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E X E C U T I V E Thomas C. Short International President Edward C. Powell International VicePresident Emeritus O F F I C E R S James B. Wood General SecretaryTreasurer Michael W. Proscia General Secretary Treasurer Emeritus Brian J. Lawlor 8th Vice President 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor New York, NY 10018 Michael F. Miller, Jr. 9th Vice President 10045 Riverside Drive Toluca Lake, CA 91602 John T. Beckman, Jr. 10th Vice President 1611 S. Broadway, #110 St Louis, MO 63104 Daniel DiTolla 11th Vice President 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor New York, NY 10018 John Ford 12th Vice President 326 West 48th Street New York, NY 10036 John M. Lewis 13th Vice President 22 St. Joseph Street Toronto, Ontario Canada M4Y 1J9

S E C O N D Q UA R T E R , 2 0 08

N U M B E R 620



6 8 24

38th Annual Scholarship Awards

Winners of the Richard F. Walsh/ Alfred W. Di Tolla/Harold P. Spivak Foundation

4 5

Presidents Newsletter General SecretaryTreasurers Message

20 On The Road 22 Crew Shots 42 In Memoriam 45 Directory of Local Secretaries and Business Agents 55 IATSE-PAC

A Family Affair
Familial Roots at the Metropolitan Opera House

14 Local News & Views 16 On Location

Looking Back With Pride, Ahead With Resolve

A Clear and Present Vision of 14 Years of Progress

Timothy F. Magee 1st Vice President 20017 Van Dyke Detroit, MI 48234 Michael Barnes 2nd Vice President 2237 Hartranft St., Philadelphia, PA 19145 J. Walter Cahill 3rd Vice President 483 Penwood Drive Edgewater, MD 21037 Thom Davis 4th Vice President 2520 West Olive Avenue Burbank, CA 91505 Matthew D. Loeb 5th Vice President 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor New York, NY 10018 Anthony M. DePaulo 6th Vice President 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor New York, NY 10018 Damian Petti 7th Vice President 201-208 57th Ave., S.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2H 2K8

18 On The Show Floor 19 On Stage, In Focus

T R U S T E E S Thomas J. Cleary 20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 1032 Chicago, IL 60606 C. Faye Harper 615 James P. Brawley Dr., N.W. Atlanta, GA 30318

George Palazzo 1811 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506

C L C D E L E G AT E Donald K. Ramsden 217-3823 Henning Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5C 6P3 G E N E RAL CO U N S E L Steven B. Spivak

W W W . I A T S E I N T L . O R G
James B. Wood Editor Arthur Bracco Staff Writer David Geffner Special Asst. to the Editor MaryAnn Kelly Assistant to the Editor

G E N E R A L O F F I C E 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10018 Tele: (212) 730-1770 FAX: Office of the President (212) 730-7809 FAX: General Secretary-Treasurer (212) 921-7699 WEST COAST OFFICE 10045 Riverside Drive Toluca Lake, CA 91602 Tele: (818) 980-3499 FAX: (818) 980-3496

If you are interested in purchasing this Promotional Poster, please send your Check/Money Order payable to IATSE, to the IATSE General Office to the attention of Assistant to the Editor MaryAnn Kelly. This Poster is available in two (2) sizes: 13 x 20 (Show Card) for $7.50; or 27 x 38 (Movie Poster) for $12.50. The prices include shipping and handling.

The OFFICIAL BULLETIN (ISSN-0020-5885) is published quarterly by the General Secretary-Treasurer of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, its Territories and Canada, (IATSE), 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10018. Telephone: (212) 730-1770. FAX (212) 921-7699. Email: Material for publication must be received before the first day of January, April, July, and October, to meet deadlines, respectively, for the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Quarter issues. POSTMASTER: Send address change to the OFFICIAL BULLETIN, 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10018. Entered as periodical postage paid matter at the Post Office at New York, NY and additional locations. Canadian Publications Mail Agreement No.: 40845543. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses To: B&M Mailing Services Limited, 35 Van Kirk Drive, Unit 15, Brampton, Ontario L7A 1A5. E-mail: Subscriptions: IATSE members receive the OFFICIAL BULLETIN as part of their IATSE membership services. Nonmembers may subscribe for $3.00 per year.

C A N A D I A N O F F I C E 22 St. Joseph St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 1J9 Tele: (416) 362-3569 FAX: (416) 362-3483 I.A.T.S.E. CANAD IAN RETIREMENT PLAN OFFICE 22 St. Joseph St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 1J9 Tele: (416) 362-2665 FAX: (416) 362-2351 I.A.T.S.E. NAT I O NAL B E N E FIT FU N DS OFFICE 417 Fifth Avenue, Third Floor, New York, NY 10016 Tele: (212) 580-9092 Toll free: (800) 456-FUND FAX: (212) 787-3607


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2008 Elections Get Involved

The Importance Of Affiliation


This is to advise that the regular MidSummer Meeting of the General Executive Board is scheduled to be held at the Westin Gaslamp Quarter, 910 Broadway Circle, San Diego, California 92101 at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, July 28, 2008, and will remain in session through and including Friday, August 1, 2008. All business to come before the Board must be submitted to the General Office no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. Local Union representatives planning to attend the meeting must make hotel reservations with the Westin Gaslamp Quarter by calling the hotel reservations department at 619-239-2200 or 1-800-WESTIN-1. Guest room rate for the IATSE is $249.00, single or double occupancy, plus applicable taxes. In order to ensure that you receive the preferred room rate established for our meeting, you must identify your affiliation with the IATSE. Reservations can also be made through the IATSE Web site ( Cut Off Date: July 3, 2008 The Stage Caucus will be held at the Westin Gaslamp Quarter on Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. in the Plaza Room. Representatives of Stage, Wardrobe and Mixed locals are welcome.

As you read this issue of the Bulletin the summer months are upon us and we can finally all hope to enjoy some great sunshine. As you enjoy your summer, I also ask you all to keep in mind the goals we must set and focus on leading into the U.S. Presidential Election in November. We have seen an unprecedented primary and caucus season that started with Super Tuesday on February 5th. The primary and caucus voters in every state in the United States may never have been looked at so closely and counted on so much by the candidates in this race for the White House. Towards summers end we will see the Democratic National Convention called to order in the Mile High City of Denver and we will have some members and staff from the IATSE who have been elected to serve as Delegates or Alternate Delegates to the Convention. There is no doubt that the Party had two very strong candidates who campaigned tirelessly for nearly two years. However, coming out of the Convention in August, we must stand together and be certain that our voices are heard loud and clear on November 4th. It has been admitted and agreed by many that the United States is experiencing a recession and our working class citizens are doing their best to survive - with fuel prices increasing nearly every day, the cost of health care getting harder and harder to manage, the Pension Protection Act of 2006 that has created more difficult challenges in contract negotiations, foreclosures on homes, a war that is lasting longer and costing more than anyone could have imagined, and the list goes on. The Administration we have had in Washington since 2000 has put additional pressures on the labor community through the Department of Labor, the National Labor Relations Board, the Internal Revenue Service, and other agencies, so that our goals of providing the best representation to our members have become more difficult to meet. Additionally, we in the entertainment community have experienced work stoppages last year that put very real and harsh financial burdens on many of our members, burdens that many are still struggling to overcome. Our participation in the political process in this country is always important so that we may collectively elect legislators who are friendly to working people across this land. This is a difficult time, but its also a hopeful time, because we have a chance to bring about real change for ourselves, our families, our fellow union members, and other hardworking Americans throughout the country. With new leadership in Washington, we may be able to finally fix some of the laws that have been hurting us for years, and enact new legislation that will give workers a fair shot at improving their lives. I encourage all of you to be part of the process by registering to vote, getting to the polls and helping others get there as well. Get involved!

One of the agenda items during a recent AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurers conference was a report on the success of the Solidarity Affiliation Campaign that was initiated by the AFL-CIO Executive Council in early 2006. The goal of the campaign was to increase the affiliation levels of local unions with both their State Federations and Central Labor Councils. Of the fifty-four affiliates in the AFL-CIO, the I.A.T.S.E. was ranked second in terms of the percentage of total members that our local unions had affiliated with the various State Federations. The final percentages of affiliated members at the Central Labor Council level have not yet been made available, but I have no doubt that I.A.T.S.E. local unions will once again be leading the way when those numbers are released. When the campaign first began, President Short assigned International Representative Dan Mahoney to act as a liaison between the AFL-CIO, the office of the General Secretary-Treasurer and our local unions with the goal of achieving one hundred percent affiliation. Article Nineteen, Section 22 of the International Constitution and Bylaws mandates that all local unions, with the exception of Special Department local unions, shall secure and maintain affiliation with their respective State, Provincial and Central Labor bodies of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations or the Canadian Labour Congress. Based on our initial review of the affiliation rates at the launch of the campaign, most of our local unions were already aware of their constitutional obligations and were affiliated. However, some local unions were not affiliated with one or more of the required bodies and rectified the situation once the International contacted them. Being in compliance with the International Constitution and Bylaws is of course a very good thing, but affiliation with these bodies also makes a positive impact on the lives of our members and their communities. Affiliation at the State, Provincial and Central Labor Council level is an extremely effective way to build influence in the communities in which our members live and work. These bodies bring different unions together to assist each other with job actions, participate in political and working family issue campaigns, lead lobbying efforts with local and State/Provincial governments, and finally, they often coordinate assistance campaigns in communities in times of crisis. While affiliation is an important first step, it is only when the affiliates become active that State, Provincial and Central Labor bodies can be truly effective. Many of these bodies will be holding important summer meetings over the next couple of months and I encourage you to attend.


With the 66th Quadrennial Convention only slightly more than a year away we are beginning to receive inquiries as to the dates. The convention itself will run from Monday July 27, 2009 to Friday July 31, 2009 with District meetings taking place the weekend prior and the midsummer meeting of the General Executive Board taking place from Monday July 20, 2009 to Friday July 24, 2009. The convention property is the Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

As a reminder to all local union Secretaries, Article Nineteen, Section 7 of the International Constitution and Bylaws mandates that Quarterly Reports are due no later than thirty (30) days following the end of each quarter. Therefore, the 1st Quarter Report for 2008 was due no later that April 30th and the 2nd Quarter Report for 2008 will be due no later than July 30th.

Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008

38th Annual Scholarship Winners

The Trustees of the Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/Harold P. Spivak Foundation have announced the winners of the annual scholarship offered to children of IATSE members. They are: Cody Boyce and Louisa R. Levy. Cody is the son of Christopher Boyce of Local 839 (Animation Guild & Affiliated Optical Electronic and Graphic Arts, Hollywood, CA). Louisa is the daughter of Jeffrey Alan Levy of Local 728 (Motion Picture Studio Electrical Lighting Technicians, Hollywood, CA). These two extraordinary people have excelled in their endeavors, delighting and inspiring others with their natural gifts and determined hard work.

39th Annual Scholarship Awards

of the Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W Di Tolla/ . Harold P. Spivak Foundation
The Trustees of the Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/Harold P. Spivak Foundation are pleased to offer two scholarship awards each year in the amount of $1,750.00 totaling $7,000 over a fourWHO IS ELIGIBLE? The rules of eligibility for the 39th Annual Scholarship Awards of the Richard F. Walsh / Alfred W. Di Tolla/ Harold P. Spivak Foundation state that an applicant must: a) be the son/daughter of a member in good standing of the IATSE; b) be a high school senior at the time of application; and c) have applied, or about to apply for admission to an accredited college or university as a fully matriculated student, which will lead to a bachelors degree. HOW TO APPLY? 1. An application is to be requested by completing the coupon below and forwarding same to the Foundation at the address below or go to the IATSEs Web site ( and download the application. 2. The application is then to be completed and returned to the Foundation Office. 3. A complete copy of the applicants high school transcript is also to be submitted to the Foundation.

year period. Counting the year 2009 awards, the Foundation will have had as many as 51 scholarship recipients. This years awards will be granted to two high school students graduating in 2009.
4. The record of scores achieved by the applicant on the Scholastic Aptitude Test, College Entrance Examination, or other equivalent examinations may also be submitted, either by the student or by the testing organization. 5. Letter(s) of recommendation may also be submitted for inclusion in an applicants file and will be accepted from any of the following: Teachers, Counselors, Clergy, Community Service Organizations, employers, etc.

Cody comes from a family of artists, conversant in the languages of dance, graphic design, and animation. From these beginnings he has developed as an artist in his own right, with a love of painting dominating pursuits that include musicianship, academics, and performance. He has met the challenges of the classroom with the same straight A focus that has brought success in his creative endeavors. He has been characterized as highly intellectual, patient, and astutely observant, known in the classroom for artful interpretations and indepth analysis. A quietly brilliant young man who does not try to be everyones best friend, Cody offers the best of himself while seeking the truth that leads to great art. He plans to attend The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City in the Fall, majoring in Visual Arts. Louisas stellar presence and genius for performance has created a problem Cody Boyce for her advisors: how do you describe a person who amazes you? Some use ALL CAPS, some use exclamation points (!), and all strive to find a way to say that she is unique in her poise, drive, dedication, and personal values. A motivated student, she has aced her exams even while taking on college-level courses in Calculus, History, and English. Passionately devoted to the performing arts, she offers dance classes to at-risk children through Santa Monicas Childrens Lifesaving Foundation. She has played leading roles in her High Schools productions of Hello Dolly, Guys and Dolls, and A Midsummer Nights Dream. She plans to attend Columbia University in the Fall, majoring in Theatre. The IATSE congratulates Cody and Louisa on their many accomplishments to date, and wishes them every success in the next phase of their journey. Good luck! Those IA members with children now attending their senior year of High School should review the scholarship information on the following page. We Louisa R. Levy encourage you to become candidates for the 39th Annual Awards.

DEADLINE? The deadline for filing all of the above required materials with the Foundation is December 31, 2008. The winners of the scholarship awards will be notified by the Foundation in June, 2009, and will be announced in a future issue of The Official Bulletin.


Please send me an application for the 39th Annual Scholarship Awards. I understand that this request itself is not an application and that the application must be completed by me and filed with the Foundation.
Name: Address: City: State: Parent(s) Name/Local Union No.: Mail to: IATSE, 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10018 Telephone: 212-730-1770 Zip:

Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008

Metropolitan Opera House

The first time John Diaz walked into the Metropolitan Opera House during the daytime, the house manager asked him who he was and where he was going, even though Diaz had worked at the Met for nearly six years. Three decades later, Im following Diaz, the assistant head carpenter (aka the night gang boss), through a maze of prep and rehearsal rooms a few hours before the debut performance of La Fille du Rgiment, looking for somewhere to do an interview. Diaz slides into a table in the cafeteria. But its filled with workers preparing for the dinner rush, and louder than the rehearsal onstage. He heads for his break room, but the peace there only lasts a few moments before the room fills up with stagehands coming in off the changeover from the rehearsal to the evening performance. After negotiating more hallways and riding more elevators, we end up in a tiny, cramped office on B level (the Met has seven floors above the stage, and three A, B, and C floors below) that Diaz calls home. We hunker down into chairs, as Diaz, an affable man in his mid 50s with salt and pepper hair, smiles. This is a different place at night, after everyones left. Its a lot morequiet. Quiet is a relative term at the Met. Anyone whos had the unique opportunity to see the night gang in action has been treated to a sensory experience that is as acoustically dynamic (loud) as any grand opera. Heres the routine at the only opera house in the world that works around the clock, churning through four to five operas in repertoire, six nights (and two days) a week: Moments after the curtain drops, a few dozen stagehands begin to strip thousands of pounds of scenic elements, most of it made of steel rising 60 feet into the air, down to the ground faster than you can say La Bohme. The adrenaline is intense, with call and response communications echoing around the building like birds in flight. Behind the stage, at the interior loading dock, teamsters offload the next evenings show from trucked-in containers to three more IA stagehands hauling the sets off to one of the wings. Later on, around 2 a.m., the night crew will pre-set scenery onstage for an opera to be rehearsed in the morning and performed later in the week. Did I mention the part about them hauling the most current show (typically three or four truckloads of scenery) down to C level on an open-ended lift, being careful not to bury it in the buildings Rubiks cube-like arrangement? There are also the five electricians (led by assistant

head George Harvey, Jr.) that are solely dedicated to helping out the night gang. They power up electric chain motors to pull scenery flats into the air, and run the wagons and hydraulic lifts on the stage. Meanwhile, another team of stagehands rolls and stores ground cloths with military precision, while, later on, a second line will descend into the drop cut, a 4-foot x 70-foot trench used to store soft goods on hangars that can lower some 23 feet. Its an impressive piece of choreography that runs straight through the night (without breaks) at a pace most theaters take weeks, even months, to achieve. Presiding over it all is John Diaz, Sr. or his assistants, Pat Graham or L.A. Hernandez. Diaz has been leading the Met night gang longer than anyone ever has, 26 years, and is the last of the first-generation of Diaz family members to have worked at the Met, which included his older brothers Albert, Steve, Paul, Eddie, and Robbie. Not that anyone should worry about the Diaz family association with the Met ending once John retires: Steven A. Diaz (Johns nephew) is the master carpenter and Steves brother, Anthony, is the assistant head carpenter, stage left. Paul Diazs two sons, Paul, Jr. (PJ) and Danny, work with John on the night crew, while Johns daughter, Jennifer, is the night crew shop steward. People say theres not a piece of scenery thats moved through the Met in the last five decades that a Diaz hasnt touched, dating back to before the Met left its original location at Broadway and 39th St. (across the street from the building that is now home to the General Office). While familial roots at one facility are not uncommon in the New York City stage trade, the Diaz family, which came to the opera house after being longshoremen on the Brooklyn docks, may be as close to royalty as stage-

hands get, simply by virtue of the theater theyve called home for nearly half-a-century. A little bit of history: The Metropolitan Opera House opened in 1883, three years before a group of sailorsturned-stagehands who worked there,

founded the union that would later become the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes. Subscribers who funded the Met included names like Astor, Vanderbilt, Roosevelt and Morgan; the most famous operatic singer of their era, Enrico Caruso, perJohn Diaz, with daughter, Jennifer.

Night crew for the production, La Fille du Rgiment

Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008

formed more times at the Met than he did at all of the worlds other opera houses combined. More than a century later, the Met is still the busiest opera house in the world, performing roughly 240 shows each season and welcoming more than 800,000 fans in person, and millions more around the globe via its radio, satellite and HD television broadcasts. Backstage the numbers get even more amazing, as IA crews move more than 108 tons worth of scenery through the building in any given week. By way of comparison, thats like taking apart, storing, and reassembling ten DC-3 airplanes every six days from September to May. Aircraft that, by the way, is constantly being rebuilt and repositioned by a team of designers, who are not always on the same page.

When this building opened [at Lincoln Center in 1966], it was supposed to be large enough that a night crew wasnt needed, John Diaz explains. But as the shows got bigger, and the scenic units changed from wood to steel, many with self-contained hydraulics and electric, a night crew became a necessity. Boheme just went dead [closed for the season] and we did 11 truckloads of scenery out and three trucks in, during one night. We had an opera last year called Il Trittico that had a single scenic element, a steel bridge, which weighed almost six tons. Diaz grins: Nothing is the same from night to night at the Met, and we like it like that. It keeps everybody busy. Busy is an understatement if you talk to veterans on the day

crew. Twenty-year stagehand Omar Osorio, an assistant carpenter who has never worked anywhere but the Met, calls the night shift heavy and demanding, noting that guys really have to pay attention because of the speed and volume of the work. They dont have to be as precise with setting the stage, says Osorio, because theyre not working with the creative and technical teams, like we are during the day. Theyre a much leaner unit with dedicated tasks that arent as vulnerable to change. Head flyman James Pizzo has worked at the Met since 1975. He says the shift to three-dimensional scenery, with seven shows in-house at once, has put pressure on the night gang to work through enormous space constraints. Talking about the Diaz work ethic that permeates through the facility, Pizzo nods emphatically. I was hired by Johns older brother, Sebastian (Steve) and he set the tone for the speed, efficiency and toughness thats been passed down through the years. I dont know how other houses do it, but here at the Met, the carpenters set the schedule and run the stage. You cant have grand opera without grand scenery. Osorio agrees, noting that he can always spot new stagehands, because theyll often stop in their tracks and look up, overwhelmed by the size and scope of the task at hand. An old-timer told me that once upon a time the sets were made of wood and the men were made of steel, laughs Osorio. Now the sets are steel and the men are shredded down like

Night Electrician William Green (left) and George Harvey, Jr., Night Crew Head Electrician.

wood, because [the work] is so challenging. Over time there have been other changes. With the advent of HighDefinition television broadcasts of Met operas into more than 100 movie theaters, stage crews must treat every piece of scenery with kid gloves, lest the blemishes be revealed to a worldwide audience. There are also more women on the crews. Female carpenters, like night gang shop steward Jennifer Diaz, 26, have been welcomed into the male domain. I got my union card last September and the day after, the crew voted me shop steward, Diaz relates. If theres an issue, the shop steward has to fight with the boss, and the guys know I have no problem with that at all, she laughs. That doesnt mean carrying the Diaz name guarantees any favoritism. In fact, its usually the opposite result, given the high expectations. I work doubly hard at this job, insists Diaz, who first visited the Met when she was two months old in her fathers arms. Im a female stagehand, who doesnt want, for a minute, to let my family name down. Even those on the production crew evince respect for the night gang. Ray Menard worked briefly on the night crew when he first came to the Met twenty years ago as a stage manager. He recalls John Diaz calculating his strengths and weaknesses a few minutes after Menard hit the stage. Of course, I knew which drop and flat went with which opera because I was a stage manager, says Menard. But Id never handled scenery before, so they limited that part of my time for the safety of everyone! Menard says the Diaz family has provided a seamless transition of job responsibility over the years, mainly because each family member has understood the strengths, and more importantly, the limitations of the facility, so well.

