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Md Nadeem Akhtar (19bcs052)

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Computer Science and Engineering


SESSION: 2020-21
SUBMITTED TO: Dr Naveen Kumar Gondhi
SUBMITTED BY:- Md Nadeem Akhtar
Roll number: 19BCS052
1. Study of different types of Network cables and practically implement
the cross-wired cable and straight through cable using clamping tool.
2. Study of Network Devices in Detail.
3. Study of network IP.
4. Connect the computers in Local Area Network.
5. Study of basic network command and Network configuration
6. Performing an Initial Switch Configuration
7. Performing an Initial Router Configuration
8. Configuring and troubleshooting a Switched Network
9. Connecting a Switch
10. Configuring WEP on a Wireless Router
11. Using the Cisco IOS Show Commands
12. Examining WAN Connections
13. Interpreting Ping and Traceroute Output
14. Demonstrating Distribution Layer Functions
15. Placing ACLs
16. Exploring Different LAN Switch Options
17. Implementing an IP Addressing Scheme
18. Examining Network Address Translation (NAT)
19. Observing Static and Dynamic Routing
20. Configuring Ethernet and Serial Interfaces
21. Configuring a Default Route
22. Configuring Static and Default Routes
23. Configuring RIP
24. Planning Network-based Firewalls
25. Configuring a Cisco Router as a DHCP Server
Aim: Study of different types of Network cables and practically implements the
cross-wired cable and straight through cable using clamping tool.
Apparatus (Components): RJ-45 connector, Climping Tool, Twisted pair Cable
Procedure: To do these practical following steps should be done:
1. Start by stripping off about 2 inches of the plastic jacket off the end of the
cable. Be very careful at this point, as to not nick or cut into the wires, which are
inside. Doing so could alter the characteristics of your cable, or even worse
render is useless. Check the wires, one more time for nicks or cuts. If there are
any, just whack the whole end off, and start over.
2. Spread the wires apart, but be sure to hold onto the base of the jacket with
your other hand. You do not want the wires to become untwisted down inside
the jacket. Category 5 cable must only have 1/2 of an inch of 'untwisted' wire at
the end; otherwise, it will be 'out of spec'. At this point, you obviously have ALOT
more than 1/2 of an inch of un-twisted wire.
3. You have 2 end jacks, which must be installed on your cable. If you are using a
pre-made cable, with one of the ends whacked off, you only have one end to
install - the crossed over end. Below are two diagrams, which show how you need
to arrange the cables for each type of cable end. Decide at this point which end
you are making and examine the associated picture below.
Ethernet Cable Tips:
∙ A straight-thru cable has identical ends.
∙ A crossover cable has different ends.
∙ A straight-thru is used as a patch cord in Ethernet connections.
∙ A crossover is used to connect two Ethernet devices without a hub or for
connecting two hubs.
∙ A crossover has one end with the Orange set of wires switched with the Green
∙ Odd numbered pins are always striped; even numbered pins are always solid
∙ Looking at the RJ-45 with the clip facing away from you, Brown is always on the
right, and pin 1 is on the left.
∙ No more than 1/2" of the Ethernet cable should be untwisted otherwise it will
be susceptible to crosstalk.
∙ Do not deform, do not bend, do not stretch, do not staple, do not run parallel
with power cables, and do not run Ethernet cables near noise inducing
Aim: Study of following Network Devices in Detail
• Repeater • Hub • Switch • Bridge • Router • Gate Way ∙ Firewall
1. Repeater: Functioning at Physical Layer. A repeater is an electronic device that
receives a signal and retransmits it at a higher level and/or higher power, or onto
the other side of an obstruction, so that the signal can cover longer distances.
Repeater have two ports, so cannot be use to connect for more than two devices
2. Hub: An Ethernet hub, active hub, network hub, repeater hub, hub or
concentrator is a device for connecting multiple twisted pair or fiber optic
Ethernet devices together and making them act as a single network segment.
Hubs work at the physical layer (layer 1) of the OSI model. The device is a form of
multiport repeater. Repeater hubs also participate in collision detection,
forwarding a jam signal to all ports if it detects a collision.
3. Switch: A network switch or switching hub is a computer networking device
that connects network segments. The term commonly refers to a network bridge
that processes and routes data at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model.
Switches that additionally process data at the network layer (layer 3 and above)
are often referred to as Layer 3 switches or multilayer switches.
4. Bridge: A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the data link
layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model. In Ethernet networks, the term bridge formally
means a device that behaves according to the IEEE 802.1 D standards. A bridge
and switch are very much alike; a switch being a bridge with numerous ports.
Switch or Layer 2 switch is often used interchangeably with bridge. Bridges can
analyse incoming data packets to determine if the bridge is able to send the given
packet to another segment of the network.
5. Router: A router is an electronic device that interconnects two or more
computer networks, and selectively interchanges packets of data between them.
Each data packet contains address information that a router can use to determine
if the source and destination are on the same network, or if the data packet must
be transferred from one network to another. Where multiple routers are used in
a large collection of interconnected networks, the routers exchange information
about target system addresses, so that each router can build up a table showing
the preferred paths between any two systems on the interconnected networks.
6. Gateway: In a communications network, a network node equipped for
interfacing with another network that uses different protocols.
• A gateway may contain devices such as protocol translators, impedance
matching devices, rate converters, fault isolators, or signal translators as
necessary to provide system interoperability. It also requires the establishment of
mutually acceptable administrative procedures between both networks. A
PROTOCOL TRANSLATION/mapping gateway interconnects networks w i t h
different network protocol technologies by performing the required protocol
7. Firewall - Software or combination of software and hardware, used to protect
users’ data from unintended recipients on the network/internet.
Aim: Study of network IP and checking connectivity.
∙ Hierarchical Addressing Scheme
o IPv4 uses hierarchical addressing scheme. An IP address which is 32-bits in
length, is divided into two or three parts as depicted:

o A single IP address can contain information about the network and its sub-
network and ultimately the host.
o This scheme enables IP Address to be hierarchical where a network can have
many subnetworks which in turn can have many hosts.
• Classification of IP address
As show in figure we teach how the ip addresses are classified and when they are

