIN code. Enter the PIN code into the access point. The
PIN code of the machine is automatically generated.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Custom Setup The detailed settings for wireless LAN can be changed.
Network Name (SSID) Set the SSID (Service Set Identifier) of the wireless LAN to which the machine connects.
Up to 32 characters can be entered.
Encryption Select encryption method. The setting values vary depending on the Network Authentication
Network Encryption
Open Disable ―
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
TCP/IP Settings -
IPv4 Setting Set up TCP/IP (IPv4) to connect to the network. This setting is available when [TCP/IP] is set to
When DHCP is set to [On], this item is displayed only and cannot be entered.
When DHCP is set to [On], this item is displayed only and cannot be entered.
When DHCP is set to [On], this item is displayed only and cannot be entered.
• When setting the Auto-IP, enter "" in [IP Address].
• After changing the setting, restart the network or turn the machine OFF and then ON.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
IPv6 Setting Set up TCP/IP (IPv6) to connect to the network. This setting is available when [TCP/IP] is [On].
Selecting [On] displays IP address in [Link Local] after restarting the network.
Manual Settings Manually specify the IP address, prefix length, and gateway address of TCP/IP (IPv6).
IP Address: 128-bits address is expressed in eight groups consisting of four-digit
hexadecimal digits. The groups are separated by colon (:).
Prefix Length: 0 to 128
Default Gateway: 128-bits address is expressed in eight groups consisting of four-digit
hexadecimal digits. The groups are separated by colon (:).
This function is displayed when [IPv6 Setting] is set to [On].
To enter "Default Gateway", set [RA (Stateless)] to [Off].
This function is displayed when [IPv6 Setting] is set to [On].
Selecting [On] displays IP address in [IP Address 1 (to 5)] after restarting the network.
This function is displayed when [IPv6 Setting] is set to [On].
Selecting [On] displays IP address in [IP Address] after restarting the network.
After changing the setting, restart the network or turn the machine OFF and then ON.
Item Description
TCP/IP Settings For details on setting value.
TCP/IP Settings (page 8-10)
LAN Interface Specify the settings for the LAN interface to be used.
Value: Auto, 10Base-Half, 10Base-Full, 100Base-Half, 100Base-Full, 1000Base-T
After changing the setting, restart the network or turn the machine OFF and then ON.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Available Net. Select whether to use Bonjour.
Value: Off, On
Wi-Fi Direct*1 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
Wired Network
*1 Displayed only when the wireless network function is available on the machine.
IP Filter (IPv4)
Item Description
IP Filter (IPv4) Make this setting when you use IP Filter (IPv4).
Value: Off, On
IP Filter (IPv6)
Item Description
IP Filter (IPv6) Make this setting when you use IP Filter (IPv6).
Value: Off, On
Item Description
IPSec Make this setting when you use IPSec.
Value: Off, On
Configure protocol settings.
Item Description
NetBEUI Selects whether to receive documents using NetBEUI.*1
Value: Off, On
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
FTP (Server) Select whether to receive documents using FTP.*1
Value: Off, On
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
FTP (Client) Select whether to send documents using FTP. When selecting [On], set the FTP Port Number.
The default port number is 21.
Value: Off, On (Port Number: 1 to 65535)
SMB Select whether to send documents using SMB. When selecting [On], set the SMB default Port
Number. The default port number is 445.
Value: Off, On (Port Number: 1 to 65535)
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
IPP Selects whether to receive documents using IPP. To use the IPP protocol, select [Not Secure
(IPP&IPPS)] on IPP Security under Security Settings from the Command Center RX. The
default port number is 631.*1
Value: Off, On (Port Number: 1 to 32767)
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
IPP Over SSL Select whether or not to use IPP over SSL.*1, *3
Value: Off, On (Port Number: 1 to 32767)
When selecting [On], it also requires a certificate for SSL. the default certificate is the self-
certificate of the machine.
Command Center RX User Guide
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
*2 Value: Disable, Enable
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
ThinPrint Select whether to use ThinPrint. To use the Thin Print protocol, set the protocol to [On]. The
default port number is 4000.*1, *3
Value: Off, On (Port Number: 1 to 32767)
This function is displayed only when the optional ThinPrint Option is activated.
Thin Print over SSL To use the Thin Print over SSL protocol, set [Thin Print Over SSL] to [On].*1, *3
Value: Off, On
• This function is displayed when [ThinPrint] is set to [On].
• When selecting [On], it also requires a certificate for SSL. The default certificate is the self-
certificate of the machine.
Command Center RX User Guide
Wi-Fi Direct Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
WSD-SCAN Select whether to use WSD Scan.*1
Value: Off, On
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
WSD-PRINT Set whether to use our proprietary web services. WIA driver, TWAIN driver and Network FAX
driver use this Enhanced WSD web service.*1
Value: Off, On
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
Selecting [Off] will disable the functionality of WIA, TWAIN, and Network FAX driver.
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
EnhancedWSD(SSL) Set whether to use our proprietary web services over SSL.*1, *3
Value: Off, On
Selecting [Off] will disable the functionality of WIA, TWAIN and Network FAX drivers.
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
eSCL over SSL Selects whether to receive scanned documents using eSCL over SSL.*1, *3
Value: Off, On
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
REST Select whether to use REST. When selecting [On], specifies the port number used. The default
port number is 9080.*1
Value: Off, On (Port Number: 1 to 32767)
This function is displayed when [REST] is set to [On].
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
REST over SSL Select whether to use REST secured by SSL. When selecting [On], specifies the port number
used. The default port number is 9081.*1, *3
Value: Off, On (Port Number: 1 to 32767)
• This function is displayed when [REST over SSL] is set to [On].
• When selecting [On], it also requires a certificate for SSL. the default certificate is the self-
certificate of the machine.
Command Center RX User Guide
Wi-Fi Direct*2 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Value: Disable, Enable
After changing the setting, restart the network or turn the machine OFF and then ON.
Secure Settings
Item Description
SSL Select whether or not to use SSL.
Value: Off, On
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Ping Checks if communication with the destination by entering the host name or IP address of the
destination is possible.
If [Primary Network] is set to [Option Network], this item is not displayed.
Restart Network
Item Description
Restart Network Restarts the network.
Optional Network
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Optional Network] >
[OK] key
Configure settings for the optional Network Interface Kit.
This menu is displayed when the optional Network Interface Kit or Wireless Network Interface Kit is installed.
Item Description
Host Name Check the host name of the machine. Host name can be changed from Command Center RX.
Changing Device Information (page 2-48)
TCP/IP Settings For details on setting value.
TCP/IP Settings (page 8-11)
IPSec (page 8-12)
Bonjour Select whether to use Bonjour.
Value: Off, On
Wi-Fi Direct*1 Set whether to enable this function for each network.
Wi-Fi*1 Value: Disable, Enable
Wired Network
IPSec Select whether to use IPSec.
Value: Off, On
LAN Interface Select the LAN Interface type.*2
Value: Auto, 10Base-Half, 10Base-Full, 100Base-Half, 100Base-Full, 1000Base-T
This function is displayed when the optional Network Interface Kit is installed.
MACAddressFilter Select whether to use MAC Address Filter.
Operation Guide for the optional Network Interface Kit
Value: Off, On
Restart Network Restarts the network card of the device.
*1 Displayed only when the wireless network function is available on the machine.
*2 The setting will be changed after restarting the device or network.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Wireless Network
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Wireless Network] >
[OK] key
Configure settings for the optional Wireless Network Interface Kit.
This function is displayed when the optional Wireless Network Interface Kit is installed.
Item Description
ConnectionStatus When the optional Wireless Network Interface Kit is installed, you can check the wireless LAN status.
Quick Setup If the machine will connect to an access point that supports the automatic wireless network setup,
connection settings can be configured by Quick Setup.
AvailableNetwork Displays access points to which the machine can connect.
Push Button If the access point supports the push button method, wireless settings can be configured using
the push button. This setting executes push button, and the connection is started by pressing
the push button on the access point.
The push button method supports only the WPS.
PIN (Device) Starts connection using the machine's PIN code. Enter the PIN code into the access point. The
PIN code of the machine is automatically generated.
PIN (Terminal) Starts connection using the PIN code of the access point. Enter the PIN code of the access point.
Custom Setup The detailed settings for wireless LAN can be changed. You can check the connection with a
wireless network by selecting [Connect].
Netwk Name(SSID) Set the SSID (Service Set Identifier) of the wireless LAN to which the machine connects.
Up to 32 characters can be entered.
Connection Mode Set the connection mode.
Value: Ad Hoc, Infrastructure
Ad Hoc: Directly communicates with the device without going through an access point. This
method cannot be used to connect to two or more devices.
Infrastructure: Performs communication through an access point.
Channel Set channel. Use [▲] or [▼] or the numeric keys to enter a number.
Value: 1 to 11
Netwk Authentic. Select network authentication type. To select other options, open the device home page from a
Value: Open, Shared, WPA-PSK*1, WPA2-PSK*1
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Encryption Select encryption settings. The setting values vary depending on the "Netwk Authentic."
Data Encryption Set the encryption method.
When "Netwk Authentic." is set to [Open] or [Shared]:
Value: Disable, WEP
When "Netwk Authentic." is set to [WPA-PSK] or [WPA2-PSK]:
Value: TKIP*2, AES, Auto*2
WEP Key Register the WEP key. Select [Edit] and Enter the WEP Key using the numeric keys.
Up to 26 characters can be entered.
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Preshared Key*3 Register the Preshared Key. Select [Edit] and Enter the Preshared Key using the numeric
The number of characters is between 8 and 64.
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Primary Network
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Primary Network] > [OK]
This function is displayed when the optional Network Interface Kit or Wireless Network Interface Kit is installed.
Item Description
Primary Network Specify the network interface card to be used for the send function, the network authentication
and connecting to external address book.
Value: Wi-Fi, Wired Network, Option Network
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
USB Host This locks and protects the USB port (USB host).
Value: Unblock, Block
USB Device This locks and protects the USB interface connector (USB Device).
Value: Unblock, Block
USB Storage This locks and protects the USB memory slot.
Value: Unblock, Block
This function is available when USB Host is set to [Unblock].
Option I/F This locks and protects the optional interface slots.
Value: Unblock, Block
If the machine has two optional interface slots, you can set this feature for each slot.
After changing the setting, restart the network or turn the machine OFF and then ON.
Bluetooth Set.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Bluetooth Set.] > [OK]
This function is displayed when the Bluetooth adapter is installed.
Item Description
Bluetooth Use Bluetooth Keyboard.
Value: Off, On
Security Level
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Security Level] > [OK] key
Item Description
Security Level Specify the security level.
Low: This mode is used during maintenance. Do not use normally.
High: This is the security setting we recommend. Use this setting normally.
Very High: In addition to [High] setting, this setting disables the machine settings to be
changed from external command.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Data Security
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Data Security] > [OK] key
Configure settings for data stored in the optional SSD and machine's memory.
Item Description
SSD Initializ. This changes security function settings.
• This function is displayed when the optional SSD is installed and the optional Data Security
Kit is activated.
• Input of the security password is required to change security function settings. The initial
setting for the Security Password is "000000".
Security Passwd You can customize the security password so that only the administrator can use the security kit.
Enter a password that uses six to 16 alphanumeric characters and symbols.
You will need to enter the password again for confirmation.
Avoid any easy-to-guess numbers for the security password (e.g. 11111111 or 12345678).
Initialization This can be used to delete all the data stored in the SSD. Overwrite all the data stored in the
SSD when disposing of the machine.
If you accidentally turn the power switch off during initialization, the SSD might possibly
crash or initialization might fail.
If you accidentally turn off power during initialization, turn it back on.
Initialization will restart automatically.
DataSanitization Return the following information registered in the machine to the factory defaults.
• System settings
• Data saved in Custom Box
• Optional applications
Data saved in an application or SD card cannot be erased. To erase data on an SD card,
you must format the SD card.
• Once in progress, the processing cannot canceled.
• Before performing this function, disconnect modular, network, and other cables.
• Before performing this function, set all interface block settings to [Unblock].
I/F Block Set. (page 8-20)
• Do not turn off the main power switch while sanitizing the data. If the main power is turned
off during data erasing, erasing will be executed automatically when the power is restored,
however, complete erasure cannot be guaranteed.
Run Immediately Data Sanitization will be performed.
Schedule Completely erase address and image data saved in the device at the scheduled time.
Value: Off, On
If [On] is selected, set the date and time that sanitization is to be performed. The setting range
is Year (2000 to 2037), Month (1 to 12), Day (1 to 31), Hour (00 to 23).
Device Use The device use restriction after the data sanitization is completed.
The device cannot be used if [Prohibit] is selected.
Value: Permit, Prohibit
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Restart] > [OK] key
Item Description
Restart Restart the CPU without turning the power switch off. Use this to deal with any unstable
operation by the machine. (Same as the computer restart.)
Op Functions
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Op Functions] > [OK] key
Item Description
Op Functions You can use the optional applications installed on this machine.
Optional Applications (page 11-7)
Software Version
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Software Version] > [OK] key
Item Description
Software Version Check the machine's system and engine software versions.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
FAX Server Select whether or not to use FAX Server.
Value: Off, On
Address Settings Set the prefix, suffix, and domain name to be assigned to the address.
For the fax server information, ask your fax server administrator.
• This appears when [On] is set in fax server.
• This does not appear when extension address book is not enabled.
Command Center RX User Guide
User/Job Account
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [User/Job Account] > [OK] key
Configure settings related to machine management.
Overview of User Login Administration (page 9-2)
Overview of Job Accounting (page 9-25)
Unknown ID Job (page 9-42)
User Property
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [User Property] > [OK] key
Allows you to view information about logged in users and edit some of that information.
Enabling User Login Administration (page 9-3)
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Common Settings
Configures overall machine operation.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Language] > [OK] key
Item Description
Language Select the language displayed on the message display.
Default Screen
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Default Screen] > [OK] key
Item Description
Default Screen Select the screen appearing right after start-up (default screen).
Value: Status, Copy, Send, FAX, Document Box
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Sound] > [OK] key
Item Description
Buzzer Set options for buzzer sound during the machine operations.
Key Confirmation Emit a sound when the operation panel keys are selected.
Value: Off, On
Item Description
Display Bright. Set the brightness of the message display.
Value: Darker -3, Darker -2, Darker -1, Normal 0, Lighter +1, Lighter +2, Lighter +3
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Orig./Paper Set.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Orig./Paper Set.] > [OK] key
Configure settings for originals.
Item Description
Custom Orig. Size Set up frequently-used custom original size.
The custom size option is displayed on the screen to select original size.
X: 50 to 356 mm (in 1 mm increments)
Y: 50 to 216 mm (in 1 mm increments)
X: 1.97 to 14.02" (in 0.01" increments)
Y: 1.97 to 8.50" (in 0.01" increments)
X=Length, Y=Width
Detect Orig.(DP) Select whether to automatically detect originals of the document processor.
System of Units Select metric or inch for the unit of original size detection.
Value: Metric, Inch
LGL/OFII/216x340 As Legal, OficioII and 216 x 340 mm are similar in size, select either one of them for automatic
Value: Legal, OficioII, 216 x 340 mm
When [Auto Detect] is set to [Off], this function will not be displayed.
When [System of Units] is set to [Metric], this function will not be displayed.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Custom PaperSize Set up frequently-used custom paper size.
One custom paper size is set for each paper supply source. The custom size option is
displayed on the screen to select paper size.
Cassette 2 (to 5) Size*1 Register the custom paper size to be used in Cassettes 2 to 5.
