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A developmental history of the Apollo lunar module landing radar and rendezvous radar subsystems
is presented. The Apollo radar subsystems are discussed from initial concept planning to flight
configuration testing. The major radar subsystem accomplishments and problems are discussed.
· Compatibility ·Reflectivity
·Doppler · Scatterometer
· Quadrature · Gyromotor
· Boresight . Cycle Slip
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• For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151
A technical history of the Apollo lunar module landing radar and rendezvous
radar subsystems is presented. Radar subsystem accomplishments and problems are
presented with discussions of the program plan; subsystem design, development, and
testing; subsystem performance, reliability, and quality control; and subsystem prob
lems and changes. Conclusions and recommendations applicable to future space pro
grams are also presented.
In the development of the Apollo lunar module (LM) landing radar and rendez
vous radar subsystems, the program was managed chiefly through the prime contrac
tor, who coordinated closely with the various subcontractors to ensure maximum
communication. The first prototype units of the radar subsystems evaluated subsys
tem performance through special tests such as environmental exposure and aircraft
flight tests, which simulated actual mission conditions. The deficiencies detected
during this series of tests were corrected, and the final-configuration flight units
were built. The first flight units were subjected to a full qualification test program
and to additional aircraft flight tests to ensure the integrity of the subsystems and the
fulfillment of all design goals. The vehicle-interface and subsystem performance
tests on the Apollo spacecraft were next in a series of tests to ensure subsystem com
patibility. The final subsystem tests were performed during the early Apollo flights.
The successful operation of the rendezvous radar and landing radar subsystems during
the Apollo missions demonstrates that accurate and highly reliable subsystems have
been developed for lunar missions.
The program plan called for NASA to monitor and direct the contractor's work,
which required extensive analyses, design studies, testing, quality control, et cetera.
Monthly technical reviews of the subsystems and periodic design reviews were con
ducted. The NASA Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC) provided the technical guidance
to ensure the technical advance of each subsystem. The resident Apollo spacecraft
program office at the prime contractor facilities provided the level of support that was
required to resolve some of the technical problems as they occurred.
The contractors also established offices for program management, material re
view, cost control, and quality analysis and for control of engineering and manufactur
ing procedures that were used in the design and fabrication of the radar subsystems.
Periodic design reviews and technical review meetings were held to provide maximum
communication between MSC and the contractors.
The delivered equipment included several subsystems that were flight prototypes.
These subsystems provided electrical and electronic parameters from which the final
radar configuration was determined. Tests were performed at the contractor's plant
and at MSC. The contractor performed the subsystem qualification through a series
of tests. During the spring of 1966, radar antenna boresighting was performed at
MSC. The flight test program was conducted by MSC with contractor support at the
White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) , New
Mexico. Figure 1 presents a schedule of
significant program events.
Event 1 1963 i � l br
1964 l965 l96 196 lrl968 1969
Landing Radar
The landing radar senses the velocity and slant range of the LM relative to the
lunar surface by means of a three-beam Doppler velocity sensor and a radar altimeter.
The velocity and range information is processed and made available to the LM guidance
computer ( LGC) in serial binary form and to the LM displays in the form of pulse
trains and de analog voltages. Table I presents significant landing radar parameters.
A block functional diagram of the Apollo landing radar is shown in figure 2; the beam
configuration is shown in figure 3.
Type of system:
Velocity sensor cw, 3-beam
Radar altimeter cw, FM
Antenna assembly
Length, in. .. 20. 0
Width, in. 24.6
Height, in. .. 6.5
Electronics assembly
Length, in. 15. 75
Width, in. 6.75
Height, in. .. . . 7.38
Power consumption:
Maximum de consumption, W ... 1 32
Antenna pedestal tilt actuator, W . 15
Antenna heater (maximum), W .. 63
Altimeter antenna:
Type ...... Planar array, space duplexed
Gain (two-way), dB .. 50. 4
Beam width (two-way)
E plane, deg .. . 3.9
H plane, deg ... 7. 5
Type ........... Solid state
Velocity sensor, GHz 10.51
Radar altimeter, GHz 9.58
Output power:
Velocity sensor (minimum per beam), mW 50
Altimeter (minimum per beam), mW ... . 87.5
Altimeter modulation:
Type . . . • • . . .
