Fig. ERD1. Relationship among More Moore, More-than-Moore, and Beyond CMOS. The chapter is intended to provide an objective, informative resource for the constituent nanoelectronics communities pursuing: 1) research, 2) tool development, 3) funding support, and 4) investment, each directed to developing a new information processing technology. These communities include university, research institute, and industrial research laboratories; tool
Functional Scaling: Suppose that a system has been realized to execute a specific function in a given, currently available, technology. We say that system has been functionally scaled if the system is realized in an alternate technology such that it performs the identical function as the original system and offers improvements in at least one of size, power, speed, or cost, and does not degrade in any of the other metrics. 2 Information processing refers to the input, transmission, storage, manipulation or processing, and output of data. The scope of the ERD Chapter is restricted to data or information manipulation, transmission, and storage.
suppliers; research funding agencies; and the semiconductor industry. The potential and maturity of each emerging research device and architecture technology are reviewed and assessed to identify the most important scientific and technological challenges that must be overcome for a candidate device or architecture to become a viable approach. The scope is expanded to include a major new section on devices required for heterogeneous integration to realize a specific system function in a More-than-Moore application. In addition, the Memory Device Section is expanded to include two new subsections: one on Storage Class Memory (to include Solid State Drive Memory) and another on the Select Device/Diode required for a crossbar memory application. Finally, the Benchmarking subsection is expanded and moved from the Architecture Section to the Critical Assessment Section to provide a balanced assessment of these emerging new device technologies. A brief section also is included to propose a set of fundamental principles that will likely govern successful extension of information processing technology substantially beyond that attainable solely with ultimately scaled CMOS. A section introduced in the 2009 edition that highlights Carbon-based Nanoelectronics as a rapidly emerging information processing technology is expanded to highlight two rapidly emerging memory technologies: Spin Transfer Torque Magnetostatic RAM (STT-MRAM), and Redox Resistive RAM. These three technologies exhibit substantial potential such that they will likely be ready for manufacture within a five ten year period. Highlighting also suggests that a technology is an attractive candidate for accelerated development. The chapter is divided into five sections: 1) memory devices, 2) information processing or logic devices, 3) More-than-Moore device technologies, 4) emerging research information processing architectures, and 5) a critical assessment of each technology entry. Some detail is provided for each entry regarding operation principles, advantages, technical challenges, maturity, and current and projected performance. Also included is a device and architectural focus combining emerging research devices offering specialized, unique functions as heterogeneous core processors integrated with a CMOS platform technology. This represents the nearer term focus of the chapter, with the longer term focus remaining on discovery of an alternate information processing technology to eventually replace digital CMOS. As in previous editions, the chapter includes transition tables. The purpose of these transition tables is twofold. The first is to track technologies that have appeared in or have been removed from the 2009 tables and so provide a very brief explanation of the reason for this change. The second is to identify technologies that are considered important but do not meet the criteria for full inclusion into the more detailed tables. These may be expected to become more or less visible in future editions of the roadmap and hence the name.
The semiconductor industry is facing three classes of difficult challenges related to extending integrated circuit technology to new applications and to beyond the end of CMOS dimensional scaling. One class relates to propelling CMOS beyond its ultimately density and functionality by integrating, for example, a new high speed, dense and low power memory technology onto the CMOS platform. Another class is to invent and reduce to practice long term alternative solutions to technologies that address existing MtM ITRS topical entries currently in wireless and eventually in power devices, image sensors, etc. The third class is to extend information processing substantially beyond that attainable by CMOS using an innovative combination of new devices, interconnect and architectural approaches for extending CMOS and, eventually, inventing a new information processing platform technology. These difficult challenges, all addressing the long term period of 2018 2026, are presented in Table ERD1.
Table ERD1
Difficult Challenges 2018 2026
Scale high-speed, dense, embeddable, volatile, and nonvolatile memory technologies to replace SRAM and / or FLASH for manufacture by 2018.
Develop means to control the variability of critical dimensions and statistical distributions (e.g., gate length, channel thickness, S/D doping concentrations, etc.) Accommodate the heterogeneous integration of dissimilar materials. The desired material/device properties must be maintained through and after high temperature and corrosive chemical processing Reliability issues should be identified & addressed early in this development.
Extend ultimately scaled CMOS as a platform technology into new domains of application.
Discover and reduce to practice new device technologies and primitive-level architecture to provide special purpose optimized functional cores (e.g., accelerator functions) heterogeneously integrable with CMOS. Invent and reduce to practice a new information processing technology eventually to replace CMOS Ensure that a new information processing technology is compatible with the new memory technology discussed above; i.e., the logic technology must also provide the access function in a new memory technology.
Continue functional scaling of information processing technology substantially beyond that attainable by ultimately scaled CMOS.
new information processing technology must also be compatible with a systems architecture that can fully utilize the new device. A new non-binary data representation and non-Boolean logic may be required to employ a new device for information processing. These requirements will drive the need for a new systems architecture.
Bridge the gap that exists between materials behaviors and device functions. Accommodate the heterogeneous integration of dissimilar materials Reliability issues should be identified & addressed early in the technology development The industry is now faced with the increasing importance of a new trend, More than Moore (MtM), where added value to devices is provided by incorporating functionalities that do not necessarily scale according to "Moore's Law. Heterogeneous integration of digital and non-digital functionalities into compact systems that will be the key driver for a wide variety of application fields, such as communication, automotive, environmental control, healthcare, security and entertainment.
Invent and reduce to practice long term alternative solutions to technologies that address existing MtM ITRS topical entries currently in wireless/analog and eventually in power devices, MEMS, image sensors, etc.
optical CD, etc.). Therefore, development of electrically accessible non-volatile memory with high speed and high density would initiate a revolution in computer architecture, referred to as Storage Class Memory or SCM. This development would provide a significant increase in information throughput beyond the traditional benefits of scaling when fully realized for nanoscale CMOS devices. A related challenge is to sustain scaling of CMOS logic technology beyond 2018. One approach to continuing performance gains as CMOS scaling matures in the next decade is to replace the strained silicon MOSFET channel (and the source/drain) with an alternate material offering a higher potential quasi-ballistic-carrier velocity and higher mobility than strained silicon. Candidate materials include strained Ge, SiGe, a variety of III-V compound semiconductors, and graphene. Introduction of non-silicon materials into the channel and source/drain regions of an otherwise silicon MOSFET (i.e., onto a silicon substrate) is fraught with several very difficult challenges. These challenges include heterogeneous fabrication of high-quality (i.e., defect free) channel and source/drain materials on non-lattice matched silicon, minimization of band-to-band tunneling in narrow bandgap channel materials, elimination of Fermi level pinning in the channel/gate dielectric interface, and fabrication of high- gate dielectrics on the passivated channel materials. Additional challenges are to sustain the required reduction in leakage currents and power dissipation in these ultimately scaled CMOS gates and to introduce these new materials into the MOSFET while simultaneously minimizing the increasing variations in critical dimensions and statistical fluctuations in the channel (source/drain) doping concentrations. The industry is now addressing the increasing importance of a new trend, More than Moore (MtM), where added value to devices is provided by incorporating functionalities that do not necessarily scale according to "Moore's Law. This chapter includes for the first time significant parts of the More-than-Moore domain; initial coverage in 2011 will encompass wireless technologies. Traditionally, the ITRS has taken a technology push approach for roadmapping More Moore, assuming the validity of Moores law. In the absence of such a law, a different methodology will be developed and used to identify and guide roadmap efforts in the MtM-domain. A longer-term challenge is invention and reduction to practice of a manufacturable information processing technology addressing beyond CMOS applications. For example, emerging research devices might be used to realize special purpose processor cores that could be integrated with multiple CMOS CPU cores to obtain performance advantages. These new special purpose cores may provide a particular system function much more efficiently than a digital CMOS block, or they may offer a uniquely new function not available in a CMOS-based approach. Solutions to this challenge beyond the end of CMOS scaling also may lead to new opportunities for such an emerging research device technology to eventually replace the CMOS gate as a new information processing primitive element. A new information processing technology must also be compatible with a systems architecture that can fully utilize the new device. A non-binary data representation and non-Boolean logic may be required to employ a new device for information processing. These requirements will drive the need for a new systems architecture.
required device structure, which is the domain of the ERM chapter. The data representation is how the computational state variable is encoded by the assemblage of devices to process the bits or data. Two of the most common examples of data representation are binary digital and continuous or analog signaling. This layer is within the scope of the ERD chapter. The architecture plane encompasses three subclasses of this Taxonomy: 1) nano-architecture or the physical arrangement or assemblage of devices to form higher level functional primitives to represent and execute a computational model, 2) the computational model that describes the algorithm by which information is processed using the primitives, e.g., logic, arithmetic, memory, cellular nonlinear network (CNN); and 3) the system-level architecture that describes the conceptual structure and functional behavior of the system exercising the computational model. Subclass 1) is within the scope of the ERD chapter, and subclasses 2) and 3) above are within the scope of the Design chapter. The elements shown in the red-lined yellow boxes represent the current CMOS platform technology that is based on electronic charge as a binary computational state variable. This state variable serves as the foundation for the von Neumann computational system architecture. Analog data representation also is included in the current CMOS platform technology. The other entries grouped in these five categories summarize individual approaches that, combined in some yet to be determined highly innovative fashion, may provide a new highly scalable information processing paradigm.
A Taxono
Figure ERD2:
A Taxonomy for Emerging Research Information Processing Devices (The technology entries are representative but not comprehensive.)
Including a particular approach in this section does not in any way constitute advocacy or endorsement. Conversely, not including a particular concept in this section does not in any way constitute rejection of that approach. This listing does point out that existing research efforts are exploring a variety of basic memory mechanisms.
manner. Fabrication technologies are sought that are modifications of or additions to a CMOS platform technology. A goal is to provide the end user with a device that behaves similar to the familiar silicon memory chip. Because each of these new approaches attempts to mimic and improve on the capabilities of a present day memory technology, key performance parameters are provided in Table ERD3 for existing baseline and prototypical memory technologies. These parameters provide relevant benchmarks against which the current and projected performance of each new research memory technology may be compared. The emerging research memory technology entries in the current version of the roadmap differ in several respects from the 2009 edition. These changes in technology entries in this section are captured in the Transition Table for emerging research memory devices (Table ERD4). The changes are: 1) STT-MRAM is taken out of Table ERD5 (this technology entry is now addressed in the PIDS chapter); 2) FeFET memory is replaced with Emerging Ferroelectric memory, 3) Nanothermal and Nanoionic memories are now merged in Redox memory, 4) Electronic Effects Memory is taken out of Table ERD5, and lastly 5) A new entry for Mott memory is added. The reasons and motivations for these changes are given in Table ERD4. This memory portion of this section is organized around a set of six technology entries shown in the column headers of Table ERD5. These entries were selected using a systematic survey of the literature to determine the areas of greatest worldwide research activity. Each technology entry listed has several sub-categories of devices that are grouped together to simplify the discussion. Key parameters associated with the technologies are listed in the table. For each parameter, three values for performance are given: 1) minimum performance, satisfactory for practical application, 2) theoretically predicted performance values based on calculations and early experimental demonstrations, 3) up-to-date experimental values of these performance parameters reported in the cited technical references. The last row in Table ERD5 contains the number of papers on the particular device technology published in the last two years. It is meant to be a gauge of the amount of research activity currently taking place in the research community and it is a primary metric that determines which of the candidate devices are included in this table. The tables have been extensively footnoted and details may be found in the indicated references. The text associated with the table gives a brief summary of the operating principles of each device and as well as significant scientific and technological issues, not captured in the table, but which must be resolved to demonstrate feasibility. The purpose of many memory systems is to store massive amount of data, and therefore memory capacity (or memory density) is one of the most important system parameters. In a typical memory system, the memory cells are connected to form a twodimensional array, and it is essential to consider the performance of memory cells in the context of their array architecture. A memory cell in array can be viewed as being composed of two fundamental components: the Storage node and the Selector, which allows a given memory cell in an array to be addressed for read or write. Both components impact scaling limits for memory. For several advanced concepts of resistance-based memories, the storage node can in principle be scaled down below 10 nm1, and the memory density will be limited by the select device. Thus the select device represents a serious bottleneck for ReRAM scaling to 10 nm and beyond. Planar transistors (e.g. FET or BJT) are typically used as select devices. In twodimensional layout using in-plane select FETs the cell layout area is Acell=(6-8)F2. In order to reach the highest possible 2-D memory density of 4F2, a vertical select transistor can be used. Table ERD6 shows several examples of vertical transistor approaches currently being pursued for select devices. Another approach to obtaining a select device with a small footprint is a two-terminal nonlinear device, e.g. a diode, either as a separate device or intrinsic to a nonlinear resistive memory element. Table ERD7 displays benchmark parameters required for a 2-terminal select device and Table ERD8 summarizes the operating parameters for several candidate 2-terminal select devices. Storage-class memory (SCM) describes a device category that combines the benefits of solid-state memory, such as high performance and robustness, with the archival capabilities and low cost per bit of conventional hard-disk magnetic storage. Such a device requires a nonvolatile memory technology that can be manufactured at a very low cost per bit. The potential of prototypical and emerging research memory devices for SCM applications is assessed in the context of existing commercialized storage technologies, namely the magnetic hard disk drives (HDD) and nonvolatile semiconductor flash memory. Table ERD9
lists a representative set of target specifications for SCM devices and systems compared with benchmark parameters of existing technologies (HDD, NAND Flash, and DRAM). To be successful, SCM should offer a combination of the reliability, fast access, and endurance of a solid-state memory, together with the low-cost archival capabilities and vast capacity of a magnetic hard disk drive. Table ERD10 shows the potential of prototypical memory technologies (Table
ERD3) and the current emerging research memory entries (Table ERD5) for storage-class memory applications based on the above parameters.
labeled as a 1T1C technology. Other technologies, such as STT-MRAM where data is stored as the spin state in a magnetic material, can be represented as a 1T1R technology. Here the resistance R indicates that the cell readout is accomplished by sensing the current through the cell. The utility of this form of classification reflects the trend to simplify cells (i.e., reduce cell area) by reducing the number of equivalent elements to a minimum. Thus, early in the development of a given technology it is common to see multi-transistor multi-x (x equals capacitor or resistor) cells. As learning progresses, the structures are scaled down to a producible 1T1x form. The near ideal arrangement is to incorporate the data storage element directly into the transistor structure such that a 1T cell is achieved. In ultra-dense nanoelectronic memory arrays, instead of the transistor T, a two terminal non-linear diode-like element may be used with a resistive memory element. Such structure is represented as 1D1R technology. An important property that differentiates emerging research memory technologies is whether data can be retained when power is not present. Nonvolatile memory offers essential use advantages, and the degree to which non-volatility exists is measured in terms of the length of time that data can be expected to be retained. Volatile memories also have a characteristic retention time that can vary from milliseconds to (for practical purposes) the length of time that power remains on.
opening of an electrical circuit. Several different modifications of suspended-beam/cantilever NEMMs are currently being explored using different materials including Si16, Ge17, TiN18 CNT19, and others. A difficult challenge of the cantilever NEMM is scalabily: the cantilever spring constant and therefore the pull-in voltage are increasing as the beams length decreases. NEMM scaling analysis20 suggests that it might be difficult to achieve low-voltage (~1 V) operation for the beam length less than 50 nm. Vertically oriented cantilever switches could reduce the NEMM area footprint16. In addition, nanoelectromechanical torsion switches has recently been demonstrated21,22, which are claimed to have better scaling properties22. There are also proposals for hybrid NEMS/floating gate memory devices to improve the write/erase characteristics. In these devices, either floating gate23 or control gate24 are made as a suspended bridge or cantilever 25, separated from the other by an air gap. The suspended bridge electrode can move within the gap under applied voltage, thus changing the separation between the control and floating gates, e.g. smaller for the fast write/erase and larger for longer retention time for the storage mode. Limited endurance is a serious issue of experimentally demonstrated NEMM devices, as they often fail after ~100 switching cycles17,18,19,26.
nanowires LaAlO3/SrTiO3 grown on Si substrate has been demonstrated and the opportunities for nanoscale memory devices discussed42
stress on the memory elements on the existing layers, the processing temperature of the vertical transistor as selection devices in 3D stacks must be low. Also, making contact to the third terminal (gate) of vertical FET constitutes an additional integration challenge, which usually results in cells size larger than 4F263; although true 4F2 arrays can, in principle, be implemented with 3terminal select devices64.
