Bulletin 061012

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Msgr. Richard Krekelberg, V. F.

626.355.1292 x. 228 revkrek@st-rita.org Dcn. Manuel & Chela ValenciaDeacon Couple deaconmanuelvalencia@gmail.com 626.355.1292 Dcn. John Hulljohnhull65@gmail.com 626.355.1292 Weekend Presiders: Fr. Chris Thiel, OFM Cap. Rev. Msgr. John Morales Parish Operations Manager: 626.355.1292 Office Email: ParishAdmin@st-rita.org

Parish Office/Mailing Address: 50 East Alegria Ave., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am to 7:00pm; Sat. 9am-2pm Office Phone: 626.355.1292
Pastoral Council Vice Chair Mr. George Landis: 626.355.1292 Finance Council Chair Mr. Bill Sullivan: 626.355.3707 Director of Liturgy & Music Mr. Paul Puccinelli: mm@st-rita.org Director of Religious Education Mrs. Cristina Cullen: 355.3841, dre@st-rita.org Director of Youth Ministry/Confirmation Mrs. Theresa Bui Costanzo: 590.8828, ym@st-rita.org RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Team: Deacon Manuel and Chela Valencia; Susan Blakeslee: rcia@st-rita.org St. Rita SchoolOffice: 626.355.6114 Principal: Mrs. Joanne Harabedian: jharabedian@st-rita.org SAINT RITA MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS
(See Inside Flap, page four)

SUNDAYS: Sat. 5:30 pm; Sunday 7:30 am; 10 am; & 12 N WEEKDAYS: Mon., Tues., Fri., and Sat. 8:00 am (Wed. & Thurs. 8 am Communion Services) HOLY DAYS: (eve of) 5:30 pm; (day of) 8 am & 6:30 pm. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturdays 4-5 pm or by appointment DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions: Saturdays 7:50 am Adoration: First Fridays 8:30 am 5:00 pm, Rectory Oratory. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptismal Preparation for parents and godparents: 7 8:30 pm the last Monday of the month. Call for Reservations. Baptisms are usually the first Sunday of the month.

Mass Times

Sunday, June 10, 2012

SACRAMENTS OF RECONCILIATION & FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation for children who have attained the age of reason (usually during 2nd grade) is arranged either through the Office of Religious Education or St. Rita Elementary School. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Contact the parish office upon engagement; at least six months is needed for preparation of this joyous sacrament! SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION A two-year program for freshman/sophomore age teens. Apply through the Office of Religious Education.

NOTE: Adult applicants for the above sacraments should inquire at the
Parish Office: 50 E. Alegria Ave. or call 626.355.1292. SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK (See Inside Flap, page four)




PASTORS CORNER Dear Parishioners,

Over 2000 years ago Jesus said: Do this in memory of me. And, well, here we are at Saint Rita Church, Sierra Madre, on the SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST celebrating Mass together and still carrying out that command that echoes over two millennia. One of the initiatives of our parish pastoral plan is to preserve the centrality of the full celebration of the Eucharist as vital to the identity of Roman Catholics. Over the next 10 years many more parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will be without priests as pastors. Our neighboring Diocese of San BernardinoRiverside has more than 17 such parishes without a resident priest. Only priests and bishops can celebrate the Mass and consecrate. Can you see our concern here? All indications are that if we were to fill the seminaries tomorrow, it would not stop the changing role of the sacramental priest in the modern world. The emerging model for the parish is one that has a Pastoral Life Director [PLD] with a priest minister providing Masses, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and Anointing of the Sick. While it is a high priority for Archbishop Jos Gomez to grow the number of seminarians for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the reality is that we only ordained four priests on June 2nd to assist in serving the near five million Catholics in our Archdiocese. At the same time the number of ordinations to priesthood will remain small for many years to come. Archbishop Gomez calls on ALL of us to work and pray for vocations. Our prayers must be for the development of ALL Church vocationslay, vowed, and ordained. He believes as I do that The Holy Spirit is really in charge of this one! Unexpectedly, in parishes where PLDs are in charge, the parishes are flourishing. One parish in San Bernardino having had two PLDs in a row begged the bishop not to send them a priest pastor; they preferred a sacramental priest minister instead. Why put all of that administration back into the responsibilities of a priest, who was probably not formally trained to do that job anyway? In any case, the challenge that lies ahead is to keep central to our parish life and ministry the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. All other sacrament either lead to it or flow from it! This is my Body, this is my Blood, given for you. No matter where the Spirit is leading, one thing is for sure: Whoever makes this proclamation of Jesus his or her own will be a much better disciple and a much more generous and caring personmuch more fit to serve as a member of His Body, the Church. Do you think of yourself getting up each morning and saying, This is my body and this is my blood given for you today O Lord? As a faith community, of course, we will continue, to DO THIS in memory of Him as we commit ourselves to discipleship and stewardship. This is His plan for us and it cannot fail! Monsignor Richard

