Infolink For PLC Document Library: What'S New Need Help? Installation Instructions Search Instructions
Infolink For PLC Document Library: What'S New Need Help? Installation Instructions Search Instructions
Infolink For PLC Document Library: What'S New Need Help? Installation Instructions Search Instructions
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Click OK.
Do not change the directory names or directory structure, or the links and indexes wont work.
Each Infolink CD contains copies of the same files in its root directory. For example:
When you install the second and third CDs, the duplicate files should write over the files from the first CD. (Other releases of Infolink may have some files in their root directories that are not shown the example above.) After copying the files to the hard drive, you can create a shortcut to this file, Main2.pdf, and paste it onto your desktop. Main2.pdf is the main InfoLink for PLC home page. It has links to all the other documents.
Search Instructions
The instructions in this section describe how to search within a document or across the document collection on a CD or hard drive using the tools provided by Adobe Acrobat Reader with Search version 4.0. Later versions of the Reader may operate slightly differently. Please refer to the Acrobat Reader Online Help instructions if you need more information.
By default, each Index resides on and is attached on its own CD only. When InfoLink for PLC is installed on a hard drive or server, all CD indexes must be attached to be able to search the entire document collection.
In the Search > Index Selection window, use the Add and Remove buttons to add or remove selected indexes if necessary. The Adobe Acrobat Online Guides may also be selected.
If a CD index is grayed-out, navigate to the index you want to attach. For example, for CD2, navigate to:
Search Instructions
To search across the selected index(es), select Edit > Search > Query or click the Search icon in the toolbar. To search within the document text, enter a word or term in the search window. For example, versamax.
A list of Search Results quickly appears. In this example, the index lists 227 documents that mention versamax somewhere in their text:
This search finds only documents with versamax in their title. It returns 130 documents:
If you know a documents catalog number (most begin with the prefix GFK) you can find that document immediately by entering the number in the Search title field. If the document has a revision letter, follow the number with an asterisk (or the search wont find it):
If a search finds only one document, that document opens automatically. For example, you entered 1503C, the VersaMax PLC Users Manual, GFK-1503C, would open.