MATLAB Communication Toolbox Primer

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Communications Toolbox

For Use with MATLAB

Computation Visualization Programming

Users Guide
Version 2

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For contact information about worldwide offices, see the MathWorks Web site. Communications Toolbox Users Guide COPYRIGHT 1996 - 2001 by The MathWorks, Inc.
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New Revised for MATLAB 5 Revised for Version 2 (Release 12) Revised for Version 2.0.1 (Release 12.1)


What Is the Communications Toolbox? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Related Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Using This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Expected Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Supplementing This Guide with Command-Line Help . . . . . . . . xii Configuration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii Technical Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Polynomials as Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Typographical Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv

Getting Started with the Communications Toolbox

A Detailed Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What the Example Does . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Where to Find the Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How the Example Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output from the Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-6

Using the Communications Toolbox

Random Signals and Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Error Analysis Features of the Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Random Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Error Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Eye Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Scatter Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Source Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Source Coding Features of the Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Representing Quantization Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantizing a Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Optimizing Quantization Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Implementing Differential Pulse Code Modulation . . . . . . . . . Optimizing DPCM Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Companding a Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selected Bibliography for Source Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Coding Features of the Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Block Coding Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Representing Messages and Codewords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Representing Block Coding Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating and Decoding Block Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Performing Other Block Code Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selected Bibliography for Block Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Convolutional Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Convolutional Coding Features of the Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . Polynomial Description of a Convolutional Encoder . . . . . . . . Trellis Description of a Convolutional Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating and Decoding Convolutional Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examples of Convolutional Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selected Bibliography for Convolutional Coding . . . . . . . . . . .
2-14 2-14 2-14 2-15 2-18 2-19 2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-26 2-30 2-36 2-40 2-42 2-43 2-43 2-43 2-46 2-50 2-52 2-55

Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-56 Modulation Features of the Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-57 Modulation Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-58



Representing Analog Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simple Analog Modulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Options in Analog Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filter Design Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Digital Modulation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Representing Digital Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Significance of Sampling Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Representing Signal Constellations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simple Digital Modulation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customizing the Modulation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Options in Digital Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selected Bibliography for Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Filter Features of the Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noncausality and the Group Delay Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . Designing Hilbert Transform Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filtering with Raised Cosine Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Designing Raised Cosine Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selected Bibliography for Special Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2-59 2-61 2-62 2-62 2-66 2-67 2-70 2-70 2-74 2-75 2-77 2-77 2-78 2-78 2-78 2-80 2-81 2-87 2-88

Galois Field Computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-89 Galois Field Features of the Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-89 Galois Field Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-89 Representing Elements of Galois Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-90 Default Primitive Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-93 Converting and Simplifying Element Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-94 Arithmetic in Galois Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-97 Polynomials over Prime Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-99 Other Galois Field Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-103 Selected Bibliography for Galois Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-103



Functions by Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Alphabetical List of Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 ademod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 ademodce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16 amod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20 amodce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 apkconst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 awgn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 bchdeco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 bchenco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 bchpoly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37 bi2de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41 biterr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43 compand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49 convenc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51 cyclgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53 cyclpoly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55 ddemod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57 ddemodce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62 de2bi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-67 decode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-69 demodmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-73 dmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-78 dmodce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-82 dpcmdeco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-86 dpcmenco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-87 dpcmopt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-88 encode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-89 eyediagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-95 gen2par . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-97 gfadd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-99 gfconv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-101 gfcosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-103 gfdeconv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-105 gfdiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-108 gffilter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-110



gflineq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfminpol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfmul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfpretty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfprimck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfprimdf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfprimfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfrank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfrepcov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfroots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfsub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gftrunc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gftuple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfweight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hammgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hank2sys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hilbiir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . istrellis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lloyds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . marcumq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . modmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oct2dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . poly2trellis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qaskdeco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qaskenco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quantiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . randerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . randint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . randsrc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rcosfir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rcosflt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rcosiir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rcosine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsdeco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsdecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsdecof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsenco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsencode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsencof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3-112 3-114 3-116 3-117 3-118 3-120 3-121 3-122 3-124 3-125 3-126 3-128 3-130 3-131 3-134 3-135 3-138 3-140 3-143 3-145 3-147 3-148 3-153 3-154 3-157 3-159 3-162 3-164 3-166 3-167 3-169 3-171 3-174 3-176 3-178 3-181 3-183 3-184 3-187 3-189

rspoly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . scatterplot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . symerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . syndtable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vec2mat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vitdec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wgn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3-190 3-192 3-194 3-197 3-198 3-200 3-204



What Is the Communications Toolbox? . . . . . . . . viii Related Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Using This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Expected Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Supplementing This Guide with Command-Line Help . . . . .xii Configuration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Technical Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Polynomials as Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Typographical Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv


What Is the Communications Toolbox?

The Communications Toolbox is a set of MATLAB functions that can help you design and analyze advanced communication systems. Functions in the toolbox can accomplish these tasks: Random signal production Error analysis, including eye diagrams and scatter plots Source coding, including scalar quantization, differential pulse code modulation, and companders Error-control coding, including convolutional and linear block coding Analog and digital modulation/demodulation Filtering of data using special filters Computations in Galois fields


Related Products

Related Products
The MathWorks provides several products that are especially relevant to the kinds of tasks you can perform with the Communications Toolbox. They are listed in the table below. In particular, the Communications Toolbox requires these products: MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox For more information about any of these products, see either: The online documentation for that product, if it is installed or if you are reading the documentation from the CD The MathWorks Web site, at; see the products section

Note The toolboxes listed below all include functions that extend MATLABs capabilities. The blocksets all include blocks that extend the capabilities of Simulink.



CDMA Reference Blockset Communications Blockset DSP Blockset

Simulink block libraries for the design and simulation of the IS-95A wireless communications standard Simulink block libraries for modeling the physical layer of communications systems Simulink block libraries for the design, simulation, and prototyping of digital signal processing systems





Signal Processing Toolbox Simulink

Tool for algorithm development, signal and linear system analysis, and time-series data modeling Interactive, graphical environment for modeling, simulating, and prototyping dynamic systems

Using This Guide

Using This Guide

This guide describes and illustrates the capabilities of the Communications Toolbox. The table below matches sections of this guide with your possible learning goals.
Goal Section

Examine an example in detail, to begin learning about the toolbox Learn how this toolbox implements a particular category of functionality, such as source coding Learn about particular functions in this toolbox

Getting Started with the Communications Toolbox Using the Communications Toolbox Reference

Expected Background
This guide assumes that you already have background knowledge in the subject of communications. If you do not yet have this background, then you can acquire it using a standard communications text or the books listed in one of this guides sections entitled Selected Bibliography for... .

For New Users

Start with Getting Started with the Communications Toolbox, which describes an example in detail. Then read those parts of Using the Communications Toolbox that address the functionality that concerns you. When you find out from that chapter which functions you want to use, refer to the references pages in Reference that describe those functions.

For Experienced Users

The reference descriptions in Reference are probably the most relevant parts of this guide for you. Each reference description includes the functions syntax as well as a complete explanation of its options and operation. Many reference descriptions also include examples, a description of the functions algorithm, and references to additional reading material. You might also want to browse through Getting Started with the Communications Toolbox and Using the Communications Toolbox based on your interests or needs.



Supplementing This Guide with Command-Line Help

Command-line help is text that MATLAB displays in its command window. The table below lists two kinds of command-line help that are available for the Communications Toolbox, along with the command that you would type at the MATLAB prompt in order to display the help text.
Type of Command-Line Help MATLAB Command help comm

List of functions in the Communications Toolbox Information about a particular function

help function (for example, help ademod)

Method-Specific Help
Some multipurpose functions also provide command-line help on specific methods. For example, help encode displays text that describes the use of the encode command for error-control encoding. One specific method of error-control encoding is BCH encoding. The command
encode bch

displays text that describes the use of the encode command for BCH encoding. The functions that provide method-specific help are: amod, ademod, amodce, ademodce, ddemod, ddemodce, decode, demodmap, dmod, dmodce, encode, and modmap. The general help text, displayed by the help function command, lists the available methods.


Configuration Information

Configuration Information
To determine if the Communications Toolbox is installed on your system, type

at the MATLAB prompt. MATLAB displays information about the version of MATLAB you are running, including a list of all toolboxes installed on your system and their version numbers. Check the list to see if the Communications Toolbox appears. For information about installing the toolbox, see the MATLAB Installation Guide for your platform.



Technical Conventions
This section mentions some technical conventions that this guide uses.

Polynomials as Vectors
MATLAB represents a polynomial in one variable x using a vector that lists the polynomials coefficients, arranged according to the powers of x. Descending order means that the coefficient of the highest power of x appears first and that the polynomials constant term appears last. Ascending order is the opposite. The table below illustrates the conventions for functions in this toolbox and for built-in MATLAB functions.
Category of Functions Vector That Represents the Polynomial 1+2x+3x2

Error-control coding or Galois field computations Modulation/demodulation, e.g., when using filters Built-in MATLAB, e.g., roots, poly, polyval

[1, 2, 3] (ascending order) [3, 2, 1] (descending order) [3, 2, 1] (descending order)

Matrix dimensions are described by listing the number of rows and the number of columns of the matrix in that order, as below.
u = [1 2 3;4 5 6] % A 2-by-3 matrix


Typographical Conventions

Typographical Conventions
This guide uses some or all of these conventions.
Item Convention Used Monospace font Example

Example code

To assign the value 5 to A, enter

A = 5

Function names/syntax

Monospace font

The cos function finds the cosine of each array element. Syntax line example is
MLGetVar ML_var_name

Keys Literal strings (in syntax descriptions in reference chapters) Mathematical expressions

Boldface with an initial capital letter

Monospace bold for literals

Press the Return key.

f = freqspace(n,'whole')

Italics for variables Standard text font for functions, operators, and constants
Monospace font

This vector represents the polynomial p = x2 + 2x + 3 MATLAB responds with

A = 5

MATLAB output

Menu titles, menu items, dialog boxes, and controls New terms Omitted input arguments

Boldface with an initial capital letter

Choose the File menu. An array is an ordered collection of information.

[c,ia,ib] = union(...)

Italics (...) ellipsis denotes all of the input/output arguments from preceding syntaxes.
Monospace italics

String variables (from a finite list)

sysc = d2c(sysd,'method')




Getting Started with the Communications Toolbox
A Detailed Example . . . What the Example Does . . Where to Find the Example How the Example Works . Output from the Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-6

Getting Started with the Communications Toolbox

A Detailed Example
This chapter describes a particular example in detail, to help you get started using the Communications Toolbox. It uses several functions from the toolbox, as the table below indicates.
Function randint dmodce ddemodce biterr modmap Purpose in Example

Generate a random signal Modulate signals Demodulate signals Compute bit error rate Plot a signal constellation

This chapter assumes very little about your prior knowledge of MATLAB, although it still assumes that you have a basic knowledge about communications subject matter.

What the Example Does

The example creates a random digital signal consisting of integers between 0 and 8, and modulates it using two varieties of the 8-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying (QASK) technique. This technique associates each integer in the signal with some point in an eight-point signal constellation, and then uses the associations to create a modulated signal. There are 8!, that is, factorial(8), ways to associate eight symbols with eight constellation points. One category of configurations implements what is called Gray coding. In a Gray coded constellation, the symbol associated with a given point and the symbol of any of the points nearest neighbors differ in exactly one bit. Thus, the constellation point associated with the symbol 3 (= 011) can have as a nearest neighbor the point associated with the symbol 1 (= 001), 2 (= 010), or 7 (= 111), but not any other number. In order to compare the behavior of different constellation configurations, the example modulates the message signal separately using two varieties of 8-QASK modulation. Both varieties use constellations with the same points,


A Detailed Example

but one variety labels the constellation points so as to implement Gray code while the other variety does not implement Gray code. After modulating, the example adds noise to both modulated signals, demodulates both noisy signals, and compares the bit error rates in the two cases. The example outputs the two bit error rates. The expectation is that although noise might cause demodulation errors in both cases, the errors in the Gray coding case should involve fewer bits. When you execute the example, check to see whether the bit error rate from the Gray coding case is smaller than the bit error rate from the non-Gray coding case.

Where to Find the Example

If you have already installed MATLAB and the Communications Toolbox, then the toolbox will be there whenever you start up MATLAB. The example is contained in a file called commgettingstarted.m, which is located in the toolbox/comm/commdemos directory within your MATLAB installation. You can view the contents of the example file by typing
type commgettingstarted

at the MATLAB prompt. You can execute the example by typing


at the MATLAB prompt.

How the Example Works

This section displays and explains the example code, piece by piece.

Setting Up Parameters
The first part of the example defines variables that the rest of the example will use. The symbol alphabet has M different symbols, namely, the integers between 0 and M-1. The message will be a column vector having len entries, each of which is chosen from the symbol alphabet. The variables Fd and Fs refer to the relative sampling rates for the modulation scheme. They would be more meaningful if the example were sampling a real signal that had a natural notion of time. However, since this example uses a random signal that does not have a built-in notion of time, the main purpose of


Getting Started with the Communications Toolbox

Fd and Fs is to indicate that the modulated signal has three entries for every one entry of the original signal. % Set up parameters. M = 8; % Number of symbols in alphabet len = 10000; % Number of symbols in the original message Fd = 1; % Assume the original message is sampled % at a rate of 1 sample per second. Fs = 3; % The modulated signal will be sampled % at a rate of 3 samples per second.

Creating the Signal

The variable signal is a len-by-1 matrix, that is, a column vector of length len, whose entries are randomly chosen integers between 0 and M-1. This is the signal that the example will modulate. The randint function is part of this toolbox.
% Create a signal. signal = randint(len,1,M); % Random digital message % consisting of integers between 0 and M-1

Modulating the Signal

This part of the example modulates the data in the column vector signal in two different ways. The dmodce function performs both modulations and puts the results into the two-column matrix modsignal. The first call to dmodce, which creates the first column of modsignal, tells dmodce to use QASK modulation on M symbols. The string 'qask' indicates the QASK method as well as the default square constellation configuration. In this case, the configuration implements Gray code. The second call to dmodce, which creates the second column of modsignal, tells dmodce to use QASK modulation with a signal constellation whose configuration is represented in the vectors inphase and quad. The variables inphase and quad are length-M vectors that list the in-phase and quadrature components, respectively, of the points in the signal constellation. The points are listed in sequence, to associate a message symbol of k with the (k+1)st elements in inphase and quad. Whereas Gray code labels the constellation points in a special way, this configuration lists points in a sequence that is merely convenient for creating inphase and quad.


A Detailed Example

These lines also illustrate some common ways to manipulate matrices in MATLAB. If you are not familiar with MATLABs colon notation or with functions like ones and zeros, then you should consult the MATLAB documentation set.
% Use M-ary QASK modulation with two different labeled % square constellations. modsignal(:,1) = dmodce(signal,Fd,Fs,'qask',M); inphase = [-3:2:3 -3:2:3]; quad = [ones(1,4), -1*ones(1,4)]; modsignal(:,2) = dmodce(signal,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quad);

Adding Noise
According to the definition of baseband QASK modulation, modsignal is a complex matrix having len*Fs/Fd rows and two columns. The command below adds normally distributed random numbers to the real and imaginary parts of modsignal, to produce a noisy signal noisy. The randn function is a built-in MATLAB function. Notice that the command adds to modsignal an entire real matrix of the appropriate size and an entire imaginary matrix of the appropriate size. Using a loop to add noise to individual scalar entries of modsignal would be less efficient, since MATLAB is optimized for matrix operations.
% Add noise to real and imaginary parts of the modulated signal. noisy = modsignal+.5*randn(len*Fs/Fd,2)... +j*.5*randn(len*Fs/Fd,2);

Demodulating the Signal

This part of the example demodulates the noisy modulated signal, noisy, in two different ways. The ddemodce function performs both demodulations by operating on each column of noisy separately. In each case, ddemodce puts the results into the two-column matrix newsignal.
% Demodulate to recover the message. newsignal(:,1) = ddemodce(noisy(:,1),Fd,Fs,'qask',M); newsignal(:,2) = ddemodce(noisy(:,2),Fd,Fs,... 'qask/arb',inphase,quad);


Getting Started with the Communications Toolbox

Computing and Displaying Bit Error Rates

The biterr function compares each demodulated signal (that is, each column of newsignal) to the original signal. Then biterr computes the number of bit errors, as well as the rate or fraction of bit errors. The built-in MATLAB function disp displays the two bit error rates in the command window.
% Check whether Gray code resulted in fewer bit errors. % Compare signal with each column of newsignal. [num,rate] = biterr(newsignal,signal); disp('Bit error rates for the two constellations used here') disp('----------------------------------------------------') disp(['Gray code constellation: ', num2str(rate(1))]) disp(['Non-Gray code constellation: ', num2str(rate(2))])

Plotting a Signal Constellation

The modmap function plots and labels the default square signal constellation having M points. The constellation that inphase and quad determine looks the same, except that the points are labeled from left to right across each row in the diagram, starting with the upper row.
% Plot signal constellations with Gray code labeling. modmap('qask',M);

Output from the Example

The example produces output in the command window like that shown below. Since the message signal and the noise are random, you will probably not get the exact numbers below. (For information about states and repeatable sequences of random numbers, see the reference page for the built-in MATLAB function rand.)
Bit error rates for the two constellations used here ---------------------------------------------------Gray code constellation: 0.0003 Non-Gray code constellation: 0.00036667

The example also produces a figure window containing the signal constellation plot in the figure below. The horizontal axis represents the in-phase components and the vertical axis represents the quadrature components. The dots are the constellation points. The number next to each dot is the message symbol associated with that dot. By considering the binary form of each


A Detailed Example

number from 0 to M-1, you can check that this constellation implements Gray code.

Figure 1-1: Square 8-ary QASK Signal Constellation, Labeled for Gray Code


Getting Started with the Communications Toolbox


Using the Communications Toolbox
Random Signals and Error Analysis . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Source Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14 Block Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 Convolutional Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-43 Modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-56

Special Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-78 Galois Field Computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-89

Using the Communications Toolbox

A typical communication system includes a signal source, sink, and channel, as well as processes for transmitting and receiving. This chapter describes and illustrates how to implement communication components using the functions provided in the Communications Toolbox. Each section in this chapter corresponds to a category of functionality within the Communications Toolbox. The sections are: Random Signals and Error Analysis on page 2-3 Source Coding on page 2-14 Block Coding on page 2-24 Convolutional Coding on page 2-43 Modulation on page 2-56 Special Filters on page 2-78 Galois Field Computations on page 2-89


Random Signals and Error Analysis

Random Signals and Error Analysis

Simulating a communication system often involves analyzing its response to the noise inherent in real-world components. Such analysis aims to illustrate the systems response and possibly to help design a system appropriate for the most likely kinds of noise.

2. Using the Communications Toolbox

Error Analysis Features of the Toolbox

Error analysis tasks supported in the Communications Toolbox include: Simulating noise or signal sources using random signals Computing the error rate or number of errors Plotting an eye diagram Generating a scatter plot This section describes these toolbox functions that accomplish error-analysis tasks: biterr, eyediagram, randerr, randint, randsrc, scatterplot, symerr, and wgn. Since error analysis is often a component of communication system simulation, other portions of this guide provide additional examples.

Random Signals
Random signals are useful for simulating noise, errors, or signal sources. Besides built-in MATLAB functions like rand and randn, you can also use these functions from this toolbox: wgn, for generating white Gaussian noise randsrc, for generating random symbols randint, for generating uniformly distributed random integers randerr, for generating random bit error patterns While randsrc and randint are suitable for representing sources, randerr is more appropriate for modeling channel errors.

White Gaussian Noise

The wgn function generates random matrices using a white Gaussian noise distribution. You specify the power of the noise in either dB (decibels), dBm, or linear units. You can generate either real or complex noise.


Using the Communications Toolbox

For example, the command below generates a column vector of length 50 containing real white Gaussian noise whose power is 2 dB. The function assumes that the load impedance is 1 Ohm.
y1 = wgn(50,1,2);

To generate complex white Gaussian noise whose power is 2 watts, across a load of 60 Ohms, use either of the commands below. Notice that the ordering of the string inputs does not matter.
y2 = wgn(50,1,2,60,'complex','linear'); y3 = wgn(50,1,2,60,'linear','complex');

To send a signal through an additive white Gaussian noise channel, use the awgn function.

Random Symbol Matrices

The randsrc function generates random matrices whose entries are chosen independently from an alphabet that you specify, with a distribution that you specify. A special case generates bipolar matrices. For example, the command below generates a 5-by-4 matrix whose entries are independently chosen and uniformly distributed in the set {1,3,5}. (Your results may vary because these are random numbers.)
a = randsrc(5,4,[1,3,5]) a = 3 1 1 1 3 5 5 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 5 3 1 5 3

If you want 1 to be twice as likely to occur as either 3 or 5, then use the command below to prescribe the skewed distribution. Notice that the third input argument has two rows, one of which indicates the possible values of b and the other indicates the probability of each value.
b = randsrc(5,4,[1,3,5; .5,.25,.25])


Random Signals and Error Analysis

b = 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 5 3 1 5 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1

Random Integer Matrices

The randint function generates random integer matrices whose entries are in a range that you specify. A special case generates random binary matrices. For example, the command below generates a 5-by-4 matrix containing random integers between 2 and 10.
c = randint(5,4,[2,10]) c = 2 4 9 5 10 4 5 7 5 3 4 10 10 2 4 6 5 8 3 10

If your desired range is [0,10] instead of [2,10] then you can use either of the commands below. They produce different numerical results, but use the same distribution.
d = randint(5,4,[0,10]); e = randint(5,4,11);

Random Bit Error Patterns

The randerr function generates matrices whose entries are either 0 or 1. However, its options are rather different from those of randint, since randerr is meant for testing error-control coding. For example, the command below generates a 5-by-4 binary matrix having the property that each row contains exactly one 1.
f = randerr(5,4)


Using the Communications Toolbox

f = 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

You might use such a command to perturb a binary code that consists of five four-bit codewords. Adding the random matrix f to your code matrix (modulo 2) would introduce exactly one error into each codeword. On the other hand, if you want to perturb each codeword by introducing one error with probability 0.4 and two errors with probability 0.6, then the command below should replace the one above.
% Each row has one '1' with probability 0.4, otherwise two '1's g = randerr(5,4,[1,2; 0.4,0.6]) g = 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

Note The probability matrix that is the third argument of randerr affects only the number of 1s in each row, not their placement.

As another application, you can generate an equiprobable binary 100-element column vector using any of the commands below. The three commands produce different numerical outputs, but use the same distribution. Notice that the third input arguments vary according to each functions particular way of specifying its behavior.
binarymatrix1 = randsrc(100,1,[0 1]); % Possible values are 0,1. binarymatrix2 = randint(100,1,2); % Two possible values binarymatrix3 = randerr(100,1,[0 1;.5 .5]); % No 1s, or one 1


Random Signals and Error Analysis

Error Rates
Comparing messages before and after transmission can help you evaluate the quality of a communication system design or the performance of a special technique or algorithm. If your communication system uses several bits to represent a single symbol, then counting bit errors is different from counting symbol errors. In either the bit- or symbol-counting case, the error rate is the number of errors divided by the total number (of bits or symbols) transmitted. The biterr function compares two messages and computes the number of bit errors and the bit error rate. The symerr function compares two messages and computes the number of symbol errors and the symbol error rate.

Example: Computing Error Rates

The script below uses the symerr function to compute the symbol error rates for a noisy linear block code. After artificially adding noise to the encoded message, it compares the resulting noisy code to the original code. Then it decodes and compares the decoded message to the original one.
m = 3; n = 2^m-1; k = n-m; % Prepare to use Hamming code. msg = randint(k*200,1,2); % 200 messages of k bits each code = encode(msg,n,k,'hamming'); codenoisy = rem(code+(rand(n*200,1)>.95),2); % Add noise. % Decode and correct some errors. newmsg = decode(codenoisy,n,k,'hamming'); % Compute and display symbol error rates. [codenum,coderate] = symerr(code,codenoisy); [msgnum,msgrate] = symerr(msg,newmsg); disp(['Error rate in the received code: ',num2str(coderate)]) disp(['Error rate after decoding: ',num2str(msgrate)])

The output is below. The error rate decreases after decoding because the Hamming decoder corrects some of the errors. Your results might vary because the example uses random numbers.
Error rate in the received code: 0.054286 Error rate after decoding: 0.03


Using the Communications Toolbox

Comparison of Symbol Error Rate and Bit Error Rate

In the example above, the symbol errors and bit errors are the same because each symbol is a bit. The commands below illustrate the difference between symbol errors and bit errors in other situations.
a = [1 2 3]'; b = [1 4 4]'; format rat % Display fractions instead of decimals. [snum,srate] = symerr(a,b) snum = 2 srate = 2/3 [bnum,brate] = biterr(a,b) bnum = 5 brate = 5/9 bnum is five because the second entries differ in two bits and the third entries differ in three bits. brate is 5/9 since the total number of bits is nine. The total number of bits is, by definition, the number of entries in a or b times the maximum number of bits among all entries of a and b.

Eye Diagrams
An eye diagram is a simple and convenient tool for studying the effects of intersymbol interference and other channel impairments in digital transmission. To construct an eye diagram, plot the received signal against time on a fixed-interval axis. At the end of the fixed time interval, wrap around to the beginning of the time axis. Thus the diagram consists of many overlapping curves. One way to use an eye diagram is to look for the place


Random Signals and Error Analysis

where the eye is most widely opened, and use that point as the decision point when demapping a demodulated signal to recover a digital message. To produce an eye diagram from a signal, use the eyediagram function. The signal can have different formats, as the table below indicates.
Table 2-1: Representing In-Phase and Quadrature Components of Signal Signal Format Source of In-Phase Components Source of Quadrature Components

Real matrix with two columns Complex vector Real vector

First column Real part Vector contents

Second column Imaginary part Quadrature component is always zero

Example: Eye Diagrams

The code below illustrates the use of the eye diagram for finding the best decision point. It maps a random digital signal to a 16-QASK waveform, then uses a raised cosine filter to simulate a noisy transmission channel. Several commands manipulate the filtered data to isolate its steady-state behavior. Then the eyediagram command produces an eye diagram from the resulting signal.
% Define the M-ary number and sampling rates. M = 16; Fd = 1; Fs = 10; Pd = 100; % Number of points in the calculation msg_d = randint(Pd,1,M); % Random integers in the range [0,M-1] % Modulate using square constellation QASK method. msg_a = modmap(msg_d,Fd,Fd,'qask',M); % Assume the channel is equivalent to a raised cosine filter. delay = 3; % Delay of the raised cosine filter rcv = rcosflt(msg_a,Fd,Fs,'fir/normal',.5,delay); % Truncate the output of rcosflt to remove response tails. propdelay = delay .* Fs/Fd + 1; % Propagation delay of filter


Using the Communications Toolbox

rcv1 = rcv(propdelay:end-(propdelay-1),:); % Truncated version N = Fs/Fd; % Plot the eye diagram of the resulting signal sampled and % displayed with no offset. offset1 = 0; h1 = eyediagram(rcv1,N,1/Fd,offset1); set(h1,'Name','Eye Diagram Displayed with No Offset');

Notice that a vertical line down the center of the diagram would cross the eye at its most widely opened point, as in the left-hand side below.

In the right-hand diagram above, a similar vertical line would not cross the eye at the most widely opened point. This diagram results from the commands
offset2 = 2; h2 = eyediagram(rcv1,N,1/Fd,offset2,'r-'); set(h2,'Name','Eye Diagram Displayed with Offset of Two');

This example continues by using the information gathered from the eye diagrams to choose the decision-timing offset in the demodmap command.


Random Signals and Error Analysis

(Notice that the actual offset value in demodmap is offset1+1 because eyediagram and demodmap express offsets in a different way.)
% Continue, using the offset information for digital demapping. newmsg1 = demodmap(rcv1,[Fd offset1+1],Fs,'qask',16); s1 = symerr(msg_d,newmsg1) % Number of symbol errors s1 = 0

By contrast, an offset value based on offset2 leads to errors in the recovered digital signal. Your exact number of errors might vary because the message msg_d consists of random numbers.
newmsg2 = demodmap(rcv1,[Fd offset2+1],Fs,'qask',16); s2 = symerr(msg_d,newmsg2) s2 = 8

As an additional example of using the eyediagram function, the commands below display the eye diagram with no offset, but based on data that is sampled with an offset of two samples. This sampling offset simulates errors in timing that result from being two samples away from perfect synchronization.
h3 = eyediagram(rcv1(1+offset2:end,:),N,1/Fd,0); set(h3,'Name','Eye Diagram Sampled with Offset of Two');

Scatter Plots
A scatter plot of a signal shows the signals value at a given decision point. In the best case, the decision point should be at the time when the eye of the signals eye diagram is the most widely open. To produce a scatter plot from a signal, use the scatterplot function. The signal can have different formats, as in the case of the eyediagram function. See Table 2-1, Representing In-Phase and Quadrature Components of Signal, on page 2-9 for details.


Using the Communications Toolbox

Example: Scatter Plots

The code below is similar to the example from the section, Example: Eye Diagrams on page 2-9. It produces a scatter plot from the received analog signal, instead of an eye diagram.
% Define the M-ary number and sampling rates. M = 16; Fd = 1; Fs = 10; Pd = 200; % Number of points in the calculation msg_d = randint(Pd,1,M); % Random integers in the range [0,M-1] % Modulate using square constellation QASK method. msg_a = modmap(msg_d,Fd,Fs,'qask',M); % Assume the channel is equivalent to a raised cosine filter. rcv = rcosflt(msg_a,Fd,Fs); % Create the scatter plot of the received signal, % ignoring the first three and the last four symbols. N = Fs/Fd; rcv_a = rcv(3*N+1:end-4*N,:); h = scatterplot(rcv_a,N,0,'bx');

Varying the third parameter in the scatterplot command changes the offset. An offset of zero yields optimal results, shown on the left below.


Random Signals and Error Analysis

The diagram on the right results from the commands below. The xs and +s reflect two offsets that are not optimal because they are too late and too early, respectively. Notice that in the diagram, the dots are the actual constellation points, while the other symbols are perturbations of those points.
hold on; scatterplot(rcv_a,N,N+1,'r+',h); % Plot +'s scatterplot(rcv_a,N,N-1,'mx',h); % Plot x's scatterplot(rcv_a,N,0,'b.',h); % Plot dots


Using the Communications Toolbox

Source Coding
Source coding, also known as quantization or signal formatting, is a way of processing data in order to reduce redundancy or prepare it for later processing. Analog-to-digital conversion and data compression are two categories of source coding. Source coding divides into two basic procedures: source encoding and source decoding. Source encoding converts a source signal into a digital signal using a quantization method. The symbols in the resulting signal are nonnegative integers in some finite range. Source decoding recovers the original information from the source coded signal.

Source Coding Features of the Toolbox

This toolbox supports two source coding quantization methods: scalar quantization and predictive quantization. It does not support vector quantization. Functions in the toolbox can accomplish these tasks: Quantize a signal according to a partition and codebook that you specify Optimize partition and codebook parameters for a set of training data Encode or decode a signal using the differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) technique Optimize DPCM parameters for a set of training data Perform -law or A-law compressor or expander calculations

Representing Quantization Parameters

Scalar quantization is a process that maps all inputs within a specified range to a common value. It maps inputs in a different range of values to a different common value. In effect, scalar quantization digitizes an analog signal. Two parameters determine a quantization: a partition and a codebook. This section describes how toolbox functions represent these parameters.

A quantization partition defines several contiguous, nonoverlapping ranges of values within the set of real numbers. To specify a partition in MATLAB, list the distinct endpoints of the different ranges in a vector.


Source Coding

For example, if the partition separates the real number line into the four sets:
1 {x: x 0} 2 {x: 0< x 1} 3 {x: 1 < x 3} and 4 {x: 3 < x}

then you can represent the partition as the three-element vector

partition = [0,1,3];

Notice that the length of the partition vector is one less than the number of partition intervals.

A codebook tells the quantizer which common value to assign to inputs that fall into each range of the partition. Represent a codebook as a vector whose length is the same as the number of partition intervals. For example, the vector
codebook = [-1, 0.5, 2, 3];

is one possible codebook for the partition [0,1,3].

Quantizing a Signal
The previous section described how you can represent the partition and codebook that determine your scalar quantization process. This section shows how to use these parameters in the quantiz function.

Scalar Quantization Example 1

The code below shows how the quantiz function uses partition and codebook to map a real vector, samp, to a new vector, quantized, whose entries are either -1, 0.5, 2, or 3.
partition = [0,1,3]; codebook = [-1, 0.5, 2, 3]; samp = [-2.4, -1, -.2, 0, .2, 1, 1.2, 1.9, 2, 2.9, 3, 3.5, 5]; [index,quantized] = quantiz(samp,partition,codebook); quantized


Using the Communications Toolbox

quantized = Columns 1 through 6 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 0.5000 0.5000

Columns 7 through 12 2.0000 Column 13 3.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 3.0000

Scalar Quantization Example 2

This example illustrates the nature of scalar quantization more clearly. After quantizing a sampled sine wave, it plots the original and quantized signals. The plot contrasts the xs that make up the sine curve with the dots that make up the quantized signal. The vertical coordinate of each dot is a value in the vector codebook.
t = [0:.1:2*pi]; % Times at which to sample the sine function sig = sin(t); % Original signal, a sine wave partition = [-1:.2:1]; % Length 11, to represent 12 intervals codebook = [-1.2:.2:1]; % Length 12, one entry for each interval [index,quants] = quantiz(sig,partition,codebook); % Quantize. plot(t,sig,'x',t,quants,'.') axis([-.2 7 -1.2 1.2])


Source Coding

Determining Which Interval Each Input Is in

The quantiz function also returns a vector that tells which interval each input is in. For example, the output below says that the input entries lie within the intervals labeled 0, 6, and 5, respectively. Here, the 0th interval consists of real numbers less than or equal to 3; the 6th interval consists of real numbers greater than 8 but less than or equal to 9; and the 5th interval consists of real numbers greater than 7 but less than or equal to 8.
partition = [3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; index = quantiz([2 9 8],partition) index = 0 6 5

If you continue this example by defining a codebook vector such as

codebook = [3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];


Using the Communications Toolbox

then the equation below relates the vector index to the quantized signal quants.
quants = codebook(index+1);

This formula for quants is exactly what the quantiz function uses if you instead phrase the example more concisely as below.
partition = [3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; codebook = [3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; [index,quants] = quantiz([2 9 8],partition,codebook);

Optimizing Quantization Parameters

Quantization distorts a signal. You can lessen the distortion by choosing appropriate partition and codebook parameters. However, testing and selecting parameters for large signal sets with a fine quantization scheme can be tedious. One way to produce partition and codebook parameters easily is to optimize them according to a set of so-called training data.

Note The training data that you use should be typical of the kinds of signals that you will actually be quantizing.

Example: Optimizing Scalar Quantization Parameters

The lloyds function optimizes the partition and codebook according to the Lloyd algorithm. The code below optimizes the partition and codebook for one period of a sinusoidal signal, starting from a rough initial guess. Then it uses these parameters to quantize the original signal using the initial guess parameters as well as the optimized parameters. The output shows that the mean square distortion after quantizing is much less for the optimized parameters. Notice that the quantiz function automatically computes the mean square distortion and returns it as the third output parameter.
% Start with the setup from 2nd example in "Quantizing a Signal." t = [0:.1:2*pi]; sig = sin(t); partition = [-1:.2:1]; codebook = [-1.2:.2:1]; % Now optimize, using codebook as an initial guess.


Source Coding

[partition2,codebook2] = lloyds(sig,codebook); [index,quants,distor] = quantiz(sig,partition,codebook); [index2,quant2,distor2] = quantiz(sig,partition2,codebook2); % Compare mean square distortions from initial and optimized [distor, distor2] % parameters. ans = 0.0148 0.0024

Implementing Differential Pulse Code Modulation

The quantization in the section Quantizing a Signal on page 2-15 requires no a priori knowledge about the transmitted signal. In practice, you can often make educated guesses about the present signal based on past signal transmissions. Using such educated guesses to help quantize a signal is known as predictive quantization. The most common predictive quantization method is differential pulse code modulation (DPCM). The functions dpcmenco, dpcmdeco, and dpcmopt can help you implement a DPCM predictive quantizer with a linear predictor.

DPCM Terminology
To determine an encoder for such a quantizer, you must supply not only a partition and codebook as described in Representing Quantization Parameters on page 2-14, but also a predictor. The predictor is a function that the DPCM encoder uses to produce the educated guess at each step. A linear predictor has the form y(k) = p(1)x(k-1) + p(2)x(k-2) + ... + p(m-1)x(k-m+1) + p(m)x(k-m) where x is the original signal, y(k) attempts to predict the value of x(k), and p is an m-tuple of real numbers. Instead of quantizing x itself, the DPCM encoder quantizes the predictive error, x-y. The integer m above is called the predictive order. The special case when m = 1 is called delta modulation.

Representing Predictors
If the guess for the kth value of the signal x, based on earlier values of x, is
y(k) = p(1)x(k-1) + p(2)x(k-2) +...+ p(m-1)x(k-m+1) + p(m)x(k-m)


Using the Communications Toolbox

then the corresponding predictor vector for toolbox functions is

predictor = [0, p(1), p(2), p(3),..., p(m-1), p(m)]

Note The initial zero in the predictor vector makes sense if you view the vector as the polynomial transfer function of a finite impulse response (FIR) filter.

Example: DPCM Encoding and Decoding

A simple special case of DPCM quantizes the difference between the signals current value and its value at the previous step. Thus the predictor is just y(k) = x(k-1). The code below implements this scheme. It encodes a sawtooth signal, decodes it, and plots both the original and decoded signals. The solid line is the original signal, while the dashed line is the recovered signals. The example also computes the mean square error between the original and decoded signals.
predictor = [0 1]; % y(k)=x(k-1) partition = [-1:.1:.9]; codebook = [-1:.1:1]; t = [0:pi/50:2*pi]; x = sawtooth(3*t); % Original signal % Quantize x using DPCM. encodedx = dpcmenco(x,codebook,partition,predictor); % Try to recover x from the modulated signal. decodedx = dpcmdeco(encodedx,codebook,predictor); plot(t,x,t,decodedx,'--') distor = sum((x-decodedx).^2)/length(x) % Mean square error distor = 0.0327


Source Coding

Optimizing DPCM Parameters

The section Optimizing Quantization Parameters on page 2-18 describes how you can use training data with the lloyds function to help find quantization parameters that will minimize signal distortion. This section describes similar procedures for using the dpcmopt function in conjunction with the two functions dpcmenco and dpcmdeco, which first appear in the previous section.

Note The training data that you use with dpcmopt should be typical of the kinds of signals that you will actually be quantizing with dpcmenco.

Example: Comparing Optimized and Nonoptimized DPCM Parameters

This example is similar to the one in the last section. However, whereas the last example created predictor, partition, and codebook in a straightforward but haphazard way, this example uses the same codebook (now called initcodebook) as an initial guess for a new optimized codebook parameter. This example also uses the predictive order, 1, as the desired order of the new


Using the Communications Toolbox

optimized predictor. The dpcmopt function creates these optimized parameters, using the sawtooth signal x as training data. The example goes on to quantize the training data itself; in theory, the optimized parameters are suitable for quantizing other data that is similar to x. Notice that the mean square distortion here is much less than the distortion in the previous example.
t = [0:pi/50:2*pi]; x = sawtooth(3*t); % Original signal initcodebook = [-1:.1:1]; % Initial guess at codebook % Optimize parameters, using initial codebook and order 1. [predictor,codebook,partition] = dpcmopt(x,1,initcodebook); % Quantize x using DPCM. encodedx = dpcmenco(x,codebook,partition,predictor); % Try to recover x from the modulated signal. decodedx = dpcmdeco(encodedx,codebook,predictor); distor = sum((x-decodedx).^2)/length(x) % Mean square error distor = 0.0063

Companding a Signal
In certain applications, such as speech processing, it is common to use a logarithm computation, called a compressor, before quantizing. The inverse operation of a compressor is called an expander. The combination of a compressor and expander is called a compander. The compand function supports two kinds of companders: -law and A-law companders. Its reference page lists both compressor laws.

Example: A -Law Compander

The code below quantizes an exponential signal in two ways and compares the resulting mean square distortions. First, it simply uses the quantiz function with a partition consisting of length-one intervals. In the second trial, compand implements a -law compressor, quantiz quantizes the compressed data, and finally compand expands the quantized data. The output shows that the distortion is smaller for the second scheme. This is because equal-length intervals are well-suited to the logarithm of sig, but not well-suited to sig itself.


Source Coding

Mu = 255; % Parameter for mu-law compander sig = -4:.1:4; sig = exp(sig); % Exponential signal to quantize V = max(sig); % 1. Quantize using equal-length intervals and no compander. [index,quants,distor] = quantiz(sig,0:floor(V),0:ceil(V)); % 2. Use same partition and codebook, but compress % before quantizing and expand afterwards. compsig = compand(sig,Mu,V,'mu/compressor'); [index,quants] = quantiz(compsig,0:floor(V),0:ceil(V)); newsig = compand(quants,Mu,max(quants),'mu/expander'); distor2 = sum((newsig-sig).^2)/length(sig); [distor, distor2] % Display both mean square distortions. ans = 0.5348 0.0397

Selected Bibliography for Source Coding

[1] Kondoz, A. M. Digital Speech. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, 1994. [2] Sklar, Bernard. Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1988.


Using the Communications Toolbox

Block Coding
Error-control coding techniques detect and possibly correct errors that occur when messages are transmitted in a digital communication system. To accomplish this, the encoder transmits not only the information symbols but also extra redundant symbols. The decoder interprets what it receives, using the redundant symbols to detect and possibly correct whatever errors occurred during transmission. You might use error-control coding if your transmission channel is very noisy or if your data is very sensitive to noise. Depending on the nature of the data or noise, you might choose a specific type of error-control coding. Block coding is a special case of error-control coding. Block coding techniques maps a fixed number of message symbols to a fixed number of code symbols. A block coder treats each block of data independently and is a memoryless device. This section discusses these topics: Block Coding Features of the Toolbox on page 2-25 Block Coding Terminology on page 2-26 Representing Messages and Codewords on page 2-26 Representing Block Coding Parameters on page 2-30 Creating and Decoding Block Codes on page 2-36 Performing Other Block Code Tasks on page 2-40 For background information about block coding, see the works listed in Selected Bibliography for Block Coding on page 2-42.


Block Coding

Block Coding Features of the Toolbox

The class of linear block coding techniques includes categories shown below. Linear block codes

Cyclic codes

BCH codes

Hamming codes

Reed-Solomon codes

The Communications Toolbox supports general linear block codes. It also includes functions to process cyclic, BCH, Hamming, and Reed-Solomon codes (which are all special kinds of linear block codes). Functions in the toolbox can accomplish these tasks: Encode or decode a message using one of the techniques mentioned above Determine characteristics of a technique, such as error-correction capability or valid message length Perform lower-level computations associated with a technique, such as: - Compute a decoding table - Compute a generator or parity-check matrix - Convert between generator and parity-check matrices - Compute a generator polynomial Note The functions in this toolbox are designed for block codes that use an alphabet having 2 or 2m symbols.


Using the Communications Toolbox

The table below lists the functions that are related to each supported block coding technique.
Table 2-2: Functions Related to Block Coding Techniques Block Coding Technique Toolbox Functions encode, decode, gen2par, syndtable encode, decode, cyclpoly, cyclgen, gen2par, syndtable encode, decode, bchenco, bchdeco, bchpoly, cyclgen, gen2par, syndtable encode, decode, hammgen, gen2par, syndtable encode, decode, rsenco, rsdeco, rsencode, rsdecode, rspoly, rsencof, rsdecof, syndtable

Linear block Cyclic BCH Hamming Reed-Solomon

Block Coding Terminology

Throughout this section, the information to be encoded consists of a sequence of message symbols and the code that is produced consists of a sequence of codewords. Each block of k message symbols is encoded into a codeword that consists of n symbols; in this context, k is called the message length, n is called the codeword length, and the code is called an [n,k] code.

Representing Messages and Codewords

Each message or codeword is an ordered grouping of symbols. The next few subsections illustrate the various ways that these symbols may be organized or interpreted as input and output.

Binary Vector Format

One straightforward MATLAB format for messages and codewords is a vector of 0s and 1s. That is, messages and codes might look like msg and code in the lines below.


Block Coding

n = 6; k = 4; % Set codeword length and message length % for a [6,4] code. msg = [1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1]'; % Message is a binary column. code = encode(msg,n,k,'cyclic'); % Code will be a binary column. msg' ans = 1 code' ans = Columns 1 through 12 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1

Columns 13 through 18 0 1 1 0 1 1

In this example, msg consists of 12 entries, which are interpreted as three four-digit (since k = 4) messages. The resulting vector code comprises three six-digit (since n = 6) codewords, which are concatenated to form a vector of length eighteen.

Binary Matrix Format

You can also organize coding information so as to emphasize the grouping of digits in a single message or codeword. The code below illustrates this by listing each four-digit message on a separate row in msg and each six-digit codeword on a separate row in code.
n = 6; k = 4; % Set codeword length and message length. msg = [1 0 0 1; 1 0 1 0; 1 0 1 1]; % Message is a binary matrix. code = encode(msg,n,k,'cyclic'); % Code will be a binary matrix. msg


Using the Communications Toolbox

msg = 1 1 1 code code = 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1

For all coding techniques except Reed-Solomon, the message matrix must have k columns. The corresponding code matrix has n columns.
Reed-Solomon Coding Using Binary Matrix Format. For Reed-Solomon codes, the message matrix must have m columns, where m is an integer greater than or equal to 3 that satisfies n = 2m-1.

