The Rebirth of The Router by Henry Osborne

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The Rebirth of the Router 1

The Rebirth of the Router by Henry Osborne The Internet is one of, if not the most, important invention of the 20 th century. This global network makes it possible for people around the world to connect with each other and share data. With the advent of the Internet people have developed what is known as a web lifestyle. A web lifestyle means living in the fast lane where time seems as compressed as the data in the wires and change is the only constant. With the advent of digital convergence, internet traffic is rapidly expanding and also becoming more varied and complex. The most important, yet innocuous, device that makes all this possible is the router. Traditional IP packet routers are the backbone of the Internet and are, ironically, the problem with voice and video transmission. Unlike static web pages and email that can handle packet loss and some network problems, voice and video deteriorate under transmission delays as short as a few milliseconds. A router is a Layer 3 device that allows packets to flow between two networks. A router connects two or more networks, separates broadcast domains, and directs data packets to their destination based on IP addresses and across the best possible route. The path a packet takes through a network from source to destination is a function of routing protocols. Routing protocols are a function of network protocols and perform two primary functions. First, they determine the best path a packet should take when it travels through a network from source to destination, and second, they maintain routing tables that contain information about the networks topology. In order to determine the best path that a packet should take, routing algorithms are used. A routing algorithm is the mechanism that defines what information is exchanged with neighbours and how the forwarding tables are computed. The central purpose of a routing algorithm is to maintain a forwarding configuration in which nodes are mutually reachable by forwarding. It is often also desirable for the paths taken by forwarded packets to be optimal or near-optimal (Levchenko, Voelker, Paturi, & Savage, 2008). Routing algorithms generally use a least-cost metric to determine the bets path. Common cost metrics include hops (the number of router-to-router connections a packet passes through en route to its destination), propagation delay, bandwidth, time, channel utilization, and esoteric metrics such as error rates. The tables (routing table) that are maintained by the router contains, among others, the destination address of a node or network, known router addresses, and the network interface associated with a particular router address. Routing tables can be either static or dynamic. A static routing table contains information entered manually. The administrator enters the route for each destination into the table. When a table is created, it cannot update automatically when there is a change in the Internet. The table must be manually altered by the administrator. A static table can be used in a small network that does not change very often, or in an experimental network for troubleshooting. It is poor strategy to use a static routing table in a big network such as the Internet. A dynamic routing table is updated periodically by using one of the dynamic routing protocols such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), or Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Whenever there is a change in the Internet, such as a shutdown of a router or breaking of a link, the dynamic routing protocols automatically update all the tables in

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the routers. The routers in a big network such as the Internet need to be updated dynamically for efficient delivery of the IP packets. When a router receives a packet, it looks at the packets destination address to identify the destination network, searches its routing table for an entry corresponding to this destination, and then forwards the packet to the next router via the appropriate interface. When a router receives a packet that contains an unknown destination address, the router forwards the packet to the default router via the default route (the mechanism that allows a single entry in a routing table to replace a long list of entries that have the same next hop value). Two general algorithms are available for computing metric information: distance-vector and link-state. The goal of both types of algorithms is to route a packet from one point in the network to another point in the network through some set of intermediate routers without looping, a situation in which a packet is forwarded across the same link several times. The primary difference between distance-vector and link-state algorithms is the manner in which they collect and propagate routing information throughout the network. A distance-vector algorithm determines the distance between source and destination nodes by calculating the number of hops a packet traverses en route from the source network to the destination network. Two distance-vector-based protocols are RIP and RIP-2, which exchange routing tables with their neighbours every 30 seconds. RIP and RIP-2 also support a maximum of 15 hops. Thus, if the number of router-to-router hops between source and destination node is greater than 15, then the network to which the destination node is connected is considered unreachable. This limitation restricts the size of an internetwork to 15 consecutively connected networks. An example of a distance-vector algorithm is the Bellman-Ford routing algorithm, which iterates on the number of hops a source node is from a destination node. In a link-state router algorithm every router of a network does not send every other router its routing table. Instead, routers send each other information about the links they have established to other routers. This information is sent via a link-state advertisement (LSA), which contains the names and various cost metrics of a routers neighbours. LSAs are flooded throughout an entire routers domain. Routers also store the most recent LSA they receive, and destination routes are calculated using LSA information. Thus, rather than storing actual paths, which is the case with distance-vector algorithms, link-state algorithms store the information needed to generate such paths. An example of a link-state algorithm is Dijkstras shortest path algorithm, which iterates on length of path to determine shortest route. Kink-state-based routing protocols include OSPF, OSIs IS-IS, and Netwares Link Services Protocol (NLSP). Adjunct to the various routing protocols like RIP and OSPF is something known as protocol areas, which are also called routing domains. In the Internet, routing domains are referred to as autonomous systems (AS). An autonomous system exhibits the following characteristics: (1) an AS is a set of routers and networks managed by a single organization, (2) an AS consists of a group of routers exchanging information via a common routing protocol, and (3) except in times of failure, an AS is connected; that is, there is a path between any pair of nodes. A shared routing protocol, referred to as an interior routing protocol (IRP), passes routing information between routers within an AS. The protocol used within the AS does not

