Exotic Forest Insect Guidebook
Exotic Forest Insect Guidebook
Exotic Forest Insect Guidebook
Troy Kimoto and
Marnie Duthie-Holt
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© Her Majesty In Right Of Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency), 2004.
Cat. No.: A104-23/2006E
ISBN: 0-662-43977-5
CFIA No.: P0351-04/06E
Cette publication est aussi disponible en français.
Printed in Canada.
Exotic Forest Insect
Prepared by:
Troy Kimoto
Plant Health Survey Unit
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Marnie Duthie-Holt
Medi-For Forest Health Consulting
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments.................................................................................................. ii
Table of Contents .................................................................................................. iii
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1
DEFOLIATORS ..................................................................................................... 5
Family: Lymantriidae
Calliteara pudibunda (Linnaeus) - Pale tussock moth ...................................... 6
Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus) - Gypsy moth ..................................................... 8
Lymantria monacha (Linnaeus) - Nun moth ................................................... 10
Family: Tortricidae
Choristoneura murinana (Hübner) - Silver fir shoot tortricid ......................... 12
Tortrix viridana Linnaeus - European oak leafroller ....................................... 14
Family: Lasiocampidae
Dendrolimus sibiricus Tschetverikov - Siberian coniferous silk moth.............. 16
Malacosoma neustria (Linnaeus) - European tent caterpillar ......................... 18
Xylotrechus altaicus Gebler - Altaï larch longhorn beetle ............................... 52
Xylotrechus rufilius Bates ............................................................................... 54
Family: Curculionidae
Pissodes harcyniae (Herbst) - Spruce weevil................................................... 56
Family: Siricidae
Sirex noctilio Fabricius - Sirex woodwasp....................................................... 58
Sirex rufiabdominis Xiao & Wu - Red-bodied horntail.................................... 60
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 93
GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................... 99
Trees and forested areas are invaluable white ash trees and threatens to severely
resources as they provide ecological, limit the distribution of these species.
economic, spiritual and social benefits to However, in this insect’s native range such
all within Canada. damage has rarely been observed.
Human activities impact the surrounding The Canadian Food Inspection Agency
environment by altering the structure and (CFIA) has a mandate, under the federal
dynamics of ecosystems. The rate and Plant Protection Act, to protect Canada’s
extent of global trade and human migration plant resource base against the introduction
have increased dramatically over the years. and spread of quarantine pests according
This expansion has increased the probability to standards outlined in the International
that organisms can be accidentally moved Plant Protection Convention. The CFIA
to and become established in areas does this by developing import, export
outside of their natural range. and domestic regulatory policies and
Most organisms fail to survive when associated inspection, surveillance and
introduced into a new environment or eradication programs.
moved over long distances. Sometimes
the conditions are suitable for an
introduced organism to survive, find an PATHWAYS OF INTRODUCTION
appropriate food source and successfully In terms of introduced organisms,
reproduce in its new environment. Once pathways can be defined as means by
established, their population levels may which organisms are moved to new
increase rapidly because the predators, environments. Various plant health
parasites and diseases which attack them policies have identified that the greatest
in their native range are not usually risks of introducing forest insects are
present in the new environment. generally associated with the importation
Canadian forests have been dynamically and domestic movement of:
evolving since the last ice age (~10, 000 • Wood packaging material
years ago) in response to fire, climate and • Shipping containers
indigenous insects and diseases. When • Nursery stock
exotic forest pests become established, • Firewood
trees are abruptly exposed to a new • Raw logs with bark
invasive species and may not have the • Christmas trees
mechanisms to defend themselves. • Personal effects
In conjunction with the absence of Wood packaging material can be one of
population-limiting factors, the the most important pathways for the
establishment of introduced forest pests introduction of exotic forest insects because
may lead to either localized or large scale it is often used to ship a wide variety of
tree mortality that can impact private consignments (e.g. steel products, granite,
residences, municipalities, industries and break bulk, glass, machinery, vehicles,
forest ecosystems. Recently, the Emerald consumer products, etc.).
Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis), a metallic The risk posed by wood packaging varies
woodborer native to China, has become with wood quality and degree of finishing.
established in North America where it is The higher the grade and degree of finishing,
causing extensive mortality to green and the less likely the possibility of infestation.
In the past, many exotic plant pests have OBJECTIVES
been intercepted on loose wood dunnage, This book is designed for public and
pallets, crating or other wood packaging private sector Canadians who work in the
made from low grade material from areas of tree health and arboriculture.
various origins. North America has This book focuses more on insect
recently agreed to begin the implementation descriptions, host tree preferences, damage
of a new International Plant Protection symptoms and geographic distribution
Convention standard (ISPM #15) that will rather than insect biology in order to
regulate the movement of international increase the probability of finding exotic
wood packaging. pests during tree health assessments. A key
Cities and urbanized areas have higher issue in the eradication of quarantine
probabilities of receiving exotic forest insects is discovering and identifying
pests because of the large volume of populations while they are still at low and
goods that are imported into those areas. controllable levels. Hopefully this book
Urban trees and forested areas are often will serve as an early detection tool.
exposed to poor growing conditions due This book is intended to help detect exotic
to soil compaction, air pollution, mechanical forest insects and should be used in
damage, etc. The combination of these conjunction with indigenous pest field
factors increases their vulnerability to guides. However, the information within
exotic forest pests. this book will not transform the reader
CFIA forest pest surveillance programs into an expert in insect identification.
target the routes of these pathways and Some exotic insects, especially bark
high risk locations (e.g. international beetles, may resemble indigenous or
ports or terminals, industrial zones, naturalized insects. Some of the damage
landfills and storage sites, nurseries, etc.). caused by exotic and indigenous forest
For example, high risk consignments insects may also be very similar (e.g. red
within transport containers are inspected needles). Therefore, suspect specimens
at major ports before they are permitted need to be examined by professional
to enter Canada. However, only a small entomologists for conclusive identification.
proportion of these containers are Most of the insects included in this book
inspected upon entry and therefore, a could pose a serious threat if they became
large volume of uninspected wood established in Canada. However, there
packaging material is transported to are a few that have already become
urban and rural centres throughout established and are being eradicated
Canada. As it is a tremendous and/or regulated. The insects within this
undertaking to monitor the introduction book do not represent a complete list of
of forest pests in a country the size of exotic forest insects which could invade
Canada, it is important to have many Canada. There are a large number of
additional “eyes” that are on the lookout non-indigenous insects throughout
for exotic organisms. temperate forest regions in the world and
only a very small portion of these has
been included.
How to Use this Book
BOOK FORMAT Signs and symptoms describes the
Descriptions of insects in this book are characteristics that are indicative of insect
organized by guilds, which represents attack (signs such as colour of frass, exit
similarities in their biology and the part of hole size and shape, egg gallery shape,
a tree in which they breed. Bark beetles etc.) and outlines a tree’s response to
are small insects that usually feed beneath attack by the insect (symptoms such as
the bark on phloem. Woodborers are a resinosis, fading foliage, thinning crown,
diverse assemblage of round and flat- etc.). Literature cited within the text of
headed wood borers, wood wasps, weevils this book is assigned a unique number.
and other insects that feed within the Citations can be looked up in the
wood. Defoliators are primarily moths, the Reference section at the back of the book.
larvae of which feed on foliage or needles. Two cross-reference indexes are provided.
