Tughlaq Dynasty
1st semester Rollno.559
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Tughlaq Dynasty
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To complete this project was not easy, but due to kind help from few persons at last I was able to complete my project work easily without any difficulty. To many debt incurred in meeting the challenges of producing this project First of all, I am thankful to my subject teacher Dr.PRIYADARSHINI, under whom able guidance I was able to complete this project. Who despite having the very tight and busy schedule helped me to complete this project and devoted his energies to this project. I am thankful to my librarians, who provided me the books and materials required for the completion of this project. Finally, I am thankful to all those individuals and institutions that directly and indirectly provided me the materials which helped me to complete this project
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Tughlaq Dynasty
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Tughlaq Dynasty
5. Bibliography
The Tughlaqs were basically of Turkish origin and the family was essentially Muslim. Around the year 1321, Ghazi Tughlaq ascended the throne and was given the title Ghiyath al-Din Tughlaq. The Tughlaq dynasty was able to withhold its rule due to their strong allies like the Turks, Afghans and the Muslim warriors of south Asia. In the following lines, you shall find information about the history of Tughlaq dynasty and the major rulers of this dynasty. So read about the Tughluq Empire.
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The son and successor of the Turk Ghiyas-ud-din (reigned 1321-1325), the founder of the Tughluq dynasty that replaced Khilji1 rule in Delhi, Muhammad bin Tughluq displayed an extraordinary capacity for classical learning and military leadership. He was formally crowned in 1325, when his father met an accidental death in which Muhammad was implicated. The most serious of these rebellions were in the Deccan (1326, 1347), Mbar (tip of the Indian peninsula, 1334), Bengal (1338), Gujarat (1345), and Sind (1350). These rebellions led to Delhi's loss of control over the south and the Deccan, Bengal, Gujarat, and Sind. The rebellions in Gujarat and Sind exhausted Muhammad, for it was in the course of his expedition in Sind that he died near Thatta in 1351. Among Muhammad's ambitious military projects was his plan to invade Khurasan2 in Persia in 1329; a large army was raised and paid for, all of which was a wasted effort because the Sultan realized its impracticality. During 1337-1338 he attacked the kingdom of Nagarkot in the Punjab and secured a limited success. Muhammad's administrative innovations also smacked of the spectacular. In 1327 he ordered that the imperial capital be shifted from Delhi in the north to Daulatabad in the Deccan, a distance of over 750 miles. After moving by force a part of the Delhi population, Muhammad realized that his move was ill-advised, and the capital was moved back to Delhi. In 1328-1329 Muhammad ordered an enhancement of agricultural taxes in the Doab (area watered by the Ganges and the Jamuna rivers), and the impost was collected with such severity that it bred rebellions and led to devastation of large tracts. In 1330-1332 Muhammad conceived the idea of introducing a token copper currency without taking the necessary precautions against private minting of copper coins. The result was the flooding of the market with spurious coins which were then withdrawn in exchange for gold and silver coins. In his religious views Muhammad was a liberal, though he requested recognition from the Caliph in Egypt in 1340. He loved holding discussions with philosophers and men of learning and was undoubtedly an extraordinary man who combined within himself numerous contradiction
1 the second ruler of the Turko-Afghan 2 Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, eastern Iran, northwestern Pakistan,Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
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Ghiyasud-din Tughlaq was the founder of the Tughlaq dynasty. From an ordinary person, he rose to the position of provincial governor of Dinapur under Mubarak Khalji. He repelled the Mongol invaders several times. He killed Khurso Khan, the usurper, and became the Sultan, He was a wise and generous ruler. Reintroduced the food laws of Ala-ud-Din .Supressed the rebellions in the distant provinces with strong hand and resorted the peace and order. Organised better postal system. Encouraged agriculture In 1323, he defeated the ruler of Warrangal and annexed his territory. A war of succession was going on in Bengal. Ghiyas-ud-din took an advantage of such a situtation and invaded Bengal. He suppressed the rebels and in this way Bengal also became a part of his empire. b) Mohammad bin Tughlaq (1325-1351 AD) Mohammad bin Tughlaq is best remembered as a ruler who undertake a number of bold experiments, and showed a keen interest in agriculture. He was deeply read in religion and philosophy and had a critical and open mind. He had deep interest in philosophy, astronomy, logic and mathematics. he conversed not only with the muslim mystics, but also with the Hindu yogis and Jain saints such as Junaprabha Suri. Muhammad bin tughlaq's Reforms:- He tried to introduce many administrative reforms. But most of these fails due to his impatience and lack of judgement. Taxation in the Doab: The Sultan made an ill-advised financial experiment in the Doab between the Ganges and Jamuna. He not only increased the rate of taxation but also
