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This document provides definitions for many acronyms and abbreviations commonly used in the oil and gas industry.

Some common acronyms and abbreviations included API, ASTM, MWD, and Schlumberger tool names like ALAT and AIT.

Tools mentioned include the AIT array induction tool used to measure properties at different depths, and the USIT ultrasonic imaging tool.

Petroleum Geology Acronyms Acronym Glossary 3DEX A A ampere A-h Ampere-hour AACT Aluminium Activation Clay Tool (SCHLUMBERGER)

AAODC American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists AASG AASG Association of American State Geologists AAZD Apparent Azimuth ABC Association of Boards of Certification abd abandoned ABS American Bureau of Shipping AC Acoustilog (BAKER ATLAS WIRELINE SERVICES) AC Alternating current AC/CAL GR Acoustilog Caliper Gamma Ray (BAKER ATLAS WIRELINE SERVICES) AC/CAL NEU Acoustilog Caliper Neutron (BAKER ATLAS WIRELINE SERVICES) ac-ft acre-feet. 1 ac-ft = 7758 barrels ACCF Acceleration Magnitude ACCX X Accelerometer ACCY Y Accelerometer ACCZ Z Accelerometer and time ACOE Army Corps of Engineers ACOP Adjusted Coefficient of Performance AC SIGN Acoustic Signature ACT Aluminum Clay Tool (SCHLUMBERGER TOOL) ACT Automatic Custody Transfer ACT Geochemical Logging Tool (SCHLUMBERGER TOOL) ACT(V) Active ADN Azimuthal Density Neutron (MWD, SCHLUMBERGER TOOL) ADW Approval to Drill Wells AEC U. S. Atomic Energy Commission AFDN Amplified Fluid Density AFE authority for expenditure AGC Automatic gain control AGI American Geological Institute AGS Aluminium Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Sonde (Schlumberger) AGU American Geophysical Union AHD Along Hole Depth AHF20 AIT-H 20 inch investigation AHF60 AIT-H 60 inch investigation AHF90 AIT-H 90 inch investigation AHFCO90 AIT-H 90 inch investigation conductivity AHO90 AIT-H 90 inch investigation (Schlumberger) AHO10 AIT-H 10 inch investigation (Schlumberger) AIAT MAI Array Temperature AIBT Borehole Temperature Raw AIIT MAI Internal Temperature AIME American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (New York City - based parent group of the SPE). AIR1 Induction Receiver 1 AIR2 Induction Receiver 2 AIR3 Induction Receiver 3 AIR4 Induction Receiver 4 3D Induction Logging Service (BAKER ATLAS WIRELINE tool code)

AIS Array Induction Sonde AIST MAI Status AIT Array Induction Tool (Measures five depths of investigation, Schlumberger) AITC MAI Transmitter Current AIX1 Induction VX1 AIX2 Induction VX2 AIX3 Induction VX3 AIX4 Induction VX4 ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable ALAT Azimuthal Laterolog (Schlumberger) AMNH American Museum of Natural History AMPB Compensated Amplitude Bias AMS Auxiliary Measurement Sonde (Schlumberger) ANS Alaska North Slope (Acronym). ANSI American National Standards Institute ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia AOC Area Of Concern AOF Absolute Open Flow. AOSC The Association of Oil Well Servicing Contractors (based in Dallas, sets some standards, principles, and policies of oil-well servicing contractors). AP Annular Pressure BAKER INTEQ APC Division of Air Pollution Control API American Petroleum Institute (a national oil trade organization founded in 1920) API Oil gravity measurement unit APOR Apparent Porosity APS Accelerator Porosity Sonde (SCHLUMBERGER tool) APWD Annular Pressure While Drilling (MWD, Schlumberger) ARC Array Compensated Resistivity (MWD, Schlumberger) ARCHA Archie A ARCHM Archie M ARCO Atlantic Richfield Company AREF Azimuth of Pad 1 ARI Azimuthal Resistivity Imager (SCHLUMBERGER tool) AS Associated substances (nonhydrocarbon gas, liquid, or solid compounds that are mixed or in chemical co9mbination with reservoir oil or gas) ASI Array Seismic Imager (SCHLUMBERGER tool) ASME America Society of Mechanical Engineers (set equipment standards that are sometimes used by oil industry) ASSE American Society of Safety Engineers (establishes sfety practices for several industries, based in Chicago). AST Aboveground Storage Tank ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials (set guidlines for the use of equipment and materials for oil fields, based in Philadelphia) ASTSWMO American State and Teritorial Solid Waste Mangement Organization ASTSWMO Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials AST Advanced Treatment Systems AST Acoustic Scanning Tool ASV Annular Safety Valve ASZ Antelope Shale Zone AT10, AT60, AT90 = Shallow, medium and deep resistivity logs ATEN Signal Attenuation (between receivers) atm atmosphere ATTN attenuation AU Assessment unit


Annular Velocity (Drilling) average Amplitude Variation with Offset (Geophysics) Annular Volume Approval for Well Operations Array Wave Resistivity/Gamma Ray (PATHFINDER LOGGING) Azimuth Dip Azimuth from AST Mean Azimuth Azimuth of Tool AST Dip Azimuth (True North) Borehole Azimuth

B 1) boron; 2) bottom of (drilling) B, bbl Barrel B/ Bottom of B/D Barrels per day Ba barium BADT Best Demonstrated Available Technology BAZI Borehole Azimuth (Magnetic) BAZT Borehole Azimuth (True) BB Billion barrels bbl barrel BBL Billion barrels of petroleum liquids; includes crude oil, condensate, and natural gas liquids BBNGL Billion barrels of natural gas liquids BBO Billion barrels of crude oil BBOE Billion barrels of oil equivalent BCDC Corr. Deep Conductivity, MDL BCDL Corrected Deep Laterolog, MDL BCF,Bcf Billion cubic feet BCFG Billion cubic feet of natural gas BCMC Corr. Micro Conductivity, MDL BCML Corr. Micro Laterolog, MDL BCSC Corr. Shallow Conduct., MDL BCSL Corr. Shallow Laterolog, MDL BCS Borehole Compensated Sonic BDC Bottom Dead Center BEG Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin BELI Balcones Energy Library Inc. Best DT Automated sonic waveform processing for best slowness (Schlumberger) BFPH Barrels of Fluid Per Hour (used in drilling reports) BGL Below Ground Level BGS Borehole Geometry Sonde BHA Bottom Hole Assembly (toolstring on coiled tubing or drill pipe) BHC Borehole Compensated Sonic log, also called sonic logs, determine porosity by measuring how fast sound waves travel through rocks in the well. In general, sound waves travel faster through high-density shales than through lower-density sandstones. BHD Borehole Depth BHFL Borehole fluid type log BHP Bottom Hole Pressure BHPT Borehole Properties Tool BHS Borehole status BHT 1) Bottom Hole Temperature; 2) Borehole Temperature Raw CNS BHTD Differential Temperature BHTF Borehole Temperature Log

BHTV Borehole Televiewer (Schlumberger) BHUN Paine Pressure (Abs) 100's MFT BIT Bit Size BL Barrels of petroleum liquids; includes crude oil, condensate, and natural gas liquids bld bailed BLM Bureau of Land Management BLPD Barrels of Liquid Per Day BNBT MBN Bulkhead Temperature MBN BNGR Gamma Ray Raw MBN BNIT MBN Internal Temperature MBN BNST MBN Status MBN BNFL British Nuclear Fuels Limited BNGL Barrels of natural gas liquids BNXA X Accelerometer MBN BNXM X Magnetometer MBN BNYA Y Accelerometer MBN BNYM Y Magnetometer MBN BNZA Z Accelerometer MBN BNZM Z Magnetometer MBNBO Barrels of crude oil BO Barrels of Oil BOE Barrels of oil equivalent boed barrel of oil equivalent per day Boi Oil FVF under reservoir conditions, Bbl/stb BONE Paine Pressure (Abs) 1's MFT BOP Blowout Preventers BOPD Barrels of oil per day bpd,BPD barrel per day BPH Barrels Per Hour BPV Back Pressure Valve (goes on the end of coiled tubing a drill pipe tool strings to prevent fluid flow in the wrong direction) Br bromine BRENT In Europe Brent is the reference quality of crude from the North Sea. Each market requires reference crudes to compare the prices of different quality products. It is used on both the Physical Market and the Spot Market. brkn broken BRKT Breakout Angle PSD Bscf Billion Standard Cubic Feet BSF Far Borehole Sigma TDS BSN Near Borehole Sigma TDS BRT Below Rotary Table (used a datum for depths in a well) BRT High Resolution Temperature BS bit size BS&W basic sediment and water BSAL Borehole salinity Bscf/d Billion Standard Cubic Feet of gas per day BSCO Borehole salinity correction option BSP Bridle Spontaneous Potential (Schlumberger) BTEN Paine Pressure (Abs) 10's MFT BTHO Paine Pressure (Abs) 1000's MFT BTLF Filtered Borehole Tilt MBN BTLT Borehole Tilt MBN BTTH Paine Pressure (Abs) 10000's MFT BTU British Thermal Units Btu/lb British thermal units per pound BVH Buena Vista Hills oil field BVIL BULK VOLUME IRREDUCIBLE WATER FROM TIME DOMAIN (Halliburton) BVIMD MRIL BULK VOLUME IRREDUCIBLE FROM LONG Tw (Halliburton) BVW bulk volume water BVWirr bulk volume water irreducible

