Vol. 8, No. 7 - March 8, 2011: in This Issue

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Weekly E-Newsletter

Vol. 8, No. 7 - March 8, 2011

UK AMSTEMM Program Office, 113 Bowman Hall, Lexington, KY 40506-0059
Phone: 859-257-2613, E-mail: AMSTEMM@uky.edu

If there is anything you would like to see in future editions of the AMSTEMM E-Newsletter,
please e-mail: AMSTEMM@uky.edu.

In this Issue
Note from the AMSTEMM Advisor/Coordinator Research Opportunities & Fellowships Academic Resources

Scholarship Opportunities Important Events & Opportunities

Note from Sue Scheff, AMSTEMM Advisor/Coordinator

Have a great (and safe) Spring Break!!

Email your mentor or mentee before you head home or out of town for the break!!

Fall priority registration begins March 28th. If you have questions about your schedule
for summer or next year, stop by the AMSTEMM Office, 113 Bowman Hall

Scholarship Opportunities
▪ Ribble Undergraduate Research Scholarships: Applications are currently being accepted for Ribble Undergraduate Research Scholarship ad-
ministered by the Biology Department– supports 4-8 students each academic year with awards of $1500 each. Applicants must be Kentucky resi-
dents entering their junior or senior year of study as Biology majors at UK (at least 60 credits earned toward the degree). The award is to encour-
age high achievement in biological research. Criteria: Kentucky resident, biology major, junior or senior status, excellent achievement and promise
in biology, potential for a productive research experience. Applications can be obtained at the Biology Office (101) Morgan Building. Application
deadline is Friday, March 11, 2011. Completed proposals should be turned into Dr. Ruth Beattie, DUS, 101 Morgan Building.

Research Opportunities & Fellowships

▪ Illinois College of Optometry ―Focus on Your Future‖ July 11-15, 2011
The Illinois College of Optometry is pleased to announce our annual summer program for underrepresented minority undergraduate students. The
program is a week-long experience that will expose undergraduate students to the profession of optometry in a variety of settings. Participants will
have the opportunity to meet and work with current optometry students, ICO Faculty & Staff, as well as practicing optometrists. Students will be
housed at no charge in our Residential Complex. There is no cost to participate in this program. Participants are responsible for their travel
expenses and/or transportation cost to and from ICO. For more information, please visit: http://www.ico.edu/admissions/summerprogram/ Program
Application deadline: April 1, 2011. Contact: Teisha Johnson, 312.949.7407, tjohnson@ico.edu.

▪ For NASA-supported internships, fellowships and scholarships: http://intern.nasa.gov/

▪ Undergraduate Research Assistant in Entomology wanted: Gain research experience and earn money in an insect ecology laboratory. Duties
include molecular techniques, behavioral observations, insect colony maintenance and ecological field work. For more information contact Cristina
Brady at c.brady@uky.edu, Jen White at jenawhite@uky.edu or call 859-257-0592.

▪ Summer Research at UMass Medical School: The deadline for applications for the UMass Medical School summer undergraduate research
program is fast approaching. The on-line application needs to meet the deadline of March 14, 2011 with supporting documents arriving shortly
thereafter. Selections for the program will be made on March 21, 2011. Travel, housing and a generous stipend are provided. The program and
application link is www.umassmed.edu/summer.
Research Opportunities & Fellowships
▪ The Ohio State University I-DOC August 1-3, 2011
The Improving Diversity in Optometric Careers program is an intensive three-day program for people from an underrepresented ethnicity interested
in finding out more about an optometric career. The program provides information about optometry through hands-on experiences, and it aims to
increase the number of underrepresented ethnic minority optometrists. Thanks to underwriting by the Vision Service Plan (VSP), there is no cost to
attend the program and includes all meals and activities. There are also several scholarships for airfare and accommodations for out-of-state col-
lege applicants. For more information about the program and information regarding the application process, please visit the I-DOC webpage:
http://optometry.osu.edu/IDOC Application deadline: May 1, 2011. Program Contact: Justin Griest, 614.292.8825, griest.6@osu.edu

