Intelligent Instruments
Intelligent Instruments
Intelligent Instruments
About Intelligent Instruments The impact that the microprocessor has had on the domestic consumer is very evident, with its inclusion in washing machines, vehicle fuel control systems and home computers to name but a few applications. The advent of the microprocessor has had an equally significant, though perhaps not so obviously apparent, impact on the field of instrumentation. It is therefore fitting that a section should be devoted to describing the principles of operation of microprocessors and explaining how they are included and programmed as a microcomputer within a measuring instrument, thereby producing what has come to be known as an intelligent instrument. An intelligent instrument comprises all the usual elements of a measurement system and is only distinguished from dumb (non-intelligent) measurement systems by the inclusion of a microprocessor to fulfill the signal processing function. The effect of this computerization of the signal processing function is an improvement in the quality of the instrument output measurements and a general simplification of the signal processing task. Some examples of the signal processing which a microprocessor can readily perform include correction of the instrument output for bias caused by environmental variations (e.g. temperature changes), and conversion to produce a linear output from a transducer whose characteristic is fundamentally non-linear.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Elements of a Microcomputer The Number Systems Programming and Program Execution Computer Interfacing Computer Address Decoding Data Transfer Control Analog to Digital Conversion (A/D) Digital to Analog Conversion (D/A) Intelligent Instruments in Use
About the elements of a microcomputer The primary function of a digital computer is the manipulation of data. The three elements which are essential to the fulfillment of this task are the central processing unit, the memory and the input-output interface. These elements are collectively known as the computer hardware, and each element exists physically as one or more integrated circuit chips mounted on a printed circuit board. Where the central processing unit (CPU) consists of a single microprocessor, it is usual to regard the system as a microcomputer. The
distinction between microcomputer, minicomputer and mainframe computer is a very arbitrary division made according to relative computer power. However, this classification has become somewhat meaningless, with present-day 'microcomputers' being more powerful than the mainframe computers of only a few years ago. The central processing unit (CPU) part of a computer can be regarded as the brain of the system. The CPU determines what computational operations are carried out and the sequence in which they are executed. During such operations, the CPU makes use of one or more special storage locations within itself known as registers. Another part of the CPU is the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) which is where all arithmetic operations are evaluated. The CPU operates according to a sequential list of required operations defined by a computer program, known as the computer software. This program is held in the second of the three system components known as the computer memory. The computer memory also serves several other functions besides this role of holding the computer program. One of these is to provide temporary storage locations which the CPU uses to store variables during execution of the computer program. A further common use of memory is to store data tables which are used for scaling and variable conversion purposes during program execution. Memory can be visualized as a consecutive sequence of boxes in which various items are stored for a typical memory size of 65 536 storage units. If this storage mechanism is to be useful, then it is essential that a means is provided for giving a unique label to each storage box. This is achieved by labeling the first box as 0, the next one as 1 and so on for the rest of the storage locations. These numbers are known as the memory addresses. Whilst they can be labeled by decimal numbers, it is more usual to use hexadecimal notation. Two main types of computer memory exist and there are important differences between them. The two kinds are random-access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). The CPU can both read from and write to the former, but it can only read from the latter. The importance of ROM becomes apparent if the behavior of each kind of memory is considered when the power supply is turned off. At power-off time, RAM loses its contents but ROM maintains them, and this is the value of ROM. Intelligent instruments normally use ROM for storage of the program and data tables and just have a small amount of RAM which is used by the CPU for temporary variable storage during program execution.