BW Barrels of water bwd barrel of water per day (often used in reference to oil production) BWPD Barrels of Water Per Day BWPH Barrels of Water Per Hour BWR Boiling Water Reactor BZAC Z Accelerometer Counts MBN BZAT Z Accelerometer Time 1/10 millisecond MBN C C Celsius or degrees Centigrade C-NOPB Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board Ca calcium CA Corrective Action CABX X Acoustic Caliper AST CABY Y Acoustic Caliper AST CACN Density Caliper Raw CDS CADF Microlog Caliper DLS CADP Density Caliper Raw PDS cal calorie CAL Caliper MLS/MRS CAL2 Y Caliper Raw TAC CALE Microlog Caliper Raw DLS CALI Generalized Caliper CALT Y Caliper TAC CALX X Caliper CALY Y Caliper CAMR Micro-Resistivity Caliper MLS/MRS CANC Density Caliper CDS CAODC Canadian Association of Oil-Well Drilling Contractors (the Canadian counterpart of the IADC) CAPD Density Caliper PDS CAXR X Caliper Raw PSD CAYR Y Caliper Raw PSD CAD Computer-aided Design CAL Caliper log (BAKER ATLAS WIRELINE SERVICES) CALI Caliber log (CA_, C_) CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring CAODC the Canadian Association of Oil-Well Drilling Contractors Capex Capital Expenditure CAPP Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers CAST Circumferential Acoustic Scanning CB Core Bit CBFC Cumberlant Belt-Flemish Cap CBHT Circulating Bottomhole Temperature CBIL Circumferential Borehole Imaging Log CBL cement bond long CBTT Combinable Borehole Televiewer Tool (Schlumber) CBVWE Bulk volume water effective (Halliburton) CCC Cross Connection Control CCCO Casing & cement thickness correction option CCL casing collar log CCLG Casing Collar Locator MCG CCLP CCL PRD CCLT CCL TDS CCN Caliper Corrected Neutron (BAKER INTEQ) CCO Conventional Crude Oil Ccw Clay-bound water conductivity CDL Compensated Density Log (HALLIBURTON) CDN Compensated Density Neutron (MWD, Schlumberger)

CDOGGR California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (=DOGGR) CDR Compensated Dual Resistivity (MWD, Schlumberger) CDS Compensated Density Sonde CEAA Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act CER CERI Center for Earthquake Research and Information, (formerly TEIC) CERT Corporate Emergency Response Team CF Cubic feet CFG Cubic feet of natural gas CFGPD Cubic Feet of Gas Per Day CFPD Cubic Feet Per Day cfs cubic feet per second CG Connection Gas CGCL CCL Raw MCG CGD Compliance Guidance Document CGDT Downhole Tension MCG CGGR Gamma Ray Raw MCG CGIT MCG Internal Temperature MCG CGM Coarse Grid Model CGSP SP Raw MCG CGR uranium-free measurement of NGS CGST MCG Status MCG CGVN Line Voltage (-ve) MCG CGVP Line Voltage (+ve) MCG CGVT Line Voltage MCG CGXT MCG External Temperature MCG CHDT Cased Hole Dynamics Tester (Schlumberger) chk choke CHFR Cased Hole Formation Resistivity (Schlumberger) CHFT Cased Hole Dynamics Tester (Schlumberger) CHL Chlorinlog CHP Casing Hanger Pressure (pressure in an annulus as measured at the casing hanger) Ci Curie CI Compression Ignition CIF Corporation Information Factory Cl chlorine CIL1 Conductivity Receiver 1 MAI CIL1 Induction Channel 1 AIS CIL2 Conductivity Receiver 2 MAI CIL2 Induction Channel 2 AIS CIL3 Conductivity Receiver 3 MAI CIL3 Induction Channel 3 AIS CIL4 Conductivity Receiver 4 MAI CIL4 Induction Channel 4 AIS CILD Deep Conductivity CILD Calibrated Induction Deep Conductivity (SCHLUMBERGER tool) CILM Medium Conductivity CILS Shallow Conductivit CIPA California Independent Petroleum Association circ circulated CIU Currently In Use CL PPM Cloride ion CLDC Density Caliper MPD CLT Commercial Low Temperature CLTC Two Arm Caliper MTC

CITHP Closed In Tubing Hanger Pressure (THP when the well is shut in) CLAM Crude Lift And Measurement cm Centimeter CMC Carboxymethyl Cellulose CMG Computer Modeling Group, Inc., Calgary, Canada CMM Coalescence Microseismic Mapping (Schlumberger patented tech) CMP Common Midpoint. The assumption that a recorded seismic was reflected by a point midway (horizontally) between the source and detector. CMR Combinable Magnetic Resonance (Schlumberger) CMR2 Combinable Magnetic Resonance tool CMR-Plus Combinable Nuclear magnetic Resonance Plus (Schlumberger) CNC Nutron log CNCF Nutron porosity? CNCT Concatenated Data Channel MBD CNL/CN Compensated Neutron Log, also called neutron logs, determine porosity by assuming that the reservoir pore spaces are filled with either water or oil and then measuring the amount of hydrogen atoms (neutrons) in the pores. Because these logs underestimate the porosity of rocks that contain gas they result in "crossover" of the log curves when paired with FDC logs. CNPH Complete Net Pay Thickness CNPHI Compensated Neutron Porosity CNS Compensated Neutron Sonde CNSOPB The Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board CNT Compensated Neutron Tool (SCHLUMBERGER tool) CNTS Slim Compensated Neutron Tool (Schulumberger) CNWRA Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses CO Circulate Out COB continent-ocean boundary. COE Corps of Engineers COFR Continuous Flow Rate PRD COLC Collar Detector Copy CCL COLD Collar Detector CCL comp completed Cond. Condensate COND conductivity CONF Filtered Conductivity PRD congl conglomerate (drilling) COR Carbon/Oxygen CORC Correlation Value PSD COIP Current Oil In Place COTS Customer Off The Shelf CORV Pipe Integrity (Schlumberger) COT cargo oil tank cp centipoise CP Casing Pressure CPA closest point of approach cpc Computerized Production Control CPM Counts Per Minute CPP Casing Potential Profile (Baker Atlas Wireline Services) CRAT dip correlation from AST CRAT N/F Count Rate Ratio TDS CRC Core Research Center, U.S. Geological Survey crd cored (drilling) GRDI Gamma Ray crg coring (drilling) CRPDN Gravel Pack Evaluation Density-Neutron (Schlumberger) CS Cable speed


Current casing size Compensated Spectral Natural Gamma Ray (HALLIBURTON) Clay smear potential Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Compensated Sonic Sonde Cyclic Steam Stimulation Contractor Supervisor Safety & Environmental Orientation Core Sample Taker; Chronological Sample Taker (Schlumberger) Cyber Service unit (wellsite computer system for logging) Coiled Tubing 1/Rt = true formation conductivity CLL Tie in Log CCL Cumulative Central United States Earthquake Consortium 1 /Rw, formation water conductivity Casing weight Critical Well Response Critical Well Response Training

Darcy or darcies Day Density Dry and Abandoned Drilling and Completions Digital Array Acoustilog Digital Acoustilog Dielectric Log - 200 Mhz Dielectric Log - 47 Mhz ?azimuth decibel 1) Direct Current; 2) Drill Collar (in) Density Caliper Raw MPD density correction Far Density Counts Near Density Counts distributed control system bulk density Denver Earth Resource Library Deep Laterolog MDL Dialog Decision Process Drillstring Dynamics Sensor Far TDS Decay TDS Near TDS Decay TDS Decay Integration Time TDS Division of Environmental Geosciences Compensated Density MPD Density Far Spaced Density MPD Near Spaced Density MPD Deserted (well status) Derrick Floor differential caliper Drilling fluid density Deep Focused Log? Department of Fisheries and Oceans Groningen Laterolog MDL Differential Global Positioning System