X: 92 to 216 mm (in 1 mm increments)
Y: 162 to 356 mm (in 1 mm increments)
X: 3.62 to 8.50" (in 0.01" increments)
Y: 6.38 to 14.02" (in 0.01" increments)
MP Tray Size Register the custom paper size to be used in the multi purpose tray.
X: 70 to 216 mm (in 1 mm increments)
Y: 148 to 356 mm (in 1 mm increments)
X: 2.76 to 8.50" (in 0.01" increments)
Y: 5.83 to 14.02" (in 0.01" increments)
X=Length, Y=Width
Vertical Horizontal
Cassette 1 (to 5) Set. Select the paper size and media type for cassettes 1 to 5.
Cassette 1 (to 5) Set. (Cassette 1 (to 5) Settings) (page 8-28)
MP Tray Set. Select the paper size and media type for the multi purpose tray.
MP Tray Set. (MP Tray Settings) (page 8-28)
*1 Only set this when the size dial on the cassette is set to "Other".
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Media Type Set. Select weight for each media type.
For Custom 1-8, settings for duplex printing and media type name can be changed.
Media Type Setting (page 8-29)
Media for Auto Select a default media type for auto paper selection when [Auto] is selected of Paper
Selection. If [Plain] is selected, the paper source with plain paper loaded in the specific size is
selected. Select [All Media Types] for the paper source with any kind of paper loaded in the
specific size.
Value: All Media Types, Plain, Transparency, Rough, Vellum, Labels, Recycled,
Preprinted, Bond, Cardstock, Color, Prepunched, Letterhead, Envelope, Thick,
High Quality, Custom 1 to 8
Def. PaperSource Select the default paper source from Cassette 1-5 and multi purpose tray.
Value: Cassette 1 to 5, MP Tray
[Cassette 2] to [Cassette 5] are displayed when optional paper feeder is installed.
SpecialPaper Act. When printing on Prepunched, Preprint, and Letterhead, punch-holes might not be aligned or
the print direction might be upside-down depending on how originals are set and the
combination of copying functions. In such a case, select [Adj. PrintDirect] to adjust the print
direction. When paper orientation is not important, select [Speed Priority].
If [Adj. PrintDirect] is selected, load paper according to the steps below.
Example: copying on Letterhead
Paper Setup Msg Set whether to display the confirmation screen for the paper setting when a new paper is set for
each cassette.
Cassette 1 to 5
Value: Off, On
MP Tray
[Cassette 2] to [Cassette 5] are displayed when optional paper feeder is installed.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Cassette 1 (to 5) Size*1 Available options are as follows:
Cassette 1: A4, A5, B5, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Legal, Statement, Executive, Oficio II, 16K,
ISO B5, Envelope C5, Custom
Cassettes 2 to 5: A4, A5, B5, B6, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Legal, Statement, Executive,
Oficio II, 16K, ISO B5, Envelope #10, Envelope #9, Envelope #6, Envelope Monarch,
Envelope DL, Envelope C5, Oufuku Hagaki (Return postcard), Youkei 4, Youkei 2, Custom
*1 Only set this when the size dial on the cassette is set to "Other".
*2 To change to a media type other than "Plain".
Media Type Setting (page 8-29).
When a paper weight that cannot be loaded in the cassette is set for a media type, that media type does not appear.
*3 To print on preprinted or prepunched paper or on letterhead.
SpecialPaper Act. (page 8-27)
Item Description
MP Tray Size Available options are as follows:
Value: A4, A5, A6, B5, B6, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Legal, Statement, Executive, Oficio II,
16K, ISO B5, Envelope #10, Envelope #9, Envelope #6, Envelope Monarch, Envelope DL,
Envelope C5, Hagaki (Cardstock), Oufuku Hagaki (Return postcard), Youkei 4, Youkei 2,
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
For Custom 1-8, settings for duplex printing and media type name can be changed.
Item Description
Duplex Print Permit Duplex printing allowed.
Name Change names for Custom 1-8. Names should be not more than 16 characters. Selecting
media type at multi purpose tray, the name after change will be displayed.
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Preset Limit
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Preset Limit] > [OK] key
Item Description
Preset Limit Restrict the number of copies that can be made at one time.
Value: 1 to 999 copies.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Measurement] > [OK] key
Item Description
Measurement Select inch or metric for the unit for paper dimensions.
Value: inch, mm
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Error Handling
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Error Handling] > [OK] key
Select whether to cancel or continue the job when error has occurred.
Item Description
DuplexPaperError Select what to do when duplex printing is not possible for the selected paper size and media type.
1-sided: Printed in 1-sided
Display Error: Message to cancel printing is displayed.
PaperMismatchErr Select what to do when the selected paper size or type does not match paper size or type
loaded in the specified paper source while printing from the computer by specifying the
cassette or multi-purpose tray.
Ignore: The setting is ignored and the job is printed.
Display Error: Message to cancel printing is displayed.
Date Setting
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Date Setting] > [OK] key
Configure settings related to the date and time.
Item Description
Date/Time Set the date and time for the location where you use the machine. When you send an E-mail
using the transmission function, the date and time as set here will be printed in the header of
the E-mail message.
Value: Year (2000 to 2037), Month (01 to 12), Day (01 to 31), Hour (00 to 23),
Min. (00 to 59), Second (00 to 59)
Setting Date and Time (page 2-16)
If you change the date/time while using the trial version of an application, you will no longer be
able to use the application.
Date Format Select the display format of year, month, and date. The year is displayed in Western notation.
Value: Month/Day/Year, Day/Month/Year, Year/Month/Day
Time Zone Set the time difference from GMT. Choose the nearest listed location from the list. If you select
a region that utilizes summer time, configure settings for summer time.
Summer Time
Setting Date and Time (page 2-16)
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Timer Setting
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Timer Setting] > [OK] key
Configure settings related to the time.
Item Description
Auto Panel Reset If no jobs are run for a certain period of time, automatically reset settings and return to the
default setting. Select to use Auto Panel Reset or not.
Value: Off, On
The time allowed to elapse before the panel is reset is set with the "PanelReset TimerPanel
Reset Timer".
PanelReset Timer (page 8-31)
PanelReset Timer If you select [On] for Auto Panel Reset, set the amount of time to wait before Auto Panel Reset.
Value: 5 to 495 seconds (in 5 second increments)
This function is displayed when [Auto Panel Reset] is set to [On].
Low Power Timer Set amount of time before entering the Low Power mode.
For Europe: 1 to 120 minutes (1 minute increments)
Except for Europe: 1 to 240 minutes (1 minute increments)
Low Power Mode (page 2-25)
(Detailed settings) Set whether to use the Energy Saver mode for the following functions individually:
• Card Reader*2
• Application
Value: Off, On
When the machine enters Energy Saver, the ID card cannot be recognized.
Sleep Rules (models for Select whether to use the Sleep mode for the following functions individually:
Europe) • Card Reader*2
• Application
Value: Off, On
When the machine enters Energy Saver, the ID card cannot be recognized.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
WeeklyTimer Set. Configure settings for switching the machine to OFF and waking it automatically at a specified
time for each day of the week.
Schedule Specify the time for each day of the week at which the machine turns OFF.
Retry Settings -
Limited Retries Select whether to limit the numbers of retries for turning OFF this machine.
Value: On, Off
Retry Times If you select [On] for Limited Retries, set the number of retries for turning OFF this machine.
Value: 0 to 10 times
Power Off Rule (models for Select whether or not the machine enters Power Off mode for the following function. Select
Europe) [On] to set the Power Off mode.
• Network
• FAX*3
• USB Cable
• USB Host
• RAM Disk
• NIC*4
• Remote Diag.
Even when any of the functions is set to [On], if [FAX] is set to [Off], the machine does not
enter Power Off Mode.
Even when [Network] or [USB Cable] is set to [Off], if the machine does not communicate with
the other devices, the machine will enter Power Off Mode.
Power Off Timer (models for Select whether to turn off the power automatically after a period of inactivity.
Europe) Value: 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, 9 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 2
days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days, 1 week
Auto Err. Clear If an error occurs during processing, processing stops to wait for the next step to be taken by
the user. In the Auto Error Clear mode, automatically clear the error after a set amount of time
Value: Off, On
Err. Clear Timer If you select [On] for Auto Error Clear, set the amount of time to wait before automatically
clearing errors.
Value: 5 to 495 seconds (in 5 second increments)
This function is displayed when [Auto Err. Clear] is set to [On].
Ping Timeout*3 Set the time until timeout occurs when [Ping] is executed in "System/Network".
Value: 1 to 30 seconds (in 1 second increments)
*1 When the optional Network Interface Kit is installed, this is not displayed.
*2 Displayed only when the optional Card Authentication Kit is activated.
*3 Only on products with the fax function installed.
*4 Displayed only when the optional Network Interface Kit is installed.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Function Defaults
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Function Defaults] >
[OK] key
Item Description
Color Selection Select the default color mode for scanning documents.
Value: Auto (Color/Gray), Auto (Color/B & W), Full Color, Grayscale, Black & White
[for OCR] is only available when "Color Selection" is set to [Auto (Color/B & W)] or [Black &
Zoom Select the enlarged/reduced default when paper size/sending size changed after the originals set.
Value: 100%, Auto
Prevent B-t Copy Set the default value for preventing bleed-through (Copy).
Value: Off, On
File Name Entry Set an automatically entered name (default) for jobs. Additional information such as Date and
Job No. can also be set.
File Name: Up to 32 characters can be entered.
Additional Info: None, Date, Job No., Job No. + Date, Date + Job No.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Subject/Body Set the subject and body automatically entered (default subject and body) when sending the
scanned originals by E-mail.
Subject: Up to 256 characters can be entered.
Body: Up to 500 characters can be entered.
JPEG/TIFF Print Select the image size (resolution) when printing JPEG or TIFF file.
Value: Paper Size, Image Resolution, Print Resolution
XPS FitTo Page Set the default value for the XPS fit to page function.
Value: Off, On
Detail Setting —
2 in 1 Layout Set the default for the 2-in-1 layout of Combine copies.
Value: L to R T to B, R to L B to T
4 in 1 Layout Set the default for the 4-in-1 layout of Combine copies.
Value: Right then Down, Down then Right, Left then Down, Down then Left
Border Line Set the default for the border line of Combine copies.
Value: None, Solid Line, Dotted Line, Positioning Mark
Orig. Binding Set the default binding side for duplex scanning.
Value: Left/Right, Top
Finish. Binding Set the default for the binding orientation of finished two-sided copies.
Value: Left/Right, Top
Color TIFF Comp. Select the compression method for sending the color documents in the TIFF format.
Value: TIFF V6, TTN2
High Comp. PDF Select the default quality setting for high compressed PDF files.
Value: Comp. Priority, Standard, Quality Priority
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Login Operation
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Login Operation] >
[OK] key
Item Description
Login Operation Select the screen to enter the login user name and password when logging in.
Value: Use Numeric Key, Select Character
This function will not be displayed when the optional SSD is installed.
Item Description
RAM Disk Mode A RAM disk can be created and its size can be set.
Creating a RAM disk makes it possible to print from a Job Box.
RAM Disk Mode: Off, On
RAM Disk Size: The setting range varies depending on the amount of memory installed
and the option memory usage setting.
After changing the setting, restart the network or turn the machine OFF and then ON.
Optional Memory
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Optional Memory] >
[OK] key
Item Description
Optional Memory When optional memory is installed, select the memory allocation scheme based on the
application in which you are using the equipment.
Value: Normal, Printer Priority, Copy Priority
After changing the setting, restart the network or turn the machine OFF and then ON.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Disp. Status/Log
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Disp. Status/Log] >
[OK] key
Item Description
Disp. Status/Log Set the display method of the Status/Log.
Keyboard Type
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Keyboard Type] >
[OK] key
Item Description
Keyboard Type Select the type of keyboard that you want to use.
Value: US-English, US-English with Euro, French, German, UK-English
Item Description
Low Toner Alert Set the amount of remaining toner to notify the administrator when to order a toner when the
toner is running low.
Value: Off, On
Selecting [Off] alerts you low toner when the amount of remaining toner becomes 5%.
If [On] is selected, set the amount of remaining toner to alert. The setting range is 5 to 100% (in
1% increments).
Show PowerOffMsg
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Show PowerOffMsg] >
[OK] key
Item Description
Show PowerOffMsg Set the mode whether display a confirmation message in power supply off.
Value: Off, On
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
EnergySaver Set.
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Common Settings] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [EnergySaver Set.] >
[OK] key
Item Description
Recovery Level Select the method of recovery from energy saver.
Full Recovery: This mode enables the use of all functions immediately. However,
this mode saves less energy.
Normal Recovery: In this mode, you can select the method from the following:
enabling the use of all functions immediately or enabling the use of
desired functions only.
If you want to use all functions immediately, press the power switch
to execute recovery.
Power Saving: This mode enables the use of desired functions only. This mode
saves energy most effectively.
Item Description
Msg Banner Print Set whether the confirmation screen appears before each sheet is printed when printing
multiple banner sheets.
Value: Off, On
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Copy] > [OK] key
Configures settings for copying functions.
Item Description
Paper Selection Set the default paper selection.
Value: Auto, Def. PaperSource
AutoPaperSelect. If [Auto] is selected for Paper Selection, set the paper size selection method when the zoom
MostSuitableSize: Select paper based on the current zoom and the size of the original.
Same as OrigSize: Select paper that matches the size of the original, regardless the
Auto % Priority When a paper source of different size from the original is selected, select whether automatic
zoom (reduce/zoom) is performed.
Value: Off, On
Reserve Priority Specify whether the default screen appears when a subsequent copy job is reserved while
printing is in progress. To have the default screen appear, select [On].
Value: Off, On
Select Key Set. Commonly used copying functions can be registered to the Select key. Functions can be easily
configured by selecting the Select key.
Value: None, Quiet Mode, Paper Selection, Collate, ID Card Copy, Duplex, Zoom,
Combine, Original Size, Orig. Orientation, Mixed Size Orig., Original Image, Density,
EcoPrint, Continuous Scan, File Name Entry, JobFinish Notice, Print Override,
Sharpness, Contrast, Backgrnd Density, Prevent Bleed-t, Skip Blank Page
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Printer] > [OK] key
Printing from computers, settings are generally made on the application software screen. However, the following
settings are available for configuring the defaults to customize the machine.
Item Description
Emulation Set. Select the emulation for operating this machine by commands oriented to other types of
Value: Line Printer, IBM Proprinter, EPSON LQ-850, PCL6, KPDL, KPDL (Auto)
When you have selected [KPDL] or [KPDL (Auto)], set "KPDL Error Rpt", too.
Alt. Emulation When you have selected [KPDL (Auto)] as emulation mode, you can switch between KPDL and
another emulation mode (alternative emulation) automatically according to the data to print.
Value: Line Printer, IBM Proprinter, EPSON LQ-850, PCL6
KPDL Error Rpt When an error has occurred during printing in KPDL emulation mode, set whether or not the
error report is output.
Value: Off, On
EcoPrint EcoPrint conserves toner when printing. This is recommended for test copies where faded
printing is not a problem.
Value: Off, On
Override A4/LTR Select whether to treat A4 size and Letter, which are similar in size, as the same size when
Off: A4 and Letter are not regarded as the same in size.
On: A4 and Letter are regarded as the same in size. The machine will use whichever size
is in the paper source.
Wide A4 Turn this to on to increase the maximum number of characters that can be printed in a line for
an A4 page (78 characters at 10 pitch) and Letter size page (80 characters at 10 pitch). This
setting is only effective in PCL6 emulation.
Value: Off, On
FormFeed TimeOut Receiving print data from the computer, the machine may sometimes wait if there is no
information signaling that the last page does not have any more data to be printed. When the
preset timeout passes, the machine automatically prints paper. The options are between 5 and
495 seconds.
