Sunday, February 26, 2012: Parish Office/Mailing Address: 50 East Alegria Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 626.355.1292
Sunday, February 26, 2012: Parish Office/Mailing Address: 50 East Alegria Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 626.355.1292
Sunday, February 26, 2012: Parish Office/Mailing Address: 50 East Alegria Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 626.355.1292
626.355.1292 x. 228 Dcn. Manuel & Chela ValenciaDeacon Couple 626.355.1292 Dcn. John 626.355.1292 Weekend Presiders: Fr. Chris Thiel, OFM Cap. Rev. Msgr. John Morales Parish Operations Manager: Tim Lopez 626.355.1292 Office Email:
Parish Office/Mailing Address: 50 East Alegria Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am to 7:00pm; Sat. 9am-2pm Office Phone: 626.355.1292
Pastoral Council Vice Chair Mr. George Landis: 626.355.1292 Finance Council Chair Mr. Bill Sullivan: 626.355.3707 Director of Liturgy & Music Mr. Paul Puccinelli: Director of Religious Education Mrs. Cristina Cullen: 355.3841, Director of Youth Ministry/Confirmation Mrs. Theresa Bui Costanzo: 590.8828, RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Team: Deacon Manuel and Chela Valencia; Susan Blakeslee: St. Rita SchoolOffice: 626.355.6114 Principal: Mrs. Joanne Harabedian: SAINT RITA MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS
(See Inside Flap, page four)
SUNDAYS: Sat. 5:30 pm; Sunday 7:30 am; 10 am; & 12 N WEEKDAYS: Mon., Tues., Fri., and Sat. 8:00 am (Wed. & Thurs. 8 am Communion Services) HOLY DAYS: (eve of) 5:30 pm; (day of) 8 am & 6:30 pm. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturdays 4-5 pm or by appointment DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions: Saturdays 7:50 am Adoration: First Fridays 8:30 am 6:30 pm, Rectory Oratory. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptismal Preparation for parents and godparents: 7 8:30 pm the last Monday of the month. Call for Reservations. Baptisms are usually the first Sunday of the month. SACRAMENTS OF RECONCILIATION & FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation for children who have attained the age of reason (usually during 2nd grade) is arranged either through the Office of Religious Education or St. Rita Elementary School. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Contact the parish office upon engagement; at least six months is needed for preparation of this joyous sacrament! SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION A two-year program for freshman/sophomore age teens. Apply through the Office of Religious Education.
Mass Times
NOTE: Adult applicants for the above sacraments should inquire at the
Parish Office: 50 E. Alegria Ave. or call 626.355.1292. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK (See Inside Flap, page four)
Dear Parishioners, Remember Man and Woman that you are dust and to dust you shall return! Repent and Believe in the Good News! And so we have begun Lent 2012. In the spirit of todays Gospel, the forty days of Lent mean that we accompany Jesus into the desertto converse with our Heavenly Father, face our tempters, and be ministered to by angels. What I have found helpful over the years, as foundational to a Lent well observed, is to recall the spiritual life as outlined by the mastersthe saints. Common to all of them are the classic elements of the conversion process: the PURGATIVE, ILLUMINATIVE, and the UNITIVE WAYS. To be in a purgative mode is to be in the process of ridding oneself of excesses, abusive and/or addictive behavior, and our bad habits in general. It is the turning from sin or repentance part of Repent and believe in the good news! Purgation typically includes fasting, prayer, and almsgiving; that is, it includes holding back from the excesses of eating, drinking, and any form of substance abuseit includes quality time for prayerand includes letting go of accumulated wealth and goods in favor of the poor. To purge oneself spiritually and in fact is to arrive at the Christian virtues of temperance and detachment. It is living all things in moderation. Once freed of sins, those thoughts and actions that separate us from Christ, we are ready for illumination. To be in the illuminative way means to be in a mode of awakening to the Good News. It is the believing part of Repent and believe in the Good News! Whereas our sins made us