11 MIEC switch This type of select device is based on the exponential I-V characteristics observed in materials that conduct both ions and electronic charges so called mixed ionic and electronic conduction materials (MIEC). The resistive switching mechanism of MIEC switch is similar to the ionic memories. With appropriate control, the resistive switching in MIEC devices is volatile and provides device selection functions76. Summary 2 Terminal Switches As follows from Table ERD8, the required device characteristics have not yet been demonstrated and remain a significant scientific and technical challenge. For scaled two-terminal select devices two fundamental challenges are contact resistance77 and lateral depletion effects78,79. Very high concentration of dopants is needed to minimize both effects. However, high dopant concentrations result in increased reverse bias currents in classical diode structures and therefore in reduced Ion/Ioff ratio. For switch-type select devices the main challenges are identifying the right material and the switching mechanism to achieve the required drive current density, Ion/Ioff ratio, and reliability. Prototypical and emerging research memory technologies for SCM applications
As the scalability of flash is approaching its limit, emerging technologies for non-volatile memories need to be investigated for a potential take over of the scaling roadmap for flash. In principle, such new SCM technology could engender two entirely new and distinct levels within the memory and storage hierarchy, differentiated from each other by access time and located below offchip DRAM and above mechanical storage. The first new level, identified as S-type storage-class memory (S-SCM), would serve as a high-performance solid-state drive, accessed by the system I/O controller much like an HDD. S-SCM would need to provide at least the same data retention as flash, allowing S-SCM modules to be stored offline, while offering new direct overwrite and random access capabilities (which can lead to improved performance and simpler systems) that NAND flash devices cannot provide. However, it would be absolutely
critical that the device cost at introduction for S-SCM be no more than 1.5-2x higher than NAND flash, in order to guarantee large unit volumes and justify the capital investment in an unproven new technology. If the cost per bit could be driven low enough through ultrahigh memory density, ultimately such an S-SCM device could potentially replace magnetic hard-disk drives in enterprise storage server systems, as well as in mobile computers. The second new level within the memory and storage hierarchy, termed M-type storage-class memory (M-SCM), should offer a read/write latency of less than 100 ns. These specifications would allow it to remain synchronous with a memory system, allowing direct connection from a memory controller and bypassing the inefficiencies of access through the I/O controller. The role of M-SCM would be to augment a small amount of DRAM to provide the same overall system performance as a DRAMonly system, while providing moderate retention, lower power-per-GB and lower cost-per-GB than DRAM. Again, as with SSCM, the cost target is critical. It would be desirable to have cross-use of the same technology in either embedded applications or as a standalone S-SCM, in order to spread out the development risk of a M-SCM technology. The retention requirements for M-SCM are less stringent, since the role of non-volatility might be primarily to provide full recovery from crashes or short-term power outages. Particularly critical for M-SCM will be device endurance, since the time available for wear-leveling, error-correction, and other similar techniques is limited. The volatile portion of the memory hierarchy will have effectively infinite endurance compared to any of the non-volatile memory candidates that could become an M-SCM. Even if device endurance can be pushed well over 109 cycles, it is quite likely that the role of M-SCM will need to be carefully engineered within a cascaded-cache or other Hybrid Memory approach84. That said, M-SCM offers a host of new opportunities to system designers, opening up the possibility of programming with truly persistent data, committing critical transactions to M-SCM rather than to HDD, and performing commitin-place database operations. The density and cost requirements of SCM transcend what may be achieved through the straightforward scaling application of Moores Law. Additional techniques will be needed to achieve the ultrahigh memory densities and extremely low cost demanded by SCM, either by using: (1) 3-D integration of multiple layers of memory, currently implemented commercially for write-once solid-state memory85, and/or (2) Multiple bits per cell (MLC) techniques. The goal of SCM development is to create compact, robust storage (and memory) systems with greatly improved cost/performance ratios relative to other technologies. The defining requirements for all SCM technologies are non-volatility (ranging from 1 week to 10 years), very low latencies (ranging from hundreds of nanoseconds up to tens of microseconds), physical durability during practical use, and most important, ultra-low cost per bit. Table ERD9 lists a representative set of target specifications for SCM devices and systems compared with benchmark parameters of existing technologies (HDD and NAND Flash). To be successful, SCM should offer a combination of the reliability, fast access, and endurance of a solid-state memory, together with the low-cost archival capabilities and vast capacity of a magnetic hard disk drive. In view of the current market success of SSD, while there is only a limited potential for further improvements in flash storage devices, it appears that storage applications could be the primary driver for the new memory technologies, as they may help to overcome the fundamental shortcomings of flash technology. Necessary attributes of a memory device for the storage-class memory applications (mainly driven by the requirement to minimize the cost per bit) are: Scalability Multilevel Cell (however MLC vs. extreme scaling dilemma should be noted) 3D integration Fabrication costs Endurance (for M-SCM) Retention (for S-SCM)
Table ERD10 shows the potential of the prototypical memory (Table ERD3) and the current emerging research memory entries (Table ERD5) for storage-class memory applications based on the above parameters. A likely introduction of these new memory devices to the market is by the hybrid solid-state discs, where the new memory technology complements the traditional flash memory to boost the SSD performance. Experimental implementations of FeRAM/flash 86 and PCRAM/flash87 have recently been explored. It was shown that the PCRAM/Flash hybrid improves SSD operations by decreasing the energy consumption and increasing the lifetime of flash memory87.
Since SCM is a system level approach to fill the memory gap, not only development of the memory technology itself, but dedicated interface and architecture for each technologies are necessary to be examined, in order to make use of the potential, and/or to back up the weakness of the memories. For example, performance of flash SSD is strongly limited by their interface performance. The standard SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) interface, which is a commonly used interface for SSD, was originally designed for HDD, and is not optimized for flash SSD88. There are several approaches to employ novel interface or architecture to take advantage of the flash SSD performance88,89,90. In considering new SCM candidates, one should explore new memory interface solutions at a system level.
4.2.4. LOGIC DEVICES MOSFET: Extending MOSFETs to the End of the Roadmap Carbon Nanotube FETs The most often mentioned advantages of Carbon Nanotube FETs are the high mobility of charge carriers and the potential to minimize the subthreshold slope (i.e., minimize the short channel effects) by a surround gate geometry. However, there are multiple challenges to achieving this, including: 1) the ability to control bandgap energy, 2) positioning of the nanotubes in required locations and directions, 3) control of the number of nanotube walls, 4) control of charge carrier type and concentration, 5) deposition of a gate dielectric, and 6) formation of low resistance electrical contacts. In the past two years, significant advances have been made in fabricating and characterizing CNT FETs. They include 1) maintaining their performance as their channel length was scaled down to 15 nm without observing the short channel effect 92; 2)fabricating a 15-nm device showing a transconductance of 40 S for a single channel; 3) fabricating a FET with an extrinsic f T of 15 GHz and an intrinsic fT of 80 GHz93; 4) fabricating a n-type FET with Y contacts and projected 2.06 ps gate delay 94; and 5)fabricating a CMOS inverter with a noise margin of 0.67 V at VDD of 2 V using fully CMOS compatible materials95. In addition, continuous progress has been achieved for the remaining challenges including sorting carbon nanotubes with chemical techniques to achieve a distribution of nanotubes with controlled bandgap energy and improving the purity of single chiral semiconducting nanotubes to ~99%96. This is still however, many orders of magnitude less than would be required for fabrication of VLSI. Dense and highly-aligned semiconducting nanotubes have been grown on quartz substrates, and transferred to silicon wafers. However, the purity of the semiconductor nanotubes is~ 95 %, and the growth mechanism is not well understood97. The Langmuir -Blodgett method and the evaporating-droplet method have been proposed as alternative
technologies to achieve highly-dense and aligned semiconducting nanotubes. However, a technology to remove dispersants is needed to form a good contact and to reduce unintentional doping. A technique for controlling carrier type and concentration has been proposed using interface charges incorporated in a high-k gate insulator 98. The reliability, controllability, and the carrier trapping effect need to be understood. A uniform 5-nm-thick high-k gate insulator has been realized on a nanotube using Y 2O399 but the reproducibility and the interface traps need to be better understood. Good contacts have been formed for both p-type and n-type FETs,100 but CMOS compatible material is needed for n-type FETs. Even though significant progress has been made, the ultimate goal of depositing dense, aligned, and only semiconducting nanotubes as a high mobility channel replacement material on a silicon wafer remains elusive, as does fabricating nanotube circuits in an otherwise conventional CMOS process flow. Graphene Nanoribbon FETs Graphene materials offer the potential of extremely high carrier mobilities that can exceed that of CNTs, and also offer the promise of patterning graphene nanoribbons using conventional top down processes. Work on graphene field effect transistors (FETs), is proceeding at a rapid pace but is still at an early stage. Beginning with the first description of the electric field effect in graphene in 2004101, graphene FETs using bottom gating102, top-gating 103,104,105 dual-gating 106,107 , and side-gating 108 have now been demonstrated using exfoliated 109,110 epitaxial 111,112,113 and CVD-grown graphene 114,115. Research on graphene FETs started with use of exfoliated graphene to form a transistor channel. Recently, there have been many studies using epitaxial graphene on SiC substrates and CVD-grown graphene. Exfoliated graphene still offers the highest mobility116,117,118 but is not manufacturable. Back-gated graphene FETs with SiO2 dielectric were typically shown to have fieldeffect mobilities up to around 10,000 cm2/V s119 (note that although back-gating is not desirable for FET-based circuitry, this mobility value does act as a useful comparison to top-gate mobility values). It has been predicted that the room-temperature mobility of graphene on SiO2 is limited to ~40,000 cm2/Vs due to scattering by surface phonons at the SiO2 substrate120 . In fact, the highest field effect mobilities were obtained using suspended graphene. Values as high as 120,000 cm 2/Vs and 1,000,000 cm2/Vs at 240K and liquid-helium temperatures, respectively121,122,123 have been measured. Recently, boron nitride, an inert and flat material, was used as a substrate for a graphene channel124,125, and it was shown that the field effect mobility of such devices can exceed 100,000 cm2/Vs at room temperature. Epitaxial graphene on SiC has exhibited carrier mobilities as high as 15,000 cm2/Vs and 250,000 cm2/Vs at room and liquid helium temperatures respectively 126,127. On the other hand CVD graphene has shown carrier mobilities as high as 10,000 cm2/Vs at room temperature128. As for top-gated graphene-channel transistors, field-effect mobilities are in general lower than those shown above, because the deposition of gate dielectric can degrade the electrical properties of graphene129. In order to avoid such degradation, a buffer layer is often used between graphene and high-k materials130,131. It was also shown that SiO2 layer formed by vacuum evaporation did not degrade graphene channel so much, and field-effect mobilities as high as 5,400 cm2/Vs were achieved for top-gated transistors132. In another case, naturally-oxidized thin aluminum layer was used as a seeding layer of Al2O3 by atomic layer deposition and field effect mobilities as high as 8600 cm2/Vs were achieved133. The highest field effect mobility of top-gated graphene transistors was obtained using Al2O3 nanowire as gate dielectric, which was as high as 23,600 cm 2/Vs134. The highest field-effect mobilities of top-gated transistors using epitaxial graphene and CVD-graphene were 5,400 cm2/Vs and 4,000 cm2/Vs, respectively135,136. In all the cases mentioned here, the mobilities of electrons and holes are similar. Predictions of high current densities, extraordinarily high mobilities, and superior FET performance 137,138 with the goal of compatibility with CMOS process and temperature range, continue to drive the rapid pace of innovation in graphene FETs. This innovation, accompanied by evidence of tunable Ion/Ioff via bandgap energy139,140 and advancement in CVD technology for synthesizing large-area graphene141,142,143 is likely to bring rapid advances in this area over the next few years, hence ERDs identification of graphene as a possible solution for extending CMOS to the end of the Roadmap. An important limitation of graphene for digital applications is its zero bandgap energy which in turn will result in a very small Ion/Ioff ratio. As mentioned above, however, several methods to open a bandgap have been proposed. One is to build devices with graphene nanoribbons144,145,146,147,148. Carrier transport through a nanoribbon was first demonstrated using nanoribbons fabricated by a top-down approach149. Nanoribbons were then made by several other methods150,151,152,153. Specifically, it was recently demonstrated that graphene nanoribbon with a precisely-controlled uniform width can be synthesized by a bottom-up approach using precursor monomers154. Devices using nanoribbons with a 2-nm width made by sonication of exfoliated graphite in a chemical solution showed an on-off ratio of 107, with a field effect mobilitiy of ~200 cm2/Vs155. The relatively low mobility was considered to be caused by scattering at the edges of nanoribbons. In fact, recent theoretical studies showed that obtaining smooth edges is essential to obtain good electrical properties 156. In addition, recent experimental studies suggest that transport in graphene nanoribbon is greatly affected by defects at the edges and charged impurities157,158,159. More efforts are required to realize graphene nanoribbon transistors for CMOS. An important application space for graphene may be RF with discrete elements and high linearity requirements. There have been many studies aiming at such high-frequency applications160,161,162. A cut-off frequency of 300 GHz has been obtained by selfTHE INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP FOR SEMICONDUCTORS: 2011
aligned processes using exfoliated graphene and core-shell nanowire as a gate stack163. Unity current gain cut-off frequencies as high as 170 GHz and 155 GHz have also been obtained for devices using epitaxial164 and CVD165 graphene, respectively. Achieving a high maximum frequency of oscillation is the next important step for realizing RF applications. Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors (NWFETs) Nanowire field-effect transistors are structures in which the conventional planar MOSFET channel is replaced with a semiconducting nanowire. Such nanowires have been demonstrated with diameters as small as 0.5 nm166. They may be composed of a wide variety of materials, including silicon, germanium, various III-V compound semiconductors (GaN, AlN, InN, GaP, InP, GaAs, InAs), II-VI materials (CdSe, ZnSe, CdS, ZnS), as well as semiconducting oxides (In2O3, ZnO, TiO2), etc.167 Importantly, at low diameters, these nanowires exhibit quantum confinement behavior, i.e, 1-D conduction, that may permit the reduction of short channel effects and other limitations to the scaling of planar MOSFETs. Important progress has been made in the fabrication of semiconducting nanowires for use as FET channels, for which there are two principal methods. The first method is nanoimprint lithography, by which semiconducting channels are formed through a printing or stamping process168. The second is catalyzed chemical vapor deposition169 ,170. In particular, the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth mechanism has been used to demonstrate a variety of nanowires, including core-shell and core-multishell heterostructures171,172. Heterogeneous composite nanowire structures have been configured in both core-shell and longitudinally segmented configurations using group IV and compound materials. The longitudinally segmented configurations are grown epitaxially so that the material interfaces are perpendicular to the axis of the nanowire. This allows significant lattice mismatches without significant defects. Vertical transistors have been fabricated in this manner using Si173, InAs174,175 and ZnO176 , with quite good characteristics. Core-shell gate-all-around configurations177 display excellent gate control and few short channel effects. Circuit and system functionality of nanowire devices have been demonstrated, including individual CMOS logic gates 178, a PMOS ring oscillator exhibiting ~12 MHz operation179 , and extended, programmable arrays (a.k.a. tiles) of nonvolatile nanowires that were used to demonstrate full-adder, full-subtractor, multiplexer, demultiplexer, and clocked D-latch operations 180 . The measured operating speed of these various nanowire test circuits was limited by off-chip interconnect capacitance and thus did not achieve the THz operation that is predicted to be the intrinsic capability of nanowire devices181. N-type III-V channel replacement devices Use of III-V compound semiconductors as n-type channel replacement materials has attracted great attention because of their excellent bulk electron mobilities ( e) of 33000 cm2V-1s-1 (InAs) and 80000 cm2V-1s-1 (InSb) respectively. In addition, Sb-based III-V compound semiconductors exhibit hole mobilities ( h) of 1250 cm2V-1s-1 (InSb) and 850 cm2V-1s-1 (GaSb), significantly greater than bulk Si h of 500 cm2V-1s-1. InAs has been studied as n-type channel replacement materials in several types of structures such as HEMT182and nanowire183,184,185 device structures. The operation of a short-channel device with gate length (Lg) of 30nm has been demonstrated with ft of 601GHz and fmax of 609GHz. Since Sb-based compound semiconductors show high e as well as high h, these are potential CMOS channel replacement materials. InAs 0.8Sb0.2 quantum-well field-effect transistor have shown high e of 3900-5600 cm2V-1s-1 186. InSb quantum well transistors with Lg of 85nm shows ft of 305 GHz187 . A unity power gain cut-off frequency fmax of 500GHz has been also demonstrated 188. As a p-channel replacement material, AlSb/InGaSb heterostructure FETs (HFETs) show hole mobility of h 1500cm2V-1s-1 189 . HFETs with Lg of 0.2 m show ft of 19GHz and fmax of 34GHz190. The mobility of buried-channel and surface-channel In0.35Ga0.65Sb pFETs have been evaluated to be 910cm2V-1s-1 and 620cm2V-1s-1, respectively 191. It has been demonstrated that the strain is quite effective to enhance hole mobility of III-V compounds192,193,194,195. In0.41Ga0.59Sb shows piezoresistance coefficient of 1.5x higher than that of Si 196. The piezoresistance coefficient of p-GaSb shows more than 2x higher than that of Si 197 . Compressively strained InSb quantum well pFETs with Lg of 40nm shows ft of 140GHz with the power supply voltage of 0.5198 V. Therefore, III-V compound semiconductor n-channel MOSFETs are considered viable candidates to extend CMOS to the end of the Roadmap. The major challenges facing high volume production of III-V devices include the need for high quality, low EOT gate dielectrics, damage-free low resistivity junctions, and hetero-integration on a VLSI compatible silicon substrates. n-type Ge channel replacement devices Initially, Germanium attracted great attention as a potential channel replacement material because of its excellent bulk electron mobility of 3900 cm2V-1s-1; 2.7x higher than the comparable parameter in bulk Si. However in practice, the actual electron mobility ( e) of n-type Ge in MOSFETs was much worse than e of n-type Si FET applications and hence looked less promising as a channel replacement material. It has been concluded that the high interface state density (Dit) near the conduction band edge is one of the key issues resulting in low e of n-type Ge MOSFETs199 . Therefore, the key to enhancing the mobility is the improvement of Ge/dielectric interface quality. Recently, high-temperature oxidation200 , high pressure oxidation201, and ozone oxidation202, of Ge have been successfully adopted to form good quality Ge oxide and Ge/oxide interface. As a result, excellent e of n-type Ge MOSFETs has been recently obtained203,204,205,206,207. In addition, optimization of the surface/directional