Within this guidebook, these guilds are The first index can help determine which
colour coded for convenient referencing. insects will attack specific parts of a given
The insects are also arranged alphabetically tree. The second index indicates which tree
within each guild and each family. genera are known hosts of specific insects.
For many exotic insects scientific information Wherever possible, non-scientific
may be difficult to obtain. Some insects language is used throughout this book to
have not been extensively studied in their describe the insects. However, in some
native range. Therefore, there is some instances entomological terminology is
variation in the amount of information used. A glossary is located at the end of
presented for each insect. the guidebook to define these terms.
For each insect, information is arranged
into 6 categories:
• Host trees INSECTS
• Location of infestation within the tree Detecting newly introduced forest insects
• Host condition can be very difficult because the population
• Distribution may be localized and still at very low
• Signs and symptoms densities. Furthermore, the signs and
symptoms may be masked by other factors.
Identification briefly describes some of the However, there are specific clues that can be
key anatomical features that distinguish used to increase the likelihood of detection.
one insect from another. General symptoms of decline in coniferous
Host trees indicates which trees, by genus, trees are a thin crown, stunted leader (i.e.
are known hosts of an insect. top) and a chlorotic or reddening crown.
Location of infestation within the tree In broad-leaved trees, epicormic shoots,
describes the parts (roots, root collar, bole, wilted leaves, thin crown and pre-mature
branches, etc.) and tissues (foliage, phloem, foliage colour change are common
sapwood, heartwood, etc.) that are attacked indications of decline. Although these
by the various life stages of the insect. symptoms characterize many other types
Host condition outlines the health status, of forest health stress factors (e.g. drought,
age and size of trees that are attacked. root disease, hail damage, insects,
Distribution lists the countries or regions mammals, salt damage, sun scald), they
in which the insect is either native or has are also the most obvious external
been introduced. indicators of exotic insects. 3
Obtaining a “search image” for these If the cause of tree decline seems
symptoms is an initial step in locating suspicious, contact your local municipal
potentially infested trees. As many exotic or city forester, provincial ministry of
forest insects tend to breed in stressed natural resources
trees, it is important that inspectors and entomologist/pathologist or professional
surveyors check all obviously declining arborist. Record pertinent information
trees. This is particularly important in (street address or geographical
urban areas where trees often grow in coordinates, tree species affected,
sub-optimal conditions and are subjected observable signs and symptoms, etc.) and
to many stress factors. if possible, collect a specimen (preferably
In order to find infested trees, the adults) as these will assist professionals in
surveyor must scan the entire length of a evaluating the situation.
tree. Vigilance and general observation
for declining trees is most beneficial.
Scanning trees while walking through SAMPLE SPECIMEN SUBMISSION
parks, sparsely treed industrial areas, This guidebook should assist in recognizing
woodlots, fencerows, riparian corridors or the presence of introduced forest insects
other wooded areas is critical in quickly but it can not replace the years of
locating and identifying an early attack. specialized training required to correctly
identify insect species. There are many
General symptoms of decline should draw anatomical characteristics that require
attention to a tree or a group of trees. microscopic examination by specialists.
The next step is to determine the causal The “Identification” section within the text
agent. Familiarity with indigenous or of this guidebook only provides a general
naturalized biotic and abiotic forest description of an insect and does not
health factors as well as local site contain enough information to allow the
conditions will greatly enhance the reader to dependably identify an insect to
likelihood of an accurate assessment. the species level. If all other sources (e.g.
External signs of insect activity include local forest health specialists, native forest
the presence of larvae or adults, frass insect guidebooks, etc.) are unable to
(within bark cracks or crevices, on provide a definitive identification of a
understory leaves, at the base of the tree, forest pest, please contact a Plant Health
etc.), exit holes, entrance holes, pitch specialist at your local Canadian Food
tubes along the bole, resinosis, gouting, Inspection Agency office
oviposition niches, defoliation (partial or (http://www.inspection.gc.ca).
complete) and silk webbing. Internal
signs such as egg and larval galleries,
tunnels within twigs or branches, pupal Troy Kimoto
chambers and the presence of various Survey Biologist
insect life stages can be uncovered by Canadian Food Inspection Agency
removing portions of the outer and inner
bark with an axe or knife. Permission
from the landowner is always required for
more invasive investigations.
• Lymantriidae
• Tortricidae
• Lasiocampidae
Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae
Acer, Aesculus, Betula, Carpinus, Castanea,
Corylus, Fagus, Juglans, Quercus, Populus,
Salix, Sorbus, Tilia and Ulmus.2, 47 Prefers
Fagus and Carpinus.2, 47
Healthy trees.2, 47
Europe, central Asia, China and Japan.2, 47
Adult C. pudibunda. Note two dark transverse bands on front wings. Adult C. pudibunda extending
white, hairy front legs.
Bright yellow-green C. pudibunda larva. C. pudibunda larva. Note four erect, yellow-white,
Note red hair-pencil. dorsal tufts.
Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae
Larger and mainly white female (top). Smaller and mainly brown male Female L. dispar moth ovipositing
(bottom). Note dark crescent-shaped mark on forewings. an ovoid egg mass. Egg masses are
covered with tan coloured hairs from
the female’s abdomen.
L. dispar larva. Note five pairs of blue tubercles are Defoliation by early instar L. dispar larvae. Note small
followed by six pairs of red. holes in the leaves.
Defoliation by late instar L. dispar larvae. Note Extensive stand defoliation caused by L. dispar.
consumed leaf margin.
Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae
Adult L. monacha. Note white forewings and numerous Thin crowns caused by L. monacha defoliation.
dark, transverse, wavy lines and patches.
Mature dark brown L. monacha larva (30-35 mm long). Bark scale removed to reveal naked L. monacha egg mass.
Note mid-dorsal orange warts on the 6th and 7th segments.
L. monacha defoliation on understory Extensive stand defoliation caused by Defoliation by late instar
host tree. L. monacha. Note thinning reddish- L. monacha. Note partially
brown crowns. eaten needles.
Lepidoptera: Tortricidae
Adult C. murinana. Forewings are gray and yellow with brown markings. C. murinana larva. Note silk threads
and partially consumed needles.
C. murinana only feeds on new foliage. Note reddish- C. murinana defoliation from the previous year.
brown colour of damaged shoots.
Lepidoptera: Tortricidae
Adult T. viridana (18-23 mm wingspan). Note pale-green forewings and Gray-green T. viridana larva (late
frayed outer edge. instar).
T. viridana larva (15-19 mm long). Rolled leaf shelters created by T. viridana larvae.
Thinned crowns caused by T. viridana defoliation. Rolled leaf shelters created by T. viridana larvae.
Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae
Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus and Tsuga.4, 24
Stressed (e.g. drought) and healthy trees.4, 24
China, Mongolia, Japan, Korea,
Kazakhstan and Russia.4
Mating D. sibiricus moths. D. sibiricus larva (55-70 mm long). Reddish-brown crowns of trees
Note two dark transverse bands and defoliated by D. sibiricus.
white spot on forewing.
Oval D. sibiricus eggs (1.9 mm wide). D. sibiricus larva. Note red bands on the side of the larva.
