Practice questions (1)
Practice questions (1)
Practice questions (1)
What is a markup Language and what is the relationship between XML and HTML?
What is html? explain the various html tags to develop the web pages
What is the use of HTML Forms? Create a HTML Form page for Railway Registration Form
"Develop a html web page for the following design using frame and frameset.
<linApply> <frame3>
<content to be displayed in this frame>
What are HTML tags? List the commonly used HTML commands
Using suitable HTML tags, create Online student course registration form.
Create a HTML page for a suitable application with labels, text box, text area and buttons embedded.
Briefly discuss how password can be hidden in a HTML page with suitable example.
With suitable example, discuss the creation of different types of lists in HTML.
What are the necessities of using HTML forms? What is the use of HTML Forms? Create a HTML Form
page for Railway Registration Form.
How to create user interactive web pages using form objects and form elements?
Design a web page that allows the user to choose from a series of images and to view the image in color
and grayscale.
Discuss in detail about WWW. Also explain in detail about the step functions of HTTP protocol with
suitable figure.
Discuss in detail about the architecture of web browser. Also llustrate the working of web-server and
Explain in detail about the structure of HTML document using suitable example.
Create a HTML file for online voting system using elements like labels, textbox, buttons, listdown, radio
button and check box.
Discuss how CSS can be linked to a HTML document. Also illustrate the usage of different HTML tags.
Demonstrate how table tag can be used in HTML by providing suitable complex enough example for a
sample scenario.
Using suitable HTML tags, create a homepage for your university with appropriate design output.
<h1> to <h6>
Explain in detail about the different attributes of table tag with suitable example.
Discuss the use of forms in HTML with suitable example. Also discuss the working of get and post
Using suitable HTML tags, create a static web page for university advertisement.
Create a web page using suitable HTML tags for Online bus reservation system.
Using suitable HTML tags, create a web page for vehicle management system for a Vehicular service
Define DOM
Write a Java Script program to create Popup box, alert and confirm box
Describe the difference between Client Side scripting and Server Side Scripting.
Write a simple java script embedded with html to declare an array of size ‘5’ and the values are assigned
to each index which is the combination of integer and string values. Next, using ‘For loop’, the value
present at each index is to be displayed with the help of a message box.
Write short notes on the following a. Events, Attributes and Tags b. DOM2 event model.
Discuss the methods associated with array object in JavaScript? Explain each one with an example
Define Document object model? Discuss the various DOM methods used with javascript
Using a JavaScript create a web page using two image files , which switch between one another as the
mouse pointer moves over the images
Develop a simple online shopping application using JavaScript(Assume your own data)
Explain the various event handlers in java script. Give an example of each.
Develop the web page for employee management system and validate all the fields using java script
Write short notes on Java Script/Advantages of Scripting • Java Script control statements • Java Script
Define CSS. Explain inline, internal, external and embedded style sheets with examples.
Explain the various types of XML schema data types and their applications.
Write CSS code that defines five classes of paragraph with different background, color, margins, padding
and border style.
Explain the four possible keywords in a DTD declaration with suitable examples.
<son id="1">Hou</son>
<daughter id="3">Asma</daughter>
Give a detailed example for the use of Entities within DTD and XML
Define XML
Create a XML document to store voter ID, voter name, address and date of birth details. Create a DTD to
validate the document.
Write a java Script for counting Odd, even and prime numbers from 1 to 100
Write a Java Script using for loop for displaying sum of first 150 numbers, If a=10 and b=20 write a java
script to swapping of these two numbers.
Write a java script program to perform the validation process in an application programs
What are the various java script objects? Explain each with an example
Design a webpage with a textbox where the user can enter a four digit number and a button “validate” .
Validate the entered number for the following using java script. No zero as the first digit Entered
number must be in ascending order of digits (Ex:1234,5678…)
Write the complete JavaScript to prompt the user for the radius of the sphere and call function sphere
Volume to calculate and display the volume of the sphere. Use the statement.
Develop a simple online shopping application using JavaScript(Assume your own data) Explain the
various event handlers in java script. Give an example of each. Write a java script program to develop
the arithmetic calculator .
Develop a JavaScript program to display a message “HI ! GOOD MORNING TO YOU” when a page is
loaded and display a message “THANKS TO VISIT OUR WEB PAGE” when a page is unloaded.
Define variable and how variable can be declared in the java script language.
Give the difference between Client Side scripting and Server Side Scripting.
create a script that asks the user for a name, and then greets the user with "Hello" and the user name
on the page.
Create a script that prompts the user for a number and then counts from 1 to that number displaying
only the odd numbers.
Explain the way in which java script handles arrays with example
Explain how local and global functions can be written using java script.
Write a java script that calculates the square and cube of 15 and display it in alert box
Define AJAX
Is it possible for one JSP to extend another java class if yes how?
Define session.
Discuss the way to Set A Cookie And Delete A Cookie From Within A Jsp Page.
Write a program in JSP showing declaration of two integer variables and showing their sum.