DGR Dual Gamma Ray (Schlumberger) dh Borehole diameter DHC Density hole correction DHSV Downhole Safety Valve DHT Down Hole Tension (HALLIBURTON) di Diameter of invasion. DI Deep induction DIFC Differential C+C28aliper DIFL Dual Induction Focused Log DIL Dual Indiction Log (deep and medium depths of investigation, HALLIBURTON) DILL Invasion Depth MDL DIMS Downhole Information System DIPC Dip Angle PSD DISC Discriminators DIP High Resolution 4-Arm Diplog DIR Directional (BAKER INTEQ) DIT Dual Induction Tool (SCHLUMBERGER tool) DL11 4' Discriminator Level MSS DL12 6' Discriminator Level MSS DL21 3' Discriminator Level MSS DL22 5' Discriminator Level MSS DLL Dual Laterolog (deep and medium depths of investigation), SCHLUMBERGER tool DLL Deep Laterolog DLLI Deep Laterolog Current DLLT Dual Laterolog (HALLIBURTON) DLLV Deep Laterolog Voltage DLS Dual Laterolog Sonde DLSC Shallow Current Check MDL DLSG Shallow Guard Current MDL DLSI Shallow Current MDL DLSP SP Voltage Raw MDL DLSV Shallow Voltage MDL DLT Dual Laterolog (Schlumberger) dm decimeter DM01,2,3 AST Diameter 1, 2, 3 DMN Dimension DNFD Far Neutron Raw MDN DNFT Far Neutron Dead Time MDN DNIT MDN Internal Temperature MDN DNND Near Neutron Raw MDN DNNT Near Neutron Dead Time MDN DNST MDN Status MDN DO Depth offset DOE 1) Department of Energy; 2) Design Of Experiment (reservoir engineering) DOE-O United States Department of Energy-Oversight Division (state agency) DOGGR Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (California Depart of Conservation) DOI US Department of Interior do, dol dolomite DORL Depth offset repeat analysis DOSECC Drilling, Observation, and Sampling of the Earths Continental Crust DP 1) Deep resistivity; 2) Drill Pipe. DPA Drilling Program Authorization DPA Division of Professional Affairs, AAPG DPAT Dip Angle from AST SPbl


Density Porosity log Std. Res. Density Porosity Dual Phase Induction Log, BAKER ATLAS WIRELINE density porosity Density porosity processing mode Base Density Porosity MPD Limestone Density Porosity CDS Limestone Density Porosity PDS Dolomite Density Porosity MPD Dolomite Density Porosity CDS Dolomite Density Porosity PDS Limestone Density Porosity Sandstone Density Porosity Deep Propagation Resistivity (BAKER INTEQ) Deep Propagation Log (Schlumberger) Deep Resistivity Deep resistivity DPT Resistivity Mixed After Invasion, electrical resistivity Digital Raster Graphics Density correction (G/C3) drilling Drift Reduction Technology Diatomite Steam Drive Deep Sea Drilling Project Dipole Shear Sonic Imager (Schlumberger) Dipole Sonic Imager (SCHLUMBERGER tool) Shallow Laterolog MDL Digitizing Sonic Logging (Schlumberger) Dual Spaced Neutron (HALLIBURTON) DSN Standoff Far Density Spectrum PDS Near Density Spectrum PDS Data Survenance System Dipole Shear Sonic Imager (Schlumberger) 1) Drill Stem Test; 2) Developmental Steam Dual Laterolog with SRT (Schlumberger) Diving Support Vessel sonic, compressional Sonic transient time. 3-5ft Delta Time ATS 3-4ft Delta Time ATS 8-10ft Delta Time ATS 3-4' Compensated Sonic MSS 3-5' Compensated Sonic MSS 3-5ft Delta Time ATS 3-4ft Delta Time ATS 8-10ft Delta Time ATS 4-5' Compensated Sonic MSS 4-6' Compensated Sonic MSS 5-6' Compensated Sonic MSS 3-5ft Compensated Sonic LCS 3-4ft Compensated Sonic LCS 8-10ft Compensated Sonic LCS 3-5ft Compensated Sonic ATS 3-4ft Compensated Sonic ATS 8-10ft Compensated Sonic ATS PTS Differential Temperature PRD sonic, shear Smeared 3-4' Sonic

DUM6,7,8,9 DWST Digital DWT 1) Dead dxo Flushed E

Dummy 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 Waterform Sonic (Schlumgerger) weight tonnage; 2) Developmental Water zone diameter (Bore hole environment)

E9M3 Billion cubic metres EAG Environmental Assessment Guidelines EAP Employee Assistance Program EAR Division of Earth Sciences, NSF ECR East Coast Repository ECS Elemental Capture Spectroscopy (sp) EDLS Engineering Document Logging System EDS Enterprise Data Store EDST Eastern Daylight Savings Time EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation EHS Environmental, Health, and Safety EI Earth Imager EIA Energy Information Administration, DOE EII Energy Information Inc. EIS Environmental Impact Statement, a document that attempts to predict the effects of a major development might have on the human and natural environments of a given geographic area. An EIS is prepared to enable industry, government and the public to consider the environmental costs and benefits of a development project. Based on the information contained in the EIS, decisions an be made on whether to proceed with the development project. elev elevation EMC Environmental Monitoring and Compliance EMD Energy Mineral Division, AAPG emf electromotive force / electrical voltages EMI Electrical Micro Imaging (HALLIBURTON) ENS Epithermal Neutron Sonde EOP Emergency Operations Plan EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery EP Entry Point EPHI water-filled porosity, measurement of very near wellbore region EPT Electromagnetic Propagation Tool (a shallow tool. May be used to check steam flooding effect. Can be used to derive EPHI) EPT Schlumbergers dielectric log EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency EPCA Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 2000 EPH Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbon EPHI EPT porosity EPIC engineer, procure, install and commission EPOR CLAY CORRECTED DENSITY NEUTRON X-PLOT POROSITY (Halliburton) EPT Electromagnetic propagation tool ER engineering regulation ERAMS Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System ERTS Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) ES Electric Survey ESD Emergency Shut-Down ESG Engineering Seismology Group, Inc ESP Electric Submersible Pump est Estimated EST Exploratory Steam EUB Energy and Utility Board of Alberta EUR Estimated ultimate recovery


Expected Value EWR - Phase 4 (HALLIBURTON SPERRY SUN) EWR-M5 Resistivity (HALLIBURTON SPERRY SUN) EWR-Phase 4D Resistivity (HALLIBURTON SPERRY SUN) Electromagnetic Wave Resistivity (Shielded) Exploratory Water

F degree Fahrenheit (C = (F-32)*5/9 FBFR Fullbore Flow Rate PRD FBHP Flowing Bottomhole Pressure FCAA Federal Clean Air Act FCCP Caliper Raw FCD Future casing (outer) diameter FCIT MFC Internal Temperature MFT FCS Fluid Conductivity Sonde FD Fluid density FDC formation density compensated, also called density logs, determine porosity by measuring the density of the rocks. Because these logs overestimate the porosity of rocks that contain gas they result in "crossover" of the log curves when paired with Neutron logs. FDEN Fluid Density PRD FDLT Delta Flow PRD FDNS Fluid Density Raw PRD FDS Fluid Density Sonde FDZ Fault Damage Zone FDV Fault Detect Volume Fe Iron FEFE Shallow FE MFE FEFR Shallow FE (No Correction) MFE FEED front end engineering and design FFS Full Bore Flowmeter Sonde FGD fire and gas detection FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee FGDS fire and gas detection system FH Flooded Thickness FIAC Four Independent Arm Caliper (HALLIBURTON) FIH Fluid In Hole FIS Fuzzy Inference System FIT Formation Interval Tester FIV Formation Isolation Valve FL Fluid Loss FLMNH Florida Museum of Natural History fluor fluorescence fm formation FMAG Field Magnitude FMI Formation Micro Image log FMNH Field Museum of Natural History FMS Formation MicroScanner (Schlumberger) FMT Formation Multi-Tester Fo Dual Water formation factor FO Fiber Optic FP Flowing Pressure FPDSO floating production, drilling, storage and offloading facility FPCC Formation Pressure (Cylindrical) RFS FPGP Paine Pressure Raw MFT FPGT Paine Gauge Temperature MFT FPF floating production facility

