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L7 Consumer Insights v2.0

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Unit title Consumer Insights

Level Level 7 Credit value 20 (10 ECTS)

Is this a common unit? Yes Expected contact hours for 40

Pre and co-requisites

This unit deals with the macro and micro levels shaping consumer behaviour. The aims of the unit are: 1) to
provide students with a critical understanding of the major psychological and socio-cultural theory informing
our understanding of consumer culture and behaviour, 2) to equip students with the theoretical tools to
critique and adapt existing frameworks for understanding consumer behaviour and culture, 3) to enable
students to generate industry relevant knowledge about contemporary consumers, 4) to prepare students in
the effective development of marketing communications based on an understanding of consumer behaviour
and culture.

Intended learning outcomes (ILOs)

Having successfully completed this unit the student is expected to:
1. Develop a critical understanding of the major psychological and socio-cultural principles underpinning our
understanding of consumer behaviour and culture
2. Independently evaluate and adapt existing consumer culture and behaviour frameworks
3. Generate industry relevant knowledge about contemporary consumers
4. Plan effective marketing communications based on an understanding of consumer culture and behaviour.

Learning and teaching methods

A variety of learning and teaching strategies will be used to facilitate the development of the necessary
intellectual skills and practical competences to meet the unit’s aims. The unit will be delivered through a
combination of intensive workshops or boot camps and group/individual surgeries. Weekly theoretical boot
camps will outline major issues, principles and concepts, and these will be followed by student led
workshops where frameworks will be appraised and applied to inform effective marketing communication
planning. The learning programme will assist in the development of students’ critical thinking and
appreciation of consumer behaviour within the context of marketing communications and the media.


Formative assessment/feedback
Individual tutorials, seminar discussion and workshop presentations will contribute formatively to all learning
outcomes. Students may also receive feedback on non-assessed in-class activities and exercises.

Summative assessment Indicative assessment

ILOs 1-4 will be assessed by 100% coursework Coursework will typically consist of a phased
assessment of work undertaken towards the
completion of a project (in groups and/or
individually). The work could include reports and
presentations equivalent to 3000 words

Indicative unit content

The unit will examine:
1. Consumer culture frameworks for understanding consumer culture and behaviour
2. Market mediation and cultural strategy
3. Consumer segmentation and profiling
4. Consumer insights for marketing communications
5. Identity/self-concept
6. Motivation research
7. Cultural categories and consumption
8. Cultural ideals, daydreams and transformations
9. Meaning transfer and cultural intermediaries
10.Globalization and cross cultural consumer culture
11.Cognitive frameworks for understanding and measuring consumer behaviour
12.Attention, cognitive and affective
13.Behavioural Economics
14.Information processing
15.Attitudes and behaviour
16.Behavioural economic principles
17.Self-concept-brand image congruency
18.Traditional and emerging decision-making models
19.Testing marketing communication effectiveness

Indicative learning resources

Ariely, D. (2009). Predictably Rational, the Hidden Forces that Shape our Behaviour, London: Harper Collins
Arnould, E., Price, L.& Zinkhan, G. (2004). Consumers, 2nd Edition, USA: McGraw-Hill
Cochoy, F., Hagberg, J. Pettersson-McIntyre, M. & Sörum, N. (2017). Digitalizing Consumption. New York:
Holt, D. & Cameron, D. (2010). Cultural Strategy: Using Innovative Ideologies to Build Breakthrough Brands,
Oxford: OUP
Jansson-Boyd, C. V., & Zawisza, M. J. (2017). Routledge international handbook of consumer psychology.
New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group
Kravets, O.l., Maclaran, P., Miles, S. & Venkatesh, A. (2018). The Sage Handbook of Consumer Culture,
London: Sage
McCracken, G. (2008) Transformation, Bloomington: Indiana University Press
Miller, D. (2010). Stuff, Cambridge: Polity,
Rapaille, C. (2006) The Culture Code: An Ingenious Way to Understand Why People Around the World Live
and Buy as They Do. New York: Broadway Books
Zaltman, G., Thaler, R.H. & Sunstein, C.R. (2009). Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and
Happiness, Penguin.
Zaltman, G. & Zaltman, L.H. (2008). Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep Metaphors Reveal About the Minds of
Consumers, Harvard: Harvard Business School Press
Unit number Guidance for Version v2.0-0920 Date Effective Guidance for
completion number from completion

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