crystal orientation offers another path for improving performance of Ge n-channel MOSFETs and has been pursued by fabricating Ge n-channel MOSFETs on Ge substrates with various surface orientations. Those fabricated on the (111) surface have shown the best peak e of 1920 cm2V-1s-1, 208, which is approximately 2x higher than the bulk Si universal peak mobility. Strain engineering of Ge n-channel MOSFETs has also been studied as a performance booster technology 209,210 and its effectiveness has been demonstrated at a small strain level of approximately 0.1%. Contact performance is impacted by the formation of Ge n+/p junction diodes caused by the low activation of dopants. Laser annealing 211, Sb doping212, 213, 214, and vapor phase doping215,216 have been demonstrated as effective methods to achieve high dopant activation of as large as 1x10 20cm-3 217 . Ohmic contacts to n-Ge are difficult, due to the Fermi level pinning around the valence band edge in Ge/metal contacts. However, progress on high dopant activation technologies serves to mitigate this problem. In order to scale the equivalent oxide thickness (EOT), several gate stack structures using a high-k gate dielectric have been investigated. These include use of a Ge nitride interfacial layer with HfO2218, use of a Ge oxide interfacial layer with Y2O3219, and a SiO2 interfacial layer with Al2O3220. Although the operation of short-channel Ge p-channel MOSFETs with gate lengths of less than 80nm has been reported, operation of short-channel Ge n-type MOSFETs has not yet been demonstrated. Key research needs required for n-channel Ge devices include resolving whether the low electron saturation velocity in Ge will limit the short channel performance of n-channel Ge MOSFETs relative to Si n-channel MOSFETs. Specifically, the effect of strain greater than 1% should be clarified to show its potential to outperform strained Si n-channel MOSFETs. In summary, even though additional progress is required in reducing EOT, continuing gate-length scaling to and below 20nm, and development of lower-resistivity diffusion layers with lower-resistivity metal contacts, Ge n-channel MOSFETs are good potential candidates to extend CMOS to the end of the Roadmap. Tunnel FETs Tunnel FETs are gated reverse-biased p-i-n junctions that are expected to have Ion Ioff transitions much more abrupt than conventional MOSFETs, whose 60mV/dec subthreshold swing limit at room temperature is set by the thermal injection of carriers from the source to the channel221,222,223. By lowering the subthreshold swing below 60mV/decade, the Tunnel FET can operate at much lower VDD and, thereby, operate with substantially lower power dissipation. At low gate bias, the width of the energy barrier between the intrinsic region and the p + region is wider than the minimum for significant band-to-band tunneling probability, and the device is in the OFF-state. As the positive gate voltage increases, the bands in the intrinsic region are pushed down in energy, narrowing the tunneling barrier and allowing tunneling current to flow. Band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) is a quantum-mechanical phenomenon, providing a much more abrupt transition between Ion Ioff states of a three terminal switch compared to the 60mV/decade MOSFET limit and a non-constant subthreshold swing with smallest values at low current levels. Tunnel FETs are actively investigated due to their potential for low standby leakage current and as enablers of future logic circuits operating with a supply voltage less than 0.5V thus saving many decades of I off. Recent reports suggest that Tunnel FETs could be also considered as promising candidates for the high performance switch, by using appropriate heterostructure architectures224 and/or exploiting low band-gap materials such as III-V compound semiconductors, Ge, SiGe, or graphene. Tunnel FETs are expected to match the speed performance of CMOS (in terms of equivalent CV/I metrics) at the same supply voltage but with225 lower Ion. Many detailed device simulations have predicted that BTBT FETs could produce subthreshold swings below the thermal limit in devices based on conventional semiconductor materials such as silicon226 or SiGe227, carbon-nanotube (CNT)228 or graphene based transistors229. Since the tunneling current is determined by the bandgap and effective mass of the material, the silicon TFET seems limited by its low on-state current density and, probably, only high amounts of strain at the tunneling junction (>3GPa) can improve their behavior230. Subthreshold swings of less than 60mV/dec have been measured for several different fabricated Tunnel FETs. The first reported results were for a carbon nanotube Tunnel FET231 whose swing was 40mV/dec over a limited range of small currents. In 2008, two separate Tunnel FETs in the Si/Ge system exhibited a point swing (a subthreshold swing in a small gate voltage range) of 50mV/dec232 and 42mV/dec233. Silicided source devices with 46mV/dec234,235 with high Ion/Ioff (>107 for 0.5V operation) for moderate Ion~100 A/ m at VDS=1V have been reported. In 2009, long channel VLS grown silicon nanowire Tunnel FETs236 were reported with high-k dielectric, Ion/Ioff of the order of 107 and an average subthreshold swing over two decades of 120mV/dec at VDS=0.5V. Performance improvements in 25nm narrow fin-like device architectures have been shown237, with a point slope of 46 mV/dec at low biases and an Ion/Ioff of 106 at a supply voltage of 1.2 V (I on=46A/m and Ioff of 5pA/m) with a MuGFET technology using a high-k dielectric and a metal gate inserted gate stack. All these advanced studies tend to show that a high performance tunnel FET cannot be achieved with all-silicon architectures and would require the use of Ge or III-V material systems on silicon platforms. Key challenges for tunnel FETs include optimization of the device architecture for high Ion combined with an average subthreshold swing lower than 60mV/decade over at least four decades of current. The engineering of the source tunneling region (junction abruptness, bandgap energy, carrier effective mass) and enhancement of gate control on internal electric field
are of major importance for achieving an experimental tunnel FET device, matching the predictions made by numerical simulations. In this respect, tunnel FETs can benefit from heterostructures needing low bandgap materials on advanced silicon platforms, which defines a clear technological challenge. Critical research is needed concerning demonstration of staggered bandgap heterostructure tunnel FETs exploiting narrow bandgap materials on silicon substrates 238 with sub-0.5V power supply and Ion performance enabling operation at switching speed on the order of GHz. Significant progress in the future design of integrated circuits based on tunnel FETs or their co-design with CMOS requires the development of specific compact models. Charge based Beyond CMOS: Non-Conventional FETs and other Charge-based information carrier devices Spin FET and Spin MOSFET Transistors Spin-transistors are classified as Non-Conventional Charge-based Extended CMOS Devices. They exhibit transistor behavior with the functionalities of a magnetoresistive device. The important features of spin-transistors are variable current drivability controlled by the magnetization configuration of the ferromagnetic electrodes (or the spin direction of the carriers) and nonvolatile information storage using the magnetization configuration. These features are very useful and suitable ffunctionalities for highly energy-efficient, low-power circuit architectures that are inaccessible to ordinary CMOS circuits. Field-effect spin-transistors can be divided into two categories, i.e., spin-FET and spin-MOSFET. Although these device structures are similar, their operating principles are quite different239,240. The operation of spin-MOSFETs has not yet been experimentally verified4 241,242. However, there has been important progress for spin dynamics in Si channels and for half-metallic ferromagnetic source and drain of spin-MOSFETs. A relatively long spin lifetime in heavily doped Si was observed even at 300K 243 by a detection technique using spin accumulation phenomenon in a ferromagnet-Si tunnel junction interface. However, questions have been raised regarding the evaluation of spin lifetime using spin accumulation methods. Electrical spin injection for Si channels was also demonstrated up to 500k by a similar method244. For half-metallic ferromagnetics, there have been major breakthroughs since the previous 2009 ITRS edition. In particular, the application to magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) of half-metallic full-Heusler alloy electrodes has progressed greatly. Very high tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) ratios were observed even at room temperature in such MTJs 245,246. Current-induced magnetization (spin transfer torque) switching was also confirmed in magnetoresistive devices with full-Heusler alloy electrodes247. Moreover, very high quality full-Heusler alloy thin films have been formed by a RTA technique compatible with CMOS technology248. These results are promising for spin-MOSFETs using half-metallic ferromagnetic material for the source and drain. Other types of ferromagnetic source/drain (spin-injector/detector) structures using ordinary ferromagnetic material were also investigated 249,250,251,252.Electrical spin injection, transport, and detection for Si channels have been verified using specific devices, as mentioned above. The half-metallic ferromaget technologies have also been progressed dramatically. In order to demonstrate the potential of spin-MOSFETs, it is important to realize highly efficient spin injector/detector structures matched to spin-MOSFETs through uniting these technologies. It should be noted that spin-MOSFETs require the ferromagnetic source/drain (spin-injector/detector) that not only exhibits a significant magneto-resistance but also satisfies a high device performance as a MOSFET. An alternative approach for realizing spin-MOSFETs has been proposed253,254. A pseudo-spin-MOSFET is a circuit for reproducing the functions of spin-MOSFETs using an ordinary MOSFET and a MTJ that is connected to the MOSFET with a negative feedback configuration. The pseudo-spin-MOSFET can accurately reproduce the spin-transistor behaviors such as variable current drivability. Nonvolatile logic circuits using pseudo-spin-MOSFETs, which are suitable for power-gating systems with low static energy, have been proposed255,256,257,258. Recently, experimental demonstration of DattaDas spin-FET (the original type of spin-FET259,260) was reported261. Oscillatory spin signals controlled by a gate voltage were observed implying spin precession of spin-polarized carriers in the channel. However, the origin of the observed spin signals is not yet clear262,263,264. Impact Ionization MOS (IMOS) Impact ionization based FETs, called IMOS265,266,267 have been proposed as candidates to achieve an Ion Ioff current transition steeper that the 60mV/dec limit of MOSFET at room temperature. As for Tunnel FET, the main goal is to achieve a scalable switch that can operate at a voltage supply much lower than CMOS, and thereby lower power dissipation. The IMOS device consists of a gated p-i-n structure operated in the reverse-bias regime, with the gate partially overlapping the intrinsic region. The placement of the gate region with respect to the n+ and p+ regions determines the polarity of the IMOS device (N-IMOS or PIMOS), which means that complementary devices can be easily be designed and fabricated. In fact, the attractiveness of IMOS was motivated by its potential co-integration with silicon CMOS. The co-integration of Tunnel FETs and IMOS devices with sub-100nm channel length on CMOS-compatible platforms was demonstrated268 .
Although an experimental demonstration of a spin-MOSFET was reported, the authors later denied their result. See references 241 and 242.
The principle of IMOS consists in the control of the impact ionization onset in the gated p-i-n structure. At low values of the gate voltage there is no inversion region under the gate: the effective channel length is the length of the entire intrinsic region and the off current is limited by the reverse leakage current of the p-i-n diode, which can be kept very low. When the gate voltage is increased an inversion region is created and the effective channel length is reduced. At higher VG an increasing fraction of VD falls across the impact ionization i-region outside the gate, and the lateral electric field increases; therefore, V G modulates the avalanche breakdown voltage of the device. IMOS is used in the avalanche mode following the impact ionization regime in order to obtain a very steep increase of current via carrier multiplication. However, avalanche charge multiplication is an intrinsically slow and statistical process with a stochastic nature that could inject additional variability into IMOS device design 269 . Therefore, there is a fundamental limitation on the transient speed of the IMOS because of carrier multiplication delay (CMD), which was confirmed recently270. Subthreshold slopes of 5mV/dec or less, in combination with Ion > 1mA/m have been reported in various IMOS embodiments271,272,273,274,275,276,277 .The smallest experimental value of the subthreshold slope was of 2mV/dec 278 but the voltage applied to the source was V S=17V. In addition279 an IMOS with elevated SiGe impact-ionization region for bandgap engineering achieved a swing of 3.2 mV/dec with a source voltage of 8V. It was also suggested that IMOS devices can potentially reduce CMOS inverter switching current by 75% and to improve the static noise margin of 6T SRAM cells by 22% 280. On the other hand, the high electric field needed to produce impact ionization281 limits the scaling of the supply voltage to values higher than the bandgap of some materials that would otherwise be good channel replacement candidates. For silicon, the smallest functional device demonstrated 5.3V avalanche breakdown in a 40nm device but with a large leakage current 282. Practically feasible breakdown voltages in silicon IMOS seems to saturate at short device lengths (below 100nm) and cannot fall under about 4.5 V283. Materials with lower bandgap energy than silicon, e.g. Ge and SiGe, have been proposed to build IMOS devices requiring lower voltage supply284,285,286. In general, even if IMOS does not suffer from a low on-current common to Tunnel FETs, it has an intrinsic limitation in voltage supply scaling, which is crucial for power consumption reduction. Increased drivability due to higher impact ionization generation rates and reduced breakdown voltages would make the device more scalable and would allow use of germanium in which impact ionization is higher than in silicon. Another intrinsic limitation of IMOS is related to the fact that impact ionization generates hot carriers which induce increased trapping in the gate dielectric 287, and makes IMOS very susceptible to hot carrier degradation. The majority of the IMOS experimental reports deal with devices that cannot be switched more than a few hundreds of times without a degradation of the threshold voltage. Despite some proposed solutions (such as the reduction of the gate oxide thickness, which seems to improve the reliability 288) to avoid degradation of IMOS characteristics due to highly energetic carriers, the hot carrier issue in IMOS was never satisfactorily addressed. In conclusion, voltage scaling and hot carrier issue can be considered as the main showstopper for IMOS and, consequently, less effort has been paid in the last few years by the research community to IMOS compared to emerging Tunnel FET device architecture. Recently, it was suggested that both IMOS and Tunnel FET can still benefit from a vertical device integration compared to the lateral architectures. Negative gate capacitance FET Based on the energy landscapes of ferroelectric capacitors, it has been suggested289 that by replacing the standard insulator of a MOSFET gate stack with a ferroelectric insulator of appropriate thickness it should be possible to implement a step-up voltage transformer that will amplify the gate voltage, thus leading to values of S lower than 60 mV/decade and enabling low voltage/low power operation; this device is called a negative gate capacitance FET. The main advantage of such a device 290 is that it involves no change in the basic physics of the FET thus does not affect its current drive or impose other restrictions; thus, high Ion levels, similar to advanced CMOS would be achievable with lower voltages. An experimental attempt to demonstrate small swing Fe-FET, based on a P(VDF-TrFE)/SiO2 organic ferroelectric gate stack was reported at IEDM 2008291. However, this particular experiment demonstrated <60 mV/decade only at very low currents (~1nA) that could be prone to noise. A second demonstration292 was reported at IEDM 2010. This experiment showed <60 mV/decade subthreshold swing at much higher current levels (~50nA) and over a range of few decades of current. In addition, careful measurements were done to properly characterize the noise levels (found to be around ~10pA range). This experiment thus established the proof of concept of <60mV/decade operation using the principle of negative capacitance. In addition, recent demonstration 293 of capacitance enhancement in a series combination of a ferroelectric and dielectric capacitor, composed of single crystalline oxides grown epitaxially, also demonstrates a number of predictions of negative capacitance theory. The major challenge concerns identification of appropriate materials (ferroelectrics and/or oxides) that can provide the best swing with minimal hysteresis. It was theoretically shown 294,295 that if the negative capacitance can be properly matched with the device capacitance, a very steep swing can be achieved without any significant hysteresis. However, due to the fact that capacitance varies significantly with voltage for a MOSFET, matching capacitance over a large range of voltage may prove to be challenging. Extremely thin body double gate structures may prove to be useful for this. A second significant challenge comes from the integration of high quality single crystalline ferroelectric oxides on Si. Although, negative gate capacitance FET with organic ferroelectric such as, P(VDF-TrFE)/SiO2 gate stack already has been demonstrated, crystalline oxides are more
attractive due to their well-behaved and sharp hysteresis and better dynamic response. One possible pathway could be to use Strontium Titanate (STO) on Si as a template to grow single crystalline ferroelectric materials like PZT on Si. In principle, the scalability of the device should be similar to the one of a MOSFET. However, no study on scalability has been performed as yet. NEMS Switch Micro/Nano-Electro-Mechanical (M/NEM) Switches (or relays) are devices where the operation is based on the displacement of a solid beam under the influence of electrostatic force in order to create a conducting path between two electrodes. M/NEM relays feature two key properties for logic computation which are unavailable in MOSFETs: zero leakage and zero subthreshold swing296,297. The first property indicates zero standby energy dissipation, while the second suggests the potential to scale VDD aggressively (without degrading the on-current to off-current ratio) and hence reduce significantly the dynamic energy consumption as well. Moreover, features such as electromechanical hysteresis and sticking induced by surface forces make NEM relays attractive for non-volatile memory applications298. Additional motivations for NEM logic include high-temperature and radiation-hard operation299 and the possibility of using cheap substrates such as plastic or glass for their fabrication. M/NEM relays can be processed at low temperatures, allowing their co-integration with CMOS. Possible applications of a hybrid NEMSCMOS technology consist of power gating high-performance CMOS circuits300 and configuration of CMOS FPGAs301 using NEM relays. The most recent overview 302 of developments in electrostatic micro-relay design and process technology, suggest that M/NEM switches are attractive for ultra-low-power digital logic applications. As for MOSFETs, performance of M/NEM switches is improved by constant-field scaling, which increases speed while decreasing dynamic energy dissipation and area303. The ultimate device density achievable with NEM switches in principle may be competitive with CMOS due to the simplicity of their structure. The main advantage of M/NEM switches in terms of scaling resides in their improved energy efficiency as well as in their potential for 3-D integration, both of which may allow increased functional density for a given substrate real-estate304. This is especially true for memory applications305 where hysteresis and sticking lead to an even better functional density. M/NEM switches can be fabricated by top-down approaches using conventional lithography techniques or bottom-up approaches using carbon nanotubes or nanowire beams. There are many successful demonstrations using top-down approaches at the micron scale with reliable operation up to 108 cycles306. In M/NEM switch fabrication, the most critical process step is the beam release (gap formation), which is realized by the etching of a sacrificial material, such as oxide, polyimide, or silicon. The smallest actuation gap demonstrated so far for a functional NEM structure fabricated using a top-down approach is 15nm307 . The device consists of a vertically actuated 2-terminal NEM switch featuring a 35-nm-thick TiN cantilever beam that is 300 nm long and 200 nm wide. The pull-in voltage is approximately 13 V. As expected, the off-state current is virtually zero and the sub-threshold swing is practically zero. An endurance of several hundred switching cycles in air ambient is reported. The smallest actuation gap demonstrated to date for a carbon nanotube-based structure fabricated using a bottom-up approach is 4060nm308. Two and three-terminal relays based on LPCVD-grown Si nanowires with ~100nm diameter were also demonstrated309. Pull-in voltage was 3.8 V for the 2-terminal NEM switch featuring a 200nm gap, while leakage was virtually zero. The main advantage of M/NEM relays is their zero off-state leakage and potential for low dynamic energy dissipation, which can be reduced down to the aJ range. Their main weakness is switching speed: a realistic lower limit for the delay related to beam movement from the off position to the on position is ~1ns310. Many issues remain to be solved in order to apply M/NEM relays to logic applications. The most important issue is nanoscale contact reliability, since logic circuits would require the relays to operate correctly over ~10 16 hot switching cycles where the drain voltage is as high as the gate voltage. High impact velocity at the end of pull-in and the resultant tip bouncing (which also increases the effective switching delay) can aggravate the problem311 . Another significant issue for NEM relays is the presence of surface forces (van der Waals or Casimir) that can cause sticking if the restoring elastic force is not sufficiently high. Stiction is typically overcome by stiffening the beam at the expense of increasing the pull-in voltage and thus these surface forces often set the minimum energy required to switch a M/NEM relay. In order to minimize stiction and maintain clean contact spots, M/NEM relays should be hermetically sealed. There are several factors which will eventually impact the dimensional scaling of M/NEM relays. At gaps of a few nm, the subthreshold swing is already expected to degrade due to the onset of tunneling current before the unstable beam position is reached at ~2/3 of the nominal gap. With sufficiently small dimensions and gaps, the effect of Brownian beam motion may become significant; however, stiffening of the beam (e.g. by changing the beam material) can allow for further scaling. In relays with gaps near the limit set by tunneling (~2 nm), the long turn-off settling time could cause a significant risk for short-circuit current. Mechanical switches are a relatively mature technology at the micron scale312,313 and have been shown to be scalable to the nanometer scale314 .
