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Installation Guide: Cics Transaction Server For OS/390

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CICS Transaction Server for OS/390

Installation Guide
Release 3


CICS Transaction Server for OS/390

Installation Guide
Release 3


Note! Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Notices on page xi.

Third edition (June 1999) This edition applies to Release 3 of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, program number 5655-147, and to all subsequent versions, releases, and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make sure you are using the correct edition for the level of the product. This edition replaces and makes obsolete the previous edition, SC33-1681-00. The technical changes for this edition are summarized under Summary of changes and are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of a change. Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. Publications are not stocked at the address given below. At the back of this publication is a page entitled Sending your comments to IBM. If you want to make comments, but the methods described are not available to you, please address them to: IBM United Kingdom Laboratories, Information Development, Mail Point 095, Hursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England, SO21 2JN. When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1989, 1999. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii

Chapter 2. Authorizing CICS regions to access MVS resources . . . . . . . . 5

Protecting CICS load module data sets . . . . . 5 Authorizing access to data set services modules . 5 Authorizing access to a CICS regions VTAM ACB. . 6 Authorizing the region userid to access category 1 transactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Authorizing access to an SMSVSAM server . . . . 8 Authorizing access to MVS log streams . . . . . 8 Authorizations for users of IXCMIAPU . . . . 8 # Authorizations for CICS regions . . . . . . . 9 Authorizing CICS region userids to OpenEdition MVS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Activating RACF resource classes . . . . . . . 10

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
What this book is about . Who is this book for? . . What you need to know to How to use this book . . Notes on terminology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . understand this . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . book . . . . . xiii . xiii xiii . xiii . xiv

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 . . . . . . xv CICS books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv CICSPlex SM books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi Other CICS books . . . . . . . . . . . xvi Books from related libraries. . . . . . . . . xvi Systems Network Architecture (SNA) . . . . xvi Advanced communications function for VTAM (ACF/VTAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi NetView Version 3.1 . . . . . . . . . . xvii NetView MultiSystem Manager Version 2.2 . . xvii DATABASE 2 (DB2) . . . . . . . . . . xvii eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp, Version 5 . . . . . . . . . . . xvii CICS for OS/2 Versions 3 and 3.1 . . . . . xvii OS/2 Version 2 . . . . . . . . . . . xviii OS/2 Warp . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) . . . xviii Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) . . . xviii System Modification Program Extended (SMP/E). . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii Sysplex planning . . . . . . . . . . . xviii DFSMS/MVS . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii MVS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii IMS/ESA Versions 4, 5, and 6 libraries . . . . xix Determining if a publication is current . . . . . xx

Chapter 3. Defining the default CICS userid to RACF . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Chapter 4. Installing CICS-required modules in the MVS linklist . . . . . . 15
CICS-supplied modules required in the MVS linklist 15 CICS shared data tables modules for the MVS linklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Modules of other MVS products in the MVS linklist 16

Chapter 5. Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

The IEASYSxx MVS initialization member . . . The IEFSSNaa MVS subsystem initialization member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The console message-handling facility . . . . The DFHSSIyy message-formatting initialization member . . . . . . . . . . . . . Default message-formatting initialization parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . Activating message formatting . . . . . . Modules needed to use the console message-handling facilities . . . . . . . Coexistence considerations . . . . . . . . 19 . 20 . 20 . 21 . 23 . 24 . 24 . 26

Summary of changes . . . . . . . . xxi

Changes for the CICS Transaction Server OS/390 Release 3 edition . . . . . CICSPlex SM installation and setup . Changes for the CICS Transaction Server OS/390 Release 2 edition . . . . . Changes for the CICS Transaction Server OS/390 Release 1 edition . . . . . for . . for . for . . . . . . . . . . xxi . xxi . xxii . xxii

Chapter 6. Installing the CICS Type 3 SVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Coexisting with CICS Version 3 and 4 regions . . Coexisting with CICS Versions 1 and 2 . . . . Defining the CICS SVCs to your MVS . . . . Using more than one version of the CICS Type 3 SVC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MRO between different CICS releases with a changed SVC number . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . 27 . 28 . 28 . 29

Part 1. Post-installation tasks . . . . 1

Chapter 1. Authorizing the hlq.SDFHAUTH library . . . . . . . . 3

Chapter 7. Selecting the high-performance option . . . . . . . 31

Defining DFHHPSVC to MVS . . . . . . . . 31

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


Loading module DFHHPSVC . . . . . . . Removing existing DFHHPSVC modules from the MVS nucleus . . . . . . . . . .

. 31 . 32

Chapter 13. Spool performance considerations . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Chapter 14. MVS automatic restart management definitions . . . . . . . 59
Implementing MVS automatic restart management 59

Chapter 8. Defining CICS regions as applications to VTAM . . . . . . . . 33

Defining specific CICS APPL statements to VTAM 33 VTAM definitions required for CICS . . . . . 34 VTAM version and release level indicator . . . . 35 Message DFHZC3473 on opening the VTAM ACB 35 Cross-domain considerations . . . . . . . . 35

Chapter 15. MVS cross-system MRO definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Sysplex overview . . . . . . MVS XCF considerations for MRO. . . . . . . . . . . . 61 . 61

Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area. . . . . . . . 37

Preparing to install CICS modules in the MVS link pack area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benefits of using the MVS link pack area . . What is meant by the MVS link pack area? . . Which modules must be in the MVS link pack area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Which modules can be in the MVS link pack area? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Service considerations . . . . . . . . . How to use modules in the MVS link pack area . Space requirements for CICS modules in the MVS link pack area . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining the CICS LPA library to your MVS . . Installing CICS modules in the LPA . . . . . Selecting modules for the MVS link pack area . The CICS-supplied SMP/E USERMOD, DFHUMOD . . . . . . . . . . . . Changing a CICS-supplied USERMOD . . . Preparing the USERMOD. . . . . . . . Receiving and applying the USERMOD . . . Controlling the use of modules from the MVS link pack area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Modules in the MVS link pack area from hlq.SDFHAUTH . . . . . . . . . . . Modules in the MVS link pack area from hlq.SDFHLOAD . . . . . . . . . . . Sample DFHCSDUP job to specify USELPACOPY(YES) . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . 37 . 38 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . . . . . . . . 41 41 42 43 43 43 43 43

Chapter 16. PR/SM policy for handling MVS failures . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

XCF PR/SM policy . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Chapter 17. MVS ASREXIT - SYMREC Authorization Exit . . . . . . . . . . 65 Chapter 18. Definitions required for VSAM RLS support . . . . . . . . . 67
Installing DFSMS/MVS Version 1 Release 3.0 . . . Defining the master CF lock structure . . . . . Defining CF cache structures and cache sets . . . Defining cache sets . . . . . . . . . . . Defining SMS storage classes for RLS access . . . Altering data set attributes for RLS access . . . . Defining sharing control data sets . . . . . . . Authorizing CICS userids for VSAM RLS support Adding new parameters to SYS1.PARMLIB(IGDSMSxx) . . . . . . . . . Establishing new procedures for VSAM RLS support Activating the CF structures . . . . . . . . . 68 68 68 69 69 69 70 71 71 71 72

. 44 . 44 . 45 . 49

Chapter 19. Console messages . . . . 73 Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling

| |

. . . 75
80 . 83 . 84 . 85 . 88 . 89 . 90 . 91 . 98 . 100 . 101 . 101 . 103 . 106

# Requirements planning and checklist . . . . . . 75

Setting up the environment for CICS log manager Coupling facility or DASD-only? . . . . . Coupling facility log streams . . . . . . . Defining coupling facility structures . . . . Planning considerations for the number of log structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . Log structure naming conventions . . . . . Defining coupling facility log streams . . . Sizing considerations for coupling facility log streams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coupling facility requirements in an RLS environment . . . . . . . . . . . . Staging data sets for coupling facility log streams . . . . . . . . . . . . . DASD-only log streams . . . . . . . . . Defining DASD-only log streams . . . . . Sizing considerations for DASD-only log streams . . . . . . . . . . . . . Converting a DASD-only log stream to use a coupling facility . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 10. Defining CICS IPCS exit control data to MVS . . . . . . . . . 51

The DFHIPCSP CICS exit control data . . . . . 51

Chapter 11. MVS Program properties table entries . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

RACF password checking . . Non-swappable CICS regions . MVS protection key for CICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 . 53 . 54

Chapter 12. MVS performance definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Implementing MVS workload management. . . . 55 Matching CICS performance parameters to service policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

# Analyzing SMF Type 88 records . . . . . . . 107

Managing secondary storage . Managing log data sets . . Log tail management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 . 108 . 109

Chapter 21. Applying service to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 . . . . 111
Load library secondary extents . . . The CICS TS-supplied SMP/E procedure APAR fixes . . . . . . . . . . PTFs . . . . . . . . . . . . CICS service considerations. . . . . CICSPlex SM service considerations . . Servicing the CICS messages data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 112 112 113 113 113 114

Installing the modules DFHIRP and DFHCSVC in the LPA . . . . . . . . . . . . Regenerating CICS Version 1 or Version 2 modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installing required hardware and software for XCF/MRO . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining MVS images as systems in an XCF sysplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enabling MRO for CICS startup . . . . . Adding ISC support . . . . . . . . . . Running a CICS region with ISC . . . . .

. 136 . 136 . 137 . . . . 137 137 138 138

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures . . . . . . . 141

Preparation for running the IVPs . . . . . . Create the CICS data sets for the IVP jobs . . Install the CICS SVC for the IVP jobs . . . Define and activate the CICS applids . . . Authorize the IVP userid . . . . . . . Review security requirements for the IVP jobs Define log streams. . . . . . . . . . Specify system initialization parameters for the IVP jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resources for the CICS messages facility, CMAC Overview of the IVP jobs . . . . . . . . The CICS startup procedure, DFHSTART . . . DD statements for CICS data sets . . . . Verify batch job, DFHIVPBT . . . . . . . Sample job log for the DFHIVPBT job . . . Output from the DFHIVPBT job . . . . . Verify interactive job, DFHIVPOL . . . . . Defining a terminal for the online IVP . . . Defining the CICS APPLID to VTAM . . . Defining an MVS console . . . . . . . Defining a TSO user as a console device . . Running the DFHIVPOL job . . . . . . Logging on at a VTAM terminal . . . . . Using CICS-supplied transactions through a terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using the CEDA transaction . . . . . . Invoking and executing sample programs . . Using transactions from a console device . . Terminating CICS . . . . . . . . . . Verifying shared data tables support. . . . . Example verification of shared data tables . . Verifying the CICS-DBCTL interface . . . . . The IMS installation requirements for the DFHIVPDB job . . . . . . . . . . . The DFHIVPDB job steps . . . . . . . Testing the CICS-DB2 environment . . . . . Run DB2 jobs DSNTEJ5C and DSNTEJ5P . . Starting a DB2 organization or project application . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 141 141 141 142 142 . 143 . 144 146 . 146 . 147 . 148 . 150 . 150 . 153 . 156 . 157 . 159 . 160 . 160 . 161 . 164 . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 166 167 167 169 169 170 175 176 176 180 181 . . . . .

Part 2. Getting ready to run CICS


Chapter 22. Tailoring the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs . . . . . 117

The CICS installation libraries . Running the DFHISTAR job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 . 118

| What you should do . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Chapter 23. Creating the CICS data sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Data set naming conventions . . . . . . . Creating data sets common to all CICS regions, DFHCOMDS job . . . . . . . . . . . Creating several copies of the DFHCSD and SYSIN data sets . . . . . . . . . . Creating data sets unique to each CICS region, DFHDEFDS job. . . . . . . . . . . . Creating the CICS messages data set, DFHCMACI job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining the DFHCMACD file and associated CICS resources . . . . . . . . . . . Defining the sample applications data sets . . 121 . 122 . 123 . 123 . 124 . 125 . 125

| |

Chapter 24. DL/I support

Using DL/1 Support . . Remote DL/I support Database control . . Global user exits for DL/I . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . 129
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 129 129 129

| Chapter 25. Java support . . | Supplied components. . . . . . .jar files . . . . . . . . . | IIOP and JCICS support . . . . | Sample programs . . . . . . | JCICS reference documentation . | JVM environment variables. . . | JVM directory . . . . . . . | The hlq.SDFJLPA library. . . . #

. . . . 131
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 131 132 132 132 134 134 134

. 181

Chapter 26. Installing MRO and ISC support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Installing MRO support . . . . . . Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem . . . . . . . 135 . 136

| Part 3. CICSPlex SM installation | and setup . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 | Chapter 28. Setup checklist and | worksheets . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

| Installation checklists . . . . . . . . MVS installation and setup checklist . | VSE remote MAS installation and setup | checklist . . . . . . . . . . . | OS/2 remote MAS installation and setup | checklist . . . . . . . . . . . | System worksheet . . . . . . . . | CAS worksheet . . . . . . . . . | CMAS worksheet . . . . . . . . | Local MAS worksheet . . . . . . | MVS remote MAS worksheet . . . . | VSE remote MAS worksheet . . . . | OS/2 remote MAS worksheet . . . . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . .

. 186 . 186 . 189 . . . . . . . . 190 192 193 194 196 197 198 199

Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS) . . . . . . . . 201

Noting IEASYSxx values . . . . . . . . Updating IEASYSxx (CAS) . . . . . . . . Authorizing libraries (CAS). . . . . . . . Defining VTAM requirements (CAS). . . . . Step 1: (Optional) Creating a mode table . . Step 2: Creating a VTAM application definition (CAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 3: Defining cross-domain resources (CAS) Step 4: Updating the configuration list (CAS) Step 5: Activating the major nodes (CAS) . . Generating post-installation members (CAS) . . Creating data sets . . . . . . . . . . . Preparing user access to CICSPlex SM . . . . Preparing to start a CAS. . . . . . . . . START command for a CAS . . . . . . Identifying and connecting to a CAS . . . Defining VTAM to CICSPlex SM (CAS) . . . Preparing to stop a CAS. . . . . . . . . Stopping a CAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 202 203 204 204

Considerations when upgrading the CSD release | (CMAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | Considerations when sharing the CSD (CMAS) | | Creating the CICSPlex SM data repository . . . | Converting the CICSPlex SM data repository. . . | Expanding the CICSPlex SM data repository . . . | Taking backups of the CICSPlex SM data | repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining a forward recovery log for the data | repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | Preparing to start a CMAS . . . . . . . . . Editing CICSPlex SM system parameters . . . | CMAS-related CICS SIT parameters . . . . . | START command for a CMAS . . . . . . . | | Defining VTAM to CICSPlex SM (CMAS) . . . . | Shutting down a CMAS . . . . . . . . . . Using the SHUtdown command . . . . . . | Using the CMASSTOP command . . . . . . | Using the COSD transaction . . . . . . . | | Restarting a CMAS . . . . . . . . . . .

229 229 230 232 233 235 235 236 238 239 243 244 244 244 244 244 245

. 206 207 207 . 208 . 209 . 210 . 211 . 212 . 213 . 215 . 215 . 215 . 215

Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) . . . . . . . 217

Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . Updating IEASYSxx (CMAS) . . . . . . . . Authorizing libraries (CMAS) . . . . . . . . Updating the MVS linklist . . . . . . . . . Preparing to use the CICSPlex SM API . . . . . Installing the REXX function package . . . . CICSPlex SM auxiliary storage usage . . . . . Preparing to transmit generic alerts to NetView Defining VTAM requirements (CMAS) . . . . . Step 1: Creating a VTAM application definition (CMAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 2: Defining cross-domain resources (CMAS) Step 3: Updating the configuration list (CMAS) Step 4: Activating the major nodes (CMAS) . . Using post-installation members . . . . . . . Adding CICS system definitions (CMAS) . . . . Creating CICS resource definition tables for CMASs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Updating the CSD files using DFHCSDUP (CMAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Journalmodel considerations in a CICS TS for OS/390 CMAS . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 217 218 218 219 219 220 221 222 223 223 224 225 225 226 226 227 228

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . Authorizing libraries (MAS) . . . . . . . . Using CICS global user exits and user-replaceable modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reviewing VTAM definitions for a remote MAS Step 1: Reviewing a remote MAS application definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 2: Reviewing remote MAS cross-domain definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 3: Updating the configuration list (remote MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 4: Activating the major nodes (remote MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generating post-installation members (MVS MAS) Adding CICS system definitions (MVS MAS). . . Updating CICS resource definition tables for MASs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (MVS MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Considerations when upgrading the CSD release (MVS MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Considerations when sharing the CSD (MVS MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using CICSPlex SM modules in the MVS link pack area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Space requirements . . . . . . . . . . Installing CICSPlex SM modules into the LPA Controlling the use of modules from the LPA Applying maintenance to LPA modules . . . Preparing to start an MVS MAS . . . . . . . Activating DB2 connections during CICS startup Activating XM MRO connections during CICS startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MVS MAS-related CICS SIT parameters . . . 247 248 248 248 249 249 250 250 250 251 251 252 257 257 258 258 259 260 260 260 261 262 262


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| Stopping and restarting management of a CICS | system . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stopping management of a CICS system . | Restarting management of a CICS system . | Terminating a MAS . . . . . . . . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

. . . .

. . . .

265 265 265 266

Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . Using CICS global user exits and user-replaceable modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reviewing VTAM definitions for a VSE remote MAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 1: Reviewing a VSE remote MAS application definition . . . . . . . . . . Step 2: Reviewing VSE remote MAS cross-domain definitions. . . . . . . . . Step 3: Updating the configuration list (VSE remote MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . Step 4: Activating the major nodes (VSE remote MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editing post-installation members (VSE remote MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adding CICS system definitions (VSE remote MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Updating CICS resource definition tables for VSE remote MASs . . . . . . . . . . . Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (VSE remote MAS) . . . . . . . . . . . . Using CICSPlex SM modules in the shared virtual area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preparing to start a VSE remote MAS . . . . . Defining the EYUPARM file . . . . . . . VSE remote MAS-related CICS SIT parameters Stopping and restarting management of a CICS/VSE system . . . . . . . . . . . . Stopping management of a CICS/VSE system Restarting management of a CICS/VSE system Terminating a VSE remote MAS . . . . . . 267 267 268 268 268 269 269 270 270 270 271 274 277 277 278 281 281 281 282

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Defining a TCS entry for CICSPlex SM . . . . . Updating the CICS for OS/2 CICSENV.CMD file Reviewing the CICS for OS/2 system initialization parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customizing the CICS for OS/2 DLLs . . . . . Updating the existing CICS for OS/2 DLLs. Copying the DLLs supplied with CICSPlex SM Restarting your OS/2 workstation . . . . . . Editing the CICSPlex SM EYUPARMS.DAT file Importing the CICSPlex SM resource definitions Defining the CICS for OS/2 remote MAS to CICSPlex SM . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restarting your CICS for OS/2 system. . . . . Stopping and restarting management of a CICS for OS/2 system . . . . . . . . . . Stopping management of a CICS for OS/2 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Restarting management of a CICS for OS/2 system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terminating a CICS for OS/2 system . . . . Deleting the OS/2 components of a previous release of CICSPlex SM . . . . . . . . . .

291 292 293 293 294 295 295 295 296 297 297 297 297 297 298 298

Chapter 34. Setting up the interface to NetView RODM. . . . . . . . . . . 299

An overview of the RODM interface . . . . What you need to use the interface . . . . How the interface is supplied . . . . . . Updating NetView for the interface . . . . . Update the NetView startup procedure . . . Define the CICSPlex SM command processor Define the CICSPlex SM operator profiles . . Define the interface startup parameters . . . Start the CICSPlex SM operator task . . . Updating CICSPlex SM for the interface . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 300 300 301 301 301 302 302 303 304

Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

The Starter Set samples libraries . . . . . . JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for creating the Starter Set . . . . . . . . . . . JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for running the Starter Set . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF for the Starter Set environment. . . . . . . The Starter Set naming convention . . . . Creating the Starter Set environment . . . . Selecting the Starter Set configuration . . . Defining the Starter Set environment . . . Starting the Starter Set components . . . . Deleting the Starter Set . . . . . . . . . Using the Starter Set as a model . . . . . . . 307 . 307 . 308 . . . . . . . . 308 310 311 311 311 313 314 315

Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS) . . . . . . 283
An overview of the setup process . . . . . . Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . Setup requirements . . . . . . . . . . Restarting the installation process . . . . . Installing the Software Installer for OS/2 . . . . Downloading the EYUIDLDS.EXE file . . . . Using EYUIDLDS.EXE to install Software Installer for OS/2 . . . . . . . . . . . Using Software Installer for OS/2 to install CICSPlex SM . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installing the CICSPlex SM components . . . Opening the host catalog manually . . . . . Installing components from another workstation Updating your CONFIG.SYS file . . . . . . . Reviewing your eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp definitions . . . . . . . . . 283 283 284 285 285 285 286 287 287 288 289 290 290

Chapter 36. Applying service to CICSPlex SM . . . . . . . . . . . 317

CICS TS for OS/390-supplied SMP/E procedure Applying service to a CICS/VSE remote MAS . Applying service to the CICS for OS/2 components . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 . 317 . 317



| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Accessing the Installation and Maintenance window . . . . . . . . . . . . Checking the current service level . . . Shutting down CICS for OS/2 . . . . Updating CICSPlex SM components . . Deleting CICSPlex SM components . . .

. . . . .

. . . . .

318 319 319 319 320

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures . . . . . . . 321

If the IVPs do not work as described . . . . The stages of IVP1 and IVP2 . . . . . . . The IVP samples libraries . . . . . . . . Installation verification procedure 1 (IVP1) . . Setting up the CICSPlex SM environment on system A . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting up and verifying CICSPlex SM components on system A . . . . . . . Testing CICSPlex SM functions . . . . . . . . . 321 322 322 324

. 324 . 326 . 332

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2) . . . . . . . . . 347

Setting up the CICSPlex SM environment on system B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting up and verifying CICSPlex SM components on system B . . . . . . . . . 1: Start the CAS EYUCAS1B . . . . . . . 2: Define CAS-to-CAS connections . . . . . 3: Start the CMAS EYUCMS1B . . . . . . 4: Run the batched repository update facility on system B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5: Enable EYUCMS1B to manage EYUPLX01 6: Start the MAS EYUMAS1B . . . . . . . Testing CICSPlex SM functions . . . . . . . Test the topology functions on system B . . . Test the operations functions on system B . . . Test the monitoring functions on system B . . Test the analysis functions on system B. . . . Test the workload-management functions on system B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Customizing the installation verification procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 349 349 350 355 356 357 359 360 360 364 367 369 371 375

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Chapter 41. Installation verification procedure 5 (IVP5) . . . . . . . . . 389

Setting up the CICSPlex SM environment for NetView RODM . . . . . . . . . . . . Starting up and verifying NetView, RODM, and MSM components . . . . . . . . . . . . 1: Ensure NetView is started . . . . . . . 2: Ensure the NetView SSI is started . . . . . 3: Ensure NetView GMFHS is started . . . . 4: Ensure NetView RODM is started. . . . . 5: Ensure NetView RODM is loaded with GMFHS data model . . . . . . . . . . 6: Ensure NetView RODM is loaded with MSM data model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7: Ensure CICSPlex SM RODM reporting task is active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating CICSPlex SM definitions for RODM reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1: Define RODM to the CMAS. . . . . . . 2: Enable RODM reporting for the CICSplex . . 3: Enable RODM reporting of CICS resources Displaying CICSPlex SM objects with NGMF . . 389 389 389 390 390 390 390 390 390 391 391 392 393 396

Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs. . . . . . . . 397
Sample JCL editing considerations . EYUINST EXEC parameters . . . Sample JCL execution considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 . 399 . 406

| Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system | parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 | Chapter 44. CMAS journaling | | | | |

. . . . 415

Chapter 45. Preparing to use the IPCS tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419

Updating BLSCECT . . . Updating library allocations SDUMP options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 . 420 . 421

Chapter 39. Installation verification procedure 3 (IVP3) . . . . . . . . . 377

Start the VSE remote MAS . . . Verify that the VSE remote MAS is CICSPlex SM . . . . . . . Stop the VSE remote MAS . . . Restart the VSE remote MAS . . Shut down the VSE remote MAS . . . active . . . . . . . . . in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 . . . . 379 379 380 380

Part 4. Appendixes . . . . . . . . 423

Appendix A. Disk space needed for CICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area . . . . . . . 427
CICS modules required in the MVS link pack area 427 CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area 427 Information about modules eligible for the MVS link pack area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428

Chapter 40. Installation verification procedure 4 (IVP4) . . . . . . . . . 383

Start the OS/2 remote MAS . . . . . . Verify that the OS/2 remote MAS is active in CICSPlex SM . . . . . . . . . . . Stop the OS/2 remote MAS . . . . . . Restart the OS/2 remote MAS . . . . . . Shut down the OS/2 remote MAS . . . . . . . . . . 384 . . . . 386 386 387 388

Glossary of SMP/E terms used in this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443

Sending your comments to IBM . . . 453



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

What this book is about
This book is intended to help you install CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3. It contains guidance about tailoring CICS for use in your systems environment. This book does not describe installing the Front End Programming Interface (FEPI) feature of CICS. For further information about loading the FEPI feature from the distribution tape, see the OS/390 Program Directory. For information about the FEPI feature, including how to configure it after it has been loaded from the distribution tape, see the CICS Front End Programming Interface Users Guide.

Who is this book for?

| This book is for system programmers who are responsible for installing and tailoring CICS and CICSPlex SM.

What you need to know to understand this book

To fully understand the information in this book, you should have experience of the IBM MVS operating system, and the System Modification Program/Extended (SMP/E) licensed program needed to maintain CICS and CICSPlex SM. To use the installation verification procedures, you should be familiar with the JCL and cataloged procedures for MVS. It also helps if you are familiar with CICS and CICSPlex SM concepts.

| | |

How to use this book

| CICS and CICSPlex SM are available only as elements of the CICS Transaction Server, through either the ServerPac or CBPDO method of delivery. For information about these two methods of delivery of the CICS Transaction Server, see the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390: Planning for Installation manual. To install the CICS Transaction Server using the CBPDO method, you should use the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory, together with the instructions contained in the Memo to Users Extension, to load the software from the tape DASD. For the ServerPac method, you follow the supplied set of ISPF dialogs and the accompanying documentation. After you have loaded the CICS Transaction Server elements to DASD, you should then use this book to tailor CICS to your environment; that is to: v Integrate CICS with MVS and ACF/VTAM v Apply service to CICS (if required) v Create the CICS data sets v Install DB2 support (if required) v Install MRO and ISC support (if required) v Run the installation verification procedures (if required).

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


Notes: 1. Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area on page 427 gives details of the CICS modules that are needed in, and eligible for, the MVS link pack area. 2. If you installed CICS from CBPDO, you do not need to run the DFHISTAR job again to specify the post-installation parameters. However, if you wish to create several copies of the post-installation jobs (for example to create several copies of the DFHDEFDS job to define CICS data sets unique to several CICS regions), you can edit and run the DFHISTAR job as many times as required. Some of the information in this book is also of interest if you have installed CICS Transaction Server using the ServerPac method of delivery. In particular, you should edit and run the DFHISTAR job, specifying the keyword POST, to define parameters needed to tailor your CICS environment.

Notes on terminology
CICS is used throughout this book to mean the CICS element of the IBM CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3. RACF is used throughout this book to mean the MVS Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) or any other external security manager that provides equivalent function. MVS is used throughout this book to mean the operating system MVS, or the Base Control Program (BCP) element OS/390. MVS/ESA SP 5.2 is used throughout this book to mean the MVS/ESA System Product Version 5 Release 2. In the programming examples in this book, the dollar symbol ($,) is used as a national currency symbol and is assumed to be assigned the EBCDIC code point X5B. In some countries a different currency symbol, for example the pound symbol (), or the yen symbol (), is assigned the same EBCDIC code point. In these countries, the appropriate currency symbol should be used instead of the dollar symbol. Throughout this book, the term hlq is used to denote the high-level qualifier of the CICS TS data sets; for example, CICSTS13.CICS for CICS data sets and CICSTS13.CPSM for CICSPlex SM data sets. The CICSTS13 part of the high-level qualifier is defined by the LINDEX parameter in the DFHISTAR installation job.

| | | | | | | | |

IMS library names The IMS libraries referred to in this chapter are identified by IMS.libnam (for example, IMS.RESLIB). If you are using your own naming conventions, change the IMS prefix to match those naming conventions.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

CICS Transaction Server for OS/390
CICS CICS CICS CICS CICS CICS Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Server Server Server Server Server Server for for for for for for OS/390: Planning for Installation OS/390 Release Guide OS/390 Migration Guide OS/390 Installation Guide OS/390 Program Directory OS/390 Licensed Program Specification GC33-1789 GC34-5352 GC34-5353 GC33-1681 GI10-2506 GC33-1707

CICS books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390

General CICS Master Index CICS Users Handbook CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Glossary (softcopy only) Administration CICS System Definition Guide CICS Customization Guide CICS Resource Definition Guide CICS Operations and Utilities Guide CICS Supplied Transactions Programming CICS Application Programming Guide CICS Application Programming Reference CICS System Programming Reference CICS Front End Programming Interface Users Guide CICS C++ OO Class Libraries CICS Distributed Transaction Programming Guide CICS Business Transaction Services Diagnosis CICS Problem Determination Guide CICS Messages and Codes CICS Diagnosis Reference CICS Data Areas CICS Trace Entries CICS Supplementary Data Areas Communication CICS Intercommunication Guide CICS Family: Interproduct Communication CICS Family: Communicating from CICS on System/390 CICS External Interfaces Guide CICS Internet Guide Special topics CICS Recovery and Restart Guide CICS Performance Guide CICS IMS Database Control Guide CICS RACF Security Guide CICS Shared Data Tables Guide CICS Transaction Affinities Utility Guide CICS DB2 Guide SC33-1704 SX33-6104 GC33-1705 SC33-1682 SC33-1683 SC33-1684 SC33-1685 SC33-1686 SC33-1687 SC33-1688 SC33-1689 SC33-1692 SC34-5455 SC33-1691 SC34-5268 GC33-1693 GC33-1694 LY33-6088 LY33-6089 SC34-5446 LY33-6090 SC33-1695 SC33-0824 SC33-1697 SC33-1944 SC34-5445 SC33-1698 SC33-1699 SC33-1700 SC33-1701 SC33-1702 SC33-1777 SC33-1939

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


CICSPlex SM books for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390

General CICSPlex SM Master Index CICSPlex SM Concepts and Planning CICSPlex SM User Interface Guide CICSPlex SM View Commands Reference Summary Administration and Management CICSPlex SM Administration CICSPlex SM Operations Views Reference CICSPlex SM Monitor Views Reference CICSPlex SM Managing Workloads CICSPlex SM Managing Resource Usage CICSPlex SM Managing Business Applications Programming CICSPlex SM Application Programming Guide CICSPlex SM Application Programming Reference Diagnosis CICSPlex SM Resource Tables Reference CICSPlex SM Messages and Codes CICSPlex SM Problem Determination SC33-1812 GC33-0786 SC33-0788 SX33-6099 SC34-5401 SC33-0789 SC34-5402 SC33-1807 SC33-1808 SC33-1809 SC34-5457 SC34-5458 SC33-1220 GC33-0790 GC33-0791

Other CICS books

CICS Application Programming Primer (VS COBOL II) CICS Application Migration Aid Guide CICS Family: API Structure CICS Family: Client/Server Programming CICS Family: General Information CICS 4.1 Sample Applications Guide CICS/ESA 3.3 XRF Guide SC33-0674 SC33-0768 SC33-1007 SC33-1435 GC33-0155 SC33-1173 SC33-0661

If you have any questions about the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 library, see CICS Transaction Server for OS/390: Planning for Installation which discusses both hardcopy and softcopy books and the ways that the books can be ordered.

Books from related libraries Systems Network Architecture (SNA)

v Systems Network Architecture - Function Description of Logical Unit Types, GC20-1868 v Systems Network Architecture - Types of Logical Unit to Logical Unit Sessions, GC20-1869.

Advanced communications function for VTAM (ACF/VTAM)

v Network Program Products General Information, GC30-3350 v Advanced Communications Function for VTAM Installation and Resource Definition, SC23-0111 v Advanced Communications Function for VTAM Customization, SC23-0112 v Advanced Communications Function for VTAM Operation, SC23-0113 v Advanced Communications Function for VTAM Messages and Codes, SC23-0114 v Advanced Communications Function for VTAM Diagnosis Guide, SC23-0116


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

v v v v

Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced

Communications Communications Communications Communications

Function Function Function Function

for for for for


Diagnosis Reference, LY30-5582 Data Areas, LY30-5584 Programming, SC23-0115 Reference Summary, SC23-0135.

NetView Version 3.1

v v v v v v v v v NetView NetView NetView NetView NetView NetView NetView NetView NetView Users Guide, SC31-8056 Installation and Administration Guide, SC31-8043 Installation and Administration and Security Reference, SC31-8045 Customization Guide, SC31-8052 Customization: Writing Command Lists, SC31-8055 Automation Planning, SC31-8051 Automation Implementation, SC31-8050 RODM and GMFHS Programming Guide, SC31-8049 Messages, SC31-8046

NetView MultiSystem Manager Version 2.2

v MultiSystem Manager: Open Topology Interface, SC31-8144 v MultiSystem Manager: Lovell NetWare NetworksOpen Topology Interface, SC31-8129 v MultiSystem Manager: OS/2 LAN Network Manager Networks, SC31-8130 v MultiSystem Manager: Internet Protocol Networks, SC31-8131

v IBM DATABASE 2 Administration Guide, SC26-4888 v IBM DATABASE 2 Application Programming and SQL Guide, SC26-4889 v IBM DATABASE 2 Command and Utility Reference, SC26-4891.

eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp, Version 5

v Quick Beginnings, GC31-8189

CICS for OS/2 Versions 3 and 3.1

v Installation, GC33-1580 v Operation, SC33-1582 v Customization, SC33-1581 v Intercommunication, SC33-1583 CICS for OS/2 Version 3 and the CICS Client for OS/2 are distributed as part of the IBM Transaction Server for OS/2 Warp, Version 4. CICS for OS/2 Version 3.1 and the CICS Client for OS/2 are distributed as part of the IBM Transaction Server for OS/2 Warp, Version 4.1. Please refer to the CICS Library Guide for your release of CICS for the titles and form numbers of additional books that support these releases.



OS/2 Version 2
An order number is not given for the following book because the number can vary from country to country. v Using OS/2 Version 2

OS/2 Warp
An order number is not given for the following book because the number can vary from country to country. v Users Guide to OS/2 Warp

Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM)

v MVS/ESA Access Method Services Reference for VSAM Catalogs, GC26-4075 v MVS/ESA VSAM Administration Guide, GC26-4151 v MVS/ESA Catalog Users Guide, GC26-4041.

Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)

v Resource Access Control Facility (RACF): General Information, GC28-0722 v System Programming Library: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF), SC28-1343 v Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) Command Language Reference, SC28-0733 v Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) Security Administrators Guide, SC28-1340.

System Modification Program Extended (SMP/E)

v System Modification Program Extended: Users Guide, SC28-1302 v System Modification Program Extended: (SMP/E) Terminal Users Guide, SC28-1109 v System Modification Program Extended: General Information, GC28-1106 v System Modification Program Extended: Reference, SC28-1107.

Sysplex planning
v System/390 MVS Sysplex Application Migration, GC28-1211

v DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference, SC26-4920 v DFSMS/MVS Access Method Services for ICF, SC26-4906

v OS/390 MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference, GC28-1910 v OS/390 MVS Setting Up a Sysplex, GC28-1779. v OS/390 MVS Installation Exits, SC28-1753. v OS/390 MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN, GC28-1764 v OS/390 MVS Planning: Workload Management, GC28-1761. v OS/390 MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ENF-IXG, GC28-1765 v OS/390 MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference LLA-SDU, GC28-1766


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

v OS/390 MVS GC28-1767 v OS/390 MVS v OS/390 MVS v OS/390 MVS

Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference SET-WTO, Initialization and Tuning Guide, SC28-1751 Initialization and Tuning Reference, SC28-1752 Routing and Descriptor Codes, GC28-1778

IMS/ESA Versions 4, 5, and 6 libraries

Table 1. IMS/ESA libraries Title Administration Guide: Database Manager Administration Guide: System Administration Guide: Transaction Manager Application Programming: Database Manager Application Programming: Database Manager Summary Application Programming: DC Calls Application Programming: Design Guide Application Programming: DL/I Calls Version 4 ---------------SC26-4283 SC26-4279 SC26-4274 Version 5 SC26-8012 SC26-8013 SC26-8014 SC26-8015 SC26-8037 ---SC26-8016 ---SC26-8018 ---SC26-8036 SC26-8017 SC26-8038 SC26-8020 ---------------------LY27-9620 LY27-9621 GC26-3467 ---SC26-8023 SC26-8024 GC26-8040 Version 6 SC26-8725 SC26-8730 SC26-8731 SC26-8727 ------SC26-8728 ---SC26-8726 ------SC26-8729 ---SC26-8732 LY37-3730 ---------------SC26-8733 LY37-3731 LY37-3732 ------GC26-8736 GC26-8737 GC26-8738

Application Programming: EXEC DLI Commands SC26-4280 Application Programming: DL/I Calls Summary SX26-3765

Application Programming: EXEC DLI Commands SX26-3775 Summary Application Programming: Transaction Manager Application Programming: Transaction Manager Summary Customization Guide Common Queue Server Reference Customization Guide: Database Customization Guide: Data Communications Customization Guide: Systems Data Communication Administration Guide Database Administration Guide Database Recovery Control Guide and Reference Diagnosis Guide and Reference Failure Analysis Structure Tables (FAST) for Dump Analysis General Information Installation Guide Installation Volume 1: Installation and Verification Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring Licensed Programming Specifications ------------SC26-4624 SC26-4625 SC26-4285 SC26-4286 SC26-4281 ---LY27-9539 LY27-9512 GC26-4275 SC26-4276 ----------



Table 1. IMS/ESA libraries (continued) Title LU6.1 Adapter for LU6.2 Applications: Program Description/Operations Master Index and Glossary Messages and Codes Open Transaction Manager Access Guide/Reference Operations Guide Operators Reference Release Planning Guide Sample Operating Procedures Summary of Operator Commands/Summary of Commands System Administration Guide System Definition Reference Utilities Reference: Database/Utilities Reference: Database Manager Utilities Reference: Data Communication Utilities Reference: Systems Utilities Reference: Transaction Manager Version 4 SC26-4392 SC26-4291 SC26-4290 ---SC26-4287 SC26-4288 GC26-4386 SC26-4277 SX26-3764 SC26-4282 SC26-4278 SC26-4627 SC26-4628 SC26-4629 ---Version 5 ---SC26-8027 SC26-8028 SC26-8026 SC26-8029 SC26-8030 GC26-8031 SC26-8032 SC26-8042 ------SC26-8034 ---SC26-8035 SC26-8022 Version 6 ------GC26-8739 SC26-8743 SC26-8741 SC26-8742 GC26-8744 SC26-8767 SC26-8766 ------SC26-8769 ---SC26-8770 SC26-8771

Determining if a publication is current

IBM regularly updates its publications with new and changed information. When first published, both hardcopy and BookManager softcopy versions of a publication are usually in step. However, due to the time required to print and distribute hardcopy books, the BookManager version is more likely to have had last-minute changes made to it before publication. Subsequent updates will probably be available in softcopy before they are available in hardcopy. This means that at any time from the availability of a release, softcopy versions should be regarded as the most up-to-date. For CICS Transaction Server books, these softcopy updates appear regularly on the Transaction Processing and Data Collection Kit CD-ROM, SK2T-0730-xx. Each reissue of the collection kit is indicated by an updated order number suffix (the -xx part). For example, collection kit SK2T-0730-06 is more up-to-date than SK2T-0730-05. The collection kit is also clearly dated on the cover. Updates to the softcopy are clearly marked by revision codes (usually a # character) to the left of the changes.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Summary of changes
This book is based on the Installation Guide for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 SC33168101. Changes from that edition are marked by vertical lines to the left of the changes.

Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 edition
v v v v Post-installation, addition to chapter on authorizing CICS regions VTAM definitions required for CICS: PERSIST=MULTI Defining an MVS console Java support

CICSPlex SM installation and setup

To support the inclusion of CICSPlex SM as an element of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, and the consequent revised installation processes, a new part, Part 3. CICSPlex SM installation and setup on page 183 has been added to explain how to install the CICSPlex SM element. This information was previously available in the CICSPlex SM Setup book at the previous release. It contains the following chapters v Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets on page 185. v Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS) on page 201. v Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) on page 217. v Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS) on page 247. v Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS) on page 267. v Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS) on page 283. v Chapter 34. Setting up the interface to NetView RODM on page 299. v Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set on page 307. v v v v v Chapter 36. Applying service to CICSPlex SM on page 317. Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures on page 321. Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2) on page 347. Chapter 39. Installation verification procedure 3 (IVP3) on page 377. Chapter 40. Installation verification procedure 4 (IVP4) on page 383.

v Chapter 41. Installation verification procedure 5 (IVP5) on page 389. v Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs on page 397. v Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407. v Chapter 44. CMAS journaling on page 415. v Chapter 45. Preparing to use the IPCS tools on page 419.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 edition
The major changes to CICS that affect CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 are: v Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling on page 75 has been rewritten, to include information about DASD-only log streams. v The chapter discussing the installation of DB2 support has been removed. Information about CICS DB2 is available in the CICS DB2 Guide. v A new section Chapter 2. Authorizing CICS regions to access MVS resources on page 5 to explain how to authorize CICS region userids to OpenEdition MVS.

Changes for the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 1 edition
The major changes to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 1 that affect this book are: v Support for the MVS logger v The removal of journal control v Support for VSAM RLS. Other changes made to this book include: v The removal of information relating to XRF, including information for the DFHALTDS and DFHIVPAL jobs v The removal of information relating to the CICSplex IVPs.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Part 1. Post-installation tasks

The information about ACF/VTAM, MVS, RACF and other products given in this part is for guidance only. Always consult the current publications of the other products for the latest information. See Books from related libraries on page xvi. Note: RACF is used throughout this book to mean the MVS Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) or any other external security manager that provides equivalent function. The advice about using RACF applies only if you have security active in your system. If so, you must use an external security manager (such as RACF). This part discusses what you should do after you have loaded the CICS Transaction Server elements to DASD, and before you run CICS. It contains the following chapters: v v v v v Chapter 1. Authorizing the hlq.SDFHAUTH library on page 3. Chapter 2. Authorizing CICS regions to access MVS resources on page 5. Chapter 3. Defining the default CICS userid to RACF on page 13. Chapter 4. Installing CICS-required modules in the MVS linklist on page 15. Chapter 5. Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem on page 19.

v Chapter 6. Installing the CICS Type 3 SVC on page 27. v Chapter 7. Selecting the high-performance option on page 31. v Chapter 8. Defining CICS regions as applications to VTAM on page 33. v Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area on page 37. v Chapter 10. Defining CICS IPCS exit control data to MVS on page 51. The following chapters discuss the MVS definitions required for optional CICS functions. v Chapter 11. MVS Program properties table entries on page 53. v Chapter 12. MVS performance definitions on page 55. v Chapter 13. Spool performance considerations on page 57. v Chapter 14. MVS automatic restart management definitions on page 59. v Chapter 15. MVS cross-system MRO definitions on page 61. v v v v v Chapter 16. Chapter 17. Chapter 18. Chapter 19. Chapter 20. PR/SM policy for handling MVS failures on page 63. MVS ASREXIT - SYMREC Authorization Exit on page 65. Definitions required for VSAM RLS support on page 67. Console messages on page 73. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling on page 75.

v Chapter 21. Applying service to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 on page 111.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999

CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 1. Authorizing the hlq.SDFHAUTH library

Although, in general, CICS runs in problem state, the CICS initialization program, DFHSIP, needs to run in supervisor state for part of its execution. For a module to be able to run in supervisor state, it must be link-edited as an authorized module into a partitioned data set, which must also be defined to the operating system as APF-authorized. For CICS-supplied modules, the link-editing has been done for you. The CICS-supplied DFHSIP module is link-edited with the authorized attribute (using SETCODE AC(1)), and is installed in the hlq.SDFHAUTH library. APF-authorize the hlq.SDFHAUTH library by adding it to the list of APF-authorized libraries in the appropriate PROGxx (or IEAAPFxx) member in SYS1.PARMLIB. The hlq.SDFHAUTH library must be APF-authorized to enable certain CICS modules, such as DFHSIP, to run in supervisor state. If your list(s) of APF-authorized libraries are specified in the dynamic format (in a PROGxx member), refresh the APF list dynamically using the SETPROG or SET PROG=xx command. If your list(s) of APF-authorized libraries are specified in the static format (in IEAAPFxx members), schedule an MVS IPL for the APF-authorization to take effect. For information about maintaining lists of APF-authorized libraries, see the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide. When you prepare your startup job stream, provide a STEPLIB DD statement for the hlq.SDFHAUTH library. When you define your STEPLIB DD statement, remember that all other libraries concatenated with the hlq.SDFHAUTH library must also be APF-authorized. This is because, if any of the libraries in a STEPLIB concatenation are not authorized, MVS regards all of them as unauthorized. The hlq.SDFHLOAD library contains only programs that run in problem state, and should not be authorized. The hlq.SDFHLOAD library must be included in the CICS DFHRPL library concatenation. There is an example of this library DD statement in the sample job stream provided in the CICS System Definition Guide. For information about authorizing access to CICS data sets, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.

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Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999

CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 2. Authorizing CICS regions to access MVS resources

You should consider authorizing access to the following when planning your security requirements to run CICS: CICS PDS libraries Protect your CICS data sets that use RACF. See Protecting CICS load module data sets. VTAM ACB Authorize each CICS region userid to OPEN the VTAM ACB for the regions specified APPLID. See Authorizing access to a CICS regions VTAM ACB on page 6. CICS system transactions Authorize each CICS region userid to access the CICS category 1 system transactions. See Authorizing the region userid to access category 1 transactions on page 7. SMSVSAM server Authorize each CICS region to open the SMSVSAM control ACB if you plan to use CICS with VSAM record-level data sharing. See Authorizing access to an SMSVSAM server on page 8. System logger log streams Authorize each CICS region userid to access the MVS system logger log streams that are used by CICS. See Authorizing access to MVS log streams on page 8. RACF resource classes Activate the appropriate RACF resource classes to enable terminal users to access CICS resources and user-defined resources. See Activating RACF resource classes on page 10.

Protecting CICS load module data sets

| To prevent unauthorized or accidental modification of hlq.SDFHAUTH, you should RACF-protect this library. Without such protection, the integrity and security of your MVS system are at risk. Additionally, if you require protection against the unauthorized use of DFHSIP, do not place this module in the LPA and do not include hlq.SDFHAUTH in the MVS LNKLST unless DFHSIP is RACF-protected as a controlled program with a profile in the RACF PROGRAM resource class. You should also RACF-protect the other libraries (including hlq.SDFHLOAD) that make up the STEPLIB and DFHRPL library concatenations. For information about authorizing access to CICS data sets, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.

Authorizing access to data set services modules

During initialization, CICS determines the availability of backup-while-open (BWO) support by linking to the callable services modules IGWAMCS2 and IGWABWO. CICS also checks the DFSMSdss (or DFDSS) release level by linking
Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999

to the modules ADRRELVL and ADRMCLVL. If access to these data set services modules is controlled by means of RACF PROGRAM general resource profiles, security violation messages are issued against the CICS region userid, unless the userid is authorized to access ADR-prefixed module names. You can avoid security violation messages against the CICS region userids, and still control access to data set services, as follows: v If you have generic PROGRAM profiles protecting access to ADR modules, create specific PROGRAM profiles for the ADDRELVL and ADRMCLVL modules, and ensure your CICS region userids have READ access to these specific profiles. v Instead of using PROGRAM profiles to protect access to data set services, use one of the following methods: Define suitable profiles in the DASDVOL general resource class. Defining profiles in the FACILITY general resource class that are supported by DFSMS to control access to data set services. For information about using DASDVOL and FACILITY class profiles to control the uses of data set services, see the DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdss Storage Administration Reference, SC26-4929, and the DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdss Storage Administration Guide, SC26-4930.

Authorizing access to a CICS regions VTAM ACB

You can control which users, among those who are running non-APF-authorized programs, can OPEN the VTAM ACB associated with a CICS address space (CICS region). This ensures that only authorized CICS regions can present themselves as VTAM applications that provide services with this APPLID, thus preventing unauthorized users from impersonating real CICS regions. (Note that the CICS region userid needs the OPEN access, not the issuer of the SET VTAM OPEN command.) To enable CICS to start up with external security, you must first have authorized the CICS region userid to open the CICS regions VTAM ACB with the applid specified on the APPLID system initialization parameter. For each APPLID, create a VTAMAPPL profile, and give the CICS region userid READ access. For example:

The correct CICS APPLID to specify in the VTAMAPPL class is the specific APPLID, as specified in the CICS system initialization parameters. If you are using XRF (that is, if CICS is started with XRF=YES in effect), you must define two VTAMAPPL profiles one each for both the active and alternate CICS regions specific APPLID (the second operand on the CICS APPLID startup option). Notes: 1. The VTAMAPPL class must be active and RACLISTed for this protection to be in effect; for example:

2. If a CICS region is not to use VTAM, you do not need to authorize the CICS region userid for the CICS applid.

CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

3. If you do not control the opening of a CICS regions VTAM ACB, a new VTAM application started with the same applid as that of a running CICS region has the following effect: v The running CICS region performs a FORCECLOSE of its VTAM ACB and issues message DFHZC0101. v The running CICS region either terminates or continues, depending on your use of the XXRSTAT exit. (The default is to terminate.) If the CICS region continues, all TCAM sessions remain bound to the CICS region, but it no longer uses VTAM. v The new application opens the VTAM ACB with the specified applid. v If the first running CICS region used VTAM persistent sessions, the new application recovers any VTAM sessions that persist from that CICS region. For information about creating VTAMAPPL profiles for CICS region applids, see the CICS RACF Security Guide For information about the XXRSTAT exit, see the CICS Customization Guide.

Authorizing the region userid to access category 1 transactions

To enable CICS to start up with external security, you must first have authorized the CICS region userid to access the category 1 system transactions. If the region userid does not have this authority at CICS startup, CICS issues message DFHXS1113, and terminates. To give the region userid the authority to access the category 1 system transactions, edit and submit the sample job stream in Figure 1 to execute the CICS-supplied sample CLIST, DFH$CAT1. This job uses the RACF commands in the CLIST to update the RACF database. Note: Only a user with the RACF authority SPECIAL can execute the CLIST to update the RACF database.

For information about category 1 transactions and about determining the CICS region userid, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.

Chapter 2. Authorizing CICS regions to access MVS resources

Authorizing access to an SMSVSAM server

If you plan to run CICS with VSAM record-level sharing (RLS), you must authorize each CICS region that connects to an SMSVSAM server to have access to that server. This means granting access to the appropriate profile in the RACF SUBSYSNM general resource class. You define profiles in the SUBSYSNM resource class to control access by subsystems like CICS that want to connect to SMSVSAM. A SUBSYSNM profile name is the name by which a given subsystem, such as CICS, is known to VSAM. For CICS regions, you must use the CICS applid as the profile name in the SUBSYSNM general resource class. When CICS attempts to register the control ACB during CICS initialization, SMSVSAM calls RACF to check that the CICS region userid is authorized to a profile name in the SUBSYSNM class that matches the CICS applid. If the CICS region userid does not have READ authority, the register fails. For example, if the applid of a CICS AOR is CICSDAA1, and the CICS region userid (shared by a number of AORs) is CICSDA##, define and authorize the profile as follows:

Authorizing access to MVS log streams

There is no facility within CICS for controlling LOGSTRM security checks. This is controlled by the MVS security administrator activating the LOGSTRM and FACILITY general resource classes by means of the SETROPTS command. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Users of the IXCMIAPU administrative data utility and CICS regions both require appropriate authorizations to log streams and IXLSTR coupling facility structures.

Authorizations for users of IXCMIAPU

You create log structures and define log streams using the IXCMIAPU administrative data utility to update the LOGR data set. To do this, your userid needs the appropriate level of authorization, as shown in the following examples: Coupling facility structures To define and delete log structures using IXCMIAPU, you need ALTER access to the LOGR resource profile named MVSADMIN.LOGR in the FACILITY general resource class. For example, use the following RACF command:

Coupling facility log streams To define, delete, and update log streams (including log stream models) that are defined in coupling facility structures, you need: v ALTER access to the appropriate log stream profile defined in the LOGSTRM general resource class v UPDATE access to the coupling facility structure (IXLSTR) profile defined in the FACILITY general resource class (in this case, profile names are prefixed with IXLSTR).

CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

# # # # # # # # #

For example, if the log stream and structure resource profiles are defined to RACF with the following commands:

use the following RACF commands to give your userid the required authorizations to these two profiles:
PERMIT log_stream_profile CLASS(LOGSTRM) ACCESS(ALTER) ID(your_userid) PERMIT IXLSTR.structure_name_a CLASS(FACILITY) ACCESS(UPDATE) ID(your_userid)

Authorizations for CICS regions

If the LOGSTRM resource class is active, the level of authorization required depends on whether log streams are always explicitly defined to the MVS system logger. Ensure that the CICS region userid is authorized to write to (and create if necessary) the log streams that are used for its system log and general logs (see Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling on page 75.) You do this by granting the appropriate access authorization to log stream profiles in the RACF LOGSTRM general resource class: v If CICS is expected to create log streams dynamically, CICS must have ALTER authority to the relevant log stream (LOGSTRM) profiles, and UPDATE authority to the relevant coupling facility structure (IXLSTR) profiles. For example:
PERMIT region_userid.applid.* CLASS(LOGSTRM) ACCESS(ALTER) ID(region_userid) PERMIT IXLSTR.structurename CLASS(FACILITY) ACCESS(UPDATE) ID(region_userid)

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v If all the log streams that CICS writes to are already defined to MVS, CICS needs only UPDATE authority to the log stream profiles. For example:
PERMIT region_userid.applid* CLASS(LOGSTRM) ACCESS(UPDATE) ID(region_userid)

Note: In the above examples, region_userid.applid.* is the generic profile name of the log stream resource. These examples illustrate a resource name prefixed by the region userid and applid. region_userid is the CICS region userid under which CICS is running, either as a started task or batch job. Permit READ access to those users who need to read the CICS log streams. You must permit UPDATE access to those users who need to update journals by granting the user the appropriate authority to the log stream (in the LOGSTRM resource class) and to the JOURNALNAME (in the JCICSJCT class). The generic profile in the following example could be defined to cover all the log streams referenced by the CICS region identified by its region userid and applid:

If, however, you have multiple CICS systems sharing the same region userid, but with differing security requirements, include the applid in the generic profile, as follows:
RDEFINE LOGSTRM region_userid.applid.* UACC(NONE)

Chapter 2. Authorizing CICS regions to access MVS resources

The following example allows the CICS region userid under which CICS is running to write journal and log records to log streams in the named coupling facility structure:

The following examples give access to two categories of user:

PERMIT region_userid.applid.* CLASS(LOGSTRM) ACCESS(READ) ID(authorized_browsers) PERMIT region_userid.applid* CLASS(LOGSTRM) ACCESS(UPDATE) ID(archive_userid)

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In these examples, archive_userid is the userid under which an application program runs to purge old data from CICS logs when the data is no longer needed, and authorized_browsers refers to the userids of users allowed to read log streams, but cannot purge data. If several CICS regions share the same CICS region userid, you can make profiles more generic by specifying * for the applid qualifier. The number of profiles you define depends on the naming conventions of the logs, and to what extent you can use generic profiling.

Authorizing CICS region userids to OpenEdition MVS

The CICS Web interface uses the OpenEdition sockets API. This means that CICS regions using the Web interface must be authorized to access the OpenEdition sockets libraries to ensure the Web interface can resolve OpenEdition sockets API calls. Authorize your CICS regions by including an OpenEdition MVS (OMVS) segment in the CICS regions user profile, specifying the UID parameter. In the OMVS segment, UID specifies the numeric user identifier. When you are creating a new user profile for a CICS region userid, include the OMVS segment with the UID parameter specified (for example, on the ADDUSER command). For CICS region userids that already exist, add the OMVS segment information using the ALTUSER command. For example:

where CICSHAA1 is the CICS region userid of a CICS AOR that is initialized with Web Interface support, and 4127 is the OpenEdition numeric user identifier of the CICS region. For information about defining OMVS segment parameters in a user profile, see the OS/390 Security Server (RACF) Command Language Reference, SC28-1919.

Activating RACF resource classes

Before you can use RACF for CICS resources and for user-defined resources, you must activate the associated RACF resource classes by using the RACF SETROPTS command.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

To run the CICS-supplied IVPs with external security, you must activate the resource classes for CICS resources. To use your own user-defined resources with external security in your CICS environment, you must: v Define resource classes for your resources. v Activate the resource classes. v Optionally RACLIST resource classes to be used for QUERY SECURITY commands. This builds in-storage profiles for those resource classes. For information about RACF resource classes, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.

Chapter 2. Authorizing CICS regions to access MVS resources



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 3. Defining the default CICS userid to RACF

If you intend using RACF to authorize terminal users to access CICS resources, you should define a default CICS userid to RACF and specify it on the CICS system initialization parameter, DFLTUSER. This default userid assigns the security attributes to be used for all CICS terminal users who do not sign on with the CESN transaction (or a user-written equivalent). During startup, CICS tries to sign on the default userid. If it cannot be signed on (for example, if not defined), CICS issues message DFHSN0701 and terminates CICS initialization. After the valid default CICS userid is signed on, its security attributes are used for all CICS terminal users who do not sign on with the CESN transaction. If the default userid is defined to RACF with a CICS segment, the operator attributes in that segment are also used for users who do not sign on. For information about defining the userid to RACF, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.

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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 4. Installing CICS-required modules in the MVS linklist

There are two categories of modules that CICS loads from the MVS linklist: 1. CICS-supplied modules 2. Modules of other MVS products (for example, DFSMS)

CICS-supplied modules required in the MVS linklist

| | | CICS supplies the modules listed below in the hlq.SDFHLINK library, where hlq is defined by the LINDEX parameter in the DFHISTAR installation job. AMDUSREF AXMSC AXMSI DFHDTCV DFHDTSVC | | DFHGTCNV DFHLGCNV Alias of DFHTG530. AXM server connection routines for CICS data sharing servers. AXM subsystem initialization routine for CICS data sharing servers. Connection validation subroutine for shared data tables. Shared data tables SVC services. Subroutine used by LOGR subsystem interface. Exit routine for LOGR subsystem interface.

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Named counter server interface. Named counter server options. Dump formatting routine for use with IPCS. System dump formatting routine for ONC RPC. Trace interpretation routine for ONC RPC. RRS domain authorized services. RACF CICS segment changes notification routine. CICS RACF dynamic parse TIMEOUT keyword print routine. CICS RACF dynamic parse OPCLASS validation routine. CICS RACF dynamic parse OPIDENT validation routine. CICS RACF dynamic parse OPPTRY validation routine. CICS RACF dynamic parse TIMEOUT validation routine. CICS MVS subsystem initialization routine. CICS subsystem message table that contains the text of messages for the subsystem interface modules. Link module for the CICS GTF trace printing load module DFHTRGTF. Link module for the CICS GTF trace printing load module DFHTR530. Link module used for trace interpretation.



External CICS interface (EXCI) SVC services routine.

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These modules are supplied in an APF-authorized library in the MVS linklist because: 1. They can be required by non-CICS regions such as batch jobs or a CICS data sharing server. 2. They must be consistent across several CICS regions. 3. They can be required by both CICS and non-CICS regions. 4. The RACF dynamic parse routines are required by the Security Administrator who executes the ADDUSER or ALTUSER commands under TSO. For information about the RACF interface routines, see the CICS RACF Security Guide. These modules are in the hlq.SDFHLINK library when you install CICS. Ensure the modules supplied in SDFHLINK are available from an APF-authorized library in the MVS linklist by: v Adding these modules, as required, to an existing APF-authorized library defined in the MVS linklist, or v Defining SDFHLINK itself as an APF-authorized library and including it in the MVS linklist.

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Compatibility with earlier CICS releases Unless otherwise stated, the CICS TS Release 3 versions of the modules in SDFHLINK are compatible with earlier releases of CICS. Note: DFHPD530, DFHTG530, DFHTR530 and DFHTT530 are release dependant. If you run more than one release of CICS, ensure the correct versions are available (for example, DFHPD410 for CICS/ESA 4.1.).

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CICS shared data tables modules for the MVS linklist

CICS supplies the following modules, for the shared data tables facility, in the hlq.SDFHLINK. If you intend using the shared data tables facility, ensure these modules are available in the MVS linklist or the MVS link pack area: v DFHDTSVC and DFHDTCV, because all regions using shared data tables must use the same level of SVC code v DFHMVRMS, the RESMGR exit stub, because CICS JOBLIB/STEPLIB data sets are unavailable at end-of-memory

Modules of other MVS products in the MVS linklist

There are some DFSMS modules that CICS loads from the MVS linklist. This requirement is either dependent on the function you are using (such as backup-while-open (BWO) support), or on the release of DFSMS. The modules are: IGWABWO This module, supplied in the MVS callable services library, SYS1.CSSLIB, is loaded by CICS from the MVS linklist if you are using BWO for files accessed in non-RLS mode. Note: In addition to IGWABWO being in the linklist, you must also install IGWAMCS2 in the LPA. CICS tests for the presence of this module in


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

the LPA to determine that BWO support is present in the MVS image before attempting to load IGWABWO. For files accessed in RLS mode, CICS does not require IGWABWO or IGWAMCS2. IGWARLS This module, supplied in the MVS callable services library, SYS1.CSSLIB, is loaded by CICS from the MVS linklist if you have DFSMS 1.3 or later installed. CICS issues the following message if it cant load IGWARLS:

CICS initialization fails if CICS cannot load this callable services module.

Chapter 4. Installing CICS-required modules in the MVS linklist



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 5. Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem

Define CICS as an MVS subsystem before running CICS with any of the following: v The console message-handling facility v Multiregion operation (MRO) v MVS workload management. For information about the console message-handling facility see The console message-handling facility on page 20 and the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide. For information about MRO, see the CICS Intercommunication Guide. For information about shared database facility, see the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide. For information about MVS workload management see the OS/390 MVS Planning: Workload Management. Also, if you are running CICS with XRF in a multi-MVS environment or a two-CPC (central processing complex) configuration, defining CICS as an MVS subsystem can reduce operator intervention during takeover if MVS or a CPC fails while more than one CICS is running. Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem involves three members of the SYS1.PARMLIB partitioned data set: IEASYSxx, IEFSSNaa , and DFHSSIyy. You only need member DFHSSIyy if you want the console message-handling facility. Note: aa,xx,yy represent suffixes used to distinguish different versions of members of the SYS1.PARMLIB library. Note that if you intend to start CICS with the START command you must either: v Give the MVS started task procedure a name different from the subsystem name in IEFSSNaa (default CICS), or v Issue the start command with the parameter SUB=JES2 or SUB=JES3 as appropriate. For more information about the subsystem interface, see the OS/390 MVS Using the Subsystem Interface .

The IEASYSxx MVS initialization member

In an IEASYSxx member (of the SYS1.PARMLIB library) used for MVS initialization, include the parameter SSN=aa, where aa refers to the SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNaa that contains the definitions for all subsystems needed for this IPL of MVS, including the definition of CICS as an MVS subsystem.

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The IEFSSNaa MVS subsystem initialization member

To define CICS as an MVS subsystem, code an entry in the IEFSSNaa member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library. If you want to use the console message handling facility, code the entry using one of the following methods:


This entry is used for every CICS region running under MVS that you have IPLed with this version of the IEFSSN member. Apart from the suffix yy, you must code the entry exactly as shown. The meanings of the terms are as follows: CICS DFHSSIN is the name of the CICS subsystem. is the name of the CICS subsystem routine that initializes the console message-handling facilities. If you omit this name, CICS is defined as an MVS subsystem, but none of the console message-handling facilities are enabled. is the name of a SYS1.PARMLIB member, described below, in which you have defined message-formatting initialization parameters for the CICS subsystem. If you specify DFHSSIN but omit DFHSSIyy, the DFHSSIN routine tries to use the parameters defined in member DFHSSI00. If the DFHSSI00 member does not exist, it uses default values (defined in the DFHSSIN member) described in Default message-formatting initialization parameters on page 23.


The IEFSSNaa member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library also contains the definitions for all the other subsystems needed for this IPL of MVS, for example JES2, IRLM, and DATABASE 2 (DB2).

The console message-handling facility

The console message handling facility is an optional feature of the CICS subsystem that can affect the appearance of CICS messages displayed on an MVS console. It is effective when you specify FORMATMSG=YES as an initialization parameter for the CICS subsystem. The subsystem reformatting is enabled when at least one of the following is executing in the MVS image where the subsystem is defined: v CICS/MVS version 2 release 1.2 v CICS/ESA version 3 release 1.1 with APAR PL66570 v CICS/ESA version 3 release 2.1 or later v A message automation subsystem (such as NetView) which enables the MVS subsystem console message broadcasting service When this facility is used, it affects messages displayed on MVS system consoles in the following ways: v The subsystem tries to ensure that all console messages issued by all CICS regions have a standard format. The format is:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Column number:

+DFHnnnn | 1



The plus sign (+) is added by MVS to indicate that a problem-state program issued the message. It is not present when CICS issues the message while it is in supervisor state. The applid inserted into the message is the specific application identifier. This is the identifier that is specified in the system initialization parameter APPLID. It is the only operand when XRF=NO is also specified, or the second operand when XRF=YES is also specified. v The subsystem adds routecodes specified in the ROUTECODE subsystem initialization parameter, so the messages might be sent to more destinations. v The subsystem reformats messages for all CICS releases, even those issued by CICS/OS/VS version 1. v The subsystem does not reformat messages that are issued by a CICS region that has not yet determined its applid. This includes messages that are issued while processing the system initialization table and its overrides. v The subsystem routine that reformats the messages does not receive control until after the message has been recorded in the CICS jobs job log. Therefore, the reformatting is not usually apparent in the job log. v Messages issued by the message domain already contain the applid. The subsystem does not insert the applid into such messages, but it might insert blank characters to cause alignment into standard locations. v If the original CICS message is a long one, adding the applid might cause the message to exceed the maximum length for an MVS console message. In this case, the original message is suppressed (does not appear on the console), and the reformatted message is issued using the MVS multiple-line console message service to split the message over several lines. Both the original message and perhaps several instances of the reformatted multiple-line message appear in the job log, but only one copy of the reformatted message is displayed on the console. v For some messages where the applid normally follows a time and date stamp, inserting the applid in the standard position would have resulted in the applid being duplicated within the message. For these messages, the subsystem eliminates the time and date stamp, because these are available from other sources, and only one occurrence of the applied is shown.

The DFHSSIyy message-formatting initialization member

You can specify message-formatting initialization parameters for the CICS subsystem in a member DFHSSIyy of the SYS1.PARMLIB library, where yy is the suffix that identifies the SYS1.PARMLIB member used to define the CICS subsystem. These parameters, described in this section, are FORMATMSG, HIDEPASSWORD, and ROUTECODES. Code the parameters in columns 1 through 71 of the DFHSSIyy member, for example:

Chapter 5. Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem


FORMATMSG={YES|NO} Specifies whether the CICS applid is to be inserted into all DFH console messages that do not use the CICS message domain. YES Insert CICS applid into messages. NO Do not insert CICS applid into messages. HIDEPASSWORD={YES|NO} Specifies whether to mask the password from MODIFY commands used to enter the CICS signon transaction at an MVS console. YES Mask the password. NO Do not mask the password. ROUTECODES=(n1[,n2] ....) n1, n2... are numbers representing generic routecodes to be added to all DFH console messages issued by CICS. The routecodes 1-12 have special meanings: 1 Master console action. 2 Master console information. 3 Tape pool. 4 Direct access pool. 5 Tape library. 6 Disk library. 7 Unit record pool. 8 Teleprocessing control. 9 System security. 10 System error/maintenance. 11 Programmer information. 12 Emulators. The status of other routecodes is as follows: 13-20 Available for customer use. 29-40 Reserved. 41-128 Available to authorized programs only. For more information about these routing codes, see the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual for your version of MVS.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Default message-formatting initialization parameters

You can define message-formatting initialization parameters for the CICS subsystem in a member DFHSSIyy of the SYS1.PARMLIB library. To use parameters defined in a DFHSSIyy member other than the DFHSSI00 member, you must specify DFHSSIyy on the IEFSSNaa member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library used to define CICS as an MVS subsystem. If you do not specify DFHSSIyy, the DFHSSIN routine tries to use the parameters defined in the DFHSSI00 member. If the DFHSSI00 member does not exist, it uses the default parameters defined in the DFHSSIN routine. If you specify DFHSSIyy, but it does not exist, the DFHSSIN routine uses the default message-formatting initialization parameters defined in the DFHSSIN routine. The default message-formatting initialization parameters defined in the DFHSSIN routine are:
FORMATMSG=YES,HIDEPASSWORD=YES (generic routecodes are not added to messages)

The default facilities: v Insert the CICS applid into the CICS console message between the message identifier and the message text. The applid is inserted into only those console messages (starting with DFH) that do not use the CICS message domain. The CICS message domain inserts the CICS applid into all messages that it handles. If the original message is a long one, inserting the CICS applid might cause the message to exceed the maximum length for an MVS console message. In this case, the original message is suppressed (that is, does not appear on the console), and the reformatted message is issued using the MVS multiple-line console message service to split the message text over several lines. Both the original message and perhaps several instances of the reformatted multiple-line message appear in the job log, but only one copy of the reformatted message is displayed on the console. v Examine each MODIFY command to see if it resembles a MODIFY CICS,CESN ... command. If the MODIFY command contains an old or new password (PS=xxxx,NEWPS=xxxx), the default facilities obliterate the password with asterisks. If the MODIFY command does not contain a password, the password you enter at the MVS console is masked. Note: If your primary subsystem is JES3, the old and new passwords still appear in the JES3 hardcopy log. JES3 records the MODIFY command before the CICS message formatting subsystem can obliterate the password. (This does not happen when the primary subsystem is JES2.) The passwords are suppressed from the console for both JES2 and JES3. For information about the CESN transaction, and about how to prevent passwords from appearing in the hardcopy log, see the CICS Supplied Transactions manual. If you do not specify DFHSSIN in the IEFSSNaa entry that defines CICS, the message handling facilities are not enabled. Also, if you run CICS as a started task, you cannot use the name CICS for the procedure name.

Chapter 5. Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem


Activating message formatting

After you have defined CICS as an MVS subsystem with support for the console message-handling facility (and have specified the message-formatting parameters in the DFHSSIyy member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library), the message-handling facility is activated by the next MVS subsystem to invoke the subsystem console message broadcasting service of MVS console support. This occurs when you start up a CICS/MVS 2.1.2, or later CICS release, region or if an automated-operation program, such as NetView, is active in the MVS image. A newly-started CICS region determines its own applid during initialization. Until the applid is known, the message-formatting facility cannot operate. Therefore, messages issued very early in CICS initialization are not formatted.

Modules needed to use the console message-handling facilities

To use the console message-handling facilities provided by the MVS subsystem functions of CICS the following CICS modules must be available at MVS IPL time: DFHSSEN The module that cleans up CICS resources at end-of-memory and at end-of-task. DFHSSGC The subsystem generic connect module that connects an active CICS region to the CICS subsystem. DFHSSIN The CICS subsystem initialization module. DFHSSMGT The subsystem message table that contains the text of messages for the subsystem interface modules. DFHSSWT The subsystem interface write-to-operator (WTO) router that determines whether WTO calls should be routed to the appropriate CICS-dependent modules. These modules must reside in the LPA or in an APF-authorized library in the MVS linklist, as follows: v The modules DFHSSIN and DFHSSMGT, installed in the hlq.SDFHLINK library, must reside in an APF-authorized library in the MVS linklist. v The DFHSSEN module installed in the hlq.SDFHLPA library, must reside in the LPA. v The modules DFHSSGC and DFHSSWT, installed in the hlq.SDFHLPA library, must reside either in the LPA or in an APF-authorized library in the MVS linklist. Note: hlq is defined by the LINDEX parameter in the DFHISTAR installation job. The current versions of these modules are compatible with earlier CICS releases that support console message handling. | For information about adding modules installed in the hlq.SDFHLINK library to the MVS linklist, see Chapter 4. Installing CICS-required modules in the MVS

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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

linklist on page 15.

Chapter 5. Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem


For information about adding modules installed in the hlq.SDFHLPA library to the LPA, see Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area on page 37.

Coexistence considerations
To use the message-handling facilities for CICS, you should note the following coexistence considerations:

Automated-operation programs
If your automation system needs to see the console messages before they are reformatted by CICS, its subsystem definition should be placed in IEFSSNXX before the definition for CICS. But if your automation system needs to see the reformatted messages, its definition must come after that of CICS. Consult the documentation of your automation package to determine which applies to you.

Other CICS releases

If the message-handling facility has been defined to MVS (by the CICS entry in the IEFSSNaa member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library), CICS regions running earlier releases of CICS in the same MVS image have the full benefit of the message handling that has been defined if either of the following is true: v An automated-operation program, such as NetView, is active in the MVS image. v A CICS region that supports message handling is running in the same MVS image. This includes CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 regions, CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 regions, CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 1 regions, CICS/ESA 4.1 regions, CICS/ESA 3.3 regions, and CICS/MVS 2.1.2 regions with console support, and CICS/ESA 3.1.1 regions with a PTF for APAR PL66570 applied. | | | | Note: A consequence of the console messages now having a standard format is that the date, time and informational message is no longer included. If you use these as a token, you must make a change to the code so that it looks for a different token.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 6. Installing the CICS Type 3 SVC

Install the current level of the CICS Type 3 SVC, DFHCSVC, before you attempt to start a region. To install the CICS Type 3 SVC: 1. Define the DFHCSVC module to MVS. (See Defining the CICS SVCs to your MVS on page 28.) 2. Install the DFHCSVC module into the LPA.

Do not change DFHCSVC attributes Do not relink-edit the DFHCSVC module in order to install it into the LPA. The term install means move or copy a module into the LPA, by using SMP/E, or by using a copying method that re-blocks the copied modules when the target data set has a smaller block size than the data set you are copying from. The DFHCSVC module, as supplied, has the attributes AMODE(31) and RMODE(ANY); do not change these attributes. For further information about installing the DFHCSVC module in the LPA, see Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area on page 37. 3. Specify the DFHCSVC number on the CICSSVC system initialization parameter. The current version of the CICS SVC module is downward compatible with all earlier releases of CICS, which enables you to run your earlier CICS regions with current regions in the same MVS image. CICS contains a test to verify that it is using the correct level of the CICS DFHCSVC module. If CICS calls an SVC module using the SVC number specified on the CICSSVC system initialization parameter, and the module is not at the current level, CICS issues message DFHKE0104. As a result of this message, CICS either abends with a system dump, or prompts the operator to enter an alternative SVC number, depending on the option specified on the PARMERR system initialization parameter.

Coexisting with CICS Version 3 and 4 regions

To continue using an old Type 3 SVC number on existing CICS/ESA Version 3 regions until you have completed system testing the current installation, ensure the current version of the CICS SVC module, DFHCSVC, is in the LPA, using a different name. For further information about using more than one version of the CICS SVC, see Using more than one version of the CICS Type 3 SVC on page 28.

Coexisting with CICS Versions 1 and 2

You can continue using a Type 2 SVC number on existing CICS Version 1 or Version 2 regions until you have completed system testing the current installation. In addition to the Type 2 SVC installed in the MVS nucleus, ensure the current version of the CICS SVC module, DFHCSVC, is in the LPA, and specify an SVC
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number that is different from the Type 2 version. As soon as practicable, change over to the current version of DFHCSVC for all regions, and remove the Type 2 SVC from the MVS nucleus. If you need to use the current SVC with CICS Version 1 or Version 2 regions, you must regenerate some of the earlier release CICS modules that use the SVC number defined in them when they are generated. For information on how to regenerate modules such as DFHCRC, refer to a pre-Version 3 Installation Guide.

Defining the CICS SVCs to your MVS

You define both the CICS Type 3 SVC and the HPO SVC to your MVS system by specifying SVCPARM statements. You must define the CICS SVCs in an IEASVCxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library, using SVCPARM statements. SVCPARM statements are described in the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Guideand the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual. If you are using the default SVC numbers, the CICS entries are as follows:

For the current SVC modules, you must specify the EPNAME parameters as shown in the sample CICS entries. Note: If you have a version of the DFHHPSVC module from an earlier release of CICS already link-edited into your MVS nucleus, you do not need to replace it with the latest version. Versions of the DFHHPSVC module from earlier releases of CICS are compatible with the current release. The CSECT name (EPNAME) of the version of the DFHHPSVC module from earlier releases is IGC215 (or IGCnnn, if SRBSVC=nnn was used as a CICS system generation parameter in the earlier release). If you are not using the default SVC numbers, change the values 215 and 216 to the SVC numbers you have chosen. You select the required IEASVCyy member by coding the SVC parameter (SVC=yy) in a SYS1.PARMLIB member (IEASYSxx) which you use to IPL your MVS. When you code new SVC numbers, they do not come into effect until you next IPL your MVS.

Using more than one version of the CICS Type 3 SVC

You may need to use more than one version of the CICS Type 3 SVC, for example to test service applied to the DFHCSVC module while using the current version in a production system. You can run several CICS regions, at different release levels, in the same MVS image, with each region using its own version of the CICS SVC. However, if some of those regions use MRO, all regions that use MRO must use the latest CICS Type 3 SVC (DFHCSVC module) and the latest DFHIRP module. For information about using the latest SVC with earlier releases of CICS, see MRO between different CICS releases with a changed SVC number on page 29 and a pre-Version 3 Installation Guide.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

To use more than one version of the CICS SVC, rename the new SVC module in the LPA, then respecify the SVC in the SVCPARM statements, as outlined in Defining the CICS SVCs to your MVS on page 28. To rename the new CICS SVC module, use the renaming facility of ISPF or IEBCOPY, or the TSO command RENAME, renaming the module to a unique name of your choice. We recommend that you use SMP/E to rename the CICS SVC module in the SDFHLPA library. By using the SMP/E RENAME command, SMP/E is informed of the change to the name of the CICS SVC module. Therefore, if you later use SMP/E to apply service to that module, the service is applied to the renamed module in the LPA, not the DFHCSVC module. For example, you might want to use an SVC number 255 for a test CICS region, as well as the default CICS SVC numbered 216, for your production system: 1. Create and apply an SMP/E USERMOD to RENAME the new CICS SVC module:
++USERMOD(umod1) . ++VER(C150) FMID(HCI5200) . ++RENAME (DFHCSVC) TONAME(newname) .

2. You could then specify the number 255 for the new CICS SVC version by adding an appropriate statement to the list of SVCPARM statements. That list would then read:

Note: The EPNAME parameter for the new CICS SVC specifies the module name, not the CSECT name, for the new CICS SVC module. All the SVCPARM statements apply to the same IEASVCxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library. 3. Re-IPL MVS to enable all the SVC versions specified in the SVCPARM statements. After you re-IPL MVS, you can use both versions of the CICS SVC, as long as both regions do not use MRO concurrently. If both systems use MRO, then only the new, latest version of the SVC (and the latest DFHIRP module) must be used by both regions. 4. In the system initialization table (SIT) for your production system, specify (by the system initialization parameter CICSSVC) the number of the current CICS SVC. Similarly, in the SIT for your test system, specify the number of the new CICS SVC version.

MRO between different CICS releases with a changed SVC number

If a CICS TS region and other earlier release CICS regions in the same MVS image use MRO, all the regions must use the CICS TS SVC module. If when you install the CICS TS SVC in the LPA, you give the SVC a number different from the number defined to the earlier CICS regions, you must respecify the SVC number. On each earlier release CICS region to use the CICS TS SVC, specify the new SVC number on the CICSSVC system initialization parameter. For CICS Version 1 and Version 2 regions, you should also delete the old Type 2 SVC from your MVS nucleus. This ensures that all communicating regions are using the new Type 3 SVC.

Chapter 6. Installing the CICS Type 3 SVC



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 7. Selecting the high-performance option

The high-performance option (HPO) is provided for users whose top priority is to optimize terminal response times and maximize transaction throughput. HPO improves performance by reducing the transaction path length; that is, the number of instructions needed to service each request. Note: Use of HPO potentially allows CICS application programs to bypass all MVS integrity controls. If you decide to use HPO, ensure that the application programs used on your CICS system meet your own installations integrity requirements. The code to support the VTAM authorized path feature of HPO (the improved path through VTAM) is included in CICS.

Defining DFHHPSVC to MVS

The DFHHPSVC module must be defined to MVS as a Type 6 SVC; the default HPO SVC number defined in the DFHSIT module is 215. If you want to change the default Type 6 SVC number: 1. Define the new number to MVS. (See Defining the CICS SVCs to your MVS on page 28.) 2. Define the new number to CICS using the SRBSVC system initialization parameter. If you are not using HPO, you are recommended not to load the DFHHPSVC module into the MVS nucleus. You choose to use HPO explicitly by coding HPO=YES in the system initialization table (SIT).

Loading module DFHHPSVC

Before you can use HPO, ensure the HPO SVC module is included in the MVS nucleus by using one of the following methods: 1. Copy the DFHHPSVC module into SYS1.NUCLEUS, renaming it to IGC215 or the appropriate name if you are not using the default, and specify it on an INCLUDE statement in the NUCLSTxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library. (You must also specify the name of the NUCLSTxx member on the NUCLST statement of the LOADxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library.) The NUCLSTxx method provides you with greater flexibility in customizing the MVS nucleus than the NMLDEF method described in the method 2. Note: If you have a link-edited version of the DFHHPSVC module (from an earlier release of CICS) in the MVS nucleus, you must either specify it on an EXCLUDE statement in the NUCLSTxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB, or remove it before you attempt to use the DFHHPSVC module specified on an INCLUDE statement. For example:

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is the SYS1.NUCLEUS member to be used



is an earlier version to be replaced

For further information about coding a NUCLSTxx member, and about a comparison with using the NMLDEF macro, see the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide. 2. Copy the DFHHPSVC module into SYS1.NUCLEUS and specify it in a nucleus module list (NML) for CICS, created using the NMLDEF macro shown in the sample job in Figure 2. This NML selects the CICS members in SYS1.NUCLEUS that are to be loaded into the MVS nucleus, and eliminates the need for the MVS nucleus to be re-link-edited for the DFHHPSVC module (or any other module needed in the MVS nucleus). Note: If you have a link-edited version of the DFHHPSVC module (from an earlier release of CICS) in the MVS nucleus, you must remove it before you attempt to use the DFHHPSVC module specified in an NML. For information about coding an NMLDEF macro, see the OS/390 MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference LLA-SDU manual.
//LOADSVC JOB 'accounting info',MSGCLASS=A,CLASS=A //NMLDEF EXEC ASMHCL //C.SYSIN DD * IEANCnnn NMLDEF NUCL=DFHHPSVC //L.SYSLMOD DD DSN=SYS1.NUCLEUS,UNIT=3380,DISP=OLD //L.SYSIN DD * NAME IEANCnnn /* // where nnn is the number of the CICS NML, in the range 001 through 256. Choose the value of nnn to be unique within your MVS nucleus. Figure 2. Sample job stream to load the CICS Type 6 SVC into the MVS nucleus

Removing existing DFHHPSVC modules from the MVS nucleus

You can remove a link-edited version of the DFHHPSVC module (for an earlier release of CICS) from the MVS nucleus by running a link-edit job to replace the existing version of the nucleus with one that does not contain the module to be removed. Notes: 1. If the existing nucleus-resident DFHHPSVC module is known to SMP/E, use the SMP/E UCLIN statement to remove the module entry. 2. You must link-edit the nucleus module, IEANUC0x, with the scatter (SCTR) attribute. If you do not do this, MVS enters a non-restartable wait state at system initialization. 3. If you have a version of the DFHHPSVC module from an earlier release of CICS already installed in your MVS nucleus, you do not need to replace it with the latest version. Versions of the DFHHPSVC module from earlier releases of CICS are compatible with the current release.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 8. Defining CICS regions as applications to VTAM

To use VTAM terminals with CICS, you must ensure that your CICS regions are defined to VTAM before you attempt to run them. To define your CICS regions to VTAM (as VTAM applications), you must: 1. Define VTAM application program major nodes (APPL) to be used for your CICS regions, as APPL definition statements in a member of the SYS1.VTAMLST library (or your own user.VTAMLST library). 2. Issue a VARY ACT command to activate the APPL definition for a CICS region to be able to use that CICS region with VTAM. For further information about defining CICS as a VTAM application, see the OS/390 eNetwork Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference and OS/390 eNetwork Communications Server: SNA Network Implementation. You must also ensure that your VTAM terminals are properly defined for connection to CICS. This is particularly important if you intend using the CICS autoinstall function. For those terminals for which you want to use autoinstall, you must code LOGON mode table entries that match the model TYPETERM/TERMINAL definitions that CICS uses. You can either code your own autoinstall models, or use the CICS-supplied model definitions that are generated for you when you initialize the CICS system definition data set (CSD). Note: If you do not have ACF/VTAM installed, you may get assembly errors if you try to apply service to CICS-supplied modules containing VTAM macros. For programming information about matching VTAM LOGMODE definitions with CICS model definitions, see the CICS Customization Guide. For information about defining model and VTAM terminal definitions to CICS, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide. For further information about defining VTAM resources, see the ACF/VTAM Installation and Resource Definition manual.

Defining specific CICS APPL statements to VTAM

To define a VTAM APPL statement for a CICS region, you must specify the full name of the APPL on the VTAM APPL definition statement. For example, you could use the following definition for the CICS region, CICSHTH1:
********************************************************************** * Specific APPL definition for CICS region CICSHTH1 ********************************************************************** CICSHTH1 APPL AUTH=(ACQ,VPACE,PASS),VPACING=0,EAS=5000,PARSESS=YES X SONSCIP=YES ********************************************************************

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Notes: 1. Code CICSHTH1 on the CICS system initialization parameter APPLID to define the VTAM application identifier to CICS. 2. See Data set naming conventions on page 121 for information about the naming convention used for the CICSHTH1 applid. For further information about the parameters that you must specify on the VTAM APPL definition statement, see VTAM definitions required for CICS.

VTAM definitions required for CICS

When you define your CICS system to ACF/VTAM, include the following parameters on the VTAM APPL statement: ACBNAME=acbname Specifies the minor node name (acbname) assigned to this application. This name must be unique within the domain. If you do not specify this parameter, the name of the VTAM APPL statement is taken. AUTH=(ACQ,VPACE[,PASS]) ACQ allows CICS to acquire LUTYPE6 sessions. VPACE allows pacing of the intersystem flows. PASS is needed if you intend to use the EXEC CICS ISSUE PASS command, which passes existing terminal sessions to other VTAM applications. EAS=number Specifies the number of network-addressable units. The number must include the total number of parallel sessions for this CICS system. HAVAIL=YES Indicates that the application supports XRF sessions and is authorized to initiate XRF sessions. LOGMODE=name (For CICS-to-CICS APPC systems.) Defines the name of the MODE table that contains the LU6.2 MODEENT for the secondary sessions. PARSESS=YES Specifies LUTYPE6 parallel session support. | | | | PERSIST=MULTI Indicates that the application supports Multi Node Persistent Sessions (MNPS). For further information, see the OS/390 eNetwork Communications Server: SNA Network Implementation. SONSCIP=YES Specifies session outage notification (SON) support. SON enables CICS, in certain cases, to recover a session after session failure without operator intervention. VPACING=number Specifies the maximum number of normal-flow requests that another logical unit can send on an intersystem session before waiting to receive a pacing response. Start with a value of 5.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

VTAM version and release level indicator

CICS can communicate with different releases of VTAM. It can find out which level you are using, and hence what level of function is available. This means that you can upgrade CICS and VTAM at different times. CICS finds out whether extra function is available when a new version of VTAM is installed, and produces a message if the facilities are not being exploited fully. The terminal control modules in CICS are assembled against the most recent release of VTAM that was available when the distribution tape was created. You can use any release of VTAM from ACF/VTAM Version 3 Release 1, or a later upward compatible release, or use the DCB interface only of ACF/TCAM Version 3 or later. For details of the minimum level of products that you can use with the current release, see the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release Guide.

Message DFHZC3473 on opening the VTAM ACB

If the master terminal operator opens the VTAM ACB for the first time, using the command CEMT SET VTAM OPEN, but CICS is not using all available VTAM function, message DFHZC3473 is sent to the transient data destination called CSNE. The same message is sent there if the ACB is opened automatically, during initialization, rather than by CEMT.

Cross-domain considerations
If you want to use VTAM services to access a CICS region on another MVS image, you must ensure that the required cross-domain services are defined to the VTAMs involved. For example, to be able to use a VTAM APPC connection between a CICS region (applid CICSHTH1) on MVS image MVSH and a CICS region (applid CICSHAJ1) on MVS image MVSJ, you must: 1. Define the cross-domain services (CDRSC) for accessing CICSHAJ1 in a member of the SYS1.VTAMLST library (or your own user.VTAMLST library) for MVSH. 2. Issue a VARY ACT command on MVSH to activate the CDRSC definition for accessing CICSHAJ1. 3. Define the cross-domain services (CDRSC) for accessing CICSHTH1 in a member of the SYS1.VTAMLST library (or your own user.VTAMLST library) for MVSJ. 4. Issue a VARY ACT command on MVSJ to activate the CDRSC definition for accessing CICSHTH1. For example, you could: 1. Create the following CDRSC definition in a member of the VTAMLST library on MVSH:
CDIDHAJ1 VBUILD TYPE=CDRSC ********************************************* * CDRSC for access to applid CICSHAJ1 on MVSJ ********************************************* CICSHAJ1 CDRSC CDRM=IYAMCDRM MVSJ

Chapter 8. Defining CICS regions as applications to VTAM


2. Issue the following command on MVSH to activate the cross-domain services to CICSHAJ1 on MVSJ:

3. Create the following CDRSC definition in a member of the VTAMLST library on MVSJ:
CDIDHTH1 VBUILD TYPE=CDRSC ********************************************* * CDRSC for access to applid CICSHTH1 on MVSH ********************************************* CICSHTH1 CDRSC CDRM=IYALCDRM MVSH

4. Issue the following command on MVSJ to activate the cross-domain services to CICSHTH1 on MVSH:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area

This section describes: v What you should consider before you install modules in the MVS link pack area. This is described in Preparing to install CICS modules in the MVS link pack area. v What you should do to use CICS modules in the MVS link pack area. This is described in How to use modules in the MVS link pack area on page 41, which provides specific information about the following: Space requirements for CICS modules in the MVS link pack area on page 41 Defining the CICS LPA library to your MVS on page 41 Installing CICS modules in the LPA on page 42 Controlling the use of modules from the MVS link pack area on page 44

Preparing to install CICS modules in the MVS link pack area

Before you install modules in the MVS link pack area, you should consider the following points, described in subsequent topics: v Benefits of using the MVS link pack area v What is meant by the MVS link pack area? on page 38 v Which modules must be in the MVS link pack area on page 38 v Which modules can be in the MVS link pack area? on page 39 v Service considerations on page 40

Benefits of using the MVS link pack area

The benefits of placing code in the MVS link pack area are: v The code is protected from possible corruption by user applications. Because the MVS link pack area is in protected storage, it is virtually impossible to modify the contents of these programs. v Performance can be improved and the demand for real storage reduced if you use the MVS link pack area for program modules. If more than one copy of the same release of CICS is running in multiple address spaces of the same processor, each address space requires access to the CICS nucleus modules. These modules may either be loaded into each of the address spaces or shared in the MVS link pack area. If they are shared in the MVS link pack area, this can reduce the working set and therefore, the demand for real storage (paging). v You can decrease the storage requirement in the private area by judicious allocation of the unused storage in the MVS link pack area created by rounding to the next segment. If you know the amount of space that you need in the LPA, and from that the total size of the MVS common area above the CICS private storage, you can determine on which 1MB segment lies the boundary between the two areas. This may indicate that there is some space in the MVS common area left unused, which you could use for CICS LPA-eligible modules. By moving some more

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modules from the CICS private storage to the LPA, you decrease the space needed for modules in the CICS private storage.

What is meant by the MVS link pack area?

The MVS link pack area comprises several areas, both above and below 16MB. In this publication, the term MVS link pack area is used to refer to the pageable link pack areas above and below the line, into which modules that are to be used from the MVS link pack area are normally installed. Note: The MVS link pack area has both pageable and fixed parts. Although you can install CICS modules into the fixed parts, you are recommended to use the pageable areas for performance reasons. The MVS link pack area below 16MB is specifically referred to by the term LPA, and the area above 16MB is referred to by the term ELPA. A module that is link-edited with the RMODE(ANY) attribute is loaded into the ELPA. If you install a module into the LPA or ELPA, that module will not be used from the MVS link pack area until you re-IPL your MVS with CLPA specified. However, you can use the MVS modified link pack area (MLPA) to provide a temporary extension to the PLPA, existing only for the life of the current IPL. You can use this area to add or replace altered LPA-eligible modules without having to recreate the MVS link pack area. For further information about the MLPA, see the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide.

Which modules must be in the MVS link pack area

The CICS modules listed in Table 2 must be in the MVS link pack area for the reasons given in the notes after the table.
Table 2. CICS modules required in the MVS link pack area Module Description When needed in LPA See notes after this table 1, 2, 3, and 5 1 and 4 1 and 3 1, 2, and 5


CICS Type 3 SVC CICS post exit stub SDUMPX IEASDUMP QUERY exit Interregion communication program Subsystem interface end-of-memory / end-of-task clean up routine Subsystem generic connect module Subsystem interface WTO router Dynamic alloeaction - SVC services

Always Always Always To use MRO, CICS shared database, or the console message-handling facility To use the console message-handling facility To use the console message-handling facility To use the console message-handling facility Always

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1, 2, and 5


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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Notes: 1. Can be used only from the MVS link pack area, and must be installed there before CICS can be started. 2. You must always install the latest service level of the modules DFHCSVC, DFHIRP (if needed) and DFHSSEN. 3. The DFHCSVC and DFHDUMPX modules supplied with the current release are downward-compatible and work correctly with earlier CICS regions. Therefore, if you are running different releases of CICS on the same MVS image, you are recommended to use the current versions of the modules. The DFHCSVC module must be defined to MVS as a Type 3 SVC (default SVC number is 216), and if you use a non-default SVC number, you must define it to CICS on the CICSSVC system initialization parameter. You should review the information in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Migration Guide before installing the DFHCSVC module in the MVS link pack area.

Moving DFHCSVC into the MVS link pack area Do not use the linkage editor to install the CICS SVC module into a library in the MVS link pack area. To copy or move the module from the hlq.SDFHAUTH library to the nominated library in the MVS link pack area, you should use either a suitable copy utility program, such as IEBCOPY, or an SMP/E USERMOD with ++MOVE statements. 4. The DFHDSPEX module is downward-compatible with earlier releases of CICS. If you are running earlier releases of CICS with the current version, you must ensure that the current version module is installed in the MVS link pack area. The DFHDSPEX module must be in the MVS link pack area for integrity reasons, but the post exit routine, DFHDSAUT, can reside either in the MVS link pack area, or in the CICS address space. This enables you to use different levels of the DFHDSAUT module in different CICS regions running in the same MVS image, because the DFHDSAUT module may not be compatible between CICS versions. 5. To communicate by MRO, all CICS regions in the same MVS image must use the latest level of the modules DFHCSVC, DFHIRP and DFHSSEN in the MVS link pack area. If a region detects that DFHIRP is at a lower level, when attempting to open interregion communication, it issues message DFHIR3799, and interregion communication fails to open. 6. To use the console message-handling facility, these modules must reside either in the MVS link pack area or in an APF-authorized library in the MVS linklist.

Which modules can be in the MVS link pack area?

Besides those CICS modules that must be in the MVS link pack area, other CICS modules and user application program modules can also be used from the MVS link pack area.

CICS modules
A CICS module optionally installed in the MVS link pack area (that is, not a module required in the MVS link pack area) can be used only by the release of CICS to which it relates.

Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area


Those CICS modules that can reside above the 16MB line (for example, the CICS message table, DFHMGT), are loaded above the line. Such modules can also be installed in the extended link pack area (ELPA). CICS modules eligible to be used from the MVS link pack area are listed in the CICS-supplied USERMODs, DFH$UMOD (for base CICS modules), installed in the hlq.SDFHSAMP library. Details of LPA-eligible modules are given in Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area on page 427, to help you select those CICS modules that you want to install in the MVS link pack area.

User application programs

User application programs can be used from the MVS link pack area if they are read-only and: v Written in COBOL, do not overwrite WORKING STORAGE, and are compiled using VS COBOL II. (The CICS translator generates a CBL statement with the required compiler options, RENT and RES.) v Written in PL/I (do not overwrite STATIC storage) and compiled using PL/I Version 1 Release 5.1 or later. (The CICS translator inserts the required REENTRANT option into the PROCEDURE statement.) v Written in C/370, compiled with the RENT option, and link-edited with the RENT option. v Written in Assembler language, assembled with the RENT option, and link-edited with the RENT and REFR options. BMS maps or programs compiled using OS/VS COBOL are not LPA-eligible. Command-level user application programs compiled using VS COBOL II or PL/I Version 1 Release 5.1 or later, or written in Assembler language or C/370, may be loaded above the 16MB line. (For information about installing application programs, see the CICS System Definition Guide.) A read-only module that may reside above the 16MB line is also eligible for the extended link pack area (ELPA).

Service considerations
Using modules with mismatching service levels can cause unpredictable results. To be safe, do not use the LPA version of a module if it differs from the version in the CICS libraries that you are using. Load modules used from the LPA might be at a lower service level than the rest of your CICS region in any of the following circumstances: v You are running CICS from libraries which belong to a target zone currently at a higher service level than the LPA zone. v You have applied service to the LPA zone since the last IPL of MVS. v You are not using the MLPA to replace service-updated load modules, but have applied service to the LPA zone since last IPL of MVS for which CLPA (create link pack area) was specified. Thus, if you have applied service to a load module in your CICS libraries, you should also apply the service to the LPA version of the module, if one exists. This stipulation is made so that the MVS link pack area always contains tested load modules.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Use the SMP/E RESTORE function to back off the USERMOD before the LPA zone is updated or copied. Afterwards the USERMOD may be re-applied. If you have used a copy of the CICS-supplied USERMODs to install modules into the MVS link pack area, and the original USERMOD is serviced, you may like to reflect the changes in your version of the USERMOD.

How to use modules in the MVS link pack area

To 1. 2. 3. use CICS modules in the MVS link pack area: Check that you have enough space for the selected modules. Install the modules in the MVS link pack area. Control the usage of modules from the MVS link pack area.

These steps are described in the following sections.

Space requirements for CICS modules in the MVS link pack area
Allow enough space in the MVS link pack area for you to install those CICS modules that you intend using from there. You can find out how much space you need by: v Reviewing the sizes of the modules that you want to install in the MVS link pack area, as given in Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area on page 427. v Reviewing the module index of a system dump for the CICS region started with the system initialization parameter LPA=NO. v Calculating the module sizes given for each module in the listing of modules provided by the IEHLIST utility program. Remember also to allow space for any of your user application programs that you intend using from the MVS link pack area. Note: The total space needed depends on how the modules are packaged into the MVS link pack area by the operating system.

What next? Once you have determined the space in the MVS link pack area needed, you must next create a library with enough space, and define it to your MVS. This is described in the topic Defining the CICS LPA library to your MVS.

Defining the CICS LPA library to your MVS

| CICS supplies the library hlq.SDFHLPA. This library contains the modules that must be in the LPA. You can also use this library to install other CICS modules or application programs which you want to use from the LPA. You can give the hlq.SDFHLPA library your own index, but if you do, you must specify the new index on the LINDEX parameter of the DFHISTAR job.

Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area


Add the full name of the hlq.SDFHLPA library to an LPALSTxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. This ensures that the library contents are loaded into the PLPA at the next IPL of your system when CLPA is specified. Also APF-authorize the hlq.SDFHLPA library, by adding its name to an IEAAPFxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library. For more information about this see Chapter 25. Java support on page 131. You should also RACF-protect the hlq.SDFHLPA library, to prevent unauthorized or accidental modification of this library. For information about protecting the CICS libraries, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.

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What next? During migration to the current release use of the MVS link pack area, you may like to add a DD statement for the hlq.SDFHLPA library to the DFHRPL concatenation of your CICS startup job stream. You can install into the hlq.SDFHLPA library the CICS modules to be used from the MVS link pack area. This is described in Installing CICS modules in the LPA.

Installing CICS modules in the LPA

By install, we mean move or copy a module into a suitable LPA library, by using SMP/E, or by using a copying method that will re-block the copied module(s) when the target data set has a smaller block size than the data set you are copying from (for example, use the COPYMOD function of the IEBCOPY program). A procedure for installing modules into the MVS link pack area by using SMP/E is described in thissection. You should not relink-edit the modules in order to get them into the LPA library. CICS modules as supplied have the necessary attributes that cause MVS to load them automatically above the line (into the ELPA). To install modules in the CICS LPA library, and to ensure that SMP/E can continue to service them, complete the following steps: 1. Select those modules that you want to use from the MVS link pack area, and specify them in the SMP/E USERMOD to be used to install the modules in the MVS link pack area. You can use the CICS-supplied USERMOD, LPAMODS, or create and use your own version. If you use your own version of a USERMOD, this can include ++MOVE statements from both CICS-supplied USERMODs. 2. Receive the USERMOD into the CICS global zone. 3. Apply the USERMOD to the LPA zone. Note: When you have installed all your modules into the CICS LPA library (and defined it to MVS), you should re-IPL your MVS with CLPA specified to enable the modules to be used from the CICS LPA library. These steps are described in the following sections.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Selecting modules for the MVS link pack area

You should install in the MVS link pack area only those modules that you want to use from the MVS link pack area. Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area on page 427 lists the CICS-supplied modules eligible for the MVS link pack area, and gives descriptions and other information to help you select those CICS modules that you want to use from the MVS link pack area. To install modules in the MVS link pack area, you should use an SMP/E USERMOD that contains ++MOVE statements for only the modules to be installed in the MVS link pack area.


| | CICS supplies an SMP/E USERMOD called DFHUMOD (in member DFH$UMOD in the hlq.SDFHSAMP library). This USERMOD contains ++MOVE statements for all CICS modules, in the hlq.SDFHAUTH and hlq.SDFHLOAD libraries, that are eligible for the MVS link pack area. The USERMOD also indicates whether each module is LPA- or ELPA-eligible. You can choose which of the modules to install in the MVS link pack area by creating your own version of the USERMOD. Your selection will generally include modules in the working set of the installation.

