Constitution of African Students Union-Updated

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Ratified: November 1988
Updated: April 27, 2008 <- change this date

Article I. Name
This organization shall be named African Students Union at the University of
Miami. African Students Union may also be referred to as ASU.

Article II. Statement of Purpose

Section 1. Guiding Principle
The purpose of African Students Union is to view the increasing
number of African students at the university and view the current
changes which are currently taking place in Africa.

Section 2. Objectives
A. To act as a representative organization of students from the
continent of Africa and other nations on matters of local,
national, and international concern and of significance to

B. To open and maintain channels of communication with

organizations and other bodies whose objectives and
activities and concerns are in line with those of ASU.

C. To offer assistance to and help in the orientation of potential

ASU members.

D. To offer a forum for discussion of ASU affairs with a view to

finding a solution and to encourage a spirit of cooperation
amongst members.

Article III. Affiliation Statement

This Organization shall be affiliated with Committee of International
Student Organizations.

Article IV. Responsibility

Section 1: African Students Union shall comply with all University of
Miami policies and procedures, including but not limited to those
policies set forth in the Student Rights and Responsibilities
Handbook, the Student Organization Handbook, as well as local,
state, and federal laws.

Article V. Membership
Section 1. General Membership
Membership of African Students Union shall be open to all
University of Miami students in good Academic Standing who
have paid their Student Activity Fee. African Student Union
shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, handicap,
age, sexual orientation, or political and religious affiliation in any
of its policies, procedures, or practices.** Non-voting
memberships may be extended to interested faculty,
administration, staff members, and alumni of the University.

Section 2. Active Membership

A. Active membership in African Students Union is defined as those
students who are paid members and/or who consistently
participate in meetings and events (at least 1/3 of one semester).

B. Benefits of Active membership include the right to vote.

Article VI. Executive Board

Section 1. Positions
1) President
i.) Descriptions/Responsibilities
• Presides over all General and Executive meetings
• The spokesperson of African Students Union
• Direct ASU’s finances in consultation with the
and with the consent with the Executive Board
• The representative of the African Students Union in the
Council of International Students and Organization
• Attend Weekly COISO Council of Presidents Meeting
• Create General and Executive Board Meeting Agendas
• Regularly update Advisor about Organization events
and activities
• Can appoint positions for executive duties.
a.) Optional appointments: Philanthropy Chair,
Webmaster, or what deemed necessary by President
and 2/3 of executive board members
2) Vice President (2)
i.) Descriptions/Responsibilities
• Assist the President in his or her regular duties
• Act for the President in the event of the latter’s absence
• Be the interim President in the event of vacancy in the
President’s position, pending a by-election
• Searches for current events and discussion topics for
general meetings
• Contacts members from the country of the day to help
assist with general meetings
3) Treasurer
i.) Descriptions/Responsibilities
• Collect membership dues
• Maintain records of the organization’s finances
• Allocates the organizations funds upon arrival of the
president and advisor
• Submit financial reports to Executive Board at
Executive Board meetings
• Prepare SAFAC Budget Requests and presentations
• Prepare any forms dealing with monetary transaction

4) Secretary
i.) Descriptions/Responsibilities
• Record minutes of all meetings and makes them
available to active members upon request
• Maintains a roster of active members
• Generates all outgoing correspondence and processes all
incoming correspondence for the organization

5) Historian
i.) Descriptions/Responsibilities
• Develops and keeps a scrapbook for the organization
• Decorates meeting room for general meetings
• Provides decorative displays for tables/booths, and/or
any location where the organization is appearing
publicly and privately
• Collect pictures/videos/documentation of meetings and

6) Public Relations Chair (2)

i.) Descriptions/Responsibilities
• Producing flyers, programs, and agendas for general
• Updates ASU publicity through various campus media

7) Appointed Positions
i.) The President can assign/appoint positions if he/she deems
necessary and approved with two-thirds (2/3) executive board

A. Eligibility Requirements
Executive Board Membership is open to active members of ASU
who are full or part-time students of the University of Miami
and have paid their activity fee and are in good standing with
the University.

B. Length of Term
The length of the term of office for Officer/Executive Board
members will be for one academic year.

C. Installation
Installation of new Officer/Executive Board members will occur
in the spring semester and is to be facilitated by the exiting
executive board and the advisor.

D. Vacancies/ Succession
If a vacancy occurs in a position, two-thirds (2/3) of the
Executive Board must agree to an election for a replacement.

E. Impeachment/Removal of Executive Board

Section 1. Petition
Two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Board must agree or two-
thirds (2/3) of active numbers must sign a petition to ask for
impeachment of executive board member.