In conclusion, M/NEM switch technology is an interesting candidate for LSTP applications because M/NEM switches exhibit virtually zero leakage. If the influence of surface forces can be reduced, the steep subthreshold swing of the NEM relay can be exploited to significantly decrease VDD and hence the active power as well. In this context, controlling and minimizing surface forces as well as improving contact reliability are the key requirements and warrant fundamental research. Recent demonstrations of functional relay logic circuits315 with more than 10x improvement in energy efficiency compared with conventional technology suggests a possible resurgence of mechanical computing for energy-efficient electronics. Atomic Switch The atomic switch is classified as an electrochemical switch using the diffusion of metal cations and their reduction/oxidation processes to form/dissolve a metallic conductive path316, similar to Resistance Random Access Memories (ReRAMs) in which oxygen vacancies are controlled to make a conductive path317. The difference appears in their respective electrode materials. The atomic switch has a reversible electrode for introducing metal atoms (cations) into the ionic conductive materials318, and is both experimentally319 and theoretically320 confirmed. On the other hand, both electrodes of ReRAMs are inert and use oxygen vacancies to enable formation of a conductive path. The atomic switch was initially developed as a two-terminal device using sulfide 321,322,323,324,325 materials that was embedded in a crossbar architecture326 with scalability down to 20 nm327,328. Later, an atomic switch using fully CMOS compatible materials was developed to enable the formation of these devices in the metal layers of CMOS devices 329,330,331,332,333,334,335. This configuration resulted in the development of new type of programmable logic device336,337. One advance in this field was development of three-terminal atomic switches 338,339, characterized by high Ion/Ioff ratio, low ONresistance, nonvolatility, and low power consumption. Several operating mechanisms have been proposed, including gatecontrolled formation and annihilation of a metal filament340, and gate-controlled nucleation of a metal cluster341. The latter mechanism can be utilized for volatile operation by controlling the metal cation density to be less than that required for nucleation of stable clusters. The long retention time of the metal filament has been confirmed342. Switching time is of the order of ns343,344 and the switching repetition of 1011 times have been confirmed by the two-terminal atomic switches345 . High Ion/Ioff ratio (108) and low power consumption (pW) have been demonstrated using the three-terminal atomic switches346. Switching speed, cyclic endurance, uniformities of the switching bias voltage and resistances both for the on-state and the offstate should be improved for general usage as a logic device. Although basic phenomena in their switching have been reported 347, establishment of the device physics still seems to be the most important and urgent issue. In addition, development of the architecture for nonvolatile devices is desired same as with other nonvolatile logic devices. Mott FET Mott field-effect transistor (Mott FET) utilizes a phase change in a correlated electron system induced by a gate as the fundamental switching paradigm348,349. Mott FETs could have a similar structure as conventional semiconductor FET, with the semiconductor channel materials being replaced by correlated electron materials. Correlated electron materials can undergo Mott insulator-to-metal phase transitions under an applied electric field. Besides electric field excitation, the Mott phase transition can also be triggered by photo- and thermal-excitations for potential optical and thermal switches. The Mott FET structure has been explored with cuprate oxide channel materials 350 Among several correlated materials that could be explored as channel materials for Mott FET, vanadium dioxide (VO2) has attracted much attention recently due the sharp metal-insulator transition temperature (nearly five orders in single crystals) and above room temperature transition at ~340 K351. The phase transition time constant in VO2 materials is in sub-picosecond range determined by optical pump-probe methods352. Elementary device simulations indicate that the VO2-channel-based Mott FET lower bound switching time is of the order of 0.5 ps at a power dissipation of 0.1 W 353. VO2 Mott channels have been experimentally studied recently with thin film devices and the field effect has been demonstrated in preliminary device structures354,355,356. Experimental challenges with correlated electron oxide Mott FETs include fundamental understanding of gate oxide-functional oxide interfaces and local bandstructure changes in the presence of electric fields. Understanding the electronic arrest mechanisms while de-coupling from structural Peierls distortions is of interest. While the electric field-induced transitions are typically explored with Mott FET, nanoscale thermal switches with Mott materials could also be of substantial interest. Recent simulation studies of ON and OFF times for nanoscale two-terminal VO 2 switches indicate possibility of sub-ns switching speeds in ultra-thin device elements in the vicinity of room temperature and could also be of interest to Mott memory357. One can in a broader sense visualize such correlated electron systems as threshold materials wherein the conducting state can be rapidly switched by a slight external perturbation, and hence lead to potential applications in electron devices. Electronically driven transitions in perovksite-structured oxides such as rare-earth nickelates with minimal lattice distortions would also be of relevance in this regard.358,359
4.2.5. ALTERNATIVE INFORMATION PROCESSING DEVICES Non-FET, Non Charge-based Beyond CMOS Devices Spin Wave Device Spin Wave Devices (SWD) are a type of magnetic logic exploiting collective spin oscillation (spin waves) for information transmission and processing. The primary expected advantages of SWDs are (i) the ability to utilize phase in addition to amplitude for building logic devices with a fewer number of elements than required for transistor-based approach; (ii) nonvolatile magnetic logic circuits, and (iii) parallel data processing on multiple frequencies at the same device structure by exploiting each frequency as a distinct information channel. SWDs consist of two major components: magneto-electric (ME) cells and magnetic waveguides (spin wave buses)360. The ME cell is a multi-functional element (e.g. multiferroic) used for spin wave excitation, detection, and information storage. Input data are received in the form of voltage pulses applied to the input ME cells to generate spin wave signals. The excited spin waves are of the same amplitude, while logic 0 and 1 are encoded into the initial phase (0 or ). Next, spin waves propagate through the spin wave buses and interfere at the points of junction constructively or destructively, depending on the relative phase. The amplitude of the propagating wave is amplified by the ME cells via magneto-electric coupling361. The result of computation can be stored in the magnetization or converted into the voltage pulse by the output ME cells. During the past five years, several prototype devices exploiting spin wave interference (but without ME cells) have been experimentally demonstrated362,363. The prototypes operate at room temperature and at GHz frequency. Currently, the major work is focused on the integration of spin wave buses with ME cells and the demonstration of non-volatile magnonic logic. Among a number of technical challenges, the most critical ones are associated with the development of multiferroic elements with strong magneto-electric coupling and GHz frequency operation. Nanomagnetic Logic Nanomagnetic Logic consists of fringing field interactions between magnetic islands that are used to perform Boolean logic operations364. Binary information is represented via magnetization state. Nanomagnet logic (NML) also appears to be scalable to the ultimate limit of using individual atomic spins365. Presently, five fundamental tenets366 that a device must satisfy for use in a digital system have been experimentally demonstrated for NML: a device should enable a functionally complete logic set 367 368,369, have non-linear response characteristics370, the output of one device must drive another, power amplification (or gain) is needed (see fanout371), and dataflow directionality must be well defined372. A clock modulates the energy barriers between magnetization states in an NML circuit 373. Nearly all fabricated NML circuit ensembles have been clocked with an external magnetic field. Recently, experimental demonstrations of individual island switching374, as well as the re-evaluation of NML lines and gates with CMOS compatible clock structures375 have been reported (fields are generated with a metal line clad with ferromagnetic material 376). Multiferroic materials377,378 are also being investigated, and could represent an electric field based approach to clocking. To interface with transistor-based circuitry, a magnetic-electrical interface is needed. Two designs where fringing fields from an NML device are used to set the state of the free layer in a magnetic tunnel junction have been proposed 379. These designs (and variants thereof) are (a) active experimental targets, and (b) could be repurposed for input (spin transfer torque would set the state of the free layer). A simple biasing line380 and multiferroic materials are alternative input mechanisms. Research has begun to consider how NML ensembles might behave given the effects of thermal noise, clock field misalignment, lithographic variations in individual islands, and combinations thereof. Notably, work from 2008 suggests that in a soliton operating mode, dipole-to-dipole coupling could be insufficient to prevent thermal noise from inducing premature/random switching381. It has been suggested that devices with a magnetocrystalline biaxial anisotropy be used to introduce a local minimum in the energy landscape of an individual magnetic island, and further promote hard axis stability of an ensemble 382. Alternatively, adiabatic switching383 and/or field gradients could potentially mitigate the effects of premature switching. Simulations suggest that NML circuits could tolerate some field misalignment384,385. Whether or not a circuit ultimately exhibits reliable and deterministic switching is very much a function of how it is clocked and requires much additional study. In CMOS systems, the ability to route signals in multiple layers of metal is essential for creating local interconnections between individual logic gates and/or functional units. Because information is moved via fringing field interactions in NML, any type of wire crossing would presumably need to occur in-plane. Simulations of candidate designs have been successfully performed 386. In principle, signals could be routed in multiple planes, or converted to the electrical domain for intermediate and/or global communication. As larger, n-bit systems evolve, this topic requires more study. Excitonic Field Effect Transistor
The Excitonic field-effect transistor (ExFET) as currently envisioned allows for an ultra-steep inverse subthreshold slope (S) by the creation of an energy gap through the gate controlled formation of an excitonic insulating state. While in the on-state, charge is the relevant state variable as in a conventional FET, the state variable characterizing the device off-state is an excitonic insulator that is formed through the interaction between two oppositely doped parallel segments of a device channel as schematically depicted in Fig. ERD3 Coulomb interaction between electrons in the n-type branch and holes in the p-type branch allows condensation of the system into an excitonic phase under certain gate voltage conditions. This in turn opens an energy gap in the single particle excitation spectrum. Recombination of electrons and holes is suppressed through the spatial separation of charges with opposite polarity. Since the gate field is used to create a previously non-existent energy gap to suppress current flow from source to drain, the above limitation of S no longer applies and low-power device operation becomes feasible. The device switches as a function of Vgs from a highly conductive state into the off-state once the conditions for the formation of an insulating excitonic phase are satisfied. In the 1970s, so-called direct excitons were theoretically discussed in the context of bulk (3D) materials forming an insulating state387,388,389,390 ,391,392 . It was not until 1988 that an excitonic insulator was experimentally verified 393,394,395,396,397 . Typical excitonic binding energies in these systems are of the order of several meV398. Exciton formation between spatially separated electrons and holes was predicted in 1985399. Optical experiments were used to prove the existence of an excitonic state in these two-dimensional (2D) systems400,401,402, and theoretical work predicts a phase transition to an excitonic insulator403 , or a crystalline state404. Indirect exciton formation was also predicted for one-dimensional (1D) nanowires405. In 1D systems as carbon nanotubes excitonic binding energies of the order of several 100meV have in fact been experimentally verified supporting the notion of roomtemperature operation of the proposed ExFET406,407 . BiSFET The bilayer pseudo-spin field effect transistor (BiSFET) is a recently proposed concept for an ultra-low-power and fast transistor408 based on the possibility of a room temperature exciton (paired electron and hole) superfluid condensate in two oppositely charged (n-type and p-type) layers of graphene separated by a thin dielectric.409 In the detailed analysis, electron occupation of the top layer or bottom layer can be treated much like spin up or down, that is as a pseudospin, and the collective effects considered here are analogous to collective spin effects in a ferromagnet. What separates this graphene system from that of adjacent III/V semiconductor quantum wells where ultra-low temperatures and high magnetic fields are required to observe such condensates410,411,412,413 is a synergy of favorable graphene properties: atomically thin layers, symmetric electron and hole band structures, low density of states and zero bandgap energy. The condensate allows an enhanced interlayer current between the separately contacted graphene layers to flow up to some critical current, beyond which the condensate collapses, producing a negative differential characteristic with respect to the interlayer source-to-drain voltage.414,415,416 This critical interlayer current can be reduced via a gate-induced charge imbalance.417,418,419 The resulting device output characteristics are qualitatively similar to those of gated resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs). However, the conductance is intrinsically maximized at a zero source-to-drain voltage and, crucially, the source-to-drain voltage associated with the critical current can be smaller than the thermal voltage kBT/q, allowing for very low voltageperhaps on the scale of kBT/qand low power operation. Prototype inverters, based on a simple BiSFET device model and simulated with SPICE, have exhibited switching energies per device of approximately 10 zeptojoules (1020 J).420,421 And because it remains charge based, even if dependent on collective pseudospin effects internally, there is no need to convert between state variables for use with conventional CMOS. However, because the BiSFET output characteristics are much different than those of MOSFETs, logic circuits must work in a different manner, more akin to that proposed for the afore-mentioned gated RTDs422 than to CMOS, including the use of a fourphase clocked power supply. Nevertheless, highly energy efficient circuits have so far been simulated for all basic logic functions423 through ripple-carriers adders424 at a 100 GHz clock frequency. The BiSFET, however, remains only a concept based on novel predicted physics within a novel material system. And fabrication of BiSFETs with the necessary degree of control of graphene, dielectric and surface quality, of work functions, and of Figure ERD3: Schematic layout of the excitonic field-effect transistor (ExFET).