Changing a CICS-supplied USERMOD

If you intend changing a CICS-supplied USERMOD, to choose modules to install in the MVS link pack area, take a copy of the USERMOD and update the copy only. If you have copied the hlq.SDFHSAMP library, for instance when changing user-replaceable programs, then you already have copies of the CICS-supplied USERMODs. If the original hlq.SDFHSAMP library is serviced, and the USERMOD is modified, you may like to reflect the changes in your version.

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Preparing the USERMOD

To choose which read-only modules to install in the MVS link pack area, edit your copy of the SMP/E USERMOD to: 1. Comment out the ++MOVE statements for the modules that you do not want to install in the LPA, and 2. Move the remaining ++MOVE statements (for the modules that you do want to install in the LPA) one column to the left, so that the ++MOVE statements start in column one of the USERMOD module. 3. Add ++MOVE statements for your user application program modules that you want to install in the LPA, with the ++MOVE statements starting in column one of the DFH$UMOD module.

Receiving and applying the USERMOD

Receive the USERMOD into the CICS global zone and apply it to the LPA target zone. This causes SMP/E to move those load modules you have specified from the named CICS target library (hlq.SDFHLOAD or hlq.SDFHAUTH) into the CICS LPA library. Applying the USERMOD will also update the corresponding LMOD entries within the target zone SMPCSI.

Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area


Do not accept the USERMOD into the distribution zone, and for the time being, do not apply it to any other target zone. To receive and apply the CICS-supplied sample usermods in DFH$UMOD, you can use the associated job DFHLPUMD which is tailored to your CICS environment and stored in the hlq.XDFHINST library when you run the DFHISTAR job.

What next? To enable CICS to use the modules that you have installed in the MVS link pack area, you must re-IPL your MVS with CLPA specified. You must also specify to CICS that it is to use modules from the MVS link pack area. You can also control which modules are to be used from the MVS link pack area in several ways. This is described in the topic Controlling the use of modules from the MVS link pack area.

Controlling the use of modules from the MVS link pack area
This topic describes what you must do to enable CICS to use modules from the MVS link pack area, and what you can do to specify that CICS is not to use eligible modules from the MVS link pack area. The methods for controlling the use of modules from the MVS link pack area do not apply to the modules DFHCSVC, DFHDSPEX, and DFHIRP. These modules can be used only from the MVS link pack area.

Modules in the MVS link pack area from hlq.SDFHAUTH

| CICS uses standard MVS load facilities for modules installed in the MVS link pack area from the CICS APF-authorized library, hlq.SDFHAUTH. That is, such a module will be used from the first of the following locations that it is found in: 1. STEPLIB concatenation 2. MVS link pack area 3. MVS LNKLST

Using modules from the MVS link pack area

| | To use any of the CICS modules installed in the MVS link pack area from the hlq.SDFHAUTH library you must remove any version of the module from the hlq.SDFHAUTH library (or any other library in the STEPLIB concatenation).

Using modules from the STEPLIB

| You can prevent CICS using modules installed in the MVS link pack area from the hlq.SDFHAUTH library by installing versions of those modules in a library in the STEPLIB concatenation. CICS will then use the versions of the modules loaded from the STEPLIB concatenation into the CICS address space, rather than any versions that may be in the MVS link pack area.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Modules in the MVS link pack area from hlq.SDFHLOAD

| The use of CICS modules installed in the MVS link pack area from the hlq.SDFHLOAD library is controlled by CICS system initialization parameters and resource definitions. The hlq.SDFHLOAD library is used for non-nucleus CICS modules, and some CICS nucleus modules. You can also use the library for your own user application programs.

Using modules from the MVS link pack area

| | To use any of the CICS modules installed in the MVS link pack area from the hlq.SDFHLOAD library: v Copy the modules into a CICS LPA library. (That is, you do not have to remove them from the hlq.SDFHLOAD library.) v Specify the system initialization parameter LPA=YES. CICS then uses the following search order: 1. MVS link pack area 2. DFHRPL DD concatenation v For a non-nucleus CICS module or user application program, specify USELPACOPY(YES) on the associated PROGRAM resource definition. These modules are identified in the CICS-supplied USERMODs by the statement:
/* Not loaded from LPA unless USELPACOPY is set to Y in the CSD */

For each CICS-supplied LPA-eligible module that needs USELPACOPY(YES) specified in its associated PROGRAM resource definition, you must create your own resource definition with USELPACOPY(YES) specified, and use it instead of the CICS-supplied resource definition. This is because you cannot modify the CICS-supplied resource definitions. For example, you could use the DFHCSDUP utility program to: 1. Copy the CICS-supplied resource groups that contain the module definitions to new resource groups. 2. For each module that needs USELPACOPY(YES), change the PROGRAM resource definition in the new resource groups to specify USELPACOPY(YES). 3. Add your new resource groups to a new group list (that is, at the start of the list). 4. Append the CICS-supplied group list DFHLIST (or your own equivalent of that group list) to your group list. Alternatively, include DFHLIST on the GRPLIST system initialization parameter as well as your group list. 5. Remove the CICS-supplied groups that you have copied. Once the program definitions have been changed on the CSD you should: Reinitialize the CICS catalogs if you have been using modules not in the MVS link pack area, and now want to use those modules from the MVS link pack area Specify your new group list (and DFHLIST if your group list does not include the list of resource groups provided in DFHLIST) on the GRPLIST system initialization parameter. A sample DFHCSDUP job for all CICS LPA-eligible jobs is given in Figure 3 on page 49.

Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area


Note: In the above example, instead of steps 3 on page 45 and 4 on page 45, you could use the CEDA transaction to: Copy your group list to create a new group list. Add the new (USELPACOPY(YES)) groups to the new group list in the same place as the original, CICS-supplied, groups. Notes: 1. CICS will use eligible modules installed in the MVS link pack area, if: v You have not specified the name of the module on the CICS system initialization parameter PRVMOD. v The module has not been already loaded from the DFHRPL concatenation. 2. If CICS cannot find an eligible module in the MVS link pack area, it loads the private (non-shared) version into the CICS address space from the DFHRPL concatenation, after issuing the message DFHLD0107I to warn you that the module is not in the MVS link pack area. (See page The module-not-found warning message (DFHLD0107I) on page 48 for more information about this message.) 3. CICS assumes that the PL/1 modules, IBMBPSLA and IBMBPSMA, are installed in the MVS link pack area and issues message DFHLD0107I if it fails to find them there. If you want your PL/I application programs to run with the PL/I shared library facility, you must ensure that the modules IBMBPSLA and IBMBPSMA are installed in the MVS link pack area, or in the hlq.SDFHLOAD library (or another library in the CICS DFHRPL library concatenation). 4. Program list tables (PLTs) must be placed in the DFHRPL concatenation. However, before PROGRAM resource definitions for phase one PLTPI programs and PLTSD programs are installed (for example, early in CICS initialization) CICS scans the MVS link pack area for those programs, and will issue message DFHLD0107I if it cannot find such a program there. 5. Likewise, before PROGRAM resource definitions for global and task-related user exit programs are installed (for example, early in CICS initialization) CICS scans the MVS link pack area for those programs, and will issue message DFHLD0107I if it cannot find such a program there.

Specifying USELPACOPY(YES) For every non-nucleus CICS module or user application program that you have moved to the MVS link pack area (that is, have removed from the DFHRPL concatenation), ensure that you have specified USELPACOPY(YES) on the associated PROGRAM resource definition. Otherwise, CICS will not be able to find the module, and may fail to start up successfully.

Using modules from DFHRPL

| You can prevent CICS using modules installed in the MVS link pack area from the hlq.SDFHLOAD library by either: v Specifying NO on the LPA system initialization parameter. This will prevent CICS from using any modules installed into the MVS link pack area from the hlq.SDFHLOAD library. CICS will try to load the modules from libraries in the DFHRPL concatenation. You might use this option when you want to run CICS to test a lot of LPA-eligible modules before installing them in the MVS link pack area. For example, you could add the hlq.SDFHLPA library to the DFHRPL concatenation while testing CICS modules for the MVS link pack area. Once you have verified


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

the use of those modules from the MVS link pack area, you should specify the LPA=YES system initialization parameter, and remove the hlq.SDFHLPA library from the DFHRPL concatenation. v Specifying the name of the module on the PRVMOD system initialization parameter:

This will prevent CICS from using the specified modules from the MVS link pack area for only the run of CICS on which the PRVMOD parameter is specified. You might use the PRVMOD parameter when you want to run CICS to test a new version of an LPA-eligible module before replacing the version already in the MVS link pack area. Specify the full module name on the PRVMOD parameter, including any suffix (for example, DFHMCP1$). If only one module is named, the parentheses are optional. The PRVMOD parameter may span input lines. However, do not split module names across lines, because CICS system initialization adds a comma at the end of every input line that does not already end with a comma. The only validity check performed on a module name is to ensure that it does not exceed eight characters. You cannot code the PRVMOD parameter in the DFHSIT module; you can specify it in the PARM parameter, in the SYSIN data set, or through the system console. v For a non-nucleus CICS module or user application program, specifying USELPACOPY(NO), the default, on the associated PROGRAM resource definition. These modules are identified in the CICS-supplied USERMODs by the statement:
/* Not loaded from LPA unless USELPACOPY is set to Y in the CSD */

You might use the USELPACOPY(NO) option of the PROGRAM resource definition for a more permanent exclusion of an LPA-resident module than for the single run of CICS control provided by the PRVMOD system initialization parameter.

Verifying modules for the MVS link pack area

While verifying new versions of modules to be installed into the MVS link pack area, you can instruct a CICS region to use the new versions from the DFHRPL concatenation by any of the following options: v The LPA=NO system initialization parameter v The PRVMOD system initialization parameter v The USELPACOPY(NO) option of the associated PROGRAM resource definition (where applicable) For further information about these options, see Using modules from DFHRPL on page 46 In all cases, you must install the new versions of the modules into the hlq.SDFHLOAD library, or another library in the DFHRPL concatenation. If you are verifying many CICS LPA-eligible modules, you might like to add the hlq.SDFHLPA library to the DFHRPL concatenation. This allows you to check that the modules you have installed in the MVS link pack area are being loaded from there.
Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area


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Note: The CICS-supplied usermods use SMP/E to move CICS LPA-eligible modules into the hlq.SDFHLPA library. Similarly, if you use SMP/E to apply service to any of those modules, the versions in the hlq.SDFHLPA library will be updated. The updated versions of the modules will be used from the MVS link pack area after you next re-IPL your MVS with CLPA specified. Until then, if you add the hlq.SDFHLPA library to the DFHRPL concatenation of your CICS region, and specify that CICS is not to use the version of the modules in the MVS link pack area, the updated versions of the modules will be used from the DFHRPL concatenation. After you have installed and verified the use of modules from the MVS link pack area, you should remove the versions of the modules from the DFHRPL concatenation of your CICS startup job. You can find out whether CICS is loading modules from the MVS link pack area or the DFHRPL concatenation by reviewing the index of a system dump for the CICS region started with the system initialization parameter LPA=YES. Modules loaded from the MVS link pack area have the dump option LD=3.

The module-not-found warning message (DFHLD0107I)

| CICS will issue message DFHLD0107I if it searches the MVS link pack area for a module installed there from hlq.SDFHLOAD and fails to find it. If you encounter this message, check that you have specified USELPACOPY(YES) on the associated PROGRAM resource definition (if applicable). For further information about using modules loaded in the MVS link pack area from the hlq.SDFHLOAD library, see Modules in the MVS link pack area from hlq.SDFHLOAD on page 45. CICS uses console routing code 11 for this particular message, which allows you to control the output of this message. For example, you can: 1. Exclude, as required, routing code 11 from specific MVS console definitions in the CONSOLxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. 2. Use the MVS VARY command to prevent this message from appearing on specified consoles by omitting route code 11 from a VARY command that defines which routing codes go to specified devices. For example:
VARY devnum,CONSOLE,ROUT=(rtcode,rtcode,.,.,.)

Alternatively, you can remove route code 11 from those already defined by using the following VARY command:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

3. Use the MVS message processing facility (MPF) to inhibit the message. To use this facility, code an entry specifying the CICS message number in the MPFLSTxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. CICS assumes the following PL/1 modules are LPA eligible and issues message DFHLD0107I if it fails to find them there: IBMBPSLA IBMBPSMA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Sample DFHCSDUP job to specify USELPACOPY(YES)

The standard IBM-supplied program definitions in the CSD all specify USELPACOPY(NO). If you copy, or move, to the LPA some (or all) the IBM programs defined by definitions in the CSD, the next step is to modify the USELPACOPY attribute to ensure CICS uses the LPA copy. To simplify this task: v IBM supplies, in the DFH$ULPA member of the SDFHSAMP library, an alternate set of DEFINE statements for all the IBM-supplied programs . All the programs defined in DFH$ULPA specify USELPACOPY(YES). v If you dont want all the programs to be defined for LPA use, edit the member to remove the programs that are to remain as USELPACOPY(NO). v The USELPACOPY(YES) versions are all defined in one new group called DFH$ULPA. Change this group name if you want to use your own name. v The last statement in DFH$ULPA adds the group to a startup list. Edit this to specify your own group list. v Run the sample DFHCSDUP job shown in Figure 3 to add theDFH$ULPA versions of the definitions to your CSD. v There is no need to remove the standard definitions from DFHLIST. Specifying your group list after DFHLIST on the GRPLIST system initialization parameter ensures that the modified definitions override the standard definitions.

Figure 3. Sample DFHCSDUP job for all CICS LPA-eligible modules

Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 10. Defining CICS IPCS exit control data to MVS

If you use the MVS interactive problem control system (IPCS) to format and analyze CICS system dumps, you should ensure that the release-specific CICS formatting routines are defined and available to MVS. The formatting routine for use under IPCS is named with the release identifier as part of the name; that is, DFHPD530. This is the formatting routine you must define to IPCS when formatting system dumps. The CICS formatting routine is release-specific, so if you run more than one release of CICS, ensure that you use the correct version for the system dump you are formatting.

The DFHIPCSP CICS exit control data

IPCS provides an exit control table with imbed statements to enable other products to supply exit control information. The IPCS default table, BLSCECT, normally in the SYS1.PARMLIB library, has the following entry for CICS:

Ensure that the CICS-supplied DFHIPCSP module can be found by your IPCS job. The DFHIPCSP module is supplied in the hlq.SDFHPARM library. You can either copy the DFHIPCSP module into SYS1.PARMLIB (so that it is in the same default library as BLSCECT) or provide an IPCSPARM DD statement to specify the library containing the IPCS control tables. For example:

Figure 4 shows the release-specific entries specified in DFHIPCSP.

EXIT EP(DFHPD212) VERB(CICS212) ABSTRACT(+ 'CICS Version 2 Release 1.2 analysis') EXIT EP(DFHPD321) VERB(CICS321) ABSTRACT(+ 'CICS Version 3 Release 2.1 analysis') EXIT EP(DFHPD330) VERB(CICS330) ABSTRACT(+ 'CICS Version 3 Release 3 analysis') EXIT EP(DFHPD410) VERB(CICS410) ABSTRACT(+ 'CICS Version 4 Release 1 analysis') EXIT EP(DFHPD510) VERB(CICS510) ABSTRACT(+ 'CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 1 analysis') EXIT EP(DFHPD520) VERB(CICS520) ABSTRACT(+ 'CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 analysis') EXIT EP(DFHPD530) VERB(CICS530) ABSTRACT(+ 'CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 analysis') Figure 4. Release-specific entries in DFHIPCSP for DFHPDnnn routines.

To use the DFHIPCSP member as it is, rename the CICS-supplied version of DFHPDX for earlier releases to the names shown in the table. For information about using IPCS to format CICS system dumps, see the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


Implementing changes You probably need to re-IPL MVS to bring the changes described in this chapter into effect before you attempt to run the IVPs.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 11. MVS Program properties table entries

There are some CICS properties that you can optionally define to MVS. These are outlined in the following section. You can define entries for CICS in the MVS program properties table (PPT). Figure 5 is an example of a CICS PPT entry in the SCHEDxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.
/*****************************************************************/ /* Program Properties table addition */ /* for the CICS program, DFHSIP */ /* */ /* The following defaults apply to this CICS entry: */ /* */ /* No affinity to a particular processor (AFF(NONE)) */ /* Can be canceled (CANCEL) */ /* Requires data set integrity (DSI) */ /* Not a privileged job (NOPRIV) */ /* Password protection is required (PASS) */ /* Not a system task (NOSYST) */ /* Protection key 8 (KEY(8)) */ PPT PGMNAME(DFHSIP) /* Add program name DFHSIP to the PPT*/ NOSWAP /* Non-swappable */ NOPREF /* No preferred storage required */ /* */ Figure 5. Sample CICS PPT entry

For information about defining options in the PPT, see the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide.

RACF password checking

If your installation has a PPT entry for the DFHSIP program, you should ensure that the PPTNOPAS option is not set in the PPT because this bypasses password and RACF authorization checking. However, you should consider making your CICS regions non-swappable by specifying the PPTNSWP option in the PPT. For information about defining CICS PPT entries in the SCHEDxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library, see the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual.

Non-swappable CICS regions

For performance reasons, you should consider making your CICS regions non-swappable, by specifying the NOSWAP option in the PPT. However, you should be aware that the use of certain functions causes CICS regions to be made non-swappable automatically, regardless of what is specified in the PPT (for example, regions using cross-memory services for MRO).

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MVS protection key for CICS

CICS can run only in MVS protection key 8 (the default). You must not define any other protection keys for CICS. If you want to use the storage protection facility of CICS, you must specify the system initialization parameter STGPROT=YES, and must have the required hardware and software. If you operate CICS with storage protection, CICS observes the storage keys and execution keys that you specify in various system and resource definitions. For information about the CICS storage protection facility, and how it affects the storage allocation for the dynamic storage areas, see the CICS System Definition Guide. For information about the hardware and software required by the CICS storage protection facility, see the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 12. MVS performance definitions

You can use the MVS workload management facility to manage sysplex resources across MVS subsystems, in parallel with the existing system resource management facilities. For information about MVS workload management, see the OS/390 MVS Planning: Workload Management manual. If you want to use the MVS workload manager facility, you should: 1. Implement workload management on the MVS images that the CICS workload is to run on, as outlined in Implementing MVS workload management. 2. Ensure that CICS performance parameters correspond to the policies defined for MVS workload management, as outlined in Matching CICS performance parameters to service policies on page 56. If you do not want to use the MVS workload management facility, you should review your MVS performance definitions to ensure that they are still appropriate for the current release. To do this, review parameters in the IEAICS and IEAIPS members of the MVS PARMLIB library. For more information about these MVS performance definitions, see the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual.

Implementing MVS workload management

The task of implementing MVS workload management is part of the overall task of planning for, and installing, MVS. Implementing MVS workload management generally involves the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Establishing your workloads. Setting your business priorities. Understanding your performance objectives. Defining critical work. Defining performance objectives based on current: v Business needs v Performance: Reporting and monitoring products Capacity planning tools IEAICS and IEAIPS parameters 6. Get agreement for your workload performance objectives. 7. Specify a service level agreement or performance objectives. 8. Specify an MVS WLM service definition using the information from step 7. Note: It is helpful at this stage to record your service definition in a form that will help you to enter it into the MVS workload manager ISPF application. You are recommended to use the worksheets provided in the OS/390 MVS Planning: Workload Management manual, GC28-1761. 9. Install MVS.

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10. Set up a sysplex with a single MVS image, and run in workload manager compatibility mode. 11. Upgrade your existing XCF couple data set. 12. Start the MVS workload manager ISPF application, and use it in the following steps. 13. Allocate and format a new couple data set for workload management. (You can do this from the ISPF application.) 14. Define your service definition. 15. Install your service definition on the couple data set for workload management. 16. Activate a service policy. 17. Switch the MVS image into goal mode. 18. Start up a new MVS image in the sysplex. (That is, attach the new MVS image to the couple data set for workload management, and link it to the service policy.) 19. Switch the new MVS image into goal mode. 20. Repeat steps 18 and 19 for each new MVS image in the sysplex. # # # # Notes: 1. To enable CICS to use MVS workload management, ensure you define CICS as an MVS subsystem (see Chapter 5. Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem on page 19). Provided you do this, CICS support for MVS workload manager is initialized automatically during CICS startup. 2. All CICS regions (and other MVS subsystems) running on an MVS image with MVS workload management are subject to the effects of workload manager.

Matching CICS performance parameters to service policies

You must ensure that the CICS performance parameters are compatible with the workload manager service policies used for the CICS workload. In general, you should define CICS performance objectives to the MVS workload manager first, and observe the effect on CICS performance. Once the MVS workload manager definitions are working correctly, you can then consider tuning the CICS parameters to further enhance CICS performance. However, you should use CICS performance parameters as little as possible. Performance attributes that you might consider using are: v Transaction priority, passed on dynamic transaction routing. (Use prioritization carefully, if at all.) The priority assigned by the CICS dispatcher must be compatible with the task priority defined to MVS workload manager. v Maximum number of concurrent user tasks for the CICS region. v Maximum number of concurrent tasks in each transaction class.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 13. Spool performance considerations

The CICS spool interface makes use of the MVS exit IEFDOIXT, which is provided in the SYS1.LINKLIB library. If you have a high volume spool output, you should install the IEFDOIXT exit in a library in the CICS STEPLIB concatenation, and consider having a PLT startup program MVS-load the exit during CICS initialization. This will help optimize the performance of the CICS spool interface. For further information about the MVS exit IEFDOIXT, see the OS/390 MVS Installation Exits manual.

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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 14. MVS automatic restart management definitions

You can exploit the MVS automatic restart management facility provided by MVS to implement a sysplex-wide integrated automatic restart mechanism. If you want to use the MVS automatic restart manager facility, you should: 1. Implement automatic restart management on the MVS images that the CICS workload is to run on. 2. Ensure that CICS startup JCL used to restart CICS regions is suitable for MVS automatic restart management. 3. Specify appropriate CICS START options. 4. Specify appropriate MVS workload policies. If you do not wish to use the MVS automatic restart management facility, you can use XRF to provide restart of failed CICS regions. For information about XRF, see the CICS/ESA 3.3 XRF Guide.

Implementing MVS automatic restart management

The task of implementing MVS automatic restart management is part of the overall task of planning for and installing MVS. For information about MVS automatic restart management, see the OS/390 MVS Setting Up a Sysplex manual. Implementing MVS automatic restart management for CICS generally involves the following steps: v Ensure that the MVS images available for automatic restarts have access to the databases, logs, and program libraries required for the workload. v Identify those CICS regions for which you want to use automatic restart management. v Define restart processes for the candidate CICS regions. v Define ARM policies for the candidate CICS regions. v Ensure that the system initialization parameter XRF=NO is specified for CICS startup. For further information on implementing automatic restart management, see the CICS System Definition Guide

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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 15. MVS cross-system MRO definitions

You can use the CICS interregion communication (IRC) facility for multiregion operation (MRO) between CICS regions across MVS images in a sysplex. This exploits the cross-system coupling facility (XCF) of MVS, and makes it unnecessary to use VTAM to communicate between MVS images within the same sysplex. Within a sysplex, where MRO communication between MVS images is by XCF/MRO, all the MVS images must be at the MVS/ESA 5.2, or later, level. Also DFHIRP must be installed from the highest release of CICS running in an MVS image.

Sysplex overview
A sysplex consists of multiple MVS systems, coupled together by hardware elements and software services. In a sysplex, MVS provides a platform of basic multisystem services that multisystem applications like CICS can exploit. As an installations workload grows, additional MVS systems can be added to the sysplex to enable the installation to meet the needs of the greater workload. To use XCF to communicate in a sysplex, each CICS region joins an XCF group called DFHIR000 by invoking the MVS IXCJOIN macro using services provided by the DFHIRP module. The member name for each CICS region is always the CICS APPLID (NETNAME on the CONNECTION resource definition) used for MRO partners. Each CICS APPLID must be unique within any sysplex regardless of the MVS levels involved. Within the sysplex, CICS regions can communicate only with members of the CICS XCF group (DFHIR000).

MVS XCF considerations for MRO

Ensure that when formatting the primary and alternate couple data sets to be used by the XCF component of MVS: v The value specified for the MAXMEMBER parameter is large enough to handle the number of CICS regions and users of the EXCI in the CICS XCF group. Each XCF group is limited to 4095 members (subject to APAR OW21511 being applied to MVS 5.2, OS/390 Release 1 and OS/390 Release 2), which is therefore the theoretical maximum number of CICS regions that can participate in XCF/MRO in a single sysplex. However, the maximum size of the XCF group is reduced if you set the MVS MAXMEMBER parameter, used to define XCF couple data sets, to a lower limit. When calculating the maximum number of members in the CICS XCF group, allow one member for: Each CICS region to run on an MVS image in the sysplex. Each pipe allocated by a user of the external CICS interface (EXCI). For information about EXCI users and pipes, see the CICS External Interfaces Guide manual. To list the members in the CICS XCF group, you can use the MVS DISPLAY command. The name of the CICS group is always DFHIR000, so you could use the MVS command:

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v The value specified for the MAXGROUP parameter is large enough for the CICS XCF group to be established.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 16. PR/SM policy for handling MVS failures

If you are running CICS under MVS in a Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM) environment, you should define to MVS the preferred XCF PR/SM policy for handling MVS failures in a PR/SM environment, and define to PR/SM the authorization for each LPAR to cause reset or deactivation of another LPAR.

XCF PR/SM policy

The function that enables MVS images to take over the resources of other MVS images in the same sysplex. This function is also known as the PR/SM automatic reconfiguration facility (ARF).

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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 17. MVS ASREXIT - SYMREC Authorization Exit

A CICS program may call the first failure symptoms (FFS) component. This uses the MVS SYMREC macro to write symptom records to the MVS SYS1.LOGREC data set, in addition to, or instead of, a job log. The SYMREC authorization exit, ASREXIT, must be in effect to allow CICS to use the SYMREC macro call, otherwise the call fails with return code 12, reason code 3868 (X'F1C'). When SYMREC is being called by CICS the ASREXIT routine must issue a return code that permits the SYMREC to be successfully written. The MVS sample exit programs ASREXT0 and ASREXT1, supplied in SYS1.SAMPLIB, are suitable for this purpose. For further information about these exits, see the OS/390 MVS Installation Exits manual. The ASREXIT routine can determine if CICS is the caller by testing EPLPNAME for the value DFHSIP except: v When DFHSIP has been renamed, in which case EPLPNAME contains the new name. v When DFHSIP is the subject of an MVS LINK, in which case EPLPNAME contains the name of the program issuing the MVS LINK (unless it too is the subject of an MVS LINK). If you choose this method, you may wish to code your ASREXIT routine to allow for these exceptions. An alternative method of coding the ASREXIT routine is shown in Figure 6. This method is not affected by the exceptions mentioned above.


Figure 6. An example of coding the ASREXIT routine. (Part 1 of 2)

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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide



Temporary addressability Save the caller's registers Load the address of the EPL Get addressability Preset "reject" return code Point at current TCB Point at TCB extension Point at AFCB; is there one? No, branch Is it a genuine CICS AFCB? No, branch Is it at least Version 1? No, branch Add length of AFCB's DW table. Allow for AFCB prefix length Point at AFCS; is there one? No, branch Set "write" return code Store return code

Restore caller's registers Return Register 1 Register 3 Register 12 Register 13 Register 14 Register 15 Return code C Return code 0

Figure 6. An example of coding the ASREXIT routine. (Part 2 of 2)

Chapter 18. Definitions required for VSAM RLS support

If you plan to use VSAM RLS to enable CICS regions to share VSAM data sets, carry out the following steps: 1. Install DFSMS/MVS Version 1 Release 3.0. 2. Define the master CF lock structure. 3. Define CF cache structures and cache sets. 4. Define SMS storage classes for RLS access.
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5. Alter data set characteristics, if necessary, to make data sets eligible for RLS access. 6. Define sharing control data sets. 7. Establish new authorization required by the VSAM RLS support. 8. Add new parameters to SYS1.PARMLIB. 9. Establish new procedures for VSAM RLS support. 10. Activate the CF structures. An overview of each of these steps follows.

Installing DFSMS/MVS Version 1 Release 3.0

See the DFSMS/MVS Planning for Installation manual for information about installing DFSMS/MVS.

Defining the master CF lock structure

VSAM RLS support requires a master lock structure named IGWLOCK00 to be defined in the coupling facility. This is used for cross system locking. See the DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference manual for information about calculating the size you need for the lock structure. The amount of coupling facility space required depends on several characteristics of your hardware configuration and the applications that you run, such as: v The number of processors you have v The power of your processors v Your ratio of non-update activity to update activity v Your ratio of recoverable updates to non-recoverable updates v Your ratio of sequential requests to direct requests You define the lock structure in the CFRM policy using the IXCMIAPU utility.

Defining CF cache structures and cache sets

VSAM RLS support requires structures to be defined in the coupling facility known as cache structures. These are used for cross system buffer invalidation. You need to determine the number and size of cache structures you require. The number needed depends on factors such as: v The number of coupling facilities you have v The amount of space in each coupling facility v The amount of data that will be accessed through each coupling facility See the DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference manual for information about calculating the amount of space you will need for the cache structures. If you have previously used data sets in LSR mode, the total amount of coupling facility space allocated to cache structures should not be less than the amount of storage you were using for LSR pools, including hiperspace buffers (if used). You can achieve performance benefits by: v Making the size of the cache larger


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

v The way in which you divide cache structures across coupling facilities You define cache structures in the CFRM policy using the IXCMIAPU utility.

Defining cache sets

You define cache sets using the ISMF control data set (CDS) application. A cache set maps on to one or more cache structures. If more than one cache set is specified, the data sets can be re-bound to another cache structure in the set in the event of a cache structure failure. See the DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference manual for more information about cache sets.

Defining SMS storage classes for RLS access

Before you can use VSAM RLS, you need one or more storage classes which specify a non-blank cache set name. The ISMF storage class application allows you to specify a cache set name when defining or altering a storage class, together with weighting parameters for tuning, such as CF DIRECT WEIGHT and CF SEQUENTIAL WEIGHT. See the DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference manual for more information about defining SMS storage classes.

Altering data set attributes for RLS access

Before you can use a data set in RLS access mode, you must ensure that it is eligible to be used in RLS mode. To be eligible for RLS: v Data sets must reside in SMS managed storage. v Data sets must specify a storage class that has a non-blank cache set name. v Data set recoverability attributes must be defined in the ICF catalog (not in the CICS file control resource definition, where they are ignored for RLS). You can specify a data sets attributes using the Access Method Services (AMS) DEFINE CLUSTER or ALTER CLUSTER commands. Specifying a LOG parameter of NONE, UNDO or ALL ensures that the recoverability of the data set is not undefined. You cannot open files in RLS mode if the LOG parameter of the associated data set is UNDEFINED. If you specify LOG(ALL), you must also specify a forward recovery log stream on the LOGSTREAMID parameter. To use backup while open (BWO) for an RLS-accessed sphere, specify the BWO parameter. Specifying BWO(TYPECICS) means that backup while open can be used. All other values for BWO (including undefined) mean backup while open is not allowed. BWO(TYPECICS) is only valid if LOG(ALL) and LOGSTREAMID are also specified. v Data sets must not specify the IMBED attribute. If you have some data sets that specify imbed, you must remove the IMBED option before you can use the data sets in RLS mode. Redefine a new data set without IMBED and use the AMS REPRO function to copy the old data set to the new data set.

Chapter 18. Definitions required for VSAM RLS support


Note: The REPLICATE cluster attribute is supported by RLS, but does not provide any performance benefit, and removing it could save DASD space.

Defining sharing control data sets

VSAM RLS requires sharing control data sets. These are used to maintain data integrity in the sharing environment. The sharing control data set is used sysplex-wide by all the SMSVSAM servers, and is always duplexed. Two active (and at least one spare) sharing control data sets must be available at all times. The size required depends on the number of MVS images in the sysplex, and on the number of files that are expected to be open concurrently. The DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference manual gives information about calculating the amount of space needed for the sharing control data sets. Sharing control data sets are VSAM linear data sets that must reside on volumes which have global connectivity. The data sets may have multiple extents, but only on the same volume. You define them using standard techniques for defining data sets. The names must have SYS1.DFPSHCDS as the first and second qualifiers. See the DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference manual for other rules relating to the definition of sharing control data sets. You must not issue RESERVEs on any volumes on which sharing control data sets reside. Any such RESERVEs should be converted to enqueues. You can check that the data sets are available to the sysplex using the MVS DISPLAY SMS command, on any MVS image, as follows:

This command shows the names of the two active, and the spare data set as in the following example:
Name ACTIVE1.VP2SS03 7920KB ACTIVE2.VP2SS03 7920KB SPARE.VP2SS03 7920KB Size 7920KB 7920KB 7920KB %UTIL 74% 74% 74% Status Good Good Good Type ACTIVE ACTIVE SPARE

Note: The DISPLAY command shows only the third and fourth qualifiers of the sharing control data set names; the first and second qualifiers are always SYS1.DFPSHCDS. The first time an SMSVSAM server is started in the sysplex, the sharing control data sets need to be varied online using

for the active data sets, and


for the spare data set (or data sets). The server cannot come up properly if this is not done.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Authorizing CICS userids for VSAM RLS support

Authorize each CICS userid that is to use VSAM RLS support to have read access to a profile in the SUBSYSNUM class which matches the applid. See Authorizing access to an SMSVSAM server on page 8 for more information. You may want to restrict access to the AMS SHCDS LIST and REMOVE commands. The DFSMS/MVS Access Method Services for ICF manual gives information about using these commands.

Adding new parameters to SYS1.PARMLIB(IGDSMSxx)

To include RLS support in your system, specify the required parameters in the IGDSMSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB, as follows: v Specify RLSINIT(YES), otherwise SMSVSAM will not initialize automatically when you IPL MVS. Alternatively, you can start SMSVSAM using the VARY SMS,SMSVSAM,ACTIVE command. v Specify a value for the deadlock detection interval using the DEADLOCK_DETECTION parameter. v Specify time intervals for the creation and synchronization of VSAM RLS SMF records using the CF_TIME and SMF_TIME parameters. v Specify the maximum size of the SMSVSAM local buffer pool using the RLS_MAX_POOL_SIZE parameter. See the DFSMS/MVS DFSMSdfp Storage Administration Reference manual for information about these parameters.

Establishing new procedures for VSAM RLS support

New operational procedures may be needed in a number of areas as a result of using VSAM RLS support. Areas to consider include: v Integrity of data in CF caches To make sure that non-IBM products or user programs do not compromise the integrity of data in CF caches when they modify the data on a volume, you should either vary the volume offline to each system in the sysplex, or CF-quiesce the volume using the

command before running such programs v Management of the coupling facility and CF structures v Use of RESERVEs on volumes which contain sharing control data sets Make sure that this does not happen. Furthermore, you are recommended to convert RESERVEs on other volumes into enqueues. v Switching to non-RLS mode in order to run batch update jobs against recoverable data sets This subject is covered in greater detail in the CICS Recovery and Restart Guide for more information. v Management of forward recovery and your forward recovery logs The differences from forward recovery for non-RLS access are: The forward recovery log stream must be named in the ICF catalog. All forward recovery log records for a data set are merged into the same log stream.
Chapter 18. Definitions required for VSAM RLS support


Your forward recovery procedure needs to use the SHCDS FRSETRR, FRUNBIND, FRBIND and FRRESETRR commands (these commands are issued for you automatically by CICSVR version 2 release 3). Refer to the DFSMS/MVS Version 1 Release 3 documentation for more details.

Activating the CF structures

Once defined in the CFRM policy, the CF structures must be activated using the SETXCF START,POLICY command, specifying a TYPE of CFRM and the policy name.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 19. Console messages

The message domain supports the use of MVS message routing codes in the range 1 to 16 for those messages that are sent to the console. By default, if the issuing module specifies only CONSOLE (without a qualifying number) as the destination, CICS routes the message with MVS route codes 2 and 11 (for the master console information). This support is available for all domain-type messages of the form DFHxxnnnn, where xx is the domain code, and nnnn is the message number. CICS issues other messages (of the form DFHnnnn) with either no route code, or route codes other than 2 and 11. The physical destination of these messages is controlled by the ROUTECODE parameter on the MVS console entries in a SYS1.PARMLIB member, CONSOLEnn. For further information about MVS console definitions, see the OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide .

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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling

CICS uses the MVS system logger for all its logging and journaling requirements. Using services provided by the MVS system logger, the CICS log manager supports: v The CICS system log, which is used for: Dynamic transaction backout Warm and emergency restarts Cold starts, but only if the log contains information required for resynchronizing in-doubt units-of-work v Forward recovery logs, auto-journals, and user journals. The MVS system logger is a component of MVS. It provides a programming interface to access records on a log stream. For information about the MVS system logger, see the following MVS publications: v OS/390 MVS Setting Up a Sysplex for: General information about the MVS system logger Information about defining and formatting the LOGR couple data set Information about how to plan the system logger configuration, plan and set up a system logger application, and plan for recovery for system logger applications. v OS/390 MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference for the syntax of system logger services v OS/390 MVS Initialization and Tuning Referencemanual for information about the COUPLExx PARMLIB member. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

Requirements planning and checklist

This section summarizes the requirements, and the steps that you need to follow, to set up the CICS logging environment. Some of the steps listed have a pointer to sections that provide more detailed information. These steps cover both MVS and CICS system programmer tasks and some security administrator tasks, and close cooperation between all groups is needed: Planning Consider the possible storage options, and choose which of the 3 available hardware options you want to use: v Non-volatile coupling facility, where log stream data is duplexed in the MVS logger data space. Non-volatile storage involves the use of battery backup or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS): When using a UPS, you use a hardware console command to update coupling facility status When using battery backup, batteries must be online and charged. v Volatile coupling facility, where log stream data is duplexed to a staging data set. v DASD-only, where log stream data is duplexed in the MVS logger data space.
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See Coupling facility or DASD-only? on page 83, to help you decide on one of these or a combination of both. As part of the planning phase: v Determine the number CICS regions that require logger support and hence system log streams. v Determine the number of user journals and autojournals that your regions use. v Determine the number of forward recovery logs required for VSAM data sets. v Determine whether any user journal or forward recovery log streams are to be shared between regions (to create merged data automatically). Note: The system log streams, DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT, cannot be shared. DASD-only log streams can be shared only within the same MVS image. v Decide on the number and sizes of the coupling facilities to be used. v Determine the log stream sizes: For coupling facility log streams, see Coupling facility log streams on page 84. For DASD-only log streams, see DASD-only log streams on page 101. For information about types of coupling facility, see the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release Guide. Note that the minimum level of coupling facility supported by the MVS system logger is CFLEVEL=1, with the appropriate service level of the coupling facility control code that supports CFLEVEL=1. Maintenance Ensure that all maintenance affecting the MVS system logger, and the CICS log manager and its utilities, is applied: v Logger serviceability APARs relating to the MVS system logger are identified with the LOGRSERVICE keyword. v APARs relating to the CICS log manager are identified with the CICSLOGR keyword. Run DFHLSCU If you are migrating from CICS Version 3 or Version 4, run this log stream sizing utility using one or more CICS journal data sets as input: v Use CICS journal data sets taken from periods of heavy production use. v In each run of DFHLSCU, use only journal data sets that are to be migrated to the same MVS log stream See The log stream sizing utility, DFHLSCU on page 93 for more information. Create and format the LOGR couple data sets In consultation with your MVS system programmer: v Use MVS utility IXCL1DSU to create and format the primary and alternate LOGR couple data sets. v Identify the LOGR couple data sets to the sysplex in the COUPLExx member in SYS1.PARMLIB v Make the LOGR couple data set available to the sysplex.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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See Format the LOGR Couple Data Set and Make it Available to the Sysplex in the OS/390 MVS Setting Up a Sysplex manual for information about these steps. Notes: 1. For this task you need know the number of log streams and, for coupling facility log streams, the number of structures. Each CICS region needs two system log streams and, optionally: v A log stream for the log of logs v One or more log streams for forward recovery logs v One or more log streams for autojournals v One or more log streams for user journals 2. The logging enhancements introduced in OS/390 Release 3 require the sysplexs LOGR couple data set to be formatted using OS/390 Release 3 or later. Thus, if you are migrating from an earlier release of OS/390 (to meet the OS/390 minimum requirement level for CICS TS) , you will need to reformat your LOGR data sets. The removal of the 168 data set limit (described in General logs on page 109) also requires the LOGR data set to be formatted with DSEXTENT(nnnnn). This does not apply to LOGR couple data sets formatted for DASD-only logging. Define coupling facility structures If you are using the coupling facility for some or all of your log streams, update your CFRM policy and your LOGR couple data set with the required structure definitions. See Defining coupling facility structures on page 85 for details, including a sample job. Establish the required security authorizations Ensure that all the userids that are involved with running the system logger, or defining or accessing logger resources, are authorized, and that the required profiles are defined in the LOGSTRM general resource class : v If the MVS system logger address space (IXGLOGR) is not given SAF privileged or trusted status, ensure you give the required authorization to the userid that runs IXGLOGR. For example, if the userid that runs IXGLOGR (defined in the RACF started procedures table (ICHRIN03), or defined in the RACF STARTED class profile) is SYSTASK: SYSTASK requires ALTER access to IXLSTR structure profiles in the FACILITY general resource class for access to log stream coupling facility structures. SYSTASK requires ALTER access to the data set profiles (hlq.data_set_name) in the DATASET general resource class, for each DASD log stream and staging data set. v To use the MVS system logger IXCMIAPU utility to define, update and delete entries in the LOGR couple data set, you need appropriate authorizations to the relevant RACF profiles in the LOGSTRM and FACILITY general resource classes. See Authorizations for users of IXCMIAPU on page 8 for information and examples of how to do this. v To enable CICS to create log streams dynamically, and to write to log streams, ensure that the CICS region userid has the required authorizations. See Authorizations for CICS regions on page 9 for information and examples of how to do this.
Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


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For more information about authorizations for the system logger, see the OS/390 MVS Setting Up a Sysplex manual Check sysplex definition in PARMLIB To use the MVS system logger, each MVS image must be a member of a sysplex. Ensure your sysplex definition, in PARMLIB member IEASYSxx, specifies either PLEXCFG(MONOPLEX), for a single-member sysplex, or PLEXCFG(MULTISYSTEM), for a multi-member sysplex. Also ensure that you define a COUPLExx member in PARMLIB. Note: The value specified on the SYSPLEX parameter in COUPLExx forms part of DASD-only and staging data set names. Activate the LOGR subsystem Ensure the LOGR subsystem is active to enable the CICS log manager batch utility, DFHJUP, to format and print log data. The LOGR susbsystem is defined by the following entry in IEFSSNxx PARMLIB member:

Plan staging data set requirements Staging data sets are used for both DASD-only and coupling facility log streams, and if specified are dynamically allocated by the MVS system logger: v For DASD-only log streams, staging data sets are the primary (interim) storage. v For coupling facility log streams, staging data sets are allocated by the system logger to safeguard log data in the event of the log data being in a volatile configuration; that is: There is a loss of the coupling facility battery backup A structure failure that results in the only copy of log data being in MVS local storage buffers. Consider the following parameters: v STG_DUPLEX(YES) and DUPLEXMODE(COND) to cause the system logger to use staging data sets if the coupling facility is not failure independent (see Staging data sets for coupling facility log streams on page 100 for more information) v STG_MGMTCLAS to specify the System Managed Storage (SMS) management class to be used for staging data set allocation (valid only when STG_DUPLEX(YES) or DASDONLY(YES) is specified) v STG_STORCLAS to specify the SMS storage class to be used for staging data set allocation (valid only when STG_DUPLEX(YES) or DASDONLY(YES) is specified) v STG_SIZE to specify the size of staging data sets v SHAREOPTIONS(3,3) for log stream data sets and staging data sets (see VSAM Share Options for System Logger in OS/390 MVS Setting Up a Sysplex) Plan DASD space and SMS environment for logger secondary storage System logger secondary storage comprises all log stream (offload) data sets. See Managing secondary storage on page 108 for information about size parameters and other attributes relating to secondary storage Define log streams and log stream models Define the specific log streams, and log stream models for dynamic creation of log streams, in the LOGR policy.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

In particular, consider the following when defining your log streams: v Set HIGHOFFLOAD no higher than 85% to allow the offload function to be activated before structures reach the 90% level and provide a buffer to enable CICS to continue writing records without filling the logstream before offload completes. v Set LOWOFFLOAD for DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT in the range 4060%. For user journals and the log of logs, specify LOWOFFLOAD as 0. v Specify HLQ for the high level qualifier for offload data setsit is not part of the CICS log stream name. The default is IXGLOGR. v Specify STG_DUPLEX(YES) and DUPLEXMODE(COND) for log streams in the coupling facility to ensure that staging data sets are used automatically if the CF is volatile or failure dependent. v Set STG_SIZE to control the size, in 4K blocks, of staging data sets allocated by the system logger. For coupling facility log streams, the staging data set must hold at least as much data as the log stream in the structure, so that offloads are not triggered by the staging data sets. See The log stream sizing utility, DFHLSCU on pages 93 and 105 (for DASD-only). v Specify LS_DATACLAS and LS_SIZE, for the SMS data class and the number of 4K allocation blocks respectively for log stream off load data sets (see Managing log data sets on page 108) v Specify MODEL(YES) to indicate that a log stream definition is a model only and not an actual log stream. See SDFHINST members DFHILG2 (coupling facility) and DFHILG5 (DASD-only) for samples of model log streams. Note: Use AUTODELETE(YES) with a suitable retention period (RETPD) for general logs but not for CICS system logs (DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT. See Defining coupling facility log streams on page 90 for some sample IXCMIAPU jobs, and see OS/390 MVS Setting Up a Sysplex for general information about updating LOGR policies. Define JOURNALMODEL resource definitions Define JOURNALMODEL resource definitions in the CICS CSD to enable CICS to map CICS journal names to MVS system logger log stream names. See the CICS Resource Definition Guide for information about JOURNALMODEL resource definitions. Remove JCT definitions When migrating a CICS region from a CICS/ESA 4.1 region (or earlier), remove all references to journal control tables (JCTs), and any DD statements for CICS journal data sets, from startup JCL. See the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Migration Guide for CICS TS Releases 1 and 2 for information about obsolete parameters and function relating to the old CICS journal control function and other migration information Review AKPFREQ system initialization parameter When migrating a CICS region from a CICS/ESA 4.1 region (or earlier), review the value specified for AKPFREQ. This parameter now represents the number of write operations (log records) by CICS log manager to the log stream buffer before an activity keypoint is taken, whereas under the old journal control program it specifies the number of consecutive blocks written to the system log data set.

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


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The parameter has a significant impact on the size of system logger primary (interim) storage, affecting the log tail management that takes place during activity keypoint (AKP) processing. The system logger: v Deletes records that are no longer of interest to CICS v Moves records to DFHSHUNT for those tasks that did write any log records within the last ACP. Update JCL of batch jobs When migrating a CICS region from a CICS/ESA 4.1 region (or earlier), update DFHJUP batch job JCL. To process log streams, these jobs require the SUSBSYS keyword on DD statement for the log stream being processed. Evaluate results after implementation After you have implemented the steps necessary to use the MVS system logger for CICS log streams and journals, evaluate the results on a continual basis. The following are aids that you can use: v CICS interval statistics. You can collect these at specified intervals and end-of-day to obtain CICS log manager statistics. You can also collect statistics using the DFH0STAT sample program. v SMF Type 88 records. These are produced by the MVS system logger, and can be printed using IXGRPT1, which is supplied in SYS1.SAMPLIB. You can also print these records using IXGRPT1J and IXGRPT1L. The latter 2 modules, included in SYS1.SAMPLIB from OS/390 Release 7, are provided by PTFs UW55955 (OS/390 Release 5) and UW55956 (OS/390 Release 6) for APAR OW36423. The following sections provide more detailed information to help you with the above steps: v Coupling facility or DASD-only? on page 83 v Coupling facility log streams on page 84, which contains: Defining coupling facility structures on page 85 Planning considerations for the number of log structures on page 88 Log structure naming conventions on page 89 Defining coupling facility log streams on page 90 Sizing considerations for coupling facility log streams on page 91 Coupling facility requirements in an RLS environment on page 98 Staging data sets for coupling facility log streams on page 100. v DASD-only log streams on page 101, which contains: Defining DASD-only log streams on page 101 Sizing considerations for DASD-only log streams on page 103 Converting a DASD-only log stream to use a coupling facility on page 106. v Managing secondary storage on page 108.

Setting up the environment for CICS log manager

CICS system programmers need to consult with their MVS system programmers to plan for the storage that is required by the log streams needed by the many CICS log managers operating in the sysplex.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Each log stream is a sequence of blocks of data, which the MVS system logger internally partitions over three different types of storage: 1. Primary storage, which holds the most recent records that were written to the log stream. Primary storage can consist of either: a. A structure within a coupling facility. Log data written to the coupling facility is also copied to either a data space or a staging data set. b. A data space in the same MVS image as the system logger. Log data written to the data space is also copied to a staging data set. 2. Secondary storagewhen the primary storage for a log stream becomes full, the older records automatically spill into secondary storage, which consists of data sets managed by the storage management subsystem (SMS). Each log stream, identified by its log stream name (LSN), is written to its own log data sets. 3. Tertiary storagea form of archive storage that is used as specified in your hierarchical storage manager (HSM) policy. Optionally, older records can be migrated to tertiary storage, which can be either DASD data sets or tape volumes. See the different levels of log stream storage in Figure 7 on page 82 and Figure 8 on page 83.

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


Primary storage
Coupling Facility
Log Structures LSN1 LSN2 LSNn

Secondary storage
LSN1 Current Data Set

LSN1 MVS1 Full Data Set

System Logger

Data Space

Staging Data Sets

DFHSM Storage

Tertiary storage
Figure 7. The types of storage used by the MVS system logger. This diagram shows a log stream that uses a coupling facility. Primary storage consists of space in a structure within the coupling facility, and either space in a staging data set or a data space in the same MVS image as the system logger.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Secondary storage

Primary storage

Current Data Set

MVS1 System Logger LSN1 Full Data Set

Data Space

Staging Data Sets

DFHSM Storage

Tertiary storage
Figure 8. The types of storage used by the MVS system logger. This diagram shows a log stream that uses DASD-only logging. Primary storage consists of a data space in the same MVS image as the system logger, and a single staging data set.

Coupling facility or DASD-only?

In versions of MVS before OS/390 Version 2 Release 4, the MVS system logger requires at least one coupling facility, even if the sysplex consists of a single MVS image. All CICS log streams must use log structures defined in the coupling facility. In OS/390 Version 2 Release 4, the CICS log manager supports the DASD-only option of the MVS system logger. This means that individual CICS log streams can use either coupling facility log structures or DASD-only logging. Table 3 shows the choices you have in defining individual log streams, according to the hardware and software you are using.
Table 3. Log stream choices resulting from hardware and software used Coupling facility? Yes OS/390 Log stream possibilities Version 2.4 or later No All must use a coupling facility.

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


Table 3. Log stream choices resulting from hardware and software used (continued) Coupling facility? Yes No No OS/390 Log stream possibilities Version 2.4 or later Yes Yes No Individual log streams can use either coupling facility or DASD-only. All must use DASD-only. See 2 CICS TS Release 2 not supported.

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Notes: 1. Without a coupling facility, you cannot share general log streams across MVS images. 2. Define a single-system sysplex (which must use a sysplex couple data set) with PLEXCFG=MONOPLEX. This is required for stand-alone MVS systems that use MVS system logger facilities. 3. Define sysplexes that have two or more MVS images with PLEXCFG=MULTISYSTEM. If you have a choice (that is, you have both OS/390 Version 2 Release 4 and a coupling facility), take the following points into account when deciding which log streams should be defined to use the coupling facility and which to use DASD-only: v A coupling facility log stream must be used if you want to allow simultaneous access from CICS regions running in different MVS images. (Simultaneous access to a DASD-only log stream is limited to CICS regions in the same MVS image.) For example, assume that you are using RLS and have several CICS application-owning regions (AORs) running on different MVS images. Because the forward recovery log must be accessible from all the AORs, it must be defined as a coupling facility log stream. A CICS system log, on the other hand, is only ever accessed by a single CICS region, and can therefore always be defined as a DASD-only log stream. v Defining all your CICS log streams to use structures within a single coupling facility is not recommendedsee Coupling facility log streams. v DASD-only log streams are easier to define and administer than coupling facility log streams. v The CPU cost of a log write to a DASD-only log stream is greater than that of a write to a coupling facility log stream. For more information, see the CICS Performance Guide. v If the amount of available coupling facility space is limited, you may want to define some DASD-only log streams in order to minimize the amount of space allocated to log structures.

Coupling facility log streams

If you use a coupling facility, the ideal environment is provided by two or more non-volatile coupling facilities that are failure-independent from any of the exploiting MVS images, using dedicated processor resources. Should one coupling facility fail, or require maintenance, in such an environment, the system logger can rebuild its data in another coupling facility and continue. Running CICS systems would experience only minimal impact.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

If you are unable to devote two coupling facilities for the purposes of the MVS system logger, the next most robust environment is provided by one dedicated coupling facility for normal logger and lock structure use, plus a coupling facility LPAR. This environment has the same advantages of rebuilding with minimal impact to running CICS systems. Furthermore, MVS detects that the LPAR coupling facility is not in a failure-independent domain, and causes the system logger to write log stream data to staging data sets for extra security. Running with a single coupling facility is not recommended since its failure would cause the MVS system logger, and any other users of the coupling facility, to suspend normal operation until access to the coupling facility were restored. CICS would, effectively, be unusable in such a situation. Unless you specify that the system logger is to use staging data sets, the recovery of log stream data depends on the MVS images remaining active so that the system loggers can use copies of log records held in storage to repopulate the coupling facility when it is again available. If you must run with a single coupling facility, you are recommended to specify DUPLEXMODE(UNCOND) to force the use of staging data sets.

Defining coupling facility structures

If you use a coupling facility for your CICS log streams, define the coupling facility structures needed for the log streams in your CFRM policy (in the CFRM data set), and in the LOGR policy (in the LOGR data set). Updating the CFRM policy Coupling facility space is divided into structures using the coupling facility resource management (CFRM) policy defined in the CFRM data set. The CFRM policy allows you to define how MVS is to manage coupling facility resources, and you update this using the IXCMIAPU utility. See Figure 9 on page 86 for a sample job to define coupling facility structures in the CFRM policy data set. Updating the LOGR policy You define structures in the MVS system logger LOGR policy in the system logger couple data sets using the DEFINE STRUCTURE specification of the ICXMIAPU utility. See Figure 10 on page 87 for a sample job to define coupling facility structures in the LOGR policy data set.

| | | |

Remember Before attempting to run any of the IXCMIAPU jobs, ensure that the MVS system logger (IXGLOGR) is running. If IXGLOGR is not running (for example if MVS is running in LOCAL mode), logstream definition jobs fail with rc=0814.

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


//CFRM JOB (accounting-information),CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A //POLICY EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU //STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MIGLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //********************************************************************* //* * //* System logger structure definitions should be merged with * //* definitions for other structures required by the sysplex. * //* * //* Space values are for illustration only -- substitute values * //* appropriate to your number of logs and expected activity. * //* * //* NOTE: The values in this job are not matched with the other * // sample jobs. * //********************************************************************* //SYSIN DD * DATA TYPE(CFRM) REPORT(YES) DELETE POLICY NAME(POL1) DEFINE POLICY NAME(POL1) PREFLIST(cfname) REBUILDPERCENT(1) /* Define coupling facilities */ CF NAME(cfname) TYPE(009674) MFG(IBM) PLANT(00) SEQUENCE(000000040032) PARTITION(3) CPCID(00) DUMPSPACE(8192) /* Define other structures required by sysplex here . . . */ ... /* Define logger structures for CICS log streams. */ /* - If a choice of facilities is available, use non-volatile */ /* facilities if possible */ /* - Specify low REBUILDPERCENT so that structures are rebuilt */ /* in the event of connectivity failure */ /* - INITSIZE gives initial CF size (based on sizing calcs) */ /* - SIZE should be larger to allow for rebuild to a larger */ /* size if INITSIZE proves to be too small */ /* SIZE and INITSIZE values are for illustration only */ /* substitute values appropriate for your intended usage. */ STRUCTURE NAME(LOG_DFHLOG_001) INITSIZE(10000) SIZE(16000) PREFLIST(cfname) REBUILDPERCENT(1) STRUCTURE NAME(LOG_DFHSHUNT_001) INITSIZE(10000) SIZE(16000) PREFLIST(cfname) REBUILDPERCENT(1) STRUCTURE NAME(LOG_USERJNL_001) INITSIZE(10000) SIZE(16000) PREFLIST(cfname) REBUILDPERCENT(1) /* CICS system logs */

/* CICS secondary logs */

/* CICS user journals


/* //

STRUCTURE NAME(LOG_GENERAL_001) /* Forward recovery logs */ INITSIZE(10000) SIZE(16000) PREFLIST(cfname) REBUILDPERCENT(1)

Figure 9. Sample policy job to define logger structures to CFRM 1/2

Multiple log streams can write data to a single coupling facility structure. This does not mean that the log data is merged; the log data stays segregated according


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

to log stream. You can specify the number of log streams that use the resources of a single coupling facility structure using the LOGSNUM parameter on the IXCMIAPU service to define a structure. Each log stream is allocated a proportion of the structure space based on the number of currently connected log streams (up to the limit specified in LOGSNUM). For example, a structure may be defined to contain a maximum of, say, 30 log streams. If only 10 log streams are connected, each log stream can use one tenth of the space in the structure. As other log streams are connected and disconnected, the MVS system logger adjusts the proportion of space to be used by each log stream. It is important to plan carefully before specifying a value for LOGSNUM, because this parameter determines how much storage space in the structure is available to each log stream. A number in the range 10 to 20 is optimum in many environments. The JCL in Figure 10 defines log stream coupling facility structures to the MVS system logger. It is meant for guidance only and you should substitute values appropriate to your requirements.
//DEFSTRUC JOB ... //POLICY EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU //STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MIGLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //********************************************************************* //* * //* Define log stream coupling facility structures to the MVS logger * //* * //* AVGBUFSIZE and LOGSNUM values are just for illustration, * //* substitute values appropriate to your intended usage * //* * //********************************************************************* //SYSIN DD * DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(YES) /* System logs */ DEFINE STRUCTURE NAME(LOG_DFHLOG_001) LOGSNUM(10) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) AVGBUFSIZE(500) /* Secondary system logs */ DEFINE STRUCTURE NAME(LOG_DFHSHUNT_001) LOGSNUM(10) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) AVGBUFSIZE(4096) /* User journals with unforced writes */ DEFINE STRUCTURE NAME(LOG_USERJRNL_001) LOGSNUM(10) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) AVGBUFSIZE(64000) /* Fwd recovery logs and user jnls that are forced */ DEFINE STRUCTURE NAME(LOG_GENERAL_001) LOGSNUM(10) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) AVGBUFSIZE(2048) /* // Figure 10. Sample JCL to define coupling facility structures to MVS system logger

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


See the OS/390 MVS Programming: Assembler Services GuideOS/390 MVS Programming: Assembler Services Guide for information on planning coupling facility configurations.

Planning considerations for the number of log structures

Bear in mind the following points when planning the definition of your coupling facility structures: v The CFRM policy allows a maximum of 255 structures for all purposes. v Allow a maximum of 20 log streams per structure. v Smaller structures are more quickly allocated, rebuilt, and recovered than larger ones. v It is good practice to keep the log streams for test CICS systems (and other systems not in regular use) in structures separate from the structures holding the log streams of production CICS systems. This avoids the structure space available to production CICS systems being affected by structure usage of the test CICS systems. v It is good practice to keep the log streams for terminal-owning regions (TORs) in structures separate to those accommodating log streams for application-owning regions (AORs). In addition, keep log streams for file-owning regions in structures separate to those accommodating log streams for TORs and AORs. v Share structures between MVS images. If an MVS image or logger address space fails, and a surviving MVS image is using the same log stream structures (although not necessarily the same log streams), the surviving image is notified of the failure and can initiate immediate log stream recovery for the failing MVS. Recovery would, otherwise, be delayed until the next time that a system attempts to connect to a log stream in the affected structures, or until the logger address space of the failing system is restarted. For example, in a 4-way sysplex comprising MVSA, MVSB, MVSC, and MVSD, you might have the CICS regions that normally run on MVSA and MVSB use structure LOG_DFHLOG_001, and the regions that run on MVSC and MVSD use structure LOG_DFHLOG_002. Thus each MVS image has a partner to recover its log streams in the event of an MVS failure. If a structure fails, the two MVS images using the other structure can take over the workload. Also, if you have more than one coupling facility, allocate the system log structures to different coupling facilities. See Figure 11 on page 89 for an illustration of this example.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

4-Way Sysplex LOG_DFHLOG_001 MVSA (on CF1) MVSB


Figure 11. Sharing system logger structures between MVS images

v Use the appropriate buffer size. The average buffer size (AVGBUFSIZE) defined for a structure should be reasonably close to the actual buffer size of the log streams using the structure. If it is not, there is a risk that usable space will be exhausted long before the structure is actually full. Important: 1. If you are running on OS/390 Release 3 or later, the value you specify for AVGBUFSIZE is less important than if you are running on an earlier release of MVS. This is because OS/390 Release 3 or later dynamically tunes the element/entry ratio. 2. AVGBUFSIZE, like other structure definition attributes such as MAXBUFSIZE and LOGSNUM, cannot be updated unless you first delete the log streams in the structure definition. v Set MAXBUFSIZE to slightly less than 64K - say, 64000. This allows CICS to write the maximum size user record and allows coupling facility storage to be allocated in 256-byte units. If you allow MAXBUFSIZE to default, coupling facility storage is allocated in 512-byte units. This can be wasteful of storage. There is no significant advantage in setting MAXBUFSIZE lower than 64000 as far as the utilization of storage is concerned. v Set a low value for the REBUILDPERCENT parameter in the CFRM policy for log structures used for CICS system logs.

Log structure naming conventions

It is sensible to adopt a naming convention for your coupling facility structures that helps to identify the purpose of the structure. A format such as LOG_purpose_nnn is recommended, where: v purpose identifies the type of use of the structure. v nnn is a sequence number to allow for more than one structure for each purpose. Some examples are: LOG_DFHLOG_001 For the CICS primary system log. The structure should be large to avoid the
Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


need to write data to DASD. The average buffer size would be small. See the sizing calculations in Structure size for system log usage on page 94. LOG_DFHSHUNT_001 For the CICS secondary system log. The structure should be small but requires a large buffer size. A structure of 150K per log stream may well be sufficient. LOG_USERJRNL_001 For user journals where block writes are not forced. The average and maximum buffer sizes of these structures should be the same. LOG_GENERAL_001 For forward recovery logs and user journals where block writes are forced periodically. See also the section Develop a naming convention for system logger resources in the OS/390 MVS Setting Up a Sysplex manual.

Defining coupling facility log streams

Use the MVS IXCMIAPU utility to define coupling facility log streams to the LOGR couple data set. The basic syntax to define a coupling facility log stream is as follows:

For detailed information about the full range of log stream attributes, see the OS/390 Setting Up a Sysplex manual. Figure 12 shows example definitions for a pair of coupling facility log streams associated with a CICS system log.
//DEFLOGS JOB ... //LOGDEFN EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU //STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MIGLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //****************************************************************** //* * //* Define coupling facility log streams for CICS system log. * //* * //* The LOWOFFLOAD value is for illustration only -* //* substitute a value appropriate for your environment. * //* * //****************************************************************** //SYSIN DD * DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(NO) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(region_userid.applid.DFHLOG) STRUCTNAME(LOG_DFHLOG_001) LOWOFFLOAD(60) HIGHOFFLOAD(95) STG_DUPLEX(YES) DUPLEXMODE(COND) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(region_userid.applid.DFHSHUNT) STRUCTNAME(LOG_DFHSHUNT_001) LOWOFFLOAD(0) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) STG_DUPLEX(YES) DUPLEXMODE(COND) Figure 12. Example definitions of coupling facility log streams. The definitions are for the CICS primary and secondary system log streams. The value region_userid is the RACF userid under which the CICS address space is running; applid is the CICS regions VTAM APPL name (taken from the APPLID system initialization parameter).


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Using model log streams

To avoid having to define explicitly each log stream used by each of your CICS regions, you can use model log stream definitions. Using models, log streams are defined to MVS dynamically, on their first usage. Figure 13 shows an example of coupling facility model definitions for CICS primary and secondary system log streams.
//DEFLOGS JOB ... //LOGDEFN EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU //STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MIGLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //****************************************************************** //* * //* Define coupling facility model log streams for CICS system log.* //* * //* The LOWOFFLOAD value is for illustration only -* //* substitute a value appropriate for your environment. * //* * //****************************************************************** //SYSIN DD * DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(NO) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(sysname.DFHLOG.MODEL) MODEL(YES) STRUCTNAME(LOG_DFHLOG_001) LOWOFFLOAD(60) HIGHOFFLOAD(95) STG_DUPLEX(YES) DUPLEXMODE(COND) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(sysname.DFHSHUNT.MODEL) MODEL(YES) STRUCTNAME(LOG_DFHSHUNT_001) LOWOFFLOAD(0) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) STG_DUPLEX(YES) DUPLEXMODE(COND) Figure 13. Example model definitions for coupling facility system log streams. The value sysname is the sysid of the MVS image in which the CICS region or regions are running.

For detailed information about using model log streams, see the CICS Recovery and Restart Guide. For information about the mapping of CICS journal definitions to log stream names, see the CICS System Definition Guide. When using model log streams, you need to bear the following in mind: v For coupling facility log streams, a model log stream definition determines the coupling facility structure in which the new log streams are created. On an MVS image that runs both CICS production and CICS test regions, take care that the system logs for the production regions are kept separate from the system logs for the test regions. v There are recovery considerations when using model log streams to define CICS system logssee the CICS Recovery and Restart Guide.

Sizing considerations for coupling facility log streams

This section discusses how to size the following types of coupling facility log stream: v The CICS primary and secondary system log streams v Forward recovery logs v User journals and autojournals.

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


For the CICS primary system log stream (DFHLOG), it is important to: v Minimize the amount of data that is offloaded to secondary storage: The MVS system logger begins the offload process when the high offload threshold (HIGHOFFLOAD) of the log stream is reached. The offload process consists of two steps: 1. The MVS logger physically deletes the data in the log stream that has been marked for deletion by the CICS log-tail deletion process. 2. The MVS logger calculates how much data needs to be offloaded to secondary storage, based on the difference between HIGHOFFLOAD and LOWOFFLOAD, less the amount of data that has been deleted since the last offload event. To minimize the amount of data offloaded from the CICS primary system log: Define a suitably-sized coupling facility structure. For advice, see Recommendations. Ensure that the log-tail deletion process is working effectively. For detailed information about the log tail deletion process, see the CICS Recovery and Restart Guide. v Avoid structure-full events: A structure-full event occurs when a log streams structure space becomes full before the offloading of data has completed. For advice on monitoring and avoiding structure-full events, see the CICS Performance Guide.

It is important to size the secondary system log stream (DFHSHUNT) to avoid structure-full events. However, it is normal for some data to be offloaded from DFHSHUNT to secondary storage.

Sizing general logs

It is important to size forward recovery logs, user journals, and autojournals to avoid structure-full events. However, because CICS does not delete data from these log streams, it is normal for data to be offloaded to secondary storage.

Table 4 summarizes how you should decide on the values for various attributes on the structure definition, log stream definition, and system definition.
Table 4. How to decide on the values of attributes Facility Structure Attribute INITSIZE SIZE AVGBUFSIZE MAXBUFSIZE Recommendation Use the DFHLSCU utility program or the formula on page 94. Use DFHLSCU or the formula on page 96. Use DFHLSCU or the formula on page 95. Underestimate rather than overestimate. 64000


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Table 4. How to decide on the values of attributes (continued) Facility Attribute Recommendation 95 Use DFHLSCU or the formula on page 96. 80 0 80 0 Use DFHLSCU or the formula on page 100. Overestimate rather than underestimate. 4000

Primary system log HIGHOFFLOAD stream (DFHLOG) LOWOFFLOAD Secondary system log stream (DFHSHUNT) General log stream HIGHOFFLOAD LOWOFFLOAD HIGHOFFLOAD LOWOFFLOAD Log stream CICS system STG_SIZE AKPFREQ

The log stream sizing utility, DFHLSCU

If you are migrating from CICS/ESA 3.3 or CICS/ESA 4.1, you are strongly recommended to use the CICS-supplied utility program, DFHLSCU, to help you calculate your space requirements. DFHLSCU takes as input old-style (pre-CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 1-format) journal records, and analyzes them to establish values for: AVGBUFSIZE The average buffer size, in bytes, of a log stream structure in the coupling facility. It is important, particularly in MVS releases before OS/390 Release 3, that the value you specify for AVGBUFSIZE reflects as accurately as possible the real size of most log blocks written to the structure. This leads to efficient use of the space in the coupling facility and minimum DASD offloading frequency. This is less important in OS/390 Release 3 and later, because OS/390 performs some dynamic tuning. You define this attribute in your DEFINE STRUCTURE job. INITSIZE The initial amount of space, in kilobytes, to be allocated for the log stream structure in the coupling facility. You define this attribute in your CFRM policy. HIGHOFFLOAD The point in primary storage (that is, in either the coupling facility structure or the staging data set), as a percentage of space consumed, where the MVS system logger starts its offload process. You define this attribute in your DEFINE LOGSTREAM job. LOWOFFLOAD The point in primary storage, as a percentage of space consumed, where the MVS system logger stops offloading data from primary storage to log stream DASD data sets. You define this attribute in your DEFINE LOGSTREAM job. SIZE The maximum size, in kilobytes, of the log stream structure in the coupling facility. You define this attribute in your CFRM policy. The value of the SIZE attribute is approximately 50% greater than the value of the INITSIZE attribute. You can dynamically increase the log stream structure size up to the value of the SIZE attribute.

STG_SIZE The size, as a number of 4K blocks, of the staging data set for the log
Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


stream. A coupling facility log stream may or may not use a staging data set. For advice on the use of staging data sets with coupling facility log streams, see Staging data sets for coupling facility log streams on page 100. # # # # # # # # # You define this attribute in the DEFINE LOGSTREAM statements of your IXCMIAPU job. If you are using a staging data set and do not specify STG_SIZE, the MVS logger determines the size from v The STG_SIZE parameter of the log stream defined on the LIKE parameter v Uses the maximum coupling facility structure size for the structure to which the log stream is defined. This value is obtained from the SIZE parameter of the structure in the CRFM policy. For details on how to use DFHLSCU, see the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide.

If DFHLSCU is inappropriate for use in your environment

If it is inappropriate for you to use DFHLSCU to help you size your coupling facility structures and log streams (perhaps you have no CICS Version 4 or Version 3 journal records to use as input to DFHLSCU, or you are capacity planning for new applications), the following sections will help you to calculate your space requirements. The formulae provided help you to calculate values for: v INITSIZE v AVGBUFSIZE v SIZE v LOWOFFLOAD v STG_SIZE You must base your calculations on the journaling requirements of your applications. This provides the starting point for the following formulae. Structure size for system log usage: You are recommended not to place the primary and secondary log streams in the same structure due to the large disparity in data volumes written to the primary and secondary system logs. Generally, the volume of data that CICS keeps in the primary system log at any one time is slightly greater than the amount written during one activity keypoint interval. This volume is determined by the activity keypoint frequency, which is measured in the number of write requests to the CICS system log stream output buffer, and defined on the AKPFREQ system initialization parameter. Review the value specified on the AKPFREQ system initialization parameter when planning coupling facility structure sizes. The INITSIZE value to be supplied in the CFRM policy can be calculated as follows:
(LOGSNUM *(2000 + (no. entries+ ) * (AVGBUFSIZE * 1.1289 + 195))) 310+ --------------------------------------------------------------1024 Figure 14. INITSIZE calculation

The value for the number of entries (no. entries) can be calculated as follows:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

no. entries =

(akpintvl + trandur) * writespersec ----------------------------------0.9

where: v akpintvl is the interval between activity keypoints which varies with workload. It can be calculated as follows:
AKPFREQ akpintvl = --------------------------------(N1 * R1) + (N2 * R2) + (Nn * Rn)

where: N1, N2 .... Nn is the transaction rate for each transaction (transactions per second). R1, R2 .... Rn is the number of log records written by each transaction. v trandur is the execution time (between syncpoints) of the longest-running transaction that runs as part of the normal workload. If this duration is longer than akpintvl value, you can either: Increase the value of AKPFREQ, so increasing the value of akpintvl (as long as this does not result in an unacceptably large coupling facility structure size). Change the application logic to cause more frequent syncpoints. Calculate a structure size based on a shorter transaction duration, and accept that DASD offloading occurs when the long-running transaction is used. v writespersec = lesser of 25 or ((N1 * R1) + ... (Nn * Rn)), where: N1, N2 .... Nn are the transaction frequencies (transactions per second) of the most frequently executed transactions. R1, R2 .... Rn is the number of log records written by each transaction. You can calculate AVGBUFSIZE for DFHLOG from the weighted average of the data logged by the most frequently executed transactions in the system:
AVGBUFSIZE = (bytespersec / writespersec) + 48

where: v bytespersec = (N1 * D1) + (N2 * D2) + ... (Nn * Dn), where: N1, N2 .... Nn are the transaction frequencies (transactions per second) of the most frequently executed transactions. D1, D2 .... Dn are the bytes of data logged by each transaction. You can calculate the amount of data (Dn) written to the system log for each transaction:
Dn = Ns * syncreclen Nfc * (fcrechdr Nts * (tsrechdr Ntd * (tdrechdr Nur * (urrechdr + + + + + fcreclen) + tsreclen) + tdreclen) + urreclen)

where: - Ns is the number of syncpoints per transaction - usually 1. - synreclen is the syncpoint record length. - Nfc, fcrechdr, fcreclen are, respectively, the number of recoverable updates made, the length of the record headers, and the length of the records for file control.
Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


Count only READ UPDATE and WRITE ADD records. fcrechdr is 144 (136 bytes of record header plus 8 bytes of file name). Similarly: - Nts, tsrechdr, tsreclen are for recoverable temporary storage updates. Count only TS PUT and TS UPDATE records. For TS PUT records, tsrechdr is 108, and tsreclen is 88. For TS UPDATE records, tsrechdr is 108, and tsreclen is 52. - Ntd, tdtrechdr, tdreclen are for recoverable transient data updates. tdrechdr is 108, and tdreclen is 380. - Nur, urrechdr, urreclen are for user records written to DFHLOG. urrechdr is 125. v See page 95 for details of how to calculate writespersec If the result of the calculation shows a value for AVGBUFSIZE that is greater than the value defined for MAXBUFSIZE, then the value defined for MAXBUFSIZE is taken as the value for AVGBUFSIZE, and writespersec is calculated as follows:
writespersec = bytespersec / (MAXBUFSIZE - 48)

Round the final result of the INITSIZE formula up to the next multiple of 256. The SIZE value to be supplied in the CFRM policy can be calculated as follows:
LOGSNUM *(2500 + (no. entries + 5) * (AVGBUFSIZE * 1.6821 + 289))) 480+----------------------------------------------------------------1024 Figure 15. SIZE calculation

Calculate the value for the number of entries as in the INITSIZE formula. Round the final result of the SIZE formula up to the next multiple of 256. The formula for SIZE gives a result that is approximately fifty percent greater that the INITSIZE value. Generally, the secondary system log stream needs to be only a fraction of the size of the primary log stream. Use the following formulae to calculate coupling facility space for DFHSHUNT:
INITSIZE = (150 * LOGSNUM) + 310 SIZE = (230 * LOGSNUM) + 480

You can calculate a suitable value for LOWOFFLOAD for DFHLOG using the following formula:
trandur * 90 LOWOFFLOAD = ------------------ + 10 akpintvl + trandur (where RETPD=0 specified)

trandur * 90 LOWOFFLOAD = -----------------akpintvl + trandur (where RETPD=dddd specified)



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

v akpintvl is the interval between activity keypoints. See page 95 for the formula to calculate it. v trandur is the execution time (between syncpoints) of the longest-running transaction that runs as part of the normal workload. If this duration is longer than akpintvl value, you can either: Increase the value of AKPFREQ, so increasing the value of akpintvl (as long as this does not result in an unacceptably large coupling facility structure size). Change the application logic to cause more frequent syncpoints. Calculate a structure size based on a shorter transaction duration, and accept that DASD offloading occurs when the long-running transaction is used. Structure size for forward recovery log usage: You can merge the forward recovery logs written by many CICS regions onto the same log stream. You can also use the same log stream for forward recovery data for multiple data sets. See Figure 14 on page 94 and Figure 15 on page 96 for the formulae to calculate values for the INITSIZE and SIZE attributes. Calculate a value for number of entries as follows:
no. entries = writespersec * 12.5

writespersec = lesser of 25 or (N1 + ... + Nn)

where N1 .... Nn is the number of transactions per second writing to each data set. You can calculate AVGBUFSIZE as follows:
AVGBUFSIZE = (bytespersec / writespersec) + 36

where: v bytespersec = (N1 * Wr1 * (D1 + rechdr) +.. (Nn * Wrn * (Dn + rechdr))) v writespersec = lesser of 25 or (N1 + ... + Nn), where: N1 .... Nn is the number of transactions per second writing to each data set. Wr1 ... Wrn is the number of write requests per transaction. D1 .... Dn is the average record length for each data set. v rechdr is the record header length of each record. If the records are WRITE ADD, WRITE ADD COMPLETE, or WRITE ADD DELETE records, rechdr is 84 and is followed by the record key, and the record data (including its key). If the result of the calculation shows a value for AVGBUFSIZE that is greater than the value defined for MAXBUFSIZE, then the value defined for MAXBUFSIZE is taken as the value for AVGBUFSIZE, and writespersec is calculated as follows:
writespersec = bytespersec / (MAXBUFSIZE - 36)

Structure size for user journal and autojournal usage: See Figure 14 on page 94 and Figure 15 on page 96 for the formulae to calculate values for the INITSIZE and SIZE attributes. Calculate a value for number of entries as follows:
Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


no. entries = writespersec * 12.5

See the explanation of writespersec below. For journals where the log blocks are not forced to the log stream, the average block size tends to be slightly less than the MAXBUFSIZE value defined for the coupling facility structure. For journals where the log blocks are forced to the log, (via the EXEC CICS WAIT JOURNALNAME or EXEC CICS WAIT JOURNALNUM commands, or via the WAIT option of the EXEC CICS WRITE JOURNALNAME or EXEC CICS WRITE JOURNALNUM commands), you can calculate AVGBUFSIZE from the weighted average of the data logged for each journal logging to the same log stream for a given CICS system.
AVGBUFSIZE = (bytespersec / (writespersec) + 36

where: v bytespersec = (N1 * Wr1 * (D1 + rechdr) + ... (Nn *Wrn * (Dn + rechdr))) v writespersec = lesser of 25 or ((N1 * Wa1) + ... + (Nn * Wan)) where: N1, .... Nn is the number of transactions per second writing to the journal. Wr1 .... Wrn is the number of write requests per transaction. Wa1 .... Wan is the number of wait requests per transaction. D1 .... Dn is the average record length of each journal record. rechdr is the record header length of each record. Autojournal records are issued from file control. They may be DATA SET NAME records which consist of a 204-byte record header, and no further data. Alternatively, they may be READ ONLY, READ UPDATE, WRITE UPDATE, WRITE ADD, or WRITE ADD COMPLETE records In this case, rechdr is 84 and is followed by the file control record itself. User journal records consist of a 68-byte record header, followed by the user prefix, and the user data. If the result of the calculation shows a value for AVGBUFSIZE that is greater than the value defined for MAXBUFSIZE, then the value defined for MAXBUFSIZE is taken as the value for AVGBUFSIZE, and writespersec is calculated as follows:
writespersec = bytespersec / (MAXBUFSIZE - 36)

Coupling facility requirements in an RLS environment

When you move to an RLS environment from an environment in which multiple AORs have been accessing data sets in an FOR, the logging activity of the FOR is distributed across the AORs. As a consequence, the coupling facility structure size required by each AOR increases. You can use the formulae for INITSIZE and SIZE, given in Figure 14 on page 94 and Figure 15 on page 96. However, you need to calculate values for: v avgbufize v number of entries v akpintvl. using formulae which are different to those already described.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Use either reports produced by DFHLSCU for the CICS/ESA 4.1 AOR and FOR system logs, or log stream statistics from CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, to calculate v The number of log write operations, and v The amount of data written in a reporting interval for the AORs and the FOR.

Calculating increased AOR coupling facility storage requirements

Use the following formulae to calculate: v avgbufize v number of entries v akpintvl. for the AORs in the new RLS environment. Calculate the AOR AVGBUFSIZE value required by the INITSIZE and SIZE formulae as follows:
AOR AVGBUFSIZE = AOR_bytes + (FOR_bytes / no. of AORs) ------------------------------------intvlen * 25

where: v AOR_bytes is the number of bytes written to the system log by an AOR in the sampling interval. v FOR_bytes is the number of bytes written to the system log by an FOR in the sampling interval. v no of AORs is the number of cloned AORs using the FOR. v intvlen is the length (in seconds) of the sampling interval (statistics or DFHLSCU). Calculate the AOR number of entries value required by the INITSIZE and SIZE formulae as follows:
AOR no. entries = ((AOR_akpintvl + trandur) * 25) ------------------------------0.9

where: v
AOR_akpintvl = AKPFREQ * intvlen ----------------------------------AOR_recs + (FOR_recs / no. of AORs)

where: intvlen is the length (in seconds) of the sampling interval (statistics or DFHLSCU). AOR_recs is the number of records written to the system log by an AOR in the sampling interval. FOR_recs is the number of records written to the system log by an FOR in the sampling interval. no of AORs is the number of cloned AORs using the FOR. v trandur is the execution time (between syncpoints) of the longest-running transaction that runs as part of the normal workload.
Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


If this is longer than AOR_akpintvl, use AOR_akpintvl as the duration or consider increasing AKPFREQ. Once you have calculated the values for AOR AVGBUFSIZE and AOR no. entries, use the formulae for INITSIZE and SIZE, as described in Figure 14 on page 94 and Figure 15 on page 96.

Staging data sets for coupling facility log streams

MVS normally keeps a second copy of the data written to the coupling facility in a data space, for use when rebuilding a coupling facility log in the event of an error. This is satisfactory as long as the coupling facility is failure-independent (in a separate CPC and non-volatile) from MVS. Where the coupling facility is in the same CPC, or uses volatile storage, the MVS system logger supports staging data sets for copies of log stream data that would otherwise be vulnerable to failures that impact both the coupling facility and the MVS images. The following recommendations are for guidance when defining log streams: v Define STG_DUPLEX(YES) and DUPLEXMODE(COND) for those log streams associated with the system log. This ensures that the MVS system logger automatically copies to staging data sets if it detects that the coupling facility is not failure-independent and a single point of failure, and is therefore vulnerable to permanent log data loss. A connection to a log stream contains a single point of failure if the coupling facility is volatile or it resides on the same CPC as the MVS system connecting to it. For example, if you have two CPCs, CPC1 and CPC2, and CPC2 has an MVS LPAR and a coupling facility, while CPC2 has only MVS LPARs, the connections from the MVS LPAR in CPC1 to the coupling facility are failure dependentif you lose CPC1 you lose both MVS and its local buffers and the coupling facility. On the other hand, the connections from CPC2 are failure independent, because the system logger local storage and buffers are in a physically separate CPC from the coupling facility, and you would have to lose both to lose data. With DUPLEXMODE(COND), failure dependent connections result in staging sets, while failure independent connections are not allocated staging data sets. v If you are operating with only a single coupling facility, you should define STG_DUPLEX(YES) and DUPLEXMODE(UNCOND) for those log streams associated with the system log. v Define STG_DUPLEX(YES) and DUPLEXMODE(COND) for those log streams associated with forward recovery logs. If you do not, and there is a failure which causes loss of data from the log stream, you would need to take a new image copy of the associated VSAM data sets. There would be a consequent period of time until this was complete when the data sets would not be fully protected. v If you operate a non-volatile, stand-alone coupling facility for normal logging, with a PR/SM LPAR configured as a coupling facility acting as backup, define all log streams with STG_DUPLEX(YES) and DUPLEXMODE(COND). v Define each staging data set to be at least the same size as the log stream share of the coupling facility, but round the average block size up to 4K. For example, the staging data set size corresponding to the basic coupling facility space requirement for each CICS system log stream (DFHLOG) can be calculated by the following formula:

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

staging data set size = entries *

avgbufsize (rounded up to 4K) ----------------------------4096

See page on page 94 for the formula to calculate no. entries.

DASD-only log streams

In OS/390 Version 2 Release 4 and above, the CICS log manager supports the DASD-only option of the MVS system logger. Individual CICS log streams can use either coupling facility log structures or DASD-only logging. Reasons for defining a log stream to use DASD-only logging include: v You do not have a coupling facility. v You want to preserve coupling facility space for other uses. v You do not need to share the log stream across MVS systems. (The CICS system log can never be shared.) If you have a choice (that is, you have both OS/390 Version 2 Release 4 and a coupling facility), see page 84 for advice about defining individual log streams to use coupling facility or DASD-only logging, based on their usage.

Defining DASD-only log streams

Use the MVS IXCMIAPU utility to define DASD-only log streams to the LOGR couple data set. The basic syntax to define a DASD-only log stream is as follows:
DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(log stream_name) DASDONLY(YES) MAXBUFSIZE(max_bufsize) STG_SIZE(stg_size) HIGHOFFLOAD(high_offload) LOWOFFLOAD(low_offload)

For detailed information about the full range of log stream attributes, see the OS/390 Setting Up a Sysplex manual. Figure 16 shows example definitions for a pair of log streams associated with a DASD-only system log.

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


//DEFLOGS JOB ... //LOGDEFN EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU //STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MIGLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //****************************************************************** //* * //* Define DASD-only log streams for CICS system log. * //* * //* The LOWOFFLOAD and STG_SIZE values are for illustration * //* only -- substitute values appropriate for your environment. * //* * //****************************************************************** //SYSIN DD * DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(NO) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(region_userid.applid.DFHLOG) DASDONLY(YES) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) STG_SIZE(3000) LOWOFFLOAD(60) HIGHOFFLOAD(95) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(region_userid.applid.DFHSHUNT) DASDONLY(YES) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) STG_SIZE(500) LOWOFFLOAD(0) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) Figure 16. Example definitions of DASD-only log streams. The definitions are for the CICS primary and secondary system log streams. The value region_userid is the RACF userid under which the CICS address space is running; applid is the CICS regions VTAM APPL name (taken from the APPLID system initialization parameter).

Using model log streams

To avoid having to define explicitly each log stream used by each of your CICS regions, you can use model log stream definitions. Using models, log streams are defined to MVS dynamically, on their first usage. Figure 17 on page 103 shows example DASD-only model definitions for CICS primary and secondary system log streams.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

//DEFLOGS JOB ... //LOGDEFN EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU //STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MIGLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //****************************************************************** //* * //* Define DASD-only model log streams for CICS system log. * //* * //* The LOWOFFLOAD and STG_SIZE values are for illustration * //* only -- substitute values appropriate for your environment. * //* * //****************************************************************** //SYSIN DD * DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(NO) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(sysname.DFHLOG.MODEL) MODEL(YES) DASDONLY(YES) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) STG_SIZE(3000) LOWOFFLOAD(60) HIGHOFFLOAD(95) DEFINE LOGSTREAM NAME(sysname.DFHSHUNT.MODEL) MODEL(YES) DASDONLY(YES) MAXBUFSIZE(64000) STG_SIZE(500) LOWOFFLOAD(0) HIGHOFFLOAD(80) Figure 17. Example model definitions for DASD-only system log streams. The value sysname is the sysid of the MVS image in which the CICS region or regions are running.

For information about the mapping of CICS journal definitions to log stream names, see the CICS System Definition Guide. When using model log streams you need to bear in mind that, if you specify a STG_SIZE on the model definition, all new log streams created from the model will have the same-sized staging data set.

Sizing considerations for DASD-only log streams

This section discusses how to size the following types of DASD-only log stream: v The CICS primary and secondary system log streams v Forward recovery logs v User journals and autojournals.

For the CICS primary system log stream (DFHLOG), it is important to: v Minimize the amount of data that is offloaded to secondary storage: The MVS system logger begins the offload process when the high offload threshold (HIGHOFFLOAD) of the log stream is reached. The offload process consists of two steps: 1. The MVS logger physically deletes the data in the log stream that has been marked for deletion by the CICS log-tail deletion process. 2. The MVS logger calculates how much data needs to be offloaded to secondary storage, based on the difference between HIGHOFFLOAD and LOWOFFLOAD, less the amount of data that has been deleted since the last offload event.

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


To minimize the amount of data offloaded from the CICS primary system log, you must: Define a suitably-sized staging data set. For advice, see Recommendations. Note: It is possible to alter the size of a staging data set without deleting the log stream. To do this, use the UPDATE LOGSTREAM request of the MVS IXCMIAPU utility to change the value of the STG_SIZE parameter. Ensure that the log-tail deletion process is working effectively. For detailed information about the log tail deletion process, see the CICS Recovery and Restart Guide. v Avoid staging-data-set-full events: A staging-data-set-full event occurs when a log streams staging data set becomes full before the offloading of data has completed. For advice on monitoring and avoiding staging-data-set-full events, see the CICS Performance Guide.

It is important to size the secondary system log stream (DFHSHUNT) to avoid staging-data-set-full events. However, it is normal for some data to be offloaded from DFHSHUNT to secondary storage.

Sizing general logs

It is important to size forward recovery logs, user journals, and autojournals to avoid staging-data-set-full events. However, because CICS does not delete data from these log streams, it is normal for data to be offloaded to secondary storage.

Table 5 summarizes how you should decide on the values for various attributes on the log stream definition, and system definition.
Table 5. How to decide on the values of attributes Facility Attribute Recommendation 95 Use DFHLSCU or the formula on page 106. 64000 Use DFHLSCU or the formula on page 106. 80 0 64000 500 (4K blocks) 80 0 64000 Use DFHLSCU or the formula on page 100. 4000



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

The log stream sizing utility, DFHLSCU

If you are migrating from CICS/ESA 3.3 or CICS/ESA 4.1, you are strongly recommended to use the CICS-supplied utility program, DFHLSCU, to help you define your DASD-only log streams. DFHLSCU takes as input old-style (pre-CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 1-format) journal records, and analyzes them to produce a sample log stream definition containing suggested values for: DASDONLY(YES) Specifies that this log stream is not to be associated with a coupling facility list structure, but is to use DASD-only logging. If you specify DASDONLY(YES), you cannot use the STRUCTNAME(log_structure_name) keyword. The default is DASDONLY(NO). HIGHOFFLOAD(high_offload) Specifies the point in primary storage, as a percentage of space consumed, at which the MVS system logger starts its offload process. LOWOFFLOAD(low_offload) Specifies the point in primary storage, as a percentage of space consumed, at which the MVS system logger stops offloading data to secondary storage. MAXBUFSIZE(max_bufsize) Specifies the size, in bytes, of the largest block of data that can be written to the log stream. The value must be in the range 165532. The default value is 65532. STG_SIZE(stg_size) Specifies, as a number of 4K blocks, the size of the staging data set for the log stream. A DASD-only log stream, by definition, always uses a staging data set as part of its primary storage. If you do not specify STG_SIZE for a DASD-only log stream, the MVS system logger does one of the following, in the order listed, to allocate space for staging data sets: 1. Uses the STG_SIZE of the log stream specified on the LIKE parameter, if LIKE is specified 2. Uses the size defined in the SMS data class for the staging data sets 3. If SMS is not available, uses dynamic allocation rules for allocating data sets. For more information about managing staging data sets for DASD-only log streams, see the Setting Up a Sysplex manual. For details on how to use DFHLSCU, see the CICS Operations and Utilities Guide.

If DFHLSCU is inappropriate for use in your environment

If it is inappropriate for you to use DFHLSCU to help you size your log streams (perhaps you have no CICS Version 4 or Version 3 journal records to use as input to DFHLSCU, or you are capacity planning for new applications), the following sections will help you to calculate your space requirements. The formulae provided help you to calculate values for: v LOWOFFLOAD v STG_SIZE

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


You must base your calculations on the journaling requirements of your applications. This provides the starting point for the following formulae. Primary system log (DFHLOG): You can calculate LOWOFFLOAD for DFHLOG using the following formula:
trandur * 90 LOWOFFLOAD = ------------------ + 10 akpintvl + trandur (where RETPD=0 specified)

trandur * 90 LOWOFFLOAD = -----------------akpintvl + trandur (where RETPD=dddd specified)

where: v akpintvl is the interval between activity keypoints. It can be calculated as follows:
AKPFREQ akpintvl = --------------------------------(N1 * R1) + (N2 * R2) + (Nn * Rn)

where: N1, N2 .... Nn is the transaction rate for each transaction (transactions per second). R1, R2 .... Rn is the number of log records written by each transaction. v trandur is the execution time (between syncpoints) of the longest-running transaction that runs as part of the normal workload. If this duration is longer than akpintvl value, you can either: Increase the value of AKPFREQ, so increasing the value of akpintvl (as long as this does not result in an unacceptably large staging data set size). Change the application logic to cause more frequent syncpoints. Calculate a staging data set size based on a shorter transaction duration, and accept that offloading to secondary storage occurs when the long-running transaction is used. You can calculate STG_SIZE for DFHLOG using the following formula:
Staging DS size = (AKP duration) * No. of log writes per second for system log (no. of 4k blocks) where AKP duration = (CICS TS 390 AKPFREQ)/(No. buffers per second)

The values for the number of log writes per second and buffer puts per second can be taken from your CICS/ESA 4.1 statistics. (The value for log writes per second should not exceed 30.)

Converting a DASD-only log stream to use a coupling facility

You can upgrade a DASD-only log stream to use a coupling facility structure, without having to delete and redefine the log stream. To do this: 1. Make sure that there are no connections (neither active nor failed) to the log stream. 2. Use the UPDATE LOGSTREAM request of the MVS IXCMIAPU utility. Specify the STRUCTNAME keyword, and let the DASDONLY keyword default to 'NO'. For example:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

//LOGUPDT JOB ... //LOGUPDT EXEC PGM=IXCMIAPU //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A,DCB=RECFM=FBA //**************************************************************** //* * //* Convert DSAD-only log stream to coupling facility log stream.* //* * //**************************************************************** //SYSIN DD * DATA TYPE(LOGR) REPORT(NO) UPDATE LOGSTREAM NAME(region_userid.applid.DFHLOG) STRUCTNAME(LOG_DFHLOG_001) STG_DUPLEX(YES) DUPLEXMODE(COND) Figure 18. Converting a DASD-only log stream to use a coupling facility structure. This example shows the CICS primary system log stream. The value region_userid is the RACF userid under which the CICS address space is running; applid is the CICS regions VTAM APPL name (taken from the APPLID system initialization parameter).

Notes: 1. If you want to upgrade a DASD-only log stream to a coupling facility log stream that does not use a staging data set, you must explicitly specify STG_DUPLEX(NO). (This is because the DASD-only log stream by definition uses a staging data set; unless you specify STG_DUPLEX(NO), this is retained by the coupling facility log stream.) 2. You cannot use UPDATE LOGSTREAM to convert a log stream that uses a coupling facility structure to one that uses DASD-only. To do this, you must delete and redefine the log stream. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

Analyzing SMF Type 88 records

When reviewing the output from the system logger reports produced by IXGRPT1, IXGRPT1J, and IXGRPT1L, look at the following key fields for CICS system logs: v The number of bytes deleted from primary storage should be close to the number of bytes written v The number of bytes deleted from the system log after writing to offload data sets should be very low: If this number is high, overhead is being incurred to move data to the offload data set only to be later deleted. This is a key indicator that log tail deletion is not working as effectively as it should. Check the MVS system log for any DFHRM0205 and DFHLG0743 messages from the affected CICS region. Look for long running tasks (using CICS monitoring data or a system monitoring package), or check if AKPFREQ is too high. v In general offloads are acceptable, but offloads triggered by NTRY FULL indicators are not a good sign: NTRY FULL indicates that the entry to element ratio is too high It is probably the result of having unlike logstreams defined in the same structure The offloads are being triggered by all the entries being used rather than triggered by the HIGHOFFLOAD value. v TYPE3 I/O counts should not appear in the statistics for coupling facility log streams, because these indicate that I/O is being initiated when over 90% of the elements for the log stream are in use.
Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling


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v Average buffer size is important because: If over 4K, the writes are asynchronous, with a greater overhead, rather than synchronous Buffer size is used to determine the entry to element ratio. If MAXBUFSIZE specified on the log stream definition is less than 65532 bytes, the element size is 256 bytes. If MAXBUFSIZE is 65532 bytes, the element size is 512 bytes. The entry to element ratio is calculated as (average-buffer-size plus 4 divided by 4)

Managing secondary storage

This section contains advice on how to manage secondary storagethat is, log stream data sets.

Managing log data sets

You are recommended to use System Managed Storage (SMS) to manage log stream data sets. You can specify the SMS characteristics of log data sets in a number of ways, depending on your installation: Using automatic class selection (ACS) routines You can use installation-written automatic class selection (ACS) routines to assign log data sets to SMS classes. Using the LOGR policy, When you define or update a log stream definition in the LOGR policy, you can assign the SMS storage class, data class, and management class for both the DASD log data sets and staging data sets. v Use LS_DATACLAS to specify the SMS data class to be used for log stream data set allocation. v Use LS_STORCLAS to specify the SMS storage class to be used for log stream data set allocation. v Use LS_SIZE to specify the size, in 4K blocks, of the log stream DASD data sets. Specify a size so that each data set can contain multiple offloads of the primary storage: this is particularly important where all the data is offloaded for a log stream, as in the case of user journals and forward recovery logs. The MVS system logger issues message IXG256I is you specify less than 64K. If you omit the size parameter, the size is taken from the ALLOCxx member of PARMLIB (the default is 2 tracks, which leads to a high number of new data set allocations). Specify a size that is large enough to avoid a high frequency of new data set allocationsaim for a new data set to be allocated less often than once an hour. SHAREOPTIONS(3,3) In a multiple-member sysplex, specify SHAREOPTIONS(3,3) to enable all the MVS images to share the data sets. For more information about managing log data sets, see the OS/390 MVS Setting Up a Sysplex manual.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Log tail management

Redundant data should be deleted from log streams periodically, to conserve storage, and because the MVS system logger imposes a limit on the number of data sets per log stream.

The system log

CICS manages the system log by deleting records, for completed units of work, during activity keypoint processing (log-tail deletion). With an appropriately sized log stream, the system log data remains in primary storage, so avoiding the overhead of data spilling to DASD. Note that: v The CICS system log should be used only for short-lived data required for recovery purposes. You should not write user records for such things as audit trails to it. v You should allow CICS to manage the size of the system log. However, if historically you have used the system log for such things as audit trails, you may need to preserve system log data beyond the time it would normally be deleted by CICS. You can use the RETPD MVS parameter to preserve system log data. Define DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT to MVS with AUTODELETE(NO) and RETPD(dddd). The default values are AUTODELETE(NO) and RETPD(0).) Specifying AUTODELETE(NO) means that CICS, rather than MVS, retains control of the log-tail trimming process; dddd is the number of days for which data is to be retained. This causes the MVS logger to physically delete an entire log data set when all of the data in the data set: 1. Has been marked for deletion by the CICS log-tail trimming process 2. Is older than the retention period specified for the log stream. You can view log data that has been marked for deletion by CICS but not yet physically deleted by MVS, using the DFHJUP utility program or the VIEW=ALL option of the MVS IXGBRWSE macro.

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General logs
The number of data sets per log stream recognized by the MVS logger is several million. This means that, in general, you do not need to be concerned about the limit being reached. You can cause redundant data to be deleted from log streams automatically, after a specified period. To arrange this for general log streams, define the logs to MVS with AUTODELETE(YES) and RETPD(dddd), where dddd is the number of days for which data is to be retained. This causes the MVS system logger to delete an entire log data set when all the data in it is older than the retention period (RETPD) specified for the log stream. Note: Support for the removal of the 168 data set limit, which applied only in early releases of OS/390, and support for the AUTODELETE and RETPD parameters, requires the sysplexs LOGR couple data set to have been formatted using OS/390 Release 3 or later. The removal of the 168 data set limit also requires the LOGR data set to have been formatted with DSEXTENT(nnnnn).

Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 21. Applying service to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390

Service material for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 is distributed as APAR fixes and PTFs 1 . Both types of change are called SYSMODs (SYStem MODifications). Using SMP/E control statements, you can process SYSMODs in three stages: 1. The RECEIVE control statement moves the SYSMOD into the PTF temporary store (PTS) data set. This operation can be reversed using the REJECT control statement. 2. The APPLY control statement moves the SYSMOD into the target libraries. This operation can be reversed using the RESTORE control statement. At this point you can test the modified system. 3. The ACCEPT control statement moves the SYSMOD into the distribution libraries. This operation cannot easily be reversed. When you are dealing with APAR fixes, you should APPLY the SYSMOD, but not accept it. If you later obtain a PTF that solves the problem in a different way, you may be asked to RESTORE (that is, remove) the APAR fix and APPLY the PTF instead. When you are dealing with PTFs, you should APPLY the SYSMOD, then test it. Once it has been tested, you can ACCEPT it. For background information about SMP/E operations, see the System Modification Program Extended: General Information manual. For more detailed information, see the System Modification Program Extended: Reference manual.