D. sibiricus larva. Note 2nd and 3rd segments with blue- D. sibiricus cocoon.
black stripes.
Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae
Adult: Adult moths vary greatly in China, Europe, Iran, Japan, Korea,
colour.2, 111 There are two common morphs, Mongolia, northern Africa, Siberia, Syria,
one light and one dark, with less frequent Taiwan and Turkey.111
intermediates. The basic colour is brown,
but can range from ochre-yellow to red- SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
brown.2, 111 Males have a wingspan of 30 to Eggs are deposited in masses of 150 to
40 mm, with the more robust females 400 and are cemented together by a
having a wingspan of 36 to 40 mm.2, 111 frothy varnish-like material. Similar to
Forewings have a brownish, narrow-edged, other Malacosoma species, eggs are
oblique, central transverse band.2, 111 deposited in a band (1 cm wide) around 1
The fringes of the forewings are irregularly and 2 year old branch tips.70, 111
variegated and checkered.2, 111 Male and Newly emerged larvae immediately crawl
female antennae are bipectinate, with to the crown. Larvae feed gregariously
females having shorter antennal branches and gather at major branch forks to
and shorter antennae. construct tents.111 Although larvae feed
Larva: First instar larvae are black and within these tents, they also feed
approximately 2 mm long.111 Mature throughout the entire crown.111 Larvae
larvae are 40 to 55 mm long, slender and can completely defoliate trees during
are covered with numerous fine secondary outbreaks.111
setae.2, 111 Larvae are marked with a As larvae develop they become solitary
distinct white dorsal line and blue or and eventually seek sheltered locations to
gray-blue, and red-yellow lateral bands pupate such as bark crevices, between
separated by black edging.2, 111 dried leaves on the tree stem or branches,
Egg: Eggs are white or gray-brown.111 in leaves on the ground or in the cracks of
buildings.111 Cocoons are yellowish-white
HOST TREES and may occur in clusters.70, 111
Acer, Alnus, Amygdalus, Betula, Carpinus, Defoliation can cause growth loss and can
Castanea, Cotoneaster, Corylus, Crataegus, predispose host trees to mortality by
Fagus, Juniperus, Larix, Malus, Morus, other organisms.111 Trees may be killed
Populus, Prunus, Pyrus, Quercus, Rosa, after a few years of severe defoliation.111
Rubus, Salix, Sorbus, Syringa, Ulmus and
occasionally Tilia and Fraxinus.111
Healthy trees.111
Adult M. neustria (dark morph). Note central Complete defoliation of host tree during a M. neustria
transverse band. outbreak. Note silk tents.
M. neustria larvae. Note white, gray-blue and red-yellow M. neustria larvae on silk tent.
bands separated by black edging.
M. neustria egg mass (1 cm wide). Foliage partially consumed by M. Male M. neustria (light morph).
neustria larva.
• Buprestidae
• Cerambycidae
• Curculionidae
• Siricidae
Coleoptera: Buprestidae
Europe, Middle East, Siberia and
northern Africa.42, 98, 120
Adult A. biguttatus (8-13 mm long). Zig-zag shaped larval galleries (up Branch and twig dieback caused by
Note white spots near elytral suture. to 155 cm long). A. biguttatus.
D-shaped exit hole (2.5 by 3.0 mm) of A. biguttatus. Early instar larval galleries. Note zig-zag shape.
Coleoptera: Buprestidae
Healthy or weakened trees.86
China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Russia and
Taiwan. Introduced to Canada (Essex,
Lambton & Elign Counties and Chatham-
Kent Municipality, Ontario) and USA
(Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio).1, 86
Adult A. planipennis (8.5-14 mm long). Metallic, green- Various larval instars of A. planipennis.
blue body.
S-shaped larval galleries of D-shaped exit hole (3.5 by 4.1 mm) Epicormic shoots caused by A.
A. planipennis. of A. planipennis. planipennis.
Vertical bark cracks over larval galleries caused by Thinned ash crowns infested with A. planipennis.
callus tissue production.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
New A. glabripennis oviposition Old (darker) and new (reddish-brown) Frothy, white sap exuding from recent
niches (10 mm wide). oviposition niches of A. glabripennis. A. glabripennis oviposition niches.
Circular A. glabripennis exit hole (6-12 mm wide). Coarse frass expelled by larva of A. glabripennis.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
China, Japan, Korea and Russia
(Sakhalin). Introduced into Italy, Spain
and North America (Connecticut and
North Carolina).1, 20, 90, 91, 92
Adult C. rufipenne. Head and thorax are brown with Male C. rufipenne has black to bluish-green elytra and
reddish-brown hairs. longer antennae. Female has red elytra and shorter antennae.
Adult C. rufipenne ready to emerge from the pupal chamber. Frass plug blocking the pupal chamber entrance.
Frass filled C. rufipenne larval galleries. Callus tissue surrounding C. rufipenne Elliptical C. rufipenne exit hole
galleries. (6-10 mm wide).
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Europe, Asia, Caucasus, Asia Minor and
northern Africa.25, 121, 128
Male C. cerdo (24-53 mm long). Female C. cerdo (24-53 mm long). Elongate and oval C. cerdo pupal
Antennae are twice the body length. Antennae extend to the elytral apex. chamber.
Adult C. cerdo. Elytra are reddish-brown towards the apex. C. cerdo larval galleries within the sapwood.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Weakened, felled, fire scorched, or
uprooted trees.2, 25, 85, 128 Large diameter
stems are preferred.25, 85 As populations
increase during an outbreak, attacks can
occur on healthy trees.2
Europe.2, 128
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Europe, Russia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia
and northern China.25, 138
Adult M. urussovi (18-37 mm Circular M. urussovi exit hole M. urussovi pupal chamber.
long). Note brass tinge on elytra. (6-12 mm wide).
Broad (2-2.5 cm wide), sinuous M. urussovi M. urussovi larval gallery leading to the pupal chamber.
larval galleries.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Male and female O. linearis (11-14.5 mm long). O. linearis feeding on lateral vein.
Note yellow legs and black body.
Maturation feeding of O. linearis on Necrotic tissue surrounding Wilting foliage caused by O. linearis
lateral veins of host leaf. O. linearis oviposition niche. larva feeding within the branch.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Adult O. oculata (15-20 mm long) with black head and antennae. Note Ash-gray pubescence covering black
orange pronotum, legs and abdomen. elytra. Note 2 dark spots on orange
O. oculata within larval gallery (36-50 cm long). Callused and necrotic tissue surrounding O. oculata
oviposition niche.
O. oculata larva.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Prefers freshly felled trees or recently cut
stumps, but can attack standing trees.2, 27,
85, 121, 128
Europe, Asia Minor, Syria and northern
Africa.2, 27, 128
Adult P. arcuatus (8-20 mm long). Note two oblique yellow stripes Adult P. arcuatus. Note yellow-
converging near middle of the pronotum. brown antennae and legs.
Adult P. arcuatus.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Adult S. carcharias (20-30 mm long). Note acutely S. carcharias larval galleries within the heartwood.
pointed elytra with numerous black punctures.
Adult S. carcharias. Note yellow Coarse fibrous frass expelled by Callus tissue and bark cracks caused
antennae with black apices. S. carcharias larva. by S. carcharias.