Decimal Format
Another way to process the same information is to regard each of the three rows of msg and code above as binary representations of decimal integers. MATLAB then accepts the corresponding decimal integers as valid messages, and returns decimal integers as codewords. Note If 2n or 2k is large, then you should use the default binary format instead of the decimal format. This is because the function uses a binary format internally, while the round-off error associated with converting many bits to large decimal numbers and back might be substantial.

Note In this context, MATLAB expects the leftmost bit to be the least significant bit.


Block Coding

The syntax for the encode command must mention the decimal format explicitly, as in the example below. Notice that /decimal is appended to the fourth argument in the encode command.
n = 6; k = 4; % Set codeword length and message length. msg = [9;5;13]; % Message is a decimal column vector. % Code will be a decimal vector. code = encode(msg,n,k,'cyclic/decimal') code = 36 21 54

Note The three examples above used cyclic coding. The formats for messages and codes are similar for Hamming, generic linear, and BCH codes.

Reed-Solomon Coding Using Decimal Format. For Reed-Solomon coding using decimal formats, the message matrix must have k columns. Each entry in the matrix must be an integer between 0 and n. The example below illustrates the decimal format for Reed-Solomon coding using the encode command. m = 3; n = 2^m-1; k = 4; % Set codeword length and message length. msgdec = [1 6 4 1; 0 0 4 3]; % Message is a decimal matrix. % Code will be a decimal vector. codedec = encode(msgdec,n,k,'rs/decimal') codedec = 0 3 4 7 3 5 1 0 6 0 4 4 1 3

The example below illustrates how to convert between binary and decimal message formats for Reed-Solomon coding.
m = 3; n = 2^m-1; k = 4;


Using the Communications Toolbox

msgbin = [1 1 1; 1 0 1; 0 0 1; 0 1 0]; % Convert binary matrix format to decimal format. % Replace k by n below if this is a code instead of a message. msgdec = vec2mat(bi2de(msgbin),k); % Convert decimal format back to binary matrix format. msgbin2 = de2bi(vec2mat(msgdec,1),m);

Exponential Format (Reed-Solomon Code Only)

For Reed-Solomon coding using exponential formats, the message matrix must have k columns. Each entry of the matrix must be an integer between -1 and n-1. The example below is the exponential-form counterpart of the Reed-Solomon example from the previous section.
m = 3; n = 2^m-1; k = 4; % Set codeword length and message length. msg = [0 5 3 0; -1 -1 3 2]; % Message is an exponential-form matrix. % Code will be an exponential-form matrix. code = encode(msg,n,k,'rs/power');

The name exponential format comes from one of MATLABs standard formats for elements of GF(2m). This format uses integers from -1 to 2m-2, where the symbol -Inf is sometimes substituted for -1. See Exponential Format on page 2-90 for definitions. To convert from decimal format to exponential format, simply subtract one. To convert from exponential format to decimal format, replace any negative values by -1 and then add one.

Representing Block Coding Parameters

This subsection describes the items that you might need in order to process [n,k] linear block codes. The table below lists the items and the coding techniques for which they are most relevant.
Table 2-3: Parameters Used in Block Coding Techniques Parameter Block Coding Technique

Generator Matrix Parity-Check Matrix

Generic linear block Generic linear block


Block Coding

Table 2-3: Parameters Used in Block Coding Techniques (Continued) Parameter Block Coding Technique

Generator Polynomial Primitive Polynomial and List of Galois Field Elements Decoding Table

Cyclic, BCH, Reed-Solomon Hamming, Reed-Solomon Generic linear block, Hamming

Generator Matrix
The process of encoding a message into an [n,k] linear block code is determined by a k-by-n generator matrix G. Specifically, the 1-by-k message vector v is encoded into the 1-by-n codeword vector vG. If G has the form [Ik P] or [P Ik], where P is some k-by-(n-k) matrix and Ik is the k-by-k identity matrix, then G is said to be in standard form. (Some authors, e.g., Clark and Cain [1], use the first standard form, while others, e.g., Lin and Costello [2], use the second.) Most functions in this toolbox assume that a generator matrix is in standard form when you use it as an input argument. Some examples of generator matrices are in the next section, Parity-Check Matrix.

Parity-Check Matrix
Decoding an [n,k] linear block code requires an (n-k)-by-n parity-check matrix H. It satisfies GHtr = 0 (mod 2), where Htr denotes the matrix transpose of H, G is the codes generator matrix, and this zero matrix is k-by-(n-k). If G = [Ik P] then H = [-Ptr In-k]. Most functions in this toolbox assume that a parity-check matrix is in standard form when you use it as an input argument. The table below summarizes the standard forms of the generator and parity-check matrices for an [n,k] binary linear block code.
Type of Matrix Standard Form Dimensions

Generator Parity-check

[Ik P] or [P Ik] [-P' In-k] or [In-k -P' ]

k-by-n (n-k)-by-n


Using the Communications Toolbox

Ik is the identity matrix of size k and the ' symbol indicates matrix transpose. (For binary codes, the minus signs in the parity-check form listed above are irrelevant; that is, -1 = 1 in the binary field.)
Examples. In the command below, parmat is a parity-check matrix and genmat is a generator matrix for a Hamming code in which [n,k] = [23-1, n-3] = [7,4]. Notice that genmat has the standard form [P Ik]. [parmat,genmat] = hammgen(3) parmat = 1 0 0 genmat = 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

The next example finds parity-check and generator matrices for a [7,3] cyclic code. The cyclpoly function is mentioned below in Generator Polynomial.
genpoly = cyclpoly(7,3); [parmat,genmat] = cyclgen(7,genpoly) parmat = 1 0 0 0 genmat = 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1


Block Coding

The example below converts a generator matrix for a [5,3] linear block code into the corresponding parity-check matrix.
genmat = [1 0 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1 1; 0 0 1 0 1]; parmat = gen2par(genmat) parmat = 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1

The same function gen2par can also convert a parity-check matrix into a generator matrix.

Generator Polynomial
Cyclic codes, including the special cases of BCH and Reed-Solomon codes, have special algebraic properties that allow a polynomial to determine the coding process completely. This so-called generator polynomial is a degree-(n-k) divisor of the polynomial xn-1. Van Lint [4] explains how a generator polynomial determines a cyclic code. The functions in this toolbox that produce generator polynomials are bchpoly, cyclpoly, and rspoly. They represent a generator polynomial using a row vector that lists the polynomials coefficients in order of ascending powers of the variable. Functions dealing with BCH and generic cyclic codes use binary digits as coefficients, as in the first example below. Functions dealing with Reed-Solomon codes express the coefficients (which are elements of GF(2m)) in exponential format, as in the second example below. See Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 for a description of this exponential format for elements of Galois fields.
Examples. The command genpoly = cyclpoly(7,3) genpoly = 1 0 1 1 1

finds that one valid generator polynomial for a [7,3] cyclic code is 1 + x2 + x3 + x4.


Using the Communications Toolbox

A second example finds that a generator polynomial for a [15,13] Reed-Solomon code is + x + x , where is a root of MATLABs default primitive polynomial for GF(15+1).
r = rspoly(15,13) r = 3 5 0
3 5 0 2

Primitive Polynomial and List of Galois Field Elements

Hamming and Reed-Solomon codes rely on algebraic fields that have 2m elements (or, more generally, pm elements for a prime number p). Elements of such fields are named relative to a distinguished element of the field that is called a primitive element. Some functions in this toolbox use a primitive polynomial or a list of elements in the field as a way to determine the primitive element and, consequently, as a way to name elements of the field. See Galois Field Computations on page 2-89 and especially the subsection Representing Elements of Galois Fields for details about MATLABs use of primitive polynomials and lists of Galois field elements. To reduce the mathematical background that you need to use the block coding functions, simply use the default parameters in commands that ask for primitive polynomials or lists of Galois field elements. For more specifics, see the reference pages for encode, decode, hammgen, rsenco, rsencode, rsdeco, rsdecode, and rspoly.

Decoding Table
A decoding table tells a decoder how to correct errors that may have corrupted the code during transmission. Hamming codes can correct any single-symbol error in any codeword. Other codes can correct, or partially correct, errors that corrupt more than one symbol in a given codeword. This toolbox represents a decoding table as a matrix with n columns and 2n-k rows. Each row gives a correction vector for one received codeword vector. A Hamming decoding table has n+1 rows. The syndtable function generates a decoding table for a given parity-check matrix.


Block Coding

Example: Using a Decoding Table

The script below shows how to use a Hamming decoding table to correct an error in a received message. The hammgen function produces the parity-check matrix, while the syndtable function produces the decoding table. The transpose of the parity-check matrix is multiplied on the left by the received codeword, yielding the syndrome. The decoding table helps determine the correction vector. The corrected codeword is the sum (modulo 2) of the correction vector and the received codeword.
% Use a [7,4] Hamming code. m = 3; n = 2^m-1; k = n-m; parmat = hammgen(m); % Produce parity-check matrix. trt = syndtable(parmat); % Produce decoding table. recd = [1 0 0 1 1 1 1] % Suppose this is the received vector. syndrome = rem(recd * parmat',2); syndrome_de = bi2de(syndrome,'left-msb'); % Convert to decimal. disp(['Syndrome = ',num2str(syndrome_de),... ' (decimal), ',num2str(syndrome),' (binary)']) corrvect = trt(1+syndrome_de,:) % Correction vector % Now compute the corrected codeword. correctedcode = rem(corrvect+recd,2)

The output is below.

recd = 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 (binary) 1

Syndrome = 3 (decimal), 0 corrvect = 0 0 0 0

correctedcode = 1 0 0 1 0 1 1


Using the Communications Toolbox

Creating and Decoding Block Codes

The functions for encoding and decoding linear block codes are encode, decode, bchenco, bchdeco, rsenco, rsdeco, rsencode, rsdecode, rsencof, and rsdecof. The first two in this list are general-purpose functions that invoke other functions from the list when appropriate. This section discusses how to use these functions to create and decode generic linear block codes, cyclic codes, BCH codes, Hamming codes, and Reed-Solomon codes.

Generic Linear Block Codes

Encoding a message using a generic linear block code requires a generator matrix. If you have defined variables msg, n, k, and genmat, then either of the commands
code = encode(msg,n,k,'linear',genmat); code = encode(msg,n,k,'linear/decimal',genmat);

encodes the information in msg using the [n,k] code that the generator matrix genmat determines. The /decimal option, suitable when 2n and 2k are not very large, indicates that msg contains nonnegative decimal integers rather than their binary representations. See Representing Messages and Codewords on page 2-26 or the reference page for encode for a description of the formats of msg and code. Decoding the code requires the generator matrix and possibly a decoding table. If you have defined variables code, n, k, genmat, and possibly also trt, then the commands
newmsg newmsg newmsg newmsg = = = = decode(code,n,k,'linear',genmat); decode(code,n,k,'linear/decimal',genmat); decode(code,n,k,'linear',genmat,trt); decode(code,n,k,'linear/decimal',genmat,trt);

decode the information in code, using the [n,k] code that the generator matrix genmat determines. decode also corrects errors according to instructions in the decoding table that trt represents.
Example: Generic Linear Block Coding. The example below encodes a message, artificially adds some noise, decodes the noisy code, and keeps track of errors that the decoder detects along the way. Since the decoding table contains only zeros, the decoder does not correct any errors. n = 4; k = 2;


Block Coding

genmat = [[1 1; 1 0], eye(2)]; % Generator matrix msg = [0 1; 0 0; 1 0]; % Three messages, two bits each % Create three codewords, four bits each. code = encode(msg,n,k,'linear',genmat); noisycode = rem(code + randerr(3,4,[0 1;.7 .3]),2); % Add noise. trt = zeros(2^(n-k),n); % No correction of errors % Decode, keeping track of all detected errors. [newmsg,err] = decode(noisycode,n,k,'linear',genmat,trt); err_words = find(err~=0) % Find out which words had errors.

The output indicates that errors occurred in the first and second words. Your results might vary since this example uses random numbers as errors.
err_words = 1 2

Cyclic Codes
Encoding a message using a cyclic code requires a generator polynomial. If you have defined variables msg, n, k, and genpoly, then either of the commands
code = encode(msg,n,k,'cyclic',genpoly); code = encode(msg,n,k,'cyclic/decimal',genpoly);

encodes the information in msg using the [n,k] code determined by the generator polynomial genpoly. genpoly is an optional argument for encode. The default generator polynomial is cyclpoly(n,k). The /decimal option, suitable when 2n and 2k are not very large, indicates that msg contains nonnegative decimal integers rather than their binary representations. See Representing Messages and Codewords on page 2-26 or the reference page for encode for a description of the formats of msg and code. Decoding the code requires the generator polynomial and possibly a decoding table. If you have defined variables code, n, k, genpoly, and trt, then the commands
newmsg newmsg newmsg newmsg = = = = decode(code,n,k,'cyclic',genpoly); decode(code,n,k,'cyclic/decimal',genpoly); decode(code,n,k,'cyclic',genpoly,trt); decode(code,n,k,'cyclic/decimal',genpoly,trt);


Using the Communications Toolbox

decode the information in code, using the [n,k] code that the generator matrix genmat determines. decode also corrects errors according to instructions in the decoding table that trt represents. genpoly is an optional argument in the first two syntaxes above. The default generator polynomial is cyclpoly(n,k). There are no lower-level functions that provide alternative means to process cyclic codes.
Example. The example in the section Generic Linear Block Codes on page 2-36 can be modified so that it uses the cyclic coding technique, instead of the linear block code with the generator matrix genmat. Make the changes listed below:

Replace the second line by

genpoly = [1 0 1]; % generator poly is 1 + x^2

In the fifth and ninth lines (encode and decode commands), replace genmat by genpoly and replace 'linear' by 'cyclic'. Another example of encoding and decoding a cyclic code is on the reference page for encode.

BCH Codes
BCH codes are a special case of cyclic codes, though the decoding algorithm for BCH codes is more complicated than that for generic cyclic codes. The discussion in the section Cyclic Codes above applies almost exactly to the case of BCH codes. The only differences are that: bch replaces cyclic in the syntax for encode and decode. bchpoly(n,k) replaces cyclpoly(n,k) as the default generator polynomial. n and k must be valid codeword and message lengths for BCH code. Valid codeword lengths for BCH code are those integers of the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3. Given a valid BCH codeword length, the corresponding valid BCH message lengths are those numbers in the second column of the output of the command below.
params = bchpoly(n); % Where n = 2^m-1 for some integer m >= 3

For example, the output of the command below shows that a BCH code with codeword length 15 may have message length 5, 7, or 11. No other message lengths are valid for this codeword length.


Block Coding

params = bchpoly(15) params = 15 15 15 11 7 5 1 2 3

The third column of the output above represents the error-correction capability for each pair of codeword length and message length.
Choice of Functions for BCH Coding. To process BCH codes, you can use either the encode and decode functions, or the lower-level bchenco and bchdeco

functions. The syntax of the lower-level functions is slightly different from that of the higher-level functions. The only difference in functionality is that the higher-level functions prepare the input data (including default values of options that you omit) before invoking the lower-level commands. The reference page for encode contains an example that uses encode and decode. The reference pages for bchenco and bchdeco contain other examples.

Hamming Codes
The reference pages for encode and decode contain examples of encoding and decoding Hamming codes. Also, the section Decoding Table on page 2-34 illustrates error-correction in a Hamming code. There are no lower-level functions that provide alternative means to process Hamming codes.

Reed-Solomon Codes
Reed-Solomon codes are useful for correcting errors that occur in bursts. The codeword length n of a Reed-Solomon code must have the form 2m-1, where m is an integer greater than or equal to 3. The error correction capability of a Reed-Solomon code is floor((n-k)/2). Since n is an odd number, the coding is more efficient when the message length k is also odd. One difference between Reed-Solomon codes and the other codes supported in this toolbox is that Reed-Solomon codes process symbols in GF(2m) instead of GF(2). Each such symbol is specified by m bits. That is why some parts of the section Representing Messages and Codewords on page 2-26 make exceptions for Reed-Solomon codes.


Using the Communications Toolbox

Encoding a message using a Reed-Solomon code requires a generator polynomial. The rspoly function finds generator polynomials. For example, the command
genpoly = rspoly(15,12) genpoly = 6 13 11 0

shows that the generator polynomial for a [15,12] Reed-Solomon code is 6 + 13 x + 11 x 2 + x 3 where is a root of MATLABs default primitive polynomial for GF(16). In this example, m = 4, n = 2m-1 = 15, and k = 12.
Choice of Functions for Reed-Solomon Coding. To process Reed-Solomon codes, you can use either the encode and decode functions, or the lower-level rsenco, rsdeco, rsencode, and rsdecode functions. The syntax of the lower-level functions is slightly different from that of the higher-level functions. The only difference in functionality is that the higher-level functions prepare the input data (including default values of options that you omit) before invoking the lower-level functions. The reference pages for the lower-level functions contain examples that illustrate their use.

Performing Other Block Code Tasks

This section describes functions that compute typical parameters associated with block codes and functions that convert information from one format to another. Specific tasks are: Finding a generator polynomial Finding generator and parity-check matrices Converting between parity-check and generator matrices Finding the error-correction capability

Finding a Generator Polynomial

To find a generator polynomial for cyclic, BCH, and Reed-Solomon codes, use the functions cyclpoly, bchpoly, and rspoly, respectively. The commands


Block Coding

genpolyCyclic = cyclpoly(7,4); genpolyBCH = bchpoly(7,4); genpolyRS = rspoly(7,4);

all represent valid ways to find one generator polynomial for a [7,4] code of the respective coding method. The result is suitable for use in other block coding functions, such as encode. For generic cyclic coding, there might be more than one generator polynomial consistent with a given codeword length and message length. The cyclpoly command syntax includes ways to retrieve all of them or those that satisfy certain constraints that you specify. For example, the command
genpolys = cyclpoly(7,4,'all') genpolys = 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

shows that 1 + x2 + x3 and 1 + x + x3 are two possible generator polynomials for a [7,4] cyclic code. See the reference pages for cyclpoly, bchpoly, and rspoly for details about other options.

Finding Generator and Parity-Check Matrices

To find a parity-check and generator matrix for a Hamming code with codeword length 2m-1, use the hammgen function as below. m must be at least three.
[parmat,genmat] = hammgen(m); % Hamming

To find a parity-check and generator matrix for a cyclic code, use the cyclgen function. You must provide the codeword length and a valid generator polynomial. You can use the cyclpoly command to produce one possible generator polynomial after you provide the codeword length and message length. For example,
[parmat,genmat] = cyclgen(7,cyclpoly(7,4)); % Cyclic


Using the Communications Toolbox

To find a parity-check and generator matrix for a BCH code, use the same cyclgen function mentioned above. Since the generator polynomial must now be valid for BCH code, the bchpoly function replaces cyclpoly.
[parmat,genmat] = cyclgen(7,bchpoly(7,4)); % BCH

Converting Between Parity-Check and Generator Matrices

The gen2par function converts a generator matrix into a parity-check matrix, and vice-versa. Examples to illustrate this are on the reference page for gen2par.

Finding the Error-Correction Capability

The error-correction capability of BCH codes and Reed-Solomon codes depends on the codeword length and message length. The functions bchpoly and rspoly perform such computations. To retrieve the error-correction capability t of BCH and Reed-Solomon codes, respectively, use the commands below.
[temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,t] = bchpoly(n,k); % BCH [temp1,t] = rspoly(n,k); % Reed-Solomon

For Reed-Solomon codes, the error-correction capability is floor((n-k)/2); for BCH codes, there is no easy formula.

Selected Bibliography for Block Coding

[1] Clark, George C. Jr. and J. Bibb Cain. Error-Correction Coding for Digital Communications. New York: Plenum Press, 1981. [2] Lin, Shu and Daniel J. Costello, Jr. Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and Applications. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1983. [3] Peterson, W. Wesley and E. J. Weldon, Jr. Error-correcting Codes, 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1972. [4] van Lint, J. H. Introduction to Coding Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982.


Convolutional Coding

Convolutional Coding
Convolutional coding is a special case of error-control coding. Unlike a block coder, a convolutional coder is not a memoryless device. Even though a convolutional coder accepts a fixed number of message symbols and produces a fixed number of code symbols, its computations depend not only on the current set of input symbols but on some of the previous input symbols. This section: Outlines the convolutional coding features of the Communications Toolbox Defines the two supported ways to describe a convolutional encoder: - Polynomial description - Trellis description Describes how to encode and decode using the convenc and vitdec functions Gives additional examples of convolutional coding

Convolutional Coding Features of the Toolbox

The Communications Toolbox supports feedforward or feedback convolutional codes that can be described by a trellis structure or a set of generator polynomials. It uses the Viterbi algorithm to implement hard-decision and soft-decision decoding. For background information about convolutional coding, see the works listed in Selected Bibliography for Convolutional Coding on page 2-55.

Polynomial Description of a Convolutional Encoder

A polynomial description of a convolutional encoder describes the connections among shift registers and modulo-2 adders. For example, the figure below depicts a feedforward convolutional encoder that has one input, two outputs, and two shift registers.


Using the Communications Toolbox

First output




Second output Figure 2-1: Example of a Convolutional Encoder Diagram with Shift Registers

A polynomial description of a convolutional encoder has either two or three components, depending on whether the encoder is a feedforward or feedback type: Constraint lengths Generator polynomials Feedback connection polynomials (for feedback encoders only)

Constraint Lengths
The constraint lengths of the encoder form a vector whose length is the number of inputs in the encoder diagram. The elements of this vector indicate the number of bits stored in each shift register, including the current input bits. In the figure above, the constraint length is three. It is a scalar because the encoder has one input stream, and its value is one plus the number of shift registers for that input.

Generator Polynomials
If the encoder diagram has k inputs and n outputs, then the code generator matrix is a k-by-n matrix. The element in the ith row and jth column indicates how the ith input contributes to the jth output.


Convolutional Coding

For systematic bits of a systematic feedback encoder, match the entry in the code generator matrix with the corresponding element of the feedback connection vector. See Feedback Connection Polynomials below for details. In other situations, you can determine the (i,j) entry in the matrix as follows:
1 Build a binary number representation by placing a 1 in each spot where a

connection line from the shift register feeds into the adder, and a zero elsewhere. The leftmost spot in the binary number represents the current input, while the rightmost spot represents the oldest input that still remains in the shift register.
2 Convert this binary representation into an octal representation by

considering consecutive triplets of bits, starting from the rightmost bit. The rightmost bit in each triplet is the least significant. If the number of bits is not a multiple of three, then place zero bits at the left end as necessary. (For example, interpret 1101010 as 001 101 010 and convert it to 152.) For example, the binary numbers corresponding to the upper and lower adders in the figure above are 110 and 111, respectively. These binary numbers are equivalent to the octal numbers 6 and 7, respectively. Thus the generator polynomial matrix is [6 7]. For a table of some good convolutional code generators, refer to [1] in the section Selected Bibliography for Block Coding on page 2-42, especially that books appendices.

Feedback Connection Polynomials

If you are representing a feedback encoder, then you need a vector of feedback connection polynomials. The length of this vector is the number of inputs in the encoder diagram. The elements of this vector indicate the feedback connection for each input, using an octal format. First build a binary number representation as in step 1 above. Then convert the binary representation into an octal representation as in step 2 above. If the encoder has a feedback configuration and is also systematic, then the code generator and feedback connection parameters corresponding to the systematic bits must have the same values. For example, the diagram below shows a rate 1/2 systematic encoder with feedback.


Using the Communications Toolbox

First output (systematic)






Second output

This encoder has a constraint length of 5, a generator polynomial matrix of [37 33], and a feedback connection polynomial of 37. The first generator polynomial matches the feedback connection polynomial because the first output corresponds to the systematic bits.

Using the Polynomial Description in MATLAB

To use the polynomial description with the functions convenc and vitdec, first convert it into a trellis description using the poly2trellis function. For example, the command below computes the trellis description of the encoder in Figure 2-1, Example of a Convolutional Encoder Diagram with Shift Registers, on page 2-44.
trellis = poly2trellis(3,[6 7]);

The MATLAB structure trellis is a suitable input argument for convenc and vitdec.

Trellis Description of a Convolutional Encoder

A trellis description of a convolutional encoder shows how each possible input to the encoder influences both the output and the state transitions of the encoder. This section describes trellises, describes how to represent trellises in MATLAB, and gives an example of a MATLAB trellis. The figure below depicts a trellis for the convolutional encoder from the previous section. The encoder has four states (numbered in binary from 00 to 11), a one-bit input, and a two-bit output. (The ratio of input bits to output bits makes this encoder a rate-1/2 encoder.) Each solid arrow shows how the


Convolutional Coding

encoder changes its state if the current input is zero, and each dashed arrow shows how the encoder changes its state if the current input is one. The octal numbers above each arrow indicate the current output of the encoder.
State State

00 01 10 11

0 3 1 2 3 0 2 1

00 01 10
State transition when input is 0


State transition when input is 1

Figure 2-2: A Trellis for a 4-State Rate-1/2 Convolutional Encoder

As an example of interpreting this trellis diagram, if the encoder is in the 10 state and receives an input of zero, then it outputs the code symbol 3 and changes to the 01 state. If it is in the 10 state and receives an input of one, then it outputs the code symbol 0 and changes to the 11 state. Note that any polynomial description of a convolutional encoder is equivalent to some trellis description, although some trellises have no corresponding polynomial descriptions.

Specifying a Trellis in MATLAB

To specify a trellis in MATLAB, use a specific form of a MATLAB structure called a trellis structure. A trellis structure must have five fields, as in the table below.
Table 2-4: Fields of a Trellis Structure for a Rate k/n Code Field in Trellis Structure numInputSymbols numOutputsymbols numStates Dimensions Meaning

Scalar Scalar Scalar

Number of input symbols to the encoder: 2k Number of output symbols from the encoder: 2n Number of states in the encoder


Using the Communications Toolbox

Table 2-4: Fields of a Trellis Structure for a Rate k/n Code (Continued) Field in Trellis Structure nextStates Dimensions numStates-by-2k Meaning

outputs numStates-by-2k

Next states for all combinations of current state and current input Outputs (in decimal) for all combinations of current state and current input


Note While your trellis structure can have any name, its fields must have the exact names as in the table. Field names are case-sensitive.

In the nextStates matrix, each entry is an integer between 0 and numStates-1. The element in the ith row and jth column denotes the next state when the starting state is i-1 and the input bits have decimal representation j-1. To convert the input bits to a decimal value, use the first input bit as the most significant bit (MSB). For example, the second column of the nextStates matrix stores the next states when the current set of input values is {0,...,0,1}. To learn how to assign numbers to states, see the reference page for istrellis. In the outputs matrix, the element in the ith row and jth column denotes the encoders output when the starting state is i-1 and the input bits have decimal representation j-1. To convert to decimal value, use the first output bit as the MSB.

How to Create a MATLAB Trellis Structure

Once you know what information you want to put into each field, you can create a trellis structure in any of these ways: Define each of the five fields individually, using structurename.fieldname notation. For example, set the first field of a structure called s using the command below. Use additional commands to define the other fields.
s.numInputSymbols = 2;

The reference page for the istrellis function illustrates this approach.


Convolutional Coding

Collect all field names and their values in a single struct command. For example:
s = struct('numInputSymbols',2,'numOutputSymbols',2,... 'numStates',2,'nextStates',[0 1;0 1],'outputs',[0 0;1 1]);

Start with a polynomial description of the encoder and use the poly2trellis function to convert it to a valid trellis structure. The polynomial description of a convolutional encoder is described in Polynomial Description of a Convolutional Encoder on page 2-43. To check whether your structure is a valid trellis structure, use the istrellis function.

Example: A MATLAB Trellis Structure

Reconsider the trellis shown in Figure 2-2, A Trellis for a 4-State Rate-1/2 Convolutional Encoder, which is repeated below.

00 01 10 11

0 3 1 2 3 0 2 1


00 01 10
State transition when input is 0


State transition when input is 1

To build a trellis structure that describes it, use the command below.
trellis = struct('numInputSymbols',2,'numOutputSymbols',4,... 'numStates',4,'nextStates',[0 2;0 2;1 3;1 3],... 'outputs',[0 3;1 2;3 0;2 1]);

The number of input symbols is 2 because the trellis diagram has two types of input path, the solid arrow and the dashed arrow. The number of output symbols is 4 because the numbers above the arrows can be either 0, 1, 2, or 3. The number of states is 4 because there are four bullets on the left side of the trellis diagram (equivalently, four on the right side). To compute the matrix of next states, create a matrix whose rows correspond to the four current states on the left side of the trellis, whose columns correspond to the inputs of 0 and


Using the Communications Toolbox

1, and whose elements give the next states at the end of the arrows on the right side of the trellis. To compute the matrix of outputs, create a matrix whose rows and columns are as in the next states matrix, but whose elements give the octal outputs shown above the arrows in the trellis.

Creating and Decoding Convolutional Codes

The functions for encoding and decoding convolutional codes are convenc and vitdec. This section discusses using these functions to create and decode convolutional codes.

A simple way to use convenc to create a convolutional code is shown in the commands below.
t = poly2trellis([4 3],[4 5 17;7 4 2]); % Define trellis. code = convenc(ones(100,1),t); % Encode a string of ones.

The first command converts a polynomial description of a feedforward convolutional encoder to the corresponding trellis description. The second command encodes 100 bits, or 50 two-bit symbols. Since the code rate in this example is 2/3, the output vector code contains 150 bits (that is, 100 input bits times 3/2).

Hard-Decision Decoding
To decode using hard decisions, use the vitdec function with the flag 'hard' and with binary input data. Since the output of convenc is binary, hard-decision decoding can use the output of convenc directly, without additional processing. This example extends the previous example and implements hard decision decoding.
t = poly2trellis([4 3],[4 5 17;7 4 2]); % Define trellis. code = convenc(ones(100,1),t); % Encode a string of ones. tb = 2; % Traceback length for decoding decoded = vitdec(code,t,tb,'trunc','hard'); % Decode.


Convolutional Coding

Soft-Decision Decoding
To decode using soft decisions, use the vitdec function with the flag 'soft'. You must also specify the number, nsdec, of soft-decision bits and use input data consisting of integers between 0 and 2nsdec - 1 An input of 0 represents the most confident 0, while an input of 2nsdec-1 represents the most confident 1. Other values represent less confident decisions. For example, the table below lists interpretations of values for 3-bit soft decisions.
Table 2-5: Input Values for 3-bit Soft Decisions Input Value Interpretation

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Most confident 0 Second most confident 0 Third most confident 0 Least confident 0 Least confident 1 Third most confident 1 Second most confident 1 Most confident 1

Example: Soft-Decision Decoding. The script below illustrates decoding with 3-bit soft decisions. First it creates a convolutional code with convenc and adds white Gaussian noise to the code with awgn. Then, to prepare for soft-decision decoding, the example uses quantiz to map the noisy data values to appropriate decision-value integers between 0 and 7. The second argument in quantiz is a partition vector that determines which data values map to 0, 1, 2, etc. The partition is chosen so that values near 0 map to 0, and values near 1 map to 7. (You can refine the partition to obtain better decoding performance if your application requires it.) Finally, the example decodes the code and computes the bit error rate. Notice that when comparing the decoded data with the original message, the example must take the decoding delay into account.


Using the Communications Toolbox

The continuous operation mode of vitdec causes a delay equal to the traceback length, so msg(1) corresponds to decoded(tblen+1) rather than to decoded(1).
msg = randint(4000,1,2,139); % Random data t = poly2trellis(7,[171 133]); % Define trellis. code = convenc(msg,t); % Encode the data. ncode = awgn(code,6,'measured',244); % Add noise. % Quantize to prepare for soft-decision decoding. qcode = quantiz(ncode,[0.001,.1,.3,.5,.7,.9,.999]); tblen = 48; delay = tblen; % Traceback length decoded = vitdec(qcode,t,tblen,'cont','soft',3); % Decode. % Compute bit error rate. [number,ratio] = biterr(decoded(delay+1:end),msg(1:end-delay))

The output is below.

number = 5

ratio =


Examples of Convolutional Coding

This section contains more examples of convolutional coding: The first example determines the correct trellis parameter for its encoder and then uses it to process a code. The decoding process uses hard decisions and the continuous operation mode. This operation mode causes a decoding delay, which the error rate computation takes into account. The second example processes a punctured convolutional code. The decoding process uses the unquantized decision type.


Convolutional Coding

Example: A Rate-2/3 Feedforward Encoder

The example below uses the rate 2/3 feedforward encoder depicted in the schematic below. The accompanying description explains how to determine the trellis structure parameter from a schematic of the encoder and then how to perform coding using this encoder.








Figure 2-3: Schematic for a Rate 2/3 Feedforward Convolutional Encoder Determining Coding Parameters. The convenc and vitdec functions can implement this code if their parameters have the appropriate values.

The encoders constraint length is a vector of length 2 since the encoder has two inputs. The elements of this vector indicate the number of bits stored in each shift register, including the current input bits. Counting memory spaces in each shift register in the diagram and adding one for the current inputs leads to a constraint length of [5 4]. To determine the code generator parameter as a 2-by-3 matrix of octal numbers, use the element in the ith row and jth column to indicate how the ith input contributes to the jth output. For example, to compute the element in the second row and third column, notice that the leftmost and two rightmost elements in the second shift register of the diagram feed into the sum that forms the third output. Capture this information as the binary number 1011,


Using the Communications Toolbox

which is equivalent to the octal number 13. The full value of the code generator matrix is [27 33 0; 0 5 13]. To use the constraint length and code generator parameters in the convenc and vitdec functions, use the poly2trellis function to convert those parameters into a trellis structure. The command to do this is below.
trel = poly2trellis([5 4],[27 33 0;0 5 13]); % Define trellis. Using the Encoder. Below is a script that uses this encoder. len = 1000; msg = randint(2*len,1); % Random binary message of 2-bit symbols trel = poly2trellis([5 4],[27 33 0;0 5 13]); % Trellis code = convenc(msg,trel); % Encode the message. ncode = rem(code + randerr(3*len,1,[0 1;.96 .04]),2); % Add noise. decoded = vitdec(ncode,trel,34,'cont','hard'); % Decode. [number,ratio] = biterr(decoded(68+1:end),msg(1:end-68));

Notice that convenc accepts a vector containing 2-bit symbols and produces a vector containing 3-bit symbols, while vitdec does the opposite. Also notice that biterr ignores the first 68 elements of decoded. That is, the decoding delay is 68, which is the number of bits per symbol (2) of the recovered message times the traceback depth value (34) in the vitdec function. The first 68 elements of decoded are zeros, while subsequent elements represent the decoded messages.

Example: A Punctured Convolutional Code

This example processes a punctured convolutional code. It begins by generating 3000 random bits and encoding them using a rate-1/2 convolutional encoder. The resulting vector contains 6000 bits, which are mapped to values of -1 and 1 for transmission. The puncturing process removes every third value and results in a vector of length 4000. The punctured code, punctcode, passes through an additive white Gaussian noise channel. Afterwards, the example inserts values to reverse the puncturing process. While the puncturing process removed both -1s and 1s from code, the insertion process inserts zeros. Then vitdec decodes the vector of -1s, 1s, and 0s using the 'unquant' decision type. This unquantized decision type is appropriate here for these reasons: tcode uses -1 to represent the 1s in code. tcode uses 1 to represent the 0s in code.


Convolutional Coding

The inserted 0s are acceptable for the 'unquant' decision type, which allows any real values as input. Finally, the example computes the bit error rate and the number of bit errors.
len = 3000; msg = randint(len,1,2,94384); % Random data t = poly2trellis(7,[171 133]); % Define trellis. code = convenc(msg,t); % Length is 2*len. tcode = -2*code+1; % Transmit -1s and 1s. % Puncture by removing every third value. punctcode = tcode; punctcode(3:3:end)=[]; % Length is (2*len)*2/3. ncode = awgn(punctcode,8,'measured',1234); % Add noise. % Insert zeros. nicode = zeros(2*len,1); % Zeros represent inserted data. nicode(1:3:end) = ncode(1:2:end); % Write actual data. nicode(2:3:end) = ncode(2:2:end); % Write actual data. decoded = vitdec(nicode,t,96,'trunc','unquant'); % Decode. [number,ratio]=biterr(decoded,msg); % Bit error rate

Selected Bibliography for Convolutional Coding

[1] Clark, George C. Jr. and J. Bibb Cain. Error-Correction Coding for Digital Communications. New York: Plenum Press, 1981. [2] Gitlin, Richard D., Jeremiah F. Hayes, and Stephen B. Weinstein. Data Communications Principles. New York: Plenum Press, 1992.


Using the Communications Toolbox


2. Using the Communications Toolbox

In most media for communication, only a fixed range of frequencies is available for transmission. One way to communicate a message signal whose frequency spectrum does not fall within that fixed frequency range, or one that is otherwise unsuitable for the channel, is to alter a transmittable signal according to the information in your message signal. This alteration is called modulation, and it is the modulated signal that you transmit. The receiver then recovers the original signal through a process called demodulation. The table shows how this section is organized.
Subject Topics

General modulation Analog modulation

Modulation Features of the Toolbox on page 2-57 Modulation Terminology on page 2-58 Representing Analog Signals on page 2-59 Simple Analog Modulation Example on page 2-61 Other Options in Analog Modulation on page 2-62 Filter Design Issues on page 2-62

Digital modulation

Digital Modulation Overview on page 2-66 Representing Digital Signals on page 2-67 Significance of Sampling Rates on page 2-70 Representing Signal Constellations on page 2-70 Simple Digital Modulation Example on page 2-74 Customizing the Modulation Process on page 2-75 Other Options in Digital Modulation on page 2-77

For background information about modulation and demodulation, see the works listed in Selected Bibliography for Modulation on page 2-77.



Modulation Features of the Toolbox

The available methods of modulation depend on whether the input signal is analog or digital. The figures below show the modulation techniques that the Communications Toolbox supports for analog and digital signals, respectively. As the figures suggest, some categories of techniques include named special cases. Modulation methods for analog signals

Amplitude modulation (AM)

Frequency modulation (FM)

Phase modulation (PM)

Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)

Single-sideband suppressed-carrier (SSB)

Double-sideband suppressed-carrier (DSB-SC)

Modulation methods for digital signals

Amplitude shift keying (ASK)

Frequency shift keying (FSK)

Phase shift keying (PSK)

Quadrature amplitude shift keying (QASK)

Minimum shift keying (MSK)


Using the Communications Toolbox

Baseband Versus Passband Simulation

For a given modulation technique, two ways to simulate modulation techniques are called baseband and passband. Baseband simulation, also known as the lowpass equivalent method, requires less computation. This toolbox supports both baseband and passband simulation. Since baseband simulation is more prevalent, this guide focuses more on baseband simulation.

Note To use this toolbox for passband simulation, see the reference pages for the functions amod, ademod, dmod, and ddemod.

Supported Modulation Tasks

Functions in the toolbox can accomplish these tasks: Modulate a signal using one of the techniques shown in the figures above Demodulate a signal using one of the techniques shown in the figures above Map a digital signal to an analog signal, before modulation Demap an analog signal to a digital signal, after demodulation Map, demap, and plot constellations for QASK modulation The modulation and demodulation functions also let you control such features as the initial phase of the modulated signal, post-demodulation filtering, and the decision timing for digital demodulation.

Modulation Terminology
Modulation is a process by which a carrier signal is altered according to information in a message signal. The carrier frequency, denoted Fc, is the frequency of the carrier signal. The sampling rate is the rate at which the message signal is sampled during the simulation. The frequency of the carrier signal is usually much greater than the highest frequency of the input message signal. The Nyquist sampling theorem requires that the simulation sampling rate Fs be greater than two times the highest frequency of the modulated signal, in order for the demodulator to recover the message correctly. The sampling rate Fs of a modulated digital signal is greater than or equal to the sampling rate Fd of the original message signal before modulation.



The table below lists the requirements in terms of the input arguments for this toolboxs modulation and demodulation functions. Note that the situations are not mutually exclusive.
Situation Requirement 2*(highest frequency of modulated signal) < Fs Fd Fs Fd < Fc

Passband simulation Digital signals Passband simulation, digital signals

Representing Analog Signals

To perform baseband modulation of an analog signal using this toolbox, start with a real message signal and a sampling rate Fs in Hertz. For modulation techniques other than quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), represent the signal using a vector x, the entries of which give the signals values in time increments of 1/Fs. Baseband modulation (using a technique other than QAM) produces a complex vector. For example, if t measures time in seconds, then the vector x below is the result of sampling a frequency-one sine wave 100 times per second for 2 seconds. The vector y represents the modulated signal. The output shows that y is complex.
Fs = 100; % Sampling rate is 100 samples per second. t = [0:1/Fs:2]'; % Sampling times for 2 seconds x = sin(2*pi*t); % Representation of the signal y = amodce(x,Fs,'pm'); % Modulate x to produce y. whos Name Size Bytes Class Fs t x y 1x1 201x1 201x1 201x1 8 1608 1608 3216 double double double double array array array array (complex)

Grand total is 604 elements using 6440 bytes


Using the Communications Toolbox

Baseband Modulated Signals Defined

This section explains the connection between this complex vector y and the real signal that you might expect to get after modulating a real signal. If the modulated signal has the waveform Y1(t) cos(2fct+) - Y2(t) sin(2fct+) where fc is the carrier frequency and is the carrier signals initial phase, then a baseband simulation recognizes that this equals the real part of [ ( Y 1 ( t ) + jY 2 ( t ) )e ]e
j j2f c t

and models only the part inside the square brackets. Here j is the square root of -1. The complex vector y is a sampling of the complex signal (Y1(t) + jY2(t)) exp(j).

Note You can also simultaneously process several signals of equal length. To do this, make x a matrix in which each signal occupies one column. The corresponding modulated signal y is a complex matrix whose kth column is the modulation of the kth column of x.

Changes for QAM

The case for quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is similar, except that the message signal has in-phase and quadrature components. Represent the signal using a matrix x that has an even number of columns. The odd-indexed columns represent in-phase components of the signal and the even-indexed columns represent quadrature components. If the message signal is a 2n-by-m matrix, then the modulated signal is an n-by-m matrix. As in the other methods, baseband modulation turns a real message signal into a complex modulated signal. For example, the code below implements QAM on a set of sinusoidal input signals.
Fs = 100; % Sampling rate is 100 samples per second. t = [0:1/Fs:2]'; % Sampling times % Signal is a four column matrix. % Each column models a sinusoidal signal, the frequencies



% of which are 1 Hz, 1.5 Hz, 2 Hz, 2.5 Hz respectively. x = sin([2*pi*t,3*pi*t,4*pi*t,5*pi*t]); y = amodce(x,Fs,'qam'); % Modulate x to produce y.

The output below shows the sizes and types of x and y.

whos Name Fs t x y Size 1x1 201x1 201x4 201x2 Bytes 8 1608 6432 6432 Class double double double double array array array array (complex)

Grand total is 1408 elements using 14480 bytes

Simple Analog Modulation Example

This example illustrates the basic format of the baseband modulation and demodulation commands, amodce and ademodce. Although the example uses the AMDSB-TC method, most elements of this example apply to other analog modulation techniques as well. The example samples an analog signal and modulates it. Then it demodulates it and displays the order of magnitude of the variance between the original and demodulated signals.
% Sample the signal for two seconds, % at a rate of 100 samples per second. Fs = 100; t = [0:1/Fs:2]'; % The signal is a sum of sinusoids. x = sin(2*pi*t) + sin(4*pi*t); % Use AMDSB-TC modulation to produce y. y = amodce(x,Fs,'amdsb-tc'); % Demodulate y to recover the message. z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-tc'); v = floor(log10(var(x-z))) v = -33


Using the Communications Toolbox

Other Options in Analog Modulation

The table below lists a few ways in which you might vary the simple example in the previous section in order to perform the modulation and demodulation slightly differently. See the reference pages for full details about options.
Table 2-6: Substitutions in Simple Analog Modulation Example Modification of Process Modifications in the Code y = amodce(x,[Fs phs],'amdsb-tc'); z = ademodce(y,[Fs phs],'amdsb-tc'); z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-tc',0,num,den);

Set the carrier signals initial phase to phs, measured in radians Use a lowpass filter after demodulating. num and den are row vectors that give the coefficients, in descending order, of the numerator and denominator of the filters transfer function. (AM-SSB only) Use a Hilbert filter in the time domain. num and den are as above. (AMDSB only) Use a Costas phase-locked loop

(For other demodulation methods, the 0 in the statement above would be unnecessary. See the reference page for ademodce for details.)

y = amodce(x,Fs,'amssb/time',num,den); z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amssb');

z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-tc/costas');

y = amodce(x,Fs,'amdsb-sc'); z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-sc/costas');

(AMDSB-TC only) Shift the signal values by offset before modulating and after demodulating

y = amodce(x,Fs,'amdsb-tc',offset); z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-tc',offset);

Filter Design Issues

After demodulating, you might want to filter out the carrier signal, especially if you are using passband simulation. The Signal Processing Toolbox provides functions that can help you design your filter, such as butter, cheby1, cheby2, and ellip. Different demodulation methods have different properties, and you



might need to test your application with several filters before deciding which is most suitable. This subsection mentions two issues that relate to the use of filters: cutoff frequency and time lag.

Example: Varying the Filters Cutoff Frequency

In many situations, a suitable cutoff frequency is half the carrier frequency. Since the carrier frequency must be higher than the bandwidth of the message signal, a cutoff frequency chosen in this way limits the bandwidth of the message signal. If the cutoff frequency is too high, then the carrier frequency may not be filtered out. If the cutoff frequency is too low, then it might narrow the bandwidth of the message signal. The code below modulates a sawtooth message signal, demodulates the resulting signal using a Butterworth filter, and plots the original and recovered signals. Note that the scaling in the butter function causes the cutoff frequency of the filter to be F*Fs/2, not F itself.
Fc = 25; % Carrier frequency Fs = 100; % Signal sampling rate t = [0:1/Fs:2]'; % Times to sample the signal x = sawtooth(6*t,0); % Signal is a sawtooth. y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amssb'); % Modulate. F = Fc/Fs; % Change F to vary the filter's cutoff frequency. [num,den] = butter(2,F); % Design Butterworth filter. z = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amssb',num,den); % Demodulate and filter. plot(t,x,'-',t,z,'--') % Plot original and recovered signals.