TODAYS READINGS First ReadingThis is the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you (Exodus 24:3-8). PsalmI will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord (Psalm 116). Second ReadingChrist is the mediator of a new covenant GospelThis is my body. This is my blood of the covenant
(Mark 14:12-16, 22-26). SATURDAY (Hebrews 9:11-15).

8:00 AM 5:30 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM 10:00 AM 12 NOON MONDAY 8:00 AM TUESDAY 8:00 AM WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM THURSDAY 8:00 AM FRIDAY 8:00 AM SATURDAY 8:00 AM 5:30 PM SUNDAY 7:30 am 10:00 AM 12 NOON

JUNE 9 Juana Jasso RIP For All Parishioners JUNE 10 Patrick Dolphin RIP John Sweeney RIP Julieta Vela RIP JUNE 11ST. BARNABAS Charlie Wonkchinda INT JUNE 12 Tage O. Anderson RIP JUNE 13ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Communion Service JUNE 14 Communion Service J UNE 15 T HE M OST S ACRED H EART Ken Crawford RIP OF JESUS JUNE 16 Winnie McQuiggan RIP Archie Coffey RIP JUNE 17 For All Parishioners John Casmir Faire RIP For All Fathers


The Freedom to Be Fully Catholic Catholics and many other Americans have strongly criticized the recent Department of Health and Human Services mandate requiring almost all private health plans to cover contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs. For the first time in our history, the federal government will force religious institutions to fund and facilitate coverage of a drug or procedure contrary to their moral teaching, and purport to define which religious institutions are religious enough to merit an exemption. This is a matter of whether religious people and institutions may be forced by the government to provide such coverage even when it violates our consciences. The Archdiocese and other Catholic (arch)dioceses in the U.S. are participating in a Fortnight for Freedom June 21-July 4, to pray and take action in support of religious freedom in our nation. For more information, please visit the Archdiocesan website, la-archdiocese.org and select the Fortnight for Freedom icon.

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the LORD.

Psalm 116:13




Youth NiteJune 13 at 7 pm, Gara Youth MassJune 16 at 5:30 pm


Catholic Community & Local Events

St. Francis Center asks for your supportto help inner city children attend camp for a week in the mountains and experience a whole new world! You can provide a full campership ($250) or donate as little as $10 (for toiletries, flashlights, batteries). Send your check, payable to St. Francis Center, 1835 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 90015. Credit cards accepted at www.sfcla.org All donations are tax deductible. Tour of the Cathedral and MassSaturday, June 30 (Tour 9am, Mass 10am). For the Separated, Divorced, and Widowed. Registration $15, Parking $5. For more info: Julie 626/357-6508 jmonell1@altrionet.com. Scenic Serra Retreat, MalibuJune-November, 2012 Serra Center is offering a retreat for divorced and separated couples June 22-24. For further info on this and other themed retreats: 310/456-6631 or www.serraretreat.com

June 9 & 10Retirement Fund for Archdiocesan Priests This annual collection is for the living expenses of those priests who have served us for many years and now need our help. June 9 & 10Maintenance & Repairs This monthly collection helps us meet the costs of utilities, minor repairs, and routine maintenance. Mark your check or envelope Repairs Only. All donations are restricted for St. Rita. June 24Peters Pence This annual appeal assists our Pontiff with the administration of funds to those throughout the Church who need help.