Value: 5 to 495 seconds (in 5 second increments)
LF Action Set the line feed action when the machine receives the line feed code (character code 0AH).
Value: LF Only, LF and CR, Ignore LF
CR Action Set the character return action when the machine receives the character return code (character
code 0DH).
Value: CR Only, LF and CR, Ignore CR
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Job Name Set whether the job name set in the printer driver is displayed.
Value: Off, On
When selecting [On], select the job name to be displayed from [Job Name], [Job No.+Job
Name], or [Job Name+Job No.].
User Name Set whether the user name set in the printer driver is displayed.
Value: Off, On
MP Tray Priority If paper is set in the MP Tray then it is possible for priority to be given to that MP tray in the
paper feed.
Off: The printer driver settings are followed.
Auto Feed: If Auto is selected in the printer driver and there is paper in the MP tray then
the paper feed will be from the MP tray.
Always: If there is paper in the MP tray then the paper feed will be from the MP tray
regardless of what is set in the printer driver.
Paper Feed Mode While printing from the computer, select how to feed paper when the paper source and type are
Auto: Search the paper source that matches the selected paper size and type.
Fixed: Print on paper loaded in the specified paper source.
Auto Cass.Change Select the following actions when the paper runs out in the paper source while printing.
Value: Off, On
When selecting [Off], the machine displays "Load paper in cassette #." (# is a cassette
number) or "Load paper in MP Tray", and stops printing.
Load the paper according to the paper source displayed to resume printing.
To print from the other paper source, select [Paper]. Select the desired paper source, and then
select the [OK] key.
When selecting [On], the machine continues printing automatically when the other cassette
contains the same paper as the currently-used cassette.
Settings that are received from the printer driver have priority over the operation panel settings.
KIR The machine is equipped with the smoothing function, which realizes an excellent printing of
about 9600 dpi (600 dpi × 15 gradation) × 600 dpi.
Value: Off, On
Job Terminator Set the condition to be regarded as the job end if the print job has not been processed to the
end due to the usage environment or for other reasons.
EOJ (End of Job): Up to the detection of a command indicating the end of job data is
regarded as one job.
End of Session: Data contained in one session of network connection is regarded as
one job.
UEL (Universal Exit Language): Up to detection of UEL at the end of the job is regarded
as one job.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Send] > [OK] key
Configures settings for sending functions.
Item Description
Select Key Set. Commonly used sending functions can be registered to the Select key. Functions can be easily
configured by selecting the Select key.
Value: None, Quiet Mode, Color Selection, Original Size, Original Image,
Scan Resolution, Sending Size, Zoom, Orig. Orientation, Mixed Size Orig.,
Continuous Scan, File Format, File Name Entry, Subject/Body, Long Original,
JobFinish Notice, FAX Resolution*1, FAX Direct TX*1, FAX Delayed TX*1,
FAX RX Polling*1, FAX TX Report*1, Density, Duplex, FTP Encrypted TX, File Separation,
Sharpness, Backgrnd Density, Prevent Bleed-t, Skip Blank Page
Check beforeSend Select whether to display the confirmation screen of destinations after pressing the [Start] key
when performing sending jobs.
Value: Off, On
Check New Dest. When adding new destination, select whether to display the entry check screen to check the
entered destination.
Value: Off, On
Recall Dest. Select whether to permit usage of [Recall] on the Send screen.*2
Value: Permit, Prohibit
Default Screen Use this procedure to set the default screen displayed when you select the [Send] key.
Value: Destination, Address Book
Send and Forward Set whether to send the original to another destination and store it when sending images.
When selecting [On], select rules to forward from [E-mail], [Folder (SMB)], [Folder (FTP)] and
Destination Set the destination to which the original is forwarded. One destination can be set. You can
check and edit the set address.
Follow the steps below to register the destination.
• Address Book
• Address Entry
Specifying Destination (page 5-14)
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [FAX] > [OK] key
Configure settings for FAX.
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Document Box
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Document Box] > [OK] key
Configures settings related to the Custom Box, Job Box, Sub Address Box and Polling Box.
Item Description
Custom Box Configure settings for Custom Box.
File Del. Time Set the time to automatically delete stored documents.
Value: Hour (00 to 23), Min. (00 to 59)
Quick Copy Jobs To maintain free space on the box, you can set the maximum number of stored jobs.
Value: number between 0 and 300
When 0 is set, Quick Copy cannot be used.
JobRet. Deletion This setting specifies that documents, such as Private Printing, Quick Copying, or Proof and
Hold Printing, saved temporarily in the job box are automatically deleted after they have been
saved for a set time.
Value: Off, 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day, 1 week
This function is valid for documents saved after the function is set. Regardless of this function
setting, temporary documents are deleted when the main power switch is turned off.
This setting is not displayed if the optional SSD or SD card is not installed.
Select Key Set. Commonly used printing and storing functions can be registered to the Select key. Functions
used when printing and when saving can both be registered. Functions can be easily
configured by selecting the Select key.
Print: None, Quiet Mode, Collate*2, Paper Selection*2, Duplex*2, EcoPrint*2,
File Name Entry, JobFinish Notice, Print Override, Encrypted PDF*3, JPEG/TIFF Print*3,
XPS FitTo Page*3, Del. after Print*4
Store: None, Quiet Mode, Color Selection*5, Original Size, Original Image,
Scan Resolution, Storing Size*5, Zoom*5, Orig. Orientation, Mixed Size Org.*5,
Continuous Scan, Long Original, File Format*5, File Separation*5, File Name Entry,
JobFinish Notice, Density, Duplex, Sharpness*5, Contrast*5, Backgrnd Density*5, Prevent
Bleed-t*5, Skip Blank Page
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Edit Destination
Address Book
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Edit Destination] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Address Book] > [OK] key
Configure settings for address book.
Adding a Destination (Address Book) (page 3-25)
Edit Restriction
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Edit Destination] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Edit Restriction] > [OK] key
Item Description
Address Book Restrict editing of the address book. If you selected [Admin. Only], you can only edit the
Address Book by logging in with administrator privileges.
Value: Off, Admin. Only
One Touch Key Restrict editing of the One Touch Key. If you selected [Admin. Only], you can only edit the One
Touch Key by logging in with administrator privileges.
Value: Off, Admin. Only
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Edit Destination] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [AddrBookDefaults] > [OK] key
This function does not appear when the External Address Book is not set.
Item Description
Address Book Set the type of address book that appears when the address book is displayed.
Value: Machine AddrBook, Ext Address Book
Print List
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Edit Destination] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Print List] > [OK] key
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
[System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Adjust/Maint.] > [OK] key
Adjust printing quality and conduct machine maintenance.
Item Description
Quiet Mode Lower print and scan speed for quiet processing.
Quiet Mode Set the Quiet Mode. Select this mode when the running noise is uncomfortable.
Value: Off, On
Each Job It is possible to set the use of Quiet Mode for each job, such as copying and sending. Set
whether or not to permit the setting for each job.
Value: Permit, Prohibit
Send/Box Density Adjust scan density when sending or storing the data in Document Box.
Value: -3 Lighter, -2, -1, 0 Normal, +1, +2, +3 Darker
Contrast (Send) Increases or decreases the overall contrast when documents are sent or saved in a document
Value: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
Copy (Auto) Darkens or lightens overall background density adjustment during copying.
Value: -3 Lighter, -2, -1, 0 Normal, +1, +2, +3 Darker
Send/Box (Auto) Darkens or lightens overall background density when sending images or storing them in the
Document Box.
Value: -3 Lighter, -2, -1, 0 Normal, +1, +2, +3 Darker
Save Level(Copy) Select the default EcoPrint Setting at the time of copying.
Value: 1 (Lower) to 5 (Higher)
Raising the level reduces toner consumption, but image quality falls.
SaveLvl(Printer) Select the default EcoPrint Setting at the time of use of the printer.
Value: 1 (Lower) to 5 (Higher)
Raising the level reduces toner consumption, but image quality falls.
AutoColorCorrect This setting allows you to adjust the detection level used by the machine to determine whether
the original is color or black and white during Auto Color Mode. Setting a lower value will result
in more originals being identified as color, while a larger value will tend to increase the number
of originals being identified as black and white.
Value: 1 to 5
Setup and Registration (System Menu) > System Menu
Item Description
Correct. Bk Line Correct fine lines (streaks caused by contamination), which may appear on the image, when
the document processor is used.
Off: No correction performed. Select this when you want to reproduce fine lines in the
original more clearly than with [On].
On: Correction performed.
Service Setting Settings for machine maintenance and inspection. This menu is primarily used by service
technicians to perform maintenance.
9 User Authentication and
Accounting (User Login,
Job Accounting)
This chapter explains the following topics:
Overview of User Login Administration .............................................................................................................. 9-2
Enabling User Login Administration ................................................................................................................... 9-3
Setting User Login Administration ...................................................................................................................... 9-5
Authentication Security ............................................................................................................................ 9-5
Adding a User (Local User List) ............................................................................................................... 9-6
Changing User Properties ....................................................................................................................... 9-9
User Login Administration for Printing .................................................................................................... 9-11
To Manage the Users to Scan Using TWAIN ......................................................................................... 9-13
To Manage the Users to Scan Using WIA ............................................................................................. 9-14
To Manage the Users that Send Faxes from a PC ................................................................................ 9-15
Local Authoriz. (Local Authorization) ..................................................................................................... 9-16
Group Auth. (Group Authorization Settings) .......................................................................................... 9-17
Guest Authorization Set. ........................................................................................................................ 9-18
NW User Property (Obtain Network User Property) .............................................................................. 9-21
ID Card Settings .................................................................................................................................... 9-22
PIN Login Settings ................................................................................................................................. 9-23
Using User Login Administration ...................................................................................................................... 9-24
Login/Logout .......................................................................................................................................... 9-24
Overview of Job Accounting ............................................................................................................................ 9-25
Enabling Job Accounting ................................................................................................................................. 9-26
Job Accounting Access .......................................................................................................................... 9-27
Setting an Account ........................................................................................................................................... 9-28
Adding an Account ................................................................................................................................. 9-28
Restricting the Use of the Machine ........................................................................................................ 9-30
Editing an Account ................................................................................................................................. 9-31
Deleting an Account ............................................................................................................................... 9-32
Job Accounting for Printing .................................................................................................................... 9-33
Job Accounting for Scan Using TWAIN ................................................................................................. 9-34
Job Accounting for Scan Using WIA ...................................................................................................... 9-35
Job Accounting for the FAX Transmitted from a Computer ................................................................... 9-36
Configuring Job Accounting ............................................................................................................................. 9-37
Default Setting ....................................................................................................................................... 9-37
Counting the Number of Pages Printed ................................................................................................. 9-39
Print Accounting Report ......................................................................................................................... 9-40
Using Job Accounting ...................................................................................................................................... 9-41
Login/Logout .......................................................................................................................................... 9-41
Unknown User Settings ................................................................................................................................... 9-42
Unknown ID Job .................................................................................................................................... 9-42
Registering Information for a User whose ID is Unknown ..................................................................... 9-43
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Overview of User Login Administration
1 Enable User Login 2 Set the user 3 Enter the login user name and
Administration (page 9-6) password and execute the job
(page 9-3) (page 9-24)
Access are in three levels - "User", "Administrator", and "Machine Administrator". The security levels can be modified
only by the "Machine Administrator".
User A
User B
User C
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Enabling User Login Administration
Item Descriptions
Local Authentication User authentication based on user properties on the local user list stored in the
Network Authentication User authentication based on Authentication Server. Use a user property stored
in Authentication Server to access the network authentication login page.
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator privileges.
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key
Select [Off] to disable user login administration.
1 [▲] [▼] key > [NTLM], [Kerberos] or [Ext.] > [OK] key
2 Enter the host name (64 characters or less) for the Authentication Server and select the
[OK] key.
3 Select the domain name for the Authentication Server, and select the [OK] key.
If the domain has not been set, select the number where "----------------" is displayed and select
[Menu]. Select [Edit] and select the [OK] key then enter the domain name (in 256 characters or less).
Select the [OK] key and the domain will be registered.
To edit or delete a domain name that has already been registered, select that domain name and
select [Menu].
Up to 10 domain names can be registered.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Enabling User Login Administration
4 When selecting [Ext.] as the server type, enter the port number and select the [OK] key.
If the login user name and password are rejected, check the following settings.
• Network Authentication setting of the machine
• User property of the Authentication Server
• Date and time setting of the machine and the Authentication Server
If you cannot login because of the setting of the machine, login with any administrator
registered in the local user list and correct the settings.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
Authentication Security
If user authentication is enabled, configure the user authentication settings.
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Account Lockout] > [OK] key
Item Descriptions
Lockout Select whether or not account lockout policy is enabled.
Value: Off, On
Lockout Policy Specify the conditions and the extent to which the account lockout is
Number of Specify how many login retries are allowed until the account is locked out.
Retries Value: 1 to 10 times
Lockout Duration Specify how long the account is to be locked out until it is unlocked.
Value: 1 to 60 minutes
Lockout Target Specify the extent to which the account lockout is applied. [Remote Only]
locks out all operations from outside the operation panel.
Value: All, Remote Only
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
By default, one of each default user with machine administrator rights and administrator privileges is already stored.
Each user's properties are:
Machine Administrator
User Name: DeviceAdmin
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
Access Level: Machine Administrator
User Name: Admin
Login User Name: Admin
Login Password: Admin
Access Level: Administrator
* Upper case and lower case letters are distinguished (case sensitive).
It is recommended to periodically change the user name, login user name and login password regularly for your
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Local User List] > [OK] key >
[Menu] > [▲] [▼] key > [Add User] > [OK] key
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
For details on entering characters, refer to the the following:
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
2 Enter the login user name to login (up to 64 characters) and select the [OK] key.
The same login user name cannot be registered.
3 To enter detailed user information, select [▲] [▼] key > [Detail] > [OK] key
To exit the operation, select [▲] [▼] key > [Exit] > [OK] key
Item Descriptions
User Name*1 Enter the name displayed on the user list (up to 32 characters).
Login User Enter the login user name to login (up to 64 characters). The same login user
Name*1 name cannot be registered.
Login Password Enter the password to login (up to 64 characters). Reenter the same password
for confirmation and select the [OK] key.
E-mail Address The user can register his/her E-mail address. The registered address will be
automatically selected for subsequent operations that need any E-mail function.
Account Name Add an account where the user belongs. The user, who registered his/her
account name, can login without entering the account ID.
Overview of Job Accounting (page 9-25)
ID Card Info. Register ID card information. Select [Read] and the [OK] key.
Place the ID card on the ID card reader, and select [Read].
This function is displayed when the optional ID Card Authentication Kit is
Card Authentication Kit(B) "Card Authentication Kit" (page 11-3)
To delete IC card information, select [Delete] > [OK] key.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
Item Descriptions
Authoriz. Rules*1 Set usage authority for each user.
Select [Edit] for each item, change the restrictions and then select the [OK] key.
Select the [►] key to view the next screen. Select the [◄] key to return to the
previous screen.
The following restriction items are available:
Print Restrict.:
Select whether or not use of the print function of the printer is prohibited.
Applicable print functions are as follows:
• Print from Box
• Print from Removable Memory
• Print Report
• Print from PC
Copy Restrict.:
Select whether or not use of the copy print function is prohibited.
Duplex Restrict:
Select whether only duplex printing is allowed.
Specify whether only Combine is allowed.
EcoPrint Restr.:
Specify whether only EcoPrint is allowed.
Send Restrict.:
Select whether or not use of the send function is prohibited.
FAX Restrict.*2:
Select whether or not use of the fax send function is prohibited.