The plots below show the effects of three lowpass filters with different cutoff frequencies. In each plot, the dotted curve is the demodulated signal and the solid curve is the original message signal. The top plot uses the suggested cutoff frequency (F = Fc/Fs). The lower left plot uses a higher cutoff frequency (F = 3.9*Fc/Fs), which allows the carrier signal to interfere with the demodulated signal. The lower right plot uses a lower cutoff frequency (F = Fc/Fs/4), which narrows the bandwidth of the demodulated signal.


Using the Communications Toolbox

Figure 2-4: Original and Recovered Signals, with Filter Cutoff F = Fc/Fs, 3.9*Fc/Fs, and Fc/Fs/4

Example: Time Lag From Filtering

There is invariably a time delay between a demodulated signal and the original received signal. Both the filter order and the filter parameters directly affect the length of this delay. The example below illustrates the time delay by



plotting a signal before and after the modulation, demodulation, and filtering processes. The solid curve is the original sine wave and the dashed curve is the recovered signal.
Fs = 100; % Sampling rate of signal [num,den] = butter(2,0.8); % Design Butterworth filter. t = [0:1/Fs:10]'; % Times to sample the signal x = sin(t); % Signal is a sine wave. y = amodce(x,Fs,'pm'); % Modulate. z = ademodce(y,Fs,'pm',num,den); % Demodulate and filter. plot(t,x,t,z,'r--') % Plot original signal and recovered signal.


Using the Communications Toolbox

Digital Modulation Overview

Modulating a digital signal can be interpreted as a combination of two steps: mapping the digital signal to an analog signal and modulating the analog signal. These are depicted in the schematic below.
0 0 1 1 0 0


Digital signal Sampling rate Fd Real

Analog signal Sampling rate Fs (Fd Fs) Real

Analog signal Sampling rate Fs Complex, if baseband simulation

Figure 2-5: Two Steps of Digital Modulation

Except for FSK and MSK methods, when the receiver tries to recover a digital message from the analog signal that it receives, it performs two steps: demodulating the analog signal and demapping the demodulated analog signal to produce a digital message. These are depicted in the schematic below.
Demodulate Demap
0 0 1 1 0 0

Analog signal Sampling rate Fs Complex, if baseband simulation

Analog signal Sampling rate Fs Real

Digital signal Sampling rate Fd Real

Figure 2-6: Two Steps of Digital Demodulation

For FSK and MSK methods, the demodulator uses correlation techniques instead of the two-stage process above. The mapping process increases the sampling rate of the signal from Fd to Fs, whereas the demapping process decreases the sampling rate from Fs to Fd.



Functions in this toolbox can perform any of these steps, as summarized in the table below.
Table 2-7: Functions for the Steps of Digital Modulation and Demodulation Step Function dmodce or dmod modmap dmodce or dmod, with /nomap flag ddemodce or ddemod ddemodce or ddemod, with /nomap flag

Mapping and modulation Mapping only Modulation without mapping Demodulation and demapping Demodulation without demapping (ASK, PSK, or QASK) Demapping only


The functions are described in more detail in the sections that follow.

Representing Digital Signals

This section describes the formats for digital message signals, the analog signals to which they map, and the analog signals that result from the two-stage baseband digital modulation process. The last part, Constellations and Mapped Signals (PSK, QASK), discusses some special formats that apply to the PSK and QASK modulation methods.

Message Signals
To perform M-ary baseband modulation of a digital signal using this toolbox, start with a message signal consisting of integers in the range [0, M-1]. Represent the signal using a vector x. Associate with the message signal a sampling rate Fd, which means that the entries of x give the signals values in time increments of 1/Fd.

Mapped Signals
Mapping produces a real signal y whose sampling rate Fs must satisfy
Fs > Fd


Using the Communications Toolbox

(For passband simulation, in which the carrier frequency Fc appears explicitly, both of the relations Fs > Fc > Fd and Fs > 2Fc must hold.) If x consists of n samples, then y contains n*Fs/Fd samples. The actual dimensions of y depend on the modulation scheme, as detailed in To Map a Digital Signal (General Information) on page 3-149. For example, the vector x below samples a random digital signal 100 times per second for 2 seconds. The vector y represents the mapped signal, sampled three times as frequently. The output shows that y contains three times as many samples as x.
Fd = 100; % Sampling rate of x M = 32; % Digital symbols are 0,1,2,...,31 x = randint(2*Fd,1,M); % Representation of the digital signal Fs = 3*Fd; % Sampling rate of mapped signal y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'ask',M); % Mapped signal r = [size(x,1) size(y,1)] % Number of rows in x and y r = 200 600

Modulated Signals
Baseband modulation produces a complex signal with sampling rate Fs. Notice that this is the same sampling rate as the mapped signal. Baseband signals are explained briefly in the section, Representing Analog Signals on page 2-59; for more details, see the works listed in Selected Bibliography for Modulation on page 2-77. To illustrate the size and nature of the modulated signal, supplement the example in the paragraph above with these commands.
z = dmodce(x,Fd,[Fs pi/2],'ask',M); whos Name Size Bytes Class Fd Fs M r x y 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x2 200x1 600x1 8 8 8 16 1600 4800 double double double double double double array array array array array array





double array (complex)

Grand total is 1405 elements using 16040 bytes

Constellations and Mapped Signals (PSK, QASK)

If you map a digital message using the phase shift keying (PSK) or quadrature amplitude shift keying (QASK) modulation method, then modmap describes the amplitude and phase of the resulting analog signal using an in-phase part and a quadrature part. For this reason, one column in the original message signal vector corresponds to two columns in the mapped signal matrix. For example, compare the code below with the example in Mapped Signals above. The mapped signal ypsk is a two-column matrix, whereas the earlier ASK example produced a column vector. The first column of ypsk gives the in-phase components of the samples and the second column gives the quadrature components.
Fd = 100; % Sampling rate of x M = 32; % Digital symbols are 0,1,2,...,31. x = randint(2*Fd,1,M); % Representation of the digital signal Fs = 3*Fd; % Sampling rate of mapped signal ypsk = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); % PSK mapped signal s = size(ypsk) s = 600 2

Using Signal Constellation Plots. To understand the in-phase and quadrature description more easily, refer to a signal constellation plot. Each point in the constellation represents an analog signal to which modmap can map the digital message data. Each row of y in the example above gives the two rectangular coordinates of some point in the constellation. To produce a signal constellation plot that corresponds to the example above, use the command modmap('psk',M) % Using M = 32 from before

More about creating signal constellation plots is in the section Representing Signal Constellations on page 2-70.


Using the Communications Toolbox

Significance of Sampling Rates

The vectors and matrices that form the input and output of the modulation and demodulation functions do not have a built-in notion of time. That is, MATLAB does not know whether the digital signal [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] represents an 8-second signal sampled once per second, or a 1-second signal sampled eight times, or something else. However, many functions appearing in this Modulation section ask for one or more sampling rates. This subsection discusses the significance of these sampling rates. If your application has a natural notion of time, then you are free to use it in the modulation and demodulation functions. For example, if you generate the digital signal [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] and know that it represents a 1-second signal sampled eight times, then set Fd = 8. On the other hand, if you know that the signal represents a 2-second signal sampled four times per second, then set Fd = 4. You can also use the formula
Fd = size(x,1) / (max(t)-min(t)); % if x=signal, t=sample times

for a signal x sampled at times t. Here x is a matrix or vector and t is a vector whose length is the number of rows of x. For most digital modulation computations, MATLAB does not directly use the sampling rates Fd and Fs of digital message signals and mapped signals, respectively. What it uses is their ratio Fs/Fd. For example, the two commands below produce exactly the same result, because 3/1 equals 6/2.
y13 = dmodce([0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]',1,3,'ask',8); y26 = dmodce([0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]',2,6,'ask',8);

One exceptional situation in which the individual value of Fd matters occurs in the MSK and M-ary FSK methods. The default separations between successive frequencies are Fd/2 and Fd for these two methods, respectively.

Representing Signal Constellations

The QASK method depends on a choice of a signal constellation. The QASK mapping and demapping functions in this toolbox can process two special types of signal constellations, as well as a general type of constellation that you can define as you choose. The special types are called square and circle constellations and the general type is called an arbitrary constellation. This section describes how you can tell MATLAB what signal constellation you want to use, and how you can plot signal constellations.



Square Constellations
To use a square constellation, you only need to tell MATLAB the number of points in the constellation. This number, M, must be a power of two. For example, to map the digital signal [3 8 15 30 28] to a square constellation having 32 points, use the qaskenco function as below.
[inphase,quadr] = qaskenco([3 8 15 30 28],32);

The returned vectors inphase and quadr give the in-phase and quadrature components, respectively, of the mapped signal. The command
msg = qaskdeco(inphase,quadr,32);

demaps to recover the original message [3 8 15 30 28]. Notice that in both cases, the square constellation is described only by the number 32. The modulation and demodulation functions use the M-ary number and the method string 'qask' to specify the square constellation. The command below implements QASK modulation on the message [3 8 15 30 28], using a 32-point square constellation. The command assumes that the sampling rates are 1 Hz before modulating and 2 Hz after modulating.
y = dmodce([3 8 5 30 28],1,2,'qask',32); Plotting Square Constellations. To plot a square constellation with M points, use one

of these commands.
qaskenco(M) modmap('qask',M);

Circle Constellations
To use a circle constellation having equally spaced points on each circle, you need to give MATLAB this information, in this order:
1 The number of points on each circle 2 The radius of each circle 3 The phase of one point on each circle

The three types of information occupy three vectors of the same length. The first entries of the three vectors determine one circle, the second entries of the three vectors determine another circle, and so on.


Using the Communications Toolbox

For example, the apkconst command below returns the complex coordinates of the points on a circle constellation that contains sixteen points on each of two circles. The inner circle has radius one, and one of the constellation points has zero phase. The outer circle has radius three and a constellation point at 10 degrees.
y = apkconst([16 16],[1 3],[0 10*pi/180]);

The constellation contains two circles because each vector has length two. The constellation has 32 points in total because the sum of entries in the first vector is 32. The modulation and demodulation functions use three equal-length vectors and the method string 'qask/cir' to specify the circle constellation. The command below implements QASK modulation on the message [3 8 15 30 28], using the circle constellation described above.
y = dmodce([3 8 5 30 28],1,2,'qask/cir',[16 16],[1 3],... [0 10*pi/180]); Default Values. If you do not provide the phase vector, then by default one constellation point on each circle will have zero phase. If you provide neither the phase vector nor the radius vector, then by default the kth circle will have radius k, and one of the constellation points will have zero phase. You must provide the vector that specifies how many points are on each circle. Plotting Circle Constellations. To plot a circle constellation in which numsig gives the number of points on each circle, amp gives the radius of each circle, and phs gives the phase of one point on each circle, use one of these commands. apkconst(numsig,amp,phs) modmap('qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs);

To label the constellation points by number, use this syntax instead.


Arbitrary Constellations
You can also use a signal constellation that does not fit into the categories above. To do this, you need to give MATLAB two real vectors of equal length, one that contains the in-phase components of the constellation point and one that contains the corresponding quadrature components. You also need to use



the method string 'qask/arb' in the modulation, demodulation, mapping, and demapping functions. For example, the code examples below plot signal constellations that have a hexagonal and triangular structure, respectively. They use the modmap function.
% Example #1: A hexagonal constellation inphase = [1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 2 2 5/2]; quadr = [0 1 -1 2 -2 1 -1 0]; inphase = [inphase;-inphase]; inphase = inphase(:); quadr = [quadr;quadr]; quadr = quadr(:); modmap('qask/arb',inphase,quadr); % Example #2: A triangular constellation figure; inphase = [1/2 -1/2 1 0 3/2 -3/2 1 -1]; quadr = [1 1 0 2 1 1 2 2]; inphase = [inphase;-inphase]; inphase = inphase(:); quadr = [quadr;-quadr]; quadr = quadr(:); modmap('qask/arb',inphase,quadr);

The figure below shows plots of the hexagonal and triangular signal constellations on the left and right, respectively. The dashed lines are not part of MATLABs output, and appear below only to suggest the hexagonal and triangular structures.


Using the Communications Toolbox

The modulation and demodulation functions also use the method string 'qask/arb' and a pair of equal-length vectors like inphase and quadr to determine your constellation. For example, to modulate the message [3 8 5 10 7] using the QASK method with one of the constellations described in the examples above, supplement the example code with this command.
y = dmodce([3 8 5 10 7],1,2,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr);

Simple Digital Modulation Example

This example illustrates the basic format of the baseband modulation and demodulation commands, dmodce and ddemodce. Although the example uses the PSK method, most elements of this example apply to digital modulation techniques other than PSK. The example generates a random digital signal, modulates it, and adds noise. Then it creates a scatter plot, demodulates the noisy signal, and computes the symbol error rate. The ddemodce function demodulates the analog signal y and then demaps to produce the digital signal z. Notice that the scatter plot does not look exactly like a signal constellation. Whereas the signal constellation would have 16 precisely located points, the noise causes the scatter plot to have a small cluster of points approximately where each constellation point would be. However, the noise is sufficiently small that the signal can be recovered perfectly.

Note Since some options vary by method, you should check the reference pages before adapting the code here for other uses.

Below are the code and the scatter plot.

M = 16; % Use 16-ary modulation. Fd = 1; % Assume the original message is sampled % at a rate of 1 sample per second. Fs = 3; % The modulated signal will be sampled % at a rate of 3 samples per second. x = randint(100,1,M); % Random digital message % Use M-ary PSK modulation to produce y. y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); % Add some Gaussian noise.



ynoisy = y + .04*randn(300,1) + .04*j*randn(300,1); % Create scatter plot from noisy data. scatterplot(ynoisy,1,0,'b.'); % Demodulate y to recover the message. z = ddemodce(ynoisy,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); s = symerr(x,z) % Check symbol error rate. s = 0

Customizing the Modulation Process

Recall from Digital Modulation Overview on page 2-66 that the modulation and demodulation processes each consist of two steps. You can tell the toolbox functions to carry out only selected steps in the processes. For example, this might be useful if you want to use standard mapping and demapping techniques along with unusual or proprietary modulation and demodulation techniques.


Using the Communications Toolbox

Mapping Without Modulating and Demapping Without Demodulating

To map the digital signal to an analog signal without modulating the analog signal, use the modmap function instead of the dmodce function. To demap the analog signal to a digital signal without demodulating the analog signal, use the demodmap function instead of the ddemodce function. To alter the basic example so that it does not modulate or demodulate the analog signals at all, replace the old commands listed in the first column of the table below with the new commands listed in the second column.
Table 2-8: Changes in Simple Digital Modulation Example to Avoid Modulating Old Command y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); ynoisy = y + .04*randn(300,1) + .04*j*randn(300,1); z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); New Command y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); ynoisy = y + .04*randn(300,2) + .04*j*randn(300,2); z = demodmap(y,Fd,Fs,'psk',M);

Modulating Without Mapping and Demodulating Without Demapping

To carry out the analog modulation step on a signal that has already been mapped from a digital signal to an analog signal, use the dmodce function with the extra word /nomap appended to the method string. To carry out the analog demodulation step but avoid demapping the resulting signal to a digital signal, use the ddemodce function with the extra word /nomap appended to the method string. If you substituted your own mapping and demapping steps into the basic example then it would look something like the code below. The lines in the second grouping differ from the original example.
M = 16; % Use 16-ary modulation. Fd = 1; % Assume the original message is sampled % at a rate of 1 sample per second. Fs = 3; % The modulated signal will be sampled % at a rate of 3 samples per second. x = randint(100,1,M); % Random digital message % Important changes are below. mapx = mymappingfunction(x); % Use your own function here.



y = dmodce(mapx,Fd,Fs,'psk/nomap',M); % Modulate without mapping. % Demodulate y without demapping. demody = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'psk/nomap',M); % Now demap. z = mydemappingfunction(demody); % Use your own function here.

Other Options in Digital Modulation

The table below lists a few ways in which you might vary the example in the section Simple Digital Modulation Example on page 2-74 in order to perform the modulation and demodulation slightly differently. See the reference pages for full details about options.
Table 2-9: Substitutions in the Digital Example Modification of Process Modifications in the Code in Simple Digital Modulation Example on page 2-74 y = dmodce(x,Fd,[Fs phs],'psk',M); z = ddemodce(y,Fd,[Fs phs],'psk',M); z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'psk',M,num,den);

Set the carrier signals initial phase to phs, measured in radians Use a lowpass filter after demodulating but before demapping. num and den are row vectors that give the coefficients, in descending order, of the numerator and denominator of the filters transfer function. (ASK only) Use a Costas phase-locked loop (FSK only) Use noncoherent demodulation

(See also Filter Design Issues on page 2-62 if you plan to use filters.)

y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'ask',M); z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'ask/costas',M); y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M); z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'fsk/noncoherence',M);

Selected Bibliography for Modulation

[1] Jeruchim, Michel C., Philip Balaban, and K. Sam Shanmugan. Simulation of Communication Systems. New York: Plenum Press, 1992. [2] Proakis, John G. Digital Communications, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995. [3] Sklar, Bernard. Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1988.


Using the Communications Toolbox

Special Filters
The Communications Toolbox includes several functions that can help you design and use filters. Other filtering capabilities are in the Signal Processing Toolbox.

Special Filter Features of the Toolbox

Filtering tasks supported in the Communications Toolbox include: Designing a Hilbert transform filter Filtering data using a raised cosine filter Designing a raised cosine filter After discussing an implementation issue relating to filters group delays, this section describes the toolbox functions that accomplish these tasks: hilbiir, rcosflt, rcosine, and the lower-level functions rcosfir and rcosiir. For background information about Hilbert filters and raised cosine filters, see the works listed in Selected Bibliography for Special Filters on page 2-88. For a demonstration involving raised cosine filters, see rcosdemo.

Noncausality and the Group Delay Parameter

Without propagation delays, both Hilbert filters and raised cosine filters are noncausal. This means that the current output depends on the systems future input. In order to design only realizable filters, the hilbiir, rcosine, and rcosflt functions delay the input signal before producing an output. This delay, known as the filters group delay, is the time between the filters initial response and its peak response. The group delay is defined as d () d

where is the phase of the filter and is the frequency in radians. This delay is set so that the impulse response before time zero is negligible and can safely be ignored by the function. For example, the Hilbert filter whose impulse is shown below uses a group delay of 1 second. Notice in the figure that the impulse response near time 0 is small and that the large impulse response values occur near time 1.


Special Filters

Figure 2-7: Impulse Response of a Hilbert Filter

Example: Compensating for Group Delays When Analyzing Data

Comparing filtered with unfiltered data might be easier if you delay the unfiltered signal by the filters group delay. For example, suppose you use the code below to filter x and produce y.
tx = 0:4; % Times for data samples x = [0 1 1 1 1]'; % Binary data samples % Filter the data and use a delay of 2 seconds. delay = 2; [y,ty] = rcosflt(x,1,8,'fir',.3,delay);

Here, the elements of tx and ty represent the times of each sample of x and y, respectively. However, y is delayed relative to x, so corresponding elements of x and y do not have the same time values. Plotting y against ty and x against tx is less useful than plotting y against ty and x against a delayed version of tx.
% Top plot subplot(2,1,1), plot(tx,x,'*',ty,y);


Using the Communications Toolbox

% Bottom plot delays tx. subplot(2,1,2), plot(tx+delay,x,'*',ty,y);

For another example of compensating for group delay, see the raised-cosine filter demo, rcosdemo.

Designing Hilbert Transform Filters

The hilbiir function designs a Hilbert transform filter and produces either: A plot of the filters impulse response, or A quantitative characterization of the filter, using either a transfer function model or a state-space model

Example with Default Parameters

For example, typing simply

plots the impulse response of a fourth-order digital Hilbert transform filter having a 1-second group delay. The sample time is 2/7 seconds. In this


Special Filters

particular design, the tolerance index is 0.05. The plot also displays the impulse response of the ideal Hilbert transform filter having a 1-second group delay. The plot is in Figure 2-7, Impulse Response of a Hilbert Filter, on page 2-79. To compute this filters transfer function, use the command below.
[num,den] = hilbiir num = -0.3183 -0.3041 -0.5160 -1.8453 3.3105

den = 1.0000 -0.4459 -0.1012 -0.0479 -0.0372

Here, the vectors num and den contain the coefficients of the numerator and denominator, respectively, of the transfer function in ascending order of powers of z-1. The commands in this section used the functions default parameters. You can also control the filter design by specifying the sample time, group delay, bandwidth, and tolerance index. The reference entry for hilbiir explains these parameters. The group delay is also mentioned above in Noncausality and the Group Delay Parameter on page 2-78.

Filtering with Raised Cosine Filters

The rcosflt function applies a raised cosine filter to data. Because rcosflt is a versatile function, you can: Use rcosflt to both design and implement the filter. Specify a raised cosine filter and use rcosflt only to filter the data. Design and implement either raised cosine filters or square-root raised cosine filters. Specify the rolloff factor and/or group delay of the filter, if rcosflt designs the filter. Design and implement either FIR or IIR filters.


Using the Communications Toolbox

This section discusses the use of sampling rates in filtering, and then covers these options. For additional examples, see rcosdemo.

Sampling Rates
The basic rcosflt syntax
y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs...) % Basic syntax

assumes by default that you want to apply the filter to a digital signal x whose sampling rate is Fd. The filters sampling rate is Fs. The ratio of Fs to Fd must be an integer. By default, the function upsamples the input data by a factor of Fs/Fd before filtering. It upsamples by inserting Fs/Fd-1 zeros between input data samples. The upsampled data consists of Fs/Fd samples per symbol and has sampling rate Fs. An example using this syntax is below. The output sampling rate is four times the input sampling rate.
y1 = rcosflt([1;0;0],1,4,'fir'); % Upsample by factor of 4/1. Maintaining the Input Sampling Rate. You can also override the default upsampling behavior. In this case, the function assumes that the input signal already has sampling rate Fs and consists of Fs/Fd samples per symbol. You might want to maintain the sampling rate in a receivers filter if the corresponding transmitters filter has already upsampled sufficiently.

To maintain the sampling rate, modify the fourth input argument in rcosflt to include the string Fs. For example, in the first command below, rcosflt uses its default upsampling behavior and the output sampling rate is four times the input sampling rate. By contrast, the second command below uses Fs in the string argument and thus maintains the sampling rate throughout.
y1 = rcosflt([1;0;0],1,4,'fir'); % Upsample by factor of 4/1. y2 = rcosflt([1;0;0],1,4,'fir/Fs'); % Maintain sampling rate.

The second command assumes that the sampling rate of the input signal is 4, and that the input signal contains 4/1 samples per symbol. An example that uses the 'Fs' option at the receiver is in Combining Two Square-Root Raised Cosine Filters on page 2-85.


Special Filters

Designing Filters Automatically

The simplest syntax of rcosflt assumes that the function should both design and implement the raised cosine filter. For example, the command below designs an FIR raised cosine filter and then filters the input vector [1;0;0] with it. The second and third input arguments indicate that the function should upsample the data by a factor of 8 (that is, 8/1) during the filtering process.
y = rcosflt([1;0;0],1,8); Types of Raised Cosine Filters. You can have rcosflt design other types of raised cosine filters by using a fourth input argument. Variations on the previous example are below. y y y y = = = = rcosflt([1;0;0],1,8,'fir'); % Same as original example rcosflt([1;0;0],1,8,'fir/sqrt'); % FIR square-root RC filter rcosflt([1;0;0],1,8,'iir'); % IIR raised cosine filter rcosflt([1;0;0],1,8,'iir/sqrt'); % IIR square-root RC filter

Specifying Filters Using Input Arguments

If you have a transfer function for a raised cosine filter, then you can provide it as an input to rcosflt so that rcosflt does not design its own filter. This is useful if you want to use rcosine to design the filter once and then use the filter many times. For example, the rcosflt command below uses the 'filter' flag to indicate that transfer function is an input argument. The input num is a vector that represents the FIR transfer function by listing its coefficients.
num = rcosine(1,8); y = rcosflt([1;0;0],1,8,'filter',num);

This syntax for rcosflt works whether num represents the transfer function for a square-root raised cosine FIR filter or an ordinary raised cosine FIR filter. For example, the code below uses a square-root raised cosine FIR filter. Only the definition of num is different.
num = rcosine(1,8,'sqrt'); y = rcosflt([1;0;0],1,8,'filter',num);

You can also use a raised cosine IIR filter. To do this, modify the fourth input argument of the rcosflt command above so that it contains the string 'iir' and provide a denominator argument. An example is below.
delay = 8; [num,den] = rcosine(1,8,'iir',.5,delay); y = rcosflt([1;0;0],1,8,'iir/filter',num,den,delay);


Using the Communications Toolbox

Controlling the Rolloff Factor

If rcosflt designs the filter automatically, then you can control the rolloff factor of the filter, as described below. If you specify your own filter, then rcosflt does not need to know its rolloff factor. The rolloff factor determines the excess bandwidth of the filter. For example, a rolloff factor of .5 means that the bandwidth of the filter is 1.5 times the input sampling frequency, Fd. This also means that the transition band of the filter extends from .5 * Fd to 1.5 * Fd. The default rolloff factor is .5, but if you want to use a value of .2, then you can use a command such as the one below. Typical values for the rolloff factor are between .2 and .5.
y = rcosflt([1;0;0],1,8,'fir',.2); % Rolloff factor is .2.

Controlling the Group Delay

If rcosflt designs the filter automatically, then you can control the group delay of the filter, as described below. If you specify your own FIR filter, then rcosflt does not need to know its group delay. The filters group delay is the time between the filters initial response and its peak response. The default group delay in the implementation is three input samples. To specify a different value, measure it in input symbol periods and provide it as the sixth input argument. For example, the command below specifies a group delay of six input samples, which is equivalent to 6*8/1 output samples.
y = rcosflt([1;0;0],1,8,'fir',.2,6); % Delay is 6 input samples.

The group delay influences the size of the output, as well as the order of the filter if rcosflt designs the filter automatically. See the reference page for rcosflt for details that relate to the syntax you want to use.
Example: Raised Cosine Filter Delays. The code below filters a signal using two different group delays. A larger delay results in a smaller error in the frequency response of the filter. The plot shows how the two filtered signals differ, and the output pt indicates that the first peak occurs at different times for the two filtered signals. [y,t] = rcosflt(ones(10,1),1,8,'fir',.5,6); % Delay = 6 samples [y1,t1] = rcosflt(ones(10,1),1,8,'fir',.5,8); % Delay = 8 samples


Special Filters

plot(t,y,t1,y1,'--') % Two curves indicate the different delays. peak = t(find(y == max(y))); % Times where first curve peaks peak1 = t1(find(y1 == max(y1))); % Times where second curve peaks pt = [min(peak), min(peak1)] % First peak time for both curves pt = 14.6250 16.6250

Figure 2-8: Delays of Three Samples (Dashed) and Five Samples (Solid)

If Fs/Fd is at least 4, then a group delay value of at least 8 works well in many cases. In the examples of this section, Fs/Fd is 8.

Combining Two Square-Root Raised Cosine Filters

If you want to split the filtering equally between the transmitters filter and the receivers filter, then you can use a pair of square-root raised cosine filters. In theory, the combination of two square-root raised cosine filters is equivalent to a single normal raised cosine filter. However, the limited impulse response of


Using the Communications Toolbox

practical square-root raised cosine filters causes a slight difference between the response of two successive square-root raised cosine filters and the response of one raised cosine filter.
Using rcosine and rcosflt to Implement Square-Root Raised Cosine Filters. One way to implement the pair of square-root raised cosine filters is to follow these steps:
1 Use rcosine with the 'sqrt' flag to design a square-root raised cosine filter. 2 Use rcosflt in the transmitter section of code to upsample and filter the

3 Use rcosflt in the receiver section of code to filter the received data without

upsampling it. Use the 'Fs' flag to avoid upsampling. An example of this approach is below. Notice that the syntaxes for rcosflt use the 'filter' flag to indicate that you are providing the filters transfer function as an input.
% First approach x = randint(100,1,2,1234); % Data num = rcosine(1,8,'sqrt'); % Transfer function of filter y = rcosflt(x,1,8,'filter',num); % Filter the data. z = rcosflt(y,1,8,'Fs/filter',num); % Filter the received data % but do not upsample it. Using rcosflt Alone. Another way to implement the pair of square-root raised cosine filters is to have rcosflt both design and use the square-root raised cosine filter. This approach avoids using rcosine. The corresponding example code is below. Notice that the syntaxes for rcosflt use the 'sqrt' flag to indicate that you want it to design a square-root raised cosine filter. % Second approach x = randint(100,1,2,1234); % Data (again) y1 = rcosflt(x,1,8,'sqrt'); % Design and use a filter. z1 = rcosflt(y1,1,8,'sqrt/Fs'); % Design and use a filter % but do not upsample the data.

Because these two approaches are equivalent, y is the same as y1 and z is the same as z1.


Special Filters

Designing Raised Cosine Filters

The rcosine function designs (but does not apply) filters of these types: Finite impulse response (FIR) raised cosine filter Infinite impulse response (IIR) raised cosine filter FIR square-root raised cosine filter IIR square-root raised cosine filter The function returns the transfer function as output. To learn about applying raised cosine filters, see Filtering with Raised Cosine Filters on page 2-81.

Sampling Rates
The rcosine function assumes that you want to apply the filter to a digital signal whose sampling rate is Fd. The function also requires you to provide the filters sampling rate, Fs. The ratio of Fs to Fd must be an integer.

Example Designing a Square-Root Raised Cosine Filter

For example, the command below designs a square-root raised cosine FIR filter with a sampling rate of 2, for use with a digital signal whose sampling rate is 1.
num = rcosine(1,2,'fir/sqrt') num = Columns 1 through 7 0.0021 -0.0106 0.0300 -0.0531 -0.0750 0.4092 0.8037

Columns 8 through 13 0.4092 -0.0750 -0.0531 0.0300 -0.0106 0.0021

Here, the vector num contains the coefficients of the filter, in ascending order of powers of z-1.

Other Options in Filter Design

You can also control the filter design by specifying the rolloff factor, group delay, and (for IIR filters) tolerance index explicitly, instead of having rcosine use its default values. The reference entry for rcosine explains these


Using the Communications Toolbox

parameters. The group delay is also mentioned above in Noncausality and the Group Delay Parameter on page 2-78.

Selected Bibliography for Special Filters

[1] Korn, Israel. Digital Communications. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985. [2] Oppenheim, Alan V. and Ronald W. Schafer. Discrete-Time Signal Processing. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1989.


Galois Field Computations

Galois Field Computations

A Galois field is an algebraic field that has a finite number of elements. The number of elements is always of the form pm, where p is a prime number and m is a positive integer. Galois fields are used in error-control coding.

2. Using the Communications Toolbox

Galois Field Features of the Toolbox

The Communications Toolbox provides functions for manipulating elements of Galois fields, working with polynomials over Galois fields, and performing other tasks related to Galois fields. This section discusses these topics: Galois Field Terminology on page 2-89 Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 Default Primitive Polynomials on page 2-93 Converting and Simplifying Element Formats on page 2-94 Arithmetic in Galois Fields on page 2-97 Polynomials over Prime Fields on page 2-99 For background information about Galois fields or their use in error-control coding, see the works listed in Selected Bibliography for Galois Fields on page 2-103.

Galois Field Terminology

Throughout this section, p is a prime number and m is a positive integer. Also, this document uses a few terms that are not used consistently in the literature. The definitions adopted here appear in van Lint [4]. A primitive element of GF(pm) is a cyclic generator of the group of nonzero elements of GF(pm). This means that every nonzero element of the field can be expressed as the primitive element raised to some integer power. Primitive elements are called throughout this section. A primitive polynomial for GF(pm) is the minimal polynomial of some primitive element of GF(pm). As a consequence, it has degree m and is irreducible.


Using the Communications Toolbox

Representing Elements of Galois Fields

This section discusses how to represent Galois field elements using this toolboxs exponential format and polynomial format. It also describes a way to list all elements of the Galois field, because some functions use such a list as an input argument. Finally, it discusses the nonuniqueness of representations of Galois field elements. The elements of GF(p) can be represented using the integers from 0 to p-1. When m is at least two, GF(pm) is called an extension field. Integers alone cannot represent the elements of GF(pm) in a straightforward way. MATLAB uses two main conventions for representing elements of GF(pm): the exponential format and the polynomial format.

Note Both the exponential format and the polynomial format are relative to your choice of a particular primitive element of GF(pm).

Exponential Format
This format uses the property that every nonzero element of GF(pm) can be expressed as c for some integer c between 0 and pm-2. Higher exponents are not needed, since the theory of Galois fields implies that every nonzero element of GF(pm) satisfies the equation xq-1 = 1 where q = pm. MATLABs use of the exponential format is shown in the table below.
Table 2-10: Exponential Format in MATLAB Element of GF(pm) MATLAB Representation of the Element -Inf 0 1

0 0 = 1 1 q-2 where q = pm



Galois Field Computations

Although -Inf is the standard exponential representation of the zero element, all negative integers are equivalent to -Inf when used as input arguments in exponential format. This equivalence can be useful; for example, see the concise line of code at the end of the section Default Primitive Polynomials on page 2-93.

Note The equivalence of all negative integers and -Inf as exponential formats means that, for example, -1 does not represent -1, the multiplicative inverse of . Instead, -1 represents the zero element of the field.

Polynomial Format
The polynomial format uses the property that every element of GF(pm) can be expressed as a polynomial in with exponents between 0 and m-1, and coefficients in GF(p). In the polynomial format, the element
A(1) + A(2) + A(3) 2 + ... + A(m) m-1

is represented in MATLAB by the vector

[A(1) A(2) A(3) ... A(m)]

Note The Galois field functions in this toolbox represent a polynomial as a vector that lists the coefficients in order of ascending powers of the variable. This is the opposite of the order that other MATLAB functions use.

List of All Elements of a Galois Field

Some Galois field functions in this toolbox require an argument that lists all elements of an extension field GF(pm). This is again relative to a particular primitive element of GF(pm). The proper format for the list of elements is that of a matrix having pm rows, one for each element of the field. The matrix has m columns, one for each coefficient of a power of in the polynomial format shown in Polynomial Format above. The first row contains only zeros because it corresponds to the zero element in GF(pm). If k is between 2 and pm, then the kth row specifies the polynomial format of the element k-2.


Using the Communications Toolbox

The minimal polynomial of aids in the computation of this matrix, since it tells how to express m in terms of lower powers of . For example, the table below lists the elements of GF(32), where is a root of the primitive polynomial 2 + 2x + x2. This polynomial allows repeated use of the substitution 2 = -2 - 2 = 1 + when performing the computations in the middle column of the table.
Table 2-11: Elements of GF(9) Exponential Format Polynomial Format Row of MATLAB Matrix of Elements 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 1

-Inf 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 1 1+ + 2 = + 1 + = 1 + 2 + 22 = + 2 + 2 = 2 2 22 = 2 + 2 2 + 22 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 2 +

An automatic way to generate the matrix whose rows are in the third column of the table above is to use the code below.
p = 3; m = 2; % Use the primitive polynomial 2 + 2x + x^2 for GF(9). primpoly = [2 2 1]; field = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',primpoly,p);

The gftuple function is discussed in more detail in Converting and Simplifying Element Formats on page 2-94.


Galois Field Computations

Nonuniqueness of Representations
A given field has more than one primitive element. If two primitive elements have different minimal polynomials, then the corresponding matrices of elements will have their rows in a different order. If the two primitive elements share the same minimal polynomial, then the matrix of elements of the field is the same.

Note You may use whatever primitive element you want, as long as you understand how the inputs and outputs of Galois field functions depend on the choice of some primitive polynomial. It is usually best to use the same primitive polynomial throughout a given script or function.

Other ways in which representations of elements are not unique arise from the equations that Galois field elements satisfy. For example, an exponential format of 8 in GF(9) is really the same as an exponential format of 0, since 8 = 1 = 0 in GF(9). As another example, the substitution mentioned just before Table 2-11, Elements of GF(9), shows that the polynomial format [0 0 1] is really the same as the polynomial format [1 1].

Default Primitive Polynomials

This toolbox provides a default primitive polynomial for each extension field. You can retrieve this polynomial using the gfprimdf function. The command
primpoly = gfprimdf(m,p); % If m and p are already defined

produces the standard row-vector representation of the default minimal polynomial for GF(pm). For example, the command below shows that the default primitive polynomial for GF(9) is 2 + x + x2, not the polynomial used in the section, List of All Elements of a Galois Field on page 2-91.
gfprimdf(2,3) ans = 2 1 1


Using the Communications Toolbox

To generate a list of elements of GF(pm) using the default primitive polynomial, use the command
field = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',m,p);

Converting and Simplifying Element Formats

This section describes how to convert between the exponential and polynomial formats for Galois field elements, as well as how to simplify a given representation.

Converting to Simplest Polynomial Format

The gftuple function produces the simplest polynomial representation of an element of GF(pm), given either an exponential representation or a polynomial representation of that element. This can be useful for generating the list of elements of GF(pm) that other functions require. The simplest use of gftuple requires two arguments: one representing an element of GF(pm) and the other indicating the primitive polynomial that MATLAB should use when computing the output. An optional third argument is the prime p; if it is omitted, then the default is 2. The table below indicates how gftuple behaves when given the first two arguments in various formats.
Table 2-12: Behavior of gftuple Depending on Format of Inputs How to Specify Element How to Indicate Primitive Polynomial What gftuple Produces

Exponential format; c = any integer

Integer m > 1

Polynomial format of c, where is a root of the default primitive polynomial for GF(pm)

Example: tp = gftuple(6,2,3); % c = 6 here Exponential format; c = any integer Vector of coefficients of primitive polynomial Polynomial format of c, where is a root of the given primitive polynomial

Example: polynomial = gfprimdf(2,3); tp = gftuple(6,polynomial,3); % c = 6 here


Galois Field Computations

Table 2-12: Behavior of gftuple Depending on Format of Inputs (Continued) How to Specify Element How to Indicate Primitive Polynomial What gftuple Produces

Polynomial format of any degree

Integer m > 1

Polynomial format of degree < m, using default primitive polynomial for GF(pm) to simplify

Example: tp = gftuple([0 0 0 0 0 0 1],2,3); Polynomial format of any degree Vector of coefficients of primitive polynomial Polynomial format of degree < m, using the given primitive polynomial for GF(pm) to simplify

Example: polynomial = gfprimdf(2,3); tp = gftuple([0 0 0 0 0 0 1],polynomial,3); The four examples that appear in the table above all produce the same vector tp = [2, 1], but their different inputs to gftuple correspond to the lines of the table. Each example expresses the fact that 6 = 2+ where is a root of the (default) primitive polynomial 2 + x + x2 for GF(32).
Example. This example shows how gfconv and gftuple combine to multiply two polynomial-format elements of GF(34). Initially, gfconv multiplies the two polynomials, treating the primitive element as if it were a variable. This produces a high-order polynomial, which gftuple simplifies using the polynomial equation that the primitive element satisfies. The final result is the simplest polynomial format of the product. p = 3; m = 4; a = [1 2 0 1]; b = [2 2 1 2]; notsimple = gfconv(a,b,p) % a times b, using high powers of alpha notsimple = 2 0 2 0 0 1 2

simple = gftuple(notsimple,m,p) %Highest exponent of alpha is m-1


Using the Communications Toolbox

simple = 2 1 0 1

Example: Generating a List of Galois Field Elements

This example applies the conversion functionality to the task of generating a matrix that lists all elements of a Galois field. A matrix that lists all field elements is an input argument in functions such as gfadd and gfmul. The variables field1 and field2 below have the format that such functions expect.
p = 5; % Or any prime number m = 4; % Or any positive integer field1 = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',m,p); primpoly = gfprimdf(m,p); % Or any primitive polynomial % for GF(p^m) field2 = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',primpoly,p);

Converting to Simplest Exponential Format

The same function gftuple also produces the simplest exponential representation of an element of GF(pm), given either an exponential representation or a polynomial representation of that element. To retrieve this output, use the syntax
[polyformat, expformat] = gftuple(...)

The input format and the output polyformat are as in Table 2-12, Behavior of gftuple Depending on Format of Inputs. In addition, the variable expformat contains the simplest exponential format of the element represented in polyformat. It is simplest in the sense that the exponent is either -Inf or a number between 0 and pm-2. To recover the exponential format of the element 2 + that the previous section considered, use the commands below. In this case, polyformat contains redundant information, while expformat contains the desired result.
[polyformat, expformat] = gftuple([2 1],2,3) polyformat = 2 1


Galois Field Computations

expformat = 6

This output appears at first to contradict the information in Table 2-11, Elements of GF(9), but in fact it does not. The table uses a different primitive element; two plus that primitive element has the polynomial and exponential formats shown below. The output below reflects the information in the bottom line of the table.
primpoly = [2 2 1]; [polyformat, expformat] = gftuple([2 1],primpoly,3) polyformat = 2 1

expformat = 7

Arithmetic in Galois Fields

You can add, subtract, multiply, and divide elements of Galois fields using the functions gfadd, gfsub, gfmul, and gfdiv, respectively. Each of these functions has a mode for prime fields and a mode for extension fields.

Arithmetic in Prime Fields

Arithmetic in GF(p) is the same as arithmetic modulo p. The functions gfadd, gfmul, gfsub, and gfdiv accept two arguments that represent elements of GF(p) as integers between 0 and p-1. An optional third argument specifies p; if it does not appear, then the computations are performed in GF(2).
Example: Addition Table for GF(5). The code below constructs an addition table for GF(5). If a and b are between 0 and 4, then the element gfp_add(a+1,b+1) represents the sum a+b in GF(5). For example, gfp_add(3,5) = 1 because 2+4 is 1 modulo 5. p = 5; row = 0:p-1;


Using the Communications Toolbox

table = ones(p,1)*row; gfp_add = gfadd(table,table',p) gfp_add = 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 0 2 3 4 0 1 3 4 0 1 2 4 0 1 2 3

Other values of p produce tables for different prime fields GF(p). Replacing gfadd by gfmul, gfsub, or gfdiv produces a table for the corresponding arithmetic operation in GF(p).

Arithmetic in Extension Fields

The same arithmetic functions can add elements of GF(pm) when m > 1, but the format of the arguments is more complicated than in the case above. In general, arithmetic in extension fields is more complicated than arithmetic in prime fields; see the works listed in Selected Bibliography for Galois Fields on page 2-103 for details about how the arithmetic operations work. When working in extension fields, the functions gfadd, gfmul, gfsub, and gfdiv use the first two arguments to represent elements of GF(pm) in exponential format. The third argument, which is required, lists all elements of GF(pm) as described in the section, List of All Elements of a Galois Field on page 2-91. The result is in exponential format.
Example: Addition Table for GF(9). The code below constructs an addition table for GF(32), using exponential formats relative to a root of the default primitive polynomial for GF(9). If a and b are between -1 and 7, then the element gfpm_add(a+2,b+2) represents the sum of a and b in GF(9). For example, gfpm_add(4,6) = 5 because

2 + 4 = 5 Using the fourth and sixth rows of the matrix field, you can verify that 2 + 4 = (1 + 2) + (2 + 0) = 3 + 2 = 0 + 2 = 5 modulo 3.
p = 3; m = 2; % Work in GF(3^2). field = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',m,p); % Construct list of elements.


Galois Field Computations

row = -1:p^m-2; table = ones(p^m,1)*row; gfpm_add = gfadd(table,table',field) gfpm_add = -Inf 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 4 7 3 5 -Inf 2 1 6 1 7 5 0 4 6 -Inf 3 2 2 3 0 6 1 5 7 -Inf 4 3 5 4 1 7 2 6 0 -Inf 4 -Inf 6 5 2 0 3 7 1 5 2 -Inf 7 6 3 1 4 0 6 1 3 -Inf 0 7 4 2 5 7 6 2 4 -Inf 1 0 5 3

Note If you used a different primitive polynomial, then the tables would look different. This makes sense because the ordering of the rows and columns of the tables was based on that particular choice of primitive polynomial and not on any natural ordering of the elements of GF(9).

Other values of p and m produce tables for different prime fields GF(pm). Replacing gfadd by gfmul, gfsub, or gfdiv produces a table for the corresponding arithmetic operation in GF(pm).

Polynomials over Prime Fields

A polynomial over GF(p) is a polynomial whose coefficients are elements of GF(p). The Communications Toolbox provides functions for: Changing polynomials in cosmetic ways Performing polynomial arithmetic Characterizing polynomials as primitive or irreducible Finding roots of polynomials in a Galois field


Using the Communications Toolbox

Note The Galois field functions in this toolbox represent a polynomial as a vector that lists the coefficients in order of ascending powers of the variable. This is the opposite of the order that other MATLAB functions use.

Cosmetic Changes of Polynomials

To display the traditionally formatted polynomial that corresponds to a row vector containing coefficients, use gfpretty. To truncate a polynomial by removing all zero-coefficient terms that have exponents higher than the degree of the polynomial, use gftrunc. For example,
polynom = gftrunc([1 20 394 10 0 0 29 3 0 0]) polynom = 1 20 394 10 0 0 29 3

gfpretty(polynom) 2 3 6 7 1 + 20 X + 394 X + 10 X + 29 X + 3 X

Note If you do not use a fixed-width font, then the spacing in the display might not look correct.

