al describe and analyse the cmises and results of World War I and
Naval race.
Arms race.
Alliance system
Colonial rivalry/imperialism.
Franco-German hostility
• The search for colonies led to conflict with France over Morocco: First Moroccan Crisis (1905)
and Second Moroccan Crisis (1911).
The Dual Alliance was signed between Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1879.
The Triple Alliance was signed between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in 1882.
The Reinsurance Treaty was signed between Germany and Russia in 1887.
Britain abandoned her policy of splendid isolation to form alliances after German challenged
Britain on the seas from 1898.
Britain and France signed the Entente Cordiale is friendship treaty jin 1904.
Britain and Russia signed the Anglo-Rassan Entente in 1907.
By 1914, the Triple Entente (France, Russia and Britain) and the Tripple Alliance (Germany, haly
and Austria-Hungary) were the two blocs of alliances
As such, if two powers from the two alliances got into conflict, nearly all European powers would
be at war.
Between 1897 and 1914 Germany challenged Britain in building navies (battleships) and
dreadnoughts. This was a sign of war preparations.
Germany, Russia and France competed in raising the biggest armies in Europe.
Balkan nationalism
Austria-Hungary, Russia and Turkey fought over the control of the Slav States of Bosnia, Serbia,
Albania, Herzegovina and Montenegro.
Turkey had become weak resulting in Balkan States becoming independent from its rule.
Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908 from Turkey angering Serbia which
had the biggest number of Slava. This led to the Hosnian Crisis
Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece formed the Balkan League in 1909 to regain lost territory.
In 1912 there was conflict between Balkan nationalists and foreign imperialists (Turkey) leading
to the First Balkan War
The Sociunt BalkanWewas fought in 1913 among The Palkay Somes aterias catrol mer Peir
These Balkan was divided the upean powers as Serbia's wishes were binetly opposed fry Auris
Rustis booked Serbia in order to weaken Austria Hungary's influence in the region.
The hostility terween Serbia and Austria-Hungary ind to the Sunity.Incident Anabim
You should be able to describe the Bomman Crisis, Firm Balkan War, Secund Balkas War and
The Samjovo Assassination Inculent.
Franco-German hestiilty
Was based on the French loss of Alsace-Lorraine to Gommany in 1871. The French remained
aggrieved Germany consolidated its accupation of Ahace Lomame
Whim conflict arose berween Austria-Hungary and Serbis, Germany and France were quick to
settle their scores of 1871 in 1914.
Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, together with his wife Sofia, was shot dead by Gavril
Princip in Bosnia
In accordance with their alliances, Russia supported Serbia and Germany supported Austria-
Germany declared war on Russia, France and Belgium. Britain came in to defend the Belgians.
By 1914, nearly all the European states were at war, especially the Great powers of Britain, France
and Germany.
Italy joined the War in 1915, while the USA joined in 1917.
The two main war fronts were the Western Front and the Eastern Front
Ou the Westeris Feat Germany intern France and later the USA
Se Ciermany fight on two fronts flecing to split its troops in The German Schleifen Panso fight to
bots Gilled
War was fought in the air, in the set and on the ground
The USA entered the war in 1917 on the Allind siile apsinst the Central Continental powers
The Americans brought to food advanced weapons, medicines and loans in the Allied Powers
against the weak Germans
You should be able to describe battles fought on the Westers Front, Eastern Front, and an
(a) Political
Empires collapsed during the war, eg. Austria Hungary, Russia and Turkey.
World War I planted seods of nationaliam in many colonised nation
The war led to the change in the balance of power amongst the imperialists. Britain was replaced
by the USA as the world's strongest power by 1918
The war resulted in the rise of a new political and economic system called socialism which was
born in the USSR (Russia).
(b) Economic
During the war, countries borrowed money resulting in huge debts at the end.
High inflation.
We fenced rapid advancement in technology, eg. telephone, motor car, endio and buses
(2) Social
Loss of human lific more than 8 million people soldiers and civilians) dind and many were
daptaced and injured.
Empowerment of women: Before the war, women could neither work noe vote. After the war,
they domanded these rights.
(a) Name any five European countries that had interests in the Balkans
(b) Describe the events from 1907 that led to the annesation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. [12]
(e) To what extent did the annexation of Bosnia Herzegovina cause tension in Europe? [8]
Post-War Peace Treaties and the League of Nations
After the First World Wat, peace tresties wete signed under the Paris Peace Settlement.
