Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya and Bhakthi Movement
Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya and Bhakthi Movement
Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya and Bhakthi Movement
The word Bhakthi derived from the root bhaj by the application of the ktin
suffix, which expresses an action, and means among other things service,
devotion, attachment, loyalty and homage.
Bhakthi according to the Alwars is not confined to the worship of the image
in the temple or singing (devotional songs) but practicing in daily life the
principle of LOVE ALL and SERVE ALL. They practiced to the letter the
message as in Bhagavad Gita in the XII Chapter:
“Adveshta Sarva bhoothaanam Maithram Karuna evacha
Nirimamo nirahamkaarah Sama dukka Sukha Kshami
(It means) One who does not hate any species of creation, One who is kind
and compassionate, One who is humble, and treats joy and sorrow alike – he
alone is my dear devotee says Lord Krishna.