Polynomial Arithmetic
The functions gfadd and gfsub add and subtract, respectively, polynomials over GF(p). The gfconv function multiplies polynomials over GF(p). The gfdeconv function divides polynomials in GF(p), producing a quotient polynomial and a remainder polynomial. For example, the commands below show that 2 + x + x2 times 1 + x over the field GF(3) is 2 + 2x2 + x3.
a = gfconv([2 1 1],[1 1],3)


Galois Field Computations

a = 2 0 2 1

[quot, remd] = gfdeconv(a,[2 1 1],3) quot = 1 remd = 1

The previously discussed functions gfadd and gfsub add and subtract, respectively, polynomials. Because it uses a vector of coefficients to represent a polynomial, MATLAB does not distinguish between adding two polynomials and adding two row vectors elementwise.

Characterization of Polynomials
Given a polynomial over GF(p), the gfprimck function determines whether it is irreducible and/or primitive. By definition, if it is primitive then it is irreducible; however, the reverse is not necessarily true. Given an element of GF(pm), the gfminpol function computes its minimal polynomial over GF(p). For example, the code below reflects the irreducibility of all minimal polynomials. However, the minimal polynomial of a nonprimitive element is not a primitive polynomial.
p = 2; m = 4; % Use default primitive polynomial here. primpoly = gfminpol(1,m,p); ckprim = gfprimck(primpoly,p); % ckprim = 1, since primpoly represents a primitive polynomial. notprimpoly = gfminpol(3,m,p); cknotprim = gfprimck(notprimpoly,p); % cknotprim = 0 (irreducible but not primitive)


Using the Communications Toolbox

% since alpha^3 is not a primitive element when p = 2. ckreducible = gfprimck([0 1 1],p); % ckreducible = -1 since the polynomial is reducible.

Roots of Polynomials
Given a polynomial over GF(p), the gfroots function finds the roots of the polynomial in a suitable extension field GF(pm). If p is not specified, then the default is 2. If m is not specified, then the default is the degree of the polynomial. There are two ways to tell MATLAB the degree m of the extension field GF(pm), as shown in the table below.
Table 2-13: Formats for Second Argument of gfroots Second Argument Represents

A positive integer A row vector

m as in GF(pm). MATLAB uses the default primitive polynomial in its computations. a primitive polynomial for GF(pm). Here m is the degree of this primitive polynomial.

Example: Roots of a Polynomial in GF(9). The code below finds roots of the polynomial 1 + x2 + x3 in GF(9) and then checks that they are indeed roots. The exponential format of elements of GF(9) is used throughout. p = 3; m = 2; field = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',m,p); % List of all elements of GF(9) % Use default primitive polynomial here. polynomial = [1 0 1 1]; % 1 + x^2 + x^3 rts =gfroots(polynomial,m,p) % Find roots in exponential format % Check that each one is actually a root. for ii = 1:3 root = rts(ii); rootsquared = gfmul(root,root,field); rootcubed = gfmul(root,rootsquared,field); answer(ii)=... gfadd(gfadd(0,rootsquared,field),rootcubed,field); % Recall that 1 is really alpha to the zero power. % If answer = -Inf, then the variable root represents % a root of the polynomial.


Galois Field Computations

end answer

The output shows that 0 (which equals 1), 5, and 7 are roots.
roots = 0 5 7

answer = -Inf -Inf -Inf

See the reference page for gfroots to see how gfroots can also provide you with the polynomial formats of the roots and the list of all elements of the field.

Other Galois Field Functions

See the reference pages for information about these other Galois field functions in the Communications Toolbox: gfcosets, which produces cyclotomic cosets gffilter, which filters data using GF(p) polynomials gflineq, which solves a linear matrix equation over GF(p) gfprimfd, which finds primitive polynomials gfrank, which computes the rank of a matrix over GF(p) gfrepcov, which converts one GF(2) polynomial representation to another

Selected Bibliography for Galois Fields

[1] Blahut, Richard E. Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1983, p.105. [2] Lang, Serge. Algebra. Third Edition. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1993. [3] Lin, Shu and Daniel J. Costello, Jr. Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and Applications. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1983.


Using the Communications Toolbox

[4] van Lint, J. H. Introduction to Coding Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982.




This chapter contains detailed descriptions of all Communications Toolbox functions. To access the descriptions, use the links in the second column of the table below.
Organization of Functions Section

By category Alphabetical

Functions by Category Alphabetical List of Functions


Functions by Category

Functions by Category
Table 3-1: Signal Sources Function randerr randint randsrc wgn Purpose

3. Reference

Generate bit error patterns Generate matrix of uniformly distributed random integers Generate random matrix using prescribed alphabet Generate white Gaussian noise

Table 3-2: Signal Analysis Functions Function biterr eyediagram scatterplot symerr Purpose

Compute number of bit errors and bit error rate Generate an eye diagram Generate a scatter plot Compute number of symbol errors and symbol error rate

Table 3-3: Source Coding Function compand dpcmdeco dpcmenco dpcmopt Purpose

Source code mu-law or A-law compressor or expander Decode using differential pulse code modulation Encode using differential pulse code modulation Optimize differential pulse code modulation parameters



Table 3-3: Source Coding (Continued) Function lloyds Purpose

Optimize quantization parameters using the Lloyd algorithm Produce a quantization index and a quantized output value


Table 3-4: Error-Control Coding Function bchpoly Purpose

Produce parameters or generator polynomial for binary BCH code Convolutionally encode binary data Produce parity-check and generator matrices for cyclic code Produce generator polynomials for a cyclic code Block decoder Block encoder Convert between parity-check and generator matrices Calculate the minimum distance of a linear block code Produce parity-check and generator matrices for Hamming code Decode an ASCII file that was encoded using Reed-Solomon code Encode an ASCII file using Reed-Solomon code Produce Reed-Solomon code generator polynomial

convenc cyclgen cyclpoly decode encode gen2par gfweight hammgen


rsencof rspoly


Functions by Category

Table 3-4: Error-Control Coding (Continued) Function syndtable vitdec Purpose

Produce syndrome decoding table Convolutionally decode binary data using the Viterbi algorithm

Table 3-5: Lower-Level Functions for Error-Control Coding Function bchdeco bchenco rsdeco rsdecode rsenco rsencode Purpose

BCH decoder BCH encoder Reed-Solomon decoder Reed-Solomon decoding using the exponential format Reed-Solomon encoder Reed-Solomon encoding using the exponential format

Table 3-6: Modulation and Demodulation Function ademod ademodce amod amodce apkconst ddemod Purpose

Analog passband demodulator Analog baseband demodulator Analog passband modulator Analog baseband modulator Plot a combined circular ASK-PSK signal constellation Digital passband demodulator



Table 3-6: Modulation and Demodulation (Continued) Function ddemodce demodmap dmod dmodce modmap qaskdeco qaskenco Purpose

Digital baseband demodulator Demap a digital message from a demodulated signal Digital passband modulator Digital baseband modulator Map a digital signal to an analog signal Demap a message from a QASK square signal constellation Map a message to a QASK square signal constellation

Table 3-7: Special Filters Function hank2sys hilbiir rcosflt rcosine Purpose

Convert a Hankel matrix to a linear system model Design a Hilbert transform IIR filter Filter the input signal using a raised cosine filter Design a raised cosine filter

Table 3-8: Lower-Level Functions for Special Filters Function rcosfir rcosiir Purpose

Design a raised cosine FIR filter Design a raised cosine IIR filter


Functions by Category

Table 3-9: Channel Functions Function awgn Purpose

Add white Gaussian noise to a signal

Table 3-10: Galois Field Computation Function gfadd gfconv gfcosets gfdeconv gfdiv gffilter gflineq Purpose

Add polynomials over a Galois field Multiply polynomials over a Galois field Produce cyclotomic cosets for a Galois field Divide polynomials over a Galois field Divide elements of a Galois field Filter data using polynomials over a prime Galois field Find a particular solution of A x = b over a prime Galois field Find the minimal polynomial of an element of a Galois field Multiply elements of a Galois field Add elements of a Galois field of characteristic two Display a polynomial in traditional format Check whether a polynomial over a Galois field is primitive Provide default primitive polynomials for a Galois field Find primitive polynomials for a Galois field Compute the rank of a matrix over a Galois field

gfminpol gfmul gfplus gfpretty gfprimck gfprimdf gfprimfd gfrank



Table 3-10: Galois Field Computation (Continued) Function gfrepcov gfroots gfsub gftrunc gftuple Purpose

Convert one GF(2) polynomial representation to another Find the roots of a polynomial over a prime Galois field Subtract polynomials over a Galois field Minimize the length of a polynomial representation Simplify or convert the format of elements of a Galois field

Table 3-11: Utilities Function bi2de de2bi erf erfc istrellis marcumq oct2dec poly2trellis Purpose

Convert binary vectors to decimal numbers Convert decimal numbers to binary vectors Error function Complementary error function Check if the input is a valid trellis structure Generalized Marcum Q function Convert octal numbers to decimal numbers Convert convolutional code polynomials to trellis description Convert a vector into a matrix



Alphabetical List of Functions

Alphabetical List of Functions

ademod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 ademodce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16 amod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20 amodce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 apkconst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 awgn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 bchdeco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 bchenco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 bchpoly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37 bi2de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41 biterr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43 compand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49 convenc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51 cyclgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53 cyclpoly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55 ddemod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57 ddemodce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62 de2bi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-67 decode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-69 demodmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-73 dmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-78 dmodce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-82 dpcmdeco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-86 dpcmenco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-87 dpcmopt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-88 encode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-89 eyediagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-95 gen2par . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-97 gfadd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-99 gfconv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-101 gfcosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-103 gfdeconv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-105 gfdiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-108 gffilter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-110 gflineq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-112 gfminpol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-114 gfmul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-116


gfplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfpretty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfprimck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfprimdf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfprimfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfrank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfrepcov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfroots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfsub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gftrunc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gftuple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gfweight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hammgen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hank2sys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hilbiir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . istrellis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lloyds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . marcumq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . modmap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oct2dec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . poly2trellis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qaskdeco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qaskenco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quantiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . randerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . randint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . randsrc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rcosfir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rcosflt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rcosiir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rcosine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsdeco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsdecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsdecof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsenco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsencode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rsencof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rspoly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . scatterplot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-117 3-118 3-120 3-121 3-122 3-124 3-125 3-126 3-128 3-130 3-131 3-134 3-135 3-138 3-140 3-143 3-145 3-147 3-148 3-153 3-154 3-157 3-159 3-162 3-164 3-166 3-167 3-169 3-171 3-174 3-176 3-178 3-181 3-183 3-184 3-187 3-189 3-190 3-192


Alphabetical List of Functions

symerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . syndtable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vec2mat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vitdec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wgn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3-194 3-197 3-198 3-200 3-204



Purpose Syntax


Analog passband demodulator

z z z z z z z z z = = = = = = = = = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-tc',offset,num,den); ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-tc/costas',offset,num,den); ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-sc',num,den); ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-sc/costas',num,den); ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amssb',num,den); ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'qam',num,den); ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'fm',num,den,vcoconst); ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'pm',num,den,vcoconst); ademod(y,Fc,[Fs phase],...); Default Value

Optional Inputs

Input offset num, den vcoconst

Appropriate value so that each output signal has zero mean

[num,den] = butter(5,Fc*2/Fs);


The function ademod performs analog passband demodulation. The corresponding modulation function is amod. The table below lists the demodulation schemes that ademod supports.
Demodulation Scheme Fourth Input Argument 'amdsb-tc' or 'amdsb-tc/costas' 'amdsb-sc' or 'amdsb-sc/costas' 'amssb'

Amplitude demodulation Amplitude demodulation, double sideband suppressed carrier Amplitude demodulation, single sideband suppressed carrier Quadrature amplitude demodulation Frequency demodulation Phase demodulation

'qam' 'fm' 'pm'



For All Syntaxes

The generic syntax z = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,...) demodulates the received signal that y represents. Fc is the carrier frequency in Hertz, and Fs is the sampling rate in Hertz. The initial phase of the carrier signal is zero.
y and z are real matrices whose sizes depend on the demodulation method:

(QAM method) If y is a length-n vector, then z is an n-by-2 matrix. Otherwise, if y is n-by-m, then z is n-by-2m and each column of y is processed separately. The odd-numbered columns in z represent in-phase components and the even-numbered columns represent quadrature components. (Other methods) y and z have the same dimensions. If y is a two-dimensional matrix, then each column of y is processed separately. The generic syntax z = ademod(y,Fc,[Fs phase],...) is the same, except that the third input argument is a two-element vector instead of a scalar. The first entry, Fs, is the sampling rate. The second entry, phase, is the initial phase of the carrier signal, measured in radians.
ademod uses a lowpass filter with sample time 1/Fs while demodulating, in order to filter out the carrier signal. To specify the lowpass filter, include num and den in the list of input arguments. num and den are row vectors that give the coefficients, in descending order, of the numerator and denominator of the filters transfer function. If num is empty, zero, or absent, then the default filter is a Butterworth filter whose parameters come from the command below. butter is in the Signal Processing Toolbox. [num,den] = butter(5,Fc*2/Fs);

For Specific Syntaxes

z = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-tc',offset,num,den) implements double-sideband amplitude demodulation. offset is a vector whose kth entry is subtracted from the kth signal after the demodulation. If offset is empty, then by default z will be adjusted so that each column has mean zero (or, so that z has mean zero in case z is a vector). z = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-tc/costas',offset,num,den) is the same as the syntax above, except that the algorithm includes a Costas phase-locked loop.



z = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-sc',num,den) implements double-sideband

suppressed-carrier amplitude demodulation.

z = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-sc/costas',num,den) is the same as the syntax above, except that the algorithm includes a Costas phase-locked loop. z = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amssb',num,den) implements single-sideband suppressed-carrier amplitude demodulation. z = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'qam',num,den) implements quadrature amplitude

z = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'fm',num,den,vcoconst) implements frequency demodulation. The spectrum of the demodulated signal is between min(y) + Fc and max(y) + Fc. The demodulation process uses a phase-locked loop composed of a multiplier (as a phase detector), a lowpass filter, and a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). If Fs is a two-element vector, then its second element is the initial phase of the VCO, in radians. The optional argument vcoconst is a scalar that represents the VCO constant in Hz/V. z = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'pm',num,den,vcoconst) implements phase demodulation. The demodulation process uses a phase-locked loop (which acts as an FM demodulator) cascaded with an integrator. The phase-locked loop consists of a multiplier (as a phase detector), a lowpass filter, and a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). If Fs is a two-element vector, then its second element is the initial phase of the VCO, in radians. The optional argument vcoconst is a scalar that represents the input signals sensitivity.


This example illustrates the use of the offset argument. Since the first ademod command uses the same offset value of .3 that the amod command used, z1 is similar to the original message signal. Since the second ademod command omits offset, z2 has mean close to zero (not exactly zero because of roundoff error).
Fc = 25; % Carrier signal frequency Fs = 100; % Sampling rate of signal t = [0:1/Fs:5]'; % Times to sample the signals x = [cos(t), sin(t)]; % Cosine signal and sine signal y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-tc',.3); % Modulate % and shift the values up by .3. z1 = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-tc',.3); % Demodulate.



z2 = ademod(y,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-tc'); % Demodulate. plot(t,z1,'b',t,z2,'r--') % Plot recovered signal.

The plot shows z1 as a solid line and z2 as a dashed line.

Other examples using ademod are the Hilbert Filter Example on the reference page for amod, and in the section Example: Varying the Filters Cutoff Frequency on page 2-63.

See Also

amod, dmod, ddemod, amodce, ademodce



Purpose Syntax


Analog baseband demodulator

z z z z z z z z z = = = = = = = = = ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-tc',offset,num,den); ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-tc/costas',offset,num,den); ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-sc',num,den); ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-sc/costas',num,den); ademodce(y,Fs,'amssb',num,den); ademodce(y,Fs,'qam',num,den); ademodce(y,Fs,'fm',num,den,vcoconst); ademodce(y,Fs,'pm',num,den,vcoconst); ademodce(y,[Fs phase],...); Default Value, or Default Behavior if Input is Omitted

Optional Inputs

Input offset num, den vcoconst

Appropriate value so that each output signal has zero mean Omitting these arguments prevents ademodce from using a filter. 1


The function ademodce performs analog baseband demodulation. The corresponding modulation function is amodce. The table below lists the demodulation schemes that ademodce supports.
Demodulation Scheme Third Input Argument 'amdsb-tc' 'amdsb-sc' or 'amdsb-sc/costas' 'amssb'

Amplitude demodulation Amplitude demodulation, double sideband suppressed carrier Amplitude demodulation, single sideband suppressed carrier Quadrature amplitude demodulation Frequency demodulation Phase demodulation

'qam' 'fm' 'pm'



For All Syntaxes

The generic syntax z = ademodce(y,Fs,...) demodulates the received signal that y represents. Fs is the sampling rate in Hertz. The initial phase of the carrier signal is zero. y is a complex matrix and z is a real matrix. Their sizes depend on the demodulation method: (QAM method) If y is a vector of length n, then z is an n-by-2 matrix. Otherwise, if y is n-by-m, then z is n-by-2m and each column of y is processed separately. The odd-numbered columns in z represent in-phase components and the even-numbered columns represent quadrature components. (Other methods) y and z have the same dimensions. If y is a two-dimensional matrix, then each column of y is processed separately. The generic syntax z = ademodce(y,[Fs phase],...) is the same, except that the second input argument is a two-element vector instead of a scalar. The first entry, Fs, is the sampling rate as described in the paragraph above. The second entry, phase, is the initial phase of the carrier signal, measured in radians. To use a lowpass filter in the demodulation, include num and den in the list of input arguments. num and den are row vectors that give the coefficients, in descending order, of the numerator and denominator of the filters transfer function. If num is empty, zero, or absent, then ademodce does not use a filter.

For Specific Syntaxes

z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-tc',offset,num,den) implements double-sideband amplitude demodulation. offset is a vector whose kth entry is subtracted from the kth column of demodulated data. If offset is empty, then by default z will be adjusted so that each column has mean zero (or, so that z has mean zero in case z is a vector). z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-tc/costas',offset,num,den) is the same as the syntax above, except that the algorithm includes a Costas phase-locked loop. z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-sc',num,den) implements double-sideband suppressed-carrier amplitude demodulation. z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amdsb-sc/costas',num,den) is the same as the syntax

above, except that the algorithm includes a Costas phase-locked loop.



z = ademodce(y,Fs,'amssb',num,den) implements single-sideband

suppressed-carrier amplitude demodulation.

z = ademodce(y,Fs,'qam',num,den) implements quadrature amplitude

z = ademodce(y,Fs,'fm',num,den,vcoconst) implements frequency demodulation. The optional argument vcoconst is a scalar that represents the VCO constant in the demodulation. z = ademodce(y,Fs,'pm',num,den,vcoconst) implements phase demodulation. The optional argument vcoconst specifies the VCO constant in the demodulation.


The example below processes sine, cosine, and sawtooth signals simultaneously. All three signals have the same sampling rate and the same number of samples. The code also plots the original and demodulated signals.
Fs = 100; % Sampling rate of signal t = [0:1/Fs:5]'; % Times to sample the signals % Combine three signals into a three-column matrix. % Each signal occupies one column. x = [sin(2*pi*t), .5*cos(5*pi*t), sawtooth(4*t)]; y = amodce(x,Fs,'fm'); % Modulate. z = ademodce(y,Fs,'fm'); % Demodulate. plot(x); figure; plot(z); % Original and demodulated signals



Other examples using ademodce are in the sections Simple Analog Modulation Example on page 2-61 and Example: Time Lag From Filtering on page 2-64.

See Also

amodce, dmodce, ddemodce, amod, ademod



Purpose Syntax


Analog passband modulator

y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-sc'); y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-tc',offset); y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amssb/opt'); y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amssb/opt',num,den); y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amssb/opt',hilbertflag); y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'qam'); y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'fm',deviation); y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'pm',deviation); y = amod(x,Fc,[Fs phase],...); [y,t] = amod(...); Input offset opt deviation Default Value, or Default Behavior if Input is Omitted -min(min(x))

Optional Inputs

Omitting this argument causes amod to produce the lower sideband instead of the upper sideband. 1


The function amod performs analog passband modulation. The corresponding demodulation function is ademod. The table below lists the modulation schemes that amod supports.
Modulation Scheme Fourth Input Argument 'amdsb-tc'

Amplitude modulation, double sideband with transmission carrier Amplitude modulation, double sideband suppressed carrier Amplitude modulation, single sideband suppressed carrier Quadrature amplitude modulation


'amssb' or 'amssb/up'




Modulation Scheme

Fourth Input Argument 'fm' 'pm'

Frequency modulation Phase modulation

For All Syntaxes

The generic syntax y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,...) modulates the message signal that x represents. Fc is the carrier frequency in Hertz, and Fs is the sampling rate in Hertz. (Thus 1/Fs represents the time interval between two consecutive samples in x.) The initial phase of the carrier signal is zero. By the Nyquist theorem, the sampling rate must be at least twice as large as the modulation carrier frequency. x and y are real matrices whose sizes depend on the demodulation method: (QAM method) x must have an even number of columns. The odd-numbered columns in x represent in-phase components and the even-numbered columns represent quadrature components. If x is n-by-2m, then y is n-by-m and each pair of columns of x is processed separately. (Other methods) x and y have the same dimensions. If x is a two-dimensional matrix, then each column of x is processed separately. The generic syntax y = amod(x,Fc,[Fs phase],...) is the same, except that the third input argument is a two-element vector instead of a scalar. The first entry, Fs, is the sampling rate as described in the paragraph above. The second entry, phase, is the initial phase of the carrier signal, measured in radians.

For Specific Syntaxes

y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-tc',offset) implements double-sideband amplitude modulation. offset is the value added to x prior to the modulation. If you omit offset, then its default value is -min(min(x)). This default value produces 100% modulation. y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-sc') implements double-sideband suppressed-carrier amplitude modulation. y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amssb/opt') implements single-sideband suppressed-carrier amplitude modulation. By default, it produces the lower



sideband; if opt is up, then the function produces the upper sideband. This syntax does a Hilbert transform in the frequency domain.
y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amssb/opt',num,den) is the same as the syntax above, except that it specifies a time-domain Hilbert filter. num and den are row

vectors that give the coefficients, in descending order, of the numerator and denominator of the filters transfer function. You can use the function hilbiir to design the Hilbert filter.
y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amssb/opt',hilbertflag) is the same as the syntax above, except that it uses a default time-domain Hilbert filter. The filters transfer function is defined by [num,den] = hilbiir(1/Fs), where num and den are as in the paragraph above. The input argument hilbertflag can have any value. y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'qam') implements quadrature amplitude modulation. x is a two-column matrix whose first column represents the in-phase signal and whose second column represents the quadrature signal. y is a column vector. y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'fm',deviation) implements frequency modulation. The spectrum of the modulated signal is between min(x) + Fc and max(x) + Fc. The optional argument deviation is a scalar that represents the frequency deviation constant of the modulation. The command y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'fm',deviation) is equivalent to the command y = amod(x*deviation,Fc,Fs,'fm'). y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'pm',deviation) implements phase modulation. The optional argument deviation is a scalar that represents the phase deviation constant of the modulation. The command y = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'pm',deviation) is equivalent to the command y = amod(x*deviation,Fc,Fs,'pm'). [y,t] = amod(...) returns the computation time in t.


Double- and Single-Sideband Comparison Example

The first example compares the spectra of signals after modulation using the double-sideband and single-sideband techniques. The message signal is a frequency-one sine wave and the carrier signal is a 10 Hz sine wave. The script below uses the 'amdsb-sc' and 'amssb' arguments in the amod function to



produce modulated signals ydouble and ysingle, respectively. It then plots the spectra of both modulated signals.
% Sample the signal 100 times per second, for 2 seconds. Fs = 100; t = [0:2*Fs+1]'/Fs; Fc = 10; % Carrier frequency x = sin(2*pi*t); % Sinusoidal signal % Modulate x using single- and double-sideband AM. ydouble = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amdsb-sc'); ysingle = amod(x,Fc,Fs,'amssb'); % Plot spectra of both modulated signals. zdouble = fft(ydouble); zdouble = abs(zdouble(1:length(zdouble)/2+1)); frqdouble = [0:length(zdouble)-1]*Fs/length(zdouble)/2; plot(frqdouble,zdouble); % The plot on the left-hand side below figure; zsingle = fft(ysingle); zsingle = abs(zsingle(1:length(zsingle)/2+1)); frqsingle = [0:length(zsingle)-1]*Fs/length(zsingle)/2; plot(frqsingle,zsingle); % The plot on the right-hand side below

Notice that the spectrum in the left plot has two peaks; these are the lower and the upper sidebands of the modulated signal. The two sidebands are symmetrical with respect to the 10 Hz carrier frequency, Fc. The spectrum of a DSB-SC AM modulated signal is twice as wide as the input signal bandwidth.



In the right plot, there is one peak because the SSB AM technique requires amod to transmit only one sideband.

Hilbert Filter Example

The next example uses a Hilbert filter in the time domain.
Fc = 25; % Carrier signal frequency Fs = 100; % Sampling rate of signal [numh,denh] = hilbiir(1/Fs,15/Fs,15); % Design Hilbert filter. t = [0:1/Fs:5]'; % Times to sample the signal x = cos(t); % Signal is a cosine wave. y = amod(x,Fc,[Fs pi/4],'amssb',numh,denh); % Modulate, % using a Hilbert filter in the time domain. z = ademod(y,Fc,[Fs pi/4],'amssb'); % Demodulate. plot(t,z) % Plot recovered signal.

The resulting plot is on the left below. If you replace the sixth line above with
y = amod(x,Fc,[Fs pi/4],'amssb'); % Modulate,

then modulation uses a Hilbert transform in the frequency domain. The result is the plot on the right below. The two plots differ slightly in their initial errors.

See Also

ademod, dmod, ddemod, amodce, ademodce



Purpose Syntax


Analog baseband modulator

y y y y y y y y y = = = = = = = = = amodce(x,Fs,'amdsb-tc',offset); amodce(x,Fs,'amdsb-sc'); amodce(x,Fs,'amssb'); amodce(x,Fs,'amssb/time',num,den); amodce(x,Fs,'amssb/time'); amodce(x,Fs,'qam'); amodce(x,Fs,'fm',deviation); amodce(x,Fs,'pm',deviation); amodce(x,[Fs phase],...); Default Value, or Default Behavior if Input is Omitted -min(min(x))

Optional Inputs

Input offset deviation


The function amodce performs analog baseband modulation. The corresponding demodulation function is ademodce. The table below lists the modulation schemes that amodce supports.
Modulation Scheme Third Input Argument 'amdsb-tc' 'amdsb-sc'

Amplitude modulation, double sideband Amplitude modulation, double sideband suppressed carrier Amplitude modulation, single sideband suppressed carrier Quadrature amplitude modulation Frequency modulation Phase modulation

'amssb' or 'amssb/time' 'qam' 'fm' 'pm'


For All Syntaxes
The generic syntax y = amodce(x,Fs,...) modulates the message signal that x represents, and returns the modulated signals complex envelope. The input and output signals share the same sampling rate Fs, measured in Hertz. (Thus 1/Fs represents the time interval between two consecutive samples in x.) The initial phase of the carrier signal is zero. x is a real matrix and y is a complex matrix. Their sizes depend on the modulation method: (QAM method) x must have an even number of columns. The odd-numbered columns in x represent in-phase components and the even-numbered columns represent quadrature components. If x is n-by-2m, then y is n-by-m and each pair of columns of x is processed separately. (Other methods) x and y have the same dimensions. If x is a two-dimensional matrix, then each column of x is processed separately. The generic syntax y = amodce(x,[Fs phase],...) is the same, except that the second input argument is a two-element vector instead of a scalar. The first entry, Fs, is the sampling rate as described in the paragraph above. The second entry, phase, is the initial phase of the carrier signal, measured in radians.

For Specific Syntaxes

y = amodce(x,Fs,'amdsb-tc',offset) implements double-sideband amplitude modulation. offset is the value added to x prior to the modulation. If you omit offset, then its default value is -min(min(x)). This default value produces 100% modulation. y = amodce(x,Fs,'amdsb-sc') implements double-sideband suppressed-carrier amplitude modulation. y = amodce(x,Fs,'amssb') implements single-sideband suppressed-carrier amplitude modulation. By default, it produces the lower sideband. It does a Hilbert transform in the frequency domain. y = amodce(x,Fs,'amssb/time',num,den) is the same as the syntax above, except that it specifies a time-domain Hilbert filter. num and den are row vectors that give the coefficients, in descending order, of the numerator and denominator of the filters transfer function. You can use the function hilbiir to design the Hilbert filter.



y = amodce(x,Fs,'amssb/time') is the same as the syntax above, except that

it uses a default time-domain Hilbert filter. The filters transfer function is defined by [num,den] = hilbiir(1/Fs), where num and den are as in the paragraph above.
y = amodce(x,Fs,'qam') implements quadrature amplitude modulation. x is a two-column matrix whose first column represents the in-phase signal and whose second column represents the quadrature signal. y is a column vector. y = amodce(x,Fs,'fm',deviation) implements frequency modulation. The bandwidth of the modulated signal is max(x)-min(x). The optional argument deviation is a scalar that represents the frequency deviation constant of the

y = amodce(x,Fs,'pm',deviation) implements phase modulation. The optional argument deviation is a scalar that represents the phase deviation constant of the modulation.


This example is similar to the one under the heading Hilbert Filter Example on the amod reference page, except that it uses baseband simulation. The plots in the passband (amod) example show far more obvious errors in the recovered signal. The output from this example shows that the average difference between the original and recovered signals is smaller than 10-16.
Fs = 100; % Sampling rate of signal [numh,denh] = hilbiir(1/Fs,15/Fs,15); % Design Hilbert filter. t = [0:1/Fs:5]'; % Times to sample the signal x = cos(t); % Signal is a cosine wave. y = amodce(x,[Fs pi/4],'amssb/time',numh,denh); % Modulate, % using a Hilbert filter in the time domain. z = ademodce(y,[Fs pi/4],'amssb'); % Demodulate. d = ceil(log10(sum(abs(x-z))/length(x))) d = -16

Other examples using amodce are in the sections Representing Analog Signals on page 2-59 and Simple Analog Modulation Example on page 2-61.

See Also

ademodce, dmodce, ddemodce, amod, ademod



Purpose Syntax


Plot a combined circular ASK-PSK signal constellation

apkconst(numsig); apkconst(numsig,amp); apkconst(numsig,amp,phs); apkconst(numsig,amp,'n'); apkconst(numsig,amp,phs,plotspec); y = apkconst(...);


APK refers to a hybrid of amplitude- and phase-keying modulation. See the reference listed below for more details.
apkconst(numsig) plots a circular signal constellation. numsig is a vector of positive integers. The plot contains length(numsig) circles. The kth circle has radius k and contains numsig(k) evenly spaced constellation points. One point on each circle has zero phase. apkconst(numsig,amp) is the same as the previous syntax, except that amp(k) is the radius of the kth circle. amp is a vector of positive real numbers. The lengths of amp and numsig must be the same. apkconst(numsig,amp,phs) is the same as the previous syntax, except that it is not necessarily true that one point on each circle has zero phase. However, one point on the kth circle has phase phs(k). The lengths of phs, amp and numsig must all be the same. apkconst(numsig,amp,phs,'n') is the same as the previous syntax, except that the plot includes a number next to each constellation point. The number indicates how symbols would be mapped to constellation points if you were using numsig, amp, and phs in modulation and demodulation functions such as dmodce/ddemodce or modmap/demodmap. apkconst(numsig,amp,phs,plotspec) is the same as apkconst(numsig,amp,phs), except that plotspec influences the appearance of the constellation points via MATLABs plot function. plotspec is a



two-character string made up of one character from each odd-numbered column in the table below.
Color Character y m c r g b w k Meaning Marker-Type Character . o x + * s d v ^ < > p h Meaning

yellow magenta cyan red green blue white black

point circle cross plus sign asterisk square diamond triangle (down) triangle (up) triangle (left) triangle (right) five-pointed star six-pointed star

y = apkconst(...) does not produce a plot, but instead returns a complex vector y that represents the coordinates of the points in the constellation. The real part of y gives the in-phase component of each point and the imaginary part of y gives the quadrature component of each point.


The command below produces a plot having three circles. One circle has radius 1 and four points, one of which has zero phase. Another circle has radius 4 and five points, one of which has phase . The outermost circle has radius 5 and two points, one of which has phase /4. The plot follows.
apkconst([4 5 2],[1 4 5],[0 pi pi/4])



The command below produces a vector containing the coordinates in the complex plane of the points in the figure above.
y = apkconst([4 5 2],[1 4 5],[0 pi pi/4]) y = Columns 1 through 4 1.0000 0.0000 + 1.0000i -1.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 1.0000i

Columns 5 through 8 -4.0000 + 0.0000i -1.2361 - 3.8042i Columns 9 through 11 -1.2361 + 3.8042i 3.5355 + 3.5355i -3.5355 - 3.5355i 3.2361 - 2.3511i 3.2361 + 2.3511i

See Also

dmod, modmap, ddemod, demodmap




Thomas, C. Melvil, Michaeil Y. Weidner, and S. H. Durrani. Digital Amplitude-Phase Keying with M-ary Alphabets. IEEE Transactions on Communications. Vol Com-22, No. 2, Feb. 1974, 168-180.



Purpose Syntax


Add white Gaussian noise to a signal

y y y y y y = = = = = = awgn(x,snr); awgn(x,snr,sigpower); awgn(x,snr,'measured'); awgn(x,snr,sigpower,state); awgn(x,snr,'measured',state); awgn(...,powertype);


y = awgn(x,snr) adds white Gaussian noise to the vector signal x. The scalar snr specifies the signal-to-noise ratio in decibels. If x is complex, then awgn adds complex noise. This syntax assumes that the power of x is 0 dB. y = awgn(x,snr,sigpower) is the same as the syntax above, except that sigpower is the power of x in dB. y = awgn(x,snr,'measured') is the same as y = awgn(x,snr), except that awgn measures the power of x before adding noise. y = awgn(x,snr,sigpower,state) is the same as y = awgn(x,snr,sigpower), except that awgn first resets the state of MATLABs normal random number generator randn to the integer state. y = awgn(x,snr,'measured',state) is the same as y = awgn(x,snr,'measured'), except that awgn first resets the state of MATLABs normal random number generator randn to the integer state. y = awgn(...,powertype) is the same as the previous syntaxes, except that the string powertype specifies the units of snr and sigpower. Choices for powertype are 'db' and 'linear'. Linear power is measured in Watts.


The commands below add white Gaussian noise to a sawtooth signal. It then plots the original and noisy signals.
t = 0:.1:10; x = sawtooth(t); % Create sawtooth signal. y = awgn(x,10,'measured'); % Add white Gaussian noise. plot(t,x,t,y) % Plot both signals.



See Also

wgn, randn



Purpose Syntax


BCH decoder
msg = bchdeco(code,k,t); msg = bchdeco(code,k,t,primpoly); [msg,err] = bchdeco(...); [msg,err,ccode] = bchdeco(...); msg = bchdeco(code,k,t) decodes code using the BCH method. k is the message length. The codeword length n must have the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3. code is a binary matrix with n columns, each row of which represents one codeword. msg is a binary matrix with k columns, each row of which represents one message. t is the error-correction capability. BCH decoding requires a primitive polynomial for GF(2m); this syntax uses MATLABs default primitive polynomial, gfprimdf(m). msg = bchdeco(code,k,t,primpoly) is the same as the first syntax, except that primpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the primitive polynomial for GF(2m) that will be used during processing. [msg,err] = bchdeco(...) returns a column vector err that gives information about error correction. A nonnegative integer in err(r) indicates the number of errors corrected in the rth codeword; a negative integer indicates that there are more errors in the rth codeword than can be corrected. [msg,err,ccode] = bchdeco(...) returns the corrected code in ccode.



The script below encodes a (random) message, simulates the addition of noise to the code, and then decodes the message.
m = 4; n = 2^m-1; % Codeword length params = bchpoly(n); % Arbitrarily focus on 3rd row of params. k = params(3,2); % Codeword length t = params(3,3); % Error-correction capability msg = randint(100,k); code = bchenco(msg,n,k); % Encode the message. % Corrupt up to t bits in each codeword. noisycode = rem(code + randerr(100,n,1:t),2);



% Decode the noisy code. [newmsg,err,ccode] = bchdeco(noisycode,k,t); if ccode==code disp('All errors were corrected.') end if newmsg==msg disp('The message was recovered perfectly.') end

In this case, all errors are corrected and the message is recovered perfectly. However, if the ninth line is changed to
noisycode = rem(code + randerr(100,n,1:(t+1)),2);

then some codewords will contain more than t errors. This is too many errors, and some will go uncorrected.

See Also

bchenco, bchpoly



Purpose Syntax Description


BCH encoder
code = bchenco(msg,n,k); code = bchenco(msg,n,k,genpoly); code = bchenco(msg,n,k) encodes msg using the BCH technique and the generator polynomial genpoly = bchpoly(n,k). n is the codeword length and k is the message length. msg is a binary matrix with k columns. Each row of msg represents a message. code is a binary matrix with n columns. Each row of code represents a codeword. code = bchenco(msg,n,k,genpoly) is the same as the first syntax, except that genpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients of the generator polynomial in order of ascending powers.

Examples See Also

See the example on the reference page for the function bchdeco.
bchdeco, encode, decode, bchpoly, cyclgen



Purpose Syntax


Produce parameters or generator polynomial for binary BCH code

bchpoly params = bchpoly params = bchpoly(n); genpoly = bchpoly(n,k); genpoly = bchpoly(primpoly,k); [genpoly,factors] = bchpoly(...,k); [genpoly,factors,cosets] = bchpoly(...,k); [genpoly,factors,cosets,parmat] = bchpoly(...,k); [genpoly,factors,cosets,parmat,errorcorr] = bchpoly(...,k); bchpoly produces a figure window containing a table that lists valid codeword


and message lengths of binary BCH codes, as well as the corresponding error-correction capabilities. The codeword lengths listed are 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, and 511. The codeword lengths, message length, and error-correction capabilities are denoted by N, K, and T, respectively.
params = bchpoly produces a three-column matrix containing the same information that is in the table mentioned in the syntax above. The first column of params gives the codeword length, the second column gives the message length, and the third column gives the error-correction capability. params = bchpoly(n) produces a matrix params containing valid codeword and message lengths of binary BCH codes in its first and second columns, respectively. If n < 1024, then params has a third column that lists the corresponding error-correction capabilities. The codeword lengths listed in params are all equal to the smallest number of the form 2m-1 that is at least as big as n, where m is an integer greater than or equal to 3. genpoly = bchpoly(n,k) produces a generator polynomial for a binary BCH code having codeword length n and message length k. genpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the generator polynomial. n must have the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3. k must be a valid message length, as reported in the second column of the output of the command genpoly = bchpoly(n). The primitive polynomial used for the GF(2m) calculations is MATLABs default primitive polynomial, gfprimdf(m).



genpoly = bchpoly(primpoly,k) produces a generator polynomial for a binary BCH code having codeword length n and message length k. primpoly

represents a degree-m primitive polynomial for the field GF(2m). Both primpoly and genpoly are row vectors that represent polynomials by giving the coefficients in order of ascending powers. Given the degree m of the primitive polynomial, the message length n is 2m-1. k must be a valid message length, as reported in the second column of the output of the command genpoly = bchpoly(n). The remaining syntaxes, of the form
[genpoly,...] = bchpoly(...,k)

return some or all of the output variables listed in the table below.
Table 3-12: Additional Output Variables for bchpoly(...,k) Output Variable factors Significance Format

Irreducible factors of the generator polynomial Cyclotomic cosets of the field GF(2m) Parity-check matrix of the code Error-correction capability of the code

Binary matrix, each row of which gives the coefficients of a factor polynomial in order of ascending powers Same as gfcosets(m) (n-k)-by-n binary matrix Positive integer





The script below uses bchpoly to find out what message lengths are valid for a BCH code with codeword length 24-1. It then chooses one of the possible message lengths and uses bchpoly to find the generator polynomial and parity-check matrix for such a code.
m = 4; n = 2^m-1; % Codeword length is 15. % Want to find out possible valid message lengths.



params = bchpoly(n); disp(['Possible message lengths are ',num2str(params(:,2)')]) disp(' ') ii = 1; % Arbitrarily choose first row. k = params(ii,2); % Message lengths are in 2nd column. % Get generator polynomial and other facts. [genpoly,factors,cosets,parmat,errorcorr] = bchpoly(n,k); disp(['For k = ',num2str(k),' the generator polynomial is']) gfpretty(genpoly) disp('and the parity-check matrix is') parmat

The full output is below.

Possible message lengths are 11 7 5

For k = 11 the generator polynomial is 4 1 + X + X and the parity-check matrix is parmat = Columns 1 through 12 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1

Columns 13 through 15 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1

See Also

cyclpoly, encode, decode




Peterson, W. Wesley and E. J. Weldon, Jr. Error-correcting Codes, 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1972.



Purpose Syntax


Convert binary vectors to decimal numbers

d d d d = = = = bi2de(b); bi2de(b,flg) bi2de(b,p); bi2de(b,p,flg);


d = bi2de(b) converts a binary row vector b to a nonnegative decimal integer. If b is a matrix, then each row is interpreted separately as a binary number. In this case, the output d is a column vector, each element of which is the decimal representation of the corresponding row of b.

Note By default, bi2de interprets the first column of b as the lowest-order digit.

d = bi2de(b,flg) is the same as the syntax above, except that flg is a string that determines whether the first column of b contains the lowest-order or highest-order digits. Possible values for flg are right-msb and left-msb. The value right-msb produces the default behavior. d = bi2de(b,p) converts a base-p row vector b to a nonnegative decimal integer , where p is an integer greater than or equal to two. The first column of b is the lowest base-p digit. If b is a matrix, then the output d is a nonnegative decimal vector, each row of which is the decimal form of the corresponding row of b. d = bi2de(b,p,flg) is the same as the syntax above, except that flg is a string that determines whether the first column of b contains the lowest-order or highest-order digits. Possible values for flg are right-msb and left-msb. The value right-msb produces the default behavior.


The code below generates a matrix that contains binary representations of five random numbers between 0 and 15. It then converts all five numbers to decimal integers.
b = randint(5,4); de = bi2de(b); % Generate a 5-by-4 random binary matrix.



disp(' Dec disp(' ----disp([de, b])

Binary') -------------------')

Sample output is below. Your results may vary since the numbers are random.
Dec ----13 7 15 4 9 Binary ------------------1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1

The command below converts a base-five number into its decimal counterpart, using the leftmost base-five digit (4 in this case) as the most significant digit. The example reflects the fact that 4(53) + 2(52) +50 = 551.
d = bi2de([4 2 0 1],5,'left-msb') d = 551

See Also




Purpose Syntax


Compute number of bit errors and bit error rate

[number,ratio] = biterr(x,y); [number,ratio] = biterr(x,y,k); [number,ratio] = biterr(...,flg); [number,ratio,individual] = biterr(...)


For All Syntaxes

The biterr function compares unsigned binary representations of elements in x with those in y. The schematics below illustrate how the shapes of x and y determine which elements biterr compares.

x1 x4 x2 x5 x3 x6

y1 y4 y2 y5 y3 y6 (b) Compares column vector y with each column of matrix x (c) Compares row vector y with each row of matrix x x y x

(a) Compares x1 with y1, x2 with y2, and so on.

Each element of x and y must be a nonnegative decimal integer; biterr converts each element into its natural unsigned binary representation. number is a scalar or vector that indicates the number of bits that differ. ratio is number divided by the total number of bits. The total number of bits, the size of number, and the elements that biterr compares are determined by the dimensions of x and y and by the optional parameters.

For Specific Syntaxes

[number,ratio] = biterr(x,y) compares the elements in x and y. If the largest among all elements of x and y has exactly k bits in its simplest binary representation, then the total number of bits is k times the number of entries in the smaller input. The sizes of x and y determine which elements are compared:



If x and y are matrices of the same dimensions, then biterr compares x and y element-by-element. number is a scalar. See schematic (a) in the figure. If one is a row (respectively, column) vector and the other is a two-dimensional matrix, then biterr compares the vector element-by-element with each row (resp., column) of the matrix. The length of the vector must equal the number of columns (resp., rows) in the matrix. number is a column (resp., row) vector whose mth entry indicates the number of bits that differ when comparing the vector with the mth row (resp., column) of the matrix. See schematics (b) and (c) in the figure.
[number,ratio] = biterr(x,y,k) is the same as the first syntax, except that it considers each entry in x and y to have k bits. The total number of bits is k times the number of entries of the smaller of x and y. An error occurs if the binary representation of an element of x or y would require more than k digits. [number,ratio] = biterr(x,y,k,flg) is similar to the previous syntaxes, except that flg can override the defaults that govern which elements biterr compares and how biterr computes the outputs. The possible values of flg are row-wise, column-wise, and overall. The table below describes the differences that result from various combinations of inputs. As always, ratio is number divided by the total number of bits. If you do not provide k as an input argument, then the function defines it internally as the number of bits in the simplest binary representation of the largest among all elements of x and y.



Table 3-13: Comparing a Two-Dimensional Matrix x with Another Input y Shape of y flg Type of Comparison number Total Number of Bits k times number of entries of y k times number of entries of y

Twodimensional matrix

overall (default)

Element-by-element mth row of x vs. mth row of y

Total number of bit errors Column vector whose entries count bit errors in each row Row vector whose entries count bit errors in each column Total number of bit errors Column vector whose entries count bit errors in each row of x Total number of bit errors Row vector whose entries count bit errors in each column of x


mth column of x vs. mth column of y

k times number of entries of y

Row vector


y vs. each row of x

k times number of entries of x k times size of y

row-wise (default)

y vs. each row of x

Column vector


y vs. each column of x

k times number of entries of x k times size of y


y vs. each column of x


[number,ratio,individual] = biterr(...) returns a matrix individual whose dimensions are those of the larger of x and y. Each entry of individual corresponds to a comparison between a pair of elements of x and y, and specifies the number of bits by which the elements in the pair differ.


