The Role of Teachers in Improving School Education: T.Pushpanathan

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T.PUSHPANATHAN Assistant Professor of English, School of Education, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram 631561, Abstract The teacher is the yardstick that measures the achievements and aspirations of the nation. The worth and potentialities of a country get evaluated in and through the work of the teacher. The people of a country are the enlarged replica of their teacher. They are the real nation builders. Among the greatest of all services that can be rendered by men to Almighty God, is the education and training of children, so that they can foster by grace in the way of salvation, growing like pearls of divine bounty in the shell of education and will be one day the jewel in the crown of abiding glory. This paper states the roles of teachers and their duties in improving School Education. Introduction The teacher is the real maker of history - H.G.Wells It needs no description that the teacher is the pivot of any educational system of the younger students. On him rests the failure or the success of the system. If the teachers are well educated and if they are intellectually alive and take keen interest in their job, then only, success is ensured. But, if on the other hand, they lack training in education and if they cannot give their heart to their profession, the system is destined to fail. Hence, the teacher is another vital component of the school. Teacher as a Role Model Students tend to copy the behavior and mannerism of the teachers. The teachers entire personality is a reflection on the minds of the students. If the teacher is honest, leads a balanced and disciplined life, the children adopt these virtues as an ideal conduct unconsciously. The ideal teacher is one who through his thoughts, words and deeds, gives an impression of an honest upright life which can serve as a model for the students to copy, follow and emulate. Teachers Personality Every teacher must have a good personality. Radiant, pleasing and impressive personal appearance, refinement, pleasant manners, industry, enthusiasm, drive, initiative, open mindedness etc., are some of the essential traits of an ideal teacher. External appearance has a psychological effect upon the students. By attractive appearance, he/she can win the love and affection of his students and can command respect. He/she should be frank, tolerant, kind, fair and straightforward so that he/she can stimulate learning.

Teachers Character The teacher is the maker of man

- Sir John Adams

A flower in bloom is loved by all and in this lies its glory. Similarly, man may be viewed as having achieved everything in life when he becomes perfect in character. If the best flowers among mankind take to teaching, society is abundantly enriched; their fragrance and beauty are then made the best use of. If the teacher becomes an embodiment of right conduct in thought, word and deed, the students by their association will learn virtue and develop manly qualities. They can be humanized and can live and act like normal human beings. They can become thoughtful, concerned and courageous. A teacher can never truly teach unless he is still learning himself. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its own flame. The teacher who has come to the end of his subject, who has no living traffic with his knowledge, but merely repeats his lessons to his students, can only load their minds. He cannot quicken them -- Tagore Teachers physical health A teacher should possess a sound body along with a sound mind. He should have a sound physical health, physical energy, vitality and he should be free from physical defects. This will make him alert, cheerful, happy, dynamic and enthusiastic. He can maintain emotional stability. Teachers mental health We speak of education as a lamp lighting another lamp, one life making another life and a spirit speaking to another spirit. We can achieve this objective, if the teachers have good mental health. Students develop interest in those subjects, which are taught by pleasing and genial teachers. The teacher makes the emotional atmosphere in the classroom. A neurotic teacher may spread fear, nervousness and worry in the classroom. A fanatic-teacher may spread hatred, prejudice and hostile feelings among the students. If he has a good mental health, he can create love, interest and enthusiasm for learning and a taste in the subject he teaches. Teachers Social Adjustment The true teacher is he who can immediately come down to the level of the student, transfer his soul to the students soul and see through and understand through his mind. Such a teacher can really teach and none else. Swami Vivekananda Sociability is another important quality of a teacher. He should have a sound social philosophy and he should make his best contribution to the society. He should know how to adjust himself to the social surroundings in which he lives. He should not be quiet, retreating and introverted. He should be free from worry, anxiety and thinking and feeling about himself. He should mix well in society to have a large body of friends and to take a helpful interest in his neighbours. Normal social life outside the school will go a long way to give him happy social adjustments. Teachers Professional Efficiency The teacher must possess a strong sense of vocation and true devotion towards is teaching. He should have a genuine love for his calling. For his professional efficiency, he should have

knowledge of psychology, educational philosophy, aims, contents, methods and materials of instruction, skill and interest in teaching. He must possess a fair knowledge of current affairs about his own country and other countries of the world. Professional Ethics of Teachers Teachers, who consider their job as a profession, work only for pay cheque. Their work is considered useful for their own sake. Since perchance they have occupied a professional chair they try for their own good, at the cost of others. But our cultural heritage proves that true teachers are those who consider their job as honourable. Such teachers work with a sense of self-fulfillment and self-realization. Prof. George Herbert Palmer once rightly said, If Harvard does not pay me to teach, I would gladly pay Harvard for the privilege of teaching. This should be the professional value of an Indian teacher. An ideal teacher should not work with pecuniary motives, but with a sense of education and for the cause of education. Duties of the Teacher Safety and Security of Students Tell students about the purpose of education in the schools Build one to one relationship with students Take-up Personality Development Programmes Know everything about your students Make students aware of realities of life Inspire students to face problems with braveness Apprise students about probable dangers and hazards in and around school campus Provide your students psychological therapy Teaching Planning Preparation Presentation Evaluation Giving feedbacks Diagnosis Remediation Enrichment Teaching as a Pleasurable Activity Lecturing Working with small groups Designing instructional units Love for subject matter Organizing students Teaching as Social Service It is like a nursing

It contributes to the lives of others Decision to teach is deeper than a love for subject matter People have attraction to the life of teacher

School Activities Curricular Co-curricular Extra Curricular a. Personal Guidance b. Career Counseling c. Community Service Conduct of School Activities Planning Organizing Guiding Supervising Evaluating Conclusion The teacher is a dynamic force of the school. A school without teacher is just like a body without the soul, a skeleton without flesh and blood, a shadow without substance. There is no greater need for the cause of education today than the need for strong manly men and motherly women as teachers for the young. As social engineers, the teachers can socialize and humanize the young by their man-like qualities.

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