Aplikasi Komputer Eppd1063 Aplikasi Komputer Eppd1063

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esearch for e-learning in Further Education: the learning Impact on Student Intermediate and End-point End Outcomes was carried out by Sheffield Hallam University and involved case studies of six general FE colleges. While there was a clearly discernible impact of e-learning on intermediate students learning outcomes, evidence of impact on end-point outcomes was end inconclusive. Use of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) had a strong impact on students' engagement and their autonomy was assisted by the use of a range of e-learning, including learning, searching for and downloading internet materials, e-mailing and using discussion ing boards and subject-specific software. 'As a specific result students developed persistence, self selfesteem, the ability to make their own decisions on how to work, and learned how to collaborate.

They were also beginning to recognise how they could learn best, and choosing realistic planning to get work done.' However, while some students appreciated the use of ILT, it was use such a common part of their educational experience it was taken for granted by the majority of students.

They were also beginning to recognise how they could learn best, and choosing realistic planning to get work done.' However, while some students appreciated the use of ILT, it was such a common part of their educational experience it was taken for granted by the majority of students.

In contrast, the case studies showed that tutors in colleges often lacked skills to use ILT in their teaching. However, even those with little previous experience of using ILT were generally willing to try to incorporate it into their teaching - if they had regular access to facilities and were ab to able see examples of how it could be used well.


The research identified four critical conditions for effective ILT use:

availability of adequate ILT equipment the need for tutors to use ILT purposefully within a teaching approach based on sound pedagogic understanding and practice

tutors' awareness of how to use ILT to support learning and teaching in their subject time for tutors to develop their ILT practices, individually and collaboratively.

Critical Conditions For Effective ILT Use

availability of adequate ILT equipment the need for tutors to use ILT tutors' awareness purposefully time for tutors to of how to use ILT develop their ILT within a teaching to support approach based practices, learning and on sound individually and teaching in their pedagogic collaboratively. subject understanding and practice

It also found that as colleges matured in the use of ILT, they focused on embedding ILT tured within teaching and learning to improve students' understanding and involvement in learning and in learning how to learn. The report makes several recommendations, including the need for adequate funding for ILT, national or ng regional networks to share expertise, subject-specific subject ILT training and support for ILT from senior management.

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