Despite the potential for workload burnout, Menard says hes remained at the Met for 20 years because of his fondness for his colleagues throughout the building. These people are my professional family, he adds. I really love working with them. Given the working life at the Met long hours, nights, weekends, and road trips when the company tours the friendships fostered backstage dont end when the opera goes dark. Ben Ruggiero has worked on the night crew for 26 years. I talked to

him at 1 a.m. on a catwalk sixty-eight feet in the air, clearing pipes, and scenery flats from La Fille du Rgiment. He said his children grew up with his boss [John Diaz]s kids, and now offspring from each clan work at the Met. Generations of our families have been coming together socially for years at the Diaz house, for barbecues and Christmas parties, says Ruggiero. Either by circumstance, or choice, the line between work and friendship at the Met never really ends. Assistant night carpenter Pat Graham seconds those thoughts. He has worked at the Met for 33 years, 27 of those years on the night crew, a shift he says afforded more time to see his children grow up. L.A. Hernandez opted to work nights for similar reasons. Day crew heads come in at 8:00 a.m., and dont leave until the show ends at 11:00 p.m., Hernandez points out. Guys on our crew can take their kids to school most mornings, and sit down with them for dinner before they go to work. Graham,


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


Clearing Carpenters Ben Ruggiero (left) and James Carlson. a powerful and squat man with tattoos running down both arms, says that while it may be a physical grind, working nights was a decision he made years ago in the interest of his own family. Graham was hired by John Diazs older brother, Steve, who is Grahams uncle by marriage on his mothers side, and says he looks back fondly on Diaz clan functions, and how everyone always ends up talking shop. He says Johns older brothers, Steve who retired in 1996, and Paul who retired in 2001, along with Eddie, who still works on Broadway, stay in the loop like they never left. After all these years, Graham chuckles, our wives cant believe we spend our free time talking about the Met. Following John Diaz around the theater he has called home for nearly 40 years is like eavesdropping on a conversation among old friends. Whether its chatting up a food service cashier, or visiting with general manager Peter Gelb, Diaz wears the pride of his Met service like a second skin. Johns job is doubly tough, notes master carpenter Steve Diaz, because of his dedication to the Met and to his work with the local. [John Diaz is the longest serving Chairman of Trustees of Local One (12 years), as well as Chairman of the Technology Committee, which encompasses all education opportunities for Local One members. In addition, Diaz is Chairman of Local One's Budget and Shop Stewards Committees, and CoChairman of the Safety and Health Committee.] His team runs flat out every night just to ensure I walk in each morning with the stage exactly as I ordered, says Steve. If he falls behind, then it steamrolls throughout the day: the rehearsal is delayed, and there are more costs later in over-

time. I look at the night gang, as well as the stage and service crews, as legs of a marathon relay. To keep this place running at such a grueling pace, everybody has to pass the baton along. Grueling perhaps, but youd never know it from watching John Diaz work the strike of La Fille du Rgiment, on what is, by all accounts a fairly quiet night at the Met. Moments after the house clears, the banging and shouting begins. Diaz walks with purpose, checking in on each small team of stagehands. Like a seasoned commander covering the battlefield, he fires off questions about the nights progress, and never seems to break a sweat. Safety is our biggest concern at the Met, Diaz says loudly over the din, as units are pulled apart, and rolled swiftly across the stage. [Survival tip #1: maintain peripheral vision and heed the warning tones before the lifts rise.] We tell everyone that scenery can be fixed, but people cannot. So if somethings coming down, dont try to be a hero and get yourself injured. Just get out of the way. About 30 minutes into the strike, I ask Diaz if hes on schedule, and he says he wont even worry about that until 2:30 a.m. His priority is getting the stage cleared so the Vari-Lites, lowered down on pipes, can be stripped and the day electricians, who are now into overtime, can go home. Of course, Diaz still has to worry about getting two containers of La Fille du Rgiment off the stage and out onto trucks, while also bringing in three containers of tomorrow nights show, Satyagraha, to mount on the left-hand wagon. That has to happen without moving Wednesday nights show, Un Ballo in Maschera (which is in the way) downstairs, where the day carpenters will start building next weeks show, La

Clemenza di Tito, in the morning. Piece of cake, Diaz cracks. Ultimately, the night gang boss says, his teams work is about helping out the stage crews during the day. If we bury a show behind five tons of scenery, he continues, and props or electric need that one piece thats on the bottom, then theyll have to spend five hours out of their day digging it out, and everyones behind schedule. My guys are concerned with getting their jobs done as fast as they can, and rightly so. But as the night crew chief, I have to be thinking about the other departments, as well as my own team.

Even long-time Met employees express amazement at how well the system works, given the volume that rolls through the house. Expect miracles! might well be the rallying cry the Diaz family has instilled into the stage crews over the years, and, indeed, the miraculous not only occurs, its built into the schedule. Theres a moment that happens whenever La Bohme is performed, John Diaz concludes, with a big smile on his face. And it has nothing to do with the singers, the supers, or the orchestra at the Met. We do the changeover from Act I to Act II as a scene change, and it takes about 60

seconds. The curtain closes on the garret, with a few performers singing from the rooftops. We pivot the garret set out on the left-hand wagon, and bring in the right hand wagon, which is a full street scene of Paris and some 400 people. When the curtain opens again, the audience sees the change and erupts in applause, every time, without fail. Not a word has been sung, not a note has been played: theyre clapping for the stagehands executing a full act change in one minute. Ive seen it hundreds of times, and it still makes me proud. Thats my union out there. Thats my family.

The Night Gang - from left to right, sitting: Howard Davidson, Pat Valentino, William Bell, Dennis Abbeton, James Coonan, Jr., Daryl Smith, Gene Varian, Jr., James O'Connor, Sean Varian. Standing: James Carlson, John Diaz, Jr., Michael Hermgles, George Harvey, Jr., Ronald Lynch, L.A. Hernandez, Arthur Bartnet, David Segda, John Diaz, Sr., Joe McCormick, Robert Campbell, Terrace Miller, Scott McGovern, James O'Neill, Keith Carlson, James Graber, Robert Geer, Steve Berd, William Greer, Kristina Miller and Jennifer Diaz.


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


Jersey Local Secures Newarks Arena


Studio Mechanics Local 52 participated in the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival (BNFF). This week long international film festival and market is open to the public, filmmakers, and entertainment industry professionals, which took place from March 24 29, 2008 at various venues around the Buffalo-Niagara region. The theme of this years festival was the 25th Anniversary of the movie, The Natural, which was shot in Buffalo 25 years ago. From left to right: Local 52 Grip Jim Fallon, Local 52 Regional Representative John Scardino, Jr. and Local 52 Propman Bob Battaglia.

In November, Local 21 secured a 3 year contract with the new Prudential Center Arena in Newark, New Jersey. Bon Jovi opened up the arena with 10 concerts in November, followed by 2 sold out concerts of Hannah Montana.

Wardrobe Crew for Hannah Montana, left to right: Debbie Whitehead, Hannah Montana (Miley Cirus), Sharon Stas & Stefanie Marletta. Below: Crew from Hannah Montana concerts

Local 21 Honors Longtime Members

At Local 21s annual party in February, three members were honored for 25 years of service to the IATSE and the Local. From left to right: President Mike Stas (presenter), Brothers Dave Paterson and Tom Brennan. Not in attendance was Brother Bruce Pollock, who was also honored.


Senator Hillary Clinton took time out of her campaign schedule for a photo op with the House Crew of the Orpheum Theatre in San Francisco, California on February 1, 2008. Pictured, left to right: Local 16 members Mike Chadwick (Flyman), Jim Wright (Head Electrician) Senator Hillary Clinton, Robert Corso (Head Props), and Joseph Crowley (Head Carpenter).


This picture was taken at Local 121s membership meeting where 25-year pins were presented to the following members, from left to right, first row: David Fox, Vince Bonura, Jim George. 2nd row: Vice President John Wrobel (presenter), Robert Brown, Greg Ferrand, Mike Scardino, Sr., and President Robert Gardner (presenter).

Prudential Arena (outside shot)


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


Know Your Labor Law

Fifty years ago, on March 29, 1957, James Sparks, then a young robust steelworker, was working at his job as a plating tank operator. While lifting a heavy steel form to be plated, Mr. Sparks injured his back. He ultimately needed surgery for a herniated disc, and was left with a 25% permanent disability. Despite his injury, Jim Sparks needed to work and informed his employer that he was ready, willing and able to return to his job. Although Sparks demand was supported by the opinion of his doctor, the company felt there was something incongruous in putting back to work an employee who just was awarded a permanent disability, and so it refused to reinstate him. Left without support from his employer, and with a young family to feed, Mr. Sparks turned to his union for help. The union filed a grievance on Sparks behalf. Although the company refused to arbitrate the grievance, neither Mr. Sparks, nor his union gave up, and a court order was sought to compel arbitration. Ultimately, Mr. Sparks case became one of three landmark labor law cases collectively known as The Steelworkers Trilogy. These Supreme Court cases, decided on the same day, June 20, 1960, consist of three separate opinions written by Justice William O. Douglas. These cases establish the principles that place labor arbitration pursuant to a collec-

tive bargaining agreement in a most favored light in American jurisprudence. In these three Steelworker cases involving three different major heavy industrial employers, the Supreme Court fashioned the basic dispute resolution rules by which we in the labor community still live. The rulings of the Steelworkers Trilogy have become core labor law. First and foremost is the now well established acknowledgement that a collective bargaining agreement is not a like a commercial contract and is not to be treated as though under ordinary contract law. Rather, the arbitration procedures found in a collective bargaining agreement is a furtherance our national federal labor policies. The grievance machinery, including arbitration, under a collective bargaining agreement is at the very heart of the system of industrial self-government. As Justice Douglas points out, in the commercial case, arbitration is the substitute for litigation, but in labor relations arbitration is the substitute for industrial strife. In the Trilogy it is emphasized that the grievance procedure found in a collective bargaining agreement is a part of the continuous collective bargaining process. Arbitration is a matter of agreement, and a party cannot be required to submit to arbitration any dispute if there has not been an agreement to arbitrate, but the collective bargaining agreement is such an agreement. As the parties have agreed to submit their disputes to an arbitrator, it is the opinion of the arbitrator that they have bargained for. Therefore, Douglas opines that the courts have a very limited role to play in the process of interpreting a collective bargaining agreement. Further, so long as the decision of the arbitrator draws its essence from the collective bargaining agreement the courts are not to second guess what the arbitrator decides. In fact, the labor arbitrators source of law is not confined to the express provisions of the contract, as the industrial common law the practices of the industry and the shop is equally a part of the collective bargaining agreement although not expressed in it. Douglas concludes: So far as the arbitrators decision concerns construction of the contract, the courts have no business overruling him because of their interpretation of the contract is different from his. The grievance machinery in your collective bargaining agreement is the backbone of the contract. It is not only the vehicle for securing peace over industrial strife, for general-

ly the arbitration agreement is the quid pro quo for the no strike no lock-out promises, it is the means by which you and your union can preserve and enforce your rights on the job. Every worker needs to be familiar with the grievance machinery in their contract. Its important to know how a grievance is defined under the terms of your contract, remembering that not every complaint or gripe is necessarily a grievance. It is critical to know the time limits for filing a grievance as expressed in the contract remembering that a failure to act in a timely manner can cost you the opportunity to enjoy your contractual rights. Take a lesson from James Sparks, when you have been wronged, dont give up, instead go see your shop steward and file a grievance. In every workplace, whether set, stage or convention floor, it is important for workers to know and understand that they have a means for expressing their voice to enforce their rights in the workplace, and its the grievance machinery.

The majority of feature film projects shot in North America are governed by agreements negotiated between the International and one or more multi-employer bargaining units. It is important that both the letter and spirit of these agreements be adhered to balance the employer demands against the union members needs. However, as thorough as both sides are considering all of the contingencies that may arise on a set, invariably situations may come about that is not adequately addressed by the agreement, or the existing contractual provision makes the situation onerous or unsafe. Horse-trading on the set is as old as the industry itself. How many times has the producer come to your department and said, If you give us X well give you Y in return. Dont worry, youll still get the same amount or more. It is important that when a situation occurs where interpretation and/or modification of the agreement are warranted that the Union be notified. Using the proper chain-of-command, department heads should notify the Steward of any extra-contractual requests. From there, the Steward communicates with the Business Agent, who in turn consults the International. This protocol does two things: First, it helps to identify recurring problems that are not adequately addressed in the agreement and should be included in the next round of negotiations. Second, it prevents producerimplemented resolutions that could be cited by the multi-employer bargaining group in subsequent bargaining.


Because of the cyclical nature of the motion picture and television production business and the wide range of incentives available throughout the United States and Canada, it is increasingly common for members to work outside of the jurisdiction of their home local union. Common sense dictates that when youre a guest in another local unions jurisdiction that you are polite, respectful and act like a guest. The International Constitution and Bylaws requires that you seek permission to work in the jurisdiction of another local. Fail to do so and you may be surprised by a call from your own Business Agent recalling you home. Once ordered, failure to withdraw from another local unions jurisdiction leaves you open to charges being filed against you. All of that said, most Business Agents routinely approve necessary crew to be guest workers in their jurisdiction. It is generally when one assumes they have a right to work in another jurisdiction that problems occur. Sometimes individuals believe they have a right to work in another jurisdiction because it happens to be a right-to-work state. Whether a state has a right-to-work law or not, has no affect whatsoever on the IATSEs internal disciplinary policy. Right-to-work is no defense against violating the International Constitution and Bylaws. Next time the phone rings with an offer for work out-oftown; be a thoughtful guest and pick up the phone and speak with the Business Agent of that local.


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


USITT 2008 Conference & Stage Expo

The IATSE participated in the annual USITT Expo in Houston, Texas, March 19-22 2008. The USITT Annual Conference & Stage Expo is a focal point for performing arts and entertainment professionals. The Conference offers over 175 sessions featuring design, technology, costume, sound, architecture, management, engineering, and production.

Calgary Member Receives 50-year Awards

Front row, left to right: Eddie McMahon, Local One Business Agent, Martha Mountain, USA Local 829 Mid-Atlantic Field Representative, USITT President Sylvia Hillyard Pannel, and USA Local 829 Western Region Business Representative Charles Berliner. Back row: International Vice President/Co-Division Director, Stagecraft Brian Lawlor and International Representative Mark Kiracofe. International Vice President/President of Local 212 Damian Petti with Brother Charles Hansen.

During a celebration held in recognition of his achievements as an IA member, Brother Charles Hansen was recognized for his prolific contributions to Local 212 by receiving his Gold Card and 50 year Membership Scroll. Congratulations were also extended on behalf of the International General Executive Board. Brother Hansen served as the Locals Treasurer and Vice President from 1963-1984. He also served as the Chair of the Finance and Constitution Committees and on the 50th Anniversary Committee. During the ceremony, Local 212 President / International Vice President Damian Petti appointed Brother Hansen as Honorary Chair of the Locals 100th Anniversary Planning Committee.


EXHIBITOR2008, celebrating its 20th Anniversary, is the largest industry exhibition of trade shows, and even products and services. This year was even bigger with a larger exhibit hall with more of the industrys most impressive, innovative resources. The IATSE joined the over 300 suppliers in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 9 13, 2008.


ROSE is an acronym for Recognition of Service Excellence. The mission of the awards program is to honor non-managerial hospitality employees who exemplify excellent customer service. These industry champions, through one-on-one or behind-the-scenes contact, positively influence a visitors experience in Indianapolis. ROSE Award honorees are true goodwill ambassadors for their companies and the city. Brother Dave Teepe received a ROSE Award this March for his work as Stage Foreman at Conseco Field House. Along with being a good representative of the city, Dave is a positive representative to the Local of Indianapolis and the clients who work through Conseco Fieldhouse. Brother Teepe is a forty-four year member of Local 30.

From left to right: International Vice President/ Co-Division Director, Stagecraft Tony DePaulo, Local 306 Assistant Business Agent Larry Aptekar, Local 306 Executive Board Member Rafael Cortes and Division Director of Tradeshow and Display Work William E. Gearns, Jr.

Brother Teepe and Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


Collective bargaining agreements are more than written words on a page.The U.S. Supreme Court has held that in addition to the sections and articles reduced to writing, there are also implied agreements that are actually part of each contract. Most union members have heard the phrase past practice but few realize that there are strict criteria that must be satisfied for a course of conduct to be legally considered as such.
A policy or course of conduct must meet five tests to be considered a past practice by an arbitrator: 1. CLEAR. The conduct must be unambiguous, and occur on a regular basis in response to the same underlying facts. For example, take the case of the workers being allowed a 15-minute break during each 4-hour call, even though the contract does not mention breaks. The Union must be able to present testimony at an arbitration that tells specifics on how long the break is, under what circumstances it was given, how often, etc. GOOD: In the morning, when the call was 8:00 a.m. to noon, we took a 15-minute break at 10:00. In the afternoon, we worked 1:00 to 5:00 and took the same kind of break at 3:00. WEAK: Someone would usually notice how long we had been there, and wed all get up for a few minutes if we felt like we needed a break. CONSISTENT. The Union needs to show that the conduct happened with regularity. GOOD: Every single time I worked there, regardless of the production, we took a break for 15 minutes in the middle of the work call. WEAK: I was pretty sure we were entitled to breaks. I think everyone usually took a break if they wanted one. KNOWN. Both the Union and Management must know about the practice. GOOD: Of course they knew. The manager often joined us for a cigarette outside the stage door while we were on our break. WEAK: How could they not have known? 4. ACCEPTED. Management and the Union accept a course of conduct if both allow the conduct to continue without objection. Failure to challenge a practice during collective bargaining also indicates acceptance. GOOD: During our last negotiations, the manager joked at 10 a.m. that it was time for our break, like always. WEAK: They said they didnt like it, but they didnt stop it. REPEATED. The conduct must occur frequently and apply to more than one employee. A course of conduct must have occurred over a substantial period of time, usually several years. GOOD: I have worked here since 1992 and everyone always took breaks. WEAK: I assume that everyone took a break. I have no idea what they did when I wasnt on the call.


The Stagecraft Department has been holding meetings with all Pink Contract employees in New York that work on Broadway. These meetings provide opportunities for workers to ask questions and share ideas with the Stagecraft Department. Also, from these meetings, representatives have been gaining a better understanding of how workplace and contract issues impact the membership. The meetings are held in New York, but are open to all Pink Contract employees throughout the United States and Canada. If you are a Pink Contract employee and wish to be notified about upcoming meetings please contact the Stagecraft Department. Send an email message to Your name will be added to our email mailing list. This list is also used to send out a summary of each meeting after it occurs, so you can stay informed even when your work brings you far away from New York. Some of the topics that have been discussed recently include: Advance Pink Contracts; Training Contracts; and contracts for Replacements. There has also been discussion concerning payments of Health and Pension benefits to Replacements. General questions regarding the benefit funds have been addressed. Information regarding the salary and benefits being paid above scale by each producer for work calls, rehearsals, etc. is being shared to an unprecedented degree. The meetings have been very valuable in fostering solidarity and cooperation among Pink Contract employees, as well as bringing everybody up to speed and onto the same page.

Modifying or Altering the Pink Contract:




Simply defined, past practice is a course of conduct that is the understood and accepted way of doing things over an extended period of time. Thus, the practice is mutually binding and enforceable. Unions should be very careful when relying on past practice to protect conditions enjoyed by the workers they represent. A practice that is followed most of the time (known as a mixed practice) does not qualify as a past practice. Any claim regarding past practice must be carefully evaluated by the Local in conjunction with a qualified Labor attorney. For further information on this topic, local officers may wish to consult the book, How to Win Past Practice Grievances by Robert M. Schwartz, available from Work Rights Press. This book was a source for some of the information in this article, and examines the concept of past practice in a detailed, yet highly readable way.

The Stagecraft Department occasionally learns about modifications that have been made to the traditional Pink Contract independently, without any consultation, advice, or consent from the International. Often these modifications are made for non-Broadway-styled shows which travel both within the United States and abroad. Sometimes employees of traditional traveling shows are involved. The modifications may include changes to the way in which employees are compensated for hotels, per diem, extra sixths, or the seventh day in a workweek. Separate white contracts, or addendums to the Pink Contract, are used by the employers. Please be advised that it is not within any members authority to modify the contract. The only parties that can modify the agreement are its bargaining representatives. These modifications consistently undermine the integrity of the Pink Contract. They also make the tracking of benefit contributions nearly impossible for the Benefit Fund. This adversely affects annuity, health account balances, and pension credits. In addition, side-deals make it difficult for the Funds to audit employers and ensure contract compliance, which also adversely impacts benefit fund accounts. Although the affected member may be happy with the end results, these modifications are fraught with problems which the member may not have contemplated. The Pink Contract is an agreement between the employers and the union and, subsequently, the traveling members. Please be aware that the employers, although perhaps not competitors within the same specific industries, are always communicating with each other through common attorneys or the like about how they compensate their respective employees. It becomes problematic for the Stagecraft Department to make contractual advances in the Pink Contract when the employer is better informed of the modifications our members are making than is the General Office. If an employer is asking or requiring you to sign a document that modifies your employment under a Pink Contract, please do yourself and your fellow traveling employees a service by contacting the Stagecraft Department directly at the General Office, or by email at Contact the Stagecraft Department before signing anything. It is against the law for an employer to deal directly with a member and negotiate inferior terms. The Stagecraft Department is your representative and will always work in your best interest.


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


From left to right, representing Local 232: Rob Skelton, Paul Yager (Secretary-Treasurer), Garrett Hogerheide, Tim ONeill, Gerald Stockman, Brenda Shepard (President), Ted Hodgen (Business Agent), Michael Dubin (Vice President), and John Laprade. The show was Walking with Dinosaurs at the Mullins Center, Amherst, Massachusetts taken on March 29, 2008. This is the crew of the 70th annual Carmel Bach Festival standing before the festival orchestra and chorus at the Sunset Cultural Center, Carmel, CA. Front left to right: Carey Beebe (Festival Tuner), Brother Erin Barlowe, Michael Becker (Festival Stage Manager), Bruno Wiel (Conductor), Local 611 President Ross Brown, Brothers Poco Marshal and Douglas Mueller, Sisters Melissa DeGiere, Tiffany Worthington and Julie Hagar, Brothers Alex Robertson, Bret Reyer and Tim Barefoot. Pictured here is the show and traveling crews of CATS on their 25th Anniversary Tour taken in Halifax, Nova Scotia of Local 680.

Production crew from the show Jersey Boys in Sacramento.

Pictured here is IATSE Local 15 crew for Tacoma Opera's 2008 production of The Barber of Seville at the Broadway Center for the Performing Arts, Pantages Theatre, Tacoma, Washington. From left to right, front row: J.C. Wills, Jeff Lombardi, Bill Finch, Michael Brown, Ian Gardner. Second row: Jeff Turner, Jeff Clapp, Warren Crain, Kevin Krist. On stairs: Kelly Kirschenman, and Royce Baer.

Los Angeles crew from Wicked.


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


Fourteen years ago, this Alliance was vastly different. At its most basic level membership it was 50 percent smaller than its current 111,000. Industrychanging milestones like a national camera local and more than fourteen hundred national contracts (including the creations of a Pink Contract for Canadian theater workers, and a first-ever Area Standards Agreement in the U.S. Motion Picture & Television Industry) hadnt even been envisioned yet.

Consider that in 1994 IATSE men and women in the Province of Quebec could not read their own unions main arm of communication, the Official Bulletin, in their native tongue. Or that by the close of that same year, the assets of the National Benefit Funds was $175 million, compared to the $560 million it is today. Prior to 1995, the West Coast Industry Health, Pension & Welfare, and Annuity Plans were almost four times below their present level of $5.5 billion. There was no IA National Safety Committee or distinct departments within the Alliance. There were no low budget national agreements for feature films and no collective bargaining agreement with the premiere producer and distributor of cable television, Home Box Office (HBO). Even more startling, as 1994 came to a close, the governing arm of this Alliance was in financial jeopardy, counting only $2.7 million in its General Fund and zero equity in real property to safeguard the unions future. Where is the General Office now? As of summer 2008, the Manhattan-based headquarters reckons more than $40 million in reserves and ownership of two buildings, in two countries, totaling 17,000 square feet.

All of this boasting is not to say that the men and women of an earlier Alliance worked with any less zeal than those today. After all, it is, in the main, made up of the same individuals working today, with the same qualities we celebrate in the current membership: pride, continuity, and resolve. Charles Dickens, one of the most vivid chroniclers of working people, wrote in his opening to A Tale of Two Cities, that it was, the best of times, it was the worst of times a way of saying that while the changes soon to befall his characters were profound, they also brimmed with the energy of better times ahead. This Alliance, some fourteen years ago, indeed throughout its history, has always been poised at the precipice Dickens described: it is always the best of times when a large international labor union is made up of a skilled workforce, malleable enough to embrace change. It can, however, be the worst

of times, when outside forces - supply side economics, rampant health care costs, labor outsourcing conspire to challenge a nations prosperity. What follows are merely the highlights of the many seismic shifts this union has experienced in the last two decades, changes that literally ensured its competitive health into the millennium and beyond. The sheer breadth of the gains made in Organizing, Contracts & Agreements, and Health, Pension Benefits and Annuity Plans (IAP) may surprise even the historians among us. It is, to be sure, a look-back with boastful pride, but implicit in so many milestones is the certainty that change will come again. Unity, flexibility and resolve were in the eyes of those who envisioned what the Alliance would look like in 2008. And its clear that those watchwords must still be in our sights, for this generation of union men and women, and the ones yet to come.



Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


The numbers speak for themselves. In 1993, IATSE membership was 74,000. Halfway through 2008 it is 111,000, a 50 percent spike over the last 15 years, despite some lean times in all sectors of the entertainment industry. There are not enough pages to recount each battle fought and won (and those still in progress). But there are a handful of examples that speak not only to the tenacious quality of IA organizing efforts, but also to its diversity. The Summer Olympics came to Atlanta, Georgia in 1996, and with it a flood of non-union labor intent on working the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, and related activities at Centennial Park and other venues. An Olympic Organizing Committee was formed to bring in scores of new members, who, along with Atlanta-based Local 927 workers, enjoyed superior wages and conditions during the Games historic run. July 28, 1997 saw the creation of Mixed Local 494 in Puerto Rico. The membership drive on the island targeted commercial and low-budget productions and brought dozens of new workers, all covered by Area Standards Agreements in motion pictures and television, and the Commercial Production Agreement, into the IATSE family. Three years later, New York-based United Scenic Artists 829 returned to IATSE after more than eight decades. The union of costume, lighting, and set designers, scenic artists and allied crafts, voted overwhelmingly

to return to the IATSE umbrella, resulting in approximately 3,000 new IA members. While still fertile ground, organizing in the Trade Show & Display division saw noticeable increases at the outset of this decade. Led by Local 838 in Salt Lake City, which counts 109 members dedicated to trade and display work, and other convention hubs, like Local 834 in Atlanta, and Local 835 in Orlando, with over 450 members, the swelling work rolls were hard-won in an industry where traditional IATSE jobs have been eroded by competing unions. Prior to the 2001 Chicago Convention, sports broadcasting technicians were represented by IATSE in just four markets, under five contracts. After the 2005 Honolulu Convention, new locals in cities like San Francisco, New York, Phoenix, Texas, Seattle and Chicago had all been chartered, with overall sports broadcasting con-

tracts increasing three-fold. Chartered three years ago at the behest of motion picture technicians frustrated with two provincial organizations that have claimed exclusive jurisdiction in the region, Local 514 in Montreal has secured impressive organizing gains in a remarkably short time. As of December 2007, the local has more than doubled its original ranks to 1,500 members. Local 514 increased the amount of film productions under an IATSE agreement by more 300 percent, with total payroll under IA agreements in 2007 nearing $40 million. The local established its own health plan, and joined the National Retirement Plan of Canada. In 2007, contracts were signed with the regions two largest set construction companies, ensuring that for the first time ever, motion picture sets built in Montreal would be covered under an IATSE agreement, by Local 514 members.

United Scenic Artists Local 829 with IATSE Charter

President Short and General SecretaryTreasurer Emeritus Michael W. Proscia with Puerto Rico Local 494s Charter


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


Its mind-boggling to think that in 1993, there were only two national agreements across the entire Alliance. Today there are nearly 1,600, with the ink from more than a decade of contract firsts yet to dry. Low-budget theatrical features boomed in 1995, requiring multiple agreements on a per-project basis. That same year, Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA) signed the first-ever low-budget national agreement with the IA, covering films between $5 and $7 million. Eight years later, a successor agreement was negotiated, which included an expansion of budget ranges and a formula linking future budget increases to IATSE wages. In 1996, a breakthrough agreement was reached with the Association of Independent Commercial Producers establishing wages and working conditions for the production of television commercials; in 2007 the renegotiation of that agreement provided for the first-ever inclusion of theatrical wardrobe locals: 764 in New York City, 769 in Chicago, and 784 in San Francisco. The current number of signatories to the national commercial agreement, 777, is at an all-time high. 1996 also saw one of the worlds largest producers and distributors of cable television, HBO Pictures, sign a collective bargaining agreement for the production of long-form programming. Terms applied to employees hired anywhere in the United States. Two years later, the first-ever

collective bargaining agreement with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was signed, allowing the Academy Awards telecast to be staffed entirely by IATSE technicians. Just before the decade closed, in 1999, the first-ever Area Standards Agreement was reached with the major studios, changing the way motion picture and television labor was hired outside the major production centers. The 13 Southeastern states covered in the original agreement included future production hotspots like Louisiana, Texas, and North Carolina. Over the years these term agreements would grow to include the entire United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, facilitating an escalation in broad-based contracts with long-standing production companies and preventing competition among IATSE locals. Today, the Area Standards Agreement allows for the establishment of defined benefit pension, health and annuity plans that provide regular payments to Alliance workers throughout their retirement years. New technologies, in the new millennium, brought on new negotiating challenges previous IATSE leaders never dreamed of: in 2001, a firstever Digital Supplement to the Basic Agreement was hammered out, ensuring that motion pictures and television shot digitally (which, today, equal or surpass those shot on film) would fall under IATSE jurisdiction. In 2002, a one-of-a-

kind National Music Video Agreement was signed with the Music Video Producers Association. The landmark contract was executed with 58 signatories and provided protective terms and benefits for an industry that had been operating largely non-union throughout the country. A major development in the Stagecraft Division occurred in 2004, when a broad collective bargaining agreement was forged with Global Spectrum, a subsidiary of cable giant ComcastSpectator. It began with Global Spectrums senior management contacting the General Office to help facilitate a contract for a building they operated in Ontario, Canada. That seed blossomed into a larger Collective Bargaining Agreement that was later implemented by locals from Florida to Oregon, and all points inbetween. The agreement introduced contributions to the National Benefit Funds for locals that had no benefit structure in place, and helped to revive dormant locals. Likewise for the introduction of traveling contracts (light pinks), which helped low-budget touring attractions in legitimate theater be staffed by IATSE labor. These flexible agreements synched with the Internationals strategy that the era of one contract fits all had long since passed. Light pinks ensured that road shows would be staffed by IA labor, and that their health, pension and annuity contributions would be collected.


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


Clinton President Bill

UNI-MEI Direct or Jim Wilson

If there is a single moment that defines the Alliance over the last fourteen years it may well have come in February 1998, when 93 percent of Local 600s membership loudly, and proudly voted for unification. No one will deny that the battle to forge a National Camera Guild was contentious and bruising. But equally true is how much better the three formerly divided locals 644 in New York, 666 in Chicago, and 659 in Los Angeles - are ten years later. The role of the General Office in helping to bring the warring factions together cannot be understated. That truth was even validated by a New York District Court Judges ruling that the merger was in the better interest of the three separated memberships, without any malice or bad faith toward any one local. In 1997, the firstever IATSE National Safety Committee was established, and six years later Local 600 member Tim Wade was appointed as its Chairperson. Wade had served on the Industry Wide Labor/Management Committee for nine years. To meet the challenges of several rapidly changing industries, IATSE Departments were established, in November 1998, in the areas of Stagecraft, Motion Picture and Television Production, Organizing, Trade Show and Display Work, and Canadian Affairs. In 1999, IATSE purchased a 13,130 square-foot building in Toluca Lake, CA, a stones throw from the motion picture and television industrys biggest studios.

Six years later, a 3,800 square-foot building was purchased in Toronto, Ontario, to serve as the IAs Canadian headquarters. The year before the Millennium also saw the establishment of an IATSE Political Action Committee [IATSE-PAC], designed to support candidates for federal office who promote the interests of Alliance members and their locals in the United States. Federal law allows for unions to solicit voluntary contributions from members for their federal PACs, now common among labor unions. Only members of IATSE may contribute to the IATSE-PAC, with contributions screened for federal compliance. In October 1999, in Berlin, Germany, the Management Committee of the newly merged UNIMEI [Union Network International/Media Entertainment International] elected President Short to the position of First Vice President. MEI represents more than 130 trade unions around the world in the arts, audiovisual, cultural, entertainment and media sectors. The events of September 11, 2001 forever altered American life; to help speed relief efforts by New York City and State emergency responders, the IA General Office contributed $50,000 to the World Trade Center Relief Fund. A special fund was created by the Walsh/ Di Tolla/Spivak Foundation to provide assistance to Alliance members and their families suffering financial hardship as a result of the attacks. The

General Office donated $10,000 into that special fund. Two years later, in 2003, the General Executive Board endorsed the establishment of its own Building Fund, to be used to purchase a building for the New York-based General Office. The dramatic improvement in the financial health of the International over the years has been vital to the overall success of the Alliance and its membership. In 1993, total assets in the General Fund stood at $2.7 million; today it is nearly $40 million and includes ownership of two buildings, in two major production centers, in two countries. Any legacy to be gleaned from the current Alliance administration must certainly reside in the diverse and successful personnel hiring executed by President Short in the last fourteen years.


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


If theres one statistic worth noting about the Canadian wing of the Alliance since 1993, it is this: membership has tripled. Fourteen years ago, there were roughly 5,500 members across Canada, and today the Alliance counts more than 15,500. In 1996, the General Office began producing a French language summary version of The Official Bulletin for distribution to IATSE members in the Province of Quebec. In subsequent years, the International Constitution, and membership application forms were also translated into French. Its been eleven years since a Canadian version of the Pink Contract for traveling stage, wardrobe, projection, make-up and hair workers was first introduced. When they came onto the scene, the Canadian Pinks differed only from the standard Pink Contract in areas of benefits, holidays, and the grievance procedure. The mid-90s also marked the opening of a Canadian Office in Toronto, helping to link all IA locals in Canada, as well gov-

ernment, media, and the General Office in New York, with a central clearing point across Canadas broad expanse. Earlier in this decade, a National Canadian Retirement Plan was approved, with funding provided by the General Executive Board to retain legal counsel and consultants to help create a national plan that will allow Canadian locals to enjoy superior administration and significantly reduce management fees. Other firsts for IATSE in Canada have included a Second International Vice President, the introduction of the Union Savings Benefits Program and an increase in the number of International representatives working with local unions. The unprecedented level of organizing in every region and craft in Canada has helped the Alliance take on a leadership role in the industries in which its members work. IATSE is now a vital participant in Canadian industry committees dealing with training, health and safety, and public policy. The many added resources gained in Canada over the last decade has made the IA ever more relevant to its existing membership there, as well as become more attractive to the

non-union work force. The common theme throughout the many victories in Canada stems from the level of cooperation between the local unions and the International, which has leveraged its added bargaining power to expand work jurisdiction across the many collective agreements.

ident/ President Short, International Vice Pres is and Director of Canadian Affairs John Lew d in General Secretary-Treasurer James Woo Office. front of the Canadian


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


Are there any issues that push buttons faster these days than social security and health care? No working American will be able to retire (or even count) on Social Security payments beyond the next decade, and with more than 50 million Americans currently without health insurance, precious few will even be able to afford to grow old. Thankfully, while the politicians have been fiddling, and the corporate leaders hording profits these last fifteen years, the Alliance has been very busy. New York City-based IATSE National Benefit Funds has experienced unprecedented growth and solvency, increasing employer contributions 163 percent from 2001 to 2006. Total assets in the Funds rose from $175 million in 1993 to more than $560 million today. In a five-year period, the number of plan participants jumped 209 percent, to more than 27,500 members. When a new executive team, led by Executive Director Anne J. Zeisler, arrived in 1994, staff was beefed up to more than sixty employees, necessitating the move into a 35,000 square-foot space, near the New York Public Library. The IATSE National Benefit Funds is comprised of multi-employer funds for pension, health & welfare, annuity, vacation and 401(k), and covers workers across all spec-

trums of the Alliance, from Broadway road shows in Indiana to low-budget films in Louisiana. In 1993, the Industry Plans on the West Coast, which include health & welfare, pension, and annuity stood at $1.5 billion; today their cumulative value is more than $5.5 billion, a gain of nearly 400 percent. Financial strength has made the MPIPHP the most rock-solid foundation for West Coast employees in the entire motion picture & television industry. The uncertainty of entering retirement years with only Social Security benefits has been lifted by defined and supplemental benefit plans that exceed any corporate 401(k) plans in the nation. During the period from 1996-2005, the IAP (Individual Account Plan) grew from $308 million to $1.67 billion, a gain of nearly 350 percent. Managed by investment professionals, with guaranteed employer contributions that have been collectively bargained, IAP allocations from residuals (from excess Health Reserves) during 1997-2001 totaled $336 million, with $88.2 million directed into the IAP in 2000 alone. In the defined benefit plan, the average monthly benefit received by new retirees in 2005 represented a 70 percent increase over the same monthly

benefit paid out ten years ago, with an overall year-to-year compounded increase in the Motion Picture Industry Pension Plan of 84 percent (compared to 1996 levels). Coupled with a Motion Picture Industry Health Plan that has remained on firm economic footing, continuing to provide no monthly premiums and extremely low co-pays despite a 135 percent rise in health care costs over the last decade, the growth and solidity of the West Coast Industry Plans has been a crowning achievement for the current IATSE leadership. Wed also do well to consider that when Wall Street tumbles, as it did in 2002, dropping 22.1 percent for the year, the IAP only fell 8.9 percent, blunting the S & P 500 Index losses by more than half! As economists flout predictions of a recession later this year, and times grow more uncertain, its reassuring to think the various health & welfare, pension and annuity plans of the Alliance have only grown more solid with each passing year.


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


Change begins at the top. And, while he may be the last one to acknowledge his own contributions, few would deny that International President Thomas C. Short has been the irresistible force that has kept the IA relevant and thriving into a new century. Whether it was facilitating the merger of three divided camera locals, or ensuring that a handful of wardrobe workers could negotiate for their first-ever health and retirement benefits, Short, an IATSE member for more than forty years, has put his guts, passion, and reputation on the line on behalf of this membership. The Bulletin caught up with him in the IAs west coast office to talk about, what political handlers call, the vision thing, and his fourteen years in office as President. BULLETIN: Did you feel like you had a mandate for change when you became International President in December 1994? PRESIDENT SHORT: I knew coming into office that there were a tremendous amount of changes that needed to be made, for a lot of different reasons. But the most pressing issue was improving the financial situation of this office [the International].To me, it was, literally, a matter of survival. We had expenditures and people on payroll that were just not relevant to the way the union was doing business anymore, and our reserves had dropped to a dangerously low level. Just like a company has to make some hard choices to stay competitive, thats exactly what we had to do straight out of the gate.
Tony Lennon, President of BE

BULLETIN: So hiring and firing were your first priorities? PRESIDENT SHORT: Cutting out financial waste, and bringing on people who were effective was my first priority.We had reps on full payroll working cities where there was barely even an IA presence.We had segments of specific industries, like the commercial and music video areas of the motion picture and television industry, for example, that were not being organized at all. Do you know that today we have more than 90 percent of the film & television work in the United States locked up with IA labor? Obviously contracts like the first Area Standards Agreement, the national low-budget agreements, the Digital Supplemental to the Hollywood Basic, the AICP, and so forth, have been at the core of capturing large portions of a market that had been neglected. But the real story, in my opinion, was hiring the right people to make those contracts happen; and then paying them a competitive wage. BULLETIN: The face of this union, insofar as the reps, division directors, etc., is much younger than it once was. Was this part of your plan?

PRESIDENT SHORT: I was in my mid-forties when I became President, so the youth push, if you want to call it that, was a natural extension of those I knew had talent. I wanted to surround myself with smart, aggressive people, who were even younger than myself and would inject some much-needed energy into this union. Not only with international reps and division directors, like Matt Loeb, Jamie Wood, Mike Miller Jr., and John Lewis, who are some of the smartest people youll find, anywhere, but also with public relations and marketing, benefits experts, and writers, like yourself who have worked toward changing the perception of this Alliance in the minds of those who did not have generational ties to unions in their families. BULLETIN: So changing the way the IA did business was always an imperative? PRESIDENT SHORT: I dont want to say anything negative about my predecessors because they were all hard-working, smart guys who loved what they did. But, there was no doubt this union was well behind the curve when I came on-board. I remember reading a headline back in the early 90s, in the L.A. Times, saying the IA didnt work any films under $15 million, and I nearly fell out of my chair. My philosophy was that this long-standing practice of closing ranks to secure jobs was exactly the opposite of what was needed. I wanted to capture as much of the work, in each of our industries, as was possible. How do you do that? You organize groups of people youve never organized

before and you help to bring locals together, through mergers and the like, to better your negotiating position with these huge corporate employers. Once youve got numbers and leverage, you can push these big employers to sign long-term national agreements, because its in their interests to have a skilled and stable labor force to draw upon.
Mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa


AFL-CIO President John Sweeney


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


BULLETIN: Did that dovetail with your approach to contract talks? Trying to re-negotiate agreements before the threat of a strike became imminent? PRESIDENT SHORT: No one wins in a strike, because neither side will ever recoup the monies lost when the work has stopped. Three years from now, the Writers Guild will represent fewer writers than they currently represent. That hardly sounds like the winning side to me. Furthermore, CBS licensed shows during the strike that were made in Great Britain
General Counsel Steve Spivak

and Australia and are going to debut them as new series to American audiences; that sets a very dangerous precedent and it was all because the writers went on strike and CBS, which does not have its own library, went elsewhere for product. Now, this doesnt mean Im espousing an: appease at all costs policy.The threat to strike is the absolute right of a union. But, just because youre holding certain cards doesnt mean you can be reckless. Re-negotiating agreements early is good for everyone: if employers are secure that their pipelines will keep flowing, then theyll put more work in the pipeline. BULLETIN: Was helping to realize the merger of the camera guilds your biggest challenge? PRESIDENT SHORT: Well, its right up there (laughs). I mean, that was truly a war.You had three locals separated by geography, history and internal politics that were either afraid of change, or unwilling to recognize theres always more strength in numbers, especially when youre going up against these global conglomerates. Its much easier, with hindsight, to see how important the Camera Guild merger was to the overall health of the Alliance. But twelve years ago, there were still many people in this union who could not wrap their heads around the concept. BULLETIN: You mentioned national contracts. What part did they play in your game plan? PRESIDENT SHORT: They have been vital. Before the area standards agreement, IA locals outside the major production centers had to compete against each other for jobs. Producers crisscrossed the country and

dt Richard Gephar The Honorable

Gerald Schoenfeld, Chairman of the Board, Shubert Organization

forced a dive to the bottom. They could sign oneoff contracts, and decide what the market would bear, with regard to benefits, wages, and working conditions, while the locals held fire sales outside their buildings just to get the work! That all changed at the 1995 convention when I proposed that the national bargaining rights with the studios be handled by the International; from that point on we got to set the bar. We could make sure IA members working on projects outside the major production centers received benefits. In the Stagecraft area, the National Agreement with Global Spectrum, which is a division of cable giant Comcast, has been equally as important for benefit purposes. As Global Spectrum has expanded into secondary and tertiary markets, they have afforded many of our smaller local unions their first opportunity to participate in the IATSE National Benefit Funds.The Global contract has also proven to be the incentive to have these locals bargain benefits into their other contracts so that their members can start to qualify for healthcare or vest in the pension plan. It has exponentially expanded the number of participating locals in the plans and makes membership in the I.A. mean more than just a way to make a living. The Pink Contract, which is also a term agreement between the International and the Broadway League, has had a major impact on the touring pro-

ductions, particularly since we negotiated the various types of contracts to address the budgetary constraints. Over the past several years we have included not only those productions emanating from the Broadway stage, but family shows, industrial shows, lower budget shows and the like. This has allowed for increased employment for our members and again provides them with benefits they would have otherwise not received. BULLETIN: The payouts in defined and supplemental benefits have been phenomenal over the last eight years. Did you see that coming as far back as 1995? PRESIDENT SHORT: My goal has always been to get every single member of this union into some form of a health, pension, and annuity plan. As for retirement benefits, this is an election year, and our next President will have to overhaul Social Security, lest it completely dries up. Weve had good investment professionals managing the various plans across this Alliance, and there have been some good years on Wall Street. But, regardless of how much the IAP, for example, has grown, and it has exploded by more than 300 percent since I came into office, Ive always maintained that one of the most basic things

ood rer James W cretary-Treasu General Se

38 Official Bulletin Second Quarter 2008 39

a union can do for its members is to protect their futures.Wouldnt you do the same thing for a member of your family? Wouldnt that person have a right to expect to be taken care of after theyd given everything they had to you? BULLETIN: Absolutely. But the general attitude toward labor unions, going all the way back to the Air Traffic Controllers strike, has been less than positive. Has this presented a challenge in moving forward your vision for this union? PRESIDENT SHORT: The public has been presented with this perception of union bosses as being greedy, and willing to steal and rob to line their own pockets. Of course, CEOs of corporations are never greedy, and never steal and rob from their shareholders, right? Quite honestly, the best organizing tool American and Canadian labor unions have right now is the insatiable greed of employers. And I disagree with your premise: I think the tide of perception has shifted and unions are seen more favorably now. People have come to realize: how do you support a family on an eight-dollar-an-hour job with no benefits? Its simply not possible.

BULLETIN: Can you point to specific organizing triumphs that you are most proud of? PRESIDENT SHORT: The importance of USA 829 re-affiliating with the IA after some 80 years cannot be understated. We gained more than 3,000 new members, and recaptured a group of craftspeople whose skills are the envy of their industry. Im proud that our membership has tripled in Canada, and that we organized like crazy in the province of Ontario. We brought in more than 1,500 new members in Montreal with the success of Local 514, whose members begged the IA to step in and organize film production in that area. Im proud that we have made progress in sports broadcast television. Bringing commercial producers into a collective bargaining agreement was a huge success.Theres not one single organizing victory, so much as a validation of the philosophy that opening up our union, rather than closing ranks,was the best course of action. BULLETIN: And yet some industries have been more challenging, from an organizing standpoint, than others; specifically Trade Show and Display work.

PRESIDENT SHORT: I knew when I came into office that would be a very tough industry to make headway. Most people dont even know that at one time the entire trade show industry was controlled by IA labor. But through inattention, or parochialism, or whatever, that is obviously not the case. I would love to say we could capture the bulk of that market, even 50 percent, but the truth is that so many other competing unions from the Teamsters to the Carpenters to the Steelworkers - have now gained a presence, that we dont have the numbers or the bargaining presence, like we do in motion pictures and television. Weve made a lot of strides in trade shows and conventions, but we still have our work cut out for us if we want to turn the numbers around in a big way. BULLETIN: Well, if youre talking about overall membership since you came into office, the numbers have turned around in a big way; a 50 percent rise since 1993. Do you think well see those same numbers over the next 15 years?

PRESIDENT SHORT Its hard to say. There are dynamics well beyond our control. And technology is changing so quickly, which plays a major factor. The [federal] laws have also become more cumbersome; the National Labor Relations Board has actually become a deterrent toward organizing. I will tell you that when I first came into office as president, I had a dream that if I could take this union to 100,000 members, acquire a building on the West Coast, and build up reserves in the treasury to $10 million, then I would have made great strides. To now own two buildings, with a membership of more than 110,000 and some $40-50 million in the treasury, means I have exceeded my goals. Will there be future challenges, like when I came into office? Absolutely.Thats why its impossible to put a number on where our membership will be fourteen years from now. What we can say is all the gains weve made in organizing, the national contracts, the tremendous growth in the benefits area, and on and on, have made this Alliance solid, stable, and secure for whatever comes our way. I truly believe that.