S. carcharias pupal chamber. Note fibrous frass plug. S. carcharias larval gallery in the heartwood
(25-40 cm long).
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Weakened, dying, recently felled or stressed
trees.23, 25, 121, 128 This beetle requires a very
moist breeding substrate.121
Larger diameter trees (18 to 35 cm in
diameter) are preferred.23, 25
Europe and northern Asia.2, 23, 25, 128
S. perforata in pupal chamber. Note fibrous frass plug. Adult S. perforata (12-20 mm long).
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Adult T. castaneum (8-18 mm long). Tree killed by T. castaneum. Note Yellowing foliage on attacked tree.
sloughing bark.
T. castaneum gallery filled with brown, granular frass. T. castaneum larval galleries and exit holes (5 mm wide).
Note exit hole (5 mm wide).
Irregularly shaped T. castaneum larval galleries. Frass plug blocking pupal chamber entrance.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Adult T. fuscum (10-15 mm long). Resin flowing from tree attacked by Resin flowing from infested tree.
T. fuscum.
T. fuscum larval galleries and oval exit hole (4-6 mm wide). Stand mortality caused by T. fuscum.
Note fine-grained frass in larval galleries.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Adult T. gracilicorne (8-18 mm long). Note antennae are half the body length.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Adult X. altaicus.
Coleoptera: Cerambycidae
Coleoptera: Curculionidae
Central and northern Europe, Siberia.2, 15
P. harcyniae larval galleries ending in pupal chambers. Irregular shaped P. harcyniae larval gallery widens as
larva increases in size. Note shredded wood lining the
pupal chamber.
Resin flowing from P. harcyniae maturation feeding sites. Debarked boles of P. harcyniae attacked trees.
Hymenoptera: Siricidae
Male S. noctilio. Note black hind legs and orange-yellow Female S. noctilio. Note brown legs and steel-blue body.
middle segments on abdomen.
S. noctilio larval gallery (5-20 cm long). Note chewed Frass-filled S. noctilio larval galleries.
wood lining the gallery.
Circular S. noctilio exit holes Resin flowing from S. noctilio Reddish-brown crowns on S.
(3-8 mm wide). oviposition holes. noctilio attacked trees.
Hymenoptera: Siricidae
Weakened, stressed, or dying trees.63 This
insect prefers host trees growing in poorly
sanitized or thinned forests or trees growing
along the forest edge or on sunny slopes.63
China.63, 119
• Scolytidae
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Central China (Gansu, Henan, Hubei,
Shaanxi, Sichuan and Yunnan
provinces).62, 69, 106
Pitch tube surrounding the entrance hole of D. armandi. Drawing of D. armandi egg (10-60 cm long) and larval
galleries (2-3 cm long).
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Adult D. micans (5.5-9.0 mm long). Note orange hairs Gregarious feeding of D. micans larvae.
covering body.
Pitch tube and frass at the base of an attacked tree. D. micans pitch tube surrounding the entrance hole.
Dried resin on attacked tree. Declining Picea caused by Top kill caused by D. micans.
D. micans attack.
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Black staining of root collar associated H. ater egg galleries (8-13 cm long). Resin-encrusted wound caused by
with H. ater attack. Note frass packed vertical gallery. immature H. ater beetles.
Immature beetles within communal galleries under the bark. Immature beetles feeding on the inner bark of a seedling.
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Adult H. varius (2.5-3.0 mm long). Callus tissue resulting from H. varius Light coloured frass from H. varius
maturation feeding. attack.
Callus tissue caused by maturation feeding. H. varius egg and larval galleries.
H. varius egg and larval galleries. Note two-armed egg H. varius exit holes.
gallery extending from nuptial chamber.
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Adult H. ligniperda (4-6 mm long). H. ligniperda egg gallery. Numerous H. ligniperda adults
Note reddish hairs on the declivity under the bark.
and front of the head.
Reddish-brown frass around stump attacked by H. ligniperda maturation feeding damage on seedling.
H. ligniperda.
H. ligniperda egg gallery (up to l m long) in stump. Various life stages of H. ligniperda.
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Star shaped I. sexdentatus gallery Egg galleries (15-35 cm long) of Reddish-brown crown of
system with six egg galleries I. sexdentatus. I. sexdentatus attacked tree.
radiating from the nuptial chamber.
Immature I. sexdentatus beetle (5.5-8.2 mm long). Pitch tube around entrance hole of I. sexdentatus.
Reddish-brown frass around the base of I. sexdentatus Chlorotic foliage and woodpecker damage on
attacked tree. I. sexdentatus attacked trees.
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Adult I. subelongatus declivity. Note the large and Adult I. subelongatus (4.5-6.0 mm long).
capitate 3rd spine.
Drawing of I. subelongatus egg (16-18 cm long) and Maturation feeding galleries. In the region of larval
larval galleries on a healthy tree. development (A). On roots (B). Top of the trunk or on
branches (C & D).
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Europe, China, Korea, Japan and Russia., 42
Adult I. typographus (4.2-5.5 mm long). Note yellow Brown frass around base of I. typographus attacked tree.
hairs covering head and body.
I. typographus egg (10-20 cm long) I. typographus egg and larval Reddish-brown crowns of trees
and larval galleries. galleries. Galleries widen as larvae attacked by I. typographus.
increase in size.
Stand mortality caused by I. typographus. Reddish-brown frass at the base of tree attacked by
I. typographus.
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Egg (3-5 cm long) and larval (3 cm long) galleries of Star shaped gallery system with egg galleries radiating
P. chalcographus. from a central nuptial chamber.
P. chalcographus egg and larval Top kill caused by P. chalcographus. Chlorotic and thinning crown caused
galleries. by P. chalcographus.
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
S. intricatus egg (transverse) and larval (vertical) galleries. S. intricatus maturation feeding damage.
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
S. morawitzi larval galleries (15-17 mm long) radiating from the nuptial chamber.
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Adult S. ratzeburgi (4.5-6.5 mm long). S. ratzeburgi egg and larval galleries. S. ratzeburgi egg (0.75-10 cm long)
and larval (6-10 cm long) galleries.
S. ratzeburgi egg and larval galleries. S. ratzeburgi ventilation holes Dieback on S. ratzeburgi
(2.5 mm wide). attacked tree.
Coleoptera: Scolytidae
Adult T. piniperda (3-5 mm long) T. piniperda egg (10-25 cm long) and Pitch tube surrounding entrance hole
tunnelling in a shoot. larval (4-9 cm long) galleries. Note on brood tree.
vertical orientation of egg galleries.
Round entrance hole (2 mm wide) on infested shoot. Green flagging on shoot caused by maturation feeding.
Frass expelled from T. piniperda entrance holes. Red flagging caused by maturation feeding within
current year’s shoot.
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the European Fir Budworm, Choristoneura
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murinana (Hbn.) (N. Comb.), in Europe. Can. Forest Insect Pests. Monochamus urussovi.
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127 Lieutier, F. and G.T. Ferrell. 1988. Accessed February 12, 2004.
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128 Bily, S. and O. Mehl. 1989. Longhorn Beetles
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Scandinavica. Vol. 22. New York. 200 p.
