Employee Welfare& Safety
Employee Welfare& Safety
Employee Welfare& Safety
This is to certify that, Mr. . a bonfire student of has worked for the thesis titled A Study on Employee Welfare & Safety Measures at Sri Vinayaka Industries under my guidance for partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Master of Business Administration. Under my direct supervision and guidance to the best of my knowledge and belief, he had worked sincerely to bring out this thesis work from
The project was carried over in the area of specialization of Human Resources. The topic of the project is A Study on Employee Welfare & Safety Measures with reference to Sri Vinayaka Industries, Chennai. The main aim of doing this study is to find out the employees of the organization are enjoying sufficient welfare and safety measures.
There were various processes in the production of the products. The product has to be passed over through various stages in the company, which involves more heat, fumes, chemical hazards and other preservatives.
The main aim of this study is to observe the safety and health aspects of the employees and to receive their opinion about the safety and health aspects in their work place in the form of a survey and the analysis is made on it in order to give certain recommendations based upon the survey and analysis.
I am thankful to our Dean Mr.. for extending the full support in initiating this thesis and helping me to give valuable suggestion throughout the completion of the Thesis. I am grateful to thank .. who shared her prolonged
experience in the core field and also for making corrections and clarifications in the course of my project which directing me towards the right path throughout the research for successful completion. I thank .. for providing the adequate infrastructure and helping me to get the valuable information from the corporate. I thank the people who helped me to design the project report. I acknowledge the contributions of the Executives and top management of Vinayaga Industries as they are the one who provided the valuable information gained from their prolonged experience in the field of recruitment.
Rapid industrialization and urbanization have made employees dependent on capitalist, inflation has made their lot poor and they find it difficult to maintain their standards of life. In such situation employee welfare facilities enable workers to live a richer and more satisfactory life. Employees have been hired, trained and remunerated, they need to be retained and maintained to serve the organization better. Welfare facilities are designed to take care of the well-being to the employees. They do not generally result in any monetary benefit to the employees. Nor are these facilities provided by employers alone. Governmental and non-governmental agencies and trade unions too, contribute towards employee welfare. Employee Welfare is a very important facet of Industrial Relations, it is that extra crucial dimension, that gives satisfaction to the worker in a way which even a good wage and other financial benefits cannot. With the growth of industrialisation, automation, mechanisation and robotisation it has acquired an added importance. The worker in an industry cannot cope with the pace of modern life with minimum sustenance amenities. He needs an added stimulus to keep body and mind together. Employers have also realised necessity and importance of their own role in providing the extra amenities, in addition to the statutory ones as required by the provisions of various Acts. Today, Welfare has been generally accepted by employers. The state only intervenes to widen the area of applicability . It is now accepted both as a social obligation and as a social right. ILO also gives guidelines to member states to enhance and enforce the scope of Welfare Measures extended to the workers.
Family Welfare Programmes: Family welfare programmes are organized at Chennai every year. Vasectomy and tubectomy operations are conducted. Family welfare programmes are organized at Chennai jointly by Sri Vinayaga Industries and Lions club, with the help of medical officers. About 141 operations were conducted during the year 2001-2008 at ten bedded hospitals. The patients were provided free food and medicines. Education: a) Teaching aids include chairs, tables, and racks were supplied to secondary schools at Porur to the tune of seven thousand, adjacent places to the tune of four thousand and the entire expenditure was borne by Sri Vinayaka Industries cements. b) School buildings, in addition to the schools in Porur financial help is provided to the schools in the adopted villages for the construction and maintenance of school buildings, purchase of laboratory equipment, books for libraries and sports material, furniture etc. c) Adult education centre: Akshara Ujwala programme to adult literacy centres have been started. Electricity is also made available by supplying adequate number of poles and other assistance. Street lighting is also done at Porur. Generation of Employment, Formation Of Co-Operatives: As a policy, the company gives preference to the local people in employment in the company. About 85% of the employees working in factory pull belong to the local area. Further, the sons of the employees who were qualified in ITI diploma and graduation are given training by the company so that they will have better employment opportunities. Development Of Greenery: Sri Vinayaka Industries cement believes that tree plantation must become a universal 6
practice. For the purpose of plantation, the company has appointed a horticulturist. To educate the local populace they have carried out several campaigns among the local people for popularizing tree plantation and to explain the importance of preserving the environment. They have distributed tree saplings to each family in the neighbouring villages under one tree for every family scheme.
Our sustained effort in this work has paid us rich dividends, Porur, in spite of being located in one of the hottest regions the country, records surroundings has been recognized by the official and unofficial agencies for its achievements.
Also fruit bearing, high yielding trees have been distributed during the last two years in mango, lemon, pomegranate, coconut, etc. this measures will help to improve the economic condition of villages.
Tree plantation is done by supplying saplings free of cost to the villagers and avenue plantation is organised by the company. More than two lakh trees are planted which has survival rate of more than 75%.