The late Migue Los Angeles County l Contreras, Leader of the Federation of Labo r, AFL-CIO

Lew Wasserman , the last Hollywood Mogul oomberg York Michael Bl Mayor of New
Official Bulletin Second Quarter 2008

Actor Clint Eastwood


















Vernon Cook January 9, 2008 Edward Griffenkranz January 9, 2008 Selwyn Malin February 4, 2008 Frank Proscia January 8, 2008 Justin Zizes, Sr. February 18, 2008 Fred Yunger January 30, 2008 Robert Gubbins January 4, 2007 James A. Lewis August 14, 2007 Phillip Spurgeon January 12, 2008 Robert Bateman January 3, 2008 Daniel D. Haight March 20, 2008 George Hekkers February 5, 2008 Robert Lamont March 6, 2008 Lucien Mistrot October 15, 2007 Christopher Foley February 1, 2008 Louis Bertucci December 5, 2007 Joseph Broker February 19, 2008 Rodrick Cox February 16, 2008 Joe Day January 27, 2008 Roger Delnegro January 15, 2008 Alfred Di Sarro Jr January 26, 2008 Dick Durant November 29, 2007 Samuel Gamble February 21, 2008 Roger George December 14, 2007 Sam Gordon March 12, 2008 George Hardwicke January 10, 2008 Robert Lowy December 28, 2007 John Mann December 12, 2007 John Riperti March 23, 2008 Jesse Shapiro March 11, 2008

One One One One One 5 13 16 31 33 33 33 33 39 42 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44

Terence Shepherd September 18, 2007 Jack Shugart December 8, 2007 Patricia Smith March 22, 2008 Michael Van Dyke March 19, 2008 Guy K. Eriksen April 2008 Frank Proscia January 8, 2008 Earl Steiner March 16, 2008 Gustave A. Taubert January 26, 2008 Michael Tromer February 29, 2008 William E. Hoskins October 24, 2007 Rafael Gomez December 30, 2007 Steve Lovelace February 24, 2008 Bill Von DeBogart October 2, 2007 John M. Donahue March 6, 2008 John E. Smith January 9, 2008 Bill Hipp February 25, 2008 Edward P. Pettingill December 20, 2007 Dean Erskine October 7, 2007 Alison Ahrens June 20, 2006 James Campbell February 19, 2008 Richard MacDonald March 27, 2008 Kenneth Koball July 2, 2007 Frances Banyai October 2007 Veronica Phelan December 9, 2007 Wallace Swander March 8, 2008 Bryan Wright February 26, 2008 Michael Tromer February 29, 2008 Michael Walters October 10, 2007 Edward R. Darr March 22, 2008 Charles Whatton November 2007

44 44 44 44 50 52 52 52 52 54 59 102 109 110 110 140 182 199 209 210 210 220 306 306 476 476 477 477 478 489

Donald Degenhardt, Sr. March 18, 2008 Clyde Granger, Sr. February 18, 2008 Ernest Arcella July 14, 2006 Scott Berner February 19, 2008 Robert Casey July 12, 2007 Terry Clairmont October 28, 2006 R. Michael Delahoussaye November 8, 2007 Michael Ferra March 4, 2007 Edward Ivins November 27, 2007 Benjamin Jaffeson October 31, 2007 George Lussow October 11, 2007 Louis Marcus November 17, 2007 Robert Monk November 11, 2007 Albert Schirano December 3, 2007 Ron Smith September 30, 2007 William Wilson October 28, 2007 Leslie Ziler December 19, 2007 Paul D. Falconio February 27, 2008 Gerard Wegis February 5, 2008 Ronald E. Atkins January 25, 2008 Gregory A. Leon, Jr. February 21, 2008 Gerald Pierce March 4, 2008 James Pilcher February 25, 2008 C. J. Appel January 20, 1994 Raymond Brennan March 19, 2008 John Daniels January 2, 1993 Robert L. Davis February 24, 1996 Louis Debney April 8, 1986 Kenneth C. Denisoff January 15, 2008 Morton Fuchs April 9, 2007

504 504 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 631 632 683 683 695 695 700 700 700 700 700 700 700

Michael D. Gay December 24, 2007 Peter M. Germansen January 11, 2008 Mark Hebdon May 15, 1993 Duane Hensel November 8, 1995 J. Paul Huntsman February 21, 2008 Neil Lawrence October 4, 2007 Maggie Ostroff February 4, 2008 Carl H. Pingitore February 23, 2008 James Rich April 22, 1992 Walter Sampson November 15, 2007 Leon Selditz May 13, 1993 Melvin Shapiro December 4, 2007 Joseph G. Sikorski December 1, 2007 Mary Ruth Smith January 28, 2008 Alan R. Splet December 1, 1994 Leonard Marcus October 21, 2007 Shirley Crawford January 6, 2008 Gus Le Pre December 30, 2007 Verita Thompson February 1, 2008 James Post March 18, 2008 Paul Bruce February 2, 2008 William E. Chuma February 16, 2008 Nicolette Conroy January 18, 2008 James Didier January 4, 2008 Paul Kelsay January 7, 2008 Joseph Sabo January 18, 2008 Roddy Pahl March 15, 2008 John A. Leduc March 15, 2008 Carl Boles February 10, 2008 James M. Kibbe February 11, 2008

700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 705 706 706 706 706

Michael B. Lambert February 5, 2008 Andrew R. Schorr January 5, 2008 Albert Todd February 24, 2008 Harold Cubitt March 7, 2000 Helen Cullen January 19, 2008 Brad Siniard February 28, 2008 Charles Swan October 6, 2007 Alicja Cichomska February 1, 2008 Marion Geist December 2007 David Buffa February 1, 2008 Naomi Barnhart February 6, 2008 Vivian Byrne March 11, 2008

728 728 728 751 751 767 767 769 798 822 839 839

Joyce Carlson January 1, 2008 Alberto DeMello November 2007 Bertha Fallberg October 8, 2007 Mary Lou Ferguson October 16, 2007 Fernando Gonzalez December 8, 2007 Yoo Sik Ham January 14, 2008 Edward Hansen December 11, 2007 Florence Heintz October 16, 2007 Richard Hoffman October 30, 2007 Brice Mack January 2, 2008 June Nam February 24, 2008 Thomas OLoughlin October 26, 2007

839 839 839 839 839 839 839 839 839 839 839 839

Nicole Pascal November 30, 2007 Don Sheppard February 21, 2008 Thomas Southworth December 5, 2007 Albert Stetter January 27, 2008 David Stevens March 10, 2008 Chiyoko Wergles February 21, 2008 Brian A. Williams March 25, 2008 William McKibbon March 7, 2008 Harry Ross February 26, 2008 Paul Theodore March 14, 2008 Richard Lyons January 20, 2008 Flavid Santarossa October 10, 2007

839 839 839 839 839 839 871 873 873 873 873 891

Trevor Williams February 14, 2008 Gregory Jackson October 5, 2007 Charles Ard February 26, 2008 Virginio Cesa March 21, 2008 Harry Darrow December 30, 2007 Trevor Williams February 14, 2008 Robert Mirvish June 24, 2007 Ronald Wicknick January 17, 2008 Donna Stubbs March 31, 2008 Rosemary Pomponio December 1, 2007 Jean Marie Malone January 2008 Lloyd Malenfant January 7, 2007

891 927 USA 829 USA 829 USA 829 USA 829 ATPAM ATPAM B7 B30 B90 B173

The Trustees of the Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/ Harold P. Spivak Foundation would like to take this opportunity to thank all the friends, colleagues, members and officers that have made donations in memory of their dearly departed. For those of you who would like to make a donation, please send your check to the IATSE General Office to the attention of the Richard F. Walsh/Alfred W. Di Tolla/ Harold P. Spivak Foundation. CONTRIBUTOR IN MEMORY OF Fund Contribution

720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 728 728

Local No. 481


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


Local Secretaries and Business Agents

(Unless otherwise specified, street address or post office box number listed is in city shown in bold-face type after local number.) Reference Letters: ADG&STGA Art Directors Guild & Scenic, Title and Graphics Artists AG&AOE&GA Animation Guild and Affiliated Optical Electronic and Graphic Arts AMPE Airline Motion Picture Employees APC Affiliated Property Craftspersons ATPAM Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers C Camerapersons CDG Costume Designers Guild CHE Casino Hotel Employees E,S&CST Electronic, Sound & Computer Service Technicians EE Exhibition Employees EE/BPBD Exhibition Employees/Bill Posters, Billers and Distributors FAE First Aid Employees ICG International Cinematographers Guild LF/VT Laboratory Film/Video Technicians LF/VT/C Laboratory Film/Video Technicians/Cinetechnicians M Mixed MAHS Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists MAHSG Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists Guild MPC Motion Picture Costumers MPEG Motion Picture Editors Guild (inclusive of Editors and Story Analysts) MPP,AVE&CT Motion Picture Projectionists, Audio Visual Engineers and Computer Technicians MPP,O&VT Motion Picture Projectionists, Operators and Video Technicians MPP,O,VT&AC Motion Picture Projectionists, Operators, Video Technicians & Allied Crafts MPP,O,VT&CT Motion Picture Projectionists, Operators, Video Technicians & Computer Technicians MPP,VT&CT Motion Picture Projectionists, Video and Computer Technicians MPSAC Motion Picture Studio Arts Craftspersons MPSELT Motion Picture Studio Electrical Lighting Technicians MPSG/CS Motion Picture Studio Grips/Crafts Service MPSP&SW Motion Picture Set Painters & Sign Writers MPSPT Motion Picture Studio Production Technicians MPST Motion Picture Studio Teachers and Welfare Workers M P V T / LT / A C & G E Motion Picture Videot ape Technicians/ Laboratory Technicians/Allied Crafts and Government Employees O Operators PC,CP&HO Production Coordinators, Craftservice Providers and Honeywagon Operators PST,TE,VAT&SP Production Sound Technicians, Television Engineers, Video Assist Technicians and Studio Projectionists

These are some of the web sites to visit for election and voter information. Some sites also allow the download of a Voter Registration Form: Working Families Vote 2008 (AFL-CIO) National Association for the Education of Young Children League of Women Voters

S Stage Employees SA&P Scenic Artists and Propmakers SDMM Set Designers & Model Makers S&FMT Sound & Figure Maintenance Technicians SM Studio Mechanics SM&BT Studio Mechanics & Broadcast Technicians SS,CC,A&APSG Script Supervisors, Continuity Coordinators, Accountants and Allied Production Specialists Guild SS,PC,CC&PA Script Supervisors, Production Coordinators, Continuity Coordinators and Production Accountants TBR&SE Television Broadcasting Remote & Studio Employees TBSE Television Broadcasting Studio Employees T&T Treasurers & Ticket Sellers TW,MA&HS Theatrical Wardrobe, Make-Up Artists & Hair Stylists TWU Theatrical Wardrobe Union USA United Scenic Artists

S 078 BIRMINGHAMLewis Shannon, P.O. Box 10251, Birmingham, 35202. (2052511312) (Fax: 205-458-8623) Bus. Agt.: Allen Langston. S 142 MOBILEHelen Megginson, P.O. Box 2492, Mobile, 36652. (251-675-1451)(Fax: 251-675-9090)Bus. Agt.: Philip Tapia. M 900 HUNTSVILLEDavid Hendricks, 820 West Arbor Drive, Huntsville, 35811. (256551-2243) (Fax: 256-5336686) Bus. Agt.: Brian Boggs.

S 918 ANCHORAGEAnn Reddig, P.O. Box 103904, Anchorage, 99510-3904. (9072783146) (Fax: 9072783145) Bus. Agt.: Brian MacMillan.

S 336 PHOENIX/PRESCOTTPamela Boyd, 1425 E. Washington St., Suite B, Phoenix, 85034-1181. (602-2534145) (Fax: 602-253-2103) Bus. Agt.: Bill Hennessy. M 415 TUCSONTeresa Driver, P.O. Box 990, Tucson, 85702. (5208829126) (Fax: 5208829127) Bus. Agt.: William E. Delaney. SM 485 STATE OF ARIZONARose Lojan, 4741 W. Mallow Lane, Tucson, 85743. (520743-8407) (Fax: 520743-8427) Bus. Agts.: (North) William J. Randall; (South) Ray Padilla. TBSE 748 STATE OF ARIZONA-Toby J. Finch, P.O. Box 1191, Phoenix, 85001. Bus. Agt.: Greg Thomas. TWU 875 PHOENIXKay Harmon, 11328 E. Renfield Avenue, Mesa, 85212. (480-380-3933) Bus. Agt.: Sandy Allen, 11306 E. Ramona, Mesa, AZ 85212 (480-298-2216) (Fax: 480380-9403).

M 204 LITTLE ROCKNikki M. Kelly, P.O. Box 848, Mabelvale, 72103 (501227-7301) (Fax: 501227-7404) Bus. Agt.: Russell G. Hardy.


TYFrancis X. Crowley, 240 Second Street, 1st Floor, San Francisco, 94105. (4154416400) (Fax: 4152430901) Bus. Agt.: Francis X. Crowley. S 033 LOS ANGELES/LONG BEACH/PASADENA/ SANTA MONICAJane E. Leslie, 1720 W. Magnolia Boulevard, Burbank, 915061871. (8188419233) (Fax: 8185671138) Bus. Agts.: (TV) Peter Marley; (Legit) James M. Wright. APC 044 HOLLYWOODElliot Jennings, 12021 Riverside Drive, North Hollywood, 91607. (8187692500) (Fax: 8187691739) Bus. Agt.: Edmond Brown. S 0 5 0 S A C R A M E NTO/C H I C O/STO C K TO N/ MARYSVILLEBetsy Martin, 410 N. 10th Street, Sacramento, 95811. (9164447654) (Fax: 916-444-2263) Bus. Agt.: John Kelly. MPSG/CS 080 HOLLYWOODRick Schunke, 2520 W. Olive Avenue, Suite 200, Burbank, 915054529. (8185260700) (Fax: 8185260719) Bus. Agt.: Thom Davis. S 107 ALAMEDA COUNTY/OAKLAND/BERKELEY/ C O N T R A C O STA C O U NT Y/S O L A N O C O U NTY/RICHMONDMarc Campisi, 8130 Baldwin Street, #124, Oakland, 94553. (5103511858) (Fax: 5104309830) Bus. Agt.: Mark Thompson. TBSE 119 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA-Daniel Nicholson, P.O. Box 911, San Carlos, 94070. (510-206-7987) Bus. Agt.: Jason Knapp. S 122 SAN DIEGOTrevor Hay, 3737 Camino del Rio South, Suite 307, San Diego, 92108. (619640-0042) (Fax: 6196400045) Bus. Agt.: Carlos Cota. M 134 SAN JOSE/SANTA CLARAElizabeth Overstreet, P.O. Box 28585-Parkmoor, San Jose, 951598585. (4082941134) (Fax: 4082941250) Bus. Agt.: Bill Fairweather. O 1 5 0 LO S A N G E LE S/S A N B E R N A R D I N O/ RIVERSIDE/POMONA/REDLANDS/LONG BEACH Ricardo Costa, P.O. Box 5143, Culver City, 90231-5143. (8185571677) (Fax: 310-398-8734) Bus. Agt.: Carl Belfor. S 158 FRESNO/MODESTO/STOCKTONScott Ellis, P.O. Box 5274, Fresno, 93755. (559224-3151) Bus. Agt.: Eddie Williams (559-432-3277). O 166 SAN FRANCISCO/SAN MATEO/PALO ALTO/MARIN COUNTYMark Woodall, 1221 E. Cypress Avenue, Spc. 29, Redding 96002 (530-224-9994). Bus. Agt.: Donald E. Johanson, 4909 Railroad Flat Road, Mountain Ranch, 95246. (209-754-9966) (Fax: 209-754-9977). O 169 ALAMEDA/SOLANO/NAPA AND CONTRA COSTA COUNTIESJason Mottley, P.O. Box 29284, Oakland, 946049284. (415-515-3387) Bus. Agt.: Jason Mottley. M 215 BAKERSFIELD/VISALIAJodi Robinson, P.O. Box 555, Bakersfield, 93302. (661862-0215) (Fax: 6618630569) Bus. Agt.: Lynn Gillette. O 297 SAN DIEGO COUNTYGary Livengood, 4579 Lisann Street, San Diego, 92117. (858-270-1196) Bus. Agt.: Dale Hyder. M 363 LAKE TAHOE and RENO, NV. (See Nevada) M 442 SANTA BARBARA TRICOUNTIES(SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA/SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTIES)Paul Kaessinger, P.O. Box 413, Santa Barbara, 93102. (805898-0442) (Fax: 805-937-3342) Bus. Agt.: Pat Barsocchini. SM 495 SAN DIEGO-Devin Morris, 1717 Morena Blvd., San Diego, 92110-3635. (619-275-0125)(Fax: 619-275-2578). Bus. Agt.: Jack Shepherd. M 504 ORANGE COUNTY/PARTS OF CORONA Jerry Omasta, 671 S. Manchester Avenue, Anaheim, 928021434. (7147745004) (Fax: 7147747684) Bus. Agt.: Leslie Blanchard.

Second Quarter 2008


ICG 600 INTERNATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHERS GUILD(See also Florida, Illinois and New York) Alan Gitlin; National Executive Director, Bruce Doering; Western Region Director, Steve Flint, 7755 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, 90046. (3238760160) (Fax: 3238766383) Eastern Region Director, Chaim Kantor (New York: 212/647-7300); Central Region Director, Larry Gianneschi (Chicago/Orlando: 407/295-5577). M 611 WATSONVILLE/SANTA CRUZ/ SALINAS/ GILROY/ HOLLISTER/ MONTEREY/ PACIFIC GROVE/ SEASIDESteve Retsky, P.O. Box 7571, Santa Cruz, 95061. (8314580338) (Fax: 831401-2379) Bus. Agt.: Bob Williamson. S 614 SAN BERNARDINO/ RIVERSIDE/ BARSTOW/ POMONA/ REDLANDS/ ONTARIO/ BISHOPWindy J.M. Arias, P.O. Box 883, San Bernardino, 92402. (9098881828) (Fax: 909-882-4393) Bus. Agt.: Robert Szoke. LF/VT/C 683 HOLLYWOODMarvin Davis, 9795 Cabrini Dr., #204, Burbank, 91504. (8182525628) (Fax: 8182524962) Bus. Agt.: Scott George. PST,TE,VAT&SP 695 HOLLYWOOD-Elizabeth Alvarez, 5439 Cahuenga Boulevard, North Hollywood, 91601. (818-9859204) (Fax: 8187604681) Bus. Agt.: Jim Osburn. MPEG 700 MOTION PICTURE EDITORS GUILD (see also New York)-Diane Adler; Exec. Dir.: Ron Kutak; Asst. Exec. Dir.: Catherine Repola. 7715 Sunset Blvd., #200, Los Angeles, 90046, (323-876-4770) (Fax: 323-876-0861); Asst. Exec. Dir. (New York): Paul Moore (212-302-0700) (Fax: 212-302-1091). MPC 705 HOLLYWOODPaul DeLucca, 4731 Laurel Canyon Blvd, #201, Valley Village, 91607-3911. (818-4875655) (Fax: 818-487-5663) Bus. Agt.: Buffy Snyder. MAHSG 706 HOLLYWOODJohn Jackson, 828 N. Hollywood Way, Burbank, 91505. (818-295-3933) (Fax: 818295-3930) Bus. Agt.: Tommy Cole. M 707 PALM SPRINGS/PALM DESERT/HEMET/ BANNING/ELSINORE/29 PALMSTrustee: Robert Trombetta, P.O. Box 2810, Rancho Mirage, 92270. (760-5685700). MPSELT 728 HOLLYWOODPatric Abaravich, 14629 Nordhoff Street, Panorama City, 91402. (8188910728) (Fax: 8188915288) Bus. Agt.: Patric Abaravich MPSP&SW 729 HOLLYWOODGeorge Palazzo, 1811 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, 91505. (818842-7729) (Fax: 818846-3729) Bus. Agt.: George Palazzo. FAE 767 LOS ANGELESMargaret Budd-Loa, P.O. Box 6309, Burbank, 91510-6309. (818-842-7670)(Fax: 818-9823364). Bus. Agt.: Rana Jo PlatzPetersen (310-3524485)(Fax: 310-352-4485). T W U 76 8 LO S A N G E LE S/LO N G B E A C H/ PASADENA/SANTA MONICA/CERRITOSMary B. Seward, 13245 Riverside Dr., #300, Sherman Oaks, 91423. (8187898735) (Fax: 818789-1928) Bus. Agt.: Ann Kelleher. T W U 78 4 S A N F R A N C I S C O / O A K L A N D / BERKELEY/SAN MATEO/CUPERTINO/SAN JOSE/ CONCORDAndrea Pelous, 1182 Market Street, Suite 213, San Francisco, 94102. (4158618379) (Fax: 4158618384). Bus. Agt.: David Besser. MPSAC 790 HOLLYWOODCamille Abbott, 13245 Riverside Dr., Suite 300, Sherman Oaks, 91423. (8187846555) (Fax: 8187842004) Bus. Agt.: Marjo Bernay. TBSE 795 SAN DIEGO-David Robertson, 3755 Avocado Blvd., PMB 437, La Mesa, 91941. (619-335-0795). Bus. Agt.: Darin Haggard. ADG&STGA 800 LOS ANGELES (See also Illinois, New York and North Carolina)-Lisa Frazza, 11969 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 200, Studio City, 91604. (8187629995) (Fax: 8187629997) Bus. Agt.: Scott Roth (Executive Director), John Moffitt (Assoc. Exe. Director).

USA829 CALIFORNIA REGIONAL OFFICE (See Also New York) -5225 Wilshire Blvd., #506, Los Angeles, 90036. (323-965-0957) Bus. Agt.: Charles Berliner. AG&AOE&GA 839 HOLLYWOODJeffrey N. Massie, 4729 Lankershim Boulevard, North Hollywood, 916021864. (8187667151) (Fax: 8185064805) Bus. Agt.: Steven Hulett. SDMM 847 HOLLYWOOD-Suzanne Feller-Otto, 13245 Riverside Dr., #300, Sherman Oaks, 91423. (818-784-6555) (Fax: 818-784-2004) Bus. Agt.: Marjo Bernay. T&T 857 LOS ANGELES/ORANGE COUNTIESEric Bolton, 13245 Riverside Dr., #300C, Sherman Oaks, 91423. (8189907107) (Fax: 8189908287) Bus. Agt.: Sergio A. Medina. SS,CC,A&APSG 871 HOLLYWOODBabette Stith, 11519 Chandler Blvd., N. Hollywood, 91601. (818509-7871) (Fax: 818506-1555) Bus. Agt.: Missy Humphrey. TWU 874 SACRAMENTO AND VICINITYMary Kay Morris, P.O. Box 188787, Sacramento, 95818-8787 (916-8323396) (Fax: 916-681-4349) Bus. Agt.: Sheryl Emmons. MPST 884 HOLLYWOODSusan Reccius, P.O. Box 461467, Los Angeles, 90046. (310-652-5330) Bus. Agt.: Polly Businger. CDG 892 HOLLYWOODAnn Somers Major, 11969 Ventura Blvd., 1st Floor, Studio City, 91604. (818752-2400) (Fax: 818752-2402) Bus. Agt.: Cheryl Downey (Executive Director); Rachael Stanley (Asst. Executive Director). TWU 905 SAN DIEGOLinda Boone Hodges, P.O. Box 124741, San Diego, 92112-4741. Bus. Agt.: Robin Lemon (619980-6709). AMPE 916 LOS ANGELESConrad Villaflor, 17410 Fontlee Lane, Fontana, 92335-5925. (909-823-1695).Bus. Agt.: Myrel Hodge. S&FMT 923 ANAHEIMLyle Worsley, P.O. Box 9031, Anaheim, 92812-9031. (714-342-1255) Bus. Agt.: Michael Rao.

