SRS Referee Questionnaire 2011 2012

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The student has named you as a referee in support of an application for a Summer Research Scholarship at ANU. To assist the selection committees in considering the application we would like to have your views on the students suitability for a scholarship. The committees are particularly interested in your opinion of the qualifications, experience, and where appropriate, research ability or promise, of the student. The information is received by the University on a confidential basis and on the clear understanding that the University will do everything in its power to respect and maintain that confidence. The information will be disclosed only to those immediately involved in the selection process. When completed, please forward this questionnaire to the Contact Officer for the school/centre/faculty/college as advised by the student before 31 August 2011. Details as below. Please note that the students application will not be assessed if the referees questionnaire is not received by the University by the application deadline (i.e. 31 August 2011). Your assistance is greatly appreciated.


ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences Ms Lucy Prior: ANU College of Asia and the Pacific Ms Jan Prowse: ANU College of Business and Economics Ms Erin Pugh, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science Mr Jonathan Peters, ANU College of Law Ms Penny Swan, ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment (includes: Fenner School of Environment and Society; Institute of Population Health, Australian Centre for Economic Research on Health; Institute of Population Health, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health; John Curtin School of Medical Research; Research School of Biology; School of Health and Psychological Sciences, Department of Psychology) Ms Steph Neulinger, ANU College of Physical Sciences (includes: Centre for the Public Awareness of Science; Mathematical Sciences Institute; Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics; Research School of Chemistry; Research School of Earth Sciences; Research School of Physics and Engineering) Ms Steph Neulinger, For further information or clarification, please contact:

REFEREE DETAILS Name: Phone: Department/address: Position/title: Email:

STUDENT DETAILS Name of student whose application you are supporting:

At which stage of the students career have you known him/her (first year, honours etc)? In what capacity have you known the student (as lecturer, tutor, supervisor etc)? Please comment on the students academic performance:

Summer Research Scholarships 2011/12 Referees Questionnaire

How would the Summer Research Scholarship be of benefit to this student? Has this student had any experience working in a research environment? If so, in your opinion is this student suited to working in a research environment? Is there any other information you would like to provide?

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