Essential Thinking. Introduction To Problem Solving: Antoni Lig Eza

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Essential Thinking.

Introduction to Problem Solving

Antoni Ligeza

Faculty of EEACSE Department of Automatics AGH2011 Krakw, Poland

A Ligeza (AGH-UST)

Essential Thinking


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References, What is Worth Learning, Assumptions Introduction: Some Essential Questions Some First Examples Aims and Methods Further Problem Characteristics Three Further Example Problems Plan to be developed Prolog
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Stuart J. Russel, Peter Norvig: Articial Intelligence. A Modern Approach. Third Edition. Pearson, Prentice Hall, Boston, 2010. Ivan Bratko: Prolog Programming for Articial Intelligence. Fourth Edition, 2011. Pearson, Addison Wesley, 2012. http: // Frank van Harmelen, Vladimir Lifschitz, Bruce Porter (Eds.): Handbook of Knowledge Representation. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, 2008. Michael Negnevitsky: Articial Intelligence. A Guide to Intelligent Systems. Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, England, 2002. Adrian A. Hopgood: Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2001. Joseph C. Giarratano, Gary D. Riley: Expert Systems. Principles and Programming. Fourth Edition, Thomson Course Technology, 2005.
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George Polya: How to Solve it?. Princeton University Press, 1945; PWN 1993. John Mason, Leone Burton, Kaye Stacey: Thinking Mathematically. Addison-Wesley, 1985; WSiP, 2005. Mordechai Ben-Ari: Mathematical Logic for Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, London, 2001. Michael R. Genesereth, Nils J. Nilsson: Logical Foundations of Articial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., Los Altos, California, 1987. Zbigniew Huzar: Elementy logiki dla informatykw. Ocyna Wyawnicza Politechniki Wrocawskiej, Wrocaw, 2007. Peter Jackson: Introduction to Expert Systems. Addison-Wesley, Harlow, England, 1999. Antoni Ligeza: Logical Foundations for Rule-Based Systems. Springer-Verlag, berlin, 2006.
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What is worth learning?

A bit provocative position statement

Languages enable communication and knowledge representation; Wieviel Sprachen du sprichst, sooftmal bist du Mensch; Goethe Problem Solving analytical thinking; cross-curricular competencies, Learning persistent learning, quick learning, focused learning, learning on-demand, ...

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About the course in Polish, blackboard back in use, building permanent foundations for the future, not overformalized, examples, examples, examples, methods and tools, full comprehension, important: methods and search not the nal solution, independent work; individual thinking,
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AI Course: Stanford Standards
To the extent a Student is registered as a student in an accredited institution or educational institution with its own policy regarding student conduct or an "honor code," those terms shall apply to any such Student. Additionally, unless the following conicts with such a policy or honor code, a Student of the Online Course agrees that he or she: will not harass other Students, Attendees or Visitors; will not cheat on any homework assignment or exams for the Online Course; will not post any of the course materials online; will not share content or solutions to homework assignments or exams; and will notify the instructors immediately if he or she becomes aware of any other Student cheating or breaching the Terms of Use.
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Thinking What is the Essence of it?

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Thinking = Reasoning Intelligence = Problem Solving

Some inspiring questions
What is the essence of thinking? How is it performed? Does only man think? What about animals and machines? What is the essence of intelligence? Can one learn/improve intelligence? Measure/evaluate? Can we have intelligent machines? More intelligent than people?

Some practical questions

What is the essence of reasoning? How is it performed? What is knowledge? Can it be measured/evaluated? Relationship between knowledge and intelligence? What is a problem? A solution? How to represent and process knowledge? Methods of reasoning? Caneza (AGH-UST) mechanical intelligence? A Lig we have Essential Thinking
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Analytical thinking vs. brute search The spoiled chessboard problem

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Lessons learned

Analytical thinking problem solving

basic problem solving method is search, a stable search space must be dened, a search method is necessary, decomposition is power! appropriate formalizm is power! heureka: important, but how does it work?