lithography, etc. imposes numerous challenges. Issues relating to BiSFET fabrication, some of them unique to this system and others common to other graphene techanologies, as well as theory are currently being addressed.425 Spin Torque Majority Logic Gate Spin torque nano-oscillators (STNOs) are nanomagnetic voltage-controlled oscillators operating in the microwave frequency range. The oscillators make use of the spin transfer torque effect in nanoscale all-metallic spin valves and magnetic tunnel junctions426. Direct voltage applied to a STNO generates spin transfer torque and induces auto-oscillatory precession of the magnetic moment of the spin valve free layer. Precessing magnetization generates alternating voltage in the microwave frequency range due to either giant magnetoresistance (GMR) or tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) effects 427. The frequency of the precessing magnetization is tunable by the applied dc voltage due to strong non-linearity of the STNO. When several STNOs share a common extended free layer, spin waves propagating in the free layer provide coupling between the STNOs, which can give rise to frequency and phase locking of the STNO dynamics428,429. In this phase locking regime, each STNO generates microwave radiation with the same frequency and phase. The frequency band of phase locking can be very large in STNOs due to their strong nonlinearity430. A majority logic gate based on phase locking of STNOs consists of a common free-layer metallic ferromagnetic nanowire on a metallic nonmagnetic bottom lead with several GMR or TMR junctions patterned on top of the free layer 431. One of these junctions can serve as the gate output while the rest of the junctions are the gate inputs. All inputs are dc current-biased at a current level above the critical current for magnetization self-oscillations. To each input, signals of two frequencies f1 and f2 can be applied. Due to injection locking and spin wave interaction in the common free layer, the entire free layer precesses at either f1 or f2, depending on the input signal frequency applied to the majority of the inputs. Therefore, the output frequency of this logic gate is determined by the frequency applied to the majority of the input gates, and the device operates as a majority logic gate with the signal frequency as the state variable. Another type of spin torque majority logic gate is based on spin torque switching 432 in a multi-terminal magnetic tunnel junction. Spin torque from direct current can result in switching of the direction of magnetization of the free ferromagnetic layer of the tunnel junction, which results in switching of the tunnel junction resistance between high (free layer antiparallel to the pinned layer) and low (free layer parallel to the pinned layer) resistance states. This type of majority logic gate is a five-terminal device with three inputs, one output and a common ground433. The three inputs and the output are nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions making contact to a grounded ferromagnetic free layer shared by all the inputs and the output. The output of the majority gate assumes the logic state (0 low resistance state or 1 high resistance state) dictated by the polarity of the voltage applied between the majority of the three inputs and the ground. Magnetization of the common free layer is switched by spin torque to a state determined by the polarity of the majority (at least 2 out of 3) of currents passed between the inputs and the ground. The stack of layers in STMG with in-plane magnetization is similar to that in a typical magnetic tunnel junction 434, although the inputs are represented by separate nanopillars electrically isolated from each other. Spin Torque majority gate devices are intrinsically non volatile and offer performance advantages relative to conventional CMOS in low duty factor and normally off applications. A key challenge is to reduce the current required to induce magnetic switching. All Spin Logic The recently proposed concept of all spin logic (ASL)435 uses magnets to represent non-volatile binary data while the communication between magnets is achieved using spin currents in spin coherent channels with the energy coming from the power supply. The ASL concept is based on key scientific advancements of the last decade 436,437,438,439,440,441,442,443. These advancements have blurred the distinction between spintronics and magnetics, creating the possibility of a device capable of providing a low power alternative to charge-based information processing. In particular, the two key recent advances are (1) the demonstration of spin injection into metals444,445,446 and semiconductors447,448,449,450 from magnetic contacts and (2) the switching of a second magnet by the injected spins 451,452. These demonstrations suggest an all-spin approach to information processing. Magnets inject spins and spins turn magnets (digital bits) forming a closed ecosystem which takes advantage of both analog (spin currents) and digital (bistable magnets) properties without the need to convert to charge. It has been shown that ASL can potentially reduce the switching energy-delay product 453 by a significant amount, but there are major challenges to be overcome. One is the room temperature demonstration of switching in multi-magnet networks interacting via spin currents. The other is the introduction of high anisotropy magnetic materials 454 into relevant experiments which can improve energy-delay. Issues such as current density and proper choice of channel materials also have to be carefully considered. The analog nature of ASL communication can be efficiently coupled with median function455 to develop an architecture called Functionality Enhanced ASL (FEASL) to realize low-power, lower delay and lower area circuits. FEASL is especially suited for adder and multiplier circuits which are an integral part of arithmetic logic units (ALU). Moreover, it should be mentioned that ASL could also provide
a natural implementation for biomimetic systems with architectures that are radically different from the standard von Neumann architecture.
In recent years in this Emerging Research Devices chapter, the ITRS focused on information manipulation, transmission, and memory (i.e., the More Moore domain) with the charter to survey, assess, and catalog viable emerging research devices for their long-range potential, technological maturity, and to identify the scientific/technological challenges of getting them accepted by the semiconductor industry. The figures of merit of such devices are expected to surpass substantially the ones of existing technologies. Over time the list of potential candidates evolves either when a device is mature enough to transition to more industrial development or to less attention, in acknowledging lack of significant progress towards potential displacement of a more standard technology. Owing to the growing attention on the More-than-Moore domain, the charter of the ERD chapter is extended to the non-digital domain. Most of the published nano-enabled devices pertain to the fields of photonics, energy, (bio)chemical sensors and to the RF domain. Considering the need of benchmarking these emerging devices with existing non-digital technologies already addressed by the ITRS, the first step of this extension is focused on RF emerging devices which could eventually transition to the RF and A/MS Technologies chapter. Further extensions to other non-digital emerging devices will be made according to the development of such topics in the other ITRS chapters. The approach chosen follows the methodology outlined in the ITRS More-than-Moore White Paper 5 (see Figure ERD4 below). A generic high-level function in wireless communications is the RF front-end block which translates the incoming modulated electromagnetic wave into a digital stream of information: this function can be partitioned into generic lower-level functions like antenna, switch, filter, local oscillator, mixer, etc. which in turn could use generic devices like RF transistors, mechanical filters, etc. It should be stressed that a single device can fulfill higher-level functions. That is why it is important to start from the functional analysis and not try to replace existing devices tuned to a very specific underlying architecture.
Figure ERD4
A Taxonomy for Emerging Research Information Processing Devices (The technology entries are representative but not comprehensive.)
In this first attempt to address the wide field of More-than-Moore emerging RF devices, this section is focused on a few devices and functional blocks. Carbon-based RF transistors and more specifically graphene-based RF transistors will be considered first as potential replacement of existing RF transistors. Then some functional blocks using emerging research devices will be explored, namely oscillators using spin transfer torque, mechanical resonators, and mixers. In assessing these devices, only few reliable data are available to benchmark them with respect to more classical solutions: the semiconductor community is highly encouraged to refer to the relevant figures of merit and measurement methodologies as detailed in the RF and A/MS Technologies chapter.
Among the remaining challenges, obtaining spectral purity that is compatible to the levels of existing current oscillator devices may be the biggest obstacle for the spin torque oscillators to be applied in the telecommunication field. Issues in the spin torque oscillation linewidth are reportedly coming from the lack of temporal coherence 475 and from the non-linearity of the oscillation frequency476,477. The adoption of PLL circuits and synchronization of several spin torque oscillators can be one of the solutions for the higher spectral purity. graphene
At micrometer scale, recent successful demonstrations of very high frequency resonators are the extensional wine-glass resonators with frequencies ranging from 400 MHz to 1.5 GHz (and Q > 3700)481 and the dielectrically actuated and piezoresistively sensed 4.41 GHz silicon bar resonator exploiting internal dielectric actuation482. Piezoresitive sensing483 of capacitively actuated resonator exceeding 4GHz with Q>8000 and using the 9th harmonic longitudinal model was implemented. Very high frequency (VHF) NEM resonators were described using platinum nanowires, resonating at frequencies higher than 100MHz and with a quality factor of 8500 at 4K484. The same group later reported485,486 VHF NEM resonators based upon singlecrystal Si nanowires. Carbon nanotubes attracted major interest for building NEM resonators, due to their high stiffness (Youngs Elastic Modulus, E, near 1Tpa), low density, defect-free structure and ultra-small cross section. Resonator responses have been487 reported varying from 3 to 200MHz with voltage-tunable characteristics, in CNTs with 1-4nm in diameter, suspended over a trench. The NEM resonator with resonance frequencies up to 4 GHz were reported with a similar CNT device loaded in an abacus style with inertial metal clamps, yielding very short effective beam lengths488,489. One issue of such small vibrating SiNWs and CNTs is the early onset, at very low applied power, of non-linearities characterized by frequency bistability arising from the effect of tension built-up in the wire at large vibration amplitudes. Recently, graphene material attracted further attention for its extremely high strength, stiffness, and thermal conductivity along the basal plane. In Ref.490 exfoliated graphene sheets are suspended to form two-dimensional NEM resonators with resonance frequencies from 1MHz to 170MHz.
The capacitively transduced signals of MEM resonators are very small and the impedance matching can be limiting. The movable gate and body FET transistor structures can operate as M/NEM resonators, with the main difference that the output is the drain current of the transistor, offering the possibility of building active resonators. Resonant gate transistors were reported with out-of-plane AlSi resonant gate MOSFETs 491,492and with in-plane resonant silicon gate transistors493. Aggressively scaled versions of the in-plane resonant gate transistors have been reported 494 based on SiliconOn-Nothing technology to achieve sub-100nm gaps and 400nm-thick single crystal resonators with a front-end process. The lateral MOS transistor could suffer from poor carrier mobility due to the roughness of the vertically etched sidewalls and have shown very little gain, but can be integrated with advanced CMOS495 to minimize the influence of parasitic capacitances. An alternative resonant transistor, called Vibrating-Body FET (VB-FET) has been proposed496,497; the movable body modulates both the inversion or accumulation charge in the lateral channels and the piezoreistance of the structure (carrier mobility and mass). Silicon nanowires show an unusually large piezoreistance effect compared with bulk Si. An outstanding gain of more than
+30dB for the output signal was obtained in micrometer scale double-gate VB-FET when the output is taken from the transistor drain. Moreover, the device motional resistance is reduced from 16k to below 100, which enables excellent conditions for 50 matching in RF applications. Another active resonator has been proposed498 by using the mechanical strain rather than an electric field to modulate the conductivity of the silicon. This resonator can provide a gain higher than unity at 15MHz, similarly to the VB-FET.
4.3.5. RF MIXERS
An RF mixer is an important building block of the RF front end and many emerging solutions seek attention499 Resonant tunneling diodes were explored for decades. Owing to their negative differential resistance and fast response, they had some potential in the RF domain, and subharmonic mixers were demonstrated500,501. The potential advantages of such an approach are a wide range of operating temperature, frequencies ranging up to 10 THz, and a reduced noise figure due to RTD shot noise suppression. While this field wasnt very active in the recent years it could regain interest due to the increased demand for THZ applications and the coming integration of III-V materials on Si. For the same reason single electron transistors were considered with resonant frequencies in the range 1 10 GHz. A SET-based mixer with fully tunable band selection from 0 to 300 MHz was demonstrated but at cryogenic temperature502,503. Recently the ambipolar I-V characteristic of the graphene transistor which mimics the response of full-wave rectifier has been used to demonstrate a frequency-doubler circuit504,505. Finally the nonlinear I-V characteristic of a carbon nanotube can be used to demodulate AM signal. However the demonstrations were limited to <100 kHz due to the external bias circuitry and to <2 GHz due to intrinsic parasitics (chip bond pads, etc.)506,507.
The objective of the ERA section is to identify possible applications for emerging research memory and logic devices. This is a difficult challenge because in many cases, circuit-level models and/or architecture-level models for these devices and their interconnect systems either do not exist or they are very primitive. Moreover, the envisioned applications for these new devices can take many forms; i.e., i) as a drop-in replacement for conventional circuits, ii) as supplemental devices that complement and coexist with CMOS devices, or iii) as devices whose unusual properties can provide unique functionality for selected information processing applications. With this in mind, this section has been organized to reflect the potential application space for emerging research devices from an architecture perspective. Section 5.1 is focused on the application of emerging devices in conventional computing. Section 5.2 addresses evolved architectures that still exploit conventional computation paradigms. Section 5.3 is focused on utilizing emerging devices in morphic computing paradigms, i.e. computing not based on conventional approaches but approaches that are inspired by other paradigms, such as neuromorphic computing.
In traditional computing, SRAM is used to build caches, while DRAM is designed to refill a uniprocessor cache as fast as possible. Furthermore, the entire system image is stored in a non-volatile medium, traditionally a hard drive, and swapped to and from memory as needed. Solid State non-volatile storage (flash) has enabled cost effective small disk-drive replacements especially for portable applications. Some ASICs employ SRAM as local, fast managed store, and occasionally use Content Addressable Memories (CAM). FPGAs use SRAM to build look up tables for small logic and to program look-up tables. However, this situation is changing rapidly. With continued scaling, application needs are also scaling, as well as evolving, and are rapidly exhausting the capabilities of the traditional memory hierarchy. Simultaneously, new memory technologies create opportunities to solve these problems and create new memory hierarchies. The main objective of this section is to explore this landscape.
Speed. Read and write access times are important, but this row presents any unusual requirements. Power Consumption. The overall average and peak power consumption of the memory system is important in sizing system power delivery and cooling. Power Proportionality. Many computer systems are not running at peak load continuously. This row addresses the potential need for the memory system power to be proportional to actual load. Persistence. There is often a need for the memory state to persist when the system is turned off, or the power supply quickly moved. Persistence can also be useful for achieving power proportionality. Associativity. Some applications benefit from having associative memories, i.e. content addressability. Cost. While cost effectiveness is obvious, are there any specific cost considerations? Multicore. This column represents continued scaling of todays multicore computers aimed at personal and departmental needs. Data. Data based processing supports primarily cloud based services, especially analytic services that span multiple computers or locations. Examples include searching, cloud storage, and the provision of complex data-driven services. This sector is fast growing and evolving rapidly. Exascale. The next generation of scientific super computers will be operating in the ExaFlop and ExaByte range. (Exa = 1018.) While the codes for scientific computing are fairly well established, the demand for computation is very large. Mobile. The fastest growing consumer computer segment is in mobile devices. These are tending towards being multicore systems with complex operating environments. ASIC. Specific applications, such as networking and signal processing continue to require evolved memories.
The needs of these applications, and how they potentially relate to emerging memory devices, are discussed in the next few paragraphs.
Cost of Ownership. It is useful to consider the total cost of ownership and not overly focus on the specific contributors. The current cost-to-purchase trends are that High Density Disk (HDD) costs roughly an order of magnitude less per bit than flash memory, which in-turn costs almost an order of magnitude more per bit than DRAM513 . Few cost models exist for emerging memories but it is anticipated that ReRAM and emerging multi-bit vertical flash structures will further close the cost gap with HDD. However, for read intensive applications, it is important to realize that NVRAM will consume considerably less power than HDD, and take up considerably less floorspace. In [Ref.514 ] the authors predict that a ~2020 data center main storage system, performing at 8.4 G-SIO/s will consume 93 MW, if built with HDD, and only 4 kW if built with emerging memories, while consuming 98,568 sq.ft. of disk space if built with HDD, and only 12 sq.ft. if built with emerging memory devices. Given the cost of energy, this differential can easily shift the total cost advantage to emerging memory, away from HDD, even if a cost per bit differential still exists. Power proportionality. Roughly one-third of the power in a large computer system is consumed in the memory sub-system 515. A substantial amount of this is refresh power, required by the non-volatile nature of DRAM. As a result, modern data servers consume considerable power even when operating at low utilization rates. For example, Google 516 reports that servers are typically operating at over 50% of their peak power consumption even at very low utilization rates. The requirement for fast transition to operation precludes using a hibernate mode. A persistent memory that did not require constant refresh would be valuable. These requirements have led to considerable early investigation into new memory architectures, exploiting emerging memory devices, often in conjunction with DRAM and HDDs in novel architectures. These new memory systems are often referred to as Storage Class Memories (SCM). These can be further differentiated as whether they are intended to be close to the CPU, or to largely supplement the hard-drives 517. The key characteristics are summarized in Table ERD14. Storage Class Memory architectures that are intended to replace or merge with DRAM, and be close to the CPU, are referred to as M-type or Memory-type SCM (M-SCM). Thus, the properties of this memory will have many similarities to DRAM, including its interfaces, architecture, endurance, and read and write speed. Since write endurance of an emerging research memory is likely to be inferior to DRAM, considerable scope exists for architectural innovation. Examples of problems that will require architectural innovation include the integration of multiple memory technologies to optimize performance and power while maximizing lifetime, advanced load leveling that preserves the word level interface (since load leveling is usually done at the block level), and error correction suited for the likely error pattern. The memory management system is still to be worked out. For example, is the DRAM simply treated as an L4 cache for the persistent memory or is it directly managed? The interface is likely to be a word addressable bus, treating the entire memory system as one flat address space. Note, that flash, or evolved flash, is unlikely to have sufficient write endurance for this application. Cell level requirements are explored in detail in Section 4.1 of this chapter. S (Storage) type SCMs are intended to replace or supplement hard-disk drive as main storage. Their main advantage will be speed, avoiding the seek time penalty of main drives. However, to succeed, their total cost of ownership needs to approach that of HDDs. Research issues include whether the SCM serves as a disk cache, or is directly managed; how load leveling is implemented while retaining a sufficiently fast and flexible interface; how error correction is implemented, and what is the optimal mix of technologies. Some open questions are the storage management, interface and architectural integration. For example, is it treated like a fast disk drive, or as a managed extension of main memory, preserving an addressable interface. Also, are pages preserved and how are they managed? It is likely that Virtual Memory wont be optimal in this type of storage system. Note that flash is a possible contender for S-SCM. While Ref.518 does not use the terminology SCM, the author defines three possible architectures, two of which are broadly similar to M-SCM and S-SCM. However, the author does point to a third possibility a 3D stacked node that incorporates computing cores, caches, DRAMs and emerging nano-memories into a monolithic stack.
extends the memory lifetime six times519. There is considerable opportunity to improve the price-performance of mobile wireless computing by rethinking the memory architecture with emerging memory devices within them.520
Table ERD13. Anticipated Important Properties of Emerging Memories as driven by application need. Table ERD14. Likely desirable properties of M (Memory) type and S (Storage) type Storage Class Memories
Emerging non-volatile memory devices are becoming accepted to implement logic functions. The potential density of nano memory devices makes this option particularly attractive. A common approach is to investigate the potential for emerging memory devices to replace functions within FPGAs. Field Programmable Gate Array architectures rely on numerous small SRAMs to act as Look Up Tables (LUTs) for small combinational logic functions (typically a few inputs and 2 outputs) and to program the pass gates used in the interconnect Programmable Switch Matrices (PSM) used for interconnect. Replacing these SRAMs with NV memories has been suggested numerous times and was even once implemented in a commercial product using Floating Gate FETS. Recently researchers have suggested using STT-RAM, ReRAM or Nanocrystal Floating Gate FETs instead [e.g. Ref.521]. Typically, these substitutions reduce the 6T SRAM cell to one or two devices when used in the LUT and are used instead of the SRAM cell and pass gate in the PSM. This decreases the size of each, leading typically to a 2-3x improvement in the performance/power ratio at any particular CMOS node. Additional advantage can be obtained by using an NVRAM technology with high cycle endurance, such as STT-RAM, to implement reconfigurable dynamic logic522. Another interesting direction is to use emerging memories to build high density associative memories523. The high power and low density of SRAM based associative memories limits their employability today. An open question is how to better leverage emerging devices to obtain improvements larger than 2-3x. Directions being pursued include using nano crossbars as programmable logic arrays, merging such arrays with CMOS (CMOL a neuromorphic architecture see Section 5.3.1 below), reconfigurable computing using nano memories, and associative memories or content addressable memories (discussed above).