▪ Internships and Visiting Students at Smithsonian Institute - Minority Awards Program. Summer internships and visiting student awards are
available to increase participation of U.S. minority groups who are underrepresented in Smithsonian scholarly programs, in the disciplines of re-
search conducted at the Institution, and in the museum field. This program is designed to provide undergraduate and beginning graduate students
the opportunity to learn more about the Smithsonian and their academic fields through direct experience in research or museum-related internship
projects under the supervision of research and professional staff members at the Institution's many museums, research institutes and offices. In-
ternships and Visiting Student appointments are full-time (40 hours per week), for ten weeks during the summer, fall, or spring. Stipends are $500
per week, with additional travel allowances offered in some cases and a small research allowance for Visiting Students. Qualifications: Applicants
should be currently engaged in undergraduate or graduate study, and an overall G.P.A. of 3.0 or its equivalent generally is expected. The relevance
of an internship at the Smithsonian to the student's academic and career goals will be an important part of the evaluation of an applicant. Most suc-
cessful candidates are students of the disciplines in which the Smithsonian conducts research. http://www.si.edu/ofg/Applications/MIP/MIPapp.htm
▪ For Financial Support in Graduate School Opportunities: Bridges, GK-12, IGERT and NSF Grad Research Fellowship programs provide
generous stipend and tuition support for students through the National Science Foundation: http://www.pathwaystoscience.org/Grad.asp

▪ Undergraduate Research Opportunities at the University of Michigan Biomedical Sciences: Summer undergraduate research experiences
offer students the opportunity to participate in exciting projects, mentored by and working side-by-side with some of the brightest minds in science.
For more information and application deadlines: http://www.med.umich.edu/pibs/prospective/rf/summer.htm.

▪ Summer Surgery Experience (SSE) and the Summer Neuroscience Experience (SNE) at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine:
These 10 day intensive programs include lab practica, operating room observations, shadowing with faculty, case studies and presentations for
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Faculty. The SNE and SSE online applications will be available through March 11, 2011 at 5pm EDT.
Students should visit http://www.med.uc.edu/sne/ for more information and application.

▪ Paid Summer 2011 Undergrad Research Placements: Over 400 programs - REU and Other Summer Research Opportunities for Undergrads.

▪ 2011 UK Summer Institutes for 1st and 2nd year students (all majors): Participants in these programs will get the opportunity to experience an
exciting academic program at a highly regarded United Kingdom (UK) University, explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK and develop
their academic ability by improving presentation, research and communication skills. There are three universities available: Fulbright Commission
Newcastle University Summer Institute, Fulbright Commission Roehampton University London Summer and Institute Fulbright Commission Wales
Summer Institute. The Summer Institute will cover the majority of the participant costs. The program is open to all students in all courses of study.
For more information and application forms, http://www.fulbright.co.uk/fulbrigh-awards/for-us-citizens/summer-institutes. The deadline for
application is March 15, 2011.

▪ Science Education Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: The Science Education Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory offer sev-
eral programs for undergraduate students in STEM fields to participate in a summer internship. For a full list of programs, including others for grad
students, faculty, postdocs, and other recent graduates, visit their website at: http://www.orau.org/ornl.

▪ Sensing and Signaling Research Experience for Undergraduates at UT-Knoxville: The Department of Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecu-
lar Biology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is hosting a summer REU with the theme of “Sensing and Signaling.” It is open to current
sophomores and juniors, and priority given to juniors. The program runs from June 6 through July 29, 2011. This comes with a stipend and housing
on campus. DEADLINE: March 30, 2011. For additional information visit: http://web.bio.utk.edu/bcmb/reu/index.shtml.

Important Events & Opportunities

▪ Re-Imagine Appalachia and Win $500: Break the clichés and use your imagination: UK’s Appalachian Center announces a spring photography
contest. Thirty finalists will be put on display at UK and featured in an upcoming calendar. The deadline for submissions is May 2, 2011 with judg-
ing to be completed by June 8. For more information visit http://uknow.uky.edu/content/re-imagine-appalachia-and-win-500.
Important Events & Opportunities
▪ SOCIETY OF THE PROMOTION OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH (SPUR): An active student organization that seeks to provide opportunities
for undergraduates interested in engaging in scholarly work with faculty. We serve as student mentors, host workshops, panel discussions, & the
Showcase of Undergraduate Scholars. SPUR website: http://www.uky.edu/UGResearch/SPUR.html SPUR email: SPUR.UK@gmail.com

▪ SHOWCASE OF SCHOLARS: Registration begins February 14 through April 17, 2011. Showcase is scheduled for April 27, 2011.

