Alpargatas: Traducible El Original Entre Comillas "Alpargatas"
Alpargatas: Traducible El Original Entre Comillas "Alpargatas"
Alpargatas: Traducible El Original Entre Comillas "Alpargatas"
In order to deal with the subject of Lexical Gaps, the first thing we have done is to look up the definition for this term so as to clarify its meaning. Alter that, we looked for some examples that could be useful to present the dificulty of translating them, stating in each case, also, what has been the device used to achieve translation and why. Finally, we reached some conclusions based on the previous work that show that should be taken into acount when translating Lexical gaps. Mate: Traducible el original entre comillas mate, seguido de la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: An infusion beverage tipical of Argentina that is prepared by adding hot water to yerba mate. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Alpargatas: Traducible el original entre comillas alpargatas, seguido por la aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: a tipical Argentinian kind of footwear made of canvas and with a flexible sole, usually made of gum or other similar material. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Poncho: Traducible entre comillas el original poncho, seguido de la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: simple garment designed to keep the body warm, with the shape of a sigle large sheet of fabric with an opening for the head and sometimes for the arms. It is a piece of clothing tipical of the northern regions of Argentina and of other countries like Bolivia and Peru. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation. Macaroni and cheese: Traducible entre comillas macaroni and cheese, seguido de la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: Plato tpico estadounidense de origen griego que consiste en fideos con salsa de queso. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Burrito: Traducible entre comillas el original burrito, seguido de la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: Alimento de origen mexicano pero que los estadounidenses han adoptado y moldeado a sus hbitos alimenticios. La versin estadounidense consiste en un relleno de diferentes combinaciones de lechuga, salsa, carne, arroz, queso, guacamole y otros, el cual se enrolla en una especie de panqueque. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Puchero: Traducible entre comillas el original puchero, seguido de la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: Tipical meal of Argentine cooking that consists of a kina of soup in which they are boiled different vegetables Duch as carrots, potatoes, corn, etc, and also meta. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Alfajor: Traducible entre comillas el original alfajor, seguido de la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: cookie sandwich filled with dulce de leche most times, or different flavored creams, and covered generally with chocolate. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Cubanito: Traducible entre comillas el original cubanito, seguido de la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: a thin, cilindric-shaped sweet cookie filled with dulce de leche. They take their name from the cuban cigars for being similar in shape. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Facturas: Traducible entre comillas el original facturas, seguido por la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: A kina
of sweet cookie tipical of Argentina. Some are filled with dulce de leche, dulce de membrillo, or crema pastelera, and they usually have sugar on the top. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Salsa Golf: Traducible entre comillas el original salsa golf, seguido de la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: cold, semi-liquid sauce tipical of Argentina, that is made by the combination of vinagre, lemon, mustard, ketchup and mayoneese. It is used on salads, meats and many other food. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Churro: Traducible entre comillas el original churro, seguido de la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: fried-dough pastry-based snack, tipically fried to a crunch consistence, generally prisms in shape, and may be straight, curled or spirally twisted. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Pretzel: Traducible entre comillas el original pretzel, seguido de la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: Tipo de galleta o bocadillo hormeado, retorcido en forma de lazo. Existe dos tipos de pretzel, los quebradizos, mas parecidos a una galleta crocante, y los de consistencia ms suave, similares al pan; ambas variedades son saladas. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Pop-Tart: Traducible entre comillas primero el original pop-tart, y luego se agrega la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o nota al pie: Es una especie de tostada rectangular plana con un relleno dulce de
variados sabores que se come casi siempre calentada en tostador o simplemtente fra, generalmente como desayuno. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Spring break: Traducible entre comillas primero el original spring break seguido del la possible traduccin receso de primavera, haciendo la siguiente aclaracin entre parntesis o como nota al pie: A week-long recess from studies that college students take during March searching for party, drinking, and a time in which fun is taken to extremes such as nudity. Device: Borrowing and addition, because we leave the original term and we add the necessary explanation.
Being the lexical gap a hollow between the languages involved in translation, the devices to be used are varied. The usage of each device will then depend mainly on two factors: the example that is being dealt with, and the ability of the translator to communicate the meaning properly. When it comes to lexical gaps, we also have to bear in mind that it is essential to communicate not only the meaning of the word(s) but also the cultural background that these carry. Successful translation can only take place when we find an utterance that conveys the same meaning as the original and put it into words and structures that apply to the target language, or, in the case of borrowings, when we provide a proper explanation for the term that is been translated.