Abdomen: The region of the insect body Cambium (vascular): In woody plants it
behind the thorax. The last of the three is the single layer of cells between the
major body divisions of an insect. bark and wood, from which new wood
Abies: A genus of trees collectively develops. Division of these cells results in
known as true firs. diameter growth of the tree through
formation of xylem and phloem.
Acer: A genus of trees collectively known
as maple. Capitate: Abruptly enlarged and globular
at the tip.
Aesculus: A genus of trees collectively
known as buckeye or horsechestnut. Carpinus: A genus of trees collectively
known as hornbeam.
Ailanthus: A genus of trees collectively
known as Chinese-sumac or Tree-of-heaven. Carya: A genus of trees collectively
known as hickory.
Alnus: A genus of trees collectively
known as alder. Castanea: A genus of trees collectively
known as chestnut.
Ambrosia beetle: Scolytids in which
larvae feed on fungi lining larval galleries Cedrus: A genus of trees collectively
created within the wood of a tree. e.g. known as true cedars.
Xyleborus spp., Xylosandrus spp., Celtis: A genus of trees collectively
Trypodendron spp. known as hackberry.
Amygdalus: A genus of trees collectively Cerambycidae: A family of beetles known
known as almonds. as longhorn beetles. Cerambycids that attack
Antenna, antennae (pl.): A pair of trees are also known as round headed wood
segmented sensory organs located on the borers. Adults usually have long antennae
head of an insect, above the mouthparts. while the larvae are often cylindrical.
Crataegus: A genus of trees collectively Elytron; elytra (pl): The thickened,
known as hawthorns. sclerotized forewings of insects such
Crown: The live branches and foliage at as beetles.
the top of a tree. Epicormic branches: Adventitious twigs
Cryptomeria: A genus of trees collectively or branches that form from dormant buds
known as Japanese-cedar or Sugi. along the bole or branches. These branches
usually form in response to tree stress.
Cupressus: A genus of trees collectively
known as cypress. Epistoma: The region on an insect’s face
above the mouthparts and below the
Curculionidae: A family of beetles known frons. In many beetles, the mouthparts
as weevils. Adults are snout nosed with their articulate with this region.
antennae located mid-length on the snout.
Exit hole: A hole through the bark or wood
e.g. Pissodes picea, Hylobius abietis that is created by an emerging insect.
Declivity: Posterior portion of the elytra Fagus: A genus of trees collectively
that descends to the apex. known as beech.
Deciduous tree: Commonly known as broad- Forewing: The first or anterior pair of
leaved or hardwood trees. Generally these insect wings.
trees lose their leaves (except arbutus and
holly) during the fall when the photoperiod Frass: The waste material produced by
decreases in intensity and duration (less feeding insects that includes excrement
light). They belong to a class of vascular and partially chewed vegetation.
plants known as angiosperms that have their Fraxinus: A genus of trees collectively
ovules and seeds enclosed in an ovary. known as ash.
e.g. oak, elm, ash, maple, hickory, alder, birch, Frons: Upper part of the insect face,
arbutus, dogwood, beech, poplar, walnut. between the eyes and above the epistoma.
Defoliators: Insects that feed on the needles Genus, genera (pl.): A group of
or leaves of coniferous or deciduous trees. evolutionarily related species, sharing one
Major forest defoliators include budworms or a number of characteristics.
(Tortricids), tussock moths (Lymantriids), Hair pencil: The collection or mass of
loopers or inchworms (Geometrids), sawflies elongate hairs (i.e. setae) growing from
(Diprionids), leaf beetles (Chrysomelids) and the integument of an insect.
tent caterpillars (Lasiocampids).
Head: The anterior region of an insect,
Egg/parent gallery: The gallery produced which bears the mouthparts, eyes and
by an adult beetle in which eggs are laid. antennae.
It is from the egg or parent gallery that
larval galleries will initiate. Heartwood: The inner core of a woody
stem composed of nonliving cells and
Elaeagnus: A genus of trees collectively usually differentiated from the outer wood
known as oleasters. layer (sapwood) by its darker colour.
Elytral declivity: Posterior portion of the Hibernaculum; hibernacula (pl.):
elytra that descends to the apex. A shelter occupied during winter by
Elytral suture: The area on the dorsal a dormant animal.
side of a beetle where the two elytra meet.
Hindwings: The second pair of wings of Monoramous (uniramous) gallery:
an insect. A linear, non-branching egg gallery that
Infestation: A term generally used to define can be either transverse or parallel to the
large, extensive forest insect populations. wood grain.
Similar in definition to an outbreak. Morus: A genus of trees collectively
Inner bark: The living tissue beneath the known as mulberry.
outer bark. Also known as phloem. Naturalized: An organism that has been
Instar: The stage of an insect’s life between introduced into a new environment and
successive molts, for example the first has become established as if it was
instar is the stage between emergence indigenous to this area.
from the egg and the first molt. Necrosis: A pathological state characterized
Juglans: A genus of trees collectively by brown or dark discoloration and
known as walnut. disintegration (local tissue mortality) of
Juniperus: A genus of trees collectively plant tissue.
known as junipers. Nuptial chamber: For bark beetles and
Large wood borers: A term used in this woodborers it is usually a small gallery
book to describe cerambycids, buprestids, beneath the bark in which mating occurs.
weevils and siricids. Oblate: Flattened or depressed at the
Larix: A genus of trees collectively poles (e.g. oblate spheroid).
known as larch. Olea: A genus of trees collectively known
Larva, larvae (pl.): The immature stage as olives.
between the egg and pupa of insects Order: A taxonomic subdivision that
having complete metamorphosis where contains groups of related families or
the immature differs radically from the superfamilies. Order names usually end
adult (e.g. caterpillars, grubs). with a “-ptera” in insects.
Larval gallery: The galleries produced by Ostrya: A genus of trees collectively
the mining action of larvae. Larval galleries known as hop-hornbeam or ironwood.
initiate from egg/parent galleries.
Outbreak: A term generally used to
Lasiocampidae: A family of lepidoptera define forest insect populations that are
known as tent caterpillars. extensively and intensively large. Usually
Lepidoptera: An order of insects that populations increase dramatically
includes butterflies and moths. resulting in mortality or defoliation over a
Lymantriidae: A family of lepidoptera large area (> 1 ha).
known as tussock moths. Overwinter: A period of rest or hibernation
Malus: A genus of trees collectively by which insects survive the winter.
known as apple. Oviposition: The laying or depositing
Maturation feeding: Some forest insects of eggs.
require supplemental feeding, before or Ovipositor: The tubular or valved egg-
after emerging from the host, to complete laying apparatus at the posterior end of a
sexual maturation and sclerotization female insect.
(hardening and darkening of the cuticle)
or to increase energy reserves.
Pathway: The way in which an organism Quarantine pest: A pest of potential
is moved to a new environment. economic importance to the area endangered
Pectinate: Having branches which arise thereby and not yet present there, or
from the main axis like the teeth of a present but not widely distributed and
comb; usually applied to antennae. being officially controlled, (IPPC).
Species: A group of individuals similar in Uniramous (monoramous) gallery: A
structure and capable of interbreeding linear, non-branching egg gallery that can
and producing fertile offspring. be either transverse or parallel to the
Sorbus: A genus of trees collectively wood grain.
known as mountain ash, Rowan trees or Variegated: Having discrete markings of
dogberries. different colours.