FPHI Porosity FPP Fluid Participation Percent FPQC Quartzdyne Pressure (C) FPQH Quartzdyne Pressure (T) fps feet per second FPSO floating production, storage and offloading facility FPSS Formation Pressure (Spherical) RFS frac fractured FS Feasibility Study FSAB Financial standards accounting board FSAL Fluid salinity FSCO Formation salinity correction option FSU floating storage unit ft Foot or feet FTMD log of overall capture gamma ray count rate for far detector FTOT Total Flow PRD FVF Formation Volume Factor, Bbl/stb FWHP Flowing Well Head Pressure FWKO Free-water Knockout FWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Department of Interior FWS Full Wave Sonic (FWST, HALLIBURTON) FWV Flow Wing Valve (also known as Production Wing Valve on a Xmas tree) G g gram G&OCM Gas- and Oil-Cut Mud gal gallon GAM GASD UNCORRECTED GAS POROSITY FROM TIME DOMAIN (Halliburton) GBS gravity based structure GBT Gravity Base Tank GC Gas Cut GC Gas Chromatography (the separation of a mixture of compounds (solutes) into separate components, which then can be analyzed by a mass spectrometer to yield detailed empirical molecular information regarding the chemistry of the samples). GC/MS Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (highly sophisticated instrument that identifies the molecular composition and concentrations of various chemicals in water and soil samples). GCGR Corrected Gamma Ray SGS GCL Geo-synthetic Clay Liner GCM Gas-Cut Mud GCOD GCR Gulf Coast Repository GCSE Generalized caliper selection GD Grain density GDEV Average angular deviation of borehole from normal GeoTap GeoTap Formation Tester (HALLIBURTON SPERRY SUN) GGRD Geothermal gradient GH Gross thickness GIIP Gas Initially In Place GIS Geographic Information System (a computer system designed for storing, manipulating, analyzing, and displaying data in a geographic context). GL Ground Level GLF Geophysical Log Facility GLL Groningen Laterolog GLLV Groningen Voltage

GLM Gas Lift Mandrel (alternative name for Side Pocket Mandrel) GLC Gas Liquid Chromatography (a liquid is supported by a base of solid material for the separation of the mixture of gases). GLV Gas Lift Valve GMC Alaska Geologic Materials Center GMP Groundwater Monitoring Plan (groundwater monitoring plan normally involves a network of monitoring or observation wells or micro wells and indicates the procedures and necessary documentation involved). GNT Neutron log (old, no longer used) GOCO Government Owned/Contractor Operated facility is a manufacturing plant that is owned by the Government and operated under contract by a non-government, private firm. GOR Gas to oil ratio GP Geco-Prakla Inc. gpd gallons per day (Unit of measurement used for small liquid flow rate. Generally the flow rate on most showerheads is 2.5 gallons per minute or 3600 gallons per day). GPGR Geo-Pilot Azimuthal Gamma Ray (HALLIBURTON SPERRY SUN) gpm gallons per minute (Unit of measurement used for liquid flow rate. Generally the flow rate on most showerheads is 2.5 gallons per minute). Gpm/sf Gallons per minute per square foot GPH Gross Pay Thickness GPQ Gravel Pack Quality Log (palsed nutron capture tool, Schlumberger) GPR Ground Penetrating Radar, a geophysical technology that uses radio waves to detect buried objects and the internal structure of landforms. Ground swell: (1) Long high swell in deep water. (2) Also, this swell as if rises to prominent height in shoal water. GPV Gross Pore Volume gr gray grn green GR Gamma Ray log Gr Standard Gibbs free energy, the energy associated with a chemical reaction at standard state conditions \that can be used to do work. The free energy of a system is the sum of its enthalpy plus the product of the temperature and the entropy of the system. GRBG Gamma Ray (API) MBN GRCF PSD Gamma Ray Raw GRCL DLS Gamma Ray Raw DLS GRD4 PSD Gamma Ray GRDI Gamma Ray AIS GRGC Gamma Ray MCG GRLL DLS Gamma Ray GRMAX HILT gamma ray max GRMIN HILT gamma ray min GRN GRO Gasoline Range Organics GRPO Potassium Gamma SGS GRPSiV Gravel Pack Evaluation SiActivation (palsed nutron capture tool, Schlumberger) GRPSiFe Gravel Pack Evaluation using Si-Fe (palsed nutron capture tool, Schlumberger) GRSE Generalized mud resistivity selection GRSG Spectral Gamma Ray SGS GRSO Gamma Ray Standoff GRST Spectral Gamma Ray Logs (Schlumberger) GRTH Thorium Gamma SGS GRUR Uranium Gamma SGS GRV Gross Rock Volume

GSA General Services Administration, an agency whose purpose is to "help federal agencies better serve the public by offering, at best value, superior workplaces, expert solutions, acquisition services and management policies." The GSA organization consists of the Federal Supply Service, the Federal Technology Service, the Public Buildings Service, the Office of Government wide Policy, and various Staff Offices, including the Office of Small Business Utilization, the Office of Citizen Services and Communications, and the Office of Civil Rights. GSA Geological Society of America GSP Generalized smear potential GST Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool GTL Gas To Liquid GTS Geostatistical Temporal-Spatial Algorithm A long term monitoring network optimization technique that uses a geostatistical method known as "kriging" to optimize sampling frequency and define the network of essential sampling locations. GTSE Generalized temperature selection GV Gross Volume, GV = GH * Area GVF Gas-formation Volume Factor GW Groundwater, the supply of fresh water found beneath the Earth's surface in the interstices between soil grains, in fractures, or in porous formations. Because groundwater is a major source of drinking water, there is growing concern over contamination from leaching agricultural or industrial pollutants or leaking underground storage tanks. GWM Groundwater Monitoring, the process of measuring the physical and/or chemical properties of groundwater on a periodic basis. Concentrations of contaminants are frequently monitored to determine if they are increasing, decreasing, or remaining in the same range. Monitoring is also performed at and in the vicinity of water supply sources to determine the quality and trends of indicators of water quality. GWPS Groundwater Protection Standard means the concentration of a specified constituent, statistically calculated, which is achievable with a 95% (percent) confidence level, or greater. GWTP Groundwater Treatment Plant, a facility wherein a treatment process removes suspended solids from the groundwater, destroys the contaminants in the groundwater, and prevents airborne emissions of contaminants from entering the atmosphere. Prior to discharge from the GWTP, treated water is monitored to ensure that it meets discharge limits. GYP gypsum H h hour HALS High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog Sonde (Schlumberger) HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant HAZID Hazard Identification HCAL Caliper HDEN Vectar Processed Density MPD HDEN High Resolution Density CDS HDIL_BA High-Definition Induction Log HDIL_HAL Hostile Dual Induction (HALLIBURTON) HDIP Hexagonol Diplog HDLL High-Definition Lateral Log HDPE High-Density Polyethylene HDRA HRDD density correction HDRS Deep induction (Halliburton) HDSAD HILT neutron salt detection

HDTD Hostile Downhole Tension (HALLIBURTON) HEC Hydrologic Engineering Center HFDT High Frequency Dielectric (HALLIBURTON) HGNS Highly Integrated Gamma Ray for PEX (Schlumberger) HGNS Highly Integrated Neutron Sonde (Schlumberger) HGOR High Gas-Oil Ratio HGRC Herold Geological Research Centers (Denver, Houston, Abilene, Casper) HI Hydrogen index HILTB-DTB high-resolution integrated logging tool - CTS hmc Mud cake thickness HMRC Medium induction (Halliburton) HOCM Heavily Oil-Cut Mud (drilling) HOLEV Integrated hole/cement volume HP high pressure hp horsepower MPERM10 MRIL PERMIABILITY (Halliburton) HPVH or HPV Hydrocarbon Pore Volume Height (I-Sw) * (Net Feet Pay) * (Porosity) HPHIECUT HILT effective porosity cutoff HRI High Resolution Induction (includes HRAI, HALLIBURTON) HRLA High Resolution Laterolog Array Tool HS&E Health, Safety and Environment HSBA Releative Bearing (HS) MBN HSCO Hole size correction option HSE Health, Safety and Environment or Health & Safety Executive (United Kingdom) HSIS HILT shale indicator selection HSN Hostile Short Normal (HALLIBURTON) HSWCUT HILT water saturation from HITH cutoff HTDN Short Spaced Density EHT CDS HTEM HTC cartridge temperature HUD Heads Up Digitized (from scanned, georeferenced mylar map) HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning HVOL Hole Volume HYPR Hydraulic Pressure RFS Hz hertz I I I-ES IADC IAEA IAEG IAGA IAGLR IAH IAHS IAI located IAR IAS IC ICAL ICC ICCP ICDP ICES ICL iodide Induction Survey International Association of Drilling Contractors International Atomic Energy Agency International Association of Engineering Geology International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy International Association for Great Lakes Research International Association of Hydrogeologists International Association of Hydrological Sciences Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (HQ in Sao Jos dos Campos, S o Paulo, Brazil). Initial Abatement Report International Association of Sedimentologists Industry Canada Imaging Caliper Interstate Commerce Commission International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology International Continental Drilling Program International Council for the Exploration of the Seas Inter-Union Commission on the Lithosphere