Example 1
The commands below compare the column vector [0; 0; 0] to each column of a random binary matrix. The output is the number, proportion, and locations of ones in the matrix. In this case, individual is the same as the random matrix.
format rat; [number,ratio,individual] = biterr([0;0;0],randint(3,5)) number = 2 0 0 3 1


ratio = 2/3 0 0 1 1/3

individual = 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1

Example 2
The commands below illustrate the use of flg to override the default row-by-row comparison. Notice that number and ratio are scalars, while individual has the same dimensions as the larger of the first two arguments of biterr.
format rat; [number,ratio,individual] = biterr([1 2; 3 4],[1 3],3,'overall') number = 5



ratio = 5/12

individual = 0 1 1 3

Example 3
The script below adds errors to 10% of the elements in a matrix. Each entry in the matrix is a two-bit number in decimal form. The script computes the bit error rate using biterr and the symbol error rate using symerr.
x = randint(100,100,4); % Original signal % Create errors to add to ten percent of the elements of x. % Errors can be either 1, 2, or 3 (not zero). errorplace = (rand(100,100) > .9); % Where to put errors errorvalue = randint(100,100,[1,3]); % Value of the errors errors = errorplace.*errorvalue; y = rem(x+errors,4); % Signal with errors added, mod 4 format short [num_bit,ratio_bit] = biterr(x,y,2) [num_sym,ratio_sym] = symerr(x,y)

Sample output is below. Notice that ratio_sym is close to the target value of 0.10. Your results might vary because the example uses random numbers.
num_bit = 1304

ratio_bit = 0.0652



num_sym = 981

ratio_sym =


See Also




Purpose Syntax


Source code mu-law or A-law compressor or expander

out out out out out = = = = = compand(in,Mu,maxim); compand(in,Mu,maxim,'mu/compressor'); compand(in,Mu,maxim,'mu/expander'); compand(in,A,maxim,'A/compressor'); compand(in,A,maxim,'A/expander');


out = compand(in,param,maxim) implements a -law compressor for the input vector in. Mu specifies and maxim is the input signals maximum magnitude. out has the same dimensions and maximum magnitude as in. out = compand(in,Mu,maxim,'mu/compressor') is the same as the syntax

out = compand(in,Mu,maxim,'mu/expander') implements a -law expander for the input vector in. Mu specifies and maxim is the input signals maximum magnitude. out has the same dimensions and maximum magnitude as in. out = compand(in,A,maxim,'A/compressor') implements an A-law compressor for the input vector in. The scalar A is the A-law parameter, and maxim is the input signals maximum magnitude. out is a vector of the same length and maximum magnitude as in. out = compand(in,A,maxim,'A/expander') implements an A-law expander for the input vector in. The scalar A is the A-law parameter, and maxim is the input signals maximum magnitude. out is a vector of the same length and maximum magnitude as in.

Note The prevailing parameters used in practice are = 255 and A = 87.6.


The examples below illustrate the fact that compressors and expanders perform inverse operations.
compressed = compand(1:5,87.6,5,'a/compressor')



compressed = 3.5296 4.1629 4.5333 4.7961 5.0000

expanded = compand(compressed,87.6,5,'a/expander') expanded = 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000


For a given signal x, the output of the -law compressor is V log ( 1 + x V ) y = --------------------------------------------- sgn ( x ) log ( 1 + ) where V is the maximum value of the signal x, is the -law parameter of the compander, log is the natural logarithm and sgn is the signum function (sign in MATLAB). The output of the A-law compressor is V Ax --------------------- sgn ( x ) for 0 x -- A 1 + log A y = V V ( 1 + log ( A x V ) ) -------------------------------------------------- sgn ( x ) for --- < x V A 1 + log A where A is the A-law parameter of the compander and the other elements are as in the -law case.

See Also References

quantiz, dpcmenco, dpcmdeco

Sklar, Bernard. Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1988.



Purpose Syntax


Convolutionally encode binary data

code = convenc(msg,trellis); code = convenc(msg,trellis,initstate); [code,finalstate] = convenc(...); code = convenc(msg,trellis) encodes the binary vector msg using the convolutional encoder whose MATLAB trellis structure is trellis. For details about MATLAB trellis structures, see Trellis Description of a Convolutional Encoder on page 2-46. Each symbol in msg consists of log2(trellis.numInputSymbols) bits. The vector msg contains one or more symbols. The output vector code contains one or more symbols, each of which consists of log2(trellis.numOutputSymbols) bits. code = convenc(msg,trellis,initstate) is the same as the syntax above, except that initstate specifies the starting state of the encoder registers. The scalar initstate is an integer between 0 and trellis.numStates-1. If the


encoder schematic has more than one input stream, then the shift register that receives the first input stream provides the least significant bits in initstate, while the shift register that receives the last input stream provides the most significant bits in initstate. To use the default value for initstate, specify initstate as 0 or [].
[code,finalstate] = convenc(...) encodes the input message and also returns in finalstate the encoders state. finalstate has the same format as initstate.


The command below encodes five two-bit symbols using a rate 2/3 convolutional code. A schematic of this encoder is on the reference page for the poly2trellis function.
code1 = convenc(randint(10,1,2,123),... poly2trellis([5 4],[27 33 0; 0 5 13]));

The commands below define the encoders trellis structure explicitly and then use convenc to encode ten one-bit symbols. A schematic of this encoder is in the section, Trellis Description of a Convolutional Encoder on page 2-46.
trel = struct('numInputSymbols',2,'numOutputSymbols',4,... 'numStates',4,'nextStates',[0 2;0 2;1 3;1 3],...



'outputs',[0 3;1 2;3 0;2 1]); code2 = convenc(randint(10,1),trel);

The commands below illustrate how to use the final state and initial state arguments when invoking convenc repeatedly. Notice that [code3; code4] is the same as the earlier examples output, code1.
trel = poly2trellis([5 4],[27 33 0; 0 5 13]); msg = randint(10,1,2,123); % Encode part of msg, recording final state for later use. [code3,fstate] = convenc(msg(1:6),trel); % Encode the rest of msg, using state as an input argument. code4 = convenc(msg(7:10),trel,fstate);

See Also References

vitdec, poly2trellis, istrellis

Gitlin, Richard D., Jeremiah F. Hayes, and Stephen B. Weinstein. Data Communications Principles. New York: Plenum, 1992.



Purpose Syntax


Produce parity-check and generator matrices for cyclic code

parmat = cyclgen(n,pol); parmat = cyclgen(n,pol,opt); [parmat,genmat] = cyclgen(...); [parmat,genmat,k] = cyclgen(...);


For all syntaxes, the codeword length is n and the message length is k. A polynomial can generate a cyclic code with codeword length n and message length k if and only if the polynomial is a degree-(n-k) divisor of xn-1. (Over the binary field GF(2), xn-1 is the same as xn+1.) This implies that k equals n minus the degree of the generator polynomial.
parmat = cyclgen(n,pol) produces an (n-k)-by-n parity-check matrix for a systematic binary cyclic code having codeword length n. The row vector pol gives the binary coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the degree-(n-k)

generator polynomial.
parmat = cyclgen(n,pol,opt) is the same as the syntax above, except that the argument opt determines whether the matrix should be associated with a systematic or nonsystematic code. The values for opt are 'system' and 'nonsys'. [parmat,genmat] = cyclgen(...) is the same as parmat = cyclgen(...) except that it also produces the k-by-n generator matrix genmat that corresponds to the parity-check matrix parmat. [parmat,genmat,k] = cyclgen(...) is the same as [parmat,genmat] = cyclgen(...) except that it also returns the message length k.


The code below produces parity-check and generator matrices for a binary cyclic code with codeword length 7 and message length 4.
pol = cyclpoly(7,4); [parmat,genmat,k] = cyclgen(7,pol)



parmat = 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

genmat = 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

k = 4

In the output below, notice that the parity-check matrix is different from parmat above, since it corresponds to a nonsystematic cyclic code. In particular, parmatn does not have a 3-by-3 identity matrix in its leftmost three columns, as parmat does.
parmatn = cyclgen(7,cyclpoly(7,4),'nonsys') parmatn = 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

See Also

encode, decode, bchpoly, cyclpoly,



Purpose Syntax Description


Produce generator polynomials for a cyclic code

pol = cyclpoly(n,k); pol = cyclpoly(n,k,opt);

For all syntaxes, a polynomial is represented as a row containing the coefficients in order of ascending powers.
pol = cyclpoly(n,k) returns the row vector representing one nontrivial generator polynomial for a cyclic code having codeword length n and message length k. pol = cyclpoly(n,k,opt) searches for one or more nontrivial generator polynomials for cyclic codes having codeword length n and message length k. The output pol depends on the argument opt as shown in the table below.

opt 'min'

Significance of pol

Format of pol

One generator polynomial having the smallest possible weight One generator polynomial having the greatest possible weight All generator polynomials All generator polynomials having weight opt

The row vector representing the polynomial The row vector representing the polynomial A matrix, each row of which represents one such polynomial A matrix, each row of which represents one such polynomial



a positive integer

The weight of a binary polynomial is the number of nonzero terms it has. If no generator polynomial satisfies the given conditions, then the output pol is empty and an error message is displayed.


The first command below produces representations of three generator polynomials for a [15,4] cyclic code. The second command shows that 1 + x + x2 + x3+ x5+ x7+ x8+ x11 is one such polynomial having the largest number of nonzero terms. The third command shows that no generator polynomial for a [15,4] cyclic code has exactly three nonzero terms.



c1 = cyclpoly(15,4,'all') c1 = 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

c2 = cyclpoly(15,4,'max') c2 = 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1

c3 = cyclpoly(15,4,3) No generator polynomial satisfies the given constraints. c3 = []


If opt is 'min', 'max', or omitted, then polynomials are constructed by converting decimal integers to base p. Based on the decimal ordering, gfprimfd returns the first polynomial it finds that satisfies the appropriate conditions. This algorithm is similar to the one used in gfprimfd.
cyclgen, encode

See Also



Purpose Syntax


Digital passband demodulator

z z z z z z z z = = = = = = = = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'ask/opt',M,num,den); ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'fsk/opt',M); ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'msk'); ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'psk/opt',M,num,den); ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask/opt',M,num,den); ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb/opt',inphase,quadr,num,den); ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir/opt',numsig,amp,phs,num,den); ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,[Fs phase],...); Default Value, or Default Behavior if Input is Omitted ddemod demaps after demodulating. If the method is ASK, then the algorithm does not use a Costas loop. If the method is FSK, then demodulation is coherent.

Optional Inputs

Input opt

num, den amp phs

Omitting these arguments prevents ddemod from using a filter.

[1:length(numsig)] numsig*0


The function ddemod performs digital passband demodulation. The corresponding modulation function is dmod. The table below lists the demodulation schemes that ddemod supports.
Fifth Input Argument 'ask/opt' 'fsk/opt' 'psk/opt' 'qask/opt', 'qask/cir/opt', or 'qask/arb/opt' Where /opt can contain /nomap; /costas /noncoherence /nomap /nomap

Demodulation Scheme

M-ary amplitude shift keying M-ary frequency shift keying M-ary phase shift keying Quadrature amplitude shift keying

The second column of the table indicates in bold type the required portion of the fifth input argument for ddemod. The third column indicates optional flags



that you can append to the fifth argument. The order of optional flags does not matter.

To Demodulate Without Demapping (ASK, PSK, QASK only)

Ordinarily, the ddemod function first demodulates the analog signal it receives and then demaps the demodulated signal in order to recover the digital message signal. The optional /nomap flag, appended to the fifth input argument, prevents ddemod from demapping. The output is then an analog signal x whose sampling rate is Fs. You can use the demodmap function to perform the demapping step. The /nomap option is not available for FSK or MSK demodulation.

To Demodulate a Digital Signal (General Information)

The generic syntax z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,...) demodulates the digital message signal z from a received analog signal y. After measuring the distance from the received signal to all possible digits in the coding scheme, ddemod returns the nearest digit.
y and z are real matrices whose sizes depend on the demodulation method:

(ASK, FSK, MSK methods) If y is a vector of length n*Fs/Fd, then z is a column vector of length n. Otherwise, if y is (n*Fs/Fd)-by-m, then z is n-by-m and each column of y is processed separately. (PSK, QASK methods) If y is (n*Fs/Fd)-by-m, then z is n-by-2m. The odd-numbered columns in z represent in-phase components and the even-numbered columns represent quadrature components. Each column of y is processed separately. The carrier frequency in Hertz is Fc. The sampling rates in Hertz of y and z, respectively, are Fs and Fd. (Thus 1/Fs represents the time interval between two consecutive samples in y, and similarly for z.) The ratio Fs/Fd must be a positive integer. The time interval between two decision points is 1/Fd. The generic syntax z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,[Fs phase],...) is the same, except that the fourth input argument is a two-element vector instead of a scalar. The first entry, Fs, is the sampling rate as described in the paragraph above. The second entry, phase, is the initial phase of the carrier signal, measured in radians.



ddemod can use a lowpass filter with sample time 1/Fs while demodulating, in order to filter out the carrier signal. To specify the lowpass filter, include num and den in the list of input arguments. num and den are row vectors that give the coefficients, in descending order, of the numerator and denominator of the filters transfer function. If num is empty, zero, or absent, then the function does not use a filter.

To Demodulate a Digital Signal (Specific Syntax Information)

z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'ask',M) implements M-ary amplitude shift keying demodulation. Each entry of z is in the range [0, M-1]. z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'ask/costas',M) is the same as the syntax above, except that the algorithm includes a Costas loop z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone) implements coherent M-ary frequency shift keying demodulation. The optional argument tone is the separation between successive frequencies in the modulated signal z. The default value of tone is Fd. Each entry of z is in the range [0, M-1]. z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'fsk/noncoherence',M,tone) is the same as the syntax above, except that it uses noncoherent demodulation. z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'msk') implements minimum shift keying demodulation. Each entry of z is either 0 or 1. The separation between the two frequencies is Fd/2. z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'psk',M) implements M-ary correlation phase shift keying demodulation. Each entry of z is in the range [0, M-1]. z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask',M) implements M-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying demodulation with a square signal constellation. The table below



shows the maximum among in-phase and quadrature coordinates of constellation points, for several small values of M.
M Maximum of Coordinates of Constellation Points M Maximum of Coordinates of Constellation Points

2 4 8 16

1 1 3 (quadrature maximum is 1) 3

32 64 128 256

5 7 11 15

Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a square constellation plot using qaskenco(M).

z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr) implements quadrature amplitude shift keying demodulation, with a signal constellation that you define using the vectors inphase and quadr. The signal constellation point for the kth message has in-phase component inphase(k+1) and quadrature component quadr(k+1). z = ddemod(y,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs) implements quadrature amplitude shift keying demodulation with a circular signal constellation. numsig, amp, and phs are vectors of the same length. The entries in numsig and amp must be positive. If k is an integer in the range [1, length(numsig)], then amp(k) is the radius of the kth circle, numsig(k) is the number of constellation points on the kth circle, and phs(k) is the phase of the first constellation point plotted on the kth circle. All points on the kth circle are evenly spaced. If you omit phs, then its default value is numsig*0. If you omit amp, then its default value is [1:length(numsig)].



Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a labeled circle constellation plot using apkconst(numsig,amp,phs,'n').


This example mimics the one in the section Simple Digital Modulation Example on page 2-74 but uses passband simulation. It generates a random digital signal, modulates it using dmod, and adds noise. Then it demodulates the noisy signal and computes the symbol error rate. The ddemod function demodulates the analog signal y and then demaps to produce the digital signal z. Important differences between this example and the original baseband example are the explicit reference to the carrier signal frequency Fc and the fact that y and ynoisy are real, not complex. For variety, this example uses ASK instead of PSK, as well as a different sampling rate Fd.
M = 16; % Use 16-ary modulation. Fc = 10; % Carrier signal frequency is 10 Hz. Fd = 1; % Sampling rates of original and modulated signals Fs = 50; % are 1 and 50, respectively (samples per second). x = randint(100,1,M); % Random digital message % Use M-ary PSK modulation to produce y. y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'ask',M); % Add some Gaussian noise. ynoisy = y + .01*randn(Fs/Fd*100,1); % Demodulate y to recover the message. z = ddemod(ynoisy,Fc,Fd,Fs,'ask',M); s = symerr(x,z) % Check symbol error rate. s = 0

See Also

dmod, amod, ademod, dmodce, ddemodce, demodmap, modmap, eyediagram, scatterplot



Purpose Syntax


Digital baseband demodulator

z z z z z z z z = = = = = = = = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'ask/opt',M,num,den); ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'fsk/opt',M); ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'msk'); ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'psk/opt',M,num,den); ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'qask/opt',M,num,den); ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb/opt',inphase,quadr,num,den); ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir/opt',numsig,amp,phs,num,den); ddemodce(y,Fd,[Fs phase],...); Default Value, or Default Behavior if Input is Omitted ddemodce demaps after demodulating. If the method is ASK, then the algorithm does not use a Costas loop. If the method is FSK, then demodulation is coherent.

Optional Inputs

Input opt

num, den amp phs

Omitting these arguments prevents ddemodce from using a filter.

[1:length(numsig)] numsig*0


The function ddemodce performs digital baseband demodulation. The corresponding modulation function is dmodce. The table below lists the demodulation schemes that ddemodce supports.
Fourth Input Argument 'ask/opt' 'fsk/opt' 'psk/opt' 'qask/opt', 'qask/cir/opt', or 'qask/arb/opt' Where /opt can contain /nomap; /costas /noncoherence /nomap /nomap

Demodulation Scheme

M-ary amplitude shift keying M-ary frequency shift keying M-ary phase shift keying Quadrature amplitude shift keying

The second column of the table indicates in bold type the required portion of the fourth input argument for ddemodce. The third column indicates optional



flags that you can append to the fourth argument. The order of optional flags does not matter.

To Demodulate Without Demapping (ASK, PSK, QASK only)

Ordinarily, the ddemodce function first demodulates the analog signal it receives and then demaps the demodulated signal in order to recover the digital message signal. The optional /nomap flag, appended to the fourth input argument, prevents ddemodce from demapping. The output is then an analog signal z whose sampling rate is Fs. The size of z depends on the size of y and the demodulation method: (ASK method) z has the same size as y. (PSK and QASK methods) If y is a vector of length n, then z is an n-by-2 matrix. Otherwise, if y is n-by-m, then z is n-by-2m and each column of y is processed separately. In either case, the odd-numbered columns in z represent in-phase components and the even-numbered columns represent quadrature components. You can use the demodmap function to perform the demapping step. The /nomap option is not available for FSK or MSK demodulation.

To Demodulate a Digital Signal (General Information)

The generic syntax z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,...) demodulates the digital message signal z from a received analog signal y. After measuring the distance from the received signal to all possible digits in the coding scheme, ddemodce returns the nearest digit.
y is a complex matrix and z is a real matrix. The sizes of y and z depend on the demodulation method:

(ASK, FSK, MSK methods) If y is a vector of length n*Fs/Fd, then z is a column vector of length n. Otherwise, if y is (n*Fs/Fd)-by-m, then z is n-by-m and each column of y is processed separately. (PSK, QASK methods) If y is (n*Fs/Fd)-by-m, then z is n-by-2m. The odd-numbered columns in z represent in-phase components and the even-numbered columns represent quadrature components. Each column of y is processed separately. The sampling rates in Hertz of y and z, respectively, are Fs and Fd. (Thus 1/Fs represents the time interval between two consecutive samples in y, and



similarly for z.) The ratio Fs/Fd must be a positive integer. The time interval between two decision points is 1/Fd. The generic syntax z = ddemodce(y,Fd,[Fs phase],...) is the same, except that the third input argument is a two-element vector instead of a scalar. The first entry, Fs, is the sampling rate as described in the paragraph above. The second entry, phase, is the initial phase of the carrier signal, measured in radians. To use a lowpass filter in conjunction with ASK, PSK, or QASK demodulation, include num and den in the list of input arguments. num and den are row vectors that give the coefficients, in descending order, of the numerator and denominator of the filters transfer function. If num is empty, zero, or absent, then ddemodce does not use a filter.

To Demodulate a Digital Signal (Specific Syntax Information)

z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'ask',M) implements M-ary amplitude shift keying demodulation. Each entry of z is in the range [0, M-1]. z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'ask/costas',M) is the same as the syntax above, except that the algorithm includes a Costas loop z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone) implements coherent M-ary frequency shift keying demodulation. The optional argument tone is the separation between successive frequencies in the modulated signal z. The default value of tone is Fd. Each entry of z is in the range [0, M-1]. z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'fsk/noncoherence',M,tone) is the same as the syntax above, except that it uses noncoherent demodulation. z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'msk') implements minimum shift keying demodulation. Each entry of z is either 0 or 1. The separation between the two frequencies is Fd/2. z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'psk',M) implements M-ary correlation phase shift keying demodulation. Each entry of z is in the range [0, M-1]. z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'qask',M) implements M-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying demodulation with a square signal constellation. The table below



shows the maximum among in-phase and quadrature coordinates of constellation points, for several small values of M.
M Maximum of Coordinates of Constellation Points M Maximum of Coordinates of Constellation Points

2 4 8 16

1 1 3 (quadrature maximum is 1) 3

32 64 128 256

5 7 11 15

Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a square constellation plot using qaskenco(M).

z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr) implements quadrature amplitude shift keying demodulation, with a signal constellation that you define using the vectors inphase and quadr. The signal constellation point for the kth message has in-phase component inphase(k+1) and quadrature component quadr(k+1). z = ddemodce(y,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs) implements quadrature amplitude shift keying demodulation with a circular signal constellation. numsig, amp, and phs are vectors of the same length. The entries in numsig and amp must be positive. If k is an integer in the range [1, length(numsig)], then amp(k) is the radius of the kth circle, numsig(k) is the number of constellation points on the kth circle, and phs(k) is the phase of the first constellation point plotted on the kth circle. All points on the kth circle are evenly spaced. If you omit phs, then its default value is numsig*0. If you omit amp, then its default value is [1:length(numsig)].



Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a labeled circle constellation plot using apkconst(numsig,amp,phs,'n').

See Also

dmodce, amodce, ademodce, dmod, ddemod, demodmap, modmap, eyediagram, scatterplot



Purpose Syntax


Convert decimal numbers to binary vectors

b b b b b = = = = = de2bi(d); de2bi(d,n); de2bi(d,n,p); de2bi(d,[],p); de2bi(d,...,flg)


b = de2bi(d) converts a nonnegative decimal integer d to a binary row vector. If d is a vector, then the output b is a matrix, each row of which is the binary form of the corresponding element in d. If d is a matrix, then de2bi treats it like the vector d(:).

Note By default, de2bi uses the first column of b as the lowest-order digit.

b = de2bi(d,n) is the same as b = de2bi(d), except that its output has n columns, where n is a positive integer. An error occurs if the binary representations would require more than n digits. If necessary, the binary representation of d is padded with extra zeros. b = de2bi(d,n,p) converts a nonnegative decimal integer d to a base-p row vector, where p is an integer greater than or equal to two. The first column of b is the lowest base-p digit. b is padded with extra zeros if necessary, so that it has n columns, where n is a positive integer. An error occurs if the base-p representations would require more than n digits. If d is a nonnegative decimal vector, then the output b is a matrix, each row of which is the (possibly zero-padded) base-p form of the corresponding element in d. If d is a matrix, then de2bi treats it like the vector d(:). b = de2bi(d,[],p) specifies the base p but not the number of columns. b = de2bi(d,...,flg) uses the string flg to determine whether the first column of b contains the lowest-order or highest-order digits. Values for flg are right-msb and left-msb. The value right-msb produces the default behavior.




The code below counts to ten in decimal and binary.

d = (1:10)'; b = de2bi(d); disp(' Dec disp(' ----disp([d, b])

Binary ') -------------------')

The output is below.

Dec ----1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Binary ------------------1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

The command below shows how de2bi pads its output with zeros.
bb = de2bi([3 9],5) % Zero-padding the output bb = 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

The command below shows how to convert a decimal integer to base three without specifying the number of columns in the output matrix.
t = de2bi(12,[],3) % Convert 12 to base 3. t = 0 1 1

See Also




Purpose Syntax


Block decoder
msg = decode(code,n,k,'hamming/fmt',primpoly); msg = decode(code,n,k,'linear/fmt',genmat,trt); msg = decode(code,n,k,'cyclic/fmt',genpoly,trt); msg = decode(code,n,k,'bch/fmt',errorcorr,primpoly); msg = decode(code,n,k,'rs/fmt',field); msg = decode(code,n,k); [msg,err] = decode(...); [msg,err,ccode] = decode(...); [msg,err,ccode,cerr] = decode(...); Input fmt primpoly genpoly trt Default Value binary gfprimdf(m) where n = 2m-1 cyclpoly(n,k)

Optional Inputs

Uses syndtable to create the syndrome decoding table associated with the methods parity-check matrix.


For All Syntaxes

The decode function aims to recover messages that were encoded using an error-correction coding technique. The technique and the defining parameters must match those that were used to encode the original signal. The For All Syntaxes section on the reference page for the encode function explains the meanings of n and k, the possible values of fmt, and the possible formats for code and msg. You should be familiar with the conventions described there before reading the rest of this section. Using the decode function with an input argument code that was not created by the encode function may cause errors.

For Specific Syntaxes

msg = decode(code,n,k,'hamming/fmt',primpoly) decodes code using the Hamming method. For this syntax, n must have the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3, and k must equal n-m. primpoly is a row vector



that gives the binary coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the primitive polynomial for GF(2m) that is used in the encoding process. The default value of primpoly is gfprimdf(m). The decoding table that the function uses to correct a single error in each codeword is syndtable(hammgen(m)).
msg = decode(code,n,k,'linear/fmt',genmat,trt) decodes code, which is a linear block code determined by the k-by-n generator matrix genmat. genmat, a k-by-n matrix, is required as input. decode tries to correct errors using the decoding table trt, where trt is a 2n-k-by-n matrix. msg = decode(code,n,k,'cyclic/fmt',genpoly,trt) decodes the cyclic code code and tries to correct errors using the decoding table trt, where trt is a 2n-k-by-n matrix. genpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of

ascending powers, of the binary generator polynomial of the code. The default value of genpoly is cyclpoly(n,k). By definition, the generator polynomial for an [n,k] cyclic code must have degree n-k and must divide xn-1.
msg = decode(code,n,k,'bch/fmt',errorcorr,primpoly) decodes code using the BCH method. primpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the primitive polynomial for GF(2m) that will be used during processing. The default value of primpoly is gfprimdf(m). For this syntax, n must have the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3. k and errorcorr must be a valid message length and error-correction capability, respectively, as reported in the second and third columns of a row of params in the command params = bchpoly(n) msg = decode(code,n,k,'rs/fmt',field) decodes code using the Reed-Solomon method. n must have the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3. field is a matrix that lists all elements of GF(2m) in the format described in List of All Elements of a Galois Field on page 2-91. The default value of field is gftuple([-1:2^m-2]',m). msg = decode(code,n,k) is the same as msg = decode(code,n,k,'hamming/binary'). [msg,err] = decode(...) returns a column vector err that gives information about error correction. If the code is a convolutional code, then err contains the

metric calculations used in the decoding decision process. For other types of



codes, a nonnegative integer in the rth row of err (or the rth row of vec2mat(err,k) if code is a column vector) indicates the number of errors corrected in the rth message word; a negative integer indicates that there are more errors in the rth word than can be corrected.
[msg,err,ccode] = decode(...) returns the corrected code in ccode. [msg,err,ccode,cerr] = decode(...) returns a column vector cerr whose meaning depends on the format of code:

If code is a binary vector, then a nonnegative integer in the rth row of vec2mat(cerr,n) indicates the number of errors corrected in the rth codeword; a negative integer indicates that there are more errors in the rth codeword than can be corrected. If code is not a binary vector, then cerr = err.


On the reference page for encode, some of the example code illustrates the use of the decode function. The example below illustrates the use of err and cerr when the coding method is not convolutional code and the code is a binary vector. The script encodes two five-bit messages using BCH code. Each codeword has fifteen bits. Errors are added to the first two bits of the first codeword and the first bit of the second codeword. Then decode is used to recover the original message. As a result, the errors are corrected. err is the same size as msg and cerr is the same size as code. err reflects the fact that the first message was recovered after correcting two errors, while the second message was recovered after correcting one error. cerr reflects the fact that the first codeword was decoded after correcting two errors, while the second codeword was decoded after correcting one error.
m = 4; n = 2^m-1; % Codeword length is 15. k = 5; % Valid message length for BCH code when n = 15 t = 3; % Corresponding error-correction capability msg = ones(10,1); % Two messages, five bits each code = encode(msg,n,k,'bch'); % Encode the message. % Now place two errors in first word and one error % in the second word. Create errors by reversing bits. noisycode = code; noisycode(1:2) = bitxor(noisycode(1:2),[1 1]'); noisycode(16) = bitxor(noisycode(16),1);



% Decode and try to correct the errors. [newmsg,err,ccode,cerr] = decode(noisycode,n,k,'bch',t); disp('Transpose of err is'); disp(err') disp('Transpose of cerr is'); disp(cerr')

The output is below.

Transpose of err is 2 2 2 Transpose of cerr is Columns 1 through 12 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

Columns 13 through 24 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Columns 25 through 30 1 1 1 1 1 1

Algorithm See Also

Depending on the decoding method, decode relies on such lower-level functions as hammgen, syndtable, cyclgen, bchdeco, and rsdeco.
encode, bchpoly, cyclpoly, syndtable, gen2par, bchdeco, rsdeco



Purpose Syntax


Demap a digital message from a demodulated signal

z z z z z z z z = = = = = = = = demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'ask',M); demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone); demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'msk'); demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask',M); demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr); demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs); demodmap(x,[Fd offset],Fs,...) Default Value Fd [1:length(numsig)] numsig*0

Optional Inputs

Input tone amp phs


The digital demodulation process consists of two steps: demodulating an analog signal and demapping the demodulated signal to a digital signal. You can perform the first step using ademod, ademodce, or your own custom demodulator. The function demodmap performs the second step. The table below lists the demodulation schemes that demodmap supports.
Demodulation Scheme Fourth Input Argument 'ask' 'fsk' 'msk' 'psk' 'qask', 'qask/cir', or 'qask/arb'

M-ary amplitude shift keying M-ary frequency shift keying Minimum shift keying M-ary phase shift keying Quadrature amplitude shift keying

To Demap a Digital Signal (General Information)

The generic syntax z = demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,...) demaps the digital message signal z from a received analog signal x. After measuring the distance from the



received signal to all possible digits in the coding scheme, the demapper returns the nearest digit.
x is a matrix. The sizes of x and z depend on the demodulation method:

(ASK, FSK, MSK methods) If x is a vector of length n*Fs/Fd, then z is a column vector of length n. Otherwise, if x is (n*Fs/Fd)-by-m, then z is n-by-m and each column of x is processed separately. (PSK, QASK methods) x must have an even number of columns. The odd-numbered columns in x represent in-phase components and the even-numbered columns represent quadrature components. Each pair of columns of x is processed separately. If x is (n*Fs/Fd)-by-2m, then z is n-by-m. The sampling rates in Hertz of x and z, respectively, are Fs and Fd. (Thus 1/Fs represents the time interval between two consecutive samples in x, and similarly for z.) The ratio Fs/Fd must be a positive integer. The time interval between two decision points is 1/Fd. To shift the decision times ahead by the integer offset, use the alternative syntax
z = demodmap(x,[Fd offset],...)

instead of the demapping syntaxes listed in this section and the next. The default decision offset is 0.

To Demap a Digital Signal (Specific Syntax Information)

z = demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'ask',M) demaps from an M-ary amplitude shift keying signal constellation. Each entry of z is in the range [0, M-1]. z = demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone) demaps using the coherent M-ary frequency shift keying method. The optional argument tone is the separation between successive frequencies in the modulated signal x. The default value of tone is Fd. Each entry of z is in the range [0, M-1]. z = demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'msk') demaps using the minimum shift keying method. Each entry of z is either 0 or 1. The separation between the two frequencies is Fd/2.



z = demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M) demaps from an M-ary phase shift keying signal constellation. Each entry of z is in the range [0, M-1]. z = demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask',M) demaps from an M-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying square signal constellation. The table below shows the maximum among in-phase and quadrature coordinates of constellation points, for several small values of M. M Maximum of Coordinates of Constellation Points M Maximum of Coordinates of Constellation Points

2 4 8 16

1 1 3 (quadrature maximum = 1) 3

32 64 128 256

5 7 11 15

Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a square constellation plot using qaskenco(M).

z = demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr) demaps from a quadrature amplitude shift keying signal constellation that you define using the vectors inphase and quadr. The signal constellation point for the kth message has in-phase component inphase(k+1) and quadrature component quadr(k+1). z = demodmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs) demaps from a quadrature amplitude shift keying circular signal constellation. numsig, amp, and phs are vectors of the same length. The entries in numsig and amp must be positive. If k is an integer in the range [1, length(numsig)], then amp(k) is the radius of the kth circle, numsig(k) is the number of constellation points on the kth circle, and phs(k) is the phase of the first constellation point plotted on the kth circle. All points on the kth circle are evenly spaced. If you omit phs, then



its default value is numsig*0. If you omit amp, then its default value is [1:length(numsig)].

Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a labeled circle constellation plot using apkconst(numsig,amp,phs,'n').


The script below suggests which regions in the in-phase/quadrature plane are associated with different digits. It demaps random points, looks for points that were demapped to the digits 0 and 2, and plots those points in red and blue, respectively. The horizontal axis shows in-phase components and the vertical axis shows quadrature components.
% Construct [in-phase, quadrature] for random points. x = 4*(rand(1000,2)-1/2); % Demap to a digital signal, using 4-PSK method. y = demodmap(x,1,1,'psk',4); red = find(y==0); % Indices of points that mapped to the digit 0 h = scatterplot(x(red,:),1,0,'r.'); hold on % Plot in red. blue = find(y==2); % Indices of points that mapped to the digit 2 scatterplot(x(blue,:),1,0,'b.',h); hold off % Plot in blue.



See Also

modmap, ddemod, ddemodce, ademod, ademodce, eyediagram, scatterplot



Purpose Syntax


Digital passband modulator

y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'method/nomap'...); y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'ask',M); y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone); y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'msk'); y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask',M); y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr); y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs); y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,[Fs phase],...); [y,t] = dmod(...); Input tone amp phs Default Value Fd [1:length(numsig)] numsig*0

Optional Inputs


The function dmod performs digital passband modulation and some related tasks. The corresponding demodulation function is ddemod. The table below lists the modulation schemes that dmod supports.
Modulation Scheme Fifth Input Argument 'ask' 'fsk' 'msk' 'psk' 'qask', 'qask/cir', or 'qask/arb'

M-ary amplitude shift keying M-ary frequency shift keying Minimum shift keying M-ary phase shift keying Quadrature amplitude shift keying

To Avoid the Mapping Process

Ordinarily, the dmod function first maps the digital message signal to an analog signal and then modulates the analog signal. The generic syntax



y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'method/nomap'...)

uses the nomap flag to tell dmod that the digital message has already been mapped to an analog signal x whose sampling rate is Fs. As a result, dmod skips its usual mapping step. You can use the modmap function to perform the mapping step. In this generic syntax, method is one of the seven values listed in the table above and the other variables are as in the next section.

To Modulate a Digital Signal (General Information)

The generic syntax y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,...) modulates the digital message signal that x represents. x is a matrix of nonnegative integers. If x is a vector of length n, then y is a vector of length n*Fs/Fd. Otherwise, if x is n-by-m, then y is (n*Fs/Fd)-by-m and each column of x is processed separately.
Fc is the carrier frequency in Hertz. The sampling rates in Hertz of x and y, respectively, are Fd and Fs. (Thus 1/Fd represents the time interval between two consecutive samples in x, and similarly for y.) The ratio Fs/Fd must be a positive integer. For best results, use values such that Fs > Fc > Fd. The initial phase of the carrier signal is zero.

The generic syntax y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,[Fs phase],...) is the same, except that the fourth input argument is a two-element vector instead of a scalar. The first entry, Fs, is the sampling rate as described in the paragraph above. The second entry, phase, is the initial phase of the carrier signal, measured in radians.

To Modulate a Digital Signal (Specific Syntax Information)

y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'ask',M) performs M-ary amplitude shift keying modulation. Each entry of x must be in the range [0, M-1]. The maximum value of the modulated signal is 1. y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone) performs M-ary frequency shift keying modulation. Each entry of x must be in the range [0, M-1]. The optional argument tone is the separation between successive frequencies in the modulated signal y. The default value of tone is Fd. The maximum value of y is 1. y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'msk') performs minimum shift keying modulation. Each entry of x is either 0 or 1. The maximum value of y is 1.



y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'psk',M) performs M-ary phase shift keying modulation. Each entry of x must be in the range [0, M-1]. The maximum value of y is 1. y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask',M) performs M-ary quadrature amplitude shift

keying modulation with a square signal constellation. The table below shows the maximum value of y, for several small values of M.
M Maximum Value of y M Maximum Value of y

2 4 8 16

1 1 3 3

32 64 128 256

5 7 11 15

Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a square constellation plot using qaskenco(M).

y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr) performs quadrature amplitude shift keying modulation, with a signal constellation that you define using the vectors inphase and quadr. The constellation point for the kth message has in-phase component inphase(k+1) and quadrature component quadr(k+1). y = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs) performs quadrature amplitude shift keying modulation with a circular signal constellation. numsig, amp, and phs are vectors of the same length. The entries in numsig and amp must be positive. If k is an integer in the range [1, length(numsig)], then amp(k) is the radius of the kth circle, numsig(k) is the number of constellation points on the kth circle, and phs(k) is the phase of the first constellation point plotted on the kth circle. All points on the kth circle are evenly spaced. If you omit phs, then its default value is numsig*0. If you omit amp, then its default value is [1:length(numsig)].



Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a labeled circle constellation plot using apkconst(numsig,amp,phs,'n').

[y,t] = dmod(...) returns the computation time in t. t is a vector whose length is the number of rows of y.


An example on the reference page for ddemod uses dmod. Also, the code below shows the waveforms used to communicate the digits 0 and 1 using 4-ASK modulation. Notice that the dmod command has two output arguments. The second output, t, is used to scale the horizontal axis in the plot.
Fc = 20; Fd = 10; Fs = 50; M = 4; % Use 4-ASK modulation. x = ones(Fd,1)*[0 1]; x=x(:); % Modulate, keeping track of time. [y,t] = dmod(x,Fc,Fd,Fs,'ask',M); plot(t,y) % Plot signal versus time.

See Also

ddemod, dmodce, ddemodce, amod, amodce



Purpose Syntax


Digital baseband modulator

y y y y y y y y y = = = = = = = = = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'method/nomap'...); dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'ask',M); dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone); dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'msk'); dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'qask',M); dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr); dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs); dmodce(x,Fd,[Fs phase],...); Default Value Fd [1:length(numsig)] numsig*0

Optional Inputs

Input tone amp phs


The function dmodce performs digital baseband modulation and some related tasks. The corresponding demodulation function is ddemodce. The table below lists the modulation schemes that dmodce supports.
Modulation Scheme Fourth Input Argument 'ask' 'fsk' 'msk' 'psk' 'qask', 'qask/cir', or 'qask/arb'

M-ary amplitude shift keying M-ary frequency shift keying Minimum shift keying M-ary phase shift keying Quadrature amplitude shift keying

To Modulate Without Mapping

Ordinarily, the dmodce function first maps the digital message signal to an analog signal and then modulates the analog signal. The generic syntax
y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'method/nomap'...)



uses the /nomap flag to tell dmodce that the digital message has already been mapped to an analog signal x whose sampling rate is Fs. As a result, dmodce skips its usual mapping step. You can use the modmap function to perform the mapping step. In this generic syntax, method is one of the seven values listed in the table above, and the other variables are as in the next section.

To Modulate a Digital Signal (General Information)

The generic syntax y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,...) modulates the digital message signal that x represents. x is a matrix of nonnegative integers. If x is a vector of length n, then y is a vector of length n*Fs/Fd. Otherwise, if x is n-by-m, then y is (n*Fs/Fd)-by-m and each column of x is processed separately. Since dmodce implements baseband simulation, the entries of y are complex. The sampling rates in Hertz of x and y, respectively, are Fd and Fs. (Thus 1/Fd represents the time interval between two consecutive samples in x, and similarly for y.) The ratio Fs/Fd must be a positive integer. The initial phase in the modulation is zero. The generic syntax y = dmodce(x,Fd,[Fs phase],...) is the same, except that the third input argument is a two-element vector instead of a scalar. The first entry, Fs, is the sampling rate as described in the paragraph above. The second entry, phase, is the initial phase in the modulation, measured in radians.

To Modulate a Digital Signal (Specific Syntax Information)

y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'ask',M) performs M-ary amplitude shift keying modulation. Each entry of x must be in the range [0, M-1]. The maximum value of the modulated signal is 1. y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone) performs M-ary frequency shift keying modulation. Each entry of x must be in the range [0, M-1]. The optional argument tone is the separation between successive frequencies in the modulated signal y. The default value of tone is Fd. The maximum value of y is 1. y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'msk') performs minimum shift keying modulation. Each entry of x is either 0 or 1. The maximum value of y is 1. The separation between the two frequencies is Fd/2.



y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M) performs M-ary phase shift keying modulation. Each entry of x must be in the range [0, M-1]. The maximum value of y is 1. y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'qask',M) performs M-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying modulation with a square signal constellation. The table below shows the maximum value of y, for several small values of M. M Maximum Value of y M Maximum Value of y

2 4 8 16

1 1 3 3

32 64 128 256

5 7 11 15

Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a square constellation plot using qaskenco(M).

y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr) performs quadrature amplitude shift keying modulation, with a signal constellation that you define using the vectors inphase and quadr. The constellation point for the kth message has in-phase component inphase(k+1) and quadrature component quadr(k+1). y = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs) performs quadrature amplitude shift keying modulation with a circular signal constellation. numsig, amp, and phs are vectors of the same length. The entries in numsig and amp must be positive. If k is an integer in the range [1, length(numsig)], then amp(k) is the radius of the kth circle, numsig(k) is the number of constellation points on the kth circle, and phs(k) is the phase of the first constellation point plotted on the kth circle. All points on the kth circle are evenly spaced. If you omit phs, then its default value is numsig*0. If you omit amp, then its default value is [1:length(numsig)].



Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a labeled circle constellation plot using apkconst(numsig,amp,phs,'n').


This example uses FSK modulation and demodulation with different frequency separations tone. The output indicates that the symbol error rate varies depending on the value of tone. Your results might be different from those shown below, because the example uses random numbers. M = 4; Fd = 1; Fs = 32;
SNRperBit = 5; adjSNR = SNRperBit-10*log10(Fs/Fd)+10*log10(log2(M)); x = randint(5000,1,M); % Original signal % Modulate using FSK with orthogonal tone spacing. tone = .5; randn('state',1945724); % Seed the Gaussian generator. w1 = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone); y1 = awgn(w1, adjSNR, 'measured', [], 'dB'); z1 = ddemodce(y1,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone); ser1 = symerr(x,z1) ser1 = 67 % Modulate using FSK with nonorthogonal tone spacing. tone = .25; randn('state',1945724); % Reseed the Gaussian generator. w2 = dmodce(x,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone); y2 = awgn(w2, adjSNR, 'measured', [], 'dB'); z2 = ddemodce(y2,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone); ser2 = symerr(x,z2) ser2 = 258

See Also

ddemodce, dmod, ddemod, amod, amodce, modmap, apkconst



Purpose Syntax Description


Decode using differential pulse code modulation

sig = dpcmdeco(indx,codebook,predictor); [sig,quanterror] = dpcmdeco(indx,codebook,predictor); sig = dpcmdeco(indx,codebook,predictor) implements differential pulse code demodulation to decode the vector indx. The vector codebook represents the predictive-error quantization codebook. The vector predictor specifies the predictive transfer function. If the transfer function has predictive order M, then predictor has length M+1 and an initial entry of 0. To decode correctly, use the same codebook and predictor in dpcmenco and dpcmdeco.

See either Representing Quantization Parameters on page 2-14 or the reference page for quantiz in this chapter, for a description of the formats of partition and codebook.
[sig,quanterror] = dpcmdeco(indx,codebook,predictor) is the same as the syntax above, except that the vector quanterror is the quantization of the predictive error based on the quantization parameters. quanterror is the same size as sig.

Note You can estimate the input parameters codebook, partition, and predictor using the function dpcmopt.


See the sections Example: DPCM Encoding and Decoding on page 2-20 and Example: Comparing Optimized and Nonoptimized DPCM Parameters on page 2-21 for examples that use dpcmdeco.
quantiz, dpcmopt, dpcmenco

See Also References

Kondoz, A. M. Digital Speech. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, 1994.



Purpose Syntax Description


Encode using differential pulse code modulation

indx = dpcmenco(sig,codebook,partition,predictor) [indx,quants] = dpcmenco(sig,codebook,partition,predictor) indx = dpcmenco(sig,codebook,partition,predictor) implements differential pulse code modulation to encode the vector sig. partition is a vector whose entries give the endpoints of the partition intervals. codebook, a vector whose length exceeds the length of partition by one, prescribes a value for each partition in the quantization. predictor specifies the predictive transfer function. If the transfer function has predictive order M, then predictor has length M+1 and an initial entry of 0. The output vector indx is the quantization index.