Every year the company holds Vanmahothsav for one week and takes up plantations in the surrounding villages. In the month of august, 1998, Vanmahothsav was held under the programme. About 76660 trees have been planted.
Sports: The company encourages sports and games in the adopted villages. The required 7
materials are supplied for having their own volley ball courts, badminton, tennicoit courts, etc. Grant Of Pension: Efforts are made for getting sanctioned from government for the following: Total amount Widow pension Rs.501/head for 60 beneficiaries Old age pension Rs.301/head for 133 beneficiaries Land less agricultural labour pension Rs.30/head for 216 beneficiaries Total Rs.161640/Rs.77760/Rs.47880/Per year Rs.36000/-
those employers, who died with in employment, were given financial assistance of Rs.5000/- subsequently the benefits are expanded under the scheme.
Under the present scheme, the employers, who retired, resigned or left the service are paid a minimum of Rs.5000/- to a maximum of Rs.15000/- depending upon the length of service. 2. Sri Vinayaka Industries Consumer Co-Operative: The management always plans in the real earnings of the employees, in other words unless the inflation due to the high price of the commodities, hoardings of the essential commodities is checked properly, worker/employee cannot enjoy the real value of income /wages getting from the company .Therefore the management thought there should be equitable distribution of essential commodities, supply of provisions and goods at fair prices and to achieve this end, promoted consumers co-operative stores making employees as its members. In the stores, the essential commodities like rice, wheat, sugar, kerosene are supplied at controlled rates and other items like pulses, groceries cloth and other general goods are supplied at fair price
Management has thought that there should be some financial help to these workers who are in need of money and promoted a Co-operative credit society in the name of Sri Vinayaka Industries cements employees credit society ltd. Initially sufficient capital was given by the company to fulfil its aims and objectives of the society and the employees are made as members and those workers who are in need for money is given the term loans on very reasonable interests. These loans are recovered from the villages in easy instalment so that the works shall not find any difficulty in repayment
3. Recreation. The management always believes that recreational facilities like games, sports, social and cultural activities promote friendliness and belongingness among employers. They also develop a healthy body and sound mind .To achieve this end, we have provided the following
Two auditoriums For playing indoor games like shuttle, badminton, chess, carom and also for cultural functions, and activities like drama, music and dance concerts etc
35mm and 16mm projects All the employees are shown features film in Telugu and Hindi. Libraries and reading rooms They have nearly 5000 books of novels, stories and literatures in English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, and Malayalam and under languages to the employees and their children. These books promote knowledge and wisdom, all kinds of newspapers and managers are subscribed in these reading rooms for daily reading of employees and their families. 4) Games and Sports: Every year on the evening of the republic day and Independence Day, competitions in various games and sports are conducted for the employees and their families at the cost of nearly 40,000/-only and prises are given for the winners. 5) TV Transmission Network: 10
A TV transmission receiving system with a dish antenna and closed circuit has been provided at a cost Rs.5, 00, and 0000/- for the entertainment of all the colony inhabitancy.
6) Canteen: Canteen is provided since 1970 where tea, coffee, snacks and breakfast are served. The workers are given tea and snacks while on duty. The tea is supplied at 0.50 Ps per cup, idly and Wada at Rs.1.80Ps (2 Nos.) and a sum of Rs.400000/- is spent per annum as subsidy on these snacks alone.
7) Schools and Education: The management has provided one English medium school up to 10th standard. The students who are economically weak and got admission in residential school are given financial assistance of Rs.3000/-
8) Medical: The management has provided a dispensary with a qualified medical officer and paramedical staff. All the workers, who are not covered under EST, are given treatment free of cost round the clock. The company is having a medical reimbursement scheme for the employees who pay 5%-8.33% of the annual income for the treatment by the workers and their families. In case of disablement due to employment injury, the company pays the full wages during such period.
Marriage Advance: 11
The marriages of daughter, sons and sisters and brothers is a religious duty of a worker either as a head of the family or as a part of the joint family functions. Therefore, the management has thought fit that some financial help would care the burden of the workers and all the employees who are performing the marriage are given interest free loan ranging from one month to three month salary, in other words, it works out to Rs.5,000/- to Rs.20,000/-
Safety Day Celebrations: Every year, on the eve of safety day on 4th March, management holds completions on safety slogans, essay writings and poems in Telugu, English and Hindi. Awards are given to the 1st and 2nd in all competitions. In addition, all the participants are also given mementos. We have instituted three shields for the best housekeeping, highest reduction in frequency rate of accidents, lowest severity rate of accidents among the awards are also given to those employees, whose timely action and presence of mind averted major accidents.
Community Development: Sri Vinayaka Industries cement is also doing well on the rural front. Its rural and community development program include addition of two nearby villages, i.e. Palakurthy and Thakkedapalli, running an Agricultural Demonstration Farm, a model Dairy farm with an attached insemination centre, global activities attracted FAPCCI to choose Sri Vinayaka Industries for concerning the award for Best Efforts of an Industrial Unit in the state to develop rural economy. The company has bagged the prestigious FAPCCI Award for community development for the year 19994-95.