Wilson's 14 Points
To consider the interests of the local people when claims for colonies were made
Restoration of Serbia, Montenegro and Romania, and Serbian access to the sea.
At the Conference, the doongam posers were Fesnce, Britain, haly and the USA
The dominant leaders were Woodrow Wilton (USA), Georges Clemences (France, Lloyd George
(Bestan) and Vinorio Orlando (Italy).
The defeated powers of Germany, Nutria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria had no voice.
Prince wanted to revenge for the humilianon of 1870 and 1914. She wasted Germany to be
reduced and be the weakest nation in Europe so as to avoid further attack
The USA wanted a generous treatment for Germany The USA had suffered no infrastructual
The USA feared that Germany would be too poor, and then tum communist like Russia
That Germany accepted that she was to blame and was responsible for the outbreak of the war (the
war guilt clause).
Germany was to paу торагатан (сотрensation for repaining Allied property mad losses)
amounting to 4500 llion pounds
Germany was to pay Belgium. France and Italy an ammal tribute of coal for ten years
Germany to surrender her navy and merchant vessels to the Allied Powers
Germany was allowed a small navy (wandips)
German arnty was litmited to-100 000 soldiers down from over 4 milline
The peace uns were hard and dicuned Germany The Germansationalists complamed Later people
outside Germany were convmood that she was treated harshly
The Germans claimed that the transfer of theu colonies and turning some as mandates inconsistent
with Wilson's point 5.
The Germans wanted is undo the inpastices of the Versailles Treaty and this threatened pesce
However, the Germans had had an intention for war because they had a plan for war the Schlieffen
Plan; started the arms and naval race, started the alhance system, supported the aggressive Autzis
The Germans should not have expected a generous trestment after they had dictated a harsh peace
to Russia at the Brest-Litovsk Treaty in 1918
If Germany had won the war in 1918 she would have imposed a harsh settlement on the Allies.
German railway engines and wagons were to be handed over to the Allied Powers
Austria lost Trieste, Istria, South Tyrol, Bobemis, Moravia, part of Silesia, Bukovina, Bessarabia,
Herzegovina, Montenegro Galicia, Transylvania. and
The Saar Basin was placed under the League of Nations for 15 years, after which a referendum
would decide its fate.
Germany complained about the reparations imposed on her. These were very heavy and unrealistic
She lost Western Thrace to Greece and her border areas to Yugoslavia
Signed between Turkey and the victorious powers Turkey lost Syria, Lahanon, Palestine, Iraq,
Armenia, the Straits, Smyrna and Eastern Thrace
It was revised to become the Treaty Lawanne in 1923; Italy regained some of the territories she
had lost under the Sevens Trosty
To get full marks on sermerial terms, be able to link a territory lost and its recipient. The
formation of the League of Natioms was a clause is all the treaties
It was the implementation of the 14th point of Woodrow Wilson "the formation of an international
Its major task was to promote and preserve world peace by preventing wars.
To create a brotherhood of nations dedicated to work together for the good of all mankind.
To outlaw war and encourage the settlement of disputes through peaceful negotiations and not on
To reduce armaments
If a nation went to war, the other League members would impose sanctions on the aggressor
(cutting off trade links and financial relations)
The League would ask the other members to supply troops to restrain the quarrelling countries
To regulate labour
To administer mandates.
To repatriate refugees.
Was the debating chamber where representatives of member nations met once year in Genevs,
Had four permanent members who were the great powers: Britain, France, Italy and Japan
11 initially had four non-permanent members elected every three years, but by 1936 it had eleven
non-permanent members.
Met three times a year and could be called quickly for emergencies.
Promoted disarmament issues that were overlooked during the Paris Peace Settlement.
Beeting reciend
preparing rерниос
translating reports atte ама пpages,
deganising meating
Had filees judges whose major task was to settle deputes suchhresches of trusties, frontier omllicts
between countries, enc
Member nations ware supposed to bring their international disputes to the court, that only a few
Governments did not want judgements given against then, whether right or wrong
Set up in 1919.
Its major task was to promote the framing and applying of international rules that governed
conditions of labour
It was established after the realisation that economic problems and social injustice threatened
world peace.