See Implementing Differential Pulse Code Modulation on page 2-19 for more about the format of predictor. See either Representing Quantization Parameters on page 2-14 or the reference page for quantiz in this chapter, for a description of the formats of partition and codebook.
[indx,quants] = dpcmenco(sig,codebook,partition,predictor) is the same as the syntax above, except that quants contains the quantization of sig based on the quantization parameters. quants is a vector the same size as sig.

Note If predictor is an order-one transfer function, then the modulation is called a delta-modulation.


See the sections Example: DPCM Encoding and Decoding on page 2-20 and Example: Comparing Optimized and Nonoptimized DPCM Parameters on page 2-21 for examples that use dpcmenco.
quantiz, dpcmopt,dpcmdeco

See Also References

Kondoz, A. M. Digital Speech. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, 1994.



Purpose Syntax


Optimize differential pulse code modulation parameters

predictor = dpcmopt(trainingset,ord); [predictor,codebook,partition] = dpcmopt(trainingset,ord,len); [predictor,codebook,partition] = dpcmopt(trainingset,ord,initcodebook); predictor = dpcmopt(trainingset,ord) returns a vector representing a predictive transfer function of order ord that is appropriate for the training data in the vector trainingset. predictor is a row vector of length ord+1. See Representing Quantization Parameters on page 2-14 for more about its format.


Note dpcmopt optimizes for the data in trainingset. For best results, trainingset should be similar to the data that you plan to quantize.

[predictor,codebook,partition] = dpcmopt(trainingset,ord,len) is the same as the syntax above, except that it also returns corresponding optimized codebook and partition vectors codebook and partition. len is an integer that prescribes the length of codebook. partition is a vector of length len-1. See either Representing Quantization Parameters on page 2-14 or the reference page for quantiz in this chapter, for a description of the formats of partition and codebook. [predictor,codebook,partition] = dpcmopt(trainingset,ord,initcodebook) is the same as the first syntax,

except that it also returns corresponding optimized codebook and partition vectors codebook and partition. initcodebook, a vector of length at least 2, is the initial guess of the codebook values. The output codebook is a vector of the same length as initcodebook. The output partition is a vector whose length is one less than the length of codebook.

Examples See Also

See the section Example: Comparing Optimized and Nonoptimized DPCM Parameters on page 2-21 for an example that uses dpcmopt.
dpcmenco, dpcmdeco, quantiz, lloyds



Purpose Syntax


Block encoder
code = encode(msg,n,k,'linear/fmt',genmat); code = encode(msg,n,k,'cyclic/fmt',genpoly); code = encode(msg,n,k,'bch/fmt',genpoly); code = encode(msg,n,k,'hamming/fmt',primpoly); code = encode(msg,n,k,'rs/fmt',genpoly); code = encode(msg,field,k,'rs/fmt',genpoly); code = encode(msg,n,k); [code,added] = encode(...); Input fmt genpoly Default Value binary cyclpoly(n,k) for cyclic codes; bchpoly(n,k) for BCH codes; rspoly(n,k) or rspoly(n,k,field) for Reed-Solomon codes gfprimdf(n-k)

Optional Inputs



For All Syntaxes

The encode function encodes messages using one of the following error-correction coding methods: Linear block Cyclic BCH (Bose, Ray-Chaudhuri, Hocquenghem) Hamming Reed-Solomon For all of these methods, the codeword length is n and the message length is k.
msg, which represents the messages, can have one of several formats. Table 3-14, Information Formats for Encoding Methods Other than Reed-Solomon, below, which applies to all coding methods supported by encode except the Reed-Solomon method, shows which formats are allowed for msg, how the argument fmt should reflect the format of msg, and how the format of the output code depends on these choices. Table 3-15, Information Formats for



the Reed-Solomon Encoding Method, gives the corresponding information for the Reed-Solomon method. The examples in the tables are for k = 4 and, in Table 3-15, Information Formats for the Reed-Solomon Encoding Method, m = 3. If fmt is not specified as input, then its default value is binary.

Note If 2n or 2k is large, then you should use the default binary format instead of the decimal format. This is because the function uses a binary format internally, while the round-off error associated with converting many bits to large decimal numbers and back might be substantial.

Table 3-14: Information Formats for Encoding Methods Other than Reed-Solomon Format of msg Value of fmt Argument binary Format of code

Binary column vector

Binary column vector

Example: msg = [0 1 1 0, 0 1 0 1, 1 0 0 1]' Binary matrix with k columns


Binary matrix with n columns

Example: msg = [0 1 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 0 0 1] Column vector of integers in the range [0, 2k-1] Example: msg = [6, 10, 9]' .
Table 3-15: Information Formats for the Reed-Solomon Encoding Method decimal

Column vector of integers in the range [0, 2n-1]

(where n = 2m-1, m = integer greater than or equal to 3) Binary matrix with m columns

Format of msg

Value of fmt Argument

Format of code


Binary matrix with m columns

Example: msg = [1 1 0; 1 0 1; 1 0 0; 0 1 1; 1 1 0; 1 0 1; 1 0 0; 0 1 1]



Table 3-15: Information Formats for the Reed-Solomon Encoding Method (Continued) Format of msg (where n = 2m-1, m = integer Value of fmt Argument Format of code

greater than or equal to 3) Binary column vector


Binary column vector

Example: msg = [1 1 0, 1 0 1, 1 0 0, 0 1 1, 1 1 0, 1 0 1, 1 0 0, 0 1 1]' Matrix of integers in the range [0, 2m-1], with k columns

Matrix of integers in the range [0, 2m-1], with n columns

Example: msg = [3, 5, 1, 6; 3, 5, 1, 6] Matrix of integers in the range [-1, 2m-2], with k columns

Matrix of integers in the range [-1, 2m-2], with n columns

Example: msg = [2, 4, 0, 5; 2, 4, 0, 5]

For Specific Syntaxes

code = encode(msg,n,k,'linear/fmt',genmat) encodes msg using genmat as the generator matrix for the linear block encoding method. genmat, a k-by-n matrix, is required as input. code = encode(msg,n,k,'cyclic/fmt',genpoly) encodes msg and creates a systematic cyclic encode. genpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the binary generator polynomial. The default value of genpoly is cyclpoly(n,k). By definition, the generator polynomial for an [n,k] cyclic code must have degree n-k and must divide xn-1. code = encode(msg,n,k,'bch/fmt',genpoly) encodes msg using the BCH encoding method. genpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the degree-(n-k) binary BCH generator polynomial. The default value of genpoly is bchpoly(n,k). For this syntax, n must have the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3. k must be a valid message length as reported in the second column of params in the command params = bchpoly(n)



code = encode(msg,n,k,'hamming/fmt',primpoly) encodes msg using the Hamming encoding method. For this syntax, n must have the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3, and k must equal n-m. primpoly is

a row vector that gives the binary coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the primitive polynomial for GF(2m) that is used in the encoding process. The default value of primpoly is the default primitive polynomial gfprimdf(m).
code = encode(msg,n,k,'rs/fmt',genpoly) encodes msg using the Reed-Solomon encoding method. n must have the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3. genpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the generator polynomial for the code. Each coefficient is an element of GF(2m) expressed in exponential format. For a description of exponential format, see Exponential Format on page 2-90. For information about the conversions among formats, see Reed-Solomon Coding Using Decimal Format on page 2-29 and Exponential Format (Reed-Solomon Code Only) on page 2-30. The default value of genpoly is the output of the function rspoly. code = encode(msg,field,k,'rs/fmt',genpoly) is the same as the syntax above, except that field is a matrix that lists all elements of GF(2m) in the format described in List of All Elements of a Galois Field on page 2-91. The size of field determines n. This syntax is faster than the one above. code = encode(msg,n,k) is the same as code = encode(msg,n,k,'hamming/binary'). [code,added] = encode(...) returns the additional variable added. added is the number of zeros that were placed at the end of the message matrix before encoding, in order for the matrix to have the appropriate shape. Appropriate depends on n, k, the shape of msg, and the encoding method.


The example below illustrates the three different information formats (binary vector, binary matrix, and decimal vector) for Hamming code. The three messages have identical content in different formats; as a result, the three codes that encode creates have identical content in correspondingly different formats.
m = 4; n = 2^m-1; % Codeword length = 15 k = 11; % Message length



% Create 100 messages, k bits each. msg1 = randint(100*k,1,[0,1]); % As a column vector msg2 = vec2mat(msg1,k); % As a k-column matrix msg3 = bi2de(msg2); % As a column of decimal integers % Create 100 codewords, n bits each. code1 = encode(msg1,n,k,'hamming/binary'); code2 = encode(msg2,n,k,'hamming/binary'); code3 = encode(msg3,n,k,'hamming/decimal'); if ( vec2mat(code1,n)==code2 & de2bi(code3,n)==code2 ) disp('All three formats produced the same content.') end

The next example creates a cyclic code, adds noise, and then decodes the noisy code. It uses the decode function. Your error rate results might vary because the noise is random.
n = 3; k = 2; % A (3,2) cyclic code msg = randint(100,k,[0,1]); % 100 messages, k bits each code = encode(msg,n,k,'cyclic/binary'); % Add noise. noisycode = rem(code + randerr(100,n,[0 1;.7 .3]), 2); newmsg = decode(noisycode,n,k,'cyclic'); % Try to decode. % Compute error rate for decoding the noisy code. [number,ratio] = biterr(newmsg,msg); disp(['The bit error rate is ',num2str(ratio)]) The bit error rate is 0.08

The next example encodes the same message using Hamming, BCH, and cyclic methods. Before creating BCH code, it uses the bchpoly command to find out what codeword and message lengths are valid. This example also creates Hamming code with the 'linear' option of the encode command. It then decodes each code and recovers the original message.
n = 6; % Try codeword length = 6. % Find any valid message length for BCH code. params = bchpoly(n); n = params(1,1); % Redefine codeword length in case earlier one % was invalid. k = params(1,2); % Message length



m = log2(n+1); % Express n as 2^m-1. msg = randint(100,1,[0,2^k-1]); % Column of decimal integers % Create various codes. codehamming = encode(msg,n,k,'hamming/decimal'); [parmat,genmat] = hammgen(m); codehamming2 = encode(msg,n,k,'linear/decimal',genmat); if codehamming==codehamming2 disp('The ''linear'' method can create Hamming code.') end codebch = encode(msg,n,k,'bch/decimal'); codecyclic = encode(msg,n,k,'cyclic/decimal'); % Decode to recover the original message. decodedhamming = decode(codehamming,n,k,'hamming/decimal'); decodedbch = decode(codebch,n,k,'bch/decimal'); decodedcyclic = decode(codecyclic,n,k,'cyclic/decimal'); if (decodedhamming==msg & decodedbch==msg & decodedcyclic==msg) disp('All decoding worked flawlessly in this noiseless world.') end

Algorithm See Also

Depending on the encoding method, encode relies on such lower-level functions as hammgen, cyclgen, bchenco, and rsenco.
decode, bchpoly, rspoly, cyclpoly, cyclgen, hammgen, bchenco, rsenco



Purpose Syntax


Generate an eye diagram

eyediagram(x,n); eyediagram(x,n,period); eyediagram(x,n,period,offset); eyediagram(x,n,period,offset,plotstring); eyediagram(x,n,period,offset,plotstring,h); h = eyediagram(...); eyediagram(x,n) creates an eye diagram for the signal x, plotting n samples in each trace. n must be an integer greater than 1. The labels on the horizontal axis of the diagram range between -1/2 and 1/2. The function assumes that the first value of the signal and every nth value thereafter, occur at integer times. The interpretation of x and the number of plots depend on the shape and complexity of x:


If x is a real two-column matrix, then eyediagram interprets the first column as in-phase components and the second column as quadrature components. The two components appear in different subplots of a single figure window. If x is a complex vector, then eyediagram interprets the real part as in-phase components and the imaginary part as quadrature components. The two components appear in different subplots of a single figure window. If x is a real vector, then eyediagram interprets it as a real signal. The figure window contains a single plot.
eyediagram(x,n,period) is the same as the syntax above, except that the labels on the horizontal axis range between -period/2 and period/2. eyediagram(x,n,period,offset) is the same as the syntax above, except that the function assumes that the (offset+1)st value of the signal, and every nth value thereafter, occur at times that are integer multiples of period. The variable offset must be a nonnegative integer between 0 and n-1. eyediagram(x,n,period,offset,plotstring) is the same as the syntax above, except that plotstring determines the plotting symbol, line type, and color for the plot. plotstring is a string whose format and meaning are the same as in the plot function.



eyediagram(x,n,period,offset,plotstring,h) is the same as the syntax above, except that the eye diagram is in the figure whose handle is h, rather than a new figure. h must be a handle to a figure that eyediagram previously


Note You cannot use hold on to plot multiple signals in the same figure.

h = eyediagram(...) is the same as the earlier syntaxes, except that h is the handle to the figure that contains the eye diagram.

Examples See Also

See Example: Eye Diagrams on page 2-9 for an example. For an online demonstration, use scattereyedemo.
scatterplot, plot, scattereyedemo



Purpose Syntax Description


Convert between parity-check and generator matrices

parmat = gen2par(genmat); genmat = gen2par(parmat); parmat = gen2par(genmat) converts the standard-form binary generator matrix genmat into the corresponding parity-check matrix parmat. genmat = gen2par(parmat) converts the standard-form binary parity-check matrix parmat into the corresponding generator matrix genmat.

The standard forms of the generator and parity-check matrices for an [n,k] binary linear block code are shown in the table below.
Type of Matrix Standard Form Dimensions

Generator Parity-check

[Ik P] or [P Ik] [-P' In-k] or [In-k -P' ]

k-by-n (n-k)-by-n

where Ik is the identity matrix of size k and the ' symbol indicates matrix transpose. Two standard forms are listed for each type, since different authors use different conventions. For binary codes, the minus signs in the parity-check form listed above are irrelevant; that is, -1 = 1 in the binary field.


The commands below convert the parity-check matrix for a Hamming code into the corresponding generator matrix and back again.
parmat = hammgen(3) parmat = 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

genmat = gen2par(parmat)



genmat = 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

parmat2 = gen2par(genmat) % Ans should be the same as parmat above parmat2 = 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

See Also

cyclgen, hammgen



Purpose Syntax


Add polynomials over a Galois field

c c c c = = = = gfadd(a,b); gfadd(a,b,p); gfadd(a,b,p,len); gfadd(a,b,field);


c = gfadd(a,b) adds two GF(2) polynomials. The inputs and output are row vectors that give the coefficients of the corresponding polynomials in order of ascending powers. Each coefficient is either 0 or 1, since the field is GF(2). If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each row independently. c = gfadd(a,b,p) adds two GF(p) polynomials, where p is a prime number. a, b, and c are row vectors that give the coefficients of the corresponding

polynomials in order of ascending powers. Each coefficient is between 0 and p-1. If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each row independently.
c = gfadd(a,b,p,len) adds row vectors a and b as in the previous syntax, except that it returns a row vector of length len. The output c is a truncated or extended representation of the sum. If the row vector corresponding to the sum has fewer than len entries (including zeros), then extra zeros are added at the end; if it has more than len entries, then entries from the end are removed. c = gfadd(a,b,field) adds two GF(pm) elements, where m is a positive integer. a and b are the exponential format of the two elements, relative to some primitive element of GF(pm). field is the matrix listing all elements of GF(pm), arranged relative to the same primitive element. c is the exponential

format of the sum, relative to the same primitive element. See Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 for an explanation of these formats. If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each element independently.


In the code below, sum5 is the sum of 2 + 3x + x2 and 4 + 2x + 3x2 over GF(5), and linpart is the degree-one part of sum5.
sum5 = gfadd([2 3 1],[4 2 3],5)



sum5 = 1 0 4

linpart = gfadd([2 3 1],[4 2 3],5,2) linpart = 1 0

2 4 1

The code below shows that + = , where is a root of the primitive polynomial 2 + 2x + x2 for GF(9).
p = 3; m = 2; primpoly = [2 2 1]; field = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',primpoly,p); g = gfadd(2,4,field) g = 1

Other examples are in the section, Arithmetic in Galois Fields on page 2-97.

See Also

gfsub, gfconv, gfmul, gfdeconv, gfdiv, gftuple, gfplus



Purpose Syntax


Multiply polynomials over a Galois field

c = gfconv(a,b); c = gfconv(a,b,p); c = gfconv(a,b,field);


The gfconv function multiplies polynomials over a Galois field. (To multiply elements of a Galois field, use gfmul instead.) Algebraically, multiplying polynomials over a Galois field is equivalent to convolving vectors containing the polynomials coefficients, where the convolution operation uses arithmetic over the same Galois field.
c = gfconv(a,b) multiplies two GF(2) polynomials. The inputs and output are row vectors that give the coefficients of the corresponding polynomials in order of ascending powers. Each coefficient is either 0 or 1, since the field is GF(2). c = gfconv(a,b,p) multiplies two GF(p) polynomials, where p is a prime number. a, b, and c are row vectors that give the coefficients of the corresponding polynomials in order of ascending powers. Each coefficient is between 0 and p-1. c = gfconv(a,b,field) multiplies two GF(pm) polynomials, where p is a prime number and m is a positive integer. a, b, and c are row vectors that list

the exponential formats of the coefficients of the corresponding polynomials, in order of ascending powers. The exponential format is relative to some primitive element of GF(pm). field is the matrix listing all elements of GF(pm), arranged relative to the same primitive element. See Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 for an explanation of these formats.


The command below shows that ( 1 + x + x 4 ) ( x + x 2 ) = x + x 3 + x 5 + x 6 over GF(2).

gfc = gfconv([1 1 0 0 1],[0 1 1]) gfc = 0 1 0 1 0 1 1

The code below illustrates the identity



( x r + x s ) p = x rp + x sp in GF(p) for the case in which p = 7, r = 5, and s = 3. (The identity holds when p is any prime number, and r and s are positive integers.)
p = 7; r = 5; s = 3; a = gfrepcov([r s]); % x^r + x^s % Compute a^p over GF(p). c = 1; for ii = 1:p c = gfconv(c,a,p); end; % Check whether c = x^(rp) + x^(sp). powers = []; for ii = 1:length(c) if c(ii)~=0 powers = [powers, ii]; end; end; if (powers==[r*p+1 s*p+1] | powers==[s*p+1 r*p+1]) disp('The identity is proved for this case of r, s, and p.') end

See Also

gfdeconv, gfadd, gfsub, gfmul, gftuple



Purpose Syntax Description


Produce cyclotomic cosets for a Galois field

c = gfcosets(m); c = gfcosets(m,p); c = gfcosets(m) produces the cyclotomic cosets for GF(2m), where m is a

positive integer.
c = gfcosets(m,p) produces the cyclotomic cosets for GF(pm), where m is a positive integer and p is a prime number.

In both cases, the output matrix c is structured so that each row represents one coset. The row represents the coset by giving the exponential format of the elements of the coset, relative to the default primitive polynomial for the field. For a description of exponential formats, see Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90. The first column contains the coset leaders. Because the lengths of cosets may vary, entries of NaN are used to fill the extra spaces when necessary to make c rectangular. A cyclotomic coset is a set of elements that all satisfy the same minimal polynomial. For more details on cyclotomic cosets, see the works listed in References below.


The command below finds the cyclotomic cosets for GF(9).

c = gfcosets(2,3) c = 0 1 2 4 5 NaN 3 6 NaN 7

The gfminpol function can check that the elements of, for example, the third row of c indeed belong in the same coset.



m = [gfminpol(2,2,3); gfminpol(6,2,3)] % Rows are identical. m = 2 2 0 0 1 1

See Also References

gfminpol, gfprimdf, gfroots

Blahut, Richard E. Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1983, p.105. Lin, Shu and Daniel J. Costello, Jr. Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and Applications. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1983.



Purpose Syntax


Divide polynomials over a Galois field

[quot,remd] = gfdeconv(b,a); [quot,remd] = gfdeconv(b,a,p); [quot,remd] = gfdeconv(b,a,field);


The gfdeconv function divides polynomials over a Galois field. (To divide elements of a Galois field, use gfdiv instead.) Algebraically, dividing polynomials over a Galois field is equivalent to deconvolving vectors containing the polynomials coefficients, where the deconvolution operation uses arithmetic over the same Galois field.
[quot,remd] = gfdeconv(b,a) divides the polynomial b by the polynomial a over GF(2) and returns the quotient in quot and the remainder in remd. All inputs and outputs are row vectors that give the coefficients of the corresponding polynomials in order of ascending powers. Each coefficient is either 0 or 1, since the field is GF(2). [quot,remd] = gfdeconv(b,a,p) divides the polynomial b by the polynomial a over GF(p) and returns the quotient in quot and the remainder in remd. p is a prime number. b, a, quot, and remd are row vectors that give the coefficients

of the corresponding polynomials in order of ascending powers. Each coefficient is between 0 and p-1.
[quot,remd] = gfdeconv(b,a,field) divides the polynomial b by the polynomial a over GF(pm) and returns the quotient in quot and the remainder in remd. Here p is a prime number and m is a positive integer. b, a, quot, and remd are row vectors that list the exponential formats of the coefficients of the corresponding polynomials, in order of ascending powers. The exponential format is relative to some primitive element of GF(pm). field is the matrix listing all elements of GF(pm), arranged relative to the same primitive element. See Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 for an explanation of these formats.


The code below shows that ( x + x 3 + x 4 ) ( 1 + x ) = 1 + x 3 Remainder 1 in GF(2). It also checks the results of the division.



p = 2; b = [0 1 0 1 1]; a = [1 1]; [quot, remd] = gfdeconv(b,a,p) % Check the result. bnew = gfadd(gfconv(quot,a,p),remd,p); if isequal(bnew,b) disp('Correct.') end;

The output is below.

quot = 1 0 0 1

remd = 1 Correct.

Working over GF(3), the code below outputs those polynomials of the form xk - 1 (k = 2, 3, 4,..., 8) that 1 + x2 divides evenly.
p = 3; m = 2; a = [1 0 1]; % 1+x^2 for ii = 2:p^m-1 b = gfrepcov(ii); % x^ii b(1) = p-1; % -1+x^ii [quot, remd] = gfdeconv(b,a,p); % Display -1+x^ii if a divides it evenly. if remd==0 gfpretty(b) end end

The output is below.

4 2 + X



8 2 + X

In light of the discussion in Algorithm on the reference page for gfprimck along with the irreducibility of 1 + x2 over GF(3), this output indicates that 1 + x2 is not primitive for GF(9).

Algorithm See Also

The algorithm of gfdeconv is similar to that of the MATLAB function deconv.

gfconv, gfadd, gfsub, gfdiv, gftuple



Purpose Syntax


Divide elements of a Galois field

quot = gfdiv(b,a); quot = gfdiv(b,a,p); quot = gfdiv(b,a,field);


The gfdiv function divides elements of a Galois field. (To divide polynomials over a Galois field, use gfdeconv instead.)
quot = gfdiv(b,a) divides b by a in GF(2) and returns the quotient. If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each element independently. All entries of b, a, and quot are either 0 or 1, since the field is

quot = gfdiv(b,a,p) divides b by a in GF(p) and returns the quotient. p is a prime number. If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each element independently. All entries of b, a, and quot are between 0 and p-1. quot = gfdiv(b,a,field) divides b by a in GF(pm) and returns the quotient. p is a prime number and m is a positive integer. If a and b are matrices of the

same size, then the function treats each element independently. All entries of b, a, and quot are the exponential formats of elements of GF(pm) relative to some primitive element of GF(pm). field is the matrix listing all elements of GF(pm), arranged relative to the same primitive element. See Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 for an explanation of these formats. In all cases, an attempt to divide by the zero element of the field results in a quotient of NaN.


The code below displays lists of multiplicative inverses in GF(5) and GF(25). It uses column vectors as inputs to gfdiv.
% Find inverses of nonzero elements of GF(5). p = 5; b = ones(p-1,1); a = [1:p-1]'; quot1 = gfdiv(b,a,p); disp('Inverses in GF(5):') disp('element inverse') disp([a, quot1])



% Find inverses of nonzero elements of GF(25). m = 2; field = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',m,p); b = zeros(p^m-1,1); % Numerator is zero since 1 = alpha^0. a = [0:p^m-2]'; quot2 = gfdiv(b,a,field); disp('Inverses in GF(25), expressed in EXPONENTIAL FORMAT with') disp('respect to a root of the default primitive polynomial:') disp('element inverse') disp([a, quot2])

See Also

gfmul, gfdeconv, gfconv, gftuple



Purpose Syntax Description


Filter data using polynomials over a prime Galois field

y = gffilter(b,a,x); y = gffilter(b,a,x,p); y = gffilter(b,a,x) filters the data x using the filter described by vectors a and b. y is the filtered data in GF(2). y = gffilter(b,a,x,p) filters the data x using the filter described by vectors a and b. y is the filtered data in GF(p). p is a prime number, and all entries of a and b are between 0 and p-1.

By definition of the filter, y solves the difference equation below

a(1)y(n) = b(1)x(n)+b(2)x(n-1)+b(3)x(n-2)+...+b(B+1)x(n-B) -a(2)y(n-1)-a(3)y(n-2)-...-a(A+1)y(n-A)

where: A+1 is the length of the vector a B+1 is the length of the vector b n varies between 1 and the length of the vector x. The vector a represents the degree-na polynomial


The impulse response of a particular filter is given in the code and diagram below.
b = [1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1]; a = [1 0 1 1]; y = gffilter(b,a,[1,zeros(1,19)]); stem(y); axis([0 20 -.1 1.1])




For filters over GF(2) only, gffilter uses an algorithm similar to that used by the MATLAB function filter. You can use filter for filters over GF(2) by using the command below.
y = abs(rem(filter(b,a,x),2));

However, this may produce an error if a is not stable in the regular discrete-time system analysis and the vector x is too long, or for a high order filter. gffilter produces an accurate result in all cases.

See Also

gfconv, gfadd, filter



Purpose Syntax


Find a particular solution of A x = b over a prime Galois field

x = gflineq(A,b); x = gflineq(A,b,p); [x,vld] = gflineq(...); x = gflineq(A,b) returns a particular solution of the linear equation A x = b over GF(2). If A is a k-by-n matrix and b is a vector of length k, then x is a vector of length n. Each entry of A, x, and b is either 0 or 1. If no solution exists, then x is empty. x = gflineq(A,b,p) returns a particular solution of the linear equation A x = b over GF(p), where p is a prime number. If A is a k-by-n matrix and b is a vector of length k, then x is a vector of length n. Each entry of A, x, and b is an integer between 0 and p-1. [x,vld] = gflineq(...) returns a flag vld that indicates the existence of a solution. If vld = 1, then the solution x exists and is valid; if vld = 0, then no solution exists.



The code below produces some valid solutions of a linear equation over GF(2).
A=[1 0 1; 1 1 0; 1 1 1]; % An example in which the solutions are valid [x,vld] = gflineq(A,[1;0;0]) x = 1 1 0

vld = 1



By contrast, the command below finds that the linear equation has no solutions.
[x2,vld2] = gflineq(zeros(3,3),[1;0;0]) This linear equation has no solution. x2 = []

vld2 = 0

Algorithm See Also

gflineq uses Gaussian elimination. gfadd, gfdiv, gfroots, gfrank, gfconv, conv



Purpose Syntax


Find the minimal polynomial of an element of a Galois field

pol pol pol pol = = = = gfminpol(k,m); gfminpol(k,primpoly); gfminpol(k,m,p); gfminpol(k,primpoly,p); k


over GF(2), where is a root of the default primitive polynomial for GF(2 ). m is an integer greater than one. The format of the output is listed below:

pol = gfminpol(k,m) finds the minimal polynomial of

If k is a nonnegative integer, then pol is a row vector that gives the coefficients of the minimal polynomial in order of ascending powers. If k is a vector of length len all of whose entries are nonnegative integers, then pol is a matrix having len rows; the rth row of pol gives the coefficients of the minimal polynomial of

in order of ascending powers.

pol = gfminpol(k,primpoly) is the same as the first syntax listed, except that is a root of the primitive polynomial for GF(2m) specified by primpoly. primpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients of the degree-m primitive polynomial in order of ascending powers. pol = gfminpol(k,m,p) is the same as the first syntax listed, except that 2 is replaced by a prime number p. pol = gfminpol(k,primpoly,p) is the same as the first syntax listed, except that 2 is replaced by a prime number p, and that is a root of the primitive polynomial for GF(pm) specified by primpoly. primpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients of the degree-m primitive polynomial in order of ascending powers.


The syntax gfminpol(k,m,p) is used in the sample code in the section Characterization of Polynomials on page 2-101. As another example, the code below determines which elements of GF(24) are also in GF(22), by considering the degrees of their minimal polynomials.
p = 2; m = 4; % Consider elements of GF(16). primpoly = gfprimdf(4);



% Get minimal polys for all elements except 0 and 1. k = [1:p^m-2]; minpolys = gfminpol(k,primpoly); % Check which minimal polys have degree 2. gf4=[]; for ii = 1:p^m-2 if length(gftrunc(minpolys(ii,:)))==3 % A degree-2 polynomial gf4=[gf4, ii]; end end disp(['The elements of GF(4) are 0, 1, alpha^',... int2str(gf4(1)),' and alpha^',int2str(gf4(2))]) disp('where alpha is a root in GF(16) of the polynomial') gfpretty(primpoly)

The output is below.

The elements of GF(4) are 0, 1, alpha^5 and alpha^10 where alpha is a root in GF(16) of the polynomial 4 1 + X + X

See Also

gfprimdf, gfcosets, gfroots



Purpose Syntax


Multiply elements of a Galois field

c = gfmul(a,b); c = gfmul(a,b,p); c = gfmul(a,b,field);


The gfmul function multiplies elements of a Galois field. (To multiply polynomials over a Galois field, use gfconv instead.)
c = gfmul(a,b) multiplies a and b in GF(2). Each entry of a and b is either 0 or 1. If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each element independently. c = gfmul(a,b,p) multiplies a and b in GF(p). Each entry of a and b is between 0 and p-1. p is a prime number. If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each element independently. c = gfmul(a,b,field) multiplies a and b in GF(pm), where p is a prime number and m is a positive integer. a and b represent elements of GF(pm) in exponential format relative to some primitive element of GF(pm). field is the

matrix listing all elements of GF(pm), arranged relative to the same primitive element. c is the exponential format of the product, relative to the same primitive element. See Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 for an explanation of these formats. If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each element independently.


The section Arithmetic in Galois Fields on page 2-97 contains examples. Also, 2 4 6 the code below shows that = , where is a root of the primitive 2 for GF(9). polynomial 2 + 2x + x
p = 3; m = 2; primpoly = [2 2 1]; field = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',primpoly,p); a = gfmul(2,4,field) a = 6

See Also

gfdiv, gfdeconv, gfadd, gfsub, gftuple



Purpose Syntax Description


Add elements of a Galois field of characteristic two

k = gfplus(a,b,fvec,ivec); k = gfplus(a,b,fvec,ivec) adds a and b in GF(2m), using the exponential format to represent inputs and outputs. If a and b are matrices, then they must have the same dimensions, and gfplus adds them element-by-element. See

Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 for an explanation of the exponential format.
fvec and ivec are vectors of length 2m. The entries in both are integers between 0 and 2m-1. fvec contains the same information as the field parameter as used by gfadd, except that fvec has been condensed into a vector. To compute fvec and ivec, define m and then use the commands below. fvec = gftuple([1 : 2^m2]',m) 2.^[0 : m1]'; ivec(fvec + 1) = 0 : 2^m - 1;

Alternatively, define a primitive polynomial vector pol and then use the commands below. See gfprimfd for information about defining pol.
fvec = gftuple([1 : 2^m2]',pol) 2.^[0 : m1]'; ivec(fvec + 1) = 0 : 2^m - 1;


This example adds two matrices, each of which contains random nonzero elements of GF(25).
m = 5; a = randint(3,6,2^m-1,1234); % Create a 3-by-6 matrix in GF(2^5). b = randint(3,6,2^m-1); fvec = gftuple([-1 : 2^m - 2]',m)*2.^[0 : m-1]'; ivec(fvec + 1) = 0 : 2^m - 1; aplusb = gfplus(a,b,fvec,ivec) % Add. aplusb = 22 9 15 25 30 17 4 24 10 23 23 12 9 -Inf 25 29 19 30

See Also

gfadd, gfsub



Purpose Syntax


Display a polynomial in traditional format

gfpretty(a) gfpretty(a,st) gfpretty(a,st,n) gfpretty(a) displays a polynomial in a traditional format, using X as the variable and the entries of the row vector a as the coefficients in order of ascending powers. The polynomial is displayed in order of ascending powers. Terms having a zero coefficient are not displayed. gfpretty(a,st) is the same as the first syntax listed, except that the content of the string st is used as the variable instead of X. gfpretty(a,st,n) is the same as the first syntax listed, except that the content of the string st is used as the variable instead of X, and each line of the display has width n instead of the default value of 79.


Note For all syntaxes: If you do not use a fixed-width font, then the spacing in the display might not look correct.


The code below displays statements about the elements of GF(16).

p = 2; m = 4; ii = randint(1,1,[1,p^m-2]); % Random exponent for prim element primpolys = gfprimfd(m,'all'); [rows, cols] = size(primpolys); jj = randint(1,1,[1,rows]); % Random primitive polynomial disp('If A is a root of the primitive polynomial') gfpretty(primpolys(jj,:)) % Polynomial in X disp('then the element') gfpretty([zeros(1,ii),1],'A') % The polynomial A^ii disp('can also be expressed as') gfpretty(gftuple(ii,m,p),'A') % Polynomial in A

Below is a sample of the output.



If A is a root of the primitive polynomial 3 4 1 + X + X then the element 5 A can also be expressed as 2 A + A

See Also

gftuple, gfprimdf



Purpose Syntax Description


Check whether a polynomial over a Galois field is primitive

ck = gfprimck(a); ck = gfprimck(a,p); ck = gfprimck(a) returns a flag ck that indicates whether a polynomial over GF(2) is irreducible or primitive. a is a row vector that gives the coefficients of the polynomial in order of ascending powers. Each coefficient is either 0 or 1, since the field is GF(2). If m is the degree of the polynomial, then the output ck is:

-1 if a is not an irreducible polynomial 0 if a is irreducible but not a primitive polynomial for GF(2m) 1 if a is a primitive polynomial for GF(2m) This function considers the zero polynomial to be not irreducible and considers all polynomials of degree zero or one to be primitive.
ck = gfprimck(a,p) is the same as the syntax listed above, except that 2 is replaced by a prime number p.

Examples Algorithm See Also References

The section Characterization of Polynomials on page 2-101 contains examples. An irreducible polynomial over GF(p) of degree at least 2 is primitive if and only if it does not divide -1 + xk for any positive integer k smaller than pm-1.
gfprimfd, gfprimdf, gftuple, gfminpol, gfadd

Clark, George C. Jr. and J. Bibb Cain. Error-Correction Coding for Digital Communications. New York: Plenum Press, 1981.



Purpose Syntax Description


Provide default primitive polynomials for a Galois field

pol = gfprimdf(m); pol = gfprimdf(m,p); pol = gfprimdf(m) returns the row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of MATLABs default primitive polynomial for GF(2m). m is a positive integer. pol = gfprimdf(m,p) returns the row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of MATLABs default primitive polynomial for GF(pm). m is a positive integer and p is a prime number.


The command below shows that 2 + x + x2 is the default primitive polynomial for GF(52).
pol = gfprimdf(2,5) pol = 2 1 1

The code below displays the default primitive polynomial for each of the fields GF(2m), where m ranges between 3 and 5.
for m = 3:5 gfpretty(gfprimdf(m)) end 3 1 + X + X 4 1 + X + X 2 5 1 + X + X

See Also

gfprimck, gfprimfd, gftuple, gfminpol



Purpose Syntax


Find primitive polynomials for a Galois field

pol = gfprimfd(m); pol = gfprimfd(m,opt); pol = gfprimfd(m,opt,p);


For all syntaxes: If m = 1, then pol = [1 1]. A polynomial is represented as a row containing the coefficients in order of ascending powers.
pol = gfprimfd(m) returns the row vector representing one primitive polynomial for GF(2m). m is a positive integer. pol = gfprimfd(m,opt) searches for one or more primitive polynomials for GF(2m), where m is a positive integer. If m > 1, then the output pol depends on the argument opt as shown in the table below.

opt 'min'

Significance of pol

Format of pol

One primitive polynomial for GF(2m) having the smallest possible number of nonzero terms One primitive polynomial for GF(2m) having the greatest possible number of nonzero terms All primitive polynomials for GF(2m) All primitive polynomials for GF(2m) that have opt nonzero terms

The row vector representing the polynomial The row vector representing the polynomial A matrix, each row of which represents one such polynomial A matrix, each row of which represents one such polynomial



A positive integer

pol = gfprimfd(m,opt,p) is the same as pol = gfprimfd(m,opt) except that 2 is replaced by a prime number p.




The code below seeks primitive polynomials for GF(32) having various other properties. Notice that fourterms is empty because no primitive polynomial for GF(32) has exactly four nonzero terms. Also notice that manyterms represents a single polynomial having five terms, while fiveterms represents all of the five-term primitive polynomials for GF(32).
p = 2; m = 5; % Work in GF(32). manyterms = gfprimfd(5,'max') fiveterms = gfprimfd(5,5) fourterms = gfprimfd(5,4)

The output is below.

manyterms = 1 1 1 1 0 1

fiveterms = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

No primitive polynomial satisfies the given constraints. fourterms = []


gfprimfd tests for primitivity using gfprimck. If opt is 'min', 'max', or omitted, then polynomials are constructed by converting decimal integers to base p. Based on the decimal ordering, gfprimfd returns the first polynomial it finds that satisfies the appropriate conditions. gfprimck, gfprimdf, gftuple, gfminpol

See Also



Purpose Syntax Description


Compute the rank of a matrix over a Galois field

rk = gfrank(A); rk = gfrank(A,p); rk = gfrank(A) calculates the rank of the matrix A in GF(2). rk = gfrank(A,p) calculates the rank of the matrix A in GF(p), where p is a

prime number.

Algorithm Examples

gfrank uses an algorithm similar to Gaussian elimination.

In the code below, gfrank says that the matrix A has less than full rank. This conclusion makes sense because the determinant of A is zero mod 2.
A=[1 0 1; 1 1 0; 0 1 1]; det_a = det(A); % Ordinary determinant of A detmod2 = rem(det(A),2); % Determinant mod 2 rank2 = gfrank(A); disp(['determinant = ',num2str(det_a)]) disp(['determinant mod 2 is ',num2str(detmod2)]) disp(['rank over GF(2) is ',num2str(rank2)])

The output is below.

determinant = 2 determinant mod 2 is 0 rank over GF(2) is 2

Notice that gflineq finds only the trivial solution to the equation Ax = 0, even though the output above implies that there are infinitely many other solutions.
sol = gflineq(A,[0;0;0])' sol = 0 0 0

See Also




Purpose Syntax Description


Convert one GF(2) polynomial representation to another

polystandard = gfrepcov(poly2)

Two logical ways to represent polynomials over GF(2) are listed below:
1 [A_0 A_1 A_2 ... A_(m-1)] represents the polynomial

A_0 + A_1 x + A_2 x 2 + + A_(m-1) x m 1 .

Each entry A_k is either one or zero.

2 [A_0 A_1 A_2 ... A_(m-1)] represents the polynomial

x A_0 + x A_1 + x A_2 + + x A_(m-1) . Each entry A_k is a nonnegative integer. All entries must be distinct. Format 1 is the standard form used by the Galois field functions in this toolbox, but there are some cases in which format 2 is more convenient.
polystandard = gfrepcov(poly2) converts from the second format to the first, for polynomials of degree at least 2. poly2 and polystandard are row vectors. The entries of poly2 are distinct integers, and at least one entry must exceed 1. Each entry of polystandard is either 0 or 1.

Note If poly2 is a binary row vector, then gfrepcov assumes that it is already in Format 1 above and returns it unaltered.


The command below converts the representation format of the polynomial 1 + x2 + x5.
polystandard = gfrepcov([0 2 5]) polystandard = 1 0 1 0 0 1

See Also




Purpose Syntax


Find the roots of a polynomial over a prime Galois field

rt = gfroots(f); rt = gfroots(f,m); rt = gfroots(f,primpoly); rt = gfroots(f,m,p); rt = gfroots(f,primpoly,p); [rt,rt_tuple] = gfroots(...); [rt,rt_tuple,field] = gfroots(...);


For all syntaxes, f is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of a degree-d polynomial.

Note gfroots lists each root exactly once, ignoring multiplicities of roots.

rt = gfroots(f) finds roots in GF(2d) of the polynomial that f represents. rt

is a column vector each of whose entries is the exponential format of a root. The exponential format is relative to a root of the default primitive polynomial for GF(2d).
rt = gfroots(f,m) finds roots in GF(2m) of the polynomial that f represents. m is an integer greater than or equal to d. rt is a column vector each of whose

entries is the exponential format of a root. The exponential format is relative to a root of the default primitive polynomial for GF(2m).
rt = gfroots(f,primpoly) finds roots in GF(2m) of the polynomial that f represents. rt is a column vector each of whose entries is the exponential

format of a root. The exponential format is relative to a root of the degree-m primitive polynomial for GF(2m) that primpoly represents. m is an integer greater than or equal to d.
rt = gfroots(f,m,p) is the same as rt = gfroots(f,m) except that 2 is replaced by a prime number p. rt = gfroots(f,primpoly,p) is the same as rt = gfroots(f,primpoly) except that 2 is replaced by a prime number p.



[rt,rt_tuple] = gfroots(...) returns an additional matrix rt_tuple, whose kth row is the polynomial format of the root rt(k). The polynomial and

exponential formats are both relative to the same primitive element.

[rt,rt_tuple,field] = gfroots(...) returns additional matrices rt_tuple and field. rt_tuple is described in the paragraph above. field gives the list

of elements of the extension field. The list of elements, the polynomial format, and the exponential format are all relative to the same primitive element.

Note For a description of the various formats that gfroots uses, see Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90.


The section, Roots of Polynomials on page 2-102, contains a description and example of the use of gfroots. As another example, the code below finds the polynomial format of the roots of the primitive polynomial 1 + x3 + x4 for GF(16). It then displays the roots in traditional form as polynomials in alpha. Since primpoly is both the primitive polynomial and the polynomial whose roots are sought, alpha itself is a root.
p = 2; m = 4; primpoly = [1 0 0 1 1]; % A primitive polynomial for GF(16) f = primpoly; % Find roots of the primitive polynomial. [rt,rt_tuple] = gfroots(f,primpoly,p); % Display roots as polynomials in alpha. for ii = 1:length(rt_tuple) gfpretty(rt_tuple(ii,:),'alpha') end

See Also

gfprimdf, gflineq



Purpose Syntax


Subtract polynomials over a Galois field

c c c c = = = = gfsub(a,b); gfsub(a,b,p); gfsub(a,b,p,len); gfsub(a,b,field);


c = gfsub(a,b) calculates a minus b, where a and b represent polynomials over GF(2). The inputs and output are row vectors that give the coefficients of the corresponding polynomials in order of ascending powers. Each coefficient is either 0 or 1, since the field is GF(2). If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each row independently. c = gfsub(a,b,p) calculates a minus b, where a and b represent polynomials over GF(p) and p is a prime number. a, b, and c are row vectors that give the

coefficients of the corresponding polynomials in order of ascending powers. Each coefficient is between 0 and p-1. If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each row independently.
c = gfsub(a,b,p,len) subtracts row vectors as in the syntax above, except that it returns a row vector of length len. The output c is a truncated or extended representation of the answer. If the row vector corresponding to the answer has fewer than len entries (including zeros), then extra zeros are added at the end; if it has more than len entries, then entries from the end are removed. c = gfsub(a,b,field) calculates a minus b, where a and b are the exponential format of two elements of GF(pm), relative to some primitive element of GF(pm). p is a prime number and m is a positive integer. field is the matrix listing all elements of GF(pm), arranged relative to the same primitive element. c is the exponential format of the answer, relative to the same primitive element. See Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 for an explanation of these formats. If a and b are matrices of the same size, then the function treats each element independently.


In the code below, differ is the difference of 2 + 3x + x2 and 4 + 2x + 3x2 over GF(5), and linpart is the degree-one part of differ.
differ = gfsub([2 3 1],[4 2 3],5)



differ = 3 1 3

linpart = gfsub([2 3 1],[4 2 3],5,2) linpart = 3 1

2 4 7

The code below shows that = , where is a root of the primitive polynomial 2 + 2x + x2 for GF(9).
p = 3; m = 2; primpoly = [2 2 1]; field = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',primpoly,p); d = gfsub(2,4,field) d = 7

See Also

gfadd, gfconv, gfmul, gfdeconv, gfdiv, gftuple



Purpose Syntax Description


Minimize the length of a polynomial representation

c = gftrunc(a); c = gftrunc(a) truncates a row vector, a, that gives the coefficients of a GF(p) polynomial in order of ascending powers. If a(k) = 0 whenever k > d + 1, then the polynomial has degree d. The row vector c omits these high-order zeros and thus has length d + 1.


In the code below, zeros are removed from the end, but not from the beginning or middle, of the row-vector representation of x2 + 2x3 + 3x4 + 4x7 + 5x8.
c = gftrunc([0 0 1 2 3 0 0 4 5 0 0]) c = 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 4 5

See Also

gfadd, gfsub, gfconv, gfdeconv, gftuple



Purpose Syntax


Simplify or convert the format of elements of a Galois field

tp = gftuple(a,m); tp = gftuple(a,primpoly); tp = gftuple(a,m,p); tp = gftuple(a,primpoly,p); tp = gftuple(a,primpoly,p,prim_ck); [tp,expform] = gftuple(...);


For All Syntaxes

gftuple serves to simplify the polynomial or exponential format of Galois field elements, or to convert from one format to another. For an explanation of the formats that gftuple uses, see Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90.