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need to be implemented outside of the system. This flexibility allows IRPs to be custom tailored to specific applications and requirements. It may happen, however, that an internet will be constructed of more than one AS. This system may be linked through a WAN to other ASs and there are cases where the routing algorithms and information in routing tables may be different. Nevertheless, the routers in one AS need at least a minimal level of information concerning networks outside the system that can be reached. The protocol used to pass information between routers in different ASs is referred to as an exterior router protocol (ERP). The Internet has grown in leaps and bound since the launching of the ARPANET in 1969 and has progresses from a nationwide set of packet switches and low-speed circuits to a global information-rich resource. This resource delivers a diverse array of rich media information in the form of video, voice, interactive data, and non-interactive data over both wired and wireless connections. Even though the nature of Internet traffic has evolved from the days of cryptic emails and low-speed transfers, the basic method by which packets move across the network has remained unchanged during that entire time. Conventional routers cannot guarantee that voice and video transmissions will stream smoothly to a users computer because they treat these items as loose data entities when they should be treated as flows. In current packet routers incoming packets go first to a collection of custom microchips responsible for the routing work. The chips read each packets destination address and query a routing table. This table determines the packets next hop as it travels through the network. Then another collection of chips puts the packets into output queues where they await transmission. These two groups of chipsthey include application-specific integrated circuits, or ASICs, as well as expensive high-speed memory such as ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM) and static random access memory (SRAM)consume 80 percent of the power and space in a router. During periods of peak traffic, a router may be swamped with more packets than it can handle. The router will then pile up more packets in its queue, establishing a buffer that it can discharge when traffic slows down. If the buffer fills up, though, the router will have to discard some packets. The lost packets trigger a control mechanism that tells the originator to slow down its transmission. This self-controlling behaviour is a critical feature of the Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP. Its kept the network stable over decades. Consider a conventional router receiving two packets that are part of the same video. The router looks at the first packets destination address and consults a routing table. It then holds the packet in a queue until it can be dispatched. When the router receives the second packet, it repeats those same steps, not remembering that it has just processed an earlier piece of the same video. The addition of these small tasks may not look like much, but they can quickly add up, making networks more costly and less flexible. End users using services like Skype and YouTube may not see a problem because the Internet has been heavily overprovisioned. Network operators have deployed mountains of optical communication systems that can handle traffic spikes, but on average these run much below their full capacity. Worse, peer-to-peer (P2P) services, used to download movies and other large files, are eating more and more bandwidth. P2P participants may constitute only 5 percent of the users in some networks, while consuming 75 percent of the bandwidth. Networks engineers would never have guessed that the queuing and discarding of packets in routers would create serious problems. This became apparent during scrutiny of

