Discover Your Team Player Style

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Read each set of statements below. From each pair, choose the one statement that describes you most when youre working with your team. Both statements may be true of you, but choose the one that applies to you in the most situations, most often, or with the most people. Circle the letter in front of that statement.



I am often direct and frank in team meetings I tend to be reserved and careful in team meetings I take control when there are crisis situations my team is confronted with I tend to be more reflective and see what happens before taking action when a crisis occurs My decision making with the team is usually based on intuition and feelings that I have or that are raised by team members My decision making is usually based on facts, logic, and specific information I have or that is communicated by team members I tend not to express my emotions and feelings to team members I often express my emotions and feelings to team members I usually contribute information or add to team member discussions and team conversations I seldom contribute to team member discussions or team conversations since I prefer for them to solve their own problems I am careful and contemplative about taking risks and accepting new, difficult challenges where the team could fail I am quick to take risks and accept new, difficult challenges even though some may be difficult for the team to accomplish My facial expressions and enthusiasm in conveying my views or responding to the views of team members are greater than most people I know I tend to be less expressive in my facial expressions and enthusiasm in conveying my views or in responding to the views of team members I am usually a bit difficult to get to know in interpersonal situations and business situations I feel like I am easy to get to know both in interpersonal situations and business situations I usually make decisions deliberately, more slowly, and with forethought when I know my team will be affected I usually make decisions quickly, spontaneously, and in the heat of the moment



















I am able to adapt to changing schedules and the whims of individuals around me I am more rigid and disciplined about how I spend my time I tend to use strong language and sometimes expressive gestures in communicating to team members, and I feel comfortable in stating my opinions I tend not to raise my voice, use harsh tone, or use dramatic gestures to express my views, feelings, and opinions to team members I emphasize planning and detailed information about who should do what, how it should be done, and when I emphasize spontaneity and exciting and unplaned events that capture my attention My conversations with team members focus on personal experiences and other people in my life My conversations with team members focus on my job, professional experiences, and the work of other people I tend to sometimes bend the rules to fit my needs and the teams needs I always follow policies and rules in getting things done, and I encourage team members to do the same My body language and facial expressions tell people right away and with little doubt what I am thinking and feeling My body language and facial expressions tend to be more reserved so as to disguise my true feelings and personal thoughts from team members I like to be out among my team members to get things done and elicit their ideas I prefer to work alone and to not be encumbered by the thoughts, ideas, and feelings of other team members I enjoy introducing myself to new team members and am willing to talk to them about myself and personal matters I usually let new team members introduce themselves to me rather than approaching them first, and I am reluctant to get too personally involved In expressing myself and my views to the team, I often use dramatic statements such as I think , I feel , and I believe that In expressing myself and my views to the team, I often use statements that defend and justify my beliefs such as, According to others I have spoken to , Based on a previous conversation , and Others have found that

















Count how many times you have circled each letter: A= B minus A = B= C= D minus C = D=

(1) Plot your first score (B minus A) on the vertical scale with an X that represents your number (between -9 and +9). (2) Plot our second score (D minus C) on the horizontal scale that represents your number (again between -9 and +9). (3) Connect the two points by drawing a line out from each number until they intersect. The quadrant where the two points intersect indicates your TEAM interpersonal style.

9 8 7

6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5









-1 -2 -3 -4 -5

-6 -7 -8 -9

Focuses on team goals and results Expects team to take action and be decisive Encourages risk taking Expresses own opinions and feelings freely to the team Doesnt encourage a lot of interpersonal team member involvement Tends to be controlling when under stress Competitive Needs: Control, fast pace, independence, accomplishment Fears: Being taken advantage of

Focuses on people and team member relationships Enjoys teamwork and people involvement Encourage team innovation Considers team member facts, opinions, and ideas Gets team members to do things by using persuasion more than power Optimistic Needs: Recognition, approval, fast pace, involvement, fun Fears: Being disliked

Focuses on team harmony and steadiness Creates a team climate of trust, dependability, and security Listens sincerely to team member feedback and ideas Tends to be more careful and contemplative with goals and actions the team should consider Tends to be indecisive under stress Open and considerate Needs: Personal assurance, comfort, direction, sincerity, slower methodical pace Fears: Conflict

Focuses on team analysis, facts, and detail Encourages the team to plan strategically and to focus on tasks Creates a climate where team rules are encouraged and followed Encourages the team to solve problems through effective analysis Doesnt encourage team spirit as much as team process Tends to withdraw under stress Contemplative and reserved Needs: To be right, slow pace for processing information, accuracy, time to be alone Fears: Being wrong, quick change without substantiation

Strengths Excellent in crisis Focused and determined get the job done Excellent multitaskers Can be autocratic Can be very serious Can sometimes be seen as abrupt or blunt Weaknesses

Strengths Creative excellent brainstormers Energetic Fun and funny Weaknesses Not always realistic Can be seen as too chipper at times Sometimes can come across as phony or not real

Strengths Very good listeners Team players Nurturers Weaknesses Not strong decision makers Can be overly sensitive Can sometimes become the office shrink

Strengths Accurate and detail-oriented Excellent critical thinkers Independent, self-directed workers Weaknesses Can be overly obsessive Can be viewed as indecisive Tend to process more lowly and at their own pace refuse to be hurried

What is your key strength?

What is your major weakness?

What situations highlight your strengths?

What situations bring out your weaknesses?

What can you do to increase your strengths?

What can you do to decrease your weaknesses?

What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

CONFLICT HAPPENS Team members have either extremely similar work styles o Limits accomplishments o Creates competition instead of collaboration o Too much time spend persuading others o Hard time making decisions o Individuals determined to do things their way Team members have extremely different work styles o Work styles do not complement each other o The wrong people are in the wrong position or role on the team NO REALLY. IT DOES. Avoiding it doesnt make it go away. It actually makes it worse. It creates a stressful atmosphere Does not eliminate the problem Encourages continued unproductive behavior Damages your credibility Eliminates team motivation Causes a loss of effectiveness YOU HAVE A BAD ATTITUDE Putting paperwork before people Lack of encouragement and support Failure to focus on the future Unwillingness to admit mistakes Negativity Need to know everything Trying to please everyone You dont need your teammates to be on your side to get things done Praise should only be given when your team does something extraordinary No one can do the job as well as you Trying to control everyone and everything Starting projects and then abruptly stopping them Assuming that people are replaceable DONT MAKE ME PULL THIS CAR OVER Confront the issue and work toward an agreeable resolution Communicate and work well with others Be aware of your work style and adjust according to the demands of the situation Know you cant do it alone believe in teamwork Learn from others mistakes as well as your own Dont ask your team to do anything you wouldnt do Walk the talk otherwise youre just telling people what to do

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