Storing in Box:
Select whether or not use of the box store function is prohibited.
Select whether or not use of the removable memory store function is prohibited.
My Panel You can register the language selection, and initial screen for each user.
Settings registered here can be applied simply by logging in.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
To change the user information of the machine administrator, you must log in with machine administrator authority.
You can only view user information if you log in as a regular user.
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Local User List] > [OK] key
1 Select the user whose properties you wish to change, and the [OK] key.
2 Refer to step 2 of "Adding a User (Local User List)" to change a user property.
Deleting a user
1 Select the user whose properties you wish to delete, and [Menu].
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Delete] > [OK] key > [Yes]
The selected user will be deleted.
The default user with machine administrator rights cannot be deleted.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
Item Description
User Name Changes the name shown on the user list. Up to 32 characters can be
Login User Name Displays the login user name that is entered at login.
E-mail Address Changes the user's e-mail address. Up to 256 characters can be
This cannot be changed for network authentication.
This function is displayed when the optional ID Card Authentication
Kit is activated.
Card Authentication Kit(B) "Card Authentication Kit" (page 11-3)
This function does not appear when the server type is set to [Ext.] in
Network Authentication, and logged in with the user account
certificated in the server specified as the [Ext.] server type.
My Panel Register the language and default screen for each user.
My Panel (page 9-8)
Network users are not displayed.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
In Windows 7, click [Start] button on the Windows, and then click [Devices and
2 Right-click the printer driver icon of the machine, and click the [Printer properties] menu of
the printer driver.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
3 Click [OK].
For other settings of job accounting, refer to the following:
Printer Driver User Guide
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
In Windows 7, select [Start] button on the Windows, [All Programs], [Kyocera] and then
[TWAIN Driver Setting].
2 Select the checkbox beside [Authentication], and enter Login User Name and Password.
3 Click [OK].
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
In Windows 7, click [Start] button on the Windows and enter [Scanner] in [Program and
File Search]. Click [View scanners and cameras] in the search list then the Scanners
and Cameras screen appears.
2 Select the same name as this machine from WIA Drivers, and press [Properties].
1 2
2 Click [OK].
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
In Windows 7, click [Start] button on the Windows, and then click [Devices and
2 Right-click the printer driver icon of the machine, and click the [Printer properties] menu of
the printer driver.
3 Click [OK].
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
When using Local Authorization, the user authentication type must be set to [Local Authoriz.].
Enabling User Login Administration (page 9-3)
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
• To use the group authorization settings, [Netwk Authentic.] must be selected for the authentication method in
"Enabling User Login Administration". Select "On" for "LDAP" in "Protocol Settings".
Enabling User Login Administration (page 9-3)
ProtocolSettings (page 8-12)
• Setting to use group authorization is performed from the operation panel. The groups should be registered with
Command Center RX.
Command Center RX User Guide
Group Authorization
Use the group authorization.
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
To use Guest Authorization Set., User Login Administration must be enabled in "Enabling User Login Administration".
Enabling User Login Administration (page 9-3)
Guest Authorization
Use the guest authorization.
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Guest Auth. Set.] >
[OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Guest Auth.] > [OK] key
If the guest authorization setting is enabled, the [Authentication/Logout] key must be
selected when logging in.
In the guest user default settings, only monochrome copying can be used. If you wish to use
a different function, log in as a user who can use that function, or change the settings in the
guest properties.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
Guest Property
Register guest user information and functions that are restricted.
The table below explains the user information to be registered.
Item Descriptions
User Name Enter the name displayed on the user list (up to 32 characters).
The default setting is "Guest User".
Access Level The authority of the user appears. This cannot be changed.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
• To obtain the network user property from the LDAP server, [Netwk Authentic.] must be selected for the
authentication method in "Enabling User Login Administration". Select "On" for "LDAP" in "Protocol Settings".
Enabling User Login Administration (page 9-3)
ProtocolSettings (page 8-12)
• Setting to obtain network user information is performed from the operation panel. The details of the information to be
obtained should be set with Command Center RX.
Command Center RX User Guide
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
ID Card Settings
If ID card authentication is enabled, select the authentication type.
This functions appears when the Card Authentication kit is activated.
Card Authentication Kit(B) "Card Authentication Kit" (page 11-3)
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key
Item Descriptions
Key Login When ID card authentication is enabled, select whether or not login by
keyboard is allowed.
Value: Permit, Prohibit
Additional Auth.*1 Select whether or not to require password entry after authenticating by ID
Value: Off, Use Password, Use PIN
*1 This function does not appear when the server type is set to [NTLM] or [Kerberos] in "Netwk
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting User Login Administration
This setting is only displayed when [Netwk Authentic.] must be selected for the authentication method and the server
type is set to [Ext.] in "Netwk Authentic.".
Enabling User Login Administration (page 9-3)
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator privileges.
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [User Login Set.] > [OK] key
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Using User Login Administration
If user login administration is enabled, the login user name and login password entry screen appears each time you use
this machine.
Use the procedure below to login and logout.
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, log in by referring to the following:
Login (page 2-14)
When the operations are complete, select the [Authentication/Logout] key to return to the login user name and login
password entry screen.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Overview of Job Accounting
1 Enable job 2 Setting an 3 Enter the assigned account 4 Count the number of pages
accounting. (Refer account. (Refer ID when performing the copied, printed, scanned
to page 9-26.) to page 9-28.) job. (Refer to page 9-24.) and faxed.
A: 00000001
A: 00000001
C: 00000003
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Enabling Job Accounting
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
• To disable job accounting, select [Off].
• When the display returns to System Menu default screen, logout is automatically executed
and the screen to enter the Account ID appears. To continue the operation, enter the
Account ID.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Enabling Job Accounting
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting an Account
Setting an Account
You can add, change and delete an account and set the restriction for each account.
Adding an Account
Up to 100 individual accounts can be added. The following entries are required.
Item Descriptions
Account Name Enter the account name (up to 32 characters).
Account ID Enter the account ID as many as eight digits (between 0 and 99999999).
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Job Account.Set.] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Account. List] > [OK] key >
[Menu] > [▲] [▼] key > [Add Account] > [OK] key
For details on entering characters, refer to the the following:
Character Entry Method (page 11-9)
Any "Account ID" that has already registered cannot be used. Enter any other account
3 To apply restriction to the account ID, select [▲] [▼] key > [Detail] > [OK] key.
To exit the operation, select [▲] [▼] key > [Exit] > [OK] key.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting an Account
4 Check the account name and account ID and set the use restrictions.
To change the details, select [Edit], enter the information and then select the [OK] key. Select the [►]
key to view the next screen. Select the [◄] key to return to the previous screen.
Restricting the Use of the Machine (page 9-30)
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting an Account
Restriction Items
"Individual" selected for Copy/Printer Count"Split" selected for Copy/Printer Count
Item Descriptions
Print Restrict Copier Limits the number of sheets used for copying.
Print Restrict Printer Limits the number of sheets used for printing.
Scan Restrict. Others Limits the number of sheets scanned (excludes copying).
FAX TX Restrict Limits the number of sheets sent by fax. This is displayed only on products with the
fax function installed.
Item Descriptions
Print Restrict. Limits the total number of sheets used for copying and printing.
Scan Restrict. Others Limits the number of sheets scanned (excludes copying).
FAX TX Restrict Limits the number of sheets sent by fax. This is displayed only on products with the
fax function installed.
Applying Restriction
Restriction can be applied in the following modes:
Item Descriptions
Off No restriction is applied.
Counter Limit*1 Restricts the print counter in one-page increments up to 9,999,999 copies.
*1 If [Counter Limit] is selected, the [Limit Pages] screen appears after the [OK] key is selected. Enter a counter limit on
pages using the numeric keys, and select the [OK] key.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting an Account
Editing an Account
This changes the registered account information.
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Job Account.Set.] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Account. List] > [OK] key
2 Edit an account.
1 Select the account you want to change and select the [OK] key.
The account information can be changed by selecting [Menu], selecting [Detail/Edit] and
then selecting the [OK] key.
2 Refer to step 2 of "Adding an Account" and "Restricting the Use of the Machine" to change
account information.
Adding an Account (page 9-28)
Restricting the Use of the Machine (page 9-30)
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting an Account
Deleting an Account
This deletes the account.
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Job Account.Set.] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [Account. List] > [OK] key
2 Delete an account.
1 Select the account you want to delete and [Menu].
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Delete] > [OK] key > [Yes]
The account is deleted.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting an Account
In Windows 7, click [Start] button on the Windows, and then click [Devices and
2 Right-click the printer driver icon of the machine, and click the [Printer properties] menu of
the printer driver.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting an Account
3 Click [OK].
For other settings of job accounting, refer to the following:
Printer Driver User Guide
In Windows 7, select [Start] button on the Windows, [All Programs], [Kyocera] and then
[TWAIN Driver Setting].
2 Select the checkbox beside [Account], and enter the account ID.
3 Click [OK].
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting an Account
In Windows 7, click [Start] button on the Windows and enter [Scanner] in [Program and
File Search]. Click [View scanners and cameras] in the search list then the Scanners
and Cameras screen appears.
2 Select the same name as this machine from WIA Drivers, and press [Properties].
2 Click [OK].
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Setting an Account
FAX functions are available only on products with the fax function installed.
In Windows 7, click [Start] button on the Windows, and then click [Devices and
2 Right click the name of the machine to be used as the FAX Driver and select [Printing
preferences] from the resulting pull-down menu.
3 Click [OK].
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Configuring Job Accounting
Item Description
Apply Limit This specifies how the machine behaves when the counter has reached the limit of restriction.
The table below describes the action taken.
Immediately: Job stops when the counter reaches its limit. The next job will be
prohibited in sending or in storing in the box.
Subsequently: Printing/scanning of the job continues but the subsequent job will be
Alert Only: Job continues while displaying an alert message.
Copy/Print Count You can select how the copying and printing page counts are shown - either the total of both or
each of copying and printing individually (Split). The selection may influence restriction on the
count and count method.
Value: Total, Split
Restricting the Use of the Machine (page 9-30)
Print Accounting Report (page 9-40)
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Configuring Job Accounting
Item Description
Counter Limit When you add a new account, you can change the default restrictions on the number of sheets
used. You can set any number from 1 to 9,999,999.
The items that can be set differ depending on whether [Split] or [Total] is selected for [Copy/
Print Count].
Copy/Print Count (page 9-37)
Copy Restriction Sets the default restriction on the number of sheets used for copying.
Print Restrict. Sets the default restriction on the number of sheets used for printing.
ScanRest.(Other) Sets the default restriction on the number of sheets used for scanning (excludes copying).
FAX Restriction Sets the default restriction on the number of sheets used for sending faxes.
Print Restrict. Sets the default restriction on the total number of sheets used for copying and printing.
ScanRest.(Other) Sets the default restriction on the number of sheets used for scanning (excludes copying).
FAX Restriction*1 Sets the default restriction on the number of sheets used for sending faxes.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Configuring Job Accounting
Total Accounting
This counts the number of pages for all accounts and resets the counts for those accounts together at the same time.
Item Descriptions
Printed Pages Displays the number of pages copied and printed, and the total number of pages used. You can
also use [FAX RX Pages]*1, [Duplex Pages] and [Combine Pages] to check the number of
pages used.
Copy/Print Pages Displays the number of pages copied and printed, and the total number of pages used. Select
the [►] key to view the next screen. Select the [◄] key to return to the previous screen.
Total PrintPages Displays the total number of pages used for copying and printing.
Duplex Pages Displays the number of pages printed in [1-Sided] mode, [2-Sided] mode, and the total pages
in both modes. Select the [►] key to view the next screen. Select the [◄] key to return to the
previous screen.
Combine Pages Displays the number of pages printed in [None] (no Combine) mode, [2 in 1] mode, [4 in 1]
mode, and the total pages in both modes. Select the [►] key to view the next screen. Select the
[◄] key to return to the previous screen.
Scanned Pages Displays the number of pages scanned for copying, faxing and other functions, as well as the
total number of pages scanned. Select the [►] key to view the next screen. Select the [◄] key
to return to the previous screen.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Configuring Job Accounting
1 Prepare paper.
Check that A4 or Letter paper is loaded in the cassette.
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Using Job Accounting
If job accounting is enabled, an account ID entry screen appears each time you use this machine.
Use the procedure below to login and logout.
1 In the account ID entry screen, enter the account ID using the numeric keys and select the
[OK] key.
• If you entered a wrong character, select the [Clear] key and enter the account ID
• If the entered account ID does not match the registered ID, a warning beep will sound
and login will fail. Enter the correct account ID.
• By selecting [Counter], you can refer to the number of pages printed and the number
of pages scanned.
When the screen to enter the login user name and password appears
If user login administration is enabled, the screen to enter the login user name and password
appears. Enter a login user name and password to login. If the user has already registered the
account information, the account ID entry would be skipped.
Adding a User (Local User List) (page 9-6)
When the operations are complete, select the [Authentication/Logout] key to return to the account ID entry screen.
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Unknown User Settings
Item Descriptions
Permit The job is permitted to be printed.
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator privileges.
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Unknown User] key > [OK] key
User Authentication and Accounting (User Login, Job Accounting) > Unknown User Settings
This functions appears when [Unknown ID Job] is set to [Permit].
Unknown ID Job (page 9-42)
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator privileges.
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
2 [▲] [▼] key > [Unknown User] > [OK] key > [▲] [▼] key > [User Property] > [OK] key
Item Descriptions
User Name Enter the name displayed on the user list (up to 32 characters).
This is displayed when user login administration is enabled.
This is displayed when job accounting is enabled.
10 Troubleshooting
This chapter explains the following topics:
Regular Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................... 10-2
Cleaning ................................................................................................................................................. 10-2
Toner Container Replacement ............................................................................................................... 10-5
Waste Toner Box Replacement ............................................................................................................. 10-9
Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................................. 10-11
Solving Malfunctions ............................................................................................................................. 10-11
Responding to Messages .................................................................................................................... 10-16
Clearing Paper Jams ........................................................................................................................... 10-27
Troubleshooting > Regular Maintenance
Regular Maintenance
Clean the machine regularly to ensure optimum printing quality.
For safety, always unplug the power cord before cleaning the machine.
Glass Platen
Wipe the inside of the document processor and the glass platen with a soft cloth dampened with alcohol or mild
Do not use thinner or other organic solvents.
Slit Glass
When using the document processor, clean the slit glass surface and the reading guide with the dry cloth.
Do not use water, soap or solvents for cleaning.
Dirt on the slit glass or the reading guide may cause black streaks to appear in the output.
Troubleshooting > Regular Maintenance
Registration Roller
Transfer roller
Be careful not to touch the black transfer roller and brown transfer belt during
cleaning as this may adversely affect print quality.
Troubleshooting > Regular Maintenance
Use a lint free cloth to clean dust and dirt away from the vents.
Troubleshooting > Regular Maintenance
• The average number of images that can be printed with the toner container provided with the machine is 6,000
• To maintain quality, we recommend using genuine Kyocera toner containers, which must pass numerous quality
• The memory chip in the toner container of this product stores information necessary for improving customer
convenience, operation of the recycling system for used toner containers, and planning and development of new
products. The stored information does not include information that makes it possible to identify individuals, and is
only used anonymously for the above purposes.
Do not attempt to incinerate parts which contain toner. Dangerous sparks may cause burns.
Troubleshooting > Regular Maintenance
When removing the toner container from the machine, lift up the right hand side first.
Troubleshooting > Regular Maintenance
Do not touch the points shown below.
Troubleshooting > Regular Maintenance
• If the front cover does not close, check that the new toner container is installed correctly (in step 7).