ICOG International Conference on Geochronology ICoTA Intervention and Coiled Tubing Association ICRSDT International Committee on Remote Sensing and Data Transmission ICS International Commission on Stratigraphy. ICWG Ice Core Working Group ID internal diameter/Inside Diameter ID Inner Diameter (of a tubular component such as a casing) ID Induction device/Induction Deep IDER Enhanced Resolution Deep Phasor IDNDR International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (UN declaration in 1989 established the 1990s as this) IDPH Deep-reading induction device on a Phasor Induction SFL tool IEE Institute for Environmental Education (US) IEL Induction Electrolog IES Induction-Electrical Survey IFS In Line Flowmeter Sonde ig igneous IGBP International Geosphere-Biosphere Program: A Study of Global Change (ICSU). IGCR International Geological Correlation Programme (UNESCO / IUGS). IGY International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958 or 1955-1956 depending on source consulted IHIC International Hydrocarbon Intercomparison Committee IHS Information Handling Service Energy Group (formerly Petroleum Information [PI], Dwights and Petroconsultants) IHTD Differential Temperature in Deg C/sample BHT IHTF Borehole Temperature in Deg C BHT ILD Induction log deep range ILM Induction log medium range IMD Medium Induction Log IM Induction Medium IMER Ehhanced Resolution Medium Phasor IMLS Institute for Museum and Library Services IMPH Midium-reading induction device on a Phasor Induction SFL tool in Inch IND Induction INQUA International Union for Quaternary Research. See IODP Integrated Ocean Drilling Program IOGCC Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission IOGS Independent Oil and Gas Service (Kansas) IP 1) Initial Potential; 2) Initial Production (drilling) IPAA Independent Petroleum Association of America IPC Installed Production Capacity IPICS International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, activity under PAGES. See IR Individual Risk IRIS Incorporated Research Institutes for Seismology IRR Internal Rate of Return ISA Instrument Society of America ISF Induction SFL ISIP Instantaneous Shut-in Pressure ISCR Initial Site Characterization Report

ISPG Institute of Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology (an office of the GSC, located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, renamed in April 1995 GSC Calgary) LSS Long-Spaced Sonic ISSB Isolation Sub - Spontaneous Potential IUGG International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics IUGS International Union of Geological Sciences. See IVSS Insert Vibration Severity Sensor (Halliburton) IWRC Independent Wire-rope Center IWT Individual Well Testing? J J JLL JMP JOI JOIDES K K K KB kg KGS km KO KOP kPa KSLO kV Kv/Kh kW Kwh L L 1) Liter or liters; 2) Left side L Petroleum liquids; includes crude oil, condensate, and natural gas liquids L/mg-m Liter/milligram - meter LACM Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History LACT Lease Automatic Custody Transfer LAS Logged After Survey LAT Lateral Log, an obsolete log with a deep depth of investigation LAT Logged After Trip lb Pound or pounds LC Lost Circulation LCS Long Spaced Compensated Sonic Sonde LD Leak Detection LDEN Long Linear Density LDGP Large Diameter Gravel less Pipe LDPE Low-Density Polyethylene LDR Land Disposal Restrictions LEDT Data Edit Curve MDL LGAS Lower Gas Detector UGD potassium degree Kelvin Kelly Bushing kilogram Kansas Geological Survey Kvaerner-SNC Lavalin Offshore kilometer Kicked Off Kicked Off Point kiloPascal Kvaerner-SNC Lavalin Offshore kilovolt Vertical to horizontal permeability ratio kilowatts Kilowatt Hour joule Jackson Log Library Joint Mission Planning Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling

LGR Liquids to gas ratio LIR lithology indicating ratio LL3 Laterolog 3 (HALLIBURTON) LL8 LLD Line Leak Detector LLD Laterolog deep measurement LLS Laterolog shallow measurement lm lime LMV Lower Master Valve (on a Xmas tree) LN Long Normal, an obsolete log with a deep depth of investigation LNAPL Light Non-aqueous Phase Liquid LNG Liquified natural gas LNGC Liquefied Natural-Gas Carrier loc location LOGS Light Oil Gathering System LOLER Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations LOTS Light Oil Test Station LP low pressure LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPP Low Pressure Pipe ls limestone lse lease LSPD Logging Speed PRD LSS Long Spaced Sonic (HALLIBURTON) LSS Low-Stand System (sedimentology) LT&C (casing) LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank LWD logging while drilling M m a) metre or b) earthquake magnitude M111 Micro-Normal Conductivity MMR M222 Micro-Inverse Conductivity MML M333 Shallow Laterolog Conductivity MDL M444 Deep Laterolog Conductivity MDL M555 Groningen Laterolog Cond. MDL M666 Micro-Res (S) Conductivity MMR M777 Micro-Res (G) Conductivity MMR M888 MMR Micro-Log Normal Cond. MMR M999 MMR Micro-Log Inverse Cond. MMR Ma Million years ago mA milliampere MAC Multipole Array Acoustilog BAKER ATLAS WIRELINE MAC2 Multipole Array Acoustilog BAKER ATLAS WIRELINE MACT Multi-Arm Caliper Tool (HALLIBURTON) MAGF Field Magnitude MBN MAGX X Magnetometer MAGY Y Magnetometer MAGZ Z Magnetometer MAI Compact Array Induction MATR Rock matrix type MATR Neutron matrix MB Thousand barrels mbd thousand barrels per day MBD Multi Button Dipmeter MBL Thousand barrels of petroleum liquids; includes crude oil, condensate, and natural gas liquids MBN Compact Borehole Navigation Sonde MBNGL Thousand barrels of natural gas liquids

MBO Thousand barrels of crude oil mbod thousand barrels of oil per day MBOE Thousand barrels of oil equivalent mBRT metres below rotary table MCBW Clay porosity from MRIL CTP (Halliburton) MCCO Mud cake correction option MCF,Mcf Thousand cubic feet MCFG Thousand cubic feet of natural gas MCG Compact Comms Gamma Sonde MCOR Mud correction md, mD Millidarcy or millidarcies MD Measured Depth MD Matrix density MDEN Matrix density MDN Compact Dual Neutron Sonde MDL Compact Dual Laterolog Sonde MDT Modular Formation Dynamics Tester, a wireline tool normally run as part of a logging program (the tool can be used to collect pressure, temperature and fluid information from most porous intervals). MDT-LFA MDT Live Fluid Analyzer MDT Modular formation Dynamic Tester MEL Midland Energy Library MEM mechanical earth model MER Maximum Efficiency Rate MF Microfiltration MF Membrane Filter MFC Multi-Finger Caliper BAKER ATLAS WIRELINE MFCBD Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day MFE Compact Shallow Focussed Resistivity MFPSV Multifunctional Platform Support Vessel MFT Compact Repeat Formation Pressure Tester Mg magnesium mg molligram mg/L milligrams per liter MGD Million Gallons per Day MGD Compact UltraSonic Gas Detector MGF2 Medium 20 kHz gain factor MGG Marine Geology and Geophysics Division MGS Compact Gamma Sub mho/m mhos per meter MHT Compact High Resolution Temperature mi Mile MICLOG Microlog (HALLIBURTON) MICT Moving In Cable Tools MID Metrix identification (plot) MIP MapInfo Plot MIR Moving In Rig min Minute or minutes MINV Micro-Inverse MIVV Micro-Inverse Voltage ML Minilog ml milliliter MLL Micro Laterolog MLLI Micro-Laterolog Current MLLV Micro-Laterolog Voltage MLS Micro Log Sonde MLTC MML Caliper MML/MMR MM Million mm millimeter MMB or MMbbl Million barrels

MMBcf million cubic feet of natural gas mmbd million barrels per day MMBL or MMbbl Million barrels of petroleum liquids; includes crude oil, condensate, and natural gas liquids MMBNGL Million barrels of natural gas liquids MMBO Million barrels of crude oil mmbod million barrels of oil per day MMBOE Million barrels of oil equivalent MMBtu Million British thermal units (a heating equivalent measure for natural gas and is an alternate measure of natural gas reserves, as opposed to Mcf, which is strictly a measure of natural gas volumes. Typically, prices quoted for natural gas are designated as price per MMBtu, the same basis on which natural gas is contracted for sale). MMCF,MMcf Million Cubic Feet MMcfe million cubic feet of gas equivalent Determined using the ratio of 6 Mcf of natural gas to 1 Bbl of crude oil, condensate or natural gas liquids. MMCFG Million cubic feet of natural gas MMscf Million standard cubic feet MML Compact Micro Log Sonde MMrb Millions of reservoir barrels under subsurface conditions MMR Compact MicroLaterolog Sonde MMS Minerals Management Service mmscfd million standard cubic feet per day MMstb Millions of stock tank barrels under standard conditions Mn Manganese MNLI Micro-Normal Current MNLV Micro-Normal Voltage MNRL Micro-Normal 2"/Micro-Normal MML/MMR MO Moving Out (drilling) MODU mobile offshore drilling units MOF multi-objective function mol molecular weight (mole) MOR Monthly Operation Report MPa megapascal MPD Compact PhotoDensity Sonde mph miles per hour MPH2 Medium 20 kHz phase shift MPR Multiple Propogation Resistivity (BAKER INTEQ) MRES Medium resistivity MREX Magnetic Resonance Explorer Imaging Log MRF Material Recovery Facility MRE2 Medium real 20 kHz sonde error correction MRIL Magnetic Resonance Imaging Log (HALLIBURTON) MRS Micro Resistivity Sonde ms minisecond MS1I Medium Laterolog Current MSIG Total porosity from MRIL CTP (Halliburton) MS1V Medium Laterolog Voltage MS2I Micro-Spherical Current 2 Mscf/D Thousand Standard Cubic Feet Per Day MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet MSF1 Medium Laterolog MSF2 Micro-Spherically Focussed 2 MSFL Micro-Spherically Focused Log (HALLIBURTON) MSFL Micro Cylindrically Focused Log for PEX (Schlumberger) MSI MSL Mean Sea Level MSL Micro Spherical Laterolog MSR2 Medium sigma reference (20 kHz)