Section 2. Process
Active members, the Officers/Executive Board, Advisor, and
Office/Executive Board member being impeached must be
notified at least two weeks in advance of the impeachment
hearing. The impeachment hearing must occur while
classes are in session.

Section 3. Hearing
The moderator of the impeachment hearing will be the
advisor. Three-fourths (3/4) of active members must be
presented in order for the impeachment hearing to begin.
Each side will be given the opportunity to present their case
and the active members may ask questions. A two-thirds
(2/3) vote of active members present is needed for conviction
and removal.

Article VII. Elections

Section 1. Timeline
Election will be held in the spring semester at a time and place left
at the discretion of the board.

Section 2. Procedures
A. Any member may nominate an active member for any office prior
to the election. Elections are done by secret ballot and require a
majority vote. In the event that no candidates receives a majority
of the votes, a runoff election between the two candidates shall be
held immediately.
B. Announcement of Annual Election:
All members shall be notified of the date, time, and location of the
election meeting at least four weeks in advance. A notice
containing this information shall also be published in a campus
wide publication and in any electronic media generally utilized for

graduate student communication.

Nomination of Candidates for Elective Offices:

Nominations for executive board positions shall be opened no later
than four weeks prior to the election. Candidates for the executive
board must be nominated by an active member of the
organization. Candidates may be nominated for more than a
single office, however, once elected to a position; their name shall
be removed from consideration for any subsequent office.

Voting Procedure:
1. Officers will be elected in the following order:
a.) President
b.) Vice-Presidents
c.) Treasurer
d.) Secretary
e.) Public Relation Chairs
f.) Historian

2. Ballots for each position will be distributed but facilitator must

present all confirmed position candidates at the beginning of

3. A candidate for office need not be present at the Election, but

he or she must accept their nomination either in person at a
general meeting, or in writing to the President. In their
absence, candidate is encouraged to send in a brief speech to be
read by facilitator of elections.

5. Candidates will one at a time give a brief speech, followed by

questions and answers from the active members present. Time
limits for speech and questions shall be determined by the

6. Write ins on ballot will be permitted but must be confirmed

prior to candidate speeches for that position.
7. Candidate(s) that did not win may choose to roll down his or
her nomination to the next elected position up for election.

C. Appeals Process
1.) Petition
Appeals process for election requires two-thirds
(2/3) of current Executive board and the advisors’
consent to agree to unfair election procedure.
2.) Re-election
In the event that the Executive Board and advisor
elections unfair, a re-election will be held at a time
date agreed upon by the standing Executive board.

Article VIII. Advisor

The Advisor of African Students Union shall be a full-time faculty,
administrator, or staff member at the University of Miami.

Article IX. Meetings

Section 1. General
General member meetings will be agreed upon by the members of
the Executive Board.

Section 2. Officers/Executive Board

Executive Board meetings will be held biweekly at a time agreed
upon by the Executive Board.

Section 3. Special
Special meetings will be held, as needed, at a date and time agreed by
the active members.

Article X. Committees
Section 1. Special Committee
Special committees may be appointed by the Executive Board for
fundraising and special events.

Article XI. Discipline

Section 1. Reason
Executive Board Members may be disciplined if they fail to carry out
their responsibilities as outlined by the constitution.

Section 2. Process
In the event that a complaint is brought to the Executive Board by
one of its members, the matter will be investigated. If the compliant
is found to be valid then a warning will be issued. If there are any
further complaints pertaining to the same party, a mandatory
meeting between the member being disciplined, the advisor, and the
President shall be held at a time and place agreed on by all parties
involved to determine the proper disciplinary measures.

Section 3. Consequences
Based on severity of the action, the Executive Board member will be
disciplined accordingly. Discipline of an Executive Board member
will result in temporary removal from position.

Article XII. Amendments

Section 1. Submission
Amendments to this constitution shall be submitted to title in writing
for submission to the active members for vote.

Section 2. Vote
A vote ¾ active members is needed for the adoption of any

Section 3. Final Amendment

Amendments must be represented to the Committee on Student
Organizations for approval prior to implementation.

Article XIII. Dissolution of the Organization

Section 1. Process
African Students Union may be dissolved after dissolution is
approved by the Executive Board by a vote of ¾ active members at
least sixty days prior to the vote.

Section 2. Obligations
Upon dissolution, the Executive Board will utilize assets of the
organization to pay all obligations and expenses of the organization.

Section 3. Approval
Notice of dissolution must be presented in writing to the Committee
on Student Organizations.

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