Sawtooth F M
Modulation frequency, Hz . 130
Low (altitude > 2500 feet), MHz ±4
High (altitude< 2500 feet), MHz •
Antenna assembly Electronics assembly
} To
rece i ver Rz ---v
antenna y
R3 balanced �o---v
sensor 1
'"'";"� {
transmitter T2
transmitter Range sense
antenna {TR
array Key:
R ·Receiving array RR ·Range receiver
Altimeter tR T Transmitter
D Doppler
receiver Quadrature siqnal V Velocity
phase arrays for transmission and four
space-duplexed planar arrays for recep
tion. The transmitting arrays form a
Beam 2 platform; four quadrature-pair balanced
eam3 microwave mixers, four dual audio
:_� :;
\ frequency preamplifiers, two solid-state
� -- 't --- microwave transmitters, a frequency mod
Beam1 - - - --- - --- ulation ( FM) modulator, and an antenna
..,""' -- ---\.....:
. /
pedestal tilt mechanism are mounted on
Beam group
/ -- /
center l1ne
..._ --<"
,.,. ----_..,.
,.. the platform. The electronics assembly
contains the circuitry that is required to
track, process, convert, and scale the
Doppler and FM/continuous wave (cw) re
Figure 3. - Landing radar beam con
turns, which provide the velocity and slant
figuration. Velocity coordinates
range information to the LGC and to the
are shown with respect to the
display panels.
vehicle and the antenna.
if .�:
The transmitting antenna radiates the cw microwave energy from the solid-state
velocity-sensor transmitter to the moon. Three separate receiving antennas accept
the reflected energy. The received Doppler-shifted energy, which is split into quad
rature pairs, is mixed with a portion of the transmitted energy by microwave diodes
that function as balanced mixers. The output of the crystal balanced mixers gives the
frequency difference between the received signals and the transmitted signals. This
frequency difference is the Doppler shift, which is directly proportional to the LM ve
locity with respect to the lunar surface along the detected microwave beam.
The quadrature outputs of the three velocity sensors and the altimeter balanced
mixers are routed to the four audio-frequency amplifiers. The wideband signals at the
audio-frequency amplifier outputs are used as inputs for frequency trackers, which are
located in the electronics assembly. The frequency trackers search for the signal over
the expected frequency range with a narrowband tracking filter; once the signal is ac
quired, the frequency trackers follow the signal with a high degree of accuracy. The
tracker output is an average frequency, equal to the frequency that corresponds to the
center of power of the received Doppler signal spectrum. The Doppler sense is re
tained. The frequency trackers also provide a de step voltage to indicate tracker lock.
The tracker outputs are routed to velocity and range data converters, where beam
velocity information is resolved into velocity components. The coordinate system is
referenced to the body coordinates of the antenna and a line drawn at right angles to the
face of the transmitting arrays, which in turn is parallel to the beam group center line.
The velocity data, which are computed with respect to the beam group center
line, are given in a pulse train form that is superimposed on a 153. 6-kilohertz refer
ence frequency to facilitate a determination of the sign of the velocity. These velocity
pulse trains and the range pulse train are routed to the signal data converter. The
signal data converter forms an interface with the LGC by accepting strobe signals from
the computer and using these signals to assemble and read out the range and velocity
data in serial binary form. The serial binary radar output information is given to the
Rendezvous Radar
lunar orbit. A block diagram of the rendezvous radar is shown in figure 4, and sig
nificant rendezvous radar parameters are presented in table II.