In this discussion, the format of an element of GF(pm) is called simplest if all exponents of the primitive element are: Between 0 and m-1 for the polynomial format Either -Inf, or between 0 and pm-2 for the exponential format For all syntaxes, a is a matrix, each row of which represents an element of a Galois field. The format of a determines how MATLAB interprets it: If a is a column of integers, then MATLAB interprets each row as an exponential format of an element. Negative integers are equivalent to -Inf in that they all represent the zero element of the field. If a has more than one column, then MATLAB interprets each row as a polynomial format of an element. (Each entry of a must be an integer between 0 and p-1, where p is 2 if not specified as an input.) The exponential or polynomial formats mentioned above are all relative to a primitive element specified by the second input argument. The second argument is described below.

For Specific Syntaxes

tp = gftuple(a,m) returns the simplest polynomial format of the elements that a represents, where the kth row of tp corresponds to the kth row of a. The


formats are relative to a root of the default primitive polynomial for GF(2m). m is a positive integer. If possible, the default primitive polynomial is used to simplify the polynomial formats.
tp = gftuple(a,primpoly) returns the simplest polynomial format of the element that a represents, where the kth row of tp corresponds to the kth row of a. The formats are relative to a root of the primitive polynomial whose coefficients are given, in order of ascending powers, by the row vector primpoly. If possible, this primitive polynomial is used to simplify the polynomial formats. tp = gftuple(a,m,p) is the same as tp = gftuple(a,m) except that 2 is replaced by a prime number p. tp = gftuple(a,primpoly,p) is the same as tp = gftuple(a,primpoly) except that 2 is replaced by a prime number p. tp = gftuple(a,primpoly,p,prim_ck) is the same as tp = gftuple(a,primpoly,p) except that gftuple checks whether primpoly represents a polynomial that is indeed primitive. If not, then gftuple generates an error and tp is not returned. The input argument prim_ck can be

any number or string; only its existence matters.

[tp,expform] = gftuple(...) returns the additional matrix expform. The kth row of expform is the simplest exponential format of the element that the kth row of a represents. All other features are as described in earlier parts of this Description section, depending on the input arguments.


Some examples are in these subsections of Galois Field Computations on page 2-89: List of All Elements of a Galois Field on page 2-91 (end of section) Converting to Simplest Polynomial Format on page 2-94 Converting to Simplest Exponential Format on page 2-96 As another example, the gftuple command below generates a list of elements of GF(pm), arranged relative to a root of the default primitive polynomial. Some functions in this toolbox use such a list as an input argument.



p = 5; % Or any prime number m = 4; % Or any positive integer field = gftuple([-1:p^m-2]',m,p);

Finally, the two commands below illustrate the influence of the shape of the input matrix. In the first command, a column vector is treated as a sequence of elements expressed in exponential format. In the second command, a row vector is treated as a single element expressed in polynomial format.
tp1 = gftuple([0; 1],3) tp1 = 1 0 0 1 0 0

tp2 = gftuple([0, 0, 0, 1],3) tp2 = 1 1 0

The outputs reflect that, according to the default primitive polynomial for GF(8), the relations below are true. = 1 + 0 + 0 = 0 + 1 + 0
2 3 1 0 2 2 2

0 + 0 + 0 + = 1 + + 0

Algorithm See Also

gftuple uses recursive callbacks to determine the exponential format. gfadd, gfmul, gfconv, gfdiv, gfdeconv, gfprimdf



Purpose Syntax


Calculate the minimum distance of a linear block code

wt wt wt wt = = = = gfweight(genmat); gfweight(genmat,'gen'); gfweight(parmat,'par'); gfweight(genpoly,n);


The minimum distance, or minimum weight, of a linear block code is defined as the smallest positive number of nonzero entries in any n-tuple that is a codeword.
wt = gfweight(genmat) returns the minimum distance of the linear block code whose generator matrix is genmat. wt = gfweight(genmat,'gen') returns the minimum distance of the linear block code whose generator matrix is genmat. wt = gfweight(parmat,'par') returns the minimum distance of the linear block code whose parity-check matrix is parmat. wt = gfweight(genpoly,n) returns the minimum distance of the cyclic code whose codeword length is n and whose generator polynomial is represented by genpoly. genpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients of the generator polynomial in order of ascending powers.


The commands below illustrate three different ways to compute the minimum distance of a (7,4) cyclic code.
n = 7; % Generator polynomial of (7,4) cyclic code genpoly = cyclpoly(n,4); [parmat, genmat] = cyclgen(n,genpoly); wts = [gfweight(genmat,'gen'),gfweight(parmat,'par'),... gfweight(genpoly,n)] wts = 3 3 3

See Also

hammgen, cyclpoly, bchpoly



Purpose Syntax


Produce parity-check and generator matrices for Hamming code

h = hammgen(m); h = hammgen(m,pol); [h,g] = hammgen(...); [h,g,n,k] = hammgen(...);


For all syntaxes, the codeword length is n. n has the form 2m-1 for some positive integer m greater than or equal to 3. The message length, k, has the form n-m.
h = hammgen(m) produces an m-by-n parity-check matrix for a Hamming code having codeword length n = 2m-1. m is a positive integer greater than or equal to 3. The message length of the code is n-m. The binary primitive polynomial used to produce the Hamming code is MATLABs default primitive polynomial for GF(2m), represented by gfprimdf(m). h = hammgen(m,pol) produces an m-by-n parity-check matrix for a Hamming code having codeword length n = 2m-1. m is a positive integer greater than or equal to 3. The message length of the code is n-m. pol is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the binary primitive polynomial for GF(2m) that is used to produce the Hamming code. hammgen produces an error if pol represents a polynomial that is not, in fact, primitive. [h,g] = hammgen(...) is the same as h = hammgen(...) except that it also produces the k-by-n generator matrix g that corresponds to the parity-check matrix h. k, the message length, equals n-m, or, 2m-1-m. [h,g,n,k] = hammgen(...) is the same as [h,g] = hammgen(...) except that it also returns the codeword length n and the message length k.

Note If your value of m is less than 25 and if your primitive polynomial is MATLABs default primitive polynomial for GF(2m), then the syntax hammgen(m) is likely to be faster than the syntax hammgen(m,pol).


The command below exhibits the parity-check and generator matrices for a Hamming code with codeword length 7 = 23-1 and message length 4 = 7-3.



[h,g,n,k] = hammgen(3) h = 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

g = 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

n = 7

k = 4

The command below, which uses 1 + x2 + x3 as the primitive polynomial for GF(23), shows that the parity-check matrix depends on the choice of primitive polynomial. Notice that h1 below is different from h in the example above.
h1 = hammgen(3,[1 0 1 1]) h1 = 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1




Unlike gftuple which processes one m-tuple at a time, hammgen generates the entire sequence from 0 to 2m1. The computation algorithm uses all previously computed values to produce the computation result.
gftuple, gfrepcov, gfprimck, gfprimfd, gfprimdf

See Also



Purpose Syntax


Convert a Hankel matrix to a linear system model

[num,den] = hank2sys(h,ini,tol) [num,den,sv] = hank2sys(h,ini,tol) [a,b,c,d] = hank2sys(h,ini,tol) [a,b,c,d,sv] = hank2sys(h,ini,tol) [num,den] = hank2sys(h,ini,tol) converts a Hankel matrix h to a linear system transfer function with numerator num and denominator den. The vectors num and den list the coefficients of their respective polynomials in order of ascending exponents. ini is the system impulse at time zero. If tol > 1, then tol is the order of the conversion. If tol < 1, then tol is the tolerance in selecting the conversion order based on the singular values. If you omit tol, then its default value is 0.01. This conversion uses the singular value decomposition method. [num,den,sv] = hank2sys(h,ini,tol) returns a vector sv that lists the


singular values of h.
[a,b,c,d] = hank2sys(h,ini,tol) converts a Hankel matrix h to a corresponding linear system state-space model. a, b, c, and d are matrices. The input parameters are the same as in the first syntax above. [a,b,c,d,sv] = hank2sys(h,ini,tol) is the same as the syntax above, except that sv is a vector that lists the singular values of h.


h = hankel([1 0 1]); [num,den,sv] = hank2sys(h,0,.01) num = 0 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000

den = 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000



sv = 1.6180 1.0000 0.6180

See Also

hilbiir, hankel, rcosflt



Purpose Syntax


Design a Hilbert transform IIR filter

hilbiir; hilbiir(ts); hilbiir(ts,dly); hilbiir(ts,dly,bandwidth); hilbiir(ts,dly,bandwidth,tol); [num,den] = hilbiir(...); [num,den,sv] = hilbiir(...); [a,b,c,d] = hilbiir(...); [a,b,c,d,sv] = hilbiir(...);


The function hilbiir designs a Hilbert transform filter. The output is either: A plot of the filters impulse response, or A quantitative characterization of the filter, using either a transfer function model or a state-space model

Background Information
An ideal Hilbert transform filter has the transfer function H(s) = -j sgn(s), where sgn(.) is the signum function (sign in MATLAB). The impulse response of the Hilbert transform filter is 1 h ( t ) = ---t Since the Hilbert transform filter is a noncausal filter, the hilbiir function introduces a group delay, dly. A Hilbert transform filter with this delay has the impulse response 1 h ( t ) = ------------------------- ( t dly )

Choosing a Group Delay Parameter

The filter design is an approximation. If you provide the filters group delay as an input argument, then these two suggestions can help improve the accuracy of the results:



Choose the sample time ts and the filters group delay dly so that dly is at least a few times larger than ts and rem(dly,ts) = ts/2. For example, you can set ts to 2*dly/N, where N is a positive integer. At the point t = dly, the impulse response of the Hilbert transform filter can be interpreted as 0, Inf, or Inf. If hilbiir encounters this point, then it sets the impulse response there to zero. To improve accuracy, avoid the point t = dly.

Syntaxes for Plots

Each of these syntaxes produces a plot of the impulse response of the filter that the hilbiir function designs, as well as the impulse response of a corresponding ideal Hilbert transform filter.
hilbiir plots the impulse response of a fourth-order digital Hilbert transform

filter with a 1-second group delay. The sample time is 2/7 seconds. In this particular design, the tolerance index is 0.05. The plot also displays the impulse response of the ideal Hilbert transform filter with a 1-second group delay.
hilbiir(ts) plots the impulse response of a fourth-order Hilbert transform filter with a sample time of ts seconds and a group delay of ts*7/2 seconds. The tolerance index is 0.05. The plot also displays the impulse response of the ideal Hilbert transform filter having a sample time of ts seconds and a group delay of ts*7/2 seconds. hilbiir(ts,dly) is the same as the syntax above, except that the filters group delay is dly for both the ideal filter and the filter that hilbiir designs. See Choosing a Group Delay Parameter above for guidelines on choosing dly. hilbiir(ts,dly,bandwidth) is the same as the syntax above, except that bandwidth specifies the assumed bandwidth of the input signal and that the filter design might use a compensator for the input signal. If bandwidth = 0 or bandwidth > 1/(2*ts), then hilbiir does not use a compensator. hilbiir(ts,dly,bandwidth,tol) is the same as the syntax above, except that tol is the tolerance index. If tol < 1, then the order of the filter is determined




truncated-singular-value --------------------------------------------------------------------- < tol maximum-singular-value If tol > 1, then the order of the filter is tol.

Syntaxes for Transfer Function and State-Space Quantities

Each of these syntaxes produces quantitative information about the filter that hilbiir designs, but does not produce a plot. The input arguments for these syntaxes (if you provide any) are the same as those described in the Syntaxes for Plots section above.
[num,den] = hilbiir(...) outputs the numerator and denominator of the

IIR filters transfer function.

[num,den,sv] = hilbiir(...) outputs the numerator and denominator of the IIR filters transfer function, and the singular values of the Hankel matrix that hilbiir uses in the computation. [a,b,c,d] = hilbiir(...) outputs the discrete-time state-space model of the designed Hilbert transform filter. a, b, c, and d are matrices. [a,b,c,d,sv] = hilbiir(...) outputs the discrete-time state-space model of the designed Hilbert transform filter, and the singular values of the Hankel matrix that hilbiir uses in the computation.


The hilbiir function calculates the impulse response of the ideal Hilbert transform filter response with a group delay. It fits the response curve using a singular-value decomposition method. See the book by Kailath listed below. At the MATLAB prompt, type hilbiir or [num,den] = hilbiir for an example using the functions default values.

Examples See Also References

Kailath, Thomas. Linear Systems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980.



Purpose Syntax Description


Check if the input is a valid trellis structure

[isok,status] = istrellis(s); [isok,status] = istrellis(s) checks if the input s is a valid trellis structure. If the input is a valid trellis structure, then isok is 1 and status is an empty string. Otherwise, isok is 0 and status is a string that indicates why s is not a valid trellis structure.

A valid trellis structure is a MATLAB structure whose fields are as in the table below.
Table 3-16: Fields of a Valid Trellis Structure for a Rate k/n Code Field in Trellis Structure numInputSymbols numOutputsymbols numStates nextStates Dimensions Meaning

Scalar Scalar Scalar


Number of input symbols to the encoder: 2k Number of output symbols from the encoder: 2n Number of states in the encoder Next states for all combinations of current state and current input Outputs (in octal) for all combinations of current state and current input

outputs numStates-by-2k


In the nextStates matrix, each entry is an integer between 0 and numStates-1. The element in the sth row and uth column denotes the next state when the starting state is s-1 and the input bits have decimal representation u-1. To convert the input bits to a decimal value, use the first input bit as the most significant bit (MSB). For example, the second column of the nextStates matrix stores the next states when the current set of input values is {0,...,0,1}. To convert the state to a decimal value, use this rule: If k exceeds 1, then the shift register that receives the first input stream in the encoder provides the least significant bits in the state number, while the shift register that receives the last input stream in the encoder provides the most significant bits in the state number.



In the outputs matrix, the element in the sth row and uth column denotes the encoders output when the starting state is s-1 and the input bits have decimal representation u-1. To convert to decimal value, use the first output bit as the MSB.


These commands assemble the fields into a very simple trellis structure, and then verify the validity of the trellis structure.
trellis.numInputSymbols = 2; trellis.numOutputSymbols = 2; trellis.numStates = 2; trellis.nextStates = [0 1;0 1]; trellis.outputs = [0 0;1 1]; [isok,status] = istrellis(trellis) isok = 1

status = ''

See Also

poly2trellis, struct, convenc, vitdec



Purpose Syntax


Optimize quantization parameters using the Lloyd algorithm

[partition,codebook] = lloyds(trainingset,initcodebook); [partition,codebook] = lloyds(trainingset,len); [partition,codebook] = lloyds(trainingset,...,tol); [partition,codebook,distor] = lloyds(...); [partition,codebook,distor,reldistor] = lloyds(...); [partition,codebook] = lloyds(trainingset,initcodebook) optimizes the scalar quantization parameters partition and codebook for the training data in the vector trainingset. initcodebook, a vector of length at least 2, is the initial guess of the codebook values. The output codebook is a vector of the same length as initcodebook. The output partition is a vector whose length is one less than the length of codebook.


See either Representing Quantization Parameters on page 2-14 or the reference page for quantiz in this chapter, for a description of the formats of partition and codebook.

Note lloyds optimizes for the data in trainingset. For best results, trainingset should be similar to the data that you plan to quantize.

[partition,codebook] = lloyds(trainingset,len) is the same as the first syntax, except that the scalar argument len indicates the size of the vector codebook. This syntax does not include an initial codebook guess. [partition,codebook] = lloyds(trainingset,...,tol) is the same as the two syntaxes above, except that tol replaces 10-7 in condition 1of the algorithm description below. [partition,codebook,distor] = lloyds(...) returns the final mean

square distortion in the variable distor.

[partition,codebook,distor,reldistor] = lloyds(...) returns a value reldistor that is related to the algorithms termination. In case 1 of Algorithm below, reldistor is the relative change in distortion between the last two iterations. In case 2 , reldistor is the same as distor.




The code below optimizes the quantization parameters for a sinusoidal transmission via a 3-bit channel. Since the typical data is sinusoidal, trainingset is a sampled sine wave. Since the channel can transmit 3 bits at a time, lloyds prepares a codebook of length 23.
% Generate a complete period of a sinusoidal signal. x = sin([0:1000]pi/500); [partition,codebook] = lloyds(x,2^3) partition = -0.8540 -0.5973 -0.3017 0.0031 0.3077 0.6023 0.8572

codebook = Columns 1 through 7 -0.9504 Column 8 0.9515 -0.7330 -0.4519 -0.1481 0.1558 0.4575 0.7372


lloyds uses an iterative process to try to minimize the mean square distortion. The optimization processing ends when either:
1 The relative change in distortion between iterations is less than 10-7, or 2 The distortion is less than eps*max(trainingset), where eps is MATLABs

floating-point relative accuracy

See Also References

quantiz, dpcmopt

S. P. Lloyd. Least Squares Quantization in PCM. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Vol IT-28, March 1982, 129-137. J. Max. Quantizing for Minimum Distortion. IRE Transactions on Information Theory. Vol. IT-6, March 1960, 7-12.



Purpose Syntax Description


Generalized Marcum Q function

Q = marcumq(a,b); Q = marcumq(a,b,m); Q = marcumq(a,b) computes the Marcum Q function of a and b, defined by

Q ( a, b ) =

x exp ------------------ I0 ( ax ) dx 2

x2 + a2

where a and b are nonnegative real numbers. In this expression, I0 is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of zero order.
Q = marcumq(a,b,m) computes the generalized Marcum Q, defined by

1 x2 + a2 Q m ( a, b ) = -------------- x m exp ----------------- I m 1 ( ax ) dx 2 am 1

where a and b are nonnegative real numbers, and m is a nonnegative integer. In this expression, Im-1 is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order m-1.

See Also References

besseli; ncx2cdf (Statistics Toolbox)

Cantrell, P. E. and A. K. Ojha, Comparison of Generalized Q-Function Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT-33, July 1987, 591-596. Marcum, J. I. A Statistical Theory of Target Detection by Pulsed Radar: Mathematical Appendix. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, Research Memorandum RM-753, July 1, 1948. Reprinted in IRE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT-6, April 1960, 59-267. McGee, W. F. Another Recursive Method of Computing the Q Function. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT-16, July 1970, 500-501.



Purpose Syntax


Map a digital signal to an analog signal

modmap('method',...); y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'ask',M); y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone); y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'msk'); y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask',M); y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr); y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs); Input tone amp phs Default Value Fd [1:length(numsig)] numsig*0

Optional Inputs


The digital modulation process consists of two steps: mapping the digital signal to an analog signal and modulating this analog signal. The function modmap performs the first step. You can perform the second step using amod, amodce, or your own custom modulator. The table below lists the digital modulation schemes that modmap supports.
Modulation Scheme Value of method 'ask' 'fsk' 'msk' 'psk' 'qask', 'qask/cir', or 'qask/arb'

M-ary amplitude shift keying M-ary frequency shift keying Minimum shift keying M-ary phase shift keying Quadrature amplitude shift keying

To Plot a Signal Constellation

modmap('method',...) creates a plot that characterizes the M-ary modulation method that method specifies. method is one of the entries in the



right-hand column of the table above. If method is a value other than fsk or msk, then the plot shows the signal constellation; otherwise, it shows the spectrum. For most methods, the input parameters that follow method in this syntax are the same as those that follow method in the corresponding mapping syntax. For more information about them, see the section To Map a Digital Signal (Specific Syntax Information) below. However, if method is 'msk', then the syntax is

where Fd is the sampling rate of the message signal.

To Map a Digital Signal (General Information)

The generic syntax y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,...) maps the digital message signal x onto an analog signal. x is a matrix of nonnegative integers. The sizes of x and y depend on the modulation method: (ASK, FSK, MSK methods) If x is a vector of length n, then y is a column vector of length n*Fs/Fd. Otherwise, if x is n-by-m, then y is (n*Fs/Fd)-by-m and each column of x is processed separately. (PSK, QASK methods) If x is a vector of length n, then y is an n*Fs/Fd-by-2 matrix. Otherwise, if x is n-by-m, then y is (n*Fs/Fd)-by-2m and each column of x is processed separately. The odd-numbered columns in y represent in-phase components and the even-numbered columns represent quadrature components. The sampling rates in Hertz of x and y, respectively, are Fd and Fs. (Thus 1/Fd represents the time interval between two consecutive samples in x, and similarly for y.) The ratio Fs/Fd must be a positive integer.

To Map a Digital Signal (Specific Syntax Information)

y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'ask',M) maps to an M-ary amplitude shift keying signal constellation. Each entry of x must be in the range [0, M-1]. Each entry of y is in the range [-1, 1]. y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'fsk',M,tone) maps to frequencies in an M-ary frequency shift keying set. Each entry of x must be in the range [0, M-1]. The



optional argument tone is the separation between successive frequencies in the FSK set. The default value of tone is Fd.
y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'msk') maps to frequencies in a minimum shift keying set. Each entry of x is either 0 or 1. The separation between the two frequencies is Fd/2. y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M) maps to an M-ary phase shift keying signal constellation. Each entry of x must be in the range [0, M-1]. y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask',M) maps to an M-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying square signal constellation. The table below shows the maximum value of the in-phase and quadrature components in y, for several small values of M. M Maximum of y M Maximum of y

2 4 8 16

1 1 3 (quadrature maximum is 1) 3

32 64 128 256

5 7 11 15

Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a square constellation plot using qaskenco(M) or modmap('qask',M).

y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/arb',inphase,quadr) maps to a quadrature amplitude shift keying signal constellation that you define using the vectors inphase and quadr. The signal constellation point for the kth message has in-phase component inphase(k+1) and quadrature component quadr(k+1). y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'qask/cir',numsig,amp,phs) maps to a quadrature amplitude shift keying circular signal constellation. numsig, amp, and phs are vectors of the same length. The entries in numsig and amp must be positive. If k is an integer in the range [1, length(numsig)], then amp(k) is the radius of



the kth circle, numsig(k) is the number of constellation points on the kth circle, and phs(k) is the phase of the first constellation point plotted on the kth circle. All points on the kth circle are evenly spaced. If you omit phs, then its default value is numsig*0. If you omit amp, then its default value is [1:length(numsig)].

Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a labeled circle constellation plot using apkconst(numsig,amp,phs,'n').


The command below plots a phase shift keying (PSK) signal constellation with 32 points.

The script below maps a digital signal using the 32-point PSK constellation. It then adds noise and computes the resulting error rate while demapping. Your results might vary because the example uses random numbers.
M = 32; Fd = 1; Fs = 3; x = randint(100,1,M); % Original signal



y = modmap(x,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); % Mapped signal, using 32-ary PSK ynoisy = y+.1*rand(100*Fs,2); % Mapped signal with noise added z = demodmap(ynoisy,Fd,Fs,'psk',M); % Demapped noisy signal s = symerr(x,z) % Number of errors after demapping noisy signal s = 8

See Also

demodmap, dmod, dmodce, amod, amodce, apkconst



Purpose Syntax Description


Convert octal numbers to decimal numbers

d = oct2dec(c) d = oct2dec(c) converts an octal matrix c to a decimal matrix d, element by element. In both octal and decimal representations, the rightmost digit is the least significant.


The command below converts a 2-by-2 octal matrix.

d = oct2dec([12 144;0 25]) d = 10 0 100 21

For instance, the octal number 144 is equivalent to the decimal number 100 because 144 (octal) = 1*82 + 4*81 + 4*80 = 64 + 32 + 4 = 100.

See Also




Purpose Syntax


Convert convolutional code polynomials to trellis description

trellis = poly2trellis(ConstraintLength,CodeGenerator); trellis = poly2trellis(ConstraintLength,CodeGenerator,... FeedbackConnection);


The poly2trellis function accepts a polynomial description of a convolutional encoder and returns the corresponding trellis structure description. The output of poly2trellis is suitable as an input to the convenc and vitdec functions, and as a mask parameter for the Convolutional Encoder, Viterbi Decoder, and APP Decoder blocks in the Communications Blockset.
trellis = poly2trellis(ConstraintLength,CodeGenerator) performs the conversion for a rate k/n feedforward encoder. ConstraintLength is a 1-by-k

vector that specifies the delay for the encoders k input bit streams. CodeGenerator is a k-by-n matrix of octal numbers that specifies the n output connections for each of the encoders k input bit streams.
trellis = poly2trellis(ConstraintLength,CodeGenerator,... FeedbackConnection) is the same as the syntax above, except that it applies to a feedback, not feedforward, encoder. FeedbackConnection is a 1-by-k vector

of octal numbers that specifies the feedback connections for the encoders k input bit streams. For both syntaxes, the output is a MATLAB structure whose fields are as in the table below.
Table 3-17: Fields of the Output Structure trellis for a Rate k/n Code Field in trellis Structure numInputSymbols numOutputsymbols numStates Dimensions Meaning

Scalar Scalar Scalar

Number of input symbols to the encoder: 2k Number of output symbols from the encoder: 2n Number of states in the encoder



Table 3-17: Fields of the Output Structure trellis for a Rate k/n Code (Continued) Field in trellis Structure nextStates Dimensions numStates-by-2k Meaning

outputs numStates-by-2k

Next states for all combinations of current state and current input. Outputs (in octal) for all combinations of current state and current input


For more about this structure, see the reference page for the istrellis function.


Consider the rate 2/3 feedforward convolutional encoder depicted in the figure below. The reference page for the convenc function includes an example that uses this encoder.








For this encoder, the ConstraintLength vector is [5,4] and the CodeGenerator matrix is [27,33,0; 0,5,13]. The output below reveals part of the corresponding trellis structure description of this encoder.
trellis = poly2trellis([5 4],[27 33 0; 0 5 13])



trellis = numInputSymbols: numOutputSymbols: numStates: nextStates: outputs: 4 8 128 [128x4 double] [128x4 double]

The scalar field trellis.numInputSymbols has the value 4 because the combination of two input bit streams can produce four different input symbols. Similarly, trellis.numOutputSymbols is 8 because the three output bit streams can produce eight different output symbols. The scalar field trellis.numStates is 128 (that is, 27) because each of the encoders seven memory registers can have one of two binary values. To get details about the matrix fields trellis.nextStates and trellis.outputs, inquire specifically about them. As an example, the command below displays the first five rows of the 128-by-4 matrix trellis.nextStates.
trellis.nextStates(1:5,:) ans = 0 0 1 1 2 64 64 65 65 66 8 8 9 9 10 72 72 73 73 74

This first row indicates that if the encoder starts in the zeroth state and receives input bits of 00, 01, 10, or 11, respectively, then the next state will be the 0th, 64th, 8th, or 72nd state, respectively. The 64th state means that the bottom-left memory register in the diagram contains the value 1, while the other six memory registers contain zeros.

See Also

istrellis, convenc, vitdec



Purpose Syntax Description


Demap a message from a QASK square signal constellation

msg = qaskdeco(inphase,quadr,M); msg = qaskdeco(inphase,quadr,M,mnmx); msg = qaskdeco(inphase,quadr,M) demaps the message signal msg from the M-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying (QASK) square signal constellation points given in the vectors inphase and quadr. Here inphase lists the in-phase components of the points and quadr lists the corresponding quadrature components. M must be a power of 2. qaskdeco uses the default

minimum/maximum value of the in-phase component and quadrature component. The defaults corresponding to small values of M are in the table on the reference page for the function qaskenco.

Note To see how symbols are mapped to the constellation points, generate a constellation plot using qaskenco(M).

msg = qaskdeco(inphase,quadr,M,mnmx) is the same as the syntax above, except that mnmx specifies the minimum and maximum in-phase and quadrature component values. mnmx is a 2-by-2 matrix of the form shown below.

mnmx =

in-phase minimum quadrature minimum

in-phase maximum quadrature maximum


The commands below show that qaskdeco and qaskenco are inverse operations.
msg = [0 3 5 3 2 5]'; M = 8; [inphase,quadr] = qaskenco(msg,M); % Map the message. newmsg = qaskdeco(inphase,quadr,M) % Demap to recover data. newmsg = 0 3 5



3 2 5

See Also

qaskenco, decode, demodmap



Purpose Syntax


Map a message to a QASK square signal constellation

qaskenco(M) qaskenco(msg,M) [inphase,quadr] = qaskenco(M) [inphase,quadr] = qaskenco(msg,M) qaskenco(M) plots the square signal constellation for M-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying (QASK) modulation, labeling the M points with numbers in the range [0, M-1]. M must be a power of 2. If M is a perfect square, then qaskenco labels the constellation points so as to implement Gray code. qaskenco(msg,M) is the same as the syntax above, except that only those points with labels in the vector msg are plotted. The elements in msg must be integers in the range [0, M-1]. [inphase,quadr] = qaskenco(M) returns vectors inphase and quadr that represent the coordinates of the points in the signal constellation for M-ary QASK modulation. inphase gives the in-phase component of each point and quadr gives the quadrature component of each point. M must be a power of 2. [inphase,quadr] = qaskenco(msg,M) is the same as the syntax above, except that inphase and quadr represent only those constellation points with labels in the vector msg. (These labels are the same number labels that appear in the plot that the command qaskenco(msg,M) produces.) The elements in msg must be integers in the range [0, M-1].


The table below shows the maximum value of inphase and quadr, for several small values of M.
M Maximum of inphase and quadr M Maximum of inphase and quadr

2 4 8 16

1 1 3 (maximum of quadr is 1) 3

32 64 128 256

5 7 11 15




The command below displays that part of the 8-ary QASK square constellation that corresponds to the points in the digital message signal [0 3 4 3 2 5].
qaskenco([0 3 4 3 2 5],8)

The commands below capture the same information in vectors inphase and quadr instead of in a plot.
[inphase,quadr] = qaskenco([0 3 5 3 2 5],8); inphase' ans = 1 -1 -3 -1 1 -3




ans = 1 -1 1 -1 -1 1

The command below captures in inphase and quadr the coordinates of all eight points in the 8-ary QASK square constellation.
[inphase2,quadr2] = qaskenco(8);

See Also

encode, modmap, qaskdeco



Purpose Syntax


Produce a quantization index and a quantized output value

index = quantiz(sig,partition); [index,quants] = quantiz(sig,partition,codebook); [index,quants,distor] = quantiz(sig,partition,codebook); index = quantiz(sig,partition) returns the quantization levels in the real vector signal sig using the parameter partition. partition is a real vector whose entries are in strictly ascending order. If partition has length n, then index is a column vector whose kth entry is:


0 if sig ( k ) partition ( 1 ) m if partition ( m ) < sig ( k ) partition ( m + 1 ) n if partition ( n ) < sig ( k )

[index,quants] = quantiz(sig,partition,codebook) is the same as the syntax above, except that codebook prescribes a value for each partition in the quantization and quants contains the quantization of sig based on the quantization levels and prescribed values. codebook is a vector whose length exceeds the length of partition by one. quants is a row vector whose length is the same as the length of sig. quants is related to codebook and index by quants(ii) = codebook(index(ii)+1);

where ii is an integer between 1 and length(sig).

[index,quants,distor] = quantiz(sig,partition,codebook) is the same as the syntax above, except that distor estimates the mean square distortion of this quantization data set.


The command below rounds several numbers between 1 and 100 up to the nearest multiple of ten. quants contains the rounded numbers, and index tells which quantization level each number is in.
[index,quants] = quantiz([3 34 84 40 23],10:10:90,10:10:100) index = 0 3



8 3 2

quants = 10 40 90 40 30

See Also

lloyds, dpcmenco, dpcmdeco



Purpose Syntax


Generate bit error patterns

out out out out = = = = randerr(m); randerr(m,n); randerr(m,n,errors); randerr(m,n,errors,state);


For all syntaxes, randerr treats each row of out independently.

out = randerr(m) generates an m-by-m binary matrix, each row of which has exactly one nonzero entry in a random position. Each allowable configuration has an equal probability. out = randerr(m,n) generates an m-by-n binary matrix, each row of which has exactly one nonzero entry in a random position. Each allowable configuration has an equal probability. out = randerr(m,n,errors) generates an m-by-n binary matrix, where errors determines how many nonzero entries are in each row:

If errors is a scalar, then it is the number of nonzero entries in each row. If errors is a row vector, then it lists the possible number of nonzero entries in each row. If errors is a matrix having two rows, then the first row lists the possible number of nonzero entries in each row and the second row lists the probabilities that correspond to the possible error counts. Once randerr determines the number of nonzero entries in a given row, each configuration of that number of nonzero entries has equal probability.
out = randerr(m,n,prob,state) is the same as the syntax above, except that it first resets the state of MATLABs uniform random number generator rand to the integer state.


To generate an 8-by-7 binary matrix, each row of which is equally likely to have either zero or two nonzero entries, use the command below.
out = randerr(8,7,[0 2])



out = 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

To alter the scenario above by making it three times as likely that a row has two nonzero entries, use the command below instead. Notice that the second row of the error parameter sums to one.
out2 = randerr(8,7,[0 2; .25 .75]) out = 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

See Also

rand, randsrc, randint



Purpose Syntax


Generate matrix of uniformly distributed random integers

out out out out out = = = = = randint randint(m); randint(m,n); randint(m,n,rg); randint(m,n,rg,state);


out = randint generates a random scalar that is either zero or one, with equal

out = randint(m) generates an m-by-m binary matrix, each of whose entries independently takes the value zero with probability 1/2. out = randint(m,n) generates an m-by-n binary matrix, each of whose entries independently takes the value zero with probability 1/2. out = randint(m,n,rg) generates an m-by-n integer matrix. If rg is zero, then out is a zero matrix. Otherwise, the entries are uniformly distributed and

independently chosen from the range: [0, rg-1] if rg is a positive integer [rg+1, 0] if rg is a negative integer Between min and max, inclusive, if rg = [min,max] or [max,min]
out = randint(m,n,rg,state) is the same as the syntax above, except that it first resets the state of MATLABs uniform random number generator rand to the integer state.


To generate a 10-by-10 matrix whose elements are uniformly distributed in the range from 0 to 7, you can use either of the following commands.
out = randint(10,10,[0,7]); out = randint(10,10,8);

See Also

rand, randsrc, randerr



Purpose Syntax


Generate random matrix using prescribed alphabet

out out out out out out = = = = = = randsrc; randsrc(m); randsrc(m,n); randsrc(m,n,alphabet); randsrc(m,n,[alphabet; prob]); randsrc(m,n,...,state);


out = randsrc generates a random scalar that is either -1 or 1, with equal

out = randsrc(m) generates an m-by-m matrix, each of whose entries independently takes the value -1 with probability 1/2, and 1 with probability 1/2. out = randsrc(m,n) generates an m-by-n matrix, each of whose entries independently takes the value -1 with probability 1/2, and 1 with probability 1/2. out = randsrc(m,n,alphabet) generates an m-by-n matrix, each of whose entries is independently chosen from the entries in the row vector alphabet. Each entry in alphabet occurs in out with equal probability. Duplicate values in alphabet are ignored. out = randsrc(m,n,[alphabet; prob]) generates an m-by-n matrix, each of whose entries is independently chosen from the entries in the row vector alphabet. Duplicate values in alphabet are ignored. The row vector prob lists corresponding probabilities, so that the symbol alphabet(k) occurs with probability prob(k), where k is any integer between one and the number of columns of alphabet. The elements of prob must add up to one. out = randsrc(m,n,...,state); is the same as the two preceding syntaxes, except that it first resets the state of MATLABs uniform random number generator rand to the integer state.


To generate a 10-by-10 matrix whose elements are uniformly distributed among members of the set {-3,-1,1,3}, you can use either of these commands.



out = randsrc(10,10,[-3 -1 1 3]); out = randsrc(10,10,[-3 -1 1 3; .25 .25 .25 .25]);

To skew the probability distribution so that -1 and 1 each occur with probability .3, while -3 and 3 each occur with probability .2, use this command.
out = randsrc(10,10,[-3 -1 1 3; .2 .3 .3 .2]);

See Also

rand, randint, randerr



Purpose Syntax


Design a raised cosine FIR filter

b = rcosfir(R,n_T,rate,T); b = rcosfir(R,n_T,rate,T,filter_type); rcosfir(...); rcosfir(...,colr); [b,sample_time] = rcosfir(...); Input n_T rate T Default Value [-3,3] 5 1

Optional Inputs


The rcosfir function designs the same filters that the rcosine function designs when the latters type_flag argument includes 'fir'. However, rcosine is somewhat easier to use. The time response of the raised cosine filter has the form sin ( t T ) cos ( Rt T ) h ( t ) = -------------------------- ----------------------------------------( t T ) ( 1 4R 2 t 2 T 2 )
b = rcosfir(R,n_T,rate,T) designs a raised cosine filter and returns a vector b of length(n_T(2) - n_T(1))*rate + 1. The filters rolloff factor is R, where 0 R 1 . T is the duration of each bit in seconds. n_T is a length-two vector that indicates the number of symbol periods before and after the peak response. rate is the number of points in each input symbol period of length T. rate must be greater than one. The input sample rate is T samples per second, while the output sample rate is T*rate samples per second.

The order of the FIR filter is


The arguments n_T, rate, and T are optional inputs whose default values are [-3,3], 5, and 1, respectively.



b = rcosfir(R,n_T,rate,T,filter_type) designs a square-root raised cosine filter if filter_type is 'sqrt'. If filter_type is normal then this

syntax is the same as the previous one. The impulse response of a square root raised cosine filter is sin ( ( 1 r )t T ) cos ( ( 1 + r )t T ) + -------------------------------------------t 4r --T h ( t ) = 4r ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T ( ( 4rt T ) 2 1 )
rcosfir(...) produces plots of the time and frequency responses of the raised

cosine filter.
rcosfir(...,colr) uses the string colr to determine the plotting color. The choices for colr are the same as those listed for the plot function. [b,sample_time] = rcosfir(...) returns the FIR filter and its sample time.


The commands below compare different rolloff factors.

rcosfir(0); subplot(211); hold on; subplot(212); hold on; rcosfir(.5,[],[],[],[],'r-'); rcosfir(1,[],[],[],[],'g-');

See Also References

rcosiir, rcosflt, rcosine, firrcos, rcosdemo

Korn, Israel. Digital Communications. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.



Purpose Syntax


Filter the input signal using a raised cosine filter

y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs); y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs,'filter_type,r,delay,tol); y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs,'filter_type/Fs,r,delay,tol); y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs,'filter_type/filter',num,den); y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs,'filter_type/filter',num,den,delay); y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs,'filter_type/filter/Fs',num,den...); [y,t] = rcosflt(...); Input Default Value

Optional Inputs

filter_type fir/normal r delay tol den 0.5 3 0.01 1


The function rcosflt passes an input signal through a raised cosine filter. You can either let rcosflt design a raised cosine filter automatically or you can specify the raised cosine filter yourself using input arguments.

Designing the Filter Automatically

y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs) designs a raised cosine FIR filter and then filters the input signal x using it. The sample frequency for the digital input signal x is Fd, and the sample frequency for the output signal y is Fs. The ratio Fs/Fd must be an integer. In the course of filtering, rcosflt upsamples the data by a factor of Fs/Fd, by inserting zeros between samples. The order of the filter is 1+2*delay*Fs/Fd, where delay is 3 by default. If x is a vector, then the sizes of x and y are related by this equation. length(y) = (length(x) + 2 * delay)*Fs/Fd

Otherwise, y is a matrix, each of whose columns is the result of filtering the corresponding column of x.



y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs,'filter_type',r,delay,tol) designs a raised cosine FIR or IIR filter and then filters the input signal x using it. The ratio Fs/Fd must be an integer. r is the rolloff factor for the filter, a real number in the range [0, 1]. delay is the filters group delay, measured in input samples. The actual group delay in the filter design is delay/Fd seconds. The input tol is the tolerance in the IIR filter design. FIR filter design does not use tol.

The characteristics of x, Fd, Fs, and y are as in the first syntax. The fourth input argument, 'filter_type', is a string that determines the type of filter that rcosflt should design. Use one of the values in the table below.
Table 3-18: Values of filter_type to Determine the Type of Filter Type of Filter Value of opt fir or fir/normal iir or iir/normal fir/sqrt iir/sqrt

FIR raised cosine filter IIR raised cosine filter Square-root FIR raised cosine filter Square-root IIR raised cosine filter

y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs,'filter_type/Fs',r,delay,tol) is the same as the previous syntax, except that it assumes that x has sample frequency Fs. This syntax does not upsample x any further. If x is a vector, then the relative sizes of x and y are related by this equation. length(y) = length(x) + (2 * delay * Fs/Fd)

As before, if x is a nonvector matrix, then y is a matrix each of whose columns is the result of filtering the corresponding column of x.

Specifying the Filter Using Input Arguments

y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs,'filter_type/filter',num,den) filters the input signal x using a filter whose transfer function numerator and denominator are given in num and den, respectively. If filter_type includes fir, then omit den. This syntax uses the same arguments x, Fd, Fs, and filter_type as explained in the first and second syntaxes above.



y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs,'filter_type/filter',num,den,delay) uses delay in the same way that the rcosine function uses it. This syntax assumes that the filter described by num, den, and delay was designed using rcosine.

As before, if x is a nonvector matrix, then y is a matrix each of whose columns is the result of filtering the corresponding column of x.
y = rcosflt(x,Fd,Fs,'filter_type/filter/Fs',num,den...) is the same as the earlier syntaxes, except that it assumes that x has sample frequency Fs instead of Fd. This syntax does not upsample x any further. If x is a vector, then the relative sizes of x and y are related by this equation. length(y) = length(x) + (2 * delay * Fs/Fd)

Additional Output
[y,t] = rcosflt(...) outputs t, a vector that contains the sampling time

points of y.

See Also References

rcosine, rcosfir, rcosiir, rcosdemo, grpdelay

Korn, Israel. Digital Communications. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.



Purpose Syntax


Design a raised cosine IIR filter

[num,den] = rcosiir(R,T_delay,rate,T,tol); [num,den] = rcosiir(R,T_delay,rate,T,tol,filter_type); rcosiir(...); rcosiir(...,colr); [num,den,sample_time] = rcosiir(...); Input T_delay rate T tol Default Value 3 5 1 0.01

Optional Inputs


The rcosiir function designs the same filters that the rcosine function designs when the latters type_flag argument includes 'iir'. However, rcosine is somewhat easier to use. The time response of the raised cosine filter has the form sin ( t T ) cos ( Rt T ) h ( t ) = -------------------------- ----------------------------------------( t T ) ( 1 4R 2 t 2 T 2 )
[num,den] = rcosiir(R,T_delay,rate,T,tol) designs an IIR approximation of an FIR raised cosine filter, and returns the numerator and denominator of the IIR filter. The filters rolloff factor is R, where 0 R 1 . T is the symbol period in seconds. The filters group delay is T_delay symbol periods. rate is the number of sample points in each interval of duration T. rate must be greater than one. The input sample rate is T samples per second, while the output sample rate is T*rate samples per second. If tol is an integer greater than one, then it becomes the order of the IIR filter; if tol is less than 1, then it indicates the relative tolerance for rcosiir to use when selecting the order based on the singular values.

The arguments T_delay, rate, T, and tol are optional inputs whose default values are 3, 5, 1, and 0.01, respectively.



[num,den] = rcosiir(R,T_delay,rate,T,tol,filter_type) designs a square-root raised cosine filter if filter_type is 'sqrt'. If filter_type is normal then this syntax is the same as the previous one. rcosiir(...) plots the time and frequency responses of the raised cosine

rcosiir(...,colr) uses the string colr to determine the plotting color. The choices for colr are the same as those listed for the plot function. [num,den,sample_time] = rcosiir(...) returns the transfer function and

the sample time of the IIR filter.


The script below compares different values of T_delay.

rcosiir(0,10); subplot(211); hold on; subplot(212); hold on; col = ['r-';'g-';'b-';'m-';'c-';'w-']; R = [8,6,4,3,2,1]; for ii = R rcosiir(0,ii,[],[],[],[],col(find(R==ii),:)); end;

This example shows how the filters frequency response more closely approximates that of the ideal raised cosine filter as T_delay increases.

See Also References

rcosfir, rcosflt, rcosine, rcosdemo, grpdelay

Kailath, Thomas. Linear Systems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980. Korn, Israel. Digital Communications. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.



Purpose Syntax


Design a raised cosine filter

num = rcosine(Fd,Fs); [num,den] = rcosine(Fd,Fs,type_flag); [num,den] = rcosine(Fd,Fs,type_flag,r); [num,den] = rcosine(Fd,Fs,type_flag,r,delay); [num,den] = rcosine(Fd,Fs,type_flag,r,delay,tol); num = rcosine(Fd,Fs) designs a finite impulse response (FIR) raised cosine


filter and returns its transfer function. The digital input signal has sampling frequency Fd. The sampling frequency for the filter is Fs. The ratio Fs/Fd must be a positive integer greater than one. The default rolloff factor is .5. The filters group delay, which is the time between the input to the filter and the filters peak response, is three input samples. Equivalently, the group delay is 3/Fd seconds.
[num,den] = rcosine(Fd,Fs,type_flag) designs a raised cosine filter using directions in the string variable type_flag. Filter types are listed in the table below, along with the corresponding values of type_flag. Table 3-19: Types of Filter and Corresponding Values of type_flag Type of Filter Value of type_flag

Finite impulse response (FIR) Infinite impulse response (IIR) Square-root raised cosine FIR Square-root raised cosine IIR

'default' or 'fir/normal' 'iir' or 'iir/normal' 'sqrt' or 'fir/sqrt' 'iir/sqrt'

The default tolerance value in IIR filter design is 0.01.

[num,den] = rcosine(Fd,Fs,type_flag,r) specifies the rolloff factor, r. The rolloff factor is a real number in the range [0, 1]. [num,den] = rcosine(Fd,Fs,type_flag,r,delay) specifies the filters group delay, measured in input samples. delay is a positive integer. The actual group delay in the filter design is delay/Fd seconds.