Table ERD15. Current Research Directions for Employing emerging research memory devices to enhance logic.
Biological systems give us examples of amorphous, unstructured, devices capable of noise- and fault-tolerant information processing. They excel in massively parallel spatial problems, as opposed to digital processors, which are rather weak in that area. The morphic architecture was thus introduced in the ERA section of ITRS 2007, to refer to biologically-inspired architectures that embody a new kind of computation paradigm in which adaptation plays a key role to effectively address the particulars of problems524. This subsection focuses on recent progress of two morphic architectures that offer opportunities for emerging research devices: neuromorphic architectures and cellular automaton architectures.
machine complexity with respect to the environmental complexity527. Therefore, at the level of human-like computing tasks, neuromorphic machines have the potential to be superior to von Neumann machines. Points ii) and iii) are strongly related to each other in von Neumann machines, since tolerance to noise runs counter to lowering power supply voltage and bias currents. Neuromorphic architectures, on the other hand, suffer much less from this trade-off. Unlike von Neumann machines, which can correct bit-errors only to a certain extent through the use of error-control techniques, neuromorphic machines tend to keep working even under high error rates. Like the areas of the human brain, neuromorphic machines (VLSIs) are application-specific. Significant performance benefits can be achieved by employing them as supplemental CMOS, as an addition to a von Neumann system, which provides universal computation ability. Neuromorphic systems thus have a diversified functionality, and consequently can be categorized as morethan-Moore candidates. Table ERD16 shows trends in the development of neuromorphic systems and their applications. The application category Information processing is only a single item in the table, which understates the potentially large benefits in terms of machine complexity of human-like information processing, since functionalities like prediction, associative memory, and inference offer new opportunities left unexplored by von Neumann architectures. The ERA section of ITRS 2009, for example, introduced an inference engine based on Bayesian neural networks528, and in 2010 Lyric Semiconductor introduced NAND gates where the input probabilities are combined using Bayesian logic rather than the binary logic of conventional processors. Lyric Error Correction (LEC) uses this probabilistic logic to perform error detection and correction with about 3 percent of the circuitry and 8 percent of the power that would be needed for the equivalent conventional error correction scheme529. Table ERD16. Applications and Development of Neuromorphic System ITRS 2007 (ERA section) did not address neuromorphic Intelligent sensors, since they were considered ancillary to the central focus on information processing of ITRS at the time. However, intelligent sensors were revived in the table, because there exist vast opportunities for high performance architectures that combine them with emerging research devices. So far CMOS implementations (in the items titled: Vision and Others; see Table ERD16) and SET implementations (in the item titled Vision) have been proposed. Another approach to build neuromorphic systems is inspired by biochemical reactions in living organisms. Reaction-diffusion computers, for example, are based on a biochemical reaction530, and they are able to efficiently solve combinatorial problems through the use of natural parallelism. Electronic implementations of this type of information processing require strong nonlinear I-V characteristics to mimic the chemical reactions involved, and there exist many opportunities for emerging research devices in this respect. On the technology side, one of the key issues for neuromorphic systems is how neuronal elements are implemented. An important consideration in this respect is the level of abstraction of a biological neuron, which can range from (almost) physically representative to a very simple model, such as an integrate-and-fire neuron. Depending on the technology used (SET neurons, RTD, memristors, etc.), this level may vary, and opportunities for emerging research devices exist in this respect. Another important issue is how non-volatile analog synapses are implemented. Many attempts have been made to design analog synaptic devices based on existing flash-memory technologies, but they have experienced difficulties in designing appropriate controllers for electron injection and ejection as well as increasing the limit on the number of rewriting times. Memristive devices (e.g., resistive RAMs and atomic switches) offer a promising alternative for the implementation of non-volatile analog synapses. They are applied in the CMOL architecture, which combines memristive nano-junctions with CMOS neurons and their associated controllers. In ITRS 2007, CMOL (CrossNets) was introduced in terms of nanogrids of (ideally) single molecules fabricated on top of a traditional CMOS layer, but the concept has since been expanded to use a nanowire-crossbar add-on as well as memristive (two-terminal) crosspoint devices like nanowire resistive RAMs531. The CMOL architecture may be further expanded to include multiple stacks of CMOS layers and crossbar layers. This may result in the implementation of large-scale multi-layer neural networks, which have thus far evaded direct implementations by CMOS devices only. However, while CMOL remains an interesting concept it has yet to be reduced to practice or even demonstrated. A final important issue is noise tolerance and noise utilization in neural systems and their possible application in electronics. Noise and fluctuations are usually considered obstacles in the operation of both analog and digital circuits and systems, and most strategies to deal with them focus on suppression. Neural systems, on the other hand, tend to employ strategies in which the properties of noise are exploited to improve the efficiency of operations. This concept may be especially useful in the design computing systems with noise-sensitive devices (e.g., extremely low-power devices like SET and subthreshold analog CMOS devices). Table ERD17. Noise-Driven Neural Processing and its Possible Applications
Table ERD17 shows examples of noise-driven neural processing and their possible applications in electronics. Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon where a static or dynamic threshold system responds stochastically to a subthreshold or suprathreshold input with the help of noise. In biological systems SR is utilized to detect weak signals under a noisy environment. Stochastic resonance for some emerging research devices (a SET network and GaAs nanowire FETs) has been demonstrated. Stochastic resonance can be observed in many bi-stable systems, and will be utilized to facilitate the state transitions in emerging logic (bi-stable) memory devices. Noise-driven fast signal transmission is observed in neural networks for the vestibulo ocular reflex, where signals are transmitted with an increased rate over a neuronal path when non-identical neurons and dynamic noise are introduced. Implementation in terms of a SET circuit has demonstrated that when several nonidentical pulse-density modulators were used as noisy neurons, performances on input-output fidelity of the population increased significantly as compared to that of a single neuron circuit. Phase synchronization among isolated neurons can be utilized for skew-free clock distribution where independent oscillators are implemented on a chip as distributed clock sources, while the oscillators are synchronized by a common temporal noise. Noise in synaptic depression can be used to facilitate the operation of a neuromorphic burst-signal detector, where the output range of the detector is significantly increased by noise. Noise-shaping in inhibitory neural networks has been demonstrated in subthreshold CMOS, where static and dynamic noises can be used constructively if one could not remove a certain level of noise or device mismatches. The circuits exploit properties of device mismatches and external (temporal) noise to perform noise-shaping 1-bit AD conversion (pulse-density modulation).
There are two approaches for implementing cellular automata in hardware: fine-grained and tiny-grained. Systems that are coarser grained are considered outside the class of cellular automata, since they are associated with multi-core architectures. Fine-grained cellular automata have cells that can be configured each as one or a few logic gates, or as a simple hub for data transfer. A cell typically contains a limited amount of memory in the order of 10 to 100 Bytes. Cells are usually addressed on an individual basis for input and output, or for configuration. Typically, the transition rules governing the functionality of a cell are changed during configuration. An example of a fine-grained approach is the Cell Matrix 533, which is a model capable of universal computation. Fine-grained cellular automata have a good degree of control over configuration and computation, but it comes at the price of relatively complex cells, limiting the use of cost-effective manufacturing methods that can exploit the regularity of these architectures. The other approach to cellular automata is tiny-grained. Cells in this model have extremely simple functionality, in the order of a few states per cell and a limited number of (fixed) transition rules. The small number of states translates into memory requirements of only a few bits per cell, whereas the non-programmable nature of the transition rules drastically reduces the complexity of cells. The simple nature of rules poses no problems if the rules are designed to cover the functionality intended for the cellular automaton. An example of a tiny-grained approach has been proposed in Ref.534, which is capable of universal computation as well as the correction of errors. Tiny-grained cellular automata have the potential of straightforward realizations of cells on nanometer scales. The challenge is to design models with as few states and transition rules per cell as possible. The theoretical minimum is two states and one transition rule. In synchronously timed models this has been approached by the Game-of-Life cellular automaton (two states, two rules), and in asynchronously timed models (no clock) by the Brownian Cellular Automata535 (three states, three rules). Both models are universal. The number of states and rules should be considered only as rough yardsticks, since ultimately the most important measure is the efficiency at which cells can be realized in a technology. Most hardware realizations of cellular automata to date are application specific. In this context cellular automata are used as part of a larger system to conduct a specific set of operations with great efficiency. Applications typically have a structure that can be mapped efficiently onto the hardware, and the approach followed is generally tiny-grained, since cells are optimized for one or a few simple operations. Image processing applications are the most common in such hardware realizations 536,537,538, since they can be mapped with great efficiency onto two-dimensional cellular automata. Though the focus in the past was mostly on operations like filtering, thinning, skeletonizing, and edge detection, recent applications of cellular automata include the watermarking of images with digital image copyright539,540. Cellular automata have also been used for the implementation of a Dictionary Search Processor541, memory controllers542, and the generation of test patterns for Built-In Self-Test (BIST) of VLSI chips 543,544. An overview of application-specific cellular automata is given in Ref.545. It is expected that the role of cellular automata in architectures will gradually increase with technological progress, from being merely used as dedicated sub-processor to the main part of the architecture. At that point cellular automata need a capacity that their application-specific cousins lack: computation universality, i.e., the ability to carry out the same class of computations as do our current computers. This term is mostly used in a theoretical context, to prove equivalence to a universal Turing machine. The extreme inefficiency of Turing machines carries with it the misunderstanding that cellular automata proven to be universal are inefficient; but this is often far from the truth. A general approach to carry out operations efficiently on a cellular automaton is to configure it as a logic circuit. Cells will then be used as logic gates or for transferring data between logic gates. In fine-grained cellular automata, a cell is typically sufficiently complex such as to be able to function as one or a few gates. In tiny-grained cellular automata, on the other hand, clusters of cells need to work together in order to obtain logic gate functionality. A cluster typically consists of up to 10 cells, its size depending on the functionality covered. This may seem a large overhead, but cells tend to be much less complex than in fine-grained cellular automata, making this approach feasible. Furthermore, cells used merely to transfer data and this is the majority of the cells see much less of their hardware unused when carrying out this simple task. Cellular automata have seen only limited attempts at realizations at nanometer scales. Molecule Cascades546 use CO molecules on a Cu(111) grid to conduct simple logic operations. The CO molecules jump from grid point to grid point, triggering each other sequentially, like dominos. This process is quite slow and error-prone, though there appears to be potential for improvement. The mechanical nature of the operations, though, means that this cellular automaton is unlikely to reach competitive speeds. Another attempt uses layers of organic molecules on a gold grid 547. Interactions between molecules take place via the tunneling of electrons between them. The rules that have been identified as governing those interactions appear to be influenced by the local presence of excess electrons in the grid. This may limit the control over the operation of the cellular automaton, but it also carries the promise of efficient ways to configure the grid.
The purpose of this section is to assess the potential of each emerging research technology entry considered in this chapter to perform its intended memory or information processing function benchmarked against current memory or CMOS technologies, all at their full maturity. These targeted functions are: 1) eventually replace CMOS with a highly scalable, high performance, low power, information processing device technology, or 2) provide a memory or storage technology capable of scaling either volatile and/or nonvolatile memory technology beyond the 15nm generation. Two independent methods are used to perform this assessment. In one method, referred to as Quantitative Logic Benchmarking, each emerging logic device is evaluated by its operation in three conventional Boolean Logic circuits: a unity gain inverter; a 2-input NAND gate; and a 32-bit shift register. Metrics evaluated are: speed, areal footprint, and power dissipation, each normalized to the performance projected for two 15nm CMOS applications (high performance and low power). The second method, referred to as Survey-Based Benchmarking, is to conduct a survey of the ERD working group to evaluate each technology entry against eight evaluation criteria normalized to high-performance CMOS at full maturity for logic or to the memory technology targeted for replacement. An important issue regarding emerging charge-based nanoelectronic switch elements is related to the fundamental limits to the scaling of these new devices, and how they compare with CMOS technology at its projected end of scaling. An analysis 549concludes that the fundamental limit of scaling an electronic charge-based switch is only a factor of 3 smaller than the physical gate length of a silicon MOSFET in 2024. Furthermore, the density of these switches is limited by maximum allowable power dissipation of approximately 100W/cm2, and not by their size. The conclusion of this work is that MOSFET technology scaled to its practical limit in terms of size and power density will asymptotically reach the theoretical limits of scaling for charge-based devices. Most of the proposed beyond-CMOS replacement devices are very different from their CMOS counterparts, and often pass computational state variables (or tokens) other than charge. Alternative state variables include collective or single spins, excitons, plasmons, photons, magnetic domains, qubits, and even material domains (e.g. ferromagnetic). With the multiplicity of programs characterizing the physics of proposed new structures, it is necessary to find ways to benchmark the technologies effectively. This requires a combination of existing benchmarks used for CMOS and new benchmarks which take into account the idiosyncrasies of the new device behavior. Even more challenging is to extend this process to consider new circuits and architectures beyond the Boolean architecture used by CMOS today, which may enable these devices to complete transactions more effectively. 6.2. QUANTITATIVE LOGIC BENCHMARKING FOR BEYOND CMOS TECHNOLOGIES The first method for benchmarking emerging information processing devices, as indicated above, is based on their quantitative evaluation in conventional circuits mentioned in Section 6.1 above. The Nanoelectronics Research Initiative (http://nri.src.org) has been benchmarking several diverse beyond-CMOS technologies over the past two years, trying to balance the need for quantitative metrics to assess a new device concepts potential with the need to allow device research to progress in new directions which might not lend themselves to existing metrics. Several of the more promising NRI devices have been described in detail in the Logic and Emerging Information Processing Device Section 4.2 [13], and the intermediate results on the benchmarking efforts were outlined in a recent IEEE Proceedings article 550 While this effort is still very much a work in progress and no concrete decisions have been made on which devices should be chosen or eliminated as candidates for significantly extending or augmenting the roadmap as CMOS scaling slows this section summarizes some of the data and insights gained from the exercise thus far. It should be noted that NRI is continuing to refine the benchmark data within the program, with updated results being generated in the second half of 2011. This data (potentially to be published in 2012) may alter some of the conclusions here and the outlook on some of these devices, but the overall message on the challenge of finding a beyond CMOS device which can compete well across the full spectrum of benchmarks of interest remains.
Devices with intrinsic properties supporting the above features will be adopted more readily by the industry. Moreover, devices which enable architectures that address emerging concerns such as computational efficiency, complexity management, selforganized reliability and serviceability, and intrinsic cyber-security553 are particularly valuable.