∙ Subnet Mask:
The 32-bit IP address contains information about the host and its network. It is
very necessary to distinguish the both.
For this, routers use Subnet Mask, which is as long as the size of the network
address in the IP address. Subnet Mask is also 32 bits long. If the IP address in
binary is ANDed with its Subnet Mask, the result yields the Network address.
For example, say the IP Address and the Subnet Mask is then
Aim: Connect the computers in Local Area Network.
Procedure: On the host computer
On the host computer, follow these steps to share the Internet connection:
1. Log on to the host computer as Administrator or as Owner.
2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
3. Click Network and Internet Connections.
4. Click Network Connections.
5. Right-click the connection that you use to connect to the Internet. For
example, if you connect to the Internet by using a modem, right-click the
connection that you want under Dial-up / other network available.
6. Click Properties.
7. Click the Advanced tab.
8. Under Internet Connection Sharing, select the Allow other network users to
connect through this computer's Internet connection check box.
9. If you are sharing a dial-up Internet connection, select the Establish a dial-up
connection whenever a computer on my network attempts to access the Internet
check box if you want to permit your computer to automatically connect to the
10. Click OK. You receive the following message: When Internet Connection
Sharing is enabled, your LAN adapter will be set to use IP address 192.168.0. 1.
Your computer may lose connectivity with other computers on your network. If
these other computers have static IP addresses, it is a good idea to set them to
obtain their IP addresses automatically. Are you sure you want to enable Internet
Connection Sharing?
11. Click Yes. The connection to the Internet is shared to other computers on the
local area network (LAN). The network adapter that is connected to the LAN is
configured with a static IP address of 192.168.0. 1 and a subnet mask of On the client computer
To connect to the Internet by using the shared connection, you must confirm the
LAN adapter IP configuration, and then configure the client computer. To confirm
the LAN adapter IP configuration, follow these steps:
1. Log on to the client computer as Administrator or as Owner
2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
3. Click Network and Internet Connections.
4. Click Network Connections.
5. Right-click Local Area Connection and then click Properties.
6. Click the General tab, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the connection uses
the following items list, and then click Properties.
7. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box, click Obtain an IP
address automatically (if it is not already selected), and then click OK. Note:
You can also assign a unique static IP address in the range of to
254. For example, you can assign the following static IP address, subnet mask,
and default gateway:
8. IP Address
9. Subnet mask
10. Default gateway
11. In the Local Area Connection Properties dialog box, click OK.
12. Quit Control Panel.
Aim: Study of basic network command and Network configuration commands.
Apparatus (Software): Command Prompt And Packet Tracer.
Procedure: For this EXPERIMENT- follows these steps:
In this EXPERIMENT- we have to understand basic networking commands e.g
ping, tracert etc. All commands related to Network configuration which includes
how to switch to privilege mode and normal mode and how to configure router
interface and how to save this configuration to flash memory or permanent
memory. This command includes
• Configuring the Router commands
• General Commands to configure network
• Privileged Mode commands of a router
• Router Processes & Statistics
• IP Commands
• Other IP Commands e.g. show ip route etc.
ping (8) sends an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packet to the specified host. If the host
responds, you get an ICMP packet back. Sound strange? Well, you can “ping” an
IP address to see if a machine is alive. If there is no response, you know
something is wrong.
Tracert is a command which can show you the path a packet of information
taken from your computer to one you specify. It will list all the routers it passes
through until it reaches its destination, or fails to and is discarded. In addition to
this, it will tell you how long each 'hop' from router to router takes .
Displays information from Domain Name System (DNS) name servers.
NOTE: If you write the command as above it shows as default your pc's server
name firstly
A better version of tracert that gives you statics about packet lost and latency.
Performing an Initial Switch Configuration

∙ Perform an initial configuration of a Cisco Catalyst 2960 switch.
Background / Preparation In this activity, you will configure these settings on the
customer Cisco Catalyst 2960 switch:
∙ Host name
∙ Console password
∙ vty password
∙ Privileged EXEC mode password
∙ Privileged EXEC mode secret
∙ IP address on VLAN1 interface
∙ Default gateway
Note: Not all commands are graded by Packet Tracer.
Step 1: Configure the switch host name.
a. From the Customer PC, use a console cable and terminal emulation
software to connect to the console of the customer Cisco Catalyst 2960

b. Set the host name on the switch to CustomerSwitch using these commands.
Switch#configure terminal
Switch(config)#hostname CustomerSwitch
Step 2: Configure the privileged mode password and secret.
a. From global configuration mode, configure the password as cisco.
CustomerSwitch(config)#enable password cisco
b. From global configuration mode, configure the secret as cisco123.
CustomerSwitch(config)#enable secret cisco123
Step 3: Configure the console password.
a. From global configuration mode, switch to configuration mode to configure
the console line. CustomerSwitch(config)#line console 0
b. From line configuration mode, set the password to cisco and require the
password to be entered at login.
CustomerSwitch(config-line)#password cisco
Step 4: Configure the vty password.
a. From global configuration mode, switch to the configuration mode for the vty
lines 0 through 15.
CustomerSwitch(config)#line vty 0 15
b. From line configuration mode, set the password to cisco and require the
password to be entered at login
CustomerSwitch(config-line)#password cisco
Step 5: Configure an IP address on interface VLAN1.

From global configuration mode, switch to interface configuration mode for

VLAN1, and assign the IP address with the subnet mask of
CustomerSwitch(config)#interface vlan 1
CustomerSwitch(config-if)#ip address
CustomerSwitch(config-if)#no shutdown
Step 6: Configure the default gateway.
a. From global configuration mode, assign the default gateway to
CustomerSwitch(config)#ip default-gateway
b. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window to
check your work.
Step 7: Verify the configuration.
The Customer Switch should now be able to ping the ISP Server at The first one or two pings may fail while ARP converges.
Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: ..!!! Success rate is 60 percent (3/5), round-
trip min/avg/max = 181/189/197 ms CustomerSwitch#

Performing an Initial Router Configuration
∙ Configure the router host name.
∙ Configure passwords.
∙ Configure banner messages.
∙ Verify the router configuration.
Background / Preparation In this activity, you will use the Cisco IOS CLI to apply
an initial configuration to a router, including host name, passwords, a message-
of-the-day (MOTD) banner, and other basic settings.
Note: Some of the steps are not graded by Packet Tracer.
Step 1: Configure the router host name.
a. On Customer PC, use the terminal emulation software to connect to the
console of the customer Cisco 1841 ISR.
Set the host name on the router to
CustomerRouter by using these commands.
Router#configure terminal Router(config)#hostname CustomerRouter

Step 2: Configure the privileged mode and secret passwords.

a. In global configuration mode, set the password to cisco.
CustomerRouter(config)#enable password cisco
Set an encrypted privileged password to cisco123 using the secret command.
CustomerRouter(config)#enable secret cisco123
Step 3: Configure the console password.
a. In global configuration mode, switch to line configuration mode to specify the
console line.
CustomerRouter(config)#line console 0
Set the password to cisco123, require that the password be entered at login, and
then exit line configuration mode.
CustomerRouter(config-line)#password cisco123
Step 4: Configure the vty password to allow Telnet access to the router.
a. In global configuration mode, switch to line configuration mode to specify the
vty lines. CustomerRouter(config)#line vty 0 4
Set the password to cisco123, require that the password be entered at login, exit
line configuration mode, and then exit the configuration session.
CustomerRouter(config-line)#password cisco123
Step 5: Configure password encryption, a MOTD banner, and turn off domain
server lookup.

a. Currently, the line passwords and the enable password are shown in clear
text when you show the running configuration. Verify this now by entering
the show running-config command.
To avoid the security risk of someone looking over your shoulder and reading
the passwords, encrypt all clear text passwords.
CustomerRouter(config)#service password-encryption
Use the show running-config command again to verify that the passwords are
To provide a warning when someone attempts to log in to the router, configure
a MOTD banner.
CustomerRouter(config)#banner motd $Authorized Access Only!$
Test the banner and passwords. Log out of the router by typing the exit
command twice. The banner displays before the prompt for a password. Enter
the password to log back into the router. You may have noticed that when you
enter a command incorrectly at the user or privileged EXEC prompt, the router
pauses while trying to locate an IP address for the mistyped word you entered.
For example, this output shows what happens when the enable command is
CustomerRouter>emable Translating "emable"...domain server
To prevent this from happening, use the following command to stop all DNS
lookups from the router CLI.
CustomerRouter(config)#no ip domain-lookup
Save the running configuration to the startup configuration.
CustomerRouter#copy run start
Step 6: Verify the configuration.
a. Log out of your terminal session with the Cisco 1841 customer router.
b. Log in to the Cisco 1841 Customer Router. Enter the console password when

c. Navigate to privileged EXEC mode. Enter the privileged EXEC password when
d. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window to
check your work.
Configuring and Troubleshooting a Switched Network
∙ Establish console connection to the switch.
∙ Configure the host name and VLAN1.
∙ Use the help feature to configure the clock.
∙ Configure passwords and console/Telnet access.
∙ Configure login banners.
∙ Configure the router.
∙ Solve duplex and speed mismatch problems.
∙ Configure port security.
∙ Secure unused ports.
∙ Manage the switch configuration file.