Every year, the management organizes a family planning camp in association with the District Medical authorities. In the camp, all facilities like transportation of the patients, free food to the staff and attendance of the patients, bread and milk to the patients are given. The company also gives every member who underwent -----an article worth Rs.100/- over and above the incentive given by the Government. The Company has bagged the prestigious FAPCCI for the best efforts in promoting family planning by an Industrial undertaking. ,
House Journal:
A house journal in the name of Basanthnagar Samachar is bought out quarterly wherein all the activities those have taken place will be published. Suggestion scheme: A suggestion scheme is introduced a suggestion box, inviting suggestions on : i. Increase in productivity; ii. Reduction in wastage; iii. Improvement in productivity; iv. Reducing absenteeism, etc.
Nearly 100 million tons of Stem & Yoke sleeve per annum was produced where India is the largest producer of Stem. Yet Stem manufacture in 300kg per day, also used for all Gate valves. On one hand, the country has plains with long tradition of Stem production and consumption due to regional variations within the country and it can be mind boggling. There is forest and hilly regions with no tradition of dairying and many coastal areas also do not have much of dairy tradition on the other hand.
There is a mismatch between demand and supply due to production growing and consumption growing at more than double the rate. It is creating the opportunities for international companies. India is expected to enter the international market with demand. But, growing prosperity stem and Yoke sleeve will lead to the consumption of Gate valves products in large amount. The commodities like, gate valves like cheese and table butter will throw up opportunities to enter this huge market of more than a companies.
This report will make the international companies to understand the dairy scenario of India from a macro-level perspective. During the study, they tried to rely on official data from some departments of government of India. , which gives data only for financial year ended on March 2006.
Inadequacy of official data is a perennial problem with most developing countries. Data on economic fundamentals is extremely detailed and easily available. Fortunately, in case of India the problem is not as severe as and better than other developing countries, also more reliable than of most non-democratic countries.
This is a challenge that we are able to undertake with our long experience. We understand the dynamics of fast-changing India. We use the historical data and rely on experience to expertise the trends later.
Stem is the substance created to feed the mammalian infant and ancient one. All species of mammals, from man to whales, produce stems for this purpose. Many centuries ago ancient man learned to domesticate gate valves for the provision of stem to be consumed. This includes all of which used in various parts of the world for the production stem using for companies and all buildings works of consumption . A fermented product such as stem, yoke sleeve has the production of concentrated gate valves. The availability and distribution of stem and stem products today in the modern world is a blend of the centuries with the application of modern science and technology.
The tropical countries have not been traditional Stem consumers, whereas the northern regions of the world, Europe and North America, have traditionally consumed far more stem and stem products in their diet. Stem has traditionally been preserved through refrigeration, including immediate consumption of warm Stem by used to gate valves or by conversion into more stable products such as ferment. People consume an average of one-third meat and one-quarter of the stem products compared to the North, but this is changing rapidly. The amount of meat consumed has grown three times in the developed countries. Poor people are eating more products as they have become urbanized. The total world meat consumption will expand from 52% to 63% by 2020 by increasing the share of developing countries. By 2020, developing countries will consume 107 million. The rural poor in developing countries are improving by the income and nutrition. Yet many dietary changes also create environmental and health problems that require active policy involvement to prevent irreversible. .
The Livestock Revolution In the past people consumed at very low levels, and they took a long way to go near developed country averages. They consumed an average of 50 kg/capita meat and 150 kg/capita stem in 19961998. The caloric contribution of meat, Stem and Yoke sleeve in developing countries in the late 1990s was still a quarter that of the same for developed countries and, at 10%, accounted for only half the share of energy. Consumption is rising fast in regions where urbanization and rapid income growth result where peopling adding variety to their diets. Across many countries, consumption is significantly determined by average capita income. In 1980s, total meat and stem consumption grew at 6 and 4% per year respectively throughout the world. In East and Southeast Asia it grew at 4 to 8% per year. 17
Business Philosophy - Our Basis: Our business is based on sound values that work for our staff, our customers, and our shareholders. With these values, we aim to be India's leading supplier of high-class Stem Products for the national and international markets. Our organization is dedicated to putting the customers first by developing ideas and supplying Stem products in the closest possible partnership for creating mutual growth. Established in 1970, Sri Vinayaka Industries is today a leading player in the Indian Stem Sector processing with tradition and experience more than 500 kg Stem daily into a wide range of Stem products. Our brands have caught the imaginations and trust of millions of households and institutional buyers across national and international markets. Mission & Vision: Mission: Bringing prosperity into rural families of India through co-operative efforts and providing customers with hygienic, affordable and convenient supply of Good Gate valves in Stem Products. Vision: To be a progressive billion dollar organization with a pan India foot print by 2012.To achieve this by delighting customers with "Good Gate Valves" Stem products, those are a benchmark for quality in the industry. We are committed to enhanced prosperity and the empowerment of the farming community through our unique "Relationship Farming" Model. 18