We thank those dedicated servers, from both St. Rita School and other area schools, who are graduating 8th grade. We hope you know how much you are appreciated, and that you will continue your close connection with St. Rita. Michael Amerio Erin Armstrong Christopher Dal Ponte Adrian Diaz Alexander Gallagher Noah Gohrick Joseph Gooch Jackie Hischier Hannah Howard Kristine Kuhn Brendan Love Caroline McCreary Erin McFaul Sally McKiernan Dominic Meghdessian Erin Natale Greg O'Neill Ethan Prins Tyler Rix Nicole Sotis Blake Spencer Sarah Troescher Ian Valdez Alessia Vallado Alex Zuniga

Bulletin Articlesmust be submitted 10 days before the desired Sunday of publication. Email: bulletin@st-rita.org or drop off information at the Parish Office. Parish OfficeParishAdmin@st-rita.org Ministry to the Sick or HomeboundPlease contact the Parish Office if you, or someone you know, would like to receive Communion at home or would like to be added to the Prayer List.


Summer Camp Safety. School is almost out, and maybe youre sending your children to a music or sports camp. Or, they may have been invited to go camping with family friends. Please remember that parents have the responsibility of controlling access to their children by new people. If your children attend a summer camp, insist that counselors or anyone who might have contact with them have undergone an application process that includes a criminal background check. For help, you may call Assistance Ministry, 213/637-7650. Articles from the Archdiocese are on our website: st-rita.org (select Publications, then Safeguard the Children).

Plan to join Monsignor Richard and your fellow parishioners as part of the paradewhether walking, cycling, or scooter-ing your way down the parade route. More information to follow.



And we want to thank all those who helped to make it such a success! Thank you to those who helped underwrite the event: Marie Sullivan, the St. Rita Ministries & Organizations (Christian Family, Guild, Mens Club, School, Senior Ministry, Shawl Ministry). Thank you to: Our MCDeacon Manuel; Maureen Usle for the work of art cake; to Marilyn Delgatto and Mary Taillac for creating the money tree and treasure chest; Ana Ptasinksi for decorations, especially the photo collage; Dave Muhs for being the official photographer; Bob and Joanne Singleton for the music; St. Rita School for the creative birthday banners; Gil Lazo for the floral arrangements; Andrea Bertollini for the food and Bill Sullivan for the wine and beer; and to all those who helped with everything from set-up through clean-up! It was truly a group effort and a lot of fun!
Committee Chair: Paula Guettler Committee Members: Marilyn Delgatto, Rosemary Hagerott, Ana Ptasinksi, Marty Taillac

Tim Stanley, Antoinette Wassef, Theresa Morcos, Aspet Herapetian, Tony Comaianni, Beatrice Da Re, Ian Blakeslee, David Molina, Rose Mary Taquino, Mary Ellen Isoard, Selma Tuffs, Sonia Kosker, David Duran, Rosemarie Gorman, Paul Viger, Julie Meyer, Zdenka Czerny, Debra Ann Williamson, Cliff Hancuff, Wendy Wolf Fadel, Dorothy Van Gordon, Rosanne Kenny, Lisa Levesque, Hal Finney, Mary Elizabeth Nealey, Kathleen Ramsey, Louise Bigley, Christa Owen, Ailey GardnerYbarra, Cathy Hundshamer, Eva Bernejo, Laurie Larkin Masella, Rudy Wunderlin, Edith Olah, Matteo Begnoche, Lancelot Loera, Fred Mycroft, Clare Marquardt, Brian Eck, Alex Arranaga, Anna Mary Hession, Mildred Vocelka, Ann Twedell, Joseph Moore, Effie DeGroot, Ned Vento.

