MAN B&W Diesel A/S: Instruction Book For 35-42 MC Engines Volume I: 'Operation'
MAN B&W Diesel A/S: Instruction Book For 35-42 MC Engines Volume I: 'Operation'
MAN B&W Diesel A/S: Instruction Book For 35-42 MC Engines Volume I: 'Operation'
This book forms part of a three volume set: Vol. I Operation Vol. II Maintenance Vol. III Components Descriptions the purpose of which is to describe the operational, maintenance and design features of the engines. In addition, the various pages, plates and item numbers can be quoted in correspondence, and when ordering spare parts. All references to this instruction book should include the following data: 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of vessel Engine No. >>, built by Page or plate number Item number (if any)
Example : M/S NYBO / 7730 B&W / 70402-42A As a consequence of the continuous development of B&W diesel engines, this instruction book has been made to apply generally to all the above-mentioned MC-type engines. This means that the descriptions given in the different chapters refer to standard systems. However, since each individual engine plant is built to a `contract specification', deviations may be found in a specific plant. Further details on the plant may be found in: Plant installation drawings Instruction book Vol. II Maintenance > Instruction book Vol. III Components Descriptions
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This book is subject to copyright protection. The book must not, either wholly or partly, be copied, reproduced, made public, or in any other way made available to a third party, without the written consent to this effect from MAN B&W Diesel A/S.
This instruction book is divided into nine Chapters and an Index > as listed below:
Chapter 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710
Title Safety Precautions and Engine Data Checks during Standstill Periods Starting, Manoeuvring and Running Special Running Conditions Fuel and Fuel Treatment Performance Evaluation & General Operation Cylinder Condition Bearings and Circulating Oil Water Cooling Systems Index
Each Chapter is subdivided into separate sections and sub-sections. For convenience, the main titles and topics are summarized on the first page(s) of each chapter. The Index gives a comprehensive list of the subjects covered.
Service Letters
In order to ensure the most efficient, economic, and up-to-date operation of the MAN B&W engines, we, and our licensees, regularly send out `Service Letters', containing first-hand information regarding accumulated service experience. The Service Letters can either deal with specific engine types, or contain general instructions and recommendations for all engine types, and are used as a reference when we prepare up-dated instruction book editions. Therefore, since new Service Letters could be of great importance to the operation of the plant, we recommend that the engine staff file them to supplement the relevant chapters of this instruction book.