Data Collection N
Data Collection N
Data Collection N
In nursing, data collection is focused on assessing the health of individuals. A comprehensive health assessment encompasses the physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of a person. Forms (Methods) of Collecting Data Observation To gather data with the use of the senses. It is a conscious, deliberate skill that is developed through effort and with organized approach. o Physical Examination: A systematic data collection method that uses observation (i.e., the senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch) to detect health problems. Four basic techniques are used in performing a physical assessment: inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation. Inspection is using the senses of vision, smell and hearing to observe the condition of various body parts, including any deviations from normal. Palpation is touching and feeling body parts with your hands to determine the following characteristics: texture (roughness or smoothness), temperature (warm, hot or cold), moisture (dry, wet or moist), motion (stillness or motion) and consistency of structures (solid or fluid filled). Percussion is tapping a portion of the body to elicit tenderness or sounds that may vary with the density of the underlying structures. Auscultation is listening for various breath, heart, vasculature, and bowel sounds using a stethoscope. It may be organized according to the examiners preference, in a head-to-toe approach or a body-systems approach. Several Frameworks may be used: Functional Health Framework- evaluates the effects of the mind, body and environment in relation to a persons ability to perform the tasks of daily living. This health assessment
framework organizes data collection in terms of Gordons 11 functional health patterns: Health Perception and Health Management Activity and Exercise Nutrition and Metabolism Elimination Sleep and Rest Cognition and Perception Self-Perception and Self-Concept Roles and Relationships Coping and Stress Tolerance Sexuality and Reproduction Values and Beliefs Head-to-Toe Framework-This system of collecting data starts form the Head and proceeds systematically to the toes. Body Systems Framework- This may be used during focused assessment especially among acutely or critically ill clients. Respiratory Cardiovascular Musculoskeletal Gastrointestinal Integumentary Endocrine Genitourinary Reproductive Neurologic Sensory Psychosocial Interview
A planned communication or conversation, for example, to get or give information, identify problems of mutual concern, evaluate change, teach, provide, support or provide counseling. Phases of the Nursing Interview: Professional interpersonal and interviewing skills are necessary to obtain a valid nursing health history. The nursing interview is a communication process that focuses on the clients developmental, psychological, physiologic, sociocultural, and spiritual responses that can be treated with nursing and other collaborative interventions. The nursing interview has three basic phases. Introductory Phase. In this phase, the nurse introduces his/herself to the client. The nurse also states the purpose of the interview to the client (i.e., to collect data, to understand clients needs, and to plan nursing care). Working Phase. The nurse uses critical thinking skills to listen for and observe cues, and to interpret and validate information received form the client. The nurse collaborates with the client to identify problems and goals. The approach used for facilitation may either be freeflowing or more structured with specific questions, depending on available time and type of data needed. Summary and Closure Phase. The nurse summarizes information obtained during the working phase and validates problems and goals with the client. The nurse may begin to discuss possible plans to resolve the problems (nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems). The nurse also allows the client time to express feelings, concerns and questions.
Data collection is important in the nursing profession. The nursing process, being a framework of the nursing practice, lies heavily on assessment. Without the appropriate assessment, nursing care would be ineffective. There are several forms of collecting data which includes observation, physical examination, and interview. In observation/physical examination, data are gathered systematically with the use of the senses. This is aided with the use of the techniques of Inspection, Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation. In the Interview however, the nurse establishes a conversation (communication) and facilitates the exchange of information between him/her and the client. REFERENCES: Weber J. (2006). Nurses handbook of health assessment. 5th edition. Udan J. (2009). Mastering fundamentals of nursing: concepts and clinical Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. p15-16, 35-36 application. 3rd edition. Educational publishing house. p243-244