Background / Preparation In this Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge

activity, you will configure basic switch management, including general
maintenance commands, passwords, and port security. This activity provides you
an opportunity to review previously acquired skills.
Step 1: Establish a console connection to a switch.
For this activity, direct access to the S1 Config and CLI tabs is disabled. You must
establish a console session through PC1.
a. Connect a console cable from PC1 to S1.
b. From PC1, open a terminal window and use the default terminal configuration.
You should now have access to the CLI for S1.
c. Check results. Your completion percentage should be 8%. If not, click Check
Results to see which required components are not yet completed.
Step 2: Configure the host name and VLAN 1.
a. Configure the switch host name as S1.
b. Configure port Fa0/1. Set the mode on Fast Ethernet 0/1 to access mode.
i. S1(config)#interface fastethernet 0/1
ii. S1(config-if)#switchport mode access
c. Configure IP connectivity on S1 using VLAN 1.
i. S1(config)#interface vlan 1

ii. S1(config-if)#ip address

iii. S1(config-if)#no shutdown
c. Configure the default gateway for S1 and then test connectivity. S1 should
be able to ping R1. e. Check results. Your completion percentage should be
31%. If not, click Check Results to see which required components are not
yet completed. Also, make sure that interface VLAN 1 is active.
Step 3: Configure the current time using Help.
a. Configure the clock to the current time. At the privileged EXEC prompt,
enter clock ?.
b. Use Help to discover the steps required to set the current time.
c. Use the show clock command to verify that the clock is now set to the
current time. Packet Tracer may not correctly simulate the time you entered.
Packet Tracer does not grade this command, so the completion percentage
does not change.
Step 4: Configure passwords.
a. Use the encrypted form of the privileged EXEC mode password and set the
password to class.
b. Configure the passwords for console and Telnet. Set both the console and
vty password to cisco and require users to log in.
c. View the current configuration on S1. Notice that the line passwords are
shown in clear text. Enter the command to encrypt these passwords.
d. Check results. Your completion percentage should be 42%. If not, click
Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed.
Step 5: Configure the login banner.
If you do not enter the banner text exactly as specified, Packet Tracer does
not grade your command correctly. These commands are case-sensitive. Also
make sure that you do not include any spaces before or after the text.
a. Configure the message-of-the-day banner on S1 to display as Authorized
Access Only. (Do not include the period.)
b. Check results. Your completion percentage should be 46%. If not, click
Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed.

Step 6: Configure the router.

Routers and switches share many of the same commands. Configure the
router with the same basic commands you used on S1.
a. Access the CLI for R1 by clicking the device.
b. Do the following on R1:
∙ Configure the hostname of the router as R1.
∙ Configure the encrypted form of the privileged EXEC mode password and set
the password to class.
∙ Set the console and vty password to cisco and require users to log in.
∙ Encrypt the console and vty passwords.

∙ Configure the message-of-the-day as Authorized Access Only. (Do not include

the period.)
d. Check results. Your completion percentage should be 65%. If not, click
Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed.
Step 7: Solve a mismatch between duplex and speed.
a. PC1 and Server currently do not have access through S1 because the duplex
and speed are mismatched. Enter commands on S1 to solve this problem.
b. Verify connectivity.
c. Both PC1 and Server should now be able to ping S1, R1, and each other.
d. Check results. Your completion percentage should be 73%. If not, click
Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed.
Step 8: Configure port security.
a. Use the following policy to establish port security on the port used by PC1:
∙ Enable port security

∙ Allow only one MAC address

∙ Configure the first

learned MAC address to "stick" to the configuration Note:
Only enabling port security is graded by Packet Tracer and counted toward the
completion percentage. However, all the port security tasks listed above are
required to complete this activity successfully.
b. Verify that port security is enabled for Fa0/18. Your output should look like
the following output. Notice that S1 has not yet learned a MAC address for
this interface. What command generated this output?
Port Security : Enabled
Port Status : Secure-up
Violation Mode : Shutdown
Aging Time : 0 mins
Aging Type : Absolute SecureStatic
Address Aging : Disabled
Maximum MAC Addresses : 1
Total MAC Addresses : 0
Configured MAC Addresses : 0
Sticky MAC Addresses : 0
Last Source Address:Vlan : 0000.0000.0000:0
Security Violation Count : 0
c. Force S1 to learn the MAC address for PC1. Send a ping from PC1 to S1.
Then verify that S1 added the MAC address for PC1 to the running
! interface FastEthernet0/18 switchport port-security mac-address sticky
0060.3EE6.1659 !
d. Test port security. Remove the FastEthernet connection between S1 and
PC1. Connect PC2 to Fa0/18. Wait for the link lights to turn green. If
necessary, send a ping from PC2 to S1 to cause the port to shut down. Port
security should show the following results: (the Last Source Address may be
Port Security : Enabled
Port Status : Secure-shutdown
Violation Mode : Shutdown

Aging Time : 0 mins

Aging Type : Absolute
Secure Static Address Aging : Disabled
Maximum MAC Addresses : 1
Total MAC Addresses : 1
Configured MAC Addresses : 1
Sticky MAC Addresses : 0
Last Source Address:Vlan : 00D0.BAD6.5193:99
Security Violation Count : 1
e. Viewing the Fa0/18 interface shows that line protocol is down (err-
disabled), which also indicates a security violation.
S1#show interface fa0/18
FastEthernet0/18 is down, line protocol is down (err-disabled)
<output omitted>
f. Reconnect PC1 and re-enable the port. To re-enable the port, disconnect
PC2 from Fa0/18 and reconnect PC1. Interface Fa0/18 must be manually
reenabled with the no shutdown command before returning to the active
g. Check results. Your completion percentage should be 77%. If not, click
Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed.
Step 9: Secure unused ports.
a. Disable all ports that are currently not used on S1. Packet Tracer grades the
status of the following ports: Fa0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4, Gig 1/1, and Gig 1/2.
b. Check results. Your completion percentage should be 96%. If not, click
Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed.
Step 10: Manage the switch configuration file.
a. Save the current configuration for S1 and R1 to NVRAM.
b. Back up the startup configuration file on S1 and R1 by uploading them to
Server. Verify that Server has the R1-confg and S1-confg files.

c. Check results
Your completion percentage should be 100%. If not, click Check Results to see
which required components are not yet completed.
Connecting a Switch
∙ Connect a switch to the network.
∙ Verify the configuration on the switch.
Background / Preparation In this activity, you will verify the configuration on the
customer Cisco Catalyst 2960 switch. The switch is already configured with all the
basic necessary information for connecting to the LAN at the customer site. The
switch is currently not connected to the network. You will connect the switch to
the customer workstation, the customer server, and customer router. You will
verify that the switch has been connected and configured successfully by pinging
the LAN interface of the customer router.
Step 1: Connect the switch to the LAN.
a. Using the proper cable, connect the FastEthernet0/0 on Customer Router to
the FastEthernet0/1 on Customer Switch.
b. Using the proper cable, connect the Customer PC to the Customer Switch on
port FastEthernet0/2.
c. Using the proper cable, connect the Local Server to the Customer Switch on
port FastEthernet0/3.
Step 2: Verify the switch configuration.
a. From the Customer PC, use the terminal emulation software to connect to the
console of the customer Cisco Catalyst 2960 switch.
b. Use the console connection and terminal utility on the Customer PC to verify
the configurations. Use cisco as the console password.
c. Enter privileged EXEC mode and use the show running-config command to
verify the following configurations. The password is cisco123.
a. VLAN1 IP address =
b. Subnet mask =
c. Password required for console access
d. Password required for vty access
e. Password enabled for privileged EXEC mode
f. Secret enabled for privileged EXEC mode
d. Verify IP connectivity between the Cisco Catalyst 2960 switch and the Cisco
1841 router by initiating a ping to from the switch CLI.
e. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window to
check your work.