I "----- Angles to LGC
Antenna designate
\__j Seco•o<oe< from LGC
Manual slew
J . [ == : =-l--+---� Servo control
r--:Stabilization and amplifier Automatic track enable
28v Igyromotors 1
To subassemblies
---- r-::::1 : r;:--'--:- - __ll!2_ V
__L 5 ..:.._
--�t�· � t1..,.
�-------------------r:l --�
Trunnion and shaft
angle rates
I To displays LS:U:PP::._IY___t-""'28'-'V-
Antenna temperature Temperature I
sensor I
by measuring the two-way Doppler frequency shift on the signal that is received from
the transponder. Range is determined by measuring the time delay between the
transmitted-signal modulated waveform and the received signal waveform. A three
tone phase-modulation system is used to obtain high-accuracy range measurements.
The electronics assembly furnishes crystal-controlled signals that drive the an
tenna assembly transmitter and provide a reference for receiving and processing the
return signal. This assembly also supplies servodrive signals for antenna positioning.
The electronics assembly consists of a receiver, a frequency synthesizer, a frequency
tracker, a range tracker, servoelectronics, a signal data converter, self-test cir
cuitry, and a power supply.
antenna assembly and the inboard electronics assembly. A flexible cable wrap system
is used at each rotary bearing point. The antenna assembly has two axes: the trunnion
(azimuth) axis lies parallel to the LM X-Z plane, and the shaft (elevation) axis lies
parallel to the LM Y-axis. When the trunnion and shaft angles are 0 o, the antenna
boresight is parallel to the LM positive Z-axis.
The design of the LM radar subsystems was unique because the subsystems
were the first solid-state radar subsystems to be operated in the space environment.
After the first landing radar and rendezvous radar engineering models had been com
pleted, a thorough design review was held in May 1966. Changes and improvements
were made to the radar subsystems after this review, and the design of the production
model was finalized. To incorporate all the new features into the production model in
an organized manner, another design review was held in April 1968.
During the subsystem design phase, many factors were considered that would
affect the operation of the LM radar subsystems (landing radar, rendezvous radar, and
transponder). One important factor was the wide range of the thermal environment
conditions to which the radar subsystems would be subjected. The electronics assem
bly for the radar subsystems was required to operate from 0 o to 160 o F; how-
ever, because the antennas are located outside the spacecraft, they had to withstand
temperatures of -240 o to +240° F . The radar subsystems were also designed to oper
ate under widely varying shock and vibration conditions during the launch and boost
phases of the Apollo missions.
One of the most interesting tradeoff studies was of the antenna selection for the
landing radar. The tradeoff study considered size, weight, gain, beam width, and
ease of fabrication. Two antenna types with a given aperture are compared in table III.
,, - Dish system
-J Array system
Gain, dB . 23. 8 24. 9
If magnesium is used for the waveguide on both the dish and the array systems and if
aluminum honeycomb is used for sandwich structures, the weight difference is approx
imately 0. 9 1 kilogram, with the dish system being heavier. The boresight technique
for the array system is less involved than that for the dish system.
After the array-type antenna was chosen, there was one problem in that the pre
dicted transmitter array beam pointing angles did not agree with the measured results.
A series of tests was performed; these tests indicated that the tilted interlaced altim
eter array caused a shift in the beam placement. This effect was sensitive to the
tuning elements between the velocity sensor and the altimeter radiators. This study
resulted in a redesign of the array elements.
The objective of the landing radar boresight test was to acquire sufficient data
to provide a basis for analysis of the static effects on landing radar antenna beam
geometry and to provide the value of the velocity bias errors to be used in the LGC.
This test was conducted at MSC. A detailed description of this test can be found in
reference 1.
The objective of the rendezvous radar boresight test was to obtain sufficient data
for the following tasks: (1) to aline the rendezvous radar with the LM vehicle naviga
tion base, (2) to verify the functional operation of the rendezvous radar, (3) to deter
mine the pointing accuracy of the rendezvous radar, and (4) to acquire sufficient data
to analyze rendezvous radar target acquisition and angular tracking performance.