S 056 MONTREAL, QCDaniel Desjardins, 3414 ave du Parc, Ste. 320, Montreal, QC, H2X 2H5. (5148447233) (Fax: 5148445846) Bus. Agt.: Jason Vergnano. S 058 TORONTO, ONChristopher Wilson, 5 Lower Sherbourne Street, Ste. #201, Toronto, ON, M5A 2P3. (4163645565) (Fax: 4163645987) Bus. Agt.: Andre Ouimet. M 063 WINNIPEG, MBStuart Aikman, 202-128 James Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0N8. (204944-0511) (Fax: 2049440528) Bus. Agt.: John Gallagher. M 105 LONDON/ST. THOMAS/SARNIA, ON Brad Stephenson, P.O. Box 182, Station Ctr. CSC, London, ON, N6A 4V6. (5194335742) (Fax: 519-433-5742) Bus. Agt.: Terry Barker. S 118 VANCOUVER, BCMike Phelan, Suite #202 601 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 2P1. (6046859553) (Fax: 6046859554) Bus. Agt.: Alex McGibbon. S 129 HAMILTON/BRANTFORD, ONCindy Jennings, P.O. Box 57089, Jackson Station, Hamilton, ON, L8P 4W9. (905577-9193) (Fax: 905525-6657) Bus. Agt.: Gary Nolan. S 168 VANCOUVER ISLAND, BCBrendan Keith, P.O. Box 5312, Station B, Victoria, BC, V8R 6S4. (250381-3168) (Fax: 866-618-3848). Bus. Agt.: Cameron Stewart. MPP,O&VT 173 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO-Philip DeBlasi, 13 Carr Drive, Ajax, ON, L1T 3E1 (416-697-0330) (Fax: 905-428-0763). Bus. Agt.: Rob McPherson. S 210 EDMONTON, ABHeather Wood, 10428-123 Street, Edmonton, AB, T5N 1N7. (7804231863)(Fax: 780426-0307) Bus. Agt.: Randy Tomiuk.

S 212 CALGARY, ABVince Bevans, 201-208 57th Avenue, S.W., Calgary, AB, T2H 2K8. (4032502199) (Fax: 4032509769) Bus. Agts.: (Prod.) Tom MacRae; (Stage) Geoff Frizzell. O 262 MONTREAL, QCSylvain Bisaillon, 3173 rue St. Jacques, Bureau E, Montreal, QC, H4C 1G7. (5149376855) (Fax: 5148460165) Bus. Agts.: (Proj.): Alain Beaudoin; (FOH) Stephane Ross. M 295 REGINA/MOOSE JAW, SKNorm Daschle, 1831 College Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 4V5. (3065456733) (Fax: 3065458440) Bus. Agts.: (Film) Scott Storm; (Stage) Ken Grad. M 300 SASKATOON, SKGreg McKinnon, P.O. Box 1361, SK, S7K 3N9. (3063438900) (Fax: 3063438423) Bus. Agt.: Greg McKinnon. M 357 KITCHENER/STRATFORD/CAMBRIDGE/ GUELPH/WATERLOO, ONMike Walsh, P.O. Box 908, Stratford, ON, N5A 6W3. (519-746-7474) (Fax: 519-746-3030). Bus. Agt.: Larry Miller. PC, CP&HO 411 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO-Robert Shea, 629 Eastern Avenue, Bldg. C, #300, Toronto, ON, M4M 1E4 (416-645-8025) (Fax: 416-645-8026) Bus. Agt.: Robert Shea. M 461 ST. CATHARINES/WELLAND/NIAGARA FALLS, ON Matt Flawn, P.O. Box 1594, Niagara On Lake, ON, L0S 1J0. (905932-4461) Bus. Agt.: David Schilz. S 467 THUNDER BAY, ONJames Austin, 541 Hyde Park Avenue, Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 141. (8076227407). Bus. Agt.: Terry Smith, 243 Ford St., Thunder Bay, P7C 4L5. (807627-1460). M 471 OTTAWA/KINGSTON/BELLEVILLE, ON James Reynolds, P.O. Box 1373, Station B, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5R4. (6139477000 x450) (Fax: 613-233-6454) Bus. Agt.: Mark Hollingworth. MPSPT 514 PROVINCE OF QUEBEC-Claude Rainville, 705 rue Bourget, Bureau 201, Montreal, QC H4C 2M6. (514937-7668) (Fax: 514-937-3592). Bus. Agt.: Michel Charron. M 523 QUEBEC, QC-Robert Masson, 2700, Jean Perrin, #490, Quebec, QC, G2C 1S9. (4188476335) (Fax: 4188476335) Bus. Agts.: (Stage) Guy Journeault; (Proj.) Dominic Bernier; (Wardrobe) Rina Campion. M 580 WINDSOR/CHATHAM, ONFranco Ieropoli, 538-430 Pelissier Street, Windsor, ON, N9A 4K9. (5199653732) (Fax: 519256-4896) Bus. Agt.: Blake Beard. M 634 SUDBURY/NORTH BAY, ONKeith Clausen, P.O. Box 68, Naughton, ON, P0M 2M0. (705-665-1163) (Fax: 705692-9726) Bus. Agt.: Jamie Adamson (705788-2447) (Fax: 705788-2448). ICG 667 EASTERN CANADAVanessa Ireson, 9 Gloucester St., Toronto, ON, M4Y 1L8. (4163680072) (Fax: 4163686932) Bus. Agt.: Richard J. Perotto. C 669 WESTERN CANADAChristina Kasperczyk, 3823 Henning Drive, Suite 217, Burnaby, BC, V5C 6P3. (778-3301669) (Fax: 778-330-1670) Bus. Agt.: Donald Ramsden. M 680 HALIFAX/DARTMOUTH, NS/SAINT JOHN/MONCTON/FREDERICTON, NB Colin Richardson, P.O. Box 711, Halifax, NS, B3J 2T3. (9024555016) (Fax: 902455-0398) Bus. Agt.: Colin P. Richardson. TW,MA&HS 822 TORONTO, ONEd Knuckles, 51 Galbraith Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4B 2B6 (416759-6852) Bus. Agt.: Cheryl Batulis, 2 Neilor Crescent, Toronto, M9C I4K. (416622-9000) (Fax: 416-622-0900). SA&P 828 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO-Daniela Mazic, P.O. Box 22562-300 Coxwell Avenue, Toronto, ON, M4L 2N7. (416-438-3388) (Fax: 416-438-3388) Bus. Agt: Katherine Lilley.

M 848 SYDNEY/GLACE BAY, NSDavid Bailey, 28 Norwood Street, Glace Bay, NS, B1A3M5. (9028494957) Bus. Agt.: David Bailey. MPSPT 849 ATLANTIC CANADARod Dominey, 15 McQuade Lake Crescent, 2nd flr., Halifax, NS, B3S 1C4. (9024252739) (Fax: 9024257696) Bus. Agt.: Charlotte Shurko MPSPT 856 PROVINCE OF MANITOBA-Joe Laurin, 454 Edmonton St., Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2M3. (204-953-1100) (Fax: 204-953-1109) Bus. Agt.: Joe Laurin. TWU 863 MONTREAL, QCMaud Bergeron, 390 rue des Hirondelles, Beloeil, PQ, J3G 6G9. Bus. Agt.: Silvana Fernandez (514-944-2673). MPSPT 873 TORONTO, ONMarilyn Terry, 1315 Lawrence Ave., East, Unit 104, Toronto, ON, M3A 3R3. (4163681873) (Fax: 4163688457) Bus. Agt.: Kirk Cheney. MPSPT 891 VANCOUVER, BC/YUKON TERRDusty Kelly, 1640 Boundary Road, Burnaby, BC, V5K 4V4. (6046648910) (Fax: 6042983456) Bus. Agt.: Kathleen Higgins. M 906 CHARLOTTETOWN, PERich Wilson, P.O. Box 2406, Charlottetown, C1A 8C1. Bus. Agt.: Damon Compton. TWU 924 STRATFORD, ONInez Khan, P.O. Box 21151, Stratford, ON, N5A 7V4. (519-949-4040) (Fax: 519-305-0576) Bus. Agt.: Sherri Neeb.

SM 052 STATES OF NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY/CONNECTICUT/NORTHERN DE. /GREATER PA.William McGavin, 326 W. 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. (2123990980) (Fax: 2123151073) Bus Mgr.: John Ford; Bus. Reps.: John Fundus and William Lowry, Jr. S 284 WILMINGTONEva Lynne Penn, P.O. Box 1503, Wilmington, 198991503. (3026524626) Bus. Agt.: Michael Harrington.

S 022 WASHINGTONJohn Page, 11247B Lockwood Drive, Silver Spring, MD, 209014556. (3015934650) (Fax: 3016817141) Bus. Agt.: John Brasseux. M P P, O & V T 2 2 4 W A S H I N G TO N M E T R O . AREATrustee: International Vice President Walter Cahill, 483 Penwood Drive, Edgewater, MD 21037 (410-956-2457) (Fax: 410-956-2540). SM&BT 487 MIDATLANTIC AREADavid OFerrall, 1414 Key Highway, Suite 201, Baltimore, MD 21230. (4106854141) (Fax: 4106853939) Bus. Agt.: Rosemarie Levy. TWU 772 WASHINGTONShannon Lanham, 74 Stinson Court, Martinsburg, WV 25401. (304-262-8501) (Fax: 304267-4030). Bus. Agt.: Jessica Evans. E,S&CST 815 WASHINGTONRobert E. McFadden, 2512 Cliffbourne Pl., N.W., #2a, Washington, 200091512. (202-265-9067) Bus. Agt.: Samuel J. Mc Fadden. TBSE 819 WASHINGTONP. Renee Moore, P.O. Box 5645 Friendship Sta., Washington, 20016. (2029664110) Bus. Agt.: David Lee. T&T 868 WASHINGTONPeter Clegg, P.O. Box 58129, Washington, 20037. (202-422-1782) (Fax: 202-416-8377) Bus. Agt.: Michael Gilotte.

M 631 ORLANDO/CAPE CANAVERAL/COCOA/ MELBOURNE/LAKE BUENA VISTAKimberly A. Bowles, 5385 Conroy Road, Suite #200, Orlando, 328113719. (407422-2747) (Fax: 407-843-9170) Bus. Agt.: William Allen, Jr. S 647 NAPLES/FT. MYERS/MARCO ISLANDBill Utterback, P.O. Box 700, Estero, 33928. (239-498-9090) (Fax: 239-282-1346) Bus. Agt.: Maria Colonna. MPVT/LT/AC&GE 780 (See also Illinois)Andrew J. Younger, 3585 N. Courtenay Pkwy., Suite 4, Merritt Island, FL 32953. (321-453-1018) (Fax: 321-453-1178) Bus. Agt.: Andrew J. Younger. EE 835 ORLANDO-Richard Vales, 4403 Vineland Road, Quorum Ctr. B4, Orlando, 32811. (407-649-9669) (Fax: 407649-1926). Bus. Agt.: Richard Vales. AG&AOE&GA 843 ORLANDOBrian J. Lawlor, 5385 Conroy Road, Suite 201, Orlando, 32811. (407422-2747) (Fax: 407843-9170) Bus. Agt.: Brian J. Lawlor.

M 320 SAVANNAHMichael Little, 1513 Paulsen St., Savannah, 31401. (912232-2203)(Fax: 208-979-8533) Bus. Agt.: Wayne Roelle. SM 479 STATE OF GEORGIA (Except Savannah and Vicinity)Freddy Chancellor, 1000 Iris Drive, Suite F, Conyers, 30094. (770-483-0400) (Fax: 770-483-0999) Bus. Agt.: Michael Akins. SM 491 SAVANNAH, GA/STATES OF NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA-Andrew Oyaas, 1707 Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401. (9103439408) (Fax: 9103439448) Bus. Agt.: Jason Rosin. S 629 AUGUSTARebecca Skedsvold, 2314 Washington Road, Augusta, 30904. (706-733-4139). Bus. Agt.: Bruce Balk. M 824 ATHENS-Margi Flood, P.O. Box 422, Athens, 30603. (706-549-8244) (Fax: 706-549-0828) Bus. Agt.: Peter Fancher. EE 834 ATLANTAC. Faye Harper, 500 Bishop Street, NW, Suite F-1, Atlanta, 30318. (4048758848) (Fax: 4048754578) Bus. Agt.: C. Faye Harper. TWU 859 ATLANTARita Cochran, 2970 Leah Lane, Douglasville, 30135. (770-714-6927) (Fax: 678-838-1456) Bus. Agt.: Sue Cochran. S 927 ATLANTA-Neil Gluckman, 659 Auburn Ave., NE, #221, Atlanta, 30312. (4048709911) (Fax: 4048709906) Bus. Agt.: Neil Gluckman.

S 007 DENVER/BOULDERJames Taylor, 1475 Curtis Street, Denver, 80202. (3035342423) (Fax: 3035340216) Bus. Agt.: James E. Taylor. S 047 PUEBLOBob Krasovec, P.O. Box 1488, Pueblo, 81003. (719320-6220) Bus. Agt.: Saul Trujillo, 27850 Hwy. 50 East, Pueblo, 81006. M 062 COLORADO SPRINGSBryan Patrick, 219 W. Colorado Avenue, Suite 102, Colorado Springs, 80903. (719520-1059) (Fax: 719520-1090) Bus. Agt.: Gina Manning. S 229 FORT COLLINS, CO./CHEYENNE/LARAMIE, WY.Brandon Garcia, P.O. Box 677, Fort Collins, 80522. Bus. Agt.: David Denman (970-226-2292) (Fax: 970-490-2292). TWU 719 DENVERElisa Spadi, 12010 West 52nd Place, Unit #7, Arvada, 80002. (303-431-7561) Bus. Agt.: Steve Davies (303-829-1567) (Fax: 303-948-3414).

M 060 PENSACOLA/PANAMA CITY/DESTIN Trustee: International Representative Ben Adams, 1510 North Fern Creek Avenue, Orlando, 32803 (407-704-2788) (Fax: 407-704-2787). M 1 1 5 J A C K S O N V I L L E / TA L L A H A S S E E / GAINESVILLENick Ciccarello, P.O. Box 462, Jacksonville, 32201. (904399-5201) (Fax: 904-399-5248) Bus. Agt.: Keith Reese. M 321 TAMPA/CLEARWATER/LAKELAND/ST. PETERSBURGHoward Stein, 7211 N. Dale Mabry, #209, Tampa, 33614. (813931-4712) (Fax: 813931-7503) Bus. Agt.: Paul Paleveda. M 412 BRADENTON/SARASOTAMichael Verbil, P.O. Box 1307, Tallevast, 34270. (941359-1254) (Fax: 9413591254) Bus. Agt.: Roy Sorensen (941-360-9672). SM 477 STATE OF FLORIDAGeorge Cerchiai, 10705 N.W. 33rd Street, #110, Miami, 33172. (3055948585) (Fax: 3055979278) Bus. Agt.: William F. Moyse. M 500 SOUTH FLORIDA-Alan Glassman, 4520 N.E. 18th Avenue, 3rd floor, Fort Lauderdale, 33334. (954202-2624) (Fax: 954772-4713). Bus. Agt.: Alan Glassman. M 558 DAYTONA BEACHVikki Lynn Hill, P.O. Box 534, Daytona Beach, 32115. (3867672022) (Fax: 3867672022) Bus. Agt.: Don Steadman. ICG 600 INTERNATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHERS GUILD-(See also California, Illinois and New York) Alan Gitlin; National Executive Director, Bruce Doering; Central Region Director, Larry Gianneschi, 7463 Conroy-Windermere Rd., Suite A, Orlando, 32836. (407-295-5577) (Fax: 407-2955335). Illinois Office: 1411 Peterson Avenue, Suite 102, Park Ridge, IL 60068. (847-692-9900) (Fax: 847-692-5607).

SM 052 STATES OF CONNECTICUT/NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY/NORTHERN DE. /GREATER PA. William McGavin, 326 W. 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. (2123990980) (Fax: 2123151073) Bus Mgr.: John Ford; Bus. Reps.: John Fundus and William Lowry, Jr. S 074 SOUTHERN CONNECTICUTJoe Mico, P.O. Box 9075, New Haven, 06532. (203-773-9139) (Fax: 203-7739139). Bus. Agt.: Anthony J. Miconi, III. S 084 HARTFORD/NEW LONDON/NORTHERN CONNECTICUTJoseph Davis, 1145 D New Britain Ave., West Hartford, 06110. (860233-8821) (Fax: 860233-8827). Bus. Agt.: Charles Buckland, IV. SS,PC,CC&PA 161 CONNECTICUT/NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEYBeverly Billin, 630 9th Avenue, #1103, New York, NY 10036. (212977-9655) (Fax: 212977-9609) Bus. Agt.: Lynne Twentyman.

M 665 HONOLULUKay Carter, 875 Waimanu Street, Suite 610, Honolulu, 96813. (8085960227) (Fax: 8085918213). Bus. Agt.: Donovan Ahuna

M 093 WALLACE/KELLOGG, ID/SPOKANE, WA Jill Scott, P.O. Box 1266, Spokane, 99210. Bus. Agt.: Jacel Evans. Bus. Rep.: Pat Devereau (509-999-5073) (Fax: 208623-6496). S 099 BOISE/NAMPA/CALDWELL/TWIN FALL/ SUN VALLEY, ID/STATE OF UTAHSarah Wood, 526 West 800 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84101. (8013590513) (Fax: 8015326227) Bus. Agt.: Patrick Heltman. EE 838 SOUTHERN IDAHO/SALT LAKE CITY, UTIntl Representative-in-Charge William E. Gearns, 230 West 200 South, Suite 2220, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 (801-3200701) (Fax: 801-320-0715).


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


S 002 CHICAGOThomas J. Cleary, 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 1032, Chicago, 60606. (3122363457) (Fax: 3122360701) Bus. Agt.: Craig P. Carlson. S 085 ROCK ISLAND/MOLINE, IL/DAVENPORT, IABrad Frazee, P.O. Box 227, Davenport, IA 52805. (563-5793526) (Fax: 563-323-3339)Bus. Agt.: Joseph Goodall. MPP,AVE&CT 110 CHICAGOSteve Altman, 230 West Monroe St., Suite 2511, Chicago, 60606. (3124431011) (Fax: 3124431012) Bus. Agt.: Steve Altman. S 124 JOLIETTim Kelly, P.O. Box 333, Joliet, 60434-0333. (815546-0124) Bus. Agt.: Lorin Lynch. S 138 SPRINGFIELD/JACKSONVILLERichard Meidel, P.O. Box 6367, Springfield, 62708. (217-787-5440) (Fax: 217787-5440) Bus. Agt.: Noel Dalbey, 2121 Westview Drive, Springfield, 62704. (217-787-5440) (Fax: 217-787-5440). M 193 BLOOMINGTON/ NORMAL/ SPRINGFIELD/ JACKSONVILLE/ MACOMB/ PEORIAMary Roffers, P.O. Box 172, Bloomington, 61701-0172. Bus. Agts.: Tim Noe (Peoria), Chris Fields (Bloomington). M 217 ROCKFORDKim Whitmore, P.O. Box 472, Rockford, 61105. (815-670-9264)(Fax: 815-484-1085). Bus. Agt.: Dale Posey. O 374 JOLIET/KANKAKEEMark Alfeo, 1518 Bates Road, Joliet, 60433. (815-353-1483) Bus. Agt.: Mark Alfeo. M 421 HERRIN/CENTRALIA, IL/CAPE GIRARDEAU, MOSteven Dyer, P.O. Box 47, Metropolis, 62960. (6185245990) Bus. Agt.: Michael Schmidt (618-967-2394). SM 476 CHICAGOMark A. Hogan, 6309 N. Northwest Highway, Chicago, 606310490. (7737755300) (Fax: 7737752477) Bus. Agt.: Mark A. Hogan. M 482 CHAMPAIGN/URBANA/DANVILLE/ RANTOUL/CHARLESTON/DECATURMonica J Cox, P.O. Box 3272, Urbana, 618033272. (217621-2630) Bus. Agt.: Kevin G. McGuire (217-621-2630). ICG 600 INTERNATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHERS GUILD-(See also California, Florida and New York) Alan Gitlin; National Executive Director, Bruce Doering; Central Region Director, Larry Gianneschi, 1411 Peterson Avenue, Suite 102, Park Ridge, IL 60068. (847-692-9900) (Fax: 847-6925607). Florida Office: 7463 Conroy-Windermere Rd., Suite A, Orlando, FL 32836. (407-295-5577) (Fax: 407-295-5335). T&T 750 CHICAGOMichael P. Keenan, 446 N. Edgewood, La Grange Park, 60526. (7085794305) (Fax: 708-579-4313) Bus. Agt.: Ira S. Alper (847-509-8714) (Fax: 847-509-0587). TBSE 762 CHICAGO-Tom Hoover, P.O. Box 3710, Lisle, 60532 (630-781-7731) Bus. Agt.: Dennis Gates. TWU 769 CHICAGOCheryl Weber, 15253 S. Olympic Lane, Lockport, 60441. (847-732-6326) (Fax: 815-836-3407) Bus. Agt.: Shirley Berling. MPVT/LT/AC&GE 780 CHICAGO (see also Florida)Andrew J. Younger, 6301 N. Northwest Highway, Chicago, IL 60631. (773-775-5020) (Fax: 773-775-5771) Bus. Agt.: Andrew J. Younger. ADG&STGA 800 CENTRAL OFFICE (See also California, New York and North Carolina)-Gary Baugh, 5256 N. Magnolia, Chicago, IL 60640. (773-805-1521). USA829 ILLINOIS REGIONAL OFFICE (See also New York)- 203 North Wabash Avenue, #1210, Chicago, 60601. (312-857-0829) Bus. Agt.: J. Christopher Phillips.

CONNORSVILLE/ANDERSON/MUNCIE/PORTLAND John Baldwin, 1407 East Riverside Drive, Indianapolis, 462022037. (3176383226) (Fax: 3176386126). Bus. Agt.: John Baldwin. S 049 TERRE HAUTEDavid G. Del Colletti, 210 Terre Vista Drive, Terre Haute, 47803. (812243-0524) (Fax: 8122373741) Bus. Agt.: David Target. S 102 EVANSVILLEMark Fehr, 13 Dreier Blvd., Evansville, 47712 (812467-0287) (Fax: 812-467-0287). Bus. Agt.: Steve VanMeter. M 125 LAKE PORTER/LA PORTE COUNTIES/ F O RT W AY N E / L A F AY E T T E / F R A N K F O RT / CRAWFORDSVILLE Greg Palmer, 2905 DeKalb St., Lake Station, 46405. (219313-1136) (Fax: 219962-1250) Bus. Agt.: Steve Choate (219-730-3064). S 146 FORT WAYNEJames Seely, P.O. Box 13354, Fort Wayne, 46868. (260-403-1033) Bus. Agt.: John H. Hinen, Jr. O 163 CLARKSVILLE, IN/LOUISVILLE, KYKent L. Green, 125 West Carter Avenue, Clarksville, IN, 47129. (812282-2716) Bus. Agt.: Larry W. Hopewell, 4703 Wolford Drive, Floyds Knobs, IN, 47119. (812-923-1295). M 187 SOUTH BEND/MISHAWAKA/ELKHART/ GOSHEN/PLYMOUTH/CULVER, IN/NILES, MI Catherine Smith, P.O. Box 474, South Bend, IN 46624. (5742921871) (Fax: 574-288-0233) Bus. Agt.: Deborah Mayers. O 194 INDIANAPOLIS/ KOKOMO/ LOGANSPORT/ PERU/WABASH/ RICHMOND/ MUNCIE/ PORTLANDStephen A. Beeler, P.O. Box 7055, Greenwood, 46142. (317507-0717) (Fax: 317888-5252) Bus. Agt.: Stephen Blair. O 373 TERRE HAUTERichard Munn, P.O. Box 373, Terre Haute, 47808. Bus. Agt.: Richard T. Munn, 8774 N. Kennedy Cir. Dr., Brazil, 47834. (8124462722) M 618 BLOOMINGTON/BEDFORD/COLUMBUS/ FRENCH LICKMark R. Sarris, 1600 N. Willis Dr., #192, Bloomington, 47404. (8123317472) Bus. Agt.: Mark R. Sarris. EE 836 INDIANAPOLIS-Jean Winegard, 1407 E. Riverside Drive, Indianapolis, 46202. (317-638-3226) (Fax: 317-638-6126) Bus. Agt.: Jean Winegard. TWU 893 INDIANAPOLIS/BLOOMINGTONJoanne M. Sanders, 5144 N. Carrollton Avenue, Indianapolis, 462051130. (3172836040) (Fax: 317283-2890) Bus. Agt.: Joanne M. Sanders.