• Return the exhausted toner container to your dealer or service representative. The collected toner container will be
recycled or disposed in accordance with the relevant regulations.
Troubleshooting > Regular Maintenance
Do not attempt to incinerate parts which contain toner. Dangerous sparks may cause burns.
Troubleshooting > Regular Maintenance
Return the exhausted waste toner box to your dealer or service representative. The collected waste toner box will be
recycled or disposed in accordance with the relevant regulations.
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Solving Malfunctions
The table below provides general guidelines for problem solving.
If a problem occurs with your machine, look into the checkpoints and perform procedures indicated on the following
pages. If the problem persists, contact your Service Representative.
When contacting us, the serial number will be necessary.
To check the serial number, refer to the following:
Checking the Equipment's Serial Number (page i)
Symptom Checkpoints Corrective Actions
The screen does not Check the power cord. Connect both ends of the power cord page 2-9
respond when the main securely.
power switch is turned on.
Pressing the [Start] key Is there a message on the screen? Determine the appropriate response to page 10-16
does not produce copies. the message and respond accordingly.
Is the machine in Sleep mode? Select any key on the operation panel to page 2-26
recover the machine from Sleep mode.
Blank sheets are ejected. Are the originals loaded correctly? When placing originals on the platen, page 5-2
place them face-down and align them
with the original size indicator plates.
Printouts are totally too light. Is the paper damp? Replace the paper with new paper. page 3-2
Have you changed the density? Select appropriate density level. page 6-12
page 8-44
Is the toner distributed evenly within the Shake the toner container from side to page 10-5
toner container? side several times.
Printouts are too dark even Have you changed the density? Select appropriate density level. page 6-12
though the background of page 8-44
the scanned original is white.
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Symptom Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Copies have a moire pattern Is the original a printed photograph? Set the original image to [Photo]. page 6-13
(dots grouped together in
patterns and not aligned
Texts are not clearly printed. Did you choose appropriate image Select appropriate image quality. page 6-13
quality for the original?
Black dots appear on the Is the original holder or the glass platen Clean the original holder or the glass page 10-2
white background when dirty? platen.
white original is scanned.
Printouts are fuzzy. Is the machine being used in conditions Use in an environment that has suitable ―
of very humid, or humidity or humidity.
temperature rapidly changes?
Images are skewed. Are the originals placed correctly? When placing originals on the platen, align page 5-2
them with the original size indicator plates.
Is the paper loaded correctly? Check the position of the paper width page 3-4
guides. page 3-8
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Symptom Checkpoints Corrective Actions
The altitude is 1000 m or ― Select the [System Menu/Counter] key ―
higher and dots appear in > [Adjust/Maint.] > [Service Setting] >
the image. [Altitude Adj.], and set to an elevation
one level higher than the current setting.
Paper often jams. Is the paper loaded correctly? Load the paper correctly. page 3-2
Is the paper of the supported type? Is it Remove the paper, turn it over, and page 3-4
in good condition? reload it.
Is the paper curled, folded or wrinkled? Replace the paper with new paper. page 3-4
Are there any loose scraps or jammed Remove any jammed paper. page 10-27
paper in the machine?
Printouts are wrinkled. Is the paper loaded correctly? Load the paper correctly. page 3-2
Is the paper damp? Replace the paper with new paper. page 3-2
Printouts are curled. Is the paper damp? Replace the paper with new paper. page 3-2
Cannot print. Is the machine plugged in? Plug the power cord into an AC outlet. ―
Is the machine powered on? Turn on the power switch. page 2-10
Are the USB cable and network cable Connect the correct USB cable and page 2-8
connected? network cable securely.
Cannot print with USB Is the USB host blocked? Select [Unblock] in the USB host page 8-20
memory. settings.
USB memory not
― Check that the USB memory is securely ―
plugged into the machine.
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Symptom Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Printouts have vertical lines. Is the slit glass dirty? Clean the slit glass. page 10-2
Dirt on the top edge or back Is the interior of the machine dirty? Clean the interior of the machine. page 10-3
of the paper.
Print on the back of the ― Set [Prevent Bleed-through] to [On]. page 6-16
sheet is visible on the front. page 8-33
Lines appear on ruled lines. Is the paper damp? Replace the paper with new paper. page 3-2
Part of the image has come ― Select the [System Menu/Counter] key ―
off (poor toner fixation). > [Adjust / Maint.] > [Service Setting]
> [Fuser Adjustment], and set to [2].
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Symptom Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Cannot send via SMB. Is the network cable connected? Connect the correct network cable page 2-8
Have the network settings for the Configure the TCP/IP settings properly. page 8-17
equipment been configured properly?
Have the folder sharing settings been Check sharing settings and access page 3-17
configured properly? privileges under the folder properties.
Has the SMB protocol been set to [On]? Set the SMB protocol setting to [On]. page 8-13
Has [Host Name] been entered Check the name of the computer to page 5-17
properly? *1 which data is being sent.
Has [Path] been entered properly? Check the share name for the shared page 5-17
Has [Login User Name] been entered Check the domain name and login user page 5-17
properly? *1 *2 name.
Has the same domain name been used for Delete the domain name and backslash page 5-17
[Host Name] and [Login User Name]? ("/") from [Login User Name].
Has [Login Password] been entered Check the login password. page 5-17
Have exceptions for Windows Firewall Configure exceptions for Windows page 3-21
been configured properly? Firewall properly.
Do the time settings for the equipment, Set the equipment, domain server, and ―
domain server, and data destination data destination computer to the same
computer differ? time.
Is the screen displaying Send error? Refer to Responding to Send Error. page 10-24
Cannot send via the e-mail. Is the E-mail send size limit set in the Check the limit value is entered to "E- page 2-50
SMTP server registered on the mail Size Limit" of [E-mail] setting in
machine? Command Center RX and change the
value as necessary.
The machine is emitting Check the room temperature to see if it Depending on the printing environment ―
steam in the area around the is low, or if damp paper was used. and the paper's condition, the heat
paper ejection slot. generated during printing will cause the
moisture in the paper to evaporate, and
the steam emitted may look like smoke.
This is not a problem, and you can
continue printing. If the steam concerns
you, raise the room temperature, or
replace the paper with a newer, dryer
*1 You can also enter a full computer name as the host name (for example,
*2 You can also enter login user names in the following formats:
Domain_name/user_name (for example, abcdnet/james.smith)
User_name@domain_name (for example, james.smith@abcdnet)
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Responding to Messages
If the message display or the computer displays any of these messages, follow the corresponding procedure.
When contacting us, the serial number will be necessary. To check the serial number, refer to the following:
Checking the Equipment's Serial Number (page i)
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Account error. ― Failed to specify Job Accounting —
when processing the job externally.
The job is canceled. Select [OK].
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Box is not found. ― The specified box cannot be found. —
Job is canceled. Job is canceled. Select [OK].
Box limit exceeded. Job Is [OK] displayed on the screen? The specified box is full, and no —
is canceled.*1 further storage is available; Job is
canceled. Select [OK] . Try to
perform the job again after printing
or deleting data from the box.
*1 When Auto Error Clear is set to [On], processing resumes automatically after a set amount of time elapses. For details
on Auto Error Clear, refer to the following:
Auto Err. Clear (page 8-32)
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Cannot connect to — Check the connection status with —
Authentication Server the server.
Check the connection
with the server.
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Cannot connect to — Set machine time to match the page 2-16
Authentication Server server’s time.
Set machine time to
match server's time.
Cannot duplex print on Did you select a paper size/type Select [Paper] to select the page 6-20
this paper. that cannot be duplex printed? available paper. Select [OK] to print
without using Duplex function.
↑↓ (Displayed alternately)
Press OK to continue
using cassette #.
Cannot execute this job. — This job is canceled because it is page 9-17
restricted by Group Authorization
Restricted by Group
settings. Select [OK].
Close # cover. Is there any cover which is open? Close the cover indicated on the ―
Close document Is the document processor open? Close the document processor. ―
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Error occurred. Turn the ― System error has occurred. Turn the ―
power switch off and on. main power switch OFF and then
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Failed to store job — The job is canceled. Select [OK]. —
retention data. Job is
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Incorrect account ID. — The account ID was incorrect when —
Job is canceled.*1 processing the job externally. The
job is canceled. Select [OK].
Inner tray is full of paper. — Remove paper from the inner tray. —
Remove the paper.
*1 When Auto Error Clear is set to [On], processing resumes automatically after a set amount of time elapses. For details
on Auto Error Clear, refer to the following:
Auto Err. Clear (page 8-32)
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Job Accounting Is the acceptable printing count The printing count exceeded the ―
restriction exceeded. restricted by Job Accounting acceptable count restricted by Job
Job is canceled. exceeded? Accounting. Cannot print any more.
This job is canceled. Select [OK].
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
KPDL error. Job is ― PostScript error has occurred. The ―
canceled.*1 job is canceled. Select [OK].
*1 When Auto Error Clear is set to [On], processing resumes automatically after a set amount of time elapses. For details
on Auto Error Clear, refer to the following:
Auto Err. Clear (page 8-32)
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Load paper in cassette #. Is the indicated cassette out of Load paper. page 3-4
↑↓ (Displayed alternately) paper? Select [Paper] to select the other
Press OK to continue paper source. Select the [OK] key
using cassette #. to print on the paper in the currently
selected paper source.
Load paper in cassette #. Is the indicated cassette out of Load paper. page 3-4
↑↓ (Displayed alternately) paper? Select [Paper] to select the other
Set selected size paper paper source.
and press [OK].
Load paper in MP tray. Is the paper of the selected size Load paper. page 3-8
↑↓ (Displayed alternately) loaded in the multi purpose tray? Select [Paper] to select the other
Press OK to continue paper source. Select the [OK] key
using MP tray. to print on the paper in the currently
selected paper source.
Load paper in MP tray. Is the paper of the selected size Load paper. page 3-8
↑↓ (Displayed alternately) loaded in the multi purpose tray? Select [Paper] to select the other
Set selected size paper paper source.
and press [OK].
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Machine failure. Call ― An error has occurred in the ―
service. machine. Make a note of the error
code displayed on the message
display, and contact your service
Maximum number of Is the acceptable scanning count Cannot scan pages any more. Job is —
scanned pages. Job is exceeded? canceled. Select [OK].
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Memory is full. Job is — The process cannot be performed —
canceled. due to insufficient memory. Select
[OK]. The job will be canceled.
Memory is full. — Unable to continue the job as the —
Print job cannot be memory is used up. Select
[Continue] to print the scanned
processed completely.*1
pages. The print job cannot be
processed completely. Select
[Cancel] to cancel the job.
The machine may reproduce the
same originals by arranging the
following settings:
• Select [On] of RAM Disk Mode
in System Menu, and then
decrease the RAM Disk Size.
• Select [Printer Priority] of
Optional Memory in System
Before changing the RAM Disk
Setting or Optional Memory setting,
contact your administrator.
*1 When Auto Error Clear is set to [On], processing resumes automatically after a set amount of time elapses. For details
on Auto Error Clear, refer to the following:
Auto Err. Clear (page 8-32)
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Non-genuine Toner. Is the installed toner container our The manufacturer assumes no —
Press [Help]. own brand? responsibility for damage caused by
a non-genuine toner. We
recommend that you only use
genuine toner containers. When
you want to use the toner container
currently installed, select the [OK]
key and the [Stop] key
simultaneously for 3 seconds or
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Paper jammed at MP ― If a paper jam occurs, the machine page 10-27
tray. will stop and the location of the jam
will be indicated on the screen.
Paper jammed in Leave the machine on and select
Cassette #. [Help]. Follow the instruction to
remove the jammed paper.
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Paper jammed in rear ― If a paper jam occurs, the machine page 10-27
cover #. will stop and the location of the jam
will be indicated on the screen.
Leave the machine on and follow
the instruction to remove the
jammed paper.
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
RAM disk error. Press ― An error has occurred on the RAM page 8-35
[OK]. disk. Job is canceled. Select [OK].
The possible error codes and their
descriptions are as follows.
04: Insufficient space on the RAM
disk. If the optional RAM dis is
installed, increase the RAM Disk
Size by changing RAM Disk Mode
in System Menu.
The range of RAM disk size can be
increased by selecting [Printer
Priority] in Optional Memory.
Remove original from Are there any originals left in the Remove originals from the ―
document processor. document processor? document processor.
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Replace MK. — Replacement of the parts in the —
maintenance kit is necessary at
every 300,000 pages of printing and
requires professional servicing.
Contact your Service
Replace the toner. ― Replace the toner container to our page 10-5
specified toner container.
*1 When Auto Error Clear is set to [On], processing resumes automatically after a set amount of time elapses. For details
on Auto Error Clear, refer to the following:
Auto Err. Clear (page 8-32)
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Scanner memory is full. — Scanning cannot be performed any —
Job is canceled. more due to insufficient memory.
The job is canceled. Select [OK].
Shake the toner — Shake the toner container well and page 10-5
container. reinstall it.
*1 When Auto Error Clear is set to [On], processing resumes automatically after a set amount of time elapses. For details
on Auto Error Clear, refer to the following:
Auto Err. Clear (page 8-32)
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
The slit glass requires — Clean the slit glass using the page 10-2
cleaning. cleaning cloth supplied with the
document processor.
The toner container is — The toner container is not installed page 10-5
not locked or improperly correctly. Set it correctly.
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Unknown Toner Does the installed toner container's Install the specified toner container. —
Installed. PC [K] regional specification match the
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
Waste toner box is full or — The waste toner box is not installed page 10-9
placed improperly. correctly. Set it correctly.
Is the waste toner box full? Replace the waste toner box. page 10-9
Message Checkpoints Corrective Actions
You cannot use this box. — You cannot use the specified box. —
Job is canceled. Job is canceled. Select [OK].
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Error Reference
Message Corrective Actions
Code Page
1101 Failed to send the e-mail. Check the host name of the SMTP server on the page 2-50
Command Center RX.
Failed to send via FTP. Check the host name of FTP. page 5-17
Failed to send via SMB. Check the host name of SMB. page 5-17
1102 Failed to send via SMB. Check the SMB settings. page 5-17
• Login user name and login password
If the sender is a domain user, specify the domain
• Host name
• Path
Failed to send the e-mail. Check the following on the Command Center RX. page 2-50
• SMTP login user name and login password
• POP3 login user name and login password
• E-mail size limit
Failed to send via FTP. Check the FTP settings. page 5-17
• Login user name and login password
If the sender is a domain user, specify the domain
• Path
• Folder share permissions of the recipient
1103 Failed to send via SMB. Check the SMB settings. page 5-17
• Login user name and login password
If the sender is a domain user, specify the domain
• Path
• Folder share permissions of the recipient
Failed to send via FTP. Check the FTP settings. page 5-17
• Path
• Folder share permissions of the recipient
1104 Failed to send the e-mail. Check the e-mail address. page 5-16
If the address is rejected by the domain, you cannot
send the email.
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Error Reference
Message Corrective Actions
Code Page
1105 Failed to send via SMB. Check the following settings. page 8-13
[System Menu/Counter] key > [System/Network] >
[Network Setting] > [ProtocolSettings] > [SMB]
Failed to send the e-mail. Select [On] of the SMTP settings on the Command page 2-50
Center RX.
Failed to send via FTP. Check the following settings. page 8-13
[System Menu/Counter] key > [System/Network] >
[Network Setting] > [ProtocolSettings] >
1106 Failed to send the e-mail. Check the sender address of SMTP on the Command page 2-50
Center RX.