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revived and created some additional Abwabs or cessess. Although the share of the state remained half as in the time of Alauddin, it was fixed arbitrarily and not on the basis of actual produce. Transfer of Capital(1327): It appears that the Sultan wanted to make Deogir second capital so that he might be able to control south India better. Deogir was named Daulatabad. However, after a couple of years, Muhammad Tughlaq decided to abandon Daulatabad largely because he soon found that just as he could not control south India from Delhi, he could not control North from Daulatabad. Introduction of Token Currency(1330): Muhammad Tughlaq decided to introduce bronze coins, which were to have the same value as the silver coins. Muhammad Tughlaq might have been successful if he could prevent people from forging the new coins. He was not able to to do so and soon the new coins began to be greatly devalued in markets. Khurasan Expedition: The Sultan had a vision of universal conquest. He decided to conquest Khurasan and Iraq and mobilized a huge army for the purpose. But his expedition proved a failure. Quarachi Expedition: This expedition was launched to counter Chinese incursions. It also appears that the expedition was directed against some refractory tribes in KumaonGarhwal region with the object of bringing them under Delhi Sultanate. The first attack was a success but when the rainy season set in, the invaders suffered terribly. c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq (1351-1388 AD) The nobles and theologians at the court selected Muhammad's cousin Firoz Shah and the next Sultan. He gave a number of important concessions to the theologians. He tried to ban practices with the orthodox theologians considered un-Islamic. Thus, he prohibited the practice of Muslim women going out to worship at the graves of saints. He perecuted a number of Muslim sects which were considered heretical by the theologians. Firoz extended the principal of heredity to the army. Soldiers were allowed to rest in peace and to send in their place their sons. The soldiers were not paid in cash but by assignments on land revenue of villages. This novel technique of payment led to many abuses. He tried to win over the theologians proclaiming that he was a true Muslim king and the state under him was truly Islamic.
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He establish Diwan-i-Khairat(department for poor and needy. peopleand Diwan-iBundagan(department of slaves). Make Iqtadari system3 hereditary. Construction of canals for irrigation from Yamuna to the city of Hissar From the Sutlej to the Ghaggar From the Ghaggar to Firuzabad From Mandvi and Sirmour Hills to Hansi in Haryana. Establishment of four new towns, Firuzabad, Fatebabad, Jaunpur and Hissar. Imposition of Jaziya on the Brahmans for the first time. Establishment in Delhi a hospital described variously as Darul-Shifa, Bimaristan4 or Shifa Khana
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languages. He was an expert in philosophy, astronomy, logic, mathematics and was also a good calligrapher. He built the fortress of Adilabad and the city of Jahanpanah. The famous traveller, Ibn Batuta came to Delhi during 1334. He acted as the Quazi7 of the capital for 8 years. He has recorded the contemporary Indian scene in his 'Safarnamah'. (Called Rehla). Feroz Shah Tughlaq was the successor and he ascended the throne after Mohammed Bin Tughlaq. Feroz Shah was a caring ruler. Feroz Shah made sure that people in his kingdom were happy and heard their problems patiently. However, he did not have strong military and could not sustain any sort of external attacks or aggression. Feroz Shah breathed his last in the year 1388 and after that the Tughlaq dynasty faded away in no time. The Tughlaqs also wished to rule the whole of India. Ghyasuddins (1320 AD 1325 AD) campaign to Warrangal8, Odissi and Bengal were directed towards this end. He built the city Tughlaqabad near Delhi. By 1324 AD, the territories of the Delhi sultanate reached upto Madurai. However, his economic policy was not consistent with his political ambitions. As the Iqta holders were permitted their earlier perquisites, power gradually slipped back into the hands of nobles.