Stellate: Arranged like rays or radiating Windthrow: A tree or group of trees
from a common centre (i.e. star-like). uprooted by the wind. Also known as
Sternite: Ventral segments of an insect’s blowdown.
abdomen. Xylem: Woody tissue in vascular plants
Stylet: A needle-like structure. that provides support and carries water
and nutrients up from the roots.
Syringa: A genus of shrubs collectively
known as lilacs or mock-orange.
Terminal leader: The apical or uppermost
vertical shoot on a conifer.
Thorax: The insect body region behind
the head which bears the legs and wings.
The middle of the three major divisions of
the insect body.
Thuja: A genus of trees collectively
known as cedar.
Tilia: A genus of trees collectively known
as linden or basswood.
Tortricidae: A family of lepidoptera in
which species that feed on trees are
generally referred to as budworms or
True bark beetles: Scolytidae in which
the larvae feed directly beneath the bark.
e.g. Ips typographus, Pityogenes
chalcographus, Hylurgus ligniperda,
Hylurgops palliatus.
Tsuga: A genus of trees collectively
known as hemlock.
Tubercle: Small knobby protuberance or
lump on the surface of an organism.
Ulmus: A genus of trees collectively
known as elm.
Host–Insect Index
Host Insect Position within tree
Abies Choristoneura murinana Crown (foliage)
Dendroctonus micans Root, Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Dendrolimus sibiricus Crown (foliage)
Hylastes ater Root, Bole
Ips sexdentatus Bole
Ips subelongatus Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Ips typographus Bole
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Monochamus sartor Bole, Crown (branches)
Monochamus urussovi Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Sirex noctilio Bole
Tetropium castaneum Bole
Tetropium fuscum Bole
Tetropium gracilicorne Bole
Tomicus piniperda Bole, Crown (foliage)
Acer Anoplophora glabripennis Root, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Plagionotus arcuatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Tortrix viridana Crown (foliage)
Xylotrechus rufilius Bole
Aesculus Anoplophora glabripennis Root, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Ailanthus Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Albizia Anoplophora glabripennis Root, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Alnus Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Oberea linearis Crown (branches & foliage)
Amygdalus Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Araucaria Hylastes ater Root, Bole
Betula Anoplophora glabripennis Root, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Monochamus urussovi Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Saperda carcharias Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus ratzeburgi Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Tortrix viridana Crown (foliage)
Host Insect Position within tree
Carpinus Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Oberea linearis Crown (branches & foliage)
Plagionotus arcuatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Tortrix viridana Crown (foliage)
Castanea Agrilus biguttatus Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Plagionotus arcuatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Cedrus Choristoneura murinana Crown (foliage)
Celtis Anoplophora glabripennis Root, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Ceratonia Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Chamaecyparis Callidiellum rufipenne Bole, Crown (branches)
Corylus Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Oberea linearis Crown (branches & foliage)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Cotoneaster Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Crataegus Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Cryptomeria Callidiellum rufipenne Bole, Crown (branches)
Cupressus Callidiellum rufipenne Bole, Crown (branches)
Fagus Agrilus biguttatus Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Plagionotus arcuatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Tortrix viridana Crown (foliage)
Fraxinus Agrilus planipennis Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Xylotrechus rufilius Bole
Host Insect Position within tree
Juglans Agrilus planipennis Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Oberea linearis Crown (branches & foliage)
Juniperus Callidiellum rufipenne Bole, Crown (branches)
Choristoneura murinana Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Larix Dendroctonus micans Root, Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Dendrolimus sibiricus Crown (foliage)
Hylastes ater Root, Bole
Ips hauseri Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Ips sexdentatus Bole
Ips subelongatus Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Ips typographus Bole
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Monochamus sartor Bole, Crown (branches)
Monochamus urussovi Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Pityogenes chalcographus Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus morawitzi Bole, Crown (branches)
Sirex noctilio Bole
Tetropium castaneum Bole
Tetropium fuscum Bole
Tetropium gracilicorne Bole
Tomicus piniperda Bole, Crown (foliage)
Xylotrechus altaicus Bole
Malus Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Morus Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Olea Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Ostrya Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Oberea linearis Crown (branches & foliage)
Picea Choristoneura murinana Crown (foliage)
Dendroctonus micans Root, Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Dendrolimus sibiricus Crown (foliage)
Hylastes ater Root, Bole
Ips hauseri Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Ips sexdentatus Bole
Ips subelongatus Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Ips typographus Bole
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Monochamus sartor Bole, Crown (branches)
Monochamus urussovi Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Host Insect Position within tree
Pissodes harcyniae Bole
Pityogenes chalcographus Bole, Crown (branches)
Sirex noctilio Bole
Tetropium castaneum Bole
Tetropium fuscum Bole
Tetropium gracilicorne Bole
Tomicus piniperda Bole, Crown (foliage)
Pinus Choristoneura murinana Crown (foliage)
Dendroctonus armandi Bole
Dendroctonus micans Root, Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Dendrolimus sibiricus Crown (foliage)
Hylastes ater Root, Bole
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Hylurgus ligniperda Root, Root Collar, Bole
Ips hauseri Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Ips sexdentatus Bole
Ips subelongatus Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Ips typographus Bole
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Monochamus sartor Bole, Crown (branches)
Monochamus urussovi Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Pityogenes chalcographus Bole, Crown (branches)
Sirex noctilio Bole
Sirex rufiabdominis Bole, Crown (branches)
Tetropium castaneum Bole
Tetropium fuscum Bole
Tetropium gracilicorne Bole
Tomicus piniperda Bole, Crown (foliage)
Platanus Anoplophora glabripennis Root, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Populus Anoplophora glabripennis Root, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Oberea oculata Crown (branches & foliage)
Saperda carcharias Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Saperda perforata Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Tortrix viridana Crown (foliage)
Prunus Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Plagionotus arcuatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Pseudotsuga Choristoneura murinana Crown (foliage)
Dendroctonus micans Root, Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Hylastes ater Root, Bole
Host Insect Position within tree
Ips sexdentatus Bole
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Pityogenes chalcographus Bole, Crown (branches)
Sirex noctilio Bole
Tomicus piniperda Bole, Crown (foliage)
Pterocarya Agrilus planipennis Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Pyrus Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Quercus Agrilus biguttatus Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Plagionotus arcuatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Tortrix viridana Crown (foliage)
Robinia Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Plagionotus arcuatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Rosa Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Rubus Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Salix Anoplophora glabripennis Root, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Oberea linearis Crown (branches & foliage)
Oberea oculata Crown (branches & foliage)
Plagionotus arcuatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Saperda carcharias Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Saperda perforata Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Sorbus Anoplophora glabripennis Root, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Syringa Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Thuja Callidiellum rufipenne Bole, Crown (branches)
Hylastes ater Root, Bole
Monochamus urussovi Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Host Insect Position within tree
Tilia Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Lymantria dispar Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Plagionotus arcuatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Tsuga Dendrolimus sibiricus Crown (foliage)
Ulmus Agrilus planipennis Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Anoplophora glabripennis Root, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Calliteara pudibunda Crown (foliage)
Cerambyx cerdo Bole