1131 Failed to send via FTP. Enable the SSL. page 8-16
[System Menu/Counter] key > [System/Network] >
[Network Setting] > [Secure Protocol] > [SSL]
1132 Failed to send the e-mail. Check the following of the SMTP server. Refer to the
• Is SMTP over SSL available? Command
Center RX
• Is the encryption available? User Guide.
Failed to send via FTP. Check the following of the FTP server. —
• Is FTPS available?
• Is the encryption available?
2101 Failed to send via SMB. Check the network and SMB settings. —
• The network cable is connected.
• The hub is not operating properly.
• The server is not operating properly.
• Host name and IP address
• Port number
Failed to send via FTP. Check the network and FTP settings. —
• The network cable is connected.
• The hub is not operating properly.
• The server is not operating properly.
• Host name and IP address
• Port number
Failed to send the e-mail. Check the network and Command Center RX. page 2-50
• The network cable is connected.
• The hub is not operating properly.
• The server is not operating properly.
• POP3 server name of the POP3 user
• SMTP server name
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Error Reference
Message Corrective Actions
Code Page
2102 Failed to send via FTP. Check the network. —
2103 • The network cable is connected.
• The hub is not operating properly.
• The server is not operating properly.
2204 Failed to send the e-mail. Check the e-mail size limit of the SMTP settings on page 2-50
the Command Center RX.
3101 Failed to send the e-mail. Check the authentication methods of both the sender —
and the recipient.
3201 Failed to send the e-mail. Check the SMTP user authentication method of the —
0007 — Turn the main power switch off and back on. If this page 2-10
4201 error occurs several times, make a note of the
displayed error code and contact your service
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
For details on Help Screen, refer to the following:
Help Screen (page 2-13)
If a paper jam occurs, the location of the jam will be displayed on the message display as well as the clearing instructions.
Paper F
jammed in
cassette 1.
After you remove the jam, the machine will warm up again and the error message will be cleared. The machine resumes
with the page that was printing when the jam occurred.
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
The fixing unit is extremely hot. Take sufficient care when working in this area, as there is a danger of getting
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Cassettes 1 to 5
Procedures for handling a paper jam in Cassettes 1 to 5 are all the same. This section explains procedures using
Cassette 1 as an example.
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Duplex Unit
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
If the jammed paper appears to be pinched by rollers, pull it along the normal running direction
of the paper.
If you cannot find a paper jam, try checking inside the rear of the printer.
Inner Tray / Inside Rear Cover (page 10-32)
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
If you cannot find a paper jam, try checking inside the rear of the machine.
The fixing unit is extremely hot. Take sufficient care when working in this area, as
there is a danger of getting burned.
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
Document Processor
Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting
11 Appendix
This chapter explains the following topics:
Optional Equipment .......................................................................................................................................... 11-2
Overview of Optional Equipment ............................................................................................................ 11-2
Optional Applications .............................................................................................................................. 11-7
Character Entry Method .................................................................................................................................... 11-9
Using the Keys ........................................................................................................................................ 11-9
Selecting Type of Characters ................................................................................................................ 11-10
Characters That Can be Entered Using the Numeric Keys .................................................................. 11-10
Entering Symbols .................................................................................................................................. 11-11
Entering Characters .............................................................................................................................. 11-11
Entering Using the Character Selection Screen ................................................................................... 11-13
Paper .............................................................................................................................................................. 11-14
Basic Paper Specifications ................................................................................................................... 11-14
Choosing the Appropriate Paper .......................................................................................................... 11-15
Special Paper ........................................................................................................................................ 11-18
Specifications .................................................................................................................................................. 11-22
Machine ................................................................................................................................................ 11-22
Copy Functions ..................................................................................................................................... 11-24
Printer Functions ................................................................................................................................... 11-24
Scanner Functions ................................................................................................................................ 11-25
Document Processor ............................................................................................................................ 11-25
Paper Feeder (500-sheet) (Option) ...................................................................................................... 11-26
Glossary .......................................................................................................................................................... 11-27
Appendix > Optional Equipment
Optional Equipment
Overview of Optional Equipment
The following optional equipment is available for the machine.
(8) IB-36
(2) PF-3110
Software option
(9) Data Security kit(E)
(10) UG-33
Appendix > Optional Equipment
To protect electronic parts, discharge static electricity from your body by touching a water pipe (faucet) or other large
metal object before handling the memory modules. Or, wear an antistatic wrist strap, if possible, when you install the
memory modules.
1 Turn off the machine and disconnect the power cord and interface cable.
If the optional IB-50/51 or HD-6/7 is installed, remove it.
Appendix > Optional Equipment
4 With the memory connection terminal pointing toward the socket, align the cut-out part with
the socket terminal and insert directly in at an angle.
5 Carefully press the inserted memory down and into the machine.
Appendix > Optional Equipment
3 Insert the SD/SDHC memory card into the SD/SDHC memory card slot.
5 Insert the power cord into the socket and turn on the power switch.
Appendix > Optional Equipment
Appendix > Optional Equipment
Optional Applications
Overview of the Applications
The applications listed below are installed on this machine.
Data Security Kit
ThinPrint Option*1
• Restrictions such as the number of times the application can be used during the trial period differ depending on the
• If you change the date/time while using the trial version of an application, you will no longer be able to use the
1 [System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
You can view detailed information on the selected application by selecting [Menu] >
[Detail] > [OK] key.
Appendix > Optional Equipment
6 Select [Yes].
If you started the Security Kit or Thin Print option and entered the license key, turn the
power OFF/ON.
1 [System Menu/Counter] key > [▲] [▼] key > [System/Network] > [OK] key
If the login user name entry screen appears during operations, enter a login user name
and password, and select [Login]. For this, you need to login with administrator
The factory default login user name and login password are set as shown below.
Login User Name: 4500
Login Password: 4500
Function Name
License On
Trial Counts
Date of Trial
Appendix > Character Entry Method
1 7 6 5
3 4
Account Name:
3 Right Select key Select to select the type of characters you want to enter. (When [Text] is displayed)
4 [OK] key Select to finalize entry and return to the screen before the entry. To enter a symbol, select to confirm
the selected symbol.
7 Arrow keys Select to select the entry position, or select a character from the character list.
Appendix > Character Entry Method
Types Description
ABC To enter alphabets.
In a character entry screen, select [Text] to select the type of characters you want to enter.
Each time you select [Text], the character type switches as follows: [ABC], [123], [Symbols], [ABC] ...
Keys Characters (Each press of a key changes the character in the order from left to right.)
. @ - _ / : ~ 1 (Repeats from the first character on the left)
Appendix > Character Entry Method
Keys Characters (Each press of a key changes the character in the order from left to right.)
w x y z W X Y Z 9 (Repeats from the first character on the left)
Select to change the character in the cursor position between upper case and lower case.
Entering Symbols
Symbols can be entered.
2 Select the [▲], [▼], [►] or [◄] key to move the cursor and select the symbol to be entered.
?@[\]^_`{|}~̄ ^
Entering Characters
Follow the steps shown below to enter "R&D" for example.
Appendix > Character Entry Method
5 Select the [▲] or [▼] key to move the cursor and select [&].
?@[\]^_`{|}~̄ ^
Appendix > Character Entry Method
1 Select the [▲], [▼], [►] or [◄] key to move the cursor and select the character to be
Login User Name:
Appendix > Paper
This section explains the paper sizes and types that can be used in the paper source.
For details on the sizes, types, and number of sheets of paper that can be loaded in each paper tray, refer to the
Specifications (page 11-22)
Supported Paper
Use standard copy paper for regular copiers or laser printers. The printing quality will be affected by the quality of paper.
Poor quality paper may result in unsatisfactory output.
Criteria Specifications
Weight Cassettes: 60 to 120 g/m2
Moisture content 4 to 6%
Some recycled paper does not meet requirements for use with this machine as listed in the Basic Paper Specifications
shown below, such as moisture or pulp content. For this reason, we recommend purchasing a small amount of
recycled paper as a sample for testing prior to use. Choose recycled paper that gives the best printing results and
contains low levels of paper dust.
We are not responsible for the problems occurred from the use of paper that does not conform to our specifications.
Appendix > Paper
Avoid using paper with bent corners or that is curled, dirty, or torn. Do not use paper that has a rough surface or paper
fiber lint, or that is especially delicate. Use of paper in any of these conditions will not only deliver poor copies but may
also cause jams and shorten the useful life of the machine. Choose paper with a smooth and even surface; however,
avoid coated paper or paper with a treated surface as it may damage the drum or fusing unit.
Do not use paper such as paper that has been coated or surface-treated or paper that contains plastic or carbon. Those
types of paper may produce harmful fumes from the heat of printing and may damage the drum.
Be sure to use the standard paper that contains at least 80% pulp, i.e., not more than 20% of the total paper content
consists of cotton or other fibers.
Oficio II
216 × 340 mm
Appendix > Paper
The paper surface should be smooth, but it must be uncoated. With paper that is too smooth and slippery, several
sheets may accidentally be supplied at once, causing jams.
Basis Weight
In countries that use the metric system, basis weight is the weight in grams of one sheet of paper one square meter in
area. In the United States, basis weight is the weight in pounds of one ream (500 sheets) of paper cut to the standard
size (or trade size) for a specific grade of paper. Paper that is too heavy or too light may be supplied incorrectly or cause
paper jams, which may cause excessive wear of the machine. Mixed paper weight (i.e., thickness) may cause several
sheets to be supplied at once accidentally and may also cause blurring or other printing problems if the toner fails to
adhere correctly.
Moisture Content
Paper moisture content is the ratio of moisture to dryness expressed as a percentage. Moisture affects how the paper is
supplied, the electrostatic chargeability of the paper, and how the toner adheres.
Paper moisture content varies depending on the relative humidity in the room. High relative humidity causes paper to
become damp, making the edges expand so it appears wavy. Low relative humidity causes paper to lose moisture,
making the edges tighten and weakening print contrast.
Wavy or tight edges may cause the paper to slip when it is supplied. Try to keep the moisture content between 4 to 6%.
To maintain the right level of moisture content, bear in mind the following considerations.
• Store paper in a cool, well-ventilated place.
• Store paper flat and unopened in the package. Once the package is opened, reseal it if the paper is not to be used for
a while.
• Store paper sealed in the original package and box. Put a pallet under the carton to keep it raised above the floor.
Especially during rainy seasons keep the paper a sufficient distance away from wooden or concrete floors.
• Before using paper that has been stored, keep it at the proper moisture level for at least 48 hours.
• Do not store paper where it is exposed to heat, sunlight, or dampness.
Appendix > Paper
Appendix > Paper
Special Paper
This section describes printing onto special paper and print media.
The following paper and media can be used.
• Transparencies
• Preprinted paper
• Bond paper
• Recycled paper
• Thin paper
• Letterhead
• Colored paper
• Prepunched paper
• Envelopes
• Hagaki (Cardstock)
• Thick paper
• Labels
• High-quality paper
When using these paper and media, choose those that are designed specifically for copiers or page printers (such as
laser printers). Use the multi purpose tray for transparencies, thick paper, envelopes, cardstocks, and label paper.
Transparencies must be able to withstand the heat of printing. Transparencies must meet the following conditions.
Material Polyester
To avoid problems, use the multi purpose tray for transparencies and load transparencies with the long side facing the
If transparencies jam frequently at output, try pulling the leading edge of sheets gently as they are ejected.
Appendix > Paper
Be sure to feed labels from the multi purpose tray.
For selecting labels, use extreme care so that the adhesive may not come in direct contact with any part of the machine
and that the labels are not easily peeled from the carrier sheet. Adhesives that stick to the drum or rollers and peeled
labels remaining in the machine may cause a failure.
When printing onto labels, you must be liable for the print quality and possible trouble.
Top sheet
Adhesive layer
Carrier sheet
Labels consist of three layers as shown in the illustration. The adhesive layer contains materials that are easily affected
by the force applied in the machine. The carrier sheet bears the top sheet until the label is used. This composition of
labels may cause more problems.
The label surface must be covered completely with the top sheet. Gaps between labels may cause peeling of labels,
resulting in a serious failure.
Some label paper has large margins on the top sheet. When using such paper, do not peel these margins from the
carrier sheet before completing output.
Top sheet
Carrier sheet
Appendix > Paper
Hagaki (Cardstock)
Before loading Hagaki (Cardstock) into the multi purpose tray, fan them and align the edges. If the Hagaki (Cardstock)
paper is curled, straighten it before loading. Printing onto curled Hagaki (Cardstock) may cause jams.
Use unfolded Oufuku hagaki (Return postcard) (available at post offices). Some Hagaki (Cardstock) may still have rough
edges developed by a paper cutter on the back side. Remove any such rough edges by placing the Hagaki (Cardstock)
on a flat surface and rubbing the edges gently a few times with a ruler.
Envelopes should be fed from the MP tray with the print-side up or the optional paper feeder with the print-side up.
Do not load paper above the load limits located on the paper width guide of the optional paper feeder.
Due to the structure of envelopes, printing evenly over the entire surface may not be possible in some cases. Thin
envelopes in particular may be wrinkled by the machine in some cases as they pass through. Before purchasing
envelopes in volume, try testing a sample to ensure the print quality.
Storing envelopes for a long period may cause them to become wrinkled. Thus, keep the package sealed until you are
ready to use them.
Keep the following points in mind.
• Do not use envelopes with exposed adhesive. In addition, do not use the type of envelope in which the adhesive is
exposed after the top layer is peeled off. Serious damage may be caused if the paper covering the adhesive comes
off in the machine.
• Do not use envelopes with certain special features. For example, do not use envelopes with a grommet for winding a
string to close the flap or envelopes with an open or film-covered window.
• If paper jams occur, load fewer envelopes at once.
Thick Paper
Before loading thick paper in the multi purpose tray, fan it and align the edges. Some thick paper may still have rough
edges developed by a paper cutter on the back side. Remove any such rough edges just as with Hagaki (Cardstock) by
placing the paper on a flat surface and rubbing the edges gently a few times with a ruler. Printing onto paper with rough
edges may cause jams.
If the paper is not supplied correctly even after it is smoothed, load the paper in the multi purpose tray with the leading
edge raised a few millimeters.
Appendix > Paper
Colored Paper
Colored paper must conform to the specifications.
Basic Paper Specifications (page 11-14)
In addition, the pigments in the paper must be able to withstand the heat of printing (up to 200°C or 392°F).
Preprinted Paper
Preprinted paper must conform to the specifications.
Basic Paper Specifications (page 11-14)
The colored ink must be able to withstand the heat of printing. It must be resistant to silicone oil as well. Do not use
paper with a treated surface such as glossy paper used for calendars.
Recycled Paper
Recycled paper must conform to the specifications; however, its whiteness may be considered separately.
Basic Paper Specifications (page 11-14)
Before purchasing recycled paper in volume, try testing a sample to ensure satisfactory print quality.