S 031 K ANSAS CITY/TOPEK A/ LAWRENCE/EMPORIA, KS/KANSAS CITY-ST. JOSEPH, MODan Pfitzner, 1613 Summit, Kansas City, MO 64108. (8168425167) (Fax: 8168429481) Bus. Agt.: Gary L. Thomas. M 190 WICHITA/HUTCHINSON/EL DORADOAnne Bailey, P.O. Box 3052, Wichita, 67201. (3162675927) (Fax: 316267-5959) Bus. Agt.: Trucia Quistarc. M 464 SALINASusan Tuzicka, P.O. Box 617, Salina, 674010617. (785825-2995). Bus. Agt.: Bill Tuzicka.

S 019 BALTIMORESteve Wallace, 1111 Park Avenue, Suite L102, Baltimore, 212015651. (4107286527) (Fax: 4107286849) Bus. Agt.: Bruce Holtman. MPP,O&VT 181 BALTIMOREL. Dave Foreman, 2701 W. Patapsco Ave., #110, Baltimore, 21230. (410-788-2856) Acting Bus. Agt.: Karl O. Gilbert. SM&BT 487 MIDATLANTIC AREADavid OFerrall, 1414 Key Highway, Suite 201, Baltimore, MD 21230. (4106854141) (Fax: 4106853939) Bus. Agt.: Rosemarie Levy. M 5 91 H AG E R STO W N, M D/F R E D E R I C K, MD/WAYNESBORO, PA/WINCHESTER, VA/ MARTINSBURG, WVMichael E. Clem, 10300 Moxley Road, Damascus, MD 20872. (3017745389). Bus. Agt.: John Nicholes. TBSE 833 BALTIMOREJames Coxson, P.O. Box 4834, Baltimore, 21211. Bus. Agt.: William Poplovski, 3400 Dunran Road, Baltimore, MD, 21222 (443-831-8181). TWU 913 BALTIMORESuzanne Herbert-Forton, 301 Stonewall Rd., Catonsville, 21228. Bus. Agt.: Marybeth Chase, 7427 Watersville Rd., Mt. Airey, 21771. (410340-0049).

M 026 GRAND RAPIDS/MUSKEGON/BATTLE CREEK/KALAMAZOO/HOLLAND/ST. JOSEPH Matthew Taylor, 931 Bridle Street, NW, Grand Rapids, 49504. (6167425526) (Fax: 6167421088) Bus. Agt.: Stasia Savage. S 038 DETROIT/PONTIAC/MT. CLEMENS/PORT HURONEdwin J. Miller, 20017 Van Dyke, Detroit, 48234. (3133680825) (Fax: 3133681151) Bus. Agt.: Timothy Magee. M 187 NILES, MI/SOUTH BEND/ MISHAWAKA/ ELKHART/ GOSHEN/ PLYMOUTH/ CULVER, INCatherine Smith, P.O. Box 474, South Bend, IN 46624. (574292-1871) (Fax: 574-288-0233) Bus. Agt.: Deborah Mayers. MPP, VT&CT 199 DETROIT Paul Bratfish, 22707 Dequindre Road, Hazel Park, 48030. (2483997864) (Fax: 2483997866) Bus. Agt.: Donald M. Lewis. S 201 FLINT/OWOSSOEdward Hinderer Jr., 967 Mann Avenue, Flint, 48503. (810767-1580) Bus. Agt.: William Hinderer, 4272 Round House Rd., #6, Swartz Creek, MI 48473 (810-635-4267). M 274 LANSING/EAST LANSING/JACKSON/ SAGINAW/CADILLAC/NORTH CENTRAL MICHIGAN/TRAVERSE CITY/ALPENAJoel Wilkins, 419 S. Washington Square, Suite 103, Lansing, 48933. (5173745570) (Fax: 5173745589) Bus. Agt.: Carl Gratkowski. M 395 ANN ARBOR/MONROEBob Picard, P.O. Box 8271, Ann Arbor, 48107. (734-845-0550) Bus. Agt.: Cal Hazelbaker. MPP,O& VT 472 FLINT/OWOSSOHarold Skinner, II, P.O. Box 90605, Burton, 485099998. (810743-9475) (Fax: 810-743-2826) Bus. Agt.: Guy Courts. T&T 757 DETROITTina Bell, 2565 Armada Drive, Auburn Hills, 48326. Bus. Agt.: Frederick Schefsky. TWU 786 DETROITDiane McDoniel, 27830 Jefferson, St. Clair Shores, 48081. (586-771-3870) (Fax: 586-771-3870) Bus. Agt.: Beverly Llombart. SM 812 DETROITJohn DeMonaco, 20017 Van Dyke, Detroit, 48234. (3133680825) (Fax: 3133681151) Bus. Agt.: Timothy F. Magee. MIDATLANTIC AREASM&BT 487 MIDATLANTIC AREADavid OFerrall, 1414 Key Highway, Suite 201, B a l t i m o r e , M D 2 1 2 3 0 . ( 4 10 6 8 5 4 1 4 1 ) ( Fa x : 4106853939) Bus. Agt.: Rosemarie Levy.

SM 490 STATE OF MINNESOTAWendy J. Carr, 312 Central Avenue SE, #398, Minneapolis, 55414. (6126270490) (Fax: 6126279734) Bus. Agt.: William Devins. M 510 MOOREHEAD, MN/FARGO, NDJames Torok, 702 7th Street, North, Fargo, ND 58102. (701-237-0499) Bus. Agt.: James Torok.

SM 478 SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI/STATE OF LOUISIANAChandra Miller, 432 N. Anthony St., Suite 305, New Orleans, LA 70119. (5044862192) (Fax: 5044839961) Bus. Agt.: Mike McHugh. SM 492 NORTHERN MISSISSIPPI/STATE OF TENNESSEE-Theresa Morrow, P.O. Box 90174, Nashville, TN 37209. (615-386-3492) (Fax: 615460-7492). Bus. Agt.: Beka Gregory. M 589 JACKSON/VICKSBURG/NATCHEZJill Lucas, 1665 Hwy 51, Madison, 391109097. (6018564374) (Fax: 6018562197) Bus. Agt.: Jill Lucas. M 616 MERIDIANJerry Tucker, Jr., P.O. Box 2903, Meridian, 39302-2903. (601-481-5942). M 674 BILOXI/GULFPORTWilliam A. Collins, 10094 Road 312, Pass Christian, 39571. (228388-8191) Bus. Agt.: David Ashby.

S 017 LOUISVILLE/FRANKFORT/DANVILLEJames Tomes, 119 W. Breckenridge Street, Louisville, 40203. (5025877936) (Fax: 5025873422) Bus. Agt.: James R. Madison. O 163 LOUISVILLE, KY/CLARKSVILLE, INKent L. Green, 125 West Carter Avenue, Clarksville, IN 47129. (812282-2716) Bus. Agt.: Larry W. Hopewell, 4703 Wolford Drive, Floyd Knobs, IN 47119. (812-923-1295). M 346 LEXINGTONMerrill Richardson, P.O. Box 5, Lexington, 40588. (8592211921) Bus. Agt.: Donald A. Burton. M 3 6 9 A S H L A N D, K Y/H U NTI N GTO N, WV/IRONTON, OHJudy M Chapman, P.O. Box 192, Huntington, WV, 25707. Bus. Agt.: Chestle St. Clair. TWU 897 LOUISVILLELisa Green, 5204 Saint Gabriel Court, Louisville, 40291. (502-491-1071) (Fax: 502-491-1071) Bus. Agt.: Rita Gagliardi.

S 011 BOSTON/WALTHAMRichard T. McLaughlin, 90 Tyler St., 1st floor, Boston, 02111. (6174265595) (Fax: 6174266252) Bus. Agt.: Richard T. McLaughlin. S 053 SPRINGFIELD/PITTSFIELDValentino Larese, P.O. Box 234, Springfield, 01101. (4137391145) (Fax: 413739-1145) Bus. Agt.: Kenneth Mattoon, Jr. M 083 NORTH ADAMSDavid Blair, 172 Notch Road, North Adams, 012473614. (4136644669) Bus. Agt.: David Blair. M 096 WORCESTERMark Apholt, P.O. Box 582, Worcester, 01613. (508-929-0378) (Fax: 5089290385) Bus. Agts.: (Stage) Donald R. Apholt, Jr., P.O. Box 212, Oakham, 01068. (5088823339); (Proj.) Thomas McGauley, 53 Townsend St., Worcester, 01609. (508-756-8417). O 182 BOSTON/LYNN/SALEM/WALTHAM/ BROCKTONStephen Livernash, P.O. Box 390234, Cambridge, 02139 (6174261540) Bus. Agt.: Ken Eisenberg. O 186 SPRINGFIELD/HOLYOKE/PITTSFIELD Geraldine Hanley, 194 Kendall Street, Ludlow, 01056. (413583-5170) Bus. Agt.: Kenneth A. Hanley. M 195 LOWELL, MA./NEW HAMPSHIRESandra Galley, P.O. Box 514, Mt. Vernon, NH 03057 (603-672-8307). Bus. Agt.: Joyce Cardoza (603-654-4097) (Fax: 603-6544098). M 232 NORTHAMPTON/AMHERSTPaul Yager, P.O. Box 96, Deerfield. 01342. (413-687-3679) Bus. Agt.: Ted Hodgen. SM 481 NEW ENGLAND AREAJames McDonald, 100 Tower Office Park, Suite 218, Woburn, MA 01801. (781-3760074) (Fax: 781-376-0078) Bus. Agt.: Chris ODonnell. T&T 753 BOSTONDiane M. Blaskovich, 8 Admirals Lane, Salem, 01970. (617-407-9222) (Fax: 978-744-7976) Bus. Agt.: Stephen Colburn (617-894-1020). TWU 775 BOSTONCarol F. Colantuoni, 9 Randolph Road, Stoneham, 02180. (781-438-6338)(Fax: 781-438-6338) Bus. Agt.: Carol F. Colantuoni. M 792 PLYMOUTH/CAPE CODRobert Woodward Jr, 18 West Pond Road, Plymouth, 02360. (5087470248) Bus. Agt.: Maureen Crockett, Box 180 Newton Jct., New Hampshire, VT 03859. (6033827348).

S 006 ST. LOUISNorma L. West, 1611 S. Broadway, Suite 110, St. Louis, 63104. (3146215077) (Fax: 3146215709) Bus. Agt.: John T. Beckman, Jr. S 031 KANSAS CITY/ST. JOSEPH, MO/KANSAS CITY/TOPEKA/LAWRENCE/EMPORIA, KSDan Pfitzner, 1613 Summit, Kansas City, 64108. (8168425167) (Fax: 8168429481) Bus. Agt.: Gary L. Thomas. MPP,AVE&CT 143 ST. LOUISMiron Vulakh, 6978 Chippewa, Suite 1, St. Louis, 63109. (314351-5600)(Fax: 314-351-5600) Bus. Agt.: William Watkins. M 421 CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO/HERRIN/ CENTRALIA, ILSteven Dyer, P.O. Box 47, Metropolis, 62960. (6185245990) Bus. Agt.: Michael Schmidt (618-967-2394). SM 493 ST. LOUISCat Cacciatore, P.O. Box 410151, St. Louis, 63141. (314-614-0591) (Fax: 314-469-4931) Bus. Agt.: Gary Hansen. T&T 774 ST. LOUISMary Althage, 1032 Fairmount, St. Louis, 63139. Bus. Agt.: Angie Walsh, (314647-9424). TWU 805 ST. LOUISKim Stone, 3937 Walsh Street, St. Louis, 63116. (314351-7184) (Fax: 314-351-7184). Bus. Agt.: Karen Stone, 2433 Romaine Creek, Fenton, MO 63026 (636-282-2350) (Fax: 636-282-2293). TWU 810 KANSAS CITYLyn Ane Goodman, 5420 Juniper, Roeland Park, KS 66205. (816-225-6131) Bus. Agt.: Desiree Baird-Storey (913-362-0347).

S 039 NEW ORLEANSDarrell Eik, P.O. Box 19289, New Orleans, 70179. (504872-2165) (Fax: 504309-8198) Bus. Agt.: Alan Arthur. M 260 LAKE CHARLES/ALEXANDRIA/ PINEVILLE/FORT POLKGeorge J. Hollier, 3702 Lakeview Drive, Lake Charles, 70605. (337598-3455) (Fax: 337-5983455). Bus. Agt.: Todd J. Johnson. S 298 SHREVEPORTRobbie Mayberry, 715 McNeil Street, Shreveport, 71101. (318-227-2914). Bus. Agt.: William Gaston. SM 478 STATE OF LOUISIANA/SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPIChandra Miller, 432 N. Anthony St., Suite 305, New Orleans, LA 70119. (504486-2192) (Fax: 504-4839961) Bus. Agt.: Michael McHugh. M 540 BATON ROUGEPatrick A. Acampora, 1852 Hobbiton Rd., Baton Rouge, 70810. (225-275-1891) (Fax: 225578-4135) Bus. Agt.: H. Hayes Taylor, 16632 Mockingbird Lane, Baton Rouge, 70819. M 668 MONROEDan Saterfield, 1427 Cedar Street, West Monroe, 71291. (318355-0522). Bus. Agt.: Ross Slacks. TWU 840 NEW ORLEANSBelinda Monistere, 11186 Tuttle Road, Hammond, 70403. Bus. Agt.: Bonnie Haase (225294-3024) (Fax: 225-294-3024).

S 042 SIOUX CITY, IA/OMAHA/FREMONT, NECassie Moore, P.O. Box 351, Omaha, NE 68101. (402-9341542) (Fax: 402-504-3571). Bus. Agt.: Bob Lane S 067 DES MOINES/AMES/WAUKEE/MASON CITYMaryJo Williams, 897 85 Place, Pleasantville, 50225. (641-842-4703) (Fax: 515-457-8235) Bus. Agt.: Ryan Anderson. S 085 DAVENPORT, IA/ROCK ISLAND/MOLINE, ILBrad Frazee, P.O. Box 227, Davenport, IA 52805. (563579-3526) (Fax: 563-323-3339) Bus. Agt.: Joseph Goodall. M 690 IOWA CITY/CEDAR RAPIDS/WATERLOO/ DUBUQUEThomas E. Poggenpohl, P.O. Box 42, Iowa City, 522440042. (319-331-7136) (Fax: 319-643-3446) Bus. Agt.: David Caplan. TWU 831 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA/OMAHA, NEAlice George Holmes, 22108 Trailridge Blvd., Omaha, NE 68022 (402553-5542) Bus. Agt.: Betty Haffner.

S 013 MINNE APOLIS/ST. CLOUD/LITTLE FALLS/BRAINERD/ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITY/ COLLEGE OF ST. BENEDICT/ ST. PAULRoyce Jackson, 312 Central Ave. S.E. Rm 398, Minneapolis, 55414. (6123797564) (Fax: 6123791402) Bus. Agt.: Dirk Ostertag. S 032 DULUTHJames Rigstad, 2011 Garfield Avenue, Superior, WI 54880 2310. (715-392-5805) (Fax: 7153928922) Bus. Agt.: Pat Morrissey, 5219 N. Shore Dr., Duluth, 55804. (218-525-0519). MPP,O&VT 219 MINNEAPOLIS/ST. PAUL/ST. CLOUD/LITTLE FALLS/BRAINERD/ST. JOHN'S UNIVERSITYDavin C. Anderson, 6066 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 1161, Minneapolis, 55430-2316. (612706-1450) Bus. Agt.: Davin C. Anderson. M 4 1 6 R O C H E S T E R / A U S T I N /M A N K ATO / WINONAEdward D. Searles, P.O. Box 9095, Rochester, 559039095. (5072885197) Bus. Agt.: Paul Sund (507753-3262).

M 240 BILLINGSDeborah Richard, P.O. Box 545, Billings, 59103. (406-962-3493). Bus. Agt.: Dave Bakker (406-855-1664). M 339 MISSOULA/K ALISPELL/BUTTE/ ANACONDA/GREAT FALLS/HELENAMichael Kronovich, 2022 Smelter Avenue, Black Eagle, 59414. (406452-0307) Bus. Agt.: Neil Sheldon.

S 114 P O RTL A N D/LE W I STO N/A U G U STA/ BANGORDoug Born, P.O. Box 993, Portland, 04104 (207657-7100). Bus. Agt.: Dave Herrman. TBSE 926 AUBURN Sarah Quaintance, 99 Danville Corner Rd, Auburn, 04210 (207-782-1800). Bus. Agt.: Sharon Deveau-Handy.


S 042 OMAHA/FREMONT, NE/SIOUX CITY, IACassie Moore, P.O. Box 351, Omaha, NE 68101. (402-9341542) (Fax: 402-504-3584). Bus. Agt.: Bob Lane.


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


M 151 LINCOLNEugene Trausch, P.O. Box 30201, Lincoln, 68503-0201. Bus. Agt.: Tony Polanka (402465-5045). O 343 OMAHALynn D. Rogers, P.O. Box 31653, Saddle Creek Station, Omaha, 68132. Bus. Agt.: Jeffrey K. Jenkins (402676-9166). TWU 831 OMAHA, NE/COUNCIL BLUFFS, IAAlice George Holmes, 22108 Trailridge Blvd., Omaha, NE 68022 (402553-5542) Bus. Agt.: Betty Haffner.

M 363 RENO/LAKE TAHOECharlotte Picerno, 30 Mary St., #14, Reno, 89509. (7757862286) (Fax: 7757867150) Bus. Agt.: Craig Marshall. M 720 LAS VEGASRonald Poveromo, 3000 S. Valley View Boulevard, Las Vegas, 89102. (7028733450) (Fax: 7028734703). Bus. Agt.: John Hanson.

M 632 NORTHEAST NEW JERSEYJudy Feltus, 36 Bergen Street, Hackensack, 07601. (201457-1632) (Fax: 201457-3362) Bus. Agts.: (Stage) Joe Villani; (Proj.) Miguel Rodriguez. T W U 79 9 CA M D E N, NJ/P H I L A D E LP H I A, PABeverly S. Nolan, 200 Plymouth Place, Merchantville, NJ 08109. (856-662-8242) (Fax: 215-643-6705) Bus. Agt.: Elisa Murphy (215-643-1282). CHE 917 ATLANTIC CITYDaniel Bauer, 4119 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, 08401. (6093450550) (Fax: 6093454554) Bus. Agt.: Marc Zarych.

M 153 LAS CRUCES, NM/EL PASO, TX-Ignacio Flores, 3349 Dungarvan Drive, El Paso, 79925. (9155948250) (Fax: 915-771-8137) Bus. Agt.: Robert Sandoval. M 423 ALBUQUERQUE/ROSWELL/SANTA FEMichael Kitts, P.O. Box 81376, Albuquerque, 87198. (505-8836055) (Fax: 505-255-1970) Bus. Agt.: Brian Shaffer. SM 480 STATE OF NEW MEXICOLaurie Hudson, 1418 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe, 87505. (505986-9512) (Fax: 505986-9513) Bus. Agt.: Jon Hendry. TWU 869 ALBUQUERQUEDarlene Jones, 369 Playful Meadows, Rio Rancho, 87144 (505-892-4735) Bus. Agt.: Ann Schreiber (505-247-8474).


SM 481 NEW ENGLAND AREAJames McDonald, 100 Tower Office Park, Suite 218, Woburn, MA 01801. (781-3760074) (Fax: 781-376-0078) Bus. Agt.: Chris ODonnell.

M 195 LOWELL, MA./NEW HAMPSHIRESandra Galley, P.O. Box 514, Mt. Vernon, NH 03057 (603-672-8307). Bus. Agt.: Joyce Cardoza (603-654-4097) (Fax: 603-654-4098). SM 481 NEW ENGLAND AREAJames McDonald, 100 Tower Office Park, Suite 218, Woburn, MA 01801. (781-3760074) (Fax: 781-376-0078) Bus. Agt.: Chris ODonnell. S 919 HANOVER/LEBANON, NH/BURLINGTON, VTLeslie Day, P.O. Box 951, Burlington, 05402-0951 (802865-0570). Bus. Agt.: Ron Finch.

S 001 NEW YORK/WESTCHESTER-PUTNAM COUNTIESRobert Score, 320 W. 46th Street, New York, 10036. (2123332500) (Fax: 2125862437) Bus. Agts.: (Theatre) Kevin McGarty and Michael Wekselblatt; (TV) Robert C. Nimmo and Edward J. McMahon, III. S 004 BROOKLYN and QUEENSTerence K. Ryan, 2917 Glenwood Road, Brooklyn, 11210. (7182528777) (Fax: 7184215605) Bus. Agt.: Lewis Resnick. S 009 SYRACUSE/ROME/ONEIDA/UTICAPenny Gilbert, P.O. Box 617, Syracuse, 132010617. Bus. Agt.: Robert R. Merola (315469-0057). S 010 BUFFALOCharles Gill, 82 Southcrest Avenue, Cheektowaga, NY 14225 (716-634-5529) (Fax: 716-6345529). Bus. Agt.: Gary Syracuse, Jr., 266 Sterling Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14216 (716-822-2770). S 014 ALBANY/SCHENECTADY/AMSTERDAMGail E. Farley, P.O. Box 11074, Albany, 12211. (5184271580) (Fax: 5184776677) Bus. Agt.: James Anziano. S 025 ROCHESTERMichael J. Ventrella, 140 Metro Park, Suite 4, Rochester, 14623. (585427-8974) Bus. Agt.: Thomas F. Mason. M 029 TROYRichard M. Regnier, Sr., Rd#5363 Currybush Road, Schenectady, 12306. (5183779080) (Fax: 518-372-3176) Bus. Agt.: Richard M. Regnier, Sr. SM 052 STATES OF NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY/CONNECTICUT/NORTHERN DE. /GREATER PA.William McGavin, 326 W. 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. (2123990980) (Fax: 2123151073) Bus Mgr.: John Ford; Bus. Reps.: John Fundus and William Lowry, Jr. S 054 BINGHAMTONMark A. Hoskins, 9 Lindbergh Street, Johnson City, 13790. (607729-5057) (Fax: 607-7296869) Bus. Agt.: William Carroll, P.O. Box 271, Binghamton, 13905. (607-427-6336). TBSE 100 NEW YORK-Rich Rahner, c/o 1430 Broadway, 20th floor, New York, NY 10018 (212-730-1770) (Fax: 212730-7809) Bus. Agt.: Greg Calvin.

