Export Finance in India
Export Finance in India
Export Finance in India
Export Finance is made available to exporters for the specific purpose of procuring/ purchase, processing/ production/ manufacturing, packing and shipment of goods meant for exports Mainly working capital advance extended to exporters to meet their pre and post shipment requirements
Clean Export Packing Credit (EPC) can be granted when first class clients have to give advance payment to the suppliers
Sometimes exporters have to obtain the raw materials in bunched lots or the material procured may be sizeable in nature. In such cases packing credit loan can be granted in the form of pledge. Once the goods are ready for shipment and the exporter/ supplier has handed over the goods to the transporter/ clearing and forwarding agents for effecting the shipment, the advance can be granted as secured shipping loan.
basis of a cable or telex message from the overseas buyer, then the exporter has to submit the original L/C or order once it is received. The L/C or order is stamped with the Banks stamp in order to prevent the exporter from availing of EPC from another source.
Ordinarily, each packing credit sanctioned should be maintained as a separate account for the purpose of monitoring of sanction and end-use of funds.
by a bank to an exporter from the date of extending the credit after shipment of goods to the date of realisation of sale proceeds. Post-shipment advance mainly take the form of (i) Export bills purchased/ discounted/ negotiated (ii) Advances against bills for collection (iii) Advances against duty drawback receivable from Government