7 a judge ruling in accordance with Islamic religious law (sharia) 8 also known as Orugallu, and Ekasila
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Architecture during Tughlaq dynasty flourished in India when Ghazi Tughlaq came to power in 1321 in Delhi defeating the Khalji rulers. The period of Tughlaq dynasty in history has been marked as the time of elation and rediscovery for Islamic architectures. Master builders were hired for a new Sultan to construct a new empire full of creativity in IndoI-slamic style. The Indo-Islamic style dominated the pattern of architecture during Tughlaq dynasty. The Indo-Islamic style of architecture was the amalgamation of Islamic architecture as well as Hindu style of architecture. This amalgamation happened during the invasion period of the Muslim rulers; they used to build their mosques with the ruined materials of the Hindu or Jain temples and few temples itself were modified into mosques. The fusion created the new Indo-Islamic style of architecture in India that gradually developed into a great architectural significance during the Tughlaq dynasty. . Architecture during Tughlaq dynasty was flourished in the hands of three rulers. They were the founder of the dynasty, Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq who ruled from 1320 to 1325, his son, Mohammed Shah Tughlaq, ruled from 1325 to 1351, and the most creative of all in his building projects, Firoz Shah Tughlaq who ruled Delhi from 1351 to 1388. Feroz Shah Tughlaq was a great patron of Islamic architecture. He built the fifth city of Delhi, named as Ferozshah Kotla. Apart from Ferozshah Kotla, several building arts like Tughlaqabad the third city of Delhi, the Tomb of Ghiyas-ud-Din and Khirki Masjid9 represents the major development of architectures during the Tughlaq dynasty. Each ruler added architectural creativity to his own capital city whilst making architecture during the Tughlaq dynasty to stand apart. The influence of the three above mentioned rulers in the Islamic architecture is therefore noteworthy. Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlaq`s Tughlaqabad depicts the saga of the glorious days of architectural developments of the Tughlaq dynasty. The great palace was made of golden bricks. The architecture of the Tughlaqabad city was based on Roman fashion and was divided into two parts, one part consisted of the fortress corresponding to the castle of the Occident and the other part
9 The word 'Khirki' prefixed to masjid is an Urdu word that means "window" and hence is also called "The Masjid of Windows. mosque built by Khan-i-Jahan Maqbul Tilangan
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was the city, which extended out for the residential and military requirements of the times. The walls were made up of sun-dried bricks. The huge outer walls had sloping, extended to the large area of the southern Delhi ridge. Semi-circular bastions with eyelets were present at regular intervals to look down at the enemies. Among the major architectures during the Tughlaq dynasty, the tomb of Ghiyas-ud-Din is almost perfectly preserved. Originally the tomb was constructed in an artificial lake, which was connected with the citadel by an eminent path. However, at present the arched causeway has been replaced. The Ghiyas-ud-Din`s tomb is in the form of a self-contained fortress in miniature with the sloping walls of circular bastions with eyelets for archery; on the other hand it may also have been intended as a fortified central tower. The architectural characters of the Firozian period were different from its predecessors and had the reflection of the conditions that prevailed at the seat of the government at this particular stage. He covered his creations with plastic ornamentation in a rich and varied order. The appearance of the building art represented the suppression of the indigenous impulse. Feroz Shah Tughlaq was a great patron of architecture and during his reign architectural developments of the Tughlaq dynasty reached the zenith. . His major creations were, Ferozshah Kotla, the fifth city of Delhi, three other fortress cities named as Jaunpur, Fathabad, and Hissar, Khirki Masjid and the Begum-puri mosque at Jahanpanah, Kali Masjid, another mosque in the Dargah of Shah Alam at Timurpuri and the Kalan Masjid at Shahjahanabad. From the architectural point of view, Khirki Masjid is immense and is a great example of Islamic architecture while showcasing the immense architectural development during Tughlaq dynasty. It is closed on top which makes it unique and different from others. It is a small quadrangle-shaped mosque and is covered entirely by a roof, which is an unusual thing for building of mosques. The presence of several domes on the roof along with the wonderful latticework or jali on the windows represents the typical Islamic style of architecture. The colossal structures of the Tughlaq dynasty, the sheer finesse of the lattice work, the grandeur of the colorful marbles and stones which were abundantly used in the architectures not only reflect the architectural developments during Tughlaq dynasty, but also whispers the saga of the glorious Islamic architecture in India