Configuring WEP on a Wireless Router
∙ Configure WEP security between a workstation and a Linksys wireless router.
Background / Preparation You have been asked to go back to a business customer
and install a new Linksys wireless router for the customer office. The company
has some new personnel who will be using wireless computers to save money on
adding additional wired connections to the building. The business is concerned
about the security of the network because they have financial and highly
classified data being transmitted over the network. Your job is to configure the
security on the router to protect the data. In this activity, you will configure WEP
security on both a Linksys wireless router and a workstation.
Step 1: Configure the Linksys wireless router to require WEP.
a. Click the Customer Wireless Router icon. Then, click the GUI tab to access the
router web management interface.
b. Click the Wireless menu option and change the Network Name (SSID) from
Default to CustomerWireless. Leave the other settings with their default options.
c. Click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the Basic Wireless Settings
d. Click the Wireless Security submenu under the Wireless menu to display the
current wireless security parameters.
e. From the Security Mode drop-down menu, select WEP.
f. In the Key1 text box, type 1a2b3c4d5e. This will be the new WEP pre-shared
key to access the wireless network.
g. Click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the Wireless Security window.
Step 2: Configure WEP on the customer wireless workstation.
a. Click the Customer Wireless Workstation.
b. Click the Config tab.
c. Click the Wireless button to display the current wireless configuration settings
on the workstation.
d. Change the SSID to CustomerWireless.
e. Change the Security Mode to WEP. Enter 1a2b3c4d5e in the Key text box, and
then close the window.
Step 3: Verify the configuration.
After you configure the correct WEP key and SSID on the customer wireless
workstation, notice that there is a wireless connection between the workstation
and the wireless router.
a. Click the Customer Wireless Workstation.
b. Click the Desktop tab to view the applications that are available.
c. Click on the Command Prompt application to bring up the command prompt.
d. Type ipconfig /all and press Enter to view the current network configuration
e. Type ping to verify connectivity to the LAN interface of the
customer wireless router.
f. Close the command prompt window.
g. Open a web browser.
h. In the address bar of the web browser window, type Press
Enter. The Intranet web page that is running on the customer server appears. You
have just verified that the customer wireless workstation has connectivity to the
rest of the customer network.
i. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window to check
your work.

Using the Cisco IOS Show Commands
Objectives ∙ Use the Cisco IOS show commands.
Background / Preparation The Cisco IOS show commands are used extensively
when working with Cisco equipment. In this activity, you will use the show
commands on a router that is located at an ISP.
Step 1: Connect to the ISP Cisco 1841 router.
Use the terminal emulation software on ISP PC to connect to the Cisco 1841
router. The ISPRouter> prompt indicates that you are in user EXEC mode. Now
type enable at the prompt. The ISPRouter# prompt indicates that you are in
privileged EXEC mode.
Step 2: Explore the show commands. Use the information displayed by these
show commands to answer the questions in the Reflection section.
a. Type show arp.
b. Type show flash.
c. Type show ip route.
d. Type show interfaces.
e. Type show protocols.
f. Type show users.
g. Type show version.

Examining WAN Connections
Objective The show commands are very powerful commands for troubleshooting
and monitoring networks. They give a static image of the network at a given time.
The use of a variety of show commands will give a clear picture of how the
networking is communicating and transferring data.
Background / Preparation The physical topology of the network has been
designed using Frame Relay. To test the network connectivity, use a variety of
show commands. Required file: Examining WAN Connections.pka
Step 1: Examine the configuration of Branch1 and Branch2.
a. Click on Branch1 and use various show commands to view the connectivity to
the network.
b. Use the show running-configuration command to view the router
c. Use the show ip interface brief command to view the status of the interfaces.
d. Use the various show frame-relay map, show frame-relay pvc, and show frame-
relay lmi commands to see the status of the Frame-relay circuit.
e. Click on Branch 2 and use various show commands to view the connectivity to
the network.
f. Use the show running-configuration command to view the router configuration.
g. Use the show ip interface brief command to view the status of the interfaces.
h. Use the various show frame-relay map, show frame-relay pvc, and show frame-
relay lmi commands to see the status of the Frame-relay circuit.
Step 2: Examine the configuration of Main.
a. Click on Main and use a variety of show commands to view the connectivity to
the network.
b. Use the show running-configuration command to view the router
c. Use the show ip interface brief command to view the status of the interfaces.
d. To view the status of the frame-relay configurations use the show frame-relay
lmi, show frame- relay map, and show frame-relay pvc commands.

Interpreting Ping and Traceroute Output
∙ Distinguish the difference between successful and unsuccessful ping attempts.
∙ Distinguish the difference between successful and unsuccessful traceroute
Background / Preparation
In this activity, we will test end-to-end connectivity using ping and traceroute. At
the end of this activity, you will be able to distinguish the difference between
successful and unsuccessful ping and traceroute attempts.
Note: Before beginning this activity, make sure that the network is converged. To
converge the network quickly, switch between Simulation mode and Realtime
mode until all the link lights turn green.
Step 1: Test connectivity using ping from a host computer and a router.
Click N-Host, click the Desktop tab, and then click Command Prompt. From the
Command Prompt window, ping the Cisco server at www.cisco.com.
Packet Tracer PC Command Line 1.0
PC>ping www.cisco.com
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=185ms TTL=123
Reply from bytes=32 time=281ms TTL=123
Reply from bytes=32 time=287ms TTL=123
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 185ms, Maximum = 287ms, Average = 251ms
From the output, you can see that N-Host was able to obtain an IP address for the
Cisco server. The IP address was obtained using (DNS). Also notice that the first
ping failed. This failure is most likely due to lack of ARP convergence between the
source and destination. If you repeat the ping, you will notice that all pings
From the Command Prompt window on N-Host, ping E-Host at The
pings fail. If you do not want to wait for all four unsuccessful ping attempts, press
Ctrl+C to abort the command, as shown below.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 3, Received = 0, Lost = 3 (100% loss),
Click the N-Branch router, and then click the CLI tab.

Press Enter to get the router prompt. From the router prompt, ping the Cisco
server at www.cisco.com.
N-Branch>ping www.cisco.com
Translating "www.cisco.com"...domain server (
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 210/211/213 ms
N-Branch> As you can see, the ping output on a router is different from a PC host.
Notice that the N-Branch router resolved the domain name to the same IP
address that N-Host used to send its pings. Also notice that the first ping fails,
which is indicated by a period (.), and that the next four pings succeed, as shown
with an exclamation point (!).
From the CLI tab on N-Branch, ping E-Host at Again, the pings fail.
To not wait for all the failures, press Ctrl+C.
N-Branch>ping Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: ... Success
rate is 0 percent (0/4)
Step 2: Test connectivity using traceroute from a host computer and a router.
a. Click N-Host, click the Desktop tab, and then click Command Prompt. From
the Command Prompt window, trace the route to the Cisco server at
PC>tracert www.cisco.com
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 92 ms 77 ms 86 ms
2 91 ms 164 ms 84 ms
3 135 ms 168 ms 151 ms
4 185 ms 261 ms 161 ms

5 257 ms 280 ms 224 ms

6 310 ms 375 ms 298 ms
Trace complete.
The above output shows that you can successfully trace a route all the way to
the Cisco server at
Each hop in the path is a router responding three times to trace messages
from N-Host. The trace continues until the destination for the trace
( responds three times. From the Command Prompt window on
N-Host, trace a route to E-Host at
The trace fails, but notice that the tracert command traces up to 30 hops. If
you do not want to wait for all 30 attempts to time out,
press Ctrl+C.
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 103 ms 45 ms 91 ms
2 56 ms 110 ms 125 ms
3 174 ms 195 ms 134 ms
4 246 ms 183 ms 179 ms
5 217 ms 285 ms 226 ms
6 246 ms 276 ms 245 ms
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 Control-C ^C

The tracert command can be helpful in finding the potential source of a

problem. The last device to respond was, so you would start
troubleshooting by determining which device is configured with the IP address The source of the problem might not be that device, but the
trace has given you a starting point, whereas a ping simply tells you that the
destination is either reachable or unreachable.
Click the N-Branch router, and then click the CLI tab. Press Enter to get the
router prompt. From the router prompt, trace the route to the Cisco server at
N-Branch>traceroute www.cisco.com
Translating "www.cisco.com"...domain server ( Type escape
sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
1 60 msec 32 msec 59 msec
2 98 msec 65 msec 65 msec
3 138 msec 147 msec 147 msec
4 189 msec 148 msec 145 msec
5 219 msec 229 msec 293 msec
As you can see, traceroute output on a router is very similar to the output on a
PC host. The only difference is that on a PC host, the IP address is listed after
the three millisecond outputs. From the CLI tab on N-Branch, trace the route
to E-Host at The trace fails at the same IP address as it failed
when tracing from N-Host. Again, you can use Ctrl+C to abort the command.
N-Branch>traceroute Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
1 41 msec 19 msec 32 msec
2 33 msec 92 msec 117 msec
3 98 msec 102 msec 102 msec
4 166 msec 172 msec 156 msec

5 157 msec 223 msec 240 msec

Step 3: Practice the ping and trace route commands.
Throughout this course, you will often use ping and traceroute to test
connectivity and troubleshoot problems. To practice these commands, ping
and trace from W-Host and S-Host to any other destination in the network.
You can also ping and trace from N-Branch to other locations.