metres subsea Compact Sonic Sonde Mud sample temperature Municipal Solid Waste Compact Two Arm Caliper Sonde Manual Tank Gauging Magnetic Resonance (BAKER INTEQ) Maximum Total Trihalomethane Potential Matrix Density Borehole fluid weight megawatt Mud Weight Mud weight correction option measurement while drilling Medium quad 20 kHz sonde error correction Million years

N/G Net gross ratio Na sodium NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers NAD North American Datum NASA Non Active Side Arm (term used in the North Sea for kill wing valve on a Xmas tree) NB New Bit NCFBT Net Cash Flow Before Tax NCL Neutron Lifetime Log NCRF Long Spaced Neutron CNS NCRN Short Spaced Neutron CNS NCS Nuclear Combination Sonde. NCS = CDS + CNS NDAA depth difference NDPT speed corrected depth NEB National Energy Board NEHRP National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program NEU or NEUT Neutron log NGL Natural gas liquids,liquid hydrocarbons produced with natural gas that separate from the gas as a result of decreases in temperature and pressure NGP Natural Gamma Probe (Halliburton) NGRT Gamma Ray Tool (HALLIBURTON) NGS National Geodetic Survey (NGS) NGS Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry NGT Spectral Gamma NGWA National Ground Water Association NIMBY Not in My Backyard NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NLITH Neutron Lithology NLT Noncommercial Low Temperature NMHC Non-Methane Hydrocarbon NMOG Non-Methane Organic Gas NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, measures the magnetic response of fluids present in the pore spaces of the reservoir rocks. In so doing, these logs measure both porosity and permeability, as well as the types of fluids present in the pore spaces (Schlumberger). No. Number NOAA The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NORM Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials NPH Net Pay Thickness NPHI Neutron Porosity log NPHIS

NPO Neutron porosity NPOR Base Neutron Porosity NPOR Limestone Neutron Porosity NPRD Dolomite Neutron Porosity NPRD Dolomite Neutron Porosity NPRL Limestone Neutron Porosity NPRL Limestone Neutron Porosity NPRS Sandstone Neutron Porosity NPRS Sandstone Neutron Porosity NPV Net Present Value NR Not Required NR No Returns (Drilling) NRAT Neutron Ratio (Near/Far) MDN NRAT Neutron Ratio CNS NRC US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service NRTF Natural Resources Trust Fund NRV Non Return Valve (Chicksan valve that only allows flow in one direction) NS No Show NSPD Derived Speed NSR New Source Review NTFZ Newfoundland Transform Fault Zone NTMD overall capture gamma ray count rate for near detector NUCP Smoothed Neutron Porosity (Halliburton) O O111 Micro-Normal 2" Conductivity MRS O222 Micro-Inverse Conductivity MRS O333 Shallow Laterolog Conductivity DLS O444 Deep Laterolog Conductivity DLS O555 Groningen laterolog cond. DLS O666 Micro-Normal 2" Conductivity MRS O777 Micro-Inverse Conductivity MRS O888 Micro-Laterolog Conductivity MRS O999 Medium Laterolog Conductivity MRS O&G Oil & Gas O&GCM Oil- & Gas-Cut Mud O&M Operation and Maintenance O&SW Oil & Salt Water OBMR Oil Based Mud Imager (Schlumberger) OBS Observation OBVR Oil-to-bulk Volume Ratio OC Oil Cut OCM Oil-Cut Mud OCS Outer Continental Shelf OD Outer Diameter (of a tubular component such as a casing) OEC Overpressure Exceedence Curve OF Open Flow OGIFF Oil and gas integrated field file OGIP Original Gas In Place OH Open Hole OHSA Occupational Health and Safety Act OGIP Original Gas In Place (the total quantity of trapped gas believed to exist in a geologic feature or structure, based on the analysis of well information, geological, geophysical and petrophysical data) OI Oxygen Index OILD UNCORRECTED OIL POROSITY FROM TIME DOMAIN (Halliburton) OIM Offshore Installation Manager

OLS Offshore Loading System OMRI Oil Mud Reservoir Imaging Tool HALLIBURTON OOE Offshore Operation Engineer (senior technical authority on an offshore oil platform) OOIP Original Oil In Place Ool Oolitic Opal-A amorphous opal phase ((SiO2*nH2O), a SiO2 phase exists under lower pressure and temperature Opal-CT Cristobalite opal phase, a microcrystalline form of SiO2 converted from opal-A at moderate heat and pressure. OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Opex Operating expenditure ORD Compensated Bulk Density (LithoTrak) ORED Offshore Reliability Database OPR Operator OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSM Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement OSP Office of Strategic Planning OSR Oil Steam Ratio (barrels oil/barrels steam) OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response OTL Operations Team Leader OUST Office of Underground Storage Tanks OVF Oil-formation Volume Factor oz ounce P P P50 P&A P&S Pa PAD PAU P.E. P.G. P2 P2EA PA PADV PAH PAI PB PBBP PBBs PBPD PBR PBSI PBTD PBU PBUD PCB PCG PCL PCNSS RCP PDFS PDI PDNP PDNS PDS poise 50 percent probability Plugged and Abandoned Plugged and Suspended Pascal Pre-Assembled Unit Professional Engineer Professional Geologist Pollution Prevention Pollution Prevention and Environmental Awareness Preliminary Assessment Pad Voltage Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Performance Audit Inspection Plugged Back Probable hehind pipe Polybrominated Biphenyls Probable producing Polished Bore Receptacle (component of a completion string) Probable shut-in Plug Back Total Depth Pressure Build Up (applies to integrity testing on valves) Probable undeveloped Polychlorinated Biphenyls Pressure Case Gamma Pipe Conveyed Logging Nutron porosity (SS, Halliburton) Risk Control Process Far Density Spectrum MPDPDK PDK-100 Paraffin-deposition interval Proved shut-in or proved behind pipe Near Density Spectrum MPDPDP Proved producing Photo Density Sonde


Density porosity (SS, Haliburton) Petroleum Engineer Photo electric curve photoelectric cross section index photoelectric factor Lithodensity log Std. res. formation PE Petroleum Equipment Institute Perforations/perforated permeability Process Flow Diagrams Percolation Formation Factor POROSITY GAS Pressure Gauge Carrier Produced Gas Oil Ratio Negative log of the hydrogen ion activity Total porosity Average Porosity Phia = ?(Phi*h)/?(h) Effective Porosity MRIL POROSITY FROM TIME DOMAIN (Halliburton) POROSITY GAS (Halliburton) HILT max porosity MRIL POROSITY FROM LONG Tw (Halliburton) POROSITY OIL (Halliburton) POROSITY WATER (UNDER POLARIZED, Halliburton) US Public Health Service Productivity Index Petroleum Incentive Program pink Packer Pipeline Probable Loss of Life Far Pulse Height TDS Near Pulse Height TDS Production Logging Tool Production Logging Tests/Multi-layer Tests Particulate Matter Petroleum Marketers Association of America Phi max MRIL PERMEABILITY USING DENSITY NEUTRON (Halliburton) Palsed Nutron Capture PULSED NEUTRON HOLDUP IMAGER Nuclear porosity Photo Nuclear Sonde. PNS = PDS + CNS Persons On Board Pump Off Controller Poisson's Ratio Pull Out Of Hole Putting On Pump porosity/porous Possible (producing, shut-in, behind pipe, or undeveloped) Pump Pressure parts per billion personal protective equipment Pore Pressure/Fracture Gradient parts per million Pounds Per Gallon Poor Returns Probabilistic Recovery Factory Probable (producing, shut-in, behind pipe, or undeveloped) 1) propagation time (TPL or TPW); 2) Proposed