Hylesinus varius Bole, Crown (branches)
Lymantria monacha Crown (foliage)
Malacosoma neustria Crown (foliage)
Oberea linearis Crown (branches & foliage)
Scolytus intricatus Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus ratzeburgi Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Xylotrechus rufilius Bole
Insect–Host Index
Insect Host Position within tree
Agrilus biguttatus Castanea, Fagus, Quercus Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Agrilus planipennis Fraxinus, Juglans, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Pterocarya, Ulmus
Anoplophora Acer, Aesculus, Albizia, Betula, Root, Bole, Crown (branches &
glabripennis Celtis, Platanus, Populus, Salix, foliage)
Sorbus, Ulmus
Callidiellum rufipenne Chamaecyparis, Cryptomeria, Bole, Crown (branches)
Cupressus, Juniperus, Thuja
Calliteara pudibunda Acer, Aesculus, Betula, Carpinus, Crown (foliage)
Castanea, Corylus, Fagus, Juglans,
Quercus, Populus, Salix, Sorbus,
Tilia, Ulmus
Cerambyx cerdo Carpinus, Castanea, Ceratonia, Bole
Fagus, Fraxinus, Juglans, Pyrus,
Quercus, Robinia, Salix, Ulmus
Choristoneura murinana Abies, Cedrus, Juniperus, Picea, Crown (foliage)
Pinus, Pseudotsuga
Dendroctonus armandi Pinus Bole
Dendroctonus micans Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Root, Root Collar, Bole,
Pseudotsuga Crown (branches)
Dendrolimus sibiricus Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Tsuga Crown (foliage)
Hylastes ater Abies, Araucaria, Larix, Picea, Root, Bole
Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Thuja
Hylesinus varius Acer, Ailanthus, Carpinus, Corylus, Bole, Crown (branches)
Fagus, Fraxinus, Juglans, Olea,
Pinus, Pyrus, Quercus, Robinia,
Syringa, Tilia, Ulmus
Hylurgus ligniperda Pinus Root, Root Collar, Bole
Ips hauseri Larix, Picea, Pinus Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Ips sexdentatus Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Bole
Ips subelongatus Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus Root Collar, Bole, Crown (branches)
Ips typographus Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus Bole
Lymantria dispar Acer, Alnus, Betula, Crataegus, Crown (foliage)
Fagus, Malus, Populus, Prunus,
Quercus, Salix, Tilia
Lymantria monacha Abies, Acer, Betula, Carpinus, Crown (foliage)
Fagus, Fraxinus, Larix, Malus,
Picea, Pinus, Prunus, Pseudotsuga,
Quercus, Ulmus
Malacosoma neustria Acer, Alnus, Amygdalus, Betula, Crown (foliage)
Carpinus, Castanea, Corylus,
Cotoneaster, Crataegus, Fagus,
Fraxinus, Juniperus, Larix, Malus,
Morus, Populus, Prunus, Pyrus,
Quercus, Rosa, Rubus, Salix,
Sorbus, Syringa, Tilia, Ulmus
Insect Host Position within tree
Monochamus sartor Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus Bole, Crown (branches)
Monochamus urussovi Abies, Betula, Larix, Picea, Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Pinus, Thuja
Oberea linearis Alnus, Carpinus, Corylus, Juglans, Crown (branches & foliage)
Ostrya, Salix, Ulmus
Oberea oculata Populus, Salix Crown (branches & foliage)
Pissodes harcyniae Picea Bole
Pityogenes chalcographus Larix, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga Bole, Crown (branches)
Plagionotus arcuatus Acer, Carpinus, Castanea, Fagus, Bole, Crown (branches)
Prunus, Quercus, Robinia, Salix,
Saperda carcharias Betula, Populus, Salix Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Saperda perforata Populus, Salix Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus intricatus Aesculus, Betula, Carpinus, Bole, Crown (branches)
Castanea, Corylus, Fagus, Ostrya,
Populus, Quercus, Salix, Sorbus,
Scolytus morawitzi Larix Bole, Crown (branches)
Scolytus ratzeburgi Betula, Ulmus Bole, Crown (branches & foliage)
Sirex noctilio Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Bole
Sirex rufiabdominis Pinus Bole, Crown (branches)
Tetropium castaneum Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus Bole
Tetropium fuscum Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus Bole
Tetropium gracilicorne Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus Bole
Tomicus piniperda Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Bole, Crown (foliage)
Tortrix viridana Acer, Betula, Carpinus, Fagus, Crown (foliage)
Populus, Quercus, Urtica,
Xylotrechus altaicus Larix Bole
Xylotrechus rufilius Acer, Fraxinus, Ulmus Bole
Photo Credits
Insect Sequence Photo Credit
Agrilus biguttatus A Leen G. Moraal, Alterra, Researchinstituut voor de Groene Ruimte
B Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts,
France, Image 2515035, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
C Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts,
France, Image 2515036, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
D Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts,
France, Image 2515038, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
E Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts,
France, Image 2515032, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004.
F C. Bystrowski
G Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 2515039, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
Insect Sequence Photo Credit
Calliteara pudibunda A Berks, www.bioimages.org.uk
B Malcolm Storey, www.bioimages.org.uk
C Malcolm Storey, www.bioimages.org.uk
D M. Wilts, www.bioimages.org.uk
E Volker Ahrens
Choristoneura murinana A Daniel Adam, Office National des Forêts, France, Image 2515007,
www.insectimages.org, Feb. 4, 2004
B J.P. Fabre, INRA, France
C Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 2515004, www.insectimages.org, Feb. 5, 2004
D Jean-François Abergall, Centre d'étude du machinisme agricole du
génie rural, des eaux et forêts, France, Image 2515002,
www.insectimages.org, Feb. 5, 2004
E Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 2515003, www.insectimages.org, Feb. 5, 2003
F Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 2515006, www.insectimages.org, Feb. 5, 2003
Dendroctonus armandi A Klaus Bolte, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
B Zhang Zheng, Research Institute of Forest Protection, Chinese
Academy of Forestry
C Zhang Zheng, Research Institute of Forest Protection, Chinese
Academy of Forestry
D Drawing from Li, K. and J. Zhou. 1980, Forest Insects in China,
Chinese Forestry Press
Insect Sequence Photo Credit
Dendrolimus sibiricus A Yuri Baranchikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, V.N. Sukachev
Institute of Forest, Russia
B John H. Ghent, USDA Forest Service, Image 1241016,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
C Yuri Baranchikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, V.N. Sukachev
Institute of Forest, Russia
D John H. Ghent, USDA Forest Service, Image 1241015,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
E Yuri Baranchikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, V.N. Sukachev
Institute of Forest, Russia
F Yuri Baranchikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, V.N. Sukachev
Institute of Forest, Russia
G Yuri Baranchikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, V.N. Sukachev
Institute of Forest, Russia
Hylastes ater A Daniel Adam, Office National des Forêts, France, Image 2515012,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 23, 2004
B William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International, Image
1428130, www.invasive.org, Nov. 19, 2003
C William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International, Image
1428133, www.invasive.org, Feb. 23, 2004
D Forest Research, New Zealand
E Forest Research, New Zealand
F Forest Research, New Zealand
G Forest Research, New Zealand
Hylesinus varius A Daniel Adam, Office National des Forêts, France, Image 2515021,
www.forestryimages.org, April 5, 2004
B Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute, Image 1231200,
www.forestryimages.org, April 4, 2004
C Lehrstuhl für Tierökologie, München, www.faunistik.net
D Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 2515022, www.forestryimages.org, April 5, 2004
E Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute, Image 1231199,
www.forestryimages.org, April 5, 2004
F Daniel Adam, Office National des Forêts, France, Image 2515020,
www.forestryimages.org, April 6, 2004
G R. Schlepphorst, Landesforstanstalt Eberswalde, Abteilung Waldschutz
Insect Sequence Photo Credit
Ips hauseri A Klaus Bolte, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
B Drawing from Li, K. and J. Zhou. 1980, Forest Insects in China,
Chinese Forestry Press
C Drawing from Li, K. and J. Zhou. 1980, Forest Insects in China,
Chinese Forestry Press
Ips sexdentatus A Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 1190017, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
B Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 1190019, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
C Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 1190018, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
D Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute, Image 1231218,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
E Fabio Stergulc, University of Udin, Image 1433026,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
F Fabio Stergulc, University of Udin, Image 1433028,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
G Fabio Stergulc, University of Udin, Image 1433027,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
Ips subelongatus A Yulin An, Jiangsu Entry & Exit Quarantine and Inspection Bureau of
the People's Republic of China
B Yulin An, Jiangsu Entry & Exit Quarantine and Inspection Bureau of
the People's Republic of China
C Drawing from Shamaev, A. V. 1994, Guide on identification of pests
of forest trees trunks, on which the importers of Russian wood have
phytosanitary requirement, Syktyvkar
D Drawing from Issaev, A. S. 1966, Borer pests of Larix dahurica.