Demonstrating Distribution Layer Functions
∙ Demonstrate the functions performed by the Distribution Layer devices.
Background / Preparation
VLANs can be added to a network for security purposes and traffic control.
Devices on separate VLANs are unable to communicate unless a router has been
configured to help with this communication. Observe how packet filtering and
route summarization traverse the network using simulation mode.
Required file: Demonstrating Distribution Layer Functions
Step 1: Setup Simulation filters to capture routing protocols
a. Enter simulation mode in Packet Tracer.
b. Click on the edit filters button.
c. Select EIGRP
d. Click on the Reset Simulation button.
e. Click Auto Capture/Play
f. Observe the EIGRP updates

Step 2: Test connectivity between the network devices using Realtime mode.
a. From PC0 ping PC1, PC2, PC3, and PC4.
b. From PC1 ping PC0, PC2, PC4, PC3
Step 3: Test connectivity between the network devices using Simulation mode
a. Switch from Realtime mode to Simulation mode.
b. Create a simple PDU from PC0 to PC1. Click Capture/Forward until the PDU has
made the complete trip to PC1 and back.
c. In the event list view the PDU events.
d. Create another PDU from PC0 to PC2.

Placing ACLs
∙ Verify network connectivity
∙ Examine the Access Control Lists (ACLs) that are configured on the routers
∙ Determine the appropriate interface to apply the ACLs
∙ Examine the effects of the ACL
Background / Preparation
This activity demonstrates how the flow of network traffic is affected by applying
an ACL to permit or deny traffic in the network. The network administrator has
decided that all external web traffic goes only to the Web server. Also, in order to
protect the data of their employees, the HR server is only accessible to HR
employees. Therefore, ACLs will need to be implemented on the network.
Another network technician has already configured the necessary ACLs on both
the Gateway and Distribution2 routers. However, the ACLs have not been applied
to an interface. You have been asked to apply the ACLs and verify that the
appropriate traffic is permitted or denied.
Required file: Placing ACLs
Step 1: Verify network connectivity
a. Verify that all of the PCs can communicate with each other and with the
b. Verify that the Internet Host can access the Web server (, Sales
server ( and HR server ( using the browser.
Step 2: Examine the Access Control Lists that are configured on the routers
a. Access the Distribution1 router. Use the following commands to view the
ACL that has been configured on the Distribution1 router:
∙ show running-config

∙ show access-lists 1

b. Access the Gateway router. Use the following commands to view the ACL
that has been configured on the Gateway router:
∙ show running-config

∙ show access-lists 100

Step 3: Determine the appropriate interface to apply the ACLs

a. After examining the ACLs determine on which interface the ACLs should be
b. The ACL must be applied to an interface or subinterface before it will affect
the network traffic
c. The extended ACL should be placed closest to the source and the standard
ACL should be closest to the destination.
d. Remember that only one ACL per port, per protocol, per direction is

e. Apply the ACL to the appropriate interface or subinterface.

Step 4: Examine the effects of the ACL
a. Internet Host should be able to ping any device in the network, except HR1
or HR server.
b. Internet Host should be able to access Web server ( using the
c. Internet Host should not be able to access either the HR server
( or Sales server ( using the browser.
d. HR2 should be able to access HR server ( using ping or the
e. RandD2 should not be able to access HR server ( using ping or
the browser

Exploring Different LAN Switch Options
∙ Determine the cable types to use to connect all devices to the switch.
∙ Add appropriate modules to switches and routers.
∙ Connect the devices to the switch using the appropriate cable types.
Background / Preparation
The results of a site survey for an ISP customer indicate that the customer needs
to upgrade the LAN to include a new standalone switch. The network has an
existing router (Router0) and a Linksys 300N router. It is necessary to determine
which interfaces are needed on the new switch to provide connectivity to the
router, the Linksys device, and the customer PCs. The customer wants to use
copper cabling.
Note: Links created with the switch may take a minute to change from amber to
green. Switch between Simulation mode and Realtime mode to speed up this
Step 1: Determine the required connectivity options.
a. Click Router0. Using the information in the Physical Device View window on
the Physical tab, determine what type of interface is available on the router
to connect to the new switch.
Step 2: Configure the new switch with the required options.

a. Click Switch0.
On the Physical tab, explore each switch module available under the Modules
option. Choose the appropriate interfaces to connect to Router0 and the
Linksys 300N router. Choose the appropriate interfaces to connect to the
existing PCs. Power down the switch using the power button in the Physical
Device View window on the Physical tab. Choose the appropriate modules for
the switch. Add the four necessary interfaces to the switch. Power up the
switch using the power button shown in the Physical Device View window on
the Physical tab. Click the Config tab. Select each interface and ensure that the
On box is checked.
Step 3: Connect the router to the switch.
a. Using the appropriate cable, connect the router port to the first available
switch port. Click the Config tab on the router. Select the interface and ensure
that the On box is checked.
b. Verify connectivity. A green light appears on each end of the link if the
cabling is correct.
Step 4: Connect the Linksys 300N to the switch.
a. Using the appropriate cable, connect the Linksys 300N to the second
available port on the new switch. Verify connectivity. A green light appears
on each end of the link if the cabling is correct.
Step 5: Connect the PCs to the switch.
a. Using the appropriate cable, connect the existing PCs to the new switch.
b. Verify connectivity. A green light appears on each end of the links if the
cabling is correct.
c. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window to
check your work.
Implementing an IP Addressing Scheme