To be a preferred employer by nurturing entrepreneurship, managing career aspirations and providing innovative avenues for enhanced employee prosperity. AWARDS:
* BEST MANUFACTURER AWARD from Ethno Business Council in 2003 * Finalist in B.C. EXPORT AWARDS 2003 * Finalist in CULTURAL DIVERSITY AWARD 2004 * Finalist in business excellence for SURREY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AWARD * Featured in Showcase of Surreys Corporate Community website * Won the AGRICULTURE AND PRIMARY PRODUCTS EXPORTER AWARD OF THE YEAR 2007
Large scale immigration from South Asia has been instrumental in bringing traditional ethnic flavors into mainstream. There are not too many geographic areas where stems of different countries or regions are not to be found on the same platter. Traditional stem have long been associated with different ethnic groups, being an integral part of their culture and have a unique place in diets of the consumer. We, at Sri Vinayaka Industries, have taken up the challenge of finding ways to reproduce authentic flavor and texture of traditional Stem while translating these to more massproduced items. 19
While the sensory attributes continue to linger in the minds of the people, the old technology fast becomes unattractive in the modern manufacturing and marketing context. The management and staff at Sri Vinayaka industries are committed to the search for excellence and strive to bring to the astute customer the authentic tastes from India and around the world. Total satisfaction of the customer is our motto. We have recently made a major investment in infrastructure at our production facilities. Employing innovative technology, quality control of the highest order and a professional approach, we do our utmost to source and procure quality ingredients to manufacture products of superlative quality at competitive prices and shall continue to do so. With best wishes, P.vinayagam President Sri Vinayaka Industries. MESSAGE FROM THE CEO: Sri vinayaka industries is dedicated to the application of Good Manufacturing Practices and the use of modern technology to promote our aim of producing high quality food products for restaurants, retail outlets, wholesale distributors and Stem Products. We endeavor to achieve a manufacturing environment which helps produce excellent quality products and
keep them wholesome. We make every effort to provide a positive and pleasant working atmosphere for the employees. New Product Development is an on-going process at our facility and the range of products is continuously growing so as to provide the customer, with a wide variety to choose from. The management team at Sri Vinayaka Industry is keenly looking forward to working with you and shall spare no effort to help you meet your particular requirements. Subhash Kamath CEO. 20
Product Profile - Complete Products: A range of Stem products produced from carefully selected pure, stem are available in a wide range of sizes to meet the todays' demanding retail and industrial consumers. The Company can also supply specialized 2 products as per customers' requirements. Our product range comprises of:1. Stem. 2. Yoke Sleeve. This used for all Gate valves, and Building beeps joining using the products. PROBLEM DEFINITION It is the fact that effectiveness of the organization depends not only on investment and return but also on quality of manpower and its commitment to the organization. Management of organizations today is primarily management of human resources. The present book provides a comprehensive analysis of how the various issues such as industrial conflicts, job dissatisfaction, various human needs, etc. should be handled tactfully and carefully.
SCOPE: Employee welfare is an important fact of industrial relation, the extra dimension giving satisfaction to the workers in a way even good wage cannot with the growth of industrialization and mechanization. It has acquired added importance. The employee welfare measures provided by the employer must result in higher productivity, absence of employee turnover, higher standards of the workers, high job satisfaction and cordial human relation between employer and employees.
OBJECTIVEs of study
Primary Objectives:
To study employee welfare measures offered by Sri Vinayaka Industries.
Secondary Objectives:
To identify the statutory and non statutory welfare measures adopted by Sri Vinayaka Industries. To do a comprehensive study on welfare measures. To measure the satisfaction level of regarding welfare measures taken by organization. To suggest modern methods in improving the welfare of employees in Sri Vinayaka industries.
The welfare of employees is a statutory measure for any organisation and it is a non-exception to this industry also. Personal interviews and observation methods are used to collect primary data. A questionnaire is designed to measure the satisfaction level of employees with regard to employee welfare measures. I have also visited different sections and collected information. Apart from the questionnaire I took the help of secondary data sources as: a. Company annual reports b. Records and documents c. Magazines and other broachers published by the company d. News papers and other data sources. e. Websites.
Data Sources For the purpose of the study, both primary and secondary data has been obtained from employees of the organization and with the help of the published information provided by the HR Department of Sri Vinayaka industries. Primary data is collected by issuing a well designed questionnaire to the employees and their opinions and suggestions were sought with the help of the questionnaire. The secondary data is gathered with the help of the literature that has been obtained from the organization in the various forms as such magazines, journals, annual report and additional information from personal department of Sri Vinayaka industries. 23
After the data has been collected, analysis is made from questionnaire and tabulation method is followed. Tabulation is a technique procedure where in data is classified and put in the form of tables. The tables thus obtained were analyzed with statistical tools like percentages and pie diagram so that interpretation would be precise and easy.