1 .00E+ 01
Figure ERD5 Median delay, energy, and area of proposed devices, normalized to ITRS 15-nm CMOS. (Based on principal investigators data; from Rev. 556 1 .00E-01
1 .00E-02
Figure ERD6: Energy versus delay of a NAND2 gate in various post-CMOS technologies. Projections for both highperformance and low-power 15nm CMOS are included as reference. All values are a snapshot in time, and will change as work continues. (Based on principal investigators data; from Ref. 557 )
Figure ERD7: Inverter energy and delay and interconnect delay (*characteristic of transport over 10um) for various beyondCMOS technologies. Projections for both high-performance and low-power 15nm CMOS included as reference. Solid dots indicate the switch is intrinsically non-volatile. All values are a snapshot in time, and will change as work continues. (Based on principal investigators data)
Figure ERD8: Transport impact on switch delay, size, and area of control. Circle size is logarithmically proportional to physically accessible area in one delay. Projections for 15nm CMOS included as reference. (Based on principal investigators data; from Ref. 558 )
In fact at the architecture level, the ability to speculate on how these devices will perform is still in its infancy. While the ultimate goal is to compare at a very high level e.g. how many MIPs can be produced for 100mW in 1 mm 2? the current work must extrapolate from only very primitive gate structures. One initial attempt to start this process has been to look at the relative logical effort 559 for these technologies, a figure of merit which ties fundamental technology to a resulting logic transaction. As seen in Fig. ERD 9, several of the devices appear to offer advantage over CMOS in logical effort, particular for more complex functions which increases the urgency of doing more joint device architecture co-design for these emerging technologies.
10 .0 00
Logical Effort
(CMOS Equiv)
10 0.0
Com plex
Figure ERD9: Estimated logical effort a measure of the relative expense required to perform a given logic function for new switches in both simple combinatorial and complex circuits (lower values are preferred). Projections for 15nm CMOS included as reference. (Based on principal investigators data)
A number of common themes have emerged from the results of this work and in the observations made during recent studies of beyond-CMOS replacement switches 560, 561. A few noteworthy concepts: 1) The low voltage energy-delay tradeoff conundrum will continue to be a challenge for all devices. Getting to low voltage must remain a priority for achieving low power, but new approaches to getting throughput with slow devices must be developed. 2) Most of the architectures that have been considered to date in the context of new devices utilize binary logic to implement von Neumann computing structures. In this area, CMOS implementations are difficult to supplant because they are very competitive across the spectrum of energy, delay and area not surprising since these architectures have evolved over several decades to exploit the properties and limitations of CMOS most effectively. Novel electron-based devices which can include devices that take advantage of collective and non-equilibrium effects appear to be the best candidates as a drop-in replacement for CMOS for binary logic applications. 3) As the behavior of other emerging research devices becomes better understood, work on novel architectures that leverage these features will be increasingly important. A device that may not be competitive at doing a simple NAND function may have advantages in doing a complex adder or multiplier instead. Understanding the right building blocks for each device to maximize throughput of the system will be critical. This may be best accomplished by thinking about the high-level metric a system or core is designed to achieve (e.g. computation, pattern recognition, FFT, etc.) and finding the best match between the device and circuit for maximizing this metric. 4) Increasing functional integration and on-chip switch count will continue to grow. To that end, in any logic architectural alternative, both flexible rich logic circuit libraries and reconfigurability will be required for new switch implementations. 5) Patterning, precision layer deposition, material purity, dopant placement, and alignment precision critical to CMOS will continue to be important in the realization of architectures using these new switches. 6) Assessment of novel architectures using new switches must also include the transport mechanism for the information tokens. Fundamental relationships connecting information generation with information communication spatially and temporally will dictate CMOS successor.
Based on the current data and observations, it is clear that CMOS will remain the primary basis for IC chips for the coming decade. While it is unlikely that any of the current emerging devices could entirely replace CMOS, several do seem to offer advantages, such as ultra-low power or non-volatility (Fig. ERD 7), which could be utilized to augment CMOS or to enable better performance in specific application spaces. One potential area for entry is that of special purpose cores or accelerators that could off-load specific computations from the primary general purpose processor and provide overall improvement in system performance. This is particularly attractive given the move to multi-core chips: while most are homogeneous today, if scaling slows in delivering the historically expected performance improvements in future generations, heterogeneous multi-core chips may be a more attractive option. These would include specific, custom-designed cores dedicated to accelerate high-value functions, such as accelerators already widely-used today in CMOS (e.g. Encryption/Decryption, Compression/Decompression, Floating Point Units, Digital Signal Processors, etc.), as well as potentially new, higher-level functions (e.g. voice recognition). While integrating dissimilar technologies and materials is a big challenge, advances in packaging and 3D integration may make this more feasible over time, but the performance improvement would need to be large to balance this effort. As a general rule, an accelerator is considered as an adjunct to the core processors if replacing its software implementation improves overall core processor throughput by approximately ten percent; an accelerator using a non-CMOS technology would likely need to offer an order of magnitude performance improvement relative to its CMOS implementation to be considered worthwhile. That is a high bar, but there may be instances where the unique characteristics of emerging devices, combined with a complementary architecture, could be used to advantage in implementing a particular function. At the same time, the changing landscape of electronics (moving from uniform, general purpose computing devices to a spectrum of devices with varying purposes, power constraints, and environments spanning servers in data centers to smart phones to embedded sensors) and the changing landscape of workloads and processing needs (Big Data, unstructured information, real-time computing, 3D rich graphics) are increasing the need for new computing solutions. One of the primary goals then for future beyond-CMOS work should be to focus on specific emerging functions and optimize between the device and architecture to achieve solutions that can break through the current power/performance limits.
[4B] Gain (Logic Devices)The gain of nanodevices is an important limitation for presently used combinatorial logic where gate fan-outs require significant drive current and low voltages make gates more noise sensitive. New logic and low-fan-out circuit approaches will be needed to use most of these nanodevices for computing applications. Signal regeneration for large circuits of nanodevices may need to be accomplished by integration with CMOS. [5] Operational ReliabilityOperational reliability is the ability of the memory and logic devices to operate reliably within their operational error tolerance given in their performance specifications. The error rate of all nanoscale devices and circuits is a major concern. These errors arise from the difficulty of providing highly precise dimensional control needed to fabricate the devices and also from interference from the local environment. Large-scale and powerful error detection and correction schemes will need to be a central theme of any architecture and implementations that use nanoscale devices. [6] Operational TemperatureNanodevices must be able to operate close to a room temperature environment for most practical applications with sufficient tolerance for higher temperature (e.g., 100oC) operation internal to the device structure. [7] CMOS Technological CompatibilityThe semiconductor industry has been based for the last 40 years on incremental scaling of device dimensions to achieve performance gains. The principle economic benefit of such an approach is it allows the industry to fully apply previous technology investments to future products. Any alternative technology as a goal should utilize the tremendous investment in infrastructure to the highest degree possible. Furthermore, in the near-term, integratability of nanodevices with silicon CMOS is a requirement due to the need for signal restoration for many logic implementations and to be compatible with the established technology and market base. This integration will be necessary at all levels from design tools and circuits to process technology. [8] CMOS Architectural CompatibilityThis criterion is motivated by the same set of concerns that motivate the CMOS technological compatibility, namely the ability to utilize the existing CMOS infrastructure. Architectural compatibly is defined in terms of the logic system and the data representation used by the alternative technology. CMOS utilizes Boolean logic and a binary data representation and ideally, an alternative technology would need to do so as well.
Each CMOS extension and beyond-CMOS emerging research nanoscale memory and logic device technology is evaluated against each Relevance Criterion according to a single factor. For logic, this factor relates to the projected potential performance of a nanoscale device technology, assuming its successful development to maturity, compared to that for silicon CMOS scaled to the end of the Roadmap. For memory, this factor relates the projected potential performance of each nanoscale memory device technology, assuming its successful development to maturity, compared to that for ultimately scaled current silicon memory technology which the new memory would displace. Performance potential for each criterion is assigned a value from 13, with 3 substantially exceeding ultimately-scaled CMOS, and 1 substantially inferior to CMOS or, again, a comparable existing memory technology. These numbers are more precisely defined in that charts below. This evaluation is determined by a survey of the ERD Working Group members composed of individuals representing a broad range of technical backgrounds and expertise.
LogicIndividual Potential for Emerging Research Logic Devices Related to each Technology Relevance Criterion
Substantially exceeds ultimately scaled CMOS digital information processing technology (Relevance Criteria 1 5) 6) or is compatible with CMOS operating temperature
7) or is monolithically integrable with CMOS wafer technology 8) or is compatible with CMOS wafer technology (i.e., Substantially Better than Silicon CMOS Digital Information Processing Technology) Comparable to ultimately scaled CMOS digital information processing technology (Relevance Criteria 1 5) 6) or requires a very aggressive forced air cooling technology or is functionally integrable (easily) with CMOS wafer technology
8) or can be integrated with CMOS architecture with some difficulty (i.e., Comparable to Silicon CMOS Digital Information Processing Technology) Substantially (2) inferior to ultimately scaled CMOS digital information processing technology (Relevance Criteria 1 5) 6) or requires very aggressive liquid cooling technology
7) or is not integrable with CMOS wafer technology 8) or can not be integrated with CMOS architecture (i.e., Substantially Worse than Silicon CMOS Digital Information Processing Technology)
MemoryIndividual Potential for Emerging Research Memory Devices Related to each Technology Relevance Criterion
Substantially exceeds the appropriate ultimately scaled Baseline Memory Technology (Relevance Criteria 1 5) 6) or is compatible with CMOS operating temperature 7) or is monolithically integrable with CMOS wafer technology 8) or is compatible with CMOS wafer technology (i.e., Substantially Better than ultimately scaled Silicon Baseline Memory Technology) Comparable to the appropriate ultimately scaled Baseline Memory Technology (Relevance Criteria 1 5) 6) or requires a very aggressive forced air cooling technology or is functionally integrable (easily) with CMOS wafer technology
8) or can be integrated with CMOS architecture with some difficulty (i.e., Comparable to Silicon ultimately scaled n Baseline Memory Technology) Substantially (2) inferior to the appropriate ultimately scaled Baseline Memory Technology (Relevance Criteria 1 5) 6) or requires very aggressive liquid cooling technology
7) or is not integrable with CMOS wafer technology 8) or can not be integrated with CMOS architecture (i.e., Substantially Worse than ultimately scaled Silicon Baseline Memory Technology)
Overall Potential Assessment (OPA) = Potential Summed over the Eight Relevance Criteria for each Technology Entry Maximum Overall Potential Assessment (OPA) = 24 Minimum Overall Potential Assessment (OPA) = 8
Tables ERD18 ERD21 summarize the results of the critical review. The color scale is defined in the table above entitled Overall Potential Assessment for Technology Entries. The color represents the overall assessment for each emerging research memory and logic technology. White indicates the ERD Working Groups judgment of a relatively high potential for a fully matured research device technology to excel compared to ultimately-scaled CMOS for logic or compared to the current memory technology to be replaced. Conversely, magenta indicates a relatively low potential. Green provides additional granularity from a moderately high potential to a lower assessment for potential. On a scale of 13, the numbers given in each box are the average of the responses for that technology/relevance criterion received from members of the ERD Working Group. The Overall Potential Assessment (OPA) is given in the left cell that defines the Technology Entry evaluated. The error bars indicate the average response + the standard deviation. Assignment of the relative ratings for each Technology Entry for memory and for logic is the collective judgment of the ERD Working Group and is intended to be a guideline, but not proscriptive. These ratings taken together with the numerical tables and descriptive text are intended to provide the reader with ERD Working Groups perspective on each Technology Entry following two years of conducting several workshops, reviewing the literature, and engaging in lively discussions within the Working Group. This evaluation is illustrated in further detail for each Memory Technology in Figures ERD10a through ERD10f and for each Logic Technology in Figures ERD11a through ERD11f, ERD12a through ERD12g, and ERD13a through ERD13f. The results displayed in the Memory and Logic Critical Review Tables ERD18 and ERD21 are interpreted briefly below beginning with the highest rated technology entry and ending with the lowest rated entry. The discussions are centered on the Technology Entries having a higher potential.
Each of the emerging research memory technology entries, assessed in Table ERD18, has some potential of becoming a viable, manufacturable memory. However, each has one or more challenges gating fulfillment of their potential. (Detailed discussion of these gating challenges is found in the section on Emerging Research Memory technologies. Section 4.1) Redox Resistive Memory encompasses three different but related technologies: Electrochemical (a.k.a Conducting Bridge) technology, Thermochemical (a.k.a. Fuse/Antifuse memory and Nanothermal) technology, and Valence Change memory. Their relationship is through mutual dependence on a chemical reduction/oxidation switching process. Redox memory is highlighted by the ERD work group (see Section below) to offer an attractive means for scaling memory technology to and beyond the 15nm generation. Two areas of concern related to the Thermochemical component are the energy efficiency and the operational reliability. The energy efficiency challenge is related to the switching current and therefore the write energy needed to obtain the ON (set) and OFF (reset) states. The concern for operational reliability is related to the state-change mechanism of this category depending principally upon thermally activated processes. A related issue is to clarify and understand the possible role of other physical processes, e.g., electrochemical effects, in changing the resistive state of the fuse/antifuse technology. The Valence Change Memory (formerly Nanoionic memory) is another broad category of memory technology, in which the resistance switching mechanism is thought to depend principally on ionic (cation or anion) transport in either an insulator or an electrolytic ion conductor. In the first case of transport in an insulator, electronic conduction is through mixed valence metallic (cation) states in filaments formed by oxygen vacancies; in the second case, electronic conduction is along metallic filaments formed in the electrolyte. While this category is thought to be promising, two areas of concern are raised. The more serious challenge is the Operational Reliability followed by a slight concern regarding a potentially low Ion/Ioff ratio. The concern with Operational Reliability is related to an inability to obtain complete reversibility of ionic drift processes exacerbated by possible thermal processes as well. As shown in Figure ERD10a, the critical evaluation of Redox did not change appreciably from 2009.
Ferroelectric memory now includes two ferroelectric memory categories: the Ferroelectric FET memory and a Ferroelectric Schottky barrier structure. In the first case, a ferroelectric dielectric forms the gate insulator of an FET, and in the second case, the device is controlled by ferroelectric Schottky barrier. In 2009, the Ferroelectric FET memory was encumbered by concerns in four areas: Operational Reliability, Ion/Ioff Ratio and, to a lesser extent, Performance, and Energy Efficiency. Operational Reliability of the FeFET RAM is limited by the time dependant remnant polarization of the ferroelectric gate dielectric, particularly governed by the dielectric-semiconductor interface, which changes the threshold voltage in time. Also, the FeFET memory element may not be scalable beyond the 22nm generation. Figure ERD10b shows that evaluation for Ion/Ioff ratios and energy efficiency increased in 2011, suggesting that Ferroelectric memory remains a viable contender, perhaps for m-Storage Class Memory. Evaluation of the NEM memory structure improved in 2011, however, scalability remains as a difficult challenge of the suspended-beam Nanomechanical Memory (NEMM) structure. According to a recent study, it might be difficult to achieve lowvoltage (~1 V) operation for the beam length less than 50 nm. Consequently, the NEMM may not be competitive in the long term. (Figure ERD10c) Although the Mott Memory is seen to have some potential, three important challenges are identified: Scalability, Operational Reliability, and Ion/Ioff Ratio. Evaluation of this memory category declined considerably (> 1.5 in Overall Potential Assessment or OPA) from the 2007 evaluation to 2009 and declined an additional 0.7 in 2011, as shown in Figure ERD10d. Neither of the last two memory technologies evaluated, Macromolecular Memory and Molecular Memory, is considered to have long range potential for high-performance computing due to low expectations for Speed, Operational Reliability, and Ion/Ioff Ratio.