Four representatives from each nation: two from the government, one employer and one worker
mot to discuss the working condmons and wages of workers to improve them
It dealt with issues of child labour, women labour, workers' rights, etc.
It managed to bring about co-operation between workers and employers in improving working
In 1946, when the League was abolished, the ILO and the CII were incorporated into the United
Refugees Commission
You should be able to describe the aims and work of these commisalons
1921, dispute between Sweden and Finland over the Aaland Islands.
1933, dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay over the Gran Chaco region.
1931 and 1937, dispute between Japan and China over Manchuria.
You should be able to describe these disputes in detail and establish how the League resolved
Helped with the resettletiont of prisoners of war and refugees, eg. for white Rasstans, Greeks and
The USA brought the idea of the league, but did not Join it
At no given time did all the major powers of the League belong to it together. Russia joined in
1934 and was expelled in 1939. Germany joined in 1926 and left in 1933. Japan left in 1933,
while Italy left in 1936, after criticism over invasions of China and Ethiopa, respectively.
Britain and France constantly quarrelled and were divided on major issues
Constitutional defects: Many nations were against the constitution which gave one vote each to
every state, big or small. It was very difficult to get a unanimous vote.
The League was dominated by Britain and France, making other states look like second class
The League had no podia and arry. It relint on the goodwill of its members, Cullective security did
not work. So the Laagse had no coercive powers to maka smembers comply
The Longse had no funds. It depended on vuluntary contributions which were also et farting
It was associated with the Versailles Treaty, cach time the testy was condemned, the League was
also condemned
The League failed to stop the othersk of Wadd War 11 and was dissolved in 1946
1. (a) Identify any five countries that dominated the Paris Peace Settlement (5)
(a) Identify any five members of the League of Nations before 1926
(e) Why did the League fail in its peace-keeping work in the 19302
Viethod beto
10 male and din problems that led to the me finaly and Germany,
ef describe and value the domestic and finge policies of the dieser of
What is dictatorship?
A dictatorship is a system of government where one person or one party creates a totalitarian state
controlling mast aspects of people's lives
They demand exterme forms of nationalism, such secang members to wear uniforms
Dictators do not tolerate criticism, and they spy on hots friends and enemies
Dictators depend on the army and the party organs to enforce their ideas.
Reasons for the rise of dictators in Europe between 1919 and 1939
Italy and Germany dictatorships arose out of oppositon to the terms of the 1919-1920 Peace
Settlement, especially the Versailles Treaty-loss of territories
The democracies crested after the First World War were unable to form stable governments
Coalitions formed could not last long, cg. King Victor Emmanuel of Italy was weak and failed to
control various political groups which tried to rin the country.
In Germany, after the Kaiser there were mumerous parties that could not make effective decisions.
People feared the rise of communism after World War 1. Democracies allowed parties to have
Dictators promised an end to violence and the revival of big, strong armies which people wanted
The armies were not happy and were sympathetic to nationalistic, often militant parties.
War debts.
High inflation.
Low wages
(b) Political
Disappointment with the Peace Settlernent: Italy was not given the promised territories of
Trentino, Trieste, Istria, and South Tyrol Dalmatia.
Mussolini and the Fascist Party offered attractive promises through propaganda
Fear of communism
A weak democracy/government.
Political instability.
Political parties in Italy by 1922: Communists (Red Guards), Socialists, Nationalists (Blue Shirts),
Reformists, Fascists (Black Shirts), Liberal Democrats(Radicals), Christian Democrats (Popolari),
Liberals (Grey Shirts), The People's Party
1906, Manolini (IL Door) passed a law enabling him sex govern by decree
Parliances met, but all cracial dections were made by the fascist Grand Council led by Mussolini
Local governments run by elected mayors and town councils were abolished
Propaganda was spread through radios, newspapers, schools and at party meetings.
Signed the Lateran Treaty (1929) with the Cathohe Pope recognised the Vatican City as a
sovereign state
Teachers wore uniforms, and new textbooks were re-written to glorify the Fascist system.
School children criticised teachers who were not supporters of the Fascists.
Eatablished the corporate site pride cooperation between employers and workers
Trade ntions were hanned and the Fascists Unlim regulated wages, conditions and hours of wh
As compensation for last freedom, kas got benefits as free Sundays and holidays with pay
Propagands was also used in the coопови вестни Mussolins crested military names for projects,
eg Battle for Wheat", "Battle for Girain', 'Battle of Barihs
Mussolini followed a very ambitiuus extermal policy The aim was to make Italy look like a great
1925, Italy signed the Locarno Pact with Britain, France, Germany and Belgium.