[num,den] = rcosine(Fd,Fs,type_flag,r,delay,tol) specifies the tolerance in the IIR filter design. FIR filter design does not use tol.

See Also References

rcosflt, rcosiir, rcosfir, rcosdemo, grpdelay

Korn, Israel. Digital Communications. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.



Purpose Syntax


Reed-Solomon decoder
msg = rsdeco(code,n,k); msg = rsdeco(code,n,k,fmt); msg = rsdeco(code,field,...); [msg,err] = rsdeco(...); [msg,err,ccode] = rsdeco(...); [msg,err,ccode,cerr] = rsdeco(...);


For All Syntaxes

The encoding counterpart for this function is rsenco. In all cases, the codeword length n must have the form 2m-1 where m is an integer greater than or equal to 3. The matrix code, which contains the code words to be decoded, can have one of several formats. The table below shows the formats for msg, how the optional argument fmt should reflect the format of msg, and how the format of the output code depends on these choices. If fmt is not specified as input, then its default value is binary.

Table 3-20: Information Formats for Reed-Solomon Decoding Format of code Value of fmt Argument 'binary' Format of msg

Binary matrix with m columns

Binary matrix with m columns

Example: code = [0 0 0; 0 1 1; 0 1 1; 1 1 0; 1 0 1; 1 0 0; 0 1 1] Binary column vector


Binary column vector

Example: code = [0 0 0, 0 1 1, 0 1 1, 1 1 0, 1 0 1, 1 0 0, 0 1 1]';



Table 3-20: Information Formats for Reed-Solomon Decoding (Continued) Format of code Value of fmt Argument 'decimal' Format of msg

Matrix of integers in the range [0, 2m-1], with n columns

Matrix of integers in the range [0, 2m-1], with k columns

Example: code = [0, 6, 6, 3, 5, 1, 6] Matrix of integers in the range [-1, 2m-2], with n columns

Matrix of integers in the range [-1, 2m-2], with k columns

Example: code = [-1, 5, 5, 2, 4, 0, 5]

For Specific Syntaxes

msg = rsdeco(code,n,k) decodes code using the Reed-Solomon decoding method. n is the codeword length and k is the message length. code has either of the two binary formats described in Table 3-20, Information Formats for Reed-Solomon Decoding. msg = rsdeco(code,n,k,fmt) is the same as the syntax above, except that fmt specifies the format of code. Table 3-20, Information Formats for Reed-Solomon Decoding, lists the possible values for fmt, as well as the corresponding shape and contents of code. msg = rsdeco(code,field,...) is a faster variation of the syntaxes above. field is a matrix that lists all elements of GF(2m) in the format described in List of All Elements of a Galois Field on page 2-91. The size of field determines n. [msg,err] = rsdeco(...) outputs the number err, which specifies the number of errors that occurred in the decoding. [msg,err,ccode] = rsdeco(...) outputs ccode, a corrected version of code. The format of ccode matches the format of code in the input. [msg,err,ccode,cerr] = rsdeco(...) outputs the number cerr, which specifies the number of errors found in the ccode column.




This example creates and decodes a noisy code. Although some codewords contain errors, the decoded message contains no errors.
L = 1000; % Number of bits in the computation m = 4; n = 2^m - 1; % Codeword length k = n - 4; % Message word length rand('state',9876); % Initialize random number generator. msg = randint(L,1); % L bits of data field = gftuple([-1 : n-1]',m); % List of elements in GF(2^m) [code,added] = rsenco(msg,field,k); % Encode the data. msg = [msg; zeros(added,1)]; % Pad msg for later comparison. % Add burst errors of length m to the code. noi = rand(length(code)/m,1) < .03; % Three percent noise noi = (noi*ones(1,m))'; noi = noi(:); code_noi = rem(code + noi,2); % Decode the noisy code. [dec,err,ccode,err_c] = rsdeco(code_noi,field,k); err_c = reshape(err_c,n,length(err_c)/n)'; % Number of code symbols that contain at least one error num_err_codesyms = sum(err_c(:,1) > 0) % Number of bit errors after decoding num_err_decbits = sum(abs(dec-msg)) num_err_codesyms = 36

num_err_decbits = 0

See Also

rsenco, rsencode, rsdecode, rspoly



Purpose Syntax


Reed-Solomon decoding using the exponential format

msg = rsdecode(code,k); msg = rsdecode(code,k,m); msg = rsdecode(code,k,field); [msg,err] = rsdecode(...); [msg,err,ccode] = rsdecode(...);


For All Syntaxes

The encoding counterpart for this function is rsencode.
rsdecode uses the exponential format to represent elements of GF(2m). For

example, an entry of 2 represents the element , where is a primitive element of GF(2m). If field is not used as an input argument, then the exponential format is relative to a root of MATLABs default primitive polynomial for GF(2m).If field is used as an input argument, then its format and the formats in msg and code are all relative to the same primitive element of GF(2m). See Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 for more information about these formats. Since GF(2m) has 2m elements, each codeword represents 2m(2m1) bits of information. Each decoded message represents 2m*k bits of information.

For Specific Syntaxes

msg = rsdecode(code,k) decodes code using the Reed-Solomon method. k is the message length. The codeword length n must have the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3. code is a matrix with n columns. Each row of code represents one codeword. Each entry of code represents an element of GF(2m) in exponential format. msg is a matrix with k columns. Each row of msg represents one message. Each entry of msg is the exponential format of an element of GF(2m). msg = rsdecode(code,k,m) is the same as the first syntax when the matrix code has 2m-1 columns. This syntax is faster than the first. msg = rsdecode(code,k,field) is the same as the first syntax, except that field is a matrix that lists the elements of GF(2m) in the format described in



List of All Elements of a Galois Field on page 2-91. This syntax is faster than the first two.
[msg,err] = rsdecode(...) returns a column vector err that gives information about error correction. A nonnegative integer in err(r) indicates

the number of errors corrected in the rth codeword; a negative integer indicates that there are more errors in the rth codeword than can be corrected.
[msg,err,ccode] = rsdecode(...) returns the corrected code in ccode.


The script below continues the example from the reference page for rsencode. After corrupting some symbols from the code, it tries to recover the message.
m = 3; n = 2^m-1; % Codeword length is 7. field = gftuple([-1:2^m-2]',m,2); % List of elements in GF(2^m) msg = [5 0 1; 2 3 4]; k = size(msg,2); % Message length = number of columns of msg genpoly = rspoly(n,k,field); % Generator polynomial code = rsencode(msg,genpoly,n,field); % Change up to three of the code symbols. noisycode = code; noisycode(1,2) = randint(1,1,[-1,n-1]); noisycode(2,1) = randint(1,1,[-1,n-1]); noisycode(2,5) = randint(1,1,[-1,n-1]); % Try to decode. [newmsg,err,ccode] = rsdecode(noisycode,k,field); if ccode==code disp('All errors were corrected.') end if newmsg==msg disp('The message was recovered perfectly.') end

Unless one of the random integers was zero, err is the matrix [1;2], which reflects the fact that we put one error in the first row of noisycode and two errors in the second row. Since this codes error-correction capability is floor((n-k)/2), or 2, all errors are corrected in this example.

See Also

rsencode, encode, decode, rsdeco



Purpose Syntax Description


Decode an ASCII file that was encoded using Reed-Solomon code

rsdecof(file_in,file_out); rsdecof(file_in,file_out,err_cor);

This function is the inverse process of the function rsencof in that it decodes a file that rsencof encoded.
rsdecof(file_in,file_out) decodes the ASCII file file_in that was previously created by the function rsencof using an error-correction capability of 5. The decoded message is written to file_out. Both file_in and file_out are string variables.

Note If the number of characters in file_in is not an integer multiple of 127, then the function appends char(4) symbols to the data it must decode. If you encode and then decode a file using rsencof and rsdecof, respectively, then the decoded file might have char(4) symbols at the end that the original file does not have.

rsdecof(file_in,file_out,err_cor) is the same as the first syntax, except that err_cor specifies the error-correction capability for each block of 127 codeword characters. The message length is 127 - 2err_cor. The value in err_cor must match the value used in rsencof when file_in was created.

Examples See Also

An example is on the reference page for rsencof.




Purpose Syntax


Reed-Solomon encoder
code = rsenco(msg,n,k); code = rsenco(msg,n,k,fmt); code = rsenco(msg,n,k,fmt,genpoly); code = rsenco(msg,field,...); [code,added] = rsenco(...);


For All Syntaxes

The decoding counterpart for this function is rsdeco. In all cases, the codeword length n must have the form 2m-1 where m is an integer greater than or equal to 3. The matrix msg, which contains the messages to be encoded, can have one of several formats. Table 3-21, Information Formats for Reed-Solomon Encoding, shows which formats are allowed for msg, how the optional argument fmt should reflect the format of msg, and how the format of the output code depends on these choices. If fmt is not specified as input, then its default value is binary.

Table 3-21: Information Formats for Reed-Solomon Encoding Format of msg Value of fmt Argument 'binary' Format of code

Binary matrix with m columns

Binary matrix with m columns

Example: msg = [1 1 0; 1 0 1; 1 0 0; 0 1 1; 1 1 0; 1 0 1; 1 0 0; 0 1 1] Binary column vector


Binary column vector

Example: msg = [1 1 0, 1 0 1, 1 0 0, 0 1 1, 1 1 0, 1 0 1, 1 0 0, 0 1 1]'



Table 3-21: Information Formats for Reed-Solomon Encoding (Continued) Format of msg Value of fmt Argument 'decimal' Format of code

Matrix of integers in the range [0, 2m-1], with k columns

Matrix of integers in the range [0, 2m-1], with n columns

Example: msg = [3, 5, 1, 6; 3, 5, 1, 6] Matrix of integers in the range [-1, 2m-2], with k columns

Matrix of integers in the range [-1, 2m-2], with n columns

Example: msg = [2, 4, 0, 5; 2, 4, 0, 5]

For Specific Syntaxes

code = rsenco(msg,n,k) encodes msg using the Reed-Solomon encoding method. k is the message length. msg has either of the two binary formats described in Table 3-21, Information Formats for Reed-Solomon Encoding. The generator polynomial for the code is the output of the function rspoly. code = rsenco(msg,n,k,fmt) is the same as the syntax above, except that fmt specifies the format of msg. Table 3-21, Information Formats for Reed-Solomon Encoding, lists the possible values for fmt, as well as the corresponding shape and contents of msg. code = rsenco(msg,n,k,fmt,genpoly) is the same as the syntax above, except that genpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the generator polynomial for the code. Each coefficient is an element of GF(2m) expressed in exponential format. For a description of exponential format, see Exponential Format on page 2-90. code = rsenco(msg,field,...) is a faster variation of the syntaxes above. field is a matrix that lists all elements of GF(2m) in the format described in List of All Elements of a Galois Field on page 2-91. The size of field determines n.



[code,added] = rsenco(...) returns the additional variable added. added is

the number of zeros that were placed at the end of the message matrix before encoding, in order for the matrix to have the appropriate shape.


rsenco invokes the function rsencode, which processes data in power format. If msg has decimal or binary format, then rsenco converts it to the power format, passes it to rsencode, and converts the code back to the original format of msg. Binary data has the longest processing time. For information about the conversions among formats, see Reed-Solomon Coding Using Decimal Format on page 2-29 and Exponential Format (Reed-Solomon Code Only) on page 2-30. rsdeco, rsencode, rsdecode, rspoly

See Also



Purpose Syntax


Reed-Solomon encoding using the exponential format

code = rsencode(msg,genpoly,n); code = rsencode(msg,genpoly,n,m); code = rsencode(msg,genpoly,n,field);


For All Syntaxes

The decoding counterpart for this function is rsdecode.
rsencode uses the exponential format to represent elements of GF(2m). For

example, an entry of 2 represents the element , where is a primitive element of GF(2m). If field is not used as an input argument, then the exponential format is relative to a root of MATLABs default primitive polynomial for GF(2m).If field is used as an input argument, then its format and the formats in msg and code are all relative to the same primitive element of GF(2m). See Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90 for more information about these formats. Since GF(2m) has 2m elements, each codeword represents 2m(2m1) bits of information. Each decoded message represents 2m*k bits of information.

For Specific Syntaxes

code = rsencode(msg,genpoly,n) encodes the message msg using the Reed-Solomon coding method. n, the codeword length, must have the form 2m-1 for some integer m greater than or equal to 3. If the message length is k, then msg is a matrix having k columns. Each entry of msg represents an element of GF(2m) in exponential format. Each row of msg is treated as a separate message. Each row of code represents a codeword, and each entry is the exponential format of an element of GF(2m). The last k columns of code are just msg; that is, the parity bits are at the beginning of each codeword. genpoly is a row vector that gives the coefficients, in order of ascending powers, of the generator polynomial. Each coefficient is specified in exponential format. code = rsencode(msg,genpoly,n,m) is the same as code = rsencode(msg,genpoly,2^m-1) when m is an integer greater than or equal to 3. Specifying m as a fourth input argument speeds the execution.



code = rsencode(msg,genpoly,n,field) is the same as the first syntax, except that field is a matrix that lists the elements of GF(2m) in the format

described in List of All Elements of a Galois Field on page 2-91. This syntax is faster than the first one.


The commands below use the third syntax of rsencode to encode two messages.
m = 3; n = 2^m-1; % Codeword length is 7. field = gftuple([-1:2^m-2]',m,2); % List of elements in GF(2^m) msg = [5 0 1; 2 3 4]; k = size(msg,2); % Message length = number of columns of msg genpoly = rspoly(n,k,field); % Generator polynomial code = rsencode(msg,genpoly,n,field);

The reference page for rsdecode continues this example by corrupting the code and then decoding it.

See Also

rsdecode, rspoly, rsenco, encode



Purpose Syntax Description


Encode an ASCII file using Reed-Solomon code

rsencof(file_in,file_out); rsencof(file_in,file_out,err_cor); rsencof(file_in,file_out) encodes the ASCII file file_in using (127, 117) Reed-Solomon code. The error-correction capability of this code is 5 for each block of 127 codeword characters. This function writes the encoded text to the file file_out. Both file_in and file_out are string variables. rsencof(file_in,file_out,err_cor) is the same as the first syntax, except that err_cor specifies the error correction capability for each block of 127 codeword characters. The message length is 127-2*err_cor.

Note If the number of characters in file_in is not an integer multiple of 127-2*err_cor, then the function appends char(4) symbols to file_out.


The file matlabroot/toolbox/comm/comm/oct2dec.m contains text help for the oct2dec function in this toolbox. The commands below encode the file using rsencof and then decode it using rsdecof.
file_in = [matlabroot '/toolbox/comm/comm/oct2dec.m']; file_out = 'encodedfile'; % Or use another filename rsencof(file_in,file_out) % Encode the file. file_in = file_out; file_out = 'decodedfile'; % Or use another filename rsdecof(file_in,file_out) % Decode the file.

To see the original file and the decoded file in the MATLAB workspace, use the commands below (or similar ones if you modified the filenames above).
type oct2dec.m type decodedfile

See Also




Purpose Syntax


Produce Reed-Solomon code generator polynomial

genpoly = rspoly(n,k); genpoly = rspoly(n,k,m); genpoly = rspoly(n,k,field); [genpoly,t] = rspoly(...); genpoly = rspoly(n,k) finds the generator polynomial of a Reed-Solomon code with codeword length n and message length k. genpoly is a row vector that represents the coefficients of the generator polynomial in order of ascending powers. Each coefficient is an element of GF(2m) represented in exponential format, as described in the section Representing Elements of Galois Fields on page 2-90. genpoly = rspoly(n,k,m) is the same as genpoly = rspoly(2^m-1,k), but faster. If n does not equal 2m-1, then an error results. genpoly = rspoly(n,k,field) is the same as the first syntax listed, except that field indirectly specifies the primitive element for GF(2m) relative to which the coefficients in genpoly are expressed. field is a matrix that lists the


elements of GF(2m) in the format described in List of All Elements of a Galois Field on page 2-91. Both field and genpoly use exponential formats relative to the same primitive element. This syntax is faster than the first syntax listed.
[genpoly,t] = rspoly(...) returns in t the error-correction capability of the

Reed-Solomon code.


The command below shows that the (15, 11) Reed-Solomon code generator polynomial is

+ X+ X + X +X .


genpoly = rspoly(15,11,4) genpoly = 10 3 6 13 0

The syntax below uses field as the third input argument in rspoly and obtains the same result.



m = 4; field = gftuple([-1:2^m-2]',m,2); genpoly2 = rspoly(15,11,field) genpoly2 = 10 3 6 13 0

See Also

encode, decode, rsenco, rsdeco



Purpose Syntax


Generate a scatter plot

scatterplot(x); scatterplot(x,n); scatterplot(x,n,offset); scatterplot(x,n,offset,plotstring); scatterplot(x,n,offset,plotstring,h); h = scatterplot(...); scatterplot(x) produces a scatter plot for the signal x. The interpretation of x depends on its shape and complexity:


If x is a real two-column matrix, then scatterplot interprets the first column as in-phase components and the second column as quadrature components. If x is a complex vector, then scatterplot interprets the real part as in-phase components and the imaginary part as quadrature components. If x is a real vector, then scatterplot interprets it as a real signal.
scatterplot(x,n) is the same as the first syntax, except that the function plots every nth value of the signal, starting from the first value. That is, the function decimates x by a factor of n before plotting. scatterplot(x,n,offset) is the same as the first syntax, except that the function plots every nth value of the signal, starting from the (offset+1)st value in x. scatterplot(x,n,offset,plotstring) is the same as the syntax above, except that plotstring determines the plotting symbol, line type, and color for the plot. plotstring is a string whose format and meaning are the same as in the plot function. scatterplot(x,n,offset,plotstring,h) is the same as the syntax above, except that the scatter plot is in the figure whose handle is h, rather than a new figure. h must be a handle to a figure that scatterplot previously generated. To plot multiple signals in the same figure, use hold on. h = scatterplot(...) is the same as the earlier syntaxes, except that h is the handle to the figure that contains the scatter plot.




See Example: Scatter Plots on page 2-12 or the example on the reference page for demodmap. Both examples illustrate how to plot multiple signals in a single scatter plot. For an online demonstration, use scattereyedemo.

See Also

eyediagram, plot, scattereyedemo, scatter



Purpose Syntax


Compute number of symbol errors and symbol error rate

[number,ratio] = symerr(x,y); [number,ratio] = symerr(x,y,flg); [number,ratio,loc] = symerr(...)


For All Syntaxes

The symerr function compares binary representations of elements in x with those in y. The schematics below illustrate how the shapes of x and y determine which elements symerr compares.

x1 x4 x2 x5 x3 x6

y1 y4 y2 y5 y3 y6 (b) Compares column vector y with each column of matrix x (c) Compares row vector y with each row of matrix x x y x

(a) Compares x1 with y1, x2 with y2, and so on.

The output number is a scalar or vector that indicates the number of elements that differ. The size of number is determined by the optional input flg and by the dimensions of x and y. The output ratio equals number divided by the total number of elements in the smaller input.

For Specific Syntaxes

[number,ratio] = symerr(x,y) compares the elements in x and y. The sizes of x and y determine which elements are compared:

If x and y are matrices of the same dimensions, then symerr compares x and y element-by-element. number is a scalar. See schematic (a) in the figure. If one is a row (respectively, column) vector and the other is a two-dimensional matrix, then symerr compares the vector element-by-element with each row (resp., column) of the matrix. The length of the vector must equal the number of columns (resp., rows) in the matrix.



number is a column (resp., row) vector whose mth entry indicates the number

of elements that differ when comparing the vector with the mth row (resp., column) of the matrix. See schematics (b) and (c) in the figure.
[number,ratio] = symerr(x,y,flg) is similar to the previous syntax, except that flg can override the defaults that govern which elements symerr compares and how symerr computes the outputs. The values of flg are overall, column-wise, and row-wise. The table below describes the differences that result from various combinations of inputs. In all cases, ratio is number divided by the total number of elements in y. Table 3-22: Comparing a Two-Dimensional Matrix x with Another Input y Shape of y flg Type of Comparison number

Twodimensional matrix

overall (default)

Element-by-element mth column of x vs. mth column of y mth row of x vs. mth row of y
y vs. each column of x y vs. each column of x

Total number of symbol errors Row vector whose entries count symbol errors in each column Column vector whose entries count symbol errors in each row Total number of symbol errors Row vector whose entries count symbol errors in each column of x Total number of symbol errors Column vector whose entries count symbol errors in each row of x


Column vector


(default) Row vector overall row-wise (default)

y vs. each row of x y vs. each row of x

[number,ratio,loc] = symerr(...) returns a binary matrix loc that indicates which elements of x and y differ. An element of loc is zero if the corresponding comparison yields no discrepancy, and one otherwise.


On the reference page for biterr, the last example uses symerr.



The command below illustrates how symerr works when one argument is a vector and the other is a matrix. It compares the vector [1,2,3]' to the columns
1 1 3 1 3 , 2 , 2 , and 2 3 3 8 3

of the matrix.
num = symerr([1 2 3]',[1 1 3 1;3 2 2 2; 3 3 8 3]) num = 1 0 2 0

As another example, the command below illustrates the use of flg to override the default row-by-row comparison. Notice that number and ratio are scalars.
format rat; [number,ratio,loc] = symerr([1 2; 3 4],... [1 3],'overall') number = 3

ratio = 3/4

loc = 0 1 1 1

See Also




Purpose Syntax Description


Produce syndrome decoding table

t = syndtable(parmat); t = syndtable(parmat) returns a decoding table for an error-correcting binary code having codeword length n and message length k. parmat is an (n-k)-by-n parity-check matrix for the code. t is a 2n-k-by-n binary matrix. The rth row of t is an error pattern for a received binary codeword whose syndrome has decimal integer value r-1. (The syndrome of a received codeword is its product with the transpose of the parity-check matrix.) In other words, the rows of t represent the coset leaders from the codes standard array.

When converting between binary and decimal values, the leftmost column is interpreted as the most significant digit. This differs from the default convention in the bi2de and de2bi commands.

Examples See Also References

An example is in the section Decoding Table on page 2-34.

decode, hammgen, gfcosets

Clark, George C. Jr. and J. Bibb Cain. Error-Correction Coding for Digital Communications. New York: Plenum Press, 1981.



Purpose Syntax


Convert a vector into a matrix

mat = vec2mat(vec,matcol); mat = vec2mat(vec,matcol,padding); [mat,padded] = vec2mat(...); mat = vec2mat(vec,matcol) converts the vector vec into a matrix with matcol columns, creating one row at a time. If the length of vec is not multiple of matcol, then extra zeros are placed in the last row of mat. The matrix mat has ceil(length(vec)/matcol) rows. mat = vec2mat(vec,matcol,padding) is the same as the first syntax, except that the extra entries placed in the last row of mat are not necessarily zeros. The extra entries are taken from the matrix padding, in order. If padding has fewer entries than are needed, then the last entry is used repeatedly. [mat,padded] = vec2mat(...) returns an integer padded that indicates how many extra entries were placed in the last row of mat.


Note vec2mat is similar to the built-in MATLAB function reshape. However, given a vector input, reshape creates a matrix one column at a time instead of one row at a time. Also, reshape requires the input and output matrices to have the same number of entries, whereas vec2mat places extra entries in the output matrix if necessary.


vec = [1 2 3 4 5]; [mat,padded] = vec2mat(vec,3) mat = 1 4 2 5 3 0

padded = 1



[mat2,padded2] = vec2mat(vec,4) mat2 = 1 5 2 0 3 0 4 0

padded2 = 3 mat3 = vec2mat(vec,4,[10 9 8; 7 6 5; 4 3 2]) mat3 = 1 5 2 10 3 7 4 4

See Also




Purpose Syntax


Convolutionally decode binary data using the Viterbi algorithm

decoded = vitdec(code,trellis,tblen,opmode,dectype); decoded = vitdec(code,trellis,tblen,opmode,'soft',nsdec); decoded = vitdec(...,'cont',...,initmetric,initstates,initinputs); [decoded finalmetric finalstates finalinputs] =... vitdec(...,'cont',...); decoded = vitdec(code,trellis,tblen,opmode,dectype) decodes the vector code using the Viterbi algorithm. The MATLAB structure trellis specifies the convolutional encoder that produced code; the format of trellis


is described in Trellis Description of a Convolutional Encoder on page 2-46 and the reference page for the istrellis function. code contains one or more symbols, each of which consists of log2(trellis.numOutputSymbols) bits. Each symbol in the vector decoded consists of log2(trellis.numInputSymbols) bits. tblen is a positive integer scalar that specifies the traceback depth. The string opmode indicates the decoders operation mode and its assumptions about the corresponding encoders operation. Choices are in the table below.
Table 3-23: Values of opmode Input Value 'trunc' Meaning

The encoder is assumed to have started at the all-zeros state. The decoder traces back from the state with the best metric. The encoder is assumed to have both started and ended at the all-zeros state. The decoder traces back from the all-zeros state. The encoder is assumed to have started at the all-zeros state. The decoder traces back from the state with the best metric. A delay equal to tblen symbols elapses before the first decoded symbol appears in the output.





The string dectype indicates the type of decision that the decoder makes, and influences the type of data the decoder expects in code. Choices are in the table below.
Table 3-24: Values of dectype Input Value 'unquant' Meaning code contains real input values, where 1 represents a logical zero and -1 represents a logical one. code contains binary input values.

'hard' 'soft'

For soft-decision decoding, use the syntax below. Note that nsdec is required for soft-decision decoding.

Syntax for Soft Decision Decoding

decoded = vitdec(code,trellis,tblen,opmode,'soft',nsdec) decodes the vector code using soft-decision decoding. code consists of integers between 0 and 2nsdec-1, where 0 represents the most confident 0 and 2nsdec-1 represents the most confident 1.

Additional Syntaxes for Continuous Operation Mode

decoded = vitdec(...,'cont',...,initmetric,initstates,initinputs)

is the same as the earlier syntaxes, except that the decoder starts with its state metrics, traceback states, and traceback inputs specified by initmetric, initstates, and initinputs, respectively. Each real number in initmetric represents the starting state metric of the corresponding state. initstates and initinputs jointly specify the initial traceback memory of the decoder; both are trellis.numStates-by-tblen matrices. initstates consists of integers between 0 and trellis.numStates-1. If the encoder schematic has more than one input stream, then the shift register that receives the first input stream provides the least significant bits in initstates, while the shift register that receives the last input stream provides the most significant bits in initstates. The vector initinputs consists of integers between 0 and trellis.numInputSymbols-1. To use default values for all of the last three arguments, specify them as [],[],[].



[decoded,finalmetric,finalstates,finalinputs] = ... vitdec(...,'cont',...) is the same as the earlier syntaxes, except that the

final three output arguments return the state metrics, traceback states, and traceback inputs, respectively, at the end of the decoding process. finalmetric is a vector with trellis.numStates elements which correspond to the final state metrics. finalstates and finalinputs are both matrices of size trellis.numStates-by-tblen. The elements of finalstates have the same format as those of initstates.


The example below encodes random data and adds noise. Then it decodes the noisy code three times to illustrate the three decision types that vitdec supports. Notice that for unquantized and soft decisions, the output of convenc does not have the same data type that vitdec expects for the input code, so it is necessary to manipulate ncode before invoking vitdec.
trel = poly2trellis(3,[6 7]); % Define trellis. msg = randint(100,1,2,123); % Random data code = convenc(msg,trel); % Encode. ncode = rem(code + randerr(200,1,[0 1;.95 .05]),2); % Add noise. tblen = 3; % Traceback length % Use hard decisions. decoded1 = vitdec(ncode,trel,tblen,'cont','hard'); % Use unquantized decisions. ucode = 1-2*ncode; % +1 & -1 represent zero & one, respectively. decoded2 = vitdec(ucode,trel,tblen,'cont','unquant'); % Use soft decisions. % To prepare for soft-decision decoding, map to decision values. [x,qcode] = quantiz(1-2*ncode,[-.75 -.5 -.25 0 .25 .5 .75],... [7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0]); % Values in qcode are between 0 and 2^3-1. decoded3 = vitdec(qcode',trel,tblen,'cont','soft',3); % Compute bit error rates, using the fact that the decoder % output is delayed by tblen symbols. [n1,r1] = biterr(decoded1(tblen+1:end),msg(1:end-tblen)); [n2,r2] = biterr(decoded2(tblen+1:end),msg(1:end-tblen)); [n3,r3] = biterr(decoded3(tblen+1:end),msg(1:end-tblen)); disp(['The bit error rates are: ',num2str([r1 r2 r3])]) The bit error rates are: 0.020619 0.020619 0.020619



The example below illustrates how to use the final state and initial state arguments when invoking vitdec repeatedly. Notice that [decoded4;decoded5] is the same as decoded6.
trel = poly2trellis(3,[6 7]); code = convenc(randint(100,1,2,123),trel); % Decode part of code, recording final state for later use. [decoded4,f1,f2,f3] = vitdec(code(1:100),trel,3,'cont','hard'); % Decode the rest of code, using state input arguments. decoded5 = vitdec(code(101:200),trel,3,'cont','hard',f1,f2,f3); % Decode the entire code in one step. decoded6 = vitdec(code,trel,3,'cont','hard'); isequal(decoded6,[decoded4; decoded5]) ans = 1

See Also References

convenc, poly2trellis, istrellis

Gitlin, Richard D., Jeremiah F. Hayes, and Stephen B. Weinstein. Data Communications Principles. New York: Plenum, 1992.



Purpose Syntax


Generate white Gaussian noise

y y y y y = = = = = wgn(m,n,p); wgn(m,n,p,imp); wgn(m,n,p,imp,state); wgn(...,powertype); wgn(...,outputtype);


y = wgn(m,n,p) generates an m-by-n matrix of white Gaussian noise. p specifies the power of y in decibels. The default load impedance is 1 Ohm. y = wgn(m,n,p,imp) is the same as the previous syntax, except that imp specifies the load impedance in Ohms. y = wgn(m,n,p,imp,state) is the same as the previous syntax, except that wgn first resets the state of MATLABs normal random number generator randn to the integer state. y = wgn(...,powertype) is the same as the previous syntaxes, except that the string powertype specifies the units of p. Choices for powertype are 'dB', 'dBm', and 'linear'. y = wgn(...,outputtype) is the same as the previous syntaxes, except that the string outputtype specifies whether the noise is real or complex. Choices for outputtype are 'real' and 'complex'. If outputtype is 'complex', then the real and imaginary parts of y each have a noise power of p/2.


To generate a column vector of length 100 containing real white Gaussian noise of power 0 dB, use this command:
y1 = wgn(100,1,0);

To generate a column vector of length 100 containing complex white Gaussian noise, each component of which has a noise power of 0 dB, use this command:
y2 = wgn(100,1,0,'complex');

See Also

randn, awgn


addition in Galois fields 2-97 ademod 3-12 ademodce 3-16 A-law companders 2-22 amod 3-20 amodce 3-25 amplitude modulation (AM) sample code for basic example 2-61 using demodulation offsets 3-14 using filters 2-63 using Hilbert filter 3-24 using Hilbert filter in baseband simulation 3-27 using single and double sidebands 3-22 amplitude shift keying (ASK) sample code for mapping 2-68 to plot waveforms 3-81 using passband simulation 3-61 analog signals, representing 2-59 analog-to-digital conversion 2-14 apkconst 3-28 arbitrary signal constellations 2-72 arithmetic in Galois fields 2-97 sample code using extension fields 2-98 using prime fields 2-97 awgn 3-32 discussion of 2-38 generatorpolynomial for 2-33 sample code 3-34 for tracking errors 3-71 using various coding methods 3-93 summary of tools for 2-26 bchdeco 3-34 bchenco 3-36 bchpoly 3-37 bi2de 3-41 binary codes 2-25 matrix format for messages and codewords 2-27 in Reed-Solomon codes 2-28 sample code 3-92 numbers, order of digits and 2-28 vector format for messages and codewords 2-26 sample code 3-92 binary-to-decimal conversion 3-41 bipolar random numbers 2-4 bit error rates 2-7 biterr 3-43 bits random 2-5 block coding 2-24 functions 2-26 techniques 2-25 See also specific coding techniques Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) coding discussion of 2-38 generator polynomial for 2-33 sample code 3-34 for tracking errors 3-71 using various coding methods 3-93

baseband modulated signal 2-60 simulation 2-58 BCH coding



summary of tools for 2-26 burst errors 2-39

carrier frequency (Fc) 2-58 relative to sampling rate 2-58 carrier signal 2-58 initial phase for analog modulation 2-62 for digital modulation 2-77 circle signal constellations 2-71 default values for 2-72 plotting 2-72 code generator matrices converting to parity-check matrices 2-42 sample code 2-33 finding 2-41 representing 2-31 code generator polynomials finding 2-40 representing 2-33 codebooks optimizing 2-18 for DPCM 2-21 sample code 2-18 sample code for DPCM 2-21 representing 2-15 codewords definition 2-26 representing 2-26 coding block 2-24 functions 2-26 techniques 2-25 convolutional 2-43 examples 2-52

features of the toolbox 2-43 sample code 2-50 using polynomial description 2-43 using trellis description 2-46 source 2-14 features of the toolbox 2-14 compand 3-49 companders 2-22 sample code 2-22 complex envelope 2-60 compression of data 2-14 compressors 2-22 sample code 2-22 conjugate elements of Galois fields 3-103 constellations, signal 2-70 arbitrary 2-72 circle 2-71 default values for 2-72 plotting 2-72 hexagonal, sample code 2-73 plots interpreting 2-69 square 2-71 plotting 2-71 triangular, sample code 2-73 constraint length of convolutional code 2-44 convenc 3-51 converting analog to digital 2-14 binary to decimal 3-41 decimal to binary 3-67 exponential to polynomial format for Galois field elements 2-94 sample code 2-95



generator matrices to parity-check matrices 2-42 sample code 2-33 polynomial representations 3-125 polynomial to exponential format for Galois field elements 2-96 sample code 2-96 sampling rates 3-85 vectors to matrices 3-198 convolutional coding 2-43 examples 2-52 features of the toolbox 2-43 sample code 2-50 using polynomial description 2-43 sample code 2-46 using trellis description 2-46 correction vector 2-35 correlation techniques in demodulation 2-66 cosets, cyclotomic 3-103 Costas phase-locked loop for analog modulation 2-62 for digital modulation 2-77 cyclgen 3-53 cyclic coding discussion of 2-37 generator polynomial for 2-33 sample code 2-38, 3-93 using various coding methods 3-93 summary of tools for 2-26 cyclotomic cosets 3-103 cyclpoly 3-55

ddemodce 3-62 de2bi 3-67

data compression 2-14 ddemod 3-57

decimal format for messages and codewords 2-28 in Reed-Solomon coding 2-29 sample code 3-92 decision timing and eye diagrams 2-8 sample code for eye diagrams 2-10 for scatter plots 2-12 decode 3-69 decoding tables representing 2-34 default Galois field parameters, in error-control coding 2-34 primitive polynomials 2-93 delta modulation 2-19 sample code 2-20 See also differential pulse code modulation demodmap 3-73 demodulation definition of 2-56 digital 2-66 functions for 2-67 features of the toolbox 2-58 noncoherent 2-77 diagrams eye 2-8 sample code 2-9 scatter 2-11 sample code 2-12 differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) 2-19 parameters, optimizing 2-21 sample code 2-21 parameters, representing 2-14 sample code 2-20



digital modulation 2-66 functions for 2-67 signals, representing 2-67 displaying polynomials 2-100 distortion from DPCM, reducing 2-21 from quantization, reducing 2-18 division in Galois fields 2-97 dmod 3-78 dmodce 3-82 DPCM 2-19 parameters, optimizing 2-21 sample code 2-21 parameters, representing 2-14 sample code 2-20 dpcmdeco 3-86 dpcmenco 3-87 dpcmopt 3-88

error-correction capability of BCH codes 2-42 of Hamming codes 2-34 of Reed-Solomon codes 2-42 error-rate analysis 2-7 expanders 2-22 sample code 2-22 exponential format for Galois field elements 2-90 in Reed-Solomon coding 2-30 eye diagrams 2-8 sample code 2-9 eyediagram 3-95

features of the toolbox error-analysis 2-3 error-control coding 2-25 modulation/demodulation 2-58 source coding 2-14 feedback connection polynomials 2-45 fields, finite 2-89 See also Galois fields filtering data over Galois fields 3-110 filters designing and applying raised cosine 2-83 designing Hilbert transform 2-80 designing raised cosine 2-87 using after analog demodulation 2-62 choosing cutoff frequency 2-63 resulting time lag 2-64 using after digital demodulation 2-77 using raised cosine 2-81 using square-root raised cosine 2-85 finite fields 2-89 See also Galois fields

encode 3-89 error analysis, features of the toolbox 2-3 integers 2-5 patterns 2-5 predictive 2-19 rates bit versus symbol 2-8 sample code 2-7 error-control coding base 2 only 2-25 features of the toolbox 2-25 methods supported in toolbox 2-25 terminology and notation 2-26 with default Galois field parameters 2-34



font when using gfpretty 3-118 format of Galois field elements 2-90 simplifying and converting to exponential format 2-96 sample code 2-96 simplifying and converting to polynomial format 2-94 sample code 2-95 formatting polynomials 2-100 formatting, of signals 2-14 frequency modulation (FM) sample code 3-18 frequency shift keying (FSK) 2-66 sample code 3-85

gfcosets 3-103 gfdeconv 3-105 gfdiv 3-108 gffilter 3-110 gflineq 3-112 gfminpol 3-114 gfmul 3-116 gfplus 3-117 gfpretty 3-118 gfprimck 3-120 gfprimdf 3-121 gfprimfd 3-122 gfrank 3-124 gfrepcov 3-125 gfroots 3-126 gfsub 3-128

Galois fields 2-89 in error-control coding 2-34 avoiding explicit reference to 2-34 representing elements of 2-90 Gaussian elimination in gflineq 3-113 in gfrank 3-124 Gaussian noise, generating 2-3 gen2par 3-97 generator matrices converting to parity-check matrices 2-42 sample code 2-33 finding 2-41 representing 2-31 generator polynomials finding 2-40 for convolutional code 2-44 representing 2-33 gfadd 3-99 gfconv 3-101

gftrunc 3-130 gftuple 3-131 gfweight 3-134

hammgen 3-135

Hamming coding 2-39 for single-error-correction 2-34 sample code 2-35 using various coding methods 3-93 using various formats 3-92 summary of tools for 2-26 Hamming weight 3-134 hank2sys 3-138 hard-decision decoding 2-50 Hilbert filters designing 2-80 for amplitude modulation 2-62 sample code 3-24 for baseband amplitude modulation



sample code 3-27

hilbiir 3-140

mapped signals representing 2-67 for PSK and QASK 2-69 mapping functions for 2-67 without modulating 2-76 marcumq 3-147 matrices over Galois fields rank 3-124 messages definition 2-26 representing for coding functions 2-26 for modulation functions 2-67 minimal polynomials of Galois field elements 2-101 sample code 2-101 minimum distance 3-134 minimum shift keying (MSK) 2-66 modmap 3-148 modulated signals, representing 2-68 modulation definition of 2-56 delta 2-19 sample code 2-20 See also differential pulse code modulation differential pulse code. See differential pulse code modulation digital 2-66 functions for 2-67 features of the toolbox 2-58 methods supported in toolbox 2-57 of several signals 2-60 sample code 3-18 terminology 2-58 without mapping 2-76

initial phases of carrier signal for analog modulation 2-62 for digital modulation 2-77 in-phase/quadrature coordinates 2-69 inverses, multiplicative in Galois fields 3-108 irreducible polynomials 2-101 sample code 2-101 istrellis 3-143

length of polynomial representations minimizing 2-100 linear block coding 2-36 sample code 2-36 linear equations over Galois fields 3-112 and filtering 3-110 linear predictors 2-19 optimizing 2-21 sample code 2-21 representing 2-19 list of elements of Galois fields 2-91 generating 2-96 sample code 2-92 in error-control coding, avoiding explicit reference to 2-34 Lloyd algorithm, for optimizing quantization parameters 2-18 lloyds 3-145



mu-law companders 2-22 sample code 2-22 multiple roots of polynomials over Galois fields 3-126 multiplication in Galois fields 2-97 multiplicative inverses in Galois fields 3-108

nonbinary codes 2-25 Reed-Solomon 2-39 noncausality of filters 2-78 noncoherent demodulation 2-77 Nyquist sampling theorem 2-58

oct2dec 3-153

optimizing DPCM parameters 2-21 sample code 2-21 quantization parameters 2-18 sample code 2-18 order of digits in binary numbers 2-28 order, predictive 2-19

parity-check matrices finding 2-41 representing 2-31 partitions optimizing 2-18 for DPCM 2-21 sample code 2-18 sample code for DPCM 2-21 representing 2-14

passband simulation 2-58 phase modulation (PM) sample code 2-64 phase shift keying (PSK) sample code for basic example 2-74 for demapping 3-76 for mapping 2-69 for plotting signal constellation 3-151 phase-locked loop, Costas for analog modulation 2-62 for digital modulation 2-77 points, decision and eye diagrams 2-8 sample code for eye diagrams 2-10 for scatter plots 2-12 poly2trellis 3-154 polynomial description of an encoder sample code 2-46 description of encoder 2-43 format for Galois field elements 2-91 polynomials displaying formatted 2-100 generator, finding 2-40 polynomials over Galois fields 2-99 adding 2-100 dividing 2-100 irreducible 2-101 minimal 2-101 sample code 2-101 multiplying 2-100 primitive 2-101 default 2-93 definition 2-89 finding 3-122



representation choices for 3-125 roots of 2-102 sample code 2-102 subtracting 2-100 truncating 2-100 predictive error 2-19 order 2-19 predictive quantization 2-19 features of the toolbox 2-14 parameters, optimizing 2-21 sample code 2-21 parameters, representing 2-14 sample code 2-20 predictors 2-19 linear 2-19 optimizing 2-21 sample code 2-21 representing 2-19 primitive element, definition 2-89 polynomials 2-101 consistent use of 2-93 default 2-93 definition 2-89 finding 3-122 in error-control coding, avoiding explicit reference to 2-34 sample code 2-101 punctured convolutional code 2-54

using eye diagram 2-9 using scatter plot and square constellation 2-12 qaskdeco 3-157 qaskenco 3-159 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) representing signals for 2-60 sample code 2-60 quadrature amplitude shift keying (QASK) sample code using eye diagram 2-9 using scatter plot and square constellation 2-12 quantiz 3-162 quantization 2-14 coding 2-17 DPCM parameters, optimizing 2-21 sample code 2-21 features of the toolbox 2-14 parameters, optimizing 2-18 sample code 2-18 parameters, representing 2-14 predictive 2-19 sample code 2-20 sample code 2-15 vector 2-14

raised cosine filters designing and applying 2-83 designing but not applying 2-87 filtering with 2-81 square-root 2-85 randerr 3-164 randint 3-166 random bipolar symbols 2-4 bits 2-5

QAM representing signals for 2-60 sample code 2-60 QASK sample code



in error patterns 2-5 integers 2-5 signals 2-3 features of the toolbox 2-3 symbols 2-4 randsrc 3-167 rank of matrices over Galois fields 3-124 rcosfir 3-169 rcosflt 3-171 rcosiir 3-174 rcosine 3-176 redundancy, reducing 2-14 Reed-Solomon coding discussion of 2-39 generator polynomial for 2-33 summary of tools for 2-26 references convolutional coding 2-55 error-control coding 2-42 Galois fields 2-103 modulation/demodulation 2-77 representation of polynomials, shortening 2-100 representing analog signals 2-59 codebooks 2-15 codewords 2-26 decoding tables 2-34 digital signals 2-67 Galois field elements 2-90 in a list 2-91 in exponential format 2-90 in polynomial format 2-91 generator matrices 2-31 generator polynomials 2-33 mapped signals 2-67 for PSK and QASK 2-69 messages

for coding functions 2-26 for modulation functions 2-67 modulated signals 2-68 parity-check matrices 2-31 partitions 2-14 predictors 2-19 quantization parameters 2-14 signal constellations 2-70 roots of polynomials over Galois fields 2-102 sample code 2-102 rsdeco 3-178 rsdecode 3-181 rsdecof 3-183 rsenco 3-184 rsencode 3-187 rsencof 3-189 rspoly 3-190

sampling rate 2-58 change during mapping 2-66 individual 2-70 of signals, relative 2-67 relative to carrier frequency 2-58 significance of 2-70 scalar quantization coding 2-17 features of the toolbox 2-14 parameters, representing 2-14 sample code 2-15 scatter plots 2-11 sample code 2-12 using modulation 2-74 scatterplot 3-192 signal constellations 2-70 arbitrary 2-72



circle 2-71 default values for 2-72 plotting 2-72 hexagonal, sample code 2-73 plots interpreting 2-69 square 2-71 plotting 2-71 triangular, sample code 2-73 signal formatting 2-14 features of the toolbox 2-14 Signal Processing Toolbox for filter design 2-62 simplifying exponential format of Galois field elements 2-96 sample code 2-96 polynomial format of Galois field elements 2-94 sample code 2-95 soft-decision decoding 2-51 sample code 2-51 source coding 2-14 features of the toolbox 2-14 square signal constellations 2-71 plotting 2-71 subtraction in Galois fields 2-97 symbol error rates 2-7 symerr 3-194 syndrome 2-35 syndtable 3-197

and eye diagrams 2-8 sample code for eye diagrams 2-10 for scatter plots 2-12 training data for optimizing DPCM quantization parameters 2-21 for optimizing quantization parameters 2-18 trellis description of encoder 2-46 structure 2-47 sample code 2-49 truncating polynomials over Galois fields 2-100

vec2mat 3-198

vector quantization 2-14 vitdec 3-200

weight, Hamming 3-134 wgn 3-204 white Gaussian noise, generating 2-3

terminology modulation/demodulation 2-58 timing, decision


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