This test was conducted at MSC. A detailed description of this test can be found in
reference 2.
The objective of the 1967 rendezvous radar performance evaluation flight test
was to verify the capability of the rendezvous radar to perform as required during the
Apollo missions. The tests were conducted under flight conditions, which simulated
several CSM-to-LM orientations along each of the probable LM rendezvous and lunar
orbit trajectories to demonstrate that the rendezvous radar performed within the re
quired accuracy range at distances representative of the design range. The objective
of the simulated rendezvous test was to verify that the tracking, ranging, and velocity
loops of the rendezvous radar operated properly during a simulated lunar stay. A
T-33 jet aircraft and a helicopter were used for the tests at WSMR. A detailed de
scription of the flight test plan can be found in reference 3.
The objective of the 1967 landing radar performance evaluation flight test was to
demonstrate the capability of the landing radar to meet performance requirements
under dynamic flight conditions and to secure data that were used in evaluating the
LGC performance. The tests were conducted, within the capabilities of the test air
craft, under flight conditions that simulated numerous points along each of the prob
able LM lunar-descent trajectories.
The objectives of this series of tests were ( 1) to evaluate the performance of the
landing radar under dynamic flight conditions, (2) to verify the landing radar mathe
matical model, (3) to evaluate the performance of the landing radar and the LGC,
(4) to verify the adequacy of the landing radar to meet mission requirements, and
(5) to define the constraints or necessary design changes. A more detailed description
of this flight test can be found in reference 4.
The 1968 performance evaluation of the Apollo rendezvous and landing radar
(PEARL) flight test was an extension of the 1967 flight test and was necessary to cor
rect some of the questionable data that resulted from timing errors in the 1967 flight
test. In addition to correcting the data, the PEARL program provided data for new
profiles, which aided in the evaluation of the landing radar for expected lunar-descent
The objective of the 1968 landing radar reflectivity test at WSMR was to improve
the estimate of reflectivity as a function of the near-vertical incidence angle, obtained
from the 1967 RF scatterometer test. Modifications to the PEARL test aircraft and
the landing radar were made to conduct this test. The modifications consisted of
changing the antenna mount and the location of radar monitoring points. The electri
cal properties of the terrain were measured to permit an extrapolation of the reduced
data to the lunar environment. Results of this test are incorporated in the present
lunar reflectivity model. A more detailed description of this test can be found in
reference 5.
The objective of the rendezvous radar earth-orbital flight test during the Apollo 7
(spacecraft CSM- 10 1) mission was to determine the performance of the rendezvous ra
dar transponder link under a simulated overpass condition at maximum range. The
test conditions were to simulate the lunar-stay phase of a lunar mission by requiring
the rendezvous radar to track an orbiting CSM that was within operative range to verify
that the tracking, ranging, and velocity loops of the rendezvous radar and the tracking
loops of the transponder could function at the extreme limits of their capabilities. The
tests were made in the mode II operation configuration (long-range acquisition). A de
tailed description of this flight test can be found in reference 6.
The primary purpose of the 1 967 RF scatterometer test was to provide meas
urements of the backscattering coefficient per unit surface area a for various
types of earth terrain. The angular dependence of the backscattering cross section
per unit surface area a (e) and the absolute magnitude are measured by relating the
power density of the reflected energy for each Doppler frequency to the respective in
cidence angle.