Load library secondary extents

CICS supports load library secondary extents that are created while CICS is executing. If you define libraries in the DFHRPL concatenation with primary and secondary extents, and secondary extents are added while CICS is running, as a result of link-editing into the DFHRPL library, the CICS loader detects the occurrence and closes then reopens the library. This means that you can introduce new versions of programs by using the CEMT NEWCOPY command, even if the new copy of the program has caused a new library extent. | | However, you should not attempt to apply service to data sets being used by executing CICS TS components.

1. An APAR (Authorized Program Analysis Report) is raised when you and your IBM programming service representative agree that there is a CICS problem. You may then be given an APAR fix. When the problem has been analyzed, all users are sent a PTF (Program Temporary Fix) to correct the problem permanently on the current release. PTFs are incorporated into any future CICS release. Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


The CICS TS-supplied SMP/E procedure

| | | There is a CICS TS-supplied procedure for applying service to the CICS and CICSPlex SM components of CICS TS, called DFHSMPE. This procedure is tailored to your environment and stored in the hlq.XDFHINST library when you run the DFHISTAR job. For information about how to apply corrective service using SMP/E, see the System Modification Program Extended: Users Guide. Whenever you do any SMP/E processing on CICS or CICSPlex SM software, and you use any of the examples quoted in the System Modification Program Extended: Users Guide, you should specify DFHSMPE as the name of the SMP/E procedure on the EXEC statement (that is, in place of SMPPROC, as used in the examples). The DFHSMPE procedure includes the following DD statement for supplying SMP/E control statements:

The ZNAME parameter of the DFHSMPE procedure generates a SET BDY command for the zone identified by the parameter. The command is stored in the temporary data set, SETBDY. The ZNAME parameter is set to the value of zonename that you specify for the TZONE parameter. If you do not specify any value for zonename for the TZONE parameter of the DFHISTAR job, zonename (and the ZNAME value) defaults to TZONE. Note: The ZNAME parameter is also used to generate a SET BDY command in DFHAUPLE, the CICS TS procedure supplied for assembling and link-editing CICS control tables. If you supply an override SMPCNTL DD statement in the job that executes DFHSMPE, remember that it must come before any DD statements that are additional to the procedure. Furthermore, if you provide an override, you will get the following MVS system message:

You receive this message because the DD statement for DFHSMPIN is missing as a result of the SMPCNTL DD override. However, the message is not treated as a JCL error, and does not prevent the step running successfully with a return code of 0. If you supply any SMP/E control statements in your job via the DFHSMPIN ddname, they are prefixed by a SET BDY for the zone that you specify on the ZNAME parameter. It does not matter if you are running SMP/E with a command that does not need this SET BDY statement; it does not affect the execution of your job.

APAR fixes
Generally, you are recommended to not ACCEPT APAR fixes into distribution libraries. Subsequent PTFs may not include the APAR fix, and the APAR fix may need to be reapplied. If two APAR fixes are dependent on one another, and each is a prerequisite of the other, you must apply them both in the same SMP/E APPLY processing step.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

PTFs are intended for installation by all users to avoid possible problems. A PTF may contain fixes for several different problems. This means that several APAR fixes reported in RETAIN may all be superseded by the more permanent PTF, which: v Provides card-image changes that are functionally equivalent to those in the APAR fix v Contains object-module replacements for preassembled CICS TS programs For further information about applying service using SMP/E, see the System Modification Program Extended: Users Guide.

CICS service considerations

| If you use the CICS TS-supplied SMP/E usermod to install a module into the LPA (for example, into the hlq.SDFHLPA library), and later apply service to that module, it is the LPA-resident version of the module that is serviced. If you have not used the SMP/E usermod to install the module into the LPA, it is the original version in the hlq.SDFHAUTH library or hlq.SDFHLOAD library that is serviced. Once you have installed CICS, and before you start the post-installation tasks described in this book, you should change the TEMPLIB parameter and the SYSPROC DD statement of the DFHISTAR job to refer to the hlq.SDFHINST library. This ensures that if you need to apply service to any of the skeleton jobs, the changes (applied to the hlq.SDFHINST library) are used in subsequent runs of the DFHISTAR job. In any such subsequent runs of the DFHISTAR job, you can use the SELECT parameter to select any jobs, affected by service, to be regenerated. Notes: 1. If the DFHISTAR job is serviced, you should add the service changes to your DFHISTAR module in the hlq.TDFHINST library (to preserve your current installation parameters) or respecify your current installation parameters in the serviced DFHISTAR module (which you can copy from the hlq.SDFHINST library to the hlq.TDFHINST library). 2. Linkage editor messages IEW0461, IEW2454, IEW2646 and IEW2651 are produced during the APPLY stage for unresolved external references. These are issued, giving a return code of 4, when some CICS load modules are being link-edited during PTF installation. You can ignore these IEWxxxx messages because they are produced for component object modules of executable CICS load modules. | | | | | | | | |

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CICSPlex SM service considerations

When you are preparing to run the EYUISTAR job after completing the basic installation of CICSPlex SM, you should verify that the TEMPLIB parameter and the SYSPROC DD statement of the EYUISTAR job refer to the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST library. This ensures that if you need to apply service to any of the skeleton jobs, the changes (applied to the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST library) are used in subsequent runs of the EYUISTAR job. For additional information, see Sample JCL editing considerations on page 397.

Chapter 21. Applying service to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390


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If you use the CICS TS- supplied SMP/E USERMOD to install modules into the LPA (for example, into the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library), and later apply service to that module, it is the LPA-resident version of the module that is serviced. If you have not used the SMP/E USERMOD to install the module into the LPA, it is the original version in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH library or CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULOAD library that is serviced.

Servicing the CICS messages data set

Some IBM-supplied service may include changes to CICS messages, and associated changes to the CICS messages data set, DFHCMACD, used by the CICS-supplied transaction CMAC. When you have received and applied the service, you can update the CICS messages data set by running the job DFHCMACU. DFHCMACU is tailored to your CICS environment and stored in the hlq.XDFHINST library when you run the DFHISTAR job. If a PTF contains an update to the DFHCMACD data set, you will see a ++HOLD statement during the APPLY processing of the PTF to notify you that the DFHCMACD data set needs to be updated. The PTF will include a member called DFHxxxxx, where xxxxx is the APAR number associated with the PTF. You should amend the DFHCMACU job so it refers to the appropriate service member of the target library hlq.SDFHMSGS (that is, DFHxxxxx on the SYS01 card corresponds to the DFHxxxxx part shipped by the PTF). When you submit the DFHCMACU job, it updates the entries in the DFHCMACD data set for all messages changed by the IBM supplied service. If you are applying more than one PTF which changes the DFHCMACD data set, you should either run the DFHCMACU job for each PTF, or alternatively, you may include all the PTFs within one job run, by altering the DFHCMACU job as follows:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Part 2. Getting ready to run CICS

This part describes how to tailor the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs, apply service to CICS and create the CICS data sets. It also describes how you can use DL/I support with CICS, how to include MRO and ISC in your CICS region, and how to use the CICS-supplied installation verification procedures (IVPs) to confirm that CICS is operational. It contains the following chapters: v Chapter 22. Tailoring the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs on page 117. v Chapter 23. Creating the CICS data sets on page 121. v Chapter 24. DL/I support on page 129. v Chapter 25. Java support on page 131. v Chapter 26. Installing MRO and ISC support on page 135. v Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures on page 141.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 22. Tailoring the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs

If you have installed CICS using CBPDO, edit and run the DFHISTAR job to tailor the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs that you can use to create the CICS data sets and run the CICS-supplied IVPs. If you have installed CICS using the ServerPac, the DFHISTAR job will have been edited dynamically, during the install, in the SDFHINST library. If you have installed CICS from the distribution tape, as described in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory, you would normally have tailored the skeleton jobs already, and should now be able to proceed to Chapter 23. Creating the CICS data sets on page 121. Which ever method you used to install CICS, you can edit and run the DFHISTAR job several times, to create different copies of the skeleton jobs (for example, to create several copies of the DFHDEFDS job to define data sets unique to several CICS regions) or subsequently to change them (for example, if you have to apply service to any of the installation-related jobs). This enables you to tailor the jobs to your CICS environment after you have loaded the CICS software into the SMP/E-supported CICS libraries.

The CICS installation libraries

When you install CICS TS using CBPDO, you use the installation libraries shown in Figure 19. The names and use of these libraries are defined after the figure.

CICS base distribution tape HCI5200.F2 (4) (1) TDFHINST (3) (5) SDFHINST XDFHINST
Figure 19. Installation libraries for this release


Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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The CICS installation libraries are used as follows: 1. Skeleton installation-related jobs are copied from the distribution tape into hlq.TDFHINST. hlq.TDFHINST is used to store the DFHISTAR job that you edit and run to tailor the skeleton installation-related jobs to your CICS environment. Until you have installed the CICS software into the SMP/E-supported CICS libraries, this library also stores the skeleton jobs to be tailored. 2. You edit the DFHISTAR job in the hlq.TDFHINST library, to specify CICS installation parameters specific to your CICS environment. 3. When you run the DFHISTAR job, the tailored copies of the skeleton hlq.XDFHINST library. hlq.XDFHINST is used to store the tailored, executable, copies of the skeleton jobs that are to be run. 4. To install CICS, you run the CICS-supplied installation jobs to transfer the CICS software from the distribution tape to the hlq.ADFHINST and hlq.SDFHINST libraries. hlq.ADFHINST is the SMP/E-supported distribution installation library. hlq.SDFHINST is the SMP/E-supported target installation library. After you have installed the CICS software into this and other SMP/E-supported libraries (named SDFHxxxx and ADFHxxxx), the skeleton jobs that you should use on any later runs of the DFHISTAR job are stored in the SDFHINST library. Note: The actual names of the TDFHINST and XDFHINST libraries, and the prefix for those and other CICS libraries, are defined in the DFHISTAR job, which you edit as described in this chapter.

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What you should do

To tailor the skeleton jobs you must run DFHISTAR. For information on how to do this, and the parameters involved, see CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory.

Running the DFHISTAR job

When you have edited the DFHISTAR job with the values for installation parameters for your CICS environment, submit the DFHISTAR job. When you run the DFHISTAR job, it tailors the skeleton post-installation jobs selected in the DFHISTAR input (by the SCOPE or SELECT parameter) to your environment and adds them to the library that you specified on the LIB parameter (by default, hlq.XDFHINST). If necessary, the DFHISTAR job creates the library specified on the LIB parameter. Table 6 on page 119 lists those skeleton jobs installed in the hlq.SDFHINST library that you can tailor by running the DFHISTAR job. Note: You must specify the full name of the installation library from which the skeleton jobs are obtained, on the TEMPLIB parameter and SYSPROC DD

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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

statement of the DFHISTAR job (by default, hlq.TDFHINST). For the post-installation tasks described in this book, you should specify TEMPLIB SDFHINST. The DFHISTAR job produces a job log and, if necessary, an error code: v The output job log lists the values that were actually used for the parameters of the DFHISTAR job. v If any error occurs when running the DFHISTAR job, an error code of 4 or 12 is returned. For error code 4, the skeleton jobs are tailored and added to the hlq.XDFHINST library. For error code 12, the skeleton jobs are not tailored or copied. To resolve the cause of the error, examine the output job log and, if necessary edit and submit the DFHISTAR job again.
Table 6. Skeleton post-installation jobs Job DFHAUPLE Function Create CICS tables MOUNT statement for the HFS dataset MOUNT statement for the HFS dataset MOUNT statement for the HFS dataset CDBM group file definition JCL Create CICS messages data set Update (service) CICS messages data set Create data sets common to all CICS regions Create data sets for each CICS region (not XRF alternate CICS regions) Create an additional HFS target zone Create CICSTS HFS dataset and directory Create the HFS for this installation of CICSTS Customize the DFHJVMEV member of the SDFHENV dataset containing the CICS JVM environment variables. Defines four coupling facility structures to the MVS system logger (CF logging) Defines the log stream models for DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT (CF logging) Creates the log stream model for general log streams (CF logging) Creates a log stream for logs shared between related regions (CF logging) Defines the log stream models for DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT (DASD-only logging) Creates the log stream model for general log streams (DASD-only logging) Creates a log stream for logs shared between related regions (DASD-only logging) Create additional set of target libraries Load feature from distribution tape (see note) Install job 1 Install job 2

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Chapter 22. Tailoring the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs


Table 6. Skeleton post-installation jobs (continued) Job Function Install job 3 Install job 4 SMP Receive job SMP Apply/Accept job Defines LE/370 and TCP/IP libraries for link-editing modules DFHRPRP and DFHWBWB Relinks DFHRPRP Load books from publications distribution tape Creates the required OMVS directories for this intallation of CICSTS IVP (batch) to verify CICS startup IVP to verify CICS-DBCTL interface Online IVP Receive and apply sample SMP/E USERMOD DFH$UMOD Install optional source tapes (see note) Service CICS Start up CICS Define and load sample applications details data set Define and load sample applications help data set Create dynamic allocation sample program

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Note: The jobs DFHINSTJ and DFHOPSRC are described in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory .


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 23. Creating the CICS data sets

After you have installed CICS, and applied any necessary service, you can run the DFHCOMDS, DFHDEFDS, and DFHCMACI jobs to create the CICS data sets.

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Data sets The data sets created by the jobs described in this chapter are required by the IVPs described in Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures on page 141. Job DFHCOMDS DFHDEFDS Function Deletes and recreates data sets common to all CICS regions. Deletes and recreates copies of data sets used only by one CICS region. You run a separate copy of this job to create the data sets for each CICS region. Deletes and recreates the CICS messages data set, dsindex.DFHCMACD, and loads it with the data from the CICS-supplied file, DFHCMACD, in the hlq.SDFHMSGS target library. Deletes and recreates the sample applications details data set, dsindex.SAMPLE.DFHCTCUS (and its associated alternate index and path), and loads it with the data from the CICS-supplied file, DFH0DCUS, in the hlq.ADFHAPD2 library. Deletes and recreates the sample applications help data set, dsindex.SAMPLE.DFHCTHLP, and loads it with the data from the CICS-supplied file, DFH0DHLP, in the hlq.ADFHAPD1 library.




When you ran the DFHISTAR job, these jobs were tailored to your environment and stored in the library that you specified on the LIB parameter of the DFHISTAR job (by default, hlq.XDFHINST). If you have not yet run DFHISTAR, you should do so before running any of the CICS post-installation jobs. You can generate several copies of these jobs by rerunning the DFHISTAR job, selecting the jobs that you want to copy. To generate new copies of these jobs, edit the DFHISTAR job to specify new values for the DSINFO and SELECT parameters. Only those jobs that you name by the SELECT parameter are regenerated.

Data set naming conventions

| There are no restrictions on the data set names you choose for CICS data sets, other than MVS constraints. In the examples in this book, hlq is used as the high-level qualifier, and the DD name as the lowest level. If you are running multiple CICS regions, and especially if you are running CICS with XRF, you can use the CICS APPLID as a third level qualifier.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


You are recommended to use the CTGI naming convention, as described in the System/390 MVS Sysplex Application Migration. For example, if CICSHTH1 is the APPLID, the data set name for the CSD would be:

The CTGI naming convention is a recommended example of a naming convention that you can use for CICS 4-character names, and is based on the 4-character CTGI symbol, where: C identifies an entire CICSplex T identifies the type of region G identifies a group of regions I identifies iterations of regions within a group Where names are allowed to be up to eight characters long, as for CICS APPLIDs, the general recommendation is that the letters CICS are used for the first four characters, particularly for production regions. If the data set is shared between an active CICS region and an alternate CICS region, use the generic APPLID, but if the data set is unique to either the active or the alternate CICS region, use the specific APPLID. For information about actively and passively shared data sets, see the CICS System Definition Guide.

Creating data sets common to all CICS regions, DFHCOMDS job

You can use the DFHCOMDS job to delete and recreate the following data sets common to all CICS regions: Name DFHCSD SYSIN Data set CICS system definition. SYSIN data set.

Note: The CICS-supplied DFHCOMDS job creates one of each of these data sets common to all CICS regions. If you use separate copies of any of these data sets for each CICS region, you should move and edit the appropriate statements into the DFHDEFDS job. For further information about creating multiple copies of these data sets, see Creating several copies of the DFHCSD and SYSIN data sets on page 123. The DFHCOMDS job comprises three job steps: 1. DELETE deletes the data sets. 2. DEFCSD defines the VSAM cluster for the CICS system definition data set, dsindex.DFHCSD, where dsindex is defined by the DSINFO parameter of the DFHISTAR job. 3. DEFSYSIN creates the SYSIN PDS and copies the following modules from the hlq.SDFHSAMP library:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Creating several copies of the DFHCSD and SYSIN data sets

The CICS-supplied DFHCOMDS job creates one of each of the DFHCSD and SYSIN data sets common to all CICS regions. If you use separate copies of any of these data sets for each CICS region, you should: v Move the statements that define the data set from the DFHCOMDS job to the DFHDEFDS job. v Edit the statements in the DFHDEFDS job to specify the symbol REGNAME for the region qualifier in the name of the data set. You should move and edit the appropriate data set statements before you create copies of the DFHDEFDS job for each CICS region. When you run the DFHISTAR job to create the new copies of the DFHDEFDS job, it substitutes your values for the CICS region qualifier (REGNAME) and index (INDEX) into the data set names. For example: If you intend using a copy of the DFHCSD data set for each CICS region, you should copy the job steps DELCSD, DEFCSD, and INITCSD from the DFHCOMDS job to the DFHDEFDS job. You should also add the symbol REGNAME for the qualifier to the name of the DFHCSD data set to give DSINDEX.CICSREGNAME.DFHCSD. If you edit the DFHISTAR job to select the DFHDEFDS job to be copied, and specify the following DSINFO parameter:
DSINFO userid.CICSTS13.CICS H3P060 3390 IDA .

when you run the DFHDEFDS job, it creates the DFHCSD data set called userid.CICSTS13.CICS.CICSIDA.DFHCSD for the CICS region identified by the qualifier IDA. If you change the SELECT and DSINFO parameters of the DFHISTAR job (to specify an appropriate new job name and qualifier for another CICS region), you can create several copies of the DFHDEFDS job to create DFHCSD and SYSIN data sets for each CICS region.

Creating data sets unique to each CICS region, DFHDEFDS job

You can use the DFHDEFDS job to delete and recreate copies of the following data sets for each CICS region. Name DFHAUXT DFHBUXT DFHDMPA DFHDMPB DFHGCD DFHINTRA DFHLCD DFHTEMP FILEA Data set Non-VSAM auxiliary trace (A). Non-VSAM auxiliary trace (B). Non-VSAM dump (A). Non-VSAM (B) dump. Global catalog. Intrapartition transient data. Local catalog. Temporary storage. Sample program data.

Use the DFHISTAR job to create a copy of the DFHDEFDS job for each CICS region. Edit the DFHISTAR job, specifying the parameters DSINFO and SELECT, and run it once for each region.
Chapter 23. Creating the CICS data sets


In the DFHISTAR job, specify the following parameters: v SELECT DFHDEFDS newname to specify the new name by which the copy of the DFHDEFDS job is to be known. v DSINFO to specify the following details of the data sets for each CICS region: The high-level index (dsindex) The serial number of the volume (volume) The unit type of the volume (disktype) The region qualifier (qualifier) The format of the data set names is:

dsindex is the high-level index for the data sets, specified on the DSINFO parameter of the DFHISTAR job. The default is hlq. qualifier is the region qualifier for the data sets used by this CICS region, specified on DSINFO parameter of the DFHISTAR job. The default is no qualifier. dsname is the name of the data set being defined.

For example, the default name for the CICS local catalog is hlq.CICS.DFHLCD. The DFHDEFDS job comprises the following job steps: 1. DELETE any existing copies of the data sets. 2. DEFINE defines the clusters for the data sets. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. INITGCD initializes the CICS global catalog for this region. INITLCD initializes the CICS local catalog for this region. DEFTRACE defines the trace data sets for this region. DEFDUMP defines the dump data sets for this region. LOADFILE loads the sample data into the FILEA data set for this region.

Creating the CICS messages data set, DFHCMACI job

You can use the DFHCMACI job to delete and recreate the CICS messages data set DFHCMACD. This data set is used by the CICS messages facility (CICS-supplied transaction CMAC). The DFHCMACI job comprises the following job steps: 1. DELETE deletes any existing copies of the DFHCMACD data set. 2. DEFINE defines the VSAM cluster for the CICS message data set dsindex.DFHCMACD, where dsindex is defined by the DSINFO parameter of the DFHISTAR job. 3. CMACLOAD loads the CICS message data set with data from the CICS-supplied file, DFHCMACD, in the hlq.SDFHMSGS target library.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Defining the DFHCMACD file and associated CICS resources

You can use the CICS messages facility to provide the CICS messages and codes descriptions online. Before you can use this facility (to access the DFHCMACD data set), you must define the resources needed by the facility, and make them available to your CICS region. The DFHCMACD data set is accessed by the file DFHCMACD, managed by CICS file control. You must create a definition for this file in the CSD or FCT. The CICS-supplied definition for the DFHCMACD file and other resources needed by the CICS messages facility are in the CSD group DFHCMAC. The CICS startup procedure, DFHSTART, has a DD statement for the DFHCMACD file, but for dynamic allocation you should copy the supplied resource definition for the DFHCMACD file and add the DSNAME option. To use the CICS messages facility in your CICS region, you must create your own CSD group list(s) to include the DFHCMAC group for the CICS messages facility and any other groups of resources that your CICS region needs. You must specify your new group list(s) on the GRPLIST system initialization parameter when you start up your CICS region. If the DFHLIST of resource groups are not included in your new group list(s), you must specify DFHLIST on the GRPLIST system initialization parameter as well as your group lists. For example, GRPLIST=(DFHLIST,MYLIST,CICSHT#1), where MYLIST and CICSHT#1 are customer-created group lists. You should specify the DFHCMAC group of resources for the CICS messages facility only in those CICS regions that need to use the facility; for example on some terminal-owning regions, but perhaps not on data-owning regions.

Defining the sample applications data sets

CICS provides a range of samples that you can use to help develop your own applications, and to test various CICS functions (for example, as an aid to verifying that CICS has installed correctly). These programs are described in the CICS 4.1 Sample Applications Guide and the CICS Application Programming Primer (VS COBOL II). Before you can use some of these samples, you must create the data sets that they use, and make them available to your CICS region, as described below. You do not need to create these data sets, unless you intend using the associated sample applications.

The CUA text level application

You can use this sample application to demonstrate BMS support for the Common User Access (CUA) interface. The application uses an action bar, with associated pull-downs, pop-ups, and help panels. The application programs demonstrate how to code VS COBOL II programs to display, overlay, and remove CUA style windows. Creating the data sets: To create the data sets needed by the CUA text level application, submit the following jobs: DFH0JCUS and DFH0JHLP, installed in the hlq.XDFHINST library. Making the data sets available to CICS: You can cause CICS to dynamically allocate the files for these data sets and open them after CICS initialization by
Chapter 23. Creating the CICS data sets


installing the sample resource definitions in the group DFH$CTXT. If no DD statement exists for these data sets in the CICS startup job stream, the files are allocated to the data sets with DSNAMEs specified in the resource definitions: hlq.SAMPLE.DFHCTCUS, hlq.SAMPLE.DFHCTHLP, and hlq.SAMPLE.DFHCTAIX, for the data sets and the alternate index. Alternatively, you can add DD statements for the data sets to your CICS startup job, which causes CICS to use the DSNAMEs specified on the DD statements instead of those in the resource definitions. For information about this sample application, see the CICS 4.1 Sample Applications Guide.

The FILEA sample application programs

This comprises four sets of command-level application programs that operate on the sample VSAM file FILEA. There is one set for each of the four programming languages supported, (Assembler, C/370, VS COBOL II, and PL/I). These programs show basic functions, such as inquire, browse, add, and update, that can serve as a framework for your own first programs. They were all written prior to the publication of the Common User Access guidelines. Creating the data set: A copy of the data set needed by the FILEA application is created when you submit the DFHDEFDS job, installed in the hlq.XDFHINST library. Making the data set available to CICS: When you tailor the CICS installation-related jobs, as described in Chapter 22. Tailoring the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs on page 117, a DD statement for the FILEA data set is added to the CICS IVP jobs and the DFHSTART procedure. If you want CICS to dynamically allocate the data set and open the file, you should remove the DD statement and install a FILE resource definition with an appropriate DSNAME. (For example, as supplied in the group DFH$FILA.) For information about this sample application, see the CICS 4.1 Sample Applications Guide.

The CICS Application Programming Primer sample application

You can use this sample application to demonstrate the design and programming of a traditional CICS application. It provides online inquiry and maintenance facilities for a sample customer credit file in a department store. The application uses VSAM files, and 3270 display and printer terminals. It was written before the publication of Common User Access guidelines, and provides similar function (without CUA support) as the CUA sample application. Creating the data sets: To create the data sets needed by the Primer sample application, edit and submit the sample job shown in Figure 20 on page 127. Making the data sets available to CICS: You can cause CICS to dynamically allocate the files for these data sets and open them on first reference by installing the sample resource definitions in the group DFH$ACCT. If no DD statement exists for these data sets in the CICS startup job stream, the files are allocated to the data sets with DSNAMEs specified in the resource definitions: hlq.ACCTFILE and hlq.ACIXFILE. Alternatively, you can add DD statements for the data sets to your CICS startup job, which causes CICS to use the DSNAMEs specified on the DD statements instead of those in the resource definitions.

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CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

For information about this sample application, see the CICS Application Programming Primer (VS COBOL II).
//DEFACCTF JOB (accounting parameters),MSGCLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1), // CLASS=A,NOTIFY=userid //* //********************************************************************* //* CICS/ESA sample jobs to define ACCT files //* //* This job deletes and defines the following data sets for the //* ACCT sample described in the CICS Application Programming Primer //* //* STEPS: //* . DELETE AND DEFINE //* - DELETE/DEFINE THE CLUSTERS FOR: //* . CICSTS13.CICS.ACCTFILE //* . CICSTS13.CICS.ACIXFILE //* //* THE HIGH-LEVEL-QUALIFIER(S) OF THE DATASETS: CICSTS13.CICS //* THE VOLUME SERIAL CICS12 //* THE UNIT TYPE 3390 //* //********************************************************************* //DELETE EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=1M //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DELETE CICSTS13.CICS.ACCTFILE DELETE CICSTS13.CICS.ACIXFILE SET MAXCC=0 /* //DEFINE EXEC PGM=IDCAMS,REGION=1M //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * /* */ DEFINE CLUSTER(NAME(CICSTS13.CICS.ACCTFILE)KEYS(5 0)INDEXED RECORDSIZE(383 383)REC(80)SHR(2 3)VOLUMES(CICS12)) DATA(NAME(CICSTS13.CICS.ACCTFILE.DATA)UNIQUE)INDEX(NAME(CICSTS13.CICS.ACCTFILE.INDEX)UNIQUE) /* */ DEFINE CLUSTER(NAME(CICSTS13.CICS.ACIXFILE)KEYS(17 0)INDEXED RECORDSIZE(63 63)REC(80)SHR(2 3)VOLUMES(CICS12)) DATA(NAME(CICSTS13.CICS.ACIXFILE.DATA)UNIQUE)INDEX(NAME(CICSTS13.CICS.ACIXFILE.INDEX)UNIQUE) /* //* Figure 20. Example JCL to create the Primer sample data sets

Chapter 23. Creating the CICS data sets



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 24. DL/I support

CICS support for access to DL/I databases using the IBM Information Management System (IMS) product is included in the base product, and no specific installation is required.

Using DL/1 Support

There are two ways through which you can use DL/I support with CICS: v Remote DL/I support, also known as function shipping v Data Base Control (DBCTL), through an IMS/DM subsystem

Remote DL/I support

CICS provides remote DL/I support, which allows application programs to access remote databases by function shipping requests to another CICS region. The databases can be IMS (DL/I) databases associated with a remote CICS/ESA, CICS/MVS, or CICS/OS/VS region, or DL/I DOS/VS databases associated with a remote CICS/VSE with a remote CICS/VSE or CICS/DOS/VS region. An IMS DB database can be associated with a remote CICS region that either: v Is generated with local DL/I support, and which owns the database (CICS 4.1 and below) or v Uses DBCTL to access the database; typically a CICS region that is running in another MVS image This support enables the database to be updated from either CICS region, with full integrity. The modules providing remote DL/I support are automatically loaded by CICS during startup when a DL/I PSB directory is specified via the PDIR= system initialization parameter. A PDIR is mandatory for remote DL/I support, but is not required for database control support.

Database control
CICS provides a CICS-DBCTL interface which enables DBCTL, or IMS/ESA or IMS/ESA DM/TM, to satisfy DL/I requests issued from the CICS region. This method is recommended for new users because it is simpler to install than local DL/I and provides additional function. Details of installing and using DBCTL are covered in the CICS IMS Database Control Guide.

Global user exits for DL/I

The following global user exits, if enabled, can be invoked when you have DL/I applications: XDLIPRE and XDLIPOST These exits are invoked following the issue of an EXEC DLI command or
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DL/I call. Exit XDLIPRE is invoked before the request is processed and XDLIPOST is invoked after the request is processed. If you are running CICS with remote DL/I support, these exits are invoked in both the CICS region executing the DL/I transactions (the AOR) and the CICS region to which the DL/I requests are function shipped (the DOR). However there are restrictions on what actions can be performed by an exit program running at exit point XDLIPRE or XDLIPOST when running in a DOR. XRMIIN and XRMIOUT You can use these exits to monitor activity across the resource manager interface (RMI). For example, you can monitor control being passed to and from DFHEDP for EXEC DLI requests, DFHDBAT for DBCTL requests, or DSN2EXT1 for DB2 for DB2 commands. XRMIIN is invoked just before control is passed from the RMI to a task-related user exit. XRMIOUT is invoked just after control is passed back to the RMI. | For programming information about these exits, see the CICS Customization Guide.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Chapter 25. Java support

CICS support for Java application programs is included in the base product, and no specific installation is required. CICS Java application programs can be executed in two ways: v Using the VisualAge for Java, Enterprise ToolKit for OS/390 (ET/390) to bind the Java byte-code into a Java program object that is loaded into CICS and executed in an LE run-unit similarly to C++. ET/390 is provided in the HPO.SHPOMOD PDSE during the installation of ESA. Further information about the use of ET/390 can be found in the CICS Application Programming Guide. v Using a Java Virtual Machine within CICS.

Supplied components
The following components are unloaded from the distribution tapes during the standard installation process described in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory. Note that full function OS/390 UNIX System Services must be running during this process as some files are stored in the HFS.

.jar files
The following jar files are stored in the OS/390 UNIX System Services HFS in the directory $CICS_HOME/classes: dfjcidl.jar dfjcorb.jar dfjcics.jar dfjwrap.jar The CICS IDL compiler to be used in building the IIOP server application. The CICS ORB classes, required to build the IIOP server application. The JCICS API classes, required for compilation of a Java application program that uses JCICS to access CICS services. Used internally by CICS to support the JCICS interface in a JVM environment.

$CICS_HOME is an environment variable defining the installation directory prefix:


Where username is a name you can choose during the installation of CICS, defaulting to cicsts13.

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IIOP and JCICS support

The following programs are stored in the MVS PDSE libraries SDFJLOD1 and SDFJLOAD during installation. Note that SDFJLOAD is maintained at a level compatible with the current release of the VisualAge for Java, Enterprise ToolKit for OS/390, and SDFJLOD1 is maintained at a level compatible with Release 1. You will only require one of these libraries and should choose the one that is compatible with the release of ET/390 that you are using. The two PDSE libraries SDFJLOAD and SDFJLOD1 are provided because Release 2 of VisualAge for Java, Enterprise Toolkit for OS/390 is not expected to be run-time compatible with programs compiled using Release 1. (Such release-to-release binary incompatibility will not, however, occur after Release 2). This means that CICS needs to provide separate libraries containing its Java code compiled against both Release 1 and Release 2, to allow you to run your applications compiled against either release of ET/390. The two PDSE libraries SDFJLOAD and SDFJLOD1 map to FMIDs JCI530D and JCI530E respectively. Release 2 of ET/390 was not available at General Availability (March 1999) of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, hence both libraries are compiled against the same release (Release 1) of ET/390. However, as son as Release 2 of ET/390 ships, IBM Support will refresh the SDFJLOAD library compiled at Release 2 level. You should select the library (and hence ET/390 compiler level) compatible with the release of ET/390 that you are using for your application development. DFJCICS DFJCICSB DFJCORB DFJCZDTC DFJDESN DFJGFAC DFJIIOP JCICS run-time support JCICS run-time support Non-workstation dlls The JCICS native library. JCICS run-time support The Generic Factory The CICS ORB run-time support

Note: Further information about the JCICS classes can be found in the CICS Customization Guide and further information about IIOP can be found in the CICS Internet Guide. The following programs are stored in the CICS LOADLIB PDS library during installation: DFHIIOP DFHIIOPA The IIOP receiver program. The IIOP sender and application context handler.

Sample programs
Sample programs to demonstrate the use of IIOP and the JCICS classes are stored in the HFS in the $CICS_HOME/samples directory and in SDFHSAMP.

JCICS reference documentation

The JCICS classes are documented in JAVADOC HTML. This is stored in the OS/390 UNIX System Services HFS in the directory $CICS_HOME/docs. You can


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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download this file in binary mode to a workstation, to a file system that can support long names, such as OS/2 HPFS or FAT32, unzip it and read the contents using a web browser, starting at index.htm. This file also contains a tutorial example of using VisualAge for Java to develop CICS Java applications and run them using ET/390. The following file is supplied: dfjcics_docs.zip

Chapter 25. Java support


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JVM environment variables

Default values of the environment variables that control the initialization of the JVM are supplied in a partitioned dataset called SDFHENV. A DD statement for this dataset must be included in your CICS startup job stream if you intend to run CICS Java applications that execute in the JVM. Such programs have JVM(YES) in their PROGRAM resource definition. The following DD statement is included in the sample startup job stream described in the CICS System Definition Guide:

The member name (default DFHJVM) can be defined using the JVMNAME parameter to tailor the DFHISTAR post-installation job. See the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory for information about tailoring the DFHISTAR job. You can edit this file with TSO to change the default values. The user replaceable module DFHJVMAT can also be called at JVM initialization to examine and reset the values. See the CICS Customization Guide for a description of DFHJVMAT.

JVM directory
You can define the directory for the JVM using the JAVADIR parameter of the DFHISTAR post-installation job. The default for JAVADIR is java/J1.1. The full JVM directory pathname is made up as follows:

Hence the default pathname for the JVM directory is :


The hlq.SDFJLPA library

This library is currently empty, but is supplied to allow those CICS modules that support the Java / IIOP environment, and that are LPA eligible, being included in the LPA. DFJCICS, DFJGFAC and DFJIIOP may be considered as good candidates for the LPA in any MVS image where multiple CICS systems are using the Java / IIOP function. There are no CICS-supplied Java / IIOP modules that must reside in the LPA, therefore the library is currently empty. Note: This library is a partition data set /extended (PDS/E). PDS/Es cannot be loaded into the LPA at MVS IPL time, because MVS Nucleus Initialization Processing does not recognize them. The MVS SETPROG command can be used after an IPL to dynamically add members of a PDS/E into the LPA.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 26. Installing MRO and ISC support

This chapter describes what you have to do to include the following communication facilities in your CICS region: v Multiregion operation (MRO) v Intersystem communication (ISC) The information about ACF/VTAM and MVS given in this chapter is for guidance only. Always consult the current ACF/VTAM or MVS publications for the latest information. See Books from related libraries on page xvi.

Installing MRO support

This section describes how to install support for multiregion operation (MRO) in your CICS regions. CICS multiregion operation (MRO) enables CICS regions that are running in the same MVS image, or in the same MVS sysplex, to communicate with each other. MRO does not support communication between a CICS system and a non-CICS system such as IMS.2 ACF/VTAM and SNA networking facilities are not required for MRO. The support within CICS that enables region-to-region communication is called interregion communication (IRC). IRC can be implemented in three ways: 1. Through support in CICS terminal control management modules and by use of a CICS-supplied interregion program, DFHIRP, loaded in the MVS link pack area. DFHIRP is invoked by a type 3 supervisory call (SVC). 2. By MVS cross-memory services, which you can select as an alternative to the CICS type 3 SVC mechanism. Here, DFHIRP is used only to open and close the interregion links. 3. By the cross-system coupling facility (XCF) of MVS. XCF/MRO is required for links between CICS regions in different MVS images of an MVS sysplex. XCF/MRO is selected dynamically by CICS for such links, if available. For information about the design and implementation of interregion communication, and about the benefits of cross-system MRO, see the CICS Intercommunication Guide. To install support for MRO, complete the following steps, which are outlined in more detail in this chapter: 1. Define CICS as an MVS subsystem. 2. Install the current versions of the DFHIRP and DFHCSVC modules in the LPA. 3. If you give the SVC a new number, and you have CICS Version 1 or Version 2 regions that use MRO, regenerate the CICS modules DFHCRC and DFHDRPA for those CICS versions, specifying the SVC number.

2. The external CICS interface (EXCI) uses a specialized form of MRO link to support: communication between MVS batch programs and CICS; DCE remote procedure calls to CICS programs. Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


4. Specify appropriate system initialization parameters to enable MRO for each CICS region startup. If you intend using cross-system MRO (XCF/MRO) you must also: 5. Install the required sysplex hardware and software. 6. Define the MVS images as systems in an XCF sysplex. To use the MRO support, you must also: 7. Define and install the MRO connections appropriate to your CICS environment. Providing you complete the above steps, you can use MRO to communicate: v Between CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 regions. v Between CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 and CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2, CICS/ESA Version 4, CICS/ESA Version 3, CICS/MVS Version 2, and CICS/OS/VS 1.7 regions. Furthermore, earlier release levels of CICS can use MRO to communicate (for example, between CICS/ESA 3.3 and CICS/OS/VS 1.7). If you use MRO between different releases of CICS, for example between the current release and CICS/MVS 2.1.2, the function provided on any connection is that of the lower-level release involved in the connection.

Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem

Multiregion operation with CICS requires MVS Subsystem Interface (SSI) support, and to obtain this you must define CICS as an operating system subsystem, as described in Chapter 5. Defining CICS as an MVS subsystem on page 19.

Installing the modules DFHIRP and DFHCSVC in the LPA

To enable your regions to communicate by MRO, you must: 1. Install the current versions of the DFHIRP and DFHCSVC modules into the LPA, as described in Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area on page 37. Note: If you are running CICS with MRO at different release levels, all communicating CICS regions must use the latest DFHIRP module and the latest SVC module, DFHCSVC, on the same MVS image. 2. Define the SVC module, DFHCSVC, to MVS, as described in Chapter 6. Installing the CICS Type 3 SVC on page 27.

Regenerating CICS Version 1 or Version 2 modules

If a region and CICS Version 1 or Version 2 regions in the same MVS image use MRO, all the regions must use the SVC. If you have given that SVC a new number, you must regenerate the following modules on any CICS Version 1 and Version 2 regions, and specify the new SVC number: v The interregion clean-up program, DFHCRC. v The batch region initialization module, DFHDRPA, (if you use IRC support for CICS shared database.) For information on regenerating modules refer to a pre-Version 3 Installation Guide.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Installing required hardware and software for XCF/MRO

To be able to use the cross-systems MRO to communicate between CICS regions on different MVS images, those MVS images must be running with appropriate hardware and software. The hardware and software required for MVS systems in a sysplex is described in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory.

Defining MVS images as systems in an XCF sysplex

To use XCF/MRO, all participating MVS images must be defined as part of the same sysplex, as described in Chapter 15. MVS cross-system MRO definitions on page 61. Note: Within a parallel sysplex, where MRO communication between MVS images is by XCF/MRO, the DFHIRP programs installed in the different MVS images can be at different release levels. However, DFHIRP must be installed from the highest release of CICS running in an MVS image. For example, a CICS Version 4 DFHIRP can communicate with a DFHIRP across XCF/MRO, but the CICS regions running in the MVS with the Version 4 DFHIRP cannot be later than CICS/ESA Version 4.

Defining MRO connections

Before you can use MRO, you must define and install connections with attributes appropriate to your CICS environment. For information about defining connections, see the CICS Intercommunication Guide.

Enabling MRO for CICS startup

# # CICS region that is to use MRO, you must specify ISC=YES to include the intersystem communication program DFHISP. If you want a CICS region to establish MRO communication during startup, you should also specify YES on the IRCSTART system initialization parameter. Alternatively, once your CICS region is running, you can establish MRO communication by using the CEMT SET IRC OPEN command or the EXEC CICS SET IRC OPENSTATUS(cvda) command.

Chapter 26. Installing MRO and ISC support


Either method establishes MRO communication with every CICS region that is: 1. Currently active. 2. Defined to your region by CONNECTION and SESSIONS definitions installed from the CSD. (To establish MRO communication between two CICS regions, the installed CONNECTION definition must specify INSERVICE(YES) in both regions.) However, before deciding on the method you will use to start IRC, read the section MRO restriction when running with DB2 support.

MRO restriction when running with DB2 support

If you are running CICS with DB2 support, there is a restriction that affects the start of interregion communication in the CICS region. The restriction applies only if your CICS region is using both of the following facilities: 1. Multiregion operation, where any of the installed MRO resource definitions specify ACCESSMETHOD(XM). 2. The DB2 CICS-attachment to run DB2 applications. You should start CICS with IRCSTRT=YES as a system initialization parameter to ensure that this IRC failure doesnt happen. You can stop IRC (with CEMT SET IRC CLOSED), and restart it again after DSNC has been run, but the first start of IRC in a CICS execution must precede the running of the DSNC transaction in that CICS. # # # # # In this situation, ensure that you start interregion communications before you start the DB2 adaptor. The best way to do this is to start both during system initialization (with IRCSTRT=YES and DB2CONN=YES). If you start them after initialization, make sure that you open IRC before you run the DSNC start transaction.

Adding ISC support

For communication between CICS regions that are in different MVS images, you can use a SNA access method, such as ACF/VTAM, to provide the necessary communication protocols. This form of communication between regions via SNA is called intersystem communication (ISC). (You can also use ISC in the same CPC, through the application-to-application facilities of ACF/VTAM.) This section outlines how to include ISC in a CICS region. For information about the design and implementation of intersystem communication facilities, see the CICS Intercommunication Guide. Unlike MRO, there are no special MVS operating system requirements for CICS intersystem communication.

Running a CICS region with ISC

You must include the following management programs in your CICS regions, (by specifying the system initialization parameters given in parentheses): v DFHISC the intersystem communication program (ISC=YES). v DFHTCP the terminal control program (TCP=YES is the default).


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Establishing ISC
Intersystem communication requires VTAM support, and you must specify VTAM=YES as a system initialization parameter. If VTAM is running during CICS initialization, CICS opens the VTAM ACB. If VTAM is started after CICS, opening the VTAM ACB fails, and you must open it using the CEMT SET VTAM OPEN command when VTAM is available. CICS regions cannot communicate until they have established the VTAM connection.

Defining ISC connections

Before you can use ISC, you must define and install connections with attributes appropriate to your CICS (and VTAM) environment. If you intend using APPC for your ISC communications, you can take advantage of the autoinstall for APPC connections function. For information about defining connections, and about using the autoinstall for APPC connections function, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide.

Chapter 26. Installing MRO and ISC support



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures

After you have installed CICS, and applied any necessary service, you can use the CICS-supplied installation verification procedures (IVPs) to confirm that CICS is operational.

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Before you run the IVP jobs See Overview of the IVP jobs on page 146. Perform the following steps in preparation for the IVPs.

Preparation for running the IVPs

| | | | | | | | | Perform the following steps: v Create the CICS data sets for the IVP jobs v Install the CICS SVC for the IVP jobs v Define and activate the CICS applids v Authorize the IVP userid v Review security requirements for the IVP jobs v Define log streams v Specify system initialization parameters for the IVP jobs

Create the CICS data sets for the IVP jobs

Before you can run any of the CICS-supplied IVP jobs, you must create the data sets that they use. For further information about creating the data sets for the IVP jobs, see Chapter 23. Creating the CICS data sets on page 121.

Install the CICS SVC for the IVP jobs

All the IVP jobs require the CICS Type 3 SVC, which must be installed in the LPA. If you have not already installed the CICS SVC in the LPA (as described under Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area on page 37), do so now before attempting to run any of the IVP jobs. The IVP jobs do not use the Type 6 SVC (DFHHPSVC).

Define and activate the CICS applids

If you want to use VTAM with a CICS region started by any of the CICS IVP jobs, you must create and activate a VTAM APPL definition for the CICS regionss application identifier (applid). The applid defined to VTAM must match the applid specified on the APPLID system initialization parameter used by the IVP job. For example, to be able to logon to the CICS region started by the DFHIVPOL job, you must do one of the following: v Create and activate an APPL definition for your own applid, which you specify on the APPLID parameter of the DFH$SIP1 member of the SYSIN data set.

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v Define and activate an APPL definition for the default applid DBDCCICS, which you specify on the APPLID parameter of the DFH$SIP1 member of the SYSIN data set. For more information about creating and activating VTAM APPL definitions for CICS, see Chapter 8. Defining CICS regions as applications to VTAM on page 33 and Data set naming conventions on page 121. Further, if you want to use VTAM cross-domain services to communicate between CICS regions on separate MVS images, you must create and activate VTAM CDRSC definitions in both MVS images involved in the communication. For more information about creating and activating VTAM CDRSC definitions for CICS, see Cross-domain considerations on page 35.

Authorize the IVP userid

To run the IVP jobs with external security, you must define to RACF an IVP default CICS userid that has authority to run the transactions used as part of the IVP jobs. These transactions include the CICS-supplied transactions listed in Table 7. The level of authority required by the IVP userid depends on what security you want to use for the IVP jobs. For more information, see Review security requirements for the IVP jobs. Note: On a production system the default user should not have access to any CICS-supplied transactions except those you need in your CICS environment. The resource access authorizations that you give to the default user should clearly be limited to those resources that you intend should be universally available, and therefore do not need to be restricted in any way. For information about the security requirements for CICS-supplied transactions, and about CICS security in general, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.
Table 7. Transactions used as part of the IVP jobs Application Transactions DFH$BTCH FILEA samples DFH$MNU DFH$ALL CWTO, CEMT, CEOT, CSFE



Review security requirements for the IVP jobs

You can run the IVP jobs with or without external security. As supplied, the system initialization table, DFHSIT, used by the IVP jobs specifies that external security is to be used. However, the IVP jobs have been set up with


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

SEC=NO, indicating that external security is not to be used. DFHSIT also specifies that the IVP jobs are subject to transaction security (XTRAN=YES), resource security (Xyyy=YES), and command security (XCMD=YES). Note: As supplied, the DFH$SIP2 member of the SYSIN data set used by the DFHIVPBT job specifies the SIT override SEC=NO, so that you can run this job without external security. If v v v you choose to run the IVP jobs with external security, you must: Define CICS resource profiles to RACF. Define an IVP default CICS userid to RACF. Specify the IVP userid on the DFLTUSER=userid system initialization parameter.

You must also give the IVP userid sufficient authority to use the transactions and resources needed to run the IVP jobs. That is, you must: v Authorize the IVP userid to run the transactions used as part of the IVP jobs. (See Table 7 on page 142.) To do this you must add the IVP userid, with READ access, to the access list of the RACF profiles for the transaction member class (TCICSTRN) or the transaction group class (GCICSTRN). If you define the transactions as prefixed resources, you must also specify the system initialization parameter SECPRFX=YES for the IVP jobs. v Authorize the IVP userid to access the resources used by the transactions. To do this you must add the IVP userid, with appropriate authority, to the access list for the resource class profiles. v Authorize the IVP userid to issue SP-type commands using the CEMT master terminal transaction. To do this, you must add the IVP userid, with appropriate authority, to the access list of the RACF profiles for the resource member class (CCICSCMD) or the resource group class (VCICSCMD). You must give the IVP userid UPDATE access for the SHUTDOWN resource class, otherwise the userid will not be able to terminate the IVP jobs. You should also give the IVP userid UPDATE access for the DUMPDS and SYSTEM resource classes, if the DFHIVPBT job is to be run with external security. For information about implementing external security, see the CICS RACF Security Guide. Alternatively, you can run the IVP jobs with limited security, for example: v Without command security (XCMD=NO), the IVP userid would be able to run the IVP jobs without the need for authority to use the CEMT SP-type commands and the resources that they access. v With only transaction security (Xyyy=NO including XCMD=NO), the IVP userid would be able to run the IVP jobs if authorized only to use the transactions used as part of the IVP jobs. | | | | | | | |

Define log streams

CICS automatically attempts to connect to its system log stream, unless you define a journal model resource definition to define the log stream as TYPE(DUMMY). This means you need to decide whether you want to run the IVPs with system logs, or to run with dummy logging. If you decide to run with actual log streams, see Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling on page 75 for information about defining log streams.

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


| | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Alternatively, you can define a CICS JOURNALMODEL resource definition with TYPE(DUMMY) to avoid having to define log streams. If you want to run the IVPs with the minimum effort, here is what to do: v Define JOURNALMODEL resource definitions in the CSD for the primary and secondary system logs, DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT respectively, specifying TYPE(DUMMY); see Figure 21 for a sample job. v Add the CSD group containing your dummy system log journal models to your own group list, and include your group list on the GRPLIST system initialization parameter. Note that your group list must follow the IBM-supplied list DFHLIST. DFHLIST includes group DFHLGMOD (which contains DFHLOG and DFHSHUNT JOURNALMODEL definitions) but concatenating your list after DFHLIST ensures that your DUMMY definitions replace the IBM definitions.

Figure 21. Sample job to define DUMMY JOURNALMODELs for CICS system logs

Specify system initialization parameters for the IVP jobs

All the IVP jobs use the system initialization parameters specified in the associated DFH$SIPn member of the SYSIN data set. The DFH$SIPn members, as supplied by CICS, default to the unsuffixed SIT, DFHSIT, and the resources defined to CICS are adequate only for a basic CICS region. For example, in the case of the DFHIVPOL job, the resources defined limit the number of terminals you can use. The DFH$SIPn members of the SYSIN data set also contain some system initialization parameters to exclude CICS resources not required by the IVP jobs, or to include some not specified by the default SIT.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

One such parameter is TCT=5$, specifying the CICS sample terminal control table, in the hlq.SDFHLOAD library. This TCT defines the pair of sequential input and output devices, CARDIN and PRINTER. (These are the only devices defined in DFHTCT5$.) The DFH$SIPn members of the SYSIN data set may need to be edited for: v The default SVC number is 216. To use a different SVC number, specify CICSSVC=nnn in the appropriate DFH$SIPn member. For more information about defining CICS SVCs, see Defining the CICS SVCs to your MVS on page 28. The IVP jobs do not require the Type 6 SVC. v The applid used is CICSIVP1. To use a different applid, change the system initialization parameter (APPLID=CICSIVP1) in the appropriate DFH$SIPn member. v The IVP jobs were run with external security switched off. To run with security (SEC=YES), define a suitable default userid (for example IVPUSER) with the required authority to run the IVP transactions. Add DFLTUSER=IVPUSER in the appropriate DFH$SIPn member. For more information about defining the IVP userid, see Authorize the IVP userid on page 142. Transactions can be defined as prefixed resources using the IVP userid, IVPUSER, as the prefix (for example, IVPUSER.CEMT). Add SECPRFX=YES in the appropriate DFH$SIPn member for the IVP job. This enables transactions to be run as part of the IVP jobs without affecting other CICS regions. For example, when the DFH$BTCH batch stream is run, CICS sends authorization requests to RACF for the transactions and identifies them as IVPUSER.xxxx, where xxxx is the transaction ID (CWTO, CEMT, and so on). v Language Environment (LE) support, for all the high-level language sample programs, was added as described in the CICS System Definition Guide . CICS requires either pre-defined CSD definitions, for the LE modules, to be installed or Program autoinstall to be active. The IVP jobs include the required DD statements for the LE libraries as comments. v The resources for the CICS messages facility were defined, as described in Resources for the CICS messages facility, CMAC on page 146, and the DFHCMAC resource group added to a group list used for the IVP jobs. v The IVP jobs run with auxiliary trace switched on (AUXTR=ON), and the auxiliary trace data set switching facility set to switch once only (AUXTRSW=NEXT). Other notes about changes to the system initialization parameters for the IVP jobs, and about the IVP jobs generally, are provided in the sections describing the IVP jobs. If you want to use system initialization parameters to modify or enhance the scope of the IVP jobs, see the CICS System Definition Guide for details about the parameters.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


Resources for the CICS messages facility, CMAC

You can use the CICS messages facility (CICS-supplied transaction CMAC) to provide the messages and codes descriptions online. Before you can use this facility, you must create and initialize the CICS messages data set DFHCMACD, define the resources needed by the facility, and make them available to your CICS region. For information about creating and initializing the DFHCMACD data set, see Creating the CICS messages data set, DFHCMACI job on page 124. The DFHCMACD data set is accessed by the file DFHCMACD, managed by CICS file control. You must create a definition for this file in the CSD or FCT. The CICS-supplied definition for the DFHCMACD file and other resources needed by the CICS messages facility are in the CSD group DFHCMAC. The CICS startup procedure (in the IVP jobs) has a DD statement for the CMAC file, but for dynamic allocation you should copy the supplied resource definition for the DFHCMACD file and add the DSNAME option. You should specify the DFHCMAC group of resources for the CICS messages facility only in those CICS regions that need to use the facility; for example on some terminal-owning regions, but perhaps not on data-owning regions.

Overview of the IVP jobs

There are two IVP jobs: 1. DFHIVPBT (verify batch) This job starts up CICS, specifying a pair of sequential input and output devices (CARDIN and PRINTER) to be used instead of an ordinary terminal. It then executes a number of CICS transactions that are read from CARDIN. The last transaction in the input stream shuts down CICS. 2. DFHIVPOL (verify online) This job can run CICS with either XRF=NO, or XRF=YES. It is generated with XRF=NO specified as an override, which you change when you are ready to verify CICS with XRF. You can use this CICS region to automatically install (autoinstall) an IBM 3270 Information Display System terminal, with which you can: v Use the master terminal transaction, CEMT. You can also use CEMT from the MVS system console. For information about using CEMT, see the CICS Supplied Transactions manual. v Use the resource definition online transaction, CEDA. For information about using CEDA, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide. v Use the sample application transaction AMNU, to access the sample VSAM file, FILEA. For a description of the FILEA sample applications, see the CICS 4.1 Sample Applications Guide.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

The CICS startup procedure, DFHSTART

| | All the IVP jobs include a procedure to start up CICS. You can use this procedure as a basis for your own CICS startup procedures. This procedure, DFHSTART, comprises the following steps: 1. CICSCNTLdetermine whether CICS is to be started 2. DTCNTLdetermine whether dump and trace analysis is to be performed 3. CICSexecute CICS 4. PRTDMPAprint any contents of the CICS DFHDMPA dump data set 5. PRTDMPBprint any contents of the CICS DFHDMPB dump data set 6. PRTAUXTprint any contents of the auxiliary trace DFHAUXT data set 7. PRTBUXTprint any contents of the auxiliary trace DFHBUXT data set.

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


The following symbolic parameters are defined in the IVP jobs: INDEX1 | INDEX2 | REGNAME REG START DUMPTR RUNCICS OUTC SIP Notes: 1. The step CICS (to start up CICS) is executed only if you code RUNCICS=YES (the default). Code RUNCICS=NO if you want to perform dump and trace analysis without starting CICS. 2. The steps PRTDMPA, PRTDMPB, DFHAUXT, and DFHBUXT are executed only if you specify DUMPTR=YES (the default). 3. When you run the DFHISTAR job, it overrides the default values in the IVP jobs with the values you specified in the DFHISTAR job. is the high-level index of the CICS run-time data sets, as specified on the DSINFO parameter of the DFHISTAR job. Default: INDEX1=hlq is the high-level index of the CICS load libraries, as specified on the INDEX parameter of the DFHISTAR job. Default: INDEX2=hlq is the REGION name for a single or MRO region. Default: REGNAME=TR defines the MVS region size for the CICS step. Default: REG=32M is the type of CICS startup to be performed. Default: START=AUTO specifies whether dump and trace analysis is required. Default: DUMPTR=YES specifies whether CICS is to be started. Default: RUNCICS=YES is the output print class. Default: OUTC='*' is the suffix of the DFH$SIP member (in the SYSIN data set) to be used during CICS startup. Default: SIP=T

DD statements for CICS data sets

The startup job step contains DD statements for the CICS data sets listed in Table 8.
Table 8. DD statements for CICS data sets in the DFHSTART procedure ddname SYSIN DFHCMACD FILEA DFHTEMP DFHINTRA DFHAUXT DFHBUXT Description SYSIN data set, containing the DFH$SIPn members that specify system initialization parameter overrides. Messages data set, needed for the CICS messages transaction, CMAC. Sample VSAM data set, needed by the FILEA sample applications. Auxiliary temporary storage data set, needed by the FILEA sample applications. Transient data intrapartition data set, needed by the FILEA sample applications. First auxiliary trace (A) data set. Second auxiliary trace (B) data set. The auxiliary trace data sets, DFHAUXT and DFHBUXT, are needed because the IVP jobs run with auxiliary trace switched on, and the auxiliary trace data set switching facility set to switch once only.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Table 8. DD statements for CICS data sets in the DFHSTART procedure (continued) ddname DFHLCD Description (Mandatory) CICS local catalog data set (VSAM), used by the CICS domains to save some of their information between CICS runs, and to preserve this information across a cold start. (Mandatory) CICS global catalog data set (VSAM), has a variety of uses, including: during a CICS run, holding resource definitions that are installed; and, during a controlled shutdown, recording part of the warm keypoint information. Transient data extrapartition data set, used by CICS as the target for messages sent to any transient data destination before CICS has completed intrapartition transient data initialization. The local request queue data set is used to store pending BTS requests;for example, timer requests or requests to run activities. It is recoverable and used to ensure that, if CICS fails, no pending requests are lost. For more information, see the CICS Business Transaction Services. Must be set to DD DUMMY. Required for support of the CICS Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Defines the member of SDFHENV containing the environment variables required to initialize the JVM. Data set for the extrapartition transient data destination, LOGA, used by the CICS sample programs. Data set for the extrapartition transient data destination, CSSL, used by a number of CICS services. Data set for the extrapartition transient data destinations used by PL/I application programs. This data set is the destination for PL/I statistics and messages (CPLI) and, indirectly, PL/I dumps (CPLD). Data set for the extrapartition transient data destinations used by C/370 application programs. This data set is the destination for the C/370 output data streams, stdout (CCSO) and, indirectly, stderr (CCSE). First transaction dump (A) data set. Second transaction dump (B) data set. The dump data sets are included because CICS always tries to open a transaction dump data set, and issues a warning message if it is unable to do so for any reason. (Mandatory) CICS system definition data set (VSAM).



| | | | | | | |






Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


Verify batch job, DFHIVPBT

| | | | | | | The CICS-supplied verify batch job, DFHIVPBT, is tailored to your CICS environment and stored in the hlq.XDFHINST library when you run the DFHISTAR job. Note: Before submitting the DFHIVPDB job, run the DFHRMUTL program to reset the global catalog control record to perform an INITIAL start on the next CICS startup. This IVP comprises the following job steps: 1. Job step GENINPT unloads the member DFH$BTCH from the hlq.SDFHSAMP library into the CARDIN data set (using the MVS utility program, IEBGENER). 2. Job step DFHSTART invokes the CICS initialization program, DFHSIP, to startup CICS. The DFHSIP program reads startup system initialization parameters from the DFH$SIP2 member of the SYSIN data set. The DFH$BTCH data set (see Figure 22) is used as terminal input, and this should produce a printout similar to the sample output shown in Figure 24 on page 154.

Sample job log for the DFHIVPBT job

When you run the DFHIVPBT job, your job log should look like the example shown in Figure 23 on page 151.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

1 0 16:18:37 16.18.37 16.18.43 16.18.43 16.18.43 16.18.44 16.18.44 16.18.44 16.18.45 16.18.46 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.50 16.18.52 16.18.53 16.18.53 16.18.53 16.18.53 16.18.53 16.18.54 16.18.54 16.18.54 16.18.54 16.18.55 16.18.55 16.18.55 16.19.03 16.19.03 16.19.05 16.19.06 16.19.06 16.19.06 16.19.06 16.19.08 16.19.08 16.19.09 16.19.09 16.19.10 16.19.10 16.19.10 16.19.11 16.19.12 16.19.12 16.19.12 16.19.13 16.19.14 16.19.16

J E S 2 J O B L O G



M V 2 D



W I N M V S 2 C

JOB01830 ---- FRIDAY, 08 AUG 1997 ---JOB01830 IRR010I USERID DOBROWN IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB. JOB01830 ICH70001I DOBROWN LAST ACCESS AT 16:04:25 ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1997 JOB01830 $HASP373 DFHIVPBT STARTED - INIT 8 - CLASS A - SYS MV2D JOB01830 IEF403I DFHIVPBT - STARTED - TIME=16.18.43 JOB01830 --TIMINGS (MINS.)----PAGING COUNTS--JOB01830 -JOBNAME STEPNAME PROCSTEP RC EXCP CPU SRB CLOCK SERV PG PAGE SWAP VIO SWAPS JOB01830 -DFHIVPBT GENINPT 00 23 .00 .00 .0 1913 11 0 0 2 0 JOB01830 -DFHIVPBT CICS CICSCNTL 01 13 .00 .00 .0 2178 11 0 0 0 0 JOB01830 -DFHIVPBT CICS DTCNTL 01 10 .00 .00 .0 2241 11 0 0 0 0 JOB01830 DFHPA1101 CICSIVP1 DFHSIT IS BEING LOADED. JOB01830 DFHPA1108 CICSIVP1 DFHSIT HAS BEEN LOADED. (GENERATED AT: MM/DD= 07/19 HH:MM= 14:06). JOB01830 DFHPA1100 CICSIVP1 OVERRIDE PARAMETERS FROM JCL EXEC STATEMENT: START=AUTO,SYSIN JOB01830 DFHPA1102 CICSIVP1 OVERRIDE PARAMETERS FROM SYSIN: 1 JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 TCT=5$, SEQUENTIAL DEVICES JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 TS=(,0), JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 AUXTR=ON, JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 AUXTRSW=NEXT, JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 FCT=NO, JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 XRF=NO, JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 SEC=NO, JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 SRT=NO, JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 TRTABSZ=64, JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 APPLID=CICSIVP1, JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 CICSSVC=212, JOB01830 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 .END JOB01830 DFHPA1103 CICSIVP1 END OF FILE ON SYSIN. JOB01830 +DFHTR0103 TRACE TABLE SIZE IS 64K JOB01830 +DFHSM0122I CICSIVP1 Limit of DSA storage below 16MB is 5,120K. 2 JOB01830 +DFHSM0123I CICSIVP1 Limit of DSA storage above 16MB is 20M. JOB01830 +DFHSM0113I CICSIVP1 Storage protection is not active. JOB01830 +DFHSM0126I CICSIVP1 Transaction isolation is not active. JOB01830 +DFHDM0101I CICSIVP1 CICS is initializing. JOB01830 +DFHLG0101I CICSIVP1 Log manager domain initialization has started. JOB01830 +DFHSI1500 CICSIVP1 CICS startup is in progress for CICS Transaction Server Version 1.3.0 JOB01830 +DFHXS1100I CICSIVP1 Security initialization has started. JOB01830 +DFHXS1102I CICSIVP1 Security is inactive. 3 JOB01830 +DFHSI1501I CICSIVP1 Loading CICS nucleus. JOB01830 +DFHDU0304I CICSIVP1 Transaction Dump Data set DFHDMPA opened. JOB01830 +DFHTR0113 CICSIVP1 Auxiliary trace is being started on data set DFHAUXT. JOB01830 IEC031I D37-04,IFG0554P,DFHIVPBT,CICS,DFHAUXT,2C15,P2DA17,INST.CICSTS12.CICS.DFHAUXT JOB01830 +DFHTR0110 - AUXILIARY TRACE DATA SET DFHAUXT FULL - SWITCHING TO DFHBUXT JOB01830 +DFHXS1101I CICSIVP1 Security initialization has ended. JOB01830 +DFHRM0140 CICSIVP1 Recovery manager autostart override found with value: 'AUTOINIT'. JOB01830 +DFHRM0149I CICSIVP1 Recovery manager autostart override record will be deleted. JOB01830 +DFHMN0105I CICSIVP1 Using default Monitoring Control Table. JOB01830 +DFHMN0110I CICSIVP1 CICS Monitoring is inactive. JOB01830 +DFHSI1502I CICSIVP1 CICS startup is Initial. JOB01830 +DFHTS0100I CICSIVP1 Temporary Storage initialization has started. JOB01830 +DFHTS0101I CICSIVP1 Temporary Storage initialization has ended. JOB01830 +DFHLG0102I CICSIVP1 Log manager domain initialization has ended. JOB01830 +DFHSI1503I CICSIVP1 Terminal data sets are being opened. JOB01830 +DFHSI1592 CICSIVP1 CICS applid not (yet) active to VTAM. JOB01830 +DFHSI1572 CICSIVP1 Unable to OPEN VTAM ACB - RC=00000008, ACB Code=5A. JOB01830 +DFHKE0406I CICSIVP1 CICS is about to wait for predecessors defined in the MVS automatic restart management policy for this region. JOB01830 +DFHCP0101I CICSIVP1 CPI initialization has started. JOB01830 +DFHPR0104I CICSIVP1 Partner resource manager initialization has started. JOB01830 +DFHAI0101I CICSIVP1 AITM initialization has started. JOB01830 +DFHTD0100I CICSIVP1 Transient Data initialization has started. JOB01830 +DFHFC0100I CICSIVP1 File Control initialization has started. JOB01830 IEC161I 080-053,DFHIVPBT,CICS CICS,DFHINTRA,,,

Figure 23. Sample job log for the DFHIVPBT job (Part 1 of 2)

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


16.19.16 16.19.16 16.19.16 16.19.20 16.19.22 16.19.22 16.19.22 16.19.22 16.19.22 16.19.22 16.19.23

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IEC161I INST.CICSTS12.CNTL.CICS.DFHINTRA, IEC161I INST.CICSTS12.CNTL.CICS.DFHINTRA.DATA, IEC161I ICFCAT.SYSPLEX2.CATALOGB +DFHTD0101I CICSIVP1 Transient Data initialization has ended. +DFHFC0101I CICSIVP1 File Control initialization has ended. IEC031I D37-04,IFG0554P,DFHIVPBT,CICS,DFHBUXT,2C0E,P2DA66,INST.CICSTS12.CICS.DFHBUXT +DFHTR0109 - AUXILIARY TRACE DATA SET DFHBUXT FULL - AUXILIARY TRACE HAS BEEN STOPPED +DFHCP0102I CICSIVP1 CPI initialization has ended. +DFHPR0105I CICSIVP1 Partner resource manager initialization has ended. +DFHAI0102I CICSIVP1 AITM initialization has ended. +DFHFC0208I CICSIVP1 LSR pool 1 is being built dynamically by CICS because all of the necessary parameters have not been supplied. Either there is no LSRPOOL definition or it is incomplete. The following are not defined: 'CI SIZE' 'STRINGS' 'MAXKEYLENGTH'. A delay is possible. +DFHSI1511I CICSIVP1 Installing group list DFHLIST. 4 +DFHLG0103I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHLOG) initialization has started. IXG231I IXGCONN REQUEST=CONNECT TO LOG STREAM DOBROWN.CICSIVP1.DFHLOG DID NOT SUCCEED FOR JOB DFHIVPBT. RETURN CODE: 00000008 REASON CODE: 5 0000080B DIAG1: 00000000 DIAG2: 00000000 DIAG3: 00000000 DIAG4: 00000000 +DFHLG0104I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHLOG) initialization has ended. 6 +DFHLG0103I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHSHUNT) initialization has started. IXG231I IXGCONN REQUEST=CONNECT TO LOG STREAM DOBROWN.CICSIVP1.DFHSHUNT DID NOT SUCCEED FOR JOB DFHIVPBT. RETURN CODE: 00000008 REASON CODE: 0000080B DIAG1: 00000000 DIAG2: 5 00000000 DIAG3: 00000000 DIAG4: 00000000 +DFHLG0104I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHSHUNT) initialization has ended. 6 +DFHWB1007 CICSIVP1 Initializing CICS Web environment. +DFHWB1008 CICSIVP1 CICS Web environment initialization is complete. +DFHSI1517 CICSIVP1 Control is being given to CICS. +DFHIVPBT SAMA START OF BATCH STREAM DFH$BTCH +DFHDU0303I CICSIVP1 Transaction Dump Data set DFHDMPA closed. +DFHDU0304I CICSIVP1 Transaction Dump Data set DFHDMPB opened. +DFHDU0305I CICSIVP1 Transaction Dump Data set switched to DFHDMPB +DFHIVPBT SAMA END OF BATCH STREAM DFH$BTCH - SHUTTING DOWN CICS +DFHTM1715 CICSIVP1 CICS is being quiesced by userid CICSUSER in transaction CEMT at terminal SAMA. +DFHDM0102I CICSIVP1 CICS is quiescing. +DFHTM1782I CICSIVP1 All non-system tasks have been successfully terminated. +DFHCESD CICSIVP1 SHUTDOWN ASSIST TRANSACTION CESD STARTING. SHUTDOWN IS NORMAL. +DFHRM0204 CICSIVP1 There are no indoubt, commit-failed or backout-failed UOWs. +DFHRM0130 CICSIVP1 Recovery manager has successfully quiesced. +DFHDU0303I CICSIVP1 Transaction Dump Data set DFHDMPB closed. +DFHKE1799 CICSIVP1 TERMINATION OF CICS IS COMPLETE. -DFHIVPBT CICS CICS 00 1879 .18 .01 1.1 743K 11 0 0 -DFHIVPBT CICS PRTDMPA 00 12 .00 .00 .0 2851 11 0 0 -DFHIVPBT CICS PRTDMPB 00 12 .00 .00 .0 2207 11 0 0 -DFHIVPBT CICS PRTAUXT 00 1399 .33 .00 .7 573K 11 0 0 -DFHIVPBT CICS PRTBUXT 00 1411 .34 .00 .6 592K 11 0 0 IEF404I DFHIVPBT - ENDED - TIME=16.21.18 -DFHIVPBT ENDED. NAME-DOBROWN TOTAL CPU TIME= .87 TOTAL ELAPSED TIME= $HASP395 DFHIVPBT ENDED

0 0 0 0 0 2.5

0 0 0 0 0

Figure 23. Sample job log for the DFHIVPBT job (Part 2 of 2)

Notes: 1 For information about the system initialization parameters used by the IVP jobs, see page 144. (See also 2 below.) 2 The DFHSM0122 and DFHSM0123 messages inform you of the limits available for the dynamic storage areas below and above the 16MB boundary. For information about these storage areas, see the CICS System Definition Guide. Note: Storage for the extended read-only DSA, ERDSA, is obtained from read-only key 0 protected storage, because the sample SIT specifies RENTPGM=PROTECT (the default). 3 The DFHIVPBT job was run without external security active, because SEC=NO is specified as a SIT override parameter.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

4 The default group list, DFHLIST, is used for this run of the DFHIVPBT job. Non-default functions (for example, the CICS messages facility) are not available, because their CICS resources are not defined in this group list. | | | | | 5 These messages are issued when CICS is initialized and the log streams do not exist. CICS issues a request to create the log stream dynamically using MVS define log stream services. 6 If system log initialization fails, CICS abends. (See also 1 in Figure 24 on page 154.)

Output from the DFHIVPBT job

Output from the DFHIVPBT job (see Figure 24 on page 154) includes CICS messages written to one of the extrapartition destinations, responses to the transactions in the DFH$BTCH data set, and an auxiliary trace.

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures



08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUCAFFE has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUCAFF1 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUCAFF2 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUCAFF3 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUCAFF4 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUCAFF5 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUCAFF6 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUCAFF7 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUCAFP has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUMSGCS has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUTABM has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUXD UMM has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUXITI1 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUXITM1 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUXITO1 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for CAUXITX1 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CAFB has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CAFF has been added. I 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 Install for group DFHAUGRP has completed successfully. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWB0 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWB0H has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFH$WB1A has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFH$WB1C has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBA has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBADX has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBAHX has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBALX has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBAOX has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBA1 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBC00 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBENV has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBIMG has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBIP has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBLT has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBM has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBPA has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBRA has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBST has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBTC has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBTL has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBTRU has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBTTA has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY PPT entry for DFHWBWB has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWBA has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWBC has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWBM has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWB1 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWB2 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWB3 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWB4 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWB5 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWB6 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWB7 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TRANSACTION definition entry for CWB8 has been added. 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY TDQUEUE entry for CWBO has been added. I 08/08/97 16:19:28 CICSIVP1 Install for group DFHWEB has completed successfully. 08/08/97 16:19:29 CICSIVP1 CICSUSER CSSY FCT entry for DFHCSD has been updated. 08/08/97 16:19:31 CICSIVP1 Log stream DOBROWN.CICSIVP1.DFHLOG defined to MVS using model stream MV2D.DFHLOG.MODEL. 08/08/97 16:19:34 CICSIVP1 Journal name DFHLOG has been installed. 2 Journal type: MVS DOBROWN.CICSIVP1.DFHLOG. 08/08/97 16:19:36 CICSIVP1 Log stream DOBROWN.CICSIVP1.DFHSHUNT defined to MVS using model stream MV2D.DFHSHUNT.MODEL. 08/08/97 16:19:38 CICSIVP1 Journal name DFHSHUNT has been installed. Journal type: MVS 2 DOBROWN.CICSIVP1.DFHSHUNT. 08/08/97 16:19:38 CICSIVP1 All records in log stream DOBROWN.CICSIVP1.DFHLOG have been deleted. 08/08/97 16:19:38 CICSIVP1 All records in log stream DOBROWN.CICSIVP1.DFHSHUNT have been deleted. 08/08/97 16:19:50 CICSIVP1 An activity keypoint has been successfully taken.

Figure 24. Sample job log for the DFHIVPBT job (Part 1 of 3)


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

DFHLG0743 08/08/97 16:19:50 CICSIVP1 Tail of log stream DOBROWN.CICSIVP1.DFHLOG deleted at block id X'0000000000000001'. MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT Aging( 32768 ) Akp( 04000 ) Cdsasize(00262144) Cicstslevel(010200) Cmdprotect(Cmdprot) Db2conn() Dfltuser(CICSUSER) Dsalimit( 05242880 ) Dtrprogram( DFHDYP ) Dumping( Sysdump ) Ecdsasize(0002097152) Edsalimit( 0020971520 ) Erdsasize(0005242880) Esdsasize(0000000000) Eudsasize(0001048576) Maxtasks( 005 ) Mrobatch( 001 ) Oslevel(020400) Progautoctlg( Ctlgnone ) Progautoexit( ........ ) Progautoinst( Autoinactive ) Rdsasize(00262144) Reentprotect(Reentprot) Release(0520) Runaway( 0005000 ) Scandelay( 0500 ) Sdsasize(00262144) Sdtran(CESD) Sosstatus(Notsos) Storeprotect(Inactive) Time( 0001000 ) Tranisolate(Inactive) Udsasize(00000000) TIME < SCANDELAY RESPONSE: 1 ERROR TIME: 16.19.42 DATE: 08.08.97 SYSID=CICS APPLID=CICSIVP1 Dumpds Currentdds(B) Openstatus( Open ) Switchstatus( ) NORMAL RESPONSE: NORMAL TIME: 16.19.43 DATE: 08.08.97 SYSID=CICS APPLID=CICSIVP1 Ter(SAMA) Tra(CEOT) Pri(000) Aut Ins Tti CEOT SYNTAX: < PAgeable | AUtopageable > < ATi | NOAti > < TTi | NOTti > RESPONSE: NORMAL TIME: 16.19.43 DATE: 08.08.97 SYSID=CICS APPLID=CICSIVP1 DFHFE3304 Enter PRINT for character set, END to terminate. All other data will be echoed. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 $@<>%+*()_-=#|"&;,:.?/ THIS MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECEIVED FROM THE TERMINAL AND IS BEING SENT BACK DFHFE3301 Transaction complete DFHAC2001 08/08/97 16:19:46 CICSIVP1 Transaction 'CSXX' is not recognized. Check that the transaction name is correct. MESSAGE HAS BEEN SENT DFHTM1715 CICSIVP1 CICS is being quiesced by userid CICSUSER in transaction CEMT at terminal SAMA.

Figure 24. Sample job log for the DFHIVPBT job (Part 2 of 3)

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures



PAGE 00001

PAGE 00002 757 INTERVAL-**.********** 0 00000000 00000000 =000001=

KE 0101 KETI ENTRY - FUNCTION(INQ_LOCAL_DATETIME_DECIMAL) TASK-DM KE_NUM-001B TCB-008C1D08 RET-8EAB79AA TIME-16:18:55.3964488 1-0000 00580000 00000043 00000000 00000000 A7040000 00000000 0500000 *................x...............* 0020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................................* 0040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *........................ *

KE 0102 KETI EXIT - FUNCTION(INQ_LOCAL_DATETIME_DECIMAL) RESPONSE(OK) DECIMAL_DATE(08081997) DECIMAL_TIME(161855) DECIMAL_MICROSECONDS(396458) FULL_DATE_FORMAT(MMDDYYY Y) TASK-DM KE_NUM-001B TCB-008C1D08 RET-8EAB79AA TIME-16:18:55.3967362 507 INTERVAL-00.0002873750 =000002= 1-0000 00580000 00000043 00000000 00000000 A7040000 00000000 0500010 0 00000000 *................x...............* 0020 00000000 F0F8F0F8 F1F9F9F7 F1F6F1F8 F5F5F3F9 F6F4F5F8 00000000 00000000 *....08081997161855396458........* 0040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000500 00000000 *........................ * KE 0401 KEGD ENTRY - FUNCTION(INQUIRE_KERNEL) TASK-DM KE_NUM-001B TCB-008C1D08 RET-8EAB7A44 TIME-16:18:55.3967570 1-0000 00680000 0000000D 00000000 00000000 B8000000 00000000 0100000 *................................* 0020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................................* 0040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................................* 0060 00000000 00000000 *........ * *........................* 007 INTERVAL-00.0000207500 0 00000000 00000000 00000000 =000003=

Figure 24. Sample job log for the DFHIVPBT job (Part 3 of 3)

Note: 1 CICS messages issued when the log stream is created. 2 This message is sent to the CRDI destination.

Verify interactive job, DFHIVPOL

| The verify interactive job, DFHIVPOL, is tailored to your CICS environment and stored in the hlq.XDFHINST library when you run the DFHISTAR job. You can use the DFHIVPOL job to start up a CICS region and try out the current facilities; for example you can use the master terminal transaction, CEMT, and the resource definition transaction, CEDA. You can also run some CICS sample application programs (for example, the FILEA applications). You need either an IBM 3270 Information Display System terminal or a console device You can use both if you wish. If you use an IBM 3270 Information Display System terminal with this IVP, you can try CEDA, CEMT and the sample applications. From a console device, the CEDA transaction can be used only to INSTALL resource definitions. The sample programs cannot be executed from a console device.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

If you want to communicate with CICS from an MVS console, you must define a console in the CSD before starting the IVP. (You cannot define a console in the TCT.) For more information, see Defining an MVS console on page 160. If you want to communicate with CICS from a TSO session, you must define the TSO user as a console device in the CSD before starting the IVP. For more information, see Defining a TSO user as a console device on page 160. The DFHIVPOL job invokes the CICS initialization program DFHSIP to start up CICS. The DFHSIP program reads system initialization parameters from the DFH$SIP1 member of the SYSIN data set. TCT=NO is specified as a SIT override which causes CICS to use the dummy terminal control table, DFHTCTDY. This dummy TCT contains only the CICS and VTAM control blocks that you need for use with VTAM terminals: there are no terminal entries. For information about system initialization parameters specified as overrides for the run of the DFHIVPOL job, see Specify system initialization parameters for the IVP jobs on page 144.

Defining a terminal for the online IVP

You can define a VTAM terminal by either of the following two methods: 1. Use the autoinstall facility, which is the recommended method, avoiding the need to define terminals to CICS explicitly before they can be used. 2. Define a terminal explicitly in the CSD, using the DEFINE command of DFHCSDUP, the batch utility for updating the CSD.

Using autoinstall for a VTAM terminal

If you use the autoinstall function of CICS, you avoid the need for each VTAM terminal that requires access to CICS being explicitly defined in the CSD. With autoinstall, the resource definitions you create using RDO can act as models or templates for many resources of the same type. You then leave CICS to match real resources with one of the models. CICS installs table entries for these real resources dynamically, as and when they are needed. When using autoinstall, you should be aware that when CICS processes an autoinstall request, it uses data from the VTAM logmode table. This is an important consideration. An autoinstall request will succeed only when the logmode data (which is passed to CICS in the BIND image) matches one of the model terminal definitions recorded in the autoinstall model table (AMT) from the CSD. For programming information about the LOGMODE definitions that match the CICS-supplied model definitions for autoinstall, see the CICS Customization Guide. Before attempting to start CICS and autoinstall a terminal for this IVP, check your VTAM definitions with those given in the CICS Customization Guide. If CICS fails to match model and logmode data, you receive message DFHZC6987I. For information about the suggested course of action if you receive message DFHZC6987I, see the CICS Messages and Codes manual. CSD resource definitions for autoinstall: The CSD is defined and initialized for all the IVP jobs when you run the DFHCOMDS job (see Chapter 23. Creating the CICS data sets on page 121), and includes some IBM-supplied definitions for use with autoinstall. These are defined in the following groups:
Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures



Description Model terminal definitions for use with the autoinstall facility. For example, two of the TERMINAL definitions are 3270 and LU2. Partial terminal definitions (TYPETERMs) defining common terminal properties, or attributes. For example, two of the TYPETERM definitions are DFH3270 (to define a non-SNA 3270 terminal) and DFHLU2E2 (to define a SNA 3270 model 2 terminal). The DFHLU2E2 resource definition matches the VTAM-supplied logmode SNX32702.

The DFHTERM and DFHTYPE groups are included in the CICS-defined group list called DFHLIST, which is defined in the GRPLIST operand in the sample SIT. If the CICS-supplied definitions are not suitable for your installation, you can create additional TYPETERM and model TERMINAL definitions in the CSD, but without a terminal you will have to do this offline, using the DFHCSDUP utility program. For information about autoinstall definitions, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide. Autoinstall also requires a user program to assign terminal identifiers, and, if necessary, to control access to the system. When you run the online IVP, you are unlikely to have any special requirements for terminal identifiers, or to control access, in which case you can use the IBM-supplied autoinstall user program, DFHZATDX. (If you are using autoinstall for APPC connections and terminals, the sample autoinstall user program is called DFHZATDY.)

Defining a VTAM terminal in the CSD

If you want to use an explicitly defined terminal, rather than let CICS autoinstall a terminal, you will need to define it offline using the DFHCSDUP utility program. The normal way to create resource definitions in the CSD is to use the CEDA DEFINE command from a CICS master terminal, but without a terminal you can only do this using the DFHCSDUP utility program. For an example of a DFHCSDUP job to define a VTAM terminal in the CSD, see Figure 25. For information about the keywords and operands of the DFHCSDUP DEFINE commands, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide.

Figure 25. Defining a terminal by using the DFHCSDUP utility program (Part 1 of 2)


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

DEFINE TERMINAL(trmidnt) NETNAME(vtamname) TYPETERM(name) INSERVICE(NO) * APPEND LIST(DFHLIST) TO(yourlist) * ADD GROUP(grpname) LIST(yourlist) * LIST LIST(yourlist) OBJECTS /* //


Figure 25. Defining a terminal by using the DFHCSDUP utility program (Part 2 of 2)

You must substitute your own values for the operands that are coded in lowercase in the DEFTERM job shown in Figure 25 on page 158: TYPETERM Specify a unique name to identify the resource definition that matches the properties of the type of terminal you are using. For example, to define a SNA 3270 model 2 terminal, specify the CICS-supplied TYPETERM definition DFHLU2E2. For a list of the CICS-supplied TYPETERM definitions, or for information about creating your own definitions, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide. GROUP Code a unique name for the group to which the terminal resource definition is to belong. TERMINAL Code a unique 4-character terminal identifier as the name by which CICS is to know the terminal. NETNAME Code the 8-character VTAM name that identifies this terminal to your VTAM system. TO(yourlist) and LIST(yourlist) Code a unique name for yourlist. If your new group list does not include all the CICS-supplied resources as well as your own, you must specify DFHLIST and yourlist on the GRPLIST system initialization parameter of your CICS startup job. To include the CICS-supplied list of resources in a new group list, create a new list by copying the CICS-supplied list, DFHLIST, using the APPEND command. (The CICS-supplied group list, DFHLIST, is a protected group that you cannot modify.) You can then add your resource definition groups to the new list. Before you run the IVP, make sure you define your new group list to CICS, by adding a SIT override to the SYSIN data set in the DFHIVPOL job stream.

Defining the CICS APPLID to VTAM

You must ensure that either: v VTAM knows the CICS application identifier (APPLID) or v You change the CICS APPLID to one that is already known to your VTAM system.

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

If you use the default APPLID (DBDCCICS), define this to VTAM as described in VTAM definitions required for CICS on page 34, before starting the DFHIVPOL job.

Defining an MVS console

If you want to use an MVS console with the DFHIVPOL job, CICS requires an installed definition for the console. You can achieve this using one of the following: v An autoinstall model definition, in conjunction with autoinstall support for consoles. The model definition can specify any CONSNAME value, and references a TYPETERM definition that specifies DEVICE(CONSOLE). v A predefined TERMINAL resource definition for a console, which specifies the console name on the CONSNAME attribute, and references a TYPETERM definition that specifies DEVICE(CONSOLE). You define these resources using the DFHCSDUP utility program. The CICS-supplied TYPETERM group, DFHTYPE, contains a typeterm definition called DFHCONS, which is predefined with the required console properties. The DFHTERM group, however, does not contain any corresponding terminal entries for MVS consoles. You identify the console by the CONSNAME(name) attribute, even if the TERMINAL definition is an autoinstall model (the console name on an autoinstall model is a dummy value, and replaced by the real console name at install-time). For an example of the DEFINE command required to define a console, see Figure 26 on page 161. For information about defining MVS consoles to CICS, see the CICS System Definition Guide.

Defining a TSO user as a console device

A TSO user can enter MODIFY commands from terminals logged on to TSO, using either the TSO CONSOLE command or from SDSF. MVS activates a console using, by default, the users TSO user ID as the console name. To CICS, the console name passed on the MODIFY command is treated like an MVS system console, and requires an entry in the CICS system definition (CSD) file. As in the case of the MVS system console, you can achieve this using one of the following: v An autoinstall model definition, in conjunction with autoinstall support for consoles. The model definition can specify any CONSNAME value, and references a TYPETERM definition that specifies DEVICE(CONSOLE) v A predefined TERMINAL resource definition for a console, which specifies the console name on the CONSNAME attribute, and references a TYPETERM definition that specifies DEVICE(CONSOLE). You are recommended to define consoles to CICS with preset terminal security, using the USERID attribute on the TERMINAL definition. This avoids the TSO user having to sign on using the CESN transaction. Otherwise, the TSO users CICS signon password is displayed when entered on the CESN transaction.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| |

For an example of a DEFINE command to define a TSO user, see Figure 26 .


* Define a console DEFINE TERMINAL(trmidnt) GROUP(grpname) TYPETERM(DFHCONS) CONSNAME(consname) DESCRIPTION(MVS CONSOLE consname) USERID(tsouser) * Define a TSO user as a console device DEFINE TERMINAL(trmidnt) GROUP(grpname) TYPETERM(DFHCONS) CONSNAME(tsouser) DESCRIPTION(TSO USER tsouser) USERID(tsouser) * APPEND LIST(DFHLIST) TO(yourlist) * ADD GROUP(grpname) LIST(yourlist) * LIST LIST(yourlist) OBJECTS /* // Figure 26. Defining a console and a TSO user by using the DFHCSDUP utility program

| | | | | |

Note: Substitute your own values for the operands that are shown in italics in the DEFTERM job shown in Figure 26. To include the CICS-supplied list of resources at startup, specify DFHLIST on the GRPLIST system initialization parameter, as well as your own group list name. For example, specify GRPLIST=(DFHLIST,userlista,userlistb)in the CICS SYSIN data set member.

Running the DFHIVPOL job

The DFHIVPOL job includes a procedure, DFHSTART, to start up CICS. When you have successfully logged on to CICS, you can carry out any of the interactive operations described on page 164. While logged on to CICS, you should perform a CEMT SET DUMPDS SWITCH to ensure that both dump data sets are initialized before DFHDU530 is run when you shut down CICS. Finally, you can shut down CICS.

Sample job log for the DFHIVPOL job

When you run the DFHIVPOL job, your job log should look like the sample log shown in Figure 27 on page 162.

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


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M V 2 D



W I N M V S 2 C

17.03.38 JOB01847 17.03.38 JOB01847 17.03.38 JOB01847

---- FRIDAY, 08 AUG 1997 ---IRR010I USERID DOBROWN IS ASSIGNED TO THIS JOB. ICH70001I DOBROWN LAST ACCESS AT 16:18:43 ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1997 $HASP373 DFHIVPOL STARTED - INIT 6 - CLASS A - SYS MV2D IEF403I DFHIVPOL - STARTED - TIME=17.03.15 --TIMINGS (MINS.)----PAGING COUNTS---JOBNAME STEPNAME PROCSTEP RC EXCP CPU SRB CLOCK SERV PG PAGE SWAP VIO SWAPS -DFHIVPOL CICS CICSCNTL 01 11 .00 .00 .0 2115 11 0 0 0 0 -DFHIVPOL CICS DTCNTL 01 10 .00 .00 .0 2081 11 0 0 0 0 DFHPA1101 CICSIVP1 DFHSIT IS BEING LOADED. DFHPA1108 CICSIVP1 DFHSIT HAS BEEN LOADED. (GENERATED AT: MM/DD= 07/19 HH:MM= 14:06). DFHPA1100 CICSIVP1 OVERRIDE PARAMETERS FROM JCL EXEC STATEMENT: START=AUTO,SYSIN DFHPA1102 CICSIVP1 OVERRIDE PARAMETERS FROM SYSIN: 1 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 XRF=NO, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 FCT=NO, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 TCT=NO, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 SRT=NO, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 SEC=NO, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 TRTABSZ=64, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 PGRET=P/, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 PGPURGE=T/, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 PGCOPY=C/, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 PGCHAIN=X/, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 AUXTR=ON, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 AUXTRSW=NEXT, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 APPLID=CICSIVP1, 2 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 CICSSVC=212, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 .END DFHPA1103 CICSIVP1 END OF FILE ON SYSIN. +DFHTR0103 TRACE TABLE SIZE IS 64K +DFHSM0122I CICSIVP1 Limit of DSA storage below 16MB is 5,120K. 3 +DFHSM0123I CICSIVP1 Limit of DSA storage above 16MB is 20M. +DFHSM0113I CICSIVP1 Storage protection is not active. +DFHSM0126I CICSIVP1 Transaction isolation is not active. +DFHDM0101I CICSIVP1 CICS is initializing. +DFHXS1100I CICSIVP1 Security initialization has started. +DFHLG0101I CICSIVP1 Log manager domain initialization has started. +DFHSI1500 CICSIVP1 CICS startup is in progress for CICS Transaction Server Version 1.3.0 +DFHXS1102I CICSIVP1 Security is inactive. +DFHDU0304I CICSIVP1 Transaction Dump Data set DFHDMPA opened. +DFHSI1501I CICSIVP1 Loading CICS nucleus. +DFHTR0113 CICSIVP1 Auxiliary trace is being started on data set DFHAUXT. +DFHXS1101I CICSIVP1 Security initialization has ended. +DFHRM0141 CICSIVP1 Recovery manager autostart override record is not present. Normal processing continues. +DFHMN0105I CICSIVP1 Using default Monitoring Control Table. +DFHMN0110I CICSIVP1 CICS Monitoring is inactive. IEC031I D37-04,IFG0554P,DFHIVPOL,CICS,DFHAUXT,2C15,P2DA17,INST.CICSTS12.CICS.DFHAUXT +DFHTR0110 - AUXILIARY TRACE DATA SET DFHAUXT FULL - SWITCHING TO DFHBUXT +DFHSI1502I CICSIVP1 CICS startup is Warm. +DFHTS0100I CICSIVP1 Temporary Storage initialization has started. +DFHLG0103I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHLOG) initialization has started. +DFHTS0101I CICSIVP1 Temporary Storage initialization has ended. +DFHLG0104I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHLOG) initialization has ended. +DFHLG0103I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHSHUNT) initialization has started. +DFHSI1503I CICSIVP1 Terminal data sets are being opened. +DFHLG0104I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHSHUNT) initialization has ended. +DFHLG0102I CICSIVP1 Log manager domain initialization has ended. +DFHKE0406I CICSIVP1 CICS is about to wait for predecessors defined in the MVS automatic restart management policy for this region. +DFHCP0101I CICSIVP1 CPI initialization has started. +DFHPR0104I CICSIVP1 Partner resource manager initialization has started. +DFHAI0101I CICSIVP1 AITM initialization has started.

Figure 27. Sample job log for the DFHIVPOL job (Part 1 of 2)


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

17.03.40 17.03.40 17.03.42 17.03.44 17.03.44 17.03.44 17.03.44 17.03.44 17.03.44 17.03.44 17.03.44 17.03.44 17.03.44 17.03.44 17.03.45 17.03.45 17.12.06

JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847

17.12.36 JOB01847 17.12.36 17.12.36 17.12.36 17.12.36 17.12.42 17.12.44 17.12.44 17.12.45 17.12.46 17.12.47 17.12.50 17.12.51 17.13.31 17.14.07 17.14.07 17.14.07 17.14.07 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847 JOB01847

+DFHER5730 CICSIVP1 User recovery beginning +DFHTD0100I CICSIVP1 Transient Data initialization has started. +DFHFC0100I CICSIVP1 File Control initialization has started. IEC031I D37-04,IFG0554P,DFHIVPOL,CICS,DFHBUXT,2C0E,P2DA66,INST.CICSTS12.CICS.DFHBUXT +DFHTR0109 - AUXILIARY TRACE DATA SET DFHBUXT FULL - AUXILIARY TRACE HAS BEEN STOPPED +DFHER5731 CICSIVP1 No active user records on the system log +DFHER5732 CICSIVP1 User recovery completed +DFHTD0101I CICSIVP1 Transient Data initialization has ended. +DFHFC0101I CICSIVP1 File Control initialization has ended. +DFHTC1575 CICSIVP1 No TCT entry for SAMA +DFHCP0102I CICSIVP1 CPI initialization has ended. +DFHPR0105I CICSIVP1 Partner resource manager initialization has ended. +DFHAI0102I CICSIVP1 AITM initialization has ended. +DFHWB1007 CICSIVP1 Initializing CICS Web environment. +DFHWB1008 CICSIVP1 CICS Web environment initialization is complete. +DFHSI1517 CICSIVP1 Control is being given to CICS. +DFHFC0208I CICSIVP1 LSR pool 1 is being built dynamically by CICS because all of the necessary parameters have not been supplied. Either there is no LSRPOOL definition or it is incomplete. The following are not defined: 'CI SIZE' 'STRINGS' 'MAXKEYLENGTH'. A delay is possible. +DFHTM1715 CICSIVP1 CICS is being quiesced by userid CICSUSER in transaction CEMT at netname IYCWTC30. 4 +DFHDM0102I CICSIVP1 CICS is quiescing. +DFHTM1782I CICSIVP1 All non-system tasks have been successfully terminated. +DFHZC2305I CICSIVP1 Termination of VTAM sessions beginning +DFHCESD CICSIVP1 SHUTDOWN ASSIST TRANSACTION CESD STARTING. SHUTDOWN IS NORMAL. +DFHZC2316 CICSIVP1 VTAM ACB is closed +DFHRM0204 CICSIVP1 There are no indoubt, commit-failed or backout-failed UOWs. +DFHRM0130 CICSIVP1 Recovery manager has successfully quiesced. +DFHDU0303I CICSIVP1 Transaction Dump Data set DFHDMPA closed. +DFHKE1799 CICSIVP1 TERMINATION OF CICS IS COMPLETE. -DFHIVPOL CICS CICS 00 867 .14 .01 9.5 576K 11 0 0 0 0 -DFHIVPOL CICS PRTDMPA 00 12 .00 .00 .0 3190 11 0 0 0 0 -DFHIVPOL CICS PRTDMPB 00 12 .00 .00 .0 2437 11 0 0 0 0 -DFHIVPOL CICS PRTAUXT 00 1447 .34 .00 .6 584K 11 0 0 0 0 -DFHIVPOL CICS PRTBUXT 00 1430 .34 .00 .5 586K 11 0 0 0 0 IEF404I DFHIVPOL - ENDED - TIME=17.14.07 -DFHIVPOL ENDED. NAME-DOBROWN TOTAL CPU TIME= .84 TOTAL ELAPSED TIME= 10.8 $HASP395 DFHIVPOL ENDED

Figure 27. Sample job log for the DFHIVPOL job (Part 2 of 2)

Notes: 1 For information about the system initialization parameters used by the IVP jobs, see page 144. (See also 2 and 3 below.) 2 For more information about defining an applid for the CICS IVP jobs, see Chapter 8. Defining CICS regions as applications to VTAM on page 33. An applid of CICSIVP1 has been used in Figure 27 on page 162 page=no. 3 The DFHSM0122 messages inform you of the limits available for the dynamic storage areas below and above the 16MB boundary. For information about these storage areas, see the CICS System Definition Guide. Note: Storage for the extended read-only DSA, ERDSA, is obtained from read-only key 0 protected storage, because the sample SIT specifies RENTPGM=PROTECT (the default). 4 The DFHTM1715 message is issued because the CICS region was shut down by the terminal user (with netname IYCWTC30) issuing a CEMT PERFORM SHUTDOWN command.
Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


Logging on at a VTAM terminal

When the DFHIVPOL job displays the console message CONTROL IS BEING GIVEN TO CICS, you can log on to CICS using an IBM 3270 Information Display system terminal. Use the CICS application identifier that you specified when you brought up CICS to log on through your VTAM terminal. For example, unless you changed the APPLID specified as a SIT override parameter, (it is CICSIVP1), enter LOGON APPLID(CICSIVP1). If you are using autoinstall, your logon request is passed to CICS and, provided all the autoinstall requirements described in Using autoinstall for a VTAM terminal on page 157 have been met, CICS installs your terminal. It does this by creating a TCT terminal entry (TCTTE) using the model definitions defined in the group list, DFHLIST, and the terminal identifier returned by the autoinstall user program (DFHZATDX in this case). If you are using a terminal defined in the CSD explicitly, and included in the group list specified in the startup job stream, CICS identifies the installed resource definitions by the VTAM net name, and creates the required TCTTE. When you log onto CICS, your terminal can display a good morning message, by the transaction specified on the GMTRAN system initialization parameter. The default transaction, CSGM, displays the message shown in Figure 28, as defined by the GMTEXT system initialization parameter.

******\ ********\ **\\\\**\ **\ \\ **\ **\ **\ **\ **\ ********\ ******\\ \\\\\\

******\ ******\ **\\\ **\ **\ **\ **\ **\ ******\ ******\ \\\\\\

******\ ********\ **\\\\**\ **\ \\ **\ **\ **\ **\ **\ ********\ ******\\ \\\\\\

******\ ********\ **\\\\**\ **\ \\ *******\ *******\ \\\\**\ **\ **\ ********\ ******\\ \\\\\\ TM

Figure 28. Screen layout for default logon message transaction, CSGM

Using CICS-supplied transactions through a terminal

After you have started CICS with the DFHIVPOL job, you can use the CICS-supplied transactions to try out various functions of CICS, to help you verify that CICS is working properly. You can use the transactions at a CICS terminal and, if you defined one, the system console. Table 9 on page 165 shows some typical terminal interactions, including use of the CEMT transaction. For information about the CICS transactions that you can try with the DFHIVPOL job, and about the message-switching responses to those transactions, see the CICS Supplied Transactions manual.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Table 9. Typical terminal interactions Operator Input System Response CEMT Status: ENTER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING Discard Inquire Perform Set I ENTER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OR HIT ENTER FOR DEFAULT (Followed by a list of options) STATUS: RESULTS - OVERTYPE TO MODIFY Prog(CAUCAFBE ) Len(0003112) Ass Pro Ena Pri Res(000) Use(0000000000) Any Cex Ful

PROG Press ENTER key Press PF3 key Press CLEAR key CEMT PERFORM STATISTICS Press PF3 key Press CLEAR key CETR Press PF3 key Press CLEAR key CEMT I TA Press PF3 key Press CLEAR key CEMT I PROG(DFHFEP)


See screen layout on page 166 Clear or PF3 pressed Normal termination of CETR Displays list of tasks in the system SESSION ENDED

Prog(DFHFEP )Len(000248) Ass Pro Ena Pri Res(000) Use(0000000) Any Cex Ful

Press PF3 key Press CLEAR key CEOT (Inquire about this terminal) Press PF3 key Press CLEAR key CMSG HELLO,R=tmid,S


Ter (tmid) Tra (CEOT) Pri (nnn) Pag Ins Ati Tti (Remember tmid for use in next transaction, CMSG)


(Send the message HELLO to your terminal) MRS OK MESSAGE HAS BEEN ROUTED (briefly at bottom right of screen) HELLO (at top left of screen)

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


You may enter your CEMT input in either uppercase or lowercase, because the master terminal transaction translates all input to uppercase. Use the CLEAR key and the PF3 key as indicated. If you enter the CETR transaction, CICS displays the status of the various trace options. The screen layout in Figure 29 shows what the CETR display looks like. For information about the CETR transaction, and the other information panels available by using specified PF keys, see the CICS Supplied Transactions manual.
CETR Type in your choices. Item Internal Trace Status Internal Trace Table Size Auxiliary Trace Status Auxiliary Trace Dataset Auxiliary Switch Status GTF Trace Status Master System Trace Flag Master User Trace Flag When finished, press ENTER. Choice ===> STARTED ===> 64 K ===> ===> ===> ===> STOPPED B NO STOPPED Possible choices STArted, STOpped 16K - 1048576K STArted, STOpped, Paused A, B NO, NExt, All STArted, STOpped ON, OFf ON, OFf CICS/ESA Trace Control Facility sysid applid

===> ON ===> ON





9=Error List

Figure 29. Screen layout for the CETR transaction

You can alter the status of any of the trace options by overtyping the current value, indicated by ===> on the CETR display.