1928, signed the Kellog-Briand Pact (Pact of Paris) Signed the Non-Aggression Pact with Russia
1934, Mussolini sent forces against German seizure of Austria (The Brenner Pass Commission
1935, Italy invaded Ethiopia in avenge the defeat of Italy at Adowa in 1896.
1936, Italy was involved in the Spanish. Civil War to support General Franco
1936, Italy signed the Rome-Berlin Axis, an aggressive treaty, with Germany under Hitler.
1936, Mussolini attended the Stressa Conference with Britain and France.
1937, Italy, Germany and Japan signed the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Pact (the Anti-Comintern Pact).
1939, Mussolini signed the Pact of Steel, a full alliance with Germany.
1943, Italy was defeated and forced out of the Second World War
Dutators rose from the ranks of weak slemocracies that had bom creud at the Parts Peace
Conference came out of collapsing toonarchs
Core keen to get strongerment which would gade rebuild their economies
bitially, detates were popular but hos popularity when they started abusing people
Princal Partics Germany: Social Democrats. Conservatives (national, Catholic Centre Party,
Bavarian People's Party, National Socialist Party (Nam
Wiges faded to keep pace with inflation and workers suffered greatly
Hitler and the Nari offered attractive policies in face of the economic crisis
Promised so get rid of the Communists, the Jews and overthrow the Versailles Settlement and
unite all Germans
As the economic crisis worsened, the Nazi grew more popular. This crisis created Hitler, the
(b) Political
The collapse of the Weimar Republic (democratic government) which failed to control violence.
Because government could not keep law and order, and police were powerless, people began to
favour return to some form of authoritarian system of government.
Genmans did not appreciate democracy as a system of government. It was foreign democracy.
Most Germans felt the Weimar politicians had "stabbed them in the back" by rushing to sign the
treaty of Versailles. Hence the Weimar Republic collapsed
The existence of too many political parties
Haler eliminated opponents, created laws to give hon tonal power and prepared fin an election.
1933, he prepared a military wing of the Nazi Party, the SS and the SA (Suim Troopers)
1933, hefore elections, the Reichstag Bakding (Germany Parliament building) was burnt down
The Nazi accused the Conununists of having set the fire. The inocent communists were arrested
The Nazi had set the fire to the Reichstag building
1933, Hitler passed the Enabling Law, giving himself power to make laws without the Reichstag's
1933, he appointed Nazi leaders to top posts in government, eg. Herman Goering as head of the
Gestapo (secret police) and Joseph Goebbels as Minister of Propaganda.
1933, he legalised one-party state through a law banning the formation of new parties.
1934, President Hindenberg died and Hitler combined the offices of Chancellor and President as
Hitler used the secret police, Gestapo, to control many aspects of people's lives.
All other political parties were banned except his National Socialist German Workers' Party
Edimathon was closety contered and chil wary mamad with Nas propaga
Hider Burmed youth slovementy Hitler Youth Movement for boys and Longe of German Maideen
Fe girls
Cachoshe, television, пожарареек, таркrines, books, thea maic and art were controlled and
supervised by the Minister of Propagands, Joseph Goebbels
Religion was put under state contrel Signed the Concordat with the Catholic Pope
Trade unions soere replaced by the German Labour Forum which controlled all workers.
Hitler controlled the country's economy to reduce unemployment and made Germany self-
sufficient through increasing exports and reducing imports.
Hitler introduced public works: land drainage, road construction, shum clearing, to reduce
Workers were given subsidised holidays, cheap thestre, paid bolidays and insurance.
Between 1933 and 1935, Hitler reduced unemployment greatly from about six million to about
two million and by 1939 had totally wiped out unemployment.
Hitler's foreign policy
(a) Aims
Destroying the Versailles Treaty's war-guilt clause, arms limitations and reparations.
Amoms of Austria, Poland and Crochlovakia in bring alt Goomans into los ampre
1935, he signed the Anglo-German Naval Agtemnost with Britain and so strengthened his army
1935, be re militarsed the Rhineland against the Versailles Treaty. Britain did not object.
1936, he supported General Franco in the Spanish Civil War, with the support of Mussolins of
1936, he signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan and Italy joined it in 1937.
