PDP Framework
PDP Framework
PDP Framework
reading lessons. The framework is based on research and using it helps ensure students are motivated, engaged and active before, while and after (pre, during and post PDP) listening to, watching or reading a text. The stages of the framework are: Pre Ss prepare to listen: they talk about their knowledge or and experience with the topic of the listening or reading they understand the meaning of key vocabulary in the text they understand what they will listen or read for in the text before they begin working with it they can make predictions about what the text will be about. During Ss focus their attention on the listening or reading text and complete tasks which develop and deepen their understanding of the text progressively (i.e., from simpler and more general to more complex and more specific). They can also do tasks that help them develop specific listening and reading skills. Post Ss extend and integrate the understanding and knowledge they gained from working with the listening or reading text into other skills areas or contexts. Stage Pre Rationale Sample Activities In most cases, Ss did not Word splash choose to listen to, watch or Match vocabulary to read the text so they need pictures to develop an interest and Categorize vocabulary desire to work with it. Ss under headings need to know key vocabulary Predict from a headline, they will hear or see, and title, group of words, they need to understand pictures, etc why they are going to listen Arrange pictures in the to/ watch/read the text. order to be confirmed or changed after listening to, reading the text Talk about the main topic(s) Ss do a series of tasks which help them understand the text and which may help them develop listening and reading skills. The first task(s) should help Ss understand the text at a very general, non-specific level. Then, tasks can move Ss into a more detailed and deeper understanding of the text. Before they do each
Listen/read and draw Answer general information (gist) questions such as What are they talking about? Do the speakers sound happy or upset? Listen/read and arrange pictures or events in order Listen/read and find the mistakes Listen/read and answer
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task, Ss need to know what they are listening, watching or reading for. No task should test Ss memory of details. Ss need to check their answers in pairs or small groups before sharing answers with the whole class. Post After the During tasks, Ss need a chance to work further with the text, its topic, its content and/or vocabulary, functions or grammar used in it, OR to speak and/or write (also to read and/or listen) further based on the text - for example for Ss to tell the story of something that happened to them, to write a letter of complaint to a restaurant, to carry out a similar interview, etc. Ss need an opportunity to personalize what they have heard or read; they need to see how the text relates or is applicable to them and the world outside the classroom.
detail questions such as What did they say about _____? Listen/read and point Complete a grid
Discussion questions Role-plays Project (ex. Create a ___) Make and tell a similar or personal story Discuss a topic, the issue or the information in the text Complete and discuss a noticing task such as Find all of the verbs in the past tense or Underline the parts of the questions that make them polite. Speculate about what happened before or after the events in the text Speculate about the people in the text
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