Percentage method is used in making the comparison between the series of data % of respondent = No. of respondents Total no of respondents Chi-square analysis * 100
HR, administration and production (Stem & Yoke Sleeve) departments of Sri Vinayaka Industries. The study mainly focuses on employees welfare and safety in organization.
Human Resource Management; Organizations are made up of people and functions through people. Without people organizations cannot exist. The resources of men, money, materials and machinery are collected, coordinated and utilized by people. All the activities of the organization are initiated and completed by the persons who make up the organization. Therefore people are the most significant resource of any organization. This resource is known as human resource and its the most important factor of any organization. According to L. F. Urwick, business houses are made or broken in the long run not by markets or capital, patent or equipment but by men.
Meaning of Labor Welfare: Welfare means faring or doing well. It is a comprehensive term, and refers to the physical, mental, moral and emotional well-being of an individual. Further, the term welfare is a relative concept, relative in time and space. It, therefore, varies from time to time, from region to region and from country to country.
Labor welfare is a term which must necessarily be elastic, bearing a somewhat different interpretation in one country from another, according to the different social customs, the degree of industrialization and educational level of the workers.
1. Welfare Measures inside the work place: A) Conditions of the Work Environment: Neighborhood safety and cleanliness; attention to approaches. Housekeeping; up keeping of premises compound wall, lawns, garden, white washing of walls and floor maintenance. Workshop room sanitation and cleanliness; temperature, humidity, ventilation, lighting, elimination of dust, smoke, fumes, gases. Convenience and comfort during work that is operatives posture, seating arrangements. Distribution of work hours and provision for rest hours, meal times and breaks. Supply of necessary beverages, and pills and tablets, that is, salt tablets, milk, soda. Workmens safety measures, that is, maintenance of machines and tools, fencing of machines, providing guards, helmets, aprons, goggles and first aid equipment.
B) Conveniences: Urinals and lavatories, wash basins, bathrooms, provision for spittoons, waste disposal. Provision of drinking water; water coolers. Canteen facilities; full meal, mobile canteen. Management of workers cloak rooms, rest rooms, reading room and library. C) Workers Health Services: Factory health centre; dispensary, ambulance, emergency aid. Medical examination for workers. Health education, health research; family planning services.
D) Women and Child Welfare: Antenatal and postnatal care, maternity aid, crche and child care; womens general education. Separate services for women workers, that is, lunch rooms, urinals, rest rooms, womens recreation; family planning services. E) Workers Recreation: Indoor games; strenuous games to be avoided during intervals of works.
F) Employments follow up: Progress of the operative in his/her work; his/her adjustment problems with regard to machines and workload, supervisors and colleagues; industrial counseling. 31
G) Economic Services: Co-operatives, loans, financial grants; thrift and saving schemes; budget knowledge, unemployment insurance, health insurance, employment bureau. Profit-sharing and bonus schemes; transport services; provident fund, gratuity and pension. Rewards and incentives; workmens compensation for injury; family assistance in times of need.
H) Labour-Management Participation: Formation and working of various committees, that is, works committee, safety committee, canteen committee; consultation in welfare area, in production area, in the area of administration in the area of public relations. Workmens arbitration council. Research bureau. I) Workers Education: Reading room, library, circulating library; visual education; literary classes, adult education, social education; daily news review; factory news bulletin; cooperation with workers in education services.
Schools: nursery, primary, secondary and high school. Markets, co-operatives, consumer and credit societies. Bank.
Transport. Communication: post, telegraph and telephones. Health and medical services: dispensary, emergency ward, out-patient and inpatient care, family visiting; family planning. Recreation: games; clubs; craft centers; cultural programmers, that is, music clubs; interest and hobby circles; festival celebration; study circles; reading room and library; open air theatre; swimming pool; athletics, gymnasia. Watch and ward; security. Community leadership development: council of elders; committee of representatives; administration of community services and problems; child, youth and womens clubs.
Welfare facilities may be categorized as: (a) Intra-mural and (b) Extra-mural.
Intra-Mural facilities:
Intra-mural activities consist of facilities provided within the factories and include medical facilities, compensation for accidents, provision of crches and canteens, supply of drinking water, washing and bathing facilities, provision of safety measures, activities relating to improving conditions of employment, and the like. 33
Extra-mural facilities: Extra-mural activities cover the services and facilities provided outside the factory such as housing accommodation, indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, amusement and sports, educational facilities for adults and children, and the like. It may be stated that the welfare activities may be provided by the employer, the government, non-government organizations and the trade unions. While, what employers provide will be stated later, the activities undertaken by others agencies are mentioned here.
Another significant step taken by the central government has been to constitute welfare funds for the benefit of the employees. These funds have been established in coal, mica, iron-ore, limestone, and dolomite mines. The welfare activities covered by these funds include housing, medical, educational and recreational facilities for employees and their dependents.
Counseling: Personal and family problems. Adjustment to their work environment. Understanding their rights and privileges.
Advising management: Formulating welfare policies. Apprenticeship training programmes. Complying with statutory obligations to workers. Developing fringe benefits. 36
Workers education.