▪ MCAT REVIEW TOOLS: Kaplan has provided online tools to help you prepare for the MCAT and they are FREE. Download instructions http://
www.freekaplanebooks.com/ (Nook, iPad, iPhone, Sony eReader) Books http://www.freekaplanebooks.com/free-kaplan-ebooks/

▪ UK Counseling Center: are you confused about your major, experiencing anxiety about upcoming tests, feeling lost and alone here on cam-
pus? Don’t waste another minute..drop in to the UK Counseling Center, 201 Frazee Hall and attend a workshop or talk with a coun-
selor. 859.257.8701

▪ 2011-2012 K-Crew applications are now available-For more information contact Dean of Students Office, 518 Patterson Office Tower, 257-6597 or
e-mail KWeek@lsv.uky.edu. Applications are due by 4:30pm on Friday, March 11, 2011.

▪ New course for SUMMER 2011– A&S Personal Strengths and Your Career Development: a 3 credit hour, 8 week summer course, with a pre-
requisite of sophomore standing or higher (30+ hours). The objective of the course is to analyze personal strengths and values and apply them to
future career goals, in addition to learning and enhancing individual job search strategies (resume and cover letter developm ent, interview prepara-
tion, identifying transferrable skills and researching potential employment options). This course is taught from the Chaos Theory of Career Devel-
opment perspective, and is intended for declared majors of decided students with an intended major.

▪ Pre-Dental Society Information: Mark your calendars for these important meetings:

3/23/2011 - UKCD admissions office will be coming to speak to us (5:30-6:30PM)

3/26/2011 - There is a DAT workshop put on by UKCD after the Saturday morning clinic (which is already full) from 12-3 and a waxing demon-
stration may follow (more details to come)
3/28/2011 - Dr. Wallender, an oral surgery resident @ UK will be coming to speak to us about some special cases he has seen, oral surgery as
a profession, what it's like to be a resident, and anything else you might have questions about (MN363 6-8PM)
4/4/2011 - Dr. Denison, a local general dentist, will be come to talk to us about dentistry as well as dentistry as mission work (MN363 6 -8PM)
4/18/2011 - Dr. Brown, a periodontist will be coming to talk to us about the field. (MN363 6-8PM)
For more information or questions on any of these events, contact Josh Stamper stampa.d@uky.edu
▪ Health Professions Fair 2011 at the University of Cincinnati: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 from 11am-2pm at the Tangeman University Center–
3rd Floor Atrium. Registration includes 6’ table, chair and lunch. Registration fee is $100. For more details and the registration form, visit http://
www.uc.edu/preproadvising. Registration deadline is Tuesday, April 19, 2011.

▪ The General Chemistry Learning Center: Located in CP-25 and open Monday-Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm and Friday 8:00am-3:00pm offers help
with any 100-level general chemistry course. For more information visit www.gclc.info.
Spring 2011 Help Sessions:
CHE 105 Tuesday, March 8 from 5:00pm-5:50pm in CP 139.
CHE 107 Monday, March 7 from 4:00pm-4:50pm in CP 139.
Help with Organic Chemistry is available in King Science Library 310K. Open M-F from 9:00am-4:00pm, it is staffed by organic chemistry lab TAs
but they can also provide help with the lecture courses.

▪ The Oswald Research and Creativity Program is accepting applications. Any current UK undergraduate (full or part-time, enrolled for either se-
mester) who does not already have a four-year degree is eligible for this competition and is invited to submit papers and other projects in the follow-
ing categories: 1. Biological Sciences 2. Design (architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, etc) 3. Fine Arts (film, music, painting, sculp-
ture, videotape, etc) 4. Humanities: Creative 5. Humanities: Critical Research 6. Physical and Engineering Sciences 7. Social Sciences. Awards in
each category are: First Place: $350 Second Place: $200. Registration forms are available in the Office of Undergraduate Research, 115 Bowman
Hall or at http://www.uky.edu/UGResearch/documents/2011%20Oswalk%20Application.docx. Completed registration form and entries (except for
Design and Fine Arts) are due no later than March 10, 2011. For more information about the competition contact Evie Russell,

▪ Application Preparation Extreme (APEX): The University of South Carolina’s Office of Pre-Professional Advising is hosting its annual intensive
five-day program that assists pre-med students as they prepare for their med school application. APEX is a residential program that offers personal
attention to each attendee and a host of activities to help them prepare a compelling application. Cost: $895, includes deluxe accommodations at
the Inn at USC, breakfast and lunch, transportation while attending the camp, activities, workbook and handout. To fill out an application and pay
the $50 deposit, go to http://apex2011.eventbrite.com/.
Important Events & Opportunities
▪ Virtual Career Fair: Meet the CIA online at the Intelligence Community Virtual Career Fair on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 from 2:00-9:00pm. Student
Positions include Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Analysis. To register, visit http://www.ICVirtualFair.com.