Both the accuracy and the altitude capability of the radar subsystems that are
used in surface track systems depend upon surface reflectivity characteristics. For a
rough surface, a knowledge of the value of a as a function of the variable is usually
sufficient to describe surface reflectivity. Therefore, another objective of the reflec
tivity program was to learn as much as possible about the reflectivity characteristics
of various earth surfaces. This information would aid in the design and evaluation of
radar for earth, lunar, and planetary missions. The reflectivity program included
the following:
Because the LM landing radar had never been tested in a space environment be
fore the Apollo 9 (spacecraft LM-3) flight, special instrumentation was installed to
measure the signals in the velocity and altimeter preamplifier outputs, during the
landing radar test. If only crystal noise were present in the channels during the test,
the radar was operating properly. However, during the Apollo 9 mission, spurious
signals appeared, which were attributed to flaking of the Mylar thermal blanket during
the lunar-descent engine burn. This flaking necessitated changing the Mylar thermal
blanket to an ablative paint on the lunar-descent stage.
The purpose of the RF view factor test was to determine any false lockon ef
fects caused by Doppler returns from LM structural vibrations during lunar-descent
engine firings. Three areas of special interest were the LM legs, the LM engine
skirt, and the LM bottom structure.
Results of the test indicated that some degradation of radar performance had oc
curred. For this reason, three changes were made to correct the problem.
1. The preamplifier rolloff was changed to decrease the landing radar sensi
tivity to the low-frequency vibrations exhibited by the LM structure.
2. The antenna was rotated 6° to prevent the landing radar beam from impinging
on the LM leg structure.
3. A baffle was installed to shield the radar beams from the lunar-descent en
gine bell reflections.
Test Philosophy
The objective of subsystem testing was to demonstrate the integrity of the equip
ment after installation on the spacecraft. Subsystem tests were conducted at the LM
contractor 1 s plant and at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC). These tests provided a
functional verification of the replaceable electronics assemblies to validate the inte
grated subsystem.
The objective of integrated testing was to determine the physical, functional and
operational compatibility of all subsystems. The functional compatibility of all LM
subsystems was demonstrated during simulated flight modes. Integrated tests were
performed at the LM contractor 1 s plant and at KSC.
Test Flow
The test flow, which includes testing at the factory and KSC, is shown in table IV.
CSM-101, CSM-104, CSM-106,
LM-3 and LM-4 LM-5 and subsequent
CSM-107, and subsequent
Plugs in
Plugs out
CSM-101, CSM-104,
LM-3 and LM-4 LM-5 and subsequent CSM-107 and subsequent
and CSM-106
5. LM-to-CSM inter-
face test
6. Flight readiness
Formal evaluation acceptance test.
Operations and control.
Vehi le assembly building.
Rendezvous Radar Test Problems
Gyromotor spin-up failure. - During the special test for gyromotor leakage that
was performed on rendezvous radar 18 {spacecraft LM-4) at the boresight range, one
gyromotor failed to spin up. The failure was attributed to a nonconcentric rotor bear
ing, and the faulty gyromotor was replaced.
Gyromotor drift. - The special test for gyromotor leakage performed on the
LM-4 rendezvous radar indicated a possible excessive drift in one gyromotor. Al
though the gyromotor was replaced, later tests showed that the drift of the suspect
gyromotor was within acceptable tolerance.
Electromagnetic interference. - During the combined systems test on spacecraft
LM-3 at the operations and control {O&C) building, electromagnetic interference
(EMI) was encountered and traced to a harmonic of the 1. 024-megahertz clock in the
pulse code modulation and timing electronics assembly. During the rendezvous radar
boresight test on the same electronics assembly on spacecraft LM-3, EMI problems
had been traced to a harmonic of the high-frequency tone. To ensure adequate screen
ing of EMI problems, the pilot test was instituted at KSC for spacecraft LM-3 and
L:JYl-4, and at the contractors' facilities for spacecraft LM-5 and subsequent spacecraft.
The pilot test indicated the susceptibility of the rendezvous radar frequency tracker to
spurious signals from the 40. 8-megahertz preamplifier. The problems were generally
correctable by slight tuning of the 40. 8-megahertz preamplifier in the rendezvous
Minimal discernible signal leakage. - During the flight readiness test of space
craft LM-3 and during the combined systems test on spacecraft LM-4 and LM-5 at the
vehicle assembly building (VAB), range tracker lock could not be acquired. The prob
iem was caused by RF leakage in sections of the waveguide that connected the rendez
vous radar with the transponder. A flexible waveguide was incorporated in the ground
support equipment to correct the leakage for the flight readiness test of spacecraft
LM-5 and for subsequent tests.