The results for Emerging Research Logic and Alternative Information Processing technologies are displayed in Table ERD 1921 and Figures ERD11a11f, ERD12a-12g, and ERD13a-13f. While the color coding highlights eight information processing or logic technologies as being most promising, the top five are clustered within one Overall Potential Assessment (OPA) point (OPA = 17.9 to 18.9). These top four, (NW-FETs, CNT-FETs, Ge & III-V (GaPSb and GaInSb)) p-channel MOSFETs, InP and Ge n-channel MOSFETs) are all electron charge-based FET structures targeting extension of CMOS to the end of the current Roadmap. This assessment is consistent with the preliminary results of a study discussed in this Section (Section 6.2.2) in which electron charge-based and non-charge based devices are benchmarked using a number of CMOS logic gate configurations. The lower three of this green-colored sub-group (Tunnel MOSFETs, IMOS, and Negative Cg FET) are clustered at a lower point (OPA =16.9 to 16.3). GNR MOSFETs are between these two groups at an OPA of 17.4. The last eleven of the Logic group, colored magenta, are not rated to have a long range potential performance exceeding that for ultimately scaled CMOS. Nanowire FETs offer an appealing approach to scaling CMOS with attributes similar to CNT FETs, including excellent gate control of the channel minimizing short channel effects. Nanowire FETs also have challenges similar to those for CNTs related to well controlled growth and fabrication as well as parasitic resistances and capacitances. The 2011 and 2009 critical assessments for Nanowire FETs are quite similar and not too different from the 2007 assessment, as shown in Figure ERD11a. Carbon Nanotube FETs offer high carrier mobility, high quasi-ballistic charge carrier velocity, and a tubular structure ideally suited for minimized short channel effects (i.e., abrupt turnoff of channel current), if a gate-all-around process is developed. Other challenges include the ability to obtain single wall semiconducting nanotubes, control the bandgap energy, control growth of nanotube position/direction, and control the carrier type and density. As shown in Figure ERD11b, the critical assessment of CNTs in 2011 is similar to that of 2009 and 2007, with the exception of CMOS Architectural Compatibility, which increased in 2009. Semiconductor materials proposed to replace the silicon channel and source/drain in an otherwise silicon MOSFET technology have gained attention for their potential to enable performance scaling of CMOS to the end of the current Roadmap. These materials include carbon nanotubes, germanium, III-V compound semiconductors, and graphene nanoribbons. Carbon nanotubes are discussed above and graphene nanoribbons are discussed below. Germanium and III-V compound semiconductors offer similar advantages and face similar challenges. In particular, a III-V n-channel MOSFET can be integrated with a germanium pchannel MOSFET to maximize high n-channel III-V and p-channel germanium carrier mobilities and carrier velocities. Principal challenges include several material and fabrication process issues discussed in the ERM chapter. Figures ERD11c and ERD11d (Ge and InP n-channel MOSFETs) and (GaInSb and GaPSb p-channel MOSFETs) indicate very similar (rather positive) assessments for these technologies from 2009 to 2011. While graphene nanoribbon (GNR), used as a channel replacement material, offers an attractive alternative, it faces several important challenges discussed above in the Logic Section (Section 4.2) and in the ERM chapter. Assuming solution to these
several materials and process challenges (including development of a viable epitaxial growth technology), GNR may not offer sufficient device gain to be competitive. This assessment is illustrated in Figure ERD11e. The Tunnel MOSFET offers an appealing concept for substantially lowering the energy dissipated in a switching device by substituting a tunneling process for a thermionic process for injecting charge carriers into the channel of a MOSFET. The major challenge is to simultaneously obtain a sharp subthreshold slope (much less than 60mV/decade) with a high on current, I on. This is discussed in detail above in the Logic Section (Section 4.2) and in the ERM chapter. Further the Tunnel FET may have a problem with Operational Reliability due to high sensitivity of device operation to slight variations of the tunnel structure and the resulting tunnel barrier. This assessment is illustrated in Figure ERD11f. The IMOS device offers an advantage similar to that of the Tunnel MOSFET, namely to reduce the subthreshold slope, but faces several additional serious concerns related to Scalability, Speed, and Operational Reliability. Assessments illustrating these concerns are given in Figure ERD12a. The negative Cg MOSFET offers another approach to lowering the energy dissipated in switching a MOSFET, and has overcome a major challenge of identifying a gate dielectric (a ferroelectric and an oxide) that demonstrated a negative capacitance in a MOSFET gate stack. A recent experiment has established proof of concept of <60 mV/decade operation using the principle of negative capacitance562. In addition, recent demonstration563 of capacitance enhancement in a series combination of a ferroelectric and dielectric capacitor, composed of single crystalline oxides grown epitaxially, also demonstrates a number of predictions of negative capacitance theory. The major challenge concerns identification of appropriate materials (ferroelectrics and/or oxides) that can provide the best voltage swing with minimal hysteresis. A second significant challenge comes from the integration of high quality single crystalline ferroelectric oxides on Si. Although, a negative capacitance MOSFET with organic ferroelectric such as polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) already has been demonstrated, crystalline oxides are more attractive due to their well-behaved and sharp hysteresis and better dynamic response. Another important concern, however, is the Operational Reliability as shown in ERD12b. The Atomic Switch is classified as an electrochemical switch using the diffusion of metal cations and their reduction/oxidation processes to form/dissolve a metallic conductive path. One advance in this field is development of three-terminal atomic switches564,565, characterized by high Ion/Ioff ratio, low ON-resistance, nonvolatility, and low power consumption. Switching speed, cyclic endurance, uniformities of the switching bias voltage and resistances both for the on-state and the off-state should be improved for general usage as a logic device. Although basic phenomena in their switching have been reported 566, establishment of the device physics still seems to be the most important and urgent issue. In addition, development of the architecture for nonvolatile devices is desired same as with other nonvolatile logic devices. The 2011 assessment shown in Figure ERD12c is similar to that for 2009, except the energy efficiency is lower in the new assessment. The Mott field-effect transistor (Mott FET) utilizes a phase change in a correlated electron system induced by a gate voltage as the fundamental switching paradigm567,568. Mott FETs could have a similar structure as conventional semiconductor FETs, with the semiconductor channel materials being replaced by correlated electron materials. Correlated electron materials can undergo Mott insulator-to-metal phase transitions under an applied electric field. Besides electric field excitation, the Mott phase transition can also be triggered by photo- and thermal-excitations for potential optical and thermal switches. Challenges with correlated electron oxide Mott FETs include fundamental understanding of gate oxide-functional oxide interfaces and local energy bandstructure changes in the presence of electric fields. Understanding the electronic arrest mechanisms while decoupling from structural Peierls distortions is of interest. The Mott FET is a new device entry, therefore there is no comparison with previous assessments. (Figure ERD12d) The Spin Transistor category represents two different device structures. One is the Spin FET and the other is the Spin MOSFET. In both instances the device complements the usual field effect behavior of a MOSFET with additional functionality of magnetoresistive devices. Consequently, the Spin Transistors may enable more complex transfer functions with fewer devices than CMOS is able to provide. Notwithstanding considerable focused research on developing these devices, none have been realized experimentally. Further, there are concerns with the potential Scalability, Gain, Operational Reliability, and CMOS technological compatibility of these devices, as illustrated in Figure ERD12e. The 2011 assessment of the Spin Transistor is similar to the 2009 assessment. Micro/Nano-Electro-Mechanical (M/NEM) Switches (or relays) are devices in which operation is based on the displacement of a solid beam under the influence of electrostatic force in order to create a conducting path between two electrodes. M/NEM relays feature two key properties for logic computation which are unavailable in MOSFETs: zero leakage and zero subthreshold swing569,570. The first property indicates zero standby energy dissipation, while the second suggests the potential to scale VDD aggressively (without degrading the on-current to off-current ratio) and hence reduce significantly the dynamic energy consumption as well. The performance of M/NEM MOSFETs is improved by constant-field scaling, which increases speed while decreasing dynamic energy dissipation and area 571. The main advantage of M/NEM switches in terms of scaling resides in
their improved energy efficiency as well as in their potential for 3-D integration, both of which may allow increased functional density for a given substrate real-estate 572. This is especially true for memory applications573where hysteresis and sticking lead to an even better functional density. Many issues remain to be solved in order to apply M/NEM relays to logic applications. The most important issue is nanoscale contact reliability, since logic circuits would require the relays to operate correctly over ~10 16 hot switching cycles where the drain voltage is as high as the gate voltage. High impact velocity at the end of pull-in and the resultant tip bouncing (which also increases the effective switching delay) can aggravate the problem574 . Another significant issue for NEM relays is the presence of surface forces (van der Waals or Casimir) that can cause sticking if the restoring elastic force is not sufficiently high. Stiction is typically overcome by stiffening the beam at the expense of increasing the pull-in voltage and thus these surface forces often set the minimum energy required to switch a M/NEM relay. In order to minimize stiction and maintain clean contact spots, M/NEM relays should be hermetically sealed. There are several factors which will eventually impact the dimensional scaling of M/NEM relays. At gaps of a few nm, the subthreshold swing is already expected to degrade due to the onset of tunneling current before the unstable beam position is reached at ~2/3 of the nominal gap. With sufficiently small dimensions and gaps, the effect of Brownian beam motion may become significant; however, stiffening of the beam (e.g. by changing the beam material) can allow for further scaling. In relays with gaps near the limit set by tunneling (~2 nm), the long turn-off settling time could cause a significant risk for short-circuit current. As given in Figure ERD 12f, the M/NEMs device is viewed as having several challenges. These challenges include scaling, speed, and, particularly, Operational Reliability. The bilayer pseudo-spin field effect transistor (BiSFET) is a recently proposed concept for an ultra-low-power and fast transistor575 based on the possibility of a room temperature exciton (paired electron and hole) superfluid condensate in two oppositely charged (n-type and p-type) layers of graphene separated by a thin dielectric.576 In the detailed analysis, electron occupation of the top layer or bottom layer can be treated much like spin up or down, that is as a pseudospin, and the collective effects considered here are analogous to collective spin effects in a ferromagnet. The BiSFET, however, remains only a concept based on novel predicted physics within a novel material system. And fabrication of BiSFETs with the necessary degree of control of graphene, dielectric and surface quality, of work functions, and of lithography, etc. imposes numerous challenges. Issues relating to BiSFET fabrication, some of them unique to this system and others common to other graphene technologies, as well as theory are currently being addressed.577 (Figure ERD13a) The last five devices evaluated [i.e., Exciton FET. Spin Torque Majority Gate, All Spin Logic, Spin Wave Devices, and Nanomagnetic Logic] are viewed to be very early in their development or as being limited by important challenges related to their projected Speed, Gain, Operational Reliability, and CMOS technological compatibility, as shown in Figures ERD13b through ERD13f. First, however, many of these proposed information processing device technologies need to be realized and demonstrated experimentally to provide a more concrete and realistic basis for their critical assessment.
Figure ERD10 a-f: Technology Performance Evaluation for a) Redox Resistive Memory, b) Ferroelectric Memory, c) Nanomechanical Memory, d) Mott Memory e) Macromolecular Memory, and f) Molecular Memory.
Figure ERD 11 a-f: Technology Performance Evaluation for a) Nanowire MOSFETs, b) CNT MOSFETs, c) GaInSb and GaSbP p-channel MOSFETs, d) Ge and InP n-channel MOSFETs, e) GNR MOSFETs, and f) Tunnel MOSFETs
Figure ERD 12a-d: Technology Performance Evaluation for a) I MOSFET, b) Ferroelectric Negative Cg MOSFET, c) Atomic Switch, and d) Mott Transistor.
Figure ERD 12e-g: Technology Performance Evaluation for e) Spin FET and Spin MOSFET, f) NEMS Device, and g) P/N Junction Device.
Figure ERD13a-f: Technology Performance Evaluation for a) BiSFET, b) Exciton FET, c) Spin Torque Majority Gate, d) All Spin Logic Device, e) Spin Wave Device, and f) Nanomagnetic Logic Device.
The ITRS International Roadmap Committee (IRC), recognizing that it is timely to accelerate development of one or two of the more promising proposals for new well-defined information processing devices, requested the Emerging Research Devices and Emerging Research Materials working groups to recommend one or two of the emerging research memory and information processing device technologies with high potential and sufficient maturity to justify their accelerated development. In response, the ERD/ERM working groups conducted two studies and two related workshops. One was entitled Potential & Maturity of Selected Emerging Research Memory Technologies and the other Maturity Evaluation for Selected beyond CMOS Emerging Technologies. The objective of these studies was to evaluate nine candidate emerging research memory and seven beyond CMOS information processing technologies, followed by near-consensus selection of one or two of each having high potential and sufficient maturity for enabling a paradigm shift in information processing technology. Also, the recommended technologies would need to be manufacturable within 5 10 years. Two candidate memory technologies were recommended: Spin Transfer Torque Magnetostatic RAM (STT-MRAM) and Redox Resistive RAM. The STT-MRAM has been transferred to the PIDS chapter, and the Redox Resistive RAM remains in the ERD and ERM chapters. The single candidate Information Processing Technology selected was Carbon-based Nanoelectronics. Focused research necessary to develop either carbon nanotubes or graphene for MOSFETs may provide a technology platform and requisite scientific knowledge base to enable discovery of a new paradigm for processing information for beyond CMOS.
Redox ReRAM MIM structures are deceptively simple and, therefore, very appealing for their low cost/bit and their scaling potential. However, their commercialization is facing solution to some important challenges. First and foremost, one needs a better understanding and control of the physical SET/RESET processes through development of accurate, quantitative models. A forming process now needed for many of these technologies should be eliminated, and they need better endurance and data retention time. The category of Redox RAM encompasses a wide variety of MIM structures and materials loosely connected by the fact that they share reduction/oxidation (redox) electrochemistry as an important component of their physical mechanism for changing the resistance state from high to low or the reverse. These redox electrochemical mechanisms can operate in the bulk I-layer, along conducting filaments in the I-layer, and/or at the I-layer/metal contact interfaces in the MIM structure. Until recently, this category (Redox RAM) was further divided into two subcategories, Thermochemical Mechanism (i.e. Fuse/antifuse) and Nanoionic (i.e. Valence Change Mechanism and Electrochemical Metallization). The distinction between these two subcategories was whether the diffusion or drift of O anions, Ag+ and Cu+ cations, and Vo oxygen vacancies in the insulator or I-layer is driven by a thermal gradient diffusion mechanism or by an electrostatic drift field driving the ion drift and
the redox electrochemistry mechanisms. In many cases both mechanisms are operative and its just a matter of which is dominant. If the thermal gradient mechanism is dominant, the resistance switching is unipolar. Conversely, if the applied electric field drives the redistribution of charged species, the resistance switching is bipolar. Because this distinction is so subtle and because both mechanisms are likely operative, these two subcategories were combined into the category of Redox RRAM.
Carbon-based Nanoelectronics has a major advantage in that the science and technologies resulting from accelerated development of CNTs and GNRs for MOSFET applications can provide a substantial basis for exploring and developing new physical phenomena in these materials for Beyond CMOS information processing paradigms. The field of Carbon-based Nanoelectronics has bifurcated into two related topics: carbon nanotubes and graphene. Carbon nanotubes, based on one or more layers of sp2 bonded carbon atoms to form either single-wall or multi-wall cylinders of varying chirality, can be metallic or semiconducting. Exploration of CNTs for MOSFET applications has shown CNTs to have excellent electron transport properties, exhibiting ballistic transport over substantial distances. Using the cylindrical shape of CNTs in a vertical MOSFET format enables the ideal MOSFET structure, a gate all around transistor, which provides near ideal gate control of the channel electrostatics. This would minimize short channel effects, e.g. DIBL. CNTs are also amenable to band-to-band-tunneling MOSFETs which could provide subthreshold slopes, S << 60mV/dec, leading to lower dissipated power. The major issue that has challenged CNT MOSFETs for some time is lack of a growth process to control placement, alignment, chirality, conductivity, diameter, single or multiple wall, energy bandgap, etc. The second field in carbon-based nanoelectronics is based on graphene, a single planar layer of sp 2 bonded carbon atoms. A graphene nanoribbon can be imagined as a CNT cut lengthwise and opened to form a mono-atomic ribbon or sheet of sp 2 bonded carbon atoms. Similar to CNT MOSFETs, a graphene nanoribbon (GNR) MOSFET exhibits ballistic electron transport and excellent MOSFET properties for analog or RF applications. However, while the CNT technology requires multiple CNT MOSFETs connected in parallel to achieve a desired Ion, the GNR MOSFET can achieve the required Ion by increasing the width of the transistor. Graphene also exhibits some new physical phenomena (e.g. pseudospin, zero effective mass charge carriers, etc.) that may be exploited to realize a new charge-transport independent paradigm for information processing. Major issues challenging development of graphene are lack of a reasonable process for growing graphene epitaxially over large areas on a suitable substrate and an inability to turnoff the channel of a MOSFET making GNR MOSFETs currently unsuitable for use as digital logic devices.
In considering the many disparate new approaches proposed to provide order of magnitude scaling of information processing beyond that attainable with ultimately scaled CMOS, the Emerging Research Devices Working Group proposes the following comprehensive set of guiding principles. We believe these Guiding Principles provide a useful structure for directing research on any Beyond CMOS information processing technology to dramatically enhance scaling of functional density and performance while simultaneously reducing the energy dissipated per functional operation. Further this new technology would need to be realizable using a highly manufacturable fabrication process.
These are systems that are out of equilibrium with the ambient thermal environment for some period of their operation, thereby reducing the perturbations of stored information energy in the system caused by thermal interactions with the environment. The purpose is to allow lower energy computational processing while maintaining information integrity.
These interactions would provide the interconnect function between communicating information processing elements. Energy transfer mechanisms for device interconnection could be based on short range interactions, including, for example, quantum exchange and double exchange interactions, electron hopping, Frster coupling (dipoledipole coupling), tunneling and coherent phonons.
7.2.4 7.2.5
This could be accomplished by manipulating lattice phonons for constructive energy transport and heat removal. One example of this principle is directed self-assembly of complex structures composed of nanoscale building blocks. These self-assembly approaches should address non-regular, hierarchically organized structures, be tied to specific device ideas, and be consistent with high volume manufacturing processes.
In this case, architecture is the functional arrangement on a single chip of interconnected devices that includes embedded computational components. These architectures could utilize, for special purposes, novel devices other than CMOS to perform unique functions.
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