The third essential element of a computer system is the input-output (I/O) interface, which allows the computer to communicate with the outside world by reading in data values and outputting results after the appropriate computation has been executed. In the case of a microcomputer performing a signal processing function within an intelligent instrument, this means reading in the values obtained from one or more transducers and outputting a processed value for presentation at the instrument output. All such external peripherals are identified by a unique number as for memory addresses. Communication between these three computer elements is provided by three electronic highways known as the data bus, the address bus and the control bus. At each data transfer operation executed by the CPU, two items of information must be conveyed along the electronic highway: the item of data being transferred and the address where it is being sent. Whilst both of these items of information could be conveyed along a single bus, it is more usual to use two buses which are called the data bus and the address bus. The timing of data transfer operations is important, particularly when transfers take place to peripherals such as disk drives and keyboards where the CPU often has to wait until the peripheral is free before it can initialize a data transfer. This timing information is carried by a third highway known as the control bus. The latest trend made possible by advances in very large-scale integration (VLSI) technology is to incorporate all three functions of central processor unit, memory and I/O within a single chip (known as the computer on a chip). These chips are already well established in domestic appliances and vehicle fuel control systems, and their exploitation within intelligent instruments is likely to grow rapidly. About programming and executions of program In most modes of usage, including use as part of intelligent instruments, computers are involved in manipulating data. This requires data values to be input, processed and output according to a sequence of operations defined by the computer program. Programming the microprocessor within an intelligent instrument is not normally the province of the instrument user; indeed, there is rarely any provision for the user to create or modify operating programs even if he/she wished to do so. There are several reasons for this. First, the signal processing needed within an intelligent instrument is usually well
defined, and therefore it is more efficient for a manufacturer to produce this rather than to have each individual user produce near identical programs separately. Secondly, better program integrity and instrument operation are achieved if a standard program produced by the instrument manufacturer is used. Finally, use of a standard program allows it to be burnt into ROM, thereby protecting it from any failure of the instrument power supply. This also facilitates software maintenance and updates, by the mechanism of the manufacturer providing a new ROM which simply plugs into the slot previously occupied by the old ROM. Whilst it is not normally therefore a task undertaken by the user of an intelligent instrument, some appreciation of microprocessor programming is useful background material. To illustrate the techniques involved in programming, consider a very simple program which reads in a value from a transducer, adds a pre-stored value to it to compensate for a bias in the transducer measurement, and outputs a corrected reading to a display device. Let us assume that the addresses of the transducer and output display device are 0000 and 00C1 respectively, and that the required scaling value has already been stored in memory address 0100. The instructions below are formed from the instruction set for a Z80 microprocessor and make use of CPU registers A and B: IN A, C0 IN B,100 ADD A, B OUT C1,A This list of four instructions constitutes the computer program which is necessary to execute the required task. The CPU normally executes the instructions one at a time, starting at the top of the list and working downwards (though jump and branch instructions change this order). The first instruction (IN A, C0) reads in a value from the transducer at address C0 and places the value in CPU register A (often called the accumulator). The mechanics of the execution of this instruction consist of the CPU putting the required address C0 on the address bus and then putting a command on the control bus which causes the contents of the target address (C0) to be copied on to the data bus and subsequently transferred into the A register. The next instruction (IN B,100) reads in a value from address 100 (the prestored biasing value) and stores it in register B. The following instruction (ADD A, B) adds together the contents of registers A and B and stores the result in register A. Register A now
contains the measurement read from the transducer but corrected for bias. The final instruction (OUT C1,A) transfers the contents of register A to the output device on address Cl. About the intelligent instruments in use The intelligent instrument behaves as a black box as far as the user is concerned, and no knowledge of its internal mode of operation is required in normal measurement situations. Intelligent instruments offer many advantages over their non-intelligent counterparts, principally because of the improvement in accuracy achieved by processing the output of transducers to correct for errors inherent in the measurement process. Proper procedures must always be followed in their use to avoid the possibility of introducing extra sources of measurement error. One such example of the benefit that intelligence can bring to instruments is in volume flow rate measurement, where the flow rate is inferred by measuring the differential pressure across an orifice plate placed in a fluid-carrying pipe. The flow rate is proportional to the square root of the difference in pressure across the orifice plate. For a given flow rate, this relationship is affected both by the temperature and by the mean pressure in the pipe, and changes in the ambient value of either of these cause measurement errors. A typical intelligent flow rate measuring instrument contains three transducers: a primary one measuring the pressure difference across an orifice plate and secondary ones measuring absolute pressure and temperature. The instrument is programmed to correct the output of the primary differential pressure transducer according to the values measured by the secondary transducers, using appropriate physical laws which quantify the effect of ambient temperature and pressure changes on the fundamental relationship between flow and differential pressure. The instrument is also normally programmed to convert the square root relationship between flow and signal output into a direct one, making the output much easier to interpret. Typical accuracy levels of such intelligent flow measuring instruments are 0.1%, compared with 0.5% for their non-intelligent equivalents, showing an improvement by a factor of five. Intelligent instruments usually provide many other facilities in addition to those mentioned above, such as the following: 1. Signal damping with selectable time constants.
2. Switchable ranges (using several primary transducers within the instrument which each measure over a different range). 3. Switchable output units (e.g. display in Imperial or SI units). 4. Diagnostic facilities. 5. Remote adjustment and control of instrument options from up to 1500 meters away via four-way, 20 mA signal lines.