Voting logic. - Because of a design deficiency, the voting (gyromotor select) cir
cuit did not automatically select the preferred gyromotors. Consequently, a manual
switch was installed for gyromotor selection. This problem was first noted during the
combined systems test of spacecraft LM-4 gyromotor torquing at the O&C building,
during the rendezvous radar boresight tests on spacecraft LM-5, and during the pre
installation test on spacecraft LM-6. The gyromotor manual selection switch was in
stalled on spacecraft LM-5 and subsequent spacecraft.
Cycle slip and moisture absorption. - A cycle slip in transponder 20 occurred
during the combined systems test on spacecraft LM-5 and spacecraft CSM- 107 at VAB.
Initially, the problem was thought to be caused by excessive input signal strength,
which would overdrive the microwave phase modulator in the transponder and result in
ambiguous ranging because of improperly weighted midtone and hightone inputs to the
rendezvous radar up-down counter. However, the cycle slip was later attributed to
moisture absorption in the rendezvous radar and transponder ranging tone filters.
Sin.ce that time, both the rendezvous radar and the transponder were found to have
phase-shift problems in the filters for the ranging tones. Extensive testing and bakeout
procedures were integrated into the contractor and KSC test cycle to ensure identifica
tion and correction of these problems before launch, because design modifications of
the rendezvous radar or the transponder to correct this deficiency were too costly.
The procedure involved obtaining extensive heater operation prior to launch or any
range-tone phase measurement. Adjustment of the phase calibrator circuits of the
rendezvous radar or the transponder ensured normal accuracy ranging under nominal
mission conditions.
Velocity bias error. - During the landing radar subsystem functional verification
test for spacecraft LM-5, a logic race at the input to the landing radar electronics
assembly shift register caused a one-count bias error in velocity. Appropriate logic
circuit alterations were made to eliminate the logic race condition. In addition, the
Gaussian distribution, which had been assumed for the test limits when the Doppler
spectrum simulator was used, was corrected to account for the presence of more en
ergy in the tails of the distribution because of the poor approximation of a Gaussian
spectrum in a simple three-stage resistance-capacitance low-pass section.
Self-test. - The original wiring of the test selection switches on CSM panel 10 1
could impair operation of the rendezvous radar transponder during rendezvous (when
other normal functions of this switch, such as reaction control system quad tempera
ture measurements, were performed). This situation resulted from the fact that po
sitions A, B, and C of the right-hand test switch activated the self-test oscillator of
the transponder. This problem occurred during the rendezvous radar transponder
functional verification test for spacecraft CSM- 10 1. To correct the situation, the test
switch was rewired so that the transponder self-test operated from a separate self
test enable switch.
Low supply voltage. - Excessive noise in the phase-lock loop and loss o.f phase
lock were encountered during the CSM integrated checkout test for spacecraft CSM- 10 1
(transponder 13) because of poor transponder inverter power supply regulation. The
problem was traced to a low de input voltage that was caused by excessive line length
as well as circuit breaker and isolation diode voltage drops. The de input voltage was
raised to an adequate level by modifying the previous routing of the rendezvous radar
transponder de supply wiring with a direct connection through remotely operated relay
controls to the service module power distribution terminals.
Bench test console leakage. - During the CSM integrated checkout test for space
craft CSM- 101, the transponder phase locked on X-band energy that leaked from the
BTC. For spacecraft CSM- 104 and subsequent spacecraft, the X-band source in the
BTC was turned off during periods in which operation of the transponder beacon mode
was desired to ensure electromagnetic compatibility, in the most severe condition, be
tween the rendezvous radar transponder and the CSM- systems.