Moscow, Nauka
E Jun-Bao Wen, Beijing Forest University
F Drawing from Issaev, A. S. 1966, Borer pests of Larix dahurica.
Moscow, Nauka
Ips typographus A Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute, Image 1231225,
www.invasive.org, Jan. 5, 2004
B Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 1190030, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
C Milos Knizek, Forestry and Game Management Research Institute,
Czechia, Image 1191005, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
D Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 1190027, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
E Louis-Michel Nageleisen, Département de la Santé des Forêts, France,
Image 1190031, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
F Petr Kapitola, Forestry and Game Management Research Institute,
Czechia, Image 1191001, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
G Norwegian Forest Research Institute, www.skogforsk.no
Lymantria dispar A Tim Tigner, Virginia Department of Forestry, Image 0886001,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
B Kenneth H. Knauer, USDA Forest Service, Image 1510057,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
C David Holden, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
D USDA APHIS PPQ Archives, Image 2652051, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
E Tim Tigner, Virginia Department of Forestry, Image 0886003,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
F Mark Robinson, USDA Forest Service, Image 2912081,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
Insect Sequence Photo Credit
Lymantria monacha A Paul Schaefer, Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Unit, USDA
Agricultural Research Service
B Landesforstpräsidium Sachsen Archives, Image 1259120,
www.forestryimages.org, May 23, 2004
C Daniel Adam, Office National des Forêts, France, Image 2515023,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
D William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International, Image
0017003, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
E William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International, Image
0017006, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
F Jan Liska, Forestry and Game Management Research Institute,
Czechia, Image 1191019, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
G Petr Kapitola, Forestry and Game Management Research Institute
Czechia, Image 1191018, www.invasive.org, Feb. 5, 2004
Monochamus urussovi A Hiroshi Makihara, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, Japan
B Michael Hoskovec, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
C Stanislaw Kinelski, Image1258335, www.forestryimages.org, Aug. 30, 2004
D Stanislaw Kinelski, Image 1258054, www.forestryimages.org, Aug.
30, 2004
E Michail Mandelshtam, Institute for Experimental Medicine, St.
Petersburg, Russia
F Michail Mandelshtam, Institute for Experimental Medicine, St.
Petersburg, Russia
G Jun-Bao Wen, Beijing Forest University
Insect Sequence Photo Credit
Oberea oculata A Frank Koehler. Bornheim, Germany
B Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute, Image 1231168,
www. forestryimages.org, Feb. 5, 2004
C Stanislav Krejcik, www.meloidae.com
D Adrian Colston, Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve, England.
E Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute, Image 1231167,
www.forestryimages.org, May 23, 2004
Pissodes harcyniae A University of Natural Resources & Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria
B Wojciech Grodzki, Forest Research Institute, Krakow, Poland
C Stanislaw Kinelski, Image 1258263, www.forestryimages.org,
Aug. 31, 2004
D Wojciech Grodzki, Forest Research Institute, Krakow, Poland
E Stanislaw Kinelski, Image 1258261, www.forestryimages.org,
Aug. 31, 2004
F Stanislaw Kinelski, Image 1258260, www.forestryimages.org,
Aug. 31, 2004
Insect Sequence Photo Credit
Saperda perforata A Michael Hoskovec, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
B Marcel and Alain Galant
C Marcel and Alain Galant
D Till Tolasch, www.koleopterologie.de
E Michael Hoskovec, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Scolytus morawitzi A Drawing from Li, K. and J. Zhou. 1980, Forest Insects in China,
Chinese Forestry Press
B Drawing from Issaev, A. S. 1966, Borer pests of Larix dahurica.
Moscow, Nauka
C Drawing from Li, K. and J. Zhou. 1980, Forest Insects in China,
Chinese Forestry Press
Sirex rufiabdominis A Klaus Bolte, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
B Dave Holden, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Insect Sequence Photo Credit
Tetropium castaneum A Michael Hoskovec, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
B Fabio Stergulc, University of Udin
C Stanislaw Kinelski, Image 1258308, www.forestryimages.org, July 4, 2004
D Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute, Image 1231096,
www.invasive.org, Feb. 4, 2004
E University of Natural Resources & Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria
F Norwegian Forest Research Institute, www.skogforsk.no
G Stanislaw Kinelski, Image 1258317, www.forestryimages.org, July 4, 2004
Tetropium fuscum A Klaus Bolte, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
B Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Dartmouth
C Bob Guscott, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
D Stephanie Sopow, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
E Ken Harrison, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
F Tom Prest, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
G Bob Guscott, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
Tetropium gracilicorne A Hiroshi Makihara, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, Japan
B Institut für Forstschutz, Österreichischer Pflanzenschutzdienst Holz
C Institut für Forstschutz, Österreichischer Pflanzenschutzdienst Holz
Tomicus piniperda A Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute, Image 1231204,
www.invasive.org, April 4, 2004
B William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International, Image
0017008, www.invasive.org, March 14, 2004
C Stanislaw Kinelski, Image 1258125, www.forestryimages.org, May 22, 2004
D Gyorgy Csoka, Hungary Forest Research Institute, Image 1231203,
www.invasive.org, April 6, 2004
E Bruce Smith, USDA APHIS PPQ, Image 0805094, www.invasive.org,
April 5, 2004
F Stanislaw Kinelski, Image 1258126, www.forestryimages.org, May 22, 2004
G Robert A. Haack, USDA Forest Service, Image 3225083,
www.invasive.org, April 4, 2004
Xylotrechus altaicus A Hiroshi Makihara, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, Japan
B Institut für Forstschutz, Österreichischer Pflanzenschutzdienst Holz
Xylotrechus rufilius A Hiroshi Makihara, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, Japan
B www.beetleskorea.com