∙ Subnet an address space based on the host requirements.
∙ Assign host addresses to devices.
∙ Configure devices with IP addressing.
∙ Verify the addressing configuration.
Background / Preparation
In this activity, we will subnet the private address space to
provide enough host addresses for the two LANs attached to the router. we will
then assign valid host addresses to the appropriate devices and interfaces. Finally,
you will test connectivity to verify your IP address implementation.
Step 1: Subnet an address space based on the host requirements.
a. You are given the private address space Subnet this
address space based on the following requirements:
∙ LAN-A needs enough addresses for 50 hosts.
∙ LAN-B needs enough addresses for 40 hosts.
Step 2: Assign host addresses to devices.
What is the subnet address for subnet 0?
What is the subnet address for subnet 1?
Assign subnet 0 to LAN-A, and assign subnet 1 to LAN-B.
What is the first address in subnet 0?
This address is assigned the FastEthernet0/0 interface on Customer Router.
What is the first address in subnet 1?
This address is assigned the FastEthernet0/1 interface on Customer Router.
What is the last address in subnet 0?
This address is assigned to HostA.
What is the last address in subnet 1?
This address is assigned to HostB.
Step 3: Configure devices with IP addressing.
Configure HostA and HostB with IP addressing, including the subnet mask and
default gateway.
a. Click HostA. On the Desktop tab, choose IP Configuration. Enter the correct
addressing for HostA according to your answers in Step 1 and Step 2.
b. Click HostB. On the Desktop tab, choose IP Configuration. Enter the correct
addressing for HostB according to your answers in Step 1 and Step 2.
c. Check results. On the Assessment Items tab, your configurations for HostA
and HostB should have green checkmarks. If not, read the provided feedback
for a hint on how to correct the problem.
Note: If you cannot see all the feedback, place your mouse pointer over the
right side of the Activity Results window. When the cursor turns into a double-
headed arrow, click and drag to resize the window until you can see all the
feedback text.)
Configure the LAN interfaces on Customer Router with IP addresses and a
subnet mask.
a. Click Customer Router. Click the Config tab.
b. On the left side under Interface, click FastEthernet0/0. Enter the IP address
and subnet mask, and then set the Port Status to On.
c. On the left side under Interface, click FastEthernet0/1. Enter the IP address
and subnet mask, and then set the Port Status to On.
d. Notice in the Equivalent IOS Commands window that your actions produced
actual commands. You can scroll through the command window. In the next
chapter, you will learn how to enter these commands directly into the router
instead of using the Config tab. For a better view of the commands, you can
increase the size of the window. To resize the window, place your mouse
pointer over the bottom border of the window. When the cursor turns into a
double- headed arrow, click and drag.
Check results. On the Assessment Items tab, your configurations for Customer
Router should have green checkmarks. If not, read the provided feedback for a
hint on how to correct the problem.
Step 4: Verify the addressing configuration.
a. Test connectivity between HostA, HostB, ISP Workstation, and ISP Server.
You can use the Add Simple PDU tool to create pings between the devices. You
can also click HostA or HostB, then the Desktop tab, and then Command
Prompt. Use the ping command to test connectivity to other devices. To
obtain the IP address of another device, place your mouse pointer over the
b. Check results. On the Connectivity Tests tab, the status of each test should
be successful.
Examining Network Address Translation (NAT)

∙ Examine NAT processes as traffic traverses a NAT border router.
Background / Preparation
In this activity, we will use Packet Tracer Simulation mode to examine the
contents of the IP header as traffic crosses the NAT border router.
Step 1: Prepare the network for Simulation mode.
Verify that the network is ready to send and receive traffic. All the link lights
should be green. If some link lights are still amber, you can switch between
Simulation and Realtime mode several times to force the lights to turn green
faster. Switch to Simulation mode before going to the next step.
Step 2: Send an HTTP request from an inside host to an outside web server.
Click Customer PC. Click the Desktop tab and then Web Browser. In the URL field,
type the web address for the ISP server (www.ispserver.com). Make sure that you
are in Simulation mode, and then click Go.
Step 3: Send an HTTP request from an outside host to an inside web server.
Customer Server provides web services to the public (outside addresses) through
the domain name www.customerserver.com. Follow a process similar to Step 2 to
observe an HTTP request on ISP Workstation.
a. Click ISP Workstation. Click the Desktop tab, and then Web Browser. In the URL
field, type the Customer Server web address (www.customerserver.com). Make
sure that you are in Simulation mode, and then click Go.
b. You can either click Auto Capture/Play or Capture/Forward to step through
each stage of the process. The same ARP and DNS processes occur before the ISP
Workstation can formulate an HTTP request.
Observing Static and Dynamic Routing

Observe the network behavior using static and default routing only and compare
it to the behavior of dynamic routing.
Background / Preparation
In this exercise, we will observe what the adaptability of dynamic routing
compared to static and default routing. The Ticket Sales Office network is
currently configured using static and default routing.
Step 1: Test Connectivity Using Static and Default Routing
Open a Command Prompt on PC0. Trace (tracert) a connection to the Edge1
FastEthernet 0/0 address. This should be successful.
Step 2: Bring down Frame Relay Network and Observe Routing.
On the BR2 router, shutdown the link to the Frame Relay network. Perform a
trace from PC0 again to the Edge1 FastEthernet 0/0 address.
Step 3: Configure Dynamic Routing and Observe Routing
a. Configure EIGRP (AS 10) on the BR2 and ISP2 routers. Be sure to include all
directly connected networks and turn off auto-summary.
b. Do a third trace from PC0 to the Edge1 FastEthernet 0/0 interface. (It should be
successful again.)

Configuring Ethernet and Serial Interfaces

∙ Configure a LAN Ethernet interface.
∙ Configure a WAN serial interface.
∙ Verify the interface configurations.
Background / Preparation
In this activity, we will configure the LAN Ethernet interface and the WAN serial
interface on the Customer Cisco 1841 router.
Step 1: Configure the LAN Ethernet interface.
a. Use the terminal emulation software on the Customer PC to connect to the
Cisco 1841 Customer Router. Enter cisco for the console password.
b. Enter privileged EXEC mode using cisco123 for the privileged EXEC password.
The CustomerRouter# prompt indicates that you are in privileged EXEC mode.
c. Enter global configuration mode. The CustomerRouter(config)# prompt
indicates that you are in global configuration mode.
d. Identify which LAN interface to configure with an IP address. To configure the
Fast Ethernet interface, use this command. CustomerRouter(config)#interface
FastEthernet 0/0
Add a description to the interface.
CustomerRouter(config-if)#description Connected to CustomerSwitch
Specify the IP address and subnet mask for the interface.
CustomerRouter(config-if)#ip address
Ensure that the interface is enabled.
CustomerRouter(config-if)#no shutdown
Exit interface configuration mode.
Step 2: Verify the LAN interface configuration.
Use the show ip route command to verify your configuration. This is a partial
example of the output.
CustomerRouter#show ip route
<output omitted>
Gateway of last resort is not set
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0
Step 3: Configure the WAN serial interface.
Refer to the model in the Packet Tracer workspace area and the commands used
in Step 1 to configure the WAN serial interface on Customer Router.
a. Enter global configuration mode.
b. Identify the serial interface to configure.
c. Describe the interface. (Connected to ISP)
d. Specify the interface IP address and subnet mask. (
e. Ensure that the interface is enabled.
f. End interface configuration mode.
Step 4: Verify the interface configurations.
Use the show run command to verify your configuration.
This is a partial example of the output.
interface FastEthernet0/0
description Connected to CustomerSwitch
ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/1/0
description Connected to ISP
ip address
Use the ping command to verify connectivity to the WAN interface on the ISP
router. This is a partial example of the output.
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 35/37/47 ms
Use the ping command to verify connectivity to the customer switch. This is a
partial example of the output.
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
!!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 0/5/12 ms
Step 5: Save the configuration.
a. In privileged EXEC mode, save the running configuration to the startup
configuration. CustomerRouter#copy run start
b. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window to
check your work.
Configuring a Default Route

Configure a default route on a router.
Background / Preparation
In this activity, you will configure a default route on the Cisco 1841
Customer router. The default route configuration uses the WAN IP
address on the Cisco 1841 ISP router. This is the next-hop router from
the Cisco 1841 Customer router.

Step 1: Verify reachability from CustomerRouter to the LAN IP address on

the ISP router.
a. Use terminal emulation software on the Customer PC to
connect to the customer Cisco 1841 router. Use cisco123
for the console password.
b. Use the ping command to verify if the LAN IP
address209.165.201.1on the ISP router is reachable from
the CustomerRouter


Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos
to209.165.201.1, timeout is 2 seconds: .....
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)
Step 2: Configure the default route.
a. Enter privileged EXEC mode using the password cisco. The
CustomerRouter# prompt indicates that you are in privileged
EXEC mode.
b. Enter global configuration mode. The
CustomerRouter(config)# prompt indicates that you are in
global configuration mode.
c. Configure a default route using the ISP WAN IP address as the next
hop IP address.CustomerRouter(config)#ip

Step 3: Verify the default route configuration.

a. Use the show ip route command to verify the configuration of the default
route. This is a partial example of the output.

ip route Codes: C -
connected, S - static,...