deaf to Jesus teachings and blind to his truth and salvation, now by illumination we can hear him again and see him again. The illuminative way in the spiritual life is good old spiritual reading, praying with the scriptures, making the Stations of the Cross, and going on retreat. (By the way, attending the Religious Education Congress could be a mega illumination by way of inspiration and thoughtful study .) Finally one is in the most desired Unitive Way of the spiritual life when, after purgation and illumination, one simply experiences ABIDING IN CHRIST. It is that moment when, for instance, in prayer or meditation that all ceases to exist (even the prayers and meditation) and there is only God. One evidence of having experienced this type of union with God is the fact that it is almost impossible to satisfactorily describe it to anyone. For those of us less practiced in the unitive way, it is the lightness or airiness we might feel after a good confession; it is the feeling of abiding in Christ at the end of a good retreat that we wish would never endthe feeling that makes us wonder why we dont make more retreats. While youth may find these ways or steps to be in more measured succession, those of us older may find the various parts of our
First ReadingGods covenant with Noah when he was delivered from the flood (Genesis 9: 8-15). PsalmYour ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant (Psalm 25). Second ReadingThe water of the flood prefigured baptism, which saves you now (1 Peter 3:18-22). Gospel This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand (Mark 1:12-15). SATURDAY
8:00 AM 5:30 PM
FEBRUARY 25 Rev. Isidoro C. Garcia RIP Rafael & Milacel Suyat RIP FEBRUARY 26 Arno Grether INT Clara Cassara RIP For All Parishioners FEBRUARY 27 Nneoma E. Ume RIP FEBRUARY 28 Alice Martinez INT FEBRUARY 29 Communion Service MARCH 1 Communion Service M ARCH 2 W ORLD D AY OF P RAYER Andrew J. Anguiano RIP MARCH 3 ST. KATHARINE DREXEL Frances Driscoll RIP For All Parishioners MARCH 4 Harry & Betty Keogh INT Fr. Charles Keogh INT Joseph Cannon RIP
lives to be more or less in any of the ways and at various stages. For instance during our participation at mass and holy communion we may more often sense our union with God; while exploring the scriptures or reading a good article we might feel the need for deeper understanding and illumination; while dealing with any form of excess or addiction we might feel the need for the practices of purgation. Bottom line: we are all works in progress. Anyway, how appropriate. Its LENT! Msgr. Richard
Youth NitesWednesdays at 7 pm in Gara. Year 2 ConfirmationFebruary 26, 11:15 am, Gara Parent Meeting, 11:15 am, OMalley Hall Year 1 ConfirmationMarch 3, 4 pm, Gara Youth MassMarch 3, 5:30 pm EDGE Session: February 27, 4 pm Gara. The Mens Club is once again preparing a tasty Italian dinner to celebrate the Feasts of these two great saints. Sunday, March 11 from 4:30-7:30 pm in OMalley Hall. Cost is $10. Reservations are highly recommended. For info/reservations: Tim OConnor 355-5053
Saturday, March 10 from 7-9:30 pm in OMalley Hall. Price of $35 includes fathers, guardians, or special persons along with their daughter(s). Please contact the School Office 355-6114 for more information. Deadline to purchase tickets is Wednesday, March 7. A Passionist preached silent retreat is a personal encounter with God through a balance of inspirational talks, Sacraments, silence and solitude. For more information or to reserve a room:
Sonia Kosker, David Duran, Rosemarie Gorman, Paul Viger, Julie Meyer, Zdenka Czerny, Rosemary Duncan, Debra Ann Williamson, Cliff Hancuff, Lucile Flanders, Wendy Wolf Fadel, Gil Lazo, Dorothy Van Gordon, John McCoy, Rosanne Kenny, Lisa Levesque, Hal Finney, Mary Elizabeth Nealey, Brent McGinley, Lois Patt, Sadaaki Matsutani, Kathleen Ramsey, Louise Bigley, Winnie McQuiggan, Christa Owen, Ailey Gardner-Ybarra, Cathy Hundshamer, Eva Bernejo, Laurie Larkin Masella, Rudy Wunderlin, Edith Olah, Matteo Begnoche, Lancelot Loera, Fred Mycroft, Clare Marquardt, Brian Eck, Alex Arranaga, Anna Mary Hession, Mildred Vocelka, Ann Twedell, Joseph Moore, Effie DeGroot, Ned Vento.
Other Contacts
Archivist: Mrs. Marilyn McKernan, Bulletin Submissions: or drop off at Office Public Relations: Mrs. Chris Bertrand: Registration Information:; 626.355.1292 Webmaster: Ralph Seymour: