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Special Operations World Tour


Special Operations Department IVAO Headquarters


The Special Operations HQ would like to invite you for one more adventure. Read the manual carefully, as it will give all the information you need to complete this tour. Some legs will bring you through active divisions, some of them wont. Always be aware about the civilian traffic! Do not forget: the active ATC is always the boss, so inform him about your mission in your flight plan and via (non)verbal communication. In most cases, youll only receive the departure and arrival airports. Route planning and such is entirely up to you. Take care about the route planning: in case of active divisions area, you have to choose from the existing STAR and SID procedures to avoid any interference with the civilian traffic. The good SO pilots always have charts on board and prepare themselves properly for the flight. Please remind, IVAO is mostly a civilian network, we should apply the general IVAO rules. Nonetheless, each leg has its own special rules. These shall define the flight level, speed, aircraft type, weather conditions, preferred time settings etc. If there are no restrictions (e.g.: for supersonic flights) keep to the general rules. For any deviation from the general rules, under active ATC, ask his permission. Obs.: Adjust the Scenery Complexity, at least, as Normal in FS Display settings. General rules: Max. speed limit for military a/c is 350 IAS below FL100. Max. speed limit for civilian a/c is 250 IAS below FL100. Max. speed is Mach 0.90 above FL100, except where supersonic flight is approved. Military call sign is required. Additional sceneries required. Charts should always be on board. Flight Plan should always be filled in correctly. Each leg should be reported before you start the next one. You have to fly these in order. Maximum 1 leg is accepted per day. Real (IvAp) weather required, except where the manual mentions different.


LEG # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42





These files need to be installed in order to see the sceneries developed for this tour. Pack 1 (Basic Pack Library) - www.ivao.aero/SpecOps/SOWT12/ezlibfabv.zip - 155Mb Install: Open the compressed file and execute the Ez Scenery Library.exe. Activate it at the FS Scenery Library. Pack 2 (MCD Mil Library) - www.ivao.aero/SpecOps/SOWT12/mcdmil.zip - 8,5Mb Install: Open the compressed file and you will find the folder MCDMil. Inside it you will find two folders: MCDMil Scenery and Effect - BACKUP the ORIGINAL first. Install and activate the first one (MCDMil Scenery) in the FS Scenery Library. The second folder (Effect - BACKUP the ORIGINAL first) have only the file fx_dirtcrash.fx inside it. Make a backup of the former file, at you FS/Effects folder, and overwrite it with the one you found inside the Effect - BACKUP the ORIGINAL first folder. DOWNLOAD THE SOWT2012 SCENERY PACKAGE AT: www.ivao.aero/SpecOps/SOWT12/SOWT2012BGLS.zip Install: Extract the folder SOWT2012BGLS, to the FS/Addon Scenery and activate it at FS scenery library.


at the recruitment office in Canada

[Recruitment Officer] Good day Sir. Whats your name? [You] My name is Member, Ivao Member. [R.O.] Ok, Mr. Ivao Member, let me find your application form. [R.O.] Right here lets see hum Ok so, even with your successful Commercial Pilot Carreer, you are here and are decided to have a bit more action in your life. [You] Oh how can I say? Im bored man you know?! [R.O.] Ok, sir... You are in the right place. Just sign right here to start your journey but

who the hell you think you are to still stay with this Ray-Ban glasses in your dirty face? Get them off and start to move your ass, pilot! You are now Under Training!


Module 1 - Trainers and Jet Fighters

Leg #1 CYOD CYOD / 0nm (Trainer) Welcome aboard pilot! This flight is the beginning of you SpecOps career here. We expect only basic skills. Take off and keep the visual traffic pattern. Perform at least 5 touch and go landings (TGLs) and return to a full stop landing. Leg #2 CYOD CYYC / 238nm (Trainer) Great! First task accomplished! Now lets start to move... but its not so easy. As you already is an experienced civil pilot, we decide to jump some basic steps here. Get your trainer and rush in a low-level flight (500ft AGL) to KGTF to your first jet fighter lesson. Leg #3 CYYC KGTF / 241nm (Jet Fighter, Max FL 145) Well done! Finally you have arrived. Lets go! Welcome to your first jet fighter lesson and lets start with a small navigation exercise. Takeoff and execute two TGLs at CYYC, after follow the HDG 165 for 168.4NM, turn left at Glacier Park, and follow HDG 096 for 126.3NM to KGTF for two more TGLs and a full stop landing. Leg #4 KGTF KDPG / 445nm (Jet Fighter, Supersonic flight allowed above FL420) Ok, now lets put these babies to scream Here is your first supersonic flight! Lets explore and understand your aircraft limits right now! Takeoff from KGTF and perform an IFR flight at supersonic speed to KDPG. Remember to take care with your fuel! Leg #5 KDPG KLSV / 275nm (Jet Fighter Low-Level Flight) Nice job! One more leg and you will arrive at the home of the major air-combat exercise of the world, the annual Red Flag Exercise at the Nellis AFB. And right now, the guys there are just waiting you! Takeoff and perform a low-level flight to Nellis AFB (KLSV). Leg #6 KLSV KLSV (Jet Fighter, Supersonic flight allowed) Welcome to Nelis AFB, the home of the RedFlag Exercise, and a nice place to improve your fighter skills. The Red Flag (briefly figured below) is the Air Force's premier air-toair combat training exercise. Participants often include both US and allied nations' combat air forces, giving to the pilots the experience of multiple, intensive air combat sorties in the safety of a training environment.


Red Flag - Contested Airspace and Forces

As a participant of the RedFlag Exercise, your first task here is a low-level reconnaissance flight inside the Nellis Air Force Range. You will be guided through the entire area and will overfly the main spots inside it. So, be prepared and keep your eyes open. Get your G-Suit and move on! Takeoff from Nellis AFB and follow HDG 325 for 88NM; turn left and follow HDG 270 for 52NM to an overfly at Tonopah Test Range; left again HDG 137 for 47.4NM to overfly the Pahute Mesa Airstrip; left again HDG 110 for 16NM to overfly the Yucca Airstrip; now right turn to HDG 165 for 20NM to overfly the Desert Rock airfield; left once again HDG 82 for 18NM and head to the Indian Springs AF Auxilliary Field and execute a Tough and Go landing at KINS; and finally return to a full stop landing at KLSV.


Leg #7 KLSV KLSV (Jet Fighter, Supersonic flight allowed after leaving the TMA) Now that everybody is familiarized with the contested area, Red Flag Exercise starts right now and here is your first mission! Intel reports talked about a convoy movement in the road at the south of Yucca Airstrip (NV11), probably heading to the Desert Rock (DRA) airfield, near the river cross. Your main task is to cross the line in a low-level flight, find, and provide us a report about the movement of this convoy. We want to know the exact position, number of vehicles and the heading they are going. No AA threat expected in the area but be cautious.

Leg #8 KLSV KLSV (Helicopter - SAR/Jet Fighter RESCAP) We are now near the end of the exercise and you are now in the final Search-andRescue mission (SAR). We have to rescue two wounded guys ambushed by hostile forces at the position N37 24.26 W116 12.12. At this point, you can choose if you want to participate as pilot of the main rescue unit (flying helicopters) or in the Rescue Combat Air Patrol (flying jet fighters) providing air support in the area for 15 minutes. Helos The rescue site is located at N37 24.26 W116 12.12 . You have one maybe two guys to be evacuated from there. Get up on your feet and move! Fighter Your task is to provide air support in the area of the rescue site. Takeoff and head to the rescue site at N37 24.26 W116 12.12 and provide air support in the area for 15 minutes. Do not forget to also inform your CAP SWITCHON TIME and CAP SWITCHOFF TIME. Obs.: If you do not know what is a CAP, CAP SWITCHON TIME or CAP SWITCHOFF TIME, please refer to: http://ivao.aero/specops/cap.asp. Leg #9 KLSV KLUF (Jet Fighter/GAT Rules) Really amazing job, man! Your work in the Red Flag was fantastic although the G-LOC you suffered in the last mission almost finished your career and your life. Col. Szentesi was observing and recommended you to visit our hospital at KLUF. However, independently of this small problem, he decided to give you another chance and appointed you to integrate one of our NATO units at the Cruzex Exercise in Brazil, in the next month. Are you ready? Finish your fighter training with some routine exams in our military hospital at KLUF. We are waiting you for the dinner!