▪ Vanderbilt University 5th Annual Health Professions Fair: As of March 7th, 42 different institutions representing 80 programs will be participat-
ing in Vanderbilt’s Annual Health Professions Fair. Students from any school are welcome as are advisors. There are still spots available for pre-
senters. Contact Karen Laws at 615-322-2446 or Karen.a.laws@vanderbilt.edu to register.

▪ Spring Break: Fun and Safety! A speaker from V.I.P will be presenting on how you and your friends can stay safe while having fun over spring
break! This will be followed by a fun and exciting class on self-defense led by Sgt. James Haubenreich. Tuesday, March 8, 2011. 6:00pm in the
CSI Room (106 Student Center).

Academic Resources
▪ UK Academic Enhancement Center: 3rd Floor, Complex Commons In addition to “free tutoring” available at “THE STUDY” in the Academic En-
hancement Center, you will also find GRE & GMAT Prep Courses, Academic Consultations, and the “Student Smarter Seminar”. This Seminar is
an intensive, 4 hour, non-credit earning seminar offered in several evening sessions throughout the course of each semester. The total cost of the
seminar is $40.00 and includes a formal learning assessment, 4 hours of instruction, and all course materials, which you may keep and use as a
resource to reference throughout the semester. Course topics include time management, note taking, study skills, critical reading, memory
enhancement, exam preparation, and more. When you register, let them know you are an AMSTEMM student, and you will only need to pay
$20.00! For more information: http://www.uky.edu/UGS/study/seminars.php

▪ FREE Tutoring in Ingles Hall 6:00 - 8:00p.m. every Monday. Advanced math courses, physics, and engineering courses included.

▪ Mathskeller: The center is a computing and mathematics learning center of the Mathematics Department and the Mathematical Sciences Comput-
ing Facility at the University of Kentucky. The center is located in CB 63, which is close to the loading dock in the basement of White Hall Class-
room Building. The Math Resource Center is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Faculty, Graduate Students, and Undergradu-
ate Assistants for 100 level courses hold office hours in the Mathskeller. http://www.mathskeller.com/

▪ The Medical Center undergraduate mentoring program seeks to connect undergraduate students to current students, faculty and alumni in each
of the graduate and professional programs in the Medical Center colleges by holding regularly scheduled sessions where undergraduate students
can hear from and connect to current students. For more information, contact: Christopher L. Johnson, chris.johnson@uky.edu.

▪ UK Counseling Center Drop-in Workshops:

Career Decision-Making: This 45-minute interactive workshop gives you an overview of the career decision-making process and gets you
thinking about your interests, values, and skills. You will leave this workshop with instructions on how to take the Strong Interest Inventory
online. After taking the online inventory, you need to make an appointment with one of the UK Counseling Center counselors to go over the
results. Schedule this early as classes fill up fast!
Test Anxiety: This workshop is for those of you who prepare well for exams but consistently receive low test scores, which may be due to
many factors such as test anxiety or concentration/focus problems.
Other workshops offered:
Relaxation: Mondays, 4 pm, 357 Student Center, starts 1/24
Yoga: Wednesdays, 5 pm, Blazer Hall Rec Room, starts 1/19
International Students: Fridays, 1 pm, 108 Bradley Hall, starts 1/28
Sexual Health: Tuesdays, 12:30 pm, 251 Student Center, 2/1 – 3/8
Visit their web page (www.uky.edu/StudentAffairs/Counseling) for more information on the above workshops and many more.

▪ Student Support Services Workshop/Study Skills Class Schedule:

Taking Academic Control: Every Monday at 1:00-2:00pm SSS Conference Room. Every Tuesday at 2:00-3:00pm SSS Conference
Room. Every Wednesday at 5:00-6:30pm SSS Conference Room.
SOS/UK 110 Major/Career Exploration: Every Monday at 3:00-4:00 SSS Conference Room. Every Friday at 2:00-3:00 SSS
Conference Room.
SSS Workshops: Test Taking-Essay Exam. Wednesday March 9, 2011 at 5:00-6:00pm. SSS Conference Room.
SSS Workshops: Common Writing Errors Workshop. Wednesday March 23, 2011 at 5:00-6:00pm. SSS Conference Room.