Using the CEDA transaction

When DFHIVPOL starts up CICS, it uses the unsuffixed SIT, DFHSIT. This system initialization table specifies GRPLIST=DFHLIST, causing all the CICS resource definitions needed for normal running to be installed. You can see which resources are included in DFHLIST by using the CEDA transaction. For example, CEDA EXPAND LIST(DFHLIST) gives a screen like that in Figure 30 on page 167. Press PF8 to see the continuation of the list. If you started the DFHIVPOL job with your own group list specified instead of the DFHLIST group list, specify the name of your list in the CEDA EXPAND command. The CICS-defined groups all begin with DFH. For information about CEDA and the interactions for a typical sequence of CEDA commands, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide



DATE 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349 95.349

TIME 15.49.57 15.49.57 15.49.57 15.49.57 15.49.57 15.49.57 15.49.57 15.49.58 15.49.58 15.49.58 15.49.58 15.49.58 15.49.58 15.49.58 15.49.58 15.49.58 15.49.58


Figure 30. Screen layout for CEDA EXPAND LIST(DFHLIST) command

The DFHLIST group list does not include any of the sample applications groups, the group names of which all begin with DFH$. To use the sample programs, therefore, you must first install the resource definitions for the required samples. For example, to use the FILEA sample application: 1. Install the sample programs needed for the FILEA applications. You can do this by the command:

2. Make the FILEA data set available to CICS. You can do this by one of the following: v Install a FILE resource definition for the FILEA data set. You can do this by the command:

v Provide a DD statement for the FILEA data set in your CICS startup JCL. For example,

To end the CEDA session, press PF3.

Invoking and executing sample programs

To try the assembler-language version of the FILEA sample application, enter the AMNU transaction. For information about the CICS sample application programs, see CICS 4.1 Sample Applications Guide.

Using transactions from a console device

CICS transactions (other than CECI) can be invoked from a console device, and other CICS operators can communicate with the console operator. In particular,
Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


you can use the console device for CICS master terminal functions, to control CICS terminals or to control several CICS regions in conjunction with multiregion operation. Normal operating-system use of the console device is not inhibited, and CICS supports multiple console devices where present. Notes: 1. The CEDA transaction can be used from a console device only to INSTALL resource definitions. 2. The CECI transaction and the sample programs cannot be used from a console device. If you issue the MVS command d consoles, this displays a list of console devices. This list identifies the console devices by name. You can use a console device to submit MODIFY commands from your job stream if you define a console device in your CSD as CONSNAME(INTERNAL). For further information about defining consoles, see Defining an MVS console on page 160. For further information about defining TSO users as consoles, see Defining a TSO user as a console device on page 160. To enter a command, use:
{MODIFY|F} jobname,[']command[']

where: jobname is the region identifier for the CICS region. This is either the name of the job being used to execute CICS (for example, DFHIVPOL) or the name of a procedure if CICS was initiated as a started task. command is a string of data, starting with a CICS transaction identifier. If the transaction requires further input, the operator will be prompted in the same way as any normal terminal operator. The message from CICS will contain a reply number that must be quoted in the reply. You can use the commands shown in Figure 31 on page 169 to verify the CEMT and CEOT transactions from the MVS console. (For information about these transactions, see the CICS Supplied Transactions manual.)

Entering commands from TSO

A TSO user can enter CICS commands as above after invoking the TSO command CONSOLE, in either of the following formats:
CONSOLE {MODIFY|F} CONSOLE {MODIFY|F} END cicsid,[']command[']


When the TSO command CONSOLE is used, TSO checks the user for authority to issue console commands. Further, if console operator command security is active, the TSO user must be specifically authorized to issue MODIFY cicsid. The TSO user can interact with an alternate CICS by using the command CONSOLE MODIFY altcics,CEBT.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

You can also use TSO CLIST processing to issue sequences of CICS commands.
Operator Input f dfhivpol,'cemt i terminal' f dfhivpol,'cemt i dump' f dfhivpol,'cemt p statistics' f dfhivpol,'cemt i ta' f dfhivpol,'cemt p dump' System Response Displays a list of terminals attached to CICS Displays status of transaction dump data sets CICS writes statistics to SMF data sets Displays number and types of tasks currently running CICS invokes SDUMP macro for system dump to be taken

f dfhivpol,'cemt i prog(dfhpep)' Displays details of DFHPEP module f dfhivpol,'ceot' f dfhivpol,'cemt i journalname' Displays details of operator console Displays status of CICS logs

Figure 31. Using an MVS console for master terminal operations

Terminating CICS
To terminate CICS, enter: CEMT P SHUT from the VTAM terminal or MVS console. (This is a short form of CEMT PERFORM SHUTDOWN.) The system responds with message DFH1713, and those that follow, as shown in the sample job log shown on page 162.

Verifying shared data tables support

To verify that the shared data tables function can be used, you can: 1. Start up a CICS region on which you have installed support for shared data tables. Note: To use shared data tables, you must install the following modules: DFHDTSVC, DFHDTCV, and DFHMVRMS in either an authorized system library in the MVS linklist (LNKLST concatenation of the MVS system) or in the LPA. When you install CICS, these modules are installed into the hlq.SDFHLINK library (which you should normally include in the MVS linklist). 2. Define and install a user-maintained data table. 3. Try a generic read command on your data table, using the CECI transaction. (Generic reads of user-maintained data tables are allowed only with shared data tables.) If shared data tables is operational, you should see a normal response. If shared data tables is not operational, you would see an INVREQ response. Note: This verification process uses user-maintained data tables throughout, because the behavior of CICS-maintained data tables is transparent to

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


their users. For example, a normal response is returned for a generic read of a CICS-maintained data table, regardless of whether or not shared data tables is operational. To verify that the cross-memory services of shared data tables are working: 4. Start up a second CICS region (the requester) that has an interregion communication (IRC) connection to the first CICS region (the server, which contains the user-maintained data table and source data set). 5. On the requester CICS region, do the following: a. Define and install a remote file referring to (associated with) the user-maintained data table on the server CICS region. b. Close the interregion communication connection between the two CICS regions so that function shipping is impossible; that is, only the cross-memory services of shared data tables can be used to access the shared data table from the requester CICS region. To close the connection, you can enter the command:

To verify that function shipping cannot work, try a remote READ of a file (not a data table) on the server CICS region; you will get a SYSIDERR response. c. Try a generic read command on your data table, using the CECI transaction. If the cross-memory services of shared data tables can be used, you should see a normal response. 6. To restore interregion communication between the two CICS regions, open the connection again. To do this, you can enter the command:

Example verification of shared data tables

As an example verification test of shared data tables, the following steps were completed for the CICS shared data tables environment shown in Figure 32 on page 171: 1. A CICS region, CICSIDC, was started. (CICSIDC is the server CICS region in this example.) 2. On CICSIDC, the following steps were completed: | a. The user-maintained data table, MYSDT, was defined and installed. The MYSDT data table was based on the sample data set, hlq.CICSIDC.FILEA, installed on that region. b. The following generic READ command was entered at a terminal:

Figure 33 on page 172 shows the initial response (LOADING), and Figure 34 on page 172 shows the subsequent response when the command was repeated after the data table had completed loading. The following steps were completed to verify the cross-memory services of shared data tables: 3. A second CICS region, CICSIDA, was started with support for shared data tables. (CICSIDA is the requester CICS region in this example.)


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

4. The following IRC connections and sessions were defined and installed on the associated CICS regions:

See Figure 37 on page 174 and Figure 38 on page 174 for the parameters used for the CICA and ATOC resource definitions. The parameters for the CICC and CTOA resource definitions were similar. 5. On CICSIDA, the following steps were completed: a. The file, REMSDT, was defined and installed as remote, referring to the MYSDT data table on CICSIDC. See Figure 39 on page 175 for the parameters used for the REMSDT resource definition. b. The file, REMFIL, was defined and installed as remote, referring to the FILEA sample file on CICSIDC. c. The CEMT SET IRC CLOSED command was used to close the IRC connection to CICSIDC. d. The following generic READ command was entered at a terminal:

Figure 35 on page 173 shows the response (SYSIDERR), because the remote file cannot be accessed by function-shipping. (This response would also be observed for the remote data table, REMSDT, if the IRC connection was closed.) e. The following generic READ command was entered at a terminal:

Figure 36 on page 173 shows the response (NORMAL). This only works if MYSDT is already open on CICSIDC, as achieved by step 2b on page 170.




data table

Figure 32. CICS environment for example verification of shared data tables

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


read file(MYSDT) ridfld(00092) keylength(5) ge gteq STATUS: COMMAND EXECUTION COMPLETE NAME= EXEC CICS READ File( 'MYSDT ' ) < SYsid() > ( SEt() | Into( '' ) ) < Length( +00000 ) > RIdfld( '00092' ) < Keylength( +00005 ) < GEneric > > < RBa | RRn | DEBRec | DEBKey > < GTeq | Equal > < UNcommitted | Consistent | REpeatable | UPdate <token()> > < Nosuspend >

RESPONSE: LOADING EIBRESP=+0000000094 EIBRESP2=+0000000104 PF 1 HELP 2 HEX 3 END 4 EIB 5 VAR 6 USER 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF

Figure 33. On CICSIDC, response to initial CECI generic READ FILE command with SDT support. (The data table is loaded on first reference, and generic READ commands are not allowed for a user-maintained data table while it is loading.)

read file(MYSDT) ridfld(00092) keylength(5) ge gteq STATUS: COMMAND EXECUTION COMPLETE NAME= EXEC CICS READ File( 'MYSDT ' ) < SYsid() > ( SEt() | Into( ' 000983J. S. TILLING WASHINGTON, DC 34512' ... ) ) < Length( +00080 ) > RIdfld( '00092' ) < Keylength( +00005 ) < GEneric > > < RBa | RRn | DEBRec | DEBKey > < GTeq | Equal > < UNcommitted | Consistent | REpeatable | UPdate <token()> > < Nosuspend >

RESPONSE: NORMAL EIBRESP=+0000000000 EIBRESP2=+0000000000 PF 1 HELP 2 HEX 3 END 4 EIB 5 VAR 6 USER 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF

Figure 34. On CICSIDC, response to CECI generic READ FILE command with SDT support. Normal response


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

read file(FILEA) ridfld(00092) keylength(5) length(80) ge gteq STATUS: COMMAND EXECUTION COMPLETE NAME= EXEC CICS READ File( 'FILEA ' ) < SYsid() > ( SEt() | Into( ' ' ... ) ) < Length( +00080 ) > RIdfld( '00092' ) < Keylength( +00005 ) < GEneric > > < RBa | RRn | DEBRec | DEBKey > < GTeq | Equal > < UNcommitted | Consistent | REpeatable | UPdate <token()> > < Nosuspend >

RESPONSE: SYSIDERR EIBRESP=+0000000053 EIBRESP2=+0000000130 PF 1 HELP 2 HEX 3 END 4 EIB 5 VAR 6 USER 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11

Figure 35. On CICSIDA, response to remote CECI generic READ FILE command, with IRC closed. SYSIDERR response for file, REMFIL, attempting to use function shipping for associated file, FILEA, on CICSIDC

read file(MYSDT) ridfld(00092) keylength(5) length(80) ge gteq STATUS: COMMAND EXECUTION COMPLETE NAME= EXEC CICS READ File( 'MYSDT ' ) < SYsid() > ( SEt() | Into( ' 000983J. S. TILLING WASHINGTON, DC 34512' ... ) ) < Length( +00080 ) > RIdfld( '00092' ) < Keylength( +00005 ) < GEneric > > < RBa | RRn | DEBRec | DEBKey > < GTeq | Equal > < UNcommitted | Consistent | REpeatable | UPdate <token()> > < Nosuspend >

RESPONSE: NORMAL EIBRESP=+0000000000 EIBRESP2=+0000000000 PF 1 HELP 2 HEX 3 END 4 EIB 5 VAR 6 USER 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF

Figure 36. On CICSIDA, response to remote CECI generic READ FILE command, with IRC closed. Normal response for file, REMSDT, using cross-memory services for associated shared data table, MYSDT, on CICSIDC

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures




Connection : CICA Group : CICAGRP DEscription : MRO CONNECTION CICSIDA TO CICSIDC CONNECTION IDENTIFIERS Netname : CICSIDC INDsys : REMOTE ATTRIBUTES REMOTESystem : REMOTEName : CONNECTION PROPERTIES ACcessmethod : IRc Vtam | IRc | INdirect | Xm Protocol : Appc | Lu61 SInglesess : No No | Yes DAtastream : User User | 3270 | SCs | STrfield | Lms RECordformat : U U | Vb OPERATIONAL PROPERTIES AUtoconnect : No No | Yes | All INService : Yes Yes | No

Figure 37. Example CONNECTION resource definition, CICA, installed on CICSIDA. Only relevant parameters are shown; other parameters were allowed to default

OBJECT CHARACTERISTICS Sessions : ATOC Group : CICAGRP DEscription : SESSION FOR MRO CICA TO CICC SESSION IDENTIFIERS Connection : CICA SESSName : NETnameq : MOdename : SESSION PROPERTIES Protocol : Lu61 Appc | Lu61 MAximum : 000 , 000 0-999 RECEIVEPfx : RB RECEIVECount : 005 1-999 SENDPfx : SB SENDCount : 003 1-999 SENDSize : 04096 1-30720 RECEIVESize : 04096 1-30720 SESSPriority : 100 0-255


Figure 38. Example SESSION resource definition, ATOC, associated with connection, CICA. Only relevant parameters are shown; other parameters were allowed to default


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

OBJECT CHARACTERISTICS File : Group : DEScription : VSAM PARAMETERS DSNAme : Password : RLsaccess : Lsrpoolid : READInteg : DSNSharing : STRings : Nsrgroup : REMOTE ATTRIBUTES REMOTESystem : REMOTEName : RECORDSize : Keylength : INITIAL STATUS STAtus : REMSDT CICCGRP


No 1 Uncommitted Allreqs 001 CICC MYSDT

PASSWORD NOT SPECIFIED No | Yes 1-8 | None Uncommitted | Consistent | Repeat Allreqs | Modifyreqs 1-255

1-32767 1-255 Enabled | Disabled | Unenabled


Figure 39. Example remote FILE resource definition, REMSDT, installed on CICSIDA. Only relevant parameters are shown; other parameters were allowed to default

Verifying the CICS-DBCTL interface

This section describes how to use the installation verification procedure, DFHIVPDB, which you can use to verify that the CICS-DBCTL interface can be used successfully. Before you can run the DFHIVPDB job successfully, you must: 1. Tailor the DFHIVPDB job to your CICS and IMS environment. You can do this as part of the process of tailoring all CICS sample post-installation jobs, as described in Chapter 24. DL/I support on page 129. When you run the DFHISTAR job as part of the CICS installation process, the DFHIVPDB job is installed in the hlq.XDFHINST library. Note: Change the prefix of the IMS.RESLIB library in the DFHIVPDB job to the prefix that you use for your IMS libraries. 2. Create the data sets needed by the CICS region used by the the DFHIVPDB job. To do this, you can tailor and run copies of the following CICS sample jobs: DFHCOMDS This job creates the CICS data sets common to all CICS regions. DFHDEFDS This job creates the data sets needed for each CICS region. When you run the DFHISTAR job as part of the CICS installation process, these jobs are installed in the hlq.XDFHINST library. 3. Run the IMS installation verification procedures, as outlined in The IMS installation requirements for the DFHIVPDB job on page 176.

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


The IMS installation requirements for the DFHIVPDB job

The DFHIVPDB job depends on you running the IMS installation verification procedures, as part of the INSTALL/IVP process described in the IMS Installation Guide. The following assumptions about the IMS INSTALL/IVP process are made: 1. The IMS sample database, DI21PART, has been successfully defined. This comprises two data sets: DI21PART DI21PARO 2. The DI21PART database has been loaded with the IMS-supplied sample data. 3. The following IMS-supplied procedures have been installed in an executable procedure library: ACBGEN PSBGEN 4. The sample DRA startup table, DFSPZPIV, has been built and installed in the IMS.RESLIB library. 5. The sample DBCTL system, IVP3, is available. For information about installing IMS, the INSTALL/IVP process, and running the IMS IVPs, see the IMS Installation Guide.

The DFHIVPDB job steps

| The DFHIVPDB job consists of the following job steps: 1. GEN. This step unloads the member DFH$DBAN from the hlq.SDFHSAMP library into a temporary sequential data set called CARDIN. This member contains the transactions to invoke the assembler versions of the DL/I sample applications that CICS reads from CARDIN as soon as initialization is complete. Note: The sequential data set CARDIN is defined in the sample terminal control table, DFHTCT5$, as a simulated terminal. The COBOL version, DFH$DBCB, and the PL/I version, DFH$DBPL, of the sample DL/I transactions are also in the hlq.SDFHSAMP library. If you want to run the COBOL or PL/I versions, modify this job step to load CARDIN with the appropriate member. Output generated by the transactions is sent to a similar device a sequential data set defined as PRINTER. 2. CICS. This job step executes the DFHSTART procedure to start up CICS, with the CICS-supplied resource group list DFH$IVPL. CICS attempts to connect to the DBCTL system IVP3, run the sample DLI transactions, and then shutdown the CICS region. Note: If the DBCTL system, IVP3, is not running, the sample DLI transactions will abend. If you want to examine the sample members used by this IVP, here is a list of them, and where you can find each one: DFHIVPDB This IVP contains some explanatory comments, and was installed in the


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

hlq.XDFHINST library when you ran the DFHISTAR job. For details of the DFHISTAR job, see Chapter 22. Tailoring the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs on page 117. DFH$SIP5 This is the member of the hlq.SYSIN data set that contains the system initialization parameter overrides specific to the DFHIVPDB job. Note: You will probably want to specify other system initialization parameters (for example, APPLID, CICSSVC, and DFLTUSER) for the DFHIVPDB job; the DFH$SIP5 member of the hlq.SYSIN data set is a convenient place to do so. DFHTCT5$ This is the sample TCT that specifies the sequential devices that CICS uses in this IVP as a simulated terminal, with a terminal name of SAMA. The source statements are in the member, DFH$TCTS, of the hlq.SDFHSAMP library.

Running the DFHIVPDB job

Before submitting the DFHIVPDB job, run the DFHRMUTL program, as shown below, to reset the global catalog control record to perform an INITIAL start on the next CICS startup.

When you are satisfied that you have made all the necessary preparations, and that all the prerequisite jobs have been run, submit the DFHIVPDB job. The job loads the DL/I transactions into CARDIN. CICS reads the transactions, and sends the output to the PRINTER sequential data set. Notes: 1. The first transaction copied from the DFH$DBAN member of the hlq.SDFHSAMP library to CARDIN is CDBC CONNECT SUFFIX(IV). This connects CICS to DBCTL, using the sample DRA startup table, DFSPZPIV. 2. The final transaction copied from the DFH$DBAN member of the hlq.SDFHSAMP library to CARDIN is CEMT PERFORM SHUT. If you want to use some commands online before CICS shuts down, then delete the CEMT command before you run the job. You will then be able to issue CEMT, CEDA and other CICS-supplied transactions, and initiate a shutdown either from a CICS terminal or through an MVS console. If you want to communicate with CICS through an MVS console, you must define a console to CICS before you start DFHIVPDB, as described in Defining an MVS console on page 160. If you want to enter MODIFY commands from terminals connected to TSO, you must define the TSO users as console devices, as described in Defining a TSO user as a console device on page 160.
Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


A sample job log from a run of the DFHIVPDB job is given in Figure 40 . The results you get from the transaction processing should be the same as those shown in Figure 40.
1 0 J E S 2 J O B L O G -S Y S T E M M V 2 D -N O D E W I N M V S 2 C




Figure 40. Sample job log output from the DFHIVPDB job (Part 1 of 3)


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

09.01.23 09.01.24 09.01.24 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.27 09.01.28 09.01.29 09.01.29 09.01.29 09.01.29 09.01.29 09.01.30 09.01.30 09.01.30 09.01.30 09.01.30 09.01.30 09.01.37 09.01.37 09.01.37 09.01.37 09.01.37 09.01.37 09.01.38 09.01.38 09.01.38 09.01.38 09.01.38 09.01.38 09.01.38

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-DFHIVPDB GEN 00 50 .00 .00 .0 2594 11 0 0 2 -DFHIVPDB CICS CICSCNTL 01 13 .00 .00 .0 2411 11 0 0 0 -DFHIVPDB CICS DTCNTL 01 10 .00 .00 .0 2116 11 0 0 0 DFHPA1101 CICSIVP1 DFHSIT IS BEING LOADED. DFHPA1108 CICSIVP1 DFHSIT HAS BEEN LOADED. (GENERATED AT: MM/DD= 07/19 HH:MM= 14:06). DFHPA1100 CICSIVP1 OVERRIDE PARAMETERS FROM JCL EXEC STATEMENT: START=AUTO,SYSIN DFHPA1102 CICSIVP1 OVERRIDE PARAMETERS FROM SYSIN: 1 DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 GRPLIST=DFH$IVPL, INCLUDE DLI SAMPLE PROGRAMS & TRANSACTIONS DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 FCT=NO, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 TCT=5$, TCT INCLUDES SEQ DEVICES DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 XRF=NO, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 SRT=NO, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 SEC=NO, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 STNTR=OFF, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 STNTRFC=1, TRACE FILE CONTROL AND DLI EVENTS DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 AUXTR=ON, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 AUXTRSW=NEXT, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 TRTABSZ=64, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 APPLID=CICSIVP1, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 CICSSVC=212, DFHPA1927 CICSIVP1 .END DFHPA1103 CICSIVP1 END OF FILE ON SYSIN. +DFHTR0103 TRACE TABLE SIZE IS 64K +DFHSM0122I CICSIVP1 Limit of DSA storage below 16MB is 5,120K. +DFHSM0123I CICSIVP1 Limit of DSA storage above 16MB is 20M. +DFHSM0113I CICSIVP1 Storage protection is not active. +DFHSM0126I CICSIVP1 Transaction isolation is not active. +DFHDM0101I CICSIVP1 CICS is initializing. +DFHXS1100I CICSIVP1 Security initialization has started. +DFHLG0101I CICSIVP1 Log manager domain initialization has started. +DFHSI1500 CICSIVP1 CICS startup is in progress for CICS Transaction Server Version 1.3.0 +DFHXS1102I CICSIVP1 Security is inactive. +DFHSI1501I CICSIVP1 Loading CICS nucleus. +DFHDU0304I CICSIVP1 Transaction Dump Data set DFHDMPB opened. +DFHTR0113 CICSIVP1 Auxiliary trace is being started on data set DFHAUXT. +DFHXS1101I CICSIVP1 Security initialization has ended. +DFHRM0140 CICSIVP1 Recovery manager autostart override found with value: 'AUTOINIT'. +DFHRM0149I CICSIVP1 Recovery manager autostart override record will be deleted. +DFHMN0105I CICSIVP1 Using default Monitoring Control Table. +DFHMN0110I CICSIVP1 CICS Monitoring is inactive. +DFHSI1502I CICSIVP1 CICS startup is Initial. +DFHTS0100I CICSIVP1 Temporary Storage initialization has started. +DFHLG0102I CICSIVP1 Log manager domain initialization has ended. +DFHTS0101I CICSIVP1 Temporary Storage initialization has ended. +DFHSI1503I CICSIVP1 Terminal data sets are being opened. +DFHSI1592 CICSIVP1 CICS applid not (yet) active to VTAM. +DFHSI1572 CICSIVP1 Unable to OPEN VTAM ACB - RC=00000008, ACB Code=5A.

0 0 0

Figure 40. Sample job log output from the DFHIVPDB job (Part 2 of 3)

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures


09.01.38 . 09.01.38 09.01.38 09.01.38 09.01.38 09.01.39 09.01.39 09.01.39 09.01.39 09.01.39 09.01.39 09.01.40 09.01.45 09.01.45 09.01.48 09.01.50 09.01.50 09.01.52 09.01.55 09.01.55 09.01.55 09.03.35 09.03.36 09.03.37 09.03.37 09.03.37 09.03.37 09.03.42 09.03.43 09.03.45 09.03.46 09.03.47 09.03.49 09.03.52 09.04.25 09.04.34 09.04.34 09.04.34 09.04.34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

+DFHKE0406I CICSIVP1 CICS is about to wait for predecessors defined in the MVS automatic restart management policy for this region. +DFHCP0101I CICSIVP1 CPI initialization has started. +DFHPR0104I CICSIVP1 Partner resource manager initialization has started. +DFHAI0101I CICSIVP1 AITM initialization has started. +DFHFC0100I CICSIVP1 File Control initialization has started. +DFHTD0100I CICSIVP1 Transient Data initialization has started. +DFHTD0101I CICSIVP1 Transient Data initialization has ended. +DFHFC0101I CICSIVP1 File Control initialization has ended. +DFHCP0102I CICSIVP1 CPI initialization has ended. +DFHPR0105I CICSIVP1 Partner resource manager initialization has ended. +DFHAI0102I CICSIVP1 AITM initialization has ended. +DFHSI1511I CICSIVP1 Installing group list DFH$IVPL. IEC031I D37-04,IFG0554P,DFHIVPDB,CICS,DFHAUXT,2C15,P2DA17,INST.CICSTS12.CICS.DFHAUXT +DFHTR0110 - AUXILIARY TRACE DATA SET DFHAUXT FULL - SWITCHING TO DFHBUXT +DFHLG0103I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHLOG) initialization has started. +DFHLG0104I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHLOG) initialization has ended. +DFHLG0103I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHSHUNT) initialization has started. +DFHLG0104I CICSIVP1 System log (DFHSHUNT) initialization has ended. +DFHWB1007 CICSIVP1 Initializing CICS Web environment. +DFHWB1008 CICSIVP1 CICS Web environment initialization is complete. +DFHSI1517 CICSIVP1 Control is being given to CICS. +DFHTM1715 CICSIVP1 CICS is being quiesced by userid CICSUSER in transaction CEMT at terminal SAMA. +DFHDM0102I CICSIVP1 CICS is quiescing. +DFHDB8122I CICSIVP1 CICS is about to disconnect from DBCTL for CICS shutdown. +DFHCESD CICSIVP1 SHUTDOWN ASSIST TRANSACTION CESD STARTING. SHUTDOWN IS NORMAL. +DFHDB8123I CICSIVP1 CICS disconnection from DBCTL for CICS shutdown has completed successfully. +DFHTM1782I CICSIVP1 All non-system tasks have been successfully terminated. +DFHRM0204 CICSIVP1 There are no indoubt, commit-failed or backout-failed UOWs. +DFHRM0130 CICSIVP1 Recovery manager has successfully quiesced. +DFHDU0303I CICSIVP1 Transaction Dump Data set DFHDMPB closed. +DFHKE1799 CICSIVP1 TERMINATION OF CICS IS COMPLETE. -DFHIVPDB CICS CICS 00 1123 .17 .00 2.3 662K 11 526 998 0 1 -DFHIVPDB CICS PRTDMPA 00 14 .00 .00 .0 2099 11 8 0 0 0 -DFHIVPDB CICS PRTDMPB 00 15 .00 .00 .0 1991 11 2 0 0 0 -DFHIVPDB CICS PRTAUXT 00 1336 .30 .00 .5 498K 11 0 0 0 0 -DFHIVPDB CICS PRTBUXT 00 340 .08 .00 .1 142K 11 0 0 0 0 IEF404I DFHIVPDB - ENDED - TIME=09.04.34 -DFHIVPDB ENDED. NAME-DOBROWN TOTAL CPU TIME= .57 TOTAL ELAPSED TIME= 3.2 $HASP395 DFHIVPDB ENDED

Figure 40. Sample job log output from the DFHIVPDB job (Part 3 of 3)

Note: 1 The DFHIVPDB job uses the unsuffixed SIT, DFHSIT, as used by all the CICS IVPs. It also uses some system initialization parameters included in the DFH$SIP5 member of the SYSIN data set, to override the parameters in DFHSIT. Further, the DFH$SIP5 member was edited to specify other system initialization parameters to create the DFHIVPDB job log shown. For information about these extra system initialization parameters used by the IVP jobs, see page 144.

Testing the CICS-DB2 environment

This section outlines how you can test the CICS-DB2 environment. It uses Phase 5 of the DB2 installation verification procedure. It is intended as an overview of what is involved, and what you would expect to see.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

To use the DB2 installation verification procedure, and Phase 5 in particular, see the IBM DATABASE 2 Administration Guide. That publication gives the latest information about the procedure, and describes the steps involved in much more detail.

Run DB2 jobs DSNTEJ5C and DSNTEJ5P

To prepare the sample applications to be used in a CICS-DB2 environment, run the jobs DSNTEJ5C and DSNTEJ5P supplied with DB2. Job DSNTEJ5C installs the sample application transactions in COBOL and prepares the organization application. Job DSNTEJ5P installs the transactions in PL/I and prepares the organization, project, and phone applications. Both these jobs perform the following functions: v Compile and link-edit the CICS online applications. v Bind the CICS online applications. v Create the BMS maps for the online applications.

Starting a DB2 organization or project application

After logging on to CICS, you can start an organization or project application by entering one of the following CICS transaction codes: v D8PP, which starts the PL/I project version v D8PS, which starts the PL/I organization version v D8CS, which starts the COBOL organization version If you enter one of these transaction codes, the panels shown in Figure 41 or Figure 42 on page 182 are displayed.


Figure 41. Initial panel for the DB2 project application in CICS

Chapter 27. Running the installation verification procedures



Figure 42. Initial panel for the DB2 project application in CICS

For detailed information about running the organization and project applications, see the IBM DATABASE 2 Administration Guide.

Starting the DB2 phone application

To start the phone application, clear the screen and type in the transaction code D8PT. You can change the transaction codes when you install DB2. Check with your system administrator to find out if they have been changed from those shown.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Part 3. CICSPlex SM installation and setup

This part describes the processes and procedures you should follow to install CICSPlex SM. It contains the following chapters v Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets on page 185. v Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS) on page 201. v Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) on page 217. v Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS) on page 247. v Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS) on page 267. v Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS) on page 283. v Chapter 34. Setting up the interface to NetView RODM on page 299. v Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set on page 307. v Chapter 36. Applying service to CICSPlex SM on page 317. v Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures on page 321. v Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2) on page 347. v Chapter 39. Installation verification procedure 3 (IVP3) on page 377. v Chapter 40. Installation verification procedure 4 (IVP4) on page 383. v Chapter 41. Installation verification procedure 5 (IVP5) on page 389. v Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs on page 397. v Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407. v Chapter 44. CMAS journaling on page 415. v Chapter 45. Preparing to use the IPCS tools on page 419.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets

This chapter contains the following aids to your installation and setup procedures: Checklists To use as a guide to your progress as you set up or revise the configuration of your IBM CICSPlex System Manager (CICSPlex SM) components. There is one checklist for use with a CICS/ESA, or CICS Transaction Server system (referred to as an MVS system) and all of the components you can install on it. The other checklists are for use when you install and set up a VSE remote MAS, and an OS/2 remote MAS. Some of the items on the MVS checklist need be performed only once for your CICSPlex SM environment, while others must be performed once for each component. Items on the VSE and OS/2 checklists should be performed for each remote MAS or OS/2 workstation. See the Where to get information column for a reference to information about how to perform each task. The order of items in the checklists is a suggested order for performing the installation and setup steps. However, you may find that, particularly if you are modifying your CICSPlex SM environment, a different order is more practical. Worksheets To use as a record of the names and locations of components and data sets. The worksheets can be copied as you need. The worksheets contain, in some cases, more than one line for a type of CICSPlex SM component. You may have fewer or more than shown of that type of component. A worksheet is provided for each of the following CICSPlex SM system components: v The CICSPlex SM system v A CAS v A CMAS v A local MAS v A CICS/ESA or CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 remote MAS v A CICS/VSE or CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA Release 1 remote MAS v A CICS for OS/2 remote MAS The checklist and worksheets are also provided on the tape on which CICSPlex SM is delivered to you. They are loaded onto your system and available in the library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
C CM C C CM CM LM C Component

Table 10 lists the members by name and content. You can edit these members, filling in the information specific to your CICSPlex SM environment, so that you have an online record of the information you need about that environment.
Table 10. Checklist and worksheets in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST Member name Contents EYULSTMV EYULSTVR EYUWKSYS EYUWKCAS EYUWKCMS EYUWKLMS EYUWKRMS EYUWKVMS EYUWKOMS MVS installation and setup checklist VSE remote MAS installation and setup checklist System worksheet CAS worksheet CMAS worksheet Local MAS worksheet MVS remote MAS worksheet VSE remote MAS worksheet OS/2 remote MAS server worksheet

Installation checklists MVS installation and setup checklist

What you need to do Values to note CM=CMAS, Where to get information RM=remote MAS Note: Components are indicated as follows: C=CAS, C CM LM RM LM=local MAS,

Make note of SYS1.PARMLIB(IEASYSxx) values for this MVS system


Noting IEASYSxx values on page 201


Update number of common data spaces in IEASYSxx Update number of linkage indexes in IEASYSxx Update IEAAPFxx or PROGxx to authorize index.SEYUAUTH Update IEAAPFxx or PROGxx to authorize lindex.SEYULPA Optional library. Can be populated below. Verify lindex.SEYULINK is authorized Update linklist with lindex.SEYULINK RM Update LPA list with lindex.SEYULPA Optional library. Can be populated below. Create VTAM Mode Table entry

Updating IEASYSxx (CAS) on page 202 Updating IEASYSxx (CMAS) on page 217 Authorizing libraries (CAS) on page 203 Authorizing libraries (CAS) on page 203



LNKAUTH= value Library name LNKLSTxx member Library name LPALSTxx member Library name

Authorizing libraries (CAS) on page 203 Updating the MVS linklist on page 218 Installing CICSPlex SM modules into the LPA on page 259 Step 1: (Optional) Creating a mode table on page 204



Node name


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Component C C CM CM LM RM

What you need to do Use your ESM to protect CICSPlex SM libraries Define security for the CAS and CMAS startup procedures Create VTAM application definition for each CAS

Values to note As required by your ESM Procedure names

Where to get information CICS RACF Security Guide CICS RACF Security Guide

SYS1.VTAMLST major node member Application name(s) SYS1.VTAMLST major node member Application name(s) SYS1.VTAMLST major node member Application names(s) SYS1.VTAMLST members SYS1.VTAMLST members SYS1.VTAMLST members SYS1.VTAMLST (ATCCONxx)

Step 2: Creating a VTAM application definition (CAS) on page 206 Step 1: Creating a VTAM application definition (CMAS) on page 223 Step 1: Reviewing a remote MAS application definition on page 249 Step 3: Defining cross-domain resources (CAS) on page 207 Step 2: Defining cross-domain resources (CMAS) on page 223 Step 2: Reviewing remote MAS cross-domain definitions on page 249 Step 4: Updating the configuration list (CAS) on page 207 Step 5: Activating the major nodes (CAS) on page 208 Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209 Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209 Installing CICSPlex SM modules into the LPA on page 259 Creating data sets on page 210 Creating data sets on page 210 Creating the CICSPlex SM data repository on page 230 Adding CICS system definitions (CMAS) on page 226


Create VTAM application definition for each CMAS RM Verify VTAM application definition for each MAS Define cross-domain resources for each CAS


Define cross-domain resources for each CMAS RM Review VTAM cross-domain resources for each remote MAS Add application and cross-domain resource definitions to the VTAM configuration list Activate VTAM definitions Edit EYUISTAR for post-installation members Run edited EYUISTAR member to generate POST install members. (Optional.) Install LPA modules (Optional.) Create CICSPlex SM parameter repository (Optional.) Create CICSPlex SM screen repository








Major node names Edited member sysproc.XEYUINST output library name Installed usermod name dsindex.EYUIPRM





Create CICSPlex SM data repository Create CMAS resource definition table modules

dsindex.EYUDREP. cmasname Output load library name DCT Suffix SRT Suffix PLTPI Suffix

Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Component LM RM

What you need to do Update MAS resource definition table modules

Values to note

Where to get information

Output load library Adding CICS system name DCT Suffix JCT definitions (MVS MAS) on Suffix SRT Suffix PLTPI page 251 Suffix PLTSD Suffix CSD library name CMAS Group name CMAS Startup list name Updating the CSD files using DFHCSDUP (CMAS) on page 227


Update CMAS CSD resource definitions



Update MAS CSD resource definitions Update remote MAS CSD communications resource definitions Create CICSPlex SM system parameter member for each CMAS

CSD library name MAS Updating CSD files using Group name MAS DFHCSDUP (MVS MAS) on Startup list name page 252 CSD group name added CMAS APPLID CMAS SYSIDNT Modified EYUCMS0P parameter member(s) Modified EYULMS0P parameter member(s) Modified EYURMS0P parameter member(s) Modified parameter member(s) Modified parameter member(s) Modified EYUDFHDS member Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (MVS MAS) on page 252 Preparing to start a CMAS on page 236 Preparing to start an MVS MAS on page 260 Preparing to start an MVS MAS on page 260 CMAS-related CICS SIT parameters on page 239 MVS MAS-related CICS SIT parameters on page 262 Preparing to start a CMAS on page 236 Preparing to start a CAS on page 212 Preparing to start a CMAS on page 236 Preparing user access to CICSPlex SM on page 211




Edit CICSPlex SM system parameter member for each local MAS RM Edit CICSPlex SM system parameter member for each remote MAS Edit CICS SIT parameters for each CMAS


Edit CICS SIT parameters for each MAS Create CICS data sets for each CMAS

Install CAS startup procedure Installed procedure (EYUCAS sample procedure) member Subsystem Id Install CMAS startup procedure (EYUCMAS sample procedure) Update ISPF signon allocations (EYUTSODS temporary allocation EXEC) Update ISPF panel selection Start the CAS Installed procedure member Signon procedure member


Updated panel member Preparing user access to CICSPlex SM on page 211 Message BBMZA00I INITIALIZATION COMPLETE Message EYUXL009I CAS Connection established Subsystem ids CMAS names Target APPLID Target CICS SYSID Preparing to start a CAS on page 212 Preparing to start a CMAS on page 236 CICSPlex SM Administration CICSPlex SM Administration

Start the CMAS


Define CAS-to-CAS links using CASDEF view Create CMAS-to-CMAS links using CMTCMDEF view


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Component CM LM RM RM

What you need to do Create CICSplex definition using CPLEXDEF view Create all MAS definitions using CICSSYS view

Values to note CICSplex name MAS name(s)

Where to get information CICSPlex SM Administration CICSPlex SM Administration CICSPlex SM Administration

Create CMAS-to-remote MAS Remote MAS name links using CMTPMDEF view Remote MAS APPLID Remote MAS CICS SYSIDNT Start the local MAS Message EYUXL0007I LMAS Phase II initialization complete Message EYUXL0007I RMAS Phase II initialization complete Message EYUXL0016I MAS shutdown complete


Preparing to start an MVS MAS on page 260 Preparing to start an MVS MAS on page 260 Stopping management of a CICS system on page 265


Start the remote MAS



Shut down the MASs using CICSRGN view - terminates CICS

VSE remote MAS installation and setup checklist

What you need to do Verify VTAM APPLID Values to note PRD1.CONFIG major mode member Application names PRD1.CONFIG members PRD1.CONFIG ATCCONxx Where to get information Step 1: Reviewing a VSE remote MAS application definition on page 268 Step 2: Reviewing VSE remote MAS cross-domain definitions on page 268 Step 3: Updating the configuration list (VSE remote MAS) on page 269 Step 4: Activating the major nodes (VSE remote MAS) on page 269 Updating CICS resource definition tables for VSE remote MASs on page 270 Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (VSE remote MAS) on page 271 Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (VSE remote MAS) on page 271 Using CICSPlex SM modules in the shared virtual area on page 274 Defining the EYUPARM file on page 277 VSE remote MAS-related CICS SIT parameters on page 278 CICSPlex SM Administration

Review cross-domain resources Add application and cross-domain resource definitions to VTAM configuration list Activate VTAM definitions Update CICS resource definition tables Update CSD resource definitions

Node name Output sublibrary name DCT suffix PLTPI suffix PLTSD suffix CSD library name MAS group name MAS startup list name CSD group name added CMAS APPLID CMAS SYSID Sublibrary containing phase $SVACPSM Job control statement file attributes SIT parameters location MAS name(s)

Update remote MAS CSD communication resource definitions (Optional.) Create SVA load list Define CICSPlex SM system parameter file Edit CICS SIT parameters Create MAS definition using the CICSSYS view

Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

What you need to do Create CMAS-to-remote MAS links using the CMTPMDEF view Start the VSE remote MAS Shut down the MAS using the CICSRGN view to terminate CICS

Values to note Remote MAS name Remote MAS APPLID Remote MAS CICS SYSIDNT Message EYUNL0159I Resource topology data retrieval complete Message EYUXL0016I RMAS shutdown complete

Where to get information CICSPlex SM Administration

Preparing to start a VSE remote MAS on page 277 Stopping and restarting management of a CICS/VSE system on page 281

OS/2 remote MAS installation and setup checklist

What you need to do Review setup requirements Download the EYUIDLDS.EXE file Install Software Installer for OS/2 using EYUIDLDS.EXE Install the CICSPlex SM components Update your CONFIG.SYS file Review your eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp definitions Define a TCS entry for CICSPlex SM LIBPATH value Local LU name Local alias Partner LU name Partner alias Transactions File location SMP/E library Values to note Where to get information An overview of the setup process on page 283 Downloading the EYUIDLDS.EXE file on page 285 Using EYUIDLDS.EXE to install Software Installer for OS/2 on page 286 Installing the CICSPlex SM components on page 287 Updating your CONFIG.SYS file on page 290 Reviewing your eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp definitions on page 290

Connection name Group name APPC Defining a TCS entry for Mode name APPC LU alias Partner CICSPlex SM on page 291 LU alias File location UserWrk value CicsRgrp Updating the CICS for OS/2 value CICSENV.CMD file on page 292 Local System ID Reviewing the CICS for OS/2 system initialization parameters on page 293 Customizing the CICS for OS/2 DLLs on page 293 Restarting your CICS for OS/2 system on page 297 File location CICS for OS/2 home directory MAS name(s) Remote MAS name Remote MAS APPLID Remote MAS CICS SYSID Message EYUNL0159I Resource topology data retrieval complete Editing the CICSPlex SM EYUPARMS.DAT file on page 295 Importing the CICSPlex SM resource definitions on page 296 CICSPlex SM Administration CICSPlex SM Administration Restarting your CICS for OS/2 system on page 297

Update the CICS for OS/2 CICSENV.CMD file Review the CICS for OS/2 system initialization parameters Customize the CICS for OS/2 DLLs Restart your OS/2 workstation Edit CICSPlex SM EYUPARMS.DAT file Import CICSPlex SM resource definitions Create MAS definition using the CICSSYS view Create CMAS-to-remote MAS links using the CMTPMDEF view Start the OS/2 remote MAS

Location of DLLs


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | | |

What you need to do Shut down the MAS using the CICSRGN view to terminate CICS

Values to note Message EYUXL0016I RMAS shutdown complete

Where to get information Terminating a CICS for OS/2 system on page 298

Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets


System worksheet
Subsystem ID: _______ Name: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ VTAM Applid: _______ VTAM Applid: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ CICS-SYSID: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

| System: _______ | | CAS name: _______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

CAS worksheet
CAS name: _______ Subsystem id: _______

| System: _______ | | VTAM Applid: _______ | SYS1.PARMLIB(IEASYSxx) values: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

APF= LNKAUTH= MAXUSER= RSVNONR= SYSNAME= ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________


___________ ___________ ___________ ___________


___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Dsn added to member IEAAPFxx or PROGxx: when LNKAUTH=APFTAB: (when LNKAUTH=LNKLST, no dsn here) Dsn added to member LNKLSTxx: VTAM Mode Table Mode Name: SYS1.VTAMLST start list (ATCSTRxx): SYS1.VTAMLST configuration list (ATCCONxx): SYS1.VTAMLST applications member: SYS1.VTAMLST cross-domain member: VTAM definitions; Major Node Names:

____________________________.SEYUAUTH ____________________________.SEYULINK ____________________________.SEYULINK ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

| 1st CAS: ______________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

2nd CAS: ______________

3rd CAS: ______________

Installation materials library: Modified EYUISTAR (post-installation) member: EYUINST exec output library: CICSPlex SM parameter repository: CICSPlex SM screen repository: CAS startup procedure (member): CAS signon procedure (member): ISPF panel selection (member): Links to other CASs: Subsystem Id: ______________ ______________ ______________

____________________________.SEYUINST ______________ ____________________________.XEYUINST ____________________________.EYUIPRM ____________________________.EYUSDEF ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ VTAM Applid: ______________ ______________ ______________ Link name: ______________ ______________ ______________

1st CAS: 2nd CAS: 3rd CAS:

Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets


CMAS worksheet
CICS Sysid: _______ CMAS name: _______ VTAM Applid: _______

| System: _______ | | CAS name: _______ | SYS1.PARMLIB(IEASYSxx) values: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Links to LMASs: LMAS name: ______________ ______________ ______________

APF= ___________ MAXCAD= ___________ Dsn added to member IEAAPFxx or PROGxx: when LNKAUTH=APFTAB: (when LNKAUTH=LNKLST, no dsn here) Dsn added to member LNKLSTxx: VTAM Mode Table Node Name: SYS1.VTAMLST start list (ATCSTRxx): SYS1.VTAMLST configuration list (ATCCONxx): SYS1.VTAMLST applications member: SYS1.VTAMLST cross-domain member: VTAM definitions; Node Names: Name ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

LNK= ___________ NSYLSX= ___________

LNKAUTH= ___________ PROG= ___________

____________________________.SEYUAUTH ____________________________.SEYULINK ____________________________.SEYULINK ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________


VTAM Applid ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

CICS Sysid ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Installation materials library: Modified EYUISTAR (post-installation) member: EYUINST exec output library: CICSPlex SM data repository dsn: CICS resource definition tables output dsn: Created CICS resource definition table suffixes: DCT: ______ CICS CSD dsn: CMAS group EYU140G0 load module: CMAS startup list EYU140L0 load module: Modified EYUCMS0P member: CICS SIT parameters member: Modified EYUDFHDS member: CMAS startup procedure member: Links to other CMASs: CMAS name: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ JCT: ______

____________________________.SEYUINST ______________ ____________________________.XEYUINST ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

SRT: ______

PLTPI: ______

___________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

VTAM Applid: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

CICS Sysid: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Protocol: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

VTAM Applid: ______________ ______________ ______________

CICS Sysid: ______________ ______________ ______________

Protocol: ______________ ______________ ______________


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | Links to RMASs: | | | | | | | |





RMAS name: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

VTAM Applid: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

CICS Sysid: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Protocol: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Local MAS worksheet

MVS/ESA System: CAS Name: CICSplex Name: CMAS CPSM Name: CMAS CICS Sysid: CMAS VTAM Applid: MAS Type ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

MAS CPSM Name: ______________ MAS CICS Sysid: ______________ MAS VTAM Applid: ______________ FOR, AOR, TOR ____________________________.SEYUAUTH ____________________________.SEYULINK ____________________________.SEYULPA ______________ ______________ ______________ ____________________________.SEYUINST ______________ ____________________________.XEYUINST ______________ ___________________________________________

Dsn added to member IEAAPFxx or PROGxx: when LNKAUTH=APFTAB: (when LNKAUTH=LNKLST, no dsn here) Dsn added to member LPALSTxx: SYS1.VTAMLST start list (ATCSTRxx): SYS1.VTAMLST configuration list (ATCCONxx): SYS1.VTAMLST applications member: Installation materials library: Modified EYUISTAR (post-installation) member: EYUINST exec output library: LPA module (usermod) name: CICS resource definition tables output dsn: Updated CICS resource definition table suffixes: JCT: ______

| DCT: ______ | | | | | | | | | | | |

SRT: ______

PLTPI: ______

PLTSD: ______

CICS CSD dsn: MAS group EYU140G1 load module: Modified MAS startup list name: Modified EYULMS0P dsn (member): CICS SIT parameters dsn (member): Link from CMAS: CMAS name: ______________

___________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

VTAM Applid: ______________

CICS Sysid: ______________

Protocol: ______________


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

MVS remote MAS worksheet

MVS/ESA System: CAS Name: CICSplex Name: CMAS CPSM Name: CMAS CICS Sysid: CMAS VTAM Applid: MAS Type Dsn added to member IEAAPFxx or PROGxx: when LNKAUTH=APFTAB: (when LNKAUTH=LNKLST, no dsn here) Dsn added to member LPALSTxx: SYS1.VTAMLST start list (ATCSTRxx): SYS1.VTAMLST configuration list (ATCCONxx): SYS1.VTAMLST applications member: SYS1.VTAMLST cross-domain resource member: Modified EYUISTAR (post-installation) member: EYUINST exec output library: LPA module (usermod) name: CICS resource definition tables output dsn: Updated CICS resource definition table suffixes: JCT: ______ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

RMAS CPSM Name: ______________ RMAS CICS Sysid: ______________ RMAS VTAM Applid: ______________ FOR, AOR, TOR

____________________________.SEYUAUTH ____________________________.SEYULINK ____________________________.SEYULPA ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ____________________________.XEYUINST ______________ ___________________________________________

| DCT: ______ | | | | | | | | | | | | |

SRT: ______

PLTPI: ______

PLTSD: ______

CICS CSD dsn: MAS group EYU140G2 load module: Modified MAS startup list name: Group containing communications definitions: Modified EYULMS0P member: Reviewed CICS SIT parameters member: CMAS-to-MVS remote MAS link: CMAS name: ______________

___________________________________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

VTAM Applid: ______________

CICS Sysid: ______________

Protocol: ______________

Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

VSE remote MAS worksheet

MVS/ESA System: CAS Name: CICSplex Name: CMAS CPSM Name: CMAS CICS Sysid: CMAS VTAM Applid: MAS Type ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

RMAS CPSM Name: ______________ RMAS CICS Sysid: ______________ RMAS VTAM Applid: ______________ FOR, AOR, TOR

VTAM PRD2.CONFIG start list (ATCSTRxx.B): VTAM PRD2.CONFIG configuration list (ATCCONxx.B): VTAM PRD2.CONFIG cross-domain resource member VTAM PRD2.CONFIG applications member: ICCF user library containing copied post-installation members: CICS resource definition tables output dsn: Updated CICS resource definition table suffixes: JCT: ______

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

| | DCT: ______ | | | | | | | |

PLTPI: ______

PLTSD: ______

CICS CSD dsn: MAS group EYU140G3 phase module: Modified MAS startup list name: Group containing communications definitions: EYUPARM dsn:

___________________________________________ ___________ (EYU9nnG3) ______________ ______________ ___________________________________________ Extent: ___________ ______________ Length: ___________

| | CICS SIT parameters location: | CMAS-to-VSE remote MAS link: | | | |

CMAS name: ______________

VTAM Applid: ______________

CICS Sysid: ______________

Protocol: ______________


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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OS/2 remote MAS worksheet

MVS/ESA System: CAS Name: CICSplex Name: CMAS CPSM Name: CMAS CICS Sysid: CMAS VTAM Applid: SMP/E SEYUOS2 Library: EYUIDLDS.EXE Location: CONFIG.SYS Changes: SET LIBPATH: ______________ ______________ ______________ RMAS CPSM Name: ______________ ______________ RMAS CICS Sysid: ______________ ______________ RMAS VTAM Applid: ______________ ______________ ____________________________ CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUOS2 ____________________________ D:\CPSM140

________________________________________ D:\CPSM140\CICSV3\BIN;D:\CPSM140\CICSV3\LIB

eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp SNA Features List: Local LU Name: ______________ CMTPMDEF RMAS VTAM Applid Local Alias: ______________ TCS Local LU Alias Partner LU Name: ______ ______ VTAM node and CMAS Applid Partner Alias: ______________ TCS Partner LU Alias Transactions: ______ ______ COI1 and COI2 CICS TCS Definition: Connection Name: Group Name: APPC Mode Name: APPC LU Alias: Partner LU Alias: CICSENV.CMD Location: UserWrk value: CicsRgrp value: CMAS-to-Remote MAS link: RMAS CPSM name: RMAS VTAM Applid: RMAS CICS Sysid: Protocol Type: Updated EYUPARMS.DAT: COPR DCT File Name:

______________ eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp SNA Features Partner LU Alias ______________ EYUTCS ______________ #INTER ______________ eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp SNA Features Alias ______________ CMAS VTAM Applid ______________ CICS300\RUNTIME or CICS310\RUNTIME ______________D:\CPSM140\CICSV3\BIN ______________EYUGROUP,EYUTCS

______________ ______________ eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp SNA Features Local LU Name ______________ ______________ LU6.2 ______________________________ D:\CPSM140\DATA\EYUPARMS.DAT ______________ Must match EYUPARMS location

Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS)

This chapter describes the steps you must perform in order to make a coordinating address space (CAS) operational. These steps consist of: v Noting IEASYSxx values v Updating IEASYSxx (CAS) on page 202 v Authorizing libraries (CAS) on page 203 v Defining VTAM requirements (CAS) on page 204 v Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209 v Creating data sets on page 210 v Preparing user access to CICSPlex SM on page 211 v Preparing to start a CAS on page 212 v Defining VTAM to CICSPlex SM (CAS) on page 215 v Preparing to stop a CAS on page 215. For a summary of the CAS setup tasks that you can refer to while performing them, see Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets on page 185. If you are converting your CICSPlex SM system or systems from a previous release to CICSPlex SM for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, you should read the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Migration Guide. For details on applying corrective or preventive maintenance to CICSPlex SM, see Chapter 36. Applying service to CICSPlex SM on page 317.

Noting IEASYSxx values

Some of the MVS/ESA initialization values located in an IEASYSxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library are referenced during installation of the CAS and other CICSPlex SM address spaces. Access the IEASYSxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library used to initialize your MVS/ESA system and make note of the values assigned to the following parameters: APF= CMD= Completes the name of the parmlib member (IEAAPFxx) that contains authorized library names. Completes the name of the parmlib member (COMMNDxx) that contains commands to be issued internally during master scheduler initialization. Completes the name of one or more parmlib members (LNKLSTxx) that contain names of data sets that are to be concatenated to SYS1.LINKLIB. Specifies whether all data sets in the LNKLST concatenation are to be treated as APF authorized or whether only those that are named in the APF table are to be treated as APF authorized.



Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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Completes the name of one or more parmlib members (LPALSTxx) that are concatenated to SYS1.LPALIB for the purpose of building the pageable LPA (PLPA and extended PLPA). Specifies the maximum number of SCOPE=COMMON data spaces to be allowed during an IPL. Specifies a value that the system uses (along with the RSVSTRT and RSVNONR parameter values) to limit the number of jobs and started tasks that the system can run concurrently during a given IPL. Specifies the number of linkage indexes (LXs), in addition to those in the system function table, to be reserved for system linkage indexes (LXs). Completes the name of the parmlib member (PROGxx) that contains authorized library names when a dynamic APF list is being used. Specifies the number of address space vector table (ASVT) entries to be reserved for replacing those entries marked nonreusable for the duration of an IPL. Specifies the number of ASVT entries to be reserved for address spaces created in response to a START command. Specifies a parmlib member (SMFPRMxx) from which SMF will obtain its parameters. You should examine the SMFPRMxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB and note the SID() value that identifies the system that will run the CAS.









Specifies the name of the system being initialized.

For more information about these parameters, see the MVS/ESA Initialization and Tuning Reference manual.

Updating IEASYSxx (CAS)

In every MVS/ESA image that contains a CAS, you need to verify that the IEASYSxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library that you use for MVS initialization includes the parameters: NSYSLX=nnn Set or increase the value to include the minimum number of linkage indexes (LXs) required by CICSPlex SM. Because two LXs are required for the CAS and one LX is needed for the ESSS, the minimum number of LXs required for use by CICSPlex SM is 3. If you are also setting up a CMAS, refer to Updating IEASYSxx (CMAS) on page 217 for information about additional parameters. For additional information about these parameters, see the MVS/ESA Initialization and Tuning Reference manual.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Authorizing libraries (CAS)

In each MVS/ESA image containing a CAS and CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS), you must change the appropriate IEAAPFxx or PROGxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library to authorize CICSPlex SM libraries. The libraries to be authorized in the IEAAPFxx or PROGxx member are: CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH Needed to run a CAS SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULINK The link list data set, needed to run a CMAS (For more information about adding this data set, see Updating the MVS linklist on page 218.) If your operating system uses the parameter

(which is the default), you do not need to authorize the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULINK library now. SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA The link pack area data set, optionally used for managed application system (MAS) LPA modules. If you are adding the data set names to the IEAAPFxx member, the format of each entry is:
dsname volser

where dsname is the name of one of the CICSPlex SM libraries listed above and volser is the volume serial number of the volume on which the data set is located. If you are adding the data set names to the PROGxx member, the format of each entry is:
APF ADD DSNAME(dsname) VOLUME(volser)

where dsname is the name of one of the CICSPlex SM libraries listed above and volser is the volume serial number of the volume on which the data set is located. For additional information about adding entries to IEAAPFxx and PROGxx, see the MVS/ESA Initialization and Tuning Reference manual. If you are running with a static APF list, you must re-IPL MVS in order for authorization to take effect. You should use RACF (or another external security manager) to protect the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH, SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA, and SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULINK libraries, as described in the CICS RACF Security Guide.

Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS)


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Defining VTAM requirements (CAS)

ACF/VTAM definitions are required to identify each CAS used by CICSPlex SM. This involves creating VTAM application definitions and, optionally, cross-domain resource management definitions. If you are also setting up a CMAS, see Defining VTAM requirements (CMAS) on page 222 for more information about the steps for defining the VTAM requirements for a CMAS. To create VTAM application definitions and cross-domain resource management definitions for a CAS, you must perform the following steps: 1. Optionally, create a mode table entry. 2. Create a VTAM application definition for each CAS you will be using. 3. Define each CAS as a cross-domain resource. 4. Add the application and cross-domain resource definitions to the VTAM configuration list. 5. Activate the definitions. Depending on your VTAM conventions, you may need to modify the procedures described in this section. Specifically: v Change references to the SYS1.VTAMLST library if you do not keep your definitions in the default VTAM list. v Modify the APPL and CDRSC statements if you want to add these statements to existing members, rather than create new ones. After you have the CAS running and can access CICSPlex SM, you can define VTAM to CICSPlex SM. (See Defining VTAM to CICSPlex SM (CAS) on page 215.)

Step 1: (Optional) Creating a mode table

If you use Network Control Programs (NCPs), you may need to create a mode table with the default entry shown in Figure 43 on page 205 in order to control the VTAM RUSIZES (request unit size) parameter. If you do not create a default entry, VTAM could select a number that is too small, thus resulting in considerable system overhead. To create a default mode table entry: 1. Define a mode table containing the following entry:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

TITLE 'modename - MODE Table - Entries' modename MODETAB , MODEENT LOGMODE=entryname, FMPROF=X'13', TSPROF=X'07', PRIPROT=X'B0', SECPROT=X'B0', COMPROT=X'50B1', SSNDPAC=X'00', SRCVPAC=X'00', RUSIZES=X'F8F8', PSNDPAC=X'00', PSERVIC=X'060200000000000000002300', ENCR=X'00' MODEEND , END , Figure 43. Sample mode table entry


| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

where: modename entryname Is a mode table name that you supply. Is a name for an entry that you supply.

For a copy of this mode table entry, see the member EYUSMPMT in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP. 2. Assemble the mode table source and link-edit it into SYS1.VTAMLIB on all systems for which cross-system communication is enabled. As you do so, keep the following in mind: v The name you assign to the load module becomes the name of the mode table. v You must have access to the macro library used to assemble VTAM applications. The JCL you use to assemble and link-edit should look like that shown in Figure 44 on page 206. (The member EYUJCLMT in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP contains a copy of this JCL.)

Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS)


//*---------------------------------------------------------------------//* //* Sample JCL - Assemble and Link Mode Table Entry //* //* The following needs to be provided: //*-----------------------------------//* ASM.SYSIN - Input member containing the mode table source. //* LINK.SYSLMOD - Output member name in SYS1.VTAMLIB //* //*--------------------------------------------------------------------//ASM EXEC PGM=ASMA90, // PARM='OBJECT,NODECK' //SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.SISTMAC1 // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.MACLIB //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1, // UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(1700,(600,100)) //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSLIN DD DISP=(MOD,PASS), // DSN=&&OBJSET, // UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(80,(200,50)) //SYSIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=data_set_name(member_name) //* //LINK EXEC PGM=IEWL, // PARM=(XREF,LET,LIST,NCAL,REUS), // COND=(8,LT,ASM) //SYSLIN DD DISP=(OLD,DELETE),DSN=&&OBJSET // DD DDNAME=SYSIN //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.VTAMLIB(member_name) //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1, // UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(1024,(50,20)) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* Figure 44. JCL to assemble a mode table entry

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Step 2: Creating a VTAM application definition (CAS)

To establish a VTAM application definition for a CAS, either create a new member (major node) or access an existing member in the SYS1.VTAMLST library. To this member, add the following APPL statement:

where: name acbname Is the node name of this CAS. This name must be unique within the domain. If you omit this parameter, the name of the VTAM APPL statement is used. mode_table Is the name of the mode table that is to govern LU 6.2 conversations. For example, to create a VTAM application definition for the CAS on SYSA, you might create a member named APPLCASA in the SYS1.VTAMLST library that contains the APPL statement: Is a 1- to 8-character unique name.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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The same type of definition is needed for each CAS you will be using.

Step 3: Defining cross-domain resources (CAS)

You should define cross-domain resources (CDRSCs) when: v A CAS that is to communicate with another CAS cannot take advantage of dynamically defined CDRSCs. v You want to minimize the overhead involved in using dynamically defined CDRSCs. To establish a CDRSC definition, you must either create a new member or access an existing member in the SYS1.VTAMLST library. In the new or existing member, specify the following CDRSC statement for each CAS with which you want to communicate:

where: name cdrm Is the name you assigned to a CAS in Step 1. Is the name of the MVS image previously identified as the cross-domain resource manager (CDRM).

For example, to allow the CAS on SYSA to communicate with the CASs on SYSB and SYSC, you might create the member CDRCASA on the SYS1.VTAMLST library, which contains the CDRSC statements:

where VTAMB and VTAMC are the cross-domain resource manager names assigned to SYSB and SYSC, respectively. The same types of definitions are also needed for the CASs on SYSB and SYSC. That is, for the CAS on SYSB, you might create a member named CDRCASB that contains:

For additional information about cross-domain resources, see the VTAM Resource Definition Reference.

Step 4: Updating the configuration list (CAS)

If, in step 2 or 3, you created new members in the SYS1.VTAMLST library, you must update the VTAM configuration list for each MVS image. This causes the new members to be automatically activated when VTAM starts. To do this, add the new member names to the end of the configuration list in the appropriate ATCCONxx member of the SYS1.VTAMLST library. To find the suffix of the ATCCONxx member, do the following:

Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS)


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v Get the suffix of the COMMNDxx member from the CMD= parameter in the IEASYSxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB. v Get the suffix of the ATCSTRxx member from the LIST= parameter on the command used to start VTAM in the COMMNDxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB, or (if you do not start VTAM from the COMMNDxx member) get the suffix from the LIST= parameter of the command that you use to start VTAM. v Get the suffix of the ATCCONxx member from the CONFIG= parameter in the ATCSTRxx member in SYS1.VTAMLST. To illustrate, the examples shown in steps 2 and 3 assume the creation of members named APPLCASA and CDRCASA. To add these members to the end of the configuration list in ATCCONxx, you would specify:

Note: If you added the CAS and cross-domain definitions to existing members, ATCCONxx should already contain these member names.

Step 5: Activating the major nodes (CAS)

You can activate the definitions created in steps 1 and 2 by either restarting VTAM for each system, or manually activating the definitions. To manually activate a major node, you can issue the following commands, where name identifies a major node created (or modified) in steps 2 and 3: v Deactivate the major node if it is currently active by issuing the command:

v Activate (or reactivate) the major node by issuing the command:


To ensure that the major node has been activated, issue the command:
D NET,ID=name

For example, to activate the member APPLCASA and then ensure that it has been activated, you would issue the commands:

To dynamically load a mode table that you have updated, issue the command:

If you do not do this after updating and relinking a mode table with a new logmode entry, the entry will be unavailable until you have stopped and restarted VTAM. Note that you do not need to issue this command when you create a mode table with a single logmode entry. The preceding steps need to be performed for each CAS you may be using.


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Generating post-installation members (CAS)

A number of skeleton post-installation members are distributed with CICSPlex SM. When you do this, the members identified in Table 11 are produced. These members can be customized, using EYUISTAR, if you perform the actions described in this section.
Table 11. Post-installation members Job Use EYUCAS EYUCMAS EYUDEFDS A sample JCL procedure that you can use to start a CAS, as described on page 212. A sample JCL procedure that you can use to start a CMAS, as described on page 236. Sample JCL that you can use to create the data, screen, and parameter repositories. For additional information about creating a: v Data repository, see page 230. v Screen and parameter repository, see page 210. EYUDFHDS EYULPMOD EYUTSODS Sample JCL that you can use to create the CICS region data sets for the CMAS region. Sample JCL that you can use to apply SMP/E USERMODs that move MAS modules to the SEYULPA library. A REXX EXEC, described on page 211, that you can use to invoke the TSO interface.

Only the members EYUCAS, EYUDEFDS, and EYUTSODS are used in setting up a CAS. The other members can be created here and used when you set up a CMAS (see page 225) or when you set up a MAS (see page 250). To customize and then generate the post-installation members, use the job distributed in the member EYUISTAR of the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST library. v Tailor the job in the EYUISTAR member of the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST library using the parameters identified in Table 12. Use the SCOPE and ENVIRONMENT parameters to qualify the specific members that are to be generated. That is, use SCOPE to identify the type of members to be generated and ENVIRONMENT to indicate whether those members are to apply to a MAS-only environment or a CMAS environment. For additional information, see EYUINST EXEC parameters on page 399. v Run the EYUISTAR job to produce the post-installation members. The resulting members, listed in Table 11, are stored in the library you specified on the LIB parameter of the EYUISTAR job. See Sample JCL execution considerations on page 406 for further information.

Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS)


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Table 12. CMAS- and MAS-related EYUINST EXEC parameters Parameter CMAS default value MAS default value CMASNAME CINDEXnnn CRELEASE DEFVOL DSINFO ENVIRONMENT EYUIPRM EYUSDEF GZONECSI INDEX JOB LIB OLDDREP PREFIX SCOPE SELECT SYSIDNT TEMPLIB TIMEZONE TZONE UTILITIES WORKUNIT None None None sysprocdd index defvol defvol None dsinfo.EYUIPRM NEW dsinfo.EYUSDEF NEW index.GLOBAL OLD smpvol smpvol sysprocdsn_levels //XXXXXXXX JOB sysprocdsn_levels.XEYUINST None EYU ALL None None sysprocdsn None TZONE ASMA90 IEWL GIMSMP SYSDA n/a n/a n/a sysprocdd n/a None n/a n/a index.GLOBAL OLD smpvol smpvol sysprocdsn_levels //XXXXXXXX JOB sysprocdsn_levels.XEYUINST n/a EYU ALL None n/a sysprocdsn n/a TZONE ASMA90 IEWL GIMSMP SYSDA

Creating data sets

You can use the post-installation job EYUDEFDS to create three different data sets, where two of the data sets are defined to the CAS and one data set is defined to a CMAS. The CAS-related data sets, which may be shared by multiple CASs, are: v A screen repository. This optional data set contains the screen configuration definitions created by individuals using CICSPlex SM. If you do not create this data set, users will not be able to save their CICSPlex SM screen configurations. (For additional information about creating and using screen configurations, see the CICSPlex SM User Interface Guide) v A parameter repository data set. This required data set contains communications definitions used by the CAS. (See the CICSPlex SM Administration manual for information about creating and maintaining these definitions.) The CMAS-related data set is the data repository. The data repository contains CICSPlex SM administration definitions. Each CMAS must have a unique data repository associated with it. The EYUDEFDS job is generated when you run the EYUISTAR job, as described in Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209. It consists of the following steps: v DREPALOC and either DREPINIT or DREPCNVT, which create and initialize the data repository data set for each CMAS. (For more information about these steps, see Creating the CICSPlex SM data repository on page 230.)


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v SDEFDEL, which deletes any existing screen repository data set having the same name, and SDEFALOC, which creates a new one. These steps are generated only when you specify a disposition of NEW with the EYUSDEF parameter of the EYUISTAR job. If you specified OLD with the EYUSDEF parameter, the existing screen repository data set is referenced by the EYUCAS procedure. v IPRMDEL, which deletes any existing parameter repository data set having the same name, and IPRMALOC, which creates a new one. These steps are generated only when you specify a disposition of NEW with the EYUIPRM parameter of the EYUISTAR job. If you specified OLD with the EYUIPRM parameter, the existing parameter repository data set is referenced by the EYUCAS procedure. The job is stored in a member named EYUDEFDS. This member is in the library you specified on the LIB parameter of the EYUISTAR job.

Preparing user access to CICSPlex SM

To permit users to select CICSPlex SM as an application from an ISPF menu: 1. If your enterprise uses an external security manager (ESM), which contains a list of TSO command processors that can be executed by users, include the following names in the table: v BBM3API v BBM9TC20 v BBM9TC23 2. Insert the following line in the existing list of menu options on one or more of the ISPF menu panels defined as members in the ISPPLIB library:

where id is any appropriate, unique menu option id, such as CP. 3. Add the following libraries to the signon procedure for each individual who might access CICSPlex SM during a TSO session:

These library names should be placed after the users data set names and before any other system data set names. If you are creating a new screen repository, you must run job EYUDEFDS before adding the CICSTS13.CPSM.EYUSDEF data set to a TSO session. You can also access CICSPlex SM by running a REXX EXEC from within ISPF. A sample EXEC, called EYUTSODS, is generated when you run the EYUISTAR job, as described in Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209. EYUTSODS is stored in the library you specified on the LIB parameter of the EYUISTAR job. The EYUTSODS EXEC performs the following functions:

Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS)


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v Allocates the required CICSPlex SM data sets to a users TSO session. The data sets are concatenated ahead of any data sets already allocated to the referenced DD name. v Invokes the CICSPlex SM ISPF end-user interface via the command:

v Restores the original allocation when the user exits CICSPlex SM.

Preparing to start a CAS

There are several ways you can start a CAS. You can start a CAS: v At MVS IPL time. This is the recommended method for starting a CAS. To use this method: Verify that the CAS startup procedure is in a system procedure library, such as SYS1.PROCLIB. Verify that the CAS startup procedure is in the Started Tasks table of the external security manager (ESM). Include the START command, as described on page 213, in the COMMNDaa member of SYS1.PARMLIB that contains the automatic operator commands. v From the system console. To start a CAS from the system console: Verify that the CAS startup procedure is in a system procedure library, such as SYS1.PROCLIB. Verify that the CAS startup procedure is in the Started Tasks table of the external security manager (ESM). Have the operator issue the START command, as described on page 213. v As a batch job. To start a CAS as a batch job: Verify that the CAS startup procedure is in a system procedure library, such as SYS1.PROCLIB. Construct a job stream to invoke the CAS procedure. Submit the job to invoke a CAS. A sample procedure that you can use to start a CAS is supplied in the member EYUCAS and is illustrated in Figure 45 on page 213. This member was generated when you ran the EYUISTAR job, as described in Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209. The member is stored in the library you specified on the LIB parameter of the EYUISTAR job.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

//EYUCAS // // // // //* //CPSMCAS // // // // //* //STEPLIB //BBACTDEF //BBVDEF //BBIPARM //BBSECURE //*


MVS/ESA Subsystem ID Extended diagnostic mode SysPlex Coupling Facility Cold start option Capture all dumps


Figure 45. A sample CAS startup job stream

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EXEC statement v Identifies the program that performs basic initialization tasks (PGM=BBM9ZA00). v Provides unlimited processing time for the CAS (TIME=1440). v Designates the size of the private region required by the CAS (REGION=4096K). Do not define a region smaller than 4096K. STEPLIB DD statement Identifies the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH authorized load library. BBACTDEF DD statement Defines the library that contains the SMP-installed CICSPlex SM action and view tables, that are shared by multiple systems. BBVDEF DD statement Defines the library that contains all SMP-installed CICSPlex SM views. A CAS is responsible for retrieving the views associated with PlexManager. BBIPARM DD statement Defines the library that contains the cross-system definitions created by CICSPlex SM users. BBSECURE DD statement Defines the library that contains member BBMTSS00, which contains overrides to the CICSPlex SM global security parameters. See the CICS RACF Security Guide.

START command for a CAS

The syntax of the command you can use to start a CAS is:
START procname [,SSID=ssid][,XDM=Y|N] [,SPCF=Y|N] [,COLD=Y|N][,DUMP=Y|N|ALL]

where: procname Is the 1- to 8-character name of the procedure. (EYUCAS is the name of the distributed sample procedure.)

Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS)


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SSID=ssid Identifies the 4-character name that uniquely identifies the CAS subsystem. Please note that: 1. Subsystem names must be unique within the MVS image. 2. Subsystems are created without being predefined. The distributed sample startup JCL uses CPSM as the default subsystem identifier. (EYUX is used as the subsystem identifier for the Environment Services System Services (ESSS) and, therefore, cannot be used as a CAS subsystem ID.) Make sure that you use this subsystem ID with the CASNAME parameter, described on page 409. If your enterprise has more than one CAS, make sure your TSO users know the subsystem ID of each CAS. In the Subsystem ID field on the Session Control Parameters panel, they can specify a different CAS than the one they first connect to. (The Session Control Parameters panel is described in the CICSPlex SM User Interface Guide) XDM=Y|N Indicates whether the CAS should execute in extended diagnostic mode (XDM). XDM, which is described in the CICSPlex SM Problem Determination book, should be activated only when requested by IBM Support Personnel. Specifying XDM=Y disables certain error recovery mechanisms and issues extensive diagnostic messages to the console. SPCF=Y|N Indicates whether the sysplex coupling facility (SPCF) should be initialized. COLD=Y|N Indicates whether the CAS should be cold started. When the CAS is initialized, several control blocks are built in common storage. Most of these blocks are freed when the CAS terminates. However, some blocks (with a total of less than 4KB of CSA) are retained to permit the reuse of previously allocated system resourcesin particular, MVS system linkage indexes (LXs). When you reinitialize the CAS with COLD=N, the control blocks from the preceding invocation of the CAS are usedrather than building new onesand, thus, do not consume additional common storage or valuable LXs. By contrast, COLD=Y causes new control blocks to be built. This means that all previously built control blocks continue to occupy common storage until the system is IPLed. Specify COLD=Y only when requested to do so by IBM Support Personnel in an attempt to clear an error condition. DUMP=Y|N|ALL Indicates whether system dumps (SDUMPs) are to be taken when the CAS subsystem recovery manager intercepts an unexpected abend. When DUMP=ALL is in effect, an SDUMP is attempted for all unexpected abends. If you specify DUMP=Y, the recovery manager attempts to take an SDUMP only when the failing function is running in supervisor state. If you specify


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DUMP=N, the recovery manager does not take an SDUMP for any abend, regardless of the PSW state at the time of the failure.

Identifying and connecting to a CAS

The first time a user accesses CICSPlex SM, CPSM is used as the default CAS subsystem ID. If this is not the appropriate subsystem ID, the users profile must be changed. To do this, the user must select option 0 from the CICSPlex SM entry panel. Then select suboption 1 and change CPSM to the appropriate subsystem ID. When the user displays the CICSPlex SM entry panel, the names of the context and scope that are to be in effect for the users CICSPlex SM session are shown. When the user selects either option 1 or 2, CICSPlex SM establishes connection between the CAS and the CMAS responsible for managing the CICSplex identified as the context. If, after a CAS connection has been established, the user decides to use option 0.1 to identify a different CAS, the user must use the END command to exit ISPF to FREE the current BBILINK allocations. From the TSO READY prompt, the user must restart the CICSPlex SM session in order to establish a connection to the new CAS.

Defining VTAM to CICSPlex SM (CAS)

Next, you must ensure that CICSPlex SM has the necessary VTAM information. To do this, use the PlexManager CASDEF view, described in the CICSPlex SM Administration, to establish direct CAS-to-CAS communication links. Note: The CASDEF view will not be available until you have a CAS running and can access the CICSPlex SM ISPF end-user interface.

Preparing to stop a CAS

Before you stop a CAS, you should ensure that the MAXUSER, RSVNONR, and RSVSTRT parameters in IEASYSxx contain values that, in combination, will not allow the system to run out of usable ASIDs. To conserve overhead, you may want to limit the value specified for MAXUSER and use values for RSVNONR and RSVSTRT that allow for replacement of nonreusable address spaces when the value at MAXUSER has been exceeded. The total number specified for MAXUSER and RSVNONR should be greater than zero. The sum of the values specified for MAXUSER, RSVNONR, and RSVSTRT cannot be greater than 32767, which is also the maximum for MAXUSER. For more information about the MAXUSER, RSVNONR, and RSVSTRT parameters, see the MVS/ESA Initialization and Tuning Reference manual.

Stopping a CAS
Once a CAS is running, you should not need to stop it unless you want to change its operating parameters. If you want to stop a CAS, whether it is running as a started task or as a batch job, do the following: 1. Optionally, stop any CMASs that are connected to the CAS.
Chapter 29. Setting up a coordinating address space (CAS)


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The CMASs can continue to run without a CAS, but you cannot access them through either the ISPF end-user interface or the application programming interface (API). You may want to leave the CMASs running if either of the following is true: v You plan to restart the CAS immediately after stopping it. v The CMAS is involved in workload management for a CICSplex. Any CMAS that is running when you restart the CAS automatically reconnects to the CAS. 2. From the operator console, issue the MVS purge command:
P casname

where casname identifies the CAS you want to stop. 3. Look for the following console message to verify that the CAS has been stopped:
BBMZA999I CAS(ssid) Shutdown Complete - CC=nn

where ssid identifies the CAS that was stopped and nn is the completion code. Notes: 1. When the CAS is run as a batch job and you CANCEL the job, the initiator is purged. 2. When the CAS is run as a started task and you PURGE the task, the address space is no longer available for other processing.


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Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)

This chapter describes the steps you must perform in order to make a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) operational. These steps consist of: v Updating IEASYSxx (CMAS) v Authorizing libraries (CMAS) on page 218 v Updating the MVS linklist on page 218 v CICSPlex SM auxiliary storage usage on page 220 v Preparing to transmit generic alerts to NetView on page 221 v Defining VTAM requirements (CMAS) on page 222 v Using post-installation members on page 225 v Adding CICS system definitions (CMAS) on page 226 v Creating the CICSPlex SM data repository on page 230 v Expanding the CICSPlex SM data repository on page 233 v Taking backups of the CICSPlex SM data repository on page 235 v Preparing to start a CMAS on page 236 v Defining VTAM to CICSPlex SM (CMAS) on page 244 v Shutting down a CMAS on page 244 v Restarting a CMAS on page 245. For a summary of the CMAS setup tasks that you can refer to while performing them, see Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets on page 185.

Before you begin

Before you begin, check the IEASYSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB that you use for MVS/ESA initialization and make note of the initialization values that are referenced during installation. For details about these values, see Noting IEASYSxx values on page 201. If you are converting your CICSPlex SM system or systems from a previous release to CICSPlex SM for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, you should read the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Migration Guide. For details on applying corrective or preventive maintenance to CICSPlex SM, see Chapter 21. Applying service to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 on page 111.

Updating IEASYSxx (CMAS)

In every MVS/ESA image that contains a CMAS, you need to verify that the IEASYSxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library that you use for MVS initialization includes the parameters:

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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MAXCAD=nnn Set or increase the value to include the number of common MVS/ESA data spaces needed for each CMAS. Each CMAS needs a minimum of 6 common MVS/ESA data spaces. When setting the MAXCAD limit, allow for 6 common MVS/ESA data spaces per CMAS, in addition to any common data spaces that may be in use by other products. NSYSLX=nnn Set or increase the value to include the minimum number of linkage indexes (LXs) required by CICSPlex SM. Because two LXs are required for the CAS and one LX is needed for the Environment Services System Services (ESSS), the minimum number of LXs required for use by CICSPlex SM is 3. Note: This parameter may already have been defined when you set up the CAS. (See Updating IEASYSxx (CAS) on page 202.) For additional information about these parameters, see the MVS/ESA Initialization and Tuning Reference manual.

Authorizing libraries (CMAS)

In each MVS/ESA image containing a CMAS, the appropriate IEAAPFxx or PROGxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library must be changed to authorize the following libraries: v CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH v SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA (Optionally used for MAS LPA modules). If you did not do so as part of setting up the CAS (see Authorizing libraries (CAS) on page 203), do so now.

Updating the MVS linklist

Depending on what components of CICSPlex SM you plan to run in an MVS/ESA image, you must ensure that certain modules reside in an authorized library in the MVS linklist. These modules are supplied in the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULINK library. EYU9X140 In each MVS/ESA image containing a CMAS. EYU9X140 is the initialization module for the ESSS. This CICSPlex SM component provides a system address space that is started by the first CMAS to be initialized in the MVS image after an IPL. For additional information about the ESSS, see the CICSPlex SM Problem Determination book. EYU9A140 In each MVS/ESA image containing a CMAS where you wish to run the CICSPlex SM API. EYU9A140 is the CICSPlex SM API subtask module. In each MVS/ESA image containing a CMAS where you wish to run the NetView RODM interface. Alternatively, EYU9T140 can be placed in an authorized library in the NetView STEPLIB



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concatenation. EYU9T140 is the CICSPlex SM-to-NetView interface module. Note: For information on additional modules that can be placed in the MVS linklist if you plan to use the CICSPlex SM API, see Preparing to use the CICSPlex SM API. To add one or more of these modules to an authorized library in the linklist, perform one of the following actions: v Add the appropriate module(s) to an authorized library that is already in the linklist. v Add the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULINK library to the linklist by identifying the library in a LNKLSTxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library. You should use RACF (or another external security manager) to protect the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULINK library, as described in the CICS RACF Security Guide.

Preparing to use the CICSPlex SM API

In each MVS/ESA image containing a CMAS where you wish to run the CICSPlex SM API, you must ensure that certain modules reside in the proper location. These modules are supplied in the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH library. EYU9AB00 In an authorized library in either the MVS linklist or the STEPLIB concatenation of the application that calls the API. EYU9AB00 is the API batch interface module. In an authorized library in either the MVS linklist or the CMAS STEPLIB concatenation. EYU9XESV is the API security exit module.


In addition, any application that calls the API must be link edited with one of these stub routine modules, regardless of what programming language is used: EYU9ABSI For batch, TSO, or NetView programs. EYU9ABSI is supplied in the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH library. EYU9AMSI For CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 programs. EYU9AMSI is supplied in the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULOAD library.

Installing the REXX function package

The REXX run-time interface to the API is supplied as a function package and host command environment. The interface consists of a single load module containing two entry points: EYU9AR00 EYU9AR01 The function package The host command

EYU9AR00 is supplied in the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH library with an alias of IRXFLOC.

Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


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For a REXX program to access the function package, the module EYU9AR00, along with its alternate entry point, EYU9AR01, and its alias, IRXFLOC, must reside in an authorized library in one of these places: v The MVS linklist v The STEPLIB concatenation of the application that calls the API. For a REXX program to access the function package from NetView, the EYU9AR00 module must also be aliased to DSIRXLFP and placed in an authorized library in either the MVS linklist or the STEPLIB concatenation for the NetView system. Note: Users of the CICSPlex SMrun-time interface are subject to the normal CICSPlex SM API security checks. See the information in the CICS RACF Security Guide. The following members contain SMP/E user modification control statements that you can use to move the necessary API load modules to the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULINK library. These members are supplied in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP.
Member EYU$UM11 EYU$UM12 EYU$UM13 Load module EYU9AR00 EYU9AB00 EYU9XESV

If you use the IRXFLOC or DSIRXLFP aliases to provide access to the REXX function package, they must be placed ahead of any other IRXFLOC or DSIRXLFP modules in the STEPLIB (or MVS linklist) concatenation. If you do not want to use the aliases for the REXX function package, you must modify your REXX parameter modules (IRXPARMS, IRXTSPRM, and IRXISPRM). If you do this, the following is recommended: v The function package supplied by CICSPlex SM should be added as a System function package, rather than a Local or User function package. v A new host command entry like the following should be added: An 8-byte Command Environment name of CPSM An 8-byte Command Routine name of EYU9AR01 A 16-byte Command Token of blanks As the last step in installing the REXX function package, you must: v Increase the number of entries in the appropriate function package table. v Add an entry to that table for EYU9AR00. For more information about REXX function packages and host commands, see the TSO/E Version 2 REXX/MVS Reference book.

CICSPlex SM auxiliary storage usage

When a CMAS is initialized, up to 9 MVS/ESA dataspaces are created. These dataspaces are used by CICSPlex SM to allow quick access to data from a CMAS and the MASs attached to it. Although the dataspaces are logically owned by the CMAS, they are physically owned by the ESSS address space (EYUX140). The dataspaces are deleted when the CMAS (that logically owns the dataspaces) and all local MASs that are attached to that CMAS are terminated. The dataspaces are recreated when the CMAS is initialized again. The size of the dataspaces is dependent upon the amount of work (end-user interface, workload management, MAS resource monitoring, and real-time analysis


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processing) the CMAS is performing and the number of MASs connected to the CMAS. The size may range from 20MB of storage in a relatively idle CICSPlex SM configuration to well over 100MB of storage in a configuration that is complex in both the number of MASs and the amount of work requested. If you do not prepare for such an increase in storage usage, you may encounter auxiliary storage shortages when you first start to use CICSPlex SM. As an effort to prevent such auxiliary storage shortages, you should ensure that your auxiliary storage capabilities can handle an increase of 100MB of storage within the environment. Additionally, you can monitor CICSPlex SMs dataspace usage by using an external monitor package to determine the amount of storage being used by the EYUX140 job. Note: If you contact IBM support personnel because of auxiliary storage shortages, they may ask you to use the CICSPlex SM online debugging transactions (COD0 and CODB) to evaluate the storage use of EYUX140. For information about the COD0 and CODB transactions, refer to the CICSPlex SM Problem Determination manual. If auxiliary storage shortages do occur, you can alleviate the problem by either dynamically increasing your auxiliary storage capability or by causing CICSPlex SM to free the allocated dataspaces, as follows: v To dynamically increase auxiliary storage capacity, allocate an additional page data set, then use the MVS/ESA console command PAGEADD to make the new page data set available. v To cause CICSPlex SM to free the allocated dataspaces, first terminate the CICSPlex SM agent in all local MASs connected to the CMAS. (The CICSPlex SM agent does not have to be stopped in a remote MAS.) To do this, you must use the MAS view STOp action. If a local MAS is acting as a CICSPlex SM WLM TOR, and the DTR program is specified as EYU9XLOP for that MAS, then, before you can use the MAS view STOp action against that MAS, the DTR program must be changed from EYU9XLOP. (For example, you can change it to the IBM default program DFHDYP.) After the CICSPlex SM agent is terminated in all local MASs, terminate the CMAS itself. After the auxiliary storage capability is increased, you can restart the CMAS. Remote MASs that are still active are automatically reconnected to the CMAS, provided that the STOP action was not used against these remote MASs. If the MAS STOP action was performed against the remote MASs, you must use the CORM transaction to reconnect the remote MASs. To reconnect any local MASs that remained active after the CICSPlex SM agent was stopped, execute the COLM transaction within those CICS regions. You can execute CORM or COLM using a modify command from the CONSOLE.

Preparing to transmit generic alerts to NetView

You can have the real-time analysis (RTA) component of CICSPlex SM transmit generic alerts to an IBM NetView system when one or more user-defined conditions occur during analysis.

Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


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For information about how to prepare CICSPlex SM to send the generic alerts to NetView, see the discussions of the ACTNDEF view, in CICSPlex SM Managing Resource Usage and the CMASD view, in the : CICSPlex SM Operations Views Reference manual. To be sure that a NetView system is ready to receive the alerts, in the NetView system verify that the Event Type record IMPD is being passed to the NetView database by issuing the NPDA command:

The resulting list should show an ACTION of PASS for ETYPES of IMPD, and RSLV. If it is necessary to add these record types to the filter, you can issue the following NPDA commands:

Defining VTAM requirements (CMAS)

ACF/VTAM definitions are required to identify each CMAS used by CICSPlex SM. This involves creating VTAM application definitions and, optionally, cross-domain resource management definitions. Note: You may already have defined the VTAM requirements for a CAS (see Defining VTAM requirements (CAS) on page 204). The steps for defining the VTAM requirements for a CMAS are different. To create VTAM application definitions and cross-domain resource management definitions for a CMAS, you must perform the following steps: 1. Create a VTAM application definition for each CMAS you will be using. 2. Define each CMAS as a cross-domain resource. 3. Add the application and cross-domain resource definitions to the VTAM configuration list. 4. Activate the definitions. Notes: 1. Before you perform these steps, be sure to specify the size of the VTAM buffers. v For the VTAM-to-NCP connection, specify MAXDATA 4096 v For the NCP-to-VTAM connection, specify MAXBFRU * IOBUF 4096 MAXBFRU * UNITSZ 4096 v For the NCP-to-NCP connection, specify TRANSFR * BFRS = RUSIZE 4096 The size specified should be 36 bytes less than the smallest MAXDATA value in any NCP through which the link may pass. The 36 bytes provides allowance for VTAM required headers. For more information about the requirements for the VTAM-to-NCP connection, refer to the VTAM Resource Definition Reference manual for your level of VTAM. For more information about the requirements


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for the NCP-to-VTAM and the NCP-to-NCP connections, refer to the NCP Resource Definition Reference manual for your level of NCP. If you need help determining or modifying your VTAM buffer specifications, confer with the VTAM system programmer at your enterprise. 2. Depending on your VTAM conventions, you may need to modify the procedures described in this section. Specifically: v Change references to the SYS1.VTAMLST library if you do not keep your definitions in the default VTAM list. v Modify the APPL and CDRSC statements if you want to add these statements to existing members, rather than create new ones. After you have the CMAS running and can access CICSPlex SM, you can define VTAM to CICSPlex SM. (See Defining VTAM to CICSPlex SM (CMAS) on page 244.)

Step 1: Creating a VTAM application definition (CMAS)

To establish a VTAM application definition for a CMAS, either create a new member (major node) or access an existing member in the SYS1.VTAMLST library. Then add the following APPL statement:

where: name acbname Is a 1- to 8-character unique name. Is the node name of this CMAS. This name must be unique within the domain. If you omit this parameter, the name of the VTAM APPL statement is used. Is the maximum number of normal-flow requests that another logical unit can send on an intersystem session before waiting to receive a pacing response. Start with a value of 5.


For example, to create a VTAM application definition for the CMAS on SYSA, you might create a member named APCMAS1 in the SYS1.VTAMLST library that contains the APPL statement:

The same type of definition is needed for each CMAS you will be using.

Step 2: Defining cross-domain resources (CMAS)

You should define cross-domain resources (CDRSCs) when: v A CMAS that is to communicate with another CMAS cannot take advantage of adjacent CDRSCs. v You want to minimize the overhead involved in using adjacent CDRSCs.
Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


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To establish a CDRSC definition, you must either create a new member or access an existing member in the SYS1.VTAMLST library. In the new or existing member, specify the following CDRSC statement for each CMAS with which you want to communicate:

where: name cdrm Is the name you assigned to a CMAS in Step 1. Is the name of the MVS image previously identified as the cross-domain resource manager (CDRM).

For example, to allow the CMAS on SYSA to communicate with the CMASs on SYSB and SYSC, you might create the member CDRCMS1, in the SYS1.VTAMLST library, which contains the CDRSC statements:

where VTAMB and VTAMC are the cross-domain resource manager names assigned to SYSB and SYSC respectively. The same types of definitions are also needed for the CMASs on SYSB and SYSC. That is, for the CMAS on SYSB, you might create a member named CDRCMS2, which contains the CDRSC statements:

For additional information about cross-domain resources, see the VTAM Resource Definition Reference manual.

Step 3: Updating the configuration list (CMAS)

If, in Step 1 or 2, you created new members in the SYS1.VTAMLST library, you must update the VTAM configuration list for each MVS image. This causes the new members to be automatically activated when VTAM starts. To do this, add the new member names to the end of the configuration list in the appropriate ATCCONxx member of the SYS1.VTAMLST library. To find the suffix of the ATCCONxx member, do the following: v Get the suffix of the COMMNDxx member from the CMD= parameter in the IEASYSxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB. v Get the suffix of the ATCSTRxx member from the LIST= parameter on the command used to start VTAM in the COMMNDxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB, or (if you do not start VTAM from the COMMNDxx member) get the suffix from the LIST= parameter of the command that you use to start VTAM. v Get the suffix of the ATCCONxx member from the CONFIG= parameter in the ATCSTRxx member in SYS1.VTAMLST. To illustrate, the examples shown in Steps 1 and 2 assume the creation of members named APCMAS1 and CDRCMS1. To add these members to the end of the configuration list in ATCCONxx, you would specify:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Note: If you added the CMAS and cross-domain definitions to existing members, ATCCONxx should already contain these member names.

Step 4: Activating the major nodes (CMAS)

You can activate the definitions created in Steps 1 and 2 by either restarting VTAM for each system, or manually activating the definitions. To manually activate a major node, you can issue the following commands, where name identifies a major mode created (or modified) in Steps 1 and 2: v Deactivate the major node if it is currently active by issuing the command:

v Activate (or reactivate) the major node by issuing the command:


To ensure that the major node has been activated, issue the command:
D NET,ID=name

For example, to activate the member APCMAS1 and then ensure that it has been activated, you would issue the commands:

The preceding steps need to be performed for each CMAS you may be using.

Using post-installation members

If you generated the CMAS-related post-installation members, using the procedure described on page 209, they were stored in the library identified by the LIB parameter of the EYUISTAR job. If you did not already do so, do so now. Table 13 identifies the post-installation members and indicates their use.
Table 13. Post-installation jobs Job Use EYUCAS EYUCMAS EYUDEFDS A sample JCL procedure that you can use to start a CAS, as described on page 212. A sample JCL procedure that you can use to start a CMAS, as described on page 236. Sample JCL that you can use to create the data, screen, and parameter repositories. For additional information about creating a: v Data repository, see page 230. v Screen and parameter repository, see page 210. EYUDFHDS EYULPMOD Sample JCL that you can use to create the CICS region data sets for the CMAS region. Sample JCL that you can use to apply SMP/E USERMODs that move MAS modules to the SEYULPA library.

Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


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Table 13. Post-installation jobs (continued) Job Use EYUTSODS A REXX EXEC, described on page 211, that you can use to invoke the TSO interface.

Only the members EYUCMAS, EYUDFHDS, and EYUDEFDS (for the data repository) are used in setting up a CMAS. The other members are used when you set up a CAS (see Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209) or when you set up a MAS (see Generating post-installation members (MVS MAS) on page 250).

Adding CICS system definitions (CMAS)

You must add appropriate resource definitions to the CICS tables and the CICS system definition (CSD) file for each CMAS you are using.

Creating CICS resource definition tables for CMASs

For each CMAS, you must create resource definition table load modules required to run a CMAS. Assemble and link-edit the tables using the CICS procedures for installing resource definition table load modules. Library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP must be included in the SYSLIB concatenation for the Assembler step of the procedure used to assemble and link-edit the CICS tables. Table 14 lists the members in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP that are: v Source members used to create the resource definition table load modules v Copy books that contain the resource definition entries referenced by the tables.
Table 14. Resource definition members for CMAS Resource definition table source EYUDCTD$ EYUJCTD$ EYUPLTD$ EYUPLTE$ EYUPLTF$ EYUPLTG$ EYUSRTD$ EYUSRTE$ EYUSRTF$ EYUSRTG$ EYU$SRT0 System recovery table (SRT) U U U U Resource entry Resource definition tables copy book EYU$DCT0 EYU$JCT0 EYU$PLT0 Destination control table (DCT), see note 2 Journal control table (JCT) Program list tables (PLT) CICS release 4.1 U U U U U U 1.1 1.2 1.3


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Table 14. Resource definition members for CMAS (continued) Resource definition table source Notes: 1. The CICS release indicators are: 4.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 CICS/ESA 4.1 CICS TS for OS/390 1.1 CICS TS for OS/390 1.2 CICS TS for OS/390 1.3 Resource entry Resource definition tables copy book CICS release 4.1 1.1 1.2 1.3

2. EYUDCTD$, destination control table because the source contains destinations beginning with the character C, RC=4 is expected, unless the DCT is assembled against CICS/ESA 4.1 libraries with APAR PQ11754 applied.

These tables do not need to be modified for CICSPlex SM to function properly. If your site has standards which necessitate enhancements to these tables or the entries within these tables, you must keep the following in mind: For EYUJCTD$ The value for BUFSIZE must be greater than the maximum record size specified in the IDCAMS allocate statement for the EYUDREP data repository. The maximum record size supplied by CICSPlex SM is 6550. The JCT entry for DFHJ25 is required if you want to produce any CMAS journal records, as described in Chapter 44. CMAS journaling on page 415. For EYUPLTD$, EYUPLTE$, EYUPLTF$, and EYUPLTG$ You must add an entry to the PLTs to have the CICSPlex SM environment created as part of CICS post initialization processing for each CMAS. Make sure that the program EYU9XLCS runs during the second phase of PLT execution (which is the third phase of CICS initialization). The change to the PLT must follow the PROGRAM=DFHDELIM entry, and should be in the form:

The suffix of that PLT must then be named on the program list table post-initialization (PLTPI) system initialization parameter for each CMAS.

Updating the CSD files using DFHCSDUP (CMAS)

The resource definitions you must add to the CSD file for each CICS/ESA CMAS are distributed in the EYU9nnG0 modules of the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULOAD library, where nn represents the CICS level (for example, 41 refers to CICS/ESA 4.1). Sample JCL that you can use to include the definitions is supplied in the member EYUJCLG0 in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP library. You can edit this JCL, as shown in Figure 46 on page 228, to: 1. Define the CMAS group of resource definitions to the appropriate CSD file. 2. Add the CMAS group list to the CSD.

Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)



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Modify the sample JCL to provide the following information: STEPLIB Identify: v cics.index.SDFHLOAD as the CICS load library containing the DFHCSDUP module v cpsm.index.SEYULOAD as the CICSPlex SM load library containing the definition modules. DFHCSD SYSIN Identify cics.dfhcsd as the CICS CSD file to be updated. You must identify the load module (EYU9nnG0) that contains the resource definitions group required to run the CMAS (EYU140G0).

A return code of 4 is expected from this run of DFHCSDUP. This is because, before adding the designated group to the CSD, the job attempts to delete any group with the same name. Note: User transactions should not normally be run in a CMAS. However, if you do choose to define your own transactions to the CMAS, you should be aware that transaction IDs used by CICSPlex SM in the CMAS have no specific format. To avoid conflict between your names and those used by CICSPlex SM, you should review the transactions defined in the CSD group EYU140G0. For a list of these transactions, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.

Journalmodel considerations in a CICS TS for OS/390 CMAS

The CMAS grouplists for CICS TS for OS/390 release 1.1 (and higher) include the CICS-supplied group, DFHLGMOD. If the log stream names used by the DFHLGMOD group are not appropriate for your environment, copy group DFHLGMOD to a new group, where you can make your amendments. Finally, add the new group to the CMAS grouplist. See Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling on page 75 for details on how to define log streams. Note: Do not operate the CMAS with log streams defined as DUMMY. This may cause problems when recovering the CSD or CICSPlex SM data repository (EYUDREP). See Chapter 44. CMAS journaling on page 415 for details about the various CMAS journaling options that you can activate.


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Considerations when upgrading the CSD release (CMAS)

When the CSD is upgraded to a new CICS release, you must install the CICSPlex SM group definitions for the new release into the upgraded CSD. For example, when the CSD is upgraded from CICS/ESA 4.1 to the CICS TS for OS/390, use the following SYSIN to install the CICSPlex SM CMAS resource definitions for the CICS TS for OS/390 Release 2.

For information about the resource group definitions distributed with CICSPlex SM, see Updating the CSD files using DFHCSDUP (CMAS) on page 227.

Considerations when sharing the CSD (CMAS)

Before the CSD can be shared by multiple releases of CICS, the CSD must be upgraded by installing the CICSPlex SM resource definitions for the current CICS release. For information about doing so, see Considerations when upgrading the CSD release (CMAS). When a CMAS running under a previous release of CICS/ESA will be accessing resource definitions in a CSD that has been upgraded to the current CICS/ESA release, the CMAS group list must also be updated. Because the CMAS group list definitions are secured against updates, you must create a copy of the CMAS group list and update the copy. For example, to run DFHCSDUP to create a copy of the CMAS group list and add the CICS compatibility groups (DFHCOMP4, DFHCOMP5, DFHCOMP6, and DFHCOMP7) required for a CICS/ESA 4.1 CMAS to access resource definitions in a CICS TS for OS/390 Release 3 CMAS, use the following SYSIN control statements:

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The control statements in Figure 47 perform the following functions: UPGRADE USING(EYU953G0) Replaces the previous CICS/ESA or CICS TS for OS/390 release CMAS group definitions with CICS TS for OS/390 Release 3 group definitions. The CICS TS for OS/390 Release 3 group definitions can be used to run a CICS/ESA 4.1, or CICS TS for OS/390 CMAS. APPEND LIST(EYU140L0) TO(EYUE41L0) Creates the unprotected copy of list EYU140L0.

Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


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ADD GROUP(DFHCOMP7) LIST(EYUE41L0) Adds CICS TS for OS/390 Release 2 compatibility group DFHCOMP7 to the list EYUE41L0. ADD GROUP(DFHCOMP6) LIST(EYUE41L0) Adds CICS TS for OS/390 Release 1 compatibility group DFHCOMP6 to the list EYUE41L0. ADD GROUP(DFHCOMP5) LIST(EYUE41L0) Adds CICS/ESA 4.1 compatibility group DFHCOMP5 to the list EYUE41L0. This JCL will complete with a return code of 04 when the CICSPlex SM group or list referenced by the UPGRADE statements is installed for the first time. This occurs because the processing of the UPGRADE statements will attempt to delete list EYU140L0 and group EYU140G0 before these resources are defined. After this job is completed successfully, you can start a CICS/ESA 4.1 CMAS by referencing group list EYUE41L0; you can start a CICS TS for OS/390 Release 3 CMAS by referencing group list EYU140L0. To start a CICS TS for OS/390 Release 2 CMAS, you can define an additional group list in a CICS TS for OS/390 CSD. Such a group list will include CICS compatibility group DFHCOMP7. To start a CICS/ESA 4.1 CMAS, you can define an additional group list in a CICS TS for OS/390 CSD. Such a group list will include CICS compatibility groups DFHCOMP7, DFHCOMP6 and DFHCOMP5, in that order. For more information about upgrading the CICS CSD with compatibility group definitions, see the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Migration Guide, GC34-5353.

Creating the CICSPlex SM data repository

Each CMAS must have a data repository associated with it. The data repository contains the CICSPlex SM administration definitions applicable to its associated CMAS. Note: The data repository is a critical component of CICSPlex SM system management. It is imperative that you take regular backups of the data repository associated with each CMAS in your environment. It is defined to CICS as being a recoverable file which participates in SYNCPOINT and SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK operations. The CMAS must have a CICS system log in order for these operations to operate correctly. Do not, therefore, run a CMAS with a system log defined as type DUMMY as this would compromise data integrity on the CICSPlex SM data repository. To create the data set containing the data repository, you can use the post-installation job named EYUDEFDS. This job was generated when you ran the EYUISTAR job, as described in Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209. The job is stored in the library you specified on the LIB parameter of the EYUISTAR job.


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If you will be running multiple CMASs in the same MVS image, you must create a data repository for each CMAS. You can edit and resubmit the EYUISTAR job (as described in Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs on page 397 ), which generates the EYUDEFDS post-installation job. You may want to use the SELECT parameter to generate only the EYUDEFDS post-installation job. Once this job exists, you can edit it to make sure that the names specified with the SYSIDNT and CMASNAME parameters are unique each time you run the job. Note: If you have already run the EYUDEFDS job (when you set up the CAS), be sure to delete the following steps before you rerun EYUDEFDS: v v v v SDEFDEL SDEFALOC IPRMDEL IPRMALOC

These steps create new screen and parameter repositories, deleting those already in existence. For more information about creating the screen and parameter repository data sets, see Creating data sets on page 210. The EYUDEFDS job includes the following steps related to the creation of the data repository: DREPALOC This step allocates the VSAM KSDS cluster for the data repository data set named:

where: dsindex Is defined by the DSINFO parameter of the EYUISTAR job. cmasname Is defined by the CMASNAME parameter of the EYUISTAR job. Note: CICSPlex SM does not support VSAM records that span control intervals. Make sure the IDCAMS job that you use to create a CICSPlex SM data repository does not specify the SPANNED parameter. You should accept the IDCAMS default of nonspanned records. DREPINIT or DREPCNVT One of these two steps is used to setup the data repository for a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 CMAS. The step that is generated in job EYUDEFDS depends on the OLDDREP parameter you specified when you ran the EYUISTAR job. Step DREPINIT is generated if you did not specify a value with the OLDDREP parameter. This step executes EYU9XDUT to initialize the new data repository that was allocated by step DREPALOC. The new data repository does not contain any records from a previous version of CICSPlex SM. The EYU9XDUT utility uses the following parameters for step DREPINIT: CMASNAME=xxxxxxxx where: v You cannot change this name after the data repository is initialized.
Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


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v This name must be unique within the CICSPlex SM environment. It should not be the same as the name of another CMAS, a CICSplex, a CICS system, or a CICS system group. v Position 1 must be alphabetic or national, and cannot be numeric. v Positions 2 through 8 can be alphabetic, national, or numeric. SYSID=xxxx where: v You cannot change this identifier after the data repository is initialized. v This value must match the SYSIDNT (SIT parameter) for the CMAS; see CMAS-related CICS SIT parameters on page 239. v This value must not be the same as the SYSID for any other CMAS or CICS system that is defined to CICSPlex SM. v Positions 1 through 4 can be alphabetic, national, or numeric. TIMEZONE=x where x must be a single alphabetic character (B through Z), representing one of the Greenwich time zone codes (see CICSPlex SM Administration) ZONEOFFSET=nn where nn must be a two-digit numeric value (00 through 59), representing an adjustment (offset) to the TIMEZONE. DAYLIGHT=x where x must be a single character (Y or N), representing daylight saving time. For information about defining the TIMEZONE, ZONEOFFSET, and DAYLIGHT parameters, see CICSPlex SM Administration. Step DREPCNVT is generated if you specified the name of an existing data repository on the OLDDREP parameter. This step executes EYU9XDUT to convert existing data repository records from a previous release of CICSPlex SM for use by CICSPlex SM for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3. All the records from the input data repository specified on the OLDDREP parameter are added to the new data repository that was allocated by step DREPALOC. The input data repository is not modified. The EYU9XDUT utility uses the following parameter for step DREPCNVT: TARGETVER=0140 where 0140 represents the version of the new output data repository.

Converting the CICSPlex SM data repository

You can run the EYU9XDUT utility to convert the CICSPlex SM data repository from any release of CICSPlex SM to this release, and back again. That is, you can upgrade the data repository to the current release of CICSPlex SM, and you can convert it back to a previous release. For example, after you have upgraded to CICSPlex SM Release 4 (Release 4 being the release of CICSPlex SM provided with CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3), you can convert the data repository back to Release 3 of CICSPlex SM for use with a CMAS running the CICSPlex SM Release 3 code.


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The conversion is controlled by the TARGETVER parameter and the DD statements you use to execute EYU9XDUT. To convert between a previous release and CICSPlex SM for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 requires both the EYUDREP and NEWREP DD statements in the JCL. The EYUDREP statement must reference an existing input data repository and the NEWREP statement must reference the output data repository. Use JCL similar to that in Figure 48 to convert from Release 2 of CICSPlex SM to CICSPlex SM for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3. This sample JCL assumes you have already allocated the VSAM cluster referenced by the NEWREP DD statement.

Figure 48. Example JCL to run EYU9XDUT

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In the JCL, use a value for TARGETVER that indicates the release you are converting to. For example:
To convert to.. Release 3 CICSPlex SM for CICS TS Release 3 Use: TARGETVER=0130 TARGETVER=0140

When the data repository is updated from a previous release to the current release, information stored in the earlier version is carried over to the current version of the data repository. When the data repository is reverted from the current release back to a previous release and the record in which information is changed is identical in both releases, then the changes are carried back to the earlier version. Likewise, if a field in a record exists in both releases, then later changes to the information in a field are carried back to the earlier version. However, when the data repository is converted from the current release to a previous release and either the record or a field in it did not exist in the previous release, then the information contained in the later version is permanently lost. (For more information about the data repository, see Creating the CICSPlex SM data repository on page 230 and Expanding the CICSPlex SM data repository.)

Expanding the CICSPlex SM data repository

As is true for any repository, the CICSPlex SM data repository may fill up and require expansion. To expand the CICSPlex SM data repository, use the IDCAMS utility REPRO function. Figure 49 on page 234 is an example of the JCL you should use. This JCL is provided in member EYUJXDRP of the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP library.

Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


//* //* Sample JCL - Expand CICSPlex SM Data Repository //* //* The following values need to be edited: //*------------------------------------------------------------------//* dsindex - CMAS DSN High Level Qualifier //* dsvol - Volume for the created data sets //* cmasname - CMAS Name for this repository //* (xx,yy) - Primary and secondary space values //* //*------------------------------------------------------------------//* //* This sample JCL expands the CICSPlex SM data repository //* using the following technique: //* //* - Allocates the new Data Repository data set. //* - Copies the existing Data Repository data set. //* - Renames original repository to dsindex.OLDDREP.cmasname. //* - Renames the new repository to have the original name. //* //*------------------------------------------------------------------Figure 49. Sample JCL to expand data repository, using IDCAMS (Part 1 of 3)

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//DREPALOC EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DEFINE CLUSTER (NAME(dsindex.NEWDREP.cmasname) RECORDS(xx,yy) VOLUMES(dsvol) CISZ(8192) RECSZ(200,6550) KEYS(64,0) SHR(2) INDEXED SPEED REUSE ERASE) REPRO INDATASET(dsindex.EYUDREP.cmasname) OUTDATASET(dsindex.NEWDREP.cmasname) Figure 49. Sample JCL to expand data repository, using IDCAMS (Part 2 of 3)

/* //RENAME EXEC PGM=IDCAMS, // COND=(0,NE) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * ALTER dsindex.EYUDREP.cmasname NEWNAME('dsindex.OLDDREP.cmasname') ALTER dsindex.NEWDREP.cmasname NEWNAME('dsindex.EYUDREP.cmasname') /* Figure 49. Sample JCL to expand data repository, using IDCAMS (Part 3 of 3)


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For RECORDS, specify a primary (xx) and a secondary (yy) value that are appropriate for your environment. The initial values are 500 and 3000.

Taking backups of the CICSPlex SM data repository

The CICSPlex SM data repository is defined to CICS as a VSAM file called EYUDREP. As the data set is accessed via CICS File Control, all the normal CICS methods of taking backups of VSAM data sets for disaster recovery purposes are available for use with the data repository. You may use the following techniques for taking copies of the data repository, and for restoring the data repository after a data set failure. v Use HSM, or DSS, or other utilities to take copies while the associated CMAS is not running, possibly using the Concurrent Copy technique to reduce the time during which the repository must be unavailable. v Use HSM or DSS to take copies while the associated CMAS is running using the Backup While Open technique, and possibly also using the Concurrent Copy technique, which improves the ease of use of Backup While Open. This requires a forward recovery log (see Defining a forward recovery log for the data repository). v Use HSM or DSS to restore the data set after a data set failure. v Use a Forward Recovery product such as CICS VSAM Recovery (CICS/VR) to reapply updates made to the data set after the most recent copy was taken. This requires a forward recovery log. v Use remote site recovery techniques if you need an up-to-date copy of the data set at a remote site for disaster recovery purposes. This requires a forward recovery log. The CICS Recovery And Restart Guide provides information on all the terms referred to above. In particular, it provides information about forward recovery logs, forward recovery, the CICS/VR product, Backup While Open, Concurrent Copy and its associated hardware prerequisites, taking back ups of data sets, restoring data sets from backup copies, and remote site recovery.

Defining a forward recovery log for the data repository

The data repository is defined in the CMAS as a VSAM file called EYUDREP. CICSPlex SM provides a default definition that defines this file as not having an associated forward recovery log, and therefore as not being eligible for forward recovery. If you wish to use Forward Recovery, Backup While Open, or Remote Site Recovery, you will need to change the definition of EYUDREP. You will need to specify the following keywords on the definition of EYUDREP to define it as having a forward recovery log:

where nn is a number between 1 and 99. The default definition of EYUDREP also does not define the repository as being eligible for Backup While Open. To make the repository eligible for Backup While Open, you should specify the following keywords:
Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


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where nn is a number between 1 and 99. The RECOVERY, FWDRECOVLOG, and BACKUPTYPE parameters of DEFINE FILE are described fully in the CICS Resource Definition Guide. Note: You should not change any keywords on the EYUDREP definition other than RECOVERY, FWDRECOVLOG and BACKUPTYPE. In addition, you must never set RECOVERY(NONE). Setting RECOVERY(NONE) would cause repository corruption after transaction or CMAS failures.

Preparing to start a CMAS

There are several ways to start a CMAS. You can start a CMAS: v When an MVS system is IPLed. To use this method: Verify that the CMAS startup procedure is in a system procedure library, such as SYS1.PROCLIB. Verify that the CMAS startup procedure is in the Started Tasks table of the external security manager (ESM). Change the COMMNDaa member referenced by the IEASYSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB (as described in Noting IEASYSxx values on page 201). to include a START command for the CMAS. The START command to be included is described in START command for a CMAS on page 243. v From the system console. To start a CMAS from the system console: Verify that the CMAS startup procedure is in a system procedure library, such as SYS1.PROCLIB. Verify that the CMAS startup procedure is in the Started Tasks table of the external security manager (ESM). Have the operator issue the START command described on page 243. v As a batch job. To start a CMAS as a batch job: Verify that the CMAS startup procedure is in a system procedure library, such as SYS1.PROCLIB. Construct a job stream to invoke the CMAS procedure. Submit the job to invoke a CMAS. No matter which method you use to start a CMAS, be sure to verify that the procedure references the appropriate: v CICS SIT parameters,as described on page 239. v CICSPlex SM startup parameters, as described on page 407.


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Notes: 1. Because the job of the CMAS is to manage a MAS, it is important that the CMAS have the ability to process data with a higher priority than the MAS. Therefore, you should put CMAS jobs into a performance group that has a higher dispatching priority than the performance groups where the MAS resides. Failure to do so may result in severe performance problems for CICSPlex SM. 2. After starting a CMAS for the first time, you must configure the CMAS to your environment. This includes establishing the CICSplexes it is to manage and any communication links that are needed between this CMAS and another CMAS or a remote MAS. For additional information about this, see CICSPlex SM Administration. A sample procedure that you can use to start a CMAS is supplied in the member EYUCMAS. This member was generated when you ran the EYUISTAR job, as described in Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209. The member is stored in the library you specified on the LIB parameter of the EYUISTAR job. You must create the data sets for this CICS region. JCL to create the CICS region data sets for the CMAS is supplied in member EYUDFHDS of CICSTS13.CPSM.XEYUINST. This member was generated when you ran the EYUISTAR job. Figure 50 illustrates segments of the EYUCMAS procedure that are unique to CICSPlex SM.


Figure 50. CMAS-specific JCL requirements

Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


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Review the following statements in the sample JCL illustrated in Figure 50 on page 237 . Verify that the JCL has been modified so that the: EXEC PGM=EYU9XECS statement Starts the CMAS and either verifies the existence of, or creates, the ESSS. EYU9XECS, the CMAS startup program, must be run in order for a CMAS to initialize. STEPLIB DD statement Includes the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH authorized load library. DFHRPL DD statement Includes the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULOAD load library. Include the load library containing the CICS resource definition table load modules. You should not include application load libraries in the DFHRPL concatenation. EYULOG DD statement Identifies the log to which messages from the CMAS and its associated managed application systems (MASs) are to be directed. When you are using a sequential data set for the EYULOG, allocate 3 primary cylinders and 1 secondary cylinder. EYUDREP DD statement Identifies the library to be used as the data repository by the CMAS, where: cmasname Is the name you specified for the CMASNAME parameter on the EYUISTAR job. The CMASNAME value is used by EYU9XDUT in order to create the CICSPlex SM data repository. (See Creating the CICSPlex SM data repository on page 230.) EYUPARM DD statement Identifies the library containing the CICSPlex SM system parameters. BBACTDEF DD statement Defines the data set that contains the SMP-installed CICSPlex SM action and view tables. These tables help the CAS determine which view names and actions are valid within a given context. BBVDEF DD statement Defines the library that contains all SMP-installed CICSPlex SM views.

Editing CICSPlex SM system parameters

Member EYUCMS0P, in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM data set, contains sample parameters for a CMAS; this member must be edited. (See Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407 for a detailed description of each parameter.) When the CMAS is to connect to a MAS for which security will be active (the CICS SIT parameter for the MAS is SEC=YES), the CMAS must have CICSPlex SM security active. When CICSPlex SM security is not activated in the CMAS, the connection between the CMAS and the MAS cannot be established. If this is attempted, the following message is issued to the console, the CMAS joblog, and the CMAS EYULOG:
EYUCR0007E Security mismatch between CMAS cmasname and MAS masname. Connection terminating.


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To activate CICSPlex SM security in the CMAS, you must specify the CICSPlex SM system parameter SEC(YES). The default is SEC(NO). (For more information about the SEC parameter, see Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407.) Specifying SEC=YES in the CICS SIT parameters for the CMAS does not affect CICSPlex SM security.

CMAS-related CICS SIT parameters

Three members of the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM library contain CICS system initialization table (SIT) parameters that should be included in the sequential data set or partitioned data set member identified by the CICS SYSIN statement. The members are named EYUCnnI0, where nn is: 41 CICS/ESA 4.1 51 CICS TS for OS/390 Version 1.1 52 CICS TS for OS/390 Version 1.2 53 CICS TS for OS/390 Version 1.3 Table 15 identifies the CMAS-related CICS SIT parameters. Notes: 1. When the second column in the table contains an asterisk, before you start a CMAS you should supply your own value for the parameter listed in the first column. 2. When the second column of the table does not contain an asterisk, leave the value of the parameter as shown in the first column.
Table 15. CICS SIT parameters for a CMAS Parameter AIEXIT=DFHZATDX APPLID= * Your value Explanation VTAM terminal autoinstall program. VTAM application ID for this CICS, which is acting as a CMAS. Used as CMAS name when NAME(value) is not specified as a CICSPlex SM system parameter. Auxiliary trace - Exception records. Continuous auxiliary trace switching. * CICS SVC installed in LPA. Enable read and write updates to CSD. Forward recovery and backout. Note: CICS journaling must be active with real, not DUMMY, journals if CSDRECOV=ALL. Dynamic transaction backout program. EYULOG and EYUPARM DCT entries. * Non-CESN RACF user Id. Limit of DSA storage below 16MB. Transaction dump data set. CICS release 4.1 U U 1.1 U U 1.2 U U 1.3 U U








Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


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Table 15. CICS SIT parameters for a CMAS (continued) Parameter DUMPSW=NEXT EDSALIM=32M FCT=NO GMTEXT=CICSPlex SM / ESA GRPLIST=EYU140L0 Your value Explanation Switch to next transaction dump data set. Limit of EDSA storage above 16MB. No File control table. Default logon message. CSD group list having group EYU140G0. See Updating the CSD files using DFHCSDUP (CMAS) on page 227 for additional information. Activate main storage trace. Region exit interval. Runaway task interval. Note: For a CMAS running on a small processor and having a large number of resources defined through BAS, this value may need to be increased to about 90000. Terminal scan delay interval. IRC started at system initialization. Load programs required for interregion or intersystem communications during initialization. Journal Control Table for system log. Maximum tasks to exist. Specifies that CICS will allocate ERDSA from readonly key 0 protected storage. Initialization table having EYU9XLCS. Initialization table having EYU9XLCS. Initialization table having EYU9XLCS. Initialization table having EYU9XLCS. CICS release 4.1 U U U U U 1.1 U U U U U 1.2 U U U U U 1.3 U U U U U
















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Table 15. CICS SIT parameters for a CMAS (continued) Parameter SEC= {YES|NO} Your value Explanation Indicate whether external security checking is to be performed for this CMAS. Specify: YES When READ access is granted: v READ is permitted v UPDATE is refused. When UPDATE access is granted: v READ is permitted v UPDATE is permitted. Note: If you specify YES in a CMAS running CICS/ESA 4.1 or later, you must define all the CICSPlex SM transactions that run in a CMAS to your external security manager (ESM). For a list of these transactions, see the CICS RACF Security Guide. Security checking is not performed. For information about the CICSPlex SM SEC parameter for the CMAS, see Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407. NO SIT=6$ SPOOL=YES System initialization table suffix. System spooling interface. Required when you are going to use the CICSPlex SM batched repository-update facility. System Recovery Table Suffix. System Recovery Table Suffix. System Recovery Table Suffix. System Recovery Table Suffix. Cold start overriding other options. The first time a CMAS is started, it should be cold started to install the necessary CICS resource definitions and establish CMAS-to-CMAS and CMAS-to-remote MAS connections. Note: The first time a CMAS running the CICS TS for OS/390 is started, you should specify START=INITIAL. Subsequently, a CMAS can be started with either START=COLD or START=AUTO. For more information, see Restarting a CMAS on page 245.
Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)

CICS release 4.1 U 1.1 U 1.2 U 1.3 U








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Table 15. CICS SIT parameters for a CMAS (continued) Parameter STGPROT=NO SUBTSKS=1 SYSIDNT= * Your value Explanation No storage protection. Use additional concurrent mode TCB. CICS System Id. Note: The SYSIDNT value must match the EYU9XDUT SYSID parameter value used to initialize the data repository being referenced by the EYUDREP DD statement. No system activity trace. No TCT needed. No transaction isolation. Kilobytes for trace table. Cold start temporary storage. No temporary storage table required. Enable user trace facility. Bytes for Common Work Area. * If you specify the CICSPlex SM system parameter SEC(YES), you must specify XCMD=NO to indicate that EXEC CICS system commands are not to be included in security checking. If you specify the CICSPlex SM system parameter SEC(YES), you must specify XDB2=NO to indicate that DB2 resources are not to be included in security checking. If you specify the CICSPlex SM system parameter SEC(YES), you must specify XDCT=NO to indicate that destination control entries are not to be included in security checking. If you specify the CICSPlex SM system parameter SEC(YES), you must specify XFCT=NO to indicate that file control entries are not to be included in security checking. If you specify the CICSPlex SM system parameter SEC(YES), you must specify XJCT=NO to indicate that journal entries are not to be included in security checking. If you specify the CICSPlex SM system parameter SEC(YES), you must specify XPCT=NO to indicate that EXEC-started transactions are not to be included in security checking. U U CICS release 4.1 U U U 1.1 U U U 1.2 U U U 1.3 U U U












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Table 15. CICS SIT parameters for a CMAS (continued) Parameter XPPT={YES|name|NO} Your value Explanation * If you specify the CICSPlex SM system parameter SEC(YES), you must specify XPPT=NO to indicate that program entries are not to be included in security checking. No XRF support. Note: The extended recovery facility (XRF) is not supported because of the way in which a CMAS uses MVS/ESA data spaces. CICS release 4.1 U 1.1 U 1.2 U 1.3 U


Note: The CICS release indicators are: 4.1 CICS/ESA 4.1 1.1 CICS TS for OS/390 1.1 1.2 CICS TS for OS/390 1.2 1.3 CICS TS for OS/390 1.3

START command for a CMAS

The syntax of the command you can use to start a CMAS is:
START procname [,DSNCSD=dsn][,DSNTBL=dsn][,RGNHLQ=idx][,CICSPRM=mem][,CPSMPRM=mem]

where: procname Is the 1- to 8-character name of the procedure. (EYUCMAS is the name of the distributed sample procedure.) Specifies the name of the data set containing the CSD file that has been modified to include the necessary CICSPlex SM resource definitions. Specifies the name of the data set containing the CICS table modules that have been modified for CICSPlex SM. Specifies the high-level qualifier that is to be used with the DFHxxxx data sets that are unique to this CMAS. The high-level qualifier used with CICS data sets that can be shared between systems is established by the EYUINST EXEC parameter CINDEX. CICSPRM=mem Identifies the member in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM library that contains the CICS/ESA SIT parameters. Identifies the member in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM library that contains the CICSPlex SM system parameters.





Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)


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Defining VTAM to CICSPlex SM (CMAS)

The last step is to provide the necessary VTAM information to CICSPlex SM. To do this, use the CMTCMDEF view, described in CICSPlex SM Administration, to establish direct CMAS-to-CMAS communication links. The CMTCMDEF view will not be available until you have a CMAS running and can access CICSPlex SM itself.

Shutting down a CMAS

You can shut down a CMAS using: v The SHUtdown command v The CMASSTOP command of the CODB transaction v The COSD transaction. Note: You should not attempt to: v Cancel the CMAS job from MVS/ESA v Issue the CEMT PERFORM SHUTDOWN command against a CMAS. If either of these actions is taken, the CMAS cannot shut itself down properly.

Using the SHUtdown command

You can issue the SHUtdown command from either the CMAS view or the CMASD view. From the CMAS view Issue the action command:
SHUtdown cmas

where cmas identifies the CMAS to be shut down. From the CMASD view Issue the action command:

Using the CMASSTOP command

You can use the CMASSTOP command of the CODB system-level debugging transaction to shut down the CMAS. For details, see CICSPlex SM Problem Determination.

Using the COSD transaction

You can issue, from any terminal, including an MVS console, the transaction id:

You should see an information message that indicates whether or not the CMAS has been shut down. For details of these messages, see CICSPlex SM Messages and Codes.


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Restarting a CMAS
A CMAS that was shut down normally (using the CICSPlex SM SHUTDOWN action command) can usually be restarted with a SIT parameter of START=AUTO. However, you must specify START=COLD if you have: v Modified any of the CICS resource definitions that are used by the CMAS. v Added or removed CMAS-to-CMAS (CMTCMDEF) or CMAS-to-remote MAS (CMTPMDEF) connection definitions. If a CMAS terminates abnormally (that is, through any means other than the CICSPlex SM SHUTDOWN action command), you must perform an emergency restart to allow CICS to perform backout processing. You can accomplish an emergency restart of a CMAS in one of two ways: v If the CMAS is registered with the MVS/ESA automatic restart manager (ARM), an emergency restart occurs automatically. v If the CMAS is not registered with ARM, specify START=AUTO in the CMAS startup procedure. A CMAS should initialize and function properly after an emergency restart, provided you have made no changes to the CICS resource definitions or CICSPlex SM connection definitions. If you have made any such changes since the last run of the CMAS (that is, the one that terminated abnormally), the CMAS may not function properly. In that case, you should shut down the CMAS using the CICSPlex SM SHUTDOWN action command and restart it, specifying START=COLD. For an illustration of the SHUTDOWN action command, see Shutting down a CMAS on page 244.

Chapter 30. Setting up a CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS)



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Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS)
This chapter describes the steps you must perform so that a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA system can be known as a managed application system (MAS) to CICSPlex SM. (Throughout the rest of this chapter, a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 MAS or CICS/ESA MAS is referred to as an MVS MAS.) The following levels of CICS under MVS can connect directly to, and be managed by, CICSPlex SM: v CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 v CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 2 v CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 1 v CICS/ESA 4.1 The information you need is in the following sections: v Authorizing libraries (MAS) on page 248 v Using CICS global user exits and user-replaceable modules on page 248 v Reviewing VTAM definitions for a remote MAS on page 248 v Generating post-installation members (MVS MAS) on page 250 v Adding CICS system definitions (MVS MAS) on page 251 v Using CICSPlex SM modules in the MVS link pack area on page 258 v Preparing to start an MVS MAS on page 260 v Stopping and restarting management of a CICS system on page 265. For a summary of the MAS setup tasks that you can refer to while performing them, see Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets on page 185.

Before you begin

Before you begin, check the IEASYSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB that you use for MVS/ESA initialization and make note of the initialization values that are referenced during installation. For details about these values, see Noting IEASYSxx values on page 201. If you are converting your CICSPlex SM system or systems from a previous release to CICSPlex SM for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, you should read the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Migration Guide. For details on applying corrective or preventive maintenance to CICSPlex SM, see Chapter 21. Applying service to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 on page 111. Note: If you define a CICS system to CICSPlex SM as a remote MAS, that system cannot act as a terminal-owning region (TOR) in the workload management environment.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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Authorizing libraries (MAS)

In each MVS image containing a remote MAS, the appropriate IEAAPFxx or PROGxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library must be changed to authorize the following libraries: v CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH v SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA (Optionally used for MAS LPA modules). If you did not do so as part of setting up the CAS (see Authorizing libraries (CAS) on page 203), do so now.

Using CICS global user exits and user-replaceable modules

This section describes the CICS global user exits (GLUE) and user replaceable modulesthat are used by CICSPlex SM. The way these exits are used by CICSPlex SM conforms to the standard described in the CICS Customization Guide. CICSPlex SM uses these exits only to acquire information; the application environment is not altered. CICSPlex SM uses the dynamic routing program user replaceable module (DTRPROG) as part of workload balancing. The XMNOUT and XSTOUT exits are used when monitoring services are enabled for a managed application system (MAS). v The XMNOUT exit is used to get task and CICS monitoring data. XMNOUT is used only with a local MAS. v The XSTOUT exit is used to get statistical data before the data is reset by CICS. These exits are used to obtain monitoring and statistics information and always return a continue processing return code. They are disabled when a shutdown request for the MAS is received. The XMEOUT, XDUREQ, XDUREQC, XRSINDI and XDUOUT exits are used when topology requests are enabled for a local MAS. The XMEOUT exit is used to detect short on storage sick and well health events. v The XRSINDI exit is used to detect topology resource changes. v The XDUREQ exit is used to detect system dump and transaction dump sick health events. v The XDUREQC exit is used to detect the completion of dump action. v The XDUOUT exit is used to detect transaction dump well health events. v The XSNOFF exit is used to detect user signoff events.

Reviewing VTAM definitions for a remote MAS

When you are using an LU 6.2 protocol, the current VTAM definitions for each remote MAS must be reviewed and, if necessary, modified in order for the remote MAS to communicate with the CMAS.


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Step 1: Reviewing a remote MAS application definition

To locate the VTAM definitions currently in use, locate the appropriate ATCCONxx configuration list member referenced when VTAM is started. To locate the remote MAS application definition, examine the members named in the configuration list. If the application definition does not already have them, modify it to include the following parameter definitions: APPC=NO PARSESS=YES Tells VTAM whether or not the application program can issue APPCCMD macroinstructions. Allows this application program to have multiple LU-LU sessions between the same session partners.

The following is an example of a valid remote MAS application definition:


Step 2: Reviewing remote MAS cross-domain definitions

You should review and, if necessary, define cross-domain resources (CDRSC) if either of the following situations occur: v A remote MAS cannot take advantage of dynamically defined CDRSCs. v You want to minimize the overhead involved in using dynamically defined CDRSCs. To establish a CDRSC definition, you must either create a new member or access an existing member in the SYS1.VTAMLST library. In the new or existing member, specify the following CDRSC statement for the CMAS with which you want to communicate:

where: name cdrm Is the name assigned to the CMAS application. Is the name of the MVS image previously identified as the cross-domain resource manager (CDRM).

For example, to allow the remote MAS on SYSB to communicate with the CMAS on SYSA, you might create the member CDRCMS1, in the SYS1.VTAMLST library, which contains the CDRSC statements:

where VTAMA is the cross-domain resource manager name assigned to SYSA. The same types of definitions are also needed for the CMASs on SYSA to communicate with the remote MAS on SYSB. That is, for the CMAS on SYSA, you might create a member named CDRRMS1, which contains the CDRSC statements:

Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS)


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where VTAMB is the cross-domain resource manager name assigned to SYSB. For additional information about cross-domain resources, see the VTAM Resource Definition Reference manual.

Step 3: Updating the configuration list (remote MAS)

If, in Step 1 or 2, you created new members in the SYS1.VTAMLST library, you must update the VTAM configuration list for each MVS image. This causes the new members to be automatically activated when VTAM starts. To do this, add the new member names to the end of the configuration list in the appropriate ATCCONxx member of the SYS1.VTAMLST library. (To find this member, look in the VTAM configurations start list named SYS1.VTAMLST(ATCSTRxx).) To illustrate, the examples shown in Steps 1 and 2 assume the creation of a member named CDRCMS1. To add this member to the end of the configuration list in ATCCONxx, you would specify:

Note: If you added the CMAS and cross-domain definitions to existing members, ATCCONxx should already contain these member names.

Step 4: Activating the major nodes (remote MAS)

You can activate the definitions created in Steps 1 and 2 by either restarting VTAM for each system, or manually activating the definitions. To manually activate a major node, you can issue the following commands, where name identifies a major mode created (or modified) in Steps 1 and 2: v Deactivate the major node if it is currently active by issuing the command:

v Activate (or reactivate) the major node by issuing the command:


To ensure that the major node has been activated, issue the command:
D NET,ID=name

For example, to activate the member CDRCMS1 and then ensure that it has been activated, you would issue the commands:

The preceding steps need to be performed for each remote MAS you may be using.

Generating post-installation members (MVS MAS)

Skeleton member, EYULPMOD, is distributed with CICSPlex SM for use in the MAS environments. It contains sample JCL that you can use to apply SMP/E USERMODs that move MAS modules to the SEYULPA library.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Note: When you are setting up a local MAS, you can skip this section. EYULPMOD was created when you generated the post-installation jobs for the CMAS. (For information about generating the post-installation jobs, see Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209.) If you did not already do so when you set up the CAS (see Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209), you can use the EYUISTAR job to customize and then generate these members. For a summary of the EYUINST EXEC parameters you need to generate this job, see Generating post-installation members (CAS) on page 209; for detailed information about the EYUISTAR job, see Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs on page 397.

Adding CICS system definitions (MVS MAS)

You must add resource definitions to the CICS tables and to the CICS system definition (CSD) file for each local and remote MAS you are using.

Updating CICS resource definition tables for MASs

For each local MAS and remote MAS, some of your CICS resource definition tables must be updated to reference the CICSPlex SM copy books that contain entries for those control tables. When you have updated the tables for each MAS, assemble and link-edit them using the CICS procedures for maintaining resource definition table load modules. The process used to assemble and link-edit the CICS resource definition table load modules must have library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP in the SYSLIB concatenation of the assembler step, or the copy book member must be inserted into the table source member in place of the COPY statement. Table 16 lists the copy book members in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP that contain the resource definition table entries, and indicates the CICS release for which each member can be used.
Table 16. Copy book resource definition members for MAS Member EYU$DCT1 Resource definition entries Destination control table entry (DCT) for local MAS and remote MAS. Note: RC=4 is expected, because the source contains destinations beginning with the character C. Program list table entry (PLT) for local MAS - Program EYU9NXLM. Program list table entry (PLT) for remote MAS - Program EYU9NXRM. System recovery table entries (SRT) for MAS. CICS release 4.1 U 1.1 1.2 1.3






Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS)


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Table 16. Copy book resource definition members for MAS (continued) Member Resource definition entries CICS release 4.1 1.1 1.2 1.3

Note: The CICS release indicators are: 4.1 CICS/ESA 4.1 1.1 CICS TS for OS/390 1.1 1.2 CICS TS for OS/390 1.2 1.3 CICS TS for OS/390 1.3

Notes: 1. For CICS TS for OS/390, when the CSD is upgraded with the CICSPlex SM group of resource definitions, the DCT entries in the CSD are defined as TDQUEUE resources. 2. For EYU$PLT1 and EYU$PLT2, you must add an entry to the PLTs to have the CICSPlex SM environment created as part of post initialization processing for each MAS. Make sure that the designated program runs during the second phase of PLT execution (which is the third phase of CICS initialization). The change to the PLTs must follow the PROGRAM=DFHDELIM entry. For a local MAS, the change should be in the form:

This copy book contains an entry for program EYU9NXLM. For a remote MAS, the change should be in the form:

This copy book contains an entry for program EYU9NXRM. The suffix of that PLT must then be named on the program list table post initialization (PLTPI) system initialization parameter for each MAS.

Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (MVS MAS)

The resource definitions you must add to the CSD file for each managed CICS system are distributed in CSD upgrade load modules in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULOAD. The names of the load modules, the environment for which they are used, and the name of the resource group (created using the definitions the load modules contain) are: Load module Environment EYU9nnG1 Local or remote MAS - USELAPCOPY(NO)

Resource group EYU140G1


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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where nn represents the CICS level (for example, 41 refers to CICS/ESA 4.1, and 53 refers to the CICS element in CICS TS for OS/390 Version 1.3). Sample JCL that you can use to include the definitions is supplied in the member EYUJCLGN in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP library. You can edit this JCL, as shown in Figure 51, to: 1. Define a group of resource definitions to the appropriate CSD file. 2. Add the group name to the CSD list referenced by the CICS system initialization table (SIT) parameter GRPLIST. Modify the sample JCL to provide the following information:

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STEPLIB Identify: v cics.index.SDFHLOAD as the CICS load library containing the DFHCSDUP module v cpsm.index.SEYULOAD as the CICSPlex SM load library containing the group definition module. DFHCSD Identify cics.dfhcsd as the CICS CSD file to be updated. SYSIN Identify: v The load module containing the resource definition group v The group name contained within the load module v The group list used to start the MAS. To avoid your transaction names clashing with those used by CICSPlex SM, you should review the names of the transactions defined in the appropriate EYU140Gn group in the CSD. The CICSPlex SM MAS transaction names are all of the form COxx. A return code of 4 is expected from this run of DFHCSDUP. This is because, before adding the designated group to the CSD, the job attempts to delete any group with the same name. To run the MAS using an USELPACOPY(YES) group, the appropriate load modules must be moved to the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA data set. For additional information, see Using CICSPlex SM modules in the MVS link pack area on page 258.

Remote MAS only

In the CSD referenced by the remote MAS, create corresponding CONNECTION and SESSIONS definitions for the target CMAS. The group containing these definitions must be named in the CICS group list referenced by the remote MAS CICS SIT parameter GRPLIST.
Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS)


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If you have already created these definitions and referenced the appropriate group list in the CICS startup, you can skip this item. Sample JCL provided in library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP can be used to create the CMAS CONNECTION and SESSIONS definitions required by a remote MAS. If you are using LU 6.2 connections, the sample JCL is supplied in member EYU$CON2 of library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP. Figure 52 illustrates the sample JCL for LU 6.2 connections. If you are using MRO connections, the sample JCL is supplied in member EYU$CON1 of library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP. Figure 53 on page 255 illustrates the sample JCL for MRO connections. For more information about creating both the CMAS and the remote MAS definitions, see the description of CMTPMDEF in CICSPlex SM Administration.
//* Variables you must edit are: //* ---------------------------//* //* &LSTNAME - CSD Group list to contain definition //* &GRPNAME - CSD Group to contain definition //* &CMSYSID - CMAS CICS SYSID value //* &CMAPPLID - CMAS VTAM APPLID value //* &DSNCSD - CICS CSD full data set name //* &CICSHLQ - CICS data set name high level qualifier //* Used to reference &CICSHLQ.SDFHLOAD //* //*-------------------------------------------------------------------//DEFRMAS EXEC PGM=DFHCSDUP, // REGION=500K //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&CICSHLQ.SDFHLOAD //DFHCSD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&DSNCSD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * DELETE CONNECTION(&CMSYSID) GROUP(&GRPNAME) DELETE SESSIONS(&CMSYSIDSESS) GROUP(&GRPNAME) Figure 52. JCL to create LU 6.2 CONNECTION and SESSIONS definitions for MVS MAS (Part 1 of 3)



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide


//* Variables you must edit are: //* ---------------------------//* //* &LSTNAME - CSD Group list to contain definition //* &GRPNAME - CSD Group to contain definition //* &CMSYSID - CMAS CICS SYSID value //* &CMAPPLID - CMAS VTAM APPLID value //* &DSNCSD - CICS CSD full data set name //* &CICSHLQ - CICS DSN high level qualifier //* Used to reference &CICSHLQ.SDFHLOAD //* &RPFX - Specify the 2-character prefix that is to //* be used as the first two characters of the //* TCTTE names for the receive side of this //* connection. Be careful that the prefix //* does not cause a TCTTE name to be generated //* that matches an existing connection or //* terminal name. //* &SPFX - Specify the 2-character prefix that is to //* be used as the first two characters of the //* TCTTE names for the send side of this //* connection. Be careful that the prefix //* does not cause a TCTTE name to be generated //* that matches an existing connection or //* terminal name. //* //*-------------------------------------------------------------------Figure 53. JCL to create MRO CONNECTION and SESSIONS definitions for MVS MAS (Part 1 of 3)

Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS)



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Modify the appropriate sample to provide the following information:


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Change all occurrences to the name of the CSD group list that is to contain the resource definitions. Change all occurrences to the name of the CSD group that is to contain the resource definitions. Change all occurrences to the CMAS CICS SYSID. Change all occurrences to the CMAS VTAM APPLID. Change all occurrences to the CICS CSD full data set name.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Change all occurrences to the CICS data set name high-level qualifier. Used to reference &CICSHLQ.SDFHLOAD. Identify &CICSHLQ.SDFHLOAD as the CICS load library containing the DFHCSDUP module. Identify cics.dfhcsd as the CICS CSD file to be updated. (MRO only) Specify the 2-character prefix to be used as the first two characters of the TCTTE names for the receive side of the connection. Ensure that the prefix does not create a TCTTE name that is the same as the name of an existing connection or terminal. (MRO only) Specify the 2-character prefix to be used as the first two characters of the TCTTE names for the send side of the connection. Ensure that the prefix does not create a TCTTE name that is the same as the name of an existing connection or terminal.



Notes: 1. EYU$CON1 and EYU$CON2 delete any existing CONNECTION and SESSIONS definitions for the specified CMAS. 2. When you define the send and receive buffer sizes (see the CICSPlex SM Administration), the sizes entered in the CMTPMDEF view (for the communicating CMAS) and in the CSD resource definitions for the remote MAS must be the same. 3. For additional information about the size of VTAM buffers, see Defining VTAM requirements (CMAS) on page 222.

Considerations when upgrading the CSD release (MVS MAS)

When the CSD is upgraded to a new CICS release, you must install the CICSPlex SM group definitions for the new release into the upgraded CSD. For example, when the CSD is upgraded from CICS/ESA 4.1 to the CICS TS for OS/390, use the following SYSIN statement to install the CICSPlex SM local MAS resource definitions for the CICS TS for OS/390 1.3:

For information about the resource group definitions distributed with CICSPlex SM, see Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (MVS MAS) on page 252.

Considerations when sharing the CSD (MVS MAS)

Before the CSD can be shared by multiple releases of CICS, the CSD must be upgraded by installing the CICSPlex SM resource definitions for the current CICS release. For information about doing so, see Considerations when upgrading the CSD release (MVS MAS).

Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS)


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Using CICSPlex SM modules in the MVS link pack area

The benefits of using the MVS link pack area (LPA) are: v Sharing modules in the LPA can be shared by two or more CICS regions in the same MVS image, giving an overall reduction in the total working set. v Integrity the LPA is page-protected, even against key 0 programs, so all modules placed there are automatically protected against overwriting by other programs such as CICS applications. (This integrity feature applies equally to a single CICS system within the processor.) Every CICSPlex SM module installed in the LPA can be used only by the release of CICSPlex SM to which it relates. CICSPlex SM supplies prebuilt SMP/E USERMODs as members in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP library. The USERMODs are:
EYU$UM01 - Local MAS modules EYU$UM02 - Remote MAS modules

These USERMODs contain ++MOVE statements for each module that is eligible for the extended link pack area (ELPA). A read-only module that may reside above the 16MB line is eligible for the ELPA. CICSPlex SM allocates an empty library for your use, called SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA. You can use SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA as the LPA library or you can add the modules to another LPA library. If you are going to use SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA, verify that you have already authorized this library (see Authorizing libraries (CAS) on page 203), and that you have applied appropriate security (see the CICS RACF Security Guide.) You can give the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library your own high-level index. If you do, you must specify the new index on the LINDEX parameter of the EYUISTAR job. The following sections provide information about: v v v v Space requirements Installing CICSPlex SM modules into the LPA Controlling the use of modules from the LPA Applying maintenance to LPA modules.

Space requirements
You must allow enough space in the link pack area for the installation of the selected CICSPlex SM modules. The approximate space required for the modules is: Local MAS Remote MAS 2 034KB 1 847KB

The total space needed depends on how the modules are packaged into the link pack area by the operating system.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Installing CICSPlex SM modules into the LPA

The term install means move or copy a module into the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library, by using SMP/E, or by using a copying method that reblocks the copied modules when the target data set has a smaller block size than the data set you are copying from (for example, use the COPYMOD function of the IEBCOPY program). The procedure for installing modules in the LPA by using SMP/E is described in this section. You should not relink-edit the modules in order to get them into the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library. CICSPlex SM modules, as supplied, have the necessary attributes that cause MVS to load them automatically above the 16MB line (into the ELPA). The MVS link pack area has both pageable and fixed areas. Although you can install CICSPlex SM modules into the fixed areas, for performance reasons you should use the pageable areas. Modules to be loaded into the MVS pageable link pack area (PLPA) must have been link-edited with the RENT attribute. The library in which these modules reside must be named in an LPALSTxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library. To install modules in the CICSPlex SM LPA library, and to ensure that SMP/E can continue to service them, complete the following steps for one or both of the CICSPlex SM-supplied USERMODs: 1. Receive the USERMOD into the CICSPlex SM global zone, and apply it to the CICSPlex SM target zone. 2. Define the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library to your MVS. Note: You must also verify that the CSD referenced by the MAS contains the appropriate CICSPlex SM groups for loading modules from the LPA. For information about updating the CSD, see Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (MVS MAS) on page 252.

Receiving and applying the USERMOD

To receive and apply the CICSPlex SM-supplied USERMODs, in EYU$UM01 or EYU$UM02, you can use the sample job EYULPMOD, which is tailored to your CICSPlex SM environment and stored in the CICSTS13.CPSM.XEYUINST library when you run the EYUISTAR job. Member EYULPMOD must be edited to receive and apply the desired USERMODs. Ensure that the EYUISTAR settings match the corresponding DFHISTAR settings. Receive the USERMOD into the CICSPlex SM global zone and apply it to the CICSPlex SM target zone. This causes SMP/E to move those load modules you have specified from the named CICSPlex SM target library (either CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH or CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULOAD) into the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library. When the USERMOD is applied, the corresponding LMOD entries within the target zone SMP CSI are updated. Either or both USERMODs may be applied depending on your enterprises requirements. Do not accept the USERMOD into the distribution zone, and, for the time being, do not apply it to any other target zone.
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Defining the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library to your MVS

Add the full name of the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library to an LPALSTxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. This ensures that the library contents are loaded into the PLPA at the next IPL of your system when CLPA is specified. When you have defined the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library to MVS, you should re-IPL your MVS with CLPA specified to enable the modules in the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library to be used from the LPA. To run DFCSDUP to add the CICSPlex SM resource definitions required for MAS execution, use the following SYSIN control statement:

Controlling the use of modules from the LPA

You can control whether CICS uses modules from the LPA, by specifying the LPA and PRVMOD CICS system initialization parameters or by including or excluding the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULPA library (defined to MVS as an LPA library) in the STEPLIB or DFHRPL concatenations. Notes: 1. A module that is link-edited with the RMODE(ANY) attribute is loaded into the ELPA. 2. It is important to remember that the LPA-resident version of a module usually loaded from STEPLIB will not be used from the LPA if it is left in the STEPLIB DD concatenation of libraries. If a module is found in the STEPLIB concatenation, it is loaded into the private area of the address space, and the LPA version ignored. This situation can be avoided by moving the LPA-eligible modules into an LPA library, as described in Installing CICSPlex SM modules into the LPA on page 259. For further information about controlling the use of LPA-eligible modules, see Chapter 9. Installing CICS modules in the MVS link pack area on page 37, taking particular note of information concerning: v The module-not-found warning message (DFHLD0107I) v CICS SIT parameters related to LPA modules.

Applying maintenance to LPA modules

Use the SMP/E RESTORE function to back off the USERMOD before modules in the LPA are updated or copied. Afterwards, the USERMOD may be reapplied.

Preparing to start an MVS MAS

Note: Because a CICS system is unknown to CICSPlex SM until the CMAS with which the CICS system is associated is started, you should start the CMAS before any of the MASs (that is, the CICS systems the CMAS is to manage). In order for a CICS system to be managed by CICSPlex SM, you must: v Define the system to CICSPlex SM, as described in the CICSPlex SM Administration


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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v Change the startup JCL for that system by: Modifying the DD statements shown in Figure 54, to include the CICSPlex SM data sets Verifying that the appropriate CICS SIT parameters are included When changing these DD statements in the startup JCL for a CICS system make

Figure 54. MVS MAS-specific JCL requirements

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sure that the: STEPLIB DD statement Includes the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH authorized load library. DFHRPL DD statement Includes the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULOAD load library. EYUPARM DD statement Identifies the library containing the CICSPlex SM parameters. Notes: 1. Members EYULMS0P (for a local MAS) and EYURMS0P (for a remote MAS), in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM data set, contain sample system parameters for local and remote MASs; these members must be edited. See Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407 for a detailed description of each parameter. 2. If you want to use Business Application Services to install CICS resources in a MAS, you must specify the CICSPlex SM system parameter MASPLTWAIT(YES) for that system. This parameter suspends CICS PLT processing until all CICS resources are installed and the CICSPlex SM MAS is fully initialized. 3. The destination control table referenced during CICS initialization must contain an entry that is the same as the entry in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP(EYU$DCT1). For additional information, see Updating CICS resource definition tables for MASs on page 251. For CICS TS for OS/390, when the CSD is upgraded with the CICSPlex SM group of resource definitions, the DCT entries in the CSD are defined as TDQUEUE resources.

Activating DB2 connections during CICS startup

This section applies to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 CICS systems with the CICS-DB2 attachment facility. Special considerations apply when BAS is used to install a DB2 connection defined to CICSPlex SM via a DB2CDEF resource definition. When BAS is used to define and then install a DB2 connection (via a DB2CDEF) the connection starts out in NOTCONNECTED status. You can then issue a CONNect command on the DB2CONN view against an installed connection, to cause the connection to the DB2 subsystem to be activated.

Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS)


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In a test environment, it may be acceptable to wait for the MAS to start and then install the BAS definition, and issue a CONNECT command against the resulting DB2CONN. However, in a production system, you may want the connection to be automatically activated when the MAS starts up, as part of the PLT processing sequence, so that the DB2 subsystem can be accessed immediately by programs and users. Specifying the CICS SIT parameter DB2CONN=YES does not by itself achieve this, because at the time this and other SIT parameters are processed, CICSPlex SM has not yet installed any DB2CDEF objects. The way to activate a DB2 connection during CICS startup is as follows: 1. Ensure there is an appropriate DB2CDEF resource definition for CICSPlex SM to install, and that the definition is set up for automatic installation. 2. Specify CICSPlex SM parameter MASPLTWAIT(YES). This causes the DB2CDEF resource definition (as well as all other BAS resource definitions) to be installed during PLT processing. 3. Arrange for the appropriate DB2 connect program to be started after the MAS startup program (EYU9NXLM for a local MAS, EYU9NXRM for a remote MAS).

Activating XM MRO connections during CICS startup

Special considerations apply when BAS is used to install an XM MRO connection. Ensure that you have not activated DB2 or MQSeries Ensure that you have not activated DB2 or MQSeries connections before running EYU9NXLM. IRC will not function unless you ensure this. If you are running CICS/ESA 4.1, or CICS TS 1.1, specify IRCSTRT=YES in the system initialization table, and ensure that your DB2 and MQSeries PLTPI programs follow EYU9NXLM in your PLT. If you are running CICS TS 1.2, specify IRCSTRT=YES, DB2CONN=NO, and MQCONN=NO in the system initialization table, and ensure that your DB2 and MQSeries PLTPI programs follow EYU9NXLM in your PLT.

MVS MAS-related CICS SIT parameters

You should verify that the sequential data set or partitioned data set member identified by the CICS SYSIN statement includes the appropriate CICS system initialization table (SIT) parameters, as described in Table 17 on page 263. Review all of the listed parameters for each MAS, to ensure that the values specified are appropriate. When you specify YES for a specific resource type (XCMD, XDCT, XFCT, XJCT, XPCT, or XPPT), a CICSPlex SM security profile must exist for that resource type. (See the CICS RACF Security Guide for information about creating security profiles.)


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Table 17. CICS SIT parameters for an MVS MAS Parameter APPLID= Explanation VTAM application ID for this CICS system. Used as MAS name when NAME(value) is not specified as a CICSPlex SM system parameter. Destination control table (See Updating CICS resource definition tables for MASs on page 251.) Specify the user identifier that is to be used for security checking when a user is not defined to the ESM. Limit of DSA storage below 16MB. Should be set to at least 4MB. Limit of EDSA storage below 16MB. Should be set to at least 20MB. Identify the name of the group list containing the CICSPlex SM group added to the CSD file for the MAS. (See Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (MVS MAS) on page 252 for additional information.) Code YES to include the CICS programs required for interregion and intersystem communications. Monitoring control table. If you have CICS performance class monitoring active, then you must specify a value for this parameter. You can use 2$ (the default) or an existing table. (See Note below.) Activates CICS Monitor. (See Note below.) Writes performance class data every 15 minutes. Note: Set only for local MAS. Tells CICS to monitor performance classes. (See Note below.) CICS release 4.1 U 1.1 U 1.2 U 1.3 U


















Note for MCT, MONITOR, MN, and MNPER parameters: To get all data available for the TASK and MLOCTRAN views, MCT must have a value specified, CICS monitoring for performance classes must be activated, and you must be collecting performance class data. If you do not want this data written to an SMF data set, you can suppress the monitor records. See the description of the SUPPRESSCMF parameter in Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407. MXT= Maximum tasks. Increase by 20 to accommodate the CICSPlex SM MAS tasks. Note: CICSPlex SM rarely uses all 20 of these additional tasks. If you are using the MXT value alone to control application transactions, increasing this value may allow more application transactions to run concurrently. To prevent this from occurring, you can define a transaction class for the application. Then, set a class maximum task (CMXT) value that limits the number of concurrent transactions. Initialization table. (See Updating CICS resource definition tables for MASs on page 251.) U U U U


Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS)


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Table 17. CICS SIT parameters for an MVS MAS (continued) Parameter SEC= {YES|NO} Explanation Indicate whether external security checking is to be performed for this CICS system. Specify: YES When READ access is granted: v READ is permitted v UPDATE is refused. When UPDATE access is granted: v READ is permitted v UPDATE is permitted. NO Notes: 1. For CICS security, the value specified with SEC= for a CMAS overrides the value specified with SEC= for a MAS. (For more information about this parameter, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.) 2. For CICSPlex SM security to be active, you must set SEC=YES for a MAS, and the CMAS to which it connects must have the CICSPlex SM system parameter SEC(YES). When CICSPlex SM security is not activated in the CMAS, the connection between the CMAS and the MAS cannot be established. If this is attempted, message EYUCR0007E is issued to the console, the CMAS joblog, and the EYULOG. (For more information about the SEC parameter for the CMAS, see Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407.) SECPRFX={YES|NO} Specify whether the user ID is used as the prefix that is added to the beginning of all resource names to distinguish this CICS system from other CICS systems. System Recovery Table Suffix. (See Updating CICS resource definition tables for MASs on page 251.) Indicate the id of the CICS system. This name should be unique within a CICSplex. Note: This parameter must be specified for a remote MAS. When you define the CMAS-to-remote MAS link, as described in the CICSPlex SM Administration, the Target Sysid value must match this SYSIDNT value. U U U U Security checking is not performed. CICS release 4.1 U 1.1 U 1.2 U 1.3 U



XCMD={YES|name|NO} Indicate whether EXEC CICS system commands are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. XDB2={No|name} Indicate whether DB2 resources are to be included in security checking. Specify NO or name.



XDCT={YES|name|NO} Indicate whether destination control entries are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Table 17. CICS SIT parameters for an MVS MAS (continued) Parameter XFCT={YES|name|NO} Explanation Indicate whether file control entries are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. (See note on page 262.) Indicate whether journal entries are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. (See note on page 262.) Indicate whether EXEC-started transactions are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. (See note on page 262.) Indicate whether program entries are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. (See note on page 262.) CICS release 4.1 U 1.1 U 1.2 U 1.3 U




Note: The CICS release indicators are: 4.1 CICS/ESA 4.1 1.1 CICS TS for OS/390 1.1 1.2 CICS TS for OS/390 1.2 1.3 CICS TS for OS/390 1.3

Stopping and restarting management of a CICS system

This section tells you how to: v Stop management of a CICS system v Restart management of a CICS system v Terminate a CICS system.

Stopping management of a CICS system

To stop the MAS agent code in an active CICS system, either: v Issue the STOP action command from the MAS view, or v Run transaction COSH in the MAS. COSH may be started at a 3270 terminal, at a console, or via ATI. Stopping the MAS agent prevents CICSPlex SM from accessing the MAS until either the CICS system is restarted (see page 260) or the COLM or CORM transaction is issued (see Restarting management of a CICS system). Note: When a MAS is active as a CICSPlex SM workload management routing region, and the dynamic routing program is set to EYU9XLOP, the STOP command is not honored. In this situation, before you issue the STOP command you must use the CICSRGND view to change the dynamic routing program from EYU9XLOP to the CICS default dynamic routing program, DFHDYP, or another valid dynamic routing program.

Restarting management of a CICS system

To reactivate a running CICS system as a MAS, issue the CICS transaction: COLM For a local MAS

Chapter 31. Setting up a CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 or CICS/ESA managed application system (MAS)


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For a remote MAS

Note: If you want a local MAS to be recognized as a workload management routing region when CICSPlex SM resumes managing the system, make sure the dynamic routing program is set to EYU9XLOP. To change the dynamic routing program, use the CICS CEMT transaction before you reactivate the local MAS.

Terminating a MAS
To verify that the CICSPlex SM MAS shutdown processing is properly installed, you can terminate the CICS system and check the log for the following shutdown message:
EYUXL0016I MAS shutdown complete

To terminate a CICS system running the MAS agent code, use the CICSRGN view to issue the desired shutdown command. For more information about the CICSRGN view, see the CICSPlex SM Operations Views Reference manual.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS)

This chapter describes the steps you must perform so that a CICS system running under VSE can be known as a remote managed application system (MAS) to CICSPlex SM. CICSPlex SM can manage systems running systems running CICS/VSE 2.3 and systems running CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA Release 1. The information you need to set up a VSE remote MAS is in the following sections: v Reviewing VTAM definitions for a VSE remote MAS on page 268 v Editing post-installation members (VSE remote MAS) on page 270 v Adding CICS system definitions (VSE remote MAS) on page 270 v Using CICSPlex SM modules in the shared virtual area on page 274 v Preparing to start a VSE remote MAS on page 277 v Stopping and restarting management of a CICS/VSE system on page 281. For a summary of the MAS setup tasks that you can refer to while performing them, see Chapter 28. Setup checklist and worksheets on page 185.

Before you begin

Before you begin, you should be aware of the following requirements and limitations of a CICS/VSE remote MAS: v Before you install the CICSPlex SM VSE agent code, you must already have installed CICSPlex SM for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3. v A VSE remote MAS cannot act as a terminal-owning region (TOR) in the CICSPlex SM workload management environment. v Problem determination using CICSPlex SM facilities is the same for a CICS/VSE remote MAS as it is for a CICS/MVS remote MAS. However, the CICSPlex SM tools for the Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) are not available for debugging problems in a CICS/VSE remote MAS. If you are converting your CICSPlex SM system or systems from a previous release to CICSPlex SM for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, you should read CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Migration Guide. For details on applying corrective or preventive maintenance to CICSPlex SM, see Chapter 36. Applying service to CICSPlex SM on page 317.

Using CICS global user exits and user-replaceable modules

This section describes the CICS global user exits (GLUE) that are used by CICSPlex SM.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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The way these exits are used by CICSPlex SM conforms to the standard described in the CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA Customization Guide. CICSPlex SM uses these exits only to acquire information; the application environment is not altered. The XSTOUT exit is used when monitoring services are enabled for a remote MAS. It is used to get statistical data before the data is reset by CICS. It is used to obtain statistics information and always returns a continue processing return code. It is disabled when a shutdown request for the MAS is received. The XMEOUT, XDUREQ, and XDUOUT exits are used when topology requests are enabled for a remote MAS. The XMEOUT exit is used to detect short on storage sick and well health events. v The XRSINDI exit is used to detect topology resource changes. v The XDUREQ exit is used to detect system dump and transaction dump sick health events. v The XDUOUT exit is used to detect transaction dump well health events. v The XSNOFF exit is used to detect user signoff events.

Reviewing VTAM definitions for a VSE remote MAS

When you are using a LU 6.2 protocol, the current VTAM definitions for each VSE remote MAS must be reviewed and, if necessary, modified in order for the VSE remote MAS to communicate with the CMAS.

Step 1: Reviewing a VSE remote MAS application definition

To locate the VTAM definitions currently in use, locate the appropriate ATCCONxx configuration list member referenced when VTAM is started. To locate the VSE remote MAS application definition, examine the members named in the configuration list. If the application definition does not already have them, modify it to include the following parameter definitions: APPC=NO PARSESS=YES Tells VTAM whether or not the application program can issue APPCCMD macro instructions. Allows this application program to have multiple LU-LU sessions between the same session partners.

The following is an example of a valid VSE remote MAS application definition:


Step 2: Reviewing VSE remote MAS cross-domain definitions

You should review and, if necessary, define cross-domain resources (CDRSC) if either of the following situations occur: v A VSE remote MAS cannot take advantage of the dynamically defined CDRSCs. v You want to minimize the overhead involved in using dynamically defined CDRSCs.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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To establish a CDRSC definition, you must either create a new member or access an existing member in the PRD1.CONFIG sublibrary. In the new or existing member, specify the following CDRSC statement for the CMAS with which you want to communicate:

where: name cdrm Is the name assigned to the CMAS application. Is the name of the MVS image previously identified as the cross-domain resource manager (CDRM).

For example, to allow the remote MAS on SYSB to communicate with the CMAS on SYSA, you might create the member CDRCMS1, in the PRD1.CONFIG sublibrary, which contains the CDRSC statements:

where VTAMA is the cross-domain resource manager name assigned to SYSA. The same types of definitions are also needed for the CMASs on SYSA to communicate with the remote MAS on SYSB. That is, for the CMAS on SYSA, you might create a member named CDRRMS1, which contains the CDRSC statements:

where VTAMB is the cross-domain resource manager name assigned to SYSB. For additional information about cross-domain resources, see the VTAM Resource Definition Reference manual.

Step 3: Updating the configuration list (VSE remote MAS)

If, in Step 1 or 2, you created new members in the PRD1.CONFIG sublibrary, you must update the VTAM configuration list for each VSE image. This causes the new members to be automatically activated when VTAM starts. To do this, add the new member names to the end of the configuration list in the appropriate ATCCONxx member of the PRD1.CONFIG sublibrary. (To find this member, look in the VTAM configurations start list named PRD1.CONFIG(ATCSTRxx).) To illustrate, the examples shown in Steps 1 and 2 assume the creation of a member named CDRCMS1. To add this member to the end of the configuration list in ATCCONxx, you would specify:

Note: If you added the CMAS and cross-domain definitions to existing members, ATCCONxx should already contain these member names.

Step 4: Activating the major nodes (VSE remote MAS)

You can activate the definitions created in Steps 1 and 2 by either restarting VTAM for each system, or manually activating the definitions.
Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS)


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To manually activate a major node, you can issue the following commands, where name identifies a major mode created (or modified) in Steps 1 and 2: v Deactivate the major node if it is currently active by issuing the command:

v Activate (or reactivate) the major node by issuing the command:


To ensure that the major node has been activated, issue the command:
D NET,ID=name

For example, to activate the member CDRCMS1 and then ensure that it has been activated, you would issue the commands:

The preceding steps need to be performed for each VSE remote MAS you may be using.

Editing post-installation members (VSE remote MAS)

When you installed the CICSPlex SM VSE agent code, skeleton job control statement (JCS) members were installed in sublibrary 0811IX. The installed members and the purpose of each are as follows: EYU$CON3.Z Updates the CSD with the CICS session and connection resource definitions for communications with the CMAS. EYUJDTP3.Z Creates a sequential file that contains the CICSPlex SM system parameters. EYUJSVAL.Z Creates SVA load list phase $SVACPSM in IJSYSRS.SYSLIB. EYUJCSG3.Z Upgrades the CSD with the CICSPlex SM resource definitions. Use the ICCF LIBRP procedure to copy these members to your ICCF library for editing. For information related to using the LIBRP procedure, see the VSE/Interactive Computing Control Facility Primer.

Adding CICS system definitions (VSE remote MAS)

You must add resource definitions to the CICS system definition (CSD) file for each VSE remote MAS you are using.

Updating CICS resource definition tables for VSE remote MASs

For each VSE remote MAS, some of your CICS resource definition tables must be updated to reference the CICSPlex SM copy book that contains entries for that control table. When you have updated the resource definition table source for each VSE remote MAS, assemble and link-edit each one using the CICS procedures for maintaining resource definition table phases.


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Sublibrary 0811IX contains the following copy book members. These members contain the resource definition table entries. EYU$DCT3.A Destination control table (DCT) entry. EYU$PLT3.A Program List Table (PLT) entry for VSE remote MAS initialization. EYU$PSD3.A Program List Table (PLT) entry for VSE remote MAS shut down, applicable only at CICS/VSE 2.3. EYU$SRT0.A System Recovery Table (SRT) entry for VSE remote MAS shut down, applicable only at CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA Release 1. Notes: 1. EYU$DCT3.A contains entries for destination COPR. When you assemble the DCT to include copybook EYU$DCT3.A, a return code 4 is expected because the source contains destinations beginning with the character C. 2. EYU$PLT3.A contains an entry for program EYU9NXRM. Ensure that program EYU9NXRM runs during the second phase of PLT execution (which is the third phase of CICS initialization). The change to the PLTPI table must follow the PROGRAM=DFHDELIM entry; the suggested form is: DFHPLT TYPE=ENTRY,PROGRAM=DFHDELIM .... COPY EYU$PLT3 The suffix of this PLT must then be named on the CICS program list table post initialization (PLTPI) parameter for each VSE remote MAS. 3. EYU$PSD3.A contains an entry for program EYU9NXS2. Ensure that program EYU9NXS2 runs during the first phase of PLT execution during shut down. The change to the PLTSD table must precede the PROGRAM=DFHDELIM entry; the suggested form is:

The suffix of this PLT must then be named on the CICS program list table post shutdown (PLTSD) parameter for each VSE remote MAS.

Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (VSE remote MAS)

The program, transaction, and profile resource definitions you must add to the CSD file for each CICS/VSE system are distributed in the phases EYU923G3 and EYU941G3 of sublibrary 0811IX. Sample JCS that you can use to install the definitions is supplied in member EYUJCSG3.Z of sublibrary 0811IX. Copy this member to the ICCF library using the LIBRP procedure and edit it for execution. To execute the ICCF LIBRP procedure, enter the following at the ICCF command mode panel:

Use the JCS in sample member EYUJCSG3.Z, shown in Figure 55 on page 272 to do the following: v Define resource group EYU140G3 to the specified CSD.

Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS)


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v Add group EYU140G3 to the CSD group list referenced by the CICS initialization table (SIT) parameter GRPLIST.
// JOB EYUJCSG3 * * Edit and run this job to upgrade the CSD with the CPSM resource * definitions and to add the CPSM group to a CICS group list. * * Variables you must edit are: * --------------------------* * &EYU9nnG3 - Phase containing resource definitions. EYU923G3 for CICS/VSE 2.3 EYU941G3 for CICS TS for VSE/ESA R1 * &CSD.FILE.NAME - CICS CSD file to be updated. * &LIB.SLIB - Sublibrary containing installed CPSM members. * &GRPLIST - CICS group list to contain CPSM group. * &VSAMCAT - VSAM catalog used to reference CSD file. * // DLBL DFHCSD,'&CSD.FILE.NAME',,VSAM,CAT=&VSAMCAT // LIBDEF *,SEARCH=(&LIB.SLIB),TEMP // EXEC DFHCSDUP,SIZE=AUTO UPGRADE USING(EYU9nnG3) ADD GROUP(EYU140G3) LIST(&GRPLIST) /* /& Figure 55. Sample JCS to run DFHCSDUP for VSE remote MAS

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Modify the sample JCS to provide the following information:

Change all occurrences of.. &CSD.FILE.NAME &GRPLIST &LIB.SLIB &VSAMCAT To.. The name of the CSD file to be updated. The CICS group list to contain the CPSM group. The sublibrary containing the installed CPSM members. The VSAM catalog used to reference the CSD file.

A return code of 4 is expected from this run of DFHCSDUP. This is because, before phase EYU9nnG3 defines group EYU140G3 to the CSD, it attempts to delete group EYU140G3. In the CSD referenced by the VSE remote MAS, create corresponding CONNECTION and SESSIONS definitions for the target CMAS. The group containing these definitions must be named in the CICS group list referenced by the VSE remote MAS CICS/ESA SIT parameter GRPLIST. Note: If you have already created these definitions and reference the appropriate group in the CICS startup, you can skip this step. The link from the CMAS to the VSE remote MAS must also be defined. For more information about creating both the CMAS and the remote MAS definitions, see the description of CMTPMDEF in the CICSPlex SM Administration. Sample JCS that you can use to install the definitions is supplied in member EYU$CON3.Z of sublibrary 0811IX. Copy this member to the ICCF library using the LIBRP procedure and edit it for execution.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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To execute the ICCF LIBRP procedure, enter the following at the ICCF command mode panel:

Use the JCS in sample member EYU$CON3.Z, shown in Figure 56 to do the following: v Define SESSIONS and CONNECTION definitions within the specified CSD. v Add the group containing the definitions to the CSD group list referenced by the CICS SIT parameter GRPLIST.
// JOB EYU$CON3 * * Edit and run this job to define the session and connection resource * definitions for communications with the CMAS. * * Variables you must edit are: * ---------------------------* * &CMAPPLID - CMAS VTAM APPLID value * &CMSYSID - CMAS CICS SYSID value * &CSD.FILE.NAME - CICS CSD file to be updated * &GRPNAME - CSD Group to contain definition * &LSTNAME - CSD Group list to contain definition * &VSAMCAT - VSAM Catalog used to reference CSD file * // DLBL DFHCSD,'&CSD.FILE.NAME',,VSAM,CAT=&VSAMCAT // EXEC DFHCSDUP,SIZE=AUTO DELETE CONNECTION(&CMSYSID) GROUP(&GRPNAME) DELETE SESSIONS(&CMSYSIDSESS) GROUP(&GRPNAME) DEFINE CONNECTION(&CMSYSID) GROUP(&GRPNAME) NETNAME(&CMAPPLID) ACCESSMETHOD(VTAM) PROTOCOL(APPC) SINGLESESS(NO) DATASTREAM(USER) RECORDFORMAT(U) AUTOCONNECT(YES) INSERVICE(YES) ATTACHSEC(LOCAL) Figure 56. Sample JCS to create CONNECTION and SESSIONS definitions for VSE remote MAS (Part 1 of 2)

Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS)



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Modify the sample JCS to provide the following information:

Change all occurrences of.. &CMAPPLID &CMSYSID &CSD.FILE.NAME &GRPNAME &LSTNAME &VSAMCAT To.. The CMAS VTAM APPLID value. The CMAS CICS SYSID value. The name of the CICS CSD file to be updated. The CSD Group to contain definitions. The CSD Group list to contain definitions. The VSAM Catalog used to reference the CSD file.

A return code of 4 is expected when you run this job. This is because, before job EYU$CON3 defines the CONNECTION and SESSIONS resources to the CSD, it attempts to delete those resource definitions.

Using CICSPlex SM modules in the shared virtual area

For systems running multiple MASs, using the shared virtual area (SVA) allows the VSE remote MASs to share the same set of CICSPlex SM modules. The objective is to place as many eligible modules in the SVA as possible. All CICSPlex SM modules except the following can be loaded into the SVA: v EYUTXLPD v EYU9NLM2 v EYU9R111 v EYU9R120 v EYU923G3 v EYU941G3 The benefits of placing code in the SVA are: v The code is protected from possible corruption by user applications. Because the SVA is protected storage, it is almost impossible to modify the contents of these programs.


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v Performance can be improved and demand for real storage reduced when you use the SVA for program modules. If more than one copy of the same release of CICSPlex SM is running in multiple partitions of the same processor, each partition requires access to the CICSPlex SM modules. These modules can be either loaded into each of the partitions or shared in the SVA. Using them in the SVA reduces the working set and therefore the demand for real storage, which reduces paging. If test and production VSE remote MASs are sharing SVA modules, it may be desirable to run the test VSE remote MAS without the SVA modules when maintenance is being carried out. This can be accomplished by altering the JCS SEARCH statement for the CICSplex to enable searching the SVA after searching the sublibraries specified on the statement. During system startup VSE/ESA uses the SET SDL command to load SVA-eligible phases into the SVA. The SET SDL command maintains the System Directory List (SDL), which includes the names of the phases that are to be loaded into the SVA. SET SDL can be issued only from the BG partition. Sample JCS member EYUJSVAL.Z, in sublibrary 0811IX, is provided to create a SVA load list phase to install CICSPlex SM modules in the SVA. Copy this member to the ICCF library using the LIBRP procedure and edit it for execution. To execute the ICCF LIBRP procedure, enter the following at the ICCF command mode panel:

Use the JCS in sample member EYUJSVAL.Z, shown in Figure 57 on page 276 to do the following: v Assemble and link-edit the $SVACPSM phase. v Catalog the phase in IJSYSRS.SYSLIB.

Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS)


// JOB EYUJSVAL * * Run this job to define the SVA load list. * This job catalogs phase $SVACPSM in IJSYSRS.SYSLIB. * // OPTION NODECK,NOXREF,CATAL // LIBDEF PHASE,CATALOG=IJSYSRS.SYSLIB // OPTION CATAL // EXEC ASSEMBLY,SIZE=256K SIPL TITLE '$SVACPSM PRIVATE SVA LOAD LIST' SPACE SVALLIST $SVACPSM, (EYU9BA02), (EYU9CM02), (EYU9DBG0), (EYU9DBG1), (EYU9DBG2), (EYU9DBUG), (EYU9MN02), (EYU9NA02), (EYU9NPS2), (EYU9NXRM), (EYU9NXSD), (EYU9NXS2), (EYU9PS02), (EYU9TS02), (EYU9XC02), (EYU9XD02), (EYU9XEMV), (EYU9XLEV), (EYU9XLOP), (EYU9XL02), (EYU9XM02), (EYU9XQ02), (EYU9XS02), (EYU9XZ02) END /* // EXEC LNKEDT,SIZE=128K /* /& Figure 57. Sample JCS to create the SVA load list


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Before you load CICSPlex SM modules into the SVA, ensure that there is enough space for the modules. The CICSPlex SM modules require 2320K above the 16M line and 20K below the line in the SVA. Output from the LIBR command LISTDIR SDL shows the available space. Use the SVA command to increase the space available to the SDL. For additional information related to the SVA command, see the VSE/ESA System Control Statements. Ensure that the CICSPlex SM sublibrary 0811IX is in the LIBDEF chain for the BG partition. Procedure LIBSDL establishes the LIBDEF chain and is used by procedure $0JCL to start the BG partition. $0JCL must be modified to include a LIST=$SVACPSM statement following the LIST=$SVACICS statement. For additional information about using the LIST= statement to modify the SDL, see the VSE/ESA Guide to System Functions. Ensure that the $SVACPSM load list phase is available to be loaded. When it is installed into a sublibrary other than IJSYSRS.SYSLIB, that sublibrary must be searched when the SET SDL command is executed to update the system directory list.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Preparing to start a VSE remote MAS

Because a CICS system is unknown to CICSPlex SM until the CMAS with which the CICS system is associated is started, you should start the CMAS before any of the VSE remote MASs (CICS systems the CMAS is to manage). In order for a CICS system to be managed by CICSPlex SM, you must do the following things: v Define the CICS system to CICSPlex SM, as described in the CICSPlex SM Administration. v Define the CMAS to remote MAS communication link as described in the CICSPlex SM Administration. v Verify the startup JCS for each CICS system to ensure the following: The 0811IX sublibrary is searched for the CICSPlex SM phases. When the library containing the 0811IX sublibrary is not automatically searched, the 0811IX sublibrary must be included on the JCS LIBDEF SEARCH statement. The JCS contains a DLBL statement for the EYUPARM file. The destination control table referenced during CICS initialization must contain an entry that is the same as the entry in member EYU$DCT3.A of sublibrary 0811IX. For additional information about updating CICS resource definition table entries, see Updating CICS resource definition tables for MASs on page 251. The appropriate CICS SIT parameters are included.

Defining the EYUPARM file

Sample JCS member EYUJDTP3.Z in sublibrary 0811IX is provided to install CICSPlex SM parameters in a sequential file. Copy this member to the ICCF library using the LIBRP procedure and edit it for execution. To execute the ICCF LIBRP procedure, enter the following at the ICCF command mode panel:

Use the JCS in sample member EYUC22P3.Z, shown in Figure 58 on page 278, to create the file that contains the CICSPlex SM system parameters.

Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS)


. // JOB EYUJDTP3 * * Edit and run this job to create a sequential file containing the * CICSPlex/SM system parameters. * This file must be referenced by the CICS job control statements. * * Variables to be edited: * ----------------------* * &CICSYSID - Controlling CMAS CICS SYSID * &FILE.NAME - CPSM EYUPARM file name * &PLEXNAME - CICSplex to which remote MAS connects * &RMASNAME - Name of this remote MAS * &TRKNUM - Extent starting track number * &VOLSER - DASD volume serial number * // OPTION JCANCEL // UPSI 1 // DLBL SDSKOUT,'&FILE.NAME',0,SD // EXTENT SYS003,&VOLSER,1,0,&TRKNUM,5 // EXEC DITTO $$DITTO CSQ OUTPUT=SYS003 NAME(&RMASNAME) CICSPLEX(&PLEXNAME) CMASSYSID(&CICSYSID) TIMEZONE(Z) TERMID(CNSL) /* $$DITTO EOJ /& Figure 58. Sample JCS to create the CICSPlex SM EYUPARM file

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TERMID (CNSL) is required so that CICSPlex SM can start the CEMT transaction when required to shut down the VSE remote MAS. Modify the sample JCS to provide the following information:
Change all occurrences of.. &CICSYSID &FILE.NAME &PLEXNAME &RMASNAME &TRKNUM &VOLSER To.. The controlling CMAS CICS SYSID. The CPSM EYUPARM file name. The CICSplex to which this remote MAS connects. The name of this remote MAS The extent starting track number. The DASD volume serial number.

For a detailed description of each parameter and additional parameters that can optionally be used, see Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407.

VSE remote MAS-related CICS SIT parameters

You must verify that the CICS system initialization table (SIT) parameters include the appropriate values, as described in Table 18 on page 279. Review all of the listed parameters for each VSE remote MAS to ensure that the values specified are appropriate. CICSPlex SM provides simulated CICS security checking for a CICS/VSE 2.3 remote MAS. To provide for the simulated CICS


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security checking, you must use the CICSPlex SM system parameters DFLTUSER, SEC, SECPRFX, XCMD, XDCT, XFCT, XJCT, XPCT, and XPPT. For a description of those parameters, see Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407. (See the CICS RACF Security Guide for information about creating security profiles.)
Table 18. CICS SIT parameters for a VSE remote MAS Parameter AMXT APPLID= Explanation Maximum tasks to be despatched. Increase by 20 to accommodate the CICSPlex SM MAS tasks. VTAM application ID for this CICS system. Used as VSE remote MAS name when NAME(value) is not specified as a CICSPlex SM system parameter. VTAM application ID for this CICS system. Used as VSE remote MAS name when NAME(value) is not specified as a CICSPlex SM system parameter. Destination control table (See Updating CICS resource definition tables for VSE remote MASs on page 270.) Specify the user identifier that is to be used for security checking when a user is not defined to the ESM. Limit of DSA storage below 16MB. Should be set to at least 4MB. Limit of EDSA storage below 16MB. Should be set to at least 20MB. Indicate whether CICSPlex SM is initialized at VSE remote MAS startup. Identify the name of the group added to the CSD file for the VSE remote MAS. (See Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (VSE remote MAS) on page 271 for additional information.) Runaway task time interval. Should be set to at least 5000. Code YES to include the CICS programs required for interregion and intersystem communications. Monitoring control table. If you have CICS performance class monitoring active, then you must specify a value for this parameter. You can use 1$ (the default) or an existing table. (See Note below.) Activates CICS Monitor. (See Note below.) Tells CICS to monitor performance classes. (See Note below.) Activates CICS monitoring for performance classes. (See Note below.) U U U U CICS release 2.3 U U U 1.1









Note for MCT, MONITOR, MN, and MNPER parameters: To get all data available for the TASK and MLOCTRAN views, MCT must have a value specified, CICS monitoring for performance classes must be activated, and you must be collecting performance class data. If you do not want this data written to an SMF data set, you can suppress the monitor records. See the description of the SUPPRESSCMF parameter in Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407.

Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS)


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Table 18. CICS SIT parameters for a VSE remote MAS (continued) Parameter MXT= Explanation Maximum tasks. Increase by 20 to accommodate the CICSPlex SM MAS tasks. Note: CICSPlex SM rarely uses all 20 of these additional tasks. If you are using the MXT value alone to control application transactions, increasing this value may allow more application transactions to run concurrently. To prevent this from occurring, you can define a transaction class for the application. Then, set a class maximum task (CMXT) value that limits the number of concurrent transactions. Initialization table. (See Updating CICS resource definition tables for VSE remote MASs on page 270.) Indicate whether external security checking is to be performed for this CICS system. Specify: YES When READ access is granted: v READ is permitted v UPDATE is refused. When UPDATE access is granted: v READ is permitted v UPDATE is permitted. NO Security checking is not performed. CICS release 2.3 U 1.1 U



MIGRATE When either READ or UPDATE access is granted, both READ and UPDATE are permitted. Notes: 1. For CICS security, the value specified with SEC= for a CMAS overrides the value specified with SEC= for a remote MAS. (For more information about this parameter, see the CICS RACF Security Guide.) 2. For CICSPlex SM security to be active, you must set SEC=YES for a remote MAS, and the CMAS to which it connects must have the CICSPlex SM system parameter SEC(YES). When CICSPlex SM security is not activated in the CMAS, the connection between the CMAS and the remote MAS cannot be established. If this is attempted, message EYUCR0007E is issued to the console, the CMAS joblog, and the EYULOG. (For more information about the SEC parameter for the CMAS, see Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407.) SECPRFX={YES|NO} Specify whether the user ID is used as the prefix that is added to the beginning of all resource names to distinguish this CICS system from other CICS systems. System Recovery Table Suffix. (See Updating CICS resource definition tables for VSE remote MASs on page 270.) U U



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Table 18. CICS SIT parameters for a VSE remote MAS (continued) Parameter SYSIDNT= Explanation Indicate the id of the CICS system. This name should be unique within a CICSplex. Note: This parameter must be specified for a remote MAS. When you define the CMAS-to-remote MAS link, as described in the CICSPlex SM Administration, the Target Sysid value must match this SYSIDNT value. Indicate whether EXEC CICS system commands are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. Indicate whether destination control entries are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. Indicate whether file control entries are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. (See note on page 262.) Indicate whether journal entries are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. (See note on page 262.) Indicate whether EXEC-started transactions are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. (See note on page 262.) Indicate whether program entries are to be included in security checking. Specify YES or NO. (See note on page 262.) CICS release 2.3 U 1.1 U






Note: The CICS release indicators are: 2.3 CICS/VSE 2.3 1.1 CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA Release 1

Stopping and restarting management of a CICS/VSE system

This section tells you how to: v Stop management of a CICS/VSE system v Restart management of a CICS/VSE system v Terminate a CICS/VSE system.

Stopping management of a CICS/VSE system

To stop the VSE remote MAS agent code in an active CICS system, from the MAS view issue the action command STOP. Issuing the STOP action prevents CICSPlex SM from accessing the VSE remote MAS until either the CICS system is restarted (see Preparing to start a VSE remote MAS on page 277) or the CORM transaction is issued (see Restarting management of a CICS/VSE system).

Restarting management of a CICS/VSE system

To reactivate a running CICS system as a remote MAS, issue the CICS transaction CORM.

Chapter 32. Setting up a CICS/VSE remote managed application system (MAS)


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Terminating a VSE remote MAS

To verify that the CICSPlex SM remote MAS shutdown processing is properly installed, you can terminate the CICS/VSE system and check the log for the following shutdown message:
EYUXL0016I RMAS shutdown complete

To terminate the CICS system running the VSE remote MAS agent code, use the CICSRGN view to issue the desired shutdown command. For more information about the CICSRGN view, see the CICSPlex SM Operations Views Reference manual.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS)
This chapter describes the steps you must perform so that a CICS system running on an OS/2 programmable workstation can be known as a remote managed application system (MAS) to CICSPlex SM. CICSPlex SM can manage single- and multi-user systems running CICS for OS/2 Version 3.0 or later.

An overview of the setup process

This section provides an overview of the CICSPlex SM OS/2 setup process. It contains important information that you should review before installing the CICSPlex SM OS/2 components. Additional information concerning the setup and support of the CICS for OS/2 remote MAS are contained in a README file, supplied in the following locations: v Member EYU#READ in the SEYUOS2 data set. v The README.TXT file in the installed workstation directory. v The Read Me object in the the CICSPlex SM folder of the OS/2 desktop.

Before you begin

Before you install the CICSPlex SM OS/2 components, you must have already done the following: v Installed CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 or later on the host. v Defined your terminal emulation. The terminal emulator and APPC you are running must be compatible with eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp (with corrective service diskette (CSD) 2 applied). v Installed CICS for OS/2 on your own workstation or one that is accessible from your workstation. Note: If you have previously installed prior releases of the CICSPlex SM OS/2 components on this workstation, delete them before you install CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, as described in Deleting the OS/2 components of a previous release of CICSPlex SM on page 298. The process for setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote MAS consists of the following tasks: v Installing the IBM Software Installer for OS/2 files that are supplied with CICSPlex SM v Installing the CICSPlex SM OS/2 agent code using Software Installer for OS/2 v Updating your CONFIG.SYS file v Reviewing your eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp definitions v Defining a TCS entry for CICSPlex SM v Updating the CICS for OS/2 CICSENV.CMD file v Reviewing the CICS for OS/2 system initialization parameters v Customizing CICS for OS/2 DLLs v Restarting your OS/2 workstation v Editing the CICSPlex SM EYUPARMS.DAT file v Importing the CICSPlex SM resource definitions v Defining the CICS for OS/2 remote MAS to CICSPlex SM
Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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v Restarting your CICS for OS/2 system Each of these tasks is described in detail in the remainder of this chapter. Additional information is also provided on: v Stopping and restarting a CICS for OS/2 remote MAS v Deleting the OS/2 components of a previous release of CICSPlex SM. Notes: 1. The examples and figures in this chapter use: v D: as the target drive v CPSM140 as the target directory to contain CICSPlex SM elements v CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUOS2 as the MVS/ESA CICSPlex SM SMP/E library that contains the installation materials If you use other values, be sure to specify those as you perform the setup tasks in this chapter. 2. CICSPlex SM resource monitoring is not supported in a CICS for OS/2 remote MAS. However, you can use CICSPlex SM to populate the NetView RODM data cache and use the CICSPlex SM monitoring views and real-time analysis functions to monitor the operational state of CICS for OS/2 resources. 3. A CICS for OS/2 remote MAS supports user-written programs (defined via the STATDEF view) invoked by the real time analysis (RTA) function of CICSPlex SM, as described in Managing Resource Usage. 4. A CICS for OS/2 remote MAS cannot act as a terminal-owning region (TOR) in the CICSPlex SM workload management environment. 5. Problem determination using CICSPlex SM facilities is the same for a CICS for OS/2 remote MAS as it is for a CICS/MVS remote MAS. However, the CICSPlex SM tools for the Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS) are not available for debugging problems in a CICS for OS/2 remote MAS. 6. Installation of the CICS for OS/2 agent code has been validated using a 3270 emulation session provided by eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp. If you experience a no host session... problem when using a different emulator, shut down that emulator and try again using an eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp session.

Setup requirements
The CICSPlex SM components for a single supported version of CICS for OS/2 require approximately 3.6MB of disk space. CICSPlex SM can use up to 11 CICS for OS/2 tasks. Five of those tasks are required for basic system management functions. Up to 6 additional tasks can be required for the NetView RODM interface, depending on the number and types of resources you are monitoring. For purposes of planning, you can assume that installing CICSPlex SM on your OS/2 workstation will take a total of approximately 90 minutes. This estimate can be broadly divided into the following increments: v 20 minutes to download and install the IBM Software Installer for OS/2 files that are supplied with CICSPlex SM. v 40 minutes to download and install the CICSPlex SM components for a single supported version of CICS for OS/2. v 30 minutes to complete the remaining installation tasks that do not involve Software Installer for OS/2.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Note: Once the CICSPlex SM components have been downloaded and installed onto one workstation in the LAN, you can invoke the peer install process to install CICSPlex SM on other workstations in the LAN. The peer install process eliminates the time required to download members from the host library. For more information, see Installing components from another workstation on page 289.

Restarting the installation process

If you are interrupted while installing the CICSPlex SM OS/2 components, you can easily restart the installation process: v If you have installed the Software Installer for OS/2 materials supplied with CICSPlex SM, but have not installed any CICSPlex SM components, refer to Opening the host catalog manually on page 288. v If you have installed at least one CICSPlex SM component: Select the Installation Utility icon from the CICSPlex SM Icon View window. Continue the installation process as described in Installing the CICSPlex SM components on page 287.

Installing the Software Installer for OS/2

The CICSPlex SM OS/2 agent code is installed onto an OS/2 workstation using the IBM Software Installer for OS/2. Before you can install CICSPlex SM, you must first install Software Installer for OS/2. The installation of Software Installer for OS/2 is performed by the EYUIDLDS.EXE file, which resides in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUOS2 library on the host. Note: The version of Software Installer for OS/2 that is supplied with CICSPlex SM is tailored to installing the CICSPlex SM OS/2 agent code. It is designed to share any common Software Installer for OS/2 files that may have been created during the installation of other OS/2 products. You should not attempt to install CICSPlex SM with any other version of Software Installer for OS/2.

Downloading the EYUIDLDS.EXE file

To download the Software Installer for OS/2 program onto your workstation, do the following: 1. Establish an OS/2 windowed or full-screen command-line session and an MVS/ESA host session at the TSO ready prompt, using your terminal emulator. 2. Decide which drive you want to use for the Software Installer for OS/2 and CICSPlex SM. Make that drive the current drive for your OS/2 session. For example, if you want to use drive D, enter the following at the OS/2 command prompt:

3. Change to the directory where you want to install the Software Installer for OS/2 and, subsequently, CICSPlex SM. For example, if you want to use the default directory used in this setup process, you must first create that directory by entering:

Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS)


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Then change to that directory by entering:


4. Download the EYUIDLDS.EXE file by entering the following at the OS/2 command prompt:

Note: The name of the member in the host dataset is EYUIDLDE, and must be received into the OS/2 and must be received into the OS/2 file EYUIDLDS.EXE. This example assumes that you are downloading from host session A and that CICSTS13.CPSM is the high-level qualifier for the MVS/ESA CICSPlex SM data sets that were installed using SMP/E. If you are downloading from a host session other than A, change the A: to reflect the appropriate host session. If a different high-level qualifier was assigned to the CICSPlex SM data sets, change CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUOS2 to reflect the fully qualified name of the SEYUOS2 library. Note: Downloading the EYUIDLDS.EXE file from the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUOS2 library takes approximately 5 minutes.

Using EYUIDLDS.EXE to install Software Installer for OS/2

To install the Software Installer for OS/2: 1. Make sure you are referencing the directory that contains the previously downloaded EYUIDLDS.EXE file. Then, enter:

2. Select Continue and the Install from MVS host window appears. 3. Complete the Install from MVS host window, as follows: Dataset name The high-level qualifier of the MVS/ESA CICSPlex SM SMP/E library that contains the elements to be installed. The value must include the period following the qualifier. For example, to use the default value shown in this setup process, enter CICSTS13.CPSM.. Note: The period is required after CICSTS13.CPSM.. Destination The target drive and target directory, which must match the location of the EYUIDLDS.EXE file. For example, to use the default value, enter D:\CPSM140. 4. Select the correct host session and then select OK. A status window appears to report the progress of the download process. If any errors occur, check the value you specified for the MVS source data set high-level qualifier. Note: Downloading the Software Installer for OS/2 installation materials from the host takes approximately 15 minutes. 5. When the installation materials have been downloaded, the Instructions window appears. This window indicates whether the installation program was successfully installed. 6. Select Continue.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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EYUINSTS is automatically invoked and the CICSPlex SM host catalog is also downloaded and opened. When the Install window appears, you can continue the installation process as described in Installing the CICSPlex SM components. If either of the following occurs: v You decide not to continue the installation process at this time. v The Instructions window indicates there was a problem and the Install window does not appear when you select Continue. Exit back to the OS/2 session. You can restart the installation process as described in Opening the host catalog manually on page 288.

Using Software Installer for OS/2 to install CICSPlex SM Installing the CICSPlex SM components
The Software Installer for OS/2 Install window displays the following information about the program you are installing: v Package name v Product number v Version number v Feature number Use this information to verify that you are installing the correct program. Then, to install the CICSPlex SM components, do the following: 1. Decide if you want Software Installer for OS/2 to update your CONFIG.SYS file or if you want to update it yourself: v If you want the Software Installer for OS/2 to update your CONFIG.SYS file, check the Update CONFIG.SYS check box in the Options control group. The Software Installer for OS/2 saves your current CONFIG.SYS file to a file called CONFIG.BAK before it makes any changes. v If you want to update your CONFIG.SYS file yourself, uncheck the Update CONFIG.SYS box. The Software Installer for OS/2 creates a CONFIG.ADD file, which is your current CONFIG.SYS file with the necessary updates added. You can use this file to update your current CONFIG.SYS file. 2. Select OK and the CICSPlex SM program package file is downloaded from MVS/ESA. The Install - directories window appears. 3. Select the components of CICSPlex SM that you want to install in the Components list box of the Install - directories window. Note: The Product Folder Materials component must always be selected. As you select the components you want to install, the amount of storage required to install those components is displayed below the Components list box in the Bytes needed field. 4. Select Disk Space... to specify the disk drive onto which you want to install the CICSPlex SM components. The Disk space window is displayed. 5. Select the disk drive onto which you want to install the CICSPlex SM components. If there is sufficient disk space to install the components, Installation: possible is displayed to the right of the list box.

Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS)


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If there is not sufficient disk space to install the CICSPlex SM components on the drive you selected, Installation: not possible is displayed. Select an alternate disk drive onto which the CICSPlex SM components can be installed. 6. Select Change directories to selected drive and select OK to specify that drive as the installation target. 7. Select Install... to install the CICSPlex SM components. The Install - progress window appears. Note: Installing the CICSPlex SM components for a single supported version of CICS for OS/2 takes approximately 40 minutes. You can select STOP at any time to cancel the installation process. If you select STOP, a message window appears asking if you want to erase the files that have already been copied. Select YES to erase the files or NO to leave the copied files on your workstation. As part of the installation process, CICSPlex SM creates the following subdirectories, as needed, for the components you selected on the Install directories window: \CICSV3\BIN Execution files for CICS for OS/2 Version 3.0 or 3.1 \CICSV3\LIB Library files for CICS for OS/2 Version 3.0 or 3.1 support. \CICSV3\SOURCE Source files for CICS for OS/2 Version 3.0 or 3.1 support. \DATA Data files for use by CICSPlex SM (such as, EYUPARMS.DAT). When the Install - progress window indicates that the installation is complete, continue as described in Updating your CONFIG.SYS file on page 290.

Opening the host catalog manually

To open the CICSPlex SM host catalog manually: 1. Change to the directory in which the installation materials were downloaded. 2. Start Software Installer for OS/2 by entering the following:
EYUINSTS /S:<source_qualifier.> /O:<originating_system>

where: /S:<source_qualifier.> Is the input source high-level qualifier for the MVS/ESA CICSPlex SM SMP/E library that contains the elements to be installed. The value must include the period following the qualifier. /O:<originating_system> Is the originating system where the elements to be installed reside. For CICSPlex SM, this value must always be MVS. For example, to use the default high-level qualifier shown in this setup process, enter:

The Installation and Maintenance window appears.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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3. On the menu bar, select the File pull-down menu and then select Open catalog. The Open catalog menu appears. 4. On the Open catalog menu, select Host... Note: Because you invoked Software Installer for OS/2 with /O:MVS, you must select Host... from the Open catalog menu. Do not attempt to open a drive catalog at this point; the installation process will fail when the required files are not found. The Open host catalog window appears. 5. Under Host session on the Open host catalog window, select the active host session that is to be used to download the CICSPlex SM component files. Also ensure that MVS is selected in the Host operating system control group. Note: Each time you invoke Software Installer for OS/2 you must remember to open the catalog file. Otherwise, Software Installer for OS/2 can produce unpredictable results. For example, the last time you used Software Installer for OS/2, you may have specified host session B, while this time you want to use host session D. Because Software Installer for OS/2 saves the session information in a file, host session B would be used if you did not open the catalog file. 6. Any previously opened catalog files are listed in the Filename drop-down list box. You can select a file and select Description... to display a description of the catalog file. If the CICSPlex SM catalog file is not displayed, enter the name of the catalog file in the Filename: entry field as:

If necessary, replace CICSTS13.CPSM with the high-level qualifier of the MVS/ESA CICSPlex SM SMP/E data set that contains the CICSPlex SM elements. 7. Select Open to open the catalog file. The Software Installer for OS/2 Installation and Maintenance window reappears. 8. Select the CICSPlex SM package, and select Action on the menu bar. The Action pull-down menu appears. 9. Select Install... When the Install window for CICSPlex SM appears, you can continue the installation process as described in Installing the CICSPlex SM components on page 287. Note: If you are applying service to previously installed components select Update... from the Action pull-down menu, rather than Install...

Installing components from another workstation

Once CICSPlex SM has been successfully installed on one workstation, you can install the product directly from that workstation onto any other workstation in the LAN. This process is referred to as a peer install. Note: All of the components you want to install must have been previously installed on another workstation in the LAN. If you attempt to install a component that was not previously installed, the install process fails when the required files are not found.
Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS)


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To invoke the peer install process: 1. At the workstation you are installing to, change to the LAN drive and directory that contains the previously installed CICSPlex SM components. For example, to use the default high-level qualifier previously installed on LAN drive Q, enter:
Q: CD \ CD CPSM140

2. Start Software Installer for OS/2 by entering:


The command file EYUIPRIN invokes Software Installer for OS/2 with the parameters required to install the components from a peer workstation. The parameters passed to EYUINSTS open the product drive catalog file and select the peer install package. When the Install window appears, you can continue the installation process as described in Installing the CICSPlex SM components on page 287

Updating your CONFIG.SYS file

If you chose not to have the Software Installer for OS/2 update your CONFIG.SYS file, edit your CONFIG.SYS file from an OS/2 full-screen or windowed session as follows. Modify the LIBPATH statement to contain appropriate paths to the CICSPlex SM files that support the selected CICS for OS/2 release. The default location is:

Ensure that this statement in your CONFIG.SYS file is contained on a single line. Note: If you had previously installed an earlier release of CICSPlex SM on this workstation, remove any reference to that release in the LIBPATH statement.

Reviewing your eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp definitions

CICSPlex SM uses Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC) LU6.2 links for communications between the OS/2 remote MAS and the CMAS running on the host. For CICSPlex SM communications to function, you must define the following transaction programs to eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp: COI1 COI2 CICSPlex SM receive link task CICSPlex SM send link task

You define the COI1 and COI2 transaction programs to eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp using the SNA Features List window. COI1 and COI2 should have the following characteristics: v A program name of FAACLPIN.EXE v Service TP not active v A program Parameter String of COI1 or COI2, depending on which transaction you are using.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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v Background, non-queued attach manager started Note: For more details on defining transaction programs to eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp, see the CICS for OS/2 online help or the Intercommunication book for the version of CICS for OS/2 you are running. In addition to defining these transaction programs, you also need to create or review an existing Partner LU definition. In the Partner LU definition, make note of the following values: LU Name Alias This value should be the fully qualified VTAM Applid of the CMAS to which this OS/2 remote MAS will connect. This value is required for the Partner LU Alias field of the CICS Terminal Connection and Session (TCS) entry.

Also in the SNA Features List window, review the Local LU definition and make note of the following values: LU Name This value is required for the Target Applid field of the CICSPlex SM CMTPMDEF view, which is used to define the OS/2 remote MAS to the CMAS. This value is required for the LU Alias field of the CICS TCS entry.


Defining a TCS entry for CICSPlex SM

You must define a Terminal Connection and Session (TCS) entry for communication between the OS/2 remote MAS and the CMAS to which it will connect: 1. Make sure your CICS for OS/2 system is running before you perform this task. 2. Invoke the CICS for OS/2 CEDA transaction. 3. Select TCS from the list and invoke the Add function. The TCS input screen appears. Use the following values for CICSPlex SM: Connection Name The CICS SYSID value specified in the system initialization table parameters of the CMAS to which this remote MAS will connect. EYUTCS or the name of another resource definition group. This value must match the group name you specify on the CicsRgrp= statement of the CICSENV.CMD file. Note: You must specify a name other than EYUGROUP in this field. EYUGROUP is the name of the resource definition group supplied by CICSPlex SM. If you specify EYUGROUP in this field of the TCS entry, your resource definitions will be replaced when you import the resource definitions supplied by CICSPlex SM. Connection Type Connection Priority APPC 250

Group Name

Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS)


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Description Session Count Session Buffer Size Attach security Partner Code Page Mode name

A description such as CMAS sysid Connection 03 or greater. 16384 L for local (the default). 00037 #INTER, which is one of the standard mode names available with eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp. The eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp alias for the local LU (the Local LU Alias value). The eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp alias for the CICS for OS/2 system (the Partner LU Alias value).

LU alias

Partner LU Alias

For more information about defining TCS entries, see the CICS for OS/2 Customization book.