PROX Proximity Log PSBP Possible behind pipe PSD Precision Strata Dipmeter psi pounds per square inch psia Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute Psig Pounds per square inch gouge Psi/ft Pounds per square inch per foot PSM Process Safety Management PSPD Possible producing PSSI Possible shut-in PSUD Possible undeveloped PTCO Pressure temperature correction option PTO Power Takeoff PTS Pressure Temperature Sonde PUD Proved Undeveloped PUR Plant Upset Report PUWER Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations PV Plastic Viscosity PVBP Proved behind pipe PVC Polyvinyl Chloride PVCapex Present Value Capital expenditure PVH Pore Volume Height PVPD Proved producing PVPI Present Value Profitability Index PVSI Proved shut-in PVT Pressure, Volume, Temperature (reservoir engineering) PVT Pit Volume Totalizer (drilling) PVUD Proved undeveloped PWD Pressure While Drilling HALLIBURTON SPERRY SUN tool code PWS Public Water System PWV Production Wing Valve (also known as a flow wing valve on a Xmas tree) Q QA QA/QC QPG QRA qtz qtze R R R&M R&R RAI RAKT RAKU RATS RAUT RAZI rb RBAD rcf RCI RCOR RCP RCRA 1) degree Rankine; 2) Right side; 3) Red Well Repair and Maintenance Well Reconditioning and Recompletion Relative acoustic impedance (seismic) Thorium/Potassium Ratio SGS Uranium/Potassium Ratio SGS Radioactive Tracer Survey Thorium/Uranium Ratio SGS Azimuth of Reference MBN Reservoir barrel Relative Bearing reservoir cubic feet Reservoir Characterization Instrument Rotary Sidewall Coring Tool Risk Control Process Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Quality Assurance Quality Assurance/Quality Control Quartz Pressure Gauge Quantitative Risk Assessment quartz quartzite

RDLI (Atlas) RDT Reservoir Description Tool (HALLIBURTON) RDW Reporting Data Warehouse RE Reservoir Engineer rec recovere REST log RFG Reformulated Gasoline RFLI (Atlas) RFS Repeat Formation Sampler RFT Repeat Formation Tester (a high resolution down hole logging tool which records reservoir pressures at multiple points in a well and may on occasion be configured to obtain several small samples of gas, oil and/or other fluids over a reservoir interval). RH Reservoir Thickness Sh Hydrocarbon saturation RHGF (G/C3) RHOB Density log RHOFLU Fluid density RHOMAT Matrix density RHOZ Formation density RIH Run In Hole RILD Deep Induction Resistivity RILM Medium Induction Resistivity RIN log of inelastic gamma ray count rate ratio between detectors RKB Rotary Kelly Bushing (a datum for measuring depth in an oil well) RLA Recovery Land Acquisition Grants Program Rm Mud resistivity Rmc Mud cake resistivity Rmf Mud filtrate resistivity (Bore hole environment) Rmfe mud filtration equivalent resistivit rmg reaming RMS Mud Resistivity Sonde RMSF Rm Resistivity RMS rng running Ro Uninvaded zone resistivity 100% Sw. Bore hole environment Ro Vitrinite reflectance, in oil ROD Rich-Oil Demethanizer ROG Reactive Organic Gas ROP Rate Of Penetration ROR Rate Of Return ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle RP Reduced Pressure RP Rock Pressure RPM Reservoir Performance Monitor RPM Rotoary Rev/Min RPV Reservoir Pore Volume RRB Rerun Bit RRV Reservoir Rock Volume Rs Shoulder or adjacent bed resistivity RSCT Rotary Sidewall Coring (HRSCT, HALLIBURTON) RSDF Far Resolution Curve PDS RSDN Near Resolution Curve PDSR SFE Shallow Focussed Electric RSFR Shallow Focussed Electric Raw RSHL ?shale RSS rotary steerable system RSSC Received Signal RSSN Received Signal Raw RST Reservoir Simulation Tool

Rt True electrical resistivity of a formation (uninvaded zone, this symbol is used in petrophysical calculations to represent the true electrical resistivity of a formation). RT Rotary Table RTBF log of the ratio of capture count rates from the borehole relative to capture count rates from the formation RTLC Rt Conductivity MDL RTMD Log of capture gamma ray count rate ratio between detectors RTP Return To Production RTS Radioactive Tracer Survey RUCT Rigging Up Cable Tools RUR Rigging up rotary rig. RVP reid vapour pressure Rw electrical resistivity of formation water (Formation water resistivity) RW Resistivity of connate water/formation water resistivity Rwe Water equivalent resistivity Rxo Flushed zone resistivity. RXOC Rxo Conductivity MDL RXOZ Micro-resistivity log (Schlumberger) RXOL Rxo MDL RXRT Rxo/Rt AIS RXRT Rxo/Rt Rz Fluid resistivity of transition zone S s, sec Seconds S/T Sample Tools S175 Solar 175 SAII SlimXtreme Array Imager (Schlumberger) SAAII SlimAccess Array Induction Image Tool (Schlumberger) SAG Seismic Air Gun SAGD Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) SAL1 Fluid Conductivity PRD SAR a) Search and Rescue; b) synthetic aperture radar sat saturated, saturation SBL Sea bed logging (used to to detect and characterize hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs in deep water areas) SBL SP curves with baseline shifted SBM a) synthetic-based mud or b) Single Buoy Mooring SBR Shoulder bed resistivity factor SBT Segmented Bond Tool scf standard cubic feet scf/d Standard Cubic Feet / Day SCG Sidewall Core Gun SCSSV Surface Controlled Sub-surface Safety Valve SD Steam Drive sd, ss sand, sand SDC Scratcher Dipmeter Sonde SDEN Short Linear Density CDS SDL Significant Discovery Licence SDL Spectral Density Log (HALLIBURTON) SDO Shut Down for Orders SDTK Accoustic Porosity Explorer (BAKER INTEQ) SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act SDWARS Safe Drinking Water Accession and Review System sdy Sandy Sec section SED Six Arm Dipmeter (HALLIBURTON)

SED Sediment SEG Society of Exploration Geophysicists seis seismograph SEIS Socio-Economic Impact Statement SEM scanning electron microscope SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology SEPTAR Shell Exploration and Production Technology and Research (SEPTAR) SEPTCo Shell Exploration & Production Technology Company SFA Slowness Frenquency Analysis SFCR SFL channel ratio SFD Simultaneous Formation Density (Halliburton) SFEI Focussed Electric Current SFL Spherically Focused Log, a frequently used log with a shallow depth of investigation SFLA AFL Average SFLE SFL enable SFOC Shallow focus log SFOGI Shell Frontier Oil & Gas Inc. SFT Sequential Formation Tester (HALLIBURTON) SG Samuel Geological SG Survey Gas SG Show of Gas SGBN log of cross section (sigma) for borehole (near detector); SGDT Spectral Gamma Spectrum SGSSGFM log of cross section (sigma) for formation (far and/or near detector); SGPF Strain Gauge Pressure RFS SGR Shallow Guard Log (A frequently used log with a shallow depth of investigation) SGR Spectral Gamma Ray (HALLIBURTON) SGR Shale Gouge Ratio SGS Spectral Gamma Sonde sh shale SHEAR open hole shear wave velocity log SHT Surface hole temperature SI Shut In SIBHP Shut-In Bottom Hole Pressure SICP Shut in casubg pressure SIDPP Shut-In Drill-pipe pressure SIEP Shell International Exploration and Production SIP shut In Pressure SITHP Shut In Tubing Hanger Pressure (another term for CITHP) SJV San Joaquin Valley, California SJVAPCD San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District California SL Spectralog SLD Stabilized Litho Density (Halliburton) SLL Shallow Laterolog SLLI Shallow Laterolog Current SLLV Shallow Laterolog Volts SN Short Normal (An obsolete log with a shallow depth of investigation) SNG Synthetic or Substitute Natural Gas So Oil saturation (Percentage of oil in pore space) SO&G Show of Oil and Gas SO&W Show of Oil & Water Soa Average oil saturation, Soa = ?(So * Phi * h) / ?(Phi * h), where h-thickness, Phi-total porosity SOCN Standoff distance SOCO Standoff correction option