1937, he signed the Rome Berlin Tekyo Axis with Italy and Japan.
1939, he signed a Non-Aggression Pact with Russia and agreed to partition Poland together.
On 1 September 1939, he invaded Poland. Britain and France came in to support Poland and the
Second World War broke out.
1. (a) Identify any five reasons for the Fascists' rise to power. [5]
(e) To what extent did the weaknesses of the Weimar Republic contribute to the rise of Hitler to
power by 1933?
Influence of partnership collaboration betw business and the Federal Garvernment rod tases on the
rich to increase wealth
Professional factory nunagement and fan production methods encouraged a growth in the USA
Banks made Ing profita by lending people miney to buy expemive dams on credit (hure purchas
00 P
H Tr
Boom is a raped ic growth, or a period when demand for goods is high, factories operate at fali
capocity, wages are high and unemployment is low
Racevery refers to a period when the economy goes back to mormal. New asdastries begin and the
economy begins to experience normal growth again
When Einvpe was at war, the USA was experiencing an economic boom in 1918,
The boom ended in 1929 and the USA experienced the Great Depression.
During the depression there was loss of money. industrial collapse; a fall in the share prices,
wages fell, bank closures, unemployment increased as hankruptcy rose in firms, insurance benefits
and pensions vanished
This economic collapse also spread to Europe and the whole world.
Between 1914 and 1918, American industries expanded to supply European powers with war
needs such as food.
The USA benefited from huge loans and interests on money borrowed by the European powers
during the War.
The opening of the interior by the trans-continental railways improved the economy and enabled
cheap transportation of goods
More telephones
Advanced transport.
Advanced construction, buildings, new industries and vast cities being built.
Adequate food.
Wall Street Crash: In September 1929, speculation and gambling brought about the crash at Wall
Street in New York.
Individuals and companies made quick profits by selling shares for more than initially paid for
Overproduction of goods resulting in low prices on farm and industrial products. The fall in prices
reduced profits.
Big business over-produced and did not pay their workers enough to buy these products. So as
Europe recovered, the American corporations went into severe depression.
Huge profits made by the industrialists were not shared evenly among the workers.
kencur tad not benefited fran the boom as bem prices were generally low so profits were low
Agriculture was the first to be hit by the depression
The stock market crend niimod millions of investors millions of people had bought shares on
credu wah berewed money
Thousands of banks closed down as millions of people rushed to withdraw their savings. Debt and
hankruptcy spread
Banks failed to pay back money and people failed to get money to repay loans
stars workers lost their jobs (unemployment) as Jusodes closed.
The Emergency Banking Act (ix) cuable banks to function agsm. Go provided funds to guarantee
people's deposits -control hauka
The Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933) increase agricultural purchasing powered the problem of
Government provided cheap di facilities to farmers and raised the prices of agricalhunt produce
Government established the Security Exchange Act of 1933 which regulated the Stock Exchang to
protect the public agama unscrupulous stock manipulators
In June 1933, Roosevelt passed the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) to crable him to
embark on a scheme of public works to cmate employment. This meant that the economy would
become ensured and also more balanced.
Prices collapsed and those who had bought shares were nuned
The Federal Relief Emergency Act (FERA) wal passed to assist the unemployed.
There was huge unemployment, starvation, begging, political and civil unrest in many countries of
the world.
An Economic Act of 1934, cut Federal pensions and salaries so as to balance the budget, legalised
the sale of beer and provided jobs for the unemployed
The Farm Credit Administration Act of 1933 provided mortgages for farmers who were in danger
of losing ownership of their land.
prices prices
ay their So as ns went
ere not
Living standards fell as shown by bread queues, near-starvation for many and charity soup
The depression was felt worldwide as the USA withdrew loans and demanded repayment of short-
term loans. Germany, Austria, Japan were hard hit by the effects of the depression in the USA.
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) of 1935 financed projects such as roads, schools and
hospitals. These provided jobs for the unemployed.
The Wagner Act, 1935 encouraged trade anienises and workers to bargain with management
Roosevelt passed the Tennessee Valley Authority Act (TVA) which planned to provide flood
control of the Tennessee River, the reforestation and proper use of marginal lands in the
Tennessee Valley
There were plans to build dams so generate cheap electricity and organising conservation,
imigation and afforestation to stop soil erosion.