The radar subsystems performed very well in flight as shown by the successes
of the Apollo 7 (spacecraft CSM- 10 1) mission, the Apollo 9 (spacecraft LM-3) mission,
the Apollo 10 (spacecraft LM-4) mission, the Apollo 1 1 (spacecraft LM-5) mission, and
the Apollo 12 (spacecraft LM-6) mission. The results of these flights are summarized
in the following paragraphs.
Apollo 7 Mission
Apollo 9 Mission
During the Apollo 9 (spacecraft LM-3) earth-orbital flight, the landing radar de
tected spurious signals that were attributed to flaking of the aluminized Mylar coating
during the lunar-descent engine burns. This problem was corrected; therefore, the
confidence for reliable operation during an actual lunar landing was increased.
Apollo 10 Mission
Because only limited radar data were available from the Apollo 10 (spacecraft
LM-4) flight, an estimate of the lunar reflectivity was made in the vicinity of acquisi
tion only. However, the reflectivity calculation that was based on the Apollo 10 mission
data added confidence to the reflectivity model for the LM landing radar performance
Apollo 11 Mission
The landing radar performed well during the Apollo 1 1 (spacecraft LM-5) lunar
descent and lunar-landing maneuvers. The data appeared to be well within specification
limits, except a few points at low velocities near zero Doppler shift where the landing '
radar was not expected to track. The two questionable data points were probably
caused by poor data processing during the LGC overload alarm. The lunar-surface
reflectivity was determined to be in close agreement with the present smooth-surface
model at the velocity beam 1 acquisition point.
Apollo 12 Mission
On the Apollo 12 (spacecraft LM-6) flight, the landing radar operated as expected;
lockon was obtained early in lunar descent. Calculations based on flight data indicated
a higher value of lunar reflectivity than had been expected, which might have been the
result of local lunar terrain slopes that gave high angles of beam incidence.
Overall Performance
On all missions up to Apollo 12, the rendezvous radar has performed well, as
indicated by the successful rendezvous. On the Apollo 1 1 (spacecraft LM-5) and
Apollo 12 (spacecraft LM-6) flights, the rendezvous radar range data were compared
to the VHF ranging system data. In both cases, the range data were in very close
agreement. As an example, on the Apollo 12 flight, the mean bias between the
rendezvous radar range data and the VHF ranging system data was less than 0. 04 per
cent of the median range at which the comparison was made.
The multilayer printed-circuit boards failed during the rendezvous radar quali
fication test program. The interlayer columns exhibited open circuits at hot- and cold
temperature extremes. The vendor believed that the boards which had passed thermal
cycling were flightworthy, but further tests indicated that the boards would fail after
thermal cycling. The corrective action was to identify the manufacturing problem and
then to change the process. Therefore, the multilayer boards were replaced with an
improved type of board. The improvements resulted from changes in manufacturing
During vibration testing of the landing radar subsystem that was mounted on an
LM mockup, the radar locked on to false targets. Vibrating structural members were
generating Doppler interference signals in the reflected signals, and the radar locked
on to these Doppler signals. To correct the problem, a metal shield was installed be
tween the radar antenna and the vibrating members to block the view of the members
by the radar. In addition, the low-frequency response of preamplifiers was reduced
to attenuate the low-frequency false Doppler signals further, and the antenna was ro
tated to move the beam from the LM structure.
During flight tests of the rendezvous radar at WSMR, errors were found in the
range readings, the magnitudes of which were in multiples of 2400 feet. The
errors were found to be caused by cycle slips in the range tone tracking phase-lock
loop. Each cycle slip, or phase shift of 360°, caused a change of 2400 feet in the
range reading. The cause of the cycle slips was a low signal-to-noise ratio and a tone
phase-shift bias inherent in the design. Therefore, a limiter was added in the trans
ponder tone amplifiers to restrict the peak noise to an amplitude at which the noise
would not cause cycle slips.