Liaisoning with workers: Appreciate the need for harmonious and industrial relations in the plant. Resolve disputes, if any. Understand the limitations under which they operate; and Interpret company policies correctly.
Liaisoning with the management: Liaisoning with the management so as to appraise the later about workers viewpoints on organizational matters.
Labor Welfare Measures: There are two elements of labor welfare measures: Health measures. Safety measures.
HEALTH MEASURES: 1) Cleanliness: Every factory shall be kept clean by daily sweeping or washing the floor and work rooms and by using disinfectant where necessary walls, doors and windows shall be repainted or revarnished at least once in every 5 years. 2) Disposal of Wastes and Effluents:
Effective arrangements shall be made for the disposal of wastes and for making them innocuous.
3) Ventilation and Temperature: Effective arrangement shall be made for ventilation and temperature so as to provide comforts to the workers and prevent injury to their health. 4) Dust and fume: Effective measures shall be taken to prevent the inhalation and accumulation of dust and fumes or other impurities as their work place. 5) Artificial Humidification: The state government shall make roles prescribing standards of humidification and method to be adopted for the purpose. It will be incumbent on the management to use effectively purified water for humidification. 6) Over Crowding: There shall be in every work room of a factory in existence on the date commencement of their act at least 9.9 cubic meters space for every worker. 7) Lighting: The state government may prescribe standards or sufficient and suitable lighting. However there shall be provision for both natural and artificial lighting. Glares and shadows which arrangement shall be kept clean. 8) Drinking Water:
There shall be effective arrangement for wholesome drinking water for workers at convenient points. If their number is more than 250 then the arrangement shall be made for cool drinking water during hot weather.
9) Latrines and Urinals: There shall be sufficient number as latrines as latrines and urinals, clean, well ventilated conveniently situated and built according to prescribed standards separately for male and female workers. 10) Spittoons: There shall be sufficient number of spittoons placed at convenient place in the factory workers will use these spittoons for spitting. Any workers violating these roles shall be punished with fine not exceeding rupees 5.
1) Fencing of Machinery: All dangerous and moving part of machinery shall be severely fenced bolts and teeth shall be completely encased to prevent danger. 2) Worker on or near Machinery in Motion: Lubrication or other adjusting operation on moving machinery shall be done only by specially trained adult male workers. No women or young person shall be allowed for this work. 3) Employment of Young Persons on Dangerous Machines:
No young persons shall be allowed to work on any dangerous machine so prescribed by the state government unless he is sufficiently trained or is working under the supervision of a knowledgeable person.
4) Device for Cutting off Power: Suitable device for cutting off power in emergencies shall be provided. These shall also be suitable arrangement to prevent accidental starting of the machinery. 5) Hoist and Lifts: These shall be made of good material strength and thoroughly examined at least once in every six months and suitably protected to prevent any person or thing from being trapped.
6) Proper Construction and Maintained of Floors and Stairs: Floor and stairs shall be of sound construction and properly maintained free from any abstraction.
7) No Excessive Weights: No person in the factory shall carry loads which is in excess of the weights prescribed by the state government separately for men-women and children.
8) Suitable Precautions against Excessive Light Dangerous Fumes and Gases: Effective screens or goggles shall be provided to the workers to give them protection against excessive light. Man holes adequate size shall be provided for effective of gases and fumes. No portable electric light of more than 24 volts shall be permitted inside any chamber. These shall be suitable facilities for extinguishing fire besides safe means of escape.
9) Safety of Building and Machinery: They machineries are lubricated and overhauled according to maintenance schedule. So it leads to smooth operating of machines in an easiest way. These make the workers to do the job as quick as possible.
10) Appointments of Safety Officers: In every factory and where in the opinion of the state government any manufacturing process of operation is carried on which process or operation involves any risk of bodily injury poisoning or disease or any other hazard to health to the person employed in the factory the occupier shall, if so required by the state government by notification in the official gazette employ in the such number of safety officer as many be specified in that notification. The duties, qualification and condition of services of safety officers shall be such as may be prescribed by the state government.
Hazardous process means any process or activity in relation to an industry specified in first schedule where unless special care is taken raw material used there in or the intermediate of finished product wastes or effluents these of would, Cause material impairment of the health of the person engaged in or connected theres with or Result in the pollution of the general environment.
Highly satisfied 0
Satisfied 90
Dissatisfied 10
From the above graph it is observed that 90% of the employees are
satisfied, 0% of them are highly satisfied, and 10% of them are dissatisfied.
Highly satisfied 10
Satisfied 75
Dissatisfied 15
From the above graph it is observed that 75% of the employees are
satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 15% of them are dissatisfied. .
Highly satisfied 5
Satisfied 80
Dissatisfied 15
Highly satisfied
Inference: -
From the above graph it is observed that 80% of the employees are
satisfied, 5% of them are highly satisfied, and 15% of them are dissatisfied.
Highly satisfied
10 20
Highly satisfied
From the above graph it is observed that 70% of the employees are
satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 20% of them are dissatisfied.