Updating the CICS for OS/2 CICSENV.CMD file

You must update the CICS for OS/2 CICSENV.CMD file for CICSPlex SM. The default location for the CICSENV.CMD file is: Version 3.0 Version 3.1 CICS300\RUNTIME\CICSENV.CMD CICS310\RUNTIME\CICSENV.CMD

Update the CICSENV.CMD file as follows: 1. Modify the UserWrk statement to include the appropriate path to the CICSPlex SM files that support the selected CICS for OS/2 release. The default location is:

For example, for a CICS for OS/2 Version 3.0 system, you would update the path statement to include:
UserWrk = 'D:\CPSM140\CICSV3\BIN'

Notes: a. The CICSPlex SM directory need not be the first directory in the UserWrk path statement. b. If you had previously installed an earlier release of CICSPlex SM on this workstation, remove any reference to that release in the UserWrk variable. 2. Modify the CicsRgrp statement to include the names of the CICSPlex SM resource definition groups. CICSPlex SM supplies a resource definition group called EYUGROUP that defines certain required transactions. You must also identify a group that contains the definitions required for an OS/2 remote MAS to communicate with a CMAS. This is the group you identified in the Group Name field of the TCS entry for CICSPlex SM. For example, if you specified EYUTCS in the TCS entry, update the CicsRgrp statement to include:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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If you omit the CicsRgrp statement from the CICSENV.CMD file, all groups defined to CICS for OS/2 are loaded during initialization. 3. If CICS Client for OS/2 is installed on your workstation to support multi-user clients, make sure the CICSENV.CMD file is set up to search the CICS for OS/2 BIN subdirectory before the CICS Client for OS/2 BIN subdirectory. Normally the CICS Client for OS/2 directories are placed in front of the CICS for OS/2 directories in the CONFIG.SYS file. However, CICS for OS/2 and CICS Client for OS/2 use duplicate DLL names, and some services invoked by CICSPlex SM require the CICS for OS/2 BIN directory to be searched first. To ensure the CICS for OS/2 BIN directory is searched before the CICS Client for OS/2 directory, execute the SET BEGINLIBPATH command in your CICSENV.CMD file. The default CICS for OS/2 paths are: Version 3.0 Version 3.1 SET BEGINLIBPATH=C:\CICS300\RUNTIME SET BEGINLIBPATH=C:\CICS310\RUNTIME

Note: If CICS Client for OS/2 is not installed on your workstation, do not add the SET BEGINLIBPATH command to the CICSENV.CMD file.

Reviewing the CICS for OS/2 system initialization parameters

You should review your CICS for OS/2 system initialization parameters with the following in mind: v The Minimum Free Tasks value may need to be increased to accommodate CICSPlex SM tasks. CICSPlex SM uses a minimum of 5 tasks and can use up to 6 additional tasks, depending on the number and types of resources defined to the NetView RODM interface. v Make a note of the Local System ID value. This value is required by the CICSPlex SM CMTPMDEF view, which is used to define the OS/2 remote MAS to the CMAS.

Customizing the CICS for OS/2 DLLs

You must customize the following CICS for OS/2 DLLs for use by CICSPlex SM: FAAPLTPI FAAPLTSD FAAEXP21 FAAEXP22 Program list table post-initialization program Program list table shutdown program Connection definition autoinstall user exit 21 Terminal definition autoinstall user exit 22

To customize these DLLs you must do one of the following: v If you are already using your own versions, update the CICS for OS/2 DLLs that you currently use to include the commands required by CICSPlex SM. This is described in Updating the existing CICS for OS/2 DLLs. on page 294. v If you are currently using the CICS for OS/2 defaults, copy the DLLs supplied with CICSPlex SM to have the appropriate CICS for OS/2 names. Note: Be sure to make copies of the DLLs (rather than rename them) and keep the originals as distributed by CICSPlex SM. The supplied DLLs are used
Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS)


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as input to the LAN peer install process, as described in Installing components from another workstation on page 289. The updated or copied DLLs become available when you restart your CICS for OS/2 system later in this setup process.

Updating the existing CICS for OS/2 DLLs.

To update the CICS for OS/2 DLLs you currently use, you must edit the CICS for OS/2 source files and build new DLLs, as follows: 1. Add the following statement to your FAAPLTPI source file to ensure that CICSPlex SM program EYU9NXRM runs during CICS for OS/2 post-initialization processing:

2. Add the following statement to your FAAPLTSD source file to ensure that CICSPlex SM program EYU9NXTM runs during CICS for OS/2 shutdown processing:

3. Invoke the CICSPlex SM connection definition autoinstall processing from your current user exit 21 by updating your FAAEXP21 source file as follows: a. Add the following statement to the existing list of INCLUDE statements:

b. Add the following statement at a point in your logic that ensures the CICSPlex SM processing is always invoked when your exit is entered:

4. Invoke the CICSPlex SM terminal definition autoinstall processing from your current user exit 22 by updating your FAAEXP22 source file as follows: a. Add the following statement to the existing list of INCLUDE statements:

b. Add the following statement at a point in your logic that will always invoke the CICSPlex SM processing when your exit is entered:

Note: If you also use the FAAEXP23 terminal definition autoinstall user exit, make these changes to the FAAEXP23 source file as well. If you do not currently use FAAEXP23, no additional source changes are required. 5. Rebuild the DLLs using the CICS for OS/2 build processing. Before you rebuild the FAAEXP21, FAAEXP22, or FAAEXP23 DLL, ensure that: v The CICSICC environment variable is set to EYU9NXIT.LIB. v The CICSPlex SM header files can be found by the build process. The CICSPlex SM header files EYUNNX21.H and EYUNNXIT.H are installed in the CICSPlex SM source subdirectory. The default location is:

Either include the CICSPlex SM subdirectory in the build process or copy the header files to a subdirectory that is already included in the processing. The rebuilt DLLs become available when you restart your CICS for OS/2 system later in this setup process.


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Copying the DLLs supplied with CICSPlex SM

CICSPlex SM supplies the necessary DLLs for each supported version of CICS for OS/2. The DLLs can be found in the CICSPlex SM execution subdirectory. The default location is:

The DLLs supplied by CICSPlex SM must be copied as follows:


The copied DLLs must be loaded in place of any other DLLs you use that have the same names. The updates that were made to your CONFIG.SYS file when you installed CICSPlex SM using Software Installer for OS/2 should ensure that the CICSPlex SM DLLs are loaded first. However, if you chose to update your CONFIG.SYS file manually, you must ensure that the CICSPlex SM DLLs are loaded first when you restart your CICS for OS/2 system later in this setup process.

Restarting your OS/2 workstation

At this point, you must shut down and restart your OS/2 workstation to apply the changes that were made to your CONFIG.SYS file (either by Software Installer for OS/2 or by you). For information on restarting your workstation, see the Using OS/2 book for the version of OS/2 you are running. Note: Do not restart your CICS for OS/2 system until you complete the remainder of this setup process.

Editing the CICSPlex SM EYUPARMS.DAT file

You must edit the CICSPlex SM startup parameters before you can run CICSPlex SM in your CICS for OS/2 system. To edit these parameters, do the following: 1. From an OS/2 window, find the EYUPARMS.DAT file. Its default location is D:\CPSM140\DATA\EYUPARMS.DAT 2. Edit the three parameters: v CICSPLEX v CMASSYSID v NAME For a detailed description of each parameter, see Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407. If you are involved in the preparation of multiple workstations, it might be more efficient to write a script to perform this function.

Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS)


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Importing the CICSPlex SM resource definitions

To import the resource definitions supplied with CICSPlex SM, do the following: 1. Make sure your CICS for OS/2 system is not running when you perform this task. 2. From an OS/2 window find the file ...\CICSV3\BIN\EYUGROUP.TXT. This file contains the definitions for the EYUGROUP resource group. 3. Review the file and amend the path to your EYUPARMS.DAT file, inside the DCT entry to the COPR resource definition, as appropriate. Look for the following line:

4. Use CICSLOAD to import the resource definitions. See the CICS for OS/2 online help or the Customization book for the version of CICS for OS/2 you are running. Alternatively, use the following procedure: a. Ensure that CICS and MKDE are not running. b. Copy EYUGROUP.TXT to CICSRD.TXT. c. Invoke CICSLOAD, supplying the CICS for OS/2 system administrator User ID and password. d. If this completes without errors, change to your CICS runtime data directory:

for example. e. Save the old resource file as a backup:


for example. f. Rename the new resource file for use on the next startup:

You may find it useful to append the TXT file contents to other application resources being installed as part of your distribution process. The import process defines CICS for OS/2 resource definitions for CICSPlex SM in a group called EYUGROUP. The following resources are defined in EYUGROUP: Transaction ID CICSPlex SM Program Name




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The group, EYUGROUP, also defines the DCT entry named COPR. If you change the location of your startup parameter file, EYUPARMS.DAT, then you must review the DCT entry in the EYUGROUP.TXT file and reimport the group, as previously described.

Defining the CICS for OS/2 remote MAS to CICSPlex SM

For a CICS for OS/2 system to be managed by CICSPlex SM as a remote MAS, you must do the following: 1. Define the CICS for OS/2 system. to CICSPlex SM, as described in the CICSPlex SM Administration. 2. Define a communication link between the CMAS and the CICS for OS/2 remote MAS, as described in the CICSPlex SM Administration. The Target Applid value must match the eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warp Local LU Name value. The Mode Name value must be #INTER. The CICS for OS/2 system can now be managed by CICSPlex SM as a remote MAS the next time it is restarted.

Restarting your CICS for OS/2 system

At this point, you can restart your CICS for OS/2 system. If the setup process was successful, the CICS for OS/2 FAAPLTPI initialization program automatically starts the CICSPlex SM remote MAS agent code. Then the remote MAS agent establishes a connection to the CMAS you specified. You can watch the progress of the CICSPlex SM remote MAS initialization on the CICS for OS/2 operator log. Note: A CICS for OS/2 remote MAS can only be known to CICSPlex SM if the CMAS to which it connects is running.

Stopping and restarting management of a CICS for OS/2 system

This section tells you how to: v Stop management of a CICS for OS/2 system v Restart management of a CICS for OS/2 system v Terminate a CICS for OS/2 system.

Stopping management of a CICS for OS/2 system

To stop the CICS for OS/2 remote MAS agent code in an active CICS system, from the MAS view issue the action command STOP. Issuing the STOP action prevents CICSPlex SM from accessing the remote MAS until either the CICS system is restarted or the CORM transaction is issued (see Restarting management of a CICS for OS/2 system). For more information about the MAS view, see the CICSPlex SM Operations Views Reference manual.

Restarting management of a CICS for OS/2 system

To reactivate a running CICS system as a remote MAS, issue the CICS transaction CORM. Messages indicating the progress of the remote MAS initialization appear in the CICS for OS/2 log.
Chapter 33. Setting up a CICS for OS/2 remote managed application system (MAS)


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Terminating a CICS for OS/2 system

To verify that the FAAPLTSD shutdown processing is properly installed, you can terminate the CICS for OS/2 system and check the log for the following shutdown message:
EYUXL0016I RMAS shutdown complete

To terminate a CICS system running the CICS for OS/2 remote MAS agent code, use the CICSRGN view to issue the desired shutdown command. For more information about the CICSRGN view, see the CICSPlex SM Operations Views Reference manual. For more information on verifying the installation of the CICSPlex SM OS/2 agent code, see Chapter 40. Installation verification procedure 4 (IVP4) on page 383.

Deleting the OS/2 components of a previous release of CICSPlex SM

If you previously used an earlier release of CICSPlex SM to manage a CICS for OS/2 on this workstation, you can delete the CICSPlex SM components of that release, as follows: 1. If you wish to preserve the CICSPlex SM remote MAS parameters file for this workstation, make a backup of the EYUPARMS.DAT file before you proceed. You can then restore this file after installing the new release of the OS/2 components of CICSPlex SM. 2. Invoke Software Installer for OS/2 using the icon in the CICSPlex SM product folder that was created when you installed the CICSPlex SM components on this workstation. If you removed this folder, you can invoke Software Installer for OS/2 another way. If you installed CICSPlex SM from the host system, see Opening the host catalog manually on page 288. If you installed CICSPlex SM from another workstation in the LAN, see Installing components from another workstation on page 289. 3. Select the product package file for CICSPlex SM from the Software Installer for OS/2 Installation and Maintenance window. 4. Select Delete... from the Action pull-down menu. The Delete window for CICSPlex SM appears. 5. Select all the components in the component list. The Delete button is enabled. 6. Select Delete to have Software Installer for OS/2 delete the components. The progress of the delete process is displayed. When the delete process is complete, exit Software Installer for OS/2.


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Chapter 34. Setting up the interface to NetView RODM

This chapter describes the steps you must perform to enable the interface between CICSPlex SM and the NetView Resource Object Data Manager (RODM). The information you need to set up the RODM interface is in the following sections: v An overview of the RODM interface v Updating NetView for the interface on page 301 v Updating CICSPlex SM for the interface on page 304.

An overview of the RODM interface

The CICSPlex SM interface to RODM makes use of the following components of the NetView environment: Graphic Monitor Facility Host Subsystem (GMFHS) Defines the structure of the CICSPlex SM resource objects that are reported to RODM. In addition, GMFHS provides access to NGMF on an OS/2 workstation. Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) Maintains the information that CICSPlex SM provides about the operational state of CICS resources in a data cache. MultiSystem Manager Provides access from NetView to the RODM data cache. NetView Graphic Monitor Facility (NGMF) Displays the operational state of CICSplex resources in a variety of views on an OS/2 workstation. Figure 59 on page 300 illustrates the relationship between these components of the CICSPlex SM RODM interface.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


Multi System Manager

Monitored Resources




Figure 59. Components of the CICSPlex SM RODM interface

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Note: For information on using the RODM interface, see the discussion of resource monitoring in the CICSPlex SM Managing Resource Usage manual.

What you need to use the interface

To use the CICSPlex SM RODM interface, you must have the following products and features: v NetView 3.1 (or later) with RODM support active v MultiSystem Manager 2.2 (or later) v NetView Graphic Monitor Facility. Notes: 1. If you are currently running NetView without RODM support, see the NetView Installation and Administration Guide for information on activating RODM. 2. If you are not running NetView with RODM support active, you can still have CICSPlex SM report on the operational state of selected CICS resources. The type of reporting depends on the CICSPlex SM system parameter RESSTATUS. For more information on the RESSTATUS parameter, see Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407.

How the interface is supplied

The CICSPlex SM interface to the NetView RODM facility is supplied as one load module and one REXX EXEC:


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EYU9T140 A load module that runs as a NetView operator task. EYU9T140 is supplied in the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULINK library. EYU#0001 A compiled REXX EXEC that provides the operator task with an interface to RODM by way of MultiSystem Manager. EYU#0001 is supplied in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUCLIB library.

Updating NetView for the interface

In order for CICSPlex SM to establish an interface to RODM, you must update the NetView system in various ways.

Update the NetView startup procedure

To update the NetView startup procedure for the CICSPlex SM interface, you need to do the following: 1. Make sure the compiled REXX EXEC, EYU#0001, resides in a library that is included in the DSICLD concatenation. EYU#0001 is supplied in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUCLIB library. Also make sure that REXX compiled language support is defined in the NetView STEPLIB concatenation. 2. Make sure the following CICSPlex SM load modules reside in an authorized library in either the MVS linklist or the NetView STEPLIB concatenation: EYU9T140 Supplied in the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULINK library. EYU9A140 Supplied in the SYS1.CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULINK library. EYU9AB00 Supplied in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH library. Note: Modules EYU9A140 and EYU9AB00 are only required if you plan to run CICSPlex SM API programs under NetView. 3. Make sure the NetView module CNMNETV resides in an authorized library in the MVS linklist, the LPA library, or the NetView STEPLIB concatenation. 4. Add a DD statement like the following to the NetView startup procedure:

This is an example of a DD statement that would allocate a new data set for use by the EYUTRTC diagnostic trace facility. You should modify this statement to include appropriate values for the data set you want to allocate.

Define the CICSPlex SM command processor

To define the CICSPlex SM command processor to NetView, you need to do the following: 1. Modify the DSICMD member in the DSIPARM library to include a %INCLUDE statement for DSICMDU.

Chapter 34. Setting up the interface to NetView RODM


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2. Create an EYUCMD member in the DSIPARM library that contains the following CMDMDL statement:

A sample CMDMDL statement is provided as member EYUIRDMC in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM library. 3. Create or modify a DSICMDU member in the DSIPARM library and include the following record:
----+----1----+ %INCLUDE EYUCMD

Note that column positions are important; EYUCMD must begin in column 10.

Define the CICSPlex SM operator profiles

To define the CICSPlex SM operator profiles to NetView, you need to do the following: 1. Modify the DSIOPF member in the DSIPARM library to include a %INCLUDE statement for DSIOPFU. 2. Create an EYUOPF member in the DSIPARM library that contains the following OPERATOR and PROFILEN statements:

Sample OPERATOR and PROFILEN statements are provided in member EYUIRDMO in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM library. As supplied, the operator task name is EYURODM and the profile name is EYURODMP. If you specify other values, be sure to use those values in the remainder of this setup process. 3. Create or modify a DSIOPFU member in the DSIPARM library and include the following record:
----+----1----+ %INCLUDE EYUOPF

Note that column positions are important; EYUOPF must begin in column 10. 4. Using the name you specified in the PROFILEN statement of the EYUOPF member, create a profile member. The profile member must reside in a library that is included in the DSIPRF DD concatenation of the NetView startup JCL. A sample PROFILE statement is provided as member EYUIRDMP in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM library. As supplied, the profile is called EYURODMP and the startup parameter member is EYURODMS. If you specify other values, be sure to use those values in the remainder of this setup process.

Define the interface startup parameters

To define the CICSPlex SM interface startup parameters, you need to do the following: 1. Using the name you specified in the PROFILE statement of the profile member, create a startup parameter member in the DSIPARM library. A sample startup parameter member is provided as member EYUIRDMS in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM library. As supplied, the startup parameters are as follows:


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RODMNAME EYURODM This value is required and should be the name of the RODM subsystem to which the CICSPlex SM operator task directs its requests. RODMAPPL IYZBBMSM This value is required and should be the name of the RODM application to be used by the operator task when communicating with RODM through MultiSystem Manager. This application name should be unique within NetView; it should not be used by any other NetView application that communicates with RODM. VIEWNAME CPSM_World_View This value is optional and has a maximum length of 16 characters. The VIEWNAME identifies the CICSPlex SM object that appears in the NGMF window when communication is established between RODM and the workstation. VIEWDESC The Open World of CPSM This value is optional and has a maximum length of 32 characters. The VIEWDESC is a description of the CICSPlex SM object that appears in the NGMF window. 2. Make sure MultiSystem Manager is initialized by issuing the NetView INITTOPO command. The INITTOPO command should include the following: v A DEF_AUTOTASK value v A RODMNAME value that matches the name you specified in the DSIPARM startup parameter member. You can include INITTOPO in the NetView automation table member. For more information on the INITTOPO command, see the NetView MultiSystem Manager Open Topology Interface book.

Start the CICSPlex SM operator task

To start the CICSPlex SM operator task automatically, you need to modify the startup command list in the NetView DSICLD library as follows: 1. Create a command list to be invoked by the startup command list. This command list must reside in a library that is included in the DSICLD DD concatenation and must contain the following NetView commands:

A sample command list is provided as member EYUIRDMA in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM library. As supplied, the operator task name is EYURODM. 2. Insert the name of the nested command list that you created in the startup command list.

Chapter 34. Setting up the interface to NetView RODM


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Note: Alternatively, you can issue the LOADCL, AUTOTASK, and DEFAULTS commands from the console once NetView is active.

Updating CICSPlex SM for the interface

In order for CICSPlex SM to report on the operational state of selected resources, you must perform the following steps: 1. Use the CICSPlex SM end-user interface to update the following definitions, as appropriate: CPLEXDEF Indicate whether a CICSplex and the CICS systems in that CICSplex should be reported to RODM. Identify the CMAS that is responsible for reporting resource status changes to RODM. Identify the specific resources that should be reported to RODM.


For a description of the CPLEXDEF view, see CICSPlex SM Administration. For descriptions of the MONSPEC and MONDEF views, see the CICSPlex SM Managing Resource Usage manual. Note: If you plan to use the CICSPlex SM API or automation products other than NetView to access this CICS resource data (by specifying the MSG or CONMSG option on the RESSTATUS system parameter), the remaining steps are not necessary. 2. Identify one or more CMASs that will participate in the RODM interface. The recommended configuration is to identify one CMAS that is responsible for communicating information about an entire CICSplex to RODM. If there are multiple CMASs on different MVS/ESA images involved in managing a CICSplex, you can identify a separate RODM subsystem to each CMAS. In that case, each CMAS reports on only those CICS systems associated with a MONSPEC that names the CMAS. However, this configuration is less efficient and can cause additional processing overhead. So even if there are multiple CMASs managing a CICSplex, you should select one of those CMASs as the connection point to RODM. Notes: a. CICSPlex SM does not support a configuration where multiple CMASs that manage the same CICSplex on the same MVS/ESA image communicate with the same RODM subsystem. This configuration can produce unpredictable results. b. A single RODM subsystem cannot communicate with CMASs running different releases of CICSPlex SM. Each release of CICSPlex SM requires its own RODM subsystem. 3. Use the CICSPlex SM end-user interface to update the definition for each CMAS that should communicate with RODM by doing the following: a. Issue the view command:
CMASD cmas

to display detailed information about the specified CMAS.


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b. In the RODM Name field, type the name of the RODM subsystem to which the CMAS should establish a connection and press Enter. RODM support becomes available the next time the CMAS starts up.

Chapter 34. Setting up the interface to NetView RODM



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Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set

The CICSPlex SM Starter Set establishes a sample CICSPlex SM environment of nine managed CICS systems (MASs) across three MVS images, which are referred to as system A, system B, and system C. This chapter describes: v The Starter Set samples libraries v Creating the Starter Set environment on page 311 v Deleting the Starter Set on page 314 v Using the Starter Set as a model on page 315. For a description of the structure and purpose of the Starter Set, see the CICSPlex SM Concepts and Planning manual.

The Starter Set samples libraries

The Starter Set is in two samples libraries that are installed automatically when CICSPlex SM itself is installed. The libraries are: v CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL, which contains sample JCL for creating, starting, and deleting the Starter Set components v CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF, which contains definitions, such as CICS tables and VTAM definitions, required by the Starter Set The contents of the data sets CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL and CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF are described in the remainder of this section.

JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for creating the Starter Set

Table 19, Table 20, and Table 21 on page 308 identify the JCL supplied in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for creating the Starter Set.
Table 19. JCL for creating the system A components of the Starter Set Sample name Description EYUJBBIA EYUJCICA EYUJCMSA EYUJDRPA EYUJCSDA Creates the CAS data sets EYUSDEF and EYUIPRM Creates all data sets for MASs EYUMAS1A, EYUMAS2A, EYUMAS3A, and EYUMAS4A Creates all data sets for CMAS EYUCMS1A Creates the data repository for CMAS EYUCMS1A Creates DFHCSD data set for MASs and CMAS

Table 20. JCL for creating the system B components of the Starter Set Sample name Description EYUJBBIB EYUJCICB EYUJCMSB EYUJDRPB EYUJCSDB Creates the CAS data sets EYUSDEF and EYUIPRM Creates all data sets for MASs EYUMAS1B, EYUMAS2B, EYUMAS3B, and EYUMAS4B Creates all data sets for CMAS EYUCMS1B Creates the data repository for CMAS EYUCMS1B Creates DFHCSD data set for MASs and CMAS

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Table 21. JCL for creating the system C components of the Starter Set Sample name Description EYUJCICC EYUJCSDC Creates all data sets for MAS EYUMAS1C Creates DFHCSD data set for MAS EYUMAS1C

To create those components of the Starter Set belonging to CICSplex EYUPLX01 only, you must run both the system A JCL and the system B JCL. To create those components of the Starter Set belonging to CICSplex EYUPLX02 only, you must run both the system B JCL and the system C JCL.

JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for running the Starter Set

Table 22, Table 23, and Table 24 list and describe the JCL supplied in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for running the Starter Set.
Table 22. JCL for running the system A components of the Starter Set Sample name Description EYUJCS1A EYUJCSSA EYUJCM1A EYUJMS1A EYUJMS2A EYUJMS3A EYUJMS4A Starts Starts Starts Starts Starts Starts Starts CAS EYUCAS1A CAS EYUCAS1A as a started task CMAS EYUCMS1A MAS EYUMAS1A MAS EYUMAS2A MAS EYUMAS3A MAS EYUMAS4A

Table 23. JCL for running the system B components of the Starter Set Sample name Description EYUJCS1B EYUJCSSB EYUJCM1B EYUJMS1B EYUJMS2B EYUJMS3B EYUJMS4B Starts Starts Starts Starts Starts Starts Starts CAS EYUCAS1B CAS EYUCAS1B as a started task CMAS EYUCMS1B MAS EYUMAS1B MAS EYUMAS2B MAS EYUMAS3B MAS EYUMAS4B

Table 24. JCL for running the system C components of the Starter Set Sample name Description EYUJMS1C Starts MAS EYUMAS1C

To run those components belonging to CICSplex EYUPLX01 only, you use both the system A JCL and the system B JCL. To run those components belonging to CICSplex EYUPLX02 only, you use both the system B JCL and the system C JCL.

Definitions in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF for the Starter Set environment

Table 25 on page 309, Table 26 on page 309, and Table 27 on page 309 identify the supplied Starter Set definitions that are required on system A, system B, and system C.


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Table 25. Starter Set definitions in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF for system A Sample name Description EYUDVTMA EYUDCSDU EYUDCSD4 EYUDCSDV EYUDCDMA EYUDCDSA EYUMDTAB EYUTDCTC EYUTDCTR EYUTDCTL EYUTJCTS EYUTPLTC EYUTPLTL EYUTSRTS EYU@ISPF EYU@PRIM VTAM definitions CICS/ESA 3.3 DFHCSDUP definitions for Starter Set CICS/ESA 4.1 DFHCSDUP definitions for Starter Set CICS TS for OS/390 DFHCSDUP definitions for Starter Set CDRM definitions CDRSC definitions Modetable for CAS EYUCAS1A DFHDCT for CMAS EYUCMS1A DFHDCT for remote DCT entries DFHDCT for standard DCT entries DFHJCT for MASs DFHPLT for CMAS EYUCMS1A DFHPLT for local MASs DFHSRT for CMAS EYUCMS1A and for MASs ISPF logon procedure ISPF primary option panel

Table 26. Starter Set definitions in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF for system B Sample name Description EYUDVTMB EYUDCSDU EYUDCDMB EYUDCDSB EYUMDTAB EYUTDCTC EYUTDCTR EYUTDCTL EYUTJCTS EYUTPLTC EYUTPLTL EYUTSRTS EYU@ISPF EYU@PRIM VTAM definitions DFHCSDUP definitions for Starter Set CDRM definitions CDRSC definitions Modetable for CAS EYUCAS1B DFHDCT for CMAS EYUCMS1B DFHDCT for remote DCT entries DFHDCT for standard DCT entries DFHJCT for MASs DFHPLT for CMAS EYUCMS1B DFHPLT for local MASs DFHSRT for CMAS EYUCMS1B and for MASs ISPF logon procedure ISPF primary option panel

Table 27. Starter Set definitions in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF for system C Sample name Description EYUDVTMC EYUDCSDU EYUDCDMC EYUDCDSC EYUTDCTR EYUTDCTL EYUTJCTS EYUTPLTR EYUTSRTS VTAM definitions DFHCSDUP definitions for Starter Set CDRM definitions CDRSC definitions DFHDCT for remote DCT entries DFHDCT for standard DCT entries DFHJCT for MASs DFHPLT for remote MAS DFHSRT for MAS

CICSplex EYUPLX01 uses both the system A and the system B definitions. CICSplex EYUPLX02 uses both the system B and the system C definitions.

Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set


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The Starter Set naming convention

The CICSPlex SM components of the Starter Set are named according to the following convention:
Table 28. Starter Set naming convention: CICSPlex SM resources CICSPlex SM resource Coordinating address space (CAS) CICS system group CICSplex CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) Managed address space (MAS) Monitor definition Monitor group Monitor specification Workload definition Workload group Workload specification Transaction group Analysis definition Evaluation definition Analysis group Analysis specification Analysis point specification Action definition Status definition Time Period definitions Resource group Resource description Resource assignment Convention EYUCASxx EYUCSGxx EYUPLXxx EYUCMSxx EYUMASxx EYUMODxx EYUMOGxx EYUMOSxx EYUWLDxx EYUWLGxx EYUWLSxx EYUTRGxx EYURTDxx EYURTExx EYURTGxx EYURTSxx EYURAPxx EYURTAxx EYURSTxx EYUPDFxx EYUBAGxx EYUBADxx EYUBAAxx

CICS resource definitions used by the Starter Set are named according to the following convention:
Table 29. Starter Set naming convention: CICS resources CICS resource definition type Connections Files Journals Modenames Programs Terminals Transactions Transient data queues Convention xxxx EYUFILxx EYUJNLxx EYUMDNxx EYUPRGxx Exxx ETxx EQxx


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Creating the Starter Set environment

To configure the Starter Set on any MVS image, you must have access on that MVS image to: v The Starter Set data sets CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF and CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL v CICS for MVS/ESA 4.1 (or higher) load libraries v CICS for MVS/ESA 4.1 (or higher) table-assembly JCL v SYS1.PARMLIB and SYS1.VTAMLST (or be able to add definitions to SYS1.PARMLIB and SYS1.VTAMLST) v The MVS console log via TSO SDSF.

Selecting the Starter Set configuration

The complete Starter Set is installed across three MVS images and comprises two CICSplexes, EYUPLX01 and EYUPLX02. You can install the complete Starter Set, or you can install a specific subset of it. That is, you can install: v The system A components only v The system B components only v EYUPLX01 only (which comprises the system A components and the system B components) v EYUPLX02 only (which comprises the system B components and the system C components). When you have identified those parts of the Starter Set you want to install, locate the appropriate tables of JCL and definitions in this chapter. For example, to define and start the system A components only, you will: v Run the JCL described in Table 19 on page 307 v Run the JCL described in Table 22 on page 308 v Use the definitions described in Table 25 on page 309. When you have identified the JCL and sample definitions you will be using, follow the procedure described in Defining the Starter Set environment.

Defining the Starter Set environment

This section describes the tasks you must perform to incorporate the Starter Set in your MVS environment. Notes: 1. If you have already run an IVP (as described in Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures on page 321) on the MVS image on which you are planning to configure the Starter Set, you will already have performed most of the steps described below. You do not need to repeat those steps, unless the Starter Set components created during the IVP have been deleted. 2. The Starter Set MAS JCL and the CSD update job do not support languages other than assembler. If you require support for other languages, please make appropriate changes to DFHRPL (for the MAS JCL) and to DFHCSDUP. 1. If all your CMAS and MAS jobs are to be run with CICS/ESA 4.1, proceed directly to the next step.

Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set


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Versions of CICS in CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 use MVS log streams for their system logs and require appropriate MVS and CICS definitions to be in place. If you already have CICS TS levels of CICS installed, and if you use the default naming convention of userid.applid.DFHLOG and userid.applid.DFHSHUNT for the system log streams, you can proceed to the next step without taking any further action. However, you might want to review the coupling facility space implications of creating new CICS system logs. If you do not use the default naming convention for your system logs, or you have never previously brought up a CICS Transaction Server level of CICS, you should seek assistance from your CICS and MVS system programmers to set up the logger definitions for the sets of system logs that you require. For a full description of how to create the required MVS and CICS definitions for MVS log streams, see the appropriate edition of theCICS Installation Guide and the CICS System Definition Guide. Whichever naming convention you adopt, do not define the CICS system log as type DUMMY, as this would compromise data integrity on the CICSPlex SM data repository. 2. Run the EYUISTRT job to tailor the Starter Set JCL for your environment. EYUISTRT runs the EYUINST EXEC to tailor the Starter Set members. For more information about using EYUISTRT, see Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs on page 397. Table 30 identifies those EYUINST EXEC parameters that are applicable to the Starter Set.
Table 30. EYUINST EXEC parameters required for the Starter Set Parameter CINDEXnnn CMASNAME CRELEASE DSINFO ENVIRONMENT INDEX JOB LIB PREFIX SCOPE CMAS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MAS Yes Default None None 5.3.0 index defvol defunit None index //XXXXXXXX JOB CICSTS13.CPSM.XEYUINST EYU ALL

Note: The SCOPE value must be set to STARTER. SELECT TEMPLIB Yes Yes Yes None CICSTS13.CPSM

Note: For more information about TEMPLIB, see EYUINST EXEC parameters on page 399

3. Add VTAM definitions for the CAS, CMAS, and MASs (as appropriate) to the VTAM table. For example, for the system A Starter Set components, the relevant VTAM definitions are in members EYUDVTMA, EYUDCDMA, and EYUDCDSA of CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF. Note: If you use Advanced Communications Function (ACF) Network Control Programs (NCPs), you may need to create a mode table, using the


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4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

sample entry shown in EYUMDTAB, in order to control the VTAM RUSIZE (request unit size) parameter. Run the JCL EYUJBBIx to define the CAS data sets. Run the JCL EYUJCMSx to define the CMAS data sets. Run the JCL EYUJCICx to define the MAS data sets. Run the JCL EYUJDRPx to define the CMAS data repository. Run the JCL EYUJCSDx to define, initialize, and load the CSD. Make any necessary site-specific changes to the CSD. For example, you might need to add TYPETERMs, TERMINALs, or AUTOINSTALL MODELs. Assemble the sample CICS tables (EYUTxxxx) into a load library. Update ISPF to reflect the addition of CICSPlex SM. A sample of the changes required is in EYU@ISPF and EYU@PRIM in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF.

Starting the Starter Set components

Before you can use the Starter Set, you must: v Start the CAS v Start the CMAS v Add definitions to the CMAS data repository v Start the MASs. These steps must be performed on system A or system B (or both).


To start the CAS, you submit JCL EYUJCSx or EYUJCSSx (to start the CAS as a started task). For example, to start EYUCAS1B as a started task, you use JCL EYUJCSS2.


Check the SIT parameters in JCL EYUJCM1A or EYUJCM1B (as appropriate), in particular the SVC numbers and the default user, to ensure that they are suitable for your environment. To start the CMAS, submit JCL EYUJCM1x. For example, to start CMAS EYUCMS1B, you submit JCL EYUJCM1B.

Add definitions to the data repository

You define CICSplex EYUPLX01 or EYUPLX02, or both, via the CICSPlex SM user interface. Then you use the batched repository update facility to load the remaining Starter Set definitions. Note: If you have run an IVP on the target MVS image (system A or system B), and have not deleted the IVP components from that image, you must run step 4 and step 7 in the section Defining the Starter Set environment on page 311 before continuing with steps 1 through 4 below. 1. On system A, define CICSplex EYUPLX01, specifying EYUCMS1A as the maintenance point CMAS. Also on system A, identify EYUCMS1B as a secondary CMAS for EYUPLX01 if you are planning to define the system B components of the Starter Set. For more information about defining CICSplexes, see CICSPlex SM Administration. (Alternatively, you can follow the instructions in Starting up and verifying CICSPlex SM components on system A on page 326.)

Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set


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2. If you are installing the system B components, define EYUPLX02 on system B; EYUCMS1B is the maintenance point CMAS. 3. If you have defined both EYUCAS1A and EYUCAS1B, you must define a link from EYUCAS1A to EYUCAS1B, and from EYUCAS1B to EYUCAS1A. For information about defining CAS-to-CAS links, see CICSPlex SM Administration. (Alternatively, you can follow the instructions in 2: Define CAS-to-CAS connections on page 350.) 4. To add the Starter Set CICSPlex SM definitions to the data repository on system A or system B (or both), you run the batched repository update facility. Definitions to be added to the data repository on system A are in member EYUDDRPA of CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF, and those to be added to the data repository on system B are in member EYUDDRPB of CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF. For information about the batched repository update facility, see CICSPlex SM Administration. (Alternatively, see the instructions for using the batched repository update facility during the IVPs in Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures on page 321.)

Start the MASs

To start the MASs, submit the JCL EYUJMSnx. For example, to start MAS EYUMNS2B, submit the JCL EYUJMS2B. JCL for starting the MASs is identified in Table 22 on page 308, Table 23 on page 308, and Table 24 on page 308. The CICSPlex SM Starter Set is now ready to use.

If errors occur while defining or using the Starter Set

If errors occur while you are setting up the Starter Set or while you are using it, one or more error messages might be issued. Please refer to the CICSPlex SM Messages and Codes manual for a detailed description of any CICSPlex SM error message.

Deleting the Starter Set

CICSPlex SM provides sample JCL (in data set CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL) that you can run to delete the Starter Set components from one or more of the MVS images on which it is installed. Table 31, Table 32 on page 315, and Table 33 on page 315 list the supplied deletion JCL and identify, for each sample, the components that it deletes. For example, if you want to delete the Starter Set components on system B only, you run the deletion samples EYUJBBDB, EYUJCIDB, EYUJDRDB, EYUJCDDB, and EYUJCMDB on system B. When you have deleted the Starter Set components, you must also remove the relevant VTAM definitions.
Table 31. JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for deleting the Starter Set from system A Sample name Description EYUJBBDA EYUJCIDA EYUJDRDA EYUJCDDA EYUJCMDA Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes the the the the the CAS data sets EYUSDEF and EYUIPRM MAS data sets data repository DFHCSD dataset CMAS data sets


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Table 32. JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for deleting the Starter Set from system B Sample name Description EYUJBBDB EYUJCIDB EYUJDRDB EYUJCDDB EYUJCMDB Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes the the the the the CAS data sets EYUSDEF and EYUIPRM MAS data sets data repository DFHCSD data set CMAS data sets

Table 33. JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for deleting the Starter Set from system C Sample name Description EYUJCIDC EYUJCDDC Deletes the MAS data sets Deletes the DFHCSD data set

To delete those components belonging to CICSplex EYUPLX01, you must run both the system A deletion JCL and the system B deletion JCL. To delete those components belonging to CICSplex EYUPLX02, you must run both the system B deletion JCL and the system C deletion JCL.

Using the Starter Set as a model

The CICSPlex SM Starter Set is provided primarily as instructional material. However, you can copy many of the Starter Set definitions, and use them as a basis for your own configuration, as follows: 1. Examine the Starter Set definitions and identify candidates for inclusion in your own configuration. 2. In the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF members EYUDDRPA and EYUDDRPB (as appropriate), locate the statements that the batched repository update facility uses to create the definitions you want to use. 3. Copy those statements into your own PDS member and provide a valid CONTEXT statement. 4. Load those definitions into your own data repository by running the batched repository update facility and specifying the maintenance point CMAS as the context. For more information about the batched repository update facility, see CICSPlex SM Administration.

Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set



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Chapter 36. Applying service to CICSPlex SM

This section contains information about the service material for CICSPlex SM that is distributed as corrective or preventive service. Both types of changes are called system modifications (SYSMODs). SYSMODs are processed using SMP/E control statements. For background information on SMP/E operations, see the System Modification Program Extended: General Information book. For more detailed information, see the System Modification Program Extended: Reference book. For information about how to apply corrective service using SMP/E, see the System Modification Program Extended: Users Guide. The following sections provide information about: v CICS TS for OS/390-supplied SMP/E procedure v Applying service to a CICS/VSE remote MAS v Applying service to the CICS for OS/2 components.

CICS TS for OS/390-supplied SMP/E procedure

For all CICS/ESA and CICS Transaction Server systems, the procedure for applying service is called DFHSMPE. This procedure is customized by the DFHISTAR job stored in the CICSTS13.CICS.XDFHINST library. For full details about applying service to the CICSPlex SM component of CICS TS, see Chapter 21. Applying service to CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 on page 111.

Applying service to a CICS/VSE remote MAS

For information about how to apply service to a CICS/VSE remote MAS, refer to the VSE/ESA Installation and Service book.

Applying service to the CICS for OS/2 components

Maintenance for the CICSPlex SM OS/2 Feature, which includes the CICS for OS/2 remote MAS, is provided as SMP/E APARs and PTFs. The maintenance must be applied, using SMP/E, to the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUOS2 library on the host system before it can be installed on your OS/2 workstation. Each update to the CICSPlex SM OS/2 Feature consists of several updated members in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUOS2 library: v The Software Installer for OS/2 package file for installing from the host system library v The Software Installer for OS/2 package file for installing from a workstation disk drive v One or more updated component files for the CICSPlex SM OS/2 Feature
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Each time an APAR or PTF is created, new Software Installer for OS/2 package files are produced containing the new date and time stamps for the updated OS/2 files. The current package files contain the date and time stamps of all files updated by previous APARs and PTFs. When you install a new package on your workstation, all files that have been updated by maintenance but have not yet been updated on your workstation, are installed. Maintenance can be installed from: v The host system library that was updated by SMP/E v A LAN workstation disk drive that was previously updated with maintenance from the host system The CICSPlex SM OS/2 Feature package file used to update your workstation is one of the following:
Source Location Host system LAN workstation Package File EYUIMNPE in the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUOS2 library for the CICSPlex SM OS/2 Feature EYUIPRPE.PKG on the source disk drive for any other CICSPlex SM component

Maintenance must be installed from the same source location (either host system or LAN workstation) as the current version of CICSPlex SM components on your workstation. To determine the current source location, check the settings of the Installation Utility object in the CPSM folder. The /S: parameter identifies the current source location. If the current source location no longer exists, you must delete CICSPlex SM from your workstation and reinstall it from a new source location. To delete CICSPlex SM components, continue with this maintenance procedure until you have shut down CICS for OS/2. Then, refer to Deleting CICSPlex SM components on page 320.

Accessing the Installation and Maintenance window

The Software Installer for OS/2 Installation and Maintenance window is the starting point for applying service to the CICSPlex SM OS/2 components on your workstation. The method for accessing this window depends on the components you have installed. For any component: 1. Select the CICSPlex SM product folder from your desktop. The CICSPlex SM Icon View window appears. 2. Select the Installation Utility icon for Software Installer for OS/2. If you are installing maintenance from the host system library, you are prompted for the host session identifier. Enter the host session identifier to open the host catalog. If you are installing maintenance from a LAN workstation disk drive, the drive catalog is opened automatically. Once the appropriate catalog file is opened, the Installation and Maintenance window appears.


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Checking the current service level

The CICSPlex SM service level is identified at the beginning of the CICSPlex SM OS/2 Feature package file. Be sure this service level is later than the service level currently installed on your workstation. To determine the current service level on your workstation: 1. From the Software Installer for OS/2 Installation and Maintenance window, select the package file containing the components installed on your workstation. The OS/2 RMAS is selected by default. 2. From the Details pull-down menu select Product Status.... The Product Status window for CICSPlex SM appears. 3. Select any CICSPlex SM component in the Components currently installed list. Then, select the Service Level... button to display the CICSPlex SM service level currently installed on your workstation. 4. Exit back to the Software Installer for OS/2 Installation and Maintenance window.

Shutting down CICS for OS/2

Before you begin the update process, you should shut down CICS for OS/2. If you do not shut down CICS for OS/2 and any of the CICSPlex SM files are in use during the update, you will have to restart your OS/2 workstation when the update is complete. The reason for this is that Software Installer for OS/2 does not automatically replace files that are in use. If any files are in use when the update process is run, Software Installer for OS/2 builds a protect shell file to be executed when you restart your workstation. Your CONFIG.SYS file is modified by the update process to include a PROTSHELL command that invokes Software Installer for OS/2 when your workstation is restarted. The Software Installer for OS/2 protect shell processing replaces those CICSPlex SM files that were in use at the time you updated the OS/2 Feature. Software Installer for OS/2 also removes the PROTSHELL command from the CONFIG.SYS file when it completes the update. To avoid the Software Installer for OS/2 protect shell processing and having to restart your workstation, shut down CICS for OS/2. Now you are ready to either update or delete the CICSPlex SM components.

Updating CICSPlex SM components

To update the CICSPlex SM components on your workstation: 1. Display the Software Installer for OS/2 Installation and Maintenance window, as described in Accessing the Installation and Maintenance window on page 318. 2. From the Action pull-down menu, select Update.... The Software Installer for OS/2 Update window appears. 3. Select the Save a backup version? option to have Software Installer for OS/2 create a backup of the current CICSPlex SM files.

Chapter 36. Applying service to CICSPlex SM


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4. Select Update to have Software Installer for OS/2 process the new CICSPlex SM package file and any other files that have been updated at the source location. If you shut down CICS for OS/2 before running the update, you can restart CICS for OS/2 at this time. If you did not shut down CICS for OS/2, Software Installer for OS/2 indicates whether any files were in use during the update. If there were files in use, you must restart your OS/2 workstation to run the Software Installer for OS/2 protect shell process. This process replaces those CICSPlex SM files that were in use.

Deleting CICSPlex SM components

If the source location from which your CICSPlex SM components were installed no longer exists, you must delete CICSPlex SM from your workstation and reinstall it from a new source location. To delete the CICSPlex SM components from your workstation: 1. Display the Software Installer for OS/2 Installation and Maintenance window, as described in Accessing the Installation and Maintenance window on page 318. 2. From the Action pull-down menu, select Delete.... The Software Installer for OS/2 Delete window appears. 3. Select the Select all option to delete all CICSPlex SM components. 4. Select Delete to have Software Installer for OS/2 delete the CICSPlex SM components. Note: Your existing CICSPlex SM parameter definition files are not deleted. If you shut down CICS for OS/2 before performing the delete process, you can restart CICS for OS/2 at this time. If you did not shut down CICS for OS/2, Software Installer for OS/2 indicates whether any files were in use during the delete process. If there were files in use, you must restart your OS/2 workstation to run the Software Installer for OS/2 protect shell process. This process deletes those CICSPlex SM files that were in use. Once all the CICSPlex SM components are deleted, you can reinstall the components from a new source location. The newly installed components will have the service level of the new source location. Depending on which components you want to reinstall and the source location, refer to one of these sections: v To install any CICSPlex SM component from the host system, see Opening the host catalog manually on page 288.


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Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures

This chapter describes how to run the CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures (IVPs) to confirm that CICSPlex SM has been installed successfully. It is recommended that you run the IVPs before you complete the setup and configuration tasks for your environment. There are two IVPs for the installation of CICSPlex SM on MVS, IVP1 and IVP2: v IVP1 verifies the installation of CICSPlex SM on the first or only MVS image. v IVP2 verifies the installation of CICSPlex SM on the second and subsequent MVS images. IVP1 and IVP2 are largely the same, except that IVP2 incorporates tests of links to and from the CICSPlex SM components established by IVP1. Additional IVPs are provided for the installation and set up of specific CICSPlex SM components: IVP3 IVP4 IVP5 Verify that a VSE remote MAS has been properly installed and defined to the CMAS. Verify that an OS/2 remote MAS has been properly installed and defined to the CMAS. Verify that the interface to NetView Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) has been properly installed.

Please note the following: v While you are running the IVPs, you will encounter the CICSPlex SM term view. A view is simply a formatted display of data relating to one or more CICS resources or CICSPlex SM definitions. v You enter commands throughout the IVPs by typing the command name in the COMMAND field of the current view and pressing Enter. However, if any particular command is assigned to a PF key, you may use the PF key instead of typing the command name. For general information about the CICSPlex SM ISPF user interface, see the CICSPlex SM User Interface Guide.

If the IVPs do not work as described

You run the IVPs to verify that CICSPlex SM has been installed successfully. Therefore, the failure of an IVP is likely to mean that either the installation of CICSPlex SM has not succeeded, or preceding steps of the IVP have failed. Error messages may be issued at any stage of the IVPs: please refer to the CICSPlex SM Messages and Codes manual for detailed descriptions of CICSPlex SM error messages.

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The stages of IVP1 and IVP2

During the course of performing the tasks of IVP1 and IVP2, you install a subset of the CICSPlex SM Starter Set that is sufficient to test all major components and functions of CICSPlex SM. The structure and purpose of the Starter Set are described in the CICSPlex SM Concepts and Planning manual. How to configure the Starter Set for use in your enterprise is described in Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set on page 307. The main stages of IVP1 and IVP2 are: 1. Setting up the CICSPlex SM environment 2. Starting the CICSPlex SM components a. Starting the CAS b. Starting the CMAS c. Defining a CICSplex d. Loading definitions using the batched repository update facility e. Starting the MAS 3. Testing the remaining CICSPlex SM functions a. Topology b. Operations c. Monitoring d. Real-time analysis e. Workload management When you have defined your own CICSPlex SM configuration, you might want to rerun IVP1 and IVP2 using your own CASs, CMASs, and MASs rather than those of the Starter Set. Instructions for running IVP1 and IVP2 with your own configuration are supplied in Customizing the installation verification procedures on page 375.

The IVP samples libraries

The JCL and sample definitions you need to run IVP1 and IVP2 are in the Starter Set samples libraries CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL and CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF. The library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL includes sample JCL for creating, running, and deleting the Starter Set components created during IVP1 and IVP2. The library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF includes samples such as VTAM definitions and CICS tables. Table 34, Table 35 on page 323, Table 36 on page 323, and Table 37 on page 323 identify the JCL and definitions used during IVP1 and IVP2.
Table 34. JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for creating the IVP components Sample name IVP1 IVP2 Description EYUIBBIA EYUIBBIB EYUICICA EYUICICB EYUICMSA EYUICMSB EYUIDRPA EYUIDRPB EYUICSDA U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Creates CAS data sets EYUSDEF and EYUIPRM on system A Creates CAS data sets EYUSDEF and EYUIPRM on system B Creates MAS data sets on system A Creates MAS data sets on system B Creates CMAS data sets on system A Creates CMAS data sets on system B Creates data repository on system A Creates data repository on system B Creates DFHCSD data set on system A


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Table 34. JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for creating the IVP components (continued) Sample name IVP1 IVP2 Description EYUICSDB U Creates DFHCSD data set on system B

Table 35. JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for running the IVPs Sample name IVP1 IVP2 Description EYUICM1A EYUICM1B EYUIMS1A EYUIMS1B EYUICS1A EYUICS1B EYUICSSA EYUICSSB U U U U U U U U U U U U Starts Starts Starts Starts Starts Starts Starts task Starts task CMAS EYUCMS1A on system A CMAS EYUCMS1B on system B MAS EYUMAS1A on system A MAS EYUMAS1B on system B CAS EYUCAS1A on system A CAS EYUCAS1B on system B CAS EYUCAS1A on system A as a started CAS EYUCAS1B on system B as a started

Table 36. Starter Set definitions in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF used by the IVPs Sample name IVP1 IVP2 Description EYUDVTIA EYUDVTIB EYUDCDMA EYUDCDMB EYUDCDMC EYUMDTAB EYUTDCTC EYUTDCTR EYUTDCTL EYUTJCTS EYUTPLTC EYUTPLTL EYUTSRTS EYU@ISPF EYU@PRIM U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U VTAM definitions for system A VTAM definitions for system B CDRM definitions for system A CDRM definitions for system B CDRM definitions for system C Modetable for CASs DFHDCT for CMASs DFHDCT for remote DCT entries DFHDCT for standard DCT entries DFHJCT for MASs DFHPLT for CMASs DFHPLT for local MAS DFHSRT for CMASs and MASs ISPF logon procedure ISPF primary option panel


Table 37. JCL in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL for deleting components created by the IVP s Sample name IVP1 IVP2 Description EYUIBBDA EYUIBBDB EYUICIDA EYUICIDB EYUIDRDA EYUIDRDB EYUICDDA EYUICDDB EYUICMDA EYUICMDB U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes CAS data sets on system A CAS data sets on system B MAS data sets on system A MAS data sets on system B the data repository on system A the data repository on system B the DFHCSD data set on system A the DFHCSD data set on system B the CMAS data sets on system A the CMAS data sets on system B

Note: When you have run IVP1 and IVP2, you might want to use the JCL listed in Table 37 to delete the Starter Set components you have created. However, if you are planning to configure the Starter Set for use on an MVS image on which you have run an IVP, keeping the IVP components might save you some effort at a later stage. See Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set on page 307 for more information.

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


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Installation verification procedure 1 (IVP1)

It is recommended that you run IVP1 on the first or only MVS image on which you install CICSPlex SM. Before you begin, ensure that the CICSPlex SM data sets are authorized as described in Authorizing libraries (CAS) on page 203. On the MVS image on which you run IVP1 (which is referred to in the remainder of this section as system A) you must have access to: v The CICSPlex SM samples data sets CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF and CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL v CICS/ESA 4.1 (or higher) load libraries v CICS/ESA 4.1 (or higher) table-assembly JCL v The CEDA transaction on MAS EYUMAS1A v The MVS console log via TSO SDSF. Figure 60 shows those components of the CICSPlex SM Starter Set that are defined during IVP1.

MVS/ESA System A

MVS/ESA System B

MVS/ESA System C



























Figure 60. Starter Set components for IVP1. Shaded componentsEYUCAS1A, EYUCMS1A, and EYUMAS1Aare used during IVP1

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Setting up the CICSPlex SM environment on system A

Perform the following steps to prepare the MVS environment on system A for CICSPlex SM:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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1. Run EYUISTRT on system A to tailor the skeleton jobs for the Starter Set (and thereby for the IVPs). EYUISTRT runs the EYUINST EXEC to tailor the Starter Set members. For more information about EYUISTRT, see Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs on page 397. Table 38 identifies those EYUINST EXEC parameters that are applicable to the Starter Set.
Table 38. EYUINST EXEC parameters required for the Starter Set Parameter CINDEXnnn CMASNAME CRELEASE DSINFO ENVIRONMENT INDEX JOB LIB PREFIX SCOPE CMAS U U Yes U U Yes U U U U U Yes U U U U Yes MAS U Default None None None index defvol defunit None index //XXXXXXXX JOB CICSTS13.CPSM.XEYUINST EYU ALL

Note: The SCOPE value should be set to STARTER. SELECT TEMPLIB U U U None CICSTS13.CPSM

Note: For more information about TEMPLIB, see EYUINST EXEC parameters on page 399.

2. Add VTAM definitions for EYUCAS1A, EYUCMS1A, and EYUMAS1A to the VTAM table on system A. An example of the VTAM definitions for these three CICSPlex SM components is provided in sample EYUDVTIA. You need not add the VTAM definitions now to system B if you plan to not run IVP2. (Remember that IVP2 should be run when you will have CMAS-to-CMAS communication links.) EYUDVTIA is a subset of the VTAM definitions required on system A for the complete Starter Set. It holds the basic definitions required to run IVP1. Note: The sample VTAM definitions use MODETAB(EYUMDTAB). The source of this is in CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF, member EYUMDTAB. If you use the starter set VTAM definitions, you must assemble this table and put it into the VTAMLST library. If you use Network Control Programs (NCP), you may need to create a mode table, using the sample entry shown in EYUMDTAB, in order to control the VTAM RUSIZE (request unit size) parameter. 3. Run the JCL EYUIBBIA, which defines the BBIPARM data set for CAS EYUCAS1A. 4. Run the JCL EYUICMSA, which defines all data sets required by CMAS EYUCMS1A. 5. Run the JCL EYUICICA, which defines all data sets required by MAS EYUMAS1A. 6. Run the JCL EYUIDRPA, which defines the CICSPlex SM data repository on system A.

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


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Note: This data repository can be used with the Starter Set on system A: it does not need to be recreated after the IVPs have been run.) 7. Run the JCL EYUICSDA, which defines, initializes, and loads the CSD to be used by both EYUCMS1A and EYUMAS1A. 8. Make any necessary site-specific changes to the CSD created in step 7. For example, you might need to add TYPETERMs, TERMINALs or AUTOINSTALL MODELs. 9. Assemble the following sample CICS tables into a load library: EYUTDCTC (DCT) EYUTDCTL (DCT) EYUTPLTC (PLT for EYUCMS1A) EYUTPLTL (PLT for EYUMAS1A) EYUTSRTS (SRT) EYUTJCTS (JCT) Notes: a. EYUTJCTS (JCT) is required for CICS/ESA 4.1 only. It is not needed if you are using releases of CICS/ESA from CICS TS. If using releases of CICS/ESA from CICS TS, ensure that you have a model installed for the system log stream. The default naming convention is userid.applid.DFHLOG and userid.applid.DFHSHUNT for a system log stream, and userid.applid.DFHJnn (where nn is 01 through 99) for a user journal. See Chapter 20. Defining the logger environment for CICS journaling on page 75 and the CICS System Definition Guide for more information about creating log streams. b. The DCT assembly may complete with RC=4. This is a valid return code, because the DCT entries contain queues with a C prefix, which is reserved for CICS. c. For details on assembling CICS control tables, see the CICS/ESA System Definition Guide. 10. Update ISPF on system A to reflect the addition of CICSPlex SM. You can find an example of the required changes in EYU@ISPF and EYU@PRIM. Note that any changes you make to ISPF are generally applicable on system A and are not confined to IVP1 only. Therefore, you should try to make a permanent change at this stage so that you dont have to repeat this step later. For more information, see Preparing user access to CICSPlex SM on page 211.

Starting up and verifying CICSPlex SM components on system A

When the system A environment for CICSPlex SM is established, you are ready to: 1. Start the CAS EYUCAS1A 2. Start the CMAS EYUCMS1A 3. Define a CICSplex 4. Run the batched repository update facility 5. Start the MAS EYUMAS1A

1: Start the CAS EYUCAS1A

1. Log on to system A and start the CAS using either JCL EYUICS1A or (to start the CAS as a started task) JCL EYUICSSA. When you start the CAS, output similar to this appears in the JES2 job log:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

COMMAND INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE ********************************* TOP OF DATA ********************************** J E S 2 J O B L O G -- S Y S T E M S S G 1 -- N O D E 13.35.07 13.35.08 13.35.08 13.35.12 13.35.16 13.35.16 13.35.18 13.35.18 13.35.18 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 BBMYAB50I BBMXCL41I BBMXBI30I BBMXBI29I BBMXBI26I BBMXCL36I BBMSS002I BBMSS001I BBMZA001I Reading CAS Definition Mamber 00 Default system values used for target definition Security Parameter Modification member BBMTSS00 in Security Class Modification member BBMTSP00 not fou Default security resource properties used Default security resource definition used for COMMO ESMTYPE(AUTO) selected RACF (RCVT DEFINED, RACF MAR Security - ESMTYPE(RACF) SUBSYS(CTST) REQSTOR CAS(MV30) SSID(CTST) INITIALIZATION COMPLETE R3.3.8

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2. Look for message number BBMZA001I in the output to confirm that the CAS EYUCAS1A is started.

2: Start the CMAS EYUCMS1A

1. Check the CICS/ESA system initialization table (SIT) parameters in JCL EYUICM1A, in particular the SVC numbers and the default user, to ensure that they are suitable for your environment. 2. Submit JCL EYUICM1A. The output from EYUICM1A is similar to this:
COMMAND 13.36.57 13.36.57 13.36.57 13.36.57 13.37.12 13.37.12 13.37.12 13.37.12 13.37.12 13.37.12 13.37.13 13.37.19 13.37.19 13.37.19 13.37.22 13.37.22 13.37.24 13.37.24 13.37.24 13.37.24 13.37.27 13.37.27 INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE JOB00025 +DFHCP0102I EYUCMS1A CPI initialization has ended. JOB00025 +DFHPR0105I EYUCMS1A Partner resource manager initialization JOB00025 +DFHAI0102I EYUCMS1A AITM initialization has ended. JOB00025 +DFHSI1511I EYUCMS1A Installing group list CMS1AGPL. JOB00025 +DFHSI8430I EYUCMS1A About to link to PLT programs during the JOB00025 +EYUXL0001I EYUCMS1A CMAS PLTPI program starting JOB00025 +EYUXL0002I EYUCMS1A CICS/ESA TRACE active JOB00025 +EYUXL0017I EYUCMS1A CMAS PLTPI program terminating JOB00025 +DFHSI8434I EYUCMS1A Control returned from PLT programs durin JOB00025 +DFHSI1517 EYUCMS1A Control is being given to CICS. JOB00025 +EYUXL0003I EYUCMS1A CPSM Version 140 CMAS startup in progres JOB00025 +EYUXL0022I EYUCMS1A CMAS Phase I initialization complete JOB00025 +EYUXL0020I EYUCMS1A ESSS connection in progress JOB00025 +EYUXL0004I EYUCMS1A ESSS connection complete JOB00025 +EYUCR0006W EYUCMS1A Security checking disabled per SEC(NO) E JOB00025 +EYUCW0108I EYUCMS1A Time Zone offset from GMT computed based JOB00025 +EYUXL0007I EYUCMS1A CMAS Phase II initialization complete JOB00025 +EYUXL0007I EYUCMS1A CMAS Phase III initialization complete JOB00025 +EYUXL0007I EYUCMS1A CMAS Phase IV initialization complete JOB00025 +EYUXL0010I EYUCMS1A CMAS initialization complete JOB00025 +EYUXL0008I EYUCMS1A CICSPlex registration complete JOB00025 +EYUXL0009I EYUCMS1A CAS connection established

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3. In the output from EYUICM1A, look for messages EYUXL0009I and EYUXL0008I to confirm that the CMAS EYUCMS1A is started.

3: Define a CICSplex to CICSPlex SM

During this stage, you define a CICSplex to CICSPlex SM via the CICSPlex SM end-user interface. 1. Log on to TSO on system A and select the CICSPlex SM option from the main ISPF panel; the CICSPlex SM option is CP if you are using the supplied samples. Ensure that EYUA is specified as the subsystem ID. (This can be changed using option 0.1 from the main ISPF panel.) The CICSPlex System Manager entry panel is displayed:

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


--------------------------- CICSPlex System Manager ---------------------------OPTION ===> 0 1 2 PROFILE PLEXMGR CPSM - User Session Parameters - List of Service Points - CICSPlex SM

Default Criteria for CPSM: Context ===> Scope ===> Warning Record Count ===> Require Set ===> EYUCMS1A EYUCMS1A 0 YES

0 for no checking YES, NO

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5596-081 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1995. All Rights Reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, Duplication or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

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2. Select CICSPlex SM by typing the value 2 in the OPTION field. Before pressing Enter, ensure that both the Context field and the Scope field contain the name of the CMAS, which is EYUCMS1A. The MENU menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:38:17 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==13:38:17=CPSM=========14=== CMD Name Description --- ----------------------------------ANALYSIS Real Time Analysis Operations Views CONFIG CMAS Configuration Operations Views MONITOR Monitoring Views OPERATE Operations Views TOPOLOGY Topology Operations Views WORKLOAD Workload Operations Views ======== ================================================================ ADMSAM RTA System Availability Monitoring Administration Views ADMMRM RTA MAS Resource Monitoring Administration Views ADMAPM RTA Analysis Point Monitoring Administration Views ADMCONFG CMAS Configuration Administration Views ADMMON Monitor Administration Views ADMTOPOL Topology Administration Views ADMWLM Workload Manager Administration Views ADMBAS Business Application Services Administration Views ADMRES Business Application Services Resource Views

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3. From the MENU menu, select ADMCONFG. You can select ADMCONFG in one of three ways. You can: v Type ADMCONFG in the COMMAND field and press Enter. v Move the cursor down to the ADMCONFG line, type S (for select) in the C column, and press Enter. v Move the cursor to the ADMCONFG value or its description and press Enter. Note: You can select any view from a menu of views using any of these methods.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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The ADMCONFG menu is displayed:

26MAR1999 13:38:28 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==13:38:28=CPSM==========6=== CMD Name Description --- ------------------------------ADMCONFG CMAS Configuration Administration Views BATCHREP Batched Repository Updates CPLEXDEF CICSplex Definitions CPLXCMAS CMAS in CICSplex Definitions CMTCMDEF CMAS-to-CMAS Link Definitions CMTPMDEF CMAS-to-RMAS Link Definitions

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4. From the ADMCONFG menu, select CPLEXDEF. The CPLEXDEF view is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:39:00 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CPLEXDEF==========EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==13:38:28=CPSM============== BBMXBD15I There is no data which satisfies your request

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The CPLEXDEF view contains message BBMXBD15I because, at this stage, there are no CICSplexes defined to CMAS EYUCMS1A. 5. To create a CICSplex definition, type CRE in the COMMAND field of the CPLEXDEF view and press Enter. The Create CICSPlex input panel is displayed:
------------------------- Create CICSPlex for EYUCMS1A -----------------------COMMAND ===> CICSPlex name Description Monitor Interval Daylight Savings Time Time Zone Time Zone Adjustment Populate in RODM CICS Command Checking CICS Resource Checking Exemption Checking ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> 480 NO B 0 NO NO NO YES Performance interval duration (15-1440 min) YES or NO Time zone for interval (B-Z) Offset from time zone (0-59) Build a RODM object Simulated CICS Command Checks Simulated CICS Resource Checks Check for Exempt Users

Press ENTER to create CICSplex. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without creating.

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In the CICSPlex Name field, type the value EYUPLX01, and supply a brief description (for example, IVP 1 CICSPLEX) in the Description field. In the Number of CICSPlex SM Managed region features licensed field, enter 5 (the number of MASs in EYUPLX01). Leave all other fields to default and press Enter. The CPLEXDEF view is redisplayed:

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


26MAR1999 13:39:25 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CPLEXDEF==========EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==13:39:25=CPSM==========1=== CMD Name Mon Time Zone Day Cmd Res Xmp ROD Description --- -------- Intv Zone Adj Save Chk Chk Chk --- ----------------------------EYUPLX01 480 B 0 NO NO NO NO NO IVP 1 CICSPLEX

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The CPLEXDEF view now contains an entry for CICSplex EYUPLX01. 6. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the CPLEXDEF view and pressing Enter.

4: Run the batched repository update facility on system A

During this stage you load several definitions into the data repository of CMAS EYUCMS1A using the batched repository update facility. 1. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu, select ADMCONFG. From the ADMCONFG menu, select BATCHREP. The BATCHREP view is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:39:36 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =BATCHREP==========EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==13:39:36=CPSM============== BBMXBD15I There is no data which satisfies your request

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2. To submit a job to update the data repository, type the value SUB in the COMMAND field of the BATCHREP view and press Enter. The Start Batch Run input panel is displayed:
COMMAND ===> Data Set Name ===> 'CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF'

Data Set Member ===> EYUDDRIA Print Class Print Node Output Userid Run Type ===> H ===> * ===> * ===> EXECUTE (CHECK or EXECUTE)

Press ENTER to Run the Job. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without Running.

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Complete the Start Batch Run screen as shown above and press Enter. The supplied sample data repository definitions are loaded into the data repository of EYUCMS1A. Note: The Print Class, Print Node, and Output Userid values are site specific. Consult your MVS administrator for valid values for these fields. Be aware, however, that the Print Class value should identify a HELD output class so that the results of the batch run may be validated.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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3. Verify that the batched repository update facility has created the definitions by examining the JOBLOG of EYUICM1A, which is in the HELD output queue. Look for message EYUXU0218I to verify this.

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4. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the BATCHREP view and pressing Enter.

5: Start the MAS EYUMAS1A

1. Check the SIT parameters in JCL EYUIMS1A, in particular the SVC numbers and the default user, to ensure that they are suitable for your environment. 2. Submit JCL EYUIMS1A from TSO. Output similar to this appears in the job log:
COMMAND 13.41.52 13.41.52 13.41.52 13.41.53 13.41.53 13.41.53 13.41.53 13.41.54 13.41.54 13.41.54 13.41.54 13.41.54 13.42.10 13.42.10 13.42.10 13.42.11 13.42.11 13.42.12 13.42.16 13.42.16 13.42.16 13.42.16 INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE JOB00026 IEC161I CPSM140.SAMPLES.EYUMAS1A.DFHINTRA, JOB00026 IEC161I CPSM140.SAMPLES.EYUMAS1A.DFHINTRA.DATA, JOB00026 IEC161I ICFCAT.CPSM.CATALOGA JOB00026 +DFHTD0101I EYUMAS1A Transient Data initialization has ended. JOB00026 +DFHFC0101I EYUMAS1A File Control initialization has ended. JOB00026 +DFH4508 - EYUMAS1A - CICS SYSTEM LOG. PRIMARY DATA SET NOW JOB00026 +DFH4500 - 02 OF 02 JOURNALS SUCCESSFULLY OPENED JOB00026 +DFHCP0102I EYUMAS1A CPI initialization has ended. JOB00026 +DFHPR0105I EYUMAS1A Partner resource manager initialization JOB00026 +DFHAI0102I EYUMAS1A AITM initialization has ended. JOB00026 +DFHSI1511I EYUMAS1A Installing group list MAS1AGPL. JOB00026 CSV003I REQUESTED MODULE IGWABWO NOT FOUND JOB00026 +DFHSI1519I EYUMAS1A The interregion communication session wa JOB00026 +DFHSI8430I EYUMAS1A About to link to PLT programs during the JOB00026 +EYUNX0001I EYUMAS1A LMAS PLTPI program starting JOB00026 +DFHSI8434I EYUMAS1A Control returned from PLT programs durin JOB00026 +DFHSI1517 EYUMAS1A Control is being given to CICS. JOB00026 +EYUXL0003I EYUMAS1A CPSM Version 140 LMAS startup in progres JOB00026 +EYUXL0022I EYUMAS1A LMAS Phase I initialization complete JOB00026 +EYUXL0020I EYUMAS1A ESSS connection in progress to CICSPLEX( JOB00026 +EYUXL0004I EYUMAS1A ESSS connection complete JOB00026 +EYUXL0007I EYUMAS1A LMAS Phase II initialization complete

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3. Look for messages EYUXL0004I and EYUXL0007I to confirm that MAS EYUMAS1A is started.

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


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Testing CICSPlex SM functions

During this part of IVP1, you test the topology, operations, monitoring, analysis, and workload-management functions of CICSPlex SM on system A.

Test the topology functions on system A

To test the topology functions of CICSPlex SM, you first install a resource in a CICS system and then delete that resource, checking after each action that the change is known to CICSPlex SM. 1. From the MENU menu, change the context and scope values from EYUCMS1A to EYUPLX01 by typing SET in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter. The SET WINDOW CONTEXT, PRODUCT, SCOPE AND VIEW input panel is displayed:
----------- SET WINDOW CONTEXT, PRODUCT, SERVER, SCOPE AND VIEW ---------------COMMAND ===> Window Parameters: Context Product Server Scope View ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> EYUPLX01 CPSM * EYUPLX01 MENU

Type End to Set Window Parameters Cancel to quit without setting

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2. Complete the input panel as shown above and type End. The MENU menu is redisplayed. From the MENU menu, select TOPOLOGY. The TOPOLOGY menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:43:50 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =TOPOLOGY==========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:43:50=CPSM==========1=== C View Name Description - ---------- -----------------------------MAS Managed Address Spaces

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3. From the TOPOLOGY menu select the MAS entry. The MAS view, showing all active regions belonging to CICSplex EYUPLX01, is displayed: The status of EYUMAS1A is ACTIVE.
26MAR1999 13:44:00 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =MAS===============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:44:00=CPSM==========5=== CMD Name Type CMAS Status MON RTA WLM Description --- -------- ------ -------- -------- Act Act Act ----------------------------EYUMAS1A LOCAL EYUCMS1A ACTIVE YES YES NO Starter Set TOR 1 on System A EYUMAS1B N/A INACTIVE N/A N/A N/A Starter Set AOR 3 on System B EYUMAS2A N/A INACTIVE N/A N/A N/A Starter Set AOR 1 on System A EYUMAS3A N/A INACTIVE N/A N/A N/A Starter Set AOR 2 on System A EYUMAS4A N/A INACTIVE N/A N/A N/A Starter Set FOR 1 on System A


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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4. Type OPERATE in the COMMAND field of the MAS view and press Enter. The OPERATE menu is displayed. 5. In the COMMAND field of the OPERATE menu, type PROGRAM EYUZZZZZ and press Enter. This command requests a display of programs named EYUZZZZZ. The PROGRAM view is displayed. 6. In the PROGRAM view, the message: There is no data which satisfies your request is displayed. (However, if you have run IVP1 before but have not deleted the entry for program EYUZZZZZ, data for EYUZZZZZ might be displayed. If this happens, delete the program definition as described in step 13 on page 335 before continuing with IVP1.) 7. From a second display, and following your local procedure, log on to CICS system EYUMAS1A.

******\ ********\ **\\\\**\ **\ \\ **\ **\ **\ **\ **\ ********\ ******\\ \\\\\\

******\ ******\ **\\\ **\ **\ **\ **\ **\ ******\ ******\ \\\\\\

******\ ********\ **\\\\**\ **\ \\ **\ **\ **\ **\ **\ ********\ ******\\ \\\\\\

******\ ********\ **\\\\**\ **\ \\ *******\ *******\ \\\\**\ **\ **\ ********\ ******\\ \\\\\\ TM

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8. From the CICS screen, start the CEDA transaction to define program EYUZZZZZ in group EYUIVP: Allow the remainder of the definition values to default.
OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA DEFine PROGram : EYUZZZZZ Group : EYUIVP DEscription ==> Language ==> CObol RELoad ==> No RESident ==> No USAge ==> Normal USElpacopy ==> No Status ==> Enabled RSl : 00 Cedf ==> Yes DAtalocation ==> Below EXECKey ==> User COncurrency ==> Quasirent REMOTE ATTRIBUTES DYnamic ==> No REMOTESystem ==> + REMOTEName ==> I New group EYUIVP created. DEFINE SUCCESSFUL PF 1 HELP 2 COM 3 END CICS RELEASE = 0530

CObol | Assembler | Le370 | C | Pli No | Yes No | Yes Normal | Transient No | Yes Enabled | Disabled 0-24 | Public Yes | No Below | Any User | Cics Quasirent | Threadsafe No | Yes

APPLID=EYUMAS1A TIME: 13.45.31 DATE: 98.357 6 CRSR 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF 12 CNCL

| | |

9. Using CEDA, install the group EYUIVP in the running CICS system EYUMAS1A:

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA Install Connection ==> DB2Conn ==> DB2Entry ==> DB2Tran ==> DOctemplate ==> Enqmodel ==> File ==> Journalmodel ==> Lsrpool ==> Mapset ==> PARTItionset ==> PARTNer ==> PROCesstype ==> PROFile ==> PROGram ==> EYUZZZZZ Requestmodel ==> Sessions ==> TCpipservice ==> TDqueue ==> TErminal ==> TRANClass ==> TRansaction ==> TSmodel ==> TYpeterm ==> Group ==> EYUIVP APPLID=EYUMAS1A TIME: 13.45.44 DATE: 98.357 6 CRSR 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF 12 CNCL


| | | | |

Exit CEDA and clear the screen. 10. Return to the CICSPlex SM session where the PROGRAM view is still displayed and press Enter. The contents of the view are refreshed and an entry for program EYUZZZZZ appears:
26MAR1999 13:46:26 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =PROGRAM===========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:46:26=CPSM==========1=== CMD Program CICS Enabled Use Current Program Shared CEDF --- Name---- System-- Status-- Count-- Use---- Language- Status Option EYUZZZZZ EYUMAS1A ENABLED 0 0 COBOL PRIVATE CEDF

| | | | | | | | | |

The appearance of an entry for program EYUZZZZZ confirms that the CICSPlex SM TOPOLOGY function is working. 11. To verify CICSPlex SMs ability to act on the resource, discard the program by moving the cursor to the CMD field of the EYUZZZZZ entry, typing DSC, and pressing Enter. The program is discarded from the running CICS system and the message There is no data which satisfies your request appears again. 12. To verify that the program has been discarded from the running CICS system, return to the CICS (EYUMAS1A) display and enter CEMT INQUIRE PROGRAM(EYUZZZZZ). The NOT FOUND message is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide




SYSID=MS1A APPLID=EYUMAS1A TIME: 13.47.35 DATE: 23.12.98 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF

| | | |

Exit CEMT. 13. Using CEDA, delete the definition for program EYUZZZZZ in CICS system EYUMAS1A:
OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA DELete All ==> Connection ==> DB2Conn ==> DB2Entry ==> DB2Tran ==> DOctemplate ==> Enqmodel ==> File ==> Journalmodel ==> Lsrpool ==> Mapset ==> PARTItionset ==> PARTNer ==> PROCesstype ==> PROFile ==> PROGram ==> EYUZZZZZ REQuestmodel ==> Sessions ==> TCpipservice ==> TDqueue ==> TErminal ==> TRANClass ==> TRansaction ==> TSmodel ==> TYpeterm ==> Group ==> EYUIVP I Group EYUIVP deleted. DELETE SUCCESSFUL PF 1 HELP 3 END APPLID=EYUMAS1A TIME: 13.47.59 DATE: 98.357 6 CRSR 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF 12 CNCL

| |

End the CICS terminal session using CESF LOGOFF and return to the CICSPlex SM terminal session.

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


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14. In the COMMAND field of the PROGRAM view type MENU and press Enter to return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu.

Test the operations functions on system A

During this stage of IVP1 you: v Change the value of a CICS resource via CICSPlex SM v Test the CICSPlex SM help facility. 1. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu, check that the context and scope are still set to EYUPLX01 by looking at the window information line, which is the fourth line down from the top of the display. Following the two occurrences of the menu name (MENU) are the context (EYUPLX01) and scope (EYUPLX01) values. From the MENU menu, select OPERATE. The OPERATE menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:48:12 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:48:12=CPSM=========15=== CMD Name Description --- ------------------------------OPERATE Operations Views CICSBTS CICS BTS Views CONNECT Connection Views DB2 DB2 and DBCTL Views DOCTEMP Document Template Views ENQUEUE Global Enqueue Views EXIT Exit Views FEPI FEPI Views FILE File Views JOURNAL Journal Views PROGRAM Program Views REGION CICS Region Views TASK Task Views TCPIPS TCP/IP Service Views TDQ Transient Data Queue Views TEMPSTOR Temporary Storage Queue Views TERMINAL Terminal Views TRANS Transaction Views UOW Unit of Work Views

| | | | | | | | | | | |

2. From the OPERATE menu, enter CICSRGN to display details of CICS systems belonging to EYUPLX01. From the CICSRGN view, display a detailed view of data for region EYUMAS1A by moving the cursor to the entry for EYUMAS1A and pressing Enter. 3. The CICSRGND view for EYUMAS1A is displayed. Move the cursor to the Current Tasks field and press Enter. The CICSRGN3 view is displayed. 4. Verify that the CICSPlex SM help function is working by typing HEL in the COMMAND field of the CICSRGN3 view, moving the cursor to the MAxtasks field, and pressing Enter. A pop-up panel 3 in which the MAxtasks field is described, overwrites the CICSRGN3 view. 5. Type END in the COMMAND field of the help panel and press Enter to return to the CICSRGN3 view.

3. If you are using a version of ISPF prior to Version 3 Release 1, all help information is provided in full-screen panels.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | | |

6. From a second display, and following your local procedure, log on to CICS system EYUMAS1A. Type CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM and press Enter. A summary of current values for CICS system EYUMAS1A is displayed: Take a note of the current MAxtasks value.
STATUS: RESULTS - OVERTYPE TO MODIFY Actopentcbs(000) Progautoexit( DFHPGADX ) Aging( 00001 ) Progautoinst( Autoinst ) Akp( 00200 ) Reentprotect(Noreentprot) Cicstslevel(010300) Release(0530) Cmdprotect(Cmdprot) Runaway( 0020000 ) Db2conn( ) Scandelay( 0100 ) Dfltuser(CPSM) Sdtran(CESD) Dsalimit( 05242880 ) Sosstatus(Notsos) Dsrtprogram( NONE ) Storeprotect(Inactive) Dtrprogram( DFHDYP ) Time( 0001000 ) Dumping( Nosysdump ) Tranisolate(Inactive) Edsalimit( 0020971520 ) Forceqr( Force ) Maxopentcbs( 100 ) Maxtasks( 080 ) Mrobatch( 001 ) Oslevel( ) Prograutoctlg( Ctlgmodify ) RESPONSE: NORMAL PF 1 HELP 3 END SYSID=MS1A APPLID=EYUMAS1A TIME: 13.49.16 DATE: 23.12.98 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF

| | | | |

7. Return to the CICSPlex SM session where the CICSRGN3 view is displayed. Tab the cursor to the left of the first field in the first row of data, type the word SET, then move the cursor to the MAxtasks field, change the current value to 60, and press Enter. The MAxtasks value changes to 60:
26MAR1999 13:49:39 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =CICSRGN==CICSRGN3=EYUPLX01===EYUPLX01===28AUG1997==15:37:31====CPSM==========1 CICS System.. DJ13A0 Tot Pgrm Use. 11 Cur LU Sess 0 Current Tasks 3 Pgrm Compress 0 HWM LU Sess 0 Peak Tasks... 13 Cur Act UTrn. 3 Current Amax. N/A Cur Que UTrn. 0 Peak Amaxtask N/A Peak Act UTrn 4 Total Tasks.. 107 Peak Que UTrn 0 Interval task 6 Totl Act UTrn 6 Times at MAXT 0 Totl Que UTrn 0 Act Max Tasks N/A Tot Que Time. 00:00:00 Maxtasks..... 60 Cur Que Time. 00:00:00 Pgrm AIn Attm 0 PRSS Inq Cnt. 0 Pgrm AIn Xrej 0 PRSS NIB Cnt. 0 Pgrm AIn Fail 0 PRSS Opn Cnt. 0 Pgrm Load NIU 26 PRSS UbndCnt. 0 Tot NIU Qtime 00:00:00 PRSS Err Cnt. 0 NIU Reclaims. 9

| | | |

8. To verify that the value has been changed in the CICS system itself, return to the CICS (EYUMAS1A) session and enter the CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM command again. The MAxtasks value is 60:

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


STATUS: RESULTS - OVERTYPE TO MODIFY Actopentcbs(000) Progautoexit( DFHPGADX ) Aging( 00001 ) Progautoinst( Autoinst ) Akp( 00200 ) Reentprotect(Noreentprot) Cicstslevel(010300) Release(0530) Cmdprotect(Cmdprot) Runaway( 0020000 ) Db2conn( ) Scandelay( 0100 ) Dfltuser(CPSM) Sdtran(CESD) Dsalimit( 05242880 ) Sosstatus(Notsos) Dsrtprogram( NONE ) Storeprotect(Inactive) Dtrprogram( DFHDYP ) Time( 0001000 ) Dumping( Nosysdump ) Tranisolate(Inactive) Edsalimit( 0020971520 ) Forceqr( Force ) Maxopentcbs( 100 ) Maxtasks( 060 ) Mrobatch( 001 ) Oslevel( ) Prograutoctlg( Ctlgmodify ) RESPONSE: NORMAL PF 1 HELP 3 END SYSID=MS1A APPLID=EYUMAS1A TIME: 13.49.16 DATE: 23.12.98 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

End the CICS session using CESF LOGOFF and return to the CICSPlex SM session. 9. Type TRAN in the COMMAND field of the CICSRGN3 view and press Enter. The TRAN view, showing general information about transactions within EYUPLX01, is displayed. Move the cursor to the Tran ID CONL and press Enter. The LOCTRAND view, showing details of local transaction CONL in EYUMAS1A, is displayed. 10. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the LOCTRAND view and pressing Enter.

Test the monitoring functions on system A

During this stage of IVP1, you check that monitoring data is being collected for EYUMAS1A. Monitoring was activated for EYUMAS1A by definitions loaded into the data repository of EYUCMS1A using the batched repository update facility. Note: This verification procedure should be attempted at least 15 minutes after EYUMAS1A has connected to EYUCMS1A, to allow some data to be gathered before you try to look at it. 1. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu, select MONITOR. The MONITOR menu is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

26MAR1999 14:54:02 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:54:02=CPSM=========14=== CMD Name Description --- ------------------------------MONITOR Monitoring Views MONACTV Installed Monitor Definitions ======== ============================================================= CONNECT Connection Monitoring Views DB2 DB2 and DBCTL Monitoring Views FEPI FEPI Monitoring Views FILE File Monitoring Views GLOBAL Global Resource Monitoring Views JOURNAL Journal Monitoring Views PROGRAM Program Monitoring Views REGION CICS Region Monitoring Views TDQ Transient Data Queue Monitoring Views TERMINAL Terminal Monitoring Views TRANS Transaction Monitoring Views

| | |

2. From the MONITOR menu, select MONACTV. The MONACTV view, showing active monitoring definitions, is displayed:

| | | | |

3. Type MCICSRGN in the COMMAND field of the MONACTV view and press Enter. The MCICSRGN view is displayed. Move the cursor to the entry for EYUMAS1A and press Enter. The MCICSRGD view, showing detailed monitoring data for region EYUMAS1A, is displayed:

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


26MAR1999 13:50:49 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MCICSRGN=MCICSRGD=EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:50:45=CPSM==========1=== CICS System... EYUMAS1A CICS Release. 0330 Start Date..... 26MAR1999 Job Name...... EYUIMS1A Current Tasks 13 Start Time..... 13:41:44 Total CPU..... 2.7 Real Stg Used 6240 Sysdumps....... 0 CS CPU Rate... 0.0 Curr AutoInst 0 Sysdumps Suppr. 0 MI CPU Rate... 0.0 Max AutoInst. 100 Trandumps...... 0 Total Page In. 1 Pgrm AIn Try. N/A Trandumps Suppr 0 CS PageIn Rate 0.0 Pgrm AIn Xrej N/A VTAM RPLMAX Cnt 8 MI PageIn Rate 0.0 Pgrm AIn Fail N/A VTAM RPL Post.. 1 Total Page Out 0 PRSS Inq Cnt. N/A Cnt VTAM SOS... 0 CS PagOut Rate 0.0 PRSS NIB Cnt. N/A VTAM ACB opens. 0 MI PagOut Rate 0.0 PRSS Opn Cnt. N/A Library Loads.. 21 Total SIO..... 177 PRSS UbndCnt. N/A Tot Load Time.. 0 CS SIO Rate... 0.1 PRSS Err Cnt. N/A Cur Load Wait.. 0 MI SIO Rate... 0.4 Cur LU Sess.. N/A Tot Load Wait.. 0 Tot Pgm Use... 1832 HWM LU Sess.. N/A Max Load Wait.. 1 Pgm Compress.. 7 Cnt Max Wait... 1 Tot Load NIU.. 33 Total Wait Time 0 Tot NIU QTime. 64:02:27.00 RPL Reopens.... 0 NIU Reclaims.. 287

| | | | | | | | | | | | | |

The presence of data in fields prefixed with MI or CS (for example, CS CPU Rate and MI CPU Rate) confirms that monitoring data is being captured for EYUMAS1A. 4. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the MCICSRGD view and pressing Enter.

Test the analysis functions on system A

During this stage of IVP1, you test the analysis functions of CICSPlex SM by viewing the System Availability Monitoring (SAM) events that are generated because systems EYUMAS1B, EYUMAS2A, EYUMAS3A, and EYUMAS4A are not active. 1. Check that the context and scope are still EYUPLX01 before selecting ANALYSIS from the CICSPlex SM MENU menu. The ANALYSIS menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:51:00 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU=====MENU=====EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:51:00=CPSM==========4=== CMD Name Description --- ------------------------------ANALYSIS Real Time Analysis Operations Views APACTV Installed Definitions in Analysis Point EVENT Outstanding Events RTAACTV Installed Analysis Definitions

| | |

2. From the ANALYSIS menu, select RTAACTV. The RTAACTV view, showing active ANALYSIS definitions in EYUPLX01, is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

26MAR1999 13:51:09 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =RTAACTV===========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:51:09=CPSM==========1=== CMD Name System Status Active Rate Action Def --- -------- -------- --------- Period-- ----- -------- Type--EYURTD18 EYUMAS1A ACTIVE 300 EYURTA18 RTADEF

| | |

3. Using TSO SDSF, access the CMAS job log. Verify that the following external messages have appeared in the log:
COMMAND INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE 0090 +DFHSI1519I EYUMAS1A The interregion communication session was successfully started. 0090 +DFHSI8430I EYUMAS1A About to link to PLT programs during the third stage of initialization. 0090 +EYUNX0001I EYUMAS1A LMAS PLTPI program starting 0090 +DFHSI8434I EYUMAS1A Control returned from PLT programs during the third stage of initialization. 0090 +DFHSI1517 EYUMAS1A Control is being given to CICS. 0090 +EYUXL0003I EYUMAS1A CPSM Version 140 LMAS startup in progress 0090 +EYUXL0022I EYUMAS1A LMAS Phase I initialization complete 0090 +EYUXL0020I EYUMAS1A ESSS connection in progress to CICSPLEX(EYUPLX01) for SYSID(CM1A) 0090 +EYUXL0004I EYUMAS1A ESSS connection complete 0090 +EYUXL0007I EYUMAS1A LMAS Phase II initialization complete 0090 +EYUTS0001I EYUCMS1A Topology Connect for EYUMAS1A Initiated 0090 +EYUTS0003I EYUCMS1A Topology Connect for EYUMAS1A Complete 0090 +EYUCL0012I EYUCMS1A Connection of EYUCMS1A to EYUMAS1A complete 0090 +EYUPN0011W EYUCMS1A Notify RESOLVED for SAM, Context=EYUPLX01, 0090 +EYUPN0011W EYUCMS1A Target=EYUMAS1A,Severity=VHS, Sev=VHS, Event=!!SAMOPS,Text=Currently available 0090 +EYUPN0011W EYUCMS1A ******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

| | | |

4. Return to the CICSPlex SM display screen, type EVENT in the COMMAND field of the RTAACTV view, and press Enter. The EVENT view, showing current events for EYUPLX01, is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:58:20 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =EVENT=============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:58:20=CPSM==========8=== CMD Name Target Sev Pri Type Dtl View Resource Key --- -------- -------- --- --- ---- --- -------- ---------- -------------------!!SAMOPS EYUMAS2A VHS 255 SAM NO !!SAMOPS EYUMAS3A VHS 255 SAM NO !!SAMOPS EYUMAS4A VHS 255 SAM NO !!SAMOPS EYUMAS1B VHS 255 SAM NO

| | | | | | |

The EVENT view shows SAM events for systems EYUMAS2A, EYUMAS3A, EYUMAS4A and EYUMAS1B (those prefixed by !!). 5. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the EVENT view and pressing Enter.

Test the workload-management functions on system A

During this stage of IVP1, you define a workload specification and confirm that it is installed in EYUPLX01.

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


| | | |

1. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu check that the context and scope are still EYUPLX01 before selecting the ADMWLM option. The ADMWLM menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:52:54 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:52:54=CPSM=========10=== CMD Name Description --- -------------------------------ADMWLM Workload Manager Administration Views WLMSPEC Workload Specifications WLMGROUP Workload Groups WLMDEF Workload Definitions TRANGRP Transaction Groups ======== =============================================================== WLMSCOPE Members Associated with Workload Specifications WLMINSPC Workload Groups in Specifications WLMINGRP Workload Definitions in Groups DTRINGRP Transactions in Transaction Groups

| | |

2. From the ADMWLM menu, select WLMSPEC. The WLMSPEC view, showing all workload specifications defined in EYUPLX01, is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:53:02 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =WLMSPEC===========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:53:02=CPSM============== BBMXBD15I There is no data which satisfies your request

| | | | | |

Message BBMXBD15I is displayed because there are currently no workload specifications for EYUPLX01. 3. To create a workload specification, type CRE in the COMMAND field of the WLMSPEC view and press Enter. The Create WLM Specification input panel is displayed:
COMMAND ===> WLM Spec Name Description Affinity Relation Affinity Lifetime Match Key Create Affinity Target Scope Event Name Abend Health Abend Load Algorithm Type ===> eyuwmsvp ===> SSet - WLM IVP Specification ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> 0 ===> 0 ===> QUEUE Default Affinity Relation (USERID, LUNAME, GLOBAL, BAPPL) Default Affinity Lifetime (SIGNON, LOGON, SYSTEM, PERMANENT, PCONV, DELIMIT ACTIVITY, PROCESS) USERID Default Primary search criteria (USERID, LUNAME) Create Auto Affinity (YES, NO) EYUCSG05 Default CICS System,Group or Generic RTADEF, STATDEF, or Generic AOR ABEND Health Factor (0 - 99) AOR ABEND Load Factor (0 - 99) Algorithm Type (GOAL, QUEUE)

Press ENTER to create WLM Specification. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without creating.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | | | | | | | |

Complete the input panel as shown in the example above. Press Enter to create the new workload specification. 4. The WLMSPEC view is redisplayed, but this time with an entry for workload specification EYUWMSVP. A workload specification has no effect until it is associated with a terminal-owning region (TOR). To add a TOR to the EYUWMSVP specification, move the cursor to the beginning of the EYUWMSVP entry in the WLMSPEC view, type ADD, and press Enter. The Add Scope for Specification input panel is displayed:
COMMAND ===> WLM Spec Name Description Scope Option EYUWMSVP SSet - WLM IVP Specification ===> EYUMAS1A CICS System, Group or Generic ===> FORCE, NULL, or NONE for System Group

Press ENTER to add WLM Specification to Scope. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without adding.

| | | | |

Enter the Scope value EYUMAS1A and press Enter. 5. The WLMSPEC view is redisplayed. In the COMMAND field of the WLMSPEC view, type WLMSCOPE and press Enter. The WLMSCOPE view, showing the scope of each workload specification in EYUPLX01, is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:54:26 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =WLMSCOPE==========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:54:26=CPSM==========1=== CMD WLM Scope Scope Scope Scope Update --- Spec---- Name---- Type---- Mode---- Link---- Option-EYUWMSVP EYUMAS1A CICSSYS EXPLICIT

| | | | | | |

The WLMSCOPE view confirms that the scope of workload specification EYUWMSVP is EYUMAS1A. 6. Type MAS in the COMMAND field of the WLMSCOPE view and press Enter. The MAS view, showing MASs in EYUPLX01, is displayed. Move the cursor to the EYUMAS1A entry, type UPD in the CMD column, and press Enter. The Control MAS input panel is displayed:

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


COMMAND ===> MAS EYUMAS1A Description Starter Set TOR 1 on System A

Attributes Type LOCAL CMAS EYUCMS1A Status ACTIVE Activity MON Active ===> YES RTA Active ===> YES WLM Active ===> NO

Time Time Zone ===> Z Time Zone Offset ===> 00 Daylight Savings ===> NO Security Command Check Resource Check Exemption Check ===> NO ===> NO ===> YES

Type DOWN or UP to view other MAS screens. Press ENTER to change the MAS. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without changing.

| | | | |

7. Change the setting of WLM Active field to YES and press Enter. The MAS view is redisplayed. 8. Type OPERATE in the COMMAND field of the MAS view and press Enter. The OPERATE menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:48:12 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:48:12=CPSM=========15=== CMD Name Description --- ------------------------------OPERATE Operations Views CBTS CICS BTS Views CONNECT Connection Views DB2 DB2 and DBCTL Views DOCTEMP Document Template Views ENQUEUE Global Enqueue Views EXIT Exit Views FEPI FEPI Views FILE File Views JOURNAL Journal Views PROGRAM Program Views REGION CICS Region Views TASK Task Views TCPIPS TCP/IP Service Views TDQ Transient Data Queue Views TEMPSTOR Temporary Storage Queue Views TERMINAL Terminal Views TRANS Transaction Views UOW Unit of Work Views

| | | |

9. From the OPERATE menu, enter CICSRGN. The CICSRGN view is displayed. Move the cursor to the EYUMAS1A entry and press Enter. The CICSRGND view for EYUMAS1A is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

26MAR1999 13:55:46 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CICSRGN==CICSRGND=EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:55:46=CPSM==========1=== CICS System... EYUMAS1A Start Date... 26MAR1999 CICS Status.. ACTIVE CICS Release.. 0330 Start Time... 09:41:01 Monitor Stat. ON Job Name...... EYUJMS1A Totl CPU..... 95 Recordng Stat OFF VTAM Applid... EYUMAS1A Totl Page In. 341 Dump Status.. SYSDUMP Location...... CPSM Totl Page Out 95 Trace Status. SYSTEMON CICS Sysid.... MS1A Totl SIO Cnt. 2681 AUXTrace Stat AUXSTOP AKP........... 200 Totl Real Stg 1572 LRT Perf Freq N/A MRO Batch..... 1 Current Tasks 5 External Sec. NOSECURITY Priorty Aging. 1 Trn Isol Stat N/A Startup Stat. COLDSTART Runaway Time.. 20000 RPL Reopens.. 0 AIn Ena Stat. ENABLED Scan Delay.... 100 VTAM ACB..... OPEN PRSS Delay... N/A Xit Wait Time. 1000 Times Max RPL 0 AIn Pgrm Nme. DFHZATDX Library Loads. 268 Max RPL Postd 0 AIn Curr Req. 0 Tot Load Time. 6 VTAM SOS Cnt. 0 AutoIns Max.. 100 Cur Load Wait. 0 VTAM Dyn Open 0 Prgm AIn Exit N/A Tot Load Wait. 1 XRF Status... NOTAPPLI Cat AIn Prgm. N/A Max Load Wait. 1 IRC Status... OPEN Dyn Route Pgm EYU9XLOP Cnt Max Wait.. 1 CMD Protect.. N/A Storage Prot. INACTIVE Tot Wait Time. 770 RentProg Prot N/A TskRec ConvSt N/A Dflt Remote Sys N/A SOS Status... N/A ShutDown Tran

| | | | | | | |

10. Move the cursor to any field to the left of the first column of data, type SET, then move the cursor to the Dyn Route Pgm field, change its value to EYU9XLOP, and press Enter. (EYU9XLOP is the CICSPlex SM dynamic transaction routing program.) The updated CICSRGND view is displayed: Note: If you are running IVP1 against a system where the complete Starter Set is installed, the Dyn Route Pgm field may already contain the value EYU9XLOP.
26MAR1999 13:55:46 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CICSRGN==CICSRGND=EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:55:42=CPSM==========1=== CICS System... EYUMAS1A Start Date... 26MAR1999 CICS Status.. ACTIVE CICS Release.. 0330 Start Time... 09:41:01 Monitor Stat. ON Job Name...... EYUJMS1A Totl CPU..... 95 Recordng Stat OFF VTAM Applid... EYUMAS1A Totl Page In. 341 Dump Status.. SYSDUMP Location...... CPSM Totl Page Out 95 Trace Status. SYSTEMON CICS Sysid.... MS1A Totl SIO Cnt. 2681 AUXTrace Stat AUXSTOP AKP........... 200 Totl Real Stg 1572 LRT Perf Freq N/A MRO Batch..... 1 Current Tasks 5 External Sec. NOSECURITY Priorty Aging. 1 Trn Isol Stat N/A Startup Stat. COLDSTART Runaway Time.. 20000 RPL Reopens.. 0 AIn Ena Stat. ENABLED Scan Delay.... 100 VTAM ACB..... OPEN PRSS Delay... N/A Xit Wait Time. 1000 Times Max RPL 0 AIn Pgrm Nme. DFHZATDX Library Loads. 268 Max RPL Postd 0 AIn Curr Req. 0 Tot Load Time. 6 VTAM SOS Cnt. 0 AutoIns Max.. 100 Cur Load Wait. 0 VTAM Dyn Open 0 Prgm AIn Exit N/A Tot Load Wait. 1 XRF Status... NOTAPPLI Cat AIn Prgm. N/A Max Load Wait. 1 IRC Status... OPEN Dyn Route Pgm EYU9XLOP Cnt Max Wait.. 1 CMD Protect.. N/A Storage Prot. INACTIVE Tot Wait Time. 770 RentProg Prot N/A TskRec ConvSt N/A Dflt Remote Sys N/A SOS Status... N/A ShutDown Tran

| | | |

11. Type WLMAWORK in the COMMAND field of the CICSRGND view and press Enter. The WLMAWORK view, showing workload specifications in EYUPLX01, is displayed:

Chapter 37. CICSPlex SM installation verification procedures


26MAR1999 13:56:47 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =WLMAWORK==========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:56:47=CPSM==========1=== CMD Name Ownr TOR AOR Affinity Lifetime Scope Event Status Cre Alg --- -------- ---- ---- ---- -------- --------- -------- Name---- ------ Aff --EYUWMSVP CM1A 1 0 NONE NONE EYUCSG05 ACTIVE N/A QUE

| | | | |

Verify that EYUWMSVP appears as an active workload specification. 12. In the COMMAND field of the WLMAWORK view, type the command WLMAWTOR EYUWMSVP. The WLMAWTOR view, showing a list of TORs associated with the workload EYUWMSVP, is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:57:22 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =WLMAWTOR==========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:57:22=CPSM==========1=== CMD Workload Ownr TOR Connection --- -------- ---- -------- Lost-----EYUWMSVP CM1A EYUMAS1A

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

13. In the COMMAND field of the WLMAWTOR view, type WLMSPEC and press Enter. Move the cursor to the EYUWMSVP entry of the WLMSPEC view, type REM, and press Enter to remove the workload specification EYUWMSVP. Note: Failure to remove EYUWMSVP will cause problems during the testing of the workload-management functions in IVP2. 14. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the WLMSPEC view and pressing Enter.

IVP1 is complete If you are planning to run CICSPlex SM on multiple MVS images, you should now run IVP2. However, before you begin IVP2, you must stop EYUCAS1A, EYUCMS1A, and EYUMAS1A on system A. If you do not stop these system A components, you will have difficulty running IVP2.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)

It is recommended that you run IVP2 on the second and subsequent MVS images on which you install CICSPlex SM. Throughout this chapter, the MVS image on which you are running IVP2 is referred to as system B. In order to run IVP2, you must have: v Two physically connected MVS/ESA images (system A and system B) on which CICSPlex SM has been installed v On both systems, access to: The CICSPlex SM samples data sets, CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF and CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL CICS/ESA 4.1 (or higher) load libraries CICS/ESA 4.1 (or higher) table-assembly JCL SYS1.PARMLIB and SYS1.VTAMLST (or be able to add definitions to SYS1.PARMLIB and SYS1.VTAMLST) v Access to the CEDA transaction on EYUMAS1B v Access to the MVS console log via TSO SDSF. Before you can run IVP2, you must have run IVP1 successfully and stopped EYUCAS1A, EYUCMS1A, and EYUMAS1A. Figure 61 on page 348 shows those components of the CICSPlex SM Starter Set that are defined during IVP2.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


MVS/ESA System A

MVS/ESA System B

MVS/ESA System C



























Figure 61. Starter Set components for IVP2. Shaded componentsEYUCAS1A, EYUCAS1B, EYUCMS1A, EYUCMS1B, EYUMAS1A, and EYUMAS1Bare used during IVP2.