Appendix > Specifications
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
For more information on using the FAX, refer to the following:
FAX Operation Guide
Item Description
Type Desktop
Printing Method Electrophotography by semiconductor laser
Paper Weight Cassette 60 to 120 g/m2
Multi Purpose 60 to 220 g/m2, 209.5 g/m2 (Cardstock),
Tray 136 to 163 g/m2 (Banner sheet)
Paper Type Cassette Plain, Rough, Recycled, Preprinted, Bond, Color (Colour),
Prepunched, Letterhead, High Quality, Custom 1 to 8
(Duplex: Same as Simplex)
Multi Purpose Plain, Transparency (OHP film), Rough, Vellum, Labels, Recycled,
Tray Preprinted, Bond, Cardstock, Color (Colour), Prepunched,
Letterhead, Envelope, Thick, High Quality, Custom 1 to 8
Paper Size Cassette A4, A5, B5, Letter, Legal, Statement, Executive,Oficio II, Folio,
216 × 340 mm, 16K, B5 (ISO), Envelope DL, Envelope C5,
Custom (140 × 148 mm to 216 × 356 mm)
Multi Purpose A4, A5, A6, B5, B6, Folio, 216 × 340 mm, Letter, Legal, Statement,
Tray Executive, Oficio II, 16K, B5 (ISO), Envelope #10, Envelope #9,
Envelope #6 3/4, Envelope Monarch, Envelope DL, Envelope C5,
Hagaki (Cardstock), Oufuku Hagaki (Return postcard), Youkei 4,
Youkei 2, Custom (70 × 148 mm to 216 × 356 mm),
Banner sheet (216 × 470.1 mm to 216 × 915 mm)
Warm-up Time Power on 16 seconds or less
Low Power 10 seconds or less
Sleep 16 seconds or less
Paper Capacity Cassette 500 sheets (80 g/m2)*1
Multi Purpose 100 sheets (80 g/m2)
Appendix > Specifications
Item Description
Output Tray Inner tray 250 sheets (80 g/m )
Image Write System Semiconductor laser and electrophotography
Memory 1024 MB
Interface Standard USB Interface Connector: 1 (Hi-Speed USB)
Network interface: 1 (10 BASE-T/100 BASE-TX/1000 BASE-T)
USB Port: 2 (Hi-Speed USB)
Fax: 1 (ECOSYS M3645dn only)
Option eKUIO: 1
Operating Temperature 10 to 32.5°C/50 to 90.5°F
Humidity 15 to 80 %
Altitude 3,500 m/11,482 ft maximum
Brightness 1,500 lux maximum
Dimension (W × D × H) 18.71" × 18.74" × 22.64"
475 × 476 × 575 mm
Weight Approx. 49.2 lb/Approx. 22.3 kg
(without toner container)
Space Required (W × D) 18.71 × 26.23
(Using multi purpose tray) 475 × 666 mm
Power Source 120 V Specification Model: 120 V 60 Hz 10.0 A
230 V Specification Model: 220 to 240 V 50/60 Hz 5.6 A
The power consumption of the The information is available at the website below.
product in networked standby (If
all network ports are connected.) green_products/low_power_consumption.html
Options Optional Equipment (page 11-2)
Appendix > Specifications
Copy Functions
Item Description
Copy Speed (Standard cassette) A4 45 sheets/min
Letter 47 sheets/min
Legal 38 sheets/min
B5 36 sheets/min
A5 23 sheets/min
Statement 22 sheets/min
Supported Original Types Sheet, Book, 3-dimensional objects (maximum original size: Legal/
Printer Functions
Item Description
Printing Speed Same as Copying Speed.
Appendix > Specifications
Scanner Functions
Item Description
Resolution 600 dpi, 400 dpi, 300 dpi, 200×400 dpi, 200 dpi, 200×100 dpi
Transmission System SMB, SMTP, FTP, FTP over SSL, USB, TWAIN*2, WIA*2, WSD
*1 When using the document processor (except TWAIN and WIA scanning)
*2 Available Operating System: Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows 7/Windows 8/
Windows 8.1/Windows 10/Windows Server 2012/Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows Server 2016
Document Processor
Item Description
Supported Original Types Sheet originals
Appendix > Specifications
Paper Size A4, A5, B5, B6, Folio, Letter, Legal, Statement, Executive, Oficio II,
16K, B5 (ISO), Envelope #10, Envelope #9, Envelope #6 3/4,
Envelope Monarch, Envelope DL, Envelope C5,
Oufuku Hagaki (Return postcard), Youkei 4, Youkei 2,
Custom (92 × 162 to 216 × 356 mm)
Consult your dealer or service representative for recommended paper types.
Appendix > Glossary
The machine is designed featuring good accessibility even for the elderly and those who are physically challenged or
visually impaired.
Apple Talk
AppleTalk offers file sharing and printer sharing and it also enables you to utilize application software that is on another
computer on the same AppleTalk network.
Auto-IP is a module that enables dynamic IPv4 addresses to be assigned to a device on startup. However, DHCP
requires a DHCP server. Auto-IP is a server-less method of choosing an IP address. IP addresses between
to are reserved for Auto-IP and assigned automatically.
Auto Sleep
A mode designed for electrical power saving, activated when the machine is left unused or there is no data transfer for a
specific period. In Sleep mode, power consumption is kept to a minimum.
Bonjour, also known as zero-configuration networking, is a service that automatically detects computers, devices and
services on an IP network. Bonjour, because an industry-standard IP protocol is used, allows devices to automatically
recognize each other without an IP address being specified or DNS server being set. Bonjour also sends and receives
network packets by UDP port 5353. If a firewall is enabled, the user must check that UDP port 5353 is left open so that
Bonjour will run correctly. Some firewalls are set up so as to reject only certain Bonjour packets. If Bonjour does not run
stably, check the firewall settings and ensure that Bonjour is registered on the exceptions list and that Bonjour packets
are accepted. If you install Bonjour on Windows OS, the Windows firewall will be set up correctly for Bonjour.
Custom Box
The Custom Box function stores print data for each individual user on the printer and allows the user to print single or
multiple copies of the stored data later using the printer's operation panel.
Default Gateway
This indicates the device, such as a computer or router, that serves as the entrance/exit (gateway) for accessing
computers outside the network that you are on. When no specific gateway is designated for a destination IP address,
data is sent to the host designated as the Default Gateway.
Appendix > Glossary
DHCP (IPv6) is the next-generation of the Internet's Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol and supports IPv6. It extends
the BOOTP startup protocol that defines the protocols used for transferring configuration information to hosts on the
network. DHCP (IPv6) permits the DHCP server to use its expanded functionality to send configuration parameters to an
IPv6 node. Because the network addresses that can be used are allocated automatically, the IPv6 node management
workload is reduced in systems where the administrator has to exercise close control over IP address allocation.
EcoPrint Mode
A printing mode that helps save toner. Copies made in this mode are thus lighter than normal.
The function to interpret and execute other printers' page description languages. The machine emulates operation of
PCL6, KPDL3 (PostScript 3 compatible).
A computer color expression. Displayed images of this sort are typically composed of shades of gray, varying from black
at the weakest intensity to white at the strongest, without any other colors. Gray levels are displayed in numerical levels:
that is, white and black only for 1 bit; 256 gray levels (including white and black) for 8 bits; and 65,536 gray levels for 16
IP Address
An Internet protocol address is a unique number that represents a specific computer or related device on the network.
The format of an IP address is four sets of numbers separated by dots, e.g. Each number should be
between 0 and 255.
IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) is a standard that uses TCP/IP networks such as the Internet to enable print jobs to be
sent between remote computers and printers. IPP is an extension of the HTTP protocol used to view websites and
enables printing to be carried out via routers on printers in remote locations. It also supports the HTTP authentication
mechanisms along with SSL server and client authentication as well as encryption.
Job Box
The Job Box function stores print data on the printer and allows users to print single or multiple copies of the stored data
later using the printer's operation panel.
Appendix > Glossary
Outline font
With outline fonts, character outlines are represented with numerical expressions and fonts can be enlarged or reduced
in different ways by changing the numeric values of those expressions. Printing remains clear even if you enlarge fonts,
since the characters are defined with outlines represented with numerical expressions. You can specify the font size in
steps of 0.25 points up to 999.75 points.
This is "ISO 19005-1. Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation - Part 1: Use
of PDF (PDF/A)", and is a file format based on PDF 1.4. It has been standardized as ISO 19005-1, and is a
specialization of PDF, which has been mainly used for printing, for long-term storage. A new part, ISO 19005-2 (PDF/A-
2), is currently being prepared.
A page description language developed by Adobe Systems. It enables flexible font functions and highly-functional
graphics, allowing higher quality printing. The first version called Level 1 was launched in 1985, followed by Level 2 that
enabled color printing and two-byte languages (e.g. Japanese) in 1990. In 1996, Level 3 was released as an update for
the Internet access and PDF format as well as gradual improvements in implementation technologies.
Printer Driver
The software to enable you to print data created on any application software. The printer driver for the machine is
contained in the DVD enclosed in the package. Install the printer driver on the computer connected to the machine.
The IPv6 router communicates (transmits) information such as the global address prefix using ICMPv6. This information
is the Router Advertisement (RA).
ICMPv6 stands for Internet Control Message Protocol, and is a IPv6 standard defined in the RFC 2463 "Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification".
Appendix > Glossary
RAM Disk
Using part of the printer's memory as a virtual disk, you can set any amount of memory from overall printer memory as a
RAM disk in order to use features such as electronic sorting (shortening print time).
Send as E-mail
A function to send the image data stored in the machine as an E-mail attachment. E-mail addresses can be selected
from the list or entered at each time.
Status Page
The page lists machine conditions, such as the memory capacity, total number of prints and scans, and paper source
Subnet Mask
The subnet mask is a way of augmenting the network address section of an IP address.
A subnet mask represents all network address sections as 1 and all host address sections as 0. The number of bits in
the prefix indicates the length of the network address. The term "prefix" refers to something added to the beginning and,
in this context, indicates the first section of the IP address. When an IP address is written, the length of the network
address is indicated by the prefix length after a forward slash (/). For example, "24" in the address "". In
this way, "" denotes the IP address "" with a 24-bit prefix (network section). This new network
address section (originally part of the host address) made possible by the subnet mask is referred to as the subnet
address. When you enter the subnet mask, be sure to set the "DHCP" setting to "Off".
TCP/IP (IPv6) is based on the current Internet protocol, TCP/IP (IPv4). IPv6 is the next-generation Internet protocol and
expands the available address space, which resolves the problem of the lack of addresses under IPv4, while also
introducing other improvements such as additional security functionality and the capacity to prioritize data transmission.
Index Common Settings 8-24
Date Setting 8-30
Default Screen 8-24
A Display Brightness 8-24
Accessibility 11-27 Display Status/Log 8-36
Address Book 3-25 Error Handling 8-30
Adding 3-25 Function Defaults 8-33
Contact 3-25 Keyboard Type 8-36
Editing and Deleting 3-30 Language 8-24
Group 3-28 Login Operation 8-35
Address Book/One Touch 8-43 Measurement 8-29
Adjustment/Maintenance 8-44 Optional Memory 8-35
Print Density 8-44 Orig./Paper Set. 8-25
AirPrint 4-11 Preset Limit 8-29
Anti-theft Lock Slot 2-3 RAM Disk Mode 8-35
Apache License (Version 2.0) 1-14 Sound 8-24
Apple Talk 11-27 Timer Setting 8-31
Auto Error Clear 8-32 TonerAlert Level 8-36
Auto Form Feed Timeout 11-27 Connecting
Auto Panel Reset 8-31 LAN Cable 2-8
Auto Paper Selection 11-27 Power Cable 2-9
Auto Sleep 2-26, 11-27 USB cable 2-9
AutoColorCorrect 8-44 Connection Method 2-7
Auto-IP 11-27 Continuous Scan 6-22
Settings 8-10 Default 8-34
Automatic 2-Sided Print Function 1-17 Contrast 6-15, 8-44
Contrast (Copy) 8-44
Contrast (Send) 8-44
B Conventions Used in This Guide xviii
Background Density Adjustment 6-15, 8-44 Copy 5-9
Default 8-33 Copy Denst. Adj. 8-44
Bluetooth Set. 8-20 Copy Settings 8-38
Bonjour 11-27 Auto % Priority 8-38
Settings 8-12 AutoPaperSelect. 8-38
Border Line 6-18 Paper Selection 8-38
Default 8-34 Reserve Priority 8-38
Select Key Setting 8-38
C Copy Speed 11-24
Cables 2-7 Correct. Bk Line 8-45
Card Authentication Kit 11-3 Counting the Number of Pages Printed
Cassette Counter 2-41
Loading Paper 3-4 Each Job Account 9-39
Paper Size and Media Type 3-12, 8-28 Print Accounting Report 9-40
Cassette 1 2-2 Total Accounting 9-39
Cassette Settings 3-12 Unknown ID Job 9-42
Cassettes 2 to 4 2-6 Custom Box 11-27
Character Entry Method 11-9 Creating a New Box 5-33
Checking the Counter 2-41 Deleting Documents 5-38
Checking the Remaining Amount of Toner 7-16 Editing and Deleting Custom Box 5-35
Cleaning 10-2 Editing Documents 5-37
Glass Platen 10-2 Printing Documents 5-36
Registration Roller 10-3 Storing Documents 5-35
Slit Glass 10-2
Collate 6-12 D
Default 8-33 Data Security 8-21
Color Selection 6-14 Data Security Kit 11-6
Default 8-33 Date Format 8-30
Combine 6-18
Command Center RX 2-44
Date Setting Duplex (2-sided Original) 6-24
Date Format 8-30 Duplex Cover 2-4
Date/Time 8-30
Summer Time 8-30 E