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Tughlaqabad outside Delhi. During the region of Alla-ud-din Khiliji10, he had been the governor of the North-West Frontier Province. He usurped the throne from the last Khiliji ruler, Khusro Khan and started his own dynasty of the Tughlaqs. After becoming the Sultan, first of all he restored peace and order and tried to win over the Turkish nobles. He re-organized the administration by appointing efficient and honest men. Land revenue, which had been raised to half of the total producing during Alla-ud-dins reign, was now reduced to one-tenth of the produce. To set the state in order, the Sultan sent many expeditions against those who were asserting their independence. He himself went to Bengal and brought the situation under control . His successful defense against the Mongols made him an able ruler and the founder of a dynasty in India. He conquered many areas including eastern portion of Bengal, a huge territory.
10 Ali Gurshap Khan better known by his titular name as Sultan Ala-ud-din Khilji
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Empire, Muhammad moved the capital from Delhi to Devagiri in the Deccan, renaming that city Devagiri as Daulatabad
. Instead of moving just his government offices there, he forcibly moved the entire population of Delhi to the new capital. The plan failed due to inadequate water supply arrangements in Devagiri; the capital had to be shifted back again to Delhi after two years. A vast amount of the population died during the moves due to the inadequate travel arrangements. It was said that Delhi was a ghost town for years after the move back. He also had the idea of introducing token currency for the first time in India, modelled after the Chinese example, using copper coins, backed by silver and gold kept in the treasury. However, very few people exchanged their gold/silver coins for the new copper ones and the tokens were easy to forge, which led to heavy losses. Later, the Sultan repealed his verdict and all the copper coins were redeemed in silver or gold from the treasury, making it empty. Muhammad Tughlaq planned an expedition for the conquest of Khurasan and Iraq. But the scheme was abandoned as conditions in Iraq improved (paid the extra army for one full year). The plan for the conquest of Karajal (Kumaon hills) also met with a disastrous end.
During his last days, the whole of S.India became independent and three major independent states The Empire of Vijaynagar 12, The Bahmani13 kingdom and Sultanate of Madura were founded. A new department for agriculture Dewan i Kohi was setup.
12 s in Bellary District, northern Karnataka. It is the name of the now-ruined capital city "which was regarded as the second Rome 13 was a Muslim state of the Deccan in southern India and one of the great medieval Indian kingdoms
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He knew Arabic and Persian languages. He was also an expert in philosophy, astronomy, logic and mathematics. He was also a good calligrapher He built the fortress of Adilabad and the city of Jahanpanah
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Wrote a book Fatuhat Firozshahi. Gained notoriety for temple breaking and Mathura was destroyed during his period. Barani, the historian was in his court. He wrote two well known works of history: Tarikh i Firozshahi and Fatwa i Jahandari and Khwaja Abdul Malik Isami wrote Futuh us Sulatin. He formed Diwan i Khairat14 and built Dar ul Shafa or a charitable hospital at Delhi. Also introduced 2 new coins Adha (50% jital) and bikh (25% jital). Firoz Tughlaq was succeeded by his grandson who took up the title of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq Shah II. He was a pleasure loving king who tried to strengthen his position by merely disposing of all possible rivals. Ghiyasuddin was replaced by Abu Bakr Shah in 1389Abu Bakr was replaced by Nasiruddin Muhammad in 1390, who ruled till 1394. His son Alauddin Sikandar Shah ascended the throne briefly in 1394. But he fell sick almost immediately after his accession and died in 1394 only .The vacant throne now fell to Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughlaq. In his reign, Timur invaded India.
