Lazy Dog Node B
Lazy Dog Node B
Lazy Dog Node B
Enter and you should see $ appearing, if not check the cable connections!
$ ifconfig
$ reload --
(To put GPB in back up mode, Note IP address, subnetmast all will be lost)
OSE Delta PowerPC krn-750/R2.1.2 Welcome to OSE Shell OSE4.3. Stop due to remain in backup set
$ vols
//should see /d and /c2 volumes (/c2 indicates that its the backup) free frw device unit 0K 100% FR0K 100% FRW 245M 84% FRW idedd 0 <4-599999> 673M 86% FRW idedd 0 <600000-2199999>
volume total used / 0K 0K 100% /null 0K 0K 100% /d 292M 47M 16% /c2 781M 107M 14%
$ formathd /d
$ formathd /c2
$ vols
// should see /d and /c2 are now empty (see under Used column)
volume total used free frw device unit / 0K 0K 100% 0K 100% FR/null 0K 0K 100% 0K 100% FRW /d 292M 0M 0% 292M 100% FRW idedd 0 <4-599999> /c2 781M 0M 0% 780M 100% FRW idedd 0 <600000-2199999>
$ reload --
(need to execute this reload -- again or ip address definition will not execute)
OSE Delta PowerPC krn-750/R2.1.2 Welcome to OSE Shell OSE4.3 Stop due to remain in backup set 2.
$ ifconfig (Should not see previous IP setting as all is lost when in backup mode - need to define again )
Interface configuration never made for le0 IP address must be set via command: Usage: ifconfig <ifname> [<address>] [netmask <mask>] [broadcast <address>] 3. $
OSE Delta PowerPC krn-750/R2.1.2 Welcome to OSE Shell OSE4.3 Stop due to remain in backup set 7. $ifconfig // to see if ip address is correct
interface: le0 inet: netmask: broadcast: 8. Connect notebook to ethernet (Port D in GPB)- set ip address in notebook to netmask (My network places/properties/local area connection/properties/TCP/IP/properties/Use the following IP address. Make sure the status of connection ie disable and then enable) Make sure you can ping the node:
volume / /null /d /c /j 6. $
total used free frw device unit 0K 0K 100% 0K 100% FR0K 0K 100% 0K 100% FRW 292M 30M 10% 262M 90% FRW idedd 0 <4-599999> 781M 85M 11% 695M 89% FRW mirrordd 0 <600000-2199999> 781M 85M 11% 695M 89% FRW /c 0 <600000-2199999>
Program Information: Handle : 1 Status : run Resident : True Name : CXC1320785_R10M%1 Argv : to .. Handle : 37 Status : run Resident : True
cv cu
Startable: rbs_basic_cv Loaded: rbs_basic_cv Rollback status: Rollback is on Rollback init timer: 30 Rollback init counter: 5 Rollback counter: 3 cv cu (configuration version current) LOADING INITIAL CV 1. Start up EM by opening IE with <> 2. Click Configuration>Cabinet Equipment, you will see configuration node production centre, click next 3. Configuration cabinet equipment - page 1(6), click on wizard and click next 4. Configuration cabinet equipment - page 3(6), complete the configuration data as per hardware in Node B especially the ETM-1 type to E1, click next. 5. Complete the ip configuration data ie. IP = and subnet mask, click next 6. Check your configuration settings 5 (5), if ok, click Finish 7. Now Node B will be loaded with the current configuration that you defined and will auto re-start with cv = INITIAL _CV - EM will have to be shut down and restarted as well. Result: Configuration Completed Successfully Cabinet Configuration ------------------The RBS will now restart in order to activate equipment configuration. The connection to the RBS will be lost. Please close the Element Manager and the browser. The RBS will have the following IP configuration after the restart: IP Address: Subnetmask:
OAM Access Wizard 8. Start EM - >Configuration Tab> O&M access> next >
click use configuration file, file path ie C:\3G Fauzi P3 for Training\script\rbs 3206 pdjtnegra\OAM PDJTNEGRA Auto no wizard. Next - you will see O&M Configuration data Finish, (you will loose connection) and you will see configuration completed successfully, click ok
10. Complete the data logical name, click next Alex server address, click next Sector data configuration, click next NTP server and time date etc, click next Antenna branch configuration - New value freqBandHiEdge = 10750 and freqBandLoEdge = 10650 Antenna cable configuration, click next Initiate sector, click next Rbs Local Cell Configuration, click next Site Equipment Configuration summary, click next Finish, wait for it to create site configuration, okay.