Cracked Solder Joints
On the landing radar, solder joints cracked; this cracking was caused by a buildup
of conformal coating in critical locations. The conformal coating had a thermal coef
ficient of expansion which was different from that of the component leads. As the
temperature changed, stress was exerted on the solder joints by the expansion and
contraction of the conformal coating. As a result, the solder joints cracked. The
problem was solved by changing the manufacturing technique to prevent buildup of large
amounts of the conformal coating in spaces where it could exert stress on the solder
During testing of the Apollo 9 (spacecraft LM-3 } radar subsystems, the rendez
vous radar locked on to false signals. The rendezvous radar was found to be locking
on to a harmonic of the 204. 8-kilohertz range tone. The solution was to improve the
shielding on the cables between the antenna assembly and the electronics assembly.
Data which were obtained from the Apollo 9 (spacecraft LM-3 ) flight indicated
that false Doppler signals were received, which could cause radar lockon. The false
Doppler signals were found to be caused by reflections from flaking aluminized Mylar
thermal coating, located on the bottom of the lunar-descent stage. When the lunar
descent engine fired, some of the Mylar burned and flaked off. The flakes then caused
radar energy reflections that contained Doppler frequencies which were related to the
velocity of the flakes. The solution was to replace the aluminized Mylar with a non
flaking thermal paint.
The phase shift of the rendezvous radar range tone filters was found to vary with
time. The problem occurred on the Apollo 9 (spacecraft LM-3 ) spacecraft and subse
quent spacecraft. The phase-shift drift was most serious on the midtone (6. 4 kilohertz)
filter. The effect of excessive phase shift was to cause range errors that were in
multiples of 2400 feet. Turning on the tone filter heaters tended to stabilize the
phase-shift drift. The solution was to adjust the filter phase shifts to a small negative
value initially, and then to operate the heaters long enough to obtain the phase shift
near the desired value of 0 o.
The success of the Apollo flights and the excellent operation of the radar subsys
tems have shown that the radar subsystem design, construction, and testing are satis
factory. Nevertheless, a few recommendations may be helpful in planning future space
Careful planning should be provided for all flight tests. In particular, flight tests
should not be strictly mission oriented (where the subsystem is tested only under antic
ipated mission profiles). Instead, tests should also be conducted to evaluate the sub
system capabilities and performance limits. Such data become very important when
predictions must be made to indicate subsystem performance under new conditions.
For filtering of range tones, digital filters should be considered to avoid the
phase-shift drift problem that was encountered in the rendezvous radar. Digital filters
were not practical when the rendezvous radar design was finalized. However, recent
advances in the state of the art indicate that digital filters should be seriously con
sidered in future space programs to avoid problems of phase-shift drift.
Interface control documents should be updated to reflect the flight hardware in
terface requirements. Several testing problems could have been avoided with updated
interface control documents. Provisions for mandatory modification of ground support
equipment to meet test requirements should be included in the ground support equip
ment contract to ensure that the ground support equipment is current. A statement of
permissible field adjustments and the required ground support equipment capability to
support field adjustments should be included in the interface control documents. All
testing groups must maintain close communication. Firm requirements for justifica
tion of any deviation in test procedure, equipment configuration, or test stimuli should
be negotiated by all testing groups before the test program is begun. In particular,
testing of the first two or three vehicles, and the subsystems, should have nearly one
to-one correspondence in test procedure from vendor to launch.
4. Miller, J. C. : LM Landing Radar Aircraft Flight Test Plan. Tech. Rept. 05952-
H023-RO-OO, TRW Systems/Houston Operations, Sept. 7, 1966.
5. Anon. : White Sands Low Altitude (SH3A) LM Landing Radar Flight Test Plan.
LEC Document 64 1D. 3 1. 628, Lockheed Electronics Co. , Sept. 20, 1968.
(Also available as MSC/IESD Document 3 1- 19. )
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