S 0 0 8 C A M D E N / M E R C E R C O U N T Y, NJ/PHILADELPHIA, PAAndrew Nolan, 2237 Hartranft Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145. (215952-2106) (Fax: 215952-2109) Bus. Agt.: Michael Barnes. S 021 NEWARKJacky Riotto, 2933 Vauxhall Rd., Millburn Mall, Vauxhall, 07088. (973-379-9265) (Fax: 9089640243) Bus. Agt.: Stanley Gutowski. SM 052 STATES OF NEW JERSEY/ NEW YORK/CONNECTICUT/NORTHERN DE. /GREATER PA.William McGavin, 326 W. 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. (2123990980) (Fax: 2123151073) Bus Mgr.: John Ford; Bus. Reps.: John Fundus and William Lowry, Jr. S 059 JERSEY CITYWarren Gonzales, P.O. Box 3122, Secaucus, 07096. (973-572-2226) (Fax: 201-330-7998). Bus Agt.: Warren Gonzales. M 077 ATLANTIC CITY/VINELANDThomas M. Bambrick, Jr., P.O. Box 228, Linwood, 08221. (609317-0958) (Fax: 6099099591) Bus. Agt.: Eric Berry. SS,PC,CC&PA 161 NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY/CONNECTICUTBeverly Billin, 630 9th Avenue, #1103, New York, NY 10036. (212977-9655) (Fax: 2129779609) Bus. Agt.: Lynne Twentyman. M 534 MIDDLESEX/MERCER/UNION COUNTIES/OCEAN COUNTY/ASBURY PARK/LONG BRANCH-Richard Rettino, P.O. Box 722, New Brunswick, 08903. (732565-9200) (Fax: 732565-0534) Bus. Agts.: Craig Werner (732-539-4560); (Proj.) Jay Lynn (732-616-6337). M 536 RED BANK/FREEHOLDEdward Baklarz, 231 Atlantic St., #70, Keyport, 07735. (732-264-5678) Bus. Agt.: Charles Cox.

M 121 NIAGARA FALLS/BUFFALOJohn Scardino Jr., 47 Coburg Street, Buffalo, 14216. (7168346372) (Fax: 716836-3084) Bus. Agt.: John Scardino, Jr. SS,PC,CC&PA 161 NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY/CONNECTICUTBeverly Billin, 630 9th Avenue, #1103, New York, NY 10036. (212977-9655) (Fax: 2129779609) Bus. Agt.: Lynne Twentyman, 140 West 86th Street, #12B, New York, NY 10024. O 253 ROCHESTERJames Reilly, P.O. Box 10422, Rochester, 14 610-0422. (716 3 52 5174) (Fax: 7162357262) Bus. Agt.: John Cooley, 295 Buckman Road, Rochester, 14626. (7166214192) M 266 JAMESTOWN/CHAUTAUQUA, NY/WARREN COUNTY, PAEric Bolling, 80 McDaniel Avenue, Jamestown, NY 14701. (716664-9448) Bus. Agt.: Gordon R. Pugh (7167616944). M 289 ELMIRA/HORNELL/WATKINS/ITHACA/ CORNING/CORTLAND/BINGHAMTONFlorence Lovell, P.O. Box 1147, Elmira, 14902. (6077331290) Bus. Agt.: David Bailey, 713 Riverside Ave., Elmira, 14904. (607733-7159). MPP,O,VT, & AC 306 NEW YORKHugo F. Capra, 545 West 45th St., 2nd flr., New York, 10036. (212956-1306) (Fax: 212956-9306) Bus. Agts.: (Proj.) Barry Garfman; (Stage) Miriam Pollock. M 311 MIDDLETOWN/NEWBURGH/KINGSTON Franklin DenDanto, P.O. Box 192, Washingtonville, 10992. (845374-3313) (Fax: 845-692-0020) Bus. Agt.: Michael R. Brennan, 6 Virginia Street, Middletown, NY 10941 (845-692-4358). O 324 ALBANYStanley Blakeman, P.O. Box 71, Knox, 12107 (518-872-2378). Bus. Agt.: John K. Hill (5183992085). S 340 NASSAU/SUFFOLK COUNTIES OF LONG ISLANDRobert Sullivan, P.O. Box 160, Jericho, 11753. (516781-0594) (Fax: 516-781-0594) Bus. Agt.: Brian J. Frankel. M 353 PORT JERVIS/SULLIVAN COUNTYJohn B. Senter, III, P.O. Box 1432, Monticello, 12701. (2126775711) Bus. Agt.: John B. Senter, III. M 499 POUGHKEEPSIEMichael Finamore, P.O. Box 499, Narrowsburg, 12764. (914-489-2439)(Fax: 208-441-6915) Bus. Agt.: Sandi Bohle, 180 Downs Street, Kingston, NY 12401 (914-489-2439). M 524 GLENS FALLS/SARATOGABob Medve, 12 Sunset Drive, Queensbury, 12804. (518745-5954) (Fax: 518745-5954) Bus. Agt.: Edward Smith (518-623-4427) (Fax: 518-623-4427). M 592 SARATOGA SPRINGSJames Farnan, 47 County Route 76, Stillwater, 12170. (5185879160). Bus. Agt.: Paul C. Koval, 196 County Road 67, Stillwater, 12170. ICG 600 INTERNATIONAL CINEMATOGRAPHERS GUILD(See also California, Florida and Illinois) Alan Gitlin; National Executive Director, Bruce Doering; Eastern Region Director, Chaim Kantor, 80 Eighth Ave., 14th Fl., New York, NY 10011. (2126477300) (Fax: 2126477317). MPP, O&VT 640 NASSAU/SUFFOLK COUNTIES OF LONG ISLANDRobert Sweeney, 600 Johnson Avenue, Suite C-5, Bohemia, 11716. (631750-6588) (Fax: 6317506589) Bus. Agt.: Robert B. Gottschalk, Jr. M 645 ROCKLAND COUNTYRonald Jacobsen, 12 Kim Marie Place, Newburgh, 12550. (845-568-0786) Bus. Agt.: Glenn Stroud. MPEG 700 MOTION PICTURE EDITORS GUILD (see also California)-Diane Adler; Exec. Dir.:Ron Kutak, 7715 Sunset Blvd., #200, Los Angeles, CA 90046. (323-8764770) (Fax: 323-876-0861) Asst. Exec. Dir.: Paul Moore, 145 Hudson Street, Suite 201, New York, NY 10013. (212-3020700) (Fax: 212-302-1091).

LF/VT 702 NEW YORKWilliam Andrews, 542 Eastbrook Road, Ridgewood, NJ 07450. (2128695540) (Fax: 2123021091) Bus. Agt.: Joseph Truglio(2014470753). M 749 MALONEMichael S. Brashaw, 601 Ford Street, Ogdensburg, 13669. (3153932873) (Fax: 315393-2880) Bus. Agt.: Samuel Rapin. T&T 751 NEW YORKLawrence Paone, 1430 Broadway, 8th floor, New York, 10018. (2123027300) (Fax: 2129448687) Bus. Rep.: Lawrence Paone. TWU 764 NEW YORK AND VICINITYJenna Krempel, 545 West 45th Street, 2nd flr., New York, 10036. (2129573500) (Fax: 212957-3232) Bus. Agts.: (Legit) Francis Gallagher; (Film) James P. Hurley. TWU 783 BUFFALOPatricia J. Marchewka, 124 Brentwood Drive, So. Cheektowaga, 142273271. (716-812-0783) Bus. Agt.: Mary Jo Witherell, 27 Warburton Pl., Buffalo 14223. T&T 788 ROCHESTERFloyd R. Schilstra, 1142 Bay Road, Webster, 14580 (585-787-2934). Bus. Agt.: Jack E. Klingenberger. TBSE 794 NEW YORKDavid Hodges, P.O. Box 154, Lenox Hill Station, New York, 10021. (646-596-3539) (Fax: 212-7348138) Bus. Agt.: Timothy Daughtry. MAHS 798 NEW YORKJoseph Cuervo, 152 West 24th Street, New York, 10011. (2126270660) (Fax: 2126270664). Bus. Agt.: Martin Schulman. ADG&STGA 800 NORTHEAST OFFICE (See also California, Illinois and North Carolina)-Stephen Hendrickson, 280 Riverside Drive, #14A, NewYork, NY 10025. (646-285-2699). TBSE 821 ELMIRANorman Stull, 101 E. Water Street, Elmira, 14901 (607-733-5518) Bus. Agt.: Jon Shaban. EE/BPBD 829 NEW YORKJohn V. McNamee Jr, 386 Park Avenue South, 13th floor, New York, 10016. (2126791164) (Fax: 212679-1421). M 842 ONEONTA/COOPERSTOWN/SIDNEY/ DELHI/COBLESKILL/WALTONFrancis OBrien, 1504 Burnt Hill Road, West Fulton, 12194. (518-827-8428). Bus. Agt.: William Pierce. TWU 858 ROCHESTERKathleen Olson, 21 Wimbledon Rd., Rochester, 14617. (585338-7915). Bus. Agt.: Anne Bowes. ATPAM 18032 NEW YORKGordon G. Forbes, 62 West 45th Street, Suite 901, New York, 10036. (2127193666) (Fax: 2123021585). Bus. Agt.: Gordon Forbes. USA 829 NEW YORK REGIONAL OFFICE-Carl Baldasso, 29 West 38th Street, 15th flr., New York, NY 10018. (212-5810300) (Fax: 212-977-2011) Bus. Agt.: Michael McBride.

M 6 3 5 W I N S TO N S A L E M / L E X I N G TO N / THOMASVILLEBland Wade, P.O. Box 15338, WinstonSalem, 271130338. (336-399-7382) (Fax: 336-7701448) Bus. Agt.: Patrick O. Kelly. ADG&STGA 800 SOUTHEAST OFFICE (See also California, Illinois and New York)-John D. Kretschmer, 605 Fitzgerald Dr., Wilmington, NC 28405. (910443-3838).

TWU 883 CLEVELANDDiane Burke, 4689 Georgette Ave., N. Olmsted, 44070. (440734-4883) (Fax: 4407343588) Bus. Agt.: Diane Burke. TWU 886 DAYTONSharleen Rafferty, P.O. Box 124, Dayton, 45401-0124. (937277-7499). Bus. Agt.: Cynthia Closser.

S 112 OKLAHOMA CITYScott Hartzog, P.O. Box 112, Oklahoma City, 73101-0112. (4052324793) (Fax: 405-2312778) Bus. Agt.: Rick Carpenter. S 354 TULSA/PONCA CITYKerry Grisham, P.O. Box 354, Tulsa, 74101. (9184967722) (Fax: 9184967725) Bus. Agt.: Steve Brown. M 387 LAWTON/OKLAHOMA CITYHomer L. Hawkins, 4226 SE Ford Road, Lawton, 73501. (5803551599) Bus. Agt.: Barry Leday. TWU 904 TULSABarbara Cosper, P.O. Box 563, Tulsa, 74101. (918-369-9041) (Fax: 9183699041) Bus. Agt.: Marcia Holland (9183693687).

M 510 FARGO, ND/MOOREHEAD, MNJames Torok, 702 7th Street, North, Fargo, ND 58102. (701-237-0499) Bus. Agt.: James Torok.

S 005 CINCINNATI/HAMILTON/FAIRFIELD/ SPRINGDALE/OXFORDKevin G. Eviston, 35 E. 7th Street, Suite 501, Cincinnati, 45202. (5137211302) (Fax: 5137210023) Bus. Agt.: Thomas Guidugli. S 012 COLUMBUS/NEWARK/MARYSVILLE/ DELAWAREJoe McCutcheon, 566 E. Rich Street, Columbus, 43215. (6142213753) (Fax: 6142210078) Bus. Agt.: Richard Shack, 2581 East Fifth Avenue, Columbus, OH 43219. S 024 TOLEDO/LIMA/MARION/BOWLING GREEN/ TIFFIN/FINDLAYManny Littin, 435 S. Hawley Street, Toledo, 43609. (419244-6320) (Fax: 419-244-6325). Bus. Agt.: Robert Revells. S 027 CLEVELAND/ASHTABULA/LORAIN/ELYRIA/ SANDUSKY/ERIE COUNTYMichael Lehane, 1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 721, Cleveland, 44115-1902 (2166219537) (Fax: 2166213518) Bus. Agt.: Dale W. Short. S 048 AKRON/CANTON/MASSILLON/ALLIANCE/ MANSFIELD-Helen Louie, 678 North Main Street, Akron, 44310. (330374-0480) Bus. Agt.: Helen Louie. M 064 STEUBENVILLE, OH/WHEELING, WVTony Assaro, P.O. Box 292, Wheeling, WV 260030041. Bus. Agt.: Frank Scarnechia (304639-2516) (Fax: 304-242-6134). S 066 DAYTON/SPRINGFIELD/DARKE/MIAMI AND CHAMPAIGN COUNTIESKeith J. Thomas, P.O. Box 75, Dayton, 45401. (937279-3129) (Fax: 937279-6185) Bus. Agt.: Kennith G. Rice. S 101 NILES/WARREN/YOUNGSTOWNLarry Mrus, P.O. Box 362, Youngstown, 44501. (330747-9305)(Fax: 330755-1531) Bus. Agt.: John Osborn. MPP,O&VT 160 CLEVELAND/ASHTABULA/ LORAIN/ELYRIA/SANDUSKY/ERIE COUNTYJohn Galinac, 8358 Munson Road, Suite 104, Mentor, 44060. (440255-3160) (Fax: 440-255-3119) Bus. Agt.: John Galinac. SM 209 STATE OF OHIOJonathan Andrews, 1468 West 9th St., Western Reserve Bldg., Suite 200, Cleveland, 44113. (2166219537) (Fax: 2166213518) Bus. Agt.: Kenneth McCahan. M 3 6 9 I R O NTO N,O H/H U NTI N GTO N, W V/ ASHLAND, KYJudy M Chapman, P.O. Box 192, Huntington, WV 25707. Bus. Agt.: Chestle St. Clair. TWU 747 COLUMBUSSandy Higginbotham, 723 Waybaugh Dr., Gahanna, 43230. Bus. Agt.: C. Wayne Cossin, 1954 Indianola Ave., Columbus, 43201 (614-298-8071). T&T 756 CLEVELANDGlenn Barry, 17157 Rabbit Run Dr., Strongsville, 44136. (440-238-7711) (Fax: 440-238-6963) Bus. Agt.: Erin Patton. TWU 864 CINCINNATIMary Ann Wheeler, 2643 Highland Avenue, Cincinnati, 45219. (5138615300) (Fax: 5138615301) Bus. Agt.: Peter A. Diamond.

M 028 PORTLAND/SALEMPat Chard, 4949 S.E. 26th Ave., Portland, 97202. (5032952828) (Fax: 5032307044) Bus. Agt.: Chris Bateman. SM 488 PACIFIC NORTHWESTNancy Yeo, 4949 S.E. 26th Ave., Portland, OR 97202. (5032329552) (Fax: 5032329552) Bus. Agt.: (Oregon) Charles A. Carlsen; (Washington) Robert Riggs. M 675 EUGENE/CORVALLIS/BENDRuth M. Atcherson, P.O. Box 12217, Eugene, 97401. (5413446306) (Fax: 5413446306) Bus. Agt.: Mike Carpenter. TBR&SE 793 PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Mark Willison, 2800 1st Avenue Ave., Seattle, WA, 98121. (206245-6305). Bus. Agt.: Thomas Simons.

SM 488 PACIFIC NORTHWESTNancy Yeo, 4949 S.E. 26th Ave., Portland, OR 97202. (5032329552) (Fax: 5032329552) Bus. Agt.: (Oregon) Charles A. Carlsen; (Washington) Robert Riggs. TBR&SE 793 PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Mark Willison, 2800 1st Avenue Ave., Seattle, WA, 98121. (206245-6305). Bus. Agt.: Thomas Simons.

M 278 ASHEVILLERoger I. Briant, P.O. Box 2071, Asheville, 28802. (828-667-3220) (Fax: 828-667-2047) Bus. Agt.: Blaque H. Fowler. M 322 CHARLOTTE/GREENVILLERandy Raynard, 4037 E. Independence Blvd., #250, Charlotte, 28205. (7045378329) (Fax: 704367-9436) Bus. Agt.: Bruce T. Grier (7043679435). M 417 DURHAM/CHAPEL HILL/RALEIGHAmy ODonnell, P.O. Box 28152, Raleigh, 27611. (919422-0866) (Fax: 919-477-5833) Bus. Agt.: Rob McIntire. SM 491 STATES OF NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA/SAVANNAH, GAAndrew Oyaas, 1707 Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401. (9103439408) (Fax: 9103439448) Bus. Agt.: Jason Rosin. M 574 GREENSBORO/BURLINGTON/HIGH POINTNeil Welch, Jr., P.O. Box 8575, Greensboro, 27419. (336451-0390) (Fax: 336-638-3625) Bus. Agt.: Bill Daves, 4025 Lamond Drive, WinstonSalem, 27101. (336852-0660).

S 003 PITTSBURGH/NEW CASTLEShawn W. Foyle, P.O. Box 352, Pittsburgh, 15230. (4122814568) (Fax: 4122814571) Bus. Agt.: D. Joseph Hartnett. S 008 PHILADELPHIA, PA/CAMDEN/MERCER COUNTY, NJAndrew Nolan, 2237 Hartranft Street, Philadelphia, 19145. (215952-2106) (Fax: 215952-2109). Bus. Agt.: Michael Barnes. SM 052 STATES OF NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY/CONNECTICUT/NORTHERN DE. /GREATER PA. William McGavin, 326 W. 48th Street, New York, NY 10036. (2123990980) (Fax: 2123151073) Bus Mgr.: John Ford; Bus. Reps.: John Fundus and William Lowry, Jr. S 082 WILKES BARREMichael Marancik, P.O. Box 545, Wilkes-Barre, 18703 (570-824-1665) (Fax: 570-824-6060). Bus. Agt.: Joseph K. Jacobs, Jr. (570824-4260). S 097 READINGDavid Neel, P.O. Box 7511, Reading, 196037511. (610685-9797) (Fax: 610374-7284) Bus. Agt.: Russell Hoffman (610-775-8145).


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


S 098 HARRISBURG/HERSHEY/CARLISLEJoseph Spackman, P.O. Box 266, Hershey, 170330266. (7179914411) Bus. Agt.: Ted Weimer. S 113 ERIESonia Ferrante, P.O. Box 557, Erie, 16512. (814882-7763) Bus. Agt.: Kenneth Marchant. M 152 HAZELTONNicholas St. Mary, P.O. Box 24, Hazleton, 18201. (5704591602) (Fax: 570-453-0887) Bus. Agt.: Nicholas J. St. Mary. S 200 ALLENTOWN/EASTON/STROUDSBURG/ BETHLEHEM-Frank Iafrate, P.O. Box 1723, Bethlehem, 18016. (610-867-0658) (Fax: 610-867-0658) Bus. Agt.: Eric Wills. M 218 POTTSVILLE/MAHANOY CITY/SHENANDOAH/ LANSFORD/SHAMOKINRobert Van Horn, 107 Villag Road, Orwigsburg, 17961. (570366-0629) Bus. Agt.: Robert Spiess, 77 Rose Avenue, Port Carbon, 17965. (5706225720). M 266 WARREN COUNTY, PA/JAMESTOWN/ CHAUTAUQUA, NYEric Bolling, 80 McDaniel Avenue, Jamestown, NY 14701. (716664-9448) Bus. Agt.: Gordon R Pugh (7167616944). M 283 HANOVER/YORK COUNTY/GETTYSBURG/ LANCASTER COUNTYJudi S. Miller, P.O. Box 7531, York, 17404. (7178464314). Bus. Agt.: Charles Reynolds. M 329 SCRANTON/PITTSTONPatricia Martin, 1250 ONeill Highway, Dunmore, 18512. (570947-6638) Bus. Agt.: Gary Lippi (570-282-6460). SM 489 GREATER PITTSBURGH AREACassie Ross Eccles, P.O. Box 100056, Pittsburgh, 15233. (412403-4890) (Fax: 412820-2621) Bus. Agt.: George Jaber. M 591 WAYNESBORO, PA/HAGERSTOWN, MD/FREDERICK, MD/WINCHESTER, VA/ MARTINSBURG, WVMichael E. Clem, 10300 Moxley Road, Damascus, MD 20872. (3017745389). Bus. Agt.: John Nicholes. M 627 SOUTHWEST PENNSYLVANIA (excluding West Alexander)-Patrick Gianella, 321 Fingal Street, Pittsburgh, 15211. (412-431-0264) (Fax: 412-431-0264) Bus. Agt.: Patrick A. Gianella. M 63 6 LE W I STO W N/STATE C O LLE G E/ HUNTINGTON/ALTOONA/WILLIAMSPORT/ JOHNSTOWN//INDIANA/SUNBURY/LEWISBURG/BLOOMS BURG/SELINSGROVE/INDIANAKathryn Lake, P.O. Box 394, State College, 16802 (814883-0769) Bus. Agt.: Fred Park, Jr. T&T 752 PHILADELPHIA-Jerry Kelly, P.O. Box 976, Bala Cynwyd, 19004-0976. (215431-5184) Bus. Agt.: Daniel Ahearn. TWU 787 PITTSBURGHDeborah Termini, 9 Beltzhoover Ave., Pittsburgh, 15210-1009. (724-733-3082) (Fax: 4124717787) Bus. Agt.: Judith A. Cupps. TWU 799 PHILADELPHIA/CAMDEN, NJBeverly S. Nolan, 200 Plymouth Place, Merchantville, NJ 08109. (856-662-8242) (Fax: 215-643-6705) Bus. Agt.: Elisa Murphy (215-643-1282) TBSE 804 PHILADELPHIAThomas Baginski, 6242 Wissahickon Avenue, Philadelphia, 19144. Bus. Agt.: Michael Reehm. TBSE 820 PITTSBURGHJames Bruwelheide, P.O. Box 110035, Pittsburgh, 15232. (412607-3120) Bus. Agt.: Marji Murphy. T&T 862 PITTSBURGHNancy Regan, 655 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, 15222. (412-456-7026) Bus. Agt.: Luke Doyle. TBSE 902 JOHNSTOWN/ALTOONABob Hess, 49 Old Hickory Lane, Johnstown, 15905. (8142557600) Bus. Agt.: Joe McGinty.

M 023 STATE OF RHODE ISLANDJohn Brennan, 58 Sampson Avenue, N. Providence, 02911. (401231-6414) Bus. Agt.: Patrick Ryan, 6 Driftwood Drive, Barrington, RI 02806. SM 481 NEW ENGLAND AREAJames McDonald, 100 Tower Office Park, Suite 218, Woburn, MA 01801. (781-3760074) (Fax: 781-376-0078) Bus. Agt.: Chris ODonnell. TW, MA&HS 830 STATE OF RHODE ISLANDDeborah Voccio, P.O. Box 8, Coventry, 02816. (401527-5009) (Fax: 401615-2195) Bus. Agt.: Frances Howe, 85 Pine Hill Road, North Scitvate, 02857. (401-647-9333).

