Persuasive Unit Day 1-2 Johnston Middle School: 8 Grade Language Arts

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Persuasive Unit Day 1-2 Johnston Middle School

8th Grade Language Arts

Narrative Celebration: Students will share their narratives and extensions in small groups of 3. The group members that are listening will be giving a glow that is specific and pertains to the blue rubric. These are done in writing as a note of applause. I will model an example of a good and bad note. Students will also ask the reader one question (orally) that must be open-ended and requires the reader to elaborate or give additional information. Students that have not completed their narrative or packet will work on getting these completed. Transition from Narrative to Persuasive Let students know that even though the narrative unit is over, many of the techniques that they practiced can be helpful when trying to persuade and audience. Connect this idea to the creation of a 3-D character and how persuasion works much better when the reader/listener feels attached to the character. Content Objectives: Students will be able toMaterials: Images for the gallery walk Computer (internet) Projector Textbook Graphic Organizer Identify the 8 different persuasive techniques used to persuade an audience. Consider the techniques used to persuade them in a variety of settings (video, visual image, text.)

Anticipatory Set: Students will be shown three different commercials/PSAs that can be associated with a variety of persuasive techniques. They will be shown these clips one at a time and asked to discuss the clip with their families. How did this clip attempt to persuade you? How was it effective? What could have been done better? After each commercial there will be a sharing whip, and a member of each family will share the groups thoughts. Persuasive techniques will not be front-loaded; however, tomorrows lesson will begin by defining these techniques using student observations. Appeal to pity, testimonial, and ethical appeal Appeal to fear Transfer, testimonial

*These ideas will be introduced tomorrow. Allow students to explain how these commercials/PSAs were effective or ineffective without the vocabulary (End Day 1.)

Instructional Input: This class period begins by introducing necessary vocabulary on the Persuasive Writing Techniques graphic organizer. Wherever possible, students ideas from yesterday should be used to help define each term. Students will write the definition in their own words and come up with an example. Techniques will be addressed individually and students will get to share their examples so that their peers can steal them if they like (15 min.) Collaborative Practice: In groups of four, students will complete a gallery walk of different advertisements. They will have a 1-2 minute conversation and will then individually respond to the following prompts: What technique(s) are being used in this ad and explain why it did or didnt work? Think of a couple of school/community issues in which you could persuade your classmates using this technique (20 min.) Independent Practice: While considering their responses during the gallery walk, students will complete an exit slip. They will give their top 2 ideas for their own PSAs. Students will be instructed that this must be a community or global issue and cant just be something that pertains to them (e.g. convincing their parents to get them a car.)

Persuasive Writing Techniques


Definition Taps into peoples desire to belong

Example Pink Nation

Bandwagon Appeal

Snob Appeal



Ethical Appeal

Appeal to Fear

Appeal to Pity

Loaded Language

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