Gateway of last resort is209.165.200.226to network0.0.0.0

C is directly connected,

FastEthernet0/0 is
subnetted, 1 subnets
C directly connected, Serial0/1/0
S* [1/0] via209.165.200.226
b. Use the ping command to verify connectivity to the LAN IP

address on the ISP router

CustomerRouter#ping209.165.201.1Type escape sequence to


Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to209.165.201.1, timeout is 2

Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 22/25/34 ms
Step 4: Save the configuration.
a. From privileged EXEC mode, save the running configuration to the startup

i. CustomerRouter#copy run start

b. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window.
Configuring Static and Default Routes

Configure static routes on each router to allow communication between all
Test connectivity to ensure that each device can fully communicate with all
other devices.
Background / Preparation
This topology represents a small WAN. Each device in this network has been
configured with IP addresses; however, no routing has been configured. The
company management wants to use static routes to connect the multiple

Step 1: Test connectivity between the PCs and the default gateway.
To determine if there is connectivity from each PC to its configured gateway,
first use a simple ping test.
a. Click BOpc and go to Desktop > Command Prompt.
b. From the command prompt, type the ipconfig command. Note the IP
address for BOpc and the default gateway address. The default gateway
address is the IP address for the Fast Ethernet interface on BranchOffice.
c. Ping192.168.1.1, the default gateway address for the BranchOffice LAN,
from the command prompt on BOpc. This ping should be successful.
d. Click PNpc and go to Desktop > Command Prompt.

e. From the command prompt, type the ipconfig command. Note the IP
address for PNpc and the default gateway address. The default gateway
address is the IP address for the Fast Ethernet interface a PartnerNet.
f. Ping192.168.3.1, the default gateway address for the PartnerNet LAN,
from the command prompt on PNpc. This ping should be successful.
g. Repeat steps a, b, and c for MOpc and its respective default gateway, the
Fast Ethernet interface on MainOffice. Each of these ping tests should
be successful.

Step 2: Ping between routers to test connectivity.

Use a console cable and terminal emulation software on BOpc to connect to
a. Test connectivity with MainOffice by pinging10.10.10.1, the IP address
of the directly connected serial 3/0 interface. This ping should succeed.
b. Test connectivity with MainOffice by pinging10.10.10.5, the IP address
of the serial 2/0 interface. This ping should fail.
c. Issue the show ip route command from the terminal window of
BOpc. Note that only directly connected routes are shown in the
BranchOffice routing table. The ping to10.10.10.5failed because the
BranchOffice router has no routing table entry for10.10.10.5.
d. Repeat steps a through d on the other two PCs. The pings to directly
connected networks will succeed. However, pings to remote
networks will fail.

Step 3: Viewing the routing tables.

You can view routing tables in Packet Tracer using the Inspect tool. The
Inspect tool is in the Common Tools bar to the right of the topology. The
Inspect tool is the icon that appears as a magnifying glass.
a. In the Common Tools bar, click on the Inspect tool.
b. Click the MainOffice router and choose Routing Table.
c. Click the BranchOffice router and choose Routing Table.
d. Click the PartnerNet router and choose Routing Table.
e. Move the routing table windows around so that you can see all three at

Step 4: Configure default routes on the BranchOffice and PartnerNet routers.

To configure static routes for each router, first determine which routes need to
be added for each device. For the BranchOffice and the PartnerNet routers, a
single default route allows these devices to route traffic for all networks not
directly connected. To configure a default route, you must identify the IP
address of the next hop router, which in this case is the MainOffice router.
a. From the Common toolbar, click the Select tool.
b. Move the cursor over the red serial link between the BranchOffice
router and the MainOffice router. Notice that the interface of the
next hop is S3/0.
c. Move the cursor over the MainOffice router and note that the
IP address for Serial 3/0 is
d. Move the cursor over the red serial link between the PartnerNet router
and the MainOffice router. Notice that the interface of the next hop is
e. Move the cursor over the MainOffice router and note that the
IP address for Serial 2/0 is
f. Configure the static routes on both the BranchOffice and PartnerNet
routers using the CLI. Click the BranchOffice router, and click the
CLI tab.
g. At the BranchOffice> prompt, type enable to enter privileged EXEC
h. At the BranchOffice# prompt, type configure terminal.
i. The syntax for a default route is ip
route0. Type ip route
j. Type end to get back to the BranchOffice# prompt.
k. Type copy run start to save the configuration change.
l. Repeat steps f through k on the PartnerNet router, using10.10.10.5as
the next hop IP address.

Step 5: Configure static routes at Main Office.

The configuration of static routes at the Main Office is a bit more complex
because the MainOffice router is responsible for routing traffic to and from the
Branch Office and PartnerNet LAN segments.
The MainOffice router knows only about routes to
the10.10.10.0/30,, and192.168.2.0/24 networks because they are
directly connected. Static routes to the192.168.1.0/24 and192.168.3.0/24
networks need to be added so that the MainOffice router can route traffic
between the networks behind the BranchOffice and PartnerNet routers.
a. Click the MainOffice router, and then click the CLI tab.
b. At the MainOffice> prompt, type enable to enter privileged EXEC mode.
c. At the MainOffice# prompt, type configure terminal.
d. The syntax for a static route is ip route network subnet_mask

route192.168.1.0255.255.255.01 ip

e. Type end to return to the MainOffice# prompt.

f. Type copy run start to save the configuration change.
g. Repeat steps a through e from Step 3. View the routing tables and notice
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the difference in the routing tables. The routing table for each router
should have an “S” for each static route.
Step 6: Test connectivity.
Now that each router in the topology has static routes configured, all hosts
should have connectivity to all other hosts. Use ping to verify connectivity.
a. Click BOpc and click the Desktop tab.
b. Choose the Command prompt option.
c. Type ping192.168.3.2. The ping should be successful, verifying that the
static routes are configured properly.
d. Type ping192.168.2.2. Notice that the result is successful even though
you did not specifically add the as a static route into
any of the routers. Because a default route was used on the BranchOffice
and PartnerNet routers, a route for the192.168.2.0network was not
needed. The default route sends all traffic destined off network to the
MainOffice router. The192.168.2.0network is directly connected to the
MainOffice router; therefore, no additional routes needed to be added to
the routing table
e. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window to
check your work.

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Configuring RIP

∙ Configure routers using basic interface configuration commands.
∙ Enable RIP.
∙ Verify the RIP configuration.
Background / Preparation
A simple routed network has been set up to assist in reviewing RIP routing
behaviour. In this activity, we will configure RIP across the network and set up end
devices to communicate on the network.
Step 1: Configure the SVC01 router and enable RIP.
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a. From the CLI, configure interface Fast Ethernet 0/0 using the IP address /8.
b. Configure interface serial 0/0/0 using the first usable IP address in network /24 to connect to the RTR01 router. Set the clock rate at 64000.
c. Configure interface serial 0/0/1 using the first usable IP address in network /24 with a clock rate of 64000.
d. Using the no shutdown command, enable the configured interfaces.
e. Configure RIP to advertise the networks for the configured interfaces.
f. Configure the end devices.
i. Server0 uses the first usable IP address in network /8.
Specify the appropriate default gateway and subnet mask. ii. Printer0 uses the
second usable IP address in network /8.
Specify the appropriate default gateway and subnet mask.
Step 2: Configure the RTR01 router and enable RIP.
a. Configure interface Fast Ethernet 0/0 using the first usable IP address in
network /24 to connect to the RTR02 router.
b. Configure interface serial 0/0/0 using the second usable IP address in network /24 to connect to the SVC01 router.
c. Configure interface Fast Ethernet 0/1 using the IP address /16.
d. Using the no shutdown command, enable the configured interfaces.
e. Configure RIP to advertise the networks for the configured interfaces.
f. Configure the end devices.
i. PC0 uses the first usable IP addresses in network /16.
ii. PC1 uses the second usable IP address in network /16.
iii. Specify the appropriate default gateway and subnet mask on each PC.
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Step 3: Configure the RTR02 router and enable RIP.
a. Configure interface Fast Ethernet 0/0 using the second usable IP address in
network /24 to connect to the RTR01 router.
b. Configure interface serial 0/0/0 using the second usable IP address in network /24 to connect to the SVC01 router.
c. Configure interface Fast Ethernet 0/1 using the IP address /16.
d. Using the no shutdown command, enable the configured interfaces.
e. Configure RIP to advertise the networks for the configured interfaces.
f. Configure the end devices.
i. PC2 uses the first usable IP addresses in network /16.
ii. PC3 uses the second usable IP address in network /16.
iii. Specify the appropriate default gateway and subnet mask on each PC.
Step 4: Verify the RIP configuration on each router.
a. At the command prompt for each router, issue the commands show ip
protocols and show ip route to verify RIP routing is fully converged. The show ip
protocols command displays the networks the router is advertising and the
addresses of other RIP routing neighbors. The show ip route command output
displays all routes know to the local router including the RIP routes which are
indicated by an “R”.
b. Every device should now be able to successfully ping any other device in this
c. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window to
check your work.