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routers during peak workloads when two serious problems were identified. First, routers discard packets somewhat randomly, causing some transmissions to stall. Second, the packets that are queued because of momentary overloads experience substantial and nonuniform delays, significantly reducing throughput (TCP throughput is inversely proportional to delay). These two effects hinder traffic for all applications, and some transmissions can take 10 times as long as others to complete. The proposed solution to this problem by Anagran is to implement flow management technology on the network. The concept of data flow might be more easily understood in the case of a voice or video stream, but it applies to all traffic over the Internet. The key to this approach is the fact that each packet contains a full identification of the flow it belongs to. This identification, encapsulated by the packets header according to the Internet Protocol version 4, or IPv4, consists of five values: source address, source port, destination address, destination port, and protocol. All packets that are part of the same flow carry the same five-value identification. So in flow management, you have to effectively processor routeonly the first packet. Youd then take the routing parameters that apply to that first packet and store them in a hash table, a data structure that allows for fast lookup. When a new packet comes in, youd check if its identification is in the hash, and if it is, that means the new packet is part of a flow youve already routed. Youd then quickly dispatchthe more accurate term is switchthe packet straight to an output port, thus saving time and power. If traffic gets too heavy, packets still have to be discarded. The big advantage is that now it can be done intelligently. By monitoring the packets as theyre coming in, the duration, throughput, bytes transferred, average packet size, and other metrics of every flow can be tracked in real time. For example, if a flow has a steady throughput, which is the case with voice and video, you can avoid discarding such packets, protecting these stream-based transmissions. For other types of traffic, such as Web browsing, just enough packets can selectively be discarded to achieve specific rates without stalling those transmissions. Anagran's optimized flow-based approach to IP traffic management represents the first significant quality improvement and cost reduction in IP since its inception almost 40 years ago. A flow is a single meaningful end-to-end activity over the network, and is defined by the IPv4 header 5-tuple of source and destination port, source and destination address, and protocol. Examples of flows would be a video download, a voice call, or an image transfer. The Anagran FR-1000 bases all of its traffic classification, packet forwarding, and traffic control on flows. This is a stark departure from traditional packet-based approaches that base all traffic management and forwarding functions on individual packets only, since they have no on-going knowledge of the flows. The Anagran FR-1000 seamlessly interoperates with any other existing traditional IP nodes in the network, but has a number of significant technological advantages that serve to complement and empower packet networks. By maintaining constant state information for every flow, the FR-1000 uses its unique Fast Flow Technology to eliminate IP network congestion and enable new levels of traffic management, network performance, and efficiency in an extremely compact, energy-friendly 1RU form factor. By managing traffic and forwarding packets based on flows rather than individual packets as they arrive, the FR-1000 gains insight into traffic dynamics and behavior over time that until now was not possible in IP networks.

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Since roughly 95% of all packets switched through the internal switching fabric completely bypass the forwarding function, very little processing power is expensed in forwarding traffic. The result is massive efficiency gains that are evidenced by the FR-1000's extremely compact 1RU form factor which houses up to 48 wire-speed GigE ports, and the scant 300 watts of electricity required to power the system when fully configured. Intelligent Flow Discard (IFD) is an innovative form of congestion control that takes a proactive metering approach to managing flows as they arrive. Since the FR-1000 maintains vital state information on every flow while constantly measuring output load on each port, it can intelligently meter incoming traffic by flow class as it arrives, by dropping single packets from just the right flows at just the right time to optimize the performance of TCP traffic as congestion escalates. Since traditional network equipment has no insight into flow state, packets normally get dropped across many and eventually all flows as congestion escalates. In essence, all traffic suffers including time-critical traffic like video and voice. By metering based on flow class, the Anagran FR-1000 can fully protect these vital video and voice services while penalizing only those flows that are instigating the congestion in the first place. As a result, IFD serves to not only complement existing routers, but it also protects them, and the downstream network, as well. For TCP traffic, IFD ensures equitable use of network capacity for all traffic based on flow class. For UDP traffic like streaming video and VoIP, IFD ensures constant flawless quality by automatically invoking Call Admission Control (CAC) whenever an incoming stream threatens the quality of existing streams. Pre-emption of existing flows by higher priority flows is also possible for emergency services applications, for example. It is important to note that the FR1000 ability to automatically invoke Call Admission Control on UDP streams is an inherent capability of the product, and requires absolutely no external signaling mechanisms which are known to face serious latency and scalability challenges. By maintaining awareness and insight on all flows passing through it, the FR-1000 adeptly manages the diverse mix of traffic in a way that best matches the network's established policies for service delivery and quality. Unfortunately, IP networks have been hard pressed to deliver anything more than the most rudimentary forms of Quality of Service (QoS) given the total lack of flow state insight. Packet networks without flow insight are ill equipped to successfully manage todays rich media network traffic. This has led to the market growth of specialized WAN Acceleration and Optimization appliances designed to offset the shortcomings of traditional packet networks by performing any number of optimization/acceleration functions based on flows, situated "upstream' of the router on the LAN as a separately running process. The Anagran products may perform some or all of the following functions aimed at improving end-to-end application performance: Traffic shaping (altering delay between traffic types by shuffling packets by class) Compression - replacing recurring data patterns with symbols to increase throughput Caching - placing popular content throughout the network and closer to destinations Data reduction - only sending "changed" traffic over the network while locally caching static unchanged data