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Setting up the CICSPlex SM environment on system B

Perform the following tasks to prepare the MVS environment on system B for CICSPlex SM. 1. Run EYUISTRT on system B to tailor the skeleton jobs for the Starter Set (and thereby for the IVPs). EYUISTRT runs the EYUINST EXEC to tailor the Starter Set members. For more information about EYUISTRT, see Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs on page 397. 2. Add VTAM definitions for EYUCAS1B, EYUCMS1B, and EYUMAS1B to the VTAM table on system B. An example of the VTAM definitions for these three CICSPlex SM components is provided in sample EYUDVTIB. Notes: a. EYUDVTIB is a subset of the VTAM definitions required on system B for the complete Starter Set. b. If you use Network Control Programs (NCP), you may need to create a mode table, using the sample entry shown in EYUMDTAB, in order to control the VTAM RUSIZE (request unit size) parameter. 3. Run the JCL EYUIBBIB, which defines the EYUIPRM data set for CAS EYUCAS1B. If you are using shared DASD, this will already have been defined during IVP1.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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4. Run the JCL EYUICMSB, which defines all data sets required by CMAS EYUCMS1B. 5. Run the JCL EYUICICB, which defines all data sets required by MAS EYUMAS1B. 6. Run the JCL EYUIDRPB, which defines the CICSPlex SM data repository on system B. Note: This data repository can be used with the Starter Set on system B: it does not need to be recreated after the IVPs have been run. 7. Run the JCL EYUICSDB, which defines, initializes, and loads the CSD to be used by both EYUCMS1B and EYUMAS1B. 8. Make any necessary site-specific changes to the CSD created in step 7. For example, you might need to add TYPETERMs, TERMINALs or AUTOINSTALL MODELs. 9. Assemble the supplied program EYUWLMVP into a load library on system B. 10. Assemble the following sample CICS tables into a load library: EYUTDCTC (DCT) EYUTDCTL (DCT) EYUTPLTC (PLT for EYUCMS1B) EYUTPLTL (PLT for EYUMAS1B) EYUTSRTS (SRT) EYUTJCTS (JCT) Note: For details on assembling CICS control tables, see the CICS/ESA System Definition Guide. 11. Update ISPF on system B to reflect the addition of CICSPlex SM. You can find an example of the required changes in EYU@ISPF and EYU@PRIM. Note that any changes you make to ISPF are generally applicable on system B and are not confined to IVP2 only. Therefore, you should try to make a permanent change at this stage so that you dont have to repeat this step later. For more information, see Preparing user access to CICSPlex SM on page 211.

Starting up and verifying CICSPlex SM components on system B

When the system B environment for CICSPlex SM is established, you are ready to: 1. Start the CAS EYUCAS1B 2. Define CAS-to-CAS connections 3. Start the CMAS EYUCMS1B 4. Enable EYUCMS1B to manage EYUPLX01 5. Run the batched repository update facility 6. Start the MAS EYUMAS1B

1: Start the CAS EYUCAS1B

1. Before you can start the CAS on system B, you must restart the CAS on system A (EYUCAS1A). For information about starting EYUCAS1A, see 1: Start the CAS EYUCAS1A on page 326. 2. You can start CAS EYUCAS1B using JCL EYUICS1B or (to start the CAS as a started task) JCL EYUICSSB. When you start the CAS, output similar to this appears in the JES2 job log.

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


COMMAND INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE ********************************* TOP OF DATA ********************************** J E S 2 J O B L O G -- S Y S T E M M V S C -- N O D E 13.35.07 13.35.08 13.35.08 13.35.12 13.35.16 13.35.16 13.35.18 13.35.18 13.35.18 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 JOB00024 BBMYAB50I BBMXCL41I BBMXBI30I BBMXBI29I BBMXBI26I BBMXCL36I BBMSS002I BBMSS001I BBMZA001I Reading CAS Definition Mamber 00 Default system values used for target definition Security Parameter Modification member BBMTSS00 in Security Class Modification member BBMTSP00 not fou Default security resource properties used Default security resource definition used for COMMO ESMTYPE(AUTO) selected RACF (RCVT DEFINED, RACF MAR Security - ESMTYPE(RACF) SUBSYS(CTST) REQSTOR CAS(MV30) SSID(CTST) INITIALIZATION COMPLETE R3.3.8

| | | | | | | | |

3. Look for message number BBMZA001I in the output to confirm that the CAS EYUCAS1B is started.

2: Define CAS-to-CAS connections

During this stage of IVP2, you define a connection from the CAS on system A to the CAS on system B, and from the CAS on system B to the CAS on system A. 1. Log on to TSO on system A and select the CICSPlex SM option from the main ISPF panel. (This is option CP if you are using the supplied samples.) The CICSPlex System Manager entry panel is displayed:
--------------------------- CICSPlex System Manager ---------------------------OPTION ===> 0 1 2 PROFILE PLEXMGR CPSM - User Session Parameters - List of Service Points - CICSPlex SM

Default Criteria for CPSM: Context ===> Scope ===> Warning Record Count ===> Require Set ===> EYUCMS1A EYUCMS1A 0 YES

0 for no checking YES, NO

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5596-081 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1995. All Rights Reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, Duplication or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

| | | | | | | |

2. Type 1 in the OPTION field of the CICSPlex System Manager entry panel and press Enter. (The values in the Context and Scope fields are ignored.) The PLEXOVER view is displayed. The remainder of this stage varies according to whether you are using the same EYUIPRM dataset on shared DASD for both CASs. If you are using shared DASD, follow the steps in CAS dataset EYUIPRM on shared DASD on page 351. If you are not using shared DASD, follow the steps in CAS dataset EYUIPRM not on shared DASD on page 352.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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CAS dataset EYUIPRM on shared DASD

1. In the COMMAND field of the PLEXOVER view, type CASDEF and press Enter. The CASDEF view is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:17:33 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =CASDEF============EYUA=====*========(00 BROWSE )=PLEXMGR=======1=== CMD CAS Cur Description Status VTAM --- Name---- Sys -------------------------- ApplName MV2D Yes Use CASDEF to update INSTALLED *NONE*

| | | | |

2. In the COMMAND field of the CASDEF view, type EDIT and press Enter. 3. In the COMMAND field, type ADD EYUA and press Enter. Alternatively, move the cursor to the CMD field, type ADD and press Enter. The ADD CAS SYSTEM DEFINITION input panel is displayed:
--------------------- ADD CAS SYSTEM DEFINITION ------------------------------COMMAND ===> CAS System Name Description ===> EYUA (Recommended same as MVS System Name) ===> SYSTEM A CAS SMF ID Subsystem ID ===> * ===> *

System Identification Information: MVS System Name ===> EYUA SysPlex Name ===> * System Communication Information: VTAM Appl Name ===> EYUCAS1A XCF Group Name ===> EYUGROUP

Enter END to add the CAS System Definition. Enter CANCEL to leave without adding.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

4. Complete the ADD CAS SYSTEM DEFINITION input panel as shown in the example above, then press Enter. (See the CICSPlex SM Administration for a description of the fields on this panel). If the panel is displayed as a result of you typing ADD in the CMD field, the System Identification Information is already completed with your own system defaults. The CASDEF view is displayed again, this time showing an entry for CAS EYUA. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for CAS EYUB (subsystem ID EYUB and VTAM Application name EYUCAS1B). 5. Install the definitions on System A by positioning the cursor in the CMD field next to the entry for EYUA, and typing INS. Press Enter. Position the cursor in the CMD field next to the entry for EYUB, type INS and press Enter. 6. Return to the CICSPlex System Manager entry panel by typing RETURN in the COMMAND field of the CASDEF view and pressing Enter. If you do not return to the CICSPlex System Manager entry panel, system A will have the shared file locked and the entries will not be seen on system B. 7. Install the definitions on system B using the following procedure: a. Log on to TSO on System B and select the CICSPlex SM option from the main ISPF panel. (The CICSPlex SM option is CP if you are using the supplied samples.) The CICSPlex System Manager entry panel is displayed. b. Type 1 in the OPTION field of the CICSPlex SM entry field and press Enter. The PLEXOVER view is displayed.
Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


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c. In the COMMAND field of the PLEXOVER view, type CASDEF and press Enter. The CASDEF view is displayed. d. Position the cursor in the CMD field next to the entry for EYUA, and type INS. Press Enter. Position the cursor in the CMD field next to the entry for EYUB, type INS, and press Enter. The CASDEF view now shows entries for both EYUA and EYUB. Note: The CAS name defaults to the MVS system name. You can define a CAS using a name other than the default. Use CASDEF to define it, save it, and delete the default entry. If, however, you do want to use the default CAS name, use the default definition, supplying a VTAM application name, and save it.
26MAR1999 14:17:33 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =CASDEF============EYUA=====*========(00 EDIT MOD )=PLEXMGR=======2=== CMD CAS Cur Description Status VTAM --- Name---- Sys -------------------------- ApplName EYUA YES SYSTEM A CAS INSTALLED EYUCAS1A EYUB NO SYSTEM B CAS INSTALLED EYUCAS1B

| | | | | | | |

8. Return to the CICSPlex System Manager entry panel by typing RETURN in the COMMAND field of the CASDEF view and pressing Enter. If you do not return to the CICSPlex System Manager entry panel, system B will have the shared file locked and the entries will not be seen on system A.

CAS dataset EYUIPRM not on shared DASD

1. In the COMMAND field of the PLEXOVER view, type CASDEF and press Enter. The CASDEF view is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:17:33 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =CASDEF============EYUA=====*========(00 BROWSE )=PLEXMGR=======1=== CMD CAS Cur Description Status VTAM --- Name---- Sys -------------------------- ApplName MV2D YES Use CASDEF to update INSTALLED *NONE*

| | | | |

2. In the COMMAND field of the CASDEF view, type EDIT and press Enter. 3. In the COMMAND field, type ADD EYUA and press Enter. Alternatively, move the cursor to the CMD field, type ADD and press Enter. The ADD CAS SYSTEM DEFINITION input panel is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

--------------------- ADD CAS SYSTEM DEFINITION ------------------------------COMMAND ===> CAS System Name Description ===> EYUA (Recommended same as MVS System Name) ===> SYSTEM A CAS SMF ID Subsystem ID ===> * ===> *

System Identification Information: MVS System Name ===> EYUA SysPlex Name ===> * System Communication Information: VTAM Appl Name ===> EYUCAS1A XCF Group Name ===> EYUGROUP

Enter END to add the CAS System Definition. Enter CANCEL to leave without adding.

| | | | | | |

4. Complete the ADD CAS SYSTEM DEFINITION input panel as shown in the example above, then press Enter. (See the CICSPlex SM Administration for a description of the fields on this panel). If the panel is displayed as a result of you typing ADD in the CMD field, the System Identification Information is already completed with your own system defaults. The CASDEF view is displayed again, this time showing an entry for CAS EYUA.
26MAR1999 14:17:33 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =CASDEF============EYUA=====*========(00 EDIT MOD )=PLEXMGR=======2=== CMD CAS Cur Description Status VTAM --- Name---- Sys -------------------------- ApplName EYUA YES SYSTEM A CAS UNINSTALLED EYUCAS1A EYUB NO SYSTEM B CAS UNINSTALLED EYUCAS1B

| | | | | | | | |

5. In the COMMAND field of the CASDEF view, type SAVE and press Enter. 6. Install the definitions on System A by positioning the cursor in the CMD field next to the entry for EYUA, and type INS and press Enter. 7. Return to the CICSPlex System Manager entry panel by typing RETURN in the COMMAND field of the CASDEF view and pressing Enter. 8. Log on to TSO on System B and select the CICSPlex SM option from the main ISPF panel. (The CICSPlex SM option is CP if you are using the supplied samples.) The CICSPlex System Manager entry panel is displayed:

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


--------------------------- CICSPlex System Manager ---------------------------OPTION ===> 0 1 2 PROFILE PLEXMGR CPSM - User Session Parameters - List of Service Points - CICSPlex SM

Default Criteria for CPSM: Context ===> Scope ===> Warning Record Count ===> Require Set ===> EYUCMS1A EYUCMS1A 0 YES

0 for no checking YES, NO

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5596-081 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1995. All Rights Reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, Duplication or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

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9. Type 1 in the OPTION field of the CICSPlex SM entry field and press Enter. The PLEXOVER view is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:17:07 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY ---------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =PLEXOVER==========CPSM=====*===========26MAR1999==14:17:07=PLEXMGR====3=== C Context Product Description Status Server System - -------- -------- -------------------------------- -------- -------- -------CPSM PLEXMGR Service Point Manager Active PLEXMGR EYUCMS1A CPSM CMAS Service Point Inactive EYUCMS1A EYUPLX01 CPSM CICSplex Service Point Inactive EYUCMS1A

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10. In the COMMAND field of the PLEXOVER view, type CASDEF and press Enter. The CASDEF view is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:17:33 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =CASDEF============EYUB=====*========(00 BROWSE )=PLEXMGR=======1=== CMD CAS Cur Description Status VTAM --- Name---- Sys -------------------------- ApplName MV2D YES Use CASDEF to update INSTALLED *NONE*

| | | |

11. In the COMMAND field, type ADD EYUB and press Enter. Alternatively, move the cursor to the CMD field, type ADD and press Enter. The ADD CAS SYSTEM DEFINITION input panel is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

--------------------- ADD CAS SYSTEM DEFINITION ------------------------------COMMAND ===> CAS System Name Description ===> EYUB ===> (Recommended same as MVS System Name)

System Identification Information: MVS System Name ===> EYUB SysPlex Name ===> * System Communication Information: VTAM Appl Name ===> EYUCAS1B XCF Group Name ===> EYUGROUP

SMF ID Subsystem ID

===> * ===> *

Enter END to add the CAS System Definition. Enter CANCEL to leave without adding.

| | | | | | | | | | | |

12. Complete the ADD CAS SYSTEM DEFINITION input panel as shown in the example above, then press Enter. (See the CICSPlex SM Administration for a description of the fields on this panel). If the panel is displayed as a result of you typing ADD in the CMD field, the System Identification Information is already completed with your own system defaults. The CASDEF view is displayed again, this time showing an entry for CAS EYUB. Note: The CAS name defaults to the MVS system name. You can define a CAS using a name other than the default. Use CASDEF to define it, save it, and delete the default entry. If, however, you do want to use the default CAS name, use the default definition, supplying a VTAM application name, and save it.
26MAR1999 14:17:33 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =CASDEF============EYUB=====*========(00 EDIT MOD )=PLEXMGR=======2=== CMD CAS Cur Description Status VTAM --- Name---- Sys -------------------------- ApplName EYUB YES SYSTEM B CAS INSTALLED EYUCAS1B EYUA NO SYSTEM A CAS INSTALLED EYUCAS1A

| | | | | | | | | | | | | |

13. In the COMMAND field of the CASDEF view, type SAVE and press Enter. 14. Position the cursor in the CMD field next to the entry for EYUB, type INS and press Enter. 15. Return to the CICSPlex System Manager entry panel by typing RETURN in the COMMAND field of the CASDEF view and pressing Enter. Note: CMAS-to-CMAS connections are also required for IVP2. However, these will be defined when the batch repository update facility is run in stage 5.

3: Start the CMAS EYUCMS1B

1. Before you can start the CMAS on system B, you must restart the CMAS on system A (EYUCMS1A). For information about starting EYUCMS1A, see 2: Start the CMAS EYUCMS1A on page 327. 2. Check the CICS/ESA system initialization table (SIT) parameters in JCL EYUICM1B, in particular the SVC parameters and the default user, to ensure that they are suitable for your environment.

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


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3. Submit JCL EYUICM1B. The output from JCL EYUICM1B is similar to this:
COMMAND 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.14 14.39.17 14.39.17 14.39.17 14.39.19 14.39.20 14.39.21 14.39.21 14.39.21 14.39.24 14.39.24 INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE JOB00022 IEC161I 056-084,EYUICM1B,CMAS,EYUDREP,,, JOB00022 IEC161I CPSM111.SAMPLES.EYUCMS1B.EYUDREP, JOB00022 IEC161I CPSM111.SAMPLES.EYUCMS1B.EYUDREP.DATA, JOB00022 IEC161I ICFCAT.CPSM.CATALOGA JOB00022 IEC161I 056-084,EYUICM1B,CMAS,EYUDREP,,, JOB00022 IEC161I CPSM111.SAMPLES.EYUCMS1B.EYUDREP, JOB00022 IEC161I CPSM111.SAMPLES.EYUCMS1B.EYUDREP.INDEX, JOB00022 IEC161I ICFCAT.CPSM.CATALOGA JOB00022 IEC161I 062-086,EYUICM1B,CMAS,EYUDREP,,, JOB00022 IEC161I CPSM111.SAMPLES.EYUCMS1B.EYUDREP, JOB00022 IEC161I CPSM111.SAMPLES.EYUCMS1B.EYUDREP.DATA, JOB00022 IEC161I ICFCAT.CPSM.CATALOGA JOB00022 +EYUXL0022I EYUCMS1B CMAS Phase I initialization complete JOB00022 +EYUXL0020I EYUCMS1B ESSS connection in progress JOB00022 +EYUXL0004I EYUCMS1B ESSS connection complete JOB00022 +EYUCR0006W EYUCMS1B Security checking disabled per SEC(NO) E JOB00022 +EYUXL0007I EYUCMS1B CMAS Phase II initialization complete JOB00022 +EYUXL0007I EYUCMS1B CMAS Phase III initialization complete JOB00022 +EYUXL0007I EYUCMS1B CMAS Phase IV initialization complete JOB00022 +EYUXL0010I EYUCMS1B CMAS initialization complete JOB00022 +EYUXL0008I EYUCMS1B CICSPlex registration complete JOB00022 +EYUXL0009I EYUCMS1B CAS connection established

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

4. In the output from EYUICM1B, look for messages EYUXL0009I and EYUXL0008I to confirm that CMAS EYUCMS1B is started.

4: Run the batched repository update facility on system B

During this stage of IVP2, you load several definitions into the data repository of CMAS EYUCMS1B using the batched repository update facility. 1. Log on to TSO on system B. Select the CICSPlex SM option from the main ISPF panel; the CICSPlex SM option is CP if you are using the supplied samples. Ensure that EYUA is specified as the subsystem ID. (This can be changed using option 0.1 from the main ISPF panel.) The CICSPlex System Manager entry panel is displayed. 2. Set the context and scope fields of the CICSPlex System Manager entry panel to EYUCMS1B, then type 2 in the OPTION field and press Enter. The MENU menu is displayed. 3. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu, select ADMCONFG. The ADMCONFG menu is displayed. From the ADMCONFG menu, select BATCHREP. The BATCHREP view is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:40:58 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =BATCHREP==========EYUCMS1B=EYUCMS1B=26MAR1999==14:40:45=CPSM============== BBMXBD15I There is no data which satisfies your request

| | | |

4. To submit a job to update the data repository of CMAS EYUCMS1B, type SUB in the COMMAND field of the BATCHREP view and press Enter. The Start Batch Run input panel is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

COMMAND ===> Data Set Name ===> 'CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUDEF'

Data Set Member ===> EYUDDRIB Print Class Print Node Output Userid Run Type ===> H ===> * ===> * ===> EXECUTE (CHECK or EXECUTE)

Press ENTER to Run the Job. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without Running.

| | | | | | | | | | | | |

5. Complete the Start Batch Run screen as shown in the example above and press Enter. Verify that the batched repository update facility has created the definitions by examining the JOBLOG of EYUICM1B, which is in the HELD output queue. 6. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the BATCHREP view and pressing Enter.

5: Enable EYUCMS1B to manage EYUPLX01

During this stage of IVP2, you define EYUCMS1B as a secondary CMAS for CICSplex EYUPLX01. (CMAS EYUCMS1A is the primary CMAS for EYUPLX01.) 1. Log on to TSO on system A and select the CICSPlex SM option from the main ISPF panel. (The CICSPlex SM option is CP if you are using the supplied samples.) The CICSPlex System Manager entry panel is displayed:
--------------------------- CICSPlex System Manager ---------------------------OPTION ===> 0 1 2 PROFILE PLEXMGR CPSM - User Session Parameters - List of Service Points - CICSPlex SM

Default Criteria for CPSM: Context ===> Scope ===> Warning Record Count ===> Require Set ===> EYUCMS1A EYUCMS1A 0 YES

0 for no checking YES, NO

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5596-081 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 1995. All Rights Reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, Duplication or Disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

| | | |

2. Ensure that both the Context and the Scope fields on the CICSPlex System Manager entry panel are set to EYUCMS1A. Type 2 in the OPTION field and press Enter. The MENU menu is displayed:

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


26MAR1999 14:42:11 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==14:42:11=CPSM=========14=== CMD Name Description --- ----------------------------------ANALYSIS Real Time Analysis Operations Views CONFIG CMAS Configuration Operations Views MONITOR Monitoring Views OPERATE Operations Views TOPOLOGY Topology Operations Views WORKLOAD Workload Operations Views ======== ================================================================ ADMSAM RTA System Availability Monitoring Administration Views ADMMRM RTA MAS Resource Monitoring Administration Views ADMAPM RTA Analysis Point Monitoring Administration Views ADMCONFG CMAS Configuration Administration Views ADMMON Monitor Administration Views ADMTOPOL Topology Administration Views ADMWLM Workload Manager Administration Views ADMBAS Business Application Services Administration Views ADMRES Business Application Services Resource Views

| | |

3. Select ADMCONFG from the MENU menu. The ADMCONFG menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:42:18 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==14:42:18=CPSM==========6=== CMD Name Description --- ------------------------------ADMCONFG CMAS Configuration Administration Views BATCHREP Batched Repository Updates CPLEXDEF CICSplex Definitions CPLXCMAS CMAS in CICSplex Definitions CMTCMDEF CMAS-to-CMAS Link Definitions CMTPMDEF CMAS-to-RMAS Link Definitions

| | |

4. From the ADMCONFG menu, select CPLEXDEF. The CPLEXDEF view is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:42:27 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CPLEXDEF==========EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==14:42:27=CPSM==========1=== CMD Name Mon Time Zone Day Cmd Res Xmp ROD Description --- -------- Intv Zone Adj Save Chk Chk Chk --- ----------------------------EYUPLX01 480 B 0 NO NO NO NO NO IVP 1 CICSPLEX

| | |

5. Move the cursor to the EYUPLX01 entry, type ADD in the CMD field, and press Enter. The Add CMAS to CICSPlex input panel is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

COMMAND ===> CICSPlex Name Description CMAS Name ===> EYUPLX01 IVP 1 CICSPLEX Name of CMAS or Generic

Press ENTER to add CMAS to CICSPLEX. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without adding.

| | | | | | | | | |

6. In the CMAS Name field of the Add CMAS to CICSPlex input panel, type EYUCMS1B and press Enter. The CPLEXDEF view is redisplayed. 7. To verify that the data repository on system B has been updated with the definition of EYUPLX01, you must change the current context and scope to EYUCMS1B. To change the context and scope, type SET in the COMMAND field of the CPLEXDEF view and press Enter. Complete the SET WINDOW, CONTEXT, PRODUCT, SCOPE, AND VIEW panel and press Enter. 8. Enter CMASPLEX in the COMMAND field of the CPLEXDEF view. The CMASPLEX view, showing CICSplexes managed by EYUCMS1B, is displayed: An entry for EYUPLX01 appears in the CMASPLEX view.
26MAR1999 14:43:38 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CMASPLEX==========EYUCMS1B=EYUCMS1B=26MAR1999==14:43:38=CPSM==========1=== CMD CICSPlex MP --- -------- --EYUPLX01 YES

| | | | | | | | | |

9. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the CMASPLEX view and pressing Enter.

6: Start the MAS EYUMAS1B

1. Before you can start the MAS on system B, you must restart the MAS on system A (EYUMAS1A). For information about starting EYUMAS1A, see 5: Start the MAS EYUMAS1A on page 331. 2. Check the SIT parameters in JCL EYUIMS1B, in particular the SVC numbers and the default user, to ensure that they are suitable for your environment. 3. Submit JCL EYUIMS1B from TSO. Output similar to this appears in the job log:

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


COMMAND 14.46.38 14.46.38 14.46.38 14.46.38 14.46.38 14.46.38 14.46.38 14.46.38 14.46.38 14.46.38 14.46.54 14.46.54 14.46.54 14.46.54 14.46.55 14.46.58 14.46.58 14.46.58 14.46.58

INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE JOB00024 IEC161I CPSM140.SAMPLES.EYUMAS1B.DFHINTRA.DATA, JOB00024 IEC161I ICFCAT.CPSM.CATALOGA JOB00024 +DFHTD0101I EYUMAS1B Transient Data initialization has ended. JOB00024 +DFHFC0101I EYUMAS1B File Control initialization has ended. JOB00024 +DFH4508 - EYUMAS1B - CICS SYSTEM LOG. PRIMARY DATA SET NOW JOB00024 +DFH4500 - 01 OF 01 JOURNALS SUCCESSFULLY OPENED JOB00024 +DFHCP0102I EYUMAS1B CPI initialization has ended. JOB00024 +DFHPR0105I EYUMAS1B Partner resource manager initialization JOB00024 +DFHAI0102I EYUMAS1B AITM initialization has ended. JOB00024 +DFHSI1511I EYUMAS1B Installing group list MAS1BGPL. JOB00024 +DFHSI8430I EYUMAS1B About to link to PLT programs during the JOB00024 +EYUNX0001I EYUMAS1B LMAS PLTPI program starting JOB00024 +DFHSI8434I EYUMAS1B Control returned from PLT programs durin JOB00024 +DFHSI1517 EYUMAS1B Control is being given to CICS. JOB00024 +EYUXL0003I EYUMAS1B CPSM Version 140 LMAS startup in progres JOB00024 +EYUXL0022I EYUMAS1B LMAS Phase I initialization complete JOB00024 +EYUXL0020I EYUMAS1B ESSS connection in progress to CICSPLEX( JOB00024 +EYUXL0004I EYUMAS1B ESSS connection complete JOB00024 +EYUXL0007I EYUMAS1B LMAS Phase II initialization complete

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

4. Look for messages EYUXL0004I and EYUXL0007I in the output to confirm that the MAS is active.

Testing CICSPlex SM functions

During this part of IVP2, you test the topology, operations, monitoring, analysis, and workload-management functions of CICSPlex SM on system B.

Test the topology functions on system B

As in the case of IVP1, you test the topology functions of CICSPlex SM by installing a resource in a CICS system and then deleting that resource. After each action, you check that the change is known to CICSPlex SM. During this stage of IVP2, a test is also made of the CMAS-to-CMAS links. 1. From the MENU menu on system A, change the context and scope values from EYUCMS1B to EYUPLX01 using the SET command (as described in Test the topology functions on system A on page 332). 2. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu, select TOPOLOGY. The TOPOLOGY menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:48:39 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =TOPOLOGY==========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:48:39=CPSM==========1=== C View Name Description - ---------- -----------------------------MAS Managed Address Spaces

| | |

3. From the TOPOLOGY menu select the MAS entry. The MAS view, showing all CICS systems belonging to CICSplex EYUPLX01, is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

26MAR1999 14:48:44 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =MAS===============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:48:44=CPSM==========5=== CMD Name Type CMAS Status MON RTA WLM Description --- -------- ------ -------- -------- Act Act Act ----------------------------EYUMAS1A LOCAL EYUCMS1A ACTIVE YES YES NO Starter Set TOR 1 on System A EYUMAS1B LOCAL EYUCMS1B ACTIVE YES YES NO Starter Set AOR 3 on System B EYUMAS2A N/A INACTIVE N/A N/A N/A Starter Set AOR 1 on System A EYUMAS3A N/A INACTIVE N/A N/A N/A Starter Set AOR 2 on System A EYUMAS4A N/A INACTIVE N/A N/A N/A Starter Set FOR 1 on System A

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Notice that both EYUMAS1A and EYUMAS1B are ACTIVE, and that both MASs are visible from system B. 4. Display the OPERATE menu by typing OPERATE in the COMMAND field of the MAS view and pressing Enter. In the COMMAND field of the OPERATE menu, type the value PROGRAM EYUZZZZZ and press Enter. This command requests a display of programs named EYUZZZZZ. The PROGRAM view is displayed. 5. In the PROGRAM view, the message There is no data which satisfies your request is displayed. (However, if you have run the IVP before but did not delete the entry for program EYUZZZZZ, data for EYUZZZZZ might be displayed. In this case, delete the entry for EYUZZZZZ as described in step 12 on page 363 before continuing with IVP2.) 6. From a second display, and following your local procedures, log on to CICS system EYUMAS1B.

******\ ********\ **\\\\**\ **\ \\ **\ **\ **\ **\ **\ ********\ ******\\ \\\\\\

******\ ******\ **\\\ **\ **\ **\ **\ **\ ******\ ******\ \\\\\\

******\ ********\ **\\\\**\ **\ \\ **\ **\ **\ **\ **\ ********\ ******\\ \\\\\\

******\ ********\ **\\\\**\ **\ \\ *******\ *******\ \\\\**\ **\ **\ ********\ ******\\ \\\\\\ TM

| | |

7. From the CICS screen, start the CEDA transaction to define program EYUZZZZZ in group EYUIVP:

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA DEFine PROGram : EYUZZZZZ Group : EYUIVP DEscription ==> Language ==> CObol RELoad ==> No RESident ==> No USAge ==> Normal USElpacopy ==> No Status ==> Enabled RSl : 00 Cedf ==> Yes DAtalocation ==> Below EXECKey ==> User COncurrency ==> Quasirent REMOTE ATTRIBUTES DYnamic ==> No REMOTESystem ==> + REMOTEName ==> I New group EYUIVP created. DEFINE SUCCESSFUL PF 1 HELP 2 COM 3 END


CObol | Assembler | Le370 | C | Pli No | Yes No | Yes Normal | Transient No | Yes Enabled | Disabled 0-24 | Public Yes | No Below | Any User | Cics Quasirent | Threadsafe No | Yes

APPLID=EYUMAS1B TIME: 13.45.31 DATE: 98.357 6 CRSR 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF 12 CNCL

| | | |

Allow the remainder of the definition values to default. 8. Using CEDA, install the group EYUIVP in the running CICS system EYUMAS1B. Exit CEDA and clear the screen.
OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA Install Connection ==> DB2Conn ==> DB2Entry ==> DB2Tran ==> DOctemplate ==> Enqmodel ==> File ==> Journalmodel ==> Lsrpool ==> Mapset ==> PARTItionset ==> PARTNer ==> PROCesstype ==> PROFile ==> PROGram ==> EYUZZZZZ Requestmodel ==> Sessions ==> TCpipservice ==> TDqueue ==> TErminal ==> TRANClass ==> TRansaction ==> TSmodel ==> TYpeterm ==> Group ==> EYUIVP APPLID=EYUMAS1B TIME: 13.45.44 DATE: 98.357 6 CRSR 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF 12 CNCL


| | | |

9. Return to the CICSPlex SM terminal session where the PROGRAM view is still displayed and press Enter. The contents of the view are refreshed and an entry for program EYUZZZZZ appears:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

26MAR1999 14:50:22 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =PROGRAM===========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:50:22=CPSM==========1=== CMD Program CICS Enabled Use Current Program Shared CEDF --- Name---- System-- Status-- Count-- Use---- Language- Status Option EYUZZZZZ EYUMAS1B ENABLED 0 0 COBOL PRIVATE CEDF

| | | | | | | | | |

The appearance of an entry for program EYUZZZZZ in EYUMAS1B confirms that the CICSPlex SM TOPOLOGY function is working. 10. To verify CICSPlex SMs ability to act on the resource, discard the program by moving the cursor to the CMD field of the EYUZZZZZ entry, typing DSC, and pressing Enter. The program is discarded from the running CICS system and the message There is no data which satisfies your request appears again. 11. To verify that the program has been discarded from the running CICS system, return to the EYUMAS1B terminal screen and enter CEMT INQUIRE PROGRAM(EYUZZZZZ). The NOT FOUND message is displayed:



APPLID=EYUMAS1B TIME: 14.51.01 DATE: 23.12.93 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF

| | |

12. Delete the CEDA definition for program EYUZZZZZ in CICS system EYUMAS1B:

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


OVERTYPE TO MODIFY CEDA DELete All ==> Connection ==> DB2Conn ==> DB2Entry ==> DB2Tran ==> DOctemplate ==> Enqmodel ==> File ==> Journalmodel ==> Lsrpool ==> Mapset ==> PARTItionset ==> PARTNer ==> PROCesstype ==> PROFile ==> PROGram ==> EYUZZZZZ REQuestmodel ==> Sessions ==> TCpipservice ==> TDqueue ==> TErminal ==> TRANClass ==> TRansaction ==> TSmodel ==> TYpeterm ==> Group ==> EYUIVP I Group EYUIVP deleted. DELETE SUCCESSFUL PF 1 HELP 3 END APPLID=EYUMAS1B TIME: 13.47.59 DATE: 98.357 6 CRSR 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF 12 CNCL

| | | | | | | | | | | | |

End the CICS terminal session using CESF LOGOFF and return to the CICSPlex SM terminal session. 13. In the COMMAND field of the PROGRAM view type MENU and press Enter to return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu.

Test the operations functions on system B

During this stage of IVP2 you: v Change the value of a CICS resource via CICSPlex SM v Test the CICSPlex SM help facility v Test the CMAS-CMAS links. 1. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu on system A, ensure that the context and scope are still set to EYUPLX01 before selecting the OPERATE option. The OPERATE menu is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

26MAR1999 13:48:12 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:48:12=CPSM=========15=== CMD Name Description --- ------------------------------OPERATE Operations Views CICSBTS CICS BTS Views CONNECT Connection Views DB2 DB2 and DBCTL Views DOCTEMP Document Template Views ENQUEUE Global Enqueue Views EXIT Exit Views FEPI FEPI Views FILE File Views JOURNAL Journal Views PROGRAM Program Views REGION CICS Region Views TASK Task Views TCPIPS TCP/IP Service Views TDQ Transient Data Queue Views TEMPSTOR Temporary Storage Queue Views TERMINAL Terminal Views TRANS Transaction Views UOW Unit of Work Views

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

2. From the OPERATE menu, enter CICSRGN to display details of CICS regions in EYUPLX01. From the CICSRGN view, display a detailed view of data for region EYUMAS1B by moving the cursor to the entry for EYUMAS1B and pressing Enter. The CICSRGND view for EYUMAS1B is displayed. 3. Move the cursor to the Current Tasks field and press Enter. The CICSRGN3 view is displayed. Verify that the help function is working by typing HEL in the COMMAND field of the CICSRGN3 view, moving the cursor to the MAxtasks field, and pressing Enter. A pop-up panel, 4 in which the MAxtasks field is described, overwrites the CICSRGN3 view. Type END in the COMMAND field of the help panel and press Enter to return to the CICSRGN3 view. 4. From a second display screen, and following your local procedure, log on to CICS system EYUMAS1B. Type CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM and press Enter. A summary of current values for CICS system EYUMAS1B is displayed:

4. If you are using a version of ISPF prior to Version 3 Release 1, all help information is provided in full-screen panels. Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


STATUS: RESULTS - OVERTYPE TO MODIFY Actopentcbs(000) Progautoexit( DFHPGADX ) Aging( 00001 ) Progautoinst( Autoinst ) Akp( 00200 ) Reentprotect(Noreentprot) Cicstslevel(010300) Release(0530) Cmdprotect(Cmdprot) Runaway( 0020000 ) Db2conn( ) Scandelay( 0100 ) Dfltuser(CPSM) Sdtran(CESD) Dsalimit( 05242880 ) Sosstatus(Notsos) Dsrtprogram( NONE ) Storeprotect(Inactive) Dtrprogram( DFHDYP ) Time( 0001000 ) Dumping( Nosysdump ) Tranisolate(Inactive) Edsalimit( 0020971520 ) Forceqr( Force ) Maxopentcbs( 100 ) Maxtasks( 080 ) Mrobatch( 001 ) Oslevel( ) Prograutoctlg( Ctlgmodify ) RESPONSE: NORMAL PF 1 HELP 3 END SYSID=MS1A APPLID=EYUMAS1B TIME: 13.49.16 DATE: 23.12.98 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF

| | | | | |

Take a note of the current MAxtasks value. 5. Return to the CICSPlex SM terminal session, move the cursor to any field to the left of the first column of data and type the word SET, then move the cursor to the MAxtasks field, change the current value to 60, and press Enter. The MAxtasks value changes to 60:
26MAR1999 13:49:39 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =CICSRGN==CICSRGN3=EYUPLX01===EYUPLX01===26MAR1999==15:37:31====CPSM======1 CICS System.. DJ13A0 Tot Pgrm Use. 11 Cur LU Sess 0 Current Tasks 3 Pgrm Compress 0 HWM LU Sess 0 Peak Tasks... 13 Cur Act UTrn. 3 Current Amax. N/A Cur Que UTrn. 0 Peak Amaxtask N/A Peak Act UTrn 4 Total Tasks.. 107 Peak Que UTrn 0 Interval task 6 Totl Act UTrn 6 Times at MAXT 0 Totl Que UTrn 0 Act Max Tasks N/A Tot Que Time. 00:00:00 Maxtasks..... 60 Cur Que Time. 00:00:00 Pgrm AIn Attm 0 PRSS Inq Cnt. 0 Pgrm AIn Xrej 0 PRSS NIB Cnt. 0 Pgrm AIn Fail 0 PRSS Opn Cnt. 0 Pgrm Load NIU 26 PRSS UbndCnt. 0 Tot NIU Qtime 00:00:00 PRSS Err Cnt. 0 NIU Reclaims. 9

| | | |

6. To verify that the value has been changed in the CICS system itself, return to the CICS (EYUMAS1B) session and enter the CEMT INQUIRE SYSTEM command again. The MAxtasks value is 60:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

STATUS: RESULTS - OVERTYPE TO MODIFY Actopentcbs(000) Progautoexit( DFHPGADX ) Aging( 00001 ) Progautoinst( Autoinst ) Akp( 00200 ) Reentprotect(Noreentprot) Cicstslevel(010300) Release(0530) Cmdprotect(Cmdprot) Runaway( 0020000 ) Db2conn( ) Scandelay( 0100 ) Dfltuser(CPSM) Sdtran(CESD) Dsalimit( 05242880 ) Sosstatus(Notsos) Dsrtprogram( NONE ) Storeprotect(Inactive) Dtrprogram( DFHDYP ) Time( 0001000 ) Dumping( Nosysdump ) Tranisolate(Inactive) Edsalimit( 0020971520 ) Forceqr( Force ) Maxopentcbs( 100 ) Maxtasks( 060 ) Mrobatch( 001 ) Oslevel( ) Prograutoctlg( Ctlgmodify ) RESPONSE: NORMAL PF 1 HELP 3 END SYSID=MS1A APPLID=EYUMAS1B TIME: 13.49.16 DATE: 23.12.98 7 SBH 8 SFH 9 MSG 10 SB 11 SF

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

End the CICS terminal session using CESF LOGOFF and return to the CICSPlex SM terminal session. 7. Type the command TRAN in the COMMAND field of the CICSRGN3 view and press Enter. The TRAN view, which shows all transactions currently installed in the CICSplex, is displayed. Scroll down and move the cursor to the CONL entry for EYUMAS1B, then press Enter. The LOCTRAND view, which shows details of local transaction CONL in EYUMAS1B, is displayed. 8. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the LOCTRAND view and pressing Enter.

Test the monitoring functions on system B

During this stage of IVP2, you check that monitoring data is being collected for EYUMAS1B. Monitoring was activated for EYUMAS1B by definitions loaded into the data repository of EYUCMS1B using the batched repository update facility. Note: This verification procedure should be attempted at least 15 minutes after EYUMAS1A has connected to EYUCMS1A, and EYUMAS1B has connected to EYUCMS1B, to allow some data to be gathered before you try to look at it. 1. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu, select the MONITOR option. The MONITOR menu is displayed:

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


26MAR1999 14:54:02 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:54:02=CPSM=========14=== CMD Name Description --- ------------------------------MONITOR Monitoring Views MONACTV Installed Monitor Definitions ======== ============================================================= CONNECT Connection Monitoring Views DB2 DB2 and DBCTL Monitoring Views FEPI FEPI Monitoring Views FILE File Monitoring Views GLOBAL Global Resource Monitoring Views JOURNAL Journal Monitoring Views PROGRAM Program Monitoring Views REGION CICS Region Monitoring Views TDQ Transient Data Queue Monitoring Views TERMINAL Terminal Monitoring Views TRANS Transaction Monitoring Views

| | |

2. From the MONITOR menu, select the MONACTV entry. The MONACTV view, which lists active monitoring definitions, is displayed:

| | | | | |

3. To verify that monitoring data is being captured, type MCICSRGN in the COMMAND field of the MONACTV view and press Enter. The MCICSRGN view is displayed. Move the cursor to the entry for EYUMAS1B and press Enter. The MCICSRGD view, showing detailed monitoring data for region EYUMAS1B, is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

26MAR1999 14:54:23 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MCICSRGN=MCICSRGD=EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:54:23=CPSM==========1=== CICS System... EYUMAS1B CICS Release. 0330 Start Date..... 26MAR1999 Job Name...... EYUIMS1B Current Tasks 10 Start Time..... 14:46:30 Total CPU..... 2.6 Real Stg Used 5928 Sysdumps....... 0 CS CPU Rate... 0.0 Curr AutoInst 0 Sysdumps Suppr. 0 MI CPU Rate... 0.0 Max AutoInst. 100 Trandumps...... 0 Total Page In. 0 Pgrm AIn Try. N/A Trandumps Suppr 0 CS PageIn Rate 0.0 Pgrm AIn Xrej N/A VTAM RPLMAX Cnt 11 MI PageIn Rate 0.0 Pgrm AIn Fail N/A VTAM RPL Post.. 1 Total Page Out 0 PRSS Inq Cnt. N/A Cnt VTAM SOS... 0 CS PagOut Rate 0.0 PRSS NIB Cnt. N/A VTAM ACB opens. 0 MI PagOut Rate 0.0 PRSS Opn Cnt. N/A Library Loads.. 22 Total SIO..... 200 PRSS UbndCnt. N/A Tot Load Time.. 0 CS SIO Rate... 0.2 PRSS Err Cnt. N/A Cur Load Wait.. 0 MI SIO Rate... 0.4 Cur LU Sess.. N/A Tot Load Wait.. 0 Tot Pgm Use... 1762 HWM LU Sess.. N/A Max Load Wait.. 1 Pgm Compress.. 7 Cnt Max Wait... 1 Tot Load NIU.. 35 Total Wait Time 0 Tot NIU QTime. 38:25:31.00 RPL Reopens.... 0 NIU Reclaims.. 261

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

The presence of data in fields prefixed with CS or MI (for example, CS CPU Rate and MI CPU Rate) confirms that monitoring data is being collected. 4. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the MCICSRGD view and pressing Enter.

Test the analysis functions on system B

During this stage of IVP2, you test the analysis functions of CICSPlex SM by viewing the System Availability Monitoring (SAM) events that are generated because systems EYUMAS2A, EYUMAS3A, and EYUMAS4A are not active. Note: This part of IVP2 should be attempted between 0800 hours and 1700 hours local time. 1. Ensure that the context and scope are still set to EYUPLX01 before selecting the ANALYSIS option from the CICSPlex SM MENU menu on system A. The ANALYSIS menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:54:37 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU=====MENU=====EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:54:37=CPSM==========4=== CMD Name Description --- ------------------------------ANALYSIS Real Time Analysis Operations Views APACTV Installed Definitions in Analysis Point EVENT Outstanding Events RTAACTV Installed Analysis Definitions

| | |

2. From the ANALYSIS menu, select the RTAACTV option. The RTAACTV view, which lists active ANALYSIS definitions, is displayed:

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


26MAR1999 14:54:47 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =RTAACTV===========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:54:47=CPSM==========1=== CMD Name System Status Active Rate Action Def --- -------- -------- --------- Period-- ----- -------- Type--EYURTD18 EYUMAS1A ACTIVE 300 EYURTA18 RTADEF

| | |

3. Via TSO SDSF, access the MVS console log on system A. Verify that the following external messages have appeared on the log:
COMMAND INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE 0090 +EYUPN0011W EYUCMS1A Context=EYUPLX01,Target=EYUMAS1B,Severity=VHS, Event=!!SAMOPS,Text=Currently available 0090 +EYUPN0011W EYUCMS1A 0090 +EYUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD21 by APM, 0090 +EYUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Context=EYUPLX01,Target=EYUPLX01,Severity=HW , Resource=EVENT,Key=*,Text=Outstanding EVENTs high 0090 +EYUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD02 by APM, 0090 +EYUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Context=EYUPLX01,Target=EYUPLX01,Severity=VHS, Resource=LOCFILE,Key=DFHCSD,Text=File is not available 0090 +EYUPN0007W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD18 by MRM, 0090 +EYUPN0007W EYUCMS1A Context=EYUPLX01,Target=EYUMAS1A,Severity=LW , Resource=CICSRGN,Key=EYUMAS1A,Text=DTR not set to EYU9XLOP in TOR 0090 +DFH4508 - EYUCMS1A - CICS SYSTEM LOG. PRIMARY DATA SET NOW RECEIVING OUTPUT ON 6D6 0090 +EYUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD01 by APM, 0090 +EYUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Context=EYUPLX01,Target=EYUPLX01,Severity=VHS, Resource=CONNECT,Key=1A2A,Text=Conn is not available 0090 +EYUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD01 by APM, 0090 +EYUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Context=EYUPLX01,Target=EYUPLX01,Severity=VHS, Resource=CONNECT,Key=1A3A,Text=Conn is not available 0090 +EYUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD01 by APM, 0090 +EYUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Context=EYUPLX01,Target=EYUPLX01,Severity=VHS, Resource=CONNECT,Key=1B4A,Text=Conn is not available ******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

| | | |

4. Return to the CICSPlex SM session, type EVENT in the COMMAND field of the RTAACTV menu, and press Enter. The EVENT view, which lists all current EVENTs for CICSplex EYUPLX01, is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:58:20 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =EVENT=============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:58:20=CPSM==========7=== CMD Name Target Sev Pri Type Dtl View Resource Key --- -------- -------- --- --- ---- --- -------- ---------- -------------------!!SAMOPS EYUMAS2A VHS 255 SAM NO !!SAMOPS EYUMAS3A VHS 255 SAM NO !!SAMOPS EYUMAS4A VHS 255 SAM NO

| | | |

The EVENT view shows RTA SAM events (those prefixed by !!) for EYUMAS2A, EYUMAS3A, and EYUMAS4A. 5. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the EVENT view and pressing Enter.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | | | | | |

Test the workload-management functions on system B

During this stage of IVP2, you define a workload specification and confirm that it is installed in EYUPLX01. 1. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu on system A, ensure that context and scope are still set to EYUPLX01 before selecting the ADMWLM option. The ADMWLM menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:59:12 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:59:12=CPSM=========10=== CMD Name Description --- -------------------------------ADMWLM Workload Manager Administration Views WLMSPEC Workload Specifications WLMGROUP Workload Groups WLMDEF Workload Definitions TRANGRP Transaction Groups ======== =============================================================== WLMSCOPE Members Associated with Workload Specifications WLMINSPC Workload Groups in Specifications WLMINGRP Workload Definitions in Groups DTRINGRP Transactions in Transaction Groups

| | | |

2. From the ADMWLM menu, select the WLMSPEC option. The WLMSPEC view, showing all workload specifications defined in the CICSplex, is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:59:29 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =WLMSPEC===========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==14:59:12=CPSM============== BBMXBD15I There is no data which satisfies your request

| | | | | |

Message BBMXBD15I is displayed because there are currently no workload specifications for EYUPLX01. 3. To create a workload specification, type CRE in the COMMAND field of the WLMSPEC view and press Enter. The Create WLM Specification input panel is displayed:

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


COMMAND ===> WLM Spec Name Description Affinity Relation Affinity Lifetime Match Key Create Affinity Target Scope Event Name Abend Health Abend Load Algorithm Type ===> eyuwmsvp ===> SSet - WLM IVP Specification ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> 0 ===> 0 ===> QUEUE Default Affinity Relation (USERID, LUNAME, GLOBAL, BAPPL) Default Affinity Lifetime (SIGNON, LOGON, SYSTEM, PERMANENT, PCONV, DELIMIT ACTIVITY, PROCESS) USERID Default Primary search criteria (USERID, LUNAME) Create Auto Affinity (YES, NO) EYUCSG05 Default CICS System,Group or Generic RTADEF, STATDEF, or Generic AOR ABEND Health Factor (0 - 99) AOR ABEND Load Factor (0 - 99) Algorithm Type (GOAL, QUEUE)

Press ENTER to create WLM Specification. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without creating.

| | | | | | | |

Complete the input panel as shown in the example above. Press Enter to create the new workload specification. 4. The WLMSPEC view is redisplayed, but this time with an entry for workload specification EYUWMSVP. To add a TOR to specification EYUWMSVP, move the cursor to the beginning of the EYUWMSVP entry in the WLMSPEC view, type ADD, and press Enter. The Add Scope for Specification input panel is displayed:
COMMAND ===> WLM Spec Name Description Scope Option EYUWMSVP SSet - WLM IVP Specification ===> EYUMAS1A CICS System, Group or Generic ===> FORCE, NULL, or NONE for System Group

Press ENTER to add WLM Specification to Scope. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without adding.

| | | | |

Enter the scope value EYUMAS1A and press Enter. 5. The WLMSPEC view is redisplayed. In the COMMAND field of the WLMSPEC view, type WLMSCOPE and press Enter. The WLMSCOPE view, showing the scope of each workload specification in EYUPLX01, is displayed:
26MAR1999 15:00:42 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =WLMSCOPE==========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==15:00:42=CPSM==========1=== CMD WLM Scope Scope Scope Scope Update --- Spec---- Name---- Type---- Mode---- Link---- Option-EYUWMSVP EYUMAS1A CICSSYS EXPLICIT

| | | |

The WLMSCOPE view confirms that the scope of the workload specification EYUWMSVP is EYUMAS1A. 6. Type MAS in the COMMAND field of the WLMSCOPE view and press Enter. The MAS view, showing MASs in the CICSplex EYUPLX01, is displayed.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | |

Move the cursor to the EYUMAS1A entry, type UPD in the CMD column, and press Enter. The Control MAS input panel is displayed:
COMMAND ===> MAS EYUMAS1A Description Starter Set TOR 1 on System A

Attributes Type LOCAL CMAS EYUCMS1A Status ACTIVE Activity MON Active ===> YES RTA Active ===> YES WLM Active ===> YES

Time Time Zone ===> Z Time Zone Offset ===> 00 Daylight Savings ===> NO Security Command Check ===> NO Resource Check ===> NO Exemption Check ===> YES

Type DOWN or UP to view other MAS screens. Press ENTER to change the MAS. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without changing.

| | | | |

7. Change the WLM Active value of the Control MAS input panel to YES and press Enter. The MAS view is redisplayed. 8. In the COMMAND field of the MAS view type OPERATE and press Enter. The OPERATE menu is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:48:12 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MENU==============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:48:12=CPSM=========15=== CMD Name Description --- ------------------------------OPERATE Operations Views CICSBTS CICS BTS Views CONNECT Connection Views DB2 DB2 and DBCTL Views DOCTEMP Document Template Views ENQUEUE Global Enqueue Views EXIT Exit Views FEPI FEPI Views FILE File Views JOURNAL Journal Views PROGRAM Program Views REGION CICS Region Views TASK Task Views TCPIPS TCP/IP Service Views TDQ Transient Data Queue Views TEMPSTOR Temporary Storage Queue Views TERMINAL Terminal Views TRANS Transaction Views UOW Unit of Work Views

| | | | | | |

9. From the OPERATE menu, enter CICSRGN. The CICSRGN view is displayed. Move the cursor to the EYUMAS1A entry and press Enter. The CICSRGND view is displayed. 10. Move the cursor to any field to the left of the first column of data, type SET, then move the cursor to the Dyn Route Pgm field, change its value to EYU9XLOP, and press Enter. (EYU9XLOP is the CICSPlex SM dynamic transaction routing program.) The updated CICSRGND view is displayed.

Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


| | | | | | | |

Note: To aid the verification process, the correct CICSPlex SM Dynamic Transaction Routing program is set manually in this step. If, for any reason, EYUMAS1A is restarted after this point, this step will need to be repeated. 11. Type WLMAWORK in the COMMAND field of the CICSRGND view and press Enter. The WLMAWORK view, showing workload specifications in EYUPLX01, is displayed:
26MAR1999 15:02:27 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =WLMAWORK==========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==15:02:27=CPSM==========1=== CMD Name Ownr TOR AOR Affinity Lifetime Scope Event Status Cre Alg --- -------- ---- ---- ---- -------- --------- -------- Name---- ------ Aff --EYUWMSVP CM1A 1 1 NONE NONE EYUCSG05 ACTIVE N/A QUE

| | | |

Verify that EYUWMSVP appears as an active workload specification. 12. Via TSO SDSF, access the job log and verify that the following messages have appeared on the log:
COMMAND INPUT ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE YUPN0005W EYUCMS1A unavailable YUTS0001I EYUCMS1A Topology Join for EYUMAS1B Initiated YUTS0003I EYUCMS1A Topology Join for EYUMAS1B Complete YUPN0011W EYUCMS1A Notify RESOLVED for SAM,Context=EYUPLX01,Target=EYUMAS1B, YUPN0011W EYUCMS1A Severity=VHS,Event=!!SAMOPS,Text=Currently available YUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD21 by APM,Context=EYUPLX01, YUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Target=EYUPLX01,Sev=HW ,Resource=EVENT,Key=*,Text=Outstandin YUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD02 by APM,Context=EYUPLX01, YUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Target=EYUPLX01,Sev=VHS,Resource=LOCFILE,Key=DFHCSD,Text=Fil YUPN0007W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD18 by MRM,Context=EYUPLX01, YUPN0007W EYUCMS1A Target=EYUMAS1A,Sev=LW ,Resource=CICSRGN,Key=EYUMAS1A,Text=D YUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD01 by APM,Context=EYUPLX01, YUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Target=EYUPLX01,Sev=VHS,Resource=CONNECT,Key=1A2A,Text=Conn YUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD01 by APM,Context=EYUPLX01, YUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Target=EYUPLX01,Sev=VHS,Resource=CONNECT,Key=1A3A,Text=Conn YUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Notify created for RTADEF EYURTD01 by APM,Context=EYUPLX01, YUPN0006W EYUCMS1A Target=EYUPLX01,Sev=VHS,Resource=CONNECT,Key=1B4A,Text=Conn YUXD0002I EYUCMS1A Add CONTEXT(EYUPLX01) MAJOR_ID(WLMSPEC) MAJOR_NAME(EYUWMSVP) YUXD0002I EYUCMS1A MINOR_NAME(NONE) By User(DAVEJEF) On System(EYUB) Date(35793 YUXD0002I EYUCMS1A Add CONTEXT(EYUPLX01) MAJOR_ID(LNKSWSCS) MAJOR_NAME(EYUWMSVP) YUXD0002I EYUCMS1A MINOR_NAME(EYUMAS1A) By User(DAVEJEF) On System(EYUB) Date(3 YUWM0424I EYUCMS1A AOR (EYUMAS1B) has been activated for Workload (EYUWMSVP) YUWM0420I EYUCMS1A TOR (EYUMAS1A) has been joined to Workload (EYUWMSVP) YUWM0400I EYUCMS1A Workload Specification (EYUWMSVP) has been successfully inst YUWM0400I EYUCMS1A - initiated by CMAS (EYUCMS1A)

| | | | | | |

Look for messages EYUWM0424I, EYUWM0420I, and EYUWM0400I to confirm that the workload specification has been installed successfully. 13. Return to the CICSPlex SM screen and type WLMAWAOR EYUWMSVP in the COMMAND field of the WLMAWORK view. The WLMAWAOR view, showing AORs associated with the workload specification EYUWMSVP, is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

26MAR1999 15:05:51 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =WLMAWAOR==========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==15:05:51=CPSM==========1=== CMD Workload Ownr AOR Status Connection --- -------- ---- -------- --------- Lost-----EYUWMSVP CM1A EYUMAS1B ACTIVE

| | | |

14. In the COMMAND field of the WLMAWAOR view, type the command WLMAWTOR EYUWMSVP and press Enter. The WLMAWTOR view, showing TORs associated with the workload specification EYUWMSVP, is displayed:
26MAR1999 15:06:15 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =WLMAWTOR==========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==15:06:14=CPSM==========1=== CMD Workload Ownr TOR Connection --- -------- ---- -------- Lost-----EYUWMSVP CM1A EYUMAS1A

| | | | | | |

15. From a second display, and following your local procedures, log on to CICS system EYUMAS1A. From the CICS session, run the transaction ETVP. Note: Ensure that the CICS connection between EYUMAS1A and EYUMAS1B is in the state INSERVICE ACQUIRED, otherwise running the transaction could result in a CICS abend AEI0 (Program ID Error). In the output from transaction ETVP, look for the following message:

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

16. Log off the CICS session using CESF LOGOFF and return to the CICSPlex SM session. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field of the WLMAWTOR view and pressing Enter.

IVP2 is complete. It is recommended that you repeat IVP2 on the third and subsequent MVS images on which you install CICSPlex SM.

Customizing the installation verification procedures

When you have finished configuring CICSPlex SM to manage your CICS systems, you can run IVP1 and IVP2 again, but using your own CASs, CMASs, and MASs, to ensure that your configuration is working. To run IVP1 and IVP2 with your own CICSPlex SM components, you need to change the supplied IVP definitions: 1. Ensure that your CMAS uses the IVP1 data repository (CICSTS13.CPSM.SAMPLES.SYSTEMA.EYUDREP) on system A. 2. Ensure that your CMAS uses the IVP2 data repository (CICSTS13.CPSM.SAMPLES.SYSTEMB.EYUDREP) on system B.
Chapter 38. Installation verification procedure 2 (IVP2)


| | | | | | | | | | | |

3. Delete and redefine the data repositories using the supplied JCL EYUIDRPA and EYUIDRPB. 4. Throughout the IVP definitions, change all references to EYUA and EYUB to the two subsystem IDs of your CASs. 5. Your CMAS EYUPARM NAME(xxxxxxxx) must refer to EYUCMS1A on system A and EYUCMS1B on system B. 6. Your MAS EYUPARM NAME(xxxxxxxx) must refer to EYUMAS1A on system A and EYUMAS1B on system B. When you run IVP1 and IVP2 with your own configuration, you can omit the steps described in Setting up the CICSPlex SM environment on system A on page 324 and in Setting up the CICSPlex SM environment on system B on page 348.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Chapter 39. Installation verification procedure 3 (IVP3)

Use IVP3 to confirm that the CICSPlex SM VSE agent code has been installed successfully and that your VSE remote MAS is properly set up and defined to the CMAS. The following values are used for objects in the examples given. Normally, when you perform the IVP3 tasks, you will assign values appropriate in your own environment. RMSAPLID EYURMS1D CMSAPLID MS1D EYUPLX01 EYUCMS1A Remote MAS VTAM application identifier VSE remote MAS name defined to CICSPlex SM CMAS VTAM application identifier Remote MAS CICS SYSIDNT parameter value Name of the CICSplex associated with this remote MAS CMAS to which this remote MAS is connected

As you perform the IVP3 tasks, you will verify information in the following sources: v The VSE system console messages for the CICS partition v The CMAS EYULOG messages related to the VSE remote MAS v CICSPlex SM views. As you perform the tasks in IVP3, you may encounter data that does not match that shown in the examples in IVP3. When this occurs, you should review the information in appropriate sections in this book, as indicated in Table 39.
Table 39. Sources of information for IVP3 When you need information about this item... VTAM definitions for the VSE remote MAS See.... Reviewing VTAM definitions for a VSE remote MAS on page 268 Updating CICS resource definition tables for VSE remote MASs on page 270 Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (VSE remote MAS) on page 271 Updating CSD files using DFHCSDUP (VSE remote MAS) on page 271

CICSPlex SM entries in the CICS resource definition tables for the VSE remote MAS New SESSION and CONNECTION definitions for communication with the CMAS, in the CICS CSD file The CICS CSD group list referenced by the VSE remote MAS The group list must include the group EYU140G3 and the group containing the SESSION and CONNECTION definitions for communication with the CMAS The VSE remote MAS CICS system definition in the CICSPlex SM data repository CMAS-to-remote MAS link definition in the CICSPlex SM data repository

CICSPlex SM Administration CICSPlex SM Administration

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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Table 39. Sources of information for IVP3 (continued) When you need information about this item... JCS used to start the VSE remote MAS The CICSPlex SM libraries must be in the search chain and the CICS CSD referenced by the JCS must contain the CICSPlex SM resource definitions See.... Preparing to start a VSE remote MAS on page 277

As you perform the tasks of IVP3, be sure to make note of any messages you encounter. The messages that both precede and follow any problems you encounter will help you determine what may be causing the verification process to fail and which information will be of help. Additional messages that may help isolate the cause of the problem are in the other message files for the CMAS.

Start the VSE remote MAS

Start the VSE remote MAS. After the VSE remote MAS is started, verify that the CICSPlex SM messages shown in Figure 62 appear at the VSE console:
DFH8401I - ABOUT TO LINK TO PLT PROGRAMS EYUNX0001I RMSAPLID RMAS PLTPI program starting DFH8402I - CONTROL RETURNED FROM PLT PROGRAMS DFH1500 - RMSAPLID : CONTROL IS BEING GIVEN TO CICS EYUXL0003I RMSAPLID CPSM Version 140 RMAS startup in progress EYUXL0022I RMSAPLID RMAS Phase I initialization complete EYUCL0014I RMSAPLID Waiting for LU6.2 connection with CMAS sysid MS1D EYUCL0015I RMSAPLID Receive Link Task initiated for LU6.2 connection with CMAS EYUCMS1A EYUCL0015I RMSAPLID Send Link Task initiated for LU6.2 connection with CMAS EYUCL0012I RMSAPLID Connection of EYURMS1D to EYUCMS1A complete EYUXL0007I RMSAPLID RMAS Phase II initialization complete

Figure 62. VSE system console messages when VSE remote MAS is started

| | |

Using TSO SDSF, access the CMAS job and examine the EYULOG file. Verify the messages related to the VSE remote MAS, shown in Figure 63 on page 379:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide


Topology Connect for EYURMS1D Initiated Receive Link Task initiated for CPI-C connection CPI-C endpoint connection MS1DRECV assigned to link CPI-C link to EYURMS1D established Receive Link Task initiated for LU6.2 connection Protocol Services initialization complete Communications initialization complete RMAS Phase II initialization complete Topology initialization has started Topology Initialization Complete RTA initialization has started BAS initialization has started RMAS LRT initialization complete Resource topology data retrieval complete Connection of EYUCMS1A to EYURMS1D complete Topology Connect for EYURMS1D Complete

Figure 63. EYULOG messages showing start of VSE remote MAS

| | | | | | |

Verify that the VSE remote MAS is active in CICSPlex SM

Using another TSO session, access CICSPlex SM. Set the CONTEXT and SCOPE to the CICSplex containing the definitions related to this VSE remote MAS. From the MAS view, BROwse the VSE remote MAS. The value in the Status field should be ACTIVE, as shown in Figure 64:

Attributes Type REMOTE CMAS EYUCMS1A Status ACTIVE Activity MON Active NO RTA Active SAM WLM Active NO

Time Time Zone Time Zone Offset Daylight Savings Security Command Check Resource Check Exemption Check

Type DOWN or UP to view other MAS screens. Type END or CANCEL to terminate browse

Figure 64. BROwsing the MAS view to verify VSE remote MAS is ACTIVE

| | | | | | | |

Stop the VSE remote MAS

From the MAS view, issue the STOP action command to stop the VSE remote MAS. When you press Enter, the value in the Status field should become INACTIVE. At the VSE system console, you should see the messages shown in Figure 65 on page 380:

Chapter 39. Installation verification procedure 3 (IVP3)


EYUNL0999I RMSA PLID RMAS LRT termination complete EYUXL0011I RMSAPLID RMAS shutdown in progress EYUCL0016I RMSAPLID Send Link Task terminated for LU6.2 connection with CMAS EYUCMS1A EYUCL0016I RMSAPLID Receive Link Task terminated for LU6.2 connection with CMAS EYUCMS1A EYUXM0004I RMSAPLID Message Services termination complete EYUXL0023I RMSAPLID Trace Services termination requested EYUXZ0001I RMSAPLID Trace Services termination complete EYUXL0016I RMSAPLID RMAS shutdown complete

Figure 65. VSE system console messages when VSE remote MAS is stopped

| | |

Using TSO SDSF, again access the CMAS job and examine the EYULOG file for the messages shown in Figure 66:
EYUNL0999I RMSAPLID EYUXL0011I RMSAPLID EYUXL0015I RMSAPLID EYUXL0015I RMSAPLID EYUTT0001I RMSAPLID EYUCL0016I CMSAPLID with RMAS EYURMS1D EYUCL0016I CMSAPLID RMAS EYURMS1D EYUTS0001I CMSAPLID EYUTS0003I CMSAPLID RMAS LRT termination complete RMAS shutdown in progress RTA termination requested Topology termination requested Topology Termination Complete Receive Link Task terminated for CPI-C connection Send Link Task terminated for CPI-C connection with Topology Disconnect for EYURMS1D Initiated Topology Disconnect for EYURMS1D Complete

Figure 66. EYULOG messages when VSE remote MAS is stopped

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Restart the VSE remote MAS

Use the VSE system console to restart the CICSPlex SM agent code in the VSE remote MAS. v At the VSE system console, enter MSG xx, where xx is the VSE partition identifier for the remote MAS CICS region. v Reply nn CORM, where nn is the VSE reply message number for the remote MAS CICS partition. The CICSPlex SM agent code should reinitialize. In the CICSPlex SM MAS view, the Status field should now contain the value ACTIVE. v Enter the CICSPlex SM view command LOCTRAN CORM. The LOCTRAN view will show a Use Count of 1 for transaction CORM in this VSE partition.

Shut down the VSE remote MAS

Enter the CICSPlex SM view command CICSRGN, and use the NORmshut action command to perform a normal shutdown of the VSE remote MAS. Successfully completing this task shows that the PLT shutdown processing for CICSPlex SM is properly installed. At the VSE system console, you should see the messages shown in Figure 67 on page 381:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide


Figure 67. VSE system console messages when VSE remote MAS is shut down

| | | | | | | IVP3 is complete If you plan to use your VSE remote MAS to perform workload management, real-time analysis, or resource monitoring functions, refer to the Starter Set as you create the appropriate definitions in the CICSPlex SM, data repository.

Chapter 39. Installation verification procedure 3 (IVP3)



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Chapter 40. Installation verification procedure 4 (IVP4)

Use IVP4 to confirm that the CICSPlex SM OS/2 agent code has been installed successfully and that your OS/2 remote MAS is properly set up and defined to the CMAS. The following values are used for objects in the examples given. Normally, when you perform the IVP4 tasks, you will assign values appropriate in your own environment. EYUPLX01 RMSAPLID EYURMS1E CMSAPLID EYUCMS1A CM1A Name of the CICSplex associated with this remote MAS OS/2 remote MAS VTAM application identifier OS/2 remote MAS CICS SYSIDNT parameter value CMAS VTAM application identifier CMAS name to which this remote MAS is connected CMAS CICS SYSIDNT parameter value.

As you perform the IVP4 tasks, you will verify information in the following sources: v The CICS for OS/2 FAA user messages written to the CICS for OS/2 log terminal and the log file named CICSMSG.LOG. v The CMAS EYULOG messages related to the OS/2 remote MAS v CICSPlex SM views in the TSO EUI As you perform the tasks in IVP4, you may encounter data that does not match that shown in the examples in IVP4. When this occurs, you should review the information in appropriate sections in this book, as indicated in Table 40.
Table 40. Sources of information for IVP4 When you need information about this item... CICSPlex SM updates to the CONFIG.SYS file See.... Updating your CONFIG.SYS file on page 290

eNetwork Communications Server for OS/2 Warpdefinitions Reviewing your eNetwork for the OS/2 remote MAS Communications Server for OS/2 Warp definitions on page 290 CICSPlex SM entries in the CICS resource definition file for the OS/2 remote MAS The Terminal Connection and Session (TCS) definition for communications with the CMAS, in the CICS resource definition file Importing the CICSPlex SM resource definitions on page 296 Defining a TCS entry for CICSPlex SM on page 291

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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Table 40. Sources of information for IVP4 (continued) When you need information about this item... The CICSENV.CMD file used to identify the CICS resource definition groups and start the OS/2 remote MAS The CicsRgrp line must include the group EYUGROUP and the group containing the TCS definition for communication with the CMAS The UserWrk line must identify the CICSPlex SM subdirectory. The resource definition file set to the CICSRD system variable must contain the CICSPlex SM resource definition groups CICS for OS/2 System Initialization parameters related to the installation of CICSPlex SM Reviewing the CICS for OS/2 system initialization parameters on page 293 CICSPlex SM Administration CICSPlex SM Administration Customizing the CICS for OS/2 DLLs on page 293 See.... Updating the CICS for OS/2 CICSENV.CMD file on page 292

The OS/2 remote MAS CICS system definition in the CICSPlex SM data repository CMAS-to-remote MAS link definition in the CICSPlex SM data repository The CICS for OS/2 program load initialization and program load shut down DLLs distributed with CICSPlex SM

As you perform the tasks of IVP4, be sure to make note of any messages you encounter. The messages that both precede and follow any problems you encounter will help you determine what may be causing the verification process to fail and which information will be of help. Additional messages that may help isolate the cause of the problem are in the other message files for the CMAS.

Start the OS/2 remote MAS

Once you complete the installation of the OS/2 remote MAS, the CICS for OS/2 PLTPI processing starts the OS/2 remote MAS agent code during initialization. After the OS/2 remote MAS is started, verify that the CICSPlex SM messages shown in Figure 68 on page 385 appear at the CICS for OS/2 log terminal ( and in the CICSMSG.LOG file).


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide



RMAS PLTPI program starting CPSM Version 0140 RMAS startup in progress Major Object created for Kernel Linkage Major Object created for Trace Services Major Object created for Message Services Major Object created for External Services Major Object created for Cache Services Major Object created for Data Repository Major Object created for Queue Manager Major Object created for Communications Major Object created for Topology Major Object created for Real Time Analysis RMAS Phase I initialization complete Trace Services initialization has started Message Services initialization has started Message Services initialization complete Parameter Services initialization started CPSM Start Up Parameters CICSPLEX(EYUPLX01) CMASSYSID(CM1A) NAME(EYURMS1E) Parameter Services initialization complete Common Services initialization has started Common Services initialization complete Data Cache initialization has started Data Cache initialization complete Data Repository initialization has started Data Repository initialization complete. Queue Manager initialization has started Queue Manager initialization complete.

Figure 68. CICS for OS/2 log messages when OS/2 remote MAS is started (Part 1 of 2)

| |
EYUXL0006I EYUCM0003I EYUCL0014I EYUCL0015I RMSAPLID RMSAPLID RMSAPLID RMSAPLID Communications initialization has started Communications initialization started Waiting for LU6.2 connection with CMAS sysid CM1A Receive Link Task initiated for LU6.2 connection with CMAS EYUCMS1A Send Link Task initiated for LU6.2 connection with CMAS EYUCMS1A Connection of EYURMS1E to EYUCMS1A complete Communications initialization complete RMAS Phase 2 initialization complete Topology initialization has started Topology initialization complete RTA initialization has started RMAS LRT initialization complete Resource topology data retrieval complete


Figure 68. CICS for OS/2 log messages when OS/2 remote MAS is started (Part 2 of 2)

| | | |

Using TSO SDSF on the host, access the CMAS job and examine the EYULOG file. Verify the messages related to the OS/2 remote MAS, shown in Figure 69 on page 386:

Chapter 40. Installation verification procedure 4 (IVP4)


RMAS EYURMS1E EYUTS0001I CMSAPLID Topology Connect for EYURMS1E Initiated EYUCL0015I CMSAPLID Receive Link Task initiated for CPI-C connection with RMAS EYURMS1E EYUCS0006I CMSAPLID CPI-C endpoint connection MS1ERECV assigned to link set EYUCL0006I CMSAPLID CPI-C link to EYURMS1E established EYUCM0001I RMSAPLID Communications Initialization complete EYUXL0007I RMSAPLID RMAS Phase 2 initialization complete EYUXL0006I RMSAPLID Topology initialization has started EYUTI0004I RMSAPLID Topology Initialization Complete EYUXL0006I RMSAPLID RTA initialization has started EYUNL0099I RMSAPLID RMAS LRT initialization complete EYUNL0159I RMSAPLID Resource topology data retrieval complete EYUCL0012I CMSAPLID Connection of EYUCMS1A to EYURMS1E complete EYUTS0003I CMSAPLID Topology Connect for EYURMS1E Complete

Figure 69. EYULOG messages showing start of OS/2 remote MAS

| | | | | | |

Verify that the OS/2 remote MAS is active in CICSPlex SM

Using another TSO session, access CICSPlex SM. Set the CONTEXT and SCOPE to the CICSplex containing the definitions related to this OS/2 remote MAS. From the MAS view, BROwse the OS/2 remote MAS. The value in the Status field should be ACTIVE, as shown in Figure 70:

Attributes Type REMOTE CMAS EYUCMS1A Status ACTIVE Activity MON Active NO RTA Active SAM WLM Active NO

Time Time Zone Time Zone Offset Daylight Savings Security Command Check Resource Check Exemption Check

Type DOWN or UP to view other MAS screens. Type END or CANCEL to terminate browse

Figure 70. BROwsing the MAS view to verify OS/2 remote MAS is ACTIVE

| | | | | | | |

Stop the OS/2 remote MAS

From the MAS view within the TSO EUI, issue the STOP action command to stop the OS/2 remote MAS. When you press Enter, the value in the Status field should become INACTIVE. At the CICS for OS/2 log terminal (or CICSMSG.LOG file), you should see the messages shown in Figure 71 on page 387:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide




RMAS LRT termination complete RMAS shutdown in progress RTA termination requested Topology termination requested Topology termination complete Communications termination requested Send Link Task terminated for LU6.2 connection with CMAS EYUCMS1A Receive Link Task terminated for LU6.2 connection with CMAS EYUCMS1A Protocol Services termination complete Transport Services termination complete Communications termination complete Queue Manager termination requested Queue Manager termination complete. Data Cache termination requested Data Cache termination complete Data Repository termination requested Data Repository termination complete Common Services termination requested Common Services termination complete Message Services termination requested Message Services termination complete Trace Services termination requested Trace Services termination complete RMAS shutdown complete

Figure 71. CICS for OS/2 log messages when OS/2 remote MAS is stopped

| | |

Using TSO SDSF, again access the CMAS job and examine the EYULOG file for the messages shown in Figure 72:
EYUNL0999I EYUXL0011I EYUXL0015I EYUXL0015I EYUTS0002I EYUCL0016I RMAS LRT termination complete RMAS shutdown in progress RTA termination requested Topology termination requested Topology termination complete Receive Link Task terminated for CPI-C connection with RMAS EYURMS1E EYUCL0016I CMSAPLID Send Link Task terminated for CPI-C connection with RMAS EYURMS1E EYUTS0001I CMSAPLID Topology Disconnect for EYURMS1E Initiated EYUTS0003I CMSAPLID Topology Disconnect for EYURMS1E Complete RMSAPLID RMSAPLID RMSAPLID RMSAPLID RMSAPLID CMSAPLID

Figure 72. EYULOG messages when OS/2 remote MAS is stopped

| | | | | | | | | |

Restart the OS/2 remote MAS

Use a CICS for OS/2 terminal session to restart the CICSPlex SM agent code in the OS/2 remote MAS. v Enter the transaction ID CORM to start the CICSPlex SM agent processing. The CICSPlex SM agent code should reinitialize. In the CICSPlex SM MAS view, the Status field should now contain the value ACTIVE. v Enter the CICSPlex SM view command LOCTRAN CORM. The LOCTRAN view will show transaction CORM enabled for this CICS for OS/2.

Chapter 40. Installation verification procedure 4 (IVP4)


| | | | | | | |

Shut down the OS/2 remote MAS

Enter the CICSPlex SM view command CICSRGN, and use the NORmshut action command to perform a normal shutdown of the OS/2 remote MAS. Successfully completing this task shows that the PLT shutdown processing for CICSPlex SM is properly installed. In the CICS for OS/2 log file, CICSMSG.LOG, you should see the messages shown in Figure 73:
EYUNX0040I EYUNX0051I EYUNX0052I EYUNL0901I EYUCL0016I RMSAPLID RMSAPLID RMSAPLID RMSAPLID RMSAPLID Termination task initiated RMAS Termination initiated RMAS Termination ECB posted RMAS LRT normal termination initiated Send link task terminated for LU6.2 connection with CMAS EYUCMS1A Receive link task terminated for LU6.2 connection with CMAS EYUCMS1A RMAS LRT Termination complete RMAS Shutdown in progress RTA Termination requested Topology termination requested Topology termination complete Communications termination requested Communications termination complete Queue Manager termination requested Queue Manager termination complete Data Cache termination requested Data Cache termination complete Data Repository termination requested Data Repository termination complete Common Services termination requested Common Services termination complete Message Services termination requested Message Services termination complete Trace Services termination requested Trace Services termination complete RMAS shutdown complete


Figure 73. CICS for OS/2 log messages when OS/2 remote MAS is shut down

| | | | | | | IVP4 is complete If you plan to use your OS/2 remote MAS to perform workload management, real-time analysis, or resource monitoring functions, refer to the Starter Set as you create the appropriate definitions in the CICSPlex SM, data repository.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Chapter 41. Installation verification procedure 5 (IVP5)

Use IVP5 to confirm that the CICSPlex SM interface to NetView Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) has been installed successfully. Before you begin, you must run IVP1 to create the required CICSPlex SM environment. It is recommended that you run IVP5 on the first or only MVS image on which you install CICSPlex SM. On the MVS image on which you run IVP5 (which is referred to in the remainder of this section as system A) and any connected workstations, you must have installed: v NetView Version 3.1 (or later) and the NetView Graphic Monitor Facility (NGMF), as described in the NetView Installation and Administration Guide v NetView MultiSystem Manager (MSM) Version 2.2 (or later) as described in the appropriate MSM network book v The CICSPlex SM interface to NetView RODM, as described in Chapter 34. Setting up the interface to NetView RODM on page 299 Also on system A, you must have access to: v the NetView console v a NetView operator ID with an authority level of 1 v a workstation attached to NetView via an LU 6.2 communication link running the NetView Graphic Monitor Facility v the MVS console log via TSO SDSF

Setting up the CICSPlex SM environment for NetView RODM

Perform the steps in Setting up the CICSPlex SM environment on system A on page 324 to prepare system A for NetView RODM.

Starting up and verifying NetView, RODM, and MSM components

When the system A environment for CICSPlex SM is established, you are ready to: 1. Ensure NetView is started 2. Ensure the NetView SSI is started 3. Ensure NetView Graphic Monitor Facility Host Subsystem (GMFHS) is started 4. Ensure NetView RODM is started 5. Ensure NetView RODM is loaded with the GMFHS data model 6. Ensure NetView RODM is loaded with the MSM data model 7. Ensure the CICSPlex SM RODM reporting task is active

1: Ensure NetView is started

Log on to TSO on system A and display the NetView startup procedure (the sample procedure shipped with NetView is CNMPROC). Verify that the following NetView message appears at the NetView console or in the NetView job log:

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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2: Ensure the NetView SSI is started

Display the NetView SSI procedure (the sample procedure shipped with NetView is CNMSSI). Verify that the following NetView SSI messages appear at the NetView console or in the SSI job log:

3: Ensure NetView GMFHS is started

Display the NetView GMFHS procedure (the sample procedure shipped with NetView is CNMGMFHS). Verify that the following NetView GMFHS message appears at the NetView console or in the GMFHS job log:

4: Ensure NetView RODM is started

Display the MVS log for RODM related messages (the sample procedure shipped with NetView is EXGXRODM). Verify that the following NetView RODM message appears at the NetView console or in the RODM job log:

5: Ensure NetView RODM is loaded with GMFHS data model

If you have not done so already, run CNMSJH12 (or the equivalent) to load the RODM data cache with the GMFHS data model.

6: Ensure NetView RODM is loaded with MSM data model

If you have not done so already, run FLCSJDM (or the equivalent) to load the RODM data cache with the MSM data model.

7: Ensure CICSPlex SM RODM reporting task is active

1. Log on to NetView on system A (the sample application ID provided with NetView 3.1 is CNM01). Issue the following NetView command:

Verify that you receive the following response:


Then issue these NetView commands:


Verify that you receive the following response:


Then issue this NetView command:



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Verify that the following CICSPlex SM messages appear in the NetView log:
EYUTR0001I EYURODM initializing. EYUTR0001I EYURODM initialized. CICSPlex SM/ESA version 0140 Topology agent CICSPlex SM/ESA version 0140 Topology agent

After a few minutes, the following CICSPlex SM messages should appear in the NetView log:
EYUTR0003I EYURODM EYUTR0003I EYURODM Contact with EYUCMS1A initiated. Contact with EYUCMS1A established.

Note: If you defined these NetView commands to be issued automatically, you should receive the following message at the NetView console:

2. Verify that the RODM interface is active by checking the EYUJCM1A job log for the following CICSPlex SM messages:
EYUTS0031I EYUCMS1A Receiver program for (RODM) is active. EYUTS0030I EYUCMS1A Topology RODM Manager registered with NetView.

Creating CICSPlex SM definitions for RODM reporting

When the NetView, RODM, and MSM components are active, you are ready to: 1. Define RODM to the CMAS 2. Enable RODM reporting for the CICSplex 3. Enable RODM reporting of CICS resources

1: Define RODM to the CMAS

1. Log on to CICSPlex SM in the same manner as you did for IVP1, ensuring that the Context and Scope fields on the CICSPlex System Manager entry panel are both set to EYUCMS1A. Then type 2 in the OPTION field and press Enter. The MENU menu is displayed. 2. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu, select CONFIG. The CONFIG menu is displayed. From the CONFIG menu, select CMAS. The CMAS view is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:46:30 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CMAS==============EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==14:46:30=CPSM==========1=== CMD Name Status Sysid Access Transit Transit --- -------- -------- ----- Type---- CMAS---- Count-EYUCMS1A ACTIVE CM1A LOCAL 0

| | | |

3. From the CMAS view, display a detailed view of data for EYUCMS1A by moving the cursor to the entry for EYUCMS1A and pressing Enter. The CMASD view for EYUCMS1A is displayed:

Chapter 41. Installation verification procedure 5 (IVP5)


26MAR1999 14:46:44 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CMAS=====CMASD====EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==14:46:44=CPSM============== CMAS Name..... EYUCMS1A Start Date.... 26MAR1999 EYUDREP State OPEN JOB Name...... EYUJCM1A Start Time.... 13:22:04 IRC Status... CLOSED Applid........ EYUCMS1A Time Zone..... Z VTAM ACB..... OPEN Location...... CPSM Time Offset... 0 CAS Connect.. ACTIVE Sysid......... CM1A Daylight Time. YES CAS Id....... EYUA Act Maxtasks.. N/A Total CPU..... 70.7 System Trace. SYSTEMOFF Maxtasks...... 120 Total Page In. 43 User Trace... USERON Current Tasks. N/A Total Page Out 0 GTF Trace.... GTFSTOP Peak Amaxtask. N/A Total Real Stg 9400 AUX Trace.... AUXSTART Total Tasks... 2569 CPSM Version.. 0120 AUX Switch... NOSWITCH Times at MAXT. 0 Free OSSB Cnt. 16 Max STCB..... 3 SDUMP always NO Used Free OSSB 5844 NetView PPI.. YES Getmain OSSB.. 0 NMVTS Sent... 0 RODM Name.... Pending Queues Connections... 0 Programs...... 0 Trans. Data.. 0 Files......... 0 Terminals..... 0 System....... 0 Journals...... 0 Transactions.. 0

| | | | | |

4. Move the cursor to the line command field, which is located to the left of the first row of data, and type SET. Then move the cursor to the RODM Name field and type the name of your RODM subsystem (the name used in the supplied sample is EYURODM). When you press Enter, the updated CMASD view is displayed:
26MAR1999 14:47:31 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CMAS=====CMASD====EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==14:47:31=CPSM============== CMAS Name..... EYUCMS1A Start Date.... 26MAR1999 EYUDREP State OPEN JOB Name...... EYUJCM1A Start Time.... 13:22:04 IRC Status... CLOSED Applid........ EYUCMS1A Time Zone..... Z VTAM ACB..... OPEN Location...... CPSM Time Offset... 0 CAS Connect.. ACTIVE Sysid......... CM1A Daylight Time. YES CAS Id....... EYUA Act Maxtasks.. N/A Total CPU..... 70.7 System Trace. SYSTEMOFF Maxtasks...... 120 Total Page In. 43 User Trace... USERON Current Tasks. N/A Total Page Out 0 GTF Trace.... GTFSTOP Peak Amaxtask. N/A Total Real Stg 9400 AUX Trace.... AUXSTART Total Tasks... 2569 CPSM Version.. 0120 AUX Switch... NOSWITCH Times at MAXT. 0 Free OSSB Cnt. 16 Max STCB..... 3 SDUMP always NO Used Free OSSB 5844 NetView PPI.. YES Getmain OSSB.. 0 NMVTS Sent... 0 RODM Name.... EYURODM Pending Queues Connections... 0 Programs...... 0 Trans. Data.. 0 Files......... 0 Terminals..... 0 System....... 0 Journals...... 0 Transactions.. 0

| | | | | | |

5. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter.

2: Enable RODM reporting for the CICSplex

1. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu, select ADMCONFG. The ADMCONFG menu is displayed. From the ADMCONFG menu, select CPLEXDEF. The CPLEXDEF view is displayed:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

26MAR1999 13:39:25 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CPLEXDEF==========EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==13:39:25=CPSM==========1=== CMD Name Mon Time Zone Day Cmd Res Xmp ROD Description --- -------- Intv Zone Adj Save Chk Chk Chk --- ----------------------------EYUPLX01 480 B 0 NO NO NO NO NO IVP 1 CICSPLEX

| | |

2. From the CPLEXDEF view, type UPD in the line command field next to EYUPLX01. The update panel for CICSplex EYUPLX01 is displayed:
------------------------- Update CICSPlex for EYUCMS1A -----------------------COMMAND ===> CICSPlex name Description Monitor Interval Daylight Savings Time Time Zone Time Zone Adjustment Populate in RODM CICS Command Checking CICS Resource Checking Exemption Checking EYUPLX01 ===> CICSplex 1 - SSet - V1R2M0 ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> 480 NO B 0 NO NO NO NO Performance interval duration (15-1440 min) YES or NO Time zone for interval (B-Z) Offset from time zone (0-59) Build a RODM object Simulated CICS Command Checks Simulated CICS Resource Checks Check for Exempt Users

Press ENTER to update CICSplex. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without updating.

| | | |

3. Move the cursor to the Populate in RODM field, type YES, and press Enter. Verify that the ROD field in the CPLEXDEF view is now set to YES for EYUPLX01:
26MAR1999 14:42:27 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =CPLEXDEF==========EYUCMS1A=EYUCMS1A=26MAR1999==14:42:27=CPSM==========1=== CMD Name Mon Time Zone Day Cmd Res Xmp ROD Description --- -------- Intv Zone Adj Save Chk Chk Chk --- ----------------------------EYUPLX01 480 B 0 NO NO NO NO YES CICSplex 1 - SSet - V1R2M0

| | | | | | | |

4. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter.

3: Enable RODM reporting of CICS resources

1. From the CICSPlex SM MENU menu, change the context and scope values from EYUCMS1A to EYUPLX01 by typing SET in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter. The SET WINDOW CONTEXT, PRODUCT, SCOPE AND VIEW input panel is displayed:

Chapter 41. Installation verification procedure 5 (IVP5)


----------- SET WINDOW CONTEXT, PRODUCT, SERVER, SCOPE AND VIEW ---------------COMMAND ===> Window Parameters: Context Product Server Scope View ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> EYUPLX01 CPSM * EYUPLX01 MENU

Type End to Set Window Parameters Cancel to quit without setting

| | | |

2. Complete the input panel as shown above and type END. The MENU menu is redisplayed. From the MENU menu, type MONSPEC in the COMMAND field and press Enter. The MONSPEC view is displayed:
26MAR1999 19:33:51 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MONSPEC===========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==19:33:51=CPSM==========3=== CMD Monitor Monitor Specification RODM --- Spec--- Description------------------ CMAS---EYUMOS01 SSet - For EYUMAS1A

| | | |

3. From the MONSPEC view, type UPD in the line command field next to EYUMOS01. The update panel for monitor specification EYUMOS01 is displayed:
------------------ Update Monitor Specification for EYUPLX01 -----------------COMMAND ===> Monitor Spec Name Description Monitor Status Retention Period RODM CMAS ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> EYUMOS01 SSet - For EYUMAS1A ACTIVE Monitor Status (Active/Inactive) 5 Minutes to retain data after termination CMAS to populate RODM or Generic Seconds between samples (0 for none) Resource Name Interval Class Name ------------- ---------- ---------Transaction ==> 300 MTRAN Terminal ==> 0 MTERM File ==> 300 MFILE Transient Data ==> 300 MTDQS Journal ==> 500 MJRNL Connection ==> 300 MCONN Program ==> 0 MPROG

Sample Intervals Resource Name Interval ------------- ---------Region ==> 300 Global ==> 300 DB2 ==> 300

Press ENTER to update Monitor Specification. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without updating.

| | | |

4. Move the cursor to the RODM CMAS field, type EYUCMS1A, and press Enter. Verify that the RODM CMAS field in the MONSPEC view is now set to EYUCMS1A for EYUMOS01:


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

26MAR1999 19:35:24 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> W1 =MONSPEC===========EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==19:35:24=CPSM==========3=== CMD Monitor Monitor Specification RODM --- Spec--- Description------------------ CMAS---EYUMOS01 SSet - For EYUMAS1A EYUCMS1A

| | |

5. From the MONSPEC view, type MAS in the COMMAND field and press Enter. The MAS view is displayed:
26MAR1999 13:44:00 ----------- INFORMATION DISPLAY --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CURR WIN ===> 1 ALT WIN ===> >W1 =MAS===============EYUPLX01=EYUPLX01=26MAR1999==13:44:00=CPSM==========1=== CMD Name Type CMAS Status MON RTA WLM Description --- -------- ------ -------- -------- Act Act Act ----------------------------EYUMAS1A LOCAL EYUCMS1A ACTIVE YES YES NO Starter Set TOR 1 on System A

| | | |

6. From the MAS view, type UPD in the line command field next to EYUMAS1A. The update panel for managed address space EYUMAS1A is displayed:
--------------------------- Control MAS for EYUPLX01 -------------------------COMMAND ===> MAS EYUMAS1A Description Starter Set TOR 1 on System A

Attributes Type LOCAL CMAS EYUCMS1A Status ACTIVE Activity MON Active ===> YES RTA Active ===> YES WLM Active ===> NO

Time Time Zone ===> R Time Zone Offset ===> 00 Daylight Savings ===> NO Security Command Check ===> NO Resource Check ===> NO Exemption Check ===> NO

Enter DOWN or UP to view other MAS screens. Press Enter to change the MAS. Type END or CANCEL to cancel without changing.

| | | | | | | | | | | | |

7. Move the cursor to the MON Active field, type NO, and press Enter. The MAS view is redisplayed with NO in the MON field. 8. Type UPD in the line command field next to EYUMAS1A again and press Enter. When the update panel for EYUMAS1A appears, move the cursor to the MON Active field and type YES to restart CICSPlex SM resource monitoring. When you press Enter, the MAS view is redisplayed with YES in the MON field. 9. Return to the CICSPlex SM MENU menu by typing MENU in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter. 10. Verify that the CICSPlex SM RODM definitions are active by examining the EYUJCM1A job log for the following messages:
EYUCMS1A Receiver program for (RODM) is active EYUCMS1A Topology RODM Manager registered with NetView

Chapter 41. Installation verification procedure 5 (IVP5)


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Displaying CICSPlex SM objects with NGMF

When the required CICSPlex SM definitions for RODM reporting have been created, you are ready to access CICSPlex SM objects from the NetView Graphic Monitor Facility (NGMF). 1. From the NetView console, start the GMFHS host component of the link by issuing the following command:

where luname is the name of your LU 6.2 workstation LU name. For a description of the NETCONV command, see the NetView Operation book. 2. On your OS/2 desktop, locate the NGMF container and open the folder. The NetView - Icon View window is displayed. 3. Start the monitor facility by double-clicking on the Start Graphic Monitor icon. The Graphic Data Server window is displayed. 4. When the graphic data server is ready, the NGMF Sign On window is displayed. 5. Sign on to NGMF by selecting the Sign on button. The Graphic Monitor window is displayed. The NGMF view name is the same as the VIEWNAME you specified in your startup parameters for PROFILE EYURODMP (or the equivalent). The default VIEWNAME value supplied in EYUIRDMS is CPSM_World_View. 6. Double-click on CPSM_World_View (or the equivalent). The NGMF view of CICSPlex SM is displayed. 7. Double-click on the CPSM Cluster icon. An NGMF view showing a Host aggregate icon for EYUPLX01 and a Host icon for EYUCMS1A is displayed. 8. Double-click on the EYUPLX01 Host aggregate icon. An NGMF view showing an Application aggregate icon for EYUMAS1A is displayed. 9. Double-click on the EYUMAS1A Node aggregate icon. An NGMF view showing the resources monitored in EYUMAS1A is displayed.

IVP5 is complete If you want to verify that individual CICS resources are populated into RODM, change the relevant monitor definitions (MONDEFs) in EYUPLX01 to report RODM information and install those definitions. For information on how to do this, see the discussion of creating monitor definitions in the CICSPlex SM Managing Resource Usage manual.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs

This section describes how you can use the sample JCL members to execute the EYUINST EXEC that customizes skeleton jobs provided by CICSPlex SM. The following sample members are provided to execute the EYUINST EXEC: v Member EYUISTRT, in the library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL, is provided to customize the Starter Set jobs. v Member EYUISTAR, in the library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST, is provided to customize the installation and post-installation jobs. For a description of the Starter Set jobs, see Chapter 35. Configuring the Starter Set on page 307. You can edit and run the sample JCL members multiple times. For example, the EYUISTAR job can be used to select and edit skeleton member EYUDEFDS to create a unique data repository for each CMAS. In addition, you can subsequently change the skeleton jobs when, for example, you have to apply service to any of those jobs. This allows you to tailor the skeleton jobs to your environment after you have loaded the CICSPlex SM software into the SMP/E-supported CICSPlex SM libraries. The following sections provide information about: v Sample JCL editing considerations v EYUINST EXEC parameters on page 399 v Sample JCL execution considerations on page 406.

Sample JCL editing considerations

To tailor the sample EYUISTAR or EYUISTRT members, you can either directly modify the contents of the member in the SMP/E target library or copy the member (to preserve the CICSPlex SM-supplied values) and then change the copy. When you edit the EYUISTAR member, do the following: v Set the SCOPE parameter to indicate that post-installation jobs are to be generated. v Set the TEMPLIB parameter to identify the installation library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST, which contains the skeleton jobs. v In the SYSPROC DD statement, identify the library that contains the EYUINST EXEC. To ensure that you are using the most current version of these jobs, identify the library as CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST. When you edit the EYUISTRT member, do the following: v Set the TEMPLIB parameter to identify the Starter Set library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL, which contains the skeleton jobs. v In the SYSPROC DD statement, identify the library which contains the EYUINST EXEC. To ensure that you are using the most current version of these jobs, identify the library as CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST.

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If the sample JCL members are serviced, you must perform one of the following actions: v To preserve your current installation parameters, add the service changes to the previously edited sample JCL member. v Respecify your current installation parameters in the serviced sample JCL members in the SMP/E target library. These members are EYUISTAR in the library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST and EYUISTRT in the library CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL. The CICSPlex SM installation libraries are identified in Table 41. When a parameter has a default value, as indicated in Table 42 on page 399, you can use the default value by: v Omitting the parameter. v Omitting the last value with a parameter supporting multiple values. v Using a period in place of a value, where either of the following:

is the same as specifying:


If your disk space is managed by the storage management subsystem (SMS) component of MVS/DFP, the unit and volume parameters may be omitted from the generated JCL by specifying the value SMS for any of the UNIT or VOLUME operands of the EYUINST EXEC parameters. For example, to omit UNIT and VOLUME values from the JCL generated by EYUINST EXEC parameters which obtain their default value from the DEFVOL parameter, specify: DEFVOL SMS SMS For the other parameters that have unit and volume specifications and that are to obtain the default from DEFVOL, use a period (which represents the default to SMS).
Table 41. Installation libraries for CICSPlex SM Library Function SEYUINST The SMP/E-supported target installation library. After you have installed the CICSPlex SM software into this and other SMP/E-supported libraries (named SEYUxxxx and AEYUxxxx), this library stores the skeleton jobs you should use on any later runs of the EYUISTAR job. To store the EYUISTAR job that you edit and run to tailor the skeleton installation-related jobs to your CICSPlex SM environment. Until you have installed the CICSPlex SM software into the SMP/E-supported CICSPlex SM libraries, the TEYUINST library also stores the skeleton jobs to be tailored. To store the tailored, executable, copies of the skeleton jobs that are to be run. The SMP/E-supported distribution installation library. The SMP/E-supported distribution library that contains the Starter Set JCL members. The SMP/E-supported target library that contains EYUISTRT and the other Starter Set members.




CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Table 41. Installation libraries for CICSPlex SM (continued) Library Function Note: The name of the TEYUINST library is determined at the time the installation materials are unloaded from the distribution tape. The name of the XEYUINST library and the high-level index for the other CICSPlex SM libraries are determined by the EYUINST EXEC parameters used in the EYUISTAR and EYUISTRT jobs. These parameters are described in EYUINST EXEC parameters.

EYUINST EXEC parameters

Table 42 identifies all of the EYUINST EXEC parameters (supplied in the EYUISTAR and EYUISTRT members) and, when appropriate, their default values. The term None indicates that the parameter has no default. Lowercase characters indicate the source of the default value. Except as noted with the following parameter descriptions, you may specify your own values for any of these parameters. The headings POST and STARTER, which also represent values you can specify with the SCOPE parameter, indicate the type of skeleton jobs you can tailor and generate, where: v POST identifies parameters used to generate customized post-installation jobs. v STARTER identifies parameters used to generate customized Starter Set jobs. The subheadings of CMAS and MAS indicate the environment to which the parameter applies.

| Table 42. EYUINST EXEC parameters, when they are used, and their default values POST STARTER Default value | Parameter | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
BLKU CINDEXnnn CMASNAME CRELEASE DEFVOL DSINFO ENVIRONMENT EYUIPRM EYUSDEF GZONECSI INDEX JOB LIB OLDDREP PREFIX SCOPE SELECT SMPWORK SYSIDNT TEMPLIB TIMEZONE TZONE UTILITIES WORKUNIT CMAS -Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MAS ------Yes --Yes Yes Yes Yes -Yes Yes Yes Yes -Yes -Yes Yes Yes CMAS Yes Yes Yes Yes -Yes Yes ---Yes Yes Yes -Yes Yes Yes --Yes ----MAS Yes Yes -Yes -Yes Yes ---Yes Yes Yes -Yes Yes Yes --Yes ----6144 None None 5.3.0 sysprocdd1 sysprocdd2 index defvol None dsinfo.EYUIPRM NEW dsinfo.EYUSDEF NEW index.GLOBAL OLD smpvol sysprocdsn_levels //XXXXXXXX JOB sysprocdsn_levels.XEYUINST None EYU ALL None SYSDA None sysprocdsn None TZONE ASMA90 IEWL GIMSMP SYSDA

Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs


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The EYUINST EXEC parameters are: BLKU blocksize Indicates the block size to be used when allocating data sets that have an UNDEFINED record length. The default is 6144. CINDEXnnn library_prefix Where nnn represents a CICS/ESA release (Required.) The value of nnn must correspond to the release level specified for the CRELEASE parameter. That is: v CINDEX410 library_prefix specifies the high-level indexes assigned to the CICS/ESA 4.1 libraries. v CINDEX510 library_prefix specifies the high-level indexes assigned to the CICS TS for OS/390 Release 1 libraries. v CINDEX520 library_prefix specifies the high-level indexes assigned to the CICS TS for OS/390 Release 2 libraries. v CINDEX530 library_prefix specifies the high-level indexes assigned to the CICS TS for OS/390 Release 3 libraries. The index value must not exceed 26 characters in length, and the leading character must be alphabetic. If you specify more than one level of index, the names must be separated by a period (as in CINDEX CICS.TEST) The index is used for the following data sets: cindex.SDFHAUTH cindex.SDFHLOAD One or more CINDEXnnn parameters must be specified as required by the CRELEASE parameter values. No default is assumed. CMASNAME name (Required when you specify CMAS with the ENVIRONMENT parameter.) For POST, identifies a 1- to 8-character name that is to be assigned to a CMAS. For STARTER, designates the Starter Set environment to be created so that the appropriate subset of members are selected from the library you identify via the TEMPLIB parameter. The name of a CMAS must be unique within the CICSPlex SM environment. It should not be the same as the name of another CMAS, a CICSplex, a CICS system, or a CICS system group. EYUCMS1A Indicates that all of the Starter Set jobs associated with System A are to be created. EYUCMS1B Indicates that all of the Starter Set jobs associated with System B are to be created. No default is assumed.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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CRELEASE value1 value2 value3 value4 value5 Identifies the CICS release level for each CICS region referenced by this run of EYUINST. From one to five values may be defined. When SCOPE=STARTER, this identifies the CICS release level for each CICS region installed for one of the three MVS/ESA images associated with the Starter Set. When the SCOPE parameter is not equal to STARTER, only the first value is used. Valid values are 4.1.0, 5.1.0, 5.2.0, and 5.3.0. The default is 5.3.0 for all five regions. Table 43 shows the Starter Set CICS region that is assigned the values entered for the CRELEASE parameter. The EYUINST EXEC must be run three times in order to edit the Starter Set members for the three MVS images. For example, when the EYUINST EXEC is run to edit the Starter Set members for System B, the second value entered on the CRELEASE parameter determines the CICS release level assigned to the MAS1B CICS region.
Table 43. Starter Set CICS regions assigned values by the CRELEASE parameter CRELEASE value for each CICS region MVS Image 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 5.3.0 System A System B System C CMS1A CMS1B MAS1C MAS1A MAS1B MAS2A MAS2B MAS3A MAS3B MAS4A MAS4B

DEFVOL volume disktype Defines the default disk on which the CICSPlex SM libraries are to reside if the appropriate parameter is not coded in the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC. For example, if you do not code the DISTVOL parameter, the CICSPlex SM distribution libraries will reside on the disk defined using the DEFVOL parameter. volume Is the volume serial identifier (volser) of the volume. Use a period to specify the volser allocated in the SYSPROC DD statement of the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC. disktype Is the UNIT parameter of the volume. Use a period to specify the UNIT parameter of the volume allocated in the SYSPROC DD statement. IF DEFVOL is defined as SMS, then other statements including VOLUME and DISK values specified with a period, default also to SMS. The defaults are the volser and unit specified with the SYSPROC DD statement. DSINFO dsindex volume disktype Defines details of the data sets to be created when you run either the post installation jobs or the Starter Set jobs. dsindex Is a high-level index that is to be assigned to all CICSPlex SM data sets defined by either the post-installation jobs or Starter Set jobs. You can specify a multilevel index, where the leading character is alphabetic, each level does not exceed eight characters in length, and the total length of the data set name does not exceed 17
Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs


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characters. If you specify more than one level of index, the names must be separated by a period (for example, data.set.index). Use a period to specify the high level index associated with the INDEX parameter. Is the volser of the data sets to be created Use a period to specify the volser associated with the DEFVOL parameter. disktype Is the UNIT parameter for the volume. Use a period to specify the UNIT parameter associated with the DEFVOL parameter. The defaults are the high-level index specified with the INDEX parameter and the volser and unit specified with the DEFVOL parameter. ENVIRONMENT CMAS|MAS (Required.) Identifies the type of environment that is to be supported in the MVS image into which CICSPlex SM is installed. CMAS MAS Indicates that the MVS image is to have one or more CMASs and MASs. Indicates that the MVS image is to have only one or more remote MASs, and no CMASs.