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Planning Network-based Firewalls

∙ Place firewalls in appropriate locations to satisfy security requirements.
Background / Preparation
You are a technician who provides network support for a medium-sized business.
The business has grown and includes a research and development department
working on a new, very confidential project. The livelihood of the project depends
on protecting the data used by the research and development team.
Your job is to install firewalls to help protect the network, based on specific
requirements. The Packet Tracer topology that you will use includes two
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preconfigured firewalls. In the two scenarios presented, you will replace the
existing routers with the firewalls. The firewalls need to be configured with the
appropriate IP address configurations, and the firewalls should be tested to
ensure that they are installed and configured correctly.
Scenario 1: Protecting the Network from Hackers
Because the company is concerned about security, you recommend a firewall to
protect the network from hackers on the Internet. It is very important that access
to the network from the Internet is restricted.
Firewall_1 has been preconfigured with the appropriate rules to provide the
security required. You will install it on the network and confirm that it is
functioning as expected.
Step 1: Replace Router_A with Firewall_1.
a. Remove Router_A and replace it with Firewall_1.
b. Connect the Fast Ethernet 0/0 interface on Firewall_1 to the Fast Ethernet 0/1
interface on Switch_A. Connect the Fast Ethernet 0/1 interface on Firewall_1 to
the Ethernet 6 interface of the ISP cloud. (Use straight-through cables for both
c. Confirm that the host name of Firewall_1 is Firewall_1.
d. On Firewall_1, configure the WAN IP address and subnet mask for the
FastEthernet 0/1 interface as and
e. Configure the LAN IP address and subnet mask for the Fast Ethernet 0/0
interface on Firewall_1 as and
Step 2: Verify the Firewall_1 configuration.
a. Use the show run command to verify your configuration. This is a partial
example of the output.

Firewall_1#show run
70 | Page
Building configuration...
hostname Firewall_1
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
ip nat inside
duplex auto
speed auto
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
ip access-group 100 in
ip nat outside
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Vlan1
no ip address
ip nat inside
source list 1
interface FastEthernet0/0

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overload ip classless
ip route
ip route
access-list 1 permit
access-list 100 deny
ip any host
b. From PC_B, ping to verify that the internal computer can
access the Internet. PC>
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=107ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=98ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=104ms TTL=120
Reply from bytes=32 time=95ms TTL=120
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 95ms, Maximum = 107ms, Average = 101ms
c. From privileged EXEC mode on Firewall_1, save the running configuration
to the startup configuration using the copy run start command.
Scenario 2: Securing the Research and Development Network
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Now that the entire network is secured from traffic originating from the
Internet, secure the research and development network, Subnet C, from
potential breaches from inside the network. The research and development
team needs access to both the server on Subnet B and the Internet to conduct
research. Computers on Subnet B should be denied access to the research and
development subnet. Firewall_2 has been preconfigured with the appropriate
rules to provide the security required. You will install it on the network and
confirm that it is functioning as expected.
Step 1: Replace Router_C with Firewall_2.
a. Remove Router_C and replace it with Firewall_2.
b. Connect the Fast Ethernet 0/1 interface on Firewall_2 to the Fast Ethernet
0/3 interface on Switch_A. Connect the Fast Ethernet 0/0 interface on
Firewall_2 to the Fast Ethernet 0/1 interface on Switch_C. (Use straight-
through cables for both connections.)
c. Confirm that the host name of Firewall_2 is Firewall_2.
d. On Firewall_2, configure the WAN IP address and subnet mask for the Fast
Ethernet 0/1 interface as and
e. Configure the LAN IP address and subnet mask for the Fast Ethernet 0/0
interface of Firewall_2 as and
Step 2: Verify the Firewall_2 configuration.
a. Use the show run command to verify the configuration. This is a partial
example of the output

run Building configuration... ...

interface FastEthernet0/0

ip address

ip nat inside

73 | Page
duplex auto

speed auto

interface FastEthernet0/1

ip address

ip access-group 100 in

ip nat outside

duplex auto

speed auto

access-list 1 permit

access-list 100 permit

ip host any access-list 100 permit

ip host any


b. From the command prompt on PC_B, use the ping command to verify that the computers on
Subnet B cannot access the computers on Subnet C.



Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

74 | Page
c. From the command prompt on PC_C, use the ping command to verify that the computers on
Subnet C can access the server on Subnet B.



Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.

Reply from bytes=32 time=164ms TTL=120

Reply from bytes=32 time=184ms TTL=120

Reply from bytes=32 time=142ms TTL=120

Ping statistics for


Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 142ms, Maximum = 184ms, Average = 163ms

d. From the command prompt on PC_C, use the ping command to verify that the computers on
Subnet C can access the Internet.



Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=97ms TTL=120

Reply from bytes=32 time=118ms TTL=120

Reply from bytes=32 time=100ms TTL=120

Reply from bytes=32 time=110ms TTL=120

Ping statistics for Packets:

Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum =
97ms, Maximum = 118ms, Average = 106ms

e. From privileged EXEC mode on Firewall_2, save the running configuration to the startup
configuration using the copy run start command.

f. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window to check your work.

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Configuring a Cisco Router as a DHCP Server

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∙ Configure the customer Cisco 1841 ISR as a DHCP server.
Background / Preparation
In this activity, we will continue to configure the Cisco 1841 ISR router for the
customer network by configuring the DHCP service. The customer has several
workstations that need to be automatically configured with IP addresses on the
local subnet and appropriate DHCP options to allow access to the Internet. The
DHCP pool will use the network but the first 49 addresses are
excluded. The default gateway and DNS server also need to be configured as and For this activity, both the user and privileged EXEC
passwords are cisco.
Step 1: Configure the DHCP service.
a. From the customer workstation, use a console cable and terminal emulation
software to connect to the console of the customer Cisco1841 ISR.
b. Log in to the console of the Cisco 1841 ISR and enter global configuration
c. Before creating a DHCP pool, configure the addresses that are excluded. The
range is from to CustomerRouter(config)#ip dhcp
d. Create a DHCP pool called pool1. CustomerRouter(config)#ip dhcp pool pool1
e. Define the network address range for the DHCP pool. CustomerRouter(dhcp-
f. Define the DNS server as CustomerRouter(dhcp-config)#dns-
g. Define the default gateway as CustomerRouter(dhcp-

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h. Add an exclusion range of to to the DHCP pool.
CustomerRouter(dhcp-config)#exit CustomerRouter(config)#ip dhcp excluded-
i. Exit the terminal.
Step 2: Verify the DHCP configuration.
a. From the customer workstation, open the Command Prompt window.
b. Type ipconfig /release to release the current IP address.
c. Type ipconfig /renew to request a new IP address on the local network.
d. Verify that the IP address has been correctly assigned by pinging the LAN IP
address of the Cisco 1841 ISR.
e. Click the Check Results button at the bottom of this instruction window to
check your work.

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