Brm Notes(Unit IV)
Brm Notes(Unit IV)
Brm Notes(Unit IV)
Assistant Professor
Medi-Caps University, Indore
Unit-IV Syllabus
Statistical Data Analysis:
Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests
Descriptive Statistics
Comparing Means using t-test - One Sample, Independent
Samples and Paired Samples;
Parametric Test:-
Parametric Test assumes that sample data comes from a population that
has probability distribution with a fixed set of parameter.
Example:- t-Test, Z-Test etc.
Assumption Yes No
Central Tendency Value Mean Median Value
Correlation Pearson Spearman
Probability Distribution Normal Arbitrary
Population Knowledge Required Not Required
Applicability Variable Variable & Attribute
Example t-Test, Z-Test Chi-Square Test,
Kruskal-Wallis Test
Descriptive Statistics & Central Tendency
Descriptive statistics
It is a means of describing features of a data set by generating
summaries about data samples.
It's often depicted as a summary of data shown that explains the
contents of data.
For example, a population census may include descriptive statistics
regarding the ratio of men and women in a specific city.
Central tendency
The central tendency is stated as the statistical measure that
represents the single value of the entire distribution or a dataset.
Tools of Descriptive Statistics
Mean :- The value which we get by dividing the total of the value of
various given item in a series by the total number of item.
Median:- Median divides the data sets into two equal parts.
Tools of Descriptive Statistics
Mode:- The mode is the value that appears most often in a set
of data
A T-test is the final statistical measure for
determining differences between two means
that may or may not be related.
To be find
Sample Mean, ẋ
Standard Deviation of Sample , S
SN Xi (Xi-ẋ) (Xi-ẋ)2
1 550 2 4
2 570 22 484
3 490 -58 3364
4 615 67 4489
5 505 -43 1849
6 580 32 1024
7 570 22 484
8 460 -88 7744
9 600 52 2704
10 580 32 1024
11 530 -18 324
12 526 -22 484
ƩXi = 6576 Ʃ(Xi-ẋ)2 = 23978
Applying the Formula of t-Test
S= Ʃ(Xi-ẋ)2/(n-1) = 23978/11
t= (548-500)/46.68/
48/13.49 = 3.558
Applying the Formula of t –Test
Conclusion:- 3.558
Null Hypothesis is Rejected,
Therefore, There is an increase
in sales of tea cup.
Independent Two Sample t-Test
Formula of Two
Mean = X1 sample t- Test Mean = X2
Number of Observation = with Equal Number of Observation =
n1 n2
Standard Deviation = S1 Standard Deviation = S2
Ajay grows tomatoes in two separate fields. He is
curious to know whether the size of tomato plan is
differ in both the field or not. He takes random
sample from two fields, Here is the summery of
Result Mean of sample 1 and Sample 2 is 14 cm
and 11 cm respectively.
Standard Deviation of sample 1 and Sample 2 is
1.91 cm and 2.45 cm respectively. Number of Plant
in Sample 1 and Sample 2 is 7 and 5 Respectively.
Hypothesis Formulation
H0 = Size of the tomato Plant does not differ in both the Sample
H1 = Size of the tomato differs in both the Sample
● Mean of first Sample, X1 bar = 14 cm
● Mean of Second Sample, X2 bar = 11 cm
● Standard Deviation of First Sample , S1 = 1.91 cm
● Standard Deviation of Second Sample , S2 = 2.45 cm
● Number of Units in First Sample, n1 = 7
● Number of Units in First Sample, n1 = 5
Calculation of t - Statistics
Calculation of t Critical
Degree of Freedom =
n1 + n2 -2 = 7+5-2 = 10
t Calculated > t Critical
Null Hypothesis is
Rejected, Size of Tomato Plant
is differ in both Sample
Paired Sample t-Test
Formula of Paired
Sample t- Test
D bar = Mean of Differences
S diff = Standard Deviation of Differences
D = Differences (Di= Xi-Yi)
n = Number of Observation
Typing Speed of 9 Students was tested before and
after training. State at 5% Level of Significance
whether the training was effective from the
following Scores.
Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Before 10 15 9 3 7 12 16 17 4
After 12 17 8 5 6 11 18 20 3
SN X Y D= (X-Y) D2 (D Square)
1 10 12 -2 4
2 15 17 -2 4
3 9 8 1 1
4 3 5 -2 4
5 7 6 1 1
6 12 11 1 1
7 16 18 -2 4
8 17 20 -3 9
9 4 3 1 1
ƩD = -7 ƩD2 = 29
Hypothesis Formulation
H0 = There is no any impact of Training on Typing Speed
H1 = There is significant impact of Training on Typing Speed
T Critical = 2.306
-2.306 +2.306
Chi- Square Test
Chi-Square Test
The chi-squared test is done in order to check the difference that is
present between the observed value and expected value.
It was introduced by Karl Pearson in 1900.
The Test Statistics do not utilize any estimate like Sample mean,
Sample Variance etc.
Therefore it is a Non-Parametric Test.
H1 = There is Significant 4 3 5
difference across all groups ∑X1 = 20 ∑X2 = 20 ∑X3 = 25
Step -1: Take the total value of individual item in all sample.
= 347-281.67 - 3.33
= 65.33 - 3.33
= 62
Step - 5 : Sum of square Total
{Xij2 - T 2 /n }
= { (4+16+9+49 +16+ 16+ 9+ 49+ 9+ 9+ 4+ 16+ 16+
100+ 25) - 281.67 }
= 347-281.67
= 65.33
Source of Sum of Degree of Mean Square F- Ration Critical
Veriation Square Freedom (MS) Value of F
SS (d.f)
Sample MS Between / 3.88
SS Between/df MS within = From F-
3.3 C-1= 3-1=2 between sample 1.65/5.16 = distributi
= 3.3/2 = 1.65
0.319 on Table
Within SS Within/ df
Sample 62 3=12
Within sample =
62/12 = 5.16
Total N-1=15-
65.3 1=14
Graphical Representation
Accepted Region
Rejection Region
F- Critical
F- Calculated 3.88
Since the F value calculated is less then F
value critical, therefore Null Hypothesis will
be fail to rejected.
There is No significant difference in the group
of sample.