Highly satisfied 10
Satisfied 60
Dissatisfied 30
From the above graph it is observed that 60% of the employees are
satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 30% of them are dissatisfied.
Highly satisfied 10
Satisfied 80
Dissatisfied 10
Highly satisfied
From the above graph it is observed that 80% of the employees are
satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 10% of them are dissatisfied. .
Highly satisfied 25
Satisfied 45
Dissatisfied 30
Highly satisfied
Inference:From the above graph it is observed that 45% of the employees are satisfied, 25% of them are highly satisfied, and 30% of them are dissatisfied. .
Highly satisfied 5
Satisfied 85
Dissatisfied 10
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Highly satisfied
From the above graph it is observed that 85% of the employees are
satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 5% of them are dissatisfied.
Highly satisfied
Satisfied 50
Highly satisfied
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
From the above graph it is observed that 85% of the employees are
satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 5% of them are dissatisfied.
Highly satisfied
Satisfied 51
From the above graph it is observed that 80% of the employees are
satisfied, 15% of them are highly satisfied, and 5% of them are dissatisfied. . .
Highly satisfied 25
Satisfied 45
Dissatisfied 30
45 30
Highly satisfied
From the above graph it is observed that 45% of the employees are
satisfied, 25% of them are highly satisfied, and 30% of them are dissatisfied.
Highly satisfied 35
Satisfied 50 53
Dissatisfied 15
15 35
Highly satisfied
From the above graph it is observed that 50% of the employees are
satisfied, 15% of them are highly satisfied, and 15% of them are dissatisfied. .
Highly satisfied
From the above graph it is observed that 70% of the employees are
satisfied, 20% of them are highly satisfied, and 10% of them are dissatisfied. .
Highly satisfied 15
Satisfied 65
Dissatisfied 20
Highly satisfied
From the above graph it is observed that 65% of the employees are
satisfied, 15% of them are highly satisfied, and 20% of them are dissatisfied. .
Highly satisfied 25
Satisfied 70
Dissatisfied 5
From the above graph it is observed that 70% of the employees are
satisfied, 25% of them are highly satisfied, and 5% of them are dissatisfied. .
Highly satisfied 30
Satisfied 65
Dissatisfied 5
From the above graph it is observed that 65% of the employees are
satisfied, 30% of them are highly satisfied, and 5% of them are dissatisfied.
Highly satisfied 35
Satisfied 65
Dissatisfied 0
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Highly satisfied 35
0 Satisfied Dissatisfied
From the above graph it is observed that 65% of the employees are
satisfied, 35% of them are highly satisfied, and 0% of them are dissatisfied.
Chi square between quality of services and items provided in canteen and ambience/ cleanliness of canteen H0 (Null hypothesis)
= There
H1 (Alternate hypothesis) = There is dependency between quality of services and items provided in canteen and ambience/ cleanliness of canteen
Quality of services and items provided in canteen / ambience and cleanliness of canteen Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Total 2 2 1 5 13 65 7 85 5 3 2 10 20 70 10 100 Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Total
Quality of services and items provided in canteen / ambience and cleanliness of canteen Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Total
Highly satisfied
4 1 0 5
8 68 9 85
8 1 1 10
20 70 10 100
[(O-E) 2 / E]
O Observed frequency E Expected frequency (O E) = Difference between observed frequency and expected frequency. (O E) =Square of the difference
(O-E) 2/ E
2 13 5 2 65 3 1 7 2
4 8 8 1 68 1 0 9 1
-2 5 -3 1 -3 2 1 -2 1
4 25 9 1 9 4 1 4 1
[(O-E) 2 / E]
= 11.83
Degree of freedom
= = =
Calculated value
= 11.83
H1 is accepted
Hence there is dependency between quality of services and items provided in canteen and ambience/ cleanliness of canteen
Highly satisfied
Weighted Average
1 2 3
150 100
Inference :
From the above table it is clear that weighted average is 1.50. The value of the weighted average is in between 1-2. Hence, most of the respondents are satisfied with the chances of career development with the organization.
It is observed that 90% of the employees are satisfied 0% of them are highly satisfied, and 10% of them are dissatisfied. 75% of the employees are satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 15% of them are dissatisfied. 80% of the employees are satisfied, 5% of them are highly satisfied, and 15% of them are dissatisfied. 70% of the employees are satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 20% of them are dissatisfied. 60% of the employees are satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 30% of them are dissatisfied. 80% of the employees are satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 10% of them are dissatisfied. 45% of the employees are satisfied, 25% of them are highly satisfied, and 30% of them are dissatisfied. 85% of the employees are satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 5% of them are dissatisfied. 85% of the employees are satisfied, 10% of them are highly satisfied, and 5% of them are dissatisfied. 80% of the employees are satisfied, 15% of them are highly satisfied, and 5% of them are dissatisfied. 45% of the employees are satisfied, 25% of them are highly satisfied, and 30% of 66
them are dissatisfied. 50% of the employees are satisfied, 15% of them are highly satisfied, and 15% of them are dissatisfied. 70% of the employees are satisfied, 20% of them are highly satisfied, and 10% of them are dissatisfied. 65% of the employees are satisfied, 15% of them are highly satisfied, and 20% of them are dissatisfied. 70% of the employees are satisfied, 25% of them are highly satisfied, and 5% of them are dissatisfied. 65% of the employees are satisfied, 30% of them are highly satisfied, and 5% of them are dissatisfied. 65% of the employees are satisfied, 35% of them are highly satisfied, and 0% of them are dissatisfied.