S 051 HOUSTON/GALVESTONScott Firth, 3030 North Freeway, Houston, 77009. (713 697 3999) (Fax: 7136970222) Bus. Agt.: Butch Lange. S 076 SAN ANTONIOCarl Lenhart, 206 San Pedro, #306, San Antonio, 78205 (2102231428) (Fax: 2102256115) Bus. Agt.: Raymond G. Sewell. S 126 FORT WORTH/ARLINGTON/DENTON/ GAINESVILLE/GRAPEVINEJim Brady, P.O. Box 185178, Fort Worth, 76181. (817284-8596) (Fax: 817284-0968) Bus. Agt.: Dale Domm. S 127 DALLAS/GRAND PRAIRIE/MCKINNEYSenita Peck, 4116 Live Oak Street, Dallas, 75204. (2147424741) (Fax: 2147474792) Bus. Agt.: Carl Labry. M 153 EL PASO, TX/LAS CRUCES, NMIgnacio Flores, 3349 Dungarvan Drive, El Paso, 79925. (9155948250) (Fax: 915-771-8137) Bus. Agt.: Robert Sandoval. M 183 BEAUMONT/PORT ARTHUR/ORANGEMarie Pinner, 681 Ridgewood Drive, Pt. Neches, 77651. (4096261880) (Fax: 409-729-0578) Bus. Agt.: Larry Allen. M 205 AUSTINMichelle Lehman, P.O. Box 142, Austin, 78767. (5123711217) (Fax: 512-458-1507) Bus. Agt.: Jon Maloy. O 330 FORT WORTH/DENTON/GAINESVILLE Coleman Bennett, P.O. Box 146, Weatherford, 76086. (817598-1517) Bus. Agt.: Coleman Bennett. M 331 TEMPLE/KILLEEN/BRYAN/WACOGerald Howard, P.O. Box 424, Killeen, 76540. (254-634-8005) (Fax: 254-754-5544). Bus. Agt.: William Sproul. M 378 WICHITA FALLSRichard Lehman, 3188 Rifle Range Road, Iowa Park, 76367. (9405929753) Bus. Agt.: Richard Lehman. SM 484 STATE OF TEXASChris Telschow, 1514 Ed Bluestein Blvd., #106, Austin, 78721. (512-385-3466) (Fax: 512-385-3370) Bus. Agt.: Ken Rector. M 6 04 C O R P U S C H R I STI/H A R LI N G E N/ McALLEN/BROWNSVILLEJesse G. Gonzales, P.O. Box 969, Corpus Christi, 78403. (3618532276) (Fax: 3618537269) Bus. Agt.: Henry Reyes. TBSE 796 STATE OF TEXAS-Terri Parris, P.O. Box 70826, Houston, 77270. (713-417-8949) Bus. Agt.: Larry Allen. TWU 803 DALLAS/FORT WORTHSophia Shelton, P.O. Box 570574, Dallas, 75357 (214-328-7983). Bus. Agts.: (Dallas) Patsy F. Neumann (214-352-8418)(Fax: 214-3528418); (Fort Worth) Kathy Neel Gentry (817-834-4256) (Fax: 817-834-4256). M 865 ODESSA/MIDLAND/LUBBOCKLamont Furlow, 9372 W. University Blvd., Odessa, 79764. (9153812500) (Fax: 9155302223) Bus. Agt.: Lamont Furlow. TWU 896 HOUSTONKathleen Pecha, P.O. Box 130774, Houston, 772190774. (281-686-5548) (Fax: 713928-6731) Bus. Agt.: Glinda Anderson. AMPE 920 DALLAS/FORT WORTH-Paul Thompson, 4841 W. Royal Lane, Irving, 75063. Bus. Agt.: David Dick.

SM 481 NEW ENGLAND AREAJames McDonald, 100 Tower Office Park, Suite 218, Woburn, MA 01801. (781-3760074) (Fax: 781-376-0078) Bus. Agt.: Chris ODonnell. S 919 BURLINGTON, VT/HANOVER/LEBANON, NHLeslie Day, P.O. Box 951, Burlington, VT 05402-0951 (802-865-0570). Bus. Agt.: Ron Finch.

M 055 ROANOKE/SALEM/DANVILLE/LYNCHBURG/ BLACKSBURG/RADFORD/ STAUNTONRussell Prusak, P.O. Box 12424, Roanoke, 24025. (5403625164) (Fax: 540853-5845). Bus. Agt.: James A. Nelson. S 087 RICHMOND/PETERSBURG/ CHARLOTTESVILLE/EMPORIAMark Garmon, P.O. Box 100, Sandston, 231500100. Bus. Agt.: John Fulwider (804746-1601)(Fax: 804-746-1601). M 264 N E W P O RT N E W S/H A M PTO N/ WILLIAMSBURGGregory S. Mitchell, P.O. Box 9124, Hampton, 23670. (7578389045) (Fax: 7578389045) Bus. Agt.: Amia Cannon, 106 Twin Oaks Drive, Hampton, 23666. (7578269191). S 285 NORFOLK/CHESAPEAKE/PORTSMOUTH/ VIRGINIA BEACH-Cheryl Ilardi, 720 Sendero Court, Chesapeake, 23322. (757-237-5058) (757-410-9897). Bus. Agt.: Dale Lee Evans. SM&BT 487 MIDATLANTIC AREADavid OFerrall, 1414 Key Highway, Suite 201, Baltimore, MD 21230. (4106854141) (Fax: 4106853939) Bus. Agt.: Rosemarie Levy. M 591 WINCHESTER, VA/HAGERSTOWN, MD/ F R E D E R I C K , M D / W AY N E S B O R O , PA / MARTINSBURG, WVMichael E. Clem, 10300 Moxley Road, Damascus, MD 20872. (3017745389). Bus. Agt.: John Nicholes. M 699 BRISTOL, VA/JOHNSON CITY/KINGSPORT, TNJoseph Washburn, P.O. Box 431, Milligan College, TN 37682. (423-741-8353) Bus. Agt.: Shelby Gene Coffey.

M 3 6 9 H U NTI N GTO N, W V/A S H L A N D, KY/IRONTON, OHJudy M. Chapman, P.O. Box 192, Huntington, WV 25707. Bus. Agt.: Chestle St. Clair. M 578 NORTH CENTRAL WEST VIRGINIAR.A. Nethken, P.O. Box 293, Morgantown, WV 26507. (304-2967549) Bus. Agt.: Peter McCumber. M 591 WINCHESTER, VA/HAGERSTOWN, MD / F R E D E R I C K , M D / W AY N E S B O R O , PA / MARTINSBURG, WVMichael E. Clem, 10300 Moxley Road, Damascus, MD 20872. (3017745389) Bus. Agt.: John Nichols.

MT Mail Telephone Order Clerks T Theatre Employees - Special Departments TSA Ticket Sales Agents

T B18 SAN FRANCISCOTom Mannion, 965 Mission St., Suite 207, San Francisco, 94103. (4159740860) (Fax: 4159740852) Bus. Agt.: Tom Mannion. T B32 SAN JOSE-SANTA CLARA COUNTY-Carol Jossi, P.O. Box 2832, Santa Clara, 95055. (408-260-7324) Bus. Agt.: Linda Royval. T B66 SACRAMENTOJuanita Ruiz, P.O. Box 19063, Sacramento, 95819. (916-486-4809) (Fax: 916-482-8178) Bus. Agt.: Richard Allen. AAE B192 HOLLYWOODDonna Covert, 10999 Riverside Dr., #301, N. Hollywood, 91602. (818-509-9192) (Fax: 818509-9873) Bus. Agt.: Donna Covert. CALIFORNIA SPECIAL BRANCHMichael Miller, Jr., 10045 Riverside Drive, Toluca Lake, 91602. (818980-3499) (Fax: 818-980-3496).

S 018 MILWAUKEE/WAUKESHAJames Luljak, 230 W. Wells St., Ste. 405, Milwaukee, 53203. (4142723540) (Fax: 4142723592) Bus. Agt.: Peter Misko. M 141 LaCROSSETrygve Zielke, N 2528 Baker Road, La Crosse, 54601. (608787-7667) (Fax: 608-787-0610) Bus. Agt.: William Timm. O 164 MILWAUKEEDonald Hoyt, 3260 North 95th Street, Milwaukee, 53222. (4144499444) (Fax: 414-2599640) Bus. Agt.: Glenn Radtke. M 251 MADISON/COLUMBIA/SAUK COUNTYJustina Vickerman, 418 Farley Avenue, Madison, 53705. (608358-2650) (Fax: 608-238-3492) Bus. Agts.: (Stage) Chris Gauthier; (Oper.) Tim Romano. M 470 OSHKOSH/FOND DU LAC/GREEN BAY/WISCONSIN RAPIDS/ MARSHFIELD/ WAUSAURichard Comfort, P.O. Box 3351, Oshkosh, 54903. (920-688-3272)(Fax: 920-688-1407) Bus. Agt.: Stephen Dedow. TWU 777 MILWAUKEEWilliam Balfanz, 3619 N. 86th Street, Milwaukee, 532222816. (4144626214). Bus. Agt.: Beverly Jaeger, S85 W18384 Jean Ct., Muskego, 53150 (262679-2806) (Fax: 262-679-2806) WYOMING S 229 CHEYENNE/LARAMIE, WY/FORT COLLINS, COBrandon Garcia, P.O. Box 677, Fort Collins, CO 80522. Bus. Agt.: David Denman (970-226-2292) (Fax: 970-4902292). M 426 CASPERRobert H. Wilson, P.O. Box 353, Casper, 826020353. (3072343970) Bus. Agt.: Gary R. Vassos.

M 333 CHARLESTON/MYRTLE BEACHMichael Coffey, P.O. Box 31921, Charleston, 29417-1921. (8437444434) (Fax: 843744-7336) Bus. Agt.: George Aytes. M 347 COLUMBIATrustee: International Representative Scott Haskell, 225 Cherry Tree Lane, Walterboro, 29488. (843538-6641) (Fax: 843-538-4039). SM 491 STATES OF SOUTH AND NORTH CAROLINA/SAVANNAH, GAAndrew Oyaas, 1707 Castle Hayne Road, Wilmington, NC 28401. (9103439408) (Fax: 9103439448) Bus. Agt.: Jason Rosin.

T B173 TORONTO/HAMILTONTrustee: International Representative Christine Greenlaw, 22 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, M4Y 1J9 (416-362-3569) (Fax: 416-362-3483). T B848 GLACE BAY, NSDavid Bailey, 28 Norwood Street, Glace Bay, NS, B1A 3M5. (9028494957) Bus. Agt.: Patricia Pace, 26 Pitt St., Glace Bay, NS, B1A 2B7. T B898 ST. JOHN'S, NLTodd Leawood, P.O. Box 947, Mt. Pearl, NL, A1N 2X3. (709-745-8653) (Fax: 709-745-7374) Bus. Agt.: Todd Leawood. T B906 CHARLOTTETOWN, PELarry Arbing, 145 Richmond St./Conf Ctr Arts, Charlottetown, PE, CIA 1J1. (9026281864) (Fax: 9025664648).

S 220 SIOUX FALLSTerry Bader, P.O. Box 2040, Sioux Falls, 57101. (605-521-9335) Bus. Agt.: Paul J. Wyatt. M 503 MITCHELL/HURONWade R. Strand, 25798 409th Street, Mitchell, 57301. (6059967533) Bus. Agt.: Tony Palli (6059961591). M 731 RAPID CITY/BLACK HILLS AREAKeith Koball, P.O. Box 2358, Rapid City, 57709 (605-545-2516). Bus. Agt.: John Henderson (605-391-1837).

S 046 NASHVILLEDeborah McCarley, 211 Donelson Pike, #202/203, Bldg A, Nashville, 372142932. (6158851058) (Fax: 6158855165) Bus. Agt.: Michael J. Gilbert. S 069 MEMPHISAllen Byassee, 3340 Poplar Avenue, Suite 129, Memphis, 38111. (901-327-4994)(Fax: 901-3278626). Bus. Agt.: Allen Byassee. S 140 CHATTANOOGAR.E. Hobgood, P.O. Box 132, Chattanooga, 37401. (423645-9251) (Fax: 4238767985) Bus. Agt.: Chris Keene. S 1 97 K N O X V I L L E / M A RY V I L L E / A LC O A / GATLINBURGCharles J. Flenniken, P.O. Box 946, Knoxville, 37901. (865-256-6001) (Fax: 865-609-0750) Bus. Agt.: Ronald Carrell. SM 492 STATE OF TENNESSEE/NORTHERN MISSISSIPPI- Theresa Morrow, 4610 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN 37209. (615-386-3492) (Fax: 615460-7492). Bus. Agt.: Robert Hill. M 699 JOHNSON CITY/KINGSPORT, TN/BRISTOL, VAJoseph Washburn, P.O. Box 431, Milligan College, TN 37682. (423-741-8353) Bus. Agt.: Shelby Gene Coffey. TWU 825 MEMPHISDorothy L. Clark, 1472 Kinilwood, Memphis, 38134. (901386-3429) (Fax: 901382-7832) Bus. Agt.: Dorothy Clark. TWU 894 KNOXVILLELeslie Percelly, P.O. Box 14653, Knoxville, 37914. (865-659-9701) (Fax: 865-922-8608) Bus. Agt.: Roland Harkness. TWU 915 NASHVILLEJodie Clark, P.O. Box 383, Hermitage, 37076. Bus. Agt.: Judy Resha (615-851-6055).

S 0 1 5 S E A T T L E / E V E R E T T / O LY M P I A / ANACORTES/MARYSVILLE/TACOMA/ BREMERTON/ BELLINGHAM/MT. VERNON/SEDRO WOOLEY/PORT ANGELES/ BURLINGTON/ CONCRETE/ STANWOOD/LONGVIEWNoel Clayton, 2800 1st Avenue, Room 231, Seattle, 98121. (2064411515) (Fax: 2064485325) Bus. Agts.: (Stage) William Wickline; (Proj.) Brian Whitish. M 093 SPOKANE, WA/WALLACE KELLOGG, IDJill Scott, P.O. Box 1266, Spokane, WA 99210. Bus. Agt.: Jacel Evans. Bus. Rep.: Pat Devereau (509-999-5073) (Fax: 208-623-6496). SM 488 PACIFIC NORTHWESTNancy Yeo, 4949 S.E. 26th Ave., Portland, OR, 97202. (5032329552) (Fax: 5032329552) Bus. Agt.: (Oregon) Charles A. Carlsen (503232-1523); (Washington) Robert Riggs. TBR&SE 793 PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Mark Willison, 2800 1st Avenue Ave., Seattle, WA, 98121. (206245-6305). Bus. Agt.: Thomas Simons. TWU 887 SEATTLERita M. Brown, 2800 1st Avenue, #229, Seattle, 98121. (2064439354) (Fax: 206-448-5325) Bus. Agt.: Delia Mulholland.

T B7 DENVER-Jan Miller, 1475 Curtis St., Denver, 80202. (303-534-2423) (Fax: 303-534-0216). T B30 DENVERJim Curran, P.O. Box 21735, Denver, 802210735.

Local Secretaries and Business Agents of the Special Department Locals

(Unless otherwise specified, street address or post office box number listed is in city shown in bold-face type after local number.) Reference Letters: AAE Amusement Area Employees AE Arena Employees AFE Arena Facility Employees AMTS Admissions, Mutual Ticket Sellers B Back Room, Film Exchange Employees BPTS Ball Park Ticket Sellers F Front Office, Film Exchange Employees

TSA B868 WASHINGTONJune Carter, c/o Cocome, 2500 Virginia Ave., N.W., #308, Washington, 20037. (2024168521) Bus. Agt.: Antonio Bullock.

AFE AE937 TAMPA-Intl Representative-in-Charge: Ben Adams, 1510 N. Fern Creek Avenue, Orlando, 32803 (407-7042788) (Fax: 407-704-2787). Bus. Agt.: Lou Falzarano. AE AE938 JACKSONVILLE-Mac Brown, P.O. Box 47336, Jacksonville, 32247-7336 (904-483-6292) Bus. Agt.: Gerald Albert.

S 0 9 9 STATE O F UTA H/B O I S E/N A M PA/ CALDWELL/TWIN FALL/SUN VALLEY, IDAHOSarah Wood, 526 West 800 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84101. (8013590513) (Fax: 8015326227) Bus. Agt.: Patrick Heltman. EE 838 SALT LAKE CITY, UT/SOUTHERN IDAHOIntl Representative-in-Charge William E. Gearns, 230 West 200 South, Suite 2220, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 (801-3200701) (Fax: 801-320-0715).

M 064 WHEELING, WV/STEUBENVILLE, OHTony Assaro, P.O. Box 292, Wheeling, WV 260030041. Bus. Agt.: Frank Scarnechia (304639-2516) (Fax: 304-242-6134). S 271 CHARLESTONCraig Colhoun, P.O. Box 75323, Charleston, 25375. (304-561-7910) (Fax: 304-357-7556). Bus. Agt.: Brock Comer.


M 494 PUERTO RICO/U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDSCarlos Santos, Chile Street, #259, San Juan, PR 00918 (787-7644672) (Fax: 787-756-6323).Bus. Agt.: Mitzy Ann Ramirez.

T B46 CHICAGO, IL/MILWAUKEE, WI Steve Altman, 230 West Monroe St., Suite 2511, Chicago, 60606. (3124431011) (Fax: 3124431012) Bus. Agt.: Anthony M. Spano.


Official Bulletin

Second Quarter 2008


T B194 INDIANAPOLISStephen P. Blair, P.O. Box 7055, Greenwood, 46142. (317-507-0717) (Fax: 317-888-5252) Bus. Agt.: Stephen Blair.

T B90 ROCHESTERRick Welch, 145 Branchbrook Drive, Henrietta, 14467. (585-370-8236) (Fax: 585-321-3656) Bus. Agt.: Gary Marcus. MT B751 N E W YO R K Trustee: International Representative Daniel Mahoney, 1430 Broadway, 20th floor, New York, 10018. (212-730-1770) (Fax: 212-730-7809). BPTS F72 NEW YORKMichael McCarthy, 2192 McArthur St., East Meadow, 11554 (516-458-5106) (Fax: 516-796-8274). Bus. Agt.: Michael McCarthy. AFE AE936 ALBANY Gary Moses, 51 South Pearl Street, Albany, 12207. (518-487-2267) (Fax: 518-487-2013) Bus. Agt.: Robert Kirkpatrick.

T B60 OKLAHOMA CITYGary Jaques, 4204 S.E. 49th St., Oklahoma City, 73135. (405677-4724) Bus. Agt.: Dillon Anders.

T B4 BOSTONFlorence Lewis, P.O. Box 120277, Lafayette Station, Boston, 02112. (617-328-4128)(Fax: 617-868-8194) Bus. Agt.: Beverly McCormack. AFE B935 WORCESTERMike McKenzie, 24 Toria Heights Road, Oxford, 01540 (508-943-3626). Bus. Agt.: Ivar Carlson (508-248-0845).

T B20 PORTLANDDaniel Lyons, 4949 S.E. 26th Ave., Portland, 97202. (5032301138) (Fax: 503230-7044) Bus. Agt.: Bambi Ooley.

Support the IATSE-PAC

T B29 PHILADELPHIA-Michael Messina, P.O. Box 54508, Philadelphia, PA 19148. (215-510-5949) Bus. Agt.: Damien Luckers.

T B179 DETROITFrances Hemler, 26803 Warner, Warren, 48091. (586-759-0787) (Fax: 586-759-0787). Bus. Agt.: John Nesbitt.

T B27 CLEVELANDJohn Farabaugh, 1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 721, Cleveland, 44115-1902. (2166219537) Bus. Agt.: Toni Burns. T B38 CINCINNATIJay Brewer, 252 Stokesay St., Ludlow, KY 41016. (859291-3393) Bus. Agt.: Jerry Schneider. T B148 AKRON-Gary Sleeman, 543 Button Road, Bedford, 44146. (330-571-1465) Bus. Agt.: Omar Banks. AMTS B754 CINCINNATICara Patton, P.O. Box 593, Amelia, 45102. (937444-3923) (Fax: 937-444-3923) Bus. Agt.: Robert Fields.

T B184 HOUSTON-Gloria Martinez, 3030 North Freeway, Houston, 77009 (713-697-3999) (Fax: 713-697-0222). Bus. Agt.: Denise Fabry (281-358-0702).


To give you a voice in Washington, the IATSE has established the IATSE Political Action

Committee [IATSE-PAC], a federal political action committee designed to support candidates for federal office who promote the interests of the members of IATSE locals and to support a federal legislative and administrative agenda to benefit those members. If your Local is interested in holding a PAC fund raiser or obtaining documented material regarding the IATSE Political Action Committee, please contact, in writing, Deborah Reid at the

T B26 MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL-International Representative-in-Charge: Michael David, 131 Caledonia NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 (616-437-7123).

T B46 CHICAGO, IL/MILWAUKEE, WISteve Altman, 230 West Monroe St., Suite 2511, Chicago, IL 60606. (3124431011) (Fax: 3124431012) Bus. Agt.: Anthony M. Spano.

IA General Office, 1430 Broadway, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10018.

Please complete this form and return it with your contribution to the IATSE General Office. Thank you.

T B2 ST. LOUISPenny Cato, 1611 S. Broadway, Suite 108, St. Louis, 63104 (314-647-6458). Bus. Agt.: Robert Young, 2647 Meadowlane Drive, Granite City, IL 62040. (6187970403).

I want to support the IATSE-PAC and its efforts to make the voices of IATSE members heard in Washington. I enclose my voluntary contribution to the IATSE-PAC of:

_____ $25.00
District No. 1 (Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington & Alaska)-Bill Wickline, 2800 1st Avenue, Room 231, Seattle, Washington 98121. (206-441-1515) (Fax: 206-448-5325). Web Site: District No. 2 (California, Nevada, Arizona & Hawaii)-Missy Humphrey, 10061 Riverside Drive, Suite 825, Toluca Lake, California 91602. (818-645-1089) (Fax: 818-506-1555) Web site:; E-mail: District No. 3 (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island & Connecticut)-James E. Flanders, 90 Tyler Street, 1st floor, Boston, Massachusetts 02111. (617-426-5595) (Fax: 617-426-6252). District No. 4 (Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and District of Columbia)-John Page, 11247 B Lockwood Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland 20901. (301-593-8354) (Fax: 301-681-7141) Email: District No. 5 (Wyoming, Colorado, Utah & New Mexico)-Susan N. Jones, 8159 Ventana Azul Ave., NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87114. (505-897-6836). District No. 6 (Texas, Oklahoma & Arkansas)-Stuart Hale, 4821 Elsby, Dallas, Texas 75209. (214-352-2046) (Fax: 214-747-4792). District No. 7 (Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina. South Carolina, Mississippi & Louisiana)-Scott Haskell, 225 Cherry Tree Lane, Walterboro, South Carolina 29488 (843-538-6641)(Fax: 843-538-4039). District No. 8 (Michigan, Indiana, Ohio & Kentucky)-Robert Bakalar, 5930 E. 1028 N., Demotte, IN 46310 (219-345-3352) (Fax: 219-345-3362). E-mail: District No. 9 (Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska & Kansas)-Thomas Cleary, 20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 1032, Chicago, Illinois, 60606 (312-236-3457)(Fax: 312-236-0701). E-mail: District No. 10 (New York, New Jersey)-John K. Hill, 171 East Side Drive, Ballston Lake, New York, 12019 (518-399-2085)(Fax: 518-384-1817). E-mail: District No. 11 (Ontario, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & Newfoundland)-Cheryl Batulis, 2 Neilor Crescent, Toronto, Ontario, M9C IK4. (416-622-9000) (Fax: 416-622-0900) E-mail: District No. 12 (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta & British Columbia)-Barny Haines, 202-128 James Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3BON8 (204-943-4634) (Fax: 204-943-8394). E-mail: District No. 14 (Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands)-Kimberly Bowles, 5385 Conroy Road, Suite 200, Orlando, Florida, 32811 (407-422-2747) (Fax: 407843-9170) E-mail:

_____ $50.00

_____ $100.00

$_____ (Other)


Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Occupation: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Local No.: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Employer*:___________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
*If you are currently between jobs, but usually work for a variety of entertainment industry employers, you may state Various Entertainment Employers. All contributions to the IATSE-PAC are voluntary, and not tax-deductible. A persons contribution to the IATSE-PAC may not exceed $5,000.00 per year. The contribution amounts listed are suggestions only, and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amount. Federal Law requires the IATSE-PAC to use its best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and the name of the employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200.00 in a calendar year. The amount contributed, or the decision not to contribute, will not be the basis for the IATSE or any of its locals to benefit or disadvantage the member or his/her family. Neither the IATSE nor any of its locals will retaliate against a member for deciding not to contribute, or based upon the amount of the contribution.


Official Bulletin

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