father of parishioner Brian Eustace

Robert Eustace

JUNE 10, 2012



Directory of Ministries and Organizations

Liturgy & Worship
Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers: David & Jill Muhs 626.355.9810 em@st-rita.org Altar Servers, Youth: Mrs. Kathy Ganino: 626.398.9302 Altar Servers, Adult: Mr. Bill Cosso Eucharistic Adoration: Mrs. Marylyn Barnes Rosary Prayer Group: Mrs. Marylyn Barnes Sacristans: Sat. Vigil: Gary Fidone/Bill & Patti Huber Sunday Masses: 7:30-Bill Cosso/David Banis; 10:00-David Muhs; 12N-Bernie Grace Weekdays: John Bigley, Margaret Duran Porter: (Evening Church Lockup) Sheila Palazzolo Environment: Mrs. Barbara LeVeque /Mr. Gil Lazo 626.355.1292 Bereavement Ministry: Call Parish Office: 626.355.1292 Christian Family: Terri Cummings 626.355.8895 Greeters & Ushers: Mr. Erny Henry: 626.289.3504; 626.446.6715 Mens Club: Nick Sotis: 626.358.2495 nick.sotis@pro-sites.net New Members/Welcome: Dick & Chris Bertrand pr@st-rita.org St. Rita Guild: Patty Sullivan : 355.3707, psullivan514@gmail.com Senior Ministry: Marilyn McKernan, marilyn@st-rita.org Shawl Ministry: Mary Taillac 355.3179 or Marilyn Delgatto 355.8717

Parish Ministries & Organizations

Other Contacts
Archivist: Mrs. Marilyn McKernan, marilyn@st-rita.org Bulletin Submissions: bulletin@st-rita.org or drop off at Office Public Relations: Mrs. Chris Bertrand: pr@st-rita.org Registration Information: rc@st-rita.org; 626.355.1292 Webmaster: Ralph Seymour: seymour@seymourmedia.com

Communion for Sick and Homebound Parishioners

St. Rita ministers provide Communion home visits. Contact the Parish office or Jill Muhs, 626.355.9810, em@st-rita.org.

Let Saint Rita Be There For You . . .

If Someone In Your Family Becomes Seriously Ill

Please notify us (626.355.1292) as early as possible for the Anointing of the Sick, the sacrament intended for the seriously ill or dying. It is Our Lords special presence and companionship in serious time of need. Anointing may take place in the home, at the hospital or elsewhere and as often as once a month. If someone should die without anointing, remember that the desire to receive is sufficient and the Lord cares!

If You Should Experience the Loss of a Loved One

Please call us at 626.355.1292 If you feel you will be in need, or your loved one has passed, we will assist in making arrangements with your chosen funeral directors; refer you to our liturgy and music directors; and offer you helpful guidelines and a book that will aid in the selection of readings for the Mass or Memorial Service. Areas we can help you with prior to the passing may help in the planning of funeral services. We know that this can be a tough time and we want you to know that your parish is there for you. PLEASE UNDERSTAND we only have one resident priest, sometimes arrangements for another priest may be needed.

JUNE 10, 2012



Meetings, Ministry & Special Events

This Week at St. Rita

This Sunday, June 10Senior Ministry Annual Luncheon
After the Noon Mass, OMalley Hall

Thursday, June 14Liturgy of the Hours

Note: Summer break begins June 21
In the Rectory Oratory 5:30 pm, Meditation 6 pm, Prayers

Thursday, June 14Flag Day

Friday, June 15Special Feast Day

Friday, June 15Last Day of School

Noon dismissal

Save the Date

Friday, June 22Mens Club Installation Dinner
6 pm, St. Rita Meadow More details in next weeks Bulletin.

Monday, June 25Baptismal Preparation Class 7 pm, Parish Rectory Office

Wednesday, 4th of JulyJoin us in the Parade!

See page 3 for more information. Sunday, July 8Baptisms Note: Change of Date 1:30 pm in the Church

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