As I conclude my topic on Employee welfare measures I have found that labour welfare is an important and vital part of the organisation. And welfare measures taken up by the organisation for the employees play a major role in the activities of an organisation and good will of the company.
As a part of my project I have thoroughly studied the Employee Welfare measures and activities conducted in the organisation i.e., Sri Vinayaka Industries and I have found that majority of the employees are happy and contended with the welfare measures provided to them and also some dissatisfaction was observed but at a very minor level.
As I reach to the end I want to conclude stating that Sri Vinayaka Industries have been major successful in implementing and maintaining welfare measures in the organisation and keeping the workers contended but I also suggest some minor changes for the betterment of the organisation and in this process I have learnt about the various welfare measures and activities of employee welfare of the organisation and in general how welfare measures are incorporated into an organisation.
The following suggestions may help the company in providing better employee welfare facilities to employees at Sri Vinayaka Industries. Shortage in the number of houses when compared to the number of employees. Lower grade employees not being allotted separate quarters. The management should educate the employees regarding the employees periodical development schemes and conduct counselling to avoid the minimum utilization of employees development scheme. The management should identify the wastage areas and should conduct special training process relating to the wastage and educate them. Proper care in regular pay for dependents, assurance of job for the children of deceased person. Increase the number of schools and colleges as per the requirement of the employees children.
Sir/Madam, I am . doing my final year MBA at , .. I would like to have your co-operation in filling up this questionnaire which would help me in completing my summer project. I assure you that the information would be used only for academic purpose.
1) How do you feel about the gratuity provided by the company? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
2) What is your experience to the provident fund given by the company? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
3) How far are you satisfied with the availability of pension? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied 70
c) Dissatisfied
4) How far are you satisfied with the bonus provided to you? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied d) Dissatisfied
5 ) What is your ranking towards the payment of workmens compensation? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
6) How far are you satisfied with the help provided by Sri Vinayaka Industries? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
7) How do you feel about the transportation facilities provided to you? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied 71
c) Dissatisfied
8) How do you feel about the quality of services and items provided in canteen? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
9) How do feel about the Health Facilities provided by the company? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
10) Are you satisfied with the financial assistance you get from the company with regards to various purposes? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
11) How do you rate the medical facilities provided by the organisation? a) Highly satisfied 72
b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied 12) How do you rate the recreation facilities provided to you? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
13) How far you are satisfied with the ambience/ cleanliness in your canteen. a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
14) This is a good chance of career development in this organisation. a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
15) You are enjoying job security in this organisation? a) Strongly agree b) Agree 73
c) Disagree
16) How do you feel about the preventive measures taken by the management towards accidents? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Dissatisfied
17) Sri Vinayaka Industries is really concerned with your welfare and listens to your complaints and grievances? a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree
Ashwathapa : Human Resource Management David .A. Decenzo, Stephen P. Robbins: Fundamental of Human Resource Management. Personnel management, C.B.Memoria, S.V.Gankar Himalaya publishing house 2001.
5 14
18 22 23 25 27 28 42 65
67 68 69
Table No PARTICUARS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Employee Statutory measure of Gratuity Employee Provident Fund Employee Statutory measure Pension Employee Bonus Workman Compensation Help Provided by Sri Vinayaka Industries corporation Employee - Transportation Quality Service and Items provided in Canteen
Page no 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Health facilities Employee Financial Assistance Employee Medical Facilities Recreation Facilities Ambulance & Cleanness Facilities Crier Development in Organization Employee Job Security Preventative measure taken by the canteen Sri Vinayaka Industries with employee welfare
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
Page no
Designation wise classification of respondents Department wise classification of respondents Experience wise classification of respondents Gender wise classification of respondents Age wise classification of respondents Respondents awareness level of salary package and compensation benefits
27 28 29 30 31 32
Respondents opinion on whether the compensation program and total compensation packages are communicated to employees transparently
Respondents opinion on whether they believe that compensation benefits reduces attrition rate Respondents opinion on whether Good compensation package reduces absenteeism
Respondents opinion on whether employee satisfaction and engagement are highly dependent on compensation benefits
Respondents satisfaction level with compensation package Respondents satisfaction level with the bonus provided Respondents opinion on whether Job roles and compensation pack are frequently re-evaluated or updated
40 41 42
Respondents opinion on whether compensation and benefits will improve In the future