Analytical Thinking

Brute Search

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Another Example: Four-Digit Palindrom Case

Four Digit Palindrom
a four digit palindrom: 1221, 7337, 2992,... observe: 1221:11=111, 7337:11=667, 2992:11=272,... Hypothesis: Every four-digit palindrom numebr is divisible by 11.

Analytical thinking vs. brute search

is the hypothesis true or not? try several examples; try to invent a counterexample, try to induce regularity or chcek all cases? proove or disprove!

Analytical Thinking
A Ligeza (AGH-UST)

Essential Thinking

Brute Search
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Another Example: The Zebra Puzzle

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) Norweg zamieszkuje pierwszy dom; Anglik mieszka w czerwonym domu; Zielony dom znajduje sie po lewej stronie domu biaego; Dunczyk pija herbatk e; Palacz Rothmansw mieszka obok hodowcy kotw; Mieszkaniec ztego domu pali Dunhille; Niemiec pali Marlboro; Mieszkaniec srodkowego domu pija mleko; Palacz Rothmansw ma sasiada, ktry pija wode; Palacz Pall Malli hoduje ptaki; Szwed hoduje psy; Norweg mieszka obok niebieskiego domu; Hodowca koni mieszka obok ztego domu; Palacz Philip Morris pija piwo; W zielonym domu pija sie kawe.
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A Ligeza (AGH-UST)

Lessons learned

Analytical thinking problem solving

basic problem solving method is search; but: combinatorial explosion! a stable search space must be dened; but: how to choose it? a search method is necessary; perhaps computer can help? decomposition is power! But often it does not work! appropriate formalizm is power! Readable to computers... heureka: important, but how does it work? Maybe systematic approach?

Analytical Thinking

Brute Search

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Goals of the Lecture. And Its Contents

Goals: Where are we going?
glorication of Intelligent Thinking; demonstrating the power of IT, improving analytical thinking; cross-curricular competencies; building permanent foundations, elimination of thoughtlessness, learning problem solving, introduction to P ROLOG, search for M.Sc., Ph.D.???

By what methods?
examples, examples, examples, critical analysis, stating right questions, search for answers, taxonomy of problems, taxonomy of methods; tools and their application.
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Problem Solving - what is necessary?

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A Generic Problem Example riverIQGame.swf

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Problem Solving - what is necessary?

A word on toolkit
language its roles, knowledge representation formalism, knowledge processing tools operators, problem statement, search space; state-space, constraints, heuristics, search strategy; memory vs. repeated search, domain ontology, the goal explict (exact state) or implicit (criterion), path to the goal vs. nal solution.

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Inconsistency Fascinating and Inspiring

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Problem Solving - some questions to be raised

About the problem and solution
does any solution exist? is the solution unique? should we search for the rst solution or all of them? can the solutions be compared/evaluated? should we search for satisfactory or optimal solution? is the optimal solution unique? does an optimal solution exists? Pareto optimal solutions?

About solutions
candidate solution, admissible solution, legal solution, satisfactory solution, semi-optimal, -optimal, cgdominant solution, optimal solution.
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Lessons learned

Analytical thinking problem solving

basic problem solving method is search; but: combinatorial explosion! a stable search space must be dened; but: how to choose it? a search method is necessary; perhaps computer can help? decomposition is power! But often it does not work! appropriate formalizm is power! Readable to computers... heureka: important, but how does it work? Maybe systematic approach?

Analytical Thinking

Brute Search

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Three generic examples

A cryptoarithemtic problem


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Three generic examples

Towers of Hanoi

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Three generic examples

Missionaries and Cannibals

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Contents proposal
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Tools: P ROLOG. Taxonomy of problems. Overview of methods. Search: Backtrack Search, DFS, BFS, UC, ID, IDS; Greedy Search, A*, IDA*, ... Inference: deduction, abduction, induction, case-based, rule-based,... Fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic. Multiple-Valued logics. Paradoxes. Inoconsitency and paraconsistency. Dealing with inconsistency. AND-OR search, games, Min-Max, Alpha-Beta,... Plan generation, robot world modeling. Constraint Programming, Constraint Logic Programming, Constraint Propagation. Diagnostics. Consistency-Based Reasoning.

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