There were several reasons which led to the downfall of the Tughlaq Empire. The Tughlaqs established most extensive empire among the Delhi Sultanate. Ghiyas- ud- din took advantage of the conquest of the south and annexed larger part of it. Muhammad Bin Tughlaqcontributed most towards extension of the Empire both as a prince and a Sultan. But the process of disintegration began during his reign. The annexation of the south, the failures of Muhammad Tughlaq, the weakness of Firoz Shah Tughlaq, the incompetence of his successors, the incompetence and demoralization of the nobility and the invasion of Timur were the chief factor for downfall. Ghiyas- ud- din Tughlaq adopted the policy of annexing the conquered territories of the south which was led to perfection by Muhammad Tughlaq. But this measure was against the permanent interest of the Empire. Due to the lack of proper means of transport it was difficult for the rulers of the north to keep the south under his control for long. Thus the south became independent during the later period of Muhammad Tughlaq. The conquest of the south brought no advantages to the Tughlaqs. On the contrary, it adversely affected the resources and the strength of the Empire. Muhammad Tughlaq failed both in his internal and foreign policy. While Bengal and the south regained independence and the hold of the Delhi Sultanate became weak over Gujarat and Sindh, no significant territory could be added to the Empire permanently. All the schemes of Muhammad Tughlaq failed miserably and brought
14 department for poor and needy people
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economic ruin to the Empire. Besides, his policies and severe measures resulted in widespread revolts at several places which taxed further the energy and resources of the empire. Nobles and provincial governors of latter Tughlaqs took advantage of the incompetence of the rulers. Those who were ambitious and competent established independent kingdoms out of the ruins of the Empire and those who were incompetent were struck to the court engaging themselves in corruption and luxuries. None of them were capable and whosoever was competent was disloyal to the Sultan and therefore worked against sultan. The final blow to the power and prestige of the Tughlaq Empire was given by Timur. He destroyed the Delhi Sultanate and the dynasty of the Tughlaqs. Though Tughlaq dynasty had lost its prestige prior to the invasion of Timur but after his invasion it was thoroughly destroyed forever.
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The Tughlaq dynasty in India started in 1321 in Delhi when Ghazi Malik assumed the throne under the title of Ghiya-su-Din Tughluq. The Tughluqs were a Muslim family of Turkic origin. Their rule relied on their alliances with Turkic, Afghan, and other Muslim warriors from outside South Asia. The empire grew under Muhammad bin Tughluq, but the latter became notorious for illadvised policy experiments such as shifting the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad and introducing copper coins without effective regulation against forgery. Tughluqi has as a result become synonym for brilliant if stubborn eccentricity in the Urdu language.After Muhammad bin Tughluq(1324-51 AD) it was Firoz Shah Tughlaq. The Tughlaq dynasty would not survive much after Firoz Shah's death. The Malwa, Gujarat and Sharqi (Jaunpur) Kingdoms broke away from the Sultanate. Timur, a Turk, invaded India in
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1398 during the reign of Muhammad Shah Tughlaq , the last ruler of Tughlaq dynasty. His army mercilessely sacked and plundered Dellhi. Tughlaq dynasty had lost its prestige prior to the invasion of Timur but after his invasion it was thoroughly destroyed forever.
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