▪ Department of Physics & Astronomy Resource Room—310J C/P Spring 2011, Problems with your physics class this semester? Help is avail-
able Monday through Friday (until 1:30p.m.on FRI) in the Resource Room.
Academic Resources
▪ Chemistry Private Tutors: A list of names of Department of Chemistry staff (usually graduate students) willing to be paid tutors for general chem-
istry can be obtained from the General Chemistry Office (CP-120). SAACS (Chemistry Student Organization) Officers and Members can tutor or
mentor students free of charge. Simply stop by CP-144 if interested.

▪ The James W. Struckert Career Center Spring 2011 Program and Events:

Internship Information Sessions: March 9, 2011 at 3:00pm in Career Center room 203.
Career Assessment Workshops: March 10, 2011 at 3:30-4:20pm in Career Center room 101.

▪ FUSION 2011 is currently accepting applications for the FUSION Executive Team, FUSION Coordinator/Committee Member, and FUSION Site
Leader positions! Each one of these roles plays an essential part in the planning process and execution of this fall event. These positions are great
ways to serve our campus and community and to develop your leadership skills. To apply for any of these positions, please go to the Application
Station on the UK Student Involvement Website http://getinvolved.uky.edu/Documents.aspx. You can also pick up applications at the front desk of
the CSI in the 1st FL. Student Center. We encourage you to join us in leading FUSION 2011 this year and look forward to receiving your applica-

▪ Campus Libraries: The library system maintains a humanities, social sciences and life sciences collection in William T. Young Library as well as
subject libraries in several colleges and departments around campus, each library holding materials related to the particular discipline it serves.
There are 16 libraries, find them at: http://www.uky.edu/Libraries/branches.php

▪ UK Writing Center: Located on the 5th floor, west stacks of Young Library. Open M-Th 10-2; F 12-2, and Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
from 6-9pm. Offers individual consultations on any writing project at any stage in the process and are happy to meet regularly, even every day, if
needed! It is a free service offered to all students, faculty and staff.

▪ UK Career Center: Take a look at what is happening at the Career Center this Spring Semester 2011. It doesn’t matter what year you are: fresh-
men through senior, you should get to know the folks at the Career Center. For a handy timeline of what you should be doing when, click here:

Helpful Links:
www.explorehealthcareers.org– Free, multi-disciplinary, interactive health careers designed to explain the array of health professions
and provide easy access to students seeking information about health careers.

http://www.uky.edu/UGResearch/- The Office of Undergraduate Research. Learn about opportunities for undergraduate research!
http://getinvolved.uky.edu/Page.aspx?pageid=2– The Office of Student Involvement. Learn about ways to get involved in student
organizations and volunteer opportunities on UK’s campus.

http://www.mc.uky.edu/medicine/diversity/high_school.asp– Professional Education Preparation Program (PEPP). Program

established to assist students from medically underserved areas of the Commonwealth, who intend to pursue a career as a physician or
dentist and hope to return to their home county or similar underserved area of Kentucky to practice medicine or dentistry.

http://www.mc.uky.edu/Dentistry/students/dmd/satclin.html– Saturday Morning Clinics (SMC). University of Kentucky College of

Dentistry. Observation opportunities for anyone considering dentistry as a profession.

http://www.ocpm.edu/?page=admission-internships– Podiatric Medicine Internship Programs (Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine).

Internships designed to provide insight into the many facets of podiatric medicine and the education involved with obtaining the Doctor of
Podiatric Medicine Degree.

http://podiatry.temple.edu/pages/prostdnts/ps.html– Podiatric Medicine Internship Programs (Temple College of Podiatric

Medicine). Internships designed to provide insight into the many facets of podiatric medicine and the education involved with obtaining
the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Degree.

http://www.oucom.ohiou.edu/Admissions/surfprog.htm– Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). Ohio University College

of Osteopathic Medicine’s summer research opportunities for undergraduate students interested in careers in medicine or biomedical

If you have any announcements you would like to see appear in future editions of “AMSTEMM Newsletter”, please send to Hannah Trusty,

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