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TCP "spoofing" and window size manipulation - locally sending expected TCP packets that would normally travel all the way between host and client, maximizing window size to eliminate overhead and delay Other application-specific mechanisms to accelerate application performance over the WAN The presence of these products underscores the severe deficiencies in current-day networks. Without flow state information, traditional networks lack the real-time insight into how to optimally manage quad-play traffic. Anagran's Behavioral Traffic Control (BTC) changes that by optimally managing all traffic by flow class at the most efficient, cost-effective points in the network wherever congestion occurs. BTC basically '"watches" every flow. By constantly comparing each flow's behavior over time against a simple set of operator-defined rules per flow class, BTC can identify "suspect" flows that by virtue of their duration, byte count, source/destination, or other criteria, require some form of corrective or policing action. Thus, BTC can take any of the following actions, including reduce the allowed maximum rate of the flow demote the flow to a lower class promote the flow to a higher class direct the flow over another output port Given the enormous growth of P2P and other forms of high-volume user-to-user traffic primarily in the form of video sharing, the value of BTC becomes clear. For the first time, the network has the ability to optimally manage all traffic in real time by class, regardless of the traffic mix. Since the FR-1000 is a wire-speed 96 Gbps device, this kind of traffic control by class is achieved at unparalleled levels of throughput and consistently low latency for all traffic. And unlike common traffic control mechanisms, BTC does not halt or eliminate any traffic types, it merely manages the entire traffic mix to allow all forms of network traffic to peacefully coexist. The Anagran FR-1000 supports an optional, advanced in-band QoS signaling protocol known in the Telecommunications Industry Association as TIA 1039. This protocol, which adds a small amount of extra information within each TCP header, allows a "sender" (content source) to communicate what rate it can send traffic over an impending TCP connection, and also allows the requestor to either accept that rate if it can, or request a lower rate more appropriate to the device. For example, a cell phone is able to receive at a much lower rate than a home PC on a broadband connection. Ideal for satellite or "lossy" wireless links, TIA 1039 allows complete bypass of the standard TCP slow start process which can make data transfers over links with high bit error rates nearly impossible. In some cases TIA 1039 can speed up TCP performance by a factor of 100:1 or more. So for very long distance or "lossy" TCP connections this optional in-band signaling can further augment the already powerful capabilities of the FR1000. Since packet networks were started with the ARPANET in 1969, they have not managed the rate or quality of individual flows (file transfers, voice calls, etc.), instead, they have depended on output queues to restrict the total capacity of traffic passed to a port. Multiple queues have helped provide less loss or delay for packets with various priorities, but this still

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does not allow control of an individual flows rate or quality. As a result, no flow is protected from delay or loss caused by other flows, and there is no way to provide rate guarantees or priorities for large numbers of projects, departments, or traffic types. Thus major quality problems with voice and video, serious traffic imbalances due to unfairness (e.g. P2P), and substantial delay variation in interactive activities like web access still exist. By eliminating the excessive delays and random packet losses typical of traditional routers, flow management fills communication links with more data and protects voice and video streams. And it does all that without requiring changes to the time-tested TCP/IP protocol.

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References Anagran. (n.d.). Technology Overview. Retrieved December 10, 2009, from Bamatraf, M.; Othman, M.; Johari, R.; Subramaniam, S., "Optimizing paths in OSPF routing," Networks, 2005. Jointly held with the 2005 IEEE 7th Malaysia International Conference on Communication., 2005 13th IEEE International Conference on , vol.1, no., pp. 5 pp.-, 16-18 Nov. 2005 URL: Comer, D. (2001). WAN Technologies and Routing. In Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications (3rd ed., chap. 13) New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Forouzan, B.A. (2007). Network Layer: Delivery, Forwarding, and Routing. In Data Communications and Networking (4th ed., chap. 22) New York: McGraw-Hill. Gallo, M.A., Hancock, W.M. (2002). Routing Algorithms. In Computer Communications and Networking Technologies (1st ed., sec. 7.2-7.3, chap. 7) California: Brooks/Cole. Levchenko, K., Voelker, G. M., Paturi, P. & Savage, S. XL: An Efficient Network Routing Algorithm. In SIGCOMM 08: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2008 conference on Data communication, pages 1526, New York, NY, USA, 2008. ACM. Miller, Dave (2006). In Data Communications and Networks (1st ed., chap. 4) New York: McGraw-Hill. PBS Home Video, (1998). A Brief History of the Internet, vols. 1-3. Roberts, L.G. (2008, September). Whitepaper on: Flow Rate Management. Retrieved December 10, 2009, from Roberts, L.G. (2009, July). The Internet is Broken. IEEE Spectrum, 30. Shay, W.A., (2004). Connecting Networks. In Understanding Data Communications and Networks (3rd ed., sec. 10.4-10.6, chap. 10) California: Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning.

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