SOE System of Operating Excellence SOEP Sable Offshore Energy Project SOP Standard Operating Procedure SoPhi Bulk Oil Saturation, the product of oil saturation (Sa) and porosity (Phi) SoPhiH Bulk Oil Column Height SOW Scope of Work SP Spontaneous Potential log, also called Self Potential SPCC Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures SPCG Spontaneous Potential SPCLEAN HILT SP clean spd spudded SPDL SP MDL SPDR SP drift SPHI SONIC POROSITY (DTM=55 5) SPLL DLS Spontaneous Potential SPM Single Point Mooring SPM Side Pocket Mandrel SPM Stroke/Min. SPNV SP next value SPO Sonic Porosity SPODDS Stanford Deep Water Geosciences Group SPOR Sonic Porosity ATS SPR Raw Spontaneous Potential SPRD Dolomite Sonic Porosity MSS SPRL Limestone Sonic Porosity MSS SPRL Laterolog SP SPRL Laterolog SP DLS SPRS Sandstone Sonic Porosity MSS SPsd SPSHALE HILT SP shale SPWLA Society of Petrophysicists & Well Log Analysts sq Square squ squeeze Sr strontium SRES shallow resistivity SRFT Slim Access Repeat Formation Tester (Schlumberger) SRS Seismic Reference Sonde SS, ss subsea SSA Sole Source Aquifer SSF Shale Smear Factor SSLT SlimAccess Sonic Logging Tool (Schlumberger) SSO Slight Show of Oil SSP Static SP SSSV Sub-Surface Safety Valve SSTT Sub-Sea Test Tree SSU Saybolt seconds universal STAR Simultaneous Acoustic and Resistivity Imager STATEMAP State Geological Mapping Program stb Stock-tank barrel STB/D Stock-tank Barrels per Day STC Slowness-Time-Coherence std Standard stds stands STGS South Texas Geological Society STK Resistivity Imaging (StarTrak stn stain STOIIP Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place STOOP Stock Tank Original Oil in Place STOP Safety Training Observation Program strks streaks

sul wtr sulphur water sur survey SUVA Specific Ultraviolet Absorbance SVD Singular Value Decomposition (seismic) SVSS Sonde Vibration Severty Sensor SW Salt Water Sw/SW Water Saturation/Uninvaded zone water saturation (Percentage of water in pore space) Swb fractional portion of total porosity saturated with clay bound water swbd swabbed swbg swabbing SWBM SWB (Halliburton) SWC Sidewall Cores (HALLIBURTON) Swi Transition zone water saturation SWP Safe Work Plan sx sacks Sxo Flushed zone water saturation SXO FLUSHED ZONE GAS SATURATION (Halliburton) SYST Surface System T T or T/ Top of t tonne (a metric ton). T/HSS Transgrressive/High-Stand System (sedimentology) TA Temporarily Abandoned TAC Two Arm Caliper TAI Thermal Alteration Index TBFZ Trans-Basin Fault Zone TBRT Thin-Bed Resistivity TBTV Tension of Cable TCE Trichloroethylene TCF Trillion Cubic Feet TCFG Trillion Cubic Feet of natural Gas TCP Tubing Conveyed Perforatin TCS Tension Compression Sub TD Total Depth TD Total depth TDC Top Dead Center TDD Total depth - driller TDEP True Depth PSD TDFE Tension Of Cable TDL Total depth - logger TDS Thermal Neutron Decay Sonde TDSI Tension Of Cable TDT Thurmal Decay Time TDT-P Dual-Burst Thermal Decay Time (Schlumberger) TENORM Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material TENS Tension TEXD Borehole Temperature TEXF PSD Borehole Temperature TEXL DLS Borehole Temperature TEXN Borehole Temperature CDS TG 1) Trip Gas; 2) Temperature Gradient TGAS TGOR Total Gas Oil Ratio (GOR uncorrected for gas lift gas present in the production fluid) THM Trihalomethane

THP Tubing Hanger Pressure (pressure in the production tubing as measured at Tubing-Hanger" THUMS Texaco, Humble (now Exxon), Unocal, Mobil, and Shell (consortium) TIF Test Independent Failure TILD Borehole Tilt TIND Sonde Temperature TLP Tension Leg Platform. TLS Target Levels of Safety TMD-L Thermal Multigate Decay-Lithology (HALLIBURTON) TNPH Thurmal Nutron Porosity (may be environmentally corrected) TNTC Too Numerous To Count TO Temperature Observation TOC 1) Total Organic Carbon; 2) Top Of Cement (casing) TOG Total Organic Gases TOT Time of Travel TP Tubing Pressure TPC Tennessee Petroleum Council TPD Tons Per Day TPH Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons TPS Total Petroleum System TR Temporary Refuge TR01 AST Trace 1 TR02,3,4,5,6 AST Trace 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 TRSCSSV Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Valve TRSCSSSV Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve TSCA Toxic Substance Control Act TSP Total Suspended Particulate TSR Temporary Safe Refuge TSS Total Suspended Solids tstg testing TSURF Surface temperature TTHM Total Trihalomethanes TTK Formation Multi-Tester (TesTrak, BAKER INTEQ) TTRM Temperature/Tension/Mud Resistivity Sub TVD True Vertical Dept Twp Township TWS Temperature of connate water sample TWT Two-Way Travel time TWWA Tennessee Water and Wastewater Association U UBI UCE UCIT UDR UF ug/L UGD UGAS UIC UICW UKOOA ULCC UMV unconf UOIL UPMS UPRC Ultrsonic Borehole Imager (Schlumberger) Ultrasonic Pipe Integrity (Schlumberger) Ultrasonic Corrosion Imager (Schlumberger) ultradeep-resistivity Ultrafiltration micrograms per Liter Ultrasonic Gas Detector Upper Gas Detector UGD Underground Injection Control Underground Injection Control Wells United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association Ultralarge Crude Carrier Upper Master Valve (from a Xmas tree) unconformity Used Oil ExxonMobil Upstream Project Management System ExxonMobil Upstream Research Center

USCE United States Corps of Engineers USCFCCCHR University of Southern California, Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research USCOE United States Corps of Engineers USDA United States Department of Agriculture USDHHS United States Department of Health and Human Services USDOE United States Department of Energy USDOI US Department of Interior USDW Underground Source of Drinking Water USGS United States Geological Survey USIT Ultrasonic Imaging Tool (Schlumberger) USNRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission UST Underground Storage Tank USWRC United States Water Resources Council UTC Unit Technical Cost UTM Universal Transverse Mercator UTS Universal Treatment Standards UV Ultraviolet Light V v VAR VCS VEC0 VEC1 VEC2 VEC3 VEC4 VEC5 VHF VLCC VLMS VLSF VOA VOC VOC VRP VS vs VSHL VSP VSP VSS VTI VW VX1 VX2,3,4 W W watt W/C Water Cushion WAG Water Alternating Gas (describes an injection well which alternates between water and gas injection) WAV3 Amplitude WAV4 Two Way Travel Time WAV5 Compensated Amplitudes WBM A drilling mud in which the continuous phase is water WC Wildcat WEG Wireline Entry Guide Volt Shell Value Assurance Review vessel control system Shallow Induction Near Induction Near Medium Induction Far Medium Induction Far Induction Deepest Induction very high frequency Very Large Crude Carrier Micro-Sonic Velocity CSS Velocity (S) CSS Volatile Organic Analysis Volatile Organic Chemical Volatile Organic Compounds Visibility Reducing Particles Velocity Survey versus v-shale Value Screen Prices vertical seismic profile (walkaway VSP) Vibration and Stick Slip (BAKER INTEQ) Vertically Transverse Isotropic Vx Receiver 1 Vx Receiver 2, 3, 4

WF Water Flooding wh white WHM Wellhead maintenance WHMIS Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems WHP Wellhead Pressure WLTS Well Log Tracking System WLTS Well Logging Transaction System WO/O Waiting On Orders WOA Well Operations Authorization WOC Water Oil Contact WOC Waiting On Cement WOE Well Operations Engineer (a key person of Well services) WOR water-oil ratio WPC Water Pollution Control WQ TEXTURAL PARAMETER USED FOR CBVWE COMP (Halliburton) WQCA Water Quality Control Act WQCB Water Quality Control Board WQP Water Quality Parameters WR Wet resistivity WRC United States Water Resources Council WRSCSSV Wireline Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Valve WSCD Wave Sonic Cross Dipole (HALLIBURTON) WS Work Station WSD WaveSonic Dipole (WSST, HALLIBURTON) WSR Work Station Ready WSS Well Services Supervisor (leader of Well services at the wellsite) wt. Weight WTF Well trajectory flag WTRD UNCORRECTED WATER OROSITY FROM TIME DOMAIN (Halliburton) WTS ECLIPS WTS Downhole Common Remote WW Water Well WWP Water Well Program X XC xln XMAC XMAC-E XMRI XPERM XPHLOC XPOR XPT XYC Y yd yr. Z ZDENP ZDL Density log Compensated Z-Densilog yard year Cross-connection, cross correclation crystalline Cross-Multipole Array Acoustilog XMAC Elite (Next generation XMAC) Extended Range Micro Imager (HALLIBURTON) Matrix Permeability in the X-direction Crossplot Selection for XPHI Crossplot Porosity Formation Pressure Test tool (Schlumburger) XY Caliper Log (HALLIBURTON)


Zone of Influence

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