Module 2 (Helos and Turboprop Transport Aircrafts) (Doctor Robert K., Neurologist) - Bad news Lieutenant, you will have to reduce your high-G activities. Col. Szentesi personally told me about your G-LOC and we really found a small problem with your medical exams, and now you will need to remain under treatment during some months. This do not means you will need to stop flying with jet fighters but we decided to slow down a bit and give you a break. We are temporary moving you from the jet fighter squadrons and you are now part of the NATO Exchange Mission to Central and South America. Expect a sweet flight season Lieutenant. See you in a few months and I hope you continue with your treatment. Leg #10 SUMU SAAR / 264NM (Helos, Transport, Max 1500FT AGL) Starting in Uruguai, our first task is a VIP transport flight as part of our first contact with the Uruguayan and Argentine Air Forces. So, starting at SUMU, takeoff with the Colonels Mendoza e Arriaga and proceed in a VFR flight following the La Plata River to Rosrio (SAAR). An aircraft is waiting you all to proceed to SCEL at this noon. Leg #11 SAAR SCEL / 505nm (Transport) The Lockheed C-130 Hercules of the Chilean Air Force is waiting you to cross the Andes Mountains in your way to Santiago, Chile. In Santiago, you will integrate a Search and Rescue Team exercise with the Chileans and Paraguayans. We recommend you a full sleep night to recover your stamina, you are free for now but be ready tomorrow at 7:00AM for the briefing. Leg #12 SCEL SCPE / 847nm (Transport) Things are getting more real than expected and your aircraft was designated to a real Search-and-Rescue Mission as one of the Chilean C-130 Hercules have just made a forced landing in the Andes. The last contact was at S29 25.30 W069 21.60. Go there and establish a search pattern to find the crash site. If you find it, try to obtain the number of survivors and, if they exist, execute some low-passes to deliver some firstaid kits. Report the precise coordinates of the crash site and how many expected survivors. After your task, proceed to San Pedro de Atacama (SCPE).


Leg #13 SCPE SLLP / 793nm (Transport) As scheduled, at SCPE we have one airborne company just waiting us to a 1500FT parachute drop. Load them up and follow HDG 002 for 111NM and you will be overflying the Salar de Uyuni. Turn right to HDG 053 for 91nm and you will be near the Lake Poop. Establish a drop zone in a suitable margin of the lake, execute a traffic circuit to a second overfly if needed. Overflying the area at 1500FT, give the green light to the jump master and to your crew and let the guys fall from your belly. After the drop, proceed to SLLP to a full stop landing.



Leg #14 SLLP SBPV / 532nm (Transport) After you arrived at El Alto (SLLP), you received an invitation from the Brazilian Air Force to participate in the PERBRA (Peru-Brasil) Exercise. For sure you all answered yes and started to plan the flight to the Brazilian Porto Velho Air Base (SBPV). Leg #15 SBPV SPQT / 634nm (Trainers/Light Attack Turboprop aircrafts such as Pilatus PC-7, Embraer T-27/A-29 or similar) The PERBRA exercise is a real joint operation between Peru and Brazilian Air Forces in order to achieve high confident communicability between both Air Defense controls to prevent the traffic of unauthorized aircrafts crossing the border between both countries. In your task, takeoff from SBPV and execute a combat patrol in the area


between SBPV and SWFJ for 15 minutes at about 1000ft AGL. When finished your CAP, proceed to Iquitos (SPQT) to a full stop landing. Leg #16 SPQT SKBO / 432nm (Transport) Arriving at Bogot you will be in charge to transport a cientific mission from Colombia to Costa Rica, Mxico, and United States. These are your three final legs before you return. Lets start to say good bye to your new South American mates. Leg #17 SKBO MROC / 680nm (Transport) Full load at your aircraft and lets start our return. Your first step is at Costa Rica (MROC) then we will follow to Copalar Air Base in Mexico. Leg #18 MROC MTPP / 564nm (Transport) Arriving at Costa Rica you are surprised by the presence of Col. Szentesi just waiting you. Good day Lt. Member, I believe you know Im here to talk with you. Good day Colonel, go ahead. We were looking your last medical exams and we decided to maintain your treatment for a few more months. Jeez what a hell Ok Sir but why are you here Sir? Only to tell me this? Oh no. You are right. Actually Im here because the plans changed a bit. Haiti is right now under a major economical and political crisis and the United Nations established a Peacekeeping Mission called MINUSTAH based on Portau-Prince (MTPP). We decided to maintain your activities initially sending you to integrate the efforts of this mission regarding the experience you have in commercial and military flights. but the Jet Fighters the NATO You know kid We have some limits that should not be exceeded. Lets keep your treatment and lets wait for a better medical evaluation. Be prepared tomorrow at 08:00AM. Have a good day Lieutenant. Oh god ok good day Colonel.

Takeoff from MROC, proceed to MMCM and make a short stop to board a Mexican group of UN agents then proceed to MTPP where your first UN mission is waiting you.



Module 3 United Nations Peacekeeping Missions

So you finally arrived! Col. Szentesi and Dr. Robert K. told me a lot about you and your experience in South America. Thats exactly what we need here. Experience! Good day Sir. Im glad to be here

Obs.: At this point of the tour you are allowed to operate uniquely United Nations aircrafts. In the next pages you will find a list with images of these aircrafts and the background of your initial operations within the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions.



SOWT 2012 - United Nations allowed aircrafts

Beech 200 Super King Air

McDonnell-Douglas MD-82

Antonov An-24

Canadair CL-600 2B19

Antonov An-74K

Beech 1900D

Ilyushin II-76T

Hawker Siddeley HS-125

De Havilland Canada DHC-8

Gates Learjet 55



De Havilland Canada DHC-7

Boeing 737-300

Dornier 328-300

Airbus A310-222

Embraer EMB-120RT

Learjet 35A

Boeing 757-200

Boeing 737-400

Boeing 727-230

Lockheed L-100-30 Hercules



Let-410 TurboLet Mil Mi-8

Antonov An-12-BP Mil Mi-17

Fokker F27-300 Eurocopter-Kawasaki BK-117C-1

Mil Mi-26



1st Deployment - Haiti

Background Restoring a secure and stable environment The United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) was established on 1 June 2004 by Security Council resolution 1542. The UN mission succeeded a Multinational Interim Force (MIF) authorized by the Security Council in February 2004 after President Bertrand Aristide departed Haiti for exile in the aftermath of an armed conflict which spread to several cities across the country. The devastating earthquake of 12 January 2010, which resulted in more than 220,000 deaths (according to Haitian Government figures), including 96 UN peacekeepers, delivered a severe blow to country's already shaky economy and infrastructure. The Security Council, by resolution 1908 of 19 January 2010, endorsed the Secretary-General's recommendation to increase the overall force levels of MINUSTAH to support the immediate recovery, reconstruction and stability efforts in the country. Following the completion of Presidential elections in 2011, MINUSTAH has been working to fulfill its original mandate to restore a secure and stable environment, to promote the political process, to strengthen Haitis Government institutions and ruleof-law-structures, as well as to promote and to protect human rights. The Mission has continued to mobilize its logistical resources to assist in the effort to contain and treat the cholera outbreak October 2010. If you want to know more about the MINUSTAH, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/minustah/



Leg #19 MTPP > MYNN > MKJP > MTPP (Transport) Welcome pilot, your first task here is to transport tons of donates from Nassau (Bahamas) and Kingston (Jamaica) to Port-au-Prince. Take-off from MTPP and make a first stop (10 minutes) at MYNN and a second one at MKJP (10 min), and finally return with this precious load to MTPP. Additionally we received a report of a small fire in one of the vessels of the Goliath Cement in a place between MTPP and MYNN, we believe 10NM west from Farmers Cay (MYE3). After the first contact, no more contact done. This is not your main mission but if you find it, please report its exact position and observe the situation reporting if it is still on fire or if the situation is already under control. Leg #20 MTPP > MTJE > MTCA > MTJA > MTPP (Helo, Transport) Now you are in charge to deliver this donates firstly in the South/West with short steps (10 min) at MTJE, MTCA, and MTJA, finishing your flightplan returning to MTPP. Leg #21 MTPP > MTCH > MTPX > MTPP (Helo, Transport) Now fly to the North region with steps (10 min) at MTCH and MTPX. Return to MTPP to finish your first deployment tasks. Congrats! Nicely done Lieutenant! We are recommending a promotion to you right now. Search the Sergeant Yves and he will inform you about your next mission inside the UN.



2nd Deployment West Africa

Background Preparing for a choice The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) was established by Security Council resolution 690 of 29 April 1991 in accordance with settlement proposals accepted on 30 August 1988 by Morocco and the Frente Popular para la Liberacin de Saguia el-Hamra y de Ro de Oro (Frente POLISARIO). The settlement plan, as approved by the Security Council, provided for a transitional period for the preparation of a referendum in which the people of Western Sahara would choose between independence and integration with Morocco. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General was to have sole and exclusive responsibility over matters relating to the referendum and was to be assisted in his tasks by an integrated group of civilian, military and civilian police personnel, to be known as the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara. If you want to know more about the MINURSO, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/minurso/

Leg #22 GMML GOOY Welcome to Africa. You need to prepare yourself for a hostile environment. Take off from GMML and fly to GOOY. Your main task during the flight is to make visual contact with the relief convoy navigating along the African coast probably at Northwest of GQNN (HDG234 / 66NM from GQNN). Report the precise location of the convoy and the situation in the area. Leg #23 GOOY - GLRB Perform a low-level flight to reach the UNMIL headquarters at Monrovia. Keep your head down and avoid the cities along the route. Rebel groups are still active in the area.



Background Support for the implementation of the Peace Process The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) was established by Security Council resolution 1509 (2003) of 19 September 2003 to support the implementation of the ceasefire agreement and the peace process; protect United Nations staff, facilities and civilians; support humanitarian and human rights activities; as well as assist in national security reform, including national police training and formation of a new, restructured military. If you want to know more about the UNMIL, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unmil/

Leg #24 GLRB DIAP The things are calm here and they decided you should be useful in the UN mission at Cte dIvoire. However we still have to be cautious. Continue your trip do Abdijan (DIAP) in a second low-level flight following the coast (do not proceed DCT).



Background Facilitating the implementation of the 2003 peace agreement by the Ivorian parties Having determined that the situation in Cte dIvoire continued to pose a threat to international peace and security in the region and acting under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, the Security Council, by its resolution 1528 (2004) of 27 February 2004, decided to establish the United Nations Operation in Cte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) as from 4 April 2004. UNOCI replaced the United Nations Mission in Cte d'Ivoire (MINUCI), a political mission set up by the Council in May 2003 with a mandate to facilitate the implementation by the Ivorian parties of the peace agreement signed by them in January 2003. Following the 2010 Presidential election and the ensuing political crisis in Cte d'Ivoire, UNOCI has remained on the ground to support the new Ivorian Government. If you want to know more about the UNOCI, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unoci/

Leg #25 DIAP DIAP (Helo, Transport) You were assigned to a logistic support mission for a UN field mission. The agents gave their last position at about 20NM Northeast (HDG060) Dimbokro Ville (DIDK). Find them and if you are in a plane, drop the supplies above them, if in a helicopter, perform a landing to unload the supplies. In both cases, report the position of your contact.



Background Protecting civilians and consolidating peace in the Democratic Republic of the Congo MONUSCO took over from an earlier UN peacekeeping operation the United Nations Organization Mission in Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) on 1 July 2010. It was done in accordance with Security Council resolution 1925 of 28 May to reflect the new phase reached in the country. The new mission has been authorized to use all necessary means to carry out its mandate relating, among other things, to the protection of civilians, humanitarian personnel and human rights defenders under imminent threat of physical violence and to support the Government of the DRC in its stabilization and peace consolidation efforts. If you want to know more about the MONUSCO, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/monusco/ Leg #26 DIAP FZAA (Sukhoi Su-25 or other subsonic jet fighter) After several hard days, your Commander decided to give you a break. Considering you need to move to Congo and what you told him about the medical problems you are facing to keep flying high performance jet fighters, he asked a friend about an opportunity to you. He arranged a fighter flight to you! You will fly now the top attack aircraft used by the Cte dIvoire AirForce, the famous and well know Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot. Ok, it is not as fast as your F-18 but consider how much time you do not enter a fighter cockpit. We know you will love the flight! Get the Frogfoot and cross to the MONUSCO Mission at Congo. You choose your flight rules here. Leg #27 FZAA FZAA (Firefighting Aircraft or Helo) Arriving at Kinshasa, you are asked to participate in a firefighting mission in the Congo Mountains. This could be an interesting and different task to you. Takeoff and help the surface teams with this forest fire at the Northeast of Negage Airfield (FNNG).



3rd Deployment East Africa

Background Consolidating peace and security and helping to establish conditions for development On 9 July 2011 South Sudan became the newest country in the world. The birth of the Republic of South Sudan is the culmination of a six-year peace process which began with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005. In adopting resolution 1996 (2011) on 8 July 2011, the Security Council determined that the situation faced by South Sudan continued to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region. The Security Council established the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) for an initial period of one year, starting from 9 July 2011. UNMISS is on the ground to consolidate peace and security and to help establish conditions for development. If you want to know more about the UNMISS, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unmiss/ Leg #28 FZAA HSSJ (Transport) Cross the Central Africa and avoid the yellow areas as they are known as rebels focuses and problems are expected inside them.



Background Demilitarizing and monitoring peace in the disputed Abyei Area The Security Council, by its resolution 1990 of 27 June 2011, responded to the urgent situation in Sudans Abyei region by establishing the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA). The Security Council was deeply concerned by the violence, escalating tensions and population displacement. The operation will monitor the flashpoint border between north and south, and is authorized to use force in protecting civilians and humanitarian workers in Abyei. UNISFAs establishment came after the Government of Sudan and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) reached an agreement in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to demilitarize Abyei and let Ethiopian troops to monitor the area. If you want to know more about the UNISFA, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unisfa/ Leg #29 HSSJ HSFS (Helos, Transport) Take off from Juba heading to the headquarters of UNAMID mission, in Darfur. However, before you arrive at your destiny; re-supply the UNISFA Mission at the Abyei region (N09 21.52 E028 29.53). Be prepared to land on the road in front of the Abyei town. Yesterday we sent a motorized infantry platoon to the area, if you make contact with them; please report their position and situation.

Abyei Region in 2009



Background Protecting civilians, facilitating humanitarian aid and helping political process in Darfur The African Union/UN Hybrid operation in Darfur, referred to by its acronym UNAMID, was established on 31 July 2007 with the adoption of Security Council resolution 1769. UNAMID has the protection of civilians as its core mandate, but is also tasked with contributing to security for humanitarian assistance, monitoring and verifying implementation of agreements, assisting an inclusive political process, contributing to the promotion of human rights and the rule of law, and monitoring and reporting on the situation along the borders with Chad and the Central African Republic (CAR). If you want to know more about the UNAMID, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unamid/ Leg #30 HSFS HSFS (Helos, Transport) You are now in charge of the relief flights in West Darfur Region. Take off from Fasher (HSFS) with full load and proceed to HSNL, HSZA, and HSGN (10 minutes for each stop), before return to HSFS. Do not exceed 6500FT and keep the surveillance in the area. Report any different activity. The guys are waiting you aside the runway.

Here you finished your participation in the African UN Missions. You have a week on holidays and we decided to send you to Paris. Enjoy!

Map of displaced people and refugee camps in Darfur Region



4th Deployment Europe and Middle East

Background Promoting security, stability and respect for human rights in Kosovo Originally, the Security Council, by its resolution 1244 of 10 June 1999, authorized the Secretary-General to establish an international civil presence in Kosovo the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) in order to provide an interim administration for Kosovo under which the people of Kosovo could enjoy substantial autonomy. Its task was unprecedented in complexity and scope; the Council vested UNMIK with authority over the territory and people of Kosovo, including all legislative and executive powers and administration of the judiciary. Subsequently, following the declaration of independence by the Kosovo authorities and the entry into force of a new constitution on 15 June 2008, the tasks of the Mission have significantly been modified to focus primarily on the promotion of security, stability and respect for human rights in Kosovo. If you want to know more about the UNMIK, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unmik/ Leg #31 LYPR LYPR (Helo, Transport) Welcome to Europe Major Member, how are you feeling after your holidays? We already have a lot to do here and an experienced pilot like you will increase our operational capabilities. Your first mission in the Kosovo will be a SAR mission, Major. A small Cessna with two guys flying from LAKU to LWOH simply didnt arrive at its destination. Your task is to locate the aircraft and report its position. If you are flying a Helo, you are responsible for the rescue of the guys). Leg #32 LYPR LCEN (Transport, Night Flight, HIGH-LOW-HIGH, Parachute Jump) You have to continue your trip to Cyprus, however, we will use your flight to a Special Ops Exercise at night. You will transport a SpecOps Platoon to a low-altitude parachute jump over the Karpathos and Kasos Airfields. Two Landing Zones (LZs), one over LGKP and a second one over LGKS. Establish a normal flight level for your flight and plan to cross the Aegean Sea by night directly to Karpathos (LGKP). Well before Astypalaia (LGPL) descend to a low-level flight to your objective area. Give the first green light at LGKP and rush to the second jump at LGKS, both at 1500FT AGL. Proceed in a low-level flight direct to LCEN. After 100NM outbound from Karpathos and Kasos (your LZs), return to your normal previous established flight level to finish your flight arriving at Nicosia, Cyprus, the home of the UNFICYP UN Mission.


Background Contributing to a political settlement in Cyprus UNFICYP was originally set up by the Security Council in 1964 to prevent further fighting between the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities. After the hostilities of 1974, the Council has mandated the Force to perform certain additional functions. In the absence of a political settlement to the Cyprus problem, UNFICYP has remained on the island to supervise ceasefire lines, maintain a buffer zone, undertake humanitarian activities and support the good offices mission of the Secretary-General. If you want to know more about the UNFICYP, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unficyp/
Leg #33 LCEN LCEN (Helo, Transport) As you are the unique rescue pilot in the island at this moment, this task is for you, Major! A large trade vessel declared emergency 50NM southwest of the island. Rescue the crew waiting you at the convoy. Hurry up! Find the exact position because you will need two legs to rescue all the crew members. If you are in a plane, get the coordinates and overfly the area for 10 minutes before returning to LCEN for a full stop landing.

Leg #34 LCEN ZZZZ [UNIFIL Headquarters] You have to move to Nqoura right now, Major. Your destiny is the UNIFIL Headquarters. Take off from Cyprus and head to Lebanon. The UNIFIL Mission is located a mile before the southern border of the country, at the coast, just between the beach and the road which heads to Israel. Good luck. Head to Beirut (OLBA) and follow the coast to the south for 45NM or the RDL 200 of KAD VOR (112.60). Obs.: Save your flight after you reached the Mission to maintain your position if you do not continue to next leg right now.



Background Monitoring cessation of hostilities and helping ensure humanitarian access to civilian population Originally, UNIFIL was created by the Security Council in March 1978 to confirm Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, restore international peace and security and assist the Lebanese Government in restoring its effective authority in the area. The mandate had to be adjusted twice, due to the developments in 1982 and 2000. Following the July/August 2006 crisis, the Council enhanced the Force and decided that in addition to the original mandate, it would, among other things, monitor the cessation of hostilities; accompany and support the Lebanese armed forces as they deploy throughout the south of Lebanon; and extend its assistance to help ensure humanitarian access to civilian populations and the voluntary and safe return of displaced persons. If you want to know more about the UNIFIL, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unifil/
Leg #35 ZZZZ [UNIFIL Headquarters] LLJR (Helo, Transport) Proceed to Jerusalem. Maybe you can find your old friend Mic. The last information you have about him is that he is also a pilot but in the Israeli Air Force. Remember when he and his family moved to Israel? Maintain the low-level as we cant assure your safety in the area.



Background Helping to bring stability in the Middle East Set up in May 1948, UNTSO was the first ever peacekeeping operation established by the United Nations. Since then, UNTSO military observers have remained in the Middle East to monitor ceasefires, supervise armistice agreements, prevent isolated incidents from escalating and assist other UN peacekeeping operations in the region to fulfill their respective mandates. UNTSO personnel have also been available at short notice to form the nucleus of some other peacekeeping operations worldwide. The availability of UNTSO's military observers for almost immediate deployment after the Security Council had acted to create a new mission has been an enormous contributory factor to the early deployment and the success of those operations. If you want to know more about the UNTSO, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/untso/
Leg #36 LLJR LLJR (Jet Fighter, Supersonic flight allowed) In the UNTSO you found an old friend, now General Micklewicz of the Israeli AirForce. You told him your history and why you are there and he thought he can make something for you right now. He simply gets the phone and in a 15 minutes talk, you are confirmed inside an F-16 cockpit of the Israeli Air force in a Patrol in the Gulfs of Aqaba and Suez. Your main objective is to observe the movement of military vessels inside both Gulfs. Report the location of the observed ships. Take off from Jerusalem and head to Gulf of Aqaba at a maximum 5500FT AGL, at the Red Sea turn right to enter the Gulf of Suez. In the Mediterranean coast, turn left again and head to Jerusalem along the Gaza Strip.


Leg #37 LLJR OAKB (Jet Fighter, Supersonic flight allowed above FL420) Your old friend prepared a second surprise to you. He allowed you to follow with the F16 to your next stop at Kabul, in Afghanistan. An Israeli Squad is there with an available pilot to bring the aircraft back so bye bye. Nice to meet you, Major.


5th Deployment Asia

Background The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is a political mission established by the Security Council in 2002 at the request of the Government to assist it and the people of Afghanistan in laying the foundations for sustainable peace and development in the country. Prior to the most recent extension, UN Security Council Resolution 1917 (2010) provided UNAMA and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, with a mandate to support the Government in its efforts to improve critical areas, including security, governance and economic development, and regional cooperation, as well as to support the full implementation of mutual commitments made on these issues at the London Conference in January 2010 and the subsequent Kabul Conference in July 2010. The mandate also recognized the critical importance of monitoring and coordination of efforts to protect civilians and support wider human rights, in particular the rights of women and children. In addition, UNAMA has worked hand-inhand with United Nations agencies, funds and programs providing a wide range of humanitarian support to the Afghan people as well as policy and program support to various Government Ministries on development matters. The framework for cooperation between the Government of Afghanistan, the United Nations and the international community has been outlined and agreed upon in a number of key documents and conferences. Many key benchmarks are also complemented by the UNs Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of eight social and economic targets that governments agreed to meet by 2015. In addition, in 2011, all the UN agencies and programs in Afghanistan agreed to work together on five main priorities which include 1) peace, reconciliation and reintegration; 2) human rights protection and promotion; 3) sub-national governance and the rule of law; 4) maternal and newborn health; and 5) sustainable livelihoods. If you want to know more about the UNAMA, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/undof/
Leg #38 OAKB VISR (Helo, Small Transport) Follow the mountains to the north in a low-level flight to avoid the paquistany rebels. Takeoff from OAKB and follow HDG 055 for 148NM till you see the Chitral Airfield (OPCH), then head direct to Srinagar (VISR).



Background Observing the ceasefire in Jammu and Kashmir The first group of United Nations military observers arrived in the mission area on 24 January of 1949 to supervise the ceasefire between India and Pakistan in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. These observers, under the command of the Military Adviser appointed by the UN Secretary-General, formed the nucleus of the United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP). Following renewed hostilities of 1971, UNMOGIP has remained in the area to observe developments pertaining to the strict observance of the ceasefire of 17 December 1971 and report thereon to the Secretary-General. If you want to know more about the UNMOGIP, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unmogip/ Leg #39 VISR VISR (Helo, Transport) The pakistany region of Islamabad is under rebel control at this moment. This is an absolutely top-secret flight to infiltrate a specops agent in the vicinity of the Chackalala Airport (OPRN) at Islamabad. We need to obtain a better view of whats is happening there. Perform this flight at night, without radio-contact, and not exceeding 500FT AGL. Keep your heads down and avoid any rebel convoy in the area and report its location to a posterior mission. They cant know you are there. Be stealthy.

Leg #40 VISR VNLK (Helo, Small Transport) We are now coming to the end of this tour and lets start to calm down everything here. The UN decided to take a closer look inside the Himalayas and you were assigned to transport a recon group to the Lukla Airport, in Nepal. Find your way through the mountains and take care with the weather. Leg #41 VNLK VNLK (Helo, Small Transport) Now, you are in charge to transport the recon group to the Everest Base Camp. Please, be cautious! The weather in there is absolutely crucial. We do not want you to hurt yourself right now.



6th Deployment Timor Leste

Background Consolidating stability, enhancing a culture of democratic governance and facilitating political dialogue UNMIT - a multidimensional, integrated UN peacekeeping operation was established by Security Council resolution 1704 of 25 August 2006 in the wake of a major political, humanitarian and security crisis which erupted in Timor-Leste in AprilMay 2006. Among other things, UNMIT has been mandated to support the Government in consolidating stability, enhancing a culture of democratic governance, and facilitating political dialogue among Timorese stakeholders, in their efforts to bring about a process of national reconciliation and to foster social cohesion. UNMIT has replaced the UN Office in Timor-Leste (UNOTIL) which in turn was the latest in a series of successive United Nations operations or missions deployed in this country beginning in 1999 If you want to know more about the UNMIT, please visit: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unmit/ Leg #42 WPDL WPDL (Helo, Transport) This is your last humanitarian mission inside the UN. It is a relief flight to several small communities in the region. A sweet mission to your finish! Just takeoff from WPDL and deliver your load at WRKT, WRKE, WRKO, WRRT, WRKK, returning to WPDL and prepare your luggage! You are coming back home! Everybody is waiting you. Get the first commercial flight and we hope to see you again in the next year!



(Use this coordinates if you cant find any scenery!)

Be careful! The information of the next lines could act as spoilers. Use the contents of this section at your own.

Leg#7: N36 51.62 W116 00.44 Leg#8: N37 24.26 W116 12.12 (HDG 308 90NM FROM KLSV) Leg#12: S29 25.30 W069 21.60 Leg#20: N23 53.76 W076 30.24 Leg#23: N17 17.61 W016 44.62 Leg#26: N06 48.73 W004 17.96 Leg#28: S07 43.15 E015 19.80 Leg#30: N09 21.52 E028 29.53 Leg#31: small groups and military at HSNL, HSZA, and HSGN. Leg#32: N41 52.14 E020 29.42 Leg#34: N34 13.94 E031 36.90 Leg#35: N33 06.54 E035 07.69 Leg#37: N29 46.10 E034 49.73 / N28 30.40 E033 04.79 / N28 23.26 E033 15.78 / N27 56.37 E034 28.57 / N28 16.56 E034 36.30 / N29 20.68 E034 52.36 (19 military ships and submarines) Leg#40: N33 47.28 E073 51.28 / N33 44.29 E073 36.08



The SOWT 2012 Project was developed by Cesar Chuck Amaral (173950) The SOWT 2012 Project was coordinated by Robert Kossakowski (170834) SOHQ Senior Staff Gabor Szentesi (175337) Robert Kossakowski (170834) Sam Bogaerts (200949) Julien Jeuniaux (104763) Cesar Chuck Amaral (173950) SOWT 2012 Translation Team
ES Team Ali Kafrnawi Nassar Kwifatie (279926) Miquel Balves Miralles (297790) Alfonso Ramos (274541) FR Team Gavin Nicolas (168393) & Maxime Esnau (263099)

SODG Team Cesar Chuck Amaral (173950) Dimitris Spritos (302599) Gabor "HUE08" Burjan (213717) Srgio "Shiny" Brilhante (259207) Leonardo Uzeda (169435) Hermany Simonato (322616) Gabriel Borba (214322)
Special thanks to the SODG Team and the IVAO Public Relations Team.

For any information, do not hesitate in contact me at: cesar.amaral@ivao.aero


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