No default is assumed. EYUIPRM dsname NEW|OLD Defines details of the CICSPlex SM cross-system definitions repository. dsname Is the data set name of the parameter repository. Use a period to specify dsinfo.EYUIPRM, where dsinfo is the index specified with the DSINFO parameter. NEW|OLD Indicates whether an existing parameter repository is to be used. With NEW, any existing file with the specified name is deleted and a new parameter repository is allocated. With OLD, an existing parameter repository is used. The default is NEW. The defaults are index.EYUIPRM NEW. EYUSDEF dsname NEW|OLD Defines details of the CICSPlex SM screen repository. dsname Is the data set name of the screen repository. Use a period to specify dsinfo.EYUSDEF, where dsinfo is the index specified with the DSINFO parameter. NEW|OLD Indicates whether an existing screen repository is to be used. With NEW, any existing file with the specified name is deleted and a new screen repository is allocated. With OLD, an existing screen repository is used. The default is NEW.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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The defaults are index.EYUSDEF NEW. GZONECSI cluster NEW|OLD volume disktype Specifies details of the global zone CSI. Ensure that the values specified correspond to the values used for GZONECSI for DFHISTAR. cluster Is the VSAM cluster name, minus the qualifier .CSI. Use a period to specify index.GLOBAL, where index is the value associated with the INDEX parameter. NEW|OLD Specifies whether an existing global zone CSI is to be used. With NEW, any existing global zone CSI with the specified cluster name is deleted and a new global zone CSI is allocated. With OLD, an existing global zone CSI is used. Use a period to specify OLD. volume Is the volser identifier for the volume on which the global zone CSI is to be allocated. Use a period to specify the volser associated with the SMPVOL parameter. disktype Is the UNIT parameter for the volume. Use a period to specify the UNIT parameter associated with the SMPVOL parameter. The disposition, volume, and unit values are ignored when the SCOPE is POST. INDEX library_prefix Assigns a high-level index to the CICSPlex SM distribution, target and SMP/E libraries. The index value must not exceed 26 characters in length, and the leading character must be alphabetic. If you specify more than one level of index, the names must be separated by a period (as in INDEX CICSTS13.CPSM.LEVEL2). The default is the data set name, without the lowest level qualifier, specified with the SYSPROC DD statement in the EYUISTAR job. JOB accounting_information Specifies the JOB statement and JES information that you want substituted into the jobs generated by the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC. To do this, edit the sample JOB statement in the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC to specify the appropriate information, as in:

Normal JCL rules for coding JOB statements apply to the JOB parameter. The default is //XXXXXXXX JOB. The job name is ignored. The name is the input member name after it is altered by the PREFIX parameter.

Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs


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LIB library_name Specifies the 1- to 44-character name of the library to which the customized members generated by the EYUISTAR program are to be added. The default is the data set name specified with the SYSPROC DD statement in the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC, where the lowest level qualifier is replaced with XEYUINST, as in CICSTS13.CPSM.XEYUINST. (If necessary, the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC creates the library specified on the LIB parameter.) OLDDREP dsname Identifies an existing data repository that is being used by a previous release of CICSPlex SM. The records in the existing data repository are migrated to a new data repository for CICS TS Release 3. The existing data repository is not modified. dsname Is the VSAM cluster name of the existing data repository. The new CICS TS Release 3 data repository will have the name:

where: dsinfo cmasname Is the index specified with the DSINFO parameter. Is the name specified with the CMASNAME parameter.

Use a period to have an empty data repository created for CICS TS Release 3. PREFIX prefix Defines the 1- to 7-character prefix that is to be added to the jobs generated by the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC. This prefix overwrites up to seven characters of the job name. For example, PREFIX XYZ changes the name of the job EYUDEFDS to XYZDEFDS. The default is EYU. SCOPE POST|STARTER Indicates which group of jobs you want to generate. Specify: POST STARTER Generates only the post-installation jobs. Generates only the Starter Set jobs.

The SELECT parameter overrides the SCOPE parameter; that is, if you use both SCOPE and SELECT in the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC, only the job identified by SELECT is generated. The default is ALL. SELECT jobname1 [newname1] Identifies the member containing the post-installation or Starter Set job you want to generate. To generate multiple jobs, specify a separate SELECT parameter for each. jobname newname Is the name of the member containing the job to be generated. Is a new 1- to 8-character name that is to be assigned to the member containing the job.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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The SELECT parameter overrides the SCOPE parameter; that is, if you use both SCOPE and SELECT in the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC, only the job identified by SELECT is generated. No default is assumed. SYSIDNT value (Required when you specify CMAS with the ENVIRONMENT parameter.) Specifies the 4-character system identifier used with the CICS/ESA system initialization table (SIT) parameter SYSIDNT for the CMAS. This value is assigned to the data repository created by the EYUDEFDS post-installation job. If you are setting up more than one CMAS, you must create a separate data repository for each CMAS. No default is assumed. TEMPLIB library_name Identifies the 1- to 44-character name of the library containing the input members to be edited, when SCOPE is set to: v POST - this is the name of the library from which the post-installation skeleton jobs can be obtained. You should specify CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST. v STARTER - this is the name of the library from which the Starter Set skeleton jobs can be obtained. You should specify CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL. Using the suggested SMP/E target data sets of CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUINST or CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUJCL ensure that subsequent runs of the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC will use the updated version of the input members after maintenance is applied. The default is the data set name specified with the SYSPROC DD statement in the job used to run the EYUINST EXEC. TIMEZONE code Required when you specify CMAS with the ENVIRONMENT parameter. Specifies the time zone assigned to the data repository initialized by post-installation job EYUDEFDS for use by the CMAS named using the CMASNAME parameter. For additional information about how CICSPlex SM uses the time zone codes, see the CICSPlex SM Administration. TZONE zonename Specifies the name of the target zone to be used by SMP/E. This name must be unique to the target zone. It must not be longer than seven characters and the leading character must be alphabetic. Use the same name as that specified for TZONE for DFHISTAR. The default is TZONE. UTILITIES asmprog lkedprog smpeprog Specifies the names of the utility programs to be used when installing CICSPlex SM and programs that it uses. asmprog Is the program name of the assembler. Use a period to specify ASMA90.
Chapter 42. Using the EYUINST EXEC to tailor skeleton jobs


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Is the program name of the linkage editor. Use a period to specify IEWL.


Is the program name of the SMP/E program. Use a period to specify GIMSMP.

The defaults are ASMA90 IEWL GIMSMP. WORKUNIT Specifies the UNIT parameter for the disk or disks on which work data sets are stored. The default is SYSDA.

Sample JCL execution considerations

After you have edited the EYUISTAR or EYUISTRT job, submit the job. The job log produced by the EYUINST EXEC lists the parameter values used for the job. Should the EYUINST EXEC end with a return code of 04, review the warning message to ensure that the job ran as you intended. When the EYUINST EXEC ends with a return code of 08 or 12, the skeleton jobs are not tailored or copied. To resolve the cause of either of these errors, examine the output job log, correct the problem, and submit the EYUINST EXEC again. The output from the EYUINST EXEC depends on the ENVIRONMENT and SCOPE you set, and consists of the customized jobs identified in Table 11 on page 209 . These jobs are added to the library used to run the EYUINST EXEC.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters

This appendix describes the system parameters that you can use to identify or alter CICSPlex SM attributes. These parameters are specified by means of an extrapartition transient data queue. The transient data queue name is COPR. The parameters may be assigned to a DD * file, sequential data set or a partitioned data set member. The DD name for the extrapartition transient data queue is EYUPARM. The system parameters are coded as 80-byte records. Multiple system parameters may be specified on a single record as long as they are separated by commas and do not exceed a total of 71 characters in length. The format of the system parameters is:

where: keyword v is the name of a CICSPlex SM system parameter. is an alphanumeric data value that may be specified with the system parameter.

Table 44 identifies the CICSPlex SM parameters used in the CMAS and MAS and indicates whether these parameters are required or optional. For CMASs and CICS/ESA and CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 MASs, members of the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM library containing samples of these parameters are: EYUCMS0P EYULMS0P EYURMS0P CMAS parameters Local MAS parameters Remote MAS parameters

For CICS/VSE 2.3 remote MASs, edit the EYUC23P3.A member of sublibrary 0811IX. For CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA Release 1 remote MASs, edit the EYUC41P3.A member of 0811IX. Note: Before using these members to start a CMAS or MAS, remove the comments from the samples and supply the appropriate values.
Table 44. CICSPlex SM parameters used in CMAS and MAS Parameter CMAS Local MAS Remote MAS CASNAME CICSPLEX CMASSYSID COIRTASKPRI DFLTUSER Required n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Required Optional Optional n/a n/a Required Required Optional n/a for CICS for OS/2 n/a for CICS/ESA Required for CICS/VSE n/a n/a Default



Optional Optional

n/a n/a


Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


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Table 44. CICSPlex SM parameters used in CMAS and MAS (continued) Parameter CMAS Local MAS Remote MAS JRNLRTAEV Optional n/a n/a MASINITTIME n/a Optional n/a MASPLTWAIT n/a Optional n/a MSGCASE Optional Optional Optional NAME Optional Optional Optional RESSTATUS Optional n/a n/a SEC Optional n/a n/a SECPRFX n/a n/a n/a SPOOLCLASS Optional Optional Optional STALLDBCTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLDBCCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLDB2TSK n/a Optional Optional STALLDB2CNT n/a Optional Optional STALLDLITSK n/a Optional Optional STALLDLICNT n/a Optional Optional STALLDSPTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLDSPCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLENQTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLENQCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLFLETSK n/a Optional Optional STALLFLECNT n/a Optional Optional STALLLCKTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLLCKCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLITVTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLITVCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLJNLTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLJNLCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLPGMTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLPGMCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLSESTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLSESCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLSTGTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLSTGCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLTDQTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLTDQCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLTRMTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLTRMCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLTSKTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLTSKCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLTSQTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLTSQCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLXMGTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLXMGCNT n/a Optional Optional STALLXRFTSK n/a Optional Optional STALLXRFCNT n/a Optional Optional Note: The STALLxxxxxx parameters are available only for CICS/ESA. SUPPRESSCMF n/a Optional n/a TERMID Required for CICS/VSE XCMD n/a n/a n/a for CICS/ESA or CICS TS Required for CICS/VSE

Default NO 10 NO MIXED NOTIFY NO NO P 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 3 4 4 4 0 0 1 3 2 4 2 3 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 2 1 2 NO


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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Table 44. CICSPlex SM parameters used in CMAS and MAS (continued) Parameter CMAS Local MAS Remote MAS XDCT n/a n/a n/a for CICS/ESA or CICS TS Required for CICS/VSE n/a for CICS/ESA or CICS TS Required for CICS/VSE n/a for CICS/ESA or CICS TS Required for CICS/VSE n/a for CICS/ESA or CICS TS Required for CICS/VSE n/a for CICS/ESA or CICS TS Required for CICS/VSE














CASNAME(name) Identify the 4-character name of the CAS subsystem with which the CMAS is to be associated. This name must match the CAS subsystem ID identified in the CAS startup JCL and also specified with the SSID parameter of the START command. CICSPLEX(name) Identify the 1- to 8-character name of the CICSplex to which the local or remote MAS is to be associated. The name of a CICSplex should not be the same as the name of a CMAS, a CICS system, or a CICS system group. CMASSYSID(name) Identify the 1- to 4-character name of the CMAS to which a remote MAS is to be attached. You may also use this parameter when a local MAS is to attach to a specific CMAS in the same MVS image. COIRTASKPRI(value | 200) Specify the task priority of COIR, in the range 0 to 255. COIR is a CICSPlex SM task that can be used to process evaluation definitions (EVALDEFs) independent of the MAS. For each EVALDEF that requests a separate task, an instance of COIR is started at the specified priority. If you specify a priority of 0, no separate COIR tasks are started; all EVALDEFs are processed by the MAS long running task (LRT). DFLTUSER(name) For a CICS/VSE remote MAS only. Identify the 1- to 8-character user ID that is to be used for security checking when a user is not defined to the external security manager (ESM)

Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters


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JRNLDEFCH(YES | NO) Causes a journal record to be written for each data repository add, delete, and update operation. JRNLOPACT(YES | NO) Causes a journal record to be written for each successful action command issued against a MAS or CMAS. JRNLRTAEV(YES | NO) Causes a journal record to be written each time an real-time analysis (RTA) event is generated. MASINITTIME(value | 10) For a local MAS running CICS/ESA 4.1 or later only. If you specify MASPLTWAIT(YES), specify the number of minutes, from 5 to 59, that CICSPlex SM should wait for the MAS to initialize. The MASINITTIME value is the maximum length of time PLT processing can be suspended for MAS initialization. MASPLTWAIT(YES | NO) For a local MAS running CICS/ESA 4.1 or later only. Indicate whether CICSPlex SM should suspend all PLT processing until the MAS is fully initialized and connected to the CMAS. If you are using Business Application Services (BAS) to automatically install resources at CICS system initialization (CICS/ESA 4.1 or later), you should specify MASPLTWAIT(YES) for that system. When you specify YES, no CICS applications can be started and no users can sign on to the system until CICSPlex SM completes the installation of resources and resumes PLT processing. Note: If you are using Business Application Services (BAS) to automatically install a DB2 connection, and you want the connection to be activated during CICS startup, see the information on page 261 MSGCASE(MIXED | UPPER) Indicate whether the following types of output should be displayed in mixed case or upper case: v Messages issued by Message Services to the console, joblog, and EYULOG v Batched repository-update facility output v Diagnostic output from the CODB, COD0, and COLU transactions. You can specify: MIXED Mixed case text is displayed as is. If you specify MIXED, output may be displayed incorrectly on Katakana display terminals, where lower case characters are displayed as Katakana symbols. UPPER Mixed case text is displayed in upper case only.

NAME(name) Identify the 1- to 8-character name of the CMAS, local MAS, or remote MAS that is to be started. If you do not specify this parameter, the default is the VTAM application ID.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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RESSTATUS(NOTIFY | MSG | CONMSG) Indicate how the CMAS is to respond when a CICS resource that is being reported to the NetView Resource Object Data Manager (RODM) facility has a change in operational state: NOTIFY Issues event notifications in the form of ERESSTAT resource table records. These event notifications can be monitored by using the LISTEN command of the CICSPlex SM API. For more information, see the CICSPlex SM Application Programming Guide manual. MSG Writes external messages to EYULOG. If you specify MSG, event notifications are produced in addition to the messages. CONMSG Writes external messages to the job log, console, and EYULOG. If you specify CONMSG, event notifications are produced in addition to the messages. Note: Use this option with care. It could cause a large number of messages to be sent to the console. SEC(YES | NO) Indicate whether the CMAS is to perform security checking of CICSPlex SM requests directed to the CICS systems it manages. If any of the CICS systems that a CMAS manages use the CICS/ESA system initialization table (SIT) parameter SEC=YES, then that CMAS must include the parameter SEC(YES) in EYUPARM. If you do not activate CICSPlex SM security in the CMAS, a connection cannot be established to a CICS system that specifies SEC=YES. If a connection is attempted, the following message is issued to the console, the CMAS job log, and the CMAS EYULOG:
EYUCR0007E Security mismatch between CMAS cmasname and MAS masname. Connection terminating.

SECPRFX(YES | NO) Indicate whether the user ID is used as the prefix that is added to the beginning of all resource names to distinguish this CICS system from other CICS systems. SPOOLCLASS(class | P) Specify a SYSOUT class value, from A to Z, that identifies where CICSPlex SM spool output is to be sent. Spool output can be generated by these CICSPlex SM functions: v The online utility transaction (COLU) v The PRINT and CAPTURE commands of the interactive debugging transaction (COD0). STALLxxxTSK Where xxx represents a CICSPlex SM suspend class. The values for xxx are shown in Table 45 on page 412. Identify the minimum number of concurrent tasks required to enter the suspend class. The value may be between 0 and 999. The default value for each task is shown in Table 44 on page 407.
Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters


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STALLxxxCNT Where xxx represents a CICSPlex SM suspend class. The values for xxx are shown in Table 45. Identify the number of consecutive occurrences of an entry in the suspend class required for CICSPlex SM to report a STALL. The value may be between 0 and 999. The default value for each task is shown in Table 44 on page 407.
Table 45. CICSPlex SM Suspend Classes Suspend Class DBCTL DB2 DLI Dispatcher Enqueue File Interval Control Journal Lock Manager Program Loader Allocate Session Storage Transient Data DLI DS_HELD KC_ENQ FCxxxxxx ICxxxxxx JASUBTAS JCxxxxxx LMQUEUE PROGRAM ALLOCATE IRLINK xDSA ExDSA DLI DSP ENQ FLE ITV JNL LCK PGM SES STG DLI DISP ENQUEUE FILE INTV JOURNAL LOCK PROGRAM ALLCSESS STORAGE TSDATA CICS Suspend Types DBCTL Value in STALLxxx Parameters DBC Text in EYUPNxxxx Messages DBCTRL


Terminal Control Task Wait Temporary Storage Transaction Manager XRF


Note: EYUPNxxxx messages are issued when a stall condition occurs that generates a real-time analysis system availability monitoring (SAM) event.


For a local MAS, indicates whether the records collected by the CICS Monitor Facility are written to SMF. (Required for CICS/VSE 2.3.) Identifies the 1- to 4-character id of the terminal that is the target for a started CEMT task when CICSPlex SM issues a request to shutdown a CICS/VSE 2.3 system. The starter set-supplied name id EYUC.


XCMD(YES | NO | 1- 7-character RACF class name | NONE) Indicates whether or not EXEC CICS system commands are to be included in security checking.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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For RACF, you can specify a class name, which has the same effect as specifying YES and substitutes the specified class name in place of the default class name. If you do not want the EXEC CICS system commands included in security checking, specify NONE. XDCT(YES | NO | 1- 7-character RACF class name | NONE) Indicates whether or not destination control entries are to be included in security checking. For RACF, you can specify a class name, which has the same effect as specifying YES and substitutes the specified class name in place of the default class name. If you do not want the destination control entries included in security checking, specify NONE. XFCT(YES | NO | 1- 7-character RACF class name | NONE) Indicates whether or not file control entries are to be included in security checking. For RACF, you can specify a class name, which has the same effect as specifying YES and substitutes the specified class name in place of the default class name. If you do not want the file control entries included in security checking, specify NONE. XJCT(YES | NO | 1- 7-character RACF class name | NONE) Indicates whether or not journal entries are to be included in security checking. For RACF, you can specify a class name, which has the same effect as specifying YES and substitutes the specified class name in place of the default class name. If you do not want the journal entries included in security checking, specify NONE. XPCT(YES | NO | 1- 7-character RACF class name | NONE) Indicates whether or not EXEC-started transactions are to be included in security checking. For RACF, you can specify a class name, which has the same effect as specifying YES and substitutes the specified class name in place of the default class name. If you do not want the EXEC-started transactions included in security checking, specify NONE. XPPT(YES | NO | 1- 7-character RACF class name | NONE) Indicates whether or not program entries are to be included in security checking.

Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters


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For RACF, you can specify a class name, which has the same effect as specifying YES and substitutes the specified class name in place of the default class name. If you do not want the program entries included in security checking, specify NONE.


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Chapter 44. CMAS journaling

A CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) is capable of producing CICS journal records to track a variety of activities in the CICSplex. These journal records provide an audit trail that can aid in the recovery of data or the reconstruction of events that affected the CICSplex. A journal record can be written when: v A definition in the data repository is added, removed, or updated v An operations action is issued against a MAS v A real-time analysis event is generated. For example, when a CMAS serves as the temporary maintenance point, it temporarily stores in its data repository any definitions that you add, update, or remove. When the maintenance point CMAS resumes operation, the temporary information is removed. You can obtain journal records of what is added to and deleted from the data repository for the temporary maintenance point. To request one or more of the record types, specify the appropriate CICSPlex SM system parameters in the startup JCL of a CMAS: JRNLDEFCH(YES) JRNLOPACT(YES) JRNLRTAEV(YES) For data repository definition changes For operations actions For real-time analysis events

For more information on these parameters, see Chapter 43. CICSPlex SM system parameters on page 407. For all managed CICS systems except CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, in addition to specifying system parameters for journaling, you must have a DFHJCT entry for journal number 25 (DFHJ25) defined in the CMAS. An entry for DFHJ25 is added to the JCT as part of the CMAS setup process. If you are using a different DFHJCT, refer to the following copy book member for the required JCT entry for DFHJ25:

For systems running CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, if you do not want to use the CICSPlex SM default log stream name of EYUJRNL, you must define a JOURNALMODEL resource in the CSD that has the desired log stream name. The distributed CMAS resource definition group and group list are protected from modification. Thus, to make the JOURNALMODEL resource definition available during CMAS initialization, you must create a new CMAS group list that includes the group containing the JOURNALMODEL resource definition. To add the JOURNALMODEL resource to the CSD, either edit and run the JCL contained in sample member CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUSAMP(EYUJRNE$) to execute batch utility DFHCSDUP or use the CICS CEDA transaction. Performing either of these steps does the following: v Appends the protected EYU140L0 group list to a new unprotected group list. v Defines the desired JOURNALMODEL for EYUJRNL in an unprotected group. v Adds the unprotected group to the new, unprotected group list. You must also update the CICS system initialization (SIT) parameters used to start the CMAS by setting the GRPLIST parameter to reference the new group list.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


| | | | |

The journal records produced by a CMAS contain data mapped by a DSECT called EYUBCPJR. Each record consists of a standard prefix and a variable data area. The contents of the data area are specific to the type of journal record being written. Figure 74 shows the format of EYUBCPJR.
*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * EYUBCPJR DSECT Prefix * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* EYUBCPJR DSECT EYUBCPJR DS 0D CPJR_PREFIX CPJR_CMASNAME CPJR_CONTEXT CPJR_SCOPE CPJR_USER CPJR_STCK CPJR_VERSION CPJR_VER_ZERO CPJR_TYPE CPJR_TYPE_DEFCH CPJR_TYPE_RTAEV CPJR_TYPE_OPACT CPJR_LENGTH DS DS DS DS DS DS DS EQU DS EQU EQU EQU DS 0D CL8 CL8 CL8 CL8 D H 0000 H 0001 0002 0003 F Prefix of record CMAS Name which produced record Plex Name Scope Name User Name Store clock Current record version Version Record type Definition Add/Change/Delete Rta Event Operation action Length of entire record plus x prefix area Available for use Length of Prefix area Data area


*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Data record for RTA Events * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CPJR_RTA_DATA CPJR_RTA_TYPE CPJR_RTATYPE_CRT CPJR_RTATYPE_REM CPJR_RTATYPE_UPD CPJR_RTATYPE_RES CPJR_RTA_GTYPE CPJR_RTAGTYPE_SAM CPJR_RTAGTYPE_APM CPJR_RTAGTYPE_MRM CPJR_RTA_EVENT CPJR_RTA_MSGSTRT CPJR_RTA_MSGEND CPJR_RTA_EVENTXT CPJR_RTA_SEVERITY CPJR_RTA_DATA_L DS DS EQU EQU EQU EQU DS EQU EQU EQU DS DS DS DS DS EQU 0H X 0001 0002 0003 0004 X 0001 0002 0003 CL8 CL30 CL30 CL30 CL3 *-CPJR_RTA_DATA Record type Event Created Event Removed Event Updated Event Resolved Generated by type Event produced by Sam Event produced by Apm Event produced by Mrm Event Name External Entry Message External Exit Message Event Text Severity Level Length of the record

Figure 74. The EYUBCPJR DSECT (Part 1 of 3)


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Data record for Definition changes * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CPJR_DEF_DATA CPJR_DEF_TYPE CPJR_DEFTYPE_ADD CPJR_DEFTYPE_DEL CPJR_DEFTYPE_UPD CPJR_DEF_MAJORNM CPJR_DEF_MAJORID CPJR_DEF_MINORNM CPJR_DEF_MINORID CPJR_DEF_SYSID CPJR_DEF_DATA_L DS DS EQU EQU EQU DS DS DS DS DS DS 0H X 0001 0002 0003 X CL8 CL8 CL8 CL8 CL4 Record type Definition Added Definition Deleted Definition Update Reserved Major Name ADMIN Restype Minor Name ADMIN Restype System Id where change was originated Length of the record


*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Data record for Operation commands * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CPJR_OPS_DATA DS CPJR_OPS_LENGTH DS 0H H Length of fixed and variable x portion of data area Number of fields Type of command Inquire on resource(s) Modification of resource(s) Removal of resource(s) Discard of resource(s) Install of resource(s) Init of resource(s) Shutdown of CICS System Snap of CICS System Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource



0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027

Figure 74. The EYUBCPJR DSECT (Part 2 of 3)

| |

Chapter 44. CMAS journaling



Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Action against resource Resource Name Start of data entries Length of the record Field Name Length of the Data Length of entire entry Start of the Data Fixed portion length

Figure 74. The EYUBCPJR DSECT (Part 3 of 3)

| |

For information on writing a program to access and format CICS journal records, refer to the CICS Customization Guide.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Chapter 45. Preparing to use the IPCS tools

The interactive problem control system (IPCS) provides MVS users with an interactive facility for diagnosing software failures. You can use IPCS to format and analyze SDUMPs produced by CICSPlex SM or stand-alone dumps obtained while CICSPlex SM was active in the system being dumped. You can either view the dumps at your terminal or print them. Note: The CICSPlex SM IPCS tools are available only for CASs, CMASs, or MASs running in an MVS image. These tools are not available for debugging problems in a CICS for OS/2 or CICS/VSE MAS. CICSPlex SM provides two types of IPCS tools: v A set of panels (driven by a corresponding set of CLISTs) that allow you to display: The data in a coordinating address space (CAS) dump The names and locations of control blocks and areas of a CAS dump Subsystem information Address space-related control blocks Modules loaded by CICSPlex SM Tasks created by CICSPlex SM Storage subpools managed by CICSPlex SM BBC LU 6.2 communication information v A dump formatting routine that can be used with the VERBEXIT subcommand to format CMAS or MAS dumps For more information about: v IPCS, see the MVS/ESA Interactive Problem Control System: Users Guide. v Using IPCS to format CICSPlex SM system dumps, see the CICS/ESA Operations Guide. v Displaying and formatting dumps with IPCS, see the CICSPlex SM Problem Determination manual. Before you can use the CICSPlex SM IPCS tools, you must make the preparations described in: v Updating BLSCECT v Updating library allocations on page 420 v SDUMP options on page 421.

Updating BLSCECT
IPCS provides an exit control table called BLSCECT; it normally resides in SYS1.PARMLIB. This table contains imbed statements to enable other products to supply exit control information. You must perform the following steps: 1. Update the BLSCECT table for either a MAS-only environment or for a CMAS environment. v When the EYUINST ENVIRONMENT parameter of MAS was used to install CICSPlex SM, then the following IMBED statement is required:

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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


v When the EYUINST ENVIRONMENT parameter of CMAS was used to install CICSPlex SM, then the following IMBED statements are required:

BBM3IPCS defines the CICSPlex SM main panel as CPSMSSDA, and adds an entry for the panel to the IPCS MVS component menu. EYUIPCSP identifies the CICSPlex SM formatting routine as EYU9D140 with a VERB name of CPSM140. 2. Make sure the required parameter member(s) can be found by your IPCS job by doing one of the following: v Copy the required parameter member(s) from the CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPARM library into the same library as BLSCECT (usually SYS1.PARMLIB). v Provide an IPCSPARM DD statement to specify the library that contains the IPCS control tables. For example, the DD statement for a batch TSO session might look like this:

For more information about SYS1.PARMLIB library members related to IPCS, see the MVS/ESA Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS): Customization manual.

Updating library allocations

To update the library allocations, you must do the following: v Update the CLIST or REXX EXEC that invokes IPCS at your enterprise to include the following data set allocations: ISPPLIB CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUPLIB Contains panels that allow you to view data structures. SYSPROC CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUCLIB Contains CLISTs that obtain information from a dump and display it. These CLISTs also create a set of IPCS symbol equates to help you locate data while browsing a dump outside of the panels. ISPMLIB CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUMLIB Contains messages issued by the CLISTs. IPCSLIB CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYUAUTH Contains control block models used by the BBC LU 6.2 EXECs. v Make sure that the EYU9D140 IPCS user exit routine is in a library in the linklist or a library that is accessed by the JOBLIB, STEPLIB, or TASKLIB option of the IPCS command, during IPCS session. To accomplish this, do one of the following: Allocate CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULOAD to the desired DD statement. Copy CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULOAD(EYU9D111) to an appropriate library. Invoke IPCS, using the TASKLIB keyword to allocate CICSTS13.CPSM.SEYULOAD.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

updating library allocations

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | For example, issue the TSO COMMAND:

SDUMP options
Make sure the following SDUMP options are in effect at the time the dump is taken: CSA LPA Common service area Link pack area modules

LSQA Local system queue area NUC PSA RGN SQA SUM SWA TRT Non-page-protected areas of the DAT-on nucleus Prefixed storage area for all processors Private area of address space being dumped System queue area Summary dump Scheduler work area GTF, system trace, and master trace data

Chapter 45. Preparing to use the IPCS tools


updating library allocations


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Part 4. Appendixes

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999



CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Appendix A. Disk space needed for CICS

This appendix gives information useful when planning DASD space for CICS. More comprehensive values are given in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory. Check the values against those given in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory and PSP bucket; if there are any differences, use the values in the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory or PSP bucket. Table 46 gives the space (in cylinders) needed to install CICS from the distribution tape. Table 47 lists the operations during which the DASD volumes are used.
Table 46. DASD storage requirements for CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 Identification hlq.TDFHINST hlq.XDFHINST Relfile data sets on SMPVOL SMP/E non-VSAM data sets on SMPVOL DISTVOL TARGVOL DZONE TZONE GZONE Total during installation Total after installation 3380 1 1 138 26 117 186 11 11 11 500 413 3390 1 1 131 25 112 177 11 11 11 362 347

Notes: 1. Allow up to 15% on the values given, for servicing requirements. Secondary allocations are 10% of the primary allocations. 2. The values listed against xZONE identifiers are for zones and their associated logs.
Table 47. When DASD volumes are used DFHISTAR Volume Parameter SMPVOL DISTVOL TARGVOL DZONE TZONE GZONE Installing Applying Service * * * * * * Customizing * * * * * * * * * * Assembling Resource Tables * Running CICS

* * * * * *

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


Using SMP/E Always use SMP/E for the following tasks: v Applying service v Customizing CICS v Assembling CICS tables Applying service or customizing CICS:SMPVOL, DISTVOL, TARGVOL, DZONE, TZONE, and GZONE are needed whenever you apply service or customize your CICS programs. SMPVOL and GZONE are needed whenever you apply service or customize your alternative libraries for use with XRF. Assembling CICS tables:SMPVOL, TARGVOL, TZONE, and GZONE are needed whenever you assemble your CICS tables. SMPVOL and GZONE are needed whenever you assemble CICS tables for an XRF alternate CICS region. Running CICS:Only TARGVOL is needed to run CICS.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area
This topic provides information about the CICS modules that are required in the MVS link pack area, and other CICS modules that are eligible for the MVS link pack area. This information is intended to help you plan for and install CICS modules in the MVS link pack area, for the functions that your CICS regions use. The following terms are used in this appendix: Term MVS link pack area LPA ELPA Meaning The MVS link pack area generally. The area of the MVS link pack area below the 16MB line. The area of the MVS link pack area above the 16MB line.

For further information about installing CICS modules into the MVS link pack area, and about controlling their use from the MVS link pack area, see Default message-formatting initialization parameters on page 23.

CICS modules required in the MVS link pack area

| CICS modules that are required in the MVS link pack area are loaded into the hlq.SDFHLPA library when you install CICS. Details of these modules is given in Table 48 on page 431. These modules are not affected by any CICS parameters or options, and CICS does not use the standard MVS search order for them. For further information about these modules, see The IEASYSxx MVS initialization member on page 19.

CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area

Other CICS modules that are eligible for installation in the MVS link pack area are specified in the CICS-supplied USERMODs: DFH$UMOD (for base CICS modules). Details of these modules is given in Table 49 on page 431.

Information about modules eligible for the MVS link pack area
The following information is provided in Table 48 on page 431 and Table 49 on page 431. Some of the information applies only to the modules listed in Table 49. Name Description The name of the module. A brief description of the module. This gives some clues to the associated function, useful if the module does not have a controlling CICS option. (Table 49 only.) The library in which the module is installed: Library
Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


DS name


| | |




You can use the CICS-supplied usermods to move the modules from these libraries to the hlq.SDFHLPA library. (Table 49 only.) In this column, the terms LPA and ELPA are used to indicate whether a module will be loaded into the part of the MVS link pack area that is below (LPA) or above (ELPA) the 16MB line. (Table 49 only.) A nominal priority to help you decide whether a module should be in the MVS link pack area and to choose between modules if your MVS link pack area is short on space. The size of the module. Notes about the use of the module from the MVS link pack area and any associated CICS options to be specified for the function that uses the module.


Size Notes

Some of these information categories are described in more detail in the following sections.

The priority of the modules eligible for the LPA are as follows: 1. Must be in the MVS link pack area. Information about these modules, installed in the hlq.SDFHLPA library, is given in Table 48 on page 431. 2. Generally a good candidate for inclusion in the MVS link pack area. You should include these modules in the LPA to support the associated option. 3. A good candidate for inclusion in the MVS link pack area. You should include these modules in the MVS link pack area if you are a heavy user of the associated function.

The module sizes were taken from the latest information available at the time of publishing, but may be different in your CICS environment depending on the options selected and if any PTFs applied affect the modules. The sizes are given here to help you plan the amount of storage that you need for the modules that you want to install in the MVS link pack area. You can get the actual sizes for these modules from a directory listing of the modules or from the module index provided at the back of a formatted SDUMP taken with the LPA=NO system initialization parameter specified. This column refers to the following list for any notes about the use of modules from the MVS link pack area. Notes: 1. The program is used from the MVS link pack area only if you set the USELPACOPY option of its program resource definition to YES. 2. The DFHAFMT program is used by ADD, DELETE, UPDATE, and INQUIRE commands for FILE resource definitions.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

3. You must always install the latest service level of the CICS SVC module, DFHCSVC. You should install the DFHCSVC module into the MVS link pack area before you run the CICS installation verification procedures. You must define the DFHCSVC module in an IEASVCxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB library, using SVCPARM statements. You select the required IEASVCxx member by coding the SVC parameter (SVC=xx) in a SYS1.PARMLIB member (IEASYSyy), which you use to IPL your MVS. You can run several CICS regions, at different release levels, in the same MVS image, with each region using its own version of the DFHCSVC module. However, if some of those regions use MRO, then all regions that use MRO must use the latest DFHCSVC module and the latest DFHIRP module. If you have some regions that are to use the DFHCSVC module, and you give the SVC a number different from the SVC number used by the regions, you must generate a new version of the DFHCRC program on the regions. For information about defining and using the DFHCSVC module, see the CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Program Directory. If your batch region is sharing the database with a CICS/OS/VS 1.7 region or a CICS/MVS Version 2 region, you can continue to use the batch region controller program, DFHDRP, from before CICS/ESA Version 3. (The CICS/ESA Version 3 DFHIRP program supports earlier levels of the DFHDRP program.) However, if your batch region is sharing the database with a CICS TS Release 2 region, you are recommended to install the CICS TS Release 2 DFHDRP module in SYS1.LINKLIB, or another suitable APF-authorized library in the MVS linklist. The DFHDSPEX module is downward-compatible with earlier releases of CICS. If you are running earlier releases of CICS, you must ensure that the correct version is installed in the LPA. The DFHDSPEX module must be in the LPA for integrity reasons, but the post exit routine itself can reside either in the LPA, or in the CICS address space. This enables you to use different versions of the DFHDSAUT module in different CICS regions running in the same MVS image, because the DFHDSAUT module may not be compatible from release to release. The use of this pre-CICS/ESA Version 3 programmable interface to the master terminal program, DFHEMTA, is supported for compatibility reasons only. You are strongly recommended to use the equivalent EXEC CICS INQUIRE|SET commands instead. The documentation for this interface is available only in the CICS libraries for the releases prior to CICS/ESA Version 3. You can set the system tracing status by coding appropriate system initialization parameters, and you can also set it dynamically by using the CETR transaction. The system initialization parameters that you can use are: Parameter AUXTR AUXTRSW GTFTR INTTR TRTABSZ USERTR Use Activate auxiliary trace. Define the auxiliary switch status. Enable CICS to use MVS GTF tracing. Activate CICS internal tracing. Specify the size of the internal trace table. Set the master user trace flag on or off.





Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area


For information about using CICS trace, and using the CETR transaction to control the tracing status, see the CICS Problem Determination Guide. 8. The DFHIRP module needs to be in the MVS link pack area only if you are using MRO, CICS shared database, or the console message-handling facility. If you install the DFHIRP module in the MVS link pack area, you must also install DFHSSEN. You must always install the latest service level of the DFHIRP (if needed) and DFHSSEN. If you are running CICS with MRO at different release levels, all regions in the same MVS-image must use the latest DFHIRP module. 9. To use the console message formatting facility of the MVS subsystem interface, you must install the modules DFHSSGC and DFHSSWT either in the MVS link pack area or in an APF-authorized library in the MVS linklist. These modules are used by the subsystem interface and not directly by CICS. Therefore, the use of these modules from the MVS link pack area is not controlled by CICS parameters or options. For information about enabling the console message-formatting facility, and about the other modules it requires, see Modules needed to use the console message-handling facilities on page 24. 10. CICS needs the following load modules, supplied with CICS, to use data table services: DFHDTINT DFHDTOC DFHDTLD DFHDTRD DFHDTES The modules are all eligible for the MVS link pack area, but DFHDTRD and DFHDTES are probably the only ones which are used sufficiently frequently to be worth considering. 11. The following modules, used by the Shared Data Tables facility, are eligible for the MVS link pack area: DFHDTAM DFHDTAOR DFHDTCV DFHDTFOR DFHDTSVC DFHDTXS DFHMVRMS All these modules, except for DFHMVRMS, are listed in the usermod, DFH$UMOD, supplied with CICS. Only DFHDTAM, DFHDTAOR, DFHDTFOR, and possibly DFHDTCV are used sufficiently frequently to be worth considering for the MVS link pack area. | The following modules, installed in the hlq.SDFHLINK library, must be installed in the MVS linklist, or in the MVS link pack area: DFHDTSVC DFHDTCV DFHMVRMS 12. BMS=STANDARD 13. BMS=FULL 14. BMS=MINIMUM


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.


This column also gives any associated options that you must specify to use the function associated with the LPA-eligible module. Unless otherwise stated, the options are specified by system initialization parameters as defined in the CICS System Definition Guide. Any special information about a particular module is given in a note in the list starting on page 428.
Table 48. LPA-required modules, supplied in hlq.SDFHLPA Name Description DFHCSVC DFHDSPEX DFHDUMPX DFHIRP DFHSSEN DFHSSGC DFHSSWT DFH99SVC CICS SVC startup DS domain - MVS POST exit stub SDUMPX IEASDUMP QUERY exit Interregion communication program Subsystem interface end-of-memory / end-of-task clean up routine Subsystem interface generic connect Subsystem interface WTO router Dyn alloc - SVC services Library LINK LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD LPA/ ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA LPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA LPA/ ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA ELPA Pri 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 Size 2280 168 152 49416 472 936 4512 8 Size 21856 7864 2048 1384 11560 1592 3216 21784 1928 728 5416 2904 11128 184 Option/ Note CICSSVC (3) (5) (8) (9) (9) Option/ Note (2) AIEXIT AIEXIT AIEXIT AIEXIT -

Table 49. LPA-eligible modules Name Description Server connection routines AFCT manager AITM Manager initialization AITMM locate/unlock/inquire/browse DFHAIP Application Interface program DFHAIRP AITMM - initialization/recovery DFHAITM AITMM - add replace/delete DFHALP Terminal allocation DFHAPAC AP domain - abnormal condition reporting interface module DFHAPATT AP domain - entrypoint attach DFHAPDM AP domain initialization/termination DFHAPDN AP domain - transaction definition notify DFHAPEP AP domain - user exit service DFHAPIN AP domain - special initialization for programs and user-replaceable modules DFHAPIQ AP domain - user exit data access service AXMSC DFHAFMT DFHAIIN DFHAIIQ




Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area


Table 49. LPA-eligible modules (continued) Name Description AP domain - journaling gate service DFHAPLI AP domain - language interface program DFHAPNT AP domain - MXT notify gate DFHAPPG AP domain - optimize initial_link for DFHAPRDR AP domain gate APRD DFHAPRT AP Domain - route transaction gate DFHAPSTL AP domain - statistics collection program DFHAPTI AP domain - timer notify gate DFHAPTIX AP domain - expiry analysis task DFHAPXM AP domain - transaction initialization and termination services DFHAPXME AP domain - XM exception handler DFHASV Authorized services interface DFHCCNV Data conversion for CICS OS/2 ISC users DFHCEGN Goodnight transaction stub DFHCESD Shutdown transaction DFHCHS CICS/ESA mirror for CICS OS/2 and CICS/VM DFHCMAC ME domain - CICS messages and codes transaction (CMAC) DFHCMP CICS monitoring compatibility interface DFHCPIC SAA communications interface program DFHCPIN CPI initialization program DFHCPIRR SAA resource recovery interface program DFHCPSM Translator for CICSPlex SM commands DFHCRLB Subroutine entry to process logging requests for MRO and LU6.1 links from assembler callers DFHCRNP Interregion connection manager DFHCRQ ATI purge program DFHCRR Interregion session recovery program DFHCRS Remote scheduler program DFHCRSP CICS IRC startup module DFHCRT Transaction routing relay program for APPC devices DFHCRU Performs initialization of AP gates for various resource managers and facilities DFHDBAT CICS-DBCTL adapter/transformer DFHDBCT CICS-DBCTL control program DFHDBMOX CICS-DBCTL monitoring exit DFHDBREX CICS-DBCTL resume exit DFHDBSPX CICS-DBCTL suspend exit DFHAPJC



Pri 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2

Size 2528 27528 1096 1808 22176 9104 35248 1096 1096 3744

Option/ Note -



3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2

2720 2504 806096 2400 4088 8368 7576 496 175952 2744 1176 3184 1360

(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) -



2 2 3 2 3 2 2

10696 872 4840 6800 3528 648 34448

(1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) -



2 3 2 2 2

7960 16968 488 472 1000

(1) (1) -


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Table 49. LPA-eligible modules (continued) Name Description DFHDBSSX DFHDBSTX DFHDBTI DFHDBTOX DFHDCP DFHDEDM DFHDIP DFHDIPDY DFHDKMR DFHDLI DFHDLIDP DFHDMRM DFHDSAUT DFHDSBA$ DFHDSB1$ DFHDTAM DFHDTAOR DFHDTCV DFHDTFOR DFHDTSVC DFHDTXS DFHDUIO DFHDUSVC DFHDYP DFHEBU DFHECID DFHECIP DFHECSP DFHEDAD DFHEDAP DFHEDC DFHEDCP DFHEDFBR DFHEDFD DFHEDFE DFHEDFP DFHEDFR DFHEDFX DFHEDI DFHEDP DFHEEI DFHEEX CICS-DBCTL status exit CICS-DBCTL statistics exit EXEC DLI LD table CICS-DBCTL token exit Dump control program DCE services domain - services Data interchange program Data interchange program (dummy) DCE services domain - table manager DL/I call router DBCTL call processor CSD open/close program DS domain - authorized services BMS data stream build (standard) BMS data stream build (full) Shared data tables: access manager Shared data tables: AOR module Shared data tables connection validation Shared data tables: FOR module Shared data tables: SVC services Shared data tables connection security DU domain open/close/switch/write DU domain - SVC processing routine Dynamic routing program EXEC FMH construction CECI service program Command interpreter (CECI) program Command syntax check (CECS) program RDO (CEDA) service program RDO (CEDA) program EXEC interface for dump control EXEC interface for dump system/transaction Temporary-storage browse transaction, CEBR EDF display program EDF attach error handler EDF control program EDF response table EDF task switch program EXEC interface for data interchange EXEC DLI command stub EXEC interface for HANDLE, ADDRESS, ASSIGN EXEC FMH extraction



Pri 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2

Size 672 656 9024 488 848 31048 3936 168 30040 4504 7032 888 2280 1592 1592 11680 3264 288 13400 10944 1616 5016 4160 320 432 77424 3008 3008 127688 3144 152 3776 12024 63552 1360 7512 576 4296 1352 7128 6536 752

Option/ Note (1) DIP=YES DIP=NO (12) (13) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) (15) (1) (18) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) DIP=YES (1) -

Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area


Table 49. LPA-eligible modules (continued) Name Description DFHEFRM DFHEGL DFHEIACQ DFHEICRE DFHEIDLI DFHEIDTI DFHEIFC DFHEIGDS DFHEIGDX DFHEIIC DFHEIPRT DFHEIPSE DFHEIPSH DFHEIQDE DFHEIQDN DFHEIQDS DFHEIQDU DFHEIQIR DFHEIQMS DFHEIQMT DFHEIQRQ DFHEIQSA DFHEIQSC DFHEIQSJ DFHEIQSK DFHEIQSL DFHEIQSM DFHEIQSP DFHEIQSQ DFHEIQST DFHEIQSV DFHEIQSX DFHEIQSZ DFHEIQTR DFHEIQUE DFHEIQVT DFHEISP EXEC file control syncpoint processor EXEC interface for unmapped LU6.2 commands EXEC ACQUIRE TERMINAL EXEC CICS CREATE commands DL/I load table EXEC ask-time, format-time program File control: EXEC interface module Translator table (GDS commands) EXEC interface load table EXEC interface IC module EXEC interface for perform resettime EXEC interface for perform security EXEC interface for perform shutdown EXEC inquire/set for DCE services domain EXEC inquire/set for external data sets EXEC inquire/set/discard for files EXEC inquire/set for dump data sets and dump codes EXEC inquire/set for IRC EXEC inquire/set for monitor and stats EXEC inquire/set for CEMT-only commands EXEC inquire for queued requests (REQIDs) EXEC inquire/set for system attributes EXEC inquire/set for connections EXEC inquire/set for journals EXEC inquire/set for tasks EXEC inquire/discard for journalmodel EXEC inquire/set for modenames EXEC inquire/set/discard for programs EXEC inquire/set for TD queues EXEC inquire/set for terminals EXEC inquire/set for volumes EXEC inquire/set/discard for transactions EXEC CICS SPI commands for FEPI EXEC inquire/set for trace EXEC inquire for exit programs EXEC inquire/set for VTAM and autoinstall EXEC interface sycpoint processor



Pri 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2

Size 1016 3664 1464 86880 9248 3048 11800 2752 3024 7824 680 896 2800 1520 7576 14344 8584 1976 13944 3408 3152 8928 16616 3480 15248 3144 4048 6272 9096 22480 400 7144 3784 10392 6288 5968 1576

Option/ Note (19) DLI (1) SEC=YES -


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Table 49. LPA-eligible modules (continued) Name Description DFHEITAB Translator table (basic commands) DFHEITBS Translator table (special commands) DFHEITHG EXEC interface hired gun lookup table DFHEITMT Command language table for CEMT DFHEITOT Command language table for CEOT DFHEITS EXEC TS request handler DFHEITST CEST language definition table DFHEITSZ EXEC CICS language definition table DFHEJC EXEC interface for journaling DFHEKC EXEC interface for task control DFHEMEX EXEC interface for ME domain DFHEMS EXEC interface for BMS DFHEMTA Programmable interface to Master terminal program DFHEMTD Master terminal (CEMT) service program DFHEMTP Master terminal (CEMT) program DFHEOP EXEC interface for write operator DFHEOTP CEOT service program DFHEPC EXEC interface for program control DFHEPS System spooling interface stub DFHERM Resource manager interface (RMI) module DFHERMRS External resource manager resync processor DFHERMSP External resource manager syncpoint processor DFHESC EXEC interface for storage control DFHESE EXEC interface for query security DFHESN EXEC interface for signon and sign-off DFHESTP CEST service program DFHESZ EXEC CICS API commands for FEPI DFHETC EXEC interface for terminal control DFHETD EXEC interface for transient data DFHETL LU6.2 EXEC interface stub DFHETR EXEC interface for trace control DFHETRX EXEC interface for enter tracenum, monitor DFHFCAT File control catalog manager DFHFCBD File control BDAM request processor DFHFCCA File Control RLS Control ACB Manager DFHFCDN File control DSN block manager DFHFCD2 File control shared data tables record request handler DFHFCFL File Control FRAB/FLAB processor DFHFCFR File Control request handler



Pri 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2

Size 46272 47984 13800 34432 1192 7096 4984 8592 984 1448 2792 4264 3232 98120 3232 2752 3232 8280 2856 14056 4312 4400 1320 4664 4992 3232 1136 7376 2728 7944 792 1232 7328 5192 14984 9856 16120 6896 10760

Option/ Note (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) BMS (1,6) (1) (1) (1) (16) (1) (7) USERTR (17) (17) (17) (11) (17)

Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area


Table 49. LPA-eligible modules (continued) Name Description DFHFCFS DFHFCIN DFHFCLJ DFHFCMT DFHFCNQ DFHFCQI DFHFCQT DFHFCQU DFHFCQX DFHFCRC DFHFCRL DFHFCRO DFHFCRP DFHFCRS File Control state program File control initialization program File control logging and journaling File control table manager File control lock name interpreter File control VSAM RLS Quiesce Initiation File control VSAM RLS Quiesce Common System Transaction File control VSAM RLS Quiesce Process File control VSAM RLS Quiesce CICS RLS Quiesce Exit File control recovery control File control VSAM SHRCTL block manager



Pri 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3

Size 54632 1448 16968 11864 3088 5408 14376 8304 2440 20792 3320 31384 24040 24192 3576 1792 7352 552 30504 2096 11736 11440 4952 2048 2048 1912 1688 6464 2224 1328 3512 2288 8936 1072 1768 18480 2464 3592

Option/ Note (17) (17) (17) (17) (17) (17) (17) (17) (1) (17) (1) (12) (13) (1) (1) (1) ISC=YES -

File control restart program File control VSAM RLS record management module DFHFCRV File control VSAM RLS interface module DFHFCSD File control shutdown program DFHFCST File control statistics program DFHFCU File open utility program DFHFCVS File access VSAM request processor DFHGMM VTAM LU startup message DFHGTCNV Subroutine used by the LOGR subsystem interface DFHICP Interval control program DFHICXM AP domain - bind, inquire, and release facility IC functions DFHIIPA$ BMS non-3270 input mapping (standard) DFHIIP1$ BMS non-3270 input mapping (full) DFHINDAP Indoubt tool DFHINDSP Indoubt tool syncpoint processor DFHINDT Indoubt tool DFHINTRU Indoubt tool task-related user exit DFHIRW10 IRC work delivery exit program DFHISP Intersystem communication program DFHJCP Journaling component DFHKCP Transaction manager startup routine DFHKCSC DFHKCQ chain scanning for discard DFHKESVC KE domain - authorized service routine DFHLDDMI LD domain - secondary initialization DFHLDNT LD domain - storage notify handler DFHLDST LD domain - statistics collection


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Table 49. LPA-eligible modules (continued) Name Description DFHLDSVC LD domain - authorized service routine DFHLGDM Log manager domain initialization DFHLGCNV Exit routine used by the LOGR subsystem interface DFHLIRET Language interface return program DFHMCPA$ BMS mapping control program (standard) DFHMCPE$ BMS mapping control program (minimum) DFHMCP1$ BMS mapping control program (full) DFHMCX BMS fast path module DFHMET1E DFHMEU base messages link-edit module DFHMET5E DFHMEU ONC RPS messages link-edit module DFHMET9E DFHMEU user messages link-edit module DFHMGP Message writer program DFHMGT Message generation table DFHMIRS DFHMIRS DFHML1 BMS LU1 printer mapping program DFHMNDMLMN domain initialization/termination DFHMNSVC MN domain - authorized service routine DFHMSP Message switching program DFHMXP Local queuing shipper DFHM32A$ BMS 3270 mapping (standard) DFHM321$ BMS 3270 mapping (full) DFHNQDM NQ domain initialize, quiesce and terminate domain functions DFHPBPA$ BMS page and text build (standard) DFHPBP1$ BMS page and text build (full) DFHPCP Program control program DFHPCPC2 PCP interface to COBOL stub for OS/VS COBOL V1 R2.3 or R2.4 application programs DFHPGADX Program autoinstall exit Assembler DFHPGDM PG domain - initialize, quiesce, and terminate domain functions DFHPGRP PG domain - recovery program DFHPHP Partition handling program DFHPRCM Partner resource manager command interface DFHPRFS Partner resource manager interface to SAA communications interface DFHPRIN Partner initialization load program DFHPRPT Partner resource table (PRT) manager DFHPSP System spooling interface program



Pri 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Size 2256 346736 20088 136 8248 7064 12920 7136 340872 67512 360 14560 23272 4816 5144 74936 4600 11440 1176 6520 6520 34760 8552 9352 2488 2064

Option/ Note (12) (14) (13) BMS NATLANG ISC=YES (1) BMS (1) (1) (12) (13) (12) (13) -



2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2

200 153328 12888 2248 1360 632 3336 3040 14424

(1) BMS (16)

Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area


Table 49. LPA-eligible modules (continued) Name Description DFHPSSVC System spooling interface, retrieve a data set name DFHQRY Query transaction DFHRLRA$ BMS route list resolution (standard) DFHRLR1$ BMS route list resolution (full) DFHRMSY Resource manager resync program DFHRPAL ONC RPC feature alias list DFHRTC CRTE cancel command processor DFHRTE Transaction routing program DFHRTSU Surrogate terminal interface program DFHSAIQ AP domain - system data inquire & set DFHSFP Sign-off program DFHSIP System initialization program DFHSKP Subtask management program DFHSKTSK General purpose subtask entry point DFHSMSVC SM domain - authorized service routine DFHSMTAB CICSPLex SM commands language table DFHSNP Signon program DFHSNUS US domain - local and remote signon DFHSPP Syncpoint program DFHSTDML ST domain initialization/termination DFHSUSX XRF signon DFHSUWT WTO/WTOR interface subroutine DFHSUZX ZC trace controller DFHSZATR FEPI adaptor program DFHTBSS Builder syncpoint processor DFHTCRP Terminal control recovery program DFHTDP Transient data program DFHTDQ Transient data program DFHTDRM Transient data recovery manager processor DFHTDRP Transient data recovery program DFHTDTM TD table management gate DFHTDXM XM domain - TD facility management services DFHTFBF Terminal facility manager bind facility functions DFHTFIQ Terminal facility manager inquire/set functions DFHTFRF Terminal facility manager release function DFHTIDM TI domain initialization/termination DFHTMP Table manager program DFHTON Terminal object resolution module DFHTONR Terminal object resolution recovery



Pri 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2

Size 1472 3824 2040 3832 4160 2384 864 2600 2736 2224 4144 1118760 6448 40 11336 632 13184 52984 1744 30520 9240 7152 6808 17328 19168 25392 25448 30280 31080 6432 17656 3696 14528 5632 4176 9264 21088 816 2248

Option/ Note (16) (1) (12) (13) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (20) -


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Table 49. LPA-eligible modules (continued) Name Description DFHTORP Terminal object recovery program DFHTPPA$ BMS terminal page processor (standard) DFHTPP1$ BMS terminal page processor (full) DFHTPQ BMS terminal page cleanup program DFHTPR BMS terminal page retrieval program DFHTPS BMS terminal page scheduling program DFHTRAO TR domain - auxiliary trace output DFHTSDML Temporary storage domain DFHTSP Temporary-storage control program DFHUEH User exit handler (AP domain) DFHUEM User exit manager DFHUSDM US domain - initialize, quiesce, and terminate domain functions DFHWSMS DFHWSMS DFHWSSON CAVM state management signon request handler DFHWTI XRF takeover initiation program DFHXCI External CICS interface (EXCI) program DFHXCSVC EXCI SVC services DFHXCTAB EXCI language table DFHXFP Online data transformation program DFHXFRM Function shipping storage recovery DFHXFX Optimized data transformation program DFHXRP XRF request program DFHXRSP XRF surveillance program DFHXSS XS domain - supervisor request services DFHXSWM XRF message manager for security manager DFHXTP Terminal sharing transformation program DFHZATA Autoinstall program DFHZATD Autoinstall delete program DFHZATDX User-replaceable autoinstall exit DFHZATDY User-replaceable autoinstall exit with APPC DFHZBAN Terminal control bind analysis DFHZCA VTAM working set module DFHZCB VTAM working set module DFHZCC VTAM working set module DFHZCN1 CICS Client CCIN transaction DFHZCN2 CICS Client CCIN transaction DFHZCP Terminal management program DFHZCT1 CICS Client CTIN transaction



Pri 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3

Size 544 3344 4336 4040 21688 4632 1480 123248 3928 7960 7864 58640 38456 14280 11648 3152 512 504 31744 1744 8024 9272 4800 30576 1744 11656 18648 6584 392 560 10288 9888 39496 63160 4472 4464 33528 103046

Option/ Note (12) (13) BMS (1) BMS (1) BMS (1) (21) (22) (20) (20) (20) ISC=YES ISC=YES (20) (20) SEC=NO (20) ISC=YES (1) (1) AIEXIT (1) AIEXIT (1) (19) (19) (19) (1) (19) (1)

Appendix B. CICS modules eligible for the MVS link pack area


Table 49. LPA-eligible modules (continued) Name Description DFHZCUT Persistent verification signed-on-from list management program VTAM nonworking set module LOCATE, ISC/IRC request Transaction routing module address list VTAM nonworking set module VTAM nonworking set module APPC autoinstall - create APPC clones APPC manipulate bitmap LU6.2 CNOS actioning Catalog CNOS services ZC VTAM change macro domain function LU6.2 CNOS negotiation ZC VTAM issue inquire VTAM persistent sessions resource handler ZC table alter ZC table inquire gate LU6.2 extended attach security Authorized path SRB mode VTAM EXECRPL LU6.2 CNOS request transaction program Resync send program

Library LOAD


Pri 2

Size 5376

Option/ Note (19)




3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 2

7072 34728 28984 82976 25712 9288 4776 6168 2440 4056 12272 3544 2848 23312 14744 7512 712 2160 248

(19) ISC=YES ISC=YES (19) (19) AIEXIT (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) (19) HPO=YES (19) (1) (23) (1)


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Glossary of SMP/E terms used in this book

ACCEPT (function of SMP/E) . SMP/E control statement that controls the placement (installing) of SYSMODs into the distribution libraries. Processing is similar to that during APPLY except that the distribution zone is updated, not the target zone, and JCLIN data is not processed by ACCEPT. If the installing is successful, any entries in the SCDS created by APPLY are deleted, as are temporary libraries created by RECEIVE. Therefore, after a SYSMOD is accepted, it can no longer be removed by SMP/E. APAR (authorized program analysis report) . IBM-supplied fixes of a temporary corrective nature to elements of IBM-supplied function SYSMODs. APAR fixes are intended to cure problems currently being experienced by an installation. The APAR fix is usually in the form of either a modification to a load module or an update to card-image data. It is intended as a temporary arrangement until a PTF is issued to fix the problem permanently. This PTF will supersede the APAR fix, and indeed specifies this relationship on its ++VER statement. To get an APAR SYSMOD accepted into the distribution libraries, the APARS keyword must be specified in the ACCEPT control statement, which protects against inadvertent updating of distribution libraries that are to be kept free of temporary fixes. The ++VER statement in the APAR SYSMOD must specify the FMID of the function that owns the elements being updated. ++APAR(AP12345) ++VER(C150) FMID(HCI5200) You should not accept APARs into the distribution library, however, because the relevant PTF will become available in due course as a more permanent form of service. APPLY (function of SMP/E) . SMP/E control statement that applies SYSMODs to the CICS target libraries, where they can be tested. If the tests are not satisfactory, you can remove all or selected SYSMODs using the RESTORE function. If the test is successful, you can use the ACCEPT function to store the elements from the SYSMOD into the distribution libraries. During JCLIN processing, every affected entry in the target zone is saved in the SCDS, in case the target system libraries and the target zone have to be restored to their original status. CSI (consolidated software inventory) . A keyed VSAM data set, logically divided by SMP/E into zones. For further information on the CSI and the logical structure of zones, see the System Modification Program Extended: Users Guide. Distribution zone . Describes the structure and contents of a set of distribution libraries. Function SYSMOD . An IBM-supplied product that can be installed with SMP/E. CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3 is packaged as a function SYSMOD on a distribution tape. This contains distribution libraries and JCLIN data which SMP/E uses to create the target libraries. FMID (keyword of CICS SYSMODs) . Keyword identifying the release and option to which a SYSMOD is applicable. For CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 Release 3, it is always HCI5200. Global zone . Logical division of the SMP/E consolidated software inventory (CSI), containing such information as: v Definitions of all other related zones v Descriptions of the SYSMODs present in the PTS v Descriptions of the system utilities to be invoked during SMP/E processing v DD definition entries for use by dynamic allocation load module . In the context of SMP/E, an executable load module in a target library (such as hlq.SDFHLOAD). The standard SMP/E abbreviation for a load module is LMOD. PTF (program temporary fix) . IBM-supplied fixes to elements of IBM-supplied function SYSMODs. PTFs are intended for installation by all users to avoid possible problems. A PTF may contain fixes for several different problems. This means that several APAR fixes reported in RETAIN may all be superseded by the more permanent PTF, which: v Provides card-image changes that are identical to those in the APAR fix v Contains object-module replacements for preassembled CICS programs Every PTF is introduced by a ++PTF header statement, and contains the FMID keyword on its ++VER modification control statement, identifying CICS (HCI5200) as the owner of the modules being serviced. For example: ++PTF(UP12345) ++VER(C150) FMID(HCI5200)

Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999


PTS (PTF temporary store) . SMP/E primary data set used to store temporarily SYSMODs that are in RECEIVE or APPLY status; that is, they have not been rejected or accepted. RECEIVE (function of SMP/E) . SMP/E control statement that initiates processing of a SYSMOD. RECEIVE reads the SYSMODs from the SMPPTFIN data set. Each SYSMOD must have been received before any other function can be executed. RECEIVE updates the SMPPTS data set and performs syntax checking on input. Before any SYSMOD for CICS can be received, the global zone must have been initialized with a global zone entry. Service SYSMODs can be received into the (PTS) before the function to which it applies has been received, and can be maintained there until the function is received. This allows all service for a product such as CICS to be installed with the base product. REJECT (function of SMP/E) . SMP/E control statement that removes SYSMODs from the PTS data set and deletes any temporary libraries that SMP/E may have allocated when the SYSMOD was received (RELfiles). If the SELECT or EXCLUDE option is not coded on the REJECT control statement, all SYSMODs not applied or accepted will be removed from the PTS. This is called a mass rejection. All other SYSMOD processing functions (RECEIVE, APPLY, RESTORE, and ACCEPT) can have SELECT or EXCLUDE specified, or may default to mass-processing mode. RESTORE (function of SMP/E) . SMP/E control statement that removes SYSMODs from the target system libraries after they have been applied, and restores the target libraries to their status prior to application of the SYSMODs. If necessary, RESTORE reconstructs the target zone entries from the SCDS. If you select mass restore, all SYSMODs that have been applied but not accepted will be removed from the target libraries. SYSMOD (system modification) . An IBM-supplied product (function SYSMOD). An IBM-supplied preventive service (PTF). An IBM-supplied corrective service (APAR). A user-supplied modification (USERMOD). Target zone . Describes the structure and contents of a set of target system libraries. UCLIN (function of SMP/E) . SMP/E control statement that can be used to manipulate the various data sets that make up the SMP/E data base. The most common use of this function is to initialize the SMP/E database before the first attempt to use it. For CICS, this initialization is performed during installation, when DFHINST4 is run. USERMOD (user modification) . User-supplied modifications to elements of IBM-supplied function

SYSMODs. USERMODs are similar to APAR fixes, but are supplied by the user and not by IBM. They may be: v A local fix to bypass a problem until an official IBM fix is available v A user modification to add or alter function within CICS The decision to modify CICS, either to add or to alter function, should be taken with caution, because it greatly increases the amount of research you must do before installing PTFs, and may also increase the installation time for PTFs. Furthermore, USERMODS will cause difficulty when you want to install future release of CICS.


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

Index A
ACB (VTAM), authorizing the region userid to open 6 ACBNAME, parameter of VTAM APPL statement 34 ACBNAME, VTAM APPL statement parameter CAS 206 CMAS 223 ACCEPT, function of SMP/E 111, 441 ACCTFILE, primer sample application accounts data set 125 ACIXFILE, primer sample application index data set 125 activating real-time analysis VTAM definitions for CAS 208 for CMAS 225 alerts to NetView preparing NetView to receive 221 allocating libraries for IPCS 420 APAR (authorized program analysis report) 441 APAR fixes 111, 112 APF (authorized program facility) 3 APF, MVS/ESA initialization parameter IEASYSxx value 201 APPC parameter, VTAM APPL statement 223 APPL statement CAS 206, 223 CMAS 223 application programming interface (API) installing REXX function package 219 preparing for 219 APPLID accessing from several MVS images 35 notifying VTAM of the CICS APPLID 159 using for VTAM logon 164 APPLY, function of SMP/E 111, 441 applying service supplied SMP/E procedure 317 to OS/2 remote MAS 317 to VSE remote MAS 317 applying service to CICS 111 corequisite fixes 112 servicing the CICS messages data set 114 ASMHCL exec, to create an MVS nucleus module list for CICS 32 ASREXIT 65 ATCCONxx, VTAM list member 224 ATCSTRxx, VTAM list member 224 AUTH, parameter of VTAM APPL statement 34 AUTH, VTAM APPL statement parameter CAS 206 CMAS 223 Copyright IBM Corp. 1989, 1999 authorized libraries 3 authorized program analysis report (APAR) 441 authorized program facility (APF) 3 authorizing hlq.SDFHAUTH 3 authorizing SYS1.PARMLIB libraries 203, 218, 248 AUTINST, CICS SIT parameter 279 automated-operation programs message formatting coexistence considerations 26 automatic installation of terminals 157, 158 auxiliary storage usage 220 auxiliary trace (A) data set, DFHAUXT creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 auxiliary trace (B) data set, DFHBUXT creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 CAS (continued) JCL requirements (continued) CAS EXEC 213 EYUCAS 212 STEPLIB 213 prepare to start 212 prepare user access to CICSPlex SM 211 start command 213 CAS (coordinating address space) cross-domain resources 207 CAS-related data sets parameter repository 210 screen repository 210 CASNAME system parameter 409 category 1 transactions, authorizing the region userid 7 CDRSC CAS-update configuration 207 CMAS-update configuration 224 create or access member 207 in SYS1.VTAMLST library 223, 224 defining 223 CEDA transaction 166 installing the CICS sample programs 167 CF cache structures, VSAM RLS 68 CF lock structure, VSAM RLS 68 checklists for setup CAS 186 CMAS 186 MVS MAS 186 OS/2 remote MAS 190 overview 185 VSE remote MAS 189 CICS libraries authorizing 3 CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF) 263, 408 CICS SIT parameters 407 CMAS-related 239 MVS MAS-related 262 OS/2 remote MAS-related 293 VSE remote MAS-related 278 CICS-supplied transactions in interactive IVP from a terminal 164 CICS SVCs, installing DFHCSVC in the LPA 38 CICS system definition (CSD) files updating 227, 252, 271 CICS system definition data set, DFHCSD 157 creating for all CICS regions 122 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 requirements for autoinstall 157 CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) add CICS system definitions 226, 231 CICS SIT parameters 239, 407

backing up the data repository 235 BBACTDEF DD statement with CAS startup JCL 213 with CMAS startup JCL 238 BBIPARM DD statement with CAS startup 213 BBM9ZA00 program for CAS startup 213 BBSECURE DD statement with CAS startup 213 BBVDEF DD statement with CAS startup JCL 213 with CMAS startup JCL 238 BLSCECT updating 419

cache sets, VSAM RLS 69 CAS create data sets 210 define VTAM requirements 204 activate the major nodes 208 create a mode table 204 create a VTAM application 206 define cross-domain resources 206, 207 define information to CICSPlex SM 215 update the configuration list 207 generate post-installation jobs 209 JCL requirements BBACTDEF 213 BBIPARM 213 BBVDEF 213


CICSPlex SM address space (CMAS) (continued) create data repository 230 DCT entries 226 define VTAM requirements 222 activate the major nodes 225 define APPL statement 222, 223 define cross-domain resources 222, 223 define information to CICSplex 244 update configuration list 224 JCT entries 226 journalmodel considerations 228 PLT entries 226 preparing for API 219 restarting 245 shared CSD 229 START command for a CMAS 243 start ESSS 218 starting as a batch job 236 from the system console 236 update CICS tables 226 update CSD using DFHCSDUP 227 update IEASYSxx 202, 217 upgrade CSD release 229 use post-installation jobs 225 CICSPlex SM Starter Set creating environment 311 defining environment 311 deleting 314 naming convention 309 sample libraries 307 selecting configuration 311 starting components 313 using as a model 315 CICSPLEX system parameter 409 CMAC, CICS messages facility DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 defining resources needed 124 defining the messages data set, DFHCMACD 124 messages data set, DFHCMACD 148 resources needed to use with the IVP jobs 146 servicing the messages data set, DFHCMACD 114 CMAS (CICSPlex SM address space) add CICS system definitions 226, 231 CICS SIT parameters 239, 407 create data repository 230 DCT entries 226 define VTAM requirements 222 activate the major nodes 225 define APPL statement 222, 223 define cross-domain resources 222, 223 define information to CICSplex 244 update configuration list 224 JCT entries 226 journalmodel considerations 228 PLT entries 226 preparing for API 219 restarting 245

CMAS (CICSPlex SM address space) (continued) shared CSD 229 START command for a CMAS 243 start ESSS 218 starting as a batch job 236 from the system console 236 update CICS tables 226 update CSD using DFHCSDUP 227 update IEASYSxx 202, 217 upgrade CSD release 229 use post-installation jobs 225 CMAS journaling 415 CMAS-related data sets 210 CMAS-related post installation jobs local MAS 250 CMAS-specific JCL requirements BBACTDEF 238 BBVDEF 238 CICS EXEC 237 DFHRPL 238 EYUCMAS 237 EYUDREP 238 EYULOG 238 EYUPARM 238 STEPLIB 238 CMASNAME parameter of EYU9XDUT 231 CMASSTOP command 244 CMASSYSID system parameter 409 CMD, MVS/ESA initialization parameter IEASYSxx value 201 coexistence considerations automated-operation programs 26 releases of CICS before this release 26 COIRTASKPRI system parameter 409 COMMNDaa, operator commands member for CAS 212 for CMAS 236 common CICS data sets, creating (DFHCOMDS job) 122 communications CAS-to-CAS defining cross-domain resources 207 CMAS-to-CMAS defining cross-domain resources 223 configuration views defining CMAS-to-CMAS links 244 console device for the IVP jobs defining a TSO user 160 definition 156 using transactions 167 CONSOLE macro 73 console message formatting activating 24 default initialization parameters 23 defining CICS as an MVS subsystem 19 modules needed 24 console messages 73 console support defining a TSO user as a console 160

console support (continued) TSO CLIST processing 168 consolidated software inventory (CSI) 441 converting the data repository 232 coordinating address space (CAS) create data sets 210 cross-domain resources 207 define VTAM requirements 204 activate the major nodes 208 create a mode table 204 create a VTAM application 206 define cross-domain resources 206, 207 define information to CICSPlex SM 215 update the configuration list 207 generate post-installation jobs 209 JCL requirements BBACTDEF 213 BBIPARM 213 BBVDEF 213 CAS EXEC 213 EYUCAS 212 STEPLIB 213 prepare to start 212 prepare user access to CICSPlex SM 211 start command 213 COSD transaction 244 coupling facility 75 definition 85 recommendations 84 structures 85 coupling facility sizing utility, DFHLSCU 93 COUT, transient data extrapartition data set DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 CPSM140.EYUDREP converting the data repository 232 creating the data repository 231 in CMAS startup JCL 238 storing CMAS-to-CMAS link definitions 244 CPSM140.EYUIPRM data set creating parameter repository 210 in CAS startup JCL 211 storing CMAS-to-CMAS link definitions 244 CPSM140.EYUSDEF data set creating screen repository 210 CPSM140.SEYUADEF in CAS startup JCL 212 in CMAS startup JCL 237 CPSM140.SEYUAUTH authorizing 203 in CAS startup JCL 213 in CMAS startup JCL 238 in MAS startup JCL 261 CPSM140.SEYUINST 405 CPSM140.SEYUJCL JCL for creating Starter Set 307 JCL for running Starter Set 308 JCL for Starter Set environment 308


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

CPSM140.SEYULOAD in CMAS startup JCL 238 in MAS startup JCL 261 resource definition 227 CPSM140.SEYUPARM 212 CPSM140.SEYUSAMP EYUJCLGN 253 EYUJCLMT 205, 208 EYUSMPMT 205 CPSM140.SEYUVDEF in CAS startup JCL 212 in CMAS startup JCL 237 CPSM140.TEYUINST members EYUCAS 209, 225 EYUCMAS 209, 225 EYUDEFDS 209, 225 EYUDFHDS 209, 225 EYULPMOD 209, 225 EYUSMPE 209, 225 EYUTSODS 211 tailoring EYUISTAR 209 CMAS-related parameters 210 MAS-related parameters 210 CPSM140.XEYUINST 317 creating CICS system definition data repository 230 creating CICSPlex SM data sets 210 creating mode table 204 creating VTAM application definition 206 CRELEASE system parameter 400 cross-domain resources (CDRSC) CAS-update configuration 207 CMAS-update configuration 224 create or access member 207 in SYS1.VTAMLST library 223, 224 defining 223 cross-system coupling facility (XCF) used for interregion communication 135 cross system locking, VSAM RLS 68 CSD files updating 227, 252, 271 CSI (consolidated software inventory) 441 CSNE transient data destination 35 customizing CICS adding ISC support 138 installing CICS modules in MVS link pack area 37 using HPO support 31

DASD-only logging recommendations 101 data repository backing up 235 converting 232 creating 230 defining forward recovery log for 235 expanding 233 for each CMAS 230 identified in CMAS startup JCL 238

data sets for CICS 121 common to all regions, creating (DFHCOMDS job) 122 unique to each region, creating (DFHDEFDS job) 123 database control (DBCTL) for DL/I 129 DAYLIGHT parameter of EYU9XDUT 232 DBCTL installation verification procedure (IVP) 175 DBCTL (database control) DL/I support 129 DCT entries CMAS 226 MAS 251 Default CICS userid, defining to RACF 13 defining a terminal for online IVP 157 defining cross-domain resources 207 Defining the hlq.SDFHLPA library to your MVS 41 defining VTAM information to CICSPlex SM 215 DFH$AFLA CSD group, FILEA sample programs 167 DFH$BTCH, input to the verify batch job 150 DFH$FILA CSD group, FILEA sample data set 167 DFH$SIP2 member of SYSIN data set 144 DFH$SIPn members of SYSIN data set, for IVP jobs 144 DFH0JCUS DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFH0JHLP DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFH99BLD DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHAUPLE DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHAUXT data set, auxiliary trace creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 DFHBUXT data set, auxiliary trace creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 DFHCMACD, messages data set 114, 124 defining associated CICS resources 125 DFHCMACI DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHCMACI, job to create and initialize the messages data set 124 DFHCMACU DFHISTAR installation parameter 121

DFHCOMDS DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHCOMDS, job to create common CICS data sets 122 DFHCSD data set, CICS system definition 157 creating for all CICS regions 122 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 requirements for autoinstall 157 DFHCSDUP requirements DFHCSD 228, 253 EYU922G3.A 271 STEPLIB 228, 253 SYSIN 228, 253 DFHCSVC, CICS Type 3 SVC 38 installing in the LPA 38 DFHCSVC, the CICS type 3 SVC coexistence 27 with CICS/ESA Version 3 and 4 regions 27 with CICS Version 1 and 2 releases 27 correct-level check 27 defining to MVS 28 installing 27 using for MRO between different CICS releases 29 using more than one version 28 DFHCTAIX, sample application alternate index 125 DFHCTCUS, sample application details data set 125 DFHCTHLP, sample application help data set 125 DFHCXRF, transient data extrapartition data set DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 local request queue data set 149 DFHDEFDS DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHDEFDS, job to create data sets for each region 123 DFHDELIM program entry in PLT 227 DFHDLI user exits XDLIPOST 129 XDLIPRE 129 DFHDMPA data set, dump creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 DFHDMPB data set, dump creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 DFHDSPEX, CICS post exit stub 38 installing in the LPA 38 DFHGCD data set, global catalog creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 DFHHPSVC, VTAM authorized path SVC defining to MVS 28, 31 loading into the MVS nucleus 31 Index


DFHILG1 DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHILG2 DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHILG3 DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHILG4 DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHILG5 DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHILG6 DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHILG7 DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHINSTA DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHINSTJ DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHINTRA data set, intapartition transient data creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 DFHIONCD DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHIONCL DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHIPUBS DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHIRP, interregion communication program 38 installing in the LPA 38 MRO requirement 136 DFHISTAR, creating post-installation jobs 118 DFHIVPBT DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHIVPBT, batch IVP 146, 150 DFH$BTCH input 150 expected output 153 system initialization parameters 144 DFHIVPDB DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHIVPOL DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHIVPOL, interactive IVP 146, 156 CICS-supplied transactions 164 sample programs 167 terminating CICS 169 transactions 167

DFHIWBL DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHLCD data set, CICS local catalog creating for each CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 DFHLPUMD DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHLSCU, log stream sizing utility 93, 105 DFHOPSRC DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHRPL (dynamic transaction routing exit) in CMAS startup JCL 238 in MAS startup JCL 261 DFHSIP, CICS initialization program 157 DFHSMPE DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHSMPE, cataloged procedure 112 DFHSSEN, subsystem interface end-of-memory / end-of-task clean up routine 38 installing in the LPA 38 DFHSSIyy, message-formatting initialization member 21 DFHSTART DFHISTAR installation parameter 121 DFHSTART, CICS startup procedure 147 DFHTEMP data set, temporary storage creating for each CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 DFHZATDX, autoinstall user program 158 DFLTUSER SIT parameter for CMAS 239 for MVS MAS 263 DFLTUSER system parameter 409 distribution libraries installing SYSMODs 441 distribution zone 441 DL/I database control (DBCTL) 129 global user exits 129 installing support 129 dump (A) data set, DFHDMPA creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 dump (B) data set, DFHDMPB creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 dynamic parse validation routines, installing 16

ELPA (extended link pack area) eligible modules 39 ENVIRONMENT, EYUINST EXEC parameter IMBED statements required in BLSCECT 419 post-installation customization 209 Environment Services System Services (ESSS) adding to MVS linklist 218 description of 218 ESSS (Environment Services System Services) adding to MVS linklist 218 description of 218 expanding the data repository 233 extended recovery facility (XRF) sessions, HAVAIL, parameter of VTAM APPL 34 EYU9XDUT 231 EYU9XESS module 218 EYU9XLCS 227 EYUCAS job 209, 225 EYUCMAS job 209, 225 EYUCMS01 CICS SIT parameters 239 EYUDEFDS job 209, 225 EYUDEZZZ panel, defining ISPF option 211 EYUDFHDS job 209, 225 EYUDREP data set converting the data repository 232 creating the data repository 231 in CMAS startup JCL 238 storing CMAS-to-CMAS link definitions 244 EYUIPRM data set CAS startup JCL 212 creating parameter repository 211 EYUISTAR CMASNAME parameter 231 DSINFO 231 EYULOG DD statement CMAS startup JCL 238 EYULPMOD job 209, 225, 250 EYUPARM DD statement in CMAS startup JCL 238 in MAS startup JCL 261 EYUPARM parameters description of 409 summary of 407 EYUSMPE job 209, 225, 250

FILEA data set, sample program data creating for each CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 FILEA sample applications transactions used 142 FMID, keyword of CICS SYSMODs 441 FORMATMSG, parameter of DFHSSIyy 22 forward recovery log for data repository 235 Function SYSMOD 441

EAS, parameter of VTAM APPL statement 34 EAS parameter, VTAM APPL statement 223


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

generating post-installation jobs 209 generic routecodes 22 global catalog data set, DFHGCD creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 global zone 441 GRPLIST CMAS parameter 240 MVS MAS parameter 263 VSE MAS parameter 279

HAVAIL, parameter of VTAM APPL statement 34 HFS 131 HIDEPASSWORD, parameter of DFHSSIyy 22 high level qualifier 15 high-performance option (HPO) 28, 31 defining the CICS SVCs to MVS 28 DFHHPSVC, VTAM authorized path SVC 31 system initialization parameter 31 VTAM authorized path, DFHHPSVC 31 hlq 15

IEAAPFxx, MVS authorization member authorizing 203 IEASYSxx, MVS initialization member 19 authorizing libraries 203 establishing requirements 202, 217 noting values in 201 updating for a CAS 202 for a CMAS 217 IEFDOIXT MVS exit, spool considerations 57 IEFSSNaa, MVS subsystem initialization member 20 IIOP 132 implementing MVS workload management 55 IMS adding DL/I support 129 database control (DBCTL) 129 initialize CAS 212 initialize CMAS 237 initialize data repository 231 initialize MVS MAS 260 initialize OS/2 remote MAS 297 initialize VSE remote MAS 277 installation of CICS sample programs 167 installation libraries for CICSPlex SM 398 installation verification procedure (IVP) 141 applids, defining and activating 142

installation verification procedure (IVP) 141 (continued) auxiliary temporary storage data set, DFHTEMP 148 auxiliary trace data set (A), DFHAUXT 148 auxiliary trace data set (B), DFHBUXT 148 batch IVP, DFHIVPBT 150 CICS region definition data set 149 CICS startup procedure, DFHSTART 147 CMAC resources 146 data sets for 141 FILEA data set, sample application data 148 global catalog data set, DFHGCD 149 interactive IVP, DFHIVPOL 156 defining a terminal for 157 JVM data set, DFHCJVM 149 JVM data set, DFHJVM 149 local catalog data set, DFHLCD 149 messages data set, DFHCMACD 148 RACF userid authority 142 required SVC for 141 security considerations 142 SYSIN data set 148 system definition data set 149 system initialization parameters 144 transaction dump (A) data set, DFHDMPA 149 transaction dump (B) data set, DFHDMPB 149 transient data extrapartition data set, COUT 149 transient data extrapartition data set, DFHCXRF 149 transient data extrapartition data set, DFHLRQ 149 transient data extrapartition data set, LOGUSR 149 transient data extrapartition data set, MSGUSR 149 transient data extrapartition data set, PLIMSG 149 transient data intrapartition data set, DFHINTRA 148 using the CEDA transaction 166 using transactions from console device 167 installation verification procedures (IVPs) installing a VSE remote MAS 377 installing an OS/2 remote MAS 383 installing CICSPlex SM on first MVS image 323 installing CICSPlex SM on second MVS image 347 installing the NetView RODM interface 389 overview 321 installing module in link list 218 Installing modules in the MVS link pack area 41, 42 interregion communication (IRC) 135 intersystem communication (ISC) installation considerations 138

intrapartition transient data data set, DFHINTRA creating for a CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 IPCS tools preparing to use 419 updating BLSCECT 419 updating library allocations 420 types of 419 IPCSLIB data set for IPCS 420 ISC (intersystem communication) installation considerations 138 ISMF control data set application, VSAM RLS 69 ISMF storage class application 69 ISPF, update primary menu 211 ISPMLIB data set for IPCS 420 ISPPLIB data set for IPCS 420 ISPPLIB DD statement 211 IVPs (installation verification procedures) installing a VSE remote MAS 377 installing an OS/2 remote MAS 383 installing CICSPlex SM on first MVS image 323 installing CICSPlex SM on second MVS image 347 installing the NetView RODM interface 389 overview 321

Java adding support 131 components 131 HFS files 131 IIOP and JCICS 132 Javadoc 132 JVM 134 PDSE files 132 samples 132 Javadoc 132 JCICS 132 JCT entry for CMAS 226 journal records, CMAS 415 journalmodels, CMAS 228 JRNLDEFCH system parameter 410 JRNLOPACT system parameter 410 JRNLRTAEV system parameter 410 JVM 134 JVM datasets DFHCJVM 149 DFHJVM 149

libraries authorizing 3 load libraries support for secondary extents 111 RACF-protecting 5 libraries, CICSPlex SM authorizing 203, 218, 248 EYUISTAR related 209 skeleton jobs 209 Index


link-editing DFHHPSVC into MVS nucleus 31 link pack area (LPA) CICS modules required in the LPA 38 eligible modules 39 installing CICS modules in 37, 42 installing required modules DFHCSVC, CICS SVC 38 DFHDSPEX, post exit stub 38 DFHIRP, interregion communication program 38 DFHSSEN, subsystem interface end-of-memory / end-of-task clean up routine 38 space for CICS requirements 41 linklist, installing CICS-required modules 16 linklist, installing module in 218 LNK, MVS/ESA initialization parameter IEASYSxx value 201 LNKAUTH, MVS/ESA initialization parameter IEASYSxx value 201 LNKLSTxx, MVS linklist member 219 load libraries 3 secondary extents 111 load module 441 local catalog (DFHLCD) creating for each CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 log manager coupling facility considerations 84 defining logger environment 75 requirements planning 75 using DASD-only logging 101 log stream sizing utility, DFHLSCU 93, 105 log streams, authorizing the region userid to use 8 logger environment coupling facility space required for RLS AORs 98 RLS implications 98 staging data sets 100 LOGMODE, parameter of VTAM APPL statement 34 LOGMODE tables 34 required entries for autoinstall 157 LOGUSR, transient data extrapartition data set DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 LPA (link pack area) CICS modules required in the LPA 38 eligible modules 39 installing CICS modules in 37, 42 installing required modules DFHCSVC, CICS SVC 38 DFHDSPEX, post exit stub 38 DFHIRP, interregion communication program 38 DFHSSEN, subsystem interface end-of-memory / end-of-task clean up routine 38

LPA (link pack area) (continued) space for CICS requirements 41 LPA, MVS/ESA initialization parameter IEASYSxx value 201 LPA, system initialization parameter 46 LUTYPE6 sessions ACQ 34 PARSESS 34 PERSIST 34

MVS linklist installing CICS-required modules 16 installing IGWABWO 16 installing IGWARLS 17 other MVS product modules 16 MVS linklist, installing module in 218 MVS logger 75 MVS subsystem, defining CICS as 19 MVS workload management 55

NAME system parameter 410 managed application system (MAS) NetView (MAS) CICSPlex SM interface to RODM DCT entries 251 overview 299 PLT entries 251 requirements 300 MAS-related parameters supplied elements 300 CICS SIT 262, 279 updating CICSPlex SM 304 MAS-specific JCL requirements updating NetView 301 DFHRPL DD 261 sending generic alerts to 221 EYUPARM DD 261 network control programs for CAS 204 STEPLIB DD 261 NSYSLX, MVS/ESA initialization MASINITTIME system parameter 410 parameter MASPLTWAIT system parameter 410 IEASYSxx value 202 MAXCAD, MVS/ESA initialization setting 202, 218 parameter IEASYSxx value 202 setting 218 MAXUSER, MVS/ESA initialization OS/2 remote MAS, setting up parameter applying service 317 IEASYSxx value 202 checking the service level 319 message log (EYULOG) defining a TCS entry 291 with CMAS JCL 238 defining the remote MAS to MLPA (modified link pack area) 38 CICSPlex SM 297 mode table entry deleting components 320 CPSM140.SEYUSAMP/EYUSMPMT 205 downloading EYUIDLDS.EXE 285 MODETAB, VTAM APPL statement editing EYUPARMS.DAT 295 parameter 206 importing resource definitions 296 EYUSMPMT 205 installing CICSPlex SM modified link pack area (MLPA) 38 components 287 MODIFY command 168 installing DLLs 293 modules, installing in LPA 37 installing from another modules eligible for the LPA/ELPA 39 workstation 289 MRO between different CICS release installing Software Installer for levels 29 OS/2 286 overview 283 MSGCASE system parameter 410 requirements 284 MSGUSR, transient data extrapartition restarting the workstation 295 data set reviewing CICS SIT parameters 293 DD statement in IVP startup reviewing Communications procedure 149 Manager/2 definitions 290 multiregion operation (MRO) starting 297 between different CICS release stopping and restarting the remote levels 29 MAS 297 defining CICS as an MVS updating CICSENV.CMD 292 subsystem 135 updating CONFIG.SYS 290 installation considerations 135 MVS ASREXIT 65 MVS definitions CICS protection key 54 for CICS performance 55 parameter repository for console messages 73 created by EYUDEFDS 210 password checking 53 parameters MVS image CICS SIT XCF/MRO is required for links for CMAS 239 between CICS regions in for MVS MAS 262, 279 different 135 for OS/2 remote MAS 293


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

parameters (continued) for VSE remote MAS 278 CICSPlex SM system 407 EYUINST EXEC 399 in CMAS startup JCL 407 in MAS startup JCL 407 PARSESS, parameter of VTAM APPL statement 34 PARSESS parameter, VTAM APPL statement CAS 206 CMAS 223 PASS option of VTAM APPL parameter AUTH 223 password checking 53 performance definitions for MVS 55 performance parameters (CICS), matching to service policies 56 PERSIST, parameter of VTAM APPL statement 34 PLIMSG, transient data extrapartition data set DD statement in IVP startup procedure 149 PLT entries CMAS 226 MAS 251 post-installation jobs CAS-related 209 CMAS-related 225 EYUCAS 209, 225 EYUCMAS 209, 225, 237 EYUDEFDS 209, 225, 231 EYUDFHDS 209, 225 EYULPMOD 209, 225, 250 EYUSMPE 209, 225, 250 MVS MAS-related 250 VSE MAS-related 270 preventive service 441 problem state 3 PROG, MVS/ESA initialization parameter IEASYSxx value 202 program temporary fix (PTF) 113 program temporary store (PTS) 442 protecting CICS load libraries 5 protection key definition 54 PRTAUXT step of IVP jobs 147 PRTBUXT step of IVP jobs 147 PRTDMPA step of IVP jobs 147 PRTDMPB step of IVP jobs 147 PRVMOD, system initialization parameter 47 PTF (program temporary fix) 111, 113, 441 temporary store (PTS) 442 PTS (PTF temporary store) 442

RACF (resource access control facility) (continued) installing the interface routines 16 IVP userid authority 142 LOGSTRM general resource class 8 protecting CICS load libraries 5 RECEIVE, function of SMP/E 111, 442 REGION parameter for CAS startup 213 region userid, authorizing for category 1 transactions 7 region userid, authorizing to OPEN a regions ACB 6 REJECT function of SMP/E 442 resource classes, activating 10 resource definitions, autoinstall for terminals 157 RESSTATUS system parameter 411 restarting CMAS 245 restarting MVS MAS 265 restarting OS/2 remote MAS 297 restarting VSE remote MAS 281 RESTORE, function of SMP/E 111, 442 REXX function package, installing 219 RODM interface overview 299 requirements 300 supplied elements 300 updating CICSPlex SM 304 updating NetView 301 routecodes, generic 22 ROUTECODES, parameter of DFHSSIyy 22 RSVNONR, MVS/ESA initialization parameter IEASYSxx value 202 RSVSTRT, MVS/ESA initialization parameter IEASYSxx value 202 RUSIZES parameter 204

sample applications data sets, creating ACCTFILE, primer sample application accounts 125 ACIXFILE, primer sample application index 125 DFHCTAIX, sample application alternate index 125 DFHCTCUS, sample application details 125 DFHCTHLP, sample application help 125 sample JCL CAS 212 CMAS 237 EYUCAS 209, 225 EYUCMAS 209, 225 EYUDEFDS 209, 225 EYUDFHDS 209, 225 EYUJCLGN 227, 253 EYULPMOD 209, 225, 250 EYUSMPE 209, 225, 250 MAS 261 sample JCS EYU$CON3.A 270 EYUC22P3.A 270 EYUJ22G3.A 270

RACF (resource access control facility) activating resource classes 10 authorizing the region userid for category 1 transactions 7 authorizing the region userid to open a regions VTAM ACB 6 authorizing the region userid to use MVS log streams 8 defining the default CICS userid 13

sample JCS (continued) EYUJSVAL.A 270 to create CONNECTIONS and SESSIONS definitions for VSE MAS 273 to create the CICSPlex SM EYUPARM file 277 to create the SVA load list 275 to run DFHCSDUP for VSE MAS 272 sample program data, FILEA creating for each CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 sample programs, installing 167 sample programs in interactive IVP 167 scope, EYUINST EXEC parameter post-installation customization 209 screen repository 210 SDUMP options 421 SEC system parameter 411 secondary extents, load libraries 111 SECPRFX system parameter 411 security with the CICS IVPs 142 service, applying supplied SMP/E procedure 317 to OS/2 remote MAS 317 to VSE remote MAS 317 servicing CICS 111 corequisite fixes 112 session outage notification (SON) SONSCIP 34 setting up CAS 201 CMAS 217 MVS MAS 247 OS/2 remote MAS 283 VSE remote MAS 267 sharing control data sets, VSAM RLS 70 SHUtdown action command 244 shutting down a CMAS 244 SIT parameters, CICS 407 CMAS-related 239 MVS MAS-related 262 OS/2 remote MAS-related 293 VSE remote MAS-related 278 SMF, MVS/ESA initialization parameter IEASYSxx value 202 SMP/E, using to apply service 317 SMPCNTL, DD statement of DFHSMPE 112 Software Installer for OS/2 downloading EYUIDLDS.EXE 285 installing 286 using to install OS/2 remote MAS 285 SONSCIP, parameter of VTAM APPL statement 34 SONSCIP parameter, VTAM APPL statement 223 spool performance considerations 57 SPOOLCLASS system parameter 411 SSI definitions for MRO 136 staging data sets 100 STALL system parameters 411 START command CAS 213 Index


START command (continued) CMAS 243 Starter Set creating environment 311 defining environment 311 deleting 314 naming convention 309 sample libraries 307 selecting configuration 311 starting components 313 using as a model 315 starting CAS as a batch job 212 at MVS IPL time 212 from the system console 212 sample procedure 212 CMAS as a batch job 236 from the system console 236 sample procedure 237 MVS MAS 261 OS/2 remote MAS 297 VSE remote MAS 277 stopping CAS 215 MVS MAS 265 OS/2 remote MAS 297 VSE remote MAS 281 storage key definition 54 subsystem, MVS, defining CICS as 19 subsystem definition to MVS 135 supervisor state 3 SUPPRESSCMF system parameter 263, 412 suppressing CMF records 263, 412 SVC correct-level check for DFHCSVC 27 defining to MVS 28 DFHCSVC coexistence 27 with CICS/ESA Version 3 and 4 regions 27 with CICS Version 1 and 2 releases 27 DFHHPSVC, defining 31 DFHHPSVC, loading into the MVS nucleus 31 installing the CICS type 3 SVC 27 using DFHCSVC for MRO between different CICS releases 29 using more than one version of DFHCSVC 28 SVCPARM statement in an IEASVCcc member 28 SVCs, installing DFHCSVC in the LPA 38 SYMREC Authorization Exit 65 SYMREC macro 65 SYS1.CPSM140.SEYULINK adding to linklist 219 authorizing 203 containing module for MVS linklist 218 SYS1.CPSM140.SEYULPA authorizing 203 defining to your MVS 259, 260

SYS1.PARMLIB library BLSCECT exit control table 419 COMMNDaa member with operator commands 236 IEAAPFaa for authorizing CICSPlex SM libraries 203 IEASYSxx member establishing requirements 202, 217 when authorizing libraries 203 when creating CAS started tasks 202 when creating CMAS started tasks 217, 236 LNKLSTxxx member when adding MVS linklist 219 SYS1.PROCLIB CAS startup procedure 212 CMAS startup procedure 236 SYS1.VTAMLIB mode table 205 SYS1.VTAMLST library 207 application definitions CAS 204 CMAS 223 cross-domain resource definition 207, 223 mode table 204 SYSID parameter of EYU9XDUT 232 SYSIN data set, partitioned creating for all CICS regions 122 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 SYSMOD (system modification) 111, 317, 442 APAR 441 Function 441 PTF 441 USERMOD 442 SYSNAME, MVS/ESA initialization parameter IEASYSxx value 202 sysplex, MVS cross-system coupling facility (XCF) for MRO links across MVS images 135 SYSPROC data set for IPCS 420 system initialization parameters 144 system modification (SYSMOD) 317 System Modification Program Extended (SMP/E) ACCEPT function 111, 441 APPLY function 111, 441 DFHSMPE 112 FMID keyword of CICS SYSMODs 441 function SYSMOD 441 RECEIVE function 111, 442 REJECT function 442 RESTORE function 111, 442 UCLIN function 442 using 426 system parameters description of 409 summary of 407

tailoring CICS installing MRO support 135 target zone 442 temporary storage data set, DFHTEMP creating for each CICS region 123 DD statement in IVP startup procedure 148 TERMID system parameter 412 terminals defining for the online IVP 157 TIMEZONE parameter EYUINST EXEC 232, 399 EYUXDUT 210 transaction dump data sets dump (A) data set, DFHDMPA 149 dump (B) data set, DFHDMPB 149 transient data destination CSNE 35 transient data extrapartition data sets destination, LOGA, used by CICS sample programs 149 destination before transient data initialization, DFHCXRF 149 destination before transient data initialization, DFHLRQ 149 destination used by C/370 application programs 149 destination used by CICS services 149 destination used by PL/I application programs 149 TSO defining a TSO user as a console 160 type 3 SVC routine used for interregion communication 135

UCLIN function of SMP/E 442 UNIX System Services 131 UPAGE option of VTAM APPL parameter AUTH 223 updating CICSplex definition BLSCECT 419 CICS tables destination control table (DCT) 226, 251, 271 journal control table (JCT) 226 program list table (PLT) 226, 251, 271 system recovery table (SRT) 226 CSD files using DFHCSDUP 227, 252, 271 CSD release 229 library allocations for IPCS IPCSLIB 420 ISPMLIB 420 ISPPLIB 420 SYSPROC 420 updating configuration list 207, 224 USERMOD (user modification) 442

VARY NET command 225 verification tests, running IVP jobs 141


CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

verify batch job, DFHIVPBT 150 DFH$BTCH input 150 expected output 153 verify interactive job, DFHIVPOL 156 DFHIVPOL 164 invoking and executing sample programs 167 terminating CICS 169 using CICS-supplied terminal transactions 164 using transactions 167 VPACE option of VTAM APPL parameter AUTH 34 VPACING, parameter of VTAM APPL statement 34 VPACING parameter, VTAM APPL statement 223 VSAM RLS activating the CF structures 72 adding new parameters to SYS1.PARMLIB 71 altering data set attributes for RLS access 69 authorizing CICS userids 71 CFRM policy 68 defining cache sets 69 defining CF cache structures 68 defining sharing control data sets 70 defining SMS storage classes for RLS access 69 defining the CF lock structure 68 definitions, required 67 establishing new procedures 71 installing DFSMS/MVS 68 ISMF control data set application 69 ISMF storage class application 69 IXCMIAPU utility 68 VSE remote MAS, setting up adding CICS system definitions 270 applying service 317 editing post-installation members 270 overview 267 preparing to start 277 reviewing SIT parameters 278 reviewing VTAM definitions 268 stopping and restarting the remote MAS 281 using modules in shared virtual area 274 VTAM APPL statement 34 ACBNAME parameter 34 AUTH parameter 34 cross-domain considerations 35 EAS parameter 34 HAVAIL parameter 34 LOGMODE parameter 34 PARSESS parameter 34 PERSIST parameter 34 SONSCIP parameter 34 VPACING parameter 34 authorized path 31 CICS APPLID 34 cross-domain considerations 35 definitions required for CICS 34

VTAM (continued) LOGMODE table entries for autoinstall 157 version, release, and modification level indicator 35 VTAM ACB, authorizing the region userid to open 6 VTAM requirements activating definitions 208, 225 CAS 204 CICS/MVS 2.1.2 or CICS/ESA MAS 248 CICS/VSE remote MAS 268 CMAS 223 defining APPL statement 206, 223 defining cross-domain resource 207, 223 updating configuration list 207, 224

workload management, MVS 55 worksheets for setup CAS 186 CMAS 186 MVS MAS 186 OS/2 remote MAS 190 overview 185 VSE remote MAS 189 WTO (write-to-operator) macro 73

XCMD system parameter XDCT system parameter XDLIPRE global user exit XFCT system parameter XJCT system parameter XPCT system parameter XPPT system parameter XDLIPOST global user exit 412 413 129 129 413 413 413 413

XRF (extended recovery facility) sessions, HAVAIL, parameter of VTAM APPL 34 XXRSTAT exit, effect on takeover of a VTAM ACB 6

ZONEOFFSET parameter of EYU9XDUT 232




CICS TS for OS/390: Installation Guide

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CICS TS for OS/390

Installation Guide

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