Time Zone 8-30 EcoPrint 6-13, 11-28
Date/Time 8-30 Default 8-33
Date/Timer/Energy Saver Printer 8-39
EnergySaver RecoveryLevel 8-37 Edit Destination 8-43
Low Power Timer 8-31 Address Book 3-25
Weekly Timer Settings 8-32 Address Book Defaults 8-43
Default Gateway 11-27 Contact 3-25
Settings 8-10 Edit Restriction 8-43
Default Screen 8-24 Group 3-28
Del. after Print 6-31 One Touch Key 3-31
Density 6-12 E-mail Settings 2-50
Destination E-mail Subject/Body
Adding a Destination 3-25 Default 8-34
Address Book 5-14 Emulation 11-28
Checking and Editing 5-20 Selection 8-39
Confirmation Screen of Destinations 5-21 Encrypted PDF 6-33
Destination Check 8-41 Energy Saver Recovery Level 8-37
Entering a New E-mail Address 5-16 Energy Saving Control Function 1-17
Multi Sending 5-23 Energy Star (ENERGY STAR®) Program 1-18
One Touch Key 3-31 Enhanced WSD
Search 5-15 Protocol Settings 8-15
Sort 8-43 EnhancedWSD (SSL)
Specifying a New PC Folder 5-17 Protocol Settings 8-15
Destination Check Entry
Check before Send 8-41 File Name 6-22
Check New Destination 8-41 Subject 6-30
Device 7-14 Environment 1-3
Device Common Err. Clear Timer 8-32
Bluetooth Set 8-20 Error Handling 8-30
DHCP 11-28 eSCL
Settings 8-10 Protocol Settings 8-15
DHCP (IPv6) 11-28 eSCL over SSL
Settings 8-11 Protocol Settings 8-16
Display Brightness 8-24 Expansion Memory 11-3
Display Status/Log 8-36
Document Box
Custom Box 5-31, 5-33 F
Job Box 4-12, 5-31 FAX 8-41
Removable Memory Box 5-32 File
What is Document Box? 5-31 Format 6-26
Document Box Settings 8-42 PDF 6-28
Custom Box 8-42 Separation 6-30
Job Box 8-42 File Format 6-26
Polling Box 8-42 Default 8-34
Select Key Setting 8-42 File Name Entry 6-22
Sub Address Box 8-42 Default 8-33
Document Processor File Separation 6-30
How to Load Originals 5-3 Default 8-34
Loading Originals 5-3 Finishing Binding 6-21
Originals Not Supported by the Document First Copy Time 11-24
Processor 5-3 First Print Time 11-24
Originals Supported by the Document Front Cover 2-2
Processor 5-3 Front Cover Open Button 2-2
Part Names 2-2 FTP 11-28
dpi 11-28 FTP (Clien)
Duplex 6-20 Protocol Settings 8-13
FTP (Server) J
Protocol Settings 8-13 Job
FTP Encrypted TX 6-31 Available Status 7-2
Function Defaults 8-33 Canceling 7-13
Fuser Cover 2-4 Checking History 7-8
Checking Status 7-2
G Displaying History Screen 7-9
Glossary 11-27 Displaying Status Screens 7-2
Google Cloud Print 4-11 Pause and Resumption 7-13
GPL/LGPL 1-12 Sending the Log History 7-12
Grayscale 11-28 Job Accounting 9-25
Group Authorization Set. 9-17 Adding an Account 9-28
Group Authorization 9-17 Counting the Number of Pages Printed 9-39
Guest Authorization Set. 9-18 Default Setting 9-37
Guest Authorization 9-18 Deleting an Account 9-32
Guest Property 9-19 Editing an Account 9-31
Guides Provided with the Machine xv Enabling Job Accounting 9-26
FAX Driver 9-36
Job Accounting Access 9-27
Login 9-41
Handle 2-2
Logout 9-41
Help 11-28
Overview of Job Accounting 9-25
Help Screen 2-13
Print Accounting Report 9-40
High Compression PDF 6-27
Printing 9-33
Host Name 8-7
Restricting the Use of the Machine 9-30
TWAIN 9-34
Protocol Settings 8-14
WIA 9-35
Job Box 11-28
Protocol Settings 8-14
Deletion of Job Retention 8-42
Private Print Box 4-13
I Proof and Hold Box 4-19
I/F Block Set. 8-20 Quick Copy Box 4-17
Image Quality 6-26 Quick Copy Jobs 8-42
Inner Tray 2-2 Specifying the Job Box from a Computer and Storing
Install the Job 4-12
Macintosh 2-36 Storage Media 8-42
Software 2-28 Stored Job Box 4-15
Windows 2-29 Job Finish Notice 6-22
IP Address 11-28 JPEG/TIFF Print 6-33
Settings 8-10 Default 8-34
IP Filter (IPv4)
Settings 8-12
IP Filter (IPv6)
Keyboard Type 8-36
Settings 8-12
Knopflerfish License 1-14
IPP 11-28
KPDL 11-29
Protocol Settings 8-13
IPP over SSL
Protocol Settings 8-14 L
IPSec Label 11-19
Settings 8-12 LAN Cable 2-7
Connecting 2-8
Language 8-24
Protocol Settings 8-14
Left Cover 2-5
Legal Information 1-11
Legal Restriction on Copying 1-9
Legal Restriction on Scanning 1-9
Limited Use of This Product 1-10
LINE Connector 2-4
Loading Originals 5-2 Option
Loading Originals in the Document Processor 5-3 Card Authentication Kit 11-3
Placing Originals on the Platen 5-2 Data Security Kit 11-6
Local Authorization 9-16 Expansion Memory 11-3
Login 2-14 Manual stapler 11-6
Login Operation 8-35 Network Interface Kit 11-6
Logout 2-15 Overview 11-2
Long Original 6-32 Paper Feeder 11-3
Low Power Mode 2-25 SD Card 11-4
Low Power Timer 8-31 SSD 11-5
LPD ThinPrint Option 11-6
Protocol Settings 8-13 USB Keyboard 11-6
Wireless Network Interface Kit 11-6
M Option Interface Slot 2-4
Management 9-1 Optional Applications 11-7
Manual Settings (IPv6) 8-11 Optional Function 8-22
Manual stapler 11-6 Optional Memory 8-35
Measurement 8-29 Optional Network
Media Type Setting 8-29 Basic 8-17
Mixed Size Originals 6-9, 6-12 Orig./Paper Set. 8-25
Monotype Imaging License Agreement 1-13 Original
Mopria 4-11 Auto Detect Original Size (DP) 8-25
MP Tray Settings 8-28 Custom Orig. Size 8-25
Multi Purpose Tray 2-4, 11-29 Default Original Size 8-25
Paper Size and Media Type 3-13, 8-28 Settings 8-25
Multi Sending 5-23 Original Binding 6-21, 6-24
Original eject table 2-2
Original Image 6-13
N Default 8-33
NetBEUI 11-29 Original Orientation 6-11
Protocol Settings 8-12 Default 8-33
Network Original Size 6-9
Preparation 2-17 Original Size Indicator Plates 2-2
Settings 8-7 Original SSLeay License 1-12
Network Interface 2-7 Original Stopper 2-2, 5-4
Network Interface Connector 2-4 Original Table 2-2
Network Interface Kit 11-6 Original Width Guides 2-2
Network Setup Outline font 11-29
Wired Network 2-17
Wireless Network 2-19
New E-mail Address 5-16 P
New PC Folder 5-17 Panel Reset Timer 8-31
Notice 1-2
NW InterfaceSend 8-19
One Touch Key
Adding 3-31
Editing and Deleting 3-32
OpenSSL License 1-12
Operation Panel 2-2
Paper Printer 8-39
Checking the Remaining Amount of Paper 7-16 Auto Cassette Change 8-40
Appropriate Paper 11-15 Copies 8-39
Cassette 8-28 CR Action 8-39
Custom Paper Size 8-26 Duplex 8-39
Default Paper Source 8-27 EcoPrint 8-39
Loading Cardstock 3-11 Emulation Set. 8-39
Loading Envelopes 3-11 Form Feed TimeOut 8-39
Loading Paper 3-2 Job Name 8-40
Loading Paper in the Cassettes 3-4 LF Action 8-39
Loading Paper in the Multi Purpose Tray 3-8 MP Tray Priority 8-40
Media for Auto 8-27 Orientation 8-39
Media Type Setting 8-27 Override A4/Letter 8-39
Multi Purpose Tray 8-28 Paper Feed Mode 8-40
Precaution for Loading Paper 3-3 Print setting 4-9
Size and Media Type 3-12, 11-14 Printing Job Terminator 8-40
Special Paper 11-18 User Name 8-40
Special Paper Action 8-27 Wide A4 8-39
Specifications 11-14 Printer Driver 11-29
Weight 8-29 Help 4-10
Paper Feed Mode 8-40 Printing Documents Stored in Removable USB
Paper Feeder 11-3 Memory 5-39
Paper Jams 10-27 Printing from PC 4-2
Cassettes 1 to 5 10-29 Printing Speed 11-24
Document Processor 10-33 Product Library xvi
Duplex Unit 10-30 Program 5-5
Inner Tray 10-32 Confirming 5-6
Inside Rear Cover 10-32 Deleting 5-7
Inside the Machine 10-31 Overwriting 5-7
Jam Location Indicators 10-27 Recalling 5-6
Multi Purpose Tray 10-28 Registering 5-5
Paper Length Guide 2-4, 3-5
Paper Selection 6-10 Q
Paper Stopper 2-2, 3-14 Quiet Mode 6-23, 8-44
Paper Width Guides 2-4, 3-5
Part Names 2-2
PDF/A 6-26, 11-29 R
Ping 8-17 RA (Stateless) 11-29
Platen 2-2 RA(Stateless)
POP3 11-29 Settings 8-11
Protocol Settings 8-13 RAM Disk 11-30
PostScript 11-29 RAM Disk Mode 8-35
Power Cable Raw
Connecting 2-9 Protocol Settings 8-13
Power Management 1-17 Rear Cover 1 2-3
Power Off 2-10 Recycled Paper 11-21
Power On 2-10 Regarding Trade Names 1-11
Power Switch 2-2 Registration Roller 2-5
PPM 11-29 Regular Maintenance 10-2
Precaution for Loading Paper 3-3 Toner Container Replacement 10-5
Precautions for Use 1-4 Waste Toner Box Replacement 10-9
Preset Limit 8-29 Report 8-5
Prevent Bleed-thru 6-16 Admin Report Settings 8-6
Default 8-33 Job Log History 8-6
Print Density 8-44 Report Print 8-5
Print Override 6-23 Result Report Settings 8-6
Print Settings 4-9 Report Print
Font List 8-5
Menu Map 8-5
Opt NW Status 8-5
Status Page 8-5
Resolution 6-30, 11-24 Specifications 11-22
Resource Saving - Paper 1-17 Copy Functions 11-24
Responding to Messages 10-16 Document Processor 11-25
REST Machine 11-22
Protocol Settings 8-16 Paper Feeder (500-sheet) (Option) 11-26
REST over SSL Printer Functions 11-24
Protocol Settings 8-16 Scanner Functions 11-25
Restart 8-22 Specifying Destination 5-14
Restart Network 8-17 SSD 11-5
SSD Initializ. 8-21
S SSL 8-16
Safety Conventions in This Guide 1-2 Status Page 11-30
Saving Documents to USB Memory 5-41 Status/Job Cancel 7-1
Scan Resolution 6-30 Storing Size 6-32
Default 8-33 Subject/Body 6-30
SD Card 11-4 Default 8-34
Secure Protocol 8-16 Subnet Mask 11-30
Security Level 8-20 Settings 8-10
Security Precautions when Using Wireless LAN 1-9 Supplies
Select Key Setting 8-38, 8-41, 8-42 Checking the Remaining Amount 7-16
Send and Forward 8-41 Symbols 1-2
Send as E-mail 5-12 System Menu 8-2
Send Result 8-6 Address Book/One Touch 8-43
Send Settings 8-41 Adjustment/Maintenance 8-44
Broadcast 8-41 Common Settings 8-24
Default Screen 8-41 Copy 8-38
Destination Check 8-41 Document Box 8-42
New Destination Entry 8-41 Edit Destination 8-43
Recall Destination 8-41 FAX 8-41
Select Key Setting 8-41 Printer 8-39
Send and Forward 8-41 Report 8-5
Send to Folder (FTP) 5-12 Send 8-41
Send to Folder (SMB) 5-12 System/Network 8-7
Send/Box Density 8-44 User Login/Job Accounting 8-23
Sending 5-12 User Property 8-23, 9-10
Preparation for Sending a Document to a PC 3-15 System/Network 8-7
Sending Size 6-25 Data Security 8-21
Service Setting 8-45 I/F Block Set. 8-20
Setting Date and Time 2-16 Network Setting 8-7
Sharpness 6-14 NW InterfaceSend 8-19
Simple Login 2-15 Optional Function 8-22
Size Dial 2-4 Optional Network 8-17
Skip Blank Page 6-23 Restart 8-22
Sleep 2-26 Security Level 8-20
Sleep Level 2-27, 8-31 Wireless Network 8-18
Sleep Rules 2-26, 8-31
Sleep Timer 8-31 T
Slit Glass 2-2 TCP/IP 11-30
SMB Settings 8-10, 8-11
Protocol Settings 8-13 TCP/IP (IPv4)
SMTP 11-30 Settings 2-17, 8-10
Protocol Settings 8-13 TCP/IP (IPv6) 11-28
SNMPv1/v2c Settings 8-11
Protocol Settings 8-13 TEL Connector 2-4
SNMPv3 Thin Print over SSL
Protocol Settings 8-12 Protocol Settings 8-14
Solving Malfunctions 10-11 ThinPrint
Sound 8-24 Protocol Settings 8-14
ThinPrint Option 11-6
Time Zone 8-30
Timer Setting WIA 11-30
Auto Error Clear 8-32 Setting WIA Driver 2-40
Auto Panel Reset 8-31 Wi-Fi
Err. Clear Timer 8-32 Settings 2-19, 8-8
PanelReset Timer 8-31 Wi-Fi Direct
Ping Timeout 8-32 Printing 4-11
Sleep Level 8-31 Settings 2-23, 8-7
Sleep Rules 8-31 Wireless Connection 1-9
Sleep Timer 8-31 Wireless Network 8-18
Unusable Time 8-32 Basic 8-17
Toner Container 2-5 Settings 2-19
Toner Container Lock Lever 2-5 Setup 8-18
Toner Container Replacement 10-5 Wireless Network Interface Kit 11-6
TonerAlert Level 8-36 WSD Scan 5-25
Tray Extension 2-4 WSD-PRINT
Troubleshooting 10-11 Protocol Settings 8-15
Scanning using TWAIN 5-29 Protocol Settings 8-15
Setting TWAIN Driver 2-38
U XPS FitTo Page 6-33
USB 11-30 Default 8-34
USB Cable
Connecting 2-9 Z
USB Interface 2-7 Zoom 6-16
USB Interface Connector 2-4 Default 8-33
USB Keyboard 11-6
USB Memory
Printing 5-39
Remove 5-43
Save 5-41
USB Memory Slot 2-2
User Login Administration 9-2
Adding a User 9-6
Changing User Properties 9-9
Enabling User Login Administration 9-3
FAX Driver 9-15
Group Authorization Set. 9-17
Guest Authorization Set. 9-18
ID Card Settings 9-22
Local Authoriz. 9-16
Login 2-14
Logout 2-15
Obtain NW User Property 9-21
Overview of User Login Administration 9-2
Printing 9-11
TWAIN 9-13
User Account Lockout Setting 9-5
WIA 9-14
User Login/Job Accounting 8-23
Job Accounting 9-25
Unknown ID Job 9-42
User Login 9-2
User Property 8-23
Waste Toner Box 2-5
Waste Toner Box Replacement 10-9
Weekly Timer Settings 8-32
KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc. KYOCERA Document Solutions Asia Limited
Headquarters 13/F.,Mita Centre, 552-566, Castle Peak Road Tsuen Wan,
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Phone: +31-20-654-0000 Germany
Fax: +31-20-653-1256 Phone: +49-2159-9180
Fax: +49-2159-918100
KYOCERA Document Solutions Nederland B.V.
Beechavenue 25, 1119 RA Schiphol-Rijk, KYOCERA Document Solutions Austria GmbH
The Netherlands Wienerbergstraße 11, Turm A, 18. OG, 1100 Wien,
Phone: +31-20-5877200 Austria
Fax: +31-20-5877260 Phone: +43-1-863380
Fax: +43-1-86338-400
KYOCERA Document Solutions (U.K.) Limited
Eldon Court, 75-77 London Road, KYOCERA Document Solutions Nordic AB
Reading, Berkshire RG1 5BS, Esbogatan 16B 164 75 Kista, Sweden
United Kingdom Phone: +46-8-546-550-00
Phone: +44-118-931-1500 Fax: +46-8-546-550-10
Fax: +44-118-931-1108
KYOCERA Document Solutions Norge Nuf
KYOCERA Document Solutions Italia S.p.A.
Olaf Helsetsv. 6, 0619 Oslo, Norway
Via Monfalcone 15, 20132, Milano, Italy, Phone: +47-22-62-73-00
Phone: +39-02-921791 Fax: +47-22-62-72-00
Fax: +39-02-92179-600
KYOCERA Document Solutions Danmark A/S
KYOCERA Document Solutions Belgium N.V.
Ejby Industrivej 60, DK-2600 Glostrup,
Sint-Martinusweg 199-201 1930 Zaventem, Denmark
Belgium Phone: +45-70223880
Phone: +32-2-7209270 Fax: +45-45765850
Fax: +32-2-7208748
KYOCERA Document Solutions Portugal Lda.
KYOCERA Document Solutions France S.A.S.
Rua do Centro Cultural, 41 (Alvalade) 1700-106 Lisboa,
Espace Technologique de St Aubin Portugal
Route de IOrme 91195 Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX, Phone: +351-21-843-6780
France Fax: +351-21-849-3312
Phone: +33-1-69852600
Fax: +33-1-69853409 KYOCERA Document Solutions
KYOCERA Document Solutions Espana, S.A. South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
Edificio Kyocera, Avda. de Manacor No.2, KYOCERA House, Hertford Office Park,
28290 Las Matas (Madrid), Spain 90 Bekker Road (Cnr. Allandale), Midrand, South Africa
Phone: +34-91-6318392 Phone: +27-11-540